Objetive Questions

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Easy Questions

1. What  is the  important characteristics of plastics?         

It can be molded into finished product by application of heat and pressure. 

2. What are the advantages of plastics over metals?

 Low weight 
 Corrosion resistance 
 Insulation properties
 Electrical properties
 Cheaper 
 Easy to handle 
 Surface properties 
 Reusable

 3. Explain the disadvantages of plastics? 

 Low strength 
 Low heat resistance
 Poor mechanical properties
 Difficulty to repair

4. How to classify the plastics?

 Natural : milk of rubber tree, cellulose
 Semi synthetic
 Synthetic

5. Types of plastics based on chemical behavior?

 Thermo plastics 
 Thermosetting plastics
6. Difference between thermo set and thermo plastics?
 Can be re softened and reused
 No chemical changes during heating.
 In granular form
 Needle structure 
 Hard but not brittle

Thermo set plastics:

 Cannot be re softened and reused
 Chemical changes during heating etc.
 In powder form
 Cross linked structure 
 Hard and brittle 

7. Give Example of thermoplastics


8. Perspex is the trade name of ---- ?


10. Perspex is the trade name of ---- ?


11. Nylon is the trade name of ---- ?


12. Delrin is the trade name of ---- ?


13. Teflone is the trade name of ……….?

14. What  is MFI?

Flow capacity of different grades of thermoplastics are inversely proportional to

molecular weight.

15. About ABS? 

Shrinkage 0.5%. It is heat resistant, provides good insulation and exhibit electrical
properties. Examples are general purpose safety helmets, pipe fittings, television, radio

16. About  CA ?

Shrinkage 0.3-0.8%. Its main properties are transparency and surface texture.
Examples are Tool handle, goggles, TV screens.

17. About HDPE?

Shrinkage 3-4%. Main features of HDFE are high density, rigidity, strength, hardness
and chemical resistance. Examples are milk bottle crates, fish boxes etc.

18. About LDPE?

Shrinkage 0.8-1.5%. It is crystalline and not available in transparent form. Examples are
shopping baskets, waste baskets etc.

19. About PA?

 Shrinkage 0.7-1.5%. It is tough and high rigid. Examples are light duty gears,
sprockets, bearings etc.

20.About PC?

Shrinkage 0.5-0.7%. It is known optical transparency, rigidity and toughness. Examples

are goggles, lenses, safety helmets etc.

21.About PP?

Shrinkage 1-3%. It is flammable and degradable in sun light and stable. Examples are
air cleaner, garden furniture etc.

22.About PS?

Shrinkage 0.2-0.8%. It is clear, brittle and it can be easily molded. Examples are toys,
house hold appliances, electronic housings etc.
23.About PVC?

Shrinkage (FLEXI 1.5-3%,RIGID 0.2-0.4%). It is rigid and not very tough and very low
cost. Example - Pipes fittings.

24. Examples for thermosetting materials ?

Alkyds, epoxies, pf, mf, urea, polyester

25. What  is fillers and additives?

Adding of small molecules to plastics to get some characteristics (color, flexibility etc.).
Fillers are commonly used with thermosetting plastics. Additives are of two types,

 Physical means such as plasticizer

 Chemical means--- stabilizer.                      

26. What  are the mold release agents?

1.External with mold surface e.g. Polyvinyl alcohol 

2.Internal with resins eg. Silicon oil 

27. What  are the types of injection molding machines?

 Plunger injection cylinder 

 Two stage plunger injection cylinder 
 Pre plasticizer two stage screw injection cylinder 
 Reciprocating screw injection cylinder

28. What  are the divided sections of screw of injection molding machines ?

 Feed zone 
 Compression zone 
 Melting zone  

29. What  do you meant by nozzle ?

Nozzle connected to the end of the barrel through which soften materials inserted in the

 30. What  are the types of nozzle ?

 Reverse taper (melt valve)- for PA, ABS etc.

 Removable tip
 Standard of general purpose 

30. What are the types of nozzle ?

 Reverse taper (melt valve) - for PA,ABS etc.

 Removable tip
 Standard of general purpose

31. Define drooling ?

Leakage of plastic material through the nozzle in between shots.

32. What is injection capacity or short capacity?

Maximum volume material injected by the screw during one cycle of operation.

33. What is plasticizing capacity ?

It is the amount of material that can be processed by the machine per hour. It is
expressed in kg/h.

34. What is injection pressure?

It is the maximum pressure by which the material is injected through the nozzle. It is
given in kg/cm2.

35. What is Injection rate or Injection velocity ?

It is the maximum rate at which the screw can inject or shoot materials from the barrel
during one shot.

