Physics I EM FinalI

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The document provides an introduction to physics and covers various units and concepts through short questions and answers.

The Basic Learning Material serves as a primer for students to face examinations confidently by reinforcing concepts and providing guidance on answering questions.

The document covers 14 units related to various concepts in physics ranging from the physical world to kinetic theory.






The ongoing Global Pandemic Covid-19 that has engulfed the entire world has changed
every sphere of our life. Education, of course is not an exception. In the absence of Physical
Classroom Teaching, Department of Intermediate Education Telangana has successfully
engaged the students and imparted education through TV lessons. The actual class room
teaching through physical classes was made possible only from 1st February 2021. In the
back drop of the unprecedented situation due to the pandemic TSBIE has reduced the
burden of curriculum load by considering only 70% syllabus for class room instruction as
well as for the forthcoming Intermediate Public Examinations May 2021. It has also
increased the choice of questions in the examination pattern for the convenience of the

To cope up with exam fear and stress and to prepare the students for annual exams in
such a short span of time , TSBIE has prepared “Basic Learning Material” that serves as
a primer for the students to face the examinations confidently. It must be noted here that,
the Learning Material is not comprehensive and can never substitute the Textbook. At
most it gives guidance as to how the students should include the essential steps in their
answers and build upon them. I wish you to utilize the Basic Learning Material after you
have thoroughly gone through the Text Book so that it may enable you to reinforce the
concepts that you have learnt from the Textbook and Teachers. I appreciate ERTW Team,
Subject Experts, Medha Charitable Trust who have involved day in and out to come out
with the, Basic Learning Material in such a short span of life.

I would appreciate the feedback from all the stake holders for making it enriching and cent
percent error free in all aspects.

The material can be accessed through our website which is exclusively
devoted to uploading the additional study material from time to time.

Commissioner &Secretary
Intermediate Education, Telangana.


Unit - 1 Physical World 04 - 04

Unit - 2 Units and Measuremnts 05 - 10

Unit - 3 Motion in a Straight Line 11 - 18

Unit - 4 Motion in a Plane 19 - 27

Unit - 5 Laws of Motion 28 - 32

Unit - 6 Work, Energy and Power 33 - 43

Unit - 7 Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion 44 - 54

Unit - 8 Oscillations 55 - 65

Unit - 9 Gravitation 66 - 71

Unit - 10 Mechanical Properties of Solids 72 - 76

Unit - 11 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 77 - 82

Unit - 12 Thermal Properties of Matter 83 - 89

Unit - 13 Thermodynamics 90 - 96

Unit - 14 Kinetic Theory 97 - 102


I 


1. What is Physics?
Ans:- Physics is a branch of science which deals wilte the study of nature and natural
phenomena. It deals with Motion, energy and their consegnces.
2. What are the fandamental forces in nature?
Ans:- Basic forces in nature are of the 4 types :
1) Gravitational forces. 2) Electromagnetic Forces.
3) Weak nuclear Forces. 4) Strong Nuclear Forces.

II 


1. Distinguish between accuracy and percisions.
Ans:- Accuracy Precision
1) Accuracy of a measurement 1) Whereas pricision telles us to what
is a measure of how close resolutions or what resolutions
the measured value is to the true or limit the guontify is measured.
is to the true value of guantity. It depandas on the resolutions of
the measuring devices.
2. What are the different types of errors that can occur in a measurements?
Ans:- Mainly there are three types of errors :
1) Systematic errors 2) Random error 3) Gross error.
3. How can systematic errors can be minimised or eliminated?
Ans:- Systematic, selecting bettes instrumuts and removing persond bias as far as possible.
4. Illastrate how the result of a measurement is to be reported indicating the
error involved?
Ans:- Errors are uncertiainties that are present in the measuremnt made with any measuring instru-
ment, heast count of instrument is minimum error in the measurement.
5. What are significant figures and what do they represant when peporting the
result of a measurent?
Ans:- The digits of numbers that the definitely known plas one more digit that is esstimated are called
signaificat digit.
Example : The time period of a simple pendulum is 1.62 the digit and 6 are reliable while the
digit 2 is uncertain. They measured value has three signifi cant figures.
6. Distinguish between fundamental units and derived units?
Ans:- a) Units of fundamental physical quanties. such as length, mass, time, etc, are known as fundamantal
b) Units of the derived physical quantities, such as velocity. force energy etc, are known derivel

7. Why do we have different units for the same physicall quantities?

Ans:- The result of a measument of a physical quantity is experssed by a number accompained by a
8. What is dimensional analysis?
Ans:- 1) Dimasional analysis is the representation of derived physical quantities interms of units of
fundamental quantities.
2) With the help of dimsional analysis to cheik the correctness of the equation. Convert one
system of units into ther system and derive certain equation relating physical quantities.
9. How many orders of magnitude greater is the radius of the atom as compared
to that of the nucleus?
Ans:- Size of nucleus  10 14 , size of atom  10 10 m
Hence size of atom is 10-4 m greater the size of the nucleus.
10. Express mified atomic mass unit in Kg.

Ans:- 1 unified atomic mass unit = 1 of the mass of carbon - 12 atom.

1 amer  1.66  1027 Kg


1. The verinier scale of an instrument has 50 division which coincide with 49
main scale divisions. If each main scale divisions is 0.5mm, then using this in-
strument that would be the minimum in accuracy in the measuremnt of dis-
Ans:- Value of each main scale division = 0.5mm
No. of ernier scale division = 50
S Value of one main scale divisions
In vernier callipers L.C.  
N No. of vernier scale division
L.C.  0.01mm
The minium in accuray in the measurment of distance is 0.1 mm.
2. In a system of units, the unit of force is 100N unit of length is 10m and
the unit of time is 100S. What is the unit of mass in this system?
Ans:- Force = 100N, length = 10m Time = 100 sec.
F= ma

F F F.T 2 100  100  100

m  2
   105 kg
a LT L 10
3. The distance of a galaxy from Earth is of the order of 10-25 m . Calculated
the order of magintude of the tim taken by light to reach us from the
Ans:- Distance of galaxy from earth = 10 25 m
Velocity of light  3  108 m / s
Velocity of light
Time taken by the light =
Dis tan ce of galaxy from earth

d 1025
   0.33  107  3.3  1016 sec
e 3 10 8

4. The Earth moon distance is about 60 Earth radius. What will be the
approximate diameter of the earth as seen from the moon?
Ans:- Distance between earth moonr = 60 R
Radius of earth = R
r = 60 R = 60 x 6400 x 10 3 (R=6400 km)
1 1
  1sec  min  deg ree
60 60  60
1 
  radiam
60  60 1800
l 
r  l  r    60  6400  103  60  60 
 180
  11.16  103 km  Diametn   11.16  103 km
5. Three mcasurements of the time for 20 oscillations of a pendulum give
t1 = 39.6s, t 2 = 39.9s and t 3 = 39.5s what is the pricision in the measure-
ments? What is the accuraiy of the measuremtns?
Ans:- No. of oscillations = 20
t1  39.6sec, t 2  39.9sec, t 3  39.5sec
t1  t 2  t 3 39.6  39.9  39.5
Mean value  
3 3
 39.66  39.7 sec
Precisim = 0.1sec
Accurary is the closess of mesured value with true value
Hnece 39.6 sec is accurary.

6. 1 Caloric = 4.2 where 1J = 1Kg m2s-2 suppose we amploy a systom of units in

which the euit of mass is â kg the unit of length is â m and and the unit of
time is as, show that a caloric has a magnitude 4.2 aˆ -1 aˆ -2 aˆ -2 in the new system?
Ans:- 1 caloric = 4.2J  1J=1kg m2s-2
1 caloric = 4.2 Kg.m 2s 2
In a new system 1 caloric = 4.2 aˆ aˆ 2 aˆ -2
7. A new unit of length is choose so that the speed of light in vallum is 1ms -2 . If
light takes 8 min and 20S to cover this distance, what is the distance between
the sun and earth in terms of the new unit?
Ans:- V=speed of light in vaccum = 1m/s
Time taken (t) = 8 min 20 sec = 500 sec.
V 1
Distance between the sun and earth    0.002m .
t 500
8. A student mcasured the thickness of a human hari using a micro scope of
maginification 100. He makes 20 obserations. and find that the average thicknees
(as rievred in the microscope) is 3.5mm, what is the cstimate of the thickness
of hair?
Ans:- Magnification of microscope = m = 100
observed thickness = 3.5 mm
observed thickness
magnification =
Re al thickness
100 
Re al thickness (t)
t  0.035mm
9. A physicall quantity x is related to four measurable quantities a,b,c and d as
follows. x = a 2 b 3 c5/2 d -2 the percentage eraor in the measurment of a,b,c,d are
1%, 2%, 3%, 4% respectively, what is the percentage of error in x?
Ans:- x = x = a 2 b3 c5/2 d -2
a b c d
 100  1%,  100  2%,  100  3%,  100  4%
a b c d
Percentage error in x is
 x   a   b  5  c  d
   100  2   100  3 
  b
 100  
 2 c
 100  2

 100
x a d
5 15
 2 1 3 2   3  2  4 26  8
2 2
= 23.5 %
10. The velocity of a body is given by v = A +2 + B + + C . If v and t are expressed in
SI what are the units of A, B and C?
Ans:- Given V  At 2  Bt  C
According to principle of hormoguty
V LT 1
i) V  At 2  A  2
 2  LT 3  ms 3
t T
V LT 1
ii) V  Bt  B   1  LT 2  ms 2
t T
iii) V  C  C  LT 1  ms 1
Problems :
1. In the expression p = EL2m -5G -2 the quantities. E, L m and G denote energy, angu-
lar momentam, mass and gravitagional constant respectively. Show that p is a
dimensionaless guanting.
Sol. P  E L2 m 5 G 2 E   M L2 T 2 
P   ML2T 2   ML2T 1   M 5   M 1L3T 2  L   M L2 T 1 

P  M1 25 2 L2 46 T 22 4 M  M

P   M 0 L0 T 0  M  M
 Hnece P is dimensionaless guautity..
2. An artificial stelite is revolving around a planet of Mass M and radims R1 in a
circular orbit of radius t using dimensional analysis show that the period of the
K r3
satelite? T = when K is a dimesionaless censtant and g is acceteration due
R g
to gravity.

K r3
Sol. T=
R g

K r3 1 L3
L.H.S = Time period = T, R.H.S =  T
R g L LT 2

 L.H.S = R.H.S
above egecations is correct.

3. The error in measurement of radius of as phere is 1% what is the error in the

measurement of volume?
Sol. Radious of sphere  100  1%
4 3
Volume V = r
V r
 100  3   100  3  1%  3%
V r



1. The states of motion and rest are relative. Explain.
Ans:- Rest and motion are relative. They are not absolute. A body can be in the rest or in motion with
respect to reference frame. A main in a moving frain is a rest with respect to a co-passenger but
he is in motion with respect to a man on the gorund.
2. How is average velocity different from instantameous velocity?
Ans:- The average velocity does not give any detail of the motion of the particle. It gives only the
result of the motion. The instantaneous velocity defines how fast the particle moves at a particu-
lar instant of time.
In uniform motion the instaneous velocity is egeeal to the average velocity.
3. Give an example where the velocity of an objects is zero but its acceleration is
not zero?
Ans:- When the body is projected vertically upwards at the highest priut its velocity is zero. But
acceleration. (a=g) is not egeeal to zero.
4. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed V1 and the other half with
speed V2, what is the average speed?
Total length of the path
Ans:- Average speed 
Total time taken

L 2V1V2
 
 L  L V1  V2
   
2 2

V1 V2

5. A lift coning down is just about to reach the ground floor. taking the
ground floor as origin and +ve direction upwards for all quantities, which
one of the following is correct.
(a) x<0, v<0, a>0 (b) x>0, v<0, a<0
(c) x>0, v<0, a>0 (d) x>0, v>0, a>0

Ans:- While lift is moving towards ground floor. Conigin +ve x decresses velocity decneases. Hence
x<0, v<0, but a>0 so (a) is correcet option.
6. A uniformly moving cricket ball is lit with a bt for a very short fime and
is turned back. Show the variation of its acceleration with time taking
the accelpration in the backward direction as positive.

acceleration (a)

time (t) t

7. Give an example of one dimensions motion where a particle moving along

the positive x-direction. comes to rest periodically and moves for ward?


time (t) t

8. An object falling through a flnid is observed to have an acceleration given by

a = g - bv where g is the gravitional acceleration and b is a constant. After a
long time it is observed to fall with a constant velocity. What would be the
value of this constant velocity?
Ans:- a = g - br
 g  br
0 = g - br  v
9. If the rajectory of abody is parabotic in one framy can it be purabolic in an-
other frame that moves with a constant velocity with respect to the first fram?
It not what can it be?
Ans:- No, the trajeectory is vertical stright line.
10. A Spring with one end attached to a mass and the other to a rigid support is
streectched and released when is the magnitude of a acceleration a maxi-
Ans:- The magnitude of acceleration is maximum at Extree positions.
1. Can the equations of kinematics be used when the acceleration varies with
time? If not, what form would these equation take?
Ans:- No, the equation of Kinematics be used when the acceleration varies with time.
If an object moves along a stright line with uniform acceleration (a) equations of
Kinematics are.
(1) V  V0  at (2) X  V0 t  at 2 (3) V 2  V02  2ax
Where X is displacement, V0 is velocity at t = 0, V is velocity at time t, a is accelera-
tion these are Kinematic equations of rectilinear for constant acceleration.
2. A particle moves in a stright line with uniform acceleration. Its velocity at
time t=0 is V1 and at time t = t is V2 . The average velocity of the particles in
 V1 + V2 
this time intuval is   . Is this correct? Substaintiate your ausares?
 2 
Ans:- Let us consider particle moving with uniform acceleration "a"
at t = 0, initial velocity = V1
t = t, final velocity = V2
time = t
From (1) eq. to V2  V1  at
V2  V1
1 2
and (2) eq. to S  V1t  at
1  V2  V1 
S  V1t     t

2 t

 V  V1 
S  t  V1  2
 2 

 V  V2 
S  t 1 
 2
S V  V2
 1
t 2
 The given statment is correct.
3. Can the velocity of an object be in a direction other than the direction of
acceleration of the object? If so, given an example?
Ans:- Yes, the velocity of an object be in a direction other than the direction of acceleration of the
Example : In the case of the upward motion of a projectiles the angle between
velocit y and acceler at ion is 180 0. During it's journy the direction of velocity is in
upwards and the direction of acceleration. is in down wards.
4. A purachutist flying in an aeroplane jumps when it is at a height of 3 Km
above ground. He opens his parachutiste when he is about 1 Km above
ground. Desirive his motion?
Ans:- Consider that the aeroplane is flying hoizontally. The penson jumping from the aeroplane is
treated as freely falling body because his initial velocity in the vertically down ward direction
is zero at a height of about 1km the person get a uniformvelocity called fermihal velocity due
to air friction. Hence the acceleration becomes zero. Hence the person falls with a constant
velocity stright line from 1 km onurards.
5. A bird holds a fruit in its beak and flies parallel to the ground. It lets go of the
fruit at sonce height. Describes the frajectory of the frmit as it falls to the ground
as seen by (a) the bird (b) a person on the ground?
Ans:- Let a horizantally flying bird drop a fruit.
1) The frajectory of the fruit with respect to the bird is a straight line.
2) The trajectory of the fruit with respect to the person on the ground is a parabola.
6. A man runs aitoss the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally on
the (lowes) roof of an adjacent building. It his speed is a m/s and the
horizonatal distance between the buildings is 10m and the height diffrence
between the roofs is 9m, will be able to land on the next building?
Ans:- u  9 m / s, g  10m / s 2 , h  9m
Range = 4 x t
But t 

2h 29
R= u .  9 
g 10

 9 
 9  1.4  12.6m
Range is greath than distance
between two buildings
 The man safely land on the next building..
7. A ball dropped from the roof of a full building and stimultaneously
anothen ball is thrown horizontally with som veloity from the same roof
which ball lands first? Explain your answer?
Ans:- Let height of the building = Dishplacement of ball = h u
For frist ball u=0, s=h, a =g, t=t
1 2
S  ut  at

1 h
n0  gt 12  d
t1         (1)
For second ball
u x  u1 , u x  0, ay  g, ay  h, t  t 2
s y  Lit  ay 2
y 2
h0  gt 22
t2 
 From eq'n. (1) & (2) are equal.
t1  t 2
 Two balls will reach the ground in same time..

