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C O M P R E H E N S I V E B I B L I O G R A P H Y of the



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Copyright 2003 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Acknowledgments and Introduction
This bibliography represents more than 50 years of scholarly work contributed by
researchers from around the world and compiled during this time by Harrison G. Gough,
author of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) assessment. Wallace B. Hall,
Pamela Bradley, and Robert Most merit recognition for their important efforts in identifying
many of the references herein cited. Acknowledgement for the substantial work involved in
the physical preparation of this listing is extended to Brooke Linehan and Rich Thompson
of CPP, Inc. Finally, credit for leadership, management, and editing of the bibliography
belongs to Judy Chartrand, David Donnay, and Kate Molitor.

The bibliography was developed for use by psychologists, counselors, and human
resources professionals who seek a comprehensive listing of research supporting the
construction and use of the CPI assessment. Interested readers will find reports on a wide
variety of topics, including academic achievement in high school, college, and graduate
programs, economic status, creativity, criminality, gender socialization, military performance,
moral development, social and political attitudes, prejudice, personal adjustment, self-esteem,
lifespan personality development, adolescent and adult health, heritability, marital and family
relationships, migration, lifestyles, stress management, substance abuse and addiction,
therapeutic responsiveness, career choice and development, cross-cultural personality
assessment, employee retention, job performance, leadership and managerial potential,
managerial teams, intelligence and personality, dropout in high school and college, faking
and response invalidity, high-aptitude students, and social insight, among others.

CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 II

Ahlgren, A. & Walberg, H. J. (1978). Basic dimensions in
characteristics of classroom groups. Alberta Journal
A of Educational Research, 24, 244-246.
Abbott, K. A. (1970). Harmony and individualism: Ahmad, I. (1986). Initial psychometric evaluation of Urdu
Changing Chinese psychosocial functioning in Tapei version of California Psychological Inventory.
and San Francisco. Asian Folklore and Social Life Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 1, 3-
Monographs, Vol. III, Tapei: The Orient Culture 16.
Ahmad, I., Haque, & Anila (1994). Validation of
Abbott, K. A. (1976). Culture change and the persistence Femininity/Masculinity scale of California
of the Chinese personality. In G.A. DeVos (Ed.), Psychological Inventory in Pakistan. Pakistan
Response to change: Society, culture, and Journal of Psychological Research, 9, 27-34.
personality (pp. 74-104). New York: D. Van
Ahmed, S. A. (1972). Prediction of cigarette
consumption level with personality and
Abbott, R. D. (1971). A factor analysis of the CPI and socioeconomic variables. Journal of Applied
EPI. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Psychology, 56, 437-438.
31, 549-553.
Aiken, L. R., Jr. (1963a). Personality correlates of
Abrams, D. & King, G. D. (1978). An empirical attitude toward mathematics. Journal of Educational
investigation of the modeling of depression. Research, 56, 476-480.
Psychological Reports, 42, 823-832.
Aiken, L. R., Jr. (1963b). The relationship of dress to
Acey, A. E. (1968). Time as a relevant variable when selected measures of personality in undergraduate
personality scores are used as predictors of women. Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 119-128.
achievement. Dissertation Abstracts, 28 (11),
Akamatsu, C. T. & Musselman, C. (1998). Development
and use of a conversational proficiency interview
Adair, F. L. (1969). The development of a scale to with deaf adolescents. In M. Marschark & M. D.
measure the service orientation of librarians: Clark (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on
Preliminary investigations. Dissertation Abstracts, 29 deafness (Vol. 2, pp. 265-295). Mahwah, NJ:
(7), 2088A. Lawerence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Adams, S. H. (2001). Role of hostility in women's health Albano, R. A. & Glenwick, D. S. (1990). Predicting
during midlife: A longitudinal study. Health effectiveness of telephone crisis counselors: A
Psychology, 13, 488-495. comparison of two approaches. Journal of College
Student Development, 31, 81-82.
Adams, S. H., Cartwright, L. K., Ostrove, J. M., Stewart,
A. J., & Wink, P. (1998). Psychological predictors of Albert, R. S. (1980). Exceptionally gifted boys and their
good health in three longitudinal samples of midlife parents. Gifted Child Quarterly, 24, 174-179.
women. Health Psychology, 17, 412-420.
