Dispensette III Brand

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Liquid Handling · Easy Handling!

Dispensette ®

F I R S T C L A S S · B R A N D

3 Gebrauchsanleitung

31 Operating Manual

59 Mode d'emploi

87 Instrucciones de manejo
Table of Contents

Safety Instructions 32
Functions and Limitations of Use 33
Dispenser Selection Chart 36
Operating Elements 37
First Steps 38
Assembly 38
Priming 40
Dispensing 41
Accessories 42
Error Limits 45
Checking the Volume (Calibration) 46
Adjustment 47
Cleaning 48
Cleaning/Replacing Valves 50
Autoclaving 51
Ordering Information 52
Accessories · Spare Parts 54
Troubleshooting 57
Repairs and Warranty Information 58
Disposal 58

Safety Instructions

This instrument may sometimes be used with hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. It is beyond
the scope of this manual to address all of the potential safety risks associated with its use in such applica-
tions. It is the responsibility of the user of this instrument to consult and establish appropriate safety and
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

! Please read the following carefully!

1. Every user must read and understand this 9. Reagents can accumulate in the screw cap of
operating manual before operation. the discharge tube. Thus, it should be cleaned
2. Follow general instructions for hazard preven- regularly.
tion and safety instructions; e.g., wear protec- 10. For small bottles, and when using the flexible
tive clothing, eye protection and gloves. discharge tube, use a bottle stand to prevent
3. Observe all specifications provided by reagent tipping over.
manufacturers. 11. Never carry the mounted instrument by the
4. When dispensing inflammable media, make cylinder sleeve or the valve block. Breakage or
sure to avoid the buildup of static charge, e.g., loosening of the cylinder may lead to personal
do not dispense into plastic vessels; do not injury from chemicals (see page 39, Fig. 6).
wipe instruments with a dry cloth. 12. Never use force on the instrument. Use
5. Use the instrument only for dispensing liquids, smooth gentle movements to operate the
with strict regard to the defined limitations of piston upwards and downwards.
use and operating limitations. Observe operat- 13. Use only original manufacturer's accessories
ing exclusions (see page 34)! If in doubt, and spare parts. Do not attempt to make any
contact the manufacturer or supplier. technical alterations. Do not dismantle the
6. Always use the instrument in such a way that instrument any further than is described in the
neither the user nor any other person is operating manual!
endangered. When dispensing, the discharge 14. Always check the instrument for visual damage
tube must always point away from you or any before use. If there is a sign of a potential mal-
other person. Avoid splashes. Only dispense function (e.g., piston difficult to move, sticking
into suitable vessels. valves or leakage), immediately stop dispens-
7. Never press down the piston when the dis- ing. Consult the 'Troubleshooting' section of
charge tube is closed with the screw cap. this manual (see page 57), and contact the
manufacturer if needed.
8. Never remove the discharge tube or the
SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve while the
dispensing cylinder is filled.

Functions and Limitations of Use

The bottle-top dispenser Dispensette® is designed for dispensing liquids directly from the reservoir bottle.
The Dispensette® is offered in three models: Dispensette­® III, Dispensette® Organic and Dispensette® HF.
Depending on the instrument's model the following types are available: digital, analog-adjustable and fixed-
volume. The instruments are, according to the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 8655-5, conformity certified
and optionally equipped with SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve.

Functions and Limitations of Use
Dispensette® III (red color code)

( red
color code)



Digital · Easy Calibration Analog-adjustable Fixed-volume

Dispensette® Organic (yellow color code)

( yellow
color code)

Digital · Easy Calibration Analog-adjustable

Dispensette® HF
(green color code)

( green When the instrument is correctly used, the dispensed liquid comes
color code) into contact with only the following chemically resistant materials:
Dispensette® III
Borosilicate glass, AI2O3-ceramic, ETFE, FEP, PFA, PTFE, platinum-
iridium, PP (screw cap).
Dispensette® Organic
Borosilicate glass, AI2O3-ceramic, ETFE, FEP, PFA, PTFE, tantalum,
PP (screw cap).
Dispensette® HF
AI2O3-ceramic, ETFE, FEP, PFA, PTFE, platinum-iridium, PP (screw
If a higher chemical resistance is required, please use a PTFE screw
Analog-adjustable cap and a EFTE/PTFE bottle adapter (Accessories, pages 54-56).

