+potato Haifa.

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The document discusses general growing conditions, nutritional requirements, fertilization recommendations, and conversion tables for plant nutrients related to potatoes.

The main nutrients potatoes require include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. The document discusses nutrient uptake curves and the main functions of each nutrient.

Some nutritional disorders potatoes can experience include deficiencies in boron, chloride and deficiencies or toxicities of other nutrients. The document lists several nutritional disorders.

Nutritional recommendations for

Botanical name: Solanum tuberosum L.
Synonyms: Spuds; Pomme de terre; Patata; Kartoffel

1. General growing conditions ..........................................................................................................
1.1 The
plant .....................................................................................................................................................
............... 3
1.2 Soil type and
pH ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Special sensitivities of the potato
plant .......................................................................................................... 4 1.3.1
Chloride .............................................................................................................................
.............. 4
1.3.2 Boron
deficiency ...........................................................................................................................
1.3.3 Storage
conditions ........................................................................................................................ 4
Irrigation ...............................................................................................................................................
...................... 4
1.5 Crop
uses ......................................................................................................................................................
............. 5
1.6 Crop growth
stages ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Nutritional requirements ........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Nutrient uptake
curves ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Main functions of plant
nutrients ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Nutritional disorders in
potatoes ................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Leaf analysis
standards ...................................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 Plant nutrient
requirements ............................................................................................................................ 23
3. Fertilization recommendations ............................................................................................... 24
3.1 General
3.1.1 Haifa NutriNet™ web software for Nutigation™
programs ..................................................24 a) Base
dressing .....................................................................................................................
Nutrigation™ ...........................................................................................................................25
3.1.2 Side dressing with Multi-
K® .......................................................................................................26 3.1.3 Poly-Feed®
water-soluble NPK fertilizers.................................................................................27 3.1.4
Multicote® Agri controlled release
fertilizer ...........................................................................28
3.1.5 Foliar
nutrition .............................................................................................................................
3.2 Examples of potato fertilization with Multi-K® in various
countries .................................................. 30
3.2.1. South
Africa .................................................................................................................................
Australia .................................................................................................................................
.......31 3.2.3.
Poland ...................................................................................................................................
Israel ............................................................................................................................................
..33 Appendix I: Haifa specialty
fertilizers .......................................................................................... 34
Appendix II: Conversion tables .................................................................................................... 37

1. General growing conditions

1.1 The plant
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an herbaceous annual that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall
and produces tubers, which are botanically thickened stems that are so rich in starch that they rank
as the world's fourth most important food crop, after maize, wheat
and rice.
The potato belongs to the Solanaceae, and shares the genus Solanum with at least 1,000 other
species, including tomato and eggplant. S. tuberosum is divided into two, only slightly different,
subspecies: andigena, which is adapted to short day conditions and is mainly grown in the Andes,
and tuberosum, the potato now cultivated around the world, which is believed to descend from a
small introduction to Europe of andigena potatoes that later adapted to longer day conditions.

Figure 1 : A scheme of the potato plant

1.2 Soil type and pH

Potatoes will grow on most soils, organic as well as mineral ones. But, light and medium texture soils
are recommended where mechanical harvesting is practiced, to avoid difficulties in harvesting when
weather conditions are adverse at harvest time. Lowest possible soil pH is 5.5. Soil pH below 4.8
generally results in impaired growth. Too alkaline conditions can adversely affect skin quality and
can induce micronutrients deficiencies.

1.3 Special sensitivities of the potato plant
1.3.1 Chloride
Potatoes are sensitive to the chloride anion. Chloride damage is manifested by scorching of the leaf
tips and margins, and leaves yellowing and distortion. Fertilization with chloride-free fertilizers will,
therefore, contribute to increased yields and to the improvement of their quality.

1.3.2 Boron deficiency

“Hollow Heart”, by comparison, is characterized by formation of a cavity near the tuber centre,
without any external indication of this syndrome. It is the result of soil boron deficiency. Rapid
growth of the tuber, sometimes due to too low plant density, may cause this syndrome, too.

1.3.3 Storage conditions

“Black heart” symptom of potatoes is caused by a limited supply of oxygen to the tubers during their
storage, and cannot be alleviated by improved growth conditions.

1.4 Irrigation
During the early growth phase, until tuber formation, it is essential to keep the soil constantly and
uniformly wet to a depth of at least 10-15cm. The frequency of irrigation cycles during this period
should be determined according to the specific soil type and climate conditions.
During the second growth phase, during tuber development, irrigation will be less frequent and
applied once every 3-5 days. This allows efficient root respiration and intensifying growth rate.
Potatoes can be irrigated almost until harvest.
Irrigation at tuber initiation can affect the skin quality of daughter tubers by influencing
phytopathogens, either favorably or adversely, according to conditions, and moisture rate present.
A monitored drip system equipped with a Nutrigation™ (fertigation) device is the preferable method
of irrigation (Fig. 2)

Figure 2: Drip-irrigated potato field in southern Israel

1.5 Crop uses
Potatoes are consumed fresh, and are being processed to chips and crisps. Potatoes are also used for
the production of starch. Selected plots are grown for seed production.
Potatoes grown for processing are valued for yield, size, shape, and mainly for dry matter content
(measured by specific gravity). As the specific gravity increases, the water content of the potato
decreases, improving the frying properties and flavor. Management factors, including plant nutrition
treatments, will influence potato yield, quality, and storage properties.

