Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology
Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology
Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology
and Biotechnology
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© FAO 2011
Plant Mutation Breeding
and Biotechnology
Edited by Q.Y. Shu, B.P.Forster, H.Nakagawa
Up until the 20th century, spontaneous mutations were the only source of novel genetic diversity that mankind
could exploit in selecting plants and animals suitable for domestication and breeding. A leap in plant breeding
came when ionizing radiation was discovered to modify the genetic make-up of organisms. The pioneering work
of LJ Stadler in the late 1920s marks the beginning of plant mutation breeding, despite Stadler himself being less
than optimistic about its real value. It was not until the establishment in 1964 of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of
Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, with its global coordinating and synergistic roles, that plant mutation
breeding became a common tool available to plant breeders worldwide. Since these early days the Joint Division
continues to play a considerable role in fostering the use of mutation techniques for crop improvement in FAO
and IAEA member states. It does so by co-ordinating and supporting research, by promoting capacity building and
technology transfer, by providing technical services and policy advice, and by collecting, analysing and dissemi-
nating information. By the end of 2009 the number of mutant varieties officially released worldwide had reached
3,088, up from a mere 77 in 1964.
An early initiative of the Joint Division was the compilation of the Mutation Breeding Manual, published by the
IAEA in 1975, with a second edition in 1977. The Manual was subsequently translated into several languages and
has received wide acclaim as a reference book for plant breeders and as a text book at universities; it has played
a pivotal role in educating several generations of plant breeders, including myself. But time does not stand still,
and especially the past decade has seen a rapid emergence of new tools of relevance to plant breeders, including
bioinformatics, genetic transformation and genomics. With these tools, and with the fast accruing knowledge of
plant mutagenesis, the earlier perception of mutation induction as a random, uncontrolled process of empiric
nature has also changed, and plant mutagenesis is now fully capitalising on advances in molecular- and bio-tech-
nologies, such as TILLING, and is an essential tool also in research on gene discovery and gene function. They have
surely brought new vigour to plant mutation breeding, and have re-injected this discipline into the mainstream of
science-based breeding.
Initially we planned to ‘merely’ update the protocols in the earlier Manual, but quickly realised that this would
neither do justice to the vast number of recent scientific and technological developments relevant to plant muta-
tion breeding, nor would it come anywhere close to fulfilling the expectations of modern plant breeders and
research scientists. In the book you are now reading we present contemporary knowledge of mutagenesis in
plants, state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies and their underlying principles, and provide exemplary
case studies on mutation induction, identification and utilization in plant breeding and research. I hope this book
will meet your expectations and that you will find it a worthy successor to our earlier Mutation Breeding Manual.
It is my sincere hope that it will help the global agricultural community to generate more and better crop varieties
in its challenging effort to reach global food security and to minimise the currently widening gap between the rich,
the poor and the famished.
Qu Liang
Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
International Atomic Energy Agency
Evolution and practical breeding both depend on genetic variation. Over the years since Darwin, naturalists and a
diversity of scientists have learned how to create, detect, and utilize mutations. The development of genomics has
more recently increased the power of plant mutagenesis in crop improvement. This unique book elegantly shows
how biology, physics, and chemistry all interplay to provide the nexus of theory and practice. Clearly written
and illustrated, the book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive manual for understanding the application of
mutagenesis and its scientific basis. Many inset boxes are included in the text that aid in the explanations of the
approach or summarize studies related to the point being addressed. Definitions and glossaries are included and
add clarity to the discussion. A sense of history is provided through the listing of milestones in the development of
the technology. Useful reference lists and websites are provided in each chapter. Comments also are included at
appropriate places relative to safety considerations.
Broad in its scope, many plant species from crops to ornamentals are covered in the book as well as mutant traits
such as dwarfing genes, male sterility, disease resistance, chromosome pairing, fatty acid composition, and many
others. Examples are given that illustrate the need for additional breeding, usually by incorporation of genetic
modifier genes, to somewhat change the original mutant phenotype in order for the mutation to become a sig-
nificant breeding target. The reader is informed early in the book that today’s plant mutagenesis not only includes
“induced mutagenesis” via the traditional physical or chemical mutagenesis procedures, but also “insertional
mutagenesis” and “site-directed mutagenesis”. These two latter approaches – which will become even more com-
monplace in the future - allow greater certainty of obtaining the desired mutant phenotype; these approaches
often require considerable molecular genetic information about the trait. Zinc finger nucleases against specific
sequences are given as an excellent example of the achievable increased precision. This book explains pertinent
molecular genetics aspects from promoters to enhancers, and different types of mutations from insertions/dele-
tions to frameshift mutations. The importance of DNA repair in homologous recombination and mutagenesis also
is discussed in detail. Relatively new molecular genetics techniques for detecting genetic variation are changing
the precision and frequency of success; tilling, de-tilling, and eco-tilling are discussed as efficient means of finding
genetic variation. The next-generation DNA sequencing procedures are providing another leap forward.
Many points learned by experience via plant mutagenesis studies give the reader insights that earlier researchers
had to learn the hard way. The outcome of any mutation experiment depends on many factors such as the type of
mutagen, dose and dose rate, genotype, growth conditions, etc. Dose and dose responses and how these differ
among methods are given in several instances. Success in achieving a high frequency of mutation is a sort of bal-
ancing act between maximizing the mutagenic effect and recovering viable/fertile plants; some discussion is allot-
ted as to how to assess plant injury. Another valuable aspect of the book relates to the complications introduced
through chimerism. Several mutagenesis methods may lead to a plant where the mutation is not in every cell of the
plant. Proper interpretation of the results depends on knowledge of embryo development in that species relative
to cell layers and number of primordial cells at the time of treatment.
Mutagenesis techniques – even the newer ones - have resulted in many impressive mutant varieties. The number
of such varieties is high across economic plant species, including vegetatively propagated species. The reading of
this book provides a lucid review of the basis of mutagenesis, gives many practical tips for the efficient production
of mutant types, and portends an important future for such techniques in basic and applied biology. Anyone
contemplating the use of mutagenesis as an approach to improving or modifying a trait or achieving basic under-
standing of a pathway for a trait will find this book as an essential reference.
Ronald L. Phillips
Regents Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota
Table of Contents
C03 The Structure and Regulation of Genes and Consequences of Genetic Mutations S.Lee, S.Costanzo and Y.Jia 31
C06 Double-Stranded DNA Break, Repair and Associated Mutations K.Osakabe, M.Endo and 71
C15 Chimeras and Mutant Gene Transmission A.R.Prina, A.M.Landau and 181
C16 Chimeras: Properties and Dissociation in Vegetatively Propagated Plants T.Geier 191
C18 Strategies and Approaches in Mutant Population Development for Mutant Y.Ukai and H.Nakagawa 209
Selection in Seed Propagated Crops
C19 Irradiation - Facilitated Chromosomal Translocation: Wheat As An Example H-Y.Wang, Z-H.Liu, P-D.Chen 223
and X-E.Wang
C20 Molecular Techniques and Methods for Mutation Detection and Screening in Q.Y.Shu et al 241
C21 Discovery of Chemically Induced Mutations by TILLING R.Bovina, V.Talamè, S.Salvi, 257
M-C.Sanguineti and
C23 Applications of DNA Marker Techniques in Plant Mutation Research D.Wu et al 287
C27 Uses of TILLING® For Crop Improvement A.J.Slade and C.P.Moehs 359
C28 Applications of in vitro Techniques in Mutation Breeding of Vegetatively P.Suprasanna et al. 371
Propagated Crops
C30 Use of Irradiated Pollen to Induce Parthenogenesis and Haploid Production in M.A.Germana 411
Fruit Crops
C31 Herbicide - Tolerant Crops Developed from Mutations S.Tan and S.J. Bowe 423
C32 Mutation Breeding for Fatty Acid Composition in Soybean Y.Takagi, T.Anai and 437
C33 Genetic Improvement of Basmati RiceThrough Mutation Breeding G.J.N.Rao, A.Patnaik and 445
C34 Mutation Breeding of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) var. 0900 Ziraat B.Kuntera, M.Basb, 453
Y.Kantoglua and M.Burakc
C36 Molecular Genetics of Symbiotic Plant-Microbe Interactions in a Model Legume, H.Kouchi 471
Lotus Japonicus
C37 Mutational Dissection of the Phytochrome Genetic Systems in Rice M.Takano, X.Xianzhi and 479
C41 Phenomics in Plant Biological Research and Mutation Breeding C.R.Schunk and M. Eberius 535
Section 1
Concepts, Historical Development
and Genetic Basis
Plant Mutagenesis in Crop Improvement:
Basic Terms and Applications
B.P.Forstera,* and Q.Y.Shub
BioHybrids International Limited, P.O. Box 2411, Earley, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
5. Future Prospects
6. References
1. Introduction apparent and unusual and therefore of inter-
est. Mutation however, especially at the gene
Before the turn of the 21st century, experiments in plant sequence (genotype) level can lead to small
mutagenesis were driven by the potential use of mutants and subtle changes in phenotype which may
in plant improvement. During the past ten years, not become immediately apparent and these
genomics and molecular techniques have become part can now be detected using molecular tech-
of plant mutagenesis research and induced mutants niques; thus the word “sudden” as applied to
have become an established resource in genomics phenotype can be deleted from the definition.
studies. Although plant induced mutagenesis has been • Mutants: individuals carrying a mutation that
used widely as a tool in basic studies and practical may be revealed using molecular means or
breeding programmes, it is seldom considered to be an identified by phenotyping tools. Different
independent subject by plant scientists or plant breed- types of mutant can be generated using experi-
ers. There are only a very limited number of books or mental mutagenesis (Box 1.1).
other publications with comprehensive treatments of
this subject, particularly its principles and technolo- 2.2. Mutation Genetics and Breeding
gies, which sometime lead to ambiguous concepts and
misuse of scientific terms. This book describes the The term mutation breeding (‘Mutationszüchtung’) was
underlying principles of plant experimental mutagen- first coined by Freisleben and Lein (1944) to refer to the
esis, its associated enabling technologies and its appli- deliberate induction and development of mutant lines
cation to research and plant breeding. Examples and for crop improvement. The term has also been used in
success stories are given to illustrate the practicality of a wider sense to include the exploitation of natural as
methods. In order to understand these and subsequent well as spontaneous mutants, and in the development of
subjects the reader must become acquainted with the any variety possessing a known mutation from whatever
common terminology of the discipline, which is set out source. The argument is semantic as all genetic varia-
below. tion is ipso facto mutation, in the broad sense mutation
breeding can be regarded simply as breeding. However,
the term ‘mutation breeding’ has become popular as it
2. Defintitions of Basic Terms draws attention to deliberate efforts of breeders and
the specific techniques they have used in creating and
2.1. Mutagenesis and Experimental Mutagenesis harnessing desired variation in developing elite breeding
lines and cultivated varieties. Similarly the term mutant
Mutagenesis is the process by which the genetic infor- variety is simply a variety (var.), but draws attention to the
mation of an organism is changed in a stable manner. fact that it carries an important trait controlled by a known
This happens in nature as a result of errors in DNA mutant gene or it has been developed using mutation
repair (see chapter 5). Mutagenesis is the process by techniques (for details see chapter 24). In some parts
which mutations are generated. Mutagenesis can be of the world the term cultivar (cv.) is used to describe
exploited experimentally (experimental mutagenesis) a cultivated variety, for consistency, this book uses the
by physical, chemical and biological means (Box 1.1). word ‘variety’. However it should be noted that the word
The following terms are used frequently: ‘variety’ is also used as a botanical taxonomic descriptor.
• Mutation: This was originally defined in a series Although mutants can be produced using different
of articles by de Vries (1901, 1903 and 1905) kinds of experimental mutagenesis, mutation breed-
as a sudden heritable change in the genetic ing is commonly restricted to the use of physically
material not caused by recombination or and chemically induced mutagenesis; other types of
segregation. De Vries used the word “sudden” experimental mutagenesis are more commonly used in
to differentiate between subtle changes that functional genomics studies.
could be explained by the normal processes of Generation advancement is a key component in both
recombination. “Sudden” changes (mutations) genetic research and in breeding programmes. Here are
in plant forms (phenotypes) were obvious, some generally accepted terms in breeding. P1, P2, P3, P4,
Box 1.1: Types of experimental mutagenesis and mutants
Induced mutagenesis. This type of mutagenesis is induced by the use of radiation or chemical mutagens and is a random process. Note
that target-selected mutagenesis, including the random mutagenesis and selection of mutants at a selected locus, belongs to this category.
The commonly used term “mutation induction” has the same meaning as “induced mutagenesis”. Mutant plants and organisms produced
by induced mutagenesis are referred to as induced mutants.
Insertion mutagenesis. This type of mutagenesis results from DNA insertions, either through genetic transformation and insertion of
T-DNA (T-DNA insertion mutagenesis) or activation of transposon elements (transposon mutagenesis or transposition mutagenesis). The
consequent mutants are known as insertion mutants or transposon mutants. For details, see Chapters 38 & 39.
Site-directed mutagenesis. This type of mutagenesis is the process of creating a mutation at a defined site in a DNA molecule. In plants,
this is achieved by genetic transformation followed by homologous recombination between the T-DNA fragment and indigenous DNA
molecules. For details, see Chapter 40. The mutants thus generated are characterised by the replacement of an indigenous DNA fragment
by a foreign molecule, which can be as limited as one nucleotide.
etc, denote parent one, two, three, four, etc in a crossing wild type parent(s) are screened as potential
programme. The product (progeny) of a cross between early flowering mutants and plants without dis-
two parents is the first filial generation or F1 generation. ease symptom might be screened as potential
Subsequent generations are termed F2, F3, F4, etc. disease resistant mutants. Since flowering is
In line with this nomenclature the first mutated genera- dependent on both genotypic and environ-
tion is termed the M1. Plants that are produced directly mental factors they can only be regarded as
from seeds (or gametes) treated with a mutagen are M1 “putative mutants”, which means they are not
plants, the next generation is the M2, followed by the M3, necessary “true mutants”. This is the case for
M4, etc. Seeds prior to mutagenic treatment are termed many traits including disease resistance as here
M0 and after treatment referred to as M1. Seeds that non-infection may simply be the result of the
develop on the M1 plants are therefore the M2 genera- absence of the pathogen.
tion which develop into M2 plants. Embryos produced • Mutant confirmation is the process of re-eval-
from crosses in which either the pollen or embryo sac uating the putative mutants under replicated
has been treated with a mutagen also represent the first and stringent conditions, using larger sample
mutated generation and are therefore termed M1. In sizes (usually the progenies of selected putative
vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) the notation M1V1, individuals, e.g. M3 lines of selected M2 plants).
M1V2, etc is used for consecutive vegetative (V) genera- Many putative mutants of quantitative traits, e.g.
tions (it can also be simplified as MV1, MV2, etc). Similarly, growth duration, yield, quality, disease resist-
somaclonal variants are denoted as SV1, SV2, etc. Note ance, might be proven to be false mutants.
that this terminology is different to that used in transfor-
mation studies, here the regenerated plants produced 2.3. Genetic Features and Effects of Induced
after transformation are denoted as T0, and their proge- Mutations
nies are the T1, T2, etc. In the past, some groups also used
X1, X2, etc to define generations treated with X-rays, and Randomness of induced mutations. Physically or
SP1, SP2, etc, for materials exposed to space conditions. chemically induced mutations occur randomly across
The following terms are relevant to mutation genetics the whole genome and within any locus or gene. This
and breeding: is a very important feature of induced mutagenesis,
• Mutant selection. The process of identifying because it not only provides the probability of generat-
individuals with a target mutant phenotype; this ing mutations for any gene of interest, but enables the
includes two major steps: mutant screening development of multiple mutations for any target gene
and mutant confirmation (or mutant verifica- in a predictive manner. Multiple mutant alleles are the
tion). Mutant screening is a process of selecting source of genetic diversity for crop breeding as well as
out individuals from a large mutated population functional analysis of the targeted genes.
that meet the selection criterion. For example, Dominance versus recessiveness. Most gene mutations
M2 plants flowering three days earlier than their produced by radiation effectively kill gene function as the
gene is either knocked out or the mutation product is non- is in a genetic background distantly related to the target,
functional. Hence the vast majority of mutated genes are commercial material. Effects of pleiotropy (the effect
recessive. The frequency of recessive mutations has been of one gene on the expression of another) may also
reported to be in the range of 90-100% and that for domi- temper mutant gene expression. Effects of the environ-
nant mutations 0-6%. However, as mutation techniques ment (biotic and abiotic) are easily observed when well
become more sophisticated, more subtle changes can characterised mutant populations, e.g. in the barley
be manufactured and detected. Point mutations induced Bowman backcross lines (see Chapter 25) are grown
by chemical mutagenesis for example are more likely to over a range of environments and seasons. Obvious
result in functional mutations than larger alterations in the examples include mutations in genes controlling early
genetic material, and these functional mutations have maturity in response to photoperiod such as Eam1 and
a greater chance of being dominant or co-dominant, Eam6 (long day adapted) and Eam5 and eam9 (short
i.e. they result in new functional alleles (see Chapter 4). day adapted); long day adapted material may fail to
However, dominant mutations can occasionally result mature in short day conditions. The uzu1 gene of barley
from a DNA deletion event. For example, the dominant is a good example where the environment controls the
low glutelin content 1 (Lgc 1) mutation in rice is the result expression of plant height. In cool environments uzu1
of a 3.5-kb deletion between two highly similar glutelin mutant lines appear near normal in height, but develop
genes; the deletion causes a tail-to-tail inverted repeat, as extreme dwarfs in hot environments. In terms of yield,
which might produce a double-stranded RNA molecule, the smooth awn gene (raw1) and the unbranched style
a potent inducer of RNA silencing, and therefore silence gene (ubs4) mutants show variable seed set responses
the expression of key glutelin genes in a dominant manner to environmental stresses and different genetic back-
(Kusaba et al. 2003). Another example where a dele- grounds. Biotic stresses such as seed blight diseases can
tion leads to a dominant mutation which may be more also restrict the development of seed pigments.
common is that in most white grained rice varieties carry-
ing the mutant allele rc (a 14-bp deletion) of the Rc gene,
another 1-bp deletion in the rc gene reverses the frame 3. Mutation Techniques in Crop Breeding
shift and generates a pseudo-wild type red rice mutant
(Brooks et al. 2008). 3.1. A Brief Overview of Evolutionary Stages in
Pleiotropic effects. Pleiotropy or a pleiotropic effect Crop Development
is the phenomenon whereby a gene influences mul-
tiple phenotypic traits; hence a mutation in a certain Genetic change (mutation) has provided the natural vari-
gene may have an effect on some or all traits simulta- ation (building blocks) for species evolution. Changes in
neously. This phenomenon is common in mutations of species have not only been important for adaptation to
major genes such as those controlling plant height and the natural environment, they have also been exploited
flowering time (see Section 3.4. below). At the molecu- by man in the agricultural processes of species domes-
lar level, pleiotropy can occur in transcriptional genes tication and crop improvement. Before Mendel had
and genes upstream of a pathway. Downstream muta- developed his laws on inheritance plant breeding was
tions in the starch biosynthesis, for example in the waxy regarded more as an art form than a science; it was a
gene, have no pleiotropic effects (for more examples matter of selecting superior lines which arose by chance,
of pleiotropic effects see Chapter 24). and this included spontaneous mutants that caught the
Genetic and environmental effects on mutant gene eye of the selector. Mendel’s laws however allowed the
expression. The expression of mutated genes can be development of plant breeding as a science based on
influenced by the genetic background and environ- simple mathematical principles; they provided a means
mental factors and in some cases these are conditional. of predicting progeny types from deliberate matings.
Gene expression can vary as the genetic background Breeders therefore became more diligent in recording
changes, for example across successive generations of progeny performance data (weight and measure) in fol-
a breeding programme. In extreme cases the desired lowing inheritance patterns in plant pedigrees.
phenotype may disappear in advanced lines. This is Figure 1.1 illustrates the generalised trend of increas-
particularly prevalent where the source of the mutation ing crop yields over the three major stages of crop evo-
lution: 1) gathering from the wild, 2) domestication and crops; polyploidy doubled the size of some vegetables;
3) breeding of a plant species. No set times are given in cytogenetics produced disease resistant bread wheat;
Figure 1.1 as the periods for domestication and the ini- doubled haploidy produced pure, uniform and stable
tiation of breeding vary enormously (from decades to varieties in many crops, F1 hybrids increased yields
centuries) among crops. Some of the earliest crops to in maize six-fold and transformation increased yields
be domesticated include sesame, fig, barley and wheat massively through the incorporation of herbicide, pest
in the Near East and rice in East Asia some 10,000 – and disease resistance genes in, for example cotton.
8,000 BC, however crops such as blueberry, jatropha The deployment of any, or a combination, of these
are as recent as 2000 AD. Before domestication yields biotechnologies becomes even more powerful when
from plants growing in the wild were seasonal, sporadic combined with genetic marker selection systems which
and totally dependent upon the prevailing natural envi- can be deployed to accelerate the breeding process
ronment. Yields varied unpredictably bringing years of by genotypic rather than phenotypic based selection.
feast and famine. Domestication represented a major These classic success stories are equalled if not sur-
event in human and crop evolution as it provided a passed by achievements in mutation breeding.
degree of food security for domiciled people. Human
interventions such as seed storage and plant cultivation 3.2. Milestones in Mutation Breeding
mitagated against negative environmental factors such
as poor or erratic rainfall and incidences of pests and Improvements in plant breeding can only be made
diseases and promoted high, reliable yields. Before when sufficient variation for a given trait is available to
Mendel’s laws and the development of structured plant the breeder. In the best case scenario the required vari-
breeding strategies, crop improvement from domesti- ation (e.g. a disease resistant trait) is available within the
cation onwards was largely governed by incremental elite gene pool of the crop. In many cases however, the
improvements in agronomy such as watering, the appli- desired variation may exist but only present in material
cation of fertilizers, weed control, crop rotation, disease distantly related to elite lines, i.e. in out-dated varieties,
control, soil preparation etc. The genetic nature of the old landraces or wild relatives. Retrieving such varia-
plants being cultivated changed very little except when tion and developing it into a genetically finely tuned
major steps forward were made by the appearance commercial variety is a protracted breeding process
of rare, but exceptional mutants. These occurred in which has little appeal to plant breeders. The prospect
many species and had major consequences for human of delivering such variation directly into elite material
as well as plant evolution, a notable example being without recourse to extensive upgrading (crossing and
bread wheat which evolved in cultivation to become selection) was immediately ceased upon once meth-
a high yielding crop through the selection of muta-
tions at the ploidy, genome, chromosome and gene
levels. Without genetic improvement the impact of
agronomy on a crop gradually reaches an optimum and
plateaus off. However, after Mendel’s revelations plant
breeding became a test bed for new ideas in genet-
ics, many of which resulted in breaking yield barriers
(illustrated as stepped improvements in Figure 1.1).