Functions and Limitations of Use
Limitations of Use Operating Limitations

This instrument is designed for dispensing liquids, Liquids, which form deposits may make the piston
observing the following physical limits: difficult to move or may cause jamming (e.g.,
– +15 °C to +40 °C (59 °F to 104 °F) crystallizing solutions or concentrated alkaline
of instrument and reagent solutions).
When dispensing inflammable media, make sure
– vapor pressure up to max. 600 mbar. Aspirate
to avoid the buildup of static charge, e.g., do not
slowly above 300 mbar, in order to prevent the
dispense into plastic vessels; do not wipe instru-
liquid from boiling.
ments with a dry cloth.
– kinematic viscosity up to 500 mm2/s
(dynamic viscosity [mPas] = The Dispensette® is designed for general labora-
kinematic viscosity [mm²/s] x density [g/cm³]) tory applications and complies with the relevant
– Density: Dispensette® III / Dispensette® standards, e.g. DIN EN ISO 8655. Compatibility
Organic: up to 2.2 g/cm3 and Dispensette® HF of the instrument for a specific application (e.g.,
up to 3.8 g/cm3 trace material analysis, food sector etc.) must be
checked by the user. Approvals for specific applica-
tions in the medicinal / pharmaceutical / foodstuff
processing areas are not available.

Operating Exclusions

Dispensette® III never use with: Dispensette® Organic never use with:
– liquids attacking Al2O3-ceramic, ETFE, FEP, PFA – liquids attacking Al2O3-ceramic, tantalum, ETFE,
and PTFE (e.g., dissolved sodium azide*) FEP, PFA and PTFE (e.g., dissolved sodium azide*)
– liquids attacking borosilicate glass (e.g., – liquids attacking borosilicate glass (e.g.,
hydrofluoric acid) hydrofluoric acid)
– liquids which are decomposed catalytically – bases and saline solutions
by platinum-iridium (e.g., H2O2) – explosive liquids (e.g., carbon disulfide)
– hydrochloric acid > 20 % and nitric acid > 30 % – suspensions (e.g., of charcoal) as solid particles
– tetrahydrofuran may clog or damage the instrument
– trifluoroacetic acid – liquids attacking PP (screw cap)
– explosive liquids (e.g., carbon disulfide)
– suspensions (e.g., of charcoal) as solid particles Dispensette® HF never use with:
may clog or damage the instrument – liquids attacking Al2O3-ceramic, ETFE, PFA, FEP
– liquids attacking PP (screw cap) and PTFE (e.g., dissolved sodium azide*)
– liquids which are decomposed catalytically by plati-
num-iridium (e.g., H2O2)
– bases and saline solutions
– explosive liquids (e.g., carbon disulfide)
– suspensions (e.g., of charcoal) as solid particles
may clog or damage the instrument
– liquids attacking PP (screw cap)

* Dissolved sodium azide permitted up to a

concentration of max. 0.1%.

Functions and Limitations of Use
Storage Conditions

Store the instrument and accessories only in
cleaned condition in a cool and dry place.
Storage temperature: -20 °C to +50 °C
(-4 °F to 122 °F).

Recommended Application Range

Dispensette® III (color code red): Its broad range Dispensette® HF (green color code) is designed
of application permits bottle dispensing of aggres- to dispense hydrofluoric acid (HF) up to a concen-
sive reagents, including concentrated acids such tration of max. 52 %. Always operate instrument at
as H3PO4, H2SO4, bases like NaOH, KOH, saline least once every second week when filled.
solutions, as well as many organic solvents. For dispensing bromine, exchange the PP screw
cap of the tube closure by a PTFE screw cap and,
Dispensette® Organic (yellow color code) is ideal if necessary, use an ETFE/PTFE bottle adapter.
for dispensing of organic solvents including chlori- Additionally the usage of the closure set is recom-
nated and fluorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., trichlo- mended (Accessories page 56).
rotrifluoroethane and dichloromethane), concen-
trated acids (e.g., HCl and HNO3), trifluoroacetic
acid (TFA), tetrahydofuran (THF) and peroxides.


For guidelines on selecting the right dispenser ob-

serve the corresponding Operating Exclusions and
the “Dispenser selection chart” on the next page.