36. What do you meant by clamping force?

It is the maximum force that the clamping system can exert on the mold or it is the
maximum force by which the mold halves can be closed together. It is given in ton or
kilo Newton.

37. What is maximum daylight?

It is the maximum distance that the machine platen can be separated from each other
and it can be obtained by adding the maximum mold thickness to the maximum opening

38. What is a mold ?

It is a custom build tool in which we converts plastic raw material into finished product.

39. What are the main elements of mold ?

The main parts of molds are core and cavity.

40. What are the general types of mold ?

Injection molds, compression molds, transfer molds.

Moderate qestions

41. What  are the types of injection mold ?

 Two plate mold 

 Three plate mold 
 Hot runner mold 
 Insulated runner mold 
 Hot manifold mold 
 Stacked mold 

42. What  is two plate mold ?

Mold which consists of core and cavity situated in plates. It is logical type tool where
component require large gate. For simple type components there is only one daylight.

43. What  is 3 plate mold?

It consists feed plates with core and cavity.

44. What  is hot runner mold?

In this, runner kept hot to keep the molten metal into fluid state also called runner less
mold. In this, runner contained in a plate of its own runner section of the mold is not
opened during molding cycle.
45. Note down the advantages of runner mold ?

 No molded side products 

 No separating of gate
 Cycle time can be reduced

46. What  is insulated runner mold ?

 It is a variation of hot runner mold in this type of molding. The outer surface of the
material in the runner acts as a insulator.

47. What is hot manifold mold ?

This is a variation of the heated hot runner and not the runner plate. This is done using
electric cartridge.

48. What do you meant by stacked mold? 

A stacked mold is a multiple two plate mold with mold placed one over the other. A
stacked mold construction doubles the output from a single molding machine and
requires the same clamping force.

49. Explain about injection molding?

 In this process, the plastic material is injected in to the mold through a sprue bush by
means of a screw plunger. This process can be used for both thermosetting and
thermoplastic materials.

50. What  is compression molding?

In this process, the plastic material is placed in the cavity and use a force for
compressing the compound as the mold closes, these molds are generally used for
thermosetting materials. 

51. What  is transfer mold?

In this process, the plastic materials is transferred from a transfer pot and then forced in
to the cavity by means of plunger. This method is used for molding thermosetting
materials only.

52. Write a short note about blow molding ?

Blow molding is very much like compression molding because the blow mold generally
closes on a hollow shape that has been deposited in between the halves of the mold.
Air or gas pressure is introduced at the center. This internal pressure causes a flow of
the heated material in to intimate contact with the relatively cold mold sections. Here the
plastic material solidifies and is subsequently ejected.

54. Explain vacuum molding?

The mold used for this process is similar that of the female half of the compression or
blow mold auxiliary equipment on the machine heats the material and drags it over the
cavity as indicated by the precise technique chosen.

55.Elaborate about rotational molding?

The machine provides the means of holding the mold and rotating it about two axis at
the same time. This rotation causes the powdered material that was loaded in to the
mold before it was clamped in to the machine to solidify and cling to the wall of the

56. What  is impression ?

Gap between core and cavity is called impression. Impression provides the shape of the

57. What  do you meant  cavity?

Female portion of the mold and it gives external form.

58. What  is core ?

Male portion of the mold and it gives internal form.

59. What  is sprue bush?

Connecting member between register ring and runner.

60. What  is register ring ?

It is used to align the mold with machine platen.

61. What  is runner?

Connecting member between gate and sprue bush.

62. What  is gate?
Connecting member between impression and runner.

63. How can we calculate the cycle time of mold?

Cycle time Tc=m*3600/P
 Where ,Tc =minimum cycle time obtainable 
 M=mass of the shot 

P=plasticizing capacity of the machine with the particular polymer being molded (kg/h)

64. What  is parting surface?

The surface where top and bottom half closed together and prevents the loss of plastic
material from the impression.

65. What  are the types of parting surface?

 Flat and non flat

66. Name the types of non flat parting surfaces?

 Straight, stepped and angular.

67. What  do you meant flash ?

 If the parting surfaces are not properly matched, the molding material from the
impression will escape through the gap. This escaped melt is called the flash.

68. Why do we provide vent in mold?

Vents are provided in the mold to allow such air to escape freely. The vent is a shallow
slot not more than 0.05 mm deep and 3mm wide. If the depth is more, the plastic
material can pass through the slot and leave a flash mark.

69. What  are the types of runner ?

 Fully round
 Rectangular
 Hexagonal
 Trapezoidal
 Modified trapezoidal 
70. Explain briefly about sprue gate ?

When the molding is directly fed from a sprue or secondary sprue, the feed section is
term as sprue gate.The main disadvantage with this type of gate is that it leaves a large
gate mark on the molding. This sprue gate is used only for single impression molds.