8. A ball is dropped from a building and simeltameo usly another ball is pro-
jected up ward with some velocity. Describes the change in relative velocities
of the ball as a function of time?
Ans:- Case (i) For the 1st body 2
V1 = u + gt

V1 = gt -----(1).
For the 2nd body h
V2  u  gt      (2)
Relative velocity between (1) & (2) bodies.
V2  V1  u  gt  gt  4
V2  V1  4
The relative velocities of the body is always constanst.
Hence the change in the relative velocity is zero.

9. A typical raindrop is about 4mm is diametes. If a randrop falls from a cloud

which is at 1 km above the group estimate its momentum when it hits the
Ans:- Density of water Pw  1000kg / m 3
Radius of rain drop r = 2mm = 2  103 m
Heisht h = 1km = 103 m
V 2  u 2  2as (or) V  2gh

 V  2  9.8  103  140 m / s

4 3
P  MV  r  V
  3.14  (2  103 )3  1000  140
 P  0.00469 kg m / sec
10. Show that the maximum height reacued by a projectile lanched at an angle of
450 is on quata of its range?
42 sin 2  42 sin 90 42
Ans:-   450 Range         (1)
g g g

42 sin 2  42 sin 2 (45) 1  2

Maximum height H         (2)
2g 2g 4 g

H 
Problems :
1. A bullet moving with a speed of 150 m/sec strikes a tree and penetrates 3.5cm
before stopping what is the magnitude of its vetardation in the tree and the
time taken for it to stop after striking the tree?
Ans:- u  150m / s S  3.5cm  0.035, V  0
V 2  u 2  2as
150  150
02  1502  2  9  0.035  a 
2  0.035

a   3.214  105 m / s 2
Vu 0  150
t   4.67  104 sec
a 3.24  10 5

2. A food packet is ropped from an aeroplane moving with a speed of 360 Knysh
in a horizontal direction, trom a hight of 500m. Find (1) its time of descent (2)
the horizonatal distance between the point at which the food packet reaches
the ground and the point above which it was dropped? (g = 10m / s 2 )
Ans:- Velocity of aeroplane V = 360 knysh = 360  h  100 m / s
h  500m
2h 2  500
i) Time of decent    
g 10
 10 sec
ii) Horizontal range R  4   100  10  1000 sec

3. A ball is tossed from the window of a building with an inital velocity of 8 m/s,
at an angle of 200 below the horizontal. It strikes the ground 3 sec lates. From
what heisht was the ball thround? How far from the base of the building does
the ball strickes the ground.
Ans:- 4  8m / s   200 , t  3sec
(a) Horizontal distance  4 cos   t  8cos 200  3
 8  0.9397  3
 22.6 m
1 2
(b) Hisht h = (4sin ) t  gt
 8  sin 20   9.8  9
 8.208  44.1  52.31m

IV 
1. The vertical component of a vector is equal to its horizontal components.What
is the angle made by the vector with x - axis.
Fsin 
Ans:- The lorizontal component is equal
to the vertical component of avector F
Fcos   Fsin 
Tan   1    tan 1 (1)  450

  450  Fcos
2. A vector V makes an angle ewite the horizontal. The vector is rotated through
an angle ê . Does this rotation change the vector V?
Ans:- Yes it changes the vector.
3. Two forces of magnitude 3 units and 5 units al + at 600 with each 0 times. What
is the magnitude of their resultant?
Ans:- P = 3 unit Q = 5 unit   600
R  P 2  Q2  2PQcos   32  52  2  3  5 

 9  25  15

 49
= 7 units
 
4. A = i + j what is the angle between the vector and x - axis?
 
Ans:- A = i + j
cos    A   1
1 1
 
1 1
2 2
 1 
  cos 1   450
 2 

  450

5. When two right angled vectors of magnitude 7 units and 24 units combine,
what is the magmitude of their resultant?
Ans:-   900 , P  7 units, Q  24 units

R  P 2  Q 2  2PQ cos   7 2  242  2  7  24  0

 49  576  0

 625
= 25 units.
6. If P = 2i + 4j + 14k , and Q = 4i + 4j + 10k find the magnitude of P + Q
Ans:- P  2i  4 j  14k, Q = 4i + 4j +10k
 
P  Q  2i  4 j  14k  4i  4 j  10k  6i  8 j  24k
 
P  Q  6 2  82  24 2  36  64  576  676

= 26
7. Can a vector of magnitude zero have non zero components?
Ans:- No, the components of a vector of magnitude zero have non-zero components.
8. What is the acceleration of projectile at the top of its frajectory.
Ans:- The acceleration of a projecties at the top of its trajectory is vertically down wards.
9. Can two vectors of unegual magnitude add up to give the zero vector? Can
three un equal vectors add up to give the zero vector?
Ans:- No, two vectors of enegual magnitude cannot be equal to zero. According to tringle law, three
unequal vectors in equilli brium can be zero.


1. State parallebgram law of vectors. Derive an expressions for the magnitude
and direction of the resultant vectors?
Ans:- Statement : If two vectors acting at a point are represented by the adjacent sides of a parallelo-
gram in magnitude and direction then their resultant is vepresmted by the diagonal of the paral-
lelogram in magnitude and direction drawn from the same point.
Explanation :
 
OA  BC  P
 
OB  AC  Q
 
OC  R
Resultant magnitude : From  COD
OC 2  OD 2  CD 2
OC 2  (OA  AD)2  CD 2
OC 2  OA 2  AD2  2OA.AD  CD 2
But CAD  AD 2  CD 2  AC 2
 OC2  OA 2  AC2  2OA . AD        (1)

From  CAD cos   AD

AD  Q cos        (2)
CAD sin  
CD  Q sin      (3)
(2) eqn substute in (1) eqn
R 2  P 2  Q 2  2P Q cos


R  P  Q  2PQ cos 
2 2



CD 

Resultant Direction : Tan   ---- D
OD  A
Tan  
From (2) & (3) eq.n to
Qsin 
Tan  
OA  Qcos 

Qsin 
Tan  
P  Q cos 
 Qsin  
  Tan 1 
 P  Q cos  
2. What is relative motion? Explain it?
Ans:- Relative Motions : The motion of body with respect to another body is called the relative
motion. The corresponding velocity is called the relative velocity.
 
Explanaion : Let us consider two persons A & B moving with nelocifics VA and VB in twoo
diffant direction making an angle with each other.
  
1) The velative velocity of body A with respect to B is given by VR  VA  VB
  
2) The velative veleritr of body B with respect to A is given by VR  VB  VA
 
3) VR , VR are equal magnitudes and opposite in directions.
  
4) VR  VA  VB  VA2  VB2  2 VA VB cos 
5) For two bodies moving in the sane directions relative velocity is equal to the
  
diffrent of velocities (a  0 , cos 0  1)  VR  VA  VB
0 0

6) For two bodies moving in the opposite divetions relative velocity is equal to the
sum of their velocity (a  1800 , cos1800  1)

 VR  VA  VB

7) If they move at right angle to each orher then the relative velocity = V12  V22

8) If VA  VB =V then VRcl  2V sin
3. Show that a boat must move at angle with respect to given water in order to
cross the river in minimum time?
Ans:- The boat is directed making an angle ''  '' with direction of water cursent. The angle between
 
Vb and Vw as shown in fig..
 The component of Vb across the riun is given as Vby  Vb sin 

 When the boat reaches the other bacuse displacement of boat=width of the river = d
Displanment of boat across the river
Time taken to cross the river =
Coneponent of velocity of boat across the river

d d
t 
Vby Vb sin 
When  is maximum then time becomes minimum.
sin   1    900
 Miximum time taken to cross the river,, t 
4. Define unit vector, null vector and position vector?
Ans:- Unit vector : A vector having unit magnitude is called unit nutor.
  where  is unit vector..
Null vector : A vector having zero magnitude is called null vector.
Position vectors : The position of a particle is described by a position vector which is drawn
from the origin of a referance frame. The position vector helps to locate the particle in space.
    
OP  r  xi  yi  zk
     
5. I f a + b = a - b prove that the angle between a and b is 900.
 
Ans:- a  b  a 2  b2  2 ab cos 
 
a  b  a 2  b 2  2 ab cos 
   
 a  b  a b

a 2  b 2  2ab cos   a 2  b 2  2ab cos 

2ab cos   2ab cos 
4ab cos   0
cos   0 but 4ab  0
  90
 
Hence angle butween a and b is 900.
6. Show that the trajectiory of an object thrown at cestin anyle with the horizantal
is a parabola.
Ans:- Consider a body is projected with an initial velocity (u) making an angle  with the horizontal.
The velocity of the projectiles. x-disation ucos  and y-direction usin  .
The distance fravelled along ox in time 't' is give by
x  u cos   t
x y
t      (1)
u cos  u
along with y - direction in time 't' is given by u sin 
y  u cos  xt  ( g) x ( )2
H Max
x 
but (1) eq'n t  then 0 u cos 
u cos 

 x  1  x 
y  u sin     g 2 2 
 u cos   2  u cos  

 g  2
 Tan  x   2 2 
x Let A = Tan 
 2u cos  

y  Ax  Bx 2 B
2u cos 2 

This is the equation of parabola.

 The trajectiony of a projectiles is parabola.
7. Explain the terms the average velocity and instananeous velocity. When are
they equal?
Ans:- Average Velocity : The average velocity of the particles is defined as the ration of displacement
( x ) to the time intnral t
x x 2  x 1
V  
t t 2  t1
Instantaneous velocity : A velocity of the particle at any instant of time is called instanneous
x ds
VInsta  Lt 
t 0 t dt
For a body moving with uniform velocity its averige velocity is equal to the instantaneous veloc-
2 2 u2sin2θ
8. Show that the maxium height and range of a projectite are u sin θ and
2g g
respectively whese the tums have their regular meaings.
Ans:- Maximum luight : when the projectile is at the maximum height, its vertical component of
velocity Vy  0 .
initial velocity (u) = u sin 
S=H=maximum height u
u sin 
V 2  u 2  2as
0  u 2 sin 2    2gH H Max

0 X
u cos 
u sin 
2 2

Horizontal ranges (R) : The horizonatal distance travelled by the projectile from the point of
projection during the time of flight is called range.
Range (R) = Horizonatal velocity x time
2u sin 
R = u cos  x t = u cos  

u  2sin  cos  y

u  sin 2 u sin 
R 
if   45
u2 
R max  0 X
8 u cos 

9. If the trajectory of a body is parabolic in one reference france, can it be para-

bolic in auother reference frame that moves at constant velocity with respect
to the first reference from? If the trajectory can be other than parabolic what
else can it be?
Ans:- No, when a store is thrown from a moving bus, the trajectory of the store is parabolic in one
reference frame. That is when a man observes out side footpath. In another frame of reference
the trajectory is a vertical straight live.
10. A force 2i + j - k newton acts on a body which is initially at rest. At time ends of
20 sec. The velocity of the body is 4i+2j+-2k m/s what is the mass of the body?
Ans:- F = (2i + j + k)N t=20 sec, u=0, V=4i+2j-2k
Vu 4i  2 j  2k 2(2i  2 j  k) 2i  j  k
a    m / sec
t 20 2  10 10
F 2i  j  k
But F  ma  m  
a 2i  j  k
m  10 kg
Problems :
1. A projectiles is tired at an angle of 600 to the horizontal with aninial velocity
of 800m/s
i) Find the time of flight of the projectile betore it hits the ground.
ii) Find the distance is travels berore it bits the ground (Range)
iii) Find the time of flisht for the projectiles to reach its maximum height.
Sol:-   600 , u  800 m / sec
2u sin  2  800  sin 600
i) T  
g 9.8
2  800  3

9.8  2
T  141.4 sec

u 2 sin 2 (800) 2  3
(ii) Range    56.57 km
g 9.8  2

u sin  800  sin 600 800  3

iii) t a   
g g 9.8  2
t a  70.7 sec
2. For a particle projected slantwise from the round, the magnitude of its posi-
tion vector with respect to the point of projection, when its is the highest
point of the path is found to be 2 times the maximum height reached it
show that the angle of projection is tan -1 (2) .
u 2 sin 2 u 2 sin 2 
Sol:- Range (R)  , H max 
g 2g

Give R  2 H
u 2 sin  cos  u 2 sin 2 
 2
g 2g

tan   2 2

  tan 1 (2 2)
3. An object is luched from a cliff 20m above the ground at an angle of 30 above
the norizontal with an initial speed of 30m/s. How horizontally does the ob-
ject travel before leading on the ground? (g = 10m / s 2 )
Sol:- h  20m,   300 , u  30 m / s g  10 m / s 2
h   (u sin )t  gt 2
2 u

20  30sin 300  t   10t 2
30 0
1 1
20  30   t  10t 2
2 2
4 = -3t + t2
t2 - 3t - 4 = 0
(t-4) (t+1) = 0 h
t = 4sec (or) t = -1 sec
Range R = 4 cos  x t
 30cos 30  4
 30  4
R  60 3 m
4. A particle is projected from the ground with some initial velocity making
anangle of 450 with the horizontal. It reaches a heisht of 7.5m above the ground
while it travels a horizontal distance of 10m from the point of projection. Find
the initial speed of projection. (g=10m/s2)
Ans:-   450 , g  10m / s 2 Hd (x)  10
Yd (y)  7.5m
y  tan  x  x2
2u cos 
2 2

7.5  tan 450  10  2 2 0
 102
2u cos 45

7.5  10 
2u 2 
1000 1000
 2.5  u 2 
u 2.5
u 2  400

u  20 m / s

V 


3. When abullet is fired from a gun, the gun gives, a kick in the backward direc-
tion? Explain?
Ans:- According to law of coroservation of momentum when a bullet is fired from a gun, the momen-
tum of the gun is equal and opposite to that of bullet. As the bullet moves forward on firing, the
gun moves back.
4. Why does a heavy rifle not recoil as strongly as a light rifle unling the same
Ans:- As the mass of the rifle is more its acceleration is less. Therefore, a heavey rifle
doesn't recoil as stronely as a light rifle.
5. If a bomb at rest explodes in two pieckes the pieces must travel in oppo-
site direction. Explain?
Ans:- According to law of conservation of momentum.
Mu = m 1 u 1 + m 2 u 2
initially u = 0
m 1u 1 + m 2u 2 = 0 or m 1v 1 = m 2v 2
(-ve sign indicates that the pieces must travel in opposite direction)
6. Define force. Whate are the basic forces in nature?
Ans:- It is that which changes or tries to change the state of body.
Basic forces : 1) Gravitational forces 2) Electromagnetic forces
3) Strong nuelear forces 4) weak nulear
7. Can the coefficient of friction be greater then one?
Ans:- Yes, coefficient of friction may be greater than one. In some particular cases it is
possible. They are
1) Due to in crease the inner molucular attractive forces between surfaces when the
contact surfaces are highly polished.
2) When the contact surfaces of the bodies are inrer locking the coefficient friction
may be greater than one.
8. Why does the car with a flatlened type stop sooner than the oue with in flated
Ans:- In case of flathened tyres more deformation occurs. when compared to that of in flattened tyres.
Since rolling friction is directly proportional to the area of contact. Flatlened tyres stop sooner
than of inflattened tyres.
9. A horse has to pull harder during the starts of the mation than later.
Ans:- Inifially the cart has to overcom the limiting friction. Once motion has started the
frictional forces deducer. Hence the horse has to pull cart harder during start.
10. What happends to the coefficient of friction if the weight of the body is
Ans:- Cofficient of friction is indepandent of mass of the body. Hence it remains.