Dispenser Selection Chart
Reagent Disp. Disp. Reagent Disp. Disp. Reagent Disp. Disp.
III Organ. III Organ. III Organ.
Acetaldehyde + + Cyclohexane + Monochloroacetic acid + +
Acetic acid (glacial), 100% + + Cyclohexanone + + Nitric acid, 30% + +*
Acetic acid, 96% + + Cyclopentane + Nitric acid, 30-70% +
Acetic anhydride + Decane + + Nitrobenzene + +
Acetone + + 1-Decanol + + Oleic acid + +
Acetonitrile + + Dibenzyl ether + + Oxalic acid +
Acetophenone + Dichloroacetic acid + n-Pentane +
Acetyl chloride + Dichlorobenzene + + Peracetic acid +
Acetylacetone + + Dichloroethane + Perchloric acid + +
Acrylic acid + + Dichloroethylene + Perchloroethylene +
Acrylonitrile + + Dichloromethane + Petroleum + +
Adipic acid + Diesel oil (Heating oil) + Petroleum ether +
Allyl alcohol + + Diethanolamine + + Phenol + +
Aluminium chloride + Diethyl ether + Phenylethanol + +
Amino acids + Diethylamine + + Phenylhydrazine + +
Ammonia, 20% + + 1.2 Diethylbenzene + + Phosphoric acid, 85% + +
Ammonia, 20 - 30% + Diethylene glycol + + Phosphoric acid, 85% +
+ +
Ammonium chloride + Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) + + Sulfuric acid, 98%, 1:1
Ammonium fluoride + Dimethylaniline + Piperidine + +
Ammonium sulfate + Dimethylformamide (DMF) + + Potassium chloride +
n-Amyl acetate + + 1.4 Dioxane + Potassium dichromate +
Amyl alcohol (Pentanol) + + Diphenyl ether + + Potassium hydroxide +
Amyl chloride (Chloropentane) + Ethanol + + Potassium permanganate +
Aniline + + Ethanolamine + + Propionic acid + +
Barium chloride + Ethyl acetate + + Propylene glycol (Propanediol) + +
Benzaldehyde + + Ethyl methyl ketone + + Pyridine + +
Benzene (Benzol) + + Ethylbenzene + Pyruvic acid + +
Benzine (Gasoline) + Ethylene chloride + Salicylaldehyde + +
Benzoyl chloride + + Fluoroacetic acid + Scintilation fluid + +
Benzyl alcohol + + Formaldehyde, 40% + Silver acetate +
Benzylamine + + Formamide + + Silver nitrate +
Benzylchloride + + Formic acid, 100% + Sodium acetate +
Boric acid, 10% + + Glycerol + + Sodium chloride +
Bromobenzene + + Glycol (Ethylene glycol) + + Sodium dichromate +
Bromonaphthalene + + Glycolic acid, 50% + Sodium fluoride +
Butanediol + + Heating oil (Diesel oil) + Sodium hydroxide, 30% +
1-Butanol + + Heptane + Sodium hypochlorite +
n-Butyl acetate + + Hexane + Sulfuric acid, 98% + +
Butyl methyl ether + + Hexanoic acid + + Tartaric acid +
Butylamine + + Hexanol + + Tetrachloroethylene +
Butyric acid + + Hydriodic acid + + Tetrahydrofuran (THF) +
Calcium carbonate + Hydrobromic acid + Tetramethylammonium hydroxide +
Calcium chloride + Hydrochloric acid, 20% + + Toluene +
Calcium hydroxide + Hydrochloric acid, 20-37% + Trichloroacetic acid +
Calcium hypochlorite + Hydrogen peroxide, 35% + Trichlorobenzene +
Carbon tetrachloride + Isoamyl alcohol + + Trichloroethane +
Chloro naphthalene + + Isobutanol + + Trichloroethylene +
Chloroacetaldehyde, 45% + + Isooctane + Trichlorotrifluoro ethane +
Chloroacetic acid + + Isopropanol (2-Propanol) + + Triethanolamine + +
Chloroacetone + + Isopropyl ether + + Triethylene glycol + +
Chlorobenzene + + Lactic acid + Trifluoro ethane +
Chlorobutane + + Methanol + + Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) +
Chloroform + Methoxybenzene + + Turpentine +
Chlorosulfonic acid + Methyl benzoate + + Urea +
Chromic acid, 50% + + Methyl butyl ether + + Xylene +
Chromosulfuric acid + Methyl formate + + Zinc chloride, 10% +
Copper sulfate + Methyl propyl ketone + + Zinc sulfate, 10% +
Cresol + Methylene chloride + * use ETFE/PTFE bottle adapter
Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) + + Mineral oil (Engine oil) + +

Hydrofluoric acid (HF): Only the The above recommendations reflect testing completed prior to publication. Always follow instructions in
Dispensette® HF is specifically designed the operating manual of the instrument as well as the reagent manufacturer‘s specifications. In addition
to dispense hydrofluoric acid (maximum to these chemicals, a variety of organic and inorganic saline solutions (e.g., biological buffers), biological
permitted concentration 52%). detergents and media for cell culture can be dispensed. Should you require information on chemicals
not listed, please feel free to contact BrandTech, Inc. Status as of: 0211/9

Operating Elements
Piston seat
Volume adjustment

Cover plate



Piston Dispensing cylinder Piston

Discharge Discharge
tube SafetyPrime™ tube
recirculation valve

Valve block with

serial number

Screw cap

Recirculation tube

Telescoping filling tube

Filling seal for autoclaving Filling and recirculation tube Mounting tool
application 37
First Steps
Is everything in the package?
Confirm that your package includes:
Bottle-top dispenser Dispensette®, discharge tube, telescoping filling tube, SafetyPrime™ recirculation
valve and recirculation tube (optional), mounting tool, different bottle adapters, O-ring FKM (for autoclav-
ing), a performance certificate and this operating manual.