1.6 Crop growth stages

Potato growth is classified into five distinct growth phases (Fig. 3). The exact timing of these growth
phases depends on many environmental and management factors that vary between locations and
cultivars. However, these distinct stages of growth need to be considered when managing the crop.

Figure 3: Main stages of growth and development of potatoes. The nutritional requirements of the
developing potato change during the growing season.

Stage I Sprout development

Sprout develops from eyes on seed tubers and grows upward to emerge from the soil. Roots begin to develop
at the base of emerging sprouts.
Stage II Vegetative growth
Leaves and brunch stems develop from aboveground nodes along emerged sprouts. Roots and stolons
develop at below-ground nodes. Photosynthesis begins.
Stage III Tuber initiation
Tubers form at stolon tips but are not yet appreciably enlarging. In most cultivars the end of this stage
coincides with early flowering.
Stage IV Tuber bulking
Tuber cells expand with the accumulation of water, nutrients, and carbohydrates. Tubers become the
dominant site for deposition of carbohydrates and mobile inorganic nutrients.
Stage V Maturation
Vines turn yellow and lose leaves, photo-synthesis decreases, tuber growth slows, and vines eventually die.
Tuber dry matter content reaches a maximum and tuber skins set.

2. Nutritional requirements
2.1 Nutrient uptake curves
Nutrients uptake is at its greatest during tuber bulking up (intensive volume increase process). The
amount of nutrients removed by a potato crop is closely related to yield. Usually, twice the yield will
result twice the removal of nutrients. Nutrients need to be applied as accurately as possible to the
zone of uptake, slightly before, or at the time that the crop needs them. Failure to ensure that each
plant gets the right balance of nutrients can spoil crop quality and reduce yield.
The highest requirement for potassium, as shown on Figure 4, is during the bulking up stage of the
tubers. The flowering of potato plants is an indication when this morphological stage starts.
Consequently, the ideal side-dressing period with Multi-K® would be during the tuber bulking stage.

Figure 4: Uptake of macronutrient uptake by a whole potato plant

Source: Harris (1978)

The daily requirements of potato tubers during the critical bulking stage are 4.5 kg/ha N,
0.3 kg/ha P and 6.0 kg/ha K. Potassium requirements of potato tubers during the bulking stage are
very high as they are considered to be luxury consumers of potassium. Daily yield increase during the
critical tuber bulking stage can reach 1000 - 1500 kg/ha/day. Therefore, it is important to supply the
required plant nutrients during the tuber bulking stage in right N-P-K ratio and in ample quantities.

Figure 5: Uptake of macro and secondary nutrients by vines and tubers of potato plants yielding 55

Source: Reiz, 1991

500 Tub ers Vines





N P K Ca Mg

Figure 6: Uptake of micro-nutrients by vines and tubers of potato plants yielding 55 ton/ha.
Source: Reiz, 1991

3 Vines




Cu Zn B Mn Fe

2.2 Main functions of plant nutrients

Table 1: Summary of main functions of plant nutrients
Nutrient Functions
Nitrogen (N) Synthesis of proteins (growth and yield).

Phosphorus (P) Cellular division and formation of energetic structures.
Potassium (K) Transport of sugars, stomata control, cofactor of many enzymes, reduces
susceptibility to plant diseases.
Calcium (Ca) A major building block in cell walls, and reduces susceptibility to diseases.
Sulfur (S) Synthesis of essential amino acids cystine and methionine.
Magnesium (Mg) Central part of chlorophyll molecule.
Iron (Fe) Chlorophyll synthesis.
Manganese (Mn) Necessary in the photosynthesis process.
Boron (B) Formation of cell wall. Germination and elongation of pollen tube.
Participates in the metabolism and transport of sugars.
Zinc (Zn) Auxins synthesis.
Copper (Cu) Influences in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates.
Molybdenum (Mo) Component of nitrate-reductase and nitrogenase enzymes.

Table 2: Effects of the nutrients and the potassium source on the yield quality.
Parameter Increase in dosage of Application of KCl in
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium comparison to chloride-
free K (-Cl)
Chloride-free K helps
Tuber size ↑ No effect ↑
increasing size
Sensitivity to No information
↑ ↓ ↓
mechanical damage
Tuber blackening 1 ↑ KCl is more effective than
No effect No effect
% dry matter 2 ↓ ↑ ↓ Chloride-free K yields
Slight effect better results
% starch 3 ↓ ↑ ↓ Chloride-free K yields
better results
% protein ↑ ↓ Conflicting Chloride-free K helps
results increasing content
% reducing sugars Inconsistent ↑ ↓ No difference
Taste ↓ ↑ No effect Chloride-free K is better
Blackening after ↑
No effect
Nitrogen (N)
Adequate N management is one of the most important factors required to obtain high yields (Fig.
7) of excellent quality potatoes. An adequate early season N supply is important to support
vegetative growth.

Figure 7: The effect of nitrogen (N) on potato yields

1 Blackening is caused by oxidation of phenol compounds when skin is exposed.
2 A high percentage of dry matter is required in potatoes for industry.
3 High concentrations are desirable. The characteristic is correlated to the specific gravity.