1. A stone of mass 0.1kg is thrown vertically up ward. Give the magnitude and
direction of the net force on the stone (a) during its upward motion (b) duning
its downward motion, (c) at the highest point, where it moncentarily comes to
Ans:- (a) during upward motion : Magnitud of the bet force of the stone.
F |  mg | :  0.1  9.8  0.98N
(b) During downward motion : Magnitude of the net force of the store.
F  |  mg | :  0.1  9.8  0.98N
(c) At the highest point : Magnitude of the net force
F  mg  0.1  9.8  0.98N
4. Explain the terms limiting friction, dynamic friction and rolling friction.
Ans:- Limitting friction : The maximum frictional force developed between the bodies at rest is
called limiting friction.
Dynanic friction : Frictional force between bodies in motion is called dynamic (or) kinitic
Rolling friction : When one body rolls on the surface of the other body, then the friction in
between the furfaces is called rolling friction.
5. Explain advantages and disadvantages of friction?
Ans:- Advantages of friction :
1) Walking on the floor, motion of vehicles etc. are possible only due to friction.

2) Nails, serews etc. are driver into walls, wooden surfaces etc. due to friction.
3) Writing with pens, pencils, holding objects with hands etc, is possible due to
4) A match stick is lightened due to friction.
Disadvantages of friction :
1) Wear and tear of machine parts are due to friction.
2) Energy is wasted as heat due to friction.
6. Mention the methods used to decreases friction?
Ans:- Methods to reduce friction.
(a) Polishing : Polishing the surfaces in contact decrease the inter locking and there by friction
can be reuces.
(b) Ball bearings : Ball bearings can reduce the friction since rolling fricton is less than the
sliding friction.
(c) Lubricants : Lubricants cike grease forms a thin layer between surfaces in contact. It
reduces the friction.
(d) Streamlining : Automobiles and aeroplans are strenliing to reduce the air friction.
7. State the laws of rolling friction?
Ans:- Laws of friction - rolling friction :
1) The smalla the area of contact, the leeser will be the rolling friction.
2) The larger the radius of the rolling body the lesses will be the rolling friction
3) The rolling friction is directly proportional to the normal reaction.
If Fr is the rolling friction and "N" is the normal reaction at the contant then
Fr  N..
 Fr   r N Where  r is the coefficient of rolling friction.
8. Why is pulling the lawn roller perfered in pushing it?
Ans:- Pulling : Consider a lawn roller of weight mg acting on
the horizontal surface. It is pulled by a force F making an Fsin  F
angle  with horizontal. The force F can be resolved in to
two components (i) F cos  , horizontally along the road 
and (ii) F sin  , rertically up wards.. Fcos 

Total upward force = Total downward force

N + Fsin  = mg mg
N = mg - F sin 

The frictional force fr =  r .N 

fr =  r [mg-Fsin  ]
The net force on the pulling of roller P = Fcos  - fr..
P  F[cos    r sin ]   r mg      (1)
Pushing : when a lawn roller is pushed by a force. N
F which makes an angle  with the horizontal, F sin 
acts vertically down ward and F cos  pushes the roller
F cos 
to the right. The weight mg acts vertically down wards. 
N = mg + F sin 
The frictional force (fr) =  r N
  r (mg  Fsin ) Fsin 

The net force on the pushing

of roller P = F cos  - fr..
P  F[cos    sin ]   r mg        (2)
From equation (1) and (2) that it is easier to pull than push a lawn roller.

1. A boyd is moving along a circular path such that its speed always remains
constant. Should there be a force aeting on the body?
Ans:- Force on a body moving in a circular path : Due to the change in direction of velocity in
circular path the body experiences certripetal force, eventhough magnitude of velocity always
remains constant.
Problems :
1. The linear momuntum of a particle as a funtion of time t is given by p= a+ b+,
where and b are positive constants, what is the force acting on the particle?
Ans:- Lincear momentum of a particle P = a+ b+
dp d
Force F   (a  b  )  0  b Fb
dt dt
2. Calculate the time needed for a net force of 5N to change the velocity of a 10
Kg mass by = m/sec2
Ans:- F = 5N, m=10Kg (V-u) = 2m/sec t=?
(v  u) 10 (2)
Fm  5  4sec
t t
t  4 sec

3. A constant force acting on a body of mass 3Kg changes its speed from 2 in m/
sec to 3.5 m/s in 25 sec, The direction of motion of the body reamaing un-
changed. What is the magnitude and aircetion of the force.
Ans:- m = 3kg u=2m/sec v=3.5m/sec, t=25sec.

 v  u  3 (1.5) 4.5
F  m     0.18N
 t  25 25
4. A container of mass 200 kg rests on the back of an open trusk. If the truck
accelerates at 1.5 m/s2 what is the minimum cafficient of static, friction be-
tween the container and the bed of the truck reguired to prevent the con-
tainer from sliding of the back of the truck?
Ans:- m = 200Kg a=1.5 m/s2 g=9.8m/s2
F   s .N N  mg
ma   s mg F  ma
9 1.5
s    0.153
8 9.8

VI 


1. State the condition under which a force does no work?
Ans:- 1) When the displacement is zero.
2) When the displancement is perpenducular to the direction of the force.
3) When the body moves under the action of a conservative force over a closed path.
2. Define, work, power and Energy. State their S.I units?
Ans:- Work : The product of magnitude of displacement and component of force along the direction of
displacement is called work.
W  F.S  F.Scos 
Unit : Joyle.
Power : The rate of doing work by a force is called power.
P Units : Watt or J/sec
Energy : The capality to do work is called energy.
Unit : Joyle.
3. State the relation between the kinetic energy and momentum of a body?
Ans:- Kinetic energy E K 
P = momentum of the body
m = mass of the body.
4. State the sign of work done boy a force in the following
(a)Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well by means of rope tied
to the bucket.
(b) Work done gravitational force in the above case.
Ans:- (a) Work done is +Ve, because the bucket displaces in the direction of force.
(b) Work done is -Ve, because the displacement is opposite to the gravitational force.
W =F.S cos  = F.S cos 1800 = - F.S

5. State the sign of work done by a force in the following.

(a) Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plaine.
(b) Work done by gravitational force in the above case?
Ans:- (a) Work done is -Ve, because friction always opposite to the direction of the motion.
(b) The work done is +Ve.
6. State the sign of work done by a force in the following.
(a) Work done by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal
place with uniform velocity.
(b) Work done by the resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum in bring-
ing it to rest?
Ans:- (a) The workdone is +Ve, because the applied force and displancement are in the same direction.
(b) The work done is -Ve, because the direction of resistive force is opposite to the direction
motion of the pendulun.
7. State if each of the following statement is true or false. Give realons for gour
answer, (a) Total energy of a system is always conserval, no matter wahat inter-
nal and external forces on the body are present.
(b) The work done by earth's gravitational force in keeping the moon in its
orbits one revolution is zero.
Ans:- a) False b) True. Because gravitation force is conservative force.
8. Which physical quantity regnains constant.
i) in an elastic collision ii) in an inelastic collision.
Ans:- i) in elastic collision : Both momatum and kinetic energy is constant.
ii) in an inelastic collision : Only momemetum renaing constant.
9. A body freely falling from a certain height "h" after striking a smooth floor
rebounds and an rises to heisht h/2 what is the coefficient of restitution be-
tween the floor and the body?
Ans:- Given h1  h, h 2 
h2 2  1
e    1.414
h1 h 2
10. What is the total displacement of a freely folling body after successive re bounds
from the place of ground before it comes to stop? Assume that "e" is the coef-
ficient of restitution between the body and the ground?
Ans:- The total displacement of the freely talling body after successive rebounds from the sround
before it comes to stop is "h".


1. What is potential energy? Derive and expression for the gravitational potantial
Ans:- Potential energy : The energy possessed by a body by virture of its position is called potential
Examples : i) A stretched rubber cord
ii) The stone lifted above the ground.
Expression for potential energy :
A body of mass m is on the ground. It is lifted
vertically up words through a height h.
Gravitational force on the body F = mg m
Displacements = h
Workdone = W = F.S
W = mgh
This work done is stored in the form of potuntial energy.

P. E (U)  mgh

2. A Lorry and a Car moving with the same momentum are brought to rest by
the application of brakes, which provide equal retarding forces.Which of them
will come to rest in shorten time? Which will come to rest in less distance?
Ans:- Given momentam of the lorry = momentam of the car.
and same retareling force FL  FC
m(v  u) P
From Newton's second law F  
t t
W=F.S = charge in K.E =
 Both lorry and car comes to rest at the same time..
F.S  (Here F,P are constant)
S 

Hence lorry comes to rest in less distance.

3. Distinguish between conservative and non-conservative forces with one ex-
ample each?
Ans:- Conservative Forces : A force is conservative if the work done by the force on a body along
any closed path is zero.
Example : Gravitational force. Work done independent of the path.
Non-conservative force : A force is called non-conservative force, is the work done by the
force on a body along a closed path is not zero.
Example : Frictional force work done depends on the path.
4. Show that in the case of one dimensional elastic collision the relative velocity
of approach of two colliding bodies before collision is equal to the relative
velocity of separation after collision?
Ans:- Consider two bodies of masses m1 and m 2 moving with velocities u1 and u 2 collids elastically.
Assume m1  m 2 and u1  u 2 . Let v1 and v 2 velocities of the two bodies after collision.
From the law of conservation of conear momentam
m1u1  m 2 u 2  m1v1  m 2 v 2
m1 (u1  v1 )  m 2 (v 2  u 2 )       (1)
From the law of consorvation of kinetic energy.
1 1 1 
m1u12  m 2 u 22  m1v12  m 2 v 22
2 2 2 2
m1 (u12  v12 )  m 2 (v 22  u 22 )      (2)
equation 2/1 then we get
u1  v1  v2  u 2
u1  u 2  v 2  v1        (3)
Relative velocity of approach from the above equation before collision = Ralative velocity of
separation after collision.
5. Show that two equal masses undergo obligue elastic collision will move at right
angles after collision, if the second body initially at rest.
Ans:- Oblique elastic collision : If the center of mass of the colliding bodies are not initially mov-
ing along the line of impact then the impact is called oblique collision.
Two equal masses undergo oblique elastic collision will move at right angles after collision, is the
second body initially at rest.
Consider two smooth and perfectly elastic spheres of masses m1 and m 2 . Let u1 and u 2 be
their initial velocity before collision. Let v1 and v 2 be their final velocities after collision
( , ) and (, ) are the angles, the direction of motion make with the line of impact before
collision and after collision.
v1 sin   v 2 sin      (1)
and v 2 sin   u 2 sin      (2)
From the conservation of momentum and kineticenergy to.
m1u1 cos   m 2 u 2 cos   m1v1 cos   m 2 v 2 cos 
 m1 (u1 cos   v1 cos )  m 2 (v 2 cos   u 2 cos )      (3)
1 1 1 1
and m1u12 cos  2 m 2 u 22 cos 2   m1v12 cos 2   m 2 v 22 cos 2 
2 2 2 2
 m1 (u12 cos 2   v12 cos 2 )  m 2 (v 22 cos 2   u 22 cos 2 )      (4)
equation 4/3 we will get
 (u1 cos   v1 cos )  (v 2 cos   u 2 cos ) .
v1 cos   v 2 cos   u 2 cos   u1 cos     (5)
and v 2 cos   v1 cos   u1 cos   u 2 cos       (6)
sub. equation (5) in equation (3) we get
 m  m2  2m1u 2
v1 cos    1  u1 cos   cos       (7)
 m1  m 2  m1  m 2

2m1u1  m 1  m2 
and v 2 cos   m  m cos    m  m  u 2 cos       (8)
1 2  1 2

If u 2  0 and m1  m 2 then equation (2) we get   0 and from equation (7),   900 . This
meanes that if a sphere of mass "m" collides obliguely on another perfiectly elastic sphere of the
same mass at rest. The directions of motions of the sphere after impact will be at right angles.
6. Derive an expression for the hight attained by a freely falling body after "n"
number of rebounds from the floor?
Ans:- Let a sphere is dropped freely from a height "h" on to the floor. It strikes the floor with a
velocity u1 so that u1  2gh1      (1)

Let v1 be the final velocity of the sphere with which the sphere rebounds to a hight h1 and
v1  2gh1 since the snitial and the final velocities of the floor are zero

u 2  0, v 2  0

Co-efficient of restitution e 

v 2  v1 0   2gh1

u1  u 2 2gh  0


e (or) h1  e 2 h

Similarly for the second bounce h 2 (e 2 ) 2 h and "h" bounce h n  (e 2 ) h h

7. Explain the law of conservation of energy?

Ans:- Law of conservaton enery : Energycan be neither created nor destroyed one form of energy
can be converted into another form.
Explanation : The total mechonical energy is constant if the forces are conservative. If some of
the forces are non-conservative a part of mechanical energy may be convertied into another
forms like sound, heat etc. But to sum of all kinds of enegies as constant for the system.
The energy of the universe as a whole is canstant. If one part of the universe loses energy another
part must gain an equal amount of energy.