Nominal volume, ml Adapters for Filling tube

bottle thread Length, mm
Dispensette® III, Dispensette® Organic PP
0,5 24, 28, 33, 38 mm 125-240
1, 2, 5, 10 28, 33, 38 mm 125-240
25, 50, 100 33, 38 mm 170-330
Dispensette® HF ETFE/ PTFE
10 33 mm (ETFE), S 40 mm (PTFE) 125-240


Wear protective clothing, eye protection and gloves! Follow all safety
instructions and observe limitations of use and operating limitations
(page 32-34).

1. Check sealing Before mounting the SafetyPrime™

washer(s) recirculation valve or the discharge tue
make sure that the sealing washer is
2. Mounting the
SafetyPrime™ Push the SafetyPrime™ recirculation
recirculation valve valve approx. 2 mm into the discharge
(optional) tube and firmly finger-tighten the locking
nut (Fig. 2). Check the SafetyPrime™
recirculation valve for a tight fit.
3. Mounting the Push the discharge tube (optional with
Discharge tube SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve, Fig.
3') approx. 2 mm into the valve block
and and firmly finger-tighten the locking
nut (Fig. 3). Check the discharge tube
for a tight fit.


Recirculation valve and discharge tube must correspond to the model.

Pay attention to the color code. After two days tighten up the locking

First Steps
4. Mounting the Adjust the length of the telescoping fill-

filling tube and ing tube to the bottle height and attach
recirculation tube it. If a SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve
(optional) is used, the recirculation tube
must also be mounted. Insert the recir-
culation tube with the opening pointing
outward (Fig. 4).

5. Mounting and Screw the instrument (GL 45 thread)

aligning the instru- onto the reagent bottle and then align
ment on a bottle the discharge tube with the bottle label.
By turning the valve block. (Fig. 5). To
prevent tipping over use a bottle stand
for small bottles.


For bottles with other thread sizes, select a suitable adapter.

Dispensette® III and Dispensette® Organic:

The adapters supplied with the instrument are made of polypropylene
(PP), and can only be used for media which do not attack PP.
If a higher chemical resistance is required, please use a EFTE/PTFE
bottle adapter (Accessories, page 54).
Dispensette® HF:
The adapters supplied with the instrument are made of ETFE and

6. Transporting the When mounted to a reagent bottle,
instrument always carry the instrument as shown in
the figure (Fig. 6)!


Always wear protective gloves when touching the instrument or the

bottle, especially when using dangerous liquids (e.g. HF).

Never press down the piston when the screw cap is screwed on!
Avoid splashing the reagent! The reagent can drip out from the dis-
charge tube and screw cap.

Before using the instrument for the first time, ensure it is rinsed
carefully and discard the first few samples dispensed. Avoid splashes. 2

Instruments with SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve:

1. Open the screw cap of the dispensing tube (Fig. 1). For safety,
hold the discharge tube orifice on the inner wall of a suitable
receiving vessel.
2. Set valve to 'Recirculate' (Fig. 2).
3. For priming gently pull up the piston approx. 30 mm and push it 3
down rapidly until the lower stop. Repeat this procedure 5 times
(Fig. 3).
30 mm
4. Turn valve to 'Dispense' (Fig. 4).
5. To avoid splashes when priming hold the discharge tube on the
inner wall of a suitable receiving vessel and dispense liquid to
prime the discharge tube until it is bubble-free. Wipe away any
remaining drops from the discharge tube. (Fig. 5).

Instruments without SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve: 5

1. Open the screw cap of the discharge tube (see instrument with
SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve Fig. 1).
To avoid splashes, hold discharge tube orifice on the inner wall of
a suitable receiving vessel.
2. For priming pull up the piston approx. 30 mm and push it down
rapidly until the lower stop.
Repeat this procedure approximately 5 times until the discharge
tube is bubble-free (Fig. 6).

1. Setting the volume

+ – 1 2 3

Digital: Rotate the volume- Analog-adjustable: Loosen the Fixed-volume: The volume is
setting wheel until the desired volume selector thumb screw non-adjustable and cannot be
volume is indicated (mechanical one-half turn (1), set the pointer changed.
counter). to the desired volume (2) and
then retighten the volume thumb
screw (3).