Yield 70
(ton/ha) 60
0 60 80 120 150

kg N /Ha

Excessive soil N, applied late in the season delays maturity of the tubers and result in poor skin set,
which harms the tuber quality and storage properties. Potatoes are a shallow-rooted crop, generally
growing on sandy, well-drained soils. These soil conditions frequently make water and N
management difficult since nitrate is susceptible to leaching losses. On these sandy soils, it is
recommended that potatoes receive split applications of N during the growing season. This involves
applying some of the total N requirement prior to planting and applying the remainder during the
season with side-dress applications or through the irrigation system by Nutrigation™ (fertigation).
The period of highest N demand varies by potato variety and is related to cultivar characteristics,
such as root density and time to maturity. Petiole analysis during the growing season is a useful tool,
allowing growers to determine the N status of the crop and respond in a timely manner with
appropriate nutrients.
A balanced ammonium / nitrate ratio is very important at planting time. Too much
ammoniumnitrogen is a disadvantage as it reduces root-zone pH and thereby promotes Rhizoctonia
disease. Nitrate-nitrogen enhances the uptake of cations such as calcium, potassium and
magnesium, required for elevated specific gravity values.

Figure 8: Relative response of potato growth to the nitrate-ammonium concentrations in the

nutrient solution

Relative 1.2
weight 1



0.2 Ammonium

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

N concentration (mM)

At 12 mM of N, plants exhibited interveinal ammonium toxicity with NH 4+ nutrition, but healthy

growth with NO3- nutrition. Thus, a careful control of NH 4+ concentrations is necessary to minimize
ammonium toxicity to potato plants.

Figure 9: Effect of Nitrate/Ammonium ratio and N rate on total yield of U.T.D. tubers
Source: Vegetables & Fruits, Feb./March, 2000. South Africa

Yield 1 80% Amm./ 20%Nitr.

0.95 50% Amm./ 50%Nitr.

0.9 20% Amm./80%Nitr.






120 180 240

Total N

Nitrogen Assessment
Soil testing to a depth of 60 cm. in the spring is critical to planning an effective and efficient N
management program. Post-harvest soil samples may help growers to select succeeding crops,
which will make maximum use of the residual N after the potato crop.
The nitrogen demand by the crop during tuber bulking may be 2.2 to 3.0 kg/ha/day. Petiole nitrate
sampling allows for in-season monitoring of the crop’s nutrient status. Collecting the 4 th petiole from
30 – 50 randomly selected plants throughout the field (Fig. 10) is recommended. Tissue samples are
often collected weekly to track changes in nitrate levels, and to plan supplemental fertilizer
applications, should levels drop below optimum.
Critical petiole nitrate-levels decline as the potato crop develops and matures. Generally, petiole
nitrate-N levels at tuber bulking are <10,000 ppm = low, 10,000-15,000 ppm = medium, >15,000 ppm
= sufficient. (Fig. 11)

Figure 10: The structure of the 4th leaf on a potato plant

Figure 11: Interpretation of N-NO3 levels in potato petioles at different stages of growth

Petiole nitrate 24000

(ppm N-NO3)





Growth stage

Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus is important for early root and shoot development, providing energy for plant processes
such as ion uptake and transport. Roots absorb phosphate ions only when they are dissolved in the
soil water. Phosphorus deficiencies can occur even in soils with abundant available P, if drought, low
temperatures, or disease interfere with P diffusion to the root, through the soil solution. These
deficiencies will result in stunt root development and inadequate function. At the tuber initiation
stage, an adequate supply of phosphorus ensures that optimum number of tubers is formed.
Following the tuber initiation, phosphorus is an essential component for starch synthesis, transport
and storage.
Recent research suggests that modifications to P fertilizer, such as polymer additives, humic
substances, and coatings may be beneficial in improving P uptake and potato production.

Potassium (K)
Potato plants take up large quantities of potassium throughout the growing season. Potassium has
an important role in the control of the plant water status and internal ionic concentration of the
plant tissues, with a special focus on the stomatal functioning.
Potassium plays a major positive role in the process of nitrate reduction within the plant.
Where large amounts (e.g. >400 kg/ha K2O) are to be applied, in temperate conditions it is advisable
to split the dressings 6-8 weeks apart.
Potatoes require large amounts of soil K, since this nutrient is crucial to metabolic functions such as
the movement of sugars from the leaves to the tubers and the transformation of sugar into potato
starch. Potassium deficiencies reduce the yield, size, and quality of the potato crop. A lack of
adequate soil K is also associated with low specific gravity in potatoes.
Potassium deficiencies impair the crop’s resistance to diseases and its ability to tolerate stresses such
as drought and frost. Applying K fertilizer with a broadcast application prior to planting is most
commonly recommended. If the K is band-applied, the rates should be kept below 45 kg K 2O/ha to
avoid any salt injury to the developing sprouts.

Selection of the best K fertilizer

The source of potassium plays an important role on the quality and the yield of potato tubers. By
comparing different sources of K, Multi-K® potassium nitrate was found to increase the dry matter
ontent and the yield significantly higher than other sources of K (Fig. 12 & 13). This study was done
on different cultivars and all of them responded with higher tuber yield to Multi-K® treatment (Fig

Figure 12: The effect of different potassic fertilizers on the potato tuber yield
Source: Reiz, 1991

Yield 45






KCl SOP Multi-K®

Figure 13: The effect of different potassic fertilizers on the dry matter content in potato tubers
Source: Reiz, 1991

% dry 18




KCl SOP Multi-K®

Figure 14: The effect of different potassic fertilizers on potato yield of various cultivars
Source: Bester, 1986

Tuber yield






The potato's specific gravity and the chips color are important parameters for the processing
potatoes industry. Both of these parameters are responding favourably to Multi-K® potassium
nitrate treatments as compared to other sources of K fertilizers (Fig. 15, 16).

