Standards For Adult Immunization Practices: Review and Special Articles
Standards For Adult Immunization Practices: Review and Special Articles
Standards For Adult Immunization Practices: Review and Special Articles
Abstract: Since the Standards for Adult Immunization Practices were first published in 1990,
healthcare researchers and providers have learned important lessons on how to better
achieve and maintain high vaccination rates in adults. The success rate of childhood
immunization far exceeds the success rate of adult immunization. Thus, information and
practices that will produce higher success rates for adult vaccination are crucial, resulting
in overall societal cost savings and substantial reductions in hospitalizations and deaths.
The Standards, which were developed to encourage the best immunization practices,
represent the collective efforts of more than 100 people from more than 60 organizations.
The revised Standards are more comprehensive than the 1990 Standards and focus on the
accessibility and availability of vaccines, proper assessment of patient vaccination status,
opportunities for patient education, correct procedures for administering vaccines,
implementation of strategies to improve vaccination rates, and partnerships with the
community to reach target patient populations. The revised Standards are recommended
for use by all healthcare professionals and all public and private sector organizations that
provide immunizations for adults. All who are involved in adult immunization should strive
to follow the Standards in order to create the same level of success achieved by childhood
vaccination programs and to meet the Healthy People 2010 goals.
(Am J Prev Med 2003;25(2):144 –150)
n the United States, years of clinical and program-
Increasing the use of these two vaccines among older
matic experience have been translated into success- adults could have tremendous health impacts. Influ-
ful childhood immunization practices. As a result, enza and its complications kill approximately 40,000
vaccination rates among infants and children are near individuals every year in the United States.3 Another
or at all-time highs. Today, most childhood vaccine- 100,000 individuals suffer so severely from influenza
preventable diseases rarely occur or are non-existent. that hospitalization is required.4 The overwhelming
However, similar success in vaccinating adults has not majority of these deaths and hospitalizations occur in
been achieved. the elderly. When vaccine viruses are well matched to
Goals for adult immunization feature prominently in circulating viruses, vaccination lowers the risk of infec-
Healthy People 2010,1 a comprehensive, nationwide tion among healthy adults by up to 90%.4,5 Although
health promotion and disease prevention agenda from influenza vaccination is somewhat less effective among
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. the elderly, vaccination has been estimated to reduce
The target is 90% coverage for annual influenza immu- their risk of influenza-related hospitalization and death
nization among adults aged ⱖ65 years and 90% for one by up to 70%.4,6 – 8 The Centers for Disease Control and
dose of pneumococcal vaccine. Success will require a Prevention (CDC)9 estimate that for each additional 1
dramatic increase from rates in 2000, which were only million elderly people vaccinated each year, 900 deaths
and 1300 hospitalizations would be averted. Further-
more, economic studies find overall societal cost sav-
From the Mayo Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic (Poland), ings and substantial reductions in hospitalizations and
Rochester, Minnesota; National Immunization Program, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (Shefer, McCauley), Atlanta, Geor- deaths if people aged ⱖ65 years receive the influenza
gia; Abott Laboratories (Webster), Abbott Park, Illinois; University of vaccine.4,6,7
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey–Robert Wood Johnson Medical In recent years, pneumococcal infections have ac-
School (Whitney-Williams), New Brunswick, New Jersey; Brown Med-
ical School (Peter), Providence, Rhode Island. counted for ⬎100,000 hospitalizations for pneumonia,
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: National Vaccine ⬎60,000 cases of bacteremia and other forms of inva-
Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 sive disease, and about 7000 deaths from invasive
Buford Highway, MS K-77, Chamblee GA 30341.
The full text of this article is available via AJPM Online at pneumococcal disease.10 –12 In 1998, ⬎50% of these deaths occurred among people aged ⱖ65 years. Over-