Albu, M. (1994). Metada noua de interpretare a
Adams, S. H. & John, O. P. (1997). A hostility scale for scorurilor la scalele inventarului psihologic California
the California Psychological Inventory: MMPI, [A new method of interpretation of the scores of the
observer Q-sort, and Big Five correlates. Journal of California Psychological Inventory]. Psychologia-
Personality Assessment, 69, 408-424. Paedagogia, Universitatea Babes Bolyai, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania, 39, (1-2), 137-141.
Adis-Castro, G. (1957). A study of selected personality
dimensions by means of the questionnaire method Albu, M. & Pitariu, H. (1991). Algoritm de construire a
in a Latin American culture. Unpublished doctoral unei scale pentru un test psihologic: Contributii la
dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. reprojectarea scalei F/M a inventarului psichologic
California (CPI) [An algorithm for constructing a
Adrian, R. J., Miller, L. R., & de L'Aune, W. R. (1982).
psychological scale: Some contributions to a
Personality assessment of early visually impaired
revision of the F/M scale of the California
persons using the CPI and the MMPI. Journal of
Psychological Inventory]. Psychologia-Paedagogia,
Visual Impairment and Blindness, 76, 172-178.
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Agronick, G. S. & Duncan, L. E. (1998). Personality and 36, (2), 30-35.
social change: Individual differences in life path, and
Albu, M. & Pitariu, H. (1994). Redefining criterion validity
importance attributed to the women's movement.
of psychological tests. Revue Roumaine de
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74,
Psychologie, 38, 79-87.
CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 1
Albu, M. & Pitariu, H. D. (1999). Evaluarea anxietajii cu student teachers. Dissertation Abstracts, 27 (7),
ajutorul inventarului Psihologic California (CPI) 2061A-2062A.
[Assessment of anxiety with the California
Alterman, A. I., McDermott, P. A., Rutherford, M. J.,
Psychological Inventory]. Studii de Psihologie, 4, 19-
Cacciola, J. S., Boardman, C. R., McKay, J. R. &
Cook, T. G. (1998). A typology of antisociality in
Alf, H. A. (1971). Development and achievement effects methadone patients. Journal of Abnormal
of a teacher-directed structure for self-directed Psychology, 107, 412-422.
process of education. ERIC, ED 52-153.
Alterman, A. I., Renner, B. J., & Cacciola, J. S. (2000).
Alfano, L. & Traina, F. (1972). Caratteristiche di Familial risk for alcoholism and self-reported
personalità di studenti universitaria analizzate psychopathology. Psychology of Addictive
attraverso l'applicazione del CPI [Personality Behaviors, 14, 19-28.
characteristics of university students analyzed by
Alterman, A. I., Rutherford, M. J., Cacciola, J. S., McKay,
means of the CPI]. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata,
J. R., & Boardman, C. R. (1998). Prediction of seven
109-111, 103-118.
months methadone maintenance treatment
Alker, H. A. (1968). Coping, defense and socially response by four measures of antisociality. Drug &
desirable responses. Psychological Reports, 22, Alcohol Dependence, 49, 217-223.
Altrocchi, J. C. (1959). Dominance as a factor in
Alker, H. A., Carlson, J. A., & Hermann, M. G. (1969). interpersonal choice and perception. Journal of
Multiple choice questions and student Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59, 303-308.
characteristics. Journal of Educational Psychology,
Amon, A. H. (1962). Individual strategies of decision
60, 231-243.
under uncertainty. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Alker, H. A. & Gawin, F. (1978). On the intrapsychic University of California, Berkeley.
specificity of happiness. Journal of Personality, 46,
Amos, S. P. (1978). Personality differences between
established and less-established male and female
Alker, H. A. & Owen, D. W. (1977). Biographical, trait, creative artists. Journal of Personality Assessment,
and behavioral-sampling predictions of performance 42, 374-377.
in a stressful life setting. Journal of Personality and
Anderson, C. R. & Schneier, C. E. (1978). Locus of
Social Psychology, 35, 717-723.
control, leader behavior and leader performance
Alker, H. A., Straub, W. F., & Leary, J. (1973). Achieving among management students. Academy of
consistency: A study of basketball officiating. Journal Management Journal, 21, 690-698.
of Vocational Behavior, 3, 335-343.
Anderson, G. E. (1970). A study of selected
Alker, H. A. & Wohl, J. (1972). Personality and psychosocial correlates of college student protesters
achievement in a suburban and an inner city school. and non-protesters. Dissertation Abstracts
Journal of Social Issues, 28, 101-113. International, 31 (2), 606A.