1. Develop the notions of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work
- energy theorem?
Ans:- Kinetic energy : Kinetic energy of a body is a measured of work done by it by virture of its
 Kf  Ki  W
Proof : Consider a particle of mass "m" is moving with initial speed "u" to final speed "v". Let
"a" be its comstant acceleration and s be its distonce traveased. The kinematic relation given by.
v 2  u 2  2as     (1)
multiplying both sides by we have to get
1 1
mv 2  mu 2  mas
2 2
1 1
mv 2  mu 2  F.S      (2)
2 2
We can generalised equation (1) to there dimension by employing vectors.
v 2  u 2  2a.d
Once again multiplaying both sides by we get
1 1    
mv 2  mu 2  m a.d  F.d       (3)
2 2
The above eq'n provides amotivation for the definition of work and K.E.
1 1
in eq'n (3) mv 2  mu 2  K f  K i
2 2
where K f , K i are initial and final K.E. and F.d  w
Where wrefers to work done bya force on the body over a certain displacement.
K f  K i  W      (4)
 This is work - energy therorem.
2. What are collisions? Explain the possible types of collisions? Develop the theory
of one-dimensional elastic motion?
Ans:- Collision : A collision is a strong interaction between the particles with (or) with out contact
when there are no other external forces.
Collision two types : 1) elastic collision (2) In elastic collisions.
(1) Elastic collision : The collision in which both momentum and kinctic energy are conserved
then is called elastic collisions.
(2) In elastic collisions : The collision in which kinetic energy is not conservet but momentum is
conserved, is called inelastic collision.
One-dimentional elastic collision : Consider two bodies of masses m1 and m 2 moving with
velocities u1 and u 2 collide elastically. Assume m1  m 2 and u1  u 2 . Let v1 and v 2 be the
velocities of the two bodies after collision.
u1 v1 v2

m2 m2 m2
m1 m1

From the law of consorvation of momentum.

m1u1  m 2 u 2  m1v1  m 2 v 2
m1 (u1  v1 )  m 2 (u 2  v 2 )       (1)
From the law of conservation of K.E.
1 1 1 1
m1u12  m 2 u 22  m1v12  m 2 v 22
2 2 2 2
  
m1 u12  v12  m 2 v 22  u 22        (2)

Dividing equation (2) and (1) then wayet

(u1  v1 ) (u1  v1 ) (v 2  u 2 ) (v 2  u 2 )

(u1  v1 ) (v 2  u 2 )
u1  v1  v2  u 2
u1  u 2  v 2  v1      (3)
Velocity of first body
From eq'n (3) v 2  u 2  v1  u 2
Substiting eq'n (4) in eq'n (1) and simplyfing, weget
 m  m2   2m 2 
v1   1 u   m  m  u 2      (5)
 m1  m 2 
1 2

Velocity of second body

Again from equation (3) v1  v 2  u 2  u1
Substituting this in eq'n (1) and simpliting, we get
 2m1   m  m1 
v2    u1   2 u2      (6)
 m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
3. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of a freely falling body?
Ans:- Law of conservation of energy :
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. But it can be changed from one
form to another form.
Proof : Consider abody of mass "m" dropped from a height "n" above the ground.
At thepoint "A"
initial velocity = 0
 Kinetic energy K.E A  mu 2  0
P.E A  mg h
A m
(h  H)  P.E A  mgH
 Total Energy = P.E A  K.E A
 mgH  0
T.E A  mgH      (1) H m
At the point "B" : Kinetitic relation (3) eqn'n
v 2  u 2  2as  a

v 2B  o 2  2(  g) (H  x) v  vB
C m
v 2B  2g (H  x) a  g
S Hx

1 1
K.E B  mv B2  m(u 2  2gh)
2 2

1 1
 m (2g (H  x) mu 2  mgh
2 2

K.E B  mgH  mg x
PE B  mgh
P.E B  mg x
T.E B  mgH  mgx  mgx  mgH

T.E B  mgH      (2)

At the point "C" : Kinematic relation to
v 2  u 2  2as v  vc

v c2  2gH u0
K.E c  mv c2 ag
 m (2gH) SH
K.E c  mg H
P.E c  mg h
P.E c  0
T.E c  mgH  0  mgH

T.E c  mgH     (3)

 en'n (1), (2) and (3) total mechanical energy remains constant. Hence law of consawation of
energy is verified in the case of a frelly falling body.
Problems :
1. A machine gun fires 360 bullets per minutes each bullet trawels with a velocity
of 600 m/s. If the mass of each bullet is 5 gr, find the power of the machine gun?
Ans:- n=360, t=600m/sec m=5gr = 5 x 10-3 kg
1 1
mnv 2  5  103  360  600  600
P 2  2
t 60
P = 5400 W = 5.4 K.W

2. Find the useful power used in pumping 3425m of water per hour from a well

8m deep to the surface. Supposing 40% of the horse power during pumping is
wasted. What is the horse power of the engine?
Ans:- V = 3425 m3 = d = 103 Kg/m3 h=8m g=9.8m/s2
t = 1 hour = 60 x 60 sec.
mgh mgh
Power   60% power 
t t
 60% power 
60 3425  103  9.8  8
 P
100 60  60
3425  103  102  9.8  8
60  60  60
P  1243.14 watt

P  1.666 h.P [Thp = 746 watt]

3. A pump is required to lift 600kg of water per minute from a well 25m deep and
to eject it with a speed of 50 m/sec. Calculate the power reguirted to perform
the above task?
Ans:- m = 60 kg h=25m, v = 50m/sec t=60sec

1  1 
mgh  mv 2 m gh  v 2 
2 
p 2  
t t
600  50  50 
 9.8  25   10 [245  1250]
60 2 
= 14950 watt
P  14.95 kw

4. From a height of 20m above a horizontal floor, a boll is thrown down with
inifial velocity 20 m/sec. After striking the floor, the ball bourkes to the same
height from which it was thrown. Find the coefficient of restitution for the
collision between the ball and the floor?
Ans:- u = 20 m/sec, h = 20m, g=10m/s2
v 2  u 2  2as
u12  202  2  10  10

u12  202  400


u12  400  400

 u1  800
5. A ball fall from a height of 10m on to a hard horizontal floor and repeatedly
bounces. If the coefficient of restitution is , what is the total distance trav-
elled by the ball before it ceases to rebounds?
Ans:- e  , h  10m

1  e 2 
Sh  2 
1  e 

 1
 1 
 10  2
1  
 2

3 2
 10  
2 1
S  30 m




1. Is it necessary that a mass should be present at the center of mass of any sys-
Ans:- No, any mass need not be present at the center of mass of a system.
Ex : a hollow sphere, center of mass liesatits center.
2. What is the difference in the positions of girl, carrying a bag in one of her
hands and another girl carrying a bag in each of her two hands?
Ans:- For a girl with one bag in her hand the center of mass shifts (girl-bag system) to wards the hand
with the bag. For a girl with two bags in either of hands the position of center of mass system
does not change.
3. Two rigid bodies have same moment of inertia about their axes of symmetry or
the two, which body will have greater kinetic energy?
1 1 L2 
Ans:- E  Iw  , E
( L = constant)
2 2 I I
The rigid body having less moment of inertia will have gretater K.E.
4. Why are spokes provided in a bicycle wheel?
Ans:- By conneeting to the rim of wheel to the axle through the spokes the mass of the wheel gets
concentrated at its rim. This increases its moment of inertia. This ensures its uniform speed.
5. We cannot open or close the door by applying force at the hinges. Why?
Ans:- When the force is applied at the hinges, the line of the force passes. Through the axis of rotation.
i.e r = 0, So we can not open or close the door by pushing or pulling it at the hinges.
6. Why do we preter a spanner of longer arm as compared to the spanner of
shorter arm?
Ans:- The torque applied on the nut by the spanner is equal to the force multiplied by the
perpendicular distance from the axis or rotation. A spanner with longer arm pro-
vides more torque compared to a spanner with shorter arm. Hence longer arm span-
ner is preferred.
7. By spining egg on a table top, how will you disting wish a hard boiled
egg from a raw egg?
Ans:- A raw egg has som fluid in it and a hard boiled egg is solid form inside. Both eggs are spvining on
a table top. The fluid is thrown out wards. Therefore I r  I b . That means M. I of raw egg is
greater than boiled egg. As I  w constant.
 w r  w b That means anglar velocity of raw egg
is less than angular velocity of boiled egg.
8. Why should a helicopted necessarily have two propellers?
Ans:- If there were only one propeller in the hellicopter then, due to conservation of angular momen-
tum, the helicopter it self would have turned in the opposite direction.
9. It the polar ice caps of the earth were to melt, what would the effect of the
length of the day be?
Ans:- Earth rotates about its polar axis when ice of polar caps of earth melts, mass concesr frated near
the axis or potation spreads out. There fore, monutum of inertia. I increases. As no external
forgue acts
 2 
 L  I  w  I   = constant with increases of I, T will in creases i.e length of the dayy
 T
will increase.
10. Why is it easies to because a bicycle in motion?
Ans:- When bycycle is in motion, it is easy to balance because the principle of conservation of angular
momentum is involved.


1. Distinguish between center of mass and center of grawity?
Ans:- Center of mass Center of gravity
1. Point at which entire mass of the 1. Fixed point through which the
body is supposed to be concentrated weight of the body act.
and the motion of the point
represents motion of the body
2. It refers mass of to body. 2. It refers to the weight acting on all
particles of the body.
3. In a uniform grawitational field 3. In a non-unform gravitational field,
center of mass and gravity center of gravity and CM do not
conincide. coincide.
4. CM of the body is defined to 4. Center of gravity of body is defined
dercibe the nature of motion of` to know the amount of stabillity of
a body as a whole. stabillity of the body when supported.

2. Show that a system of particle moving under the influence of an extenal force,
moves as if the force is applied at its center of mass?
Ans:- Let us consider position vector's x1 , x 2 ,      x n are and massos m1 , m 2 ,      m n par-
ticles system.
According to defination of center of mass
  
 m x  m x         m x
X 1 1 2 2 n n

m1  m 2         m n

Consider m1  m 2           mn  M
  
 m x  m x         m x
X 1 1 2 2 n n

   
MX  m1 x1  m2 x 2         mn x n
Differentating on both sides above eq'n.
dx dx mx 2 dx n
M  m, 1  m 2         mn
dt dt dt dt
   
M v  m1 v1  m 2 v2          mnvn
Differentating on both saids above eq'n.
dv dv dv dv
M.  m1 1  m 2 2        mn n
dt dt dt dt
But m1a1  F1 , m 2a 2  F2       mna n  Fn and
Ma = F than
F  F1  F2         Fn
Where Fext represents the sum of all external forces acting on the particles of the system. This
eq'n states that the C.M. of a system of particles moves as if all the mass of the system was
concentrated at the center of mass and all extenal forces were applied at that point.
3. Explain about the center of mass of earth moon system and potation around
the sun.
Ans:- The earth moon system rotates about the common center of mass. The mass of the earth is about
81 times that of the moon. Hence the center of mass of the earth moon system is relatively close
to the earth. The gravitational attraction of the sun is an extegnal force that acts on the earth
moon system. The center of mass of the earth-moon system moves in an elliptical path arround
the sun.
4. Define vector product. Explain the properties of a vector product with two
  
Ans:- Vector product : The cross product of two vectors is given by C  A  B the magnitude of
vector detined from cross product of two vectors is equal to product of magnitudes of the
vectors and sine of angle between the vectors.
a  b  absin . nˆ where n̂ is a unit vector a long a  b
Propertics :
i) Cross product of vectors do not obey commutative law.
A  B  B  A and A  B  B  A
ii) Cross product obey distributive law.

 
A  B  C  A  B  B  A

iii) The cross product of two parallel vectors is a null vector. If   00 , then A  B  0
iv) The area of the triangle formed by A and B as adjacet sides is |AB|
Examples :
1) Torque is cross product of position vector and force i.e.   r  F
2) Angular momutum is cross product of position vector and momentum.
  
5. Define angular velocity (u) Derive = V = rw.
Ans:- Angular velocity : The rate of change of angular displacement of a body is called angular
velocity  

Equation : Consider a rigid body be moving with uniform speed (v) along the circumberence of
a circle of radius r. Let the body be displaced from A to B in a small interval of time t making
an angle  at the center. Let the linear displacement be x from A to B..
From the proputy length of are = radius x angle.
x  rx  B
This equation is divided by t , and taking
Limit t   on both sides. 
x  A
 Lt  r Lt      (1)
t 0 t t 0 t

x 
But Lt  v        (2) and Lt  w        (3)
t0 t t 0 t

eq'n (2) & (3) in (1) weget r  v. w


6. Define angular acceleration and torque. Establish the relation between angu-
lar acceleration and torque?
Ans:- Angular acceleation : The rate of change of angular velocity is called angular accelexation
i.e  
Torque : The rate of change of angular momentum is called torque or the moment of force is
called torque.
Relation between angular acceleration and Torque :
Consider a rigid of mass "M"
rotating in a eircular path of radius "R" 
with angular velocity about fixed axis.
dL d v
By defination,    (Iw)
dt dt R
Where I  MR 2 = Momentum of inertia of a body..
dw  dw 
I   
dt dt 


7. Write the equations of motion for a particuler rotating about a fixed axis?
Ans:- Equations of motion for a particle rotating about a fixed axis:
1) f  i   t  like v  u  at 
   f    v v  
 i  like v   2  t 
1 2
2)  2   

1 2  1 2
3)   i t 
t  like S  ut  2 at 

4)  f2   i2  2    like  2  u 2  2as 

8. Derive expressions for the final velocity and total energy of a body rolling
with out slopping?
Ans:- Expression of velocity of abody Rolling down an inclined place : Consider a rigid body
of mass M and radius R rolling down an linclined place from a height h. Let v the linear speed
acquired by the body when it realhes the bottom of the place and K is its radius of gyration.
According to law of conservation of energy we have P.E of body on top , f inelined plane..
1 1
P.E. at the top = K.E of transiation + K.E. of rotation Mgh = mv 2  Iw 2
2 2

 I  MK 2 
1 1 V
Mgh  mv 2  mk 2 2  V
2 2 R  &  
 R

1  K2 
Mgh  M V 2 1  2 
2  R 

 V
 K2 
1  R 2 

Expression of total energy of a body rolling down or an inclined place : Supposre a body is rolling
on a surface. Its motion can be treated as a combination of the franslation of the center of mass
and rotation about a axis passing through the center of mass. The total K.E can written as.
1 1 1 1
E  ET  ER  M V2  I W 2  M R 2 W 2  M K 2 W 2
2 2 2 2
E M W 2 (R 2  K 2 )
1  K2   V
E M W 2 1  2  qyration w  
2  R   R


1. (a) State and prove parallel axes the orem.
(b) For a the in flat circular disk, the radius of gyration about a diameter as
axis is K. If the disk is cut a long adiameter AB a shown into two equal pieces,
then find the radius of gyration of each pieces about AB.
Ans:- Statement : The moment of inertia of a plane lamina about an axis is equal to the sum of the
moment of ineration about a parallel axis passing through the center of mass and product of its
mass and square of the distance between the two axes
i.e I 0  I G  MR 2
Let I G is the moment of inortia of the plane lamina about the axis Z2 passing through the centree
of mass.
I0 is the moment of inertia of the lamina about an axis Z1 .
Proof : Let aparticle of mass mis situated at P. Moment of inutiw about the axis pass in through
join with line extending from OG.