2. Dispensing a


Wear protective clothing, eye protection and gloves! Liquid may ac-
cumulate in the screw cap. To avoid splashes dispense slowly. Follow !
all safety instructions and observe limitations of use and operating
limitations (page 32-33).

a) Remove screw cap from the discharge tube.

b) When using instruments equipped with the
SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve, turn the valve to
c) Hold the discharge tube orifice on the inner wall of
a suitable receiving vessel.
d) Gently lift the piston until the upper stop and then
depress piston slowly and steadily with minimal
force until the lower stop (Fig. d).
e) Wipe off the discharge tube against the inner wall f
of the receiving vessel.
f) Reattach screw cap to discharge tube (Fig. f).


After use, always leave the piston in the down position.

The following optional accessories are available for the bottle-top
dispenser Dispensette®:

SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve

The SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve (see accessories, page 55) en-
ables priming of the instrument without loss of medium. Always use
the designated recirculation valve that corresponds to the instrument
model. For assembly, see “Assembly” on page 10 (Fig. 2).

Flexible discharge tube

For serial dispensing the flexible discharge tube can be used (Acces- a
sories page 55). The specified accuracy and coefficient of variation
of the instrument are only obtained for volumes > 2 ml and by gently
approaching the upper and lower stops.
The coil of the tubing can be stretched to a length of the 800 mm
max..The entire coil must lie in regular loops and must not be twisted.

The parts in contact with the media are made of:

Borosilicate glass, AI2O3-ceramic, ETFE, PTFE, platinum-iridium.
Never use for:
- liquids attacking borosilicate glass (e.g.,
hydrofluoric acid)
- Peroxides, as they are decomposed catalytically
by platinum-iridium (e.g., H2O2).
Additionally the Operating Exclusions of the instrument apply.

For mounting, attach the tube holder onto the valve block (Fig.
a) and mount the receiver tube. Slide the dispensing tube with the
flexible discharge tube approx. 2 mm further on the valve block, and
tighten the lock nut hand-tight. Use a bottle stand (Fig. b).


There should be no visible damage to the discharge tube (e.g. kinks or the like). Each time you are going
to use the tubing, examine it carefully! To dispense aggressive liquids, you should take safety measures
in addition to the normal precautions. We recommend use of a protective shield. The bottle must be sup-
ported using a bottle stand. To help avoid reagent splashing from the tube, always grip the tube firmly by
the handle and replace into the holder after use. For cleaning rinse the tube carefully. Do not dismantle!

Drying tube

Use of a drying tube, filled with a suitable absorbent (purchased
separately), might be necessary for moisture- and CO2- sensitive
media ('Accessories', page 56).
For mounting, unscrew the air vent cap (Fig. a) and screw the filled
drying tube in (Fig. b). Place the PTFE sealing ring on the bottle
thread (Fig. c) and screw the instrument onto the bottle.

If necessary, seal the threads of the drying tube, the bottle and/or
the bottle adapter with PTFE tape.

Closure set
For volatile media we recommend the closure set consisting of PTFE-
sealing, air vent cap and stopper with Luer-cone (see accessories,
page 56). c
For mounting, unscrew the air vent cap (Fig. a) and screw in the air
vent cap with a Luer cone (Fig. d). Place the PTFE sealing ring on
the bottle thread (Fig. c) and screw the instrument onto the bottle.
During longer periods of inactivity, the air vent opening can be closed
with the stopper (Fig. e). The stopper is removed for dispensing.

Air vent cap for micro filter with Luer-cone

For sterile media we recommend the air vent cap with Luer-cone to
attach a micro filter. This provides increased protection against con-
tamination by displacement air (see accessories, page 56).
For mounting, unscrew the air vent cap (Fig. a) screw in the air vent
cap with a Luer cone (Fig. d). Place the PTFE sealing ring on the
bottle thread (Fig. c) and screw the instrument onto the bottle.
Insert a commercially available sterile filter into the Luer cone (Fig. f).

Discharge tube with Luer-Lock attachment for micro filter
The dispensing tube with a Luer Lock attachement enables the con-
nection of a microfilter for sterile filtration. The parts which come in
contact with the medium are:
Borosilicate glass, AI2O3-ceramic, ETFE, FEP, PFA, PTFE, platinum-
iridium and PP (Luer-Lock attachment).

Never use for:

- liquids attacking borosilicate glass (e.g., hydrofluoric
- Peroxides, as they are decomposed catalytically
by platinum-iridium (e.g., H2O2).
Additionally observe the Operating Exclusions of the instrument and
micro filter.
Make sure that the sealing washer is inserted.