Allen, L. R. (1969). Self-esteem of male alcoholics. Anderson, J. E. (1963). Experience and behavior in early
Psychological Record, 19, 381-389. childhood and the adjustment of the same persons
as adults. Minneapolis: Institute of Child
Allen, M. M. (1979). The prediction of academic
Development, University of Minnesota.
performance of selected Black students from the
American College Testing Program, California Test Anthill, J. K. & Cunningham, J. D. (1980). The
of Personality, and California Psychological relationship of masculinity, femininity, and
Inventory. Dissertation Abstracts International, 39 androgyny to self-esteem. Australian Journal of
(7), 4105A-4106A. Psychology, 32, 195-207.
Aller, F. D. (1962). Role of the self-concept in student Anthony, V. I. (1974). Personality correlates of
marital adjustment. Family Life Coordinator, 11, effectiveness among student assistants in residence
43-45. halls. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34 (9),
Aller, F. D. (1963). Some factors in marital adjustment
and academic achievement of married students. Appley, M. H. & Moeller, G. (1963). Conforming behavior
Personnel and Guidance Journal, 41, 609-616. and personality variables in college women. Journal
of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66, 284-290.
Allred, G. H. (1967). A study of the personality traits and
classroom verbal behavior of senior high school

CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 2

Aries, E. J. (1982). Verbal and nonverbal behavior in Averett, M. & McManis, D. L. (1977). Relationship
single-sex and mixed-sex groups: Are traditional sex between extraversion and assertiveness and related
roles changing? Psychological Reports, 51, 127- personality characteristics. Psychological Reports,
134. 41, 1187-1193.
Aries, E. J., Gold, C., & Weigel, R. H. (1983).
Dispositional and situational influences on
dominance behavior. Journal of Personality and B
Social Psychology, 44, 779-786.
Babl, J. D. (1979). Compensatory masculine responding
Armentrout, J. A. (1977). Comparison of standard and as a function of sex role. Journal of Consulting and
short-form scores of Canadian adults on the Clinical Psychology, 47, 252-257.
California Psychological Inventory. Perceptual and
Babor, T. F., Kranzler, H. R., & Lauerman, R. J. (1989).
Motor Skills, 45, 1088.
Early detection of harmful alcohol consumption:
Aron, A., Orme-Johnson, D., & Brubaker, P. (1981). The Comparison of clinical, laboratory, and self-report
transcendental meditation program in the college screening procedures. Addictive Behaviors, 14,
curriculum: A 4-year longitudinal study of effects on 139-157.
cognitive and affective functioning. College Student
Bachorowski, J. & Newman, J. P. (1985). Impulsivity in
Journal, 15, 140-146.
adults: Motor inhibition and time-interval estimation.
Aronow, E., Rauchway, A., Peller, M., & DeVito, A. Personality and Individual Differences, 6, 133-136.
(1980). The value of the self in relation to fear of
Badham, B. J. C. (1984). The nature of mental health:
death. Omega, 11, 37-44.
An empirical study of personal soundness in
Ashton, S. G. & Goldberg, L. R. (1973). In response to university undergraduates. Dissertation Abstracts
Jackson's challenge: The comparative validity of International, 44 (8), 2402A.
personality scales constructed by the external
Bagby, R. M., Joffe, R. T., Parker, J. D. A., Kalemba, V.,
(empirical) strategy and scales developed intuitively
& Harkness, K. L. (1995). Major depression and the
by experts, novices, and laymen. Journal of
five-factor model of personality. Journal of
Research in Personality, 7, 1-20.
Personality Disorders, 9, 224-234.
Assor, A. (1988). Type of power motivation, sense of
Baker, B. O. (1961). The personological significance of
security, and style of power-seeking in groups.
constant errors in inventory measures. Unpublished
Psychological Reports, 63, 91-105.
doctoral dissertation, University of California,
Assor, A. (1989). The power motive as an influence on Berkeley.
the evaluation of high and low status persons.
Baker, E. J. (1975). Associate degree nursing students:
Journal of Research in Personality, 23, 55-69.