From the trainagle  POQ

OP 2  OQ 2  PQ 2
OP 2  (OG  GQ) 2  PQ2
OQ  OG  GQ 
OP 2  OG 2  2OG . GQ  G.Q 2  PQ2
OP 2  OG 2  GP 2  2OG . GQ

Multiplying with m on both sides.

 m OP   m OG   M GP   m OG . GQ
2 2 2

But  m OG  M r 2 2

( OG is constant and   M total mass of the body)

 m GP  I ,  m OP  I

I  M r  I  2r  m GQ

 m. G Q  0
( The moment of all the particles about the enter of mass is always zero)
I0  IG  M r 2
(b) For the in circular disk, the radius of gyration about a diamentes AB is K 
The disk is cut in to two halves about AB.
When each Mass M = and each M.I. I=
2 2
Therefore radius of gyration of each pieces is

I' 2  I
K'    K
M' M M
2. State and prove perpendicular axes theorem.
Ans:- Statement : The sum of momentum of inertia of a place lamina about any two perpendiuclar
axes in its plane is equal to its moment of inertia passing through the point of intdr section of the
first two axes.
Proof : Consider a plane lamina revolving about the zaxis. Let "O" be the origin of the axis.
Imagine a particle of mass "m" hying at a distance "r" from point "O" on the plane.
Let : x, y be the coordinates of the point P.
Thus r 2  x 2  y 2
Then the moment of the body about x-axis
Ix   my 2

The moment of inertia of the body about

y - axis
Iy   mx 2

Then the moment of inertia of the body about Z - axis

Iz   mr   m (x
2 2
 y2 )

I2  mx  my
2 2

 I2  I y  I x

I2  Ix  Iy
Hence perpendiuclar axes theorem is proved.
(b) If a then circular ring an a thin flat circular disk of same mass have same
momunt of inertia about their respective diameters as axes. Then find the ra-
tio of their radi.
MRc 2
For a thin circular M.I I r 
MR d2
For a thin flat ciruclar disk M.I, Id 
I r  Id

MR 2r MR d2 R g2 2 1
   2  
2 4 Rd 4 2
Rr 1

Rd 2
3. State and prove the principle of conservation of angular momcutum. Ex-
plain the principle of conservation of angular momuntum with example?
Ans:- Statement : Angular momuntum of a body remains constat when the external torgue is zero.
L = Iw = constant K (or) I1w1  I 2 w 2
If the momentum of Indrtia of a body is lowered, the angular velocity of the body  increases..
Proof : By defination, the rate of change of angular momuntum is called Torque.
If   0  0 ( L=constak)
L1  L 2

I1w1  I2 w 2

Examples : 1) A balet dancer decreases or increases his angular speed of rotation by stretching
the hands or bringing the hands closes to the body.
2) A diver jumps from a diving board with both the legs and hands kept far off from the body.
The diver then brings the hands and legs closes to the body increasing the angular velosity.
The diver makes totation in air. When the diver ncars the wath, legs and hand are stretched so
that momcutum of inertia increases and  deereases..
Problems :
1. Three particles each of mass 100g are placed at the vertices of an equilateral
triangel of side length 10 cm. Find momunt of inertia of the system about an
axis passing through the centroid of the friangle and perpendicular to it's
Ans:- m=100g, =100 x 10-3kg side a = 10cm m1
Moment of inertia = I = 3 mr 2

 10
3 
I  3  100  10 x   102 
 3 

3  101  102  104

3 m3 10cm m2
I  103 kgm 2
2. Two uniform circular disks each of mass 1 kg and radius 20 cm, are kept in
contact about the tangunt passing through the point of contact. Find the monut
of evertia of the tangent passing throught the point of contant.
Ans:- Mass = m = 1kg r= 20 cm
I  I1  I 2  20  102 cm

MR 2 5MR 2
I1   MR 

4 4

5MR 2
I2 

10MR 2 10  1  (20  102 ) 2

I  0.1Kgm 2
4 4
3. Four spheres each diametes 2a and mass "m" are plaved with their lenth on
the four corres of a spuare of the side b. Calculate the momentum of inertia of
the system about any side of the square?
2 2
Ans:- I1  mb , I 2  mb 2 , I3  mb 2 , I 4  mb 2

5 5
Momantum of inertia of the
System I  I1  I 2  I3  I 4

2 2 a a
 mb 2  mb 2  mb 2  mb 2
5 5
4 b
I  mb 2  2mb 2
4. Determine the K.E of a circular disc rotating with a speed of 60 rpm about an
axis passing through a point on its circumference and perpendicular to its
plane. The circular disc has a mass of 5kg and radius 1m.
N 60
Ans:- Hence M = 5kg,R=1m, W  2   2  rad / sec
t 60
 2 rad / sec.
The M.I of disc about paralled axis
Pasing through apoint on its circumberance.

MR 2 3MR 2
I  MR 2 
2 2
1 2 1 3 2 2 3
K.E  Iw   M w   5  12  (2) 2
2 2 2 4
  5  4  (3.14) 2
K.E = 148.16 J
5. The momentumot incrtia of a fly wheel making 300 revolutions per minute is
0.3 kg m+2. Find the torque required to bring it to rest in 20sec.
N 300 revontions
Ans:- Here I = 0.3kgm2 
t 1 min tues
2N 2  300
i    10  rad / sec
t 60
t = 20 sec, f  0 , ?
 w  wi   0  10 
II  f   0.3 
 t   20 
 0. 3

 0.471 N.m

6. Find the center of mass three particules at the vretices of an equilateral tri-
angle.The masses of the particles are 100, 150 and 200 gr respectively. Each side
of the equilateral triangle is 0.5 long.
Ans:- The coordinate points are O,A,B
and respectively (0,0) (0,5,0)

(0.25, 0.25 3 ), it following masses are 100, 150, 200g

m x  ma x a  m 3 x 3 B (0.25,0.25 3)
X 1 1
m1  m 2  m 3

100(0)  150 (0.5)  200 (0.25) gm
[100  150  200] g C
75  50 125 5 5 1 
 m  m  m 18 , 3 2 
450 450 18 100gr 0  
(0,0) (0.25, 0) A (0.5,0)
(100(0)  150 (0)  20 (0.25 3) gm

50 3 8m 3 1
  m  m
450g 9 3 3
7. Find the scalar and vector product of two vector?
     
a = 3i - 4j + 5k and b = 2i + j - 3k
     
  
Ans:- a.b = 3i - 4 j + 5k 2i + j- 3k   6  4  15
= - 25
  
i j k
  
a  b  3 4 5  7i  j  5k
2 1 3
8. Find the torque of a force about the origin. The force acts on a particle whose
  
position vector is i - j + k .
     
Ans:- Here r  i  j  k, F  7 i  3 j  5 k
  
i j k
  
  r  F  1 1 1  (5  3)i  ( 5  7) j  (3  (7))k
7 3 5
  
  2i  12 j  10k

1. Give two examples of periodic motion are not oscillatony?
Ans:- (i) The motion of planet around the sun (ii) Revolution of electrons around the nuelus.
2. The displacement in S.H.M is given by y = asin (20t+4) what is the displace-

ment when it is increased by ?
Ans:- Y = asin (20t + 4)

T is increased, the displacement of the particle remains the same..
3. A girl is swinging seated in a jwing. What is the effect on the frequency of
osciflation if she stands?

1 g 1
Ans:- Frequency n  
2  
A girl swinging in standing position location of center of masses shifts upwards l decreases,
frequency of oscillation increases.
4. The bob of a simple pendulum is a hollow sphere filled with water, how will
the period of oscillation change, if the water begins to drainout of the hollow
Ans:- The time period will increase at first, the decreases until the sphere is empty, finally the period
will be the same as when the sphere was full of water.
5. The bob of a simple pendulum is made of wood.What will be the effect on the
time period if the wooden bob is replaced by an identical bob of aluminum?
Ans:- Time period T  2 Time period is independent of mass of the bob. Hence wooden bob is
replaced by an idential aluminium bob, time period remains constant.
6. Will a pendulum clock gain or lose time when taken to the top of mountain?
Ans:- At higher altituding i.e. on mountain the acceleration due to grevity is less compaired to the
ground. the time period increases. The pendulum clock loses time on mountain.

7. A pendulum clock gives correct time at the equation will it gain or lose time
if it is taken to the poles? If so why?

Ans:- Time period  T  2 , g value at poles greater than at equator, if it is taken to the poles g
value increases time period decreases. So pendular clock gain time.
8. What fraction of the total energy is K.E. when the displacement is one half of a
almplitude of a particle executing SHM?
Ans:- Total enegy K.E  mw 2 x 2

A 1   A2 
y  K.E  mw 2 (x 2  y 2 )  mw 2  A 2 
2 2 2  4 

3 1
K.E   mw 2 A 2
4 2
3 K.E. 3
K.E  E  
4 E 4
9. What happens to the energy of a simple haumonic oscillator if its amplitude
is doubled.
Ans:- Total energy E  mw 2 A 2
given amplitude A is doubled.
1 1
E'  mw 2 (2A)   mw 2 4A 2
2 2
4  mw 2A 2
 Energy becomes four times E '  4  E
10. Can a simple pendulum be used in an arificial satellite?
Ans:- No, It does not oscillate. This is be cause there exists a state weight lessness in a satellite.


1. Define simple harmonic motion. Give two examples?
Ans:- Simple Harmonic motion : "A body is said to be in simple harmonic motion, if it moves to
and froalong a straight line, about its mean position such that at any point its acceteation is
proportional to its displacement but opposite in direction and is directed always to wards the
mean position".
a  y
Examples : 1) Motion of a simple pendulum.
2) Motion of mass attached to a spring
3) Motion of atoms in solids.
4) Cork floating on water.
2. Present graphically the variation of displacement, velocity and acceleration
with time for a particle in SHM?

Ans:- Displacement, velocity phase difference and acceleration, displacement phase difference is

3. What is phase? Discess the phase relations between displacement, velocity and
acceleration in simple hormonic motion?
Ans:- Phase : The phase of a particle executing S.H.M. at any instant is defined as its state (or) condi-
tion regarols to its position and direction.
i) Displacement : x  A cos (wt  ), (wt  ) is called phase and is epoch.
ii) Velocity : V   Aw sin (wt  ), Here also (wt  ) is phase angle..
iii) accelerations : a   Aw 2 cos (wt  ) Here also (wt  ) is phase angle.
4. Obtain an equation for the frequncy of osillation of spring of force. Constant K
to which a mass m is attaned?
Ans:- Let us consider a spring suspended vertically from a rigid support and loaded with a mass if it is
now pulled down and released, it executes vertically oscillations about mean opposition.
Restoring force is directly propotional to the displacement, but oppositely directed
F   y  F   K y      (1)
from Newton's IInd laws to
F  ma     (2)
(1) = (2)
Ma = -k
a            (2)
 M y

We can write a   y
i.e Acceleration is directly proportional to
displacement lout oppositely directed.
 a  w 2 y      (3)
Comparing above eq'n (2) & (3)
w2  w
2 M
But T   T  2
w K
1 K
Frequency of oslillation n 
2 M
5. Derive expressions for the kinetic energy and potentioal energy of a simple
harmonic oscillator?
Ans:- K.E. of S.H Oscillator : The velocity of a particle in S.H.M is given by V  W A 2  y 2

1 1
K.E  mv 2  m w 2 (A 2  y 2 )
2 2
when y  0  K.E max  mw 2 A 2 (Mean position)
when y  A  K.E min  (Extreme position)
P.E of simple harmonic oscillator : When the displacement of a particle executing S.H.M.
in creases the restoring force also increases. The restoring force is in the opposit direction to
the displacement. Therefore work is done in moving through the displacement aganist restor-
ing force. If F is the restoring force at the disphlacement y.
The average force against which work is done  
2 2
Work done on the particle for the displacement = average force x displacement
w  y
w      (1) ( F  ma)
But acceleration of a particle in S.H.M. is given by
a  w 2 y  (2)
using (1) & (2) eq'n weget
The work done (w) = mw 2 y 2
The work done  P.E  mw 2 y 2      (3)
if y  0, P.E min  0 (Mean position)
y  A, P.E max  mw 2 A 2 (extreme position)
6. How does the energy of a simple pendulum very as its moves from one ex-
treme position to the other during its oscillations?
Ans:- The total energy ossociated with a particle execting S.H.M at any point is the sum of potential
energy and K.E. at that point.
Total energy = K.E + P.E
P.E  mw 2 y 2 
1  Position
K.E  mw 2 (A 2  y 2 )
1 1
 T.E  mw 2 (A 2  y 2 )  mw 2 y 2
2 2
T.E  mw 2 A 2
At mean position y = 0, P.E = 0
1 1 1
and K.E max  mw 2 A 2 , T.E  0  mw 2 A 2  mwA 2
2 2 2
At extreme position y  A, K.E  0, P.E max  mw 2 A 2
From mean position to extreme position K.E. is to be converted in to P.E.
7. Derive the expression for displaement velocity and acceleration of a partice
excutes S.H.M?
Ans:- Consider aparticle pmoves on the circumference of a circule of radius A with uni-
form angular velocits w. Let PN be the perpendicular drawn to the diametles yy' to
and from about the center 0.
Let POX  , OP  A, ON  Y  -------


ON y A
From  ONP, sin wt  X1 

ON = OP sin wt
y  A sin wt  (1) Y1
Velocity : The rate of change of displacement is k now as velocity.
dy d
v  (A sin wt)  Aw cos wt  Aw 1  sin 2 wt
dt dt
 y  Y
 V  Aw 1   
 A  sin wt  A 

v  w A 2  y2  (2)
acceleration : The rate of change of velocity is know as acceleration.
dv d
a  (A cos wt)
dt dt
  Aw 2 sin wt  y  A sin wt 
a  w2y     (3)


1. Define S.H.M show that the motion of (point) projection of a particle per-
forming uniform circular motion, on any diamenter, is simple harmonic?
Ans:- Simple Harmonic motion : A body is said to being simple harmonic motion, if ti moves to and
froalong a strignt line, about its mean position such that, at any point its acceleration is propor-
tional to its displacement but opposite in direction and directed always towards the mean posi-
Show that the projection of uniform circular motion on any diameter is simple
harmonic : - consider a particle p moving on the circum ference of a circle of radius
A with uniform angular velocity w. Let O be the center of the circle xx' and yy' are
two mutually perpendacular diameters of the circle as shown in figure let PN be
drawn perpendicular to the diameter yy' from P. As P moves on the circum ference of
the circle. N moves on the diameter yy' to and fro about the center O. Let us
consider the position of N at any time t, after leaving the point "O" during its mo-
tion. The corresponding angular displacement of the particle p is L x OP =  =wt
From ONP  sin t 
ON = OP sin t (ON  y OP  A)
y  A sin t     (1)
Differentiating eq'n (1) w.r.t "t" we get
dy d
Nelocity v   (A sin t)
dt dt

v  A cos t  A 1  sin 2 t      (2)

y2  y  -------
 A 1  2 sin t   

A A y A
1 

v  A y 2
    (3) O

Again Differentiating eq'n (2) w.r. + 't' we get acceleration

dv d X1
a  (A cos t)
dt dt
  A 2 sin t  y  A sin t 
a   2y      (4)
a  y      (5)
2. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic and hence
derive an equation for its time period. what is seconds pendulum?
Ans:- Simple pendulum : A heavy metal point mass suspended by a light inextensible string is called
an ideal simple pendulum.
Consider a simple pendulum with a metal bob of mas "m" Let "s" be the point of suspension and
"i" be the length of the pendulum. Let the bob be given a small angular displacement "  " and
released. Let "A" be than mean position and "B" bethe extreme position. Let AB = X = Dis-
placement from the mean position.
 x
AB  X    (or)          (1)
 
At point "B" the force acting on the bob are
i) The weight of the bob 'mg' vertically down wards, this can be resolved into two rectiongular
componeuts mg cos  and mg sin  as shown in figure.
ii) The tension in the string 'T' the tension T in the string balanues the components mgcos  .
Restoring force on the bob F = - mgsin 
 mg sin 
Acceleration a =   g sin 
When  is very small.
sin     a   g         (2)
From (1) and (2) eq'n to we get  T
usier S.H.M. a   2 .y      (4) 
From above eq'n (3) and (4) we, get B P
1 Q
The work done  w  m y
2 2

2 mg sin  mg cos 
This work done is stored in the O mg

 x
a  g      (3)
 
-ve siqn indicates ' a H ' and '  ' are in opposite directions.

displacement x
Time period : T  2  2
acceleration a

T  2

Second's Pendulum : A simple pendulum whose time period is 2see is called as a second's
T  2 sec

3. Derive the eq'n for the K.E and P.E of simple harmonic oscillator and show
that total energy of a particle in simple harmonic motion is constant at any
point on its path?
Ans:- Expression for K.E. : The velocity of a particle in S.H.M is given by v   A 2  y 2

1 1 
K.E  mv 2  m 2 (A 2  y 2 )      (1)
2 2
we know that y = A sin t
K.E 

m  2 A 2 1  sin 2 t      (2) K.E  0
KE  0
P.E max
P.E  max
1 Meanposition
when y = 0, K.E max  m  2 A 2 (Mean position)
K.E max
when y = A, K.E min  0 (extreme position) P.E  0
Expression for P.E : When the displcement of a particle executing simple harmonic oscillation
increases. The restoring force is in the oposite direcion to the displacement there fore work is
done in moving though the displacement against restoring force if F is restoring force at the
displacement y.
The average force aganist which work is done  
2 2
work done displacement = y = average force x displacement
 y
ma y
    (3)
from P.E= m y      (5)
2 2

