Tamera Nikita Sunny Information Systems 621: 1 Bscit
Tamera Nikita Sunny Information Systems 621: 1 Bscit
Tamera Nikita Sunny Information Systems 621: 1 Bscit
19 March 2021
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Table of Contents
Question One 3
1.1. Describe the phases of the system development life cycle. [20 Marks] 3
1.2. Compare the SDLC waterfall model to the spiral model. [15 Marks] 4
Question Two 5
2.1. You are an IT consultant, and you a… structured analysis? [15 Marks] 5
2.2. Briefly explain and differentiate ... application development. [10 Marks] 8
Question Three 10
3.1. Critically analyze … vertical application software. [15 Marks] 10
3.2. Give a detailed account on the … physical design. [15 Marks] 11
Bibliography 12
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Question One
The five phases of the system development life cycle:
1. Planning
This phase focuses on reviewing project requests. It prioritizes the project requests. It
allocates resources to wherever it is needed such as people, money and the equipment to the
approved projects. Forms the project development team that will be taking on the project.
You must understand what needs to done like understanding the problem.
2. Analysis
Conducts preliminary investigation into what is required. The main purpose of preliminary
investigation is to determine the exact nature of the problem or improvement and decide
whether it is worth pursuing or not. Performs detailed analysis activities such as studying the
current system, determining the user requirements and recommending solutions to solve the
3. Design
Acquires the hardware and software required, if it is necessary to do so. Develops the details
of the new or modified system. By this phase it should the planned out.
4. Implementation
It does the development of programs and applications, if necessary. Implementation involves
creating or getting the various system components like the hardware, software and databases.
Installs and tests the new system. Trains users that will be working it. If the new system is a
success then, convert to the new system. The solution is built or if available to be bought, it
shall then replace the old system.
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Compare the SDLC waterfall model to the spiral model:
The Waterfall model:
In the software development life cycle, business requirements are frozen after the
initial phase.
In terms of project execution, there is a high level of risk and uncertainty because of
the missing stringent risk management.
The Waterfall framework type is more of a linear sequential model.
It is easy to understand.
Widely known and more commonly used.
Requirement gathering and analysis
System integration
Testing and debugging
The spiral model:
Requirements are not frozen by the end of the initial phase. It is kind of executed in a
continuous mode.
By design, the spiral model is modelled to handle better risk management.
Spiral model does not follow the sequential stages it follows the evolutionary way.
Cost involved in this model is usually high.
Risk analysis
Coding and implementation
Evaluation (Oreily.com.,
In conclusion the major difference between these software process models waterfall and
the spiral is that the waterfall model is comprised of the separate and isolate phases of
specification and development. On the other hand, in a spiral model the different
specification, development and validation phases are interleaved. Waterfall model is also
known as classical or linear model because it follows sequential stages while the spiral
model does not follow the sequential stages it follows the evolutionary way. Waterfall
model works in sequential method. While spiral model works in evolutionary method.
(GeeksforGeeks, 2021)
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Question Two
Creating a new system for a small real estate brokerage firm using an object-oriented approach:
How to begin:
Creating new system with object oriented approach
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3. Relationships- All the classes in the system are related with each other. The objects do
not exist in isolation, they exist in relationship with other objects.
There are three types of object relationships −
Association − In this, two classes are related or connected in some way such as one class
works with another to perform a task or one class acts upon other class.
Generalization − the child class is based on parent class. It indicates that two classes are
similar but have some differences.
Now using the object-oriented approach I would begin by conducting system analysis, which is
the first phase in object modelling
o System analysis is important because it’s the phase where developer interacts with the
user of the system to find out the user requirements and also do an analysis to
understand the functionality of the system.
o If I don’t properly define the requirements it will cause problems down the line.
o Following system analysis, I would move on to system design. System Design is the next
development stage where the overall architecture of the desired system is decided.
o The system is organized as a set of sub systems interacting with each other.
o While designing the system as a set of interacting subsystems, the analyst takes care of
specifications as observed in system analysis as well as what is required out of the new
system by the end user.
o As the basic philosophy of Object-Oriented method of system analysis is to perceive the
o Then I will begin each of the remaining phase of the object oriented approach one by one
as a system viewed as a set of objectives and has 5 phases:
(Turtorialspoint, 2021)
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How are object-oriented tasks different from traditional structured analysis:
(Turtorialspoint, 2021)
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Explanation and differentiation between Joint application development and rapid application
o Joint application development involves the client or end user in the design and
development of an application, through a succession of collaborative workshops known as
JAD sessions or in other words, a group information gathering technique of systems
o JAD was developed by IBM in the late 1970s originally as a process for designing computer-
based systems.
o JAD centres more on people than on technology.
o By following a structured method that utilizes group dynamics, electronic software, visual
aids and software modeling tools, JAD encourages a partnership between business clients,
management and IS personnel.
o A typical JAD session can last between four days and an entire week and is usually held
away from the main office. A typical JAD team is has five to eight roles depending on the
o · Project Manager
o · Systems Analyst
o · Executive Sponsor
o · Outside Observers
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Rapid Application Development:
(Hoffer, G, 2018)
In conclusion using JAD and RAD together represents a good way to achieve customers and
business needs for quality and spend.
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Question Three
Difference between horizontal application software and vertical application software:
(Rosenblatt, H, 2018)
In conclusion application software is composed of many diverse types of packages, each of which has its
own specific task. Vertical markets are industry-specific meaning they focus on one particular industry and
are designed specifically to meet the needs of a particular marketing sector, such as financial,
telecommunications or transportation. They may cater to a core group of clientele. This is very different
from horizontal market software, which is designed to be used across a wide range of industries.
Applications in the category of horizontal market segment are more flexible and can be applied more
broadly, as opposed to vertical market software. Vertical market is industry-specific while horizontal
market segments cut across industry boundaries. Today, majority of e-markets are vertically structured,
but horizontal markets are also beginning to expand.
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Relationship between logical and physical design:
Logical design:
The logical design of the information system helps in defining the features and functions of the
system and also defines the relationship among the components “we must take place” is defined by
the logical design.
Logical design is not concerned about the way in which the tasks are complete. The method of
implementation is not included in the logical design.
The logical design defines the functions and features of the system and the relationships among its
Logical design done during the system analysis phase.
Logical design includes:
Output that must be produced by the system
Input needed by the system
Process that must be performed by the system, without regard to how tasks
will be accomplished physically
Physical design:
The physical design of the info helps in defining the way in which tasks are completed.
The process for storing, entering and verifying data is described by the physical design.
The sorting procedures and the layout of data files and format of reports are also described
by the physical design.
The physical design of an information system is a plan for the actual implementation of the
The physical design is built on the system’s logical design and describes a specific
System design usually begins after completing system analysis phase
Some overlap is possible, you might return to fact-finding if you discover that you overlooked
an important issue, if user have significant new needs, or if legal or governmental
requirements change
Physical design describes:
Input design
Output design
Interface design
Report design
Actual processes of entering, verifying, and storing data
Physical layout of data files
Sorting procedures
(Rosenblatt, H, 2018)
In conclusion, the systems analyst must understand the logical design of the system before
beginning the physical design of any one component.
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C.Noah. (2017) Information Systems – SDLC. Pp 71-72 86-87
Turtorialspoint. (2021) System analysis and design object oriented approach [Online]
Avaliable from:
%20data%20and%20behavior. [Date accessed: 10 March 2021]
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