Ideas and theories tried and tested by plant breeders
that have been successful include classical recombi-
nant selection, induction of polyploidy, cytogenetic
manipulations (chromosome engineering), doubled
haploidy, F1 hybrid production and transformation.
All of which have met with spectacular successes in
improving yield and yield stability in various crops:
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
recombination breeding provided predictive methods Figure 1.1 Trends in crop yields through the processes of gathering
of obtaining desired genotypes in sexually propagated from the wild, domestication, agronomy and plant breeding.
ods of induced mutation were discovered. In devel- Schaefer’s Universal (circa 1950, Germany); rapeseed
oping his mutation theory Hugo de Vries recognised var. Regina II (1953, Sweden), fodder pea var. Weibull’s
the potential of induced mutation in plant and animal Strål (1957, Sweden), navy bean var. Sanilac (1957, USA),
breeding and stated: groundnut var. N.C.4 (1959, USA), oat var. Florad (1960,
“We may search for mutable plants in nature, or we USA) and many un-named fruit trees and ornamentals.
may hope for species to become mutable by artificial It was not however until radioisotopes became accessi-
methods. The first promises to yield results most quickly, ble during the Atomic Energy Programme that induced
but the scope of the second is much greater and it may mutation, predominantly by gamma ray irradiation took
yield results of far more importance. Indeed, if it once off worldwide. Box 1.2 shows a chronology of the major
should become possible to bring plants to mutate at our milestones in the history of mutation breeding.
will and perhaps even in arbitrarily chosen directions,
there is no limit to the power we may finally hope to gain 3.3. The FAO/IAEA Division and the Mutant Variety
over nature.” and Genetic Stock Database
Initial successes in breeding were achieved by har-
nessing spontaneous (naturally occurring) mutants. The In 1964 the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques
most famous example is the deployment of semi-dwarf in Food and Agriculture was established at the IAEA,
mutants of wheat and rice in the ‘Green Revolution’ Vienna with a Plant Breeding and Genetics Section. This
(between 1965-1980). The genes for reduced height promoted and stimulated worldwide application of muta-
in wheat and rice were spontaneous mutants derived tion technologies in plant breeding providing services in
from the varieties ‘Norin 10’ and ‘Dee-geo-woo-gen’, information, irradiation and training, and developing col-
respectively. These were used to breed short, stiff- laborative international projects. According to FAO/IAEA
strawed varieties that produced high grain yields in figures 77 mutant varieties were released in 1969, which
response to fertiliser inputs. Unprecedented yields grew dramatically to 1,330 by 1989.
were obtained which helped solve many problems in By 2009, about 3,100 mutant cultivated varieties in
food security in developing countries at the time. India about 190 plant species were listed in the FAO /IAEA
for example changed from being an importer to a net Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic Stock (http://
exporter of wheat. Other notable and early examples The largest numbers of mutant varieties
include: 1) the brown mid-rib mutant of maize (1920s), are in the small grain cereal crops and reported in Asian
which is characterised by having a low lignin content countries (Fig 1.2).
making it highly digestibility as a fodder; 2) sweet lupin The FAO/IAEA database can be interrogated by
(palatable, non-toxic) spontaneous mutants selected Latin or common species names, breeding methodol-
by von Sengbusch as early as 1942 using mass screening ogy, location (country and continent) and by dates.
of millions on seed; 3) bud sports in many flowers, orna- Phenotypic descriptions, including photographs are
mentals and fruit trees became a major and traditional provided. Over half the mutant varieties are in Asia
source of the variation for crop improvement. For exam- (1,858, notably in India, Japan and China) followed by
ple, between 1942 and 1952 an estimated 25% of apples Europe (899), North America (202), Africa (62), Latin
in N.America had arisen from bud sports (spontaneous America (48) and the Australia/Pacific region (10). The
mutations). In the mid 1950s about 10% of all America data base defines a mutant variety as a variety carrying
fruit was derived from bud sports (cherries, nectarines, a known mutant gene, and is not necessarily the direct
peaches, pears, plums and prunes) as were 30% of cut product of a mutation treatment.
flowers in the Netherlands. Bud sports continue to be The FAO/IAEA figures for the numbers of mutant vari-
an important source of variation in these crops. eties are recognised as being a gross under-estimate for
The first example of an induced mutant variety was a the following reason:
pale green tobacco, var. Chlorina, released in Indonesia 1. Mutant varieties (particularly in ornamentals) are not
in 1936. In the following decades a few other induced always registered because such information is only
mutant varieties were released in a range of plant spe- collected from publicly available sources (mostly
cies, e.g. the tulip var. Faraday (1949, Netherlands), white English) or voluntarily provided by breeders who have
mustard var. Primex (circa 1950, Sweden), bean var. some connection with the FAO/IAEA programmes.
Box 1.2 : Milestones in mutation breeding
300BC The ancient Chinese book “Lulan” provides the first documentation of mutant selection in plant breeding: maturity
and other trait in cereals in China (Huang and Liang, 1980).
1590 The first verifiable (spontaneous) plant mutant described, ‘incisa’ mutant of greater celandine.
1672 One of the oldest publications describing variability in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants; Waare Oefeninge der
Planten by A. Munting, see van Harten (1998).
1774 onwards Descriptions of various mutants in wild and cultivated species by the taxonomist Linnaeus.
1901-1904 de Vries suggests and promotes radiation to induce mutations in plants and animals.
1927 First proof of induced mutations in plants; radium ray treatment of Datura stramonium (Gager and Blakeslee).
1927 Muller working with Drosphila provides proof of mutation induction by X-rays. Muller champions induced mutation
for animal and plant breeding and opens a new era in genetics and breeding.
1927 von Sengbusch invents the first mass selection method for mutants. Lupin is developed into a crop species by
screening mutants for domestication and quality traits.
1928 Stadler publishes the first results of mutation induction in crop plants, barley, maize, wheat and oat, but is sceptical
about the use of induced mutation for crop improvement.
1930s Mutation breeding programmes are set up, notably in Sweden, Germany and USA.
1936 The first induced mutant variety is released, tobacco var. ‘Chlorina’ using X-rays in Indonesia (then the Dutch East
1942 First report of induced disease resistance in a crop plant; X-ray induced mildew resistance in barley (Freisleben and
Lein, 1942).
1944 The term mutation breeding (‘Mutationszüchtung’) was coined by Freisleben and Lein.
1944/46 First reports of chemical induced mutation (Auerbach and Robson, 1944).
1949 First plant mutation experiments using 60Co gamma ray installations. Cobalt-60 was chosen as a suitable radioisotope
for continuous gamma irradiation advantages included a long half-life, was relatively cheap, abundant and available.
Co became a standard tool in mutation induction of crop plants (Sparrow and Singleton, 1953).
1954 The first release of a mutant variety in a vegetatively propagated crop: tulip var. Faraday with an improved flower
colour and pattern (see van Harten and Broertjes, 1989).
1964 The FAO/IAEA Joint Division was set up with a mandate to support and encourage the production of induced
mutations (and related biotechnologies) for crop production particularly for food security issues in developing
1966 First chemically induced mutant variety, Luther of barley was released in the USA.
1972 The “Mutation Breeding Newsletter” is launched and published by the FAO/IAEA.
1993 Register of plant mutant varieties set up by the FAO/IAEA, which became the mutant variety genetic stock database
( in 2008.
2000-2009 Development of high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping using automated, robotic and computerised systems.
2. Most modern mutant varieties are not direct mutants, varieties has generated billions of additional incomes
but a product of additional breeding. In general to farmers and significantly promoted social-economic
breeders are not particularly interested in the source development of local communities (Ahloowalia et al.
of the variation and mutated lines are considered as 2004).
basic, raw materials. Once a mutation for an important The short, stiffed-strawed barley varieties, Diamant
trait is captured and used over many years its novelty/ (in Czechoslovakia) and Golden Promise (in UK) were
origin is often lost, ignored or forgotten. direct mutants and carried the mutant dwarfing genes,
3. Politics and ownership. Mutation breeding is often a sdw1 and ari.e.GP respectively. These varieties had a
collaborative venture among institutions worldwide. huge impact in Europe as they were better adapted to
Issues in international politics, protectionist policies, combine harvesting, they set new bench marks for yield
plant breeder’s rights, ownership of materials, patents and quality and consequently were used extensively in
and profit sharing often contrive to promote individual subsequent variety development. In addition to Europe,
interests and often cloud the source of the variation. semi-dwarf barley mutant varieties were induced and
4. Economically important mutants can arise as bi- released in the USA (1981).
products of more basic research and not directly from The first rice semi-dwarf induced mutant, var. Reimei
a deliberate mutation breeding programme. was released in Japan in 1966. Reimei carried a muta-
5. There is a concern in some countries that mutations tion in the semi-dwarf gene sd1. As in the first semi-
may come under the umbrella of and be labelled as dwarf mutants in barley, Reimei was used extensively
GMOs (genetically modified organisms, a term usu- as a parent to breed many other successful varieties.
ally restricted to transformation events). Similarly, the first semi-dwarf rice mutant variety Calrose
6. End-users are often reluctant to advertise the use 76 developed in the USA in the late 1970s, was widely
of mutants because of vagaries on consumer used in breeding programmes, which produced more
conception. than 20 new semi-dwarf varieties that are widely cul-
tivated in the USA, Australia and Egypt (e.g. Giza 176).
3.4. Significant Mutant Genes and Mutant Varieties The sd1 mutations in Reimei and Calrose 76 are allelic to
the Chinese ‘Dee-geo-woo-gen’ (DGWG) semi-dwarf
Mutation breeding, particularly using gamma rays, took mutation. In addition to short stature (and similar to the
off worldwide in the 1960s and has resulted in spec- barley semi-dwarf mutants), sd1 of DGWG provided
tacular successes, notably in seed propagated crops useful pleiotropic effects on stiff straw, lodging resist-
(SPCs) (Box 1.3). The widespread exploitation of mutant ance, day-length insensitivity, seed dormancy and high
Box 1.3: Some highlights of mutant varieties in the world
Bulgaria: Mutant durum varieties have occupied about 90% of the cultivating area since the 1980’s.
China: Each of the following mutant varieties has cumulatively been grown on acreage of more than 10 million ha: rice varieties
Yuanfengzao, Zhefu 802 and Yangdao No. 6; wheat variety Yangmai 156; and the cotton variety Lumian no.1.
Costa Rica: Rice variety Camago occupied 30% of the cultivated area.
Europe: Many barley varieties widely grown in Europe are derived from mutant varieties Diamant or Golden Promise.
India: Mutant varieties are the prevailing varieties for pulses and legumes, for example the TAU-1 mutant of blackgram has occupied 95%
of the blackgram acreage in the State of Maharashtra and the groundnut varieties of the TG series (e.g. TG24 and TG37) cover 40% of the
groundnut acreage.
Italy: Durum wheat cultivation area was significantly expanded due to the cold tolerant mutant varieties (e.g. Creso).
Japan: Most rice varieties carry the sd1 mutant allele from the variety Reimei. Japanese pear cultivation was rescued from extinction by the
development of disease resistant mutant varieties, Gold Nijisseiki and its derivatives.
Pakistan: The wheat mutant variety Kiran 95 and the cotton mutant variety NIAB-78 were planted on over 30% and 80% of the cultivation
area for each crop, respectively.
USA: The rice mutant variety Calrose 76 was the sd1 donor for more than 10 successful varieties. Star Ruby and Rio Red are the two most
important commercial grapefruit varieties (with the trade mark Rio Star).
Vietnam: VND and DT serial mutant rice varieties (e.g. VND95-20 and DT38) have been cultivated on more than half million ha per year
during the last decade, and DT serial mutant soybean varieties have been cultivated on more than 50% area with DT84 being the leading
variety in the past 10 years.
yield in response to fertiliser, and was exploited in the drawback was that all mutation detection and selection
development of the “Green Revolution” rice varieties. was done (painstakingly) at the phenotypic level.
With respect to vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) The early years of the 21st century witnessed a resur-
there was a major expansion in the production of gence in mutation technologies due to a rapid and
induced mutation in bulbs (e.g. hyacinths and tulips) and greater understanding of mutagenesis and related
cut flowers (especially chrysanthemum, but also azalea, disciplines, which led to more applications. The
carnation, dahlia, rose, streptocarpus and others, see understanding of the molecular basis of mutagenesis
Chapter 26) that began in the Netherlands in the 1950s. (DNA damage and repair; see Chapters 5 & 6) trans-
In fruit crops, the first induced mutant variety was the formed mutation induction from chance events into
sweet cherry var. Compact Lambert released in 1964 science-based techniques. The use of molecular and
in Canada. The development of the disease resistant genomic tools for mutant screening and characteriza-
Japanese pear variety Gold Nijisseiki saved this fruit as tion also enabled mutation breeding to embrace and
a crop in Japan (Box 1.3, see also Chapter 26). In Texas, utilize the very recent findings and technological
USA, two mutant varieties Star Ruby and Rio Red are the innovations in plant genomics and molecular biology
preferred grapefruit varieties and sold under the trade- research (see Chapters 20 & 23). And last but not the
mark “Rio Star”, which occupied 75% of cultivation area. least, induced mutants are regarded as valuable tools in
bridging the gap between phenotype and genotype, an
3.5. New Developments in Plant Mutation Breeding important issue in plant breeding and plant genomics.
New species are emerging as being important in agricul-
Mutation induction activities had peaks in the 1950s, ture, but also to the environment, medicine, and energy
60s, 70s and 80s and enjoyed major successes in terms production. There is an urgent need to identify, develop
of mutant variety releases. However, mutation induction and establish domestication traits for these crops. For
declined towards the end of the 20th century. There were species that have been in domestication for thousands
various reasons for this, the negative arguments of Stadler of years many of these traits have been delivered by
still posed problems (see Box 1.2 and Chapter 24) and spontaneous mutantions and were incorporated into
there was a general concern that mutation induction and the crop as they arose. The cereals: rice, wheat, barley,
mutation breeding were non-scientific. Another major etc provide good examples. In this respect, induced
mutagenesis play a significant role. For crops new to direct means for filling the genotype - phenotype gap
agriculture, and also those that have experienced little in and directly connect the (disrupted) gene with the
the way of genetic improvement through plant breeding, mutated traits. This is commonly referred to as reverse
as huge leaps forward can be made in a short period of genetics, as it begins with an altered gene and works
time. For example, there has been a general world-wide towards the effects on traits. However, these tools are
trend to produce semi-dwarf crops of cereals and other not always applicable to all plant species, and they have
crops. Semi-dwarfs tend to have a yield advantage as inherent limitations, for example, most of the mutants
reserves normally used up by vegitative growth can be produced by T-DNA insertion are either knockout
redirected towards the harvestable product, such as mutants or over-expression mutants (when the T-DNA
grain or fruits, thereby improving harvest index. As previ- with a strong promoter is inserted into the flanking
ously mentioned semi-dwarf mutations have played a sequence of a gene) and hence it is very difficult to study
major role in meeting targets for plant stature and yield. the effects of altered sequence variation (different alleles
Semi-dwarf mutations are relatively common and can of a gene). In addition many crop plants are recalcitrant
make up about a third of the phenotypic mutants in a to transformation technologies and are excluded from
mutated population (see Chapter 25), it would there- such analyses. The use of T-DNA insertion mutants and
fore be relatively simple to produce semi-dwarf types in transposition mutagenesis in functional genomics are
species new to agriculture. Leaf colour and male sterile discussed further in Chapters 38 & 39.
mutants are also relatively common mutant classes Mutants generated through induced mutagen-
which are easily produced by induced mutagenesis and esis have been used in genetics studies from the very
have been exploited in various species, e.g. pale green beginning. In the (functional) genomics era, induced
tobacco varieties. For mutant traits that are less common mutagenesis has become an important tool in plant
high-throughput screens may be required (see Chapter genomic research, which can be explored by using
41). both forward and reverse approaches (Figure 1.3), more
details are available in Chapters 35-37.
The detailed steps for cloning a mutated gene are given in systems and there will be a need for standard reference
Chapter 23. Although this is not as strait forward as the genotypes of crop species. The increased rate of data
reverse genetics approach, it is the only valid method acquisition will demand improved computer power and
for identifying new genes that have no known gene bioinformatics, programming and statistical expertise if
homologues. the data are to be exploited fully. Since sequencing is
Positional cloning of mutated genes will become a generic technology it may be applied to any organ-
more and more efficient with the development of com- ism and is expected to spread rapidly to encompass all
prehensive genome sequencing that is ongoing in more crop species. Reference (wild type) genotypes for each
and more plant species. Development of sequencing crop will be needed to be agreed upon by the scientific
and microarray technologies will also facilitate the iden- community in order to identify mutant sequences by
tification of mutated genes. comparison with wild type.
The ability to determine gene function depends on
4.2. Reverse Genetics Approaches associating genes with their end products, i.e. phe-
notypes. Our abilities to explore the genotype and
Induced mutagenesis was almost irrelevant to reverse build genomic data are at unprecedented levels and
genetics before the development of ‘Targeting induced far exceed those of phenotyping. Indeed the unprec-
local lesion in genomes’ (TILLING) and similar generic edented levels of information that the sequencing revo-
reverse genetics strategies. This approach can be used lution is now generating widens the genotype – pheno-
both for functional genomics and practical breeding. type gap further. In plant breeding terms the phenotype
In plant genomics research, in addition to identify the is all important, i.e. the yield of a crop, its quality,
function of a particular gene in a given plant species, responses to pests and diseases and abiotic stressors
the effect of various mutant alleles can be assessed such as heat, cold, drought and salinity, and (in today’s
using TILLING technologies. Details of these and modi- environmentally conscience context) the crop’s carbon
fied versions and their application are described in footprint and hydrogen yield. Linking genotype to phe-
Chapters 20-22. notype remains a major challenge. The weakness in the
scope and depth of phenotypic data has been recog-
nised and several high-throughput phenomics facilities
5. Future Prospects are under development around the world (see Chapter
41). These are generally based on artificial environment
The past decade has witnessed several advancements in conditions and take non-destructive measurements on
high-throughput genotyping. The ability to interrogate plants at various stages during their development and in
the genetics of populations and individuals in detail response to imposed conditions, e.g. biotic and abiotic
resulted in a resurgence in experimental mutagenesis stressors (see Chapter 41). However, performance in
as it provided a means of determining gene function. the field remains the acid test for a crop.
Progress in genotyping has recently taken another To date the vast majority of experimental mutagenesis
giant leap forward with the increasing ease in obtaining has focused on genetic effects, i.e. the alternation of the
sequence data, the “sequencing revolution”. A range of genetic code and the knock-on effects on phenotype.
“next generation” sequencing platforms exists: Roche’s Scientists however are becoming increasing aware
454 GS FLX, Illumina’s Genome Analyzer and Applied that phenotypic traits can be inherited by non-genetic
Biosystem’s SOLiD system (Smith et al. 2008), and new means, i.e. via epi-genetic phenomena. Epi-genetics has
technologies are being developed in the quest for rapid been dubbed the ‘second code’ whereby the genetic
sequence data generation. Today, sequencing factories code is influenced by such factors as DNA methylation
boast the ability to sequence 20 human genomes in and gene silencing through DNA binding with small
one day. The routine use of “next generation” platforms nuclear RNAs. Epi-genetics is a new and exciting dis-
in the comprehensive sequencing of whole genomes covery, currently there are few data on the effects of
will provide powerful tools in our understanding of physical and chemical mutagens on epi-genetic factors
genes and their functions via mutant characterization. though the mode of action would suggest these could
The sequencing revolution will demand robust support be significant.
6. References van Harten, A.M. and Broertjes, C. 1989. Induced muta-
tions in vegetatively propagated crops. Plant Breeding
6.1. Cited References Review. 6:55-91.
von Sengbusch. 1927. Süsslupinen und Öllupinen.
Ahloowalia, B.S., Maluszynski,M. and Nicjterlein K. Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch. 91: 723-880.
2004. Global impact of mutation-derived varieties.
Euphytica 135: 187-204.
Auerbach, C. and Robson, J.M. 1944. Production of 6.2. Websites
mutations by allyl isothiocyanate. Nature. 154:81.
Brooks, S.A., Yan, W.G., Jackson, A.K. et al. 2008. A Australian Plant Phenomics Facility:
natural mutation in rc reverts white-rice-pericarp to
red and results in a new, dominant, wild-type allele: The IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic stock database:
Rc-g. Theor Appl Genet. 117:575-580.
de Vries, H. 1901. Die Mutationstheorie I. Leipzig: Veit & Co. Lemna Tec high-throughput plant phenotyping systems:
de Vries, H. 1903. Die Mutationstheorie II. Leipzig: Veit & Co.
de Vries, H. 1905. Species and varieties: their origin
by mutation. Chicago: The open curt publishing
company. 6.3. Further Reading
Freisleben, R.A. and Lein, A. 1942. Über die Auffindung
einer mehltauresistenten Mutante nach Blakeslee, A.F. 1935. Hugo de Vries 1848-1935. Science.
Röntgenbestrahlung einer anfälligen reinen Linie von 81:581-582.
Sommergerste. Naturwissenschaften. 30:608. Bronowski, J. 1973. The ascent of man. BBC.