For mounting, push the dispensing tube with the Luer Lock (option-
ally with the SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve) approx. 2 mm into the
valve block, and firmly finger-tighten the locking nut (page 38, Figs.
3 and 3’). Check the discharge tube (eventually the SafetyPrime™
recirculation valve) for a tight fit. A commercially available sterile filter
can be mounted onto the Luer Lock connector.


Please follow general instructions when handling sterile media. The

increased flow resistance can lead to liquid leaking at the upper edge
of the dispensing cylinder. To keep any leaking of liquid to a mini-
mum, we recommend using gentle force when dispensing and the
use of a filter with a large filter surface.

Error Limits

Error limits related to the nominal capacity (= maximum volume) indicated on
the instrument, obtained when instrument and distilled water are equilibrated 20 °C
at ambient temperature (20 °C/68 °F). Testing takes place according DIN EN !
ISO 8655-6 with a completely filled instrument and with uniform and smooth
dispensing. Model Digital • Easy
Calibration is manufac-
tured under U.S. Patent
Error limits Dispensette® 5,957,330.
Nominal volume A* ≤ ± CV* ≤
% µl % µl

0,5 1.0 5 0.2 1

1 0.5 5 0.1 1
2 0.5 10 0.1 2
5 0.5 25 0.1 5
10 0.5 50 0.1 10
25 0.5 125 0.1 25
50 0.5 250 0.1 50
100 0.5 500 0.1 100
* A = Accuracy, CV = Coefficient of Variation

For the instrument with the chosen fixed volume, the values of A and CV are calculated in accordance
with the nominal volume for the instrument size used.
For example
Fixed volume 42 ml, instrument size 50 ml

50 ml
A% = ·  0.5% = 0.6%
42 ml

50 ml
CV = ·  0.1% = 0.12%
42 ml


The error limits are well within the limits of DIN EN ISO 8655-5. The maximum error limit for a single
measurement can be calculated EL = A + 2 CV (e.g. for volume 10 ml: 50 µl + 2 x 10 µl = 70 µl).

Checking the Volume (Calibration)
Depending on use, we recommend that gravimetric testing of the instrument be carried out every 3-12
months. This time frame should be adjusted to correspond with individual requirements. The complete
testing procedure (SOP) can be downloaded at www.brandtech.com. In addition, you can also carry out
function checks at shorter intervals, e.g. dispensing the nominal volume into a volumetric test flask (volu-
metric flask with 3 marks, DKD calibrated). For GLP- and ISO-compliant evaluations and documentation,
we recommend the EASYCAL™ calibration software from BRAND. A demo version can be downloaded
from www.brandtech.com.

Gravimetric volume testing according to DIN EN ISO 8655-6 (for measurement conditions, see 'Error
Limits', page 45) is performed as follows:

1. Preparation of the instrument

Clean the instrument ('Cleaning', page 48-51),
fill it with distilled H2O and then prime it carefully.

2. Check the volume

a) 10 dispensing operations with distilled H2O in
3 Volume ranges (100 %, 50 %, 10 %) are
b) For filling pull up the piston gently until the
upper stop of the volume set.
c) For discharge depress piston slowly and
steadily without force until the lower stop.
d) Wipe off the tip of discharge tube.
e) Weigh the dispensed quantity on an analytical
balance. (Please follow the operating manual
of the balance manufacturer.)
f) Calculate the dispensed volume. The Z factor
takes account of the temperature and air
3. Calculations

Mean volume

xi = results of weighings Z =  correction factor

n =  number of weighings   (e. g., 1.0029 µl/mg at 20 °C, 1013 hPa)

Σ  xi
Mean value x  = Mean volume  V  = x · Z

Accuracy* Standard deviation Coefficient of variation*

V – V0 Σ  (xi – x ) 2 100 s
A% = ·  100 s=Z· CV% =
V0 n–1 V

V0 = nominal volume

* Calculation of accuracy (A %) and coefficient of variation (CV %):

A % and CV % are calculated according to the formulas for statistical control.
After a long period of usage an adjustment of the instrument might be necessary.

n Calibrate for example at nominal volume (see page 46).
n Calculate mean volume (result of weighing) (see page 46).
n Adjust the instrument (to the calculated mean volume).
n After the adjustment, further calibration is necessary to confirm appropiate adjustment.