71. What  is rectangular gate?

This is the general purpose gate and it is a rectangular channel machined in on mold
plate to connect the runner to the impression.

72. Write a short note about fan gate?

Fan gate can be considered as the other type of edge gate but it does not have a
constant width and depth. The fan shape spreads the flow of the melt as it enters the
impression and a more uniform filling is obtained with less flow marks and surface

73. What  is tab gate?

This is particular gating technique for feeding solid block types moldings. This is mainly
used to avoid undesirable jetting on the molded part.

74. What  is overlap gate ?

 It can be considered as a variation of basic rectangular edge gate and is used to feed
certain type of molding. In this type of gate we have a better control over the flow rate.
Main disadvantage is that it leaves big remnant mark after degiating.

75. What  is diaphragm gate ?

This gate is used for single impression tubular shaped moldings on two plate molds.

76. What  is ring gate?

The function of this gate is identical to that of a diaphragm gate. This type of gate is
used for tabular type moldings when more than one impression is required in a simple
two mold.

77. What  is film gate?

This is a long rectangular type edge gate and it is used for large thin walled components
to assist in the production of warpage free products.

78. What  is pin gate?

Used for 3 plate mold and under feed mold. Small degating mark will be there.

79. What  is round edge gate?

This gate is formed by machining a matching semi circular channel in both mold plates
between the runner and impression.

80. What is submerged gate?

Automated degating with less mark also called as sub surface gate or submarine gate.

Tough Question

81. What  is winkle gate?

This is a curved variation of the subsurface gate and for that reason it is sometimes
called a “curved subsurface gate” or “curved tunnel gate”.

82.What  are the types of injection techniques ?

1.Pin injection 
2.Sleeve injection
3.Stripper bar injection
4.Blade injection
5.Valve injection
6.Air injection
7.Stripper ring injection
8.Stripper plate injection

83. What  is Pin injection ?

This is the most common and simple type of injection. The molding is ejected by the
application of a force by ejector pins.
84. What  do you meant by sleeve injection ?

In this method, the molding is ejected by means of a hallow ejector pin which is called

85. What  is stripper bar injection?

This method of injection is suitable for thin wall box type moldings because of the
effective injection area obtainable are greater.

86. What  is blade injection ?

The main purpose of blade ejector is for the injection of very slender parts such as ribs
and other projections which cannot be satisfactorily ejected by the standard type of
ejector pin.

87. What  is valve injection ?

A valve ejector is basically a large diameter ejector pin. It is used for the injection of
large components.

88. What  is air injection ?

This is the simplest to install. It is easy to connect to the fixed or moving half. The
medium of actuation is compressed air.

89. Explain briefly stripper ring injection?

The stripper ring is a local stripper plate and it is used on molds with one or two
impression only. The stripper ring is made to seat in the mold plate.

90. What  is stripper plate injection?

This injection technique is used mainly for the injection of circular box type moldings
and for moldings with thin wall sections.

91. Name the methods used for actuation of stripper plate?

1.Tie rod actuation

2.Length bolt actuation
3.Chain actuation
4.Direct actuation
92. Define shrinkage ? 

When a hot plastic cools inside a mold, it contracts by an amount depending on the
material being processed and the final product is smaller than the mold size is called

93. What  are the factors which affect the increase in shrinkage ?
 Increase of material temperature.
 Increase of mold temperature.
 Increase in wall thickness.
 Low injection pressure .

94. What  are the factors which effect the decrease in shrinkage ?
 Low melt and mold temperature
 High injection pressure 
 Long injection time
 Presence of filler materials and its content

95. What  is undercut molding?

A molding which has a recess or projection is termed as an undercut molding

96. What do you mean external undercut?

Any recess or projection on the outside surface of the component which prevents its
removal from cavity is termed an external undercut

97. Name the methods of split actuation? 

 Finger cam actuation

 Dog leg cam actuation 
 Cam track actuation
 Spring actuation
 Hydraulic actuation

98. How can we calculate finger cam length?

Finger cam length =(M/Sin Q) +(2c) l Sin 2Q


 M= split movement

 Q=angle of finger cam 

 L=working length 

 C =clearance 

99. Where we use side core and side cavity ?

A side core is a local core which is normally mounted at right angled to the mold axis for
forming a hole or recess in the side face of a molding. The side cavity performs a similar
function to the side core, in that it permits the molding of components which are not in
line of draw. This element allows the components with a projection or projections on one
or more of their side faces.

100. Explain about double daylight stripper plate mold ?

A stripper plate mold consists of a fixed plate, a moving mold plate and a stripper plate.
There are two day light when opened. This is called double daylight stripper plate mold.

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