Figure 15: The effect of different potassic fertilizers on chips color rating Source:
Reiz, 1991
Color 43.5






KCl SOP Multi-K®

Figure 16: The effect of different potassic fertilizers on specific gravity of potato tubers Source:
Reiz, 1991

S.G. 1.069
KCl SOP Multi-K®

Beside the favourable effect of Multi-K® on the quality and yield of potato tubers, it also improves
the shelf life of the tubers in storage (Fig. 17).

Figure 17: The effect of different K fertilizers loss of mass over time (@ 20 oC, RH 66%)
Source: Bester (1986)

loss (%)

2 KCl
1 Multi-K®

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (weeks)

Calcium (Ca)
Calcium is a key component of cell walls, helping to build a strong structure and ensuring cell
stability. Calcium-enriched cell walls are more resistant to bacterial or fungal attack. Calcium also

helps the plant adapt to stress by influencing the signal chain reaction when stress occurs. It also has
a key role in regulating the active transport of potassium for stomatal opening.

Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium has a central role in photosynthesis, as its atom is present in the centre of each
chlorophyll molecule. It is also involved in various key steps of sugar and protein production as well
as the transport of sugars in the form of sucrose from the leaves to the tubers.
Yield increases of up to 10% were obtained in trials in which regular application of magnesium
fertilizers has been practiced .

Sulphur (S)
Sulphur reduces the level of common and powdery scab. This effect is related to a reduction in the
soil pH where sulphur is applied in its elemental form.

2.3 Nutritional disorders in potatoes

Nitrogen deficiency is manifested by reduced growth pale leaves, and results in reduced tuber yield
(size and number). The deficiency is made worse by extrenme soil pH (low or high), low organic
matter, drought conditions or heavy irrigation (Fig. 18).
Nitrogen excess causes delayed maturity, excessive top growth, hollow heart & growth cracks,
increased susceptibility to biotic diseases, reduced tuber specific gravity and difficulty in vine
‘burning’ before harvest.

Figure 18: Characteristic nitrogen (N) deficiency symptoms

Typical symptoms and syndroms related with phosphorus deficiency are: fewer tubers, smaller
tubers, stunted plants, yellowing of older leaves, small dark green younger leaves (Fig. 19). P
deficiency leads to reduced early vigor, delayed maturity and reduced yields.
Excessive phosphorus, when present, ties up other elements such as calcium and zinc, inducing
thereby their deficiencies

Figure 19: Characteristic phosphorus (P) deficiency symptoms

Potassium deficiency retards nitrogen uptake, slows down plant growth and leads to reduced yields,
inferior quality, and poor disease resistance. Typical symptoms of K deficiency are necrosis of leaf
margins, premature leaf senescence (Fig. 20)
Excessive potassium causes reduced tuber specific gravity and reduced calcium and/or magnesium
uptake. It also degrades soil structure.

Figure 20: Characteristic potassium (K) deficiency symptoms

Calcium deficiency interferes with root growth, causes deformation of foliage growth tips, and may
result in reduced yields and poor quality. Calcium-deficient potato tubers have reduced storage
capability. Low calcium levels in the soil result in poorer soil structure.
Typical symptoms of calcium deficiency are yellow curled leaves on upper leaves, tip burns, and small
chlorotic new leaves. (Fig. 21)
Excessive calcium results in reduced magnesium uptake, with the symptoms related to magnesium
Figure 21: Characteristic calcium (Ca) deficiency symptoms

As magnesium is a key element in photosynthesis, its rate slows down under conditions of
magnesium deficiency, resulting in Reduced tuber formation and lower yields. Severe
magnesium deficiency can reduce yields by up to 15%. Magnesium-deficient tubers are more
easily damaged during lifting and storage.
Typical deficiency symptoms: Leaves get yellow and brown; The leaves wilt and die; Stunted
plants, early crop maturation; Poor skin finish of the tubers. (Fig. 22)
Excessive magnesium results in reduced calcium uptake, with the symptoms related to calcium

Figure 22: Characteristic magnesium (Mg) deficiency symptoms

Sulfur (S) deficiency causes reduced growth, and leaves become pale green or yellow. Number
of leaves is reduced. (Fig. 23)

Figure 23: Characteristic sulfur (S) deficiency symptoms

Under Iron (Fe) deficiency, the interveinal areas get chlorotic while the veins remain green. In
cases of severe deficiency, the entire leaf is chlorotic. (Fig. 24). Iron deficiency symptoms
firstly appear on the youngest leaves.

Figure 24: Characteristic Iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms

Boron (B) regulates transport of sugars through membranes, and also plays a key role in cell division,
cell development and auxin metabolism.
Under condition of boron deficiency growing buds die, and plants appear bushy, having shorter
internodes. Leaves thicken and roll upward; leaf tissue darkens and collapses. Brown necrotic
patches appear on tubers, and internal rust spot are formed. (Fig. 25)

Figure 25: Characteristic Boron (B) deficiency symptoms

Under copper (Cu) deficiency young leaves become flaccid and wilted, terminal buds drop at flower
bud development, and leaf tips become necrotic (Fig. 26).