Gravimetric testing yields a delivered volume Digital
of 9.90 ml with a set volume of 10 ml.
1 2
Type Digital
1. Open housing by sliding the latch to the left and removing
the front (Fig. 1).
2. Lift gear lock lever to release. With this action, the adjust-
ment cover plate breaks off (Fig. 2).
3. Pull the red knob to disengage the gears and set the dis- 3 4
play to actual delivered volume (e.g., 9.90 ml) (Fig. 3).
4. Reposition red knob and gear lock lever to their original
positions (Fig. 4).
5. Replace housing and slide the latch to the right (Fig. 5).
Alteration of factory setting is indicated by a red recalibra-
tion flag (Fig. 6). 5 6

Type Analog-adjustable
1. Insert the pin of the mounting tool into the cover plate
(Fig. 1), and break it off with a rotating motion (Fig. 2).
2. Insert the pin of the mounting tool into the adjustment
screw (Fig. 3) and rotate to the left in order to increase
the dispensing volume, or rotate to the right to decrease
the dispensing volume (e.g. for an actual value of 9.97 ml, Type Analog-adjustable
rotate approx. 1/2 turn to the left).
3. The change in the adjustment is indicated by an exposed 1 2
red ring (Fig. 4).

Adjustment range
Nominal Digital Analog/Fix One rotation
volume max. +/- max. +/- corresponds to 3 4

0.5 ml - 5 µl ~ 3 µl
1 ml - 6 µl ~ 15 µl
2 ml 24 µl 12 µl ~ 15 µl
5 ml 60 µl 30 µl ~ 35 µl
10 ml 120 µl 60 µl ~ 65 µl
25 ml 300 µl 150 µl ~ 130 µl
50 ml 600 µl 300 µl ~ 265 µl
100 ml - 600 µl ~ 400 µl

The instrument must be cleaned in the following situations to assure correct operation:

n immediately when the piston n prior to changing the valve

is difficult to move n regularly when using liquids which form
n before changing the reagent deposits (e.g., crystallizing liquids)
n prior to long term storage n regularly when liquids accumulate in the
n prior to dismantling the instrument screw cap
n prior to autoclaving

Warning! The cylinder, valves, telescoping filling tube and discharge tube contain reagent! Never
remove the discharge tube or the SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve while the dispensing
cylinder is filled. Point the valves and tube openings away from your body. Wear protective
clothing, eye protection and appropriate hand protection.


For proper cleaning and removal of any deposits, the piston must
always be pulled out of the cylinder after rinsing.

1. Screw the instrument onto an empty bottle and empty it com- 1

pletely by dispensing (Fig. 1).If the instrument is equipped with
SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve, it must be emptied in the
"dispensing" and “recirculating” setting.

2. Screw the instrument onto a bottle filled with a suitable cleaning

agent (e.g. deionized water) and rinse the instrument several
times by completely filling and emptying it.

3. If the instrument is equipped with a SafetyPrime™ recirculation 3

valve, after rinsing the instrument, it must also be rinsed in the
“recirculating” setting (Fig. 3).

4. Pull out the recirculation tube and the telescoping filling tube.

Never exchange pistons between instruments!

5. Loosen piston.

a) Analog-adjusted and fixed-volume model 5a

Hold the housing securely and unscrew the

piston completely by turning it to the left.
Carefully pull out the piston.
Do not remove the housing!

b) Digital type
Carry out assembly and dismantling at the maximum volume setting only.


Move the latch to the left and remove the cylinder Place the tip of the mounting tool in the receiving
sleeve. hole, and turn the mounting tool counter-clock-
wise to loosen the piston mount. Then carefully
pull out the piston.

6. Clean piston and cylinder with a bottle-brush

(Analog an fix type see Fig. 6a, Digital type see 6a 6b
Fig. 6b). If necessary carefully remove deposits
at the edge of the glass cylinder.

7. Then flush all parts of the instrument with

deionized water.

8. Insert the piston completely into the cylinder

and then reassemble the instrument.


Digital type
The red stop segment must engage
underneath the cylinder.

Right! Wrong!
Catch is inserted Catch is inserted
below the cylinder. above the cylinder.

Cleaning/replacing the valves a

1. Filling valve
a) Pull out the recirculation tube and the telescoping filling tube
(Fig. a).

b) Use the mounting tool to unscrew the filling valve

(Fig. b).

c) If the sealing ring is contaminated or damaged, carefully b

remove it with a pair of curved forceps (Fig. c).

d) Insert cleaned or new sealing ring.

e) Screw in the cleaned (e.g., in an ultrasonic bath) or new

filling valve first by hand and then tighten it with the
mounting tool.

2. Discharge valve
The discharge valve is incorporated in the discharge tube. For c
celaning see page 48. If necessary dismantle discharge tube
and clean it e.g. in an ultrasonic bath. Mount cleaned or new
discharge tube see page 38.

3. SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve

For celaning see page 48. If necessary dismantle recirculation
volve and clean it e.g. in an ultrasonic bath. Mount cleaned or
new recirculation valve see page 38.


If the instrument does not fill up, and if some elastic resistance is
evident when the piston is pulled upward, then it is possible that the
ball valve is merely stuck.
In this case, loosen the ball valve using light pressure, for example,
with a 200 µl plastic pipette tip (see the figure at the side).