P.E  m 2 A 2 sin 2 t       (6) (y  A sin t)
if y = 0, P.E min  0 (Mean position)
yA P.E max  m 2 A 2 (extreme position)
Total energy : Total energy = K.E. P.E.
K.E  m  2 (A 2  y 2 )
P.E  m  2 y 2
1 1
T.E  m  2 (A 2  y 2 )  m w 2 y 2 E E
2 2
1 P.E
 m  2A 2 K.E
At mean position y = 0, P.E = 0
K.E max  m  2A 2
2 A 0 A
T.E  K.E  P.E
1 1
T.E  m  2 A 2  0  m 2 A 2
2 2
At extreme position y = A, K.E = 0 and P.E max  m 2 A2
 T.E  K.E  P.E
1 1
T.E  0  m  2A 2  m  2 A 2
2 2
From mean position to extreme position K.E is to be converted into P.E.
Problems :
1. A particle executes SHM such that the maximum velocity during the oscilla-
tion is numerically equal to half the maximum acceleration what is the time
Ans:- Vmax  a max
A  A  2
 2
2 2
T    sec
 2

2. A body descibes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 5 cm and a

period of 0.2 sec find the acceleration and velocity of the body when the dis-
placement si (a) 5 cm (b) cm (c) 0 cm.
Ans:- A = 5cm  5  102 m T  0.2sec
2 2 2 
i) y  5cm  5  10 m w    10
T 0.2
Acceleration a   2 y   (10 ) 2  5  102

a   5 2 m / s 2

Velocity V   A 2  y 2  10 (5  10 2 )  (5  102 ) 2

ii) y  3cm  3  102 m

Acceleration a   2 y  (10) 2  3  102  3 2 m / sec

velocity v   A 2  y 2  10 (5  102 ) 2  (3  10 2 ) 2

 10 25  9  10 2
V  0.4 m / sec
iii) y  0 cm a   2 y   (10 ) 2  0  0

Velocity(V)   A 2  y 2

 10  (5  102 )2  0
 0.5  m / sec

3. A simple harmonic oscillator has a time period of 2s.What will be the c change
in the phase 0.25 sec offer leaving the mean position?
Ans:- T = 2 sec t=0.25 sec

 2 
sin t  sin   t
 T

2 2
  t  t   0.25
T 2

4. On an average a human hearts is found to beats 75 times in a minute. Calculate
its frequency and period?
Ans:- The beat frequency of heart = 75/1 (min)
 sec
= 1.25 /sec
= 1.25 Hz
The time period T = / sec
T = 0.8sec
5. What it the length of a simple pendulum which ticks seconds?
Ans:- T = 2
squaring on both sides.
gT 2
4 2
The time period of a simple pendular which ticks seconds is 2 sec
g  9.8m / s 2 T  2sec
9.8  4
L  1m
4  (3.14) 2

IX 


2. State the vector form of Newton's law of gravitation?
Gm1m 2
Ans:- Vector form of Newton's law of gravition F  rˆ
Where r̂ is unit vector
3. In the gravitational force of earth on the moon is F, what is the gravitational
force of moon on earth? Do these force form an action reaction pair?
Ans:- Yes, they form action and reaction pair.

5. As we go from one plant to another, how will (a) the mass and theweight of a
body change?
Ans:- (a) The mass remains constant
(b) The weight (co=my) changes from one planet to another planet.
6. Keeping the length of a simple pendulum constant will the time period be the
same on all plants? support your answer with reason?
Ans:- No, Time period depends on acceleration clue to gravity (g) T  2
g values varics from plant to planet. So time period changes..
9. "Hydrogen is in abundance around the sun but not around earth" Explain?
Ans:- The r.m.s velocity of hydrogen molecules at ordinary temperture is around 2 Km S-1, ve on the sun
620 Km S-1 is greter than ve on the earth 11.2 KmS-1. The gravitational attraction of the sun is
more than the earth. Hence hydrogen is in abundance around. The sun and less around the earth.
10. What is the time period of revolution of a geostationary satellitc? Does it rotatc
from west to east or from east to west?
Ans:- Time period of revolution of geostationary satellite is 24 Hrs it rotate from west to east.
11. What are polar satellites?
Ans:- A satellitos that revolves in a polar orbit is called a polar satellites. A polar orbit passes over
north and sowth poles of the earth and has a smaller radius 500-800km.
4. What is the orbitel velocity? Obtain an expression for it?
Ans:- Orbital velocity (V0) : The horizontal velocity required for and object to remove around
aplent in a circullar orbit is called orbital velocity.
Esepression for orbital velocity : Consider a body of mass (satellite) m, revolues round the
earth in a circular orbit. Let h be the height of the stwtellite from the surfuce of the earth. Then
(R+h) is the radius of the orbit.
The gravitational force of attration of the earth on the body is given by
F     (1)
(R  h) 2

The centripetal force on the body is given by F     (2)
(R  h)
In order to make the body revolse in the same orbit, its centripetal force must be equal to the
gravitaional forces.
From eq (1) & (2) F     (2)
(R  h)
V02 
(R  h) F
(R  h)

V0 
(R  h)
 (R  h)  R if R  h 
(R  h) 2

v0 
gR 2  GM

gR 2
 v0 

v0  gR

5. What is the escape velocity? obtain an expression for it?

Ans:- Escape velocity : It is the minimum velocity with which a body should be projected, so that it
moves into the space by over coming the earth's gravitational field.
Expression for escape velocity :-
Consider about of mass m thrown with a velocity v e then K.E  mve 2       (1)
Gravitational P.E = work done on the body
P.E  F  R  R
P.E       (3)
A body just eqcapes when its K.E = P.E
1 GMm
mve 2 
2 R

ve 
but gR 2  GM

2gR 2
 ve 

ve  2gR

ve  2  gR

ve  2  v0

6. What is a geo stationary satellite? State its uses?

Ans:- Gro-stationary satellitc : If the period of revolution of an artficial satellite is equal to the period
of rotation of earth, then such a satellite is called geo stationary satellite.
Time period of geo stationary satellite is 24 hrs.
uses :
1) Study the upper lagee of atmosphere
2) Force cast chnages in atphere.
3) know the shape and size of the earth.
4) identify the minerals and natural resources present inside and on the surface of the earth.
5) Transmit the T.V. programmes to distant objects.
6) Under take space research to know about the planets, satellites, comets etc.
8. If a nutbecoues loose and gets detached from a satellite revolving around the
earth, will it foll down to earth or will it revolve earth? Give reasons for your
Ans:- When a nut is detached from a satellite revolving around the earth. The nut is also moving with
the speed of the satellite. As the orbit of a satellite does not depend upon its mass. Hence unt is
moving in same orbit under centripetal forces.
10. An object projected with a velocity greater then or equal to 112 Km/sec will
not return to earth. Explain to reason?
Ans:- The easeape velocity on the surface of the erath (ve ) = 11.2 km/sec. Any object projected with
the velocity greater than (or) equal to 11.2 km/sec. It will not come back. Because it has overcom
the earth's gravitational pull.
So an object have back to earth.


1. Define gravitation potertial energy and derive an expression for it associated
with two particles of masses m1 and m 2 ?
Ans:- Gravitational porential energy : Gravitational potential energy of a body at a point in a gravita-
tional field of another body is defind as the amount of work done in brining the given body from
infinity to that point with out acceleration.
Equation : Consider a gravitational fielddue to earth of mass, radius R. The mass of the earth can
be supposed to be con centrated at its center 0. Let us calculate the gravitational potential energy
of the body of mass m placed at point p in the gravitation fiedl. Where OP = and r > R,
Let OA = x and AB = dx
The gravitational force on the body at A will be
GMm --------------
F      (1) O
X2 P B A
small amount of work done in r dx
bringing the body wihtout acceleration X
through a small distance dx is given by dw = F x d x
dw   dx      (2)
Total workdone in bringing the body from inifinity to point p is given by
r r2
w  dx  GMm x

x2 

 1
  GMm  
 x

 GMm  1 
    0 
w      (3)
This is workdone is stored in the body as its gravitatonal potential energy
 GMm
(U)       (4)

 Gravitational potential energy associated with two particles of masses m1 and m 2 separtated
by a distance ris given by
 G m1m 2
P.E  U 

Problems :
1. Two spherical balls each of mass 1kg are placed 1 km a part. Find the gravita-
tional force of ahraction between then?
Ans:- m1  m 2  1kg d  1cm  1 102 m

Gm1m 2 6.67 1011  1  1

F 2
 2  6.67  107 N
d 10 
 2

2. The mass of a ball is four times the mass of another ball. When these ball are
separted by adistance of 10 c.m.the force of gravitation between then is 6.67 x
10-7 N. Find the masses of the two balls.
Ans:- m1  m 2  4m , d  10m  10  102 m F  6.67  107 N

G m1m 2 7 6.67  1011  m  4m

F  6.67  10 
d2 [10  102 ]2

4m 2  102
m2   25
m1  m  5kg
m 2  4  5  4  5  20kg
3. At a certain height above the earths surface, the acceleration due to gravity is
4% of its value at the surface of earth determine the height.
Ans:- g n  4%, g  g, R  6400km
g 4g g  h 100
gh    2  1     25
 h
100  h  R 4
1   1  
1 5
 h  4R
 h  4R  4  6400  25, 600 km
4. A satellitc orbits the carth ata height equal to the radius of earth. Find its i)
orbital speed and (ii) period of revolution?
Ans:- h  R

GM GM GM 6.67  1011  6  10 24
i) v0    
(R  h) (R  R) 2R 2  6400  103

 0.3216  108
 0.5592m / sec
v0  5.592km / sec
2 (R  h) 2 (2R)
ii) Time period T  
v0 v0

4  3.14  2  6400  103

 14374.8  1.44  104 sec
T=4 Hrs.
5. A satellite is revolving round in a circular orbit with a speed of 8km/sec
at a height where the value of acceleration due to qraity is 8 m/sec2. How
high is the satellite from the earth surface? (R=6000km)
Ans:- v 0  8km / sec  8000m / s, g h  8m / s 2 , R  6000  103 m

 v0   g(R  h)

v02  g(R  h)  (8000)2  8(6000  103  h)

8  106  6  106  h
h  (8  6)  106
h  2000km



1. State Hooke's law of elasticity?
Ans:- With in the elastic limit stress directly proportional to the strain.
Stress  strain

Stress = k. strain  K
Where K is modulus of elasticity.
2. State the units and dimensions of stress.
Force F
Ans:- i) Stress  
Area A
S.I units  N / m  (or) pascal
ii) Dimensional formula
MLT 2
stress   [ML1T 2 ]
3. State the units and dimensions of modulus of elasticity?
Ans:- Modulus of elasticity (k) 
units  N / m  (or) pascal
Dimensional for mula  [ML1T 2 ]
units  N / m  (or) pascal
4. State the units and dimensions of young's modalus.
Longitudinal stress F / A
Ans:- Young's modulus (y)  
Longitudinal strain e / L
units  N / m  (or) pascal
Dimensional formula  [ML1T 2 ]
6. State the units and dimensions of bulk modulus.
Bulk stress  pv
Ans:- Bulk modulus (B)  
Bulk strain v
units  N / m  (or) pascal
Dimensional formula  [ML1T 2 ]
7. State the exampels of nearly perfect and plastic bodies.
Ans:- Nearly perfect elastic bodies are quartz fibre.
Nearly perfect plastic bodies are dough and clay.


1. Define Hooke's law of elasticity, proportionality, permanent set and breaking
Ans:- Hookes law : "With in the elastic limit stress is directly proportional to the strain
stress  strain
stress = k. strain
where k is modulus of elasticity.
Proportionality limit : The maximum stress developed in a body till it obeys Hookes law is
called proportionality limit.
Permanent set : Permanent deformation produced when a body is stretched behond its elastic
Breaking stress : The maximum stress a body can bear before it breaks.

4. Define stress and explain the types of stress.

Ans:- Stress : The restoring force per unit area is called stress.
Restoring force F
Stress  
Area A
Stress is classified into three types. (1) Longitudinal stress
(2) Volume (or) Bulk stress (3) Tangential (or) Shearing stress
(1) Longitudinal stress (or) Linear stress : When a normal stress changes the length of a body
then it is called Longitudinal stress.
Longitudinal stress 
(2) Volume (or) Bulk stress : When a normal stress changes the volume of a body, then
it is called volume stress.
Volume stress   Pr essure
(3) Tangentid (or) shearing stress : When the stress is tangentid to the surface due to the
application of forces parallel to the surface, then the stress is called tangential stress.
Tangential stress = F/A
5. Define strain and exelain the types of strain.
Ans:- Strain : It is the ratio of chnage in dimension to its original dimension.

Changes in dim ension

Strain =
original dim ension
strain is of three types. C
1. Longitudind strain : It is the ratio of change in
length to its original length. A
Changes in length e
Longitudind strain =  
origind length L

2. Shearing strain (or) Tangential strain : When
simultaneous compression and extension in motually
perpendicular direction takes place in a body, the
change of shape it under goes is called shearing strain. O  Strain
Shearing strain ()   L .
3. Bulk (or) volume strain : It is the ratio of chnage
in volume to its original volume is called bulk strain. It is called Bulk (or) volume strain.
Change in volume v
Bulk strain = 
original volume v
7. Explain why steel is perperred to copper, brass, aluminium in heavy-dotes
machines and in structural designs.
Ans:- The elastic behavior of materials plays an important role in everyday life. Designing of bulidings,
the structural design of the columns, beams and supports require knowledge of strength of ma-
terial used.
The elasticity of the meterial is due to stress developed with in the body, when external force
acts on it. A material is of more elastic nature if it develops more stress (or) restoring force
steel develops more stess than copeer, brass, Aluminium for same strain. So steal is more elastic.
8. Describe the behaviour of a wire under gradilly increasing load.
Ans:- When the load is increased in steps, a graph is drawn between stress on y-axis and corresponding
strain on x-axis.
(1) Proportionality limit : In the linear losition OA, stress is proportional to strain i.e. Hookes
law is obeyed by the wire up to point A.
The graph is a straight line. When ever the regains its original length.
A is called proportionality limit.
(2) Elastic limit : In the graph B is the elastic limit. Through the wire does not obey Hooke's law at
B. The wire regains its original length after removing the stretching force at B. up to point B the
wire is under elastic behaviour.
(3) Permanent set (or) yield point : In the graph C is the yield point. If the stretching force at
C is removed, the wire does not regain its original length and the length of the wire changes
permanently. In this position the wire flows like a viscous lieuid. After the point C, the wire is
under plastic behaviour. C is called permanent set (or) yield point.
(4) Breaking point : When the stress increased, the wire becomes thinner and thinner and thinner
when the stress in creases to a certain limit the wire breaks.The stress at which the wire breaks
is called breaking stress and the point D is called breaking point.
(5) Elastic fatigere : The state of temperary loss of elastic nature of a body due to continuous strain
is called elastic fatigue. When a body is subjected to continuous strain with in the elastic limit, it
appears to have lost elastic property temporarily to some extent and becomes weak.