Nonintellective differences between dropouts and
Assor, A., Aronoff, J., & Messe, L. A. (1981). Attribute graduates. Nursing Research, 24, 42-45.
relevance as a moderator of the effects of motivation
Baker, W. G. (1971). Personality correlates of stock
on impression formation. Journal of Personality and
market speculation. Dissertation Abstracts
Social Psychology, 41, 789-796.
International, 31 (7), 4376B.
Assor, A., Aronoff, J., & Messe, L. A. (1986). An
Baldwin, J. M. (1970). An analysis of the relationship
experimental test of defensive processes in
between self-esteem, academic achievement, and
impression formation. Journal of Personality and
academic level of aspiration for a group of college
Social Psychology, 50, 644-650.
students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 31 (1),
Astin, A. W. (1964a). Personal and environmental 209A.
factors associated with college dropouts among high
Baldwin, R. O. (1987). Femininity-masculinity of blacks
aptitude students. Journal of Educational
and whites over a fourteen-year period.
Psychology, 55, 219-227.
Psychological Reports, 60, 455-458.
Astin, A. W. (1964b). The use of tests in research on
Banissoni, M. (1967). Rigidità percettiva e dogmatismo
students of high ability. Journal of Counseling
[Perceptual rigidity and dogmatism]. Rivista di
Psychology, 11, 400-404.
Psicologia, 67, 226-236.
Aubé, J. & Koestner, R. (1992). Gender characteristics
Barbour-McMullen, J., Coid, J., & Howard, R. C. (1988).
and adjustment: A longitudinal study. Journal of
The psychometric identification of psychopathy in
Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 485-493.
mentally abnormal offenders. Personality and
Individual Differences, 9, 817-823.
CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 3
Barnes, M. L. & Buss, D. M. (1985). Sex differences in Barron, F. & Egan, D. (1968). Leaders and innovators in
the interpersonal behavior of married couples. Irish management. Journal of Management Studies,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, (Dublin), 5, 41-60.
Bartnick, L. W., Kappelman, M., Berger, J., & Sigman, B.
Barnes, T. J. (1960). An investigation of the relationships (1985). The value of the California Psychological
between certain personality traits and elements of Inventory in predicting medical students' career
speaking effectiveness. Dissertation Abstracts, 20 choice. Medical Education, 19,
(12), 4750. 143-147.
Barnes, T. L. (1973). Resident assistants' personality Bass, W. P. (1971). An analysis of the academic
variables as related to effectiveness ratings. achievement of Indian high school students in
Dissertation Abstracts International, 33, 5485A. Federal and public high schools, ERIC, Ed 064 000.
Albuquerque, NM: Southwestern Cooperative
Barnett, O. & Hamberger, L. (1992). The assessment of
Education Laboratory.
maritally violent men on the California Psychological
Inventory. Violence and Victims, 7, 15-28. Bast, B. A. (1971). A predictive study of employability
among the visually impaired with the California
Barnette, W. L., Jr. (1961). A structured and a semi-
Psychological Inventory (USDL Grant Report No. 91-
structured achievement measure applied to a
24-70-14). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan,
college sample. Educational and Psychological
School of Education.
Measurement, 21, 647-656.
Batista, M. I. (1995). Profile of first and second level
Baron, A. (1968). The use of personality factors as
mangers in Puerto Rico using the revised California
criteria for grouping pupils for instruction with the
Psychological Inventory. Unpublished doctoral
programmed material English 2600. Dissertation
dissertation, Caribbean Center for Advanced
Abstracts, 28 (10), 4038A.
Studies, San Juan, PR.
Barone, T. M. (1999). A comparative study of value
Baucom, B. H. (1976). Independent masculinity and
perceptions and normative rule compliance of
femininity scales on the California Psychological
Malaysian and American secondary school students.
Inventory. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (9), 3397A.
Psychology, 44, 876.
Barron, F. (1953). An ego-strength scale which predicts
Baucom, D. H. (1977). CPI measurement of masculinity
response to psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting
and femininity as two dimensions: Scale
Psychology, 17, 327-333.
construction, reliability and validity. Dissertation
Barron, F. (1955a). The disposition toward originality. Abstracts International, 37 (8), 4126B.
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51,
Baucom, D. H. (1980). Independent CPI masculinity and
femininity scales: Psychological correlates and sex-
Barron, F. (1955b). Threshold for the perception of role typology. Journal of Personality Assessment,
human movement in inkblots. Journal of Consulting 44, 262-271.
Psychology, 19, 33-38.