This instrument is autoclavable at 121 °C (250 °F), 2 bar absolute (30 psi) with a holding time of at least

15 minutes according to DIN EN 285. Before autoclaving, the instrument must be cleaned carefully (page
48-50). Lift the piston out of the cylinder (page 49). For autoclaving with mounted filling tube, the filling
valve with olive-shaped nozzle is recommended (page 55).

1. Prior to the first autoclaving

1 R
Remove built-in inelastic PTFE-ring (R) and replace with the supplied
elastic O-ring made of FKM (S).

FKM has limited chemical resistance!
R = seal S = elastic O-ring

2. Autoclaving a
a) Loosen screw connections (Fig. a).
b) Pull out the recirculation tube and the telescoping filling tube.
c) Check that the filling valve is securely seated (Fig. c). If the
rigid PFTE ring has been installed, the filling valve must also
be loosened.
In the digital model, check that the piston mount is securely
seated (Fig. c’).
d) Autoclave the instrument with the piston pushed all the way
downward, and with the filling tube and recirculation tube c
disconnected. Avoid contact with metallic surfaces. The
mounting tool can also be autoclaved.


Do not reassemble the instrument until it has cooled down to

room temperature (Cooling time approx. 2 hours). c'
After every autoclaving, inspect all parts for deformities or dam-
age. If necessary, replace them.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure effective autoclaving.

Problem Possible cause Corrective action

Piston difficult Formation of crystals, dirty Stop dispensing immediately. Loosen piston with
to move circular motion, but do not disassemble. Follow all
cleaning instructions (page 48-50).
Filling Volume adjusted to Set to required volume
not possible minimum setting (see page 41).
Filling valve stuck Clean the filling valve.If the valve is stuck use
a 200 µl pipette tip to loosen it (see page 50).
If necessary replace the filling valve with sealing
Dispensing Discharge valve stuck Clean discharge valve. If necessary replace
not possible discharge tube. (see page 50).
Air bubbles in Reagent with high vapor Slowly draw in reagent.
the instrument pressure has been drawn
in too quickly
Seal not inserted, knurled Double check that seal is in place, and that the
locking nuts not firmly knurled locking nuts at the discharge tube and
connected the SafetyPrime™ recirculation valve are firmly
seated and finger tight.
The instrument has not Prime the instrument (see page 41).
been primed
Filling tube is loose or Push the filling tube on firmly. If necessary cut
damaged off approx. 1 cm of tube at the upper end and
re-connect it or replace filling tube.
Valves not firmly connected Cleaning procedure (see page 48-50). Tighten
or damaged the valves using the mounting tool. If necessary,
replace the valves and sealing washers.
Backflow tube not connected Connect backflow tube (see page 38, Fig. 3).
Dispensed volume Discharge tube is loose Push the discharge tube on firmly.
is too low Filling tube is loose Cleaning procedure (see page 48-50). Push the
or damaged filling tube on firmly. If necessary, cut off approx.
1 cm of the tube at the upper end and re-connect
it or replace filling tube (see page 50).
Filling valve is loose Cleaning procedure (see page 48-50). Tighten
or damaged the valves using the mounting tool. If necessary,
replace filling valves and sealing washers.
Leaking liquid Backflow tube not connected Connect backflow tube (see page 38, Fig. 3).
between instrument Volatile reagent dispensed Mount closure set (see page 43).
and bottle without closure set

Repairs, Warranty and Disposal
If a problem cannot be fixed by following the troubleshooting guide, or by
replacing spare parts, then the instrument must be sent in for repair.
For safety reasons, instruments returned for checks and repairs must
be clean and decontaminated!

Return for Repair

Important! Transporting of hazardous materials without a permit is a viola-

tion of federal law.

BrandTech Scientific, Inc. will not accept instruments that are not appropriately
cleaned and decontaminated.
Therefore contact BrandTech Scientific, Inc. and obtain return authorization
before sending your instrument for service.
Return the instrument, with the Return Authorization Number prominently dis-
played on the outside of the package to the address provided with the Return
Authorization Number. Include an exact description of the type of malfunction
and the media used.

We shall not be liable for the consequences of improper handling, use, servi-
cing or unauthorized repairs of the instrument or the consequences of normal
wear and tear especially of wearing parts such as pistons, seals, valves and
the breakage of glass as well as the failure to follow the instructions of the
operating manual. We are not liable for damage resulting from any actions
not described in the operating manual or if non-original parts have been used.
For length of warranty period please see our warranty card enclosed with the

For the disposal of instruments, please observe the relevant national disposal

Subject to technical modification without notice. Errors excepted.


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