Freisleben, R.A. and Lein, A. 1944. Möglichkeiten und Cramer, P.J.S. 1907. Kritische Übersicht der bekannten
praktische Durchführung der Mutationszüchtung. Fälle von Knospenvariation. Natuurkundige
Kühn-Arhiv. 60: 211-22. Verhandelingen der Hollandische Maatschappij van
Huang, C. and Liang, J. 1980. Plant breeding achieve- Wetenschappen, Haarlem, 3.6.
ments in ancient China. Agronomic History Research. Darwin, C. 1859. The origin of the species by means of
1: 1-10 (in Chinese). natural selection. London: John Murray.
Kusaba, M., Miyahara, K., Iida, S. et al. 2003. Low glutelin Darwin, C. 1868. The variation of animals and plants
content 1: A dominant mutation that suppresses the under domestication. In two volumes. 10th impr. of
glutelin multigene family via RNA silencing in rice. the 2nd edition (1921). London: John Murray.
Plant Cell. 15:1455-1467. Dubcovsky, J. and Dvorak, J. 2007. Genome plasticity a
Ríos, G., Naranjo, M.A. and Iglesias, D.J. 2008. key factor in the success of polyploid wheat under
Characterization of hemizygous deletions in Citrus domestication. Science. 316: 1862-1866.
using and microsynteny comparisons with the poplar Gager, C.S. and Blakeslee, A.F. 1927. Chromosome and
genome. BMC Genomics. 9: 381. gene mutations in Datura following exposure to
Smith, D.R., Quinlan, A.R., Peckham, H.E. et al. 2008. radium rays. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Rapid whole-genome mutational profiling using Sciences of the USA. 13: 75-59.
next-generation sequencing technologies. Genome Hagberg, A. and Åkerberg, E. 1962. Mutations and
Research. 18: 1638-1642. polyploidy in plant breeding. Stockholm Bokförlaget
Sparrow, A.H. and Singleton, W.R. 1953. The use of Bonniers.
radiocobalt as a source of gamma rays and some Mendel, G. 1865. Versuche uber Pflanzen-Hybriden.
effects of chronic irradiation on growing plants. The Vesh. Naturforschung Ver. In Brunn Verh. 4:3-47.
American Naturalist. 87:29-48. Muller, H.J. 1927. Artificial trans-mutation of the gene.
Stadler, L.J. 1928a. Genetic effects of X rays in maize. Science. 66:84-87.
Academy of Sciences of the USA. 14:69-75. van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation breeding. Theory and
Stadler, L.J. 1928b. Mutations in barley induced by X-rays practical applications. Cambridge University Press.
and radium. Science. 68: 186-187.
A Brief History of Plant Mutagenesis
M.C. Kharkwal*
Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012, India
Present: C - 8 / 269 B, Keshav Puram, New Delhi - 110 035, India
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
7. References
1. Introduction important scientific discoveries and momentous events,
van Harten discerned the history of mutation breeding
Mutation is a natural process that creates new variants into four distinct periods (Period I to IV, Box 2.1).
(alleles) of genes. The variation so created is further amplified van Harten wrote in his book: “The 1990 Joint FAO/
by recombination of alleles on homologous chromosomes IAEA symposium, in our opinion, marks the end of fourth
and their independent assortment at meiosis. Mutation is period in which mutation breeding has clearly proved its
the primary source of all genetic variations existing in any worth, but also reached its peak as a subject of research”.
organism, including plants. Variation so created provides Although he was not able to speculate about the future
the raw material for natural selection and a driving force of this subject, numerous landmark developments, both
in evolution. Spontaneously arising mutations are very scientifically and technologically, have since then greatly
rare and random events in terms of the time of their advanced the subject, hence a fifth period featuring the
occurrence and the gene in which they occur. In this way integration of plant mutation with biotechnology and
mutant forms showing both large and small effects on the genomics has been added (Box 2.1).
phenotype arise for all kinds of traits. Many of the mutations In the late 19th century, while experimenting on the
may be deleterious making the organism less adapted to “rediscovery” of Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Hugo
its environment and some may even be lethal. Some may de Vries (1889) found variation in evening primrose
be neutral in their effects and may confer no immediate (Oenothera lamarkiana) and snapdragon (Antirrhinum)
advantage, but may help to generate a wide range of useful which did not follow Mendelian patterns of inheritance
recombinant genotypes through the subsequent process (3:1), but was nevertheless heritable. Mutation as a
of independent segregation and crossing over of genes. mechanism of creating variability was first identified by
Whereas others are of direct and immediate benefit to the Hugo de Vries in 1901 and he considered them as heritable
plant, it is this variability, created through natural mutations changes by mechanisms distinct from recombination and
and amplified by subsequent recombination of genes segregation. De Vries (1901, 1903), who is credited with the
during sexual reproduction, on which natural selection discovery of mutation, described these events as suddenly
operates to bring about evolution of new races and species. arising changes in organisms, which were inherited and
In the book of “Mutation Breeding – Theory and Practical produced relatively large effects on the phenotype. He
Applications” van Harten (1998) has brought out the coined the term “mutation” and presented an integrated
important historical developments that contributed to the concept concerning the occurrence of sudden, shock-like
conceptualization and maturation of mutation breeding changes (leaps) of existing traits, which lead to the origin of
as a scientific discipline as well as applications of plant new species and variation. He also clearly included ‘small
mutation research. In this chapter, the history of plant effects’ in this term of mutation. In his experiments with
mutation research and application to breeding is extended evening primrose, de Vries observed many aberrant types,
by adding a fifth period to van Harten’s four-period which he called ‘mutants’. The notion of mutation which
scheme (Box 2.1); the historical background, the important was used by de Vries to indicate sudden genetic changes
discoveries and the major events that happened in the first as a major cause of evolution quickly became established
half of the twentieth century are described. Information after the publication of his great ‘Mutationstheorie’, 1901-
about the technological development of biotechnologies 1903. Because of de Vries’s concept of mutation as the
and genomics that have transformed mutation research source of genetic variation and his early ideas about their
into the molecular paradigm is available in the relevant potential value for plant breeding, his work around the turn
chapters of this book and hence are not elaborated. of the 20th century may be marked as the starting point
in the history of mutation techniques in the disciplines of
plant breeding and genetics.
2. Distinct Periods of Plant Mutation
Research and Application
3. Classical Mutation Induction Experiments
The history of plant mutation, according to van Harten,
could be traced back to 300 BC with reports of mutant Before the discovery of X-ray mutagenesis by Muller,
crops in China. Based on featured research activities, there was little to be said about the causes of mutation
except that they were rare, sudden and discrete events Muller’s mutation technique depended on the
that cause ‘genes’ as Johannsen (1909) called them, to study of the sex ratios from individual females that
pass from one stable state to another. In his experiments were heterozygous for sex-linked “marker” genes. This
with common bean, Johannsen (1913) described not technique allowed unambiguous determination of
only spontaneous drastic mutations, but also slight the frequency of the sex-linked lethals, but it was very
mutations affecting the seed index (the ratio of seed laborious, since detailed counts had to be made for
width to seed length). This is a character which falls into each tested chromosome. Muller published a brief
the class of continuous variation, and hence Johannsen report in Science (Muller, 1927) to establish priority
may be regarded as the first who really proved the for his discovery of X-ray mutagenesis on fruit fly
existence of spontaneous mutations with small effects. (Drosophila melanogaster) before leaving to attend the
Baur (1924) also emphasized repeatedly the importance 5th International Congress of Genetics (ICG) to present
of small mutations, which he called “Kleinmutationen”, his work on X-ray induced mutagenesis. The first paper
in evolution processes resulting from the accumulation on the use of mutation techniques and the discovery of
of a large number of mutations, the majority of which induced mutagenesis presented at the 5th ICG, Berlin
exert only slight effects. in 1927 was Muller’s comprehensive report on his X-ray
In his publications, De Vries (1901, 1903) suggested work on fruit fly which appeared with the sensational
that the new types of radiations like X-rays and gamma title: “Artificial transmutation of the gene”. This was an
rays discovered by Konrad von Roentgen (1895), important discovery with far reaching implications for
Henry Becquerel (1896) and Pierre and Marie Curie genetics. Muller demonstrated an elegant technique
(1897/1898)] might be greatly useful to induce mutations that he had developed for scoring as well as determining
artificially. This was first realized through experiments in rates of mutations in Drosophila. He reported that
with Drosophila, followed by plant experimental mutation rates of sex-linked recessive lethals could be
mutagenesis. greatly increased in Drosophila following treatment
of sperm in male flies with high doses of X-rays. He
3.1. Induction of Mutations in Drosophila observed that about one-seventh of the flies bred
from these males contained individually detectable
The early extensive work on mutations in fruit fly mutations in their X chromosome. His technique
(Drosophila melanogaster) especially that of Morgan revealed that genes generally show a mutation rate of
(1910) on the basis of careful visual observations 10-5–10-6 per locus per generation. This means that one
uncovered more than 100 physical abnormalities out of a 100,000 copies of the wild type gene can mutate
through mutations. He furnished several instances of in the course of one generation. He also introduced the
the occurrence of new dominant genes, and many concept of generation time while considering mutation
new sex-linked recessive mutants, in pedigree material rates in different organisms. Muller’s discovery of
where the event could be analysed in some detail. rates of mutation has contributed enormously to our
These examples confirmed that mutation can occur in understanding of genes and their evolution.
a single gene in a single cell, and that it can occur at any Muller (1930) improved the mutation technique
stage of development. In fact, Herman Joseph Muller, by using the “ClB” chromosome that he found in his
a student of Morgan concluded that the frequency per experiments. This is an X chromosome with an inverted
cell is probably the same for each stage in the germ line. segment (C), which carries a recessive lethal (l) and
However, these results were merely qualitative, since the dominant mutant gene “Bar” for bar eye (B). The
the frequencies were too low for a quantitative study inverted segment (C) acts as a crossover suppressor
and were also strongly subjective. What was needed and as a result, the C, l and B are always inherited
was an objective index and one that would recognize together in this chromosome. This is now a classic text
a class of mutations that was frequent enough to give book example. The method made it possible to detect
significant numerical values. Both of these requirements new sex-linked lethals without anaesthetizing the flies
were met in the elegant mutation experiments devised or making counts – which were replaced by simple
by H.J. Muller in the study of the newly discovered sex- and rapid examination of individual culture bottles.
linked lethals in Drosophila. Through this technique one could test large number of
Box 2.1: History of plant mutation research and application*
1741 and following years Description of various mutants by Carl von Linné.
1865 E. A. Carriére publishes his book: ‘Production et fixation des variétes dans les végétaux’.
1894 W. Bateson published: “Materials for the Study of Variation, treated with special regard to Discontinuity in the
Origin of Species”.
1897-1908 Early work on irradiation of plants: mostly physiological effects and damage to nuclei and cell division.
1901 Hugo de Vries, coined the term ‘mutation’ for sudden, shock-like changes of existing traits.
‘Die Mutationstherorie’ of Hugo de Vries published.
‘Theory of Heterogenesis’ published by S. Korschinsky.
1904 and 1905 Hugo de Vries suggests artificial induction of mutations by radiation.
1909 - 1913 W. Johannsen describes spontaneous drastic mutations and slight mutations affecting seed index.
1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan: first mutation experiments with Drosophila melanogaster.
Period III: Proof of induced mutations and release of the first commercial mutant varieties
1927 C. Stuart Gager & A. F. Blakeslee report on induction of mutations in Datura stramonium.
Definite proof of mutation induction by X-rays by H.J. Muller, indicating the possibility of obtaining
genetically superior plants, animals and man by applying X-radiation.
1928 Successful induction of mutations after irradiation of barley and maize by Lewis John Stadler.
The 1930s Start of the Swedish mutation research programme by Åke Gustafsson.
1934/1938 The first commercial mutant variety ‘Chlorina’ obtained after X-radiation in tobacco by
D. Tollenar released in Indonesia.
1934 and following year The physical mutation theory – Hit and Target Theory was established by N. W. Timoféeff-Ressovsky and
Box 2.1: History of plant mutation research and application*
1951 Barbara McClintock reported controlling elements (later established as transposable genetic elements or
The early 1950s Mutations induced by gamma rays were produced in Gamma field by chronic irradiation, but the first
evidence that gamma rays do induce mutation was not clear.
1964 Establishment of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture at Vienna,
Austria; Internationally coordinated mutation breeding research programmes were launched.
1960s Numerous national research institutes specialized on Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture were
1969 The Pullman Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plant Breeding: The first classified list of mutant varieties
1981 First major symposium on the ‘Use of Induced Mutations as a Tool in Plant Research’ organized by FAO/IAEA
at Vienna, Austria.
1990 Joint FAO/IAEA symposium in Vienna, Austria to assess results of 25 years of applied mutation breeding.
1983 Four groups independently reported the production of first transgenic plants, laying down the basis of T-DNA
insertion mutagenesis.
1983 The transposable controlling elements Ac and Ds were isolated, laying down the basis of transposon
mutagenesis using Ac-Ds and modified genetic systems.
1997 Retrotransposons were re-activated via tissue culture in rice, which prompted the establishment of the large
Tos 17 mutant collection.
2002-2005 Genomes of the indica and japonica rice subspecies were sequenced.
2005 Establishment of mutant populations for functional genomics studies, including TILLING and T-DNA insertion
mutant populations in crop plants
2008 International Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plants in Vienna, Austria to assess applications of induced
mutation in plant mutation research and breeding in the genomics era.
*Adapted from A. M. van Harten (1998) for Period I ~ IV with addition/deletion of a few events.
X chromosomes and thus could obtain adequate data 3.2. Stadler’s Pioneering Work on Mutation
on the lethal frequencies. Induction in Plants
When Muller applied his “ClB” technique to the study
of gametes treated with X-rays, it was apparent that there Induced mutations through radiation as a tool for
was a marked increase in the frequency of newly arising generating novel genetic variability in plants took off
lethals. This then is a clear example of the use of mutation only after the discovery of the mutagenic action of
for artificial induction of mutations. Muller concluded X-rays, demonstrated in maize, barley and wheat by
that high energy radiation is dangerous not only to the Stadler in 1928 and 1930. Stadler had begun his studies
exposed individual, but also to their descendants. with barley at about the same time when Muller began
working with X-rays, but since he was using an annual 4.1. Physical Mutagenesis
plant species, his results lagged behind and were not
available until after Muller’s findings were published. Hanson and Heys conducted detailed studies on the
Stadler, widely recognized for his significant induction of lethal mutants in fruit fly by using radium
contributions in the field of mutation breeding, irradiated (Hanson and Heys, 1929). They interposed lead shields
seeds of barley in the course of his experiments. At of different thickness and recorded the ionization in
the time of treatment, the cells destined to give rise to each treatment. The curves for ionization and mutation
different tillers were already differentiated in the embryo. rate could be superimposed leading to the conclusion
Each of the several shoots of the developing plant was that ionization is responsible for the mutations and
represented by a single diploid cell. He observed that that the relation is a simple, direct one – a “one hit”
radiation treatment can induce mutations in one tiller phenomenon. Oliver (1930) confirmed this conclusion
without affecting the others. The induced mutations were by showing that varying duration of exposure to a
related to chlorophyll defects, resulting in white, yellow constant X-ray source also gave a linear curve relating
or virescent seedlings which could be scored readily. to mutation rate. It was also apparent that projecting
When the plant was mature, each shoot was separately this curve to a zero dosage did not give zero mutations.
self-pollinated and the seed planted. Any induced Muller showed in the same year that the amount of
recessive mutant segregated in a 3: 1 ratio and could be background radiation is far less than would be required
recognized as a new variant, since it would not appear to produce the normal “spontaneous” frequency of
from other shoots of the same plant. In all, Stadler found mutations. It came to be generally accepted that the
forty-eight mutations in distinct seedling characters from total ionization is all that needs to be considered in
irradiated seeds, and none from a large control series. connection with radiation induced mutations, at least
Some of the seeds were treated with X-rays while others within a strain.
were exposed to radium – the latter also proving to be The mutagenic effect of ultraviolet light (UV) was
mutagenic. Stadler (1941) went on to introduce a new discovered by Altenberg (1934) through irradiation
mutagenic agent, ultraviolet light, into his experimental of the polar cap cells of fruit fly eggs. The mutagenic
laboratory. potential of these rays has since been confirmed in
The three major discoveries made by Stadler’s mutation many organisms in which germ tissue could be easily
work in 1928 with barley are: exposed to the low-penetrating UV. With the wide
1. Seed soaked in water to initiate germination gave establishment of Cobalt-60 irradiation facilities,
almost eight times more mutations than dry dormant gamma radiation has become a popular mutagen since
seeds. the 1950’s (see Chapter 1). Various forms of neutron
2. Mutant rate was independent of the temperature at had also been studied extensively for their use in
the time of irradiation. mutagenesis in the 1960-70’s. Though it has proved to
3. The relation of mutation rate to total dosage was be an effective mutagen, particularly for producing large
linear – doubling the dose doubled the mutation DNA fragment deletions, the application of neutrons in
rate. induced mutagenesis has been limited.
The exhaustive results of the pioneering work of Muller During the past two decades, ion beams – either
and Stadler unambiguously proved that mutations can through implantation or irradiation have become a
be artificially induced. new type of physical mutagen (see Chapters 9 & 10).
More recently, plant materials have been sent out
into aerospace to study the intricacies of mutation
4. Establishment of Mutation Induction induction in space. It has been speculated that the
Techniques special environment of spaceflight, such as cosmic
radiation, microgravity, weak geomagnetic field etc. are
After X-rays mutagenesis was established in both the potential agents of mutation induction. However,
animals and plants, numerous new mutagens, both knowledge of the underlying genetics of aerospace
physical and chemical, were found to be effective in mutagenesis is so far scarce.
generating genetic variability.
4.2. Chemical Mutagenesis have been established for the production of mutants
during the past two decades, which has become one
Induction of mutations by chemical agents was attempted of the major developments of the fifth period of plant
by many people over a long period, but there were no mutation research. These methods were developed
clear or convincing positive results until 1939 when Thom based on either new biotechnologies such as genetic
and Steinberger found that nitrous acid was effective transformation or discovery of genetic elements such
in causing mutations in Aspergillus. Auerbach (1941) as transposon and retrotransposon. The recently
was the first to report that mustard gas (1,5-dichloro-3- emerged target-selected mutagenesis or site-directed
thiapentane) had a mutagenic effect on fruit fly, which was mutagenesis is a more sophisticated approach based
similar to that of X-rays on plants. Auerbach and Robson on detailed insight on DNA repair mechanism. Detailed
(1946) later obtained clear evidence to show that mustard information about the history and recent development
gas is mutagenic. Chemical mutagens were found to be of these technologies are given in Chapters 38-40.
highly effective in inducing true gene mutations and
the specificity of action could be investigated through
analysis of their reaction with different DNA bases. 5. Understanding the Mechanisms of Mutation
However, the question, whether chemical agents do
indeed produce mutations with the same frequency With the mutagenic action of alkylating agents firmly
as the physical mutagens (like the ionizing radiations) established in the 1950s, the future direction of work
was settled after the first paper published by Auerbach on chemical mutagens was determined mainly by rapid
and Robson (1946). They used the standard technique advances in the understanding of gene structure and
devised by Muller to score recessive and visible gene function following the demonstration of DNA as the
mutations in Drosophila following exposures of flies to genetic material. Watson and Crick while proposing their
a predetermined dose of the gas. Their most important model for the structure of DNA in their celebrated 1953
observation was that mustard gas is highly mutagenic paper pointed out that both replication and mutation of
and capable of producing lethal and visible mutations genes can be understood in terms of the new structure.
at rates comparable with the effect of X-rays. Besides It now became possible to plan studies with compounds
gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations in the form of which were found to react with and modify the DNA
deletions, inversions and translocations were produced. bases in specific ways. Thus, nitrous acid, based on
Through such extensive investigations mustard gas chemical studies, was expected to convert cytocine to
was found to be a very potent mutagen in Drosophila. uracil and adenine to hypoxanthine, two of the known
Oehlker (1943), and Gustafsson and Mackey (1948) analogues of the nucleic acid bases. Among the various
proved that mustard gas was mutagenic in barley. kinds of mutational changes at the molecular level are
Rapoport (1946, 1948) and others in Russia also base substitutions, a term meaning simply nucleotide
discovered and demonstrated mutagenic effects changes that involve substitution of one base for another.
of mustard gas and several other chemicals such as This can happen through miss-pairing of the base
formaldehyde, diethylsulphate, diazomethane, and analogue in the treated DNA during replication, leading
other compounds and established that alkylating agents to mutation through transitions when exchanges occur
are the most important group of chemical mutagens. either between purines (A--G) or between pyrimidines
Since then hundreds of chemical agents belonging (T--C) and transversions when purines are exchanged
to several groups such as alkylating agents, nitroso for pyrimidines or vice versa (A, G--T, C). Freese (1959)
compounds, base analogues, azide, acridine dyes etc., reported extensive studies on reverse mutations resulting
have been found to produce mutagenic activity in a in wild type phenotype in rII mutants by two base
range of organisms (see Chapter 12 - 13). analogues – 5-bromouracil (BU) and 2-amino-purine (AP).
