Kutztown University Elementary Education Department Professional Semester Program Lesson Plan Format

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Teacher Candidate: Kaitlyn Groff Date: 4/6/2021 Time: Am and PM

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Bisbing Coop. Initials: KB
Group Size: 22 Grade Level: 4th
Subject or Topic: Social Studies

Lesson 1 and 2
STANDARD: (Common Core):

● NCSS Theme 3: People, Places and Environments.

● Standard - 8.2.3.A Identify the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of
individuals and groups from Pennsylvania.
● Standard - 8.2.3.B Identify historical documents, artifacts, and places critical to
Pennsylvania history.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The students will be able to identify the impact of explorers and early settlements in america.

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan -


III. Instructional Materials:

Worksheet chromebook

V. Implementation:

Day 1
A. Introduction –
● Introductory Question. When you go to a new place, do you bring something from home
to make you feel comfortable? Europeans who came to Pennsylvania brought their
culture and customs with them.
● An overview of the Chapter about Early Explorers and settlement.
● Vocabulary
○ Explorer- A person who travels the world looking for something.
○ Settlement- A community of people living in a new place.
○ Colony- A settlement ruled by a distinct country.
B. Development –
● Explorers and Early Settlers
● Europeans Reach North America
○ Video
● Explorers in Pennsylvania
○ Read slide and break apart the book
● First Settlement
○ 1 videos explaining the readings
● Struggles for the Colony
○ 1 video
C. Closure –
● After the reading there is a worksheet that enforces the learning. The students will answer
the questions to the best of their ability and then they will turn it in.
● Closing question. What would you bring to a colony if you had to settle there. Think
about it and we will talk about it tomorrow.

Day 2
A. Introduction –
● Vocabulary-
○ Debt- Money that is borrowed and must be paid back.
○ Charter- An official document that tells how something should be done.
○ Tolerance- to allow beliefs that are different then one’s own.
○ Assembly- A group of people who come together to make laws.
○ Veto- To reject, or not approve.
B. Development
● Ask students if they know who William Penn.
● Video introducing William Penn.
● William Penn’s Colony
○ A New Colony Forms
○ Religious Freedom
○ Pennsylvania’s Government
○ Hannah Penn
C. Closure
● Worksheet.
Day 3
● William Penn activity
● Create a movie poster about william penn and his impact on pennsylvania.
○ Either about William Penn’s life
○ About the Quakers
○ The Great Laws
○ Early explorers Henry Hudson or John Smith.
● The poster should have a title on it
● Key points on the poster.
○ Who william penn was and his impact.
○ What the Quakers believed.
○ What the Great Law was and why it was important.
○ Who the early explorer was.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
-Emojis set up for students who need it.

VI. Reflective Response:

VII. Resources (in APA format):

Explorer Worksheet
William Penn Worksheet
Virtual Tour of Colonial Williamsburg
Old Town Philadelphia Virtual Tour

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