T215B - MTA - Spring 2014-2015 AK
T215B - MTA - Spring 2014-2015 AK
T215B - MTA - Spring 2014-2015 AK
Midterm Examination
DD- Month-2015
Total Marks: 90
Total Number of Questions: 3
Marks Distribution: Part 1: 9 marks
Part 2: 36 Marks
Part 3: 45 Marks
Be sure you write your name and ID on the External Answer booklet.
External materials are NOT allowed
Calculator is ALLOWED.
1. One aspect of ___________ is whether there are safeguards in place to ensure that
someone else won‟t be able to impersonate.
A. Convenience B. Identity
C. Reliability D. Acceptability
A. Convenience B. Identity
C. Reliability D. Acceptability
A. Cryptanalysis B. Cryptography
C. Cryptology D. Encryption
4. Using Caesar cipher, a letter is encrypted using key 21 to produce the letter „C‟, what is
the original letter?
A. „w‟ B. „x‟
C. „y‟ D. „z‟
6. What key space is possible by encoding the letters (English letters) as blocks of 3 (or
A. 78 B. 8
C. 17576 D. 456976
7. What would be the output of combining the 7-bit ASCII code for the letter „N‟
(„1001110‟) with the randomly generated coding data 1110001 using the XOR process?
A. 0110001 B. 1000000
C. 0001110 D. 0111111
A. Each block uses different key based on the previous block output.
C. ECB is not practical when data involves long repetitive strings of 1s and 0s, such as a
picture data
9. A single encryption error in one block is cascaded through to the following blocks, this is
a drawback of:
- The keys are long in order to provide the required resistance to cryptanalysis
4. Gait is the way someone walks so it is considered as a behavioural biometric, what are
advantages and disadvantages of Gait?
Stream ciphers operate on very small segments of data – usually at the bit level (1 mark)
D) List one condition that determines where to use stream cipher? (1 mark)
Ciphertext R Q B Q D S U Y I H U Q T O
code 17 16 1 16 3 18 20 24 8 7 20 16 19 14
C + 10
1 0 11 0 13 2 4 8 18 17 4 0 3 24
Mode 26
P b a l a n c e i s r e a d y
c ≡ p + K mod 676
c ≡ p + 501 mod 676 (1 mark)
„ac‟ encryption:
„ce‟ encryption:
Pce = pc x 26 + pe = (2 x 26) + 4 = 52 + 4 = 56
Cce ≡ pce + K mod 676 ≡ 56 + 501 mod 676 ≡ 557 mode 676
557/26 = 21 + 11/26
P1 = 21 equivalent to letter „V‟
P2 = 11 equivalent to letter „L‟
The ciphertext digraph of „ce‟ is „VL‟
„pt‟ encryption:
2 A fast computer is used to break a ciphertext (A) using columnar transposition cipher that
needs 110 attempts, the speed of processor is 2 MIPS (million instructions per second),
and each attempt needs 4 instructions, another computer of speed 5 MIPS is used to break
ciphertext (B) using Caeser Cipher that needs 100 attempts, and each attempt needs 7
Ciphertext (A):
Total number of instructions = 110 x 4 = 440 (3 marks)
Time = 440 / (2 x10^6) = 0.22 ms (3 marks)
Ciphertext (B):
Total number of instructions = 100 x 7 = 700 (3 marks)
Time = 700 / (5 x10^6) = 0.14 ms (3 marks)
0.14 < 0.22 Ciphertext (B) will be broken first. (1 mark)