Baucom, D. H. (1985). Review of the California
Barron, F. (1963). The creative writer. In F. Barron (Ed.), Psychological Inventory. In J.V. Mitchell, Jr., (Ed.),
Creativity and psychological health (pp. 237-244). The Ninth Mental Measurements Yearbook (Vol. 1,
Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand. pp. 250-252). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
Barron, F. (1965). The measurement of creativity. In
T.M. Newcomb (Ed.), New directions in psychology Baucom, D. H. & Aiken, P. A. (1984). Sex role identity,
(Vol. 2, 3-134). New York: Holt, Rinehart and marital satisfaction, and response to behavioral
Winston. marital therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 52, 438-444.
Barron, F. (1968). Creativity and personal freedom. New
York: Van Nostrand. Baucom, D. H., Besch, P. K., & Callahan, S. (1985). The
relationship between testosterone concentration, sex
Barron, F. (1969). Creative person and creative process.
role identity, and personality among females.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48,
Barron, F. (1972). Artists in the making. New York: 1218-1226.
Seminar Press.

CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 4

Baucom, D. H. & Danker-Brown, P. S. (1979). Influence Becker, G. (1973). Individual differences among
of sex roles on the development of learned students who meet research subject requirements
helplessness. Journal of Consulting and Clinical early versus late in the term as a source of sampling
Psychology, 47, 928-936. bias. Social Behavior and Personality, 1, 71-80.
Baucom, D. H. & Danker-Brown, P. S. (1983). Peer Becker, S. (1977). Personality correlates of the
ratings of males and females possessing different discrepancy between expressed and inventoried
sex-role identities. Journal of Personality scores. Measurements and Evaluation in Guidance,
Assessment, 47, 494-506. 10, 24-30.
Baucom, D. H. & Danker-Brown, P. S. (1984). Sex role Beckman, L. J. (1978). Sex-role conflict in alcoholic
identity and gender-stereotyped tasks in the women: Myth or reality? Journal of Abnormal
development of learned helplessness in women. Psychology, 87, 408-417.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46,
Beckman, L. J., Day, T., Bardsley, P., & Seeman, A. S.
(1980). The personality characteristics and family
Baucom, D. H. & Sanders, B. S. (1978). Masculinity and backgrounds of women alcoholics. International
femininity as factors in feminism. Journal of Journal of the Addictions, 15, 147-154.
Personality Assessment, 42, 378-384.
Bedeian, A. G. & Field, H. S., Jr. (1988). Correlations
Baucom, D. H. & Weiss, B. (1986). Peers' granting of between age and California Psychological Inventory
control to women with different sex role identities: scale scores. Psychological Reports, 63, 696-698.
Implications for depression. Journal of Personality
Bedeian, A. G., Mossholder, K. W., & Touliatos, J.
and Social Psychology, 51, 1075-1080.
(1990). Type A status and selected work
Bauman, P. S. & Doherty, F. E. (1983). Drug addicted experiences among male and female accountants.
mothers' parenting and their children's development. Journal of Social Behavior, 5, 291-305.
International Journal of the Addictions, 18, 291-302.
Beech, L. A. (1969). Some factors influencing styles of
Baumrind, D. S. (1955). Some personality and authority in pastoral counseling. Dissertation
situational determinants of behavior in a discussion Abstracts International, 30 (5), 2120A.
group. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University
Beech, L. A. (1970). The California Psychological
of California, Berkeley.
Inventory as a measurement of permissiveness-
Bay, J. H. (1960). The validity of two objective measures restrictiveness and love-hostility. Psychological
of academic motivation. Dissertation Abstracts, 20 Reports, 27, 381-382.
(12), 4585.
Behar, L. & Spencer, R. F. (1969). Relationship between
Bayer, L. M., Whissell-Buechy, D., & Honzik, M. P. psychosocial adjustment and perception of maternal
(1980). Adolescent health and personality: attitudes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 74, 471-
Significance for adult health. Journal of Adolescent 473.
Health Care, 1, 101-107.
Belfer, M. L., Shader, R. I., Carroll, M., & Harmatz, J. S.
Bayes, M. A. (1972). Behavioral cues of interpersonal (1971). Alcoholism in women. Archives of General
warmth. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychiatry, 25, 540-544.
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Bell, M. M. (1955). Measurement of selected outcomes
Bayley, N. (1968). Cognition and aging. In K.W. Schaie of participation in girls' high school interscholastic
(Ed.), Theory and methods of research on aging (pp. basketball. Dissertation Abstracts, 15 (9), 1544.