Figure 26: Characteristic Boron (B) deficiency symptoms

Zinc deficiency symptoms: Young leaves become chlorotic (light green or yellow), narrow, upwardly-
cupped and develop tip-burn. Other leaf symptoms are green veins, spotting with dead tissue,
blotching, and erect appearance. (Fig. 27)

Figure 27: Characteristic Zinc (Zn) deficiency symptoms

Manganese (Mn) deficiency symptoms: black or brown spots on younger leaves; leaves
yellowing; poor skin finish of the tubers (Fig. 28). Tubers are more easily damaged during lifting
and storage.

Figure 28: Characteristic manganese (Mn) deficiency symptoms

2.4 Leaf analysis standards

Table 8: Reference levels for each nutrient at foliar level:

Nutrient (%) Deficient Low Normal High Excessive
Nitrogen (N) < 4.2 4.2-4.9 5.0-6.5 >6.5
Phosphorus (P) <0.23 0.23-0.29 0.3-0.55 >0.6
Potassium (K) <3.3 3.3-3.9 4.0-6.5 6.5-7.0 >7.0
Calcium (Ca) <0.6 0.6-0.8 0.8-2 >2.0
Magnesium (Mg) <0.22 0.22-0.24 0.25-0.5 >0.5
Sulfur (S) 0.30-0.50

Nutrient (ppm) Deficient Low Normal High Excessive

Copper (Cu) <3 3.0 -5.0 5.0 -20 30-100
Zinc (Zn) <15 15-19 20-50
Manganese (Mn) <20 20-30 50-300 700-800 >800
Iron (Fe) 50-150
Boron (B) <15 18-24 30-60
Sodium (Na) 0-0.4 >0.4
Chloride (Cl) 0-3.0 3.0-3.5 >3.5

2.5 Plant nutrient requirements

Table 9: Nutritional requirements of potatoes:
Expected yield Removal by yield (kg/ha) Uptake by whole plant (kg/ha)
N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
20 38 18 102 2 2 105 28 146 29 19
40 76 36 204 4 4 171 50 266 42 28
60 114 54 306 6 6 237 72 386 55 37
80 152 72 408 8 8 303 95 506 68 46
100 190 90 510 10 10 369 117 626 82 55
110 209 99 561 11 11 402 128 686 88 59

3. Fertilization recommendations
The recommendations appearing in this document should be regarded as a general guide only. The
exact fertilization program should be determined according to the specific crop needs, soil and water
conditions, and the grower’s experience. For detailed recommendations, consult a local Haifa
Disclaimer: Any use of the information given here is made at the reader’s sole risk. Haifa Chemicals
Ltd. provides no warranty whatsoever for "Error Free" data, nor does it warrants the results that
may be obtained from use of the provided data, or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of any
information provided here.
In no event will Haifa Chemicals Ltd. or its employees be liable for any damage or punitive damages
arising out of the use of or inability to use the data included.

3.1 General recommendations

3.1.1 Haifa NutriNet™ web software for Nutigation™ programs
Haifa fertilization recommendations are available in the online Knowledge Center on our website,
www.haifa-group.com. Use the NutriNet™ web software, accessible through our website or directly
at www.haifa-nutrinet.com to assist you in working out the recommended fertilizer rates at different
growth stages according to the expected yield under your growing conditions.

The following is an example of recommendations, found on the NutriNet™, in accordance with the
above-mentioned guideline to split the scheduled fertilization into: a) Base-dressing (pre-plant)
fertilizers, followed by:
b) Nutrigation™ (fertigation) at different growth stages, on sandy-loam soil, when the expected yield
is 80 ton/ha:
a) Base dressing

b) Nutrigation™
Total amount of fertilizers applied by Nutrigation™

Table 10: The total contribution of plant nutrients from each fertilizer as calculated by NutriNet™:

kg N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO

Ammonium nitrate (34%) 351 116
Haifa MAP (12-61-0) 144 17 88
Multi-K® (13-0-46) 859 112 395
Haifa Cal (26% CaO) 27 4 7
Magnesium sulphate (16% MgO) 58 9
Total 1437 255 88 395 7 9

Table 11: Recommended nutrient rates per ha per day and per growth stage as calculated by NutriNet™
Phase Days from sowing kg/ha/day kg/ha/phase
/ planting

N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO N P2O5 K2 O CaO MgO

Planting 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Vegetative growth 2-40 1.56 0.54 2.44 0.05 0.05 61 21 95 2 2
Tuber initiation & bulking 41-80 3.15 1.08 4.85 0.08 0.1 126 43 194 3 4
Maturation 81-130 2.36 0.82 3.64 0.06 0.08 118 41 182 3 4

306 105 472 8 10


Table 12: Recommended fertilizers rates per growth stage

Phase Days from kg/ha/phase

/ planting Ammonium Haifa MAP* Multi-K® * 13- Haifa Cal* Magnesium
12-61-0 0-46 (26% CaO)
nitrate sulfate
34-0-0 (16% MgO)
Planting 1 2 0 2 0 0
Vegetative growth 2-40 172 34 207 8 13
Tuber initiation & bulking 41-80 150 70 422 12 25
Maturation 81-130 72 67 396 12 25
Total 396 144 859 27 56

Multi-K® = Potassium nitrate
Haifa MAP = Mono-ammonium phosphate
Haifa Cal = Calcium nitrate

3.1.2 Side dressing with Multi-K®

It is recommended to apply Multi-K® by side dressing in prilled form. It can be done by any surface
fertilizer applicator. However, when the soil is too wet, especially in early spring, aerial application is

Table 12: Soil applied fertilization

Type of potatoes When to apply Rate kg/ha
Ware potatoes 5 - 8 weeks after planting 250 - 300 kg Multi-K® /ha
Early potatoes After removing plastic cover 200 - 250 kg Multi-K® /ha
Comments Split into 2 - 4 applications. First Fewer applications in heavier soils,
application 20-30 days after more in light texture soils.
emergence 15 - 20 days interval.