Problems :
1. A copper wire of 1mm diameter is stretched by applying a force of 10N. Find
the stress in the wire.
Ans:- D = 1mm  103 , r = D/2 = 0.5  103 m
F = 10N
stress   2
A r
 3 2
 1.273  107 N / m 2
3.14  (0.5  10 )
2. A tungsten wire of length 20 cmis stretched by 0.1cm. Find the strain on the
Ans:- L  20  102 m, L  0.1  102 m

L 0.1  102
strain    0.005
L 20  102
3. If an iron wire is stretched by 1%, What is the strain on the wire?
Ans:- Strain   1%
  0.01

4. Determine the pressure required to reduce the given volume of water by 2%.
Bulk modulus of water is 2.2 × 109 Nm -2 .
v 2
Ans:-  2% 
v 100
B  2.2  109 N / m 2
 Pv
P  B 
 2.2  109 
P  4.4  107 N / m 2



1. Define average pressure, mention it's units and dimensional formula?
Ans:- Average presesure is defined as the normal force acting per unit area.
F Force
Pave  
A Unit Area
Units : 2 (or) pascals
Dimensgional formula : ML1 T 2
2. Define viscosity. What are units and dimiension formula?
Ans:- The property of a liquid which opposes the relative motion between its two layers is
called viscosity.
N S
Units : (or) pascals - sec.
Dimensgional formula : ML1 T 1
3. Why are water drops and bubbles in spherical shape?
Ans:- Due to surface tension. The surface tension of a liquid tends to have minimum
surface area. The spherical shape occupies minimum surface area while compasing
other shapes. So rain drops are always spherical shape.
4. Which instruments are used by the principle of venturi meter?
Ans:- Carburetor of automobile, Aspirators, Bunsenburner, Automisers, Filterpamps, Spray-
ers are used on this venturi meter prineiples.
5. What is angle of contact?
Ans:- The angle between tangent to the liquid surface at the point of contact and solid
surface inside the liquid is termed as angle of contact (  ).
6. What is magnus effect?
Ans:- The difference in the velocities of air results in the pressure difference between the
lower and upper faces. and there is a net upward force on the ball. This dynamic lift
due to spinning is called "magnus effect".
7. Give the expression for the excess pressure in a liquid drop?
Ans:- Excess pressure in a liquid drop Pi  Po  2s
Here S = Surface tension
r = Radices of the liquid drop.

8. Give the expression for the excess pressure in an air busble inside the liquid?
Ans:- Excess pressure in an air bubble inside the
liquid Pi  Po 
Here S = Surface tension
r = Radices of the liquid drop.
9. Give the expression for excess pressure of the soap bubble in air?
Ans:- Soap bubble have two interfaces, hence excem pressuse in side a soap bubble is
Pi  P0 
Where S = Surfacetension
r = radius of the soap bubble.
10. What is Reynolds number?
Ans:- Reynold number is a pure number which determines the nature of fluid flow. 'R' is
the Reynold number.
Re < 1000 to stream line flow
Re > 2000 to turbulent flow
1000<Re<2000 to unsteady flow


1. What is atmospheric pressure and how it is determined using Barometer?
Ans:- Atmospheric pressure : Atmospheric pressure
at any point is equal to the weight of a column of
air of the top of the earth's atmosphere.
1 atm  1.013  105 pa
Determination of atm pressure using Barometer
: A long glass tube closed at one end and failled
with mercury is inverted in to a trough of
merucry. This device is known as mercury ba-
The space above the mercury column in the tube
contains only mercury vapour whose pressure 'p'
is so small, that it may be neglected. The pres-
sure inside the column at 'A' must equal the pres-
sure at 'B' Merusry Barometers
 Pressure at 'B' = Atmospheric pressure = Pa
Pa = pgh = pressure at 'A'
Where 'p' is density of mercury and 'h' is the height of the mercury colmn in the tube. In the
experiment it is found that the mercury colmn is the barometer has a height of about 76 cm at
the sea level equivalent to one atmosphere.
2. State pascal's law and verify it with the help of an experiment?
Ans:- Pascal law : It states that if gravity effect is neglected. The pressure at every point equilibrium
of rest is same.
Proof :
- Image a circular cylinder of uniform cross sectional area 'A'. Such that points 'C' and 'D' lies on
flat faces of the cylinder.
- The liquid inside the cylinder in equilibrium under the action of force exerted by the liquid out
side the cylinder.
- Thus the forces on the flat faces of the cylinder at 'C' and 'D' will be perpendicular to the forces
on the curved surface of the cylinder.
- Since liquid is in equilibrium. The sum of the forces acting on the cerved surface of the cylinder
must be zero.
- If P1 and P2 are the pressures at point 'C' and 'D' respectivly F1 and F2 are the forces acting on
the flat surface of the cylinder due to liquid, then F1  P1A
F2  P2 A
liquid is in equilibrium, therefore F1  F2

P1A  P2 A  P1  P2

3. What is venturi - meter? Explain how it is used?

Ans:- Venturi meter : The venturi - meter is a device to measure the flow speed of incompressible
- It consists of a tube with a broad diameter and
small constrution at the middle.
- A mano meter in the form of a U-tube is also
attached to it, with one of arm at the broad neck
point of the tube and the other construetion as
shown in figure.
- The manomenter contains a liquid of denstity

- The pressure difference causes the fluid in the U-tube connected at the narrow neck to rise in
comparision to the other arm.
- Filter pumps, sprayers used for perfumes, carburetor of automobile has used on this principle.
4. Explain surface Tension and surface Energy?
Ans:- The force acting per unit length of an imaginary line drawn on the surface of liquid, normal to it
and pasallel to the surface is called surface teusion.
T units : N/m D.F : ML0 T 2
Surface energy (E) : The additional potential energy due to molecular forces per unit surface
area is called surface energy.
S. energy (E) = units : J/m2 D.F : MT 2 L0


1. State Bernoulli's principle from conservation of energy in a fluid flow through
a tube, arrove at bernoalt's equation?
Ans:- Bernoulli's principle :- Bernoulli's principle state that in a stream line flow, the sum of the
pressure, the K.E per unit volume and the P.E per unit volume remains a constant.
- Consider a non-viscous, incompressible fluid is showing the pipe in a steady flow.
- A1 is eross sectonal area at one end of the pipe, and which is h1 height from the ground level.
- A2 is cross sectional area at second end of the pipe and which is h2 hight from the ground level.
where h1 > h2.
- During short time intervel this fluid would have moved v1 is the speed at first end and v2 is the
speed at second end. But density '  ' is same at both ends.
- P1 P2 are the pressures respectively..
According to the equation of continu-
ity the mass of the liquid entering the
tube equal to the mass of the liquid
lowing the tube.

 P1 A1 V1 dt  P2 A 2 V2 dt       (1)
Here mass of the liquid at furst end is
P1 A1 V1 dt
mass of the liquid at second end
is P2 A 2V2 dt
Where f1  f 2 as the fluid is incompressible
from eqn (1) A1 V1  A 2 V2      (2)
The workdone on the fluid in the tube as the fluid entess the tube through first end is P1V1A1 dt,
and the work done by the fleid as it comes out of the tube through second end is P2 V2A 2 dt .
The total workdone on the fluid = P1V1A1 dt  P2V2 A 2 dt     (3)
The total workdone by the gravitational force on the fluid,
as the fluid falls from the heights h1 to h 2
 w g  m(h1  h 2 )g      (4)
The total workdone on the fluid = w p  w g
According to work energy theorem, the workdone on the fluid is equal to the change
in K.E of the fluid.
1 2
P1 A1 V1 dt  P2 A 2 V2 dt  m(h1  h 2 )g 

v 2  v12 m 
      (6)

diving B. sides by m   A1 V1 dt   A 2 V2 dt
P1 1 P 1
 h1g  v12  2  h 2g  v 22
 2  2
P 1
  hg  v 2  cons tan t
 2

The above egn expressed as bernoulis eqns.

Applications :
1. When the forced wind flows on the top of the horese, which are ligted up
due to dyamic lift on the roops.
2. Small peases of paper on the table, which are disferbed due to fan air.
Problems :
1. Diameter of the soap bubble 0.6cm. Find the work done against istplacent of
bubble due to surface tensional force?
Ans:- D  0.6cm  0.6  102 m

D 0.6  102
r   0.3  102 m
2 2
  2.5  102 N / m
w  8 r 2s
 8  3.14  (0.3  102 ) 2  2.5  102
w  5.652  106 J

2. Capillary tube is dippid is water capillary rised 6cm hight, what its radius of
capillares tube? (S.T of water = 7.2 × 10-2 N / m )
Ans:- h  6  102 m,   7.2  102 N / m
Density of water | P |  103 kg / m3

2s 2 1.2  102
r 
hpg 6  102  103  9.8
r  103
r  0.24  103 m  0.24m.m
3. Work done 'w' by the preparation of bubble w.r. to 'R' radius. How much
energy required to its radius double of bubble?
Ans:- R 1  R R 2  2R
Intuial work (w)  8R 2s

Final work (w 1 )  8  R 22  R 12  s

 8  4R 2  R 2  s

 3  8 R 2 s

w1  3w


1. Distanguish between heat and temperature?
Ans:- Heat Temperature
1) Tremsforms the energy due to 1) It is a degree of hotness (or) coldness
different temperatures of the two of a body is called temperature.
systems is called 'heat'.
2) It is measured in jouli's (or) 2) It is measured centigrade (or)
calories fahren hait.
3) It is determined with calorimentr 3) It is measured with thermometer.
2. If substance contract on heating? Give an example?
Ans:- Yes, rubber, typemetal, castiron, such substances age contract on heating.
3. Why gap are left between rails on a railway track?
Ans:- The length of the railway track in creases in summer due to high temperature. Therefore a gap
is left to allow this expansion.
4. What is latent heat of fusion?
Ans:- The amount of heat per unit mass required to change a substance from solid in to liquid at the
same temperature and pressure is called the latent heat of fusion.
5. What is latent heat of vapourisation?
Ans:- The amount of heat per unit mass required to change a substance from the liquid to the vapour
state at the same temparature and pressure is called the latent heat of vaporisation.
6. What is specific gas constant? units and D.F?
Ans:- If is defined as the constant per unit mass.
units : J kg 1 k 1
D.F : L2 T 2 k 1
7. Why cetensils are coated black? Why the bottom of the untensils are made of
Ans:- - Utensils are coated black, because it is a good obsorber of heat.
- Copper is a good conductor of heat, so copper is used at the bottom of cooking utensils.

8. State weins displacement law?

Ans:- The wave length (  m ) corresponding to manimum energy emitted by a black body is inversely
propertional to its absolute temperature (T).
i.e  m 

10. What is green house effect? Explain glocal warming?

Ans:- Green house effect : when the earth recieves sun light. It gets heated up and emits infrared,
CH 4 , N 2O, O3 , chlorofluro carbon (green house gases) present in the air absorbs the heat con-
tent of infrared radiation and keeps the earth warm, This is called green house effect.
Global worming : As CO2 content increases, more heat is retained in the atmosphere and the
temperatures all over the world increases. This is called global warming.

11. Define absorptive power of a body. What is the absorpture power of a perfect
black body?
Ans:- Absorptive power : At given temperature and wave length, the ratio of the amount of radient
energy absorbed to the amount of radiant energy incident in a wave length range is called the
absorptive power at that temperature and wavelength.
 Absorptive power of a perfect black body is 1.


1. Explain celrius and Fahren hit scales of temperatures, obtain the selation be-
tween celain, fahran heit and kelving scales of temperatures?
Ans:- Centingrade scale of temperature : In this scale the lower fixed point is called the ice point
and is assigned the value 00C. The upper fined point is called the steam point and is assigned the
value 1000C. The interval setween these two points ( 1000 C  00 C  1000 C ) is subdevided in
to 100 equal parts each one corsesponding to 10C .
Fahrenheit scale of temperature : In the fahrenheit scale of temp the lower fixed point is the ice
point and is assigned a value 320 F and the upper fixed point is the steem point and is assigned a
value 2120 F . The interval between these two points ( 2120 F  320 F  1800 F ) is subdevided
into 180 equal parts each one cosresponding to 10 F .

2120 F 1000 C
Steam point
Stream point

00 C
320 F
ice point
ice point

C F  32 K  273
Relation :  
100 180 100
C F  32
C & F relation : 
100 180
C F  32

5 9

5 9C
C (F  32) (or) F   32
9 5
2. State Newton's law of cooling.What are the conditions for applicable Newtons
law of cooling?
Ans:- The state of loss of heat is directly propertional to the difference in temperature between the
body and its sursoundings provided the temperature, difference is small.
i.e   (T2  T1 )
  K(T  T0 )
Here K = Proportional constant
T = Temperature of object
T0 = Sursounding temperature.
Applicable conditions :
- Loss of heat is negligible by condution and only when it is due to convection.
- Temperature of the body is uniformly distributed over it.
- Temperature differences are moderate i.e up to 30K.
- Loss of heat occuss in stream lined slow of air i.e. forced convection.

3. In what way is the anomaloces behaviour of water advantageous to acquatic

Ans:- In cold counfries, as atmospheric temperature decreases, the upper layers of the lakes rivers etc
cool, contruct and sink to the bottom. This goes on until the whole of the water reaches the
temperature of 40C. When the top layes cool further temperture falls below 40C if expands and
becomes lighter. If does not sink down wards and remains at the top with further cooling the top
layer gradually from ice at the top. Ice and water are bad conductors of heat.

Expansion of water moves upper Formation of ice at the top

to lower and lower to upper. with water below.
So the lower layer are protected aganist freezing by the layers of ice and cold water at 10 C, 20 C
and 30 C . This results in water remaining at the bottom at 4 0 C . So that aquatic animals survivee
in those alyers of water.


1. State Boyle's law and charless law derive ideal gas equation?
Ans:- Boyless law : The volume of a given mass of gas inversely proportional to its pressure at con-
stant temperature.
i.e V  (at const. temp)
PV  Cons tan t
Charle's law : a) The volume of a given mass of gas is directly propertional to its absolute temp
at constant pressure.
i.e V  T (at const pressure)

 Cons tan t
b) The pressure of a given mass of gas is directly proprbional to it's absolube temperature at
constant volume.
i.e P  T (at const. volume)

 Cons tan t
Ideal gas equation : Consider a given mass of gas having a volume V1 at a pressure P, and
absolate temperature T1 . When the temperature changed to T2 . Let the gas occupes a volume
V2 at a pressure 'P2 ' .
Let this change takes place in two steps.
i) At constant temperature T1 pressure of the gas changes P1 to P2 then volume changes V1 to

P1 V1 P2 V P2 V2
T1 T1 T2

according boyle's law P1V1  P2 V  V       (1)
ii) Let constant pressure P2 , Absolute temperature changes T1 to T2 than volume of the gas
changes V to V2 .
V1 V2 VT
according to charle's law  V 2 1       (2)
T1 T2 T2

Comparing eqn (1) & (2)

P1V1 V2T1

P2 T2

P1V1 P2 V2
 
T1 T2

  Constant (R) ( R ideal gas constant)
PV  RT for 1 mole of gas.

Problems :
1. At what temperature kelvin reading and farin heit readings are eqeal?
Ans:- The relation between kelvin scales and fahrein heit
K  273.15 P  32
scale is 
100 180
But K  F
F  273.15 F  32

100 180
5 160
F  273.15  F 
9 9

5 160
F  F  273.15   273.15  17.77
9 9
 255.38
F (255.38)  574.60 F
2. Length of the alumininum rod rises to 1% then what is the increating tem-
perature requires? (Al = 25 × 10-6 / 0 C )
 2  1
Ans:- Percentage of incresing length   100

  (t 2  t1 )  100      (1)

  2  1 
 t   (t 2  t1 ) 
 1 
Here 1% in eseasing in length
  25  106 / 0 C
From eqn (1)  1 = 25  106 (t 2  t1 )  100

1 104
t 2  t1  4
  4000 C
25  10 25
3. 370C Temperature, 75cm mercury level pressure at spelitic mass, volume of gas
is 620CC, find the volume at N.T.P?
Ans:- Here P1  75 cm of Hg V1  620CC

T1  37  273  310K

at NTP P2  76cm of Hg, T2  273K

V2  ?