These base analogues were found to be highly mutagenic
4.3. Mutant Generation via Biotechnologies in viruses of the T4 series through their action in inducing
A:T to G:C transitions. Transitions and transversions are
In addition to mutations induced through physical the simplest kinds of base pair changes, but they may
and chemical mutagenesis, a few other approaches result in phenotypically visible mutations. There are no
restrictions on the different kinds of sequence changes in Later, Freisleben and Lein (1942) reported the induction
the DNA of a gene following different types of misprints of mildew resistance in barley by X-irradiation.
during replication. Another common error would be A major stimulus for much of the subsequent work in
addition or deletion of a nucleotide base pair when one further practical refinement of mutation technique was
of the bases manages to pair with two bases or fails to reported in barley by Swedish scientist A. Gustafsson
pair at all. These kinds of sequence changes resulting in (1947, 1963). In his study, a very large number of
an alteration in the reading frame of the gene’s DNA are mutations, e.g. chlorophyll characters, short stature,
known as frameshift mutations. They are more drastic in stiffness of straw and dense ears were induced in
their effect as they may completely change the message different genotypes. The Swedish mutation programme
of the gene starting with the point of deletion/addition. led by him covered several crop species and generated
Some of the mutations occur from rearrangement of a lot of information on successful use of mutation
bases in the DNA. A small or large sequence of bases techniques in breeding and was influential in instigating
may be inverted as a result of chromosome breakage, mutation breeding in other crops (Lundqvist, 2009).
and reunion of the broken ends may involve different During 1950-70, several countries including China,
DNA molecules in a reciprocal rearrangement or in loss Germany, India, the Netherlands, Sweden, UK, USA
of a fragment. Duplication of a DNA sequence is another and Japan took up extensive crop improvement
common mechanism for change in the structure of a programmes through the use of induced mutagenesis
gene leading to gene mutation. Detailed information and made spectacular accomplishments in evolving
about radiobiology, DNA damage and repair is given in several superior mutant varieties in large number of
Chapters 5, 6 & 11. crop species (Kharkwal et al. 2004).
The following selected examples amply substantiate
the important role that mutation techniques have played
6. Applications of Induced Mutation to Plant and continue to play in plant breeding. The rapeseed
Breeding variety “Regina II” was developed by mutation in
Sweden and was released in Canada in 1953. “Redwood
In Drosophila, experimental mutagenesis has been used 65” flax (registered in 1965) was derived from a mutation
for genetic studies since the very beginning and for gene programme at the University of Saskatchewan and is
identification since mid twentieth century. In plants, present in the pedigrees of many western Canadian
although induced mutants have also contributed to the flax varieties. The low linolenic traits in both flax and
establishment of genetic maps or linkage groups of a few canola were more recently produced through mutation
crops, its application had been mainly oriented for breeding breeding technique. ‘Pursuit Smart’ canolas are also the
new crop varieties till less than a decade ago. With the product of mutagenesis. Elsewhere in the world, the FAO
development of molecular biology and emergence of new estimated in 1994 that almost 70% of the durum wheat
genomic tools, understanding of the biological process of in Italy was mutant varieties and that there were 400
mutagenesis has greatly deepened. The applications of rice varieties derived from mutagenesis programmes.
induced mutation have since been significantly expanded In Europe two barley mutants, “Golden Promise” and
and its efficiency significantly increased. “Diamant” provided dwarfing genes for most barley.
Though Stadler (1928) was skeptical about the The mutant gene, mlo, has provided resistance to
potential of induced mutations in crop breeding, mildew for many years in barley. The photoperiodic
extensive work following his work showed the practical mutation in “Mona” barley allowed barley cultivation
potential of radiation as a plant breeding tool and to be expanded into equatorial countries of short day
resulted almost immediately in the recovery of some length. “Michelite”, an X-ray induced white (common)
economically useful mutants in wheat (Sapehin, 1930 bean mutant with altered plant type, is in the pedigrees
and Delaunay, 1931). Stubbe (1934) described ‘small of most of the white beans grown in North America.
mutations’ for the first time in higher plants such as In summary, breeding programmes based on efficient
Antirrhinum, the snapdragon. Tollenaar (1934) was the mutation techniques have been widely used by plant
first worker to isolate a light green “Chlorina” mutant in breeders and many of our food crops are derived
tobacco which was released for commercial cultivation. either directly or indirectly from such programmes
(Kharkwal and Shu, 2009). A detailed description of Kharkwal, M.C. and Shu, Q.Y.. 2009. Role of induced
major developments in plant mutation breeding and its mutations in world food security. pp. 33-38. In : Q.Y.
application is given in Chapter 1 & 24. Shu (ed.) Induced Mutations in the Genomic Era.
During the early part of the era of induced mutagenesis, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
the technique was used as a tool for improvement of Nations, Rome.
traditional traits like yield, resistance to disease and Kharkwal, M.C., Pandey, R.M. and Pawar, S.E. 2004.
pest etc. in various agricultural crops. Subsequently Mutation Breeding in Crop Improvement. pp. 601-
the emphasis shifted to more diversified uses of crop 645. In : Plant Breeding – Mendelian to Molecular
end products, enhancing quality and nutritional Approaches. H.K. Jain and M.C. Kharkwal (ed.),
value, tolerance to abiotic stresses etc. During the Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
recent decades, thanks to the tremendous progress Lundqvist, U. 2009. Eighty years of Scandinavian Barley
happening in the research of plant molecular biology Mutation Research and Breeding. pp. 39-43. In : Q.Y. Shu
and biotechnology, particularly plant genomics, we are (ed.) Induced Mutations in the Genomic Era. Food and
witnessing new impulses in plant mutation research, from Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
fundamental studies of mutagenesis to reverse genetics. Morgan, T.H. 1910. Sex limited inheritance in Drosophila.
Breeders are now aware of the newer potentialities and Science. 32: 120-122.
far reaching implications of induced mutation technique Muller, H.J. 1927. Artificial transmutation of gene. Science.
and are able to use it with more sophistication and 66: 84-87.
efficiency than ever before dreamed possible. Muller, H.J. 1930. Types of visible variations induced by
X-rays in Drosophila. J. Genetics. 22: 299-333.
Oehlker, F. 1943. Chromosome mutation in meiosis by
7. References chemicals. In : Mutation Research - Problems, Results
and Prospects. C. Auerbach (ed.) (1976), Chapman
7.1. Cited References and Hall, U.K.
Oliver, C.P. 1930. The effect of varying the duration of
Altenberg, E. 1934. The artificial production of mutations X-ray treatment upon the frequency of mutation.
by ultraviolet light. Amer. Naturalist. 68:491-507. Science. 71:44.
Auerbach, C. 1941. The effect of sex on the spontaneous Rapoport, I.A. 1946. Carbonyl compounds and the
mutations rate in Drosophila melanogaster .J. Genet. chemical mechanism of mutation. C.R. Doklady
11:255-265. Acad. Sci. USSR. 54:65.
Auerbach, C. and Robson, J.M. 1946. Chemical Rapoport, I.A. 1948. Alkylation of gene molecule. C.R.
production of mutations. Nature. 157: 302. Doklady Acad. Sci. USSR. 59: 1183-86.
Freese, E. 1959. On the molecular explanation of Sapehin, A.A. 1930. Rontgen-mutationen beim Weizen
spontaneous and induced mutations. Brookhaven (Triticum vulgare). Der Zuchter. 2: 257-259.
Symp. Biol. 12: 63-73. Stadler, L.J. 1928. Genetic effect of X-rays in maize. Proc.
Gustafsson, A. 1947. Mutations in agricultural plants. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 14: 69-75.
Hereditas. 33: 1-100. Stadler, L.J. 1930. Some genetic effects of X-rays in plants.
Gustafsson, A. 1963. Productive mutations induced in J. Hered. 21: 3-19.
barley by ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. Stadler, L.J. 1941. Genetic studies with ultraviolet radiation.
Hereditas. 50: 211-263. pp. 269-276. In : Proc. Seventh Intl. Congress of
Gustafsson, A. and Mackey, J. 1948. The genetic effects Genetics, R.C. Punnet. Cambridge Univ. Press.
of mustard gas substances and neutrons. Hereditas. Cambridge.
34: 371-386. Van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation Breeding: Theory and
Hanson, F.R. and Heys, F. 1929. An analysis of the effects Practical Applications. Cambridge Univ. Press.
of the different rays of radium in Drosophila. Amer.
Nat. 63: 201-213.
7.2. Websites Gaul, H., Ulonska, E., Winkel, C.Z. et al. 1969. Micro-
mutations influencing yield in barley - studies over
IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic stock database: nine generations. In : Induced mutations in plants. Proc. Symp. Pullman, IAEA, Vienna, pp. 375-398.
Gottshalk, W. and Wolff, G. 1983. Induced Mutations
7.3. Further Reading in Plant Breeding. pp. 323-327. In : Monograph on
Theoretical and Applied Genetics , Springer-Verlag,
Ahloowalia, B.S., Maluszynski, M., and Nichterlein, Berlin, Heidel berg.
K. 2004. Impact of mutation-derived varieties. Gustafsson, A. and Mackey, J. 1948. Mutation work at
Euphytica. 135: 187-204. Svalof. Svalof, 1886-1946: 338-355.
Anonymous. 1977. Manual on Mutation Breeding Kharkwal, M.C., Gopalakrishna, T., Pawar, S.E. et al.
(Second Edition), Technical Reports Series, No. 119. 2008. Mutation breeding for improvement of food
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food legumes. pp. 194-221. In : M.C. Kharkwal (ed.), Food
and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Legumes for Nutritional Security and Sustainable
Vienna, Austria. Agriculture. Vol. 1. Proc. Fourth International Food
Baur, E. 1924. Untersuchungen ueber das Wesen, Legumes Research Conference, October 18-22,
die Entstehung und die Vererbung von 2005, New Delhi. Indian Society of Genetics and
Rassenunterschieden bei Antirrihnum majus. Bibl. Plant Breeding, New Delhi, India.
Genet. 4: 1-170. MacKey, J. 1956. Mutation Breeding in Europe.
De Vries, H. 1901. Die Mutationstheorie.I. Leipzig: Veit & Brookhaven Symposium in Biology. 9: 141-156.
Co. Leipzig, Germany. (English translation, 1910. The Maluszynski, M., Nichterlein, K., Van Zanten, L. et al.
Open Court, Chicago.) 2000. Officially released mutant varieties – the FAO/
De Vries, H. 1903. Die Mutationstheorie.II. Leipzig: Veit & IAEA database. Mutation Breeding Review. 12:1-84.
Co. Leipzig, Germany. (English translation, 1910. The Stubbe, H. 1934. Einigekleinmutantionen von Antirrhinum
Open Court, Chicago.) majus L. Zuechter 6: 299-303.
Freisleben, R., and A. Lein. 1942. Uber die Auffindung Tollenaar, D. 1934. Untersuchungen ueber Mutation bei
einer mehltauresistenten mutante nach Tabak: I. Entstehungsweise und Wesen kuenstlich
Roentgenbestrahlung einer anfaelligen reinen Linnie erzeugter Gene-Mutanten. Genetica. 16:111-152.
von Sommergerste. Naturwissenschafen. 30: 608.
Gaul, H. 1961. Use of induced mutations in seed
propagated species. pp. 206-252. In : Mutation and
Plant Breeding. Nat. Acad. Sci., Nat. Res. Council,
The Structure and Regulation of Genes and
Consequences of Genetic Mutations
S.Lee, S.Costanzo and Y.Jia*
USDA-ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center, P. 0.Box 1090, Stuttgart, Arkansas 72160, USA
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. References
1. Introduction tinuous structures. The strands provide the essential
information required for the production of cellular pro-
The fundamental genetic unit of heredity, the gene, is teins. In this chapter, gene structure, genetic regulation,
a nucleic acid sequence characterized by three main and the consequences for gene expression of various
parts: a promoter region where gene expression levels sequence alterations by mutation are described.
are controlled by transcription factors and other acces-
sory proteins, the coding region (often interrupted by
intervening sequences or introns), and a 3’ untranslated 2. Gene Structure and Regulation
region. Following transcription, the completed tran-
script, often referred to as ‘messenger RNA’ (mRNA), is 2.1. Gene structure
used as a template for the production of proteins. The
order of amino acids encoded by mRNAs translates into A typical gene is associated with three types of
specific proteins, which may be further processed by sequences: a promoter, a coding region interrupted
cells to attain their mature forms. Proteins are involved by intron sequences, and untranslated regions. Introns,
in diverse biological functions. The entire process of also sometimes referred to as ‘intervening sequences’,
transcription and translation is precisely regulated are found in primary transcripts but are subsequently
in order to maintain normal cellular functionality. spliced out of the nascent mRNAs. Introns typically
Perturbations to this highly sophisticated regulatory interrupt coding regions, but can also be located in
network can have drastic consequences, and result in untranslated regions of a gene, which are located on
Distal Control Elements initation site Promoter Intron Terminator
phenotypic changes adversely affecting an organism’s either side of the coding region (Fig 3.1). The boundaries
survival and a driving force in evolution. of a protein-encoding gene are defined as the points at
Biological organisms have evolved and coexisted in which transcription begins and ends.
various natural ecosystems for many millions of years. In general, the transcribed mRNAs from genes are to
Phenotypes displayed by organisms are largely geneti- be used for producing proteins. In eukaryotes, mRNAs
cally programmed, and can be inherited over genera- are produced in the nuclei are translocated into the
tions. The discovery of the gene as the fundamental unit cytoplasm for protein synthesis. This process is called
of inheritance has led us to a better understanding of translation. The process of transcription and translation
the molecular basis of phenotypes. It is now known that in a eukaryotic cell is described in Figure 3.2.
genetic information is stored in double helical poly-
nucleotide chains of DNA (or RNA for some viruses). 2.1.1. The Role of the Promoter Regions
Two purines: adenine (A) and guanine (G) and two The promoter region is a specific regulatory DNA
pyrimidines: thymine (T) and cytosine (C), or uracil (U), sequence located upstream of a gene, that is recog-
are linked by phosphate groups and sugars (deoxyri- nized and physically interacts with a class of proteins
bose in DNA, ribose in RNA) in these polynucleotide known as transcription factors. These proteins bind to
chains. The two strands of DNA are complementary determined regions within the promoter sequences,
in sequence to each other, and form stable and con- ultimately enabling the recruiting of the RNA polymer-
as general transcription factor binding sites. The TFIIB
Chromatin (transcription factor) Recognition Element (BRE) is
Nucleus Cytoplasm
located immediately upstream of the TATA element
Gene and the TFIIB-BRE interaction facilitates the assembly
Transcription mRNA in cytoplasm of the complex, TFIIB, TATA-binding protein (TBP), and
TATA box (Fig 3.3).
In addition to the core promoter, other conserved
Polypeptide regions include a proximal or “upstream” promoter,
and a distal promoter. Proximal promoter sequences
Active Protein upstream of genes tend to contain primary regulatory
elements, and may extend as much as 200 bp upstream
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of the transcription start site, and contain specific
Figure 3.2 A diagram of DNA-RNA transcription and RNA-protein transcription factor binding sites. The distal promoter
translation in a plant cell.
sequences are found further upstream of genes, and
ase enzyme complex that synthesizes RNA based on may contain additional regulatory elements, often with
the coding region of the gene. In prokaryotes, the RNA weaker influences on gene expression than those of the
polymerase and an associated sigma factor are brought proximal promoter.
to the promoter DNA by an activator protein binding Many distinct features separate prokaryotic from
to its own specific DNA sequence. In eukaryotes, the eukaryotic promoters. In prokaryotes, the promoter
complexity of this process is greater, and at least seven consists of two short sequences at positions -10 and -35
different factors are necessary for the transcription of upstream from the transcription start site. Sigma factors
an RNA polymerase II-associated promoter. Promoters are proteins that assist RNA polymerase in correctly
also represent critical elements that can work in coor- binding to specific promoter regions, generally target-
dination with other regulatory regions (such as enhanc- ing functionally related genes participating in a given
ers, silencers, insulators and other boundary elements) biological response. The sequence at -10 is also known
to control the level of transcription of a given gene. as the Pribnow box, or the -10 element, and usually con-
As promoters are generally located in close proxim- sists of the six nucleotides TATAAT. The Pribnow box is
ity, immediately upstream of a gene, positions in the required for the initiation of transcription in prokaryotes.
promoter are designated relative to the transcriptional The other sequence at -35 (the -35 element) usually
start site (TSS), where transcription of RNA begins for a consists of the six nucleotides TTGACA, and is involved
particular gene. in enhancing gene transcription rates. Some prokaryotic
The basal or core promoter is the minimal portion promoters contain a so-called “extended -10 element”
of contiguous DNA sequence required to initiate (consensus sequence 5’-TGNTATAAT-3’), and in these
transcription properly by RNA polymerase II. It encom- “extended -10” promoters the presence of the -35 ele-
passes a region between -37 bp and +32 bp relative ment appears to be unimportant for transcription.
to the transcription start site. It may consist of various In eukaryotes, promoters are extremely diverse and
conserved motifs including a TATA box, an initiator are more difficult to characterize than their prokary-
(Inr) encompassing the transcription start site, as well otic counterparts. As in prokaryotes, they typically lie
-37 to -32 -31 to -26 -2 to +4 +28 to +32
Exon Intron Exon Intron Exon Terminator
5’ 3’
RNA processing
upstream of a gene and can also possess regulatory ele- can be classified into four groups. Introns are common
ments several kilobases away from the transcriptional in eukaryotic RNAs, but are quite rare in prokaryotes.
start site. The transcriptional complex can also cause The exons (originally derived from the term expressed
DNA to bend back on itself, facilitating the involvement regions) are portions of a gene that are joined together
of regulatory sequences located far from the actual site to form the final functional mRNA. The number and
of transcription initiation. Some eukaryotic promoters length of introns varies widely among species and
also possess a TATA box (consensus TATAAA), which in among genes within the same species. Genes in animals
turn binds a TATA binding protein that assists in the for- and plants often have numerous introns, which can be
mation of the RNA polymerase transcriptional complex. much longer than the adjacent exons.
The TATA box typically lies within close proximity to the Introns sometimes allow for alternative splicing of a
transcriptional start site, often within 50 base pairs. gene, such that several different proteins sharing some
common segments can be produced from a single
2.1.2. The Role of the Coding Regions gene. The control of mRNA splicing, and of which
Protein-coding genes constitute the vast majority alternative splice variant is produced, is orchestrated by
of genes in a genome. They are diverse in size and a wide variety of signalling molecules. Introns contain
organization but generally maintain several conserved several short conserved sequences that are important
features. A protein-coding gene is defined by the extent for efficient and correct splicing. The exact mechanism
of its primary transcript. The coding region contains for these intron-splicing enhancers is not well under-
the information used to define the amino acids in a stood, but it is thought that they serve as binding sites
given protein, containing the nucleotide sequence on the transcript for proteins that stabilize the spliceo-
that is eventually translated into the correct sequence some complex. It is also possible that RNA secondary
of amino acids. The coding region begins with the ini- structures formed by intron sequences may have an
tiation codon (also known as the start codon), which is effect on splicing, and in alternative splicing, an exon
most frequently ‘ATG’, encoding for the initiating amino sequence in one splice variant is intron in another.
acid methionine in a protein sequence. In prokary- Some introns, such as Group I and Group II introns are
otes, alternative start codons are also utilized, such as actually ribozymes that are capable of catalyzing their
GUG and UUG, as well as several others. The coding own splicing from the primary RNA transcript (Patel
region ends with one of three termination codons: TAA and Steitz, 2003). After removing introns from pre-
(ochre), TAG (amber) or TGA (opal). messenger RNA, the transcribed exons spliced together
to form the mRNA. However, if the mutation shifts the
2.1.3. The Role of Introns reading frame by one or two substitutions, the read-
Introns are non-coding DNA elements within a gene ing frame will shift to produce a new stop codon. This
that are transcribed and still present in heterogeneous phenomenon is called exon skipping that is caused by
nuclear RNA (hnRNA) or pre-mRNA, but are spliced non-sense mutation.
out within the nucleus to produce a mature mRNA (Fig Nuclear or spliceosomal introns are spliced by the
3.4). Based on known splicing mechanisms, introns spliceosome and a series of snRNAs (small nuclear
RNAs). Specific splice signals (or consensus sequences) 2.1.4. The Role of 3’ Untranslated Regions
within these introns assist in the splicing (or recogni- The 3’ untranslated region (3’ UTR) is part of the mRNA
tion) of these introns by the spliceosome. Group I, II situated downstream from the coding sequence (CDS),
and III introns are self-splicing introns and are relatively which is transcribed but not translated into protein.
rare compared to spliceosomal introns. Group II and In eukaryotes, it immediately follows the termination
III introns are similar, share a conserved secondary codon of the CDS and directly precedes the polyA
structure, and use the so-called ‘lariat’ pathway in their tail (Fig 3.5). In prokaryotes, 3’ UTRs are also present in
splicing mechanism. They perform functions similar protein-coding mRNAs, although these transcripts lack
to that of the spliceosome, and may be evolutionarily polyA tails.
related to it. Group I introns are the only class of introns Several types of regulatory sequences can occur in
whose splicing requires a free guanine nucleoside, and eukaryotic 3’ UTRs, including polyadenylation signals
they possess a secondary structure distinct from that (usually AAUAAA or a slight variant thereof) that direct
of group II and III introns. Group I introns are found in the site for cleavage and polyadenylation of the nascent
most bacteria and protozoa. mRNA approximately 30 base pairs downstream. Several
The initial discovery of intron sequences prompted hundred consecutive adenine residues are added at this
investigators worldwide to examine their prevalence cleavage position, comprising the poly-A tail of the mature
among diverse taxa. It was soon discovered that introns mRNA. Additional regulatory sequences associated with
are widespread in eukaryotes, but quite rare in prokary- 3’ UTRs can include binding sites for proteins affecting
otic species. This has prompted much speculation with mRNA stability or cellular location, as well as binding sites
regards to the evolution of organisms in general, and for microRNAs (miRNAs) (Mazumder et al. 2003).
the role of introns may have played in that evolution.