3.1.3 Poly-Feed® water-soluble NPK fertilizers

Table 13: fertilization recommendations for potatoes. Expected yield: 60 ton/ha
Growth stage Days Poly-Feed® formula kg/ha/day Total kg/ha
Planting & Establishment 30 20-20-20 6 180
Tuber initiation 25 14-7-21+2MgO 18 450
Tuber growth 55 14-7-21+2MgO 18 990

3.1.4 Multicote® Agri controlled release fertilizer

An N:P2O:K2O ratio of 2:1:3* is recommended, as pre-plant application. This application will take care
of the nutritional requirement of the plot for the entire growth season.
Multicote® Agri granules should be incorporated into the soil, 10cm deep and 10cm away from the
planting row.

Application rate %
% coated nutrients
of local practice*
N P2 O 5 K2O N P2 O 5 K2O
Light soil 60-70 100 70 70 - Up to 50
Heavy soil 70-90 100 80 50-60 - Up to 50
Consult a local Haifa representative for detailed explanations and

Table 14: Multicote® Agri application recommendations for potatoes*

* These recommendations refer to areas where nitrogen application rates are
not restricted by regulations. If nitrogen application is restricted, calculation of
Multicote® Agri application rates should be based on the full optimum rates that
would have been given with no restrictions.

3.1.5 Foliar nutrition

Foliar feeding is a fast and highly effective method of supplementing and enriching plant nutrients
when needed. Foliar application of Haifa water soluble fertilizers provides needed plant nutrients for
normal development of crops when absorption of nutrients from the soil is disturbed, precisiontimed
foliar sprays are also a fast-acting and effective method for treating nutrient deficiencies.
Foliar application of the correct nutrients in relatively low concentrations at critical stages in crop
development contributes significantly to higher yields and improved quality.
Determine safe foliar applied rate:
To verify the safe rate under local conditions, it is advisable to spray recommended rate on a few plants.
After 3-4 days check the tested plants for scorching symptoms.
Preparation of tank-mix:
Dissolve Haifa water-soluble fertilizes in about half of the tank volume, and add to the spray tank.
When applying together with crop-protection agents, addition of wetting agents is not necessary. To
ensure compatibility of tank-mix components, a small-scale test should be performed prior to actual
Table 15: Haifa water-soluble fertilizers for foliar application
Fertilizer Curing Treatment Recommended concentration
Haifa Bonus Potassium deficiency 1% - 3%
Haifa MAP Phosphorus deficiency 1% - 3%
Haifa MKP Phosphorus and potassium 1% - 3%
Magnisal® Magnesium deficiency 1% - 2%
Poly-Feed® N-P-K and micronutrients deficiency See table below
Haifa Micro Micronutrients deficiencies Consult Haifa agronomist

Table 16: Recommended foliar feeding with Poly-Feed® products for boosting crop performances
Stage Poly-Feed® Foliar analysis Concentration Spray volume
Vegetative growth “Vegetative Booster” 21-21- 2% - 5% 50 – 80 L/ha
Tuber growth “Poly-Potato” 12-5-40 Two applications 50 – 80 L/ha
at 2% - 4%

3.2 Examples of potato fertilization with Multi-K® in various countries

3.2.1. South Africa

A. Cape region
Application Product (N- kg/ha N P P2O5 K K2O
Schedule P2O5-K2O)
Before plant Gypsum 2000
Bended at Granular 8-29-20 1130 55 110 252 95 114
Fertigation (Via Central Pivot)

Weeks Applications Rate per
per week application

1 to 4 13-10-27* 2 75 kg/ha 80 27 61 133 160

Calcium Nitrate 1 50 kg/ha 28 0 0 0 0
5 to 7 Multi-K® 2 60 kg/ha 55.2 0 0 110 132
Calcium Nitrate 1 50 kg/ha 21 0 0 0 0
8 to 10 Multi-K® 3 60 kg/ha 54 0 0 158 189
Sub-total Nutrigation™ 238 27 61 401 482

Total 293 137 313 496 596

* Water-soluble fertilizer made of Multi-K® MKP and AS

B. Free state
Fertilizers Magnisal® Haifa Cal UAN 4-3-4 (18) Multi-K® KCl

S. G. 1.3 1.48 1.3 1.3 0.2 0.2

Week kg/ha

0 (Jan-10)


6 100 100 150 100

7 100 100 150 100

8 100 100 100 100

9 7 90 100

10 95 50

11 50

12 50 25

13 10 25

14 25


Total 307 300 490 495 160 75

3.2.2. Australia
Soil type: Light (with low phosphorus and potassium)
Note: Nutrients supplied by a base dressing with strategic applications through the center pivot

Recommended rates of nutrients

N P P2O5 K K2O
150-250 kg/ha 60-110 kg/ha 135-250 kg/ha 150-200 kg/ha 180-240 kg/ha

a) Base-dressing
On silt soils (medium soils) up to 50% of the N and K should be applied as pre-plant and up to 100 %
of P applied as pre-plant dry fertilizer *.