P1V1 P2 V2 PVT
  V2  1 1 2
T1 T2 P2T1

75  620  273
V2   538.8 CC
76  310

4. 14kg mass of Nitrogen volume is 0.4m3 at 300C temperature then find the pres-
Ans:- Mass of the gas (m)  14kg
 14  103 gm
atomic weight of N 2 = 28

V  0.4m3 : T  300  273  303K

PV  nRT  RT

m RT

14  103  8.317  303

28  0.4

 P  31: 5  105 N / m 2
5. A block body maximum radiation intensity is found at 2.65 um. Then find the
temperature of the object emilts radiation? (Weins constant = 2.9 × 10-3 m )
Ans:-  max  2.65 m  2.65  10 6 m

wein's constant (b)  2.90  103 mK

 max T  b (Constant)

b 2.9  103
T 
 max 2.65  106

 T  1094 K

1. Define thermal equilibrium. How does it lead to zero its law of thermodynam-
Ans:- If the temperatures of the two systems are equal, then they are said to be "thermal equilib-
Zeroth law of thermodynamics : If two systems A,B are thermal equilibrium then two
systems A, B thermal euilibrium with each other.


2. Define specific heat capality of the substance?

Ans:- Specific heat capacity : The amount of heat required to raise the 1 gm of substance through 10 C
(or) 1K is called specific heat capacity
1 Q
S . it depends on nature of the substance and temperature.
m T
4. In summer, when the value of a bicycle tube is opening the escaping air appeass
Ans:- This happens due to adiabatic expansion of the air of the tube of the bicycle.
5. By leaving the door of an elestic refrigerator open a room cooled (or) not?
Ans:- No, A room can not be cooled by leaving the door of a refrigerator open. But it will get stightly
6. A Thermos flask containing a liquid is shaken vigorously. What happens to its
Ans:- Work is done by the liquid on the wall of flask, since it is vigorously shaken. Hence internal
energy and temperature of the liquid incereases.
7. How much will be the internal energy change in isothermal process, adia-
batic process?
Ans:- - Change in internal energy during isothermal process is dv = 0 ( U is constant)
- But in adiabatie process is two ways.
ie - during adiabatic compression increases
- during adiabatic expansion decseases.


1. State and explain first law of thermodynamics.
Ans:- The amount of heat supplied to system is equal to the algebsic sum of the change in infernal
energy of the system and the amount of external work done.

i.e Q  U  W where Q  amount of heat

U  internal energy
W  Enternal workdone
If is special care of law of conservation of energy.
2. Define two principles of specifice heat gas. Which is greater and Why?
Ans:- We have two specific heat of a gases are
(1) molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp)
(2) Molar specific that capality at constant volume (Cv)
(1) Cp : The amount of heat required to raise the temp. of 1 gm mole of a gas through 10C at
constant pressure is called molar specific heat at constant pressures (Cp)
1 Q
i.e Cp  where '  ' is no of moles.
 T
(2) Cv : The amount of heat required to raise the temp of 1gm mole of gas through 10 C att
constant volume is called molar specific heat at constant volume (Cv)
1 Q
i.e C v 
 T
C p  C v In Cv system the gas is heated at constant volume, no work is done. there fore the heatt
is supplied is to be used only in rising the temp.
3. Derive a relation between the two specifie heat capacituies of gas on the basis
of Ist law of thermodynamics.
Ans:- At constant pressure one mole ideal gas acquiral amount of heat ( dQ ) 'du' is the
internal enegy raises then enternal workdone dw  pdv .
 dQ  du  pdv     (1)
According to defination of specific heat at constant volume for 1 mole of gas is
 dQ 
Cv         (2)
 dT  r

But at constant volume dV=0 there fore

from eqn (1) dQ=dU + P (O)
dQ = dU

 dU 
from eqn (2) Cv   dT  ( dQ  dU)       (3)

According to defination of specific heat at constant pressure.

 dQ 
Cp         (4)
 dT  p
Deffierentiate w.r. to temperature either sides of the eqn. (1)
 dQ   dU   dV 
     p
 dT  p  dT  p  dT  p

But internal energy of the ideal gas depends on temp 'T' so bottom indicator 'p' if is ne-
glected from the above eqn.
 dU   dV 
Cp     p ( from eqn(3))
 dT  r  dT  p

 dV 
Cp  C v  p 
 dT  p (PV  RT partical differ)

Cp  C v  R P.dv  R.dT

 dV 
Cp  Cv  R P.  R
 dT  p

4. Determine the workdone by an ideal gas during isothermal change?

Ans:- Let a certain mass of gas expands from pressure P1 to P2 and volume V1 to V2 isothermallyy at
constant temperature T.
work done 'dw' voleme of gas expands from V1 to V2 at constant pressuree
dw  pdv
V2 V2

 total workdone w   dw   p.dv

V1 V1
     (1)

In isothermal process PV=constant

PV =  RT T
P Where   no.of moles
'P' value substitude in eqn (1)

V2 V2
RT 1
W 
. dV  RT 
. dV

  RT log e [V]VV12

V 
W   RT log e  2 
 V1 
Total workdone in isothermal process
V 
W  2.3026 RT log e  2 
 V1 

5. Determine the workdone by an ideal gas during adiabatic change?

Ans:- During an adiabatic change the state of an ideal gas changes from ( P1 V1 T1 ) to ( P2 V2 T2 ). The
workdone during a small change in volume dv at constant pressure sis dw = pdr.
Total workdone by gas from V1 to V2 is
V2 V2

i.e W   dw 
 p.dr
     (1)

adiabatic relation between pressure and volume

PV 2  constant (K) --------(2)
P      (3)
and P1V12  P2 V22  K
Substitute egn (3) in (1)
V2 V2
W   p.dV   . dr
V1 V1

 V1r 
 1  r  V1

 K.V21r K.V11r   P2 V2r V21r P1V1r V11r 

W   
 1 r 1  r   1  r 1  r 

1 r
 P2V2  P1V1 
But gas eqn P1V1  RT1 & P2 V2  RT2
w (RT2  RT1 )
1 r

 w (T2  T1 )
1 r
6. Distingwish between isothermal and adiabatic process?
Ans:- Isothermal change Adiabatic change
1) Changes in P,V and constant 1) Changes in P,V of gas and constant
temperature. heat.
2) Amount of heat changes 2) Temperature changes.
3) The gas semains in good 3) The gas is isolated from the
thermal contact with surroundings sussoundngs and heat is not
and heat is exchanged. exchanges.
4) Here PV = constant 4) Here PV2 = constant
5) This process takes place slow 5) This process takes place quickly
6) Internal energy semains 6) Entropy is constant.
constant dV=0.
7. Explain the cyclic process and Non cyclic process?
Ans:- 1) Cyclie process : 'A' process in which the ststem after passing throgugh various stages like
pressure, volume, temp changes, returns to its intial stage is called cyelic process.
- In cyclic process workdone is zero when a graph between P-V.
- In a cyclic process there will be no change in the internal energy.
i.e dv=0
- So dQ = dW for cyclic process.
Ex : Heat engine converts to heat energy.
Non cyclic process : A process which is not attains its intial stage, it is not cyclic process. Such
process is called Non-cyclic process.
- Area of curves between P-V graph can be expressed as workdone.
Ex : -Diffusion of liquids (or) gases.
- Free expansion of a perfect gas.
Problems :
1. 5 moles of H2. When it is heat to raise the temperature 20K at constant pres-
sure 105 N / m 2 then it is enpands 8.3 ×10-3 m 3 so specific heat CV = 20 J/mole
find Cp ?
Ans:- CP  CV  R
with T
 C P T   C V T  RT

 T (C P  CV )  PT  RT  PV 

5  20 (C P  C V )  105  8.3  (10  3)

    5, T  20K, P  1  105 N / m 
 3
CV  20 J / mol K and V  8.3  10 m 

CP  20  8.3
 CP  28.3 J / mol.K
2. How much heat is required to raise the temp 450 C of 2.0 × 10-2 Kg Nitrogen att
room temperature, at constant pressure?
(N2 w = 28, R = 8.3 J/mol.K)
Ans:- Mass of the gas m  2  102 Kg  20g m
Increasting temp T  450 C
required heat Q  ?
at mass of N2 = 28
m 20
at number n    0.714
M 28
Nitrogen is diatomic molar specific heat of gas at constant pressure
7 7
CP  R   8.3 J / mol K
2 2
Q  n C P T

 0.714   8.3  45J  933.45J
3. One electric heater giving heat at the rate 100W to one system. That system is
working at the 75 J/sec. Then find the increasing rate of internal energy?
Ans:- Supplied heat Q  100 w  100 J / s
used for work w  75 J / s
 u ?
 Q     w
   Q  w
 100  75
 25J / s

4. Eating foods are kept in refrigerator at 90C if room temp is 360C then calculate
the coeffient of performance?
Ans:- Given T1  360 C  36  273  309K

T2  100 C  10  273  283K

T2 283
Co.of performance ( )  
T1  T2 309  283

  10.9

1. Define mean free path?
Ans:- The average distance covered by a molecule between two successive collisions is called the mean
free path.
2. How does kinetic theory justify Avagadro's hypothesis and show the avaradro
number in different gases is same?
P1V1 P2 V2
Ans:- For two different gases, we have   KB
N1T1 N 2T2
If P,V,T are same, then N is also same for two gases 'N' is called Avagadro's numbers. According
to Avogrdro's hypothesis, that the number of molecules per unit volume is same for all gases at
a fined temperature and pressure. In this way kinetic theory justify avogadro's hypothesis.
3. When does a real gas behave like an ideal gas?
Ans:- At low pressuses and high temperatures real gases behave like an ideal gas.
4. The absolute temperature of a gas is ineseased '3' times. What will be the in-
crease in r.m.s velocity of the gas molecule?
Ans:- case (i) : The r.m.s velocity of gas moleculer V1 

case (ii) : The rms velocity of gas molecules V  3RT2

Incsease in r.m.s velocity of gas moleuls
= V2 - V1
 1.732V1  V1  0.732V1
5. What is the enpression between pressure and kinetic energy of a gas moleules?
Ans:- By kinetic theory pressure p  mv  and

Kinetic energy  mv  , Where 'm' is the mass of the molecules, n is the no. of moles per

unit volume  - is the mean-square - speed.
2 1 
 P   mv  2 
3 2 
P  K.E


1. How specific heat capacity of mono atomic, diatomic and poly atomic gases
can be enplained on the basis of law of equipartition of energy?
Ans:- (i) Monoatomic gases : According to law of equipartition of energy a molcule of monoatomic gas
has only '3' (translational) degree of freedom i.e f =3.
The molecular specific heat of the gas at constant volume is given by C  R Where 'f' is
degree of freedom.
 Cv  R  3 cal / mol  k ( R=2cal/mole-K)
The molar specific heat at constant pressure is given by
f  3  5
CP    1 R    1 R  R  5cal / mol
2  2  2
 5 cal / mol  K
(ii) Diatomic gases : A molecule of diatomic gas has '5' degree of freedom 3 translational nad 2
sotational i.e f = 5.
f 5
 Cv  R  R  5cal / mole  K
2 2
f  7
Cp    1 R  R  7cal / mole  K
2  2
(iii) Polyatomic gases : Polyatomic molecules has '3' translational, 3-rotational degrees of free-
i.e f = 6
 Cv  R  3R  6cal / mol  K
f 
Cp    1  4R  8cal / mol  K
2 

2. Prove that the average K.E of a molecule of an ideal gas is directly propor-
tional to the absolute temperature of the gas.
Ans:- Since the pressure of the gas is given by
P  mn  2 , where m  mass of the gas
n no. of molucule per unit volume..
  r.m.s velocity of gas
1 N 2
p  m 
3 V
 PV  m N  2      (1)
we know 1 gm molecule of the gas is PV = RT -------(2)
from egn (1) & (2) RT  mN  2
 m 2
3 R 1
 T  m 2
2 N 2
3 1  R 
 K BT  m  2   K B 
2 2 N
Here K B Bottman constant and 'T' - absolute temp..

3  1 2
 E KB T  K.E  m 
2 2
Hence K.E of a molecule an ideal gas is directly propertional to the absolute tem-
perature of the gas.


1. Derive an expression for the pressure of an ideal gas in a container trom ki-
netic abeory and hence given kinetic interpretation of temperature.
Ans:- Let us consider a cubical vessel of side '  ' with perfectly elastic wall, containing gas
molecules. Let the three sides of the cube be taken as co-ordinates axis. Consider a
molecule moving with velocity V1 in any direction at any instant. The components
of 'V' along the three sides are  x ,  y ,  z respectively, then

12   2x   2y   z2      (1)
If 'm' is the mass of this molecule if transfers a momentum m x when it striks the
face ABCD of the cabe. Since the wall is perfectly elastic, this molecules is reflected
back with a velocity -  x and momentum - m x so the change in momentum =
m x  ( m x )  2m x .
This moleule then travells towards the opposite face. collide with if rebounds and
travels again towards the face ABCD. The distance travelled between two successive
'2 '
collisions is '2 ' . Time taken between two successise collisions is .




 Vz Z



H  D
 no. of collisions per second =
 
Change in momentum per one second = (2m x )   x 
 2 
m 2x

m x 
dp 
Thes force exerted by this molecule   R  
 dt
hence force exested by 'N' such molecules in the x-direction
m 2x mN 2x
fx  N 
 
Pressure exested by the molecules in the x - direction is 'Px '
f x mN  2x 1 mN  2x
i.e. Px           (2)
2  2 3
Simillarly pressure exested by the molecules in the y and z disections aree
mN  2y
Py       (3)
mN  2z
Pz        (4)
Since the pressure exested by a gas in all the directions is same, the average pressure.
Px  Py  Pz mN
P    2   2y   z2 
3  x
3 3
mN 2
  (from eqn (1))
( cube V  3 )
Here '  2 ' is the mean squase velocity of the molecule, 'V' is the volume of the vessel.
If 'm' is the mass of the gas then M = mN
1 m 2 1  N
3 v
 mn 2
3  n  V 

This pressuse is aethually the pressure exerted by an ideal gas.

Kinetic interpretation of temperature :
Since the pressure of the gas in given by P mn  2
Wehre m = mass of the gas
n  no. of molecules per unit voleme..
 V  r.m.s velocity of gas..
1 N 2
P  m 
3 V
 PV  m N  2
We know the ideal gas for one mole PV=RT
we get RT = m N 2
3RT 1
 m  2  multiply with on both sides
N 2
1 3  R 
 m  2  K BT   K B 
2 2 N
Here KB is Bollman constant. So mean kinetic energy of a molecule is K BT . Which depends
upon the temp. As temp increases means kinetic energy of the molecules also increases.
Problems :
1. Caluclate the ratio of Oxizen, Hydrozen mulucules of r.m.s velocities at
same temperature?
Ans:- r.m.s velocity of gas  
0 H
 
4 0

 H  2 and  0  32
0 2 1
 
H 32 4
  0 :  H  1: 4

2. '4' molecules in a gas, whose velocities are 1,2,3,4 km/s respectively calculate
the r.m.s velocity of gas moleucle.
Ans:- 1  1 km / s  2  2 km / s  3  3 km / s  4  4 km / s
  rms  ?

12   22   32   24  12  22  32  42
 rms  
n 4

1  4  9  16 30
   7.5  2.735 km / s
4 4
3. 1 gm of Helium is at 1270C temperature then find the molecular kinetic
energy? (given R = 8.31 J/mol-K)
Ans:- Given deta : t  127 0 C
T  273  127  400, R  8.31J / mole
3 3
K.E  K BT   1.38  1023  400  8.28  10 21 J
2 2

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