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Bayley, N. (1970). Development of mental abilities. In Psychology, 42, 155-162.
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Beck, K. W. (1970). The effects of psychotherapy on test psychology. Journal of Educational Research, 50,
responses. Dissertation Abstracts International, 30 571-580.
(12), 5683B.
Bendig, A. W. (1958a). Comparative validity of empirical
Becker, G. (1968). Sex-role identification and the needs temperament test keys predicting achievement in
for self and social approval. Journal of Psychology, psychology. Journal of Educational Research, 51,
69, 11-15. 341-348.

CPP, Inc. Comprehensive Bibliography of the CPI™ Assessment: 1948-2002 5

Bendig, A. W. (1958b). Comparison of the validity of two Bernieri, F. J. & Gillis, J. S. (1995). Personality
temperament scales in predicting college correlates in a social perception task. Perceptual
achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 51, and Motor Skills, 81, 168-170.
Bernstein, I. H., Garbin, C. P., & McClellan, P. G. (1983).
Bendig, A. W. (1959). Personality variables related to A confirmatory factoring of the California
individual performance on a cognitive task. Journal Psychological Inventory. Educational and
of General Psychology, 60, 265-268. Psychological Measurement, 43, 687-691.
Bendig, A. W. & Klugh, H. E. (1956). A validation of Berry, J. W. (1970). Marginal, stress and ethnic
Gough's Hr scale in predicting academic identification in an acculturated aboriginal
achievement. Educational and Psychological community. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1,
Measurement, 16, 516-523. 239-252.
Benjamin, A. J. (1970). A study of social psychological Betz, N. E. & Bander, R. S. (1980). Relationships of
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high school students. Dissertation Abstracts classifications. Journal of Personality and Social
International, 30 (8), 3543A. Psychology, 39, 1245-1248.
Benner, A. W. (1991). The changing cop: A longitudinal Bhatnagar, R. P. (1966). Use of some personality-
study of psychological testing within law inventories in research on personality-correlates of
enforcement. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The academic achievement: A review. Journal of
Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, CA. Education and Psychology, (Barode, India), 24, 145-
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personality variables and improvement in academic Biaggio, M. K. (1980). Anger arousal and personality
achievement for underachieving eighth grade boys characteristics. Journal of Personality and Social
in a residential school. Dissertation Abstracts Psychology, 39, 352-356.
International, 30 (8), 3272A-3273A.
Bianchi, J. R. (1975). Selected ability and personality
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personality traits: Development and validation of withdrawals. Dissertation Abstracts International, 36,
psychometric measure. Journal of Research in 3397A.
Personality, 22, 361-394.
Bianchi, J. R. & Bean, A. G. (1980). The prediction of
Bennett, L. A. (1970b). Test taking insight of prison voluntary withdrawals from college: An unsolved
inmates and subsequent parole adjustment. problem. Journal of Experimental Education, 49, 29-
Correctional Psychologist, 4, 27-34. 33.
Bennett, L. A. & Rudoff, A. (1957). Evaluation of Bieliauskas, V. J., Miranda, S. B., & Lansky, L. M.
modified administration of the California (1968). Obviousness of two masculinity-femininity
Psychological Inventory. Journal of Clinical tests. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
Psychology, 13, 303-304. 32, 314-318.
Bergin, A. E., Stinchfield, R. D., Gaskin, T. A., Masters, Bienen, S. M. & Magoon, T. M. (1965). ACL adjectives
K. S., & Sullivan, C. E. (1988). Religious life-styles associated with differential status on CPI scales.
and mental health: An exploratory study. Journal of Personnel and Guidance Journal, 44, 286-291.
Counseling Psychology, 35, 91-98.
Bigelow, G. S. & Egbert, R. L. (1968). Personality factors
Berlanger, R. R. (1973). CPI predictors of clinical and independent study. Psychological Reports, 62,
effectiveness of volunteers in a suicide and crisis 37-39.
intervention service: I. Factor measures of stability
Bills, C. E. & McWilliams, J. M. (1976). Personality
and extraversion: II. A clinical effectiveness scale.
discriminants of cognitive perception abilities.
Dissertations Abstracts International, 33 (7), 3297B-
Journal of Psychology, 94, 139-144.
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