N P P2O5 K K2O
50-80 kg/ha 60-110 kg/ha 135-250 kg/ha 50-60 kg/ha 60-70kg/ha
* On light (sandy) soils, up to 30% of the N and K should be applied as pre-plant and up to 100 % of the P applied
as pre-plant dry fertilizer.

b) Nutrigation™
50%** of N and K are applied through the irrigation system (center pivot)
Time of application kg/ha/application
(weeks after emergence)
N P K K2O Multi-K® Ammonium
6 23 52 19 23 50 50
8 23 52 19 23 50 50
10 23 52 19 23 50 50
12 23 52 19 23 50 50
14 23 52 19 23 50 50
** When 70% of N and K are applied, increase Multi-K® rate to 55 - 60 kg/application an ammonium nitrate to
90 kg/application.

Nutrient applied kg/ha N P P2O5 K K2O

(Approx) 195 70 160 185 225

Note: Nutrigation™ begins 6 weeks after emergence. If practical, applications can be split and applied
on a weekly basis.

3.2.3. Poland
Soil type: Light /sandy

Plant density : 40,000-75,000 / ha
Expected yield: 35-45 T/ha, depending on variety

Average recommended rates of nutrients (kg/ha):

N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
200-250 150 350-450 60-80 60-80

a) Base-dressing
Nutrient Requirements Recommended Fertilizers


30 100 130 53 90 220 260 160
AN - Ammonium nitrate (34%) TSP -
Triple Super phosphate (46% P2O5)
Haifa SOP - Potassium sulfate (50% K2O)

b). Nutrigation™
Based on a weekly irrigation.
Growth Weeks after Nutrition requirement Recommended fertilizer (kg/ha/week)
stage emergence (kg/ha/week)
N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO Multi-K® Mg Haifa MAP AN CN
1-5 6 6 10 18
6-7 5 5 8 15
8-10 28 32 60 3.0 78 58 230*
Maturation 11-13 15 32 3.0 78 58
14-16 10 0.8 22
Total 169 40 222 180 20 480 66 170 230
If fertilizers are applied by side-dressing, the entire weekly rate should be applied at once. Fertilizers should be
placed besides the row.
Multi-K® Mg = Potassium nitrate enriched with magnesium (11-0-40+4MgO) Haifa
MAP= Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0)
AN = Ammonium nitrate CN
= Calcium nitrate

3.2.4. Israel
Soil application:
Growth stage N rate Multi-K®* P2O5 rate

From planting 70-105 kg/ha --- According to soil test
till tuber initiation or 150-200 kg /ha
At tuber initiation - 300-500 kg/ha
10 - 15 days later - 300-500 kg/ha
* Optional Multi-K® Mg

Foliar feeding:
Treatment Fertilizer Spray timing Conc. Spray volume No. of
Improving Poly-Feed® One week after 2% - 3% Full coverage 2-3
growth 20-20-20 emergence
Correcting K Haifa Bonus Two weeks after 5% - 8%
deficiency 12-2-44 emergence
Higher yield Haifa Bonus From full canopy 5% - 8%

Aerial application:
When there is a need for top-dressing and the soil is either too wet or the field is too large for timely
ground application, an aerial application of prilled Multi-K® is a practical solution. This is especially
effective when the soil temperature is still cold, (usually in early spring), so a nitrate application will
enable the plant to take up nitrogen at this stage for quick response.
Appendix I: Haifa specialty fertilizers

Pioneering Solutions
Haifa develops and produces Potassium Nitrate products, Soluble Fertilizers for Nutrigation™ and
foliar sprays, and Controlled-Release Fertilizers. Haifa’s Agriculture Solutions maximize yields from
given inputs of land, water and plant nutrients for diverse farming practices. With innovative plant
nutrition schemes and highly efficient application methods, Haifa’s solutions provide balanced plant
nutrition at precise dosing, composition and placing. This ultimately delivers maximum efficiency,
optimal plant development and minimized losses to the environment.

Potassium Nitrate
Haifa's Potassium Nitrate products represent a unique source of potassium due to their nutritional
value and contribution to plant's health and yields. Potassium Nitrate has distinctive chemical and
physical properties that are beneficial to the environment. Haifa offers a wide range of potassium
nitrate products for Nutrigation™, foliar sprays, side-dressing and controlled-release fertilization. Haifa's
potassium nitrate products are marketed under the Multi-K® brand.