There are two main schools of thought concerning 2.2. Gene Regulation
their potential roles: 1) Introns-early - Proponents of this
school argue that introns were an essential feature of The regulation of gene expression is the primary cellular
the earliest organisms. Their absence in bacteria, they mechanism for controlling the abundance and timing
argue, is due to the fact that the shorter division times of of appearance of functional gene products. Although a
bacterial cells means that bacteria have had many more functional gene product may be either RNA or a protein,
generations in which to evolve relative to eukaryotes. the mechanisms regulating the expression of protein-
This rapid evolution has brought about the loss of nearly coding genes have been the most intensively studied.
all-ancestral introns. 2) Introns-late. Proponents of this Any step of gene expression may be modulated, from
school argue that the earliest organisms did not contain the initial transcription of RNA from a DNA template,
introns. They hypothesize that introns are a relatively through the post-translational modification or stability
recent arrival in the eukaryotic lineage, which have been of a protein. Gene regulation gives cells the ability to
necessary for the evolution of the diversity of regulatory control their ultimate structure and function, and is the
mechanisms required to control gene expression in basis for cellular differentiation, morphogenesis, and
highly differentiated and multi-cellular organisms. In the versatility and adaptability of all organisms.
this view, prokaryotes do not have introns because they It is important to note that environments can influ-
never had them in the first place. ence the phenotypes. A phenotype is the result of
Box 3.1: Mechanisms of the transcriptional regulation in the gene expression
1. Altering the rate at which RNA transcripts are processed while still within the nucleus.
2. Altering the stability of mRNA molecules; that is the rate at which they are degraded.
3. Altering the efficiency at which the ribosomes translate the mRNA into a polypeptide.
interactions of both genetic and environmental fac- transcription of a gene (Box 3.1), and some examples
tors. In addition, phenotypes can also be altered by are discussed below:
epigenetic events. This is referred as a set of reversible a. Chemical modification of DNA by methylation is
heritable changes that occur without any changes of a common method of silencing gene expression.
DNA sequences that can link gene expression to the Methyltransferase enzymes typically methylate
environment. cytosine residues in DNA occurring within a CpG
dinucleotide content (also called “CpG islands”
2.2.1. Transcriptional Regulation that have a large number of cytosine and guanine
In the case of prokaryotic organisms, regulation of tran- adjacent to each other in the backbone of DNA).
scription is an essential mechanism for cells to quickly The “p” in CpG refers to the phosphodiester bond
adapt/respond to an ever-changing environment. The between the cytosine and guanine. Abnormal
availability of different types and quantities of nutri- methylation patterns are thought to be involved in
ents affect various metabolic pathways, and ultimately carcinogenesis.
determine which genes are expressed and their specific b. Transcription of DNA is also determined by its three-
levels of expression. In prokaryotes, repressors bind to dimensional structure. In general, the density of its
regions termed ‘operators’ that are generally located packing is indicative of the frequency of transcrip-
downstream from, but proximal to the promoter. tion. Octameric protein complexes called nucle-
Activators bind to upstream promoter sequences, such osomes (comprised of proteins termed ‘histones’)
as the CAP (Catabolite Activator Protein) binding region. are responsible for the amount of supercoiling of
In prokaryotes, a combination of activators, repressors, DNA, and these complexes can be biochemically
and in rare cases, enhancers determine whether a gene modified by processes such as phosphorylation,
is to be transcribed. methylation, and acetylation. Such modifications
In eukaryotes, transcriptional regulation tends to are considered to be responsible for more long-
involve combinational interactions between sev- term or permanent changes to gene expression
eral transcription factors, which allow sophisticated levels. Histone acetylation can also play a more
responses to complex environmental conditions. This direct role in transcriptional regulation, as histone
complex regulation also allows control over spatial and acetyltransferase enzymes (HATs) such as the CREB-
temporal differences in gene expression. Eukaryotic binding protein that helps dissociate DNA from
genes extensively make use of enhancer elements, nucleosomes, allowing transcription to proceed.
distal regions of DNA that can loop back and allow inter- Additionally, DNA methylation and histone acety-
actions with proteins bound to promoter sequences. A lation can work together to promote gene silenc-
major difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes ing. The combination of the two seems to provide
is the fact that eukaryotes have a nuclear membrane that a signal for DNA to be packed more densely,
prevents simultaneous transcription and translation. In resulting in reduced gene expression levels.
plants, the regulation of transcription plays a major role
in determining the tissue- and developmental stage- c. RNA polymerase activity can be regulated by at
specific activity of many genes, as well as responses to least four mechanisms: 1) specificity factors alter
environmental cues and stresses, the regulation of met- the specificity of RNA polymerase for a given
abolic pathways, and the regulation of photosynthesis. promoter or set of promoters, making it more or
There are several strategies used by eukaryotes to less likely to bind to them (i.e. sigma factors used
control gene expression, including altering the rate of in prokaryotic transcription); 2) repressors bind
to non-coding sequences on the DNA strand that ences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
are close to, or overlapping the promoter region, A repressible system is constitutively active except
impeding RNA polymerase’s progress along the in the presence of repressor molecules that turn
strand, thus impeding the expression of the gene; 3) off gene expression. The mechanism by which
basal factors position RNA polymerase at the start transcriptional repression occurs is also dependent
of a protein-coding sequence and then release the on the existing control mechanisms as well as dif-
polymerase to transcribe the mRNA; 4) activators ferences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
enhance the interaction between RNA polymerase
and a particular promoter, stimulating the expres- The transcription machinery can itself be regulated.
sion of the gene. In order for a gene to be expressed, several events
d. Regulatory proteins are involved in regulating must occur. First, there needs to be an initiating signal
gene expression (Fig 3.6), and usually bind to a from either cell itself or from environment. This can
regulatory binding site located near the promotor, be achieved through the binding of some ligands to
although this is not always the case. Regulatory pro- a receptor. This signal gives rise to the activation of
teins often need to be bound to regulatory binding a protein called a transcription factor, which recruits
sites to switch a gene on (activators), or to shut off a other components of the “transcriptional apparatus”.
gene (repressors). Generally, as organisms become Transcription factors generally bind simultaneously to
more sophisticated, their cellular protein regulation DNA, RNA polymerase, as well as other factors neces-
becomes more complex. Post-transcriptionally, a sary for transcription (i.e. histone acetyltransferases,
second mechanism of gene regulation exists, rep- scaffolding proteins, etc.). Transcription factors, and
resented by a growing class of 22-nucleotide-long their cofactors, can be regulated through reversible
non-coding RNAs, known as microRNAs (miRNAs), structural alterations such as phosphorylation, or inacti-
which function as repressors in all known animal vated through such mechanisms as proteolysis.
and plant genomes. Two main types of gene regula- Transcription is initiated at the promoter’s transcrip-
tion are recognized: inducible systems and repress- tion start site, as increased amounts of active transcrip-
ible systems. An inducible system is inactive unless tion factors occupy their target DNA sequences. Other
in the presence of specific molecules (referred to proteins known as scaffolding proteins bind other
as inducers) that facilitate gene expression. The cofactors and hold them in place. DNA sequences
molecule is said to “induce expression”, and the located relatively far from the point of initiation, known
manner in which this occurrence is dependent on as enhancers, can aid in the assembly of the transcrip-
the existing control mechanisms, as well as differ- tion apparatus. Frequently, extracellular signals induce
TATA Promoter Exon
the expression of transcription factors or components recognized by a protein complex. The protein complex
thereof, which then influence the expression of other promotes association of other proteins, including those
genes, or even their own expression. involved in transcript cleavage as well as Polyadenylate
Polymerase (PAP), the enzyme responsible for the addi-
2.2.2. Post-transcriptional Modification tion of the poly-A tail. PAP binding is required before
In the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, the primary transcript transcript cleavage can occur, thus ensuring the tight
is converted into a mature messenger RNA. This post- coupling of the two events. RNA splicing is the pro-
transcriptional modification process allows mRNA to cess by which introns are removed from pre-mRNAs,
be exported out of the nucleus to be translated into and the remaining exons connected together to form
proteins by ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm. In contrast, a single continuous molecule. Although most RNA
the majority of prokaryotic mRNAs do not require any splicing occurs after the complete synthesis and end
further processing for translation. Three main types of capping of the pre-mRNA, transcripts with many exons
modifications are performed on primary transcripts: can be spliced while being transcribed. A large protein
5’ capping, 3’ polyadenylation, and intron splicing. complex called the spliceosome catalyzes the splicing
Addition of the 5’ cap is the first step in pre-mRNA reactions, guided by small nuclear RNA molecules that
transcript processing. This modification occurs before recognize splice sites in pre-mRNA sequences. Some
transcription is complete, after the growing RNA strand pre-mRNAs can be spliced in multiple ways to produce
has reached approximately 30 nucleotides. The process different mature mRNAs that encode different protein
is catalyzed by a capping enzyme that associates with sequences. This process is known as alternative splic-
the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II, ing, and allows production of a large variety of proteins
the main enzyme involved in mRNA transcription. The from a limited amount of DNA.
5’ capping reaction replaces the triphosphate group
at the 5’ end of the RNA chain with a special nucleo-
tide (a methylated guanine) that is referred to as the 5’ 3. Mutations and their Consequences
cap. This process may serve to protect mRNA from the
enzymatic activity of 5’ exonucleases, which degrades 3.1. Classes of Gene Mutations
foreign RNA, and improves mRNA recognition by the
ribosome during translation. The second step is the Mutations can be classified based on the extent of
cleavage of the 3’ end of the primary transcript fol- the DNA sequence affected by the mutational event
lowed by the addition of a polyadenosine (poly-A) as either small-scale mutation involving one or a few
tail. This end of the pre-mRNA contains a sequence of nucleotides, or large-scale mutations where the chro-
around 50 nucleotides that acts as a signaling region mosomal structure is affected. Small DNA changes may
be further classified into point mutations, deletions and to the amino acid sequence, and are also referred
insertions. Large-scale mutations, including inversions to as synonymous mutations. Synonymous changes
and gene duplications, will be discussed elsewhere are therefore not detectable at the amino acid level,
in this book. In the present section, the mechanistic and can be identified only in the DNA coding region.
consequences of gene mutations will be described in Although synonymous mutations are always silent, they
detail. may, in rare cases, create a new intron splice site that
change exons to introns, resulting in a different protein
3.1.1. Point Mutations sequence. Non-sense mutations are identical to miss-
Also called single-base substitutions; involve the sense mutations, except that the codon for an amino
replacement of a single nucleotide with a different acid is replaced with a translation termination codon.
one. This is the most common type of mutation. Point As a result, the premature termination of translation
mutations can occur in two different ways, referred to leads to the production of a truncated protein, which is
as transitions and transversions. Transitions are events most likely non-functional.
where a purine is converted to a purine (A to G or G
to A), or a pyrimidine is converted to a pyrimidine (T 3.1.2. Insertions and Deletions (Indels)
to C or C to T). A transversion occurs when a purine is Insertions occur by adding one or more nucleotides
converted to a pyrimidine or a pyrimidine is converted and deletions result from eliminating one or more
to a purine. Transitions occur more frequently than nucleotides from a DNA sequence. Deletions and
transversions in mutational events. There are three insertions are collectively referred to as InDels because
types of point mutations: missense, nonsense and silent it is often difficult to differentiate between insertions
mutations, which are defined below. In missense muta- and deletions when two orthologous sequences are
tions, a single nucleotide change alters a codon such compared. If Indels involve one or two base pairs within
that it encodes a completely different amino acid in a coding region, a shift in the open reading frame results
the protein, also termed a nonsynonymous mutation. and is referred to as a frameshift mutation. Frameshift
This type of mutation usually changes the conformation mutations typically create premature stop codons
and activity of a protein. However, if an amino acid is that produce shorter polypeptides than the original
replaced with another amino acid with similar chemi- (non-mutated) versions. Indels occurring within coding
cal properties, then the function of the protein may regions may also alter intron splicing of pre-mRNAs.
be unaffected. Silent mutations result in no change This type of mutation is called a splice site mutation at
Promoter mutations
- Reduced expression of pathogenesis related gene (PR1-a)(Buchel et al. 1999).
- Increase disease resistance to bacterial blight in rice (xa13) (Chu et al. 2006).
- Gain of virulence of the AVR-Pita by the Pot3 insertion (Kang et al. 2001).
Intron mutations
- Exon skipping in Arabidopsis (Brown, 1996).
- The reduced expression of the splicing efficiency in Arabidopsis (Lewandowska et al. 2004).
3’ trailer mutations
- Altered flowering time in Arabidopsis (Swiezewski et al. 2007).
- Natural Variations in floral symmetry (Cubas et al. 1999)
the intron region. Splice site mutation may also alter expression. However, for promoter mutations having
the sequence of the final translated protein. no effect on GT-1 binding, effects on SA-inducible gene
expression are not observed.
3.1.3. Inversions Promoter mutations are also involved in the acquisi-
The entire double-stranded DNA segment comprising tion of disease resistance in rice (Chu et al. 2006). The
two or more base pairs is reversed in an inversion muta- recessive allele xa13, whose locus represents an essen-
tion. This type of DNA rearrangement can occur via tial protein required for normal pollen development,
chromosome breakage and rejoining or by recombina- confers resistance to bacterial blight caused by the
tion occurring between homologous segments within pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Sequence
the same chromosome. Inversion mutations may have comparisons between the Xa13 and xa13 alleles reveal
little or no effect on an organism’s phenotype unless a insertions and deletions within both the coding and the
functional gene (or multiple genes) is altered. promoter regions. However, after examining xa13 and
Xa13 sequences from different susceptible and resistant
3.2. Examples of Various Mutations which Affect varieties, it was determined that observed amino acid
Gene Expression changes resulting from nucleotide substitutions within
the coding region of xa13 do not contribute to xa13-
Mutations of different categories, as well as those found mediated resistance. In contrast, it was determined that
in different locations, can have distinct consequences differences due to Indels within the promoter regions
for the function of a given gene. As described earlier, of various xa13 alleles led to the reduced accumulation
each gene consists of functionally distinguishable of Xa13 transcripts, and this suppression of Xa13 expres-
regions such as the promoter, untranslated regions, and sion increased whole-plant resistance to X. oryzae.
coding regions required for the production of func- Thus, mutations in the promoter regulatory sequences
tional gene products. Therefore, the effects of any gene of Xa13 resulted in the recessively inherited resistance
mutation on an organism will vary, depending upon against bacterial blight.
where the mutation occurs, and whether the function The avirulence gene AVR-Pita of Magnaporthe oryzae
of an essential protein has been altered. In this section, (formerly Magnaporthe grisea) triggers resistance medi-
we will focus on the consequences of mutations occur- ated by the rice resistance gene Pi-ta. A mutation in
ring in four different gene functional regions, including the promoter of AVR-Pita caused by the insertion of
gene promoters, introns, coding regions, and 3’ UTRs a Pot3-type transposon results in the gain of virulence
(Box 3.3). toward rice cultivar Yashiro-mochi, which possesses the
Pi-ta gene. The insertion of a Pot3 transposon into the
3.2.1. Mutations in Promoter Regions AVR-Pita promoter caused a spatial separation of the
Mutations within the promoter region of a gene may promoter sequences from the remainder of the gene,
cause deviations from normal gene expression patterns resulting in disruption of the AVR-Pita gene expression
and/or levels, and may be either harmful or beneficial required for Pi-ta-mediated disease resistance to rice
to an organism. There are numerous, well-characterized blast (Kang et al. 2001). The transposon mutation in
examples in the plant literature documenting some of the rice blast pathogen may be one of the important
these effects. For example, mutations in the patho- mechanisms associated with race variation.
genesis related gene PR-1a promoter reduce the level
of inducible gene expression for a hypersensitive plant 3.2.2. Mutations in Coding Regions
response and systemic acquired resistance (Buchel et Point mutations or Indels in the coding region of a gene
al. 1999). The PR-1a promoter region contains seven can result in various types of mutations, such as amino
potential binding sites for GT-1, a complex that simulta- acid-altering mutations and frame shift mutations. Thus,
neously interacts with multiple promoter regions. The gene products (which control phenotypes) can be
experimental introduction of point mutations within altered significantly by mutations in the coding region of
GT-1 binding sites in the Pr-1a promoter result in signifi- a gene, which can potentially cause drastic changes in
cantly decreased formation of the GT-1 complex, lead- the function of essential proteins. For example, the Pi-ta
ing to a reduction in salicylic acid (SA)-inducible gene gene in rice is a resistance gene against the rice blast
pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae containing the AVR-Pita Plant development patterns can also be significantly
locus. Pi-ta encodes a predicted polypeptide of 928 altered by mutations in gene coding regions. For
amino acids associated with the nucleotide binding example, homeobox genes in plants are involved in
site (NBS) class of resistance proteins. DNA sequences meristem maintenance and the development of lateral
of various Pi-ta alleles from resistant (Yashiro-mochi) organs. The insertion of a transposable element into
and susceptible rice varieties revealed a single amino the rice homeobox gene OSH15 causes loss of gene
acid difference (alanine to serine) resulting from a single function, resulting in plants exhibiting reduced inter-
nucleotide substitution in the Pi-ta coding region (Bryan node lengths, particularly in internode 2 (Sato et al.
et al. 2000). Similarly, specific mutations in the coding 1999). Sequence analysis of the entire coding region of
region of AVR-Pita allow the pathogen Magnaporthe mutant d6-ID6 revealed deletions (~700 bp) spanning
oryzae to circumvent Pi-ta-mediated resistance. In the entirety of exon 1 and a portion of the 5’ upstream
sequence comparisons between the wild type AVR-Pita region in OSH15, and normal growth was restored to
allele and those of race-shift isolates, non-synonymous mutants transformed with wild-type OSH15. These find-
and synonymous substitutions were detected in the ings demonstrated that the d6-type dwarf phenotype in
AVR-Pita coding region. These amino acids changes rice was due to the loss of function of OSH15.
in the AVR-Pita protein cause a loss of pathogen rec- Rice tillering is an important determinant for grain
ognition by the host, and may represent an adaptive yield, and this process can also be impaired by muta-
evolution of the AVR-Pita gene under selective pressure tions in coding regions of essential genes. Rice mutants
from the major R gene in rice, Pi-ta. Protein-protein containing a mutated MONOCULM 1 (Moc1) gene
interactions between Pi-ta and AVR-Pita are critical for completely lose the ability to initiate tillering. In moc1
the expression of resistance. Single amino acid substitu- mutants, there is a failure in the formation of tiller buds
tions in either the leucine rich domain of Pi-ta or in the along the non-elongated basal internodes. Sequence
AVR-Pita176 protease motif disrupt physical interactions analysis of Moc1 alleles determined that a retrotrans-
in vitro, and result in a loss of resistance to the pathogen poson insertion into the ORF of moc1 resulted in a
(Jia et al. 2000). The Pi-ta LRD region is important for premature stop codon. Moc1 is the first functionally
the recognition of the AVR-Pita protein by the host rice characterized regulator of the tillering in rice.
plant, the first step leading toward the initiation Pi-ta- Rice mutants exhibit a ‘slender glume’ phenotype
mediated resistance (Box 3.4). that was caused by the activation of a novel transpos-
Box 3.4: Allelic diversity of the Pi-ta locus conferring rice blast resistance
Nucleotide polymorphisms between Pi-ta (resistant) and pi-ta (susceptible) alleles (Bryan et al. 2000; Jia et al. 2003)
Yashiro-mochi (resistant) / Tsuyuake (susceptible)
- A single nucleotide difference in 5’ leader region and the 3’ noncoding regions.
-Transversions in the first exon and transition/transversion in the second exon.
- High level of nucleotide polymorphisms in intron regions
- 7-bp substitutions in the coding region result in the five-amino acid differences
able DNA element. An active rice transposon miniature teins. Examinations of mutations in intron splice sites
Ping (mPing) belonging to the Tourist-like superfamily in Arabidopsis have detailed the various miss-splicing
of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements patterns generated in plants harbouring these alleles.
(MITEs) was identified within exon 4 of the slg (slender Mutations within 5’ and 3’ splice sites predominantly
glume) coding region (Nakazaki et al. 2003). However, cause loss of splicing and exon skipping in Arabidopsis.
due to the mobility of mPing, this particular mutant slg The observed exon skipping occurred by inhibiting the
allele is not stable, and occasionally it can revert back recognition or stable assembly of splicing factors for 3’
to the wild-type allele due to the loss of the mPing splice site mutations, and unstable U1snRNP associa-
element. tion and interference with exon scanning and splicing
The avirulence gene avrRpt2 from Pseudomonas factor assembly at upstream 3’ splice sites in 5’ splice
syringae pv. ‘tomato’ triggers resistance in Arabidopsis site mutations (e.g. Jacobsen et al. 1996).
plants expressing the resistance gene RPS2. Mutations U12-dependent introns represent one class of nuclear
in the avrRpt2 coding sequence introduced by site- pre-mRNA introns found in eukaryotes, and mutated
directed mutagenesis abolish the RPS2-dependent HR plant U12-dependent introns have been analyzed for
in Arabidopsis, suggesting a loss of avirulence activity. splicing efficiency in Arabidopsis. Several introduced
Consistent with this hypothesis is the observation that nucleotide substitutions resulted in reduced splic-
Pseudomonas syringae mutants lacking a functional ing efficiency, and additionally, insertions of two or
avrRpt2 protein retain the significant virulence activity three U-rich elements introduced into the mutated
on susceptible Arabidopsis plants (Lim and Kunkel, U12-dependent introns increased splicing efficiency.
2004). Thus point mutations and insertions within plant U12-
The final example of the consequences of mutations dependant introns impact significantly on host gene
to gene coding regions concerns the avirulence gene expression.
AvrL567 of flax rust pathogen. Spontaneous mutations Pi-ta is an effective resistance gene deployed in agri-
are known to occur in flax rust avirulence genes due to cultural systems for many decades against blast disease
the selective pressure imposed by host R-genes. Non- in rice. The sequence diversity of this gene was studied
synonymous substitutions have been identified within recently in Pi-ta alleles isolated from resistant and sus-
the coding regions of AvrL567, and the resulting amino ceptible rice varieties. Pi-ta is a single-copy gene in rice
acid substitutions in AvrL567 correspond to residues encoding a predicted cytoplasmic protein with a cen-
playing an important role for the avirulence activity of trally located nucleotide binding site (NBS), and a car-
flax R genes. Finally, a Pot3 transposon element was boxyl terminal leucine-rich repeat (LRR) region (Bryan
identified in the AVR-Pita coding region of a M. oryzae et al. 2000). When the sequences of resistant (Pi-ta) and
field isolate which caused significant crop damage to susceptible alleles (pi-ta) were compared, point muta-
a rice variety containing the corresponding resistance tions and Indels were identified within the 5’ and 3’UTR
gene (Zhou et al. 2007). regions, the first exon, and within introns. The majority
of the nucleotide polymorphisms that differentiated
3.2.3. Mutations in Introns Pi-ta alleles derived from resistant vs. susceptible rice
Mutations in gene introns can significantly inhibit the varieties were found within intron sequences, however
normal splicing of pre-mRNAs, leading to the produc- their effect on Pi-ta splicing and activity remains to be
tion of aberrant mRNAs. Moreover, the alteration of determined.
splice sites by mutation can alter essential gene prod-
ucts via the insertion or deletion of amino acids, and as 3.2.4. Mutations in 3’ Untranslated Regions
mentioned, can also introduce premature stop codons The function of 3’ UTR regions are closely linked with
which cause truncated gene products, a non-sense the efficient translation of their associated proteins.
mutation. However, the formation of truncated proteins The sequences that act as determinants of mRNA sta-
does not occur frequently in vivo by employing the bility have been identified in 3’ UTR regions in plants.
non-sense-mediated mRNA decay pathway. Non-sense Two sequences such as the DST sequence and the
mediated decay is a cellular surveillance mechanism of AUUUA motif were found to destabilize transcripts
mRNA that prevents the expression of truncated pro- in plants, and both sequences commonly present in
many unstable plant transcripts. In mutagenesis experi- or expression of transcription factors, are often involved
ment, the insertion of AUUUA repeat into the 3’ UTR in morphological and physiological changes associated
reporter genes caused the rapid degradation of the with the adaptation and domestication of crop species.
corresponding transcripts in stably transformed cells The short stature of many cereal crops, for example, has
of tobacco. Also, in transgenic plants, the decrease of been intentionally developed for improved grain yield
mRNA accumulation was observed in transgenic plants and reducing crop loss due to wind and rain damage.
after the insert of AUUUA repeat into a globin reporter In semi-dwarf wheat varieties, mutations in the Rht-1
gene (Green, 1993). Therefore, mutations in this region gene, encoding a transcription factor responsible for
can affect protein synthesis, which may in turn impact gibberellin signaling, cause significantly reduced plant
other critical cellular processes in organisms. For exam- heights, and transformation of this same allele into
ple, the Arabidopsis gene FLOWERING LOCUS C (Flc) transgenic rice results in a similar dwarf phenotype.
is a central regulator involved in the control of flower- Mutations in regulatory proteins have also been dem-
ing timing. In a recent study performed by Swiezewski onstrated to affect seed colour in maize, such as the
et al. (2007), a T-DNA insertion mutation in the 3’ UTR mutant allele pale aleurone color1, which causes pale
region of Flc caused mis-expression of Flc, and resulted aleurone pigmentation by reducing anthocyanin bio-
in delayed flowering. On the other hand, two different synthesis. Other important examples include mutations
mutants with T-DNA inserted either upstream or down- in various MADS box genes, a family of plant-specific
stream from the 3’ UTR of Flc showed early flowering. transcription factors genes important in controlling
Significantly, alterations in the levels of Flc mRNA were floral and plant development. The important role of
observed for all three mutants. many of the genes of the MADS family and the action of
MADS domain proteins in the plant life cycle have been
3.2.5. Mutations in Regulatory Genes widely described in Arabidopsis. For example mutation
The alteration of plant phenotypes can also be caused of OsMADS1, a MADS box gene from rice, results in
by mutations in genes encoding proteins such as tran- early flowering (Jeon et al. 2000).
scription factors, which directly effect the expression Regulatory genes not only encode proteins, but may
of the target genes they regulate. Plant transcription also produce regulatory RNAs. Post-transcriptional
factors are involved in diverse processes such as organ gene silencing (PTGS), or RNA interference (RNAi)
development, responses to environmental stimuli refers to an important process involved in developmen-
(including pathogen challenge), and the regulation of tal regulation, maintenance of genome integrity, and
metabolic pathways. Mutations, which alter the activity defense against foreign nucleic acids. In cells, gene reg-
Reduced plant height by Transcription factors Rht-B1/Rht- Wheat, Rice, Peng et al., 1999
inhibited gibberellin signaling D1, dwarf-8 Maize
Selection during the maize Regulatory gene tb1 Maize Wang et al., 1999
domestication regions
Early Flowering time Transcription factors Leafy hull Rice Jeon et al., 2000
sterile 1
Colour variations; pale Transcription factors pac1 Maize Carey et al., 2004
aleurone colour
Increased seed weight AGP regulatory gene Sh2 Maize Giroux et al., 1996
ulation by RNAi occurs through the generation of small 4. References
RNAs (smRNAs), derived from larger double-stranded
noncoding transcripts by nucleolytic processing into 4.1. Cited References
small (21-26 bp) RNA molecules. smRNAs mediate the
post-transcriptional silencing of protein-coding genes Bryan, G. T., Wu, K.-S., Farrall, L. et al. 2000. A single
having complimentary sequences by both targeted amino acid difference distinguishes resistant and sus-
degradation as well as translational inhibition. Several ceptible alleles of the rice blast resistance gene Pi-ta.
important plant transcription factors involved in devel- The Plant Cell. 12: 2033-2045.
opmental pathways are known to be regulated by these Buchel, S.A., Brederode, F.T., Bol, J.F. et al. 1999. Mutation
silencing mechanisms. In several plant studies involving of GT-1 binding sites in the Pr-1A promoter influences
smRNAs (specifically a smRNA sub-class referred to as the level of inducible gene expression in vivo. Plant
“miRNAs” or “micro-RNAs”), mutants with impaired Molecular Biology. 40: 387-396.
miRNAs exhibit abnormal development. The discovery Chu, Z., Yuan, M., Yao, J. et al. 2006. Promoter muta-
of these smRNA-mediated regulatory processes has in tions of an essential gene for pollen development
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ful new tools to perform targeted disruption of gene 1250-1255.
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The introduction of synthetic DNA or RNA molecules plants. Plant Physiol. 102: 1065-1070.
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has proven to be a highly efficient means to silence the SPINDLY – a tetratricopeptide repeat protein involved
expression of a gene of interest, and these methods are in gibberellin signal transduction in Arabidopsis. Proc.
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Arabidopsis TCP16 gene encodes a transcription factor homeotic mutation in a rice MADS box gene affecting
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sette designed against TCP16 produce inviable pollen interaction of resistance gene and avirulence gene
grains due to defects in their development (Takeda et products confers rice blast resistance. The EMBO
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used to improve crops for nutritional value. For exam- Kang, S., Lebrun, M.H., Farrall, L. et al. 2001. Gain of
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Bumpers National Rice Research Center, Stuttgart, Mobilization of a transposon in the rice genome.
Arkansas, USA and by the National Science Foundation Nature. 421: 170-172.
under Grant No. 0638820, USA. We thank Rebekah Ogita, S., Uefuji, H., Yamaguchi, Y. et al. 2003. Producing
Clemons for her artwork on the graphs and Dr. Scott decaffeinated coffee plants. Nature. 423: 823.
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Mutation Categories
U.Lundqvista, J.D.Franckowiakb and B.P.Forsterc,*
Nordic Genetic Resource Center, P.O. Box 41, SE-230, 53 Alnarp, Sweden
Agri-Science Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Hermitage Research Station, Warwick, QLD 4370 Australia
BioHybrids International Ltd, PO Box 2411, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK
Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. Genetic nomenclature
4.1. Barley Genetic Nomenclature
4.2. Allelism Testing
4.3. Databases
5. Mutation Mimicks
6. References
1. Introduction tions are divided into genome, chromosome and gene
mutations and these can be sub-divided further based
Mutation has been described as a sudden change in the on changes in number and composition.
genetic material of living cells. However, at the beginning
of mutation research, over 100 years ago, these sudden
changes were observed and detected by the phenotypes 2. Classification at the Phenotypic Level
they affected. The “sudden phenotypic changes” were
heritable and therefore had a genetic base and mutation Variation in phenotype was the first means by which
detection and monitoring in research and plant breed- mutations were described and catalogued. The origins
ing were based entirely on phenotyping. Later, in the were in the variants described in taxonomic treatises of
mid-1950s onward, light microscopy provided a means wild and cultivated plants by Linné, and in spontane-
of observing aberrations at the ploidy, karyotype and ous mutants (bud sports, etc) of value and interest in
chromosome levels. Today mutations can be detected at domestication and crop improvement (see Chapters
the DNA sequence level. Details of gene structure and 1-2 and 24). When the first induced mutants were
regulation at the molecular level and consequences of produced in plants and animals, these were described
intra-genic mutations are described in Chapter 3. on the basis of their phenotype. Subsequent genetic
Since mutation deals with genetic material, muta- studies revealed the controlling genes and these were
tions can be found in all cellular constituents that carry named and coded based on the phenotypes they
DNA, i.e. the nucleus, the mitochondria and (for plants) produced. Thus the gene for semi-dwarfism in barley
plastids. Various mutation classifications have been has the symbol sdw1 (see below for more on genetic
proposed, which differ according to detection methods nomenclature and mutant cataloguing).
used and/or the bias of the classifier. For example: Phenotypic mutations are of particular interest
• Stubbe (1938) divided mutations into three to plant breeders as they describe traits that are of
classes: 1) genome, 2) plastidom (all plastids economic value, and since plant breeding has been
in the cytoplasm of a cell) and 3) plasmon (the traditionally a process based on phenotypic selection
total cytoplasmic system of eukaryotes; mito- there is a natural link between breeding and mutation
chondria and plastids) with genome mutations cataloguing. Large mutation populations have been
being sub-divided into: genome, chromosome developed for research and plant breeding and classed
and gene classes. according to phenotype. In cereals the most common
• Gustafsson and Ekberg (1977) categorised muta- mutation classes are for leaf colour, plant stature and
tions into: 1) genome mutations, 2) chromo- sterility. As interest grew more phenotypic classes were
some mutations and 3) extra-nuclear mutations. developed. These cover all stages in development from
• Auerbach (1976) classed mutations into: 1) seed traits to germination, to vegetative and generative
changes in chromosome number, 2) inter-genic growth and energy storage (see Chapter 25). In the case
mutations and 3) intra-genic mutations. of barley, mutants have been collected from all sources
• van Harten (1998) put forward a comprehensive (spontaneous and induced) worldwide and more
catalogue of mutation classes: 1) nuclear and than 600 are described in the Barley Genetic Stocks
extra-nuclear mutations, 2) spontaneous and Ace Database: Both Latin and
artificially induced mutations, 3) macro-muta- English have been used to describe phenotypes and
tions and micro-mutations and 4) phenotypic (subsequently) gene symbols.
The above classifications serve the purposes of the
respective authors and although generally similar they 3. Classification and the Genotypic Level
can be ambiguous and confusing. A new, simple system
is used here. This focuses on mutations of most inter- 3.1. Genome Mutations
est to plant breeding. These are predominantly those
in the DNA of the nucleus; mutations in cytoplasmic The genome consists of a basic set of chromosomes and
organelles are dealt with in Chapter 17. Nuclear muta- is often assigned a species specific symbol. Diploid spe-
cies are given a double symbol, e.g. for barley, Hordeum plant breeding these can be manipulated in introgress-
vulgare this is HH. The genome number of symbols cor- ing genes from one species to another, e.g. from a wild
relates to the ploidy level thus H, HH, HHH, and HHHH, diploid wheat species into cultivated durum (tetra-
etc correspond to haploid, diploid, triploid, tetraploid ploid) and bread (hexaploid) wheats. These methods
barley, etc. In this example the same genome is multi- use cytogenetic methods and ultimately aim to restore
plied to produce autoploids. Some polyploid species the ploidy level of the crop species.
are composed of different genomes and known as allop- Additions. Polyploidy either by genome duplica-
loids, for example durum wheat is tetraploid with two tion (autoploids) or genome addition (alloploids) has
diploid genomes, AABB and bread wheat is hexaploid occurred naturally in the evolution of many species and
with three diploid genomes, AABBDD. Polyploidy has has also been induced for crop improvement. One effect
been a major evolutionary mechanism in plants and has of polyploidy is to increase the volume of the nucleus;
been exploited in both plant domestication and crop this in turn increases cell size and tissue, organ and plant
improvement (Hagberg and Åkerberg, 1961). size. Alloploids have additional advantages as the differ-
ent genomes contain different sets of genes and thereby
3.1.1. Ploidy Mutations enrich gene diversity (add new genes) and promote
Deficiencies. These include a reduction in genome heterosis (hybrid vigour). Polyploids, spontaneous or
number, e.g. from diploid barley (HH) to haploid barley induced have therefore been attractive for domestica-
(H). Haploid production and thereby doubled haploid tion and crop improvement. Crops domesticated as
production to produce homozygous lines is a valu- polyploids include:
able technology in plant breeding and genetics of many • triploids: banana, watermelon and apple.
species. This is usually achieved by inducing embryo- • tetraploids: cotton, brassicas, durum wheat,
genesis in haploid (gametic) cell cultures and inducing leek, potato and tobacco.
genome doubling. In some species however, there are • hexaploids: bread wheat, oat, triticale and
natural genetic mechanisms that promote a reduction chrysanthemum.
in ploidy, e.g. the haploid inducer genes in maize and • octaploids: dahlia, strawberry and pansies.
barley that increase the frequency of haploid embryos in In some species the polyploidy event is so ancient that it
seeds (Barrett et al. 2008 and Finch, 1989, respectively). cannot be recognised by cytological techniques and can
Recently, Ravi and Chan (2010) reported the produc- only be detected at the molecular level, e.g. by discover-
tion of haploids produced by centromere-mediated ing gene duplications. Such paleopolyploids include:
genome elimination. A mutant in the centromere protein maize, rice, rubber and soybean. Deliberate induction
gene (cenh3) was isolated from an Arabidopsis thaliana of polyploidy began in the mid 20th century and was suc-
TILLING population, in which mutants were induced cessful in vegetable crops where organ size is of particular
by ethylmethane sulphonate. When cenh3 mutants are importance (Hagberg and Åkerberg, 1961). A more recent
crossed with wild type the chromosomes of the mutant example is the development of the wheat/rye hybrid, triti-
fail to attach to zygotic mitotic spindles. Mutant chromo- cale, which combines productivity of wheat with abiotic
somes are thereby lost and haploid embryos are formed. stress tolerance of rye. Triticale has been produced at the
This method of targeting mutants causing perturbations hexaploid (AABBRR) and octoploid (AABBDDRR) levels
in centromere function may be applied in producing and the hexaploids are now established as a crop for mar-
haploids in a wide range of crops. ginal lands not suitable for wheat cultivation.
Irradiation of pollen is another valuable technique in
producing haploid embryos. Here the irradiation treat- 3.1.2. Genome Rearrangements
ment does not affect the pollen’s ability to germinate, Genomes are not static and evolution has involved many
grow and penetrate the embryo sac, but does disable forms of qualitative change. This is becoming increasing
the sperm. Thus pollination occurs without subsequent apparent with the discovery of paleopolyploids. Here the
fertilisation, the method is used routinely in many fruit interactions, exchanges and fusions within and between
species (see Chapter 30). genomes have produced a composite that effectively
Reductions in genomes commonly occur in inter- functions as a single genome. Intermediary stages, such
ploidy crosses, natural or man-made. In genetics and as recent chromosome translocations, duplications and
deletions can be more readily detected by cytological for a pair of chromosomes), tetrasomics (containing
observations, e.g. by chromosome pairing at meiosis. an additional chromosome pair), nulli-tetrasomics
However, a complication has been the co-evolution (missing one pair of chromosomes but compensated
of pairing control mechanisms. For example hexaploid for by an additional pair); ditelosomics (missing a pair
wheat is composed of three similar genomes (AA, BB and of chromosome arms), etc. Aneuploids in wheat also
DD), each with seven pairs of chromosomes. One may include additional or substitutional chromosomes
therefore expect seven hexavalents to form at meiosis, from other species (alien chromosome addition and
but instead hexaploid wheat has been diploidized and substitution lines). Often aneuploid lines are unstable
produces 21 bivalents. The strict pairing of homologous during meiosis and have to be checked and re-selected
chromosomes is enforced by the action of the Ph1 gene. at every generation, otherwise they revert to euploidy.
Mutations of this gene, e.g. ph1b have been produced However, some alien chromosomes have the ability to
and exploited to induce meiotic recombination between ensure their transmission to the next generation and
the genomes of wheat and related species, thus provid- have been dubbed “cuckoo chromosomes”. An exam-
ing a means of transferring genes from one genome to ple is wheat/alien addition line for chromosome 4S of
another (see Chapter 19). Aegilops sharonensis. Rather than reverting to euploidy,
the transmission of the 4S chromosome to the next
3.2. Chromosome Mutations generation is guaranteed by developmental failure of
pollen and/or eggs that lack the chromosome. The
The chromosome is the body that links genes together, it exploitation of aneuploids in wheat is discussed in Law
is also known as a linkage group. Chromosomes have two et al. (1987).
arms, which may be of equal or unequal lengths; they are Random deletions in chromosomes can be induced
joined at the centromere (the location for the attachment by irradiation treatments (see Chapter 11).
of spindle fibres during mitotic and meiotic cell divisions).
Each species normally has a standard set of chromosomes 3.2.3. Chromosome Rearrangements
and this is known as the euploid complement. Chromosome breaks produced by mutagenic treatments
must be repaired if the cell is to survive such damage, but
3.2.1. Aneuploidy mistakes in the cellular “repair” system can lead to:
Any change from the normal euploid complement is • Inversions, where a piece of chromosome is
termed aneuploid and includes the addition and/or loss re-ligated in place but rotated through 180°, so
of one or more chromosomes or parts of chromosomes. that the linear order of genes is opposite to the
Duplications and deletions, especially the loss of (or part wild type orientation. If the inversion involves
of) a chromosome, cannot be tolerated by most diploid the centromere it is known as a pericentric
species. Some diploids can tolerate additional chromo- inversion, if not it is known as a paracentric
somes, but these duplications are often lost during meio- inversion. Meiotic recombination events involv-
sis and in the subsequent generations the aneuploids ing inversions can result in recombinants carry-
revert to euploidy. Polyploids have more genetic buffer- ing duplications or deficiencies for parts of that
ing and viable aneuploid plants can be produced. chromosome.
• Translocations, where a piece of chromosome
3.2.2. Chromosome Addition, Loss and Substitution is relocated on the same chromosome (intra-
The development of aneuploid stocks has been a chromosomal) or transferred to a different
major asset in wheat genetics. Aneuploids can occur (inter-chromosomal) location. Translocations
naturally, but are produced in abundance in progeny of do not involve loss of genetic material.
crosses where parents contribute unequal numbers of Translocations are detected by cytological
genomes or chromosomes. This was exploited in wheat checks for multivalent formation at meiosis.
by Prof. Ernie Sears (University of Missouri, USA) to pro- They are an important means of transferring
duce aneuploids for each of wheat’s 21 chromosomes. blocks of genes from one species/genome
Aneuploid stocks in wheat include: monosomics to another, especially in polyploid crops (see
(deficient for one chromosome), nullisomics (deficient Chapter 19).
• Reciprocal translocations are the most changes in non-coding regions of the genome e.g. pro-
common form of translocation and occur moters, introns, heterochromatin and repetitive DNA.
when two simultaneous chromosome breaks Common non-structural mutations of genes include:
produce pieces that swop positions. These • Point mutations, these are the most common
have been used successfully in plant breeding, type of mutation induced by chemical muta-
particularly in polyploid crops. X-ray induced gens. They involve single-base changes and
reciprocal translocation was used to transfer may result in missense codons (codes for a dif-
leaf rust resistance into wheat from a wild rela- ferent amino acid), silent (no change in amino
tive, Aegilops umbellulata (Sears, 1956). Other acid coding) and nonsense (amino acid codon
examples include the transfer of: disease resist- is changed to a translation stop codon). Point
ance from rye and Agropyron elongatum into mutations are also known as single-base sub-
wheat; disease resistance from Avena barbata stitutions, which contribute to the build up of
into oat; nematode resistance from Beta patel- single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
laris and Beta procumbens into sugar beet, and • Insertions and deletions of one or more
virus resistance from Nicotiana glutinosa into nucleotides. Collectively known as indels and
tobacco (see Chapter 19). may result in changes to codons and frameshifts
in codon reading frames with qualitative and
3.3. Gene Mutations quantitative effects on the proteins produced.
• Mutations in the specific gene regions; such as
Gene structure and gene mutations are the topic of promoter, coding, stop, intron and 3’ untrans-
Chapter 3 and only a brief description will be given lated sequences.
here. Similar to genome and chromosome mutations • Transposon insertion, also known as insertional
these can be broadly divided into changes in gene mutagenesis. Transposons are DNA sequences
number and composition. that can transpose, move in and out of chro-
mosomes. They are often activated by environ-
3.3.1. Gene Copy Number Mutation mental stress and their activity can knock out or
The copy number of a gene (paralogues) can increase activate genes by inserting into or exiting genes.
and decrease by spontaneous or induced mutation. Transposable elements and mutagenesis are
Duplications of a gene can occur at any site in the discussed in detail in Chapter 39.
genome though they are most frequent in homologous
chromosomes. Multiple copies of genes are found natu- 3.3.3. Mutation Mimicks
rally for proteins produced in high amounts, e.g. the grain Various physiological disorders can result in what appear
storage proteins of cereals. Mutations that affect the copy to be “phenotypic mutants”. However, these are not
number may reduce or increase expression of these genetic and can be differentiated from true mutations by
genes resulting in altered seed composition. Changes an absence of inheritance in progeny. Many epigenetic
in copy number mutations are usually a product of mis- effects are poorly understood and the term is used as
pairing during meiosis and recombination. However, an umbrella to cover many physiological aberrations
the more common mutation event is a reduction in the that are caused by factors other than genetic. The best
effective copy number caused by point mutations. understood of these is DNA methylation which can
interfere with normal gene expression. Methylation is a
3.3.2. Non-structural Mutations: Changes in DNA common disorder of DNA in tissue culture generated
Sequence plants. The condition may be transient in which case the
This category involves changes in the base pair regenerated plants grow out of the disorder and revert to
sequence of genes. The DNA sequence is made up of a normal phenotype in other cases the abnormal pheno-
purine (A and G) and pyrimidine (T and C) bases, which type may persist for the whole life time of an individual.
are recognised as codons (triplets of bases) that are However, some epigenetic changes are heritable when
eventually translated into gene products or amino acid methylation patterns are not completely reset in gametes
sequences (proteins). Mutations are also caused by and after fertilization.
4. Genetic Nomenclature 4.1. Barley Genetic Nomenclature
Standardised genetic nomenclature is essential for effec- The barley nuclear genome consists of seven distinct
tive communication in any scientific discipline. This allows (heterologous) chromosomes. In early work barley
scientists to read and understand literature, talk to each cytologists numbered these 1 to 7 based on the length
other, compare data and request pertinent material, (longest to shortest with 6 and 7 having satellites) as
such as specific mutant resources. Names and symbols observed when using a light microscope (Burnham
for genomes, chromosomes, loci, genes and alleles are and Hagberg, 1956). However, once mapping of genes
normally debated, recommended and assigned by inter- began, it became apparent that the gene order found on
national elected individuals or committees for a given a barley chromosome is similar to that found in homoe-
species or taxonomic group. The process is under con- ologous chromosomes of related species. Groups of
tinual review and often pragmatic in outcomes. For most homoeologous chromosomes (those with similar gene
species various systems have been used by various work- sets) were established in the Triticeae and as a conse-
ers in various regions at various times. The incongruity is quence a new numbering system was developed and
relatively easy to resolve within a scientific community recommended for barley in 1996. Recommendations
working on a given species, for example barley. However, for the designation of barley chromosomes and their
as syntenic relationships are established between species, arms were made at a business meeting of the Seventh
e.g. between barley and other members of the small grain International Barley Genetics Symposium (University of
cereals (wheat, rye, etc) and further to model species Saskatchewan, Canada, 1996). The following has been
(Arabidopsis, Brachypodium, etc) some standardisation is adapted from the resolutions passed:
needed at a more general level. 1. Each of the seven barley chromosomes is desig-
Barley, Hordeum vulgare, has relatively simple inherit- nated by a figure from 1 to 7 according to its homoe-
ance patterns; it is a diploid species with just seven pairs of ologous relationship with chromosomes of other
chromosomes: and it is an inbreeding, annual crop. Barley Triticeae species. The figure is followed by the letter
has long been established as a model species for genetics H; e.g. 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H and 7H.
and in particular for mutation research. Barley researchers 2. The genome of barley is symbolized by the letter
have experienced and overcome many problems relating H. Note The use of the genomic symbol H instead
to genetic nomenclature, and therefore barley is a good of I agrees with usage by most barley workers, but
example to illustrate the various issues involved. goes against a proposal for the designation of all
Triticeae genomes presented at the Proceedings of obtained, the locus symbol may change, but the allele
the Second International Triticeae Symposium. symbol is retained. Box 4.1 gives examples of locus,
3. The chromosome arms are designated by the letters S gene and allele nomenclature using the American and
and L. The two arms of chromosome 1H are therefore: Classic system respectively. More details and guide-
1HS and 1HL, for 2H; 2HS and 2HL, etc. Note The arm lines for assigning symbols to barley genes are given in
designations should now be regarded as ‘names’ and Franckowiak and Lundqvist (2009).
do not refer to physical short and long arms.
4.2. Allelism Testing
Gene and allele nomenclature in barley, as in many
other species, is not fully unified, though there are cer- From Box 4.2 it can be seen that the brachytic gene,
tain standard rules. There are two commonly used sys- brh1, has had many previous names, e.g. br, ari-i and
tems in barley, an American system and a Classic (Latin) dx1. Gene symbols are often ascribed to mutants once
system. The similarities and differences between the they are discovered with the gene symbol reflecting the
two systems (for locus, gene and allele nomenclatures) trait. However, many traits, such as dwarfism (of which
are also issues found in the genetic nomenclature of brachytic is one type) are controlled by various genes at
other plants. Barley can therefore act as a general guide. several loci. Major issues are to separate the genetically
Both the American and Classic systems use a three letter different phenotypic classes of mutants and to group
italicised symbol for a locus. In the American system the similar mutants that are alleles of the same gene (locus).
three letters are derived from the English description of This is done by allelism testing. Since the vast majority
the phenotypic class whereas in the Classic system the (over 90%) of mutant genes are recessives simple allel-
letters derives from the Latin name (see Box 4.1). ism testing is recommended. The standard practice
The locus is the position at which a gene, or cluster in barley is as follows: a newly discovered mutant,
of genes resides in the genome. Phenotypically similar for example a dwarf mutant, is crossed onto standard
genes (loci) are ordered numerically in the American stocks for all or the most likely candidate mutant genes
system, but alphabetically in the Classic system. Alleles (loci). In cases where the new mutant and the standard
(mutants) in a phenotypic class are generally ordered stock match, the mutant phenotype will be expressed
alphabetically or numerically in the respective systems in the F1 hybrid and allelism proven. In all other cases
with permanent symbols assigned to a particular allele complementation between the mutant gene and its
(mutant). As more information about a given mutant is wild type allele will produce normal offspring. Thus in
Box 4.2: An excerpt of descriptions for BGS001 as an example of information available from the BGS database
Stock number: BGS001
Locus name: Brachytic 1
Locus symbol: brh1
Previous nomenclature and gene symbolization: Brachytic = br; Breviaristatum-i = ari-i; Dwarf x = dx1
Inheritance: Monofactorial recessive. Located in chromosome 7HS in bin 7H-2, about 9.3 cM
from the fch12 locus.
Description: Plants have short leaves, culms, spikes, awns and seeds. The seedling leaf is
about 2/3 normal length, and a similar size reduction in the size of other organs is
observed, but the awns are less than 1/3 normal length. Seeds are small and yields
are low. The mutant phenotype is easy to classify at all stages of growth.
Origin of mutant: A spontaneous mutant in Himalaya.
Mutational events: brh1.a in Himalaya; brh1.c in Moravian; ari-i.38 in Bonus; brh1.e in Aramir; brh1.f in
Domen; brh1.t in Akashinriki; brh1.x in Volla; brh1.z in Aapo; in Steptoe.
Mutant used for description and seed stocks: brh1.a in Himalaya; brh1.a in Bowman; ari-i.38 in Bowman; brh1.e in Bowman; brh1.t
in Bowman; brh1.x in Bowman.
References*: Dahleen et al. (2005), Fedak et al. (1972); Franckowiak (1995); Gustafsson et al.
(1969); Holm and Aastveit (1966); Kucera et al. (1975); Powers (1936); Swenson
(1940); Szarejko and Maluszynski (1984); Tsuchiya (1974).
Prepared*: Tsuchiya and Haus 1971.
Revised*: Tsuchiya 1980; Franckowiak 1997; Franckowiak and Dahleen 2007.
*For references see BGS001 in Barley Genetic Stocks Ace Database:
Box 4.2, the mutation events isolated in the barley vari- Gustafsson, Å. and Ekberg, I. 1977. Types of mutations.
eties ‘Himalaya’, ‘Moravian’, ‘Bonus’, ‘Aramir’, ‘Domen’, Manual on mutation breeding. Technical reports no.
‘Akashinriki’, ‘Volla’, ‘Aapo’ and ‘Steptoe’ were found to 119, IAEA, Venna, pp. 107-123.
be allelic to brh1.a , and therefore added as alleles at the Hagberg, A. and Åkerberg, E. 1961. Mutations and poly-
brh1 locus. ploidy in plant breeding. Scandinavian University
When new mutations are discovered, for example Books, Bonniers, Stockholm, pp. 150.
where no allelism is found, crosses with various mor- Law, C.N., Snape, J.W. and Worland, A.J. 1987. Aneuploidy
phological mutant stocks can be used to generate in wheat and its uses in genetic analysis. In: Lupton, F.
segregating populations from which linkage with previ- G. H. (ed.). Wheat Breeding. Its Scientific Basis, pp.
ously mapped loci can be determined. 71-127, Chapman and Hall, London and New York.
Ravi, M. and Chan S.W.L. 2010. Haploid plants produced
4.3. Databases by centromere-mediated genome elimination.
Nature. 464:615-619.
A description of barley genes and genetic stocks is avail- Sears, E.R. 1956. The transfer of leaf-rust resistance from
able at the GrainGenes website: Aegilops umbellulata to wheat. In: Genetics in Plant
gov/ggpages/germplasm.shtm by following the ‘Barley’ Breeding. Upton, New York: pp. 1-22.
link to ‘Barley Genetic Stocks’. A link to the Barley Stubbe, H. 1938. Genmutation I. Allgemeiner Teil.
Genetic Stocks AceDB is also available which allows Handbuch der Ver-erbungswissenschaft. Band II F.
database searches for germplasm, genes, loci, alleles, Berlin: Verlag von Gebrüder Bornträger.
and mutational events by various barley genotypes, van Harten, A.M. 1998. Nature and types of mutations.
genetic map locations, seed stocks, authors, compli- Mutation breeding. Theory and practical applica-
ers, revisions and references. Photographs of wild type tions. Cambridge University Press, pp. 64-110.
and mutant phenotypes are also provided. The Barley
Genetic Stocks (BGS) database house information on
more than 600 loci. As an example of the type of infor- 5.2. Websites
mation contained an excerpt for the first entry, BGS001,
is provided in Box 4.2. Barley Genetic Stocks Ace Database:
5. References
5.1. Cited References
ITMI (International Triticeae Mapping Initiative):
Auerbach, C. 1976. Mutation research. Problems, results
and perspectives. London: Chapman and Hall. NASC (European Arabidopsis Stock Centre):
Barret, P., Brinkmann, M. and Beckert, M. 2008. A
major locus expressed in the male gametophyte Plant OntologyTM Consortium:
with incomplete penetrance is responsible for in
situ gynogenesis in maize. Theoretical and Applied MaizeGDB:
Genetics. 117: 581-594.
Burnham, C.R. and Hagberg, A. 1956. Cytogenetic notes Mutant Variety and Genetic Stocks:
on chromosomal interchanges in barley. Hereditas.
42: 467-482. Oryzabase:
Finch, R.A. 1989. The hap gene causes facultative pseu-
dogamy in barley. Barley Genetics Newsletter. 13: 4-6. Solanaceae Genomics Network:
Franckowiak, J.D. and Lundqvist, U. 2009. Rules for
nomenclature and gene symbolization in barley. TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource):
Barley Genetics Newsletter. 39:77-81.
TIGR (The TIGR Arabidopsis thaliana Database): Franckowiak, J., Lundqvist, U. and Konishi, T. 1997. New and revised names for barley genes. Barley Genetics
USDA National Plant Germplasm System Newsletter. 26: 4- 8. van Harten, A.M. 1998. Nature and types of mutations.
Mutation breeding. Theory and practical applica-
5.3. Further Reading tions. Cambridge University Press, pp. 64-110.
DNA Repair Pathways and Genes in Plant
Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, 2050 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331,USA
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
6. References
1. Introduction or N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, methyl chloride and
some antibiotics increase alkylation of DNA bases.
DNA is frequently damaged by exogenous radiation and Exogenous gamma ()- and ultraviolet (UV)-radiation
chemicals, and by endogenous oxidants and metabo- cause double-strand-breaks (DSB, see Chapter 6) and
lites. DNA lesions vary in their toxicity and mutagenic UV-photoproducts respectively, and also induce some
ability. Lesions blocking transcription can directly inter- oxidative DNA damage. The mutagenicity of a DNA
fere with cell function. Lesions blocking replication can lesion depends on frequency, recognition by repair
elicit the DNA damage response (DDR), which delays pathways, mode of lesion bypass (PRR) during DNA
cell division and sometimes kills the cell, and blocked replication and types of lesion and mismatches.
replication forks are susceptible to recombination The types of DNA lesion, their occurrence and effect,
and subsequent chromosomal rearrangements. Post- and the repair pathways recruited are given in Table 5.1.
replication repair (PRR) pathways promote replication
past DNA lesions, but frequently mispair or misalign,
creating mutagenic mismatches. Research on mutagen- 3. DNA Damage Response and Repair
esis firmly demonstrated that organisms actively repair
DNA when damaged by radiation, chemicals or replica- 3.1. Response to DNA Damage
tion errors, and in the absence of repair in uni-cellular
organisms, viability declines sharply and surviving colo- DNA lesions elicit cellular responses directly or indi-
nies are mutated. rectly. Different pathways directly recognize particular
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes have evolved conserved lesions and initiate repair, keeping steady-state levels of
pathways to repair DNA lesions. While we have gained DNA damage low. Bulky DNA lesions block transcrip-
enormous knowledge for DNA damage, repair and tion, recruiting repair proteins to the damaged site. A
mutagenesis in microbes and animals, the field of plant diverse variety of DNA damages block replication,
DNA repair is still in its infancy, with the possible sub- which signals responses that delay/arrest the cell-cycle,
field exceptions of direct repair of UV-photoproducts, kill the cell and/or promote mutagenic DNA repair
and double-strand break repair (see Chapter 6). The (Fig 5.1). Balancing responses to replication blocks is
origin and types of DNA lesions are briefly described significant to mutagenesis and affects of DNA damage
and several DNA repair pathways are elaborated with on tissue development. Consequences of DNA lesions
links to plants whenever possible. depend on the affected cell-type: quiescent, stem,
amplifying (rapidly-dividing) or mature. Arrest or death
of quiescent or stem cells may switch meristem devel-
2. Origin and Types of DNA Lesions opment from indeterminant to determinant, while
cell-cycle delay of rapidly-dividing cells may decrease
DNA decays in the oxidative and aqueous cellular growth-rate and overall plant fitness (reduced fecundity
environment. Hydrolysis of the base-sugar bond yields i.e. reproductive success). Conversely, quiescent or
apurinic/apyrimidinic sites (AP site), and deamina- stem cells that are progenitors of the germline may pass
tion of cytosine or 5-methylcytosine yields uracil mutations to progeny.
(U:G) or thymine (T:G), respectively. Metabolism
creates reactive oxygen species (the hydroxyl radical 3.2. Mutagenic DNA Repair
(•OH) being the most reactive) and alkylating agents
(S-adenosylmethionine, nitrosoamines (RN=NOH)) Mutation is an endpoint of mutagenic pathways that
that oxidize or alkylate DNA. Both biotic and abiotic start with replication of undamaged or damaged DNA
stress increases reactive oxygen, either purposefully, (Fig 5.2). Organisms have several general mechanisms
as for signaling molecules, or unintentionally as meta- that repair DNA lesions including base excision repair
bolic electron flow spills over onto oxygen. Secondary (BER), nucleotide excision repair (NER) and direct repair
damages of ROS, such as lipid peroxidation, also cause (DR). These repair systems keep steady-state levels of
DNA lesions. Exogenous chemicals, such as the com- damaged DNA low, however, persistent DNA lesions
monly used mutagens, ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), block high-fidelity replicative DNA polymerases,
Table 5.1: Common DNA Lesions
DNA lesion Occurrence Base-pairing Block to replication Repair pathway
Oxidized Pyrimidines
Oxidized Purines
Other damages
Double-strand breaks (DSB) Gamma radiation, fork collapse Rearrangements DDR* DSBRc
Single-strand breaks (SSB) Oxidation, hydrolysis, AP and Rearrangements Fork collapse, DDR* SSBRc
BER processing
The 3’ base of UV-photoproduct dimers tends to be more mutagenic than the 5’ base.
G:T, T:G, G:A, A:G, G:G, C:T, T:C, C:A, A:C, C:C, T:T, A:A.
DSBR = double-strand break repair; SSBR = single-strand break repair.
* DNA-damage response (DDR) is a complex network of pathways signaling cell cycle-delays or cell death.
increasing single-strand DNA (ssDNA) and the probabil- have several mechanisms to promote DNA replication
ity of double-strand breaks (DSBs, see Chapter 6), both past DNA damage, thereby avoiding cell-cycle delays
substrates for chromosomal rearrangements and elici- and cell death that may perturb plant development.
tors of the DNA damage response (DDR). Organisms DNA-lesion bypass is referred to by several names:
Radiation Chemicals
Spontaneous exogenous
Biotic/Abiotic stress Metabolism
DDR cross-links
Cell death or cycle delay
? Repl. Blk DNA Damage
base substitution PRR
or indel
BER Txn.
Steady-state DR
cell type
DNA damage
mature Mutation varia
e tion
lin spec
germ iatio
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 5.1 Responses to DNA damage in plants. The relationship (?) between post-replication repair (PRR) and the DNA damage response
(DDR) influences DNA damage and affects on mutation and tissue development. See text for details. Base excision repair, BER, nucleotide
excision repair, NER, direct repair, DR, replication block, Repl. Blk, transcription block, Txn. Blk, insertion/deletion, indel.
DNA template
during replication
Template-switch or recombination rearrangements
Damaged DNA
BER pols
NER misalign No MMR 2nd round base substitution
ve p mispair synthesis indel
DR licati
Rep MM
Undamaged DNA R
TLS pols: 10-2 - 10-3
Raplicative pols: 10 -7 - 10-8 no mutation
(a) Base excision repair (b) Nucleotide excision repair
glycosylase + or CSA and CSB
1 DDB complex 1
(XPB, XPD .. )
AP endonuclease 2
2 bi-functional glycosylase
substitution or insertion/deletion (indels), which along activity (step 2, Fig 5.3a) releases the abasic deoxyribose
with chromosomal rearrangements that incurr during leaving a 3’ and 5’ end for DNA synthesis and ligation,
genome replication are the endpoints of mutagenic respectively. If the 3’-end is not a hydroxyl and/or the
pathways (Fig 5.2). 5’-end is not a phosphate, end modification is required
for DNA repair synthesis (step 3, Fig 5.3a).
base stacking and thus are more easily flipped out of the The oxidized bases, 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) and for-
helix and act as flexible hinges for helix conformations mamidoguanine (FapyG), form stable base pairs with A,
that stabilize the glycosylase:DNA complex. Second, causing G→T mutations. Plants have the ‘GO’ system,
damaged bases have a distinct shape and distribution first described in E. coli, that counters oxidative
of electrostatic and hydrogen bonding potentials that mutagenesis. MutM (FPG) and MutY recognize oxi-
are complementary to the catalytic pocket of DNA gly- dized purines paired with C or A, respectively. MutM
cosylases. Once in the pocket, the N-glycosidic bond excises the oxidized purine, while MutY specifically
between the deoxyribose and base is cleaved. excises A paired with oxidized purines. In addition,
MutT hyrdolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP, preventing its insertion
4.1.2. Examples of BER in Plants across from A. The GO system therefore limits G→T
Plants have much 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC) at CG, CNG and A→C transversions. A number of eukaryotes lack
(N; any nucleotide) and CHH (H; A, C or T) sequences. MutM, but have a different glycosylase that cleaves
Spontaneous deamination of 5-MeC to thymine oxidized purines, called OGG1. OGG1 and FPG have
causes C→T mutations. There are two plant-specific, overlapping substrate specificity. Plant OGG1 and FPG
bi-functional DNA glycosylases that excise 5-MeC initi- have been cloned and shown to cleave DNA with either
ating repair synthesis and insertion of unmethylated C. 8-oxoG or FapyG (Murphy George 2005). Plant FPG is
Mutants lacking the REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1 (ROS1) found in numerous forms due to alternative splicing.
show hyper-methylation of endogenous loci suggest- Plants have many P450-family proteins associated
ing steady-state levels of DNA methylation depend on with extensive profiles of secondary metabolites. Plants
glycosylase activity. The DEMETER (DME) glycosylase have multiple glycosylases for excising bases modified
is expressed in the two central cells of the embryo sac. by alkylation: six copies of TAGA (expected to be spe-
DME demethylates three imprinted genes silenced cific for 3- MeA), two ALKA genes, one MPG and MAG1.
by methylation, MEA, FIS2 and FWA. These genes are ALKA, MPG and MAG1 are expected to have broad,
expressed in the central cells and from the maternal loci overlapping activity for N- and O-methylated base
in the endosperm after fertilization, while the methyl- lesions. This extensive repertoire for repairing alkyl-
ated paternal alleles remain silent. DNA damage suggests some secondary metabolites or
1. BER proteins
2. NER
Global recognition: xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC), radiation-sensitive group 23 (RAD23, 3*), centrin-2 (CEN2, 2*), damage-
specific DNA-binding protein 1 (DDB1, 2*), xeroderma pigmentosum group E (XPE/DDB2), cullin4 (CUL4), ring-finger protein (RBX1)
Transcription-coupled recognition: cockyane syndrome group B (CSB), cockyane syndrome group A (CSA, 2*)
Core: transcription factor IIH (TFIIH), xeroderma pigmentosum group B, D, F and G (XPB/D/F/G, 2/1/1/1*), excision repair cross-comple-
menting group 1 (ERCC1), replication repair protein A (RPA, 6*)
intermediates of secondary metabolite detoxification Over-expression of either DDB1 or DDB2 increased
are common mutagens in plants. tolerance to UV radiation, suggesting recognition of
lesions by the DDB complex is a rate-limiting step to
4.2. Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) lesion repair (Molinier 2008).
In contrast to global NER, transcription-coupled NER
Lesions that distort the DNA helix or block transcription requires the recruitment of CSA and CSB proteins to the
elicit nucleotide excision repair (NER). Of particular DNA where RNA polymerase has stalled at the lesion.
interest are cylcobutane pyrimidine (CPDs) and pyrimi- Plants appear to have two orthologues of CSA and one
dine (6-4) pyrimidionine ([6-4]s) dimers that are induced of CSB, however they remain uncharacterized.
by ultraviolet radiation. NER excises a single-strand of
25-30 nucleotides containing the damaged DNA (Fig 4.2.2. Helix Opening in Plants
5.3b). NER functions in two modes, global genome After lesion recognition, CSB or XPC recruit the TFIIH
repair (GGR) and transcription-coupled repair (TCR), complex (nine sub-units, including XPB and XPD) that
which differ only in how DNA lesions are recognized. opens the DNA helix around DNA lesions. The XPB
NER functions as a sequence of coordinated steps: 3’→5’ and XPD 5’→3’ helicase activities are necessary
lesion recognition, helix opening, dual incision 5’ and 3’ for opening the helix. Arabidopsis has two copies of
of the lesion and then DNA synthesis and ligation (steps XPB (AtXPB1 and AtXPB2) each with the helicase motifs
1-4, Fig 5.3b). Analyses of UV-sensitive mutants show conserved. The genes lie in a head-to-tail orientation,
plants depend on NER for repair of UV-photoproducts, the result of a possible recent duplication (Morgante
in addition to having direct repair of UV-photoproducts et al. 2005). AtXPB1 complements the UV-sensitivity
(photoreactivation). of the S. cerevisiae rad25 mutants, however plants
deficient in AtXPB1 do not have increased sensitivity to
4.2.1. Lesion Recognition in Plants UV radiation, but are sensitive to the alkylating agent,
The first step of global NER is recognition of helix-dis- MMS. Arabidopsis deficient in AtXPD have increased
torting lesions by the XPC-RAD23-CEN2 complex. The sensitivity to UV radiation, and show some mild growth
function of XPC and RAD23 remain uncharacterized in defects. Removal of pyrimidne [6-4] pyrimidionine
plants, however, Arabidopsis deficient in AtCEN2 show photoproducts ([6-4s]) is less efficient in xpd mutants.
modest sensitivity to UV-C radiation and the cross- Complete loss of AtXPD-function is likely lethal [Liu et
linking agent, cisplatin. Extracts from AtCEN2-deficient al. 2003].
plants are reduced in efficiency for in vitro repair of UV
or cisplatin-damaged plasmids. Deficiency in AtCEN2 4.2.3. Dual Incision in Plants
also resulted in an increase in homologous recombina- Unwinding of the DNA helix exposes ssDNA, which is
tion (HR). UV-B radiation increases the frequency of then coated with the RPA protein. In animals, RPA and
somatic HR. NER of UV-photoproducts may antagonize XPA are necessary for opening the pre-incision complex
repair by recombination (Molinier 2004). fully, and XPA is necessary for XPF-ERCC1 recruitment
The DNA-damage-binding complex (DDB) enhances and incision. Plants appear to lack an orthologue of
recognition of UV-photoproducts, which is particularly XPA. An Arabidopsis mutant deficient in ERCC1 is sensi-
important for recognizing CPDs that are poorly recog- tive to UV radiation, MMS and the inter-strand cross-
nized by XPC. The DDB complex forms an E3-ligase that linking agent, mitomycin C. This mutant is also gamma
targets specific E2-ubiquitin conjugating enzymes to sensitive as is a mutant deficient in the plant orthologue
several targets including DDB2 and possibly XPC. The of XPF. The XPF-ERCC1 is thought also to be involved
DDB complex consists of DDB1, DDB2 (XPE), Cullin4 in homologous recombination. XPF-ERCC1 incises the
and Rbx1. Ubiquitination of XPC after UV-irradiation DNA 5’ of the lesion. XPG incises the DNA 3’ of the
enhances its binding for damaged DNA. In contrast, lesion. Mutants in AtXPG are sensitive to UV radiation
DDB2-ubiquitin is targeted for degradation. Arabidopsis as well as gamma radiation and H2O2. After incision,
plants deficient in DDB2, CUL4 or DDB1 are sensitive the RFC clamp loader loads PCNA at the 5’ incision site
to UV radiation. Plant extracts lacking CUL4 or DDB2 (3’ OH), and replicative polymerases fill in the gap.
are reduced in in vitro repair of UV-damaged plasmids.
A. Transesion bypass at replication fork and lagging strand gap-filling
Gap-filling: RAD52 or Pol η
B. Error-free, template switch bypass at blocked replication fork
Ub fork
Ub regression
(MMS2 - UBC13)
REV1:Pol ζ
Ub Ubiquitin
Gap-filling: RAD52 or Pol η RPA
DNA lesion
C. Gap-filling on both leading and lagging strands
Gap-filling: RAD52 or Pol η
4.3. Direct Repair in Plants [6-4] photoproducts. Photolyases have two cofac-
tors: methenyltetrahydrofolate absorbs light (375-400
In mature leaves, the direct repair of UV-photoproducts nm) and transfers the excitation energy to the second
may be the major repair pathway. Plants encode two cofacter, FADH−, which then transfers an electron to
distinct photolyases that directly repair both CPDs and the pyrimidine dimer, splitting it into two pyrimidines
with concomitant transfer of an electron back to blocks the replication fork and results in uncoupling of
FADHo, regenerating FADH−. There are two classes of leading and lagging synthesis (Fig 5.4A-C). As the rep-
photolyases. Class I are microbial CPD photolyases licative helicase continues to unwind duplex DNA to
that are not related to the class II CPD photolyases of template the lagging strand, ssDNA accumulates ahead
eukaryotes. Plant CPD photolyases (PHR1) belong to of the block on the leading strand. RPA coats the ssDNA
the class II photolyases. The (6-4)-photolyase (UVR3) and stimulates both PRR and DDR. Gaps in the leading
is more related to the microbial class I. An additional strand (Fig 5.4C) may arise in two ways. Studies in yeast
family of proteins sharing sequence orthology to class and with reconstituted bacterial proteins demonstrate
I photolyases are the cryptochromes (CRYI and CRY2), that leading strand synthesis may be re-primed down-
which regulate blue-light responses but do not repair stream of the damage, leaving a gap. Alternatively, firing
damaged DNA. Rice and Arabidopsis deficient in CPD of a proximal redundant origin or an already active fork
photolyase are more sensitive to UVB-irradiation, may complete synthesis up to the blocked fork, again
showing reduced growth. A quantitative trait locus leaving a gap (Lehmann Fuchs 2006).
(QTL) for sensitivity or tolerance to UV-B radiation in Post-replication repair (PRR) acts to fill gaps or resume
rice mapped to a CPD photolyase locus. fork progression by promoting by-pass of DNA lesions
Some alkylated-bases, such as mutagenic and toxic (Fig 5.3). Because PRR does not repair DNA lesions,
O -MeG, are repaired without excision of the DNA it is also called DNA damage avoidance or tolerance.
backbone. In E. coli, the oxidative demethylase AlkB There are three general pathways for by-passing DNA
and alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (ADA) directly lesions: (i) specialized polymerases for trans-lesion
reverse N1-methylpurines and N3-methylpyrimidines. synthesis (TLS pols), (ii) radiation-sensitive group 52
Plants lack an ADA orthologue, but do have AlkB (RAD52)-dependent recombination or (iii) RAD5-
orthologues. dependent template-switch. All three pathways are
partly regulated by the post-translational modification
4.4. Post-Replication Repair (PRR) of PCNA. RPA-coated ssDNA binds the RAD18 protein
that recruits RAD6 or RAD5. RAD6:RAD18 mono-
BER, NER and direct repair keep steady-state lesions ubiqutinates PCNA at lysine 165 (K165), while RAD5 in
low, however, persisting DNA lesions block replication complex with methyl methanesulphonate-sensitive
forks. Two critical networks essential for DNA replica- protein 2 (MMS2) and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
tion of damaged DNA are the DNA damage response 13 (UBC13) adds ubiquitin to mono-ubiquitinated
(DDR) and post-replication repair (PRR). The primary PCNA, resulting in poly-ubiquitinated PCNA. Mono-
DDR response proteins do not involve DNA repair ubiquitinated PCNA promotes translesion synthesis
proteins and are not addressed here. PRR pathways while polyubiquitination directs the error-free template
employing trans-lesion synthesis polymerases (TLS pols) switch pathway; fork-regression driving annealing of
are responsible for damage-induced and spontaneous nascent leading and lagging strands so that the lagging
base and frameshift mutation. Alternatively, lesions can strand serves as a temporary, lesion-free template for
be by-passed by error-free template switch and recom- leading strand synthesis (Fig 5.3B). K165 of PCNA (and
binational mechanisms, but these may require more to a lesser extent K127) can also be modified with the
time and risk chromosomal rearrangements. small protein, SUMO. This modification recruits the
SRS2 helicase that antagonizes RAD51-coated ssDNA
4.4.1. Replication of Damaged DNA filaments, thus suppressing recombination. Yeast srs2
In UV-irradiated microbial and animal cells, newly rad6 mutants are less UV-sensitive than rad6 mutants,
synthesized DNA strands are shorter relative to nas- likely because RAD52-mediated recombination is not
cent strands in unirradiated cells. These short nascent suppressed and can provide some PRR. How, when
strands arise from UV-photoproducts blocking the rep- and where these independent lesion bypass pathways
licative DNA polymerases. DNA lesions on the lagging are employed remains undefined, but essential to
strand block Okazaki fragment maturation, leaving a understanding regulation of replication through dam-
gap, but the replication fork is not blocked (Fig 5.4A-C). aged DNA.
DNA damage blocking the leading strand polymerase
4.4.2. Trans-Lesion Synthesis Polymerases gradient (Curtis Hays 2007). Thus, efficient by-pass
TLS pols typically have DNA synthesis error-rates 5 of DNA lesions by TLS pols may be a balancing point
orders of magnitude higher than replicative polymer- between rates of mutation and avoiding perturbed
ases. TLS pols lack 3’ 5’ proofreading. TLS pols have tissue development. AtPol may serve similar func-
open active sites and make few contacts with the repli- tions in the shoot meristem because over-expression of
cating base pair, which relaxes base selection. Residues AtPOL in Arabidopsis increases UV-tolerance of shoot
around the replicating base pair are not well conserved growth. Deficiency of the TLS polymerase AtREV1 also
among Y-family polymerases and may influence their shows modest sensitivity to UV-B radiation. High-levels
lesion specificity. TLS pols are thought to have evolved of AtREV1 over expression appear to be toxic (Santiago
for relative error-free synthesis across specific lesions 2008).
with reduced fidelity when incorporating nucleotides Three plant TLS pols have been purified from
across non-cognate lesions. There is overlap among Arabidopsis. AtPOL is proficient in extension of
lesions by-passed by different TLS pols, and in some primer-termini base-mismatches and inserts several
cases, two polymerases are required to complete lesion nucleotides before dissociating from the template.
by-pass: one inserting a nucleotide at the lesion, and the Arabidopsis POL was purified in parallel with yeast
other extending the primer beyond the lesion. The TLS and human POL. AtPOL by-passed T[CPD]T, but was
pol, POL , is specialized for extension of mismatched unable to bypass T[6-4]T. By-pass efficiency of POL
primer termini, which likely accounts for its central role was dependent on the template sequence (Hoffman
in mutagenesis; 90% and 50% of damage-induced and Hays 2008). REV1 was purified and showed deoxycyti-
spontaneous mutation in yeast, respectively, is depend- dyl transferase activity, efficiently inserting dCMP oppo-
ent on POL . site AP sites and undamaged bases of any type.
T[CPD]T:AA, 8-oxoG:C > A; O6MeG:C ≈ T, Tg:A > C or G. Blocked by AP sites, A and N2-guanine adducts.
Polymerase :
Efficient extension of mismatched primer termini at any DNA lesion, Tg:A.
choose between RAD5-template switch versus TLS pols nucleotide loop-outs, but not loop-outs > 1 base. The
for lesion by-pass. unique MSH7 orthologue forms a heterodimer with
MSH2, and recognizes only base-pair mismatches,
4.4.5. Template Switch in Plants not base loop-outs (Culligan and Hays 2000). The
Arabidopsis has two orthologues of UBC13 (AtUBC13A MSH2:MSH7 dimer has greater recognition than
and AtUBC13B) and four E2 ubiquitin-conjugating MSH2:MSH6 of A/C, A/G, A/A and G/A mismatches
enzymes, UBC/E2 variants (UEVs) that catalyze poly- relative to recognition of G/T. Arabidopsis deficient in
ubiquitination of PCNA. UEVs and UBC13s are likely AtMSH2 show increased microsatelite instability and
targeted to PCNA by the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of accumulate mutations during seed to seed propaga-
RAD5. Both AtUBC13A and B physically interact with the tion. MMR therefore is necessary for maintaining germ
animal or yeast UEV-protein, MMS2, which is required line genome stability in plants. Arabidopsis also has an
for error-free lesion by-pass. AtUBC13A or AtUBC13B orthologue of the yeast MSH1. AtMSH1 has a putative
complement the spontaneous mutagenesis and MMS mitochondrial targeting signal that must be cleaved for
sensitivity of yeast ubc13 mutants. All four Arabidopsis AtMSH1 to form a homodimer. Mutations in AtMSH1
UEV orthologues physically interact with AtUBC13, and (CHM gene) alter mitochondrial genome stability.
suppress increased spontaneous mutations in mms2
mutant yeast. Finally, Arabidopsis deficient in AtRAD5a 4.5.2. Incision on the Nascent Strand
are sensitive to cross-linking agents (mitomycin C and Mismatch recognition is coupled to strand incision in
cis-platin) and MMS. Arabidopsis has two orthologues eukaryotes by several orthologues of the prokaryotic
of yeast RAD5, but deficiency of AtRAD5b does not MutL protein: MLH1, PMS2 (PMS1 in yeast), MLH2 and
increase sensitivity to these DNA-damaging agents MLH3. These proteins form three distinct heterodimers
(Chen et al. 2008). Arabidopsis also has an orthologue with MLH1 common to all. MLH1-PMS2 (MutL) cou-
of the animal RAD5-orthologue, SHPRH, but it has not ples mismatch recognition by either MutS heterodimer
yet been characterized. to strand incision and repair synthesis. The function of
the MLH1-MLH2 (MutL) is not well understood, but
4.5. Mismatch Repair (MMR) does suppress indels in yeast. MLH1-MLH3 (MutL)
functions in meiosis, but also suppresses indels in yeast.
Mismatches are mutagenic lesions that occur during During meiosis, MutL functions with MSH4:MSH5 in
the replication of undamaged DNA (10-7 – 10-8) and promoting cross-over during meiosis. In E. coli, rec-
at a higher frequency during replication of damaged ognition by MutS dimers couples MutL dimers to the
DNA (10-2 – 10-3). MMR recognizes mismatches and MutH endonuclease that nicks the nascent strand by
couples recognition to incision on the nascent strand. interpreting hemi-methylated Dam Methylase restric-
Exonucleases (5’-3’ or 3’-5’) then access the strand break tion sites (GATC). There is a delay in methylation at
and hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds past the mis- GATC sites on nascent strands. The mismatch is then
match. Alternatively, exonucleases may use a proximal removed by an exonuclease. Eukaryotes lack MutH
strand break, if available, without necessity for an endo- orthologues, however, MutL heterodimers have an
nuclease. Re-synthesis by POL fills-in the gap and intrinsic endonuclease activity. Repair synthesis in
ligase seals the backbone. MMR decreases error-rates eukoryotes requires 5’ 3’ exonuclease activity (likely
by 10 to 100-fold. EXO1) and/or 3’ 5’ exonuclease activity intrinsic to
POL and POL to excise the nascent strand with the miss-
4.5.1. Lesion Recognition (Types of Mismatches) incorporated nucleotide.
Plants encode 7 eukaryotic MutS orthologues (AtMSH1-
AtMSH7), with MSH7 unique to plants (Hays 2002). 4.5.3. MMR Role in Recombination
MSH proteins act in heterodimers to recognize mis- Plant MMR proteins are involved in recombination
matches. Mismatch recognition in plants is similar to (Hays 2002). Recombination between sequences
that of animals, with MSH2:MSH3 failing to recognize showing increasing divergence (particularly during
base-pair mismatches, but recognizing base loop-outs. inter-species crosses) results in mismatches in recom-
MSH2:MSH6 recognizes base-mismatches and single bination intermediates. AtMSH2 suppresses meiotic
recombination during crosses between Arabidopsis 6. References
ecotypes, and somatic recombination between direct
repeat sequences containing 10 mismatches. AtMSH2 6.1. Cited References
also suppresses meiotic recombination between
homoeologous sequences. The MSH2 partner respon- Chen, I.P., Mannuss, A., Orel, N. et al. 2008. A homolog
sible for suppressing homoeologous recombination of ScRAD5 is involved in DNA repair and homolo-
remains undefined, but could be AtMSH7 that shows gous recombination in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.
specificity for base-pair mismatches. An EMS-mutant 146:1786-1796.
of wheat (ph2a) shows increased meiotic recombina- Curtis, M.J. and Hays, J.B. 2007. Tolerance of dividing cells
tion in hybrids of diverged species. Wheat TaMSH7 is to replication stress in UVB-irradiated Arabidopsis roots:
located at the ph2 locus. Specific silencing of TaMSH7 requirements for DNA translesion polymerases eta and
(TaMSH6 transcripts not silenced) resulted in reduced zeta. DNA Repair (Amst). 6:1341-1358.
fertility implicating a role for MSH7 in recombination Culligan, K.M. and Hays, J.B. 2000. Arabidopsis MutS
(Hays 2002). Arabidopsis deficient in AtMSH5 show homologs-AtMSH2, AtMSH3, AtMSH6, and a novel
reduced fertility associated with a reduction in chiasma AtMSH7-form three distinct protein heterodimers
(successful crossover) frequency, with residual chiasma with different specificities for mismatched DNA. Plant
randomly distributed. Similarly, deficiency in AtMSH4 Cell. 12:991-1002.
reduces fertility and chiasma frequency (Higgins et al. Hays, J.B. 2002. Arabidopsis thaliana, a versatile model
2004). Thus, as with other organisms, MSH4:MSH5 is system for study of eukaryotic genome-maintenance
required for homologous recombination and crossover functions. DNA Repair (Amst). 1: 579-600.
in plants. The AtMLH1:AtMLH3 heterodimer appears to Higgins, J.D., Armstrong, S.J., Franklin, F.C. et al. 2004.
function with MSH4:MSH5 in promoting resolution of The Arabidopsis MutS homolog AtMSH4 functions
meiotic holiday junctions into crossovers. at an early step in recombination: evidence for two
classes of recombination in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev.
5. DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Hoffman, P.D., Curtis, M.J., Iwai, S. et al. 2008.
Biochemical evolution of DNA polymerase eta:
Excision and direct repair keep steady-state levels of properties of plant, human, and yeast proteins.
DNA lesions low, keeping mutagenic lesions from serv- Biochemistry. 47:4583-4596.
ing as template for DNA replication. Replication of Lehmann, A.R. and Fuchs, R.P. 2006. Gaps and forks in
DNA across lesions by post-replication repair pathways DNA replication: Rediscovering old models. DNA
greatly increases the risk of mutagenic mismatches or Repair (Amst). 5:1495-1498.
rearrangements. Some mutagenic mismatches form Liu, Z., Hong, S.W., Escobar, M. et al. 2003. Arabidopsis
during replication of undamaged template. Mismatch UVH6, a homolog of human XPD and yeast RAD3
repair recognizes and repairs a variety of mismatches, DNA repair genes, functions in DNA repair and is
further lowering the risk of mutation. Plants deficient in essential for plant growth. Plant Physiol. 132:1405-1414.
DNA repair enzymes or mismatch repair are expected Molinier, J., Ramos, C., Fritsch, O. et al. 2004. CENTRIN2
to show elevated rates of mutation, with the mutagenic modulates homologous recombination and
pathway that is altered depending on the DNA lesion(s) nucleotide excision repair in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell.
recognized by the respective repair protein. Deficiency 16:1633-1643.
in PRR also may elevate mutation rate or alter mutation Molinier, J., Lechner, E., Dumbliauskas, E. et al. 2008.
spectra. The recent availability of mutation reporter Regulation and role of Arabidopsis CUL4-DDB1A-
genes for all single base substitution pathways and DDB2 in maintaining genome integrity upon UV
others for insertion/deletion events provide a means to stress. PLoS Genet. 4:e1000093.
evaluate the mutagenic consequences for plants defi- Morgante, P.G., Berra, C.M., Nakabashi, M. et al. 2005.
cient in specific repair proteins. Functional XPB/RAD25 redundancy in Arabidopsis
genome: characterization of AtXPB2 and expression
analysis. Gene. 344:93-103.
Murphy, T.M. and George, A. 2005. A comparison 6.3. Further Reading
of two DNA base excision repair glycosylases
from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Branzei, D. and Foiani, M. 2007. Template switching:
Commun. 329:869-872. from replication fork repair to genome rearrange-
Sakamoto, A., Lan, V.T., Hase, Y. et al. 2003. Disruption of ments. Cell. 131:1228-1230.
the AtREV3 gene causes hypersensitivity to ultraviolet Bray, C.M. and West, C.E. 2005. DNA repair mechanisms
B light and gamma-rays in Arabidopsis: implication of in plants: crucial sensors and effectors for the mainte-
the presence of a translesion synthesis mechanism in nance of genome integrity. New Phytol: 168:511-528.
plants. Plant Cell. 15: 2042-2057. Britt, A.B. 1999. Molecular genetics of DNA repair in
Santiago, M.J., Alejandre-Duran, E., Munoz-Serrano, higher plants. Trends Plant Sci. 4:20-25.
A. et al. 2008. Two translesion synthesis DNA poly- Friedberg, E., Walker, G., Siede, W. et al. 2006. DNA
merase genes, AtPOLH and AtREV1, are involved in Repair and Mutagenesis. (Second Edition ed., ASM
development and UV light resistance in Arabidopsis. Press, Washington, D.C.).
J. Plant Physiol. 165:1582-1591. Friedberg, E.C., Wagner, R. and Radman, M. 2002.
Specialized DNA polymerases, cellular survival, and
6.2. Websites the genesis of mutations. Science. 296:1627-1630.
Lawrence, C.W. 2007. Following the RAD6 pathway. DNA
Arabidopsis DNA repair proteins: Repair (Amst). 6:676-686.
Human DNA repair proteins:
Double-Stranded DNA Break, Repair and
Associated Mutations
K.Osakabe, M.Endo and S.Toki *
Division of Plant Sciences, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. Homologous Recombination
4.1. Molecular Process of HR
4.2. HR in Higher Plants
7. References
1. Introduction or repair of other types of DNA lesions also give rise to
DSBs. For example, DNA repair by base excision repair
Throughout evolution the DNA of living organisms has or nucleotide excision repair involves endonucleases
been exposed to risks from a wide range of damaging that introduce single-strand nicks, which can lead
factors such as UV irradiation and free radicals. DNA to DSBs (