Multi-K® Products
Pure Multi-K®
Multi-K® Classic Crystalline potassium nitrate (13-0-46)
Multi-K® PrillsPotassium nitrate prills (13-0-46)

Special Grades
Multi-K® GG Greenhouse-grade potassium nitrate (13.5-0-46.2)
Multi-K® pHast Low-pH potassium nitrate (13.5-0-46.2)
Multi-K® Top Hydroponics-grade potassium nitrate (13.8-0-46.5)
Enriched Products
Multi-npK® Enriched with phosphate; crystalline or prills
Multi-K® Mg Enriched with magnesium; crystalline or prills
Multi-K® Zn Enriched with zinc; crystalline
Multi-K® S Enriched with sulfate; crystalline
Multi-K® B Enriched with boron; crystalline or prills
Multi-K® ME Enriched with magnesium and micronutrients; crystalline

Nutrigation™ (fertigation) delivers pure plant nutrients through the irrigation system, supplying
essential nutrients precisely to the area of most intensive root activity. Haifa’s well-balanced
Nutrigation™ program provides the plant with their exact needs accordingly with seasonal changes.
Decades of experience in production and application of specialty fertilizers for Nutrigation™ have
made Haifa a leading company in this field. Haifa keeps constantly up to date with contemporary
scientific and agricultural research, in order to continuously broaden its product line to better meet
the requirements of crops and cropping environments.
Haifa offers a wide range of water-soluble fertilizers for Nutrigation™. All products contain only pure
plant nutrients and are free of sodium and chloride
Multi-K® Comprehensive range of plain and enriched potassium nitrate products
Poly-Feed® Soluble NPK fertilizers enriched with secondary and micro-nutrients
Haifa MAP Mono-ammonium phosphate
Haifa MKP Mono-potassium phosphate
Haifa Cal Calcium nitrate
Magnisal® Our original magnesium nitrate fertilizer
Haifa Micro Chelated micronutrients
Haifa VitaPhos-K™ Precipitation-proof poly-phosphate for soilless Nutrigation™ Haifa
ProteK Systemic PK fertilizer

Foliar Feeding
Foliar Feeding provides fast, on-the-spot supplementary nutrition to ensure high, top quality yields and
is an ideal feeding method under certain growth conditions in which absorption of nutrients from the
soil is inefficient, or for use on short–term crops. Precision-timed foliar sprays are also a fast-acting and
effective method for treating nutrient deficiencies. Foliar application of the correct nutrients in
relatively low concentrations at critical stages in crop development contributes significantly to higher
yields and improved quality. Haifa offers a selection of premium fertilizers for foliar application. Haifa
offers a selection of fertilizers for foliar application:
Haifa Bonus High-K foliar formulas enriched with special adjuvants for better absorption and prolonged

Poly-Feed® Foliar NPK formulas enriched with micronutrients specially designed to enhance the crop
performance during specific growth stages
Magnisal®, Haifa MAP, Haifa MKP, Haifa Cal and Haifa Micro are also suitable for foliar application.

Controlled Release Nutrition

Multicote®, Haifa's range of Controlled Release Fertilizers includes products for agriculture, horticulture,
ornamentals and turf. Multicote® products provide plants with balanced nutrition according to their
growth needs throughout the growth cycle. Multicote® products enhance plant growth, improve
nutrients use efficiency, save on labor and minimize environmental impact.
Single, pre-plant application controlled-release fertilizer can take care of the crop’s nutritional
requirements throughout the growth season. Controlled release fertilizers are designed to feed plants
continuously, with maximal efficiency of nutrients uptake. Controlled release fertilizers save labor and
application costs. Their application is independent of the irrigation system, and does not require
sophisticated equipment.
Taking advantage of MulticoTech™ polymer coating technology, Haifa produces Multicote® line of
controlled release fertilizers.

Multicote® Products
Multicote® for nurseries and ornamentals; NPK formulae with release longevities of 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16
Multicote® Agri / Multigro® for agriculture and horticulture
CoteN™ controlled-release urea for arable crops
Multicote® Turf / Multigreen® for golf courses, sports fields, municipals and domestic lawns

Appendix II: Conversion tables
From To Multiply by From To Multiply by
P P 2O 5 2.29 P 2O 5 P 0.44
P PO4 3.06 PO4 P 0.32
H3PO4 H2PO4 0.9898 H2PO4 H3PO4 1.01
K K2O 1.20 K2O K 0.83
Ca CaO 1.40 CaO Ca 0.71
Mg MgO 1.66 MgO Mg 0.60
S SO3 2.50 SO3 S 0.40
S SO4 3.00 SO4 S 0.33
N NH4 1.28 NH4 N 0.82
N NO3 4.43 NO3 N 0.22

From To Multiply by From To Multiply by

Acre Hectare 0.405 Hectare Acre 2.471
Kilogram Lbs 2.205 Lbs Kilogram 0.453
Gram Ounces 0.035 Ounces Gram 28.35
Short Ton MT 0.907 MT Short Ton 1.1
Gallon (US) Liters 3.785 Liters Gallon (US) 0.26
Kg/Ha Lbs/acre 0.892 Lbs/acre Kg/Ha 1.12
MT/Ha Lbs/acre 892 Lbs/acre MT/Ha 0.001

1 meq Correspondent 1 mmol Correspondent Weight of ion

element (mg) element (mg)
NH4 + 14 mg N NH4+ 14 mg N 18 mg NH4+
NO3- 14 mg N NO3 - 14 mg N 62 mg NO3-
H2PO4 - 31 mg P H2PO4 - 31 mg P 71 mg P2O5
HPO4 2- 31 mg P HPO4 2- 31 mg P 35,5 mg P2O5
HPO4 2- 15.5 mg P K+ 39 mg K 47 mg K2O
K+ 39 mg K Ca2+ 40 mg Ca 28 mg CaO
Ca2+ 20 mg Ca Mg2+ 24 mg Mg 20 mg MgO
Mg2+ 12 mg Mg SO42- 32 mg S 48 mg SO4
SO4 2- 16 mg S Na+ 23 mg Na -
Na+ 23 mg Na Cl- 35.5 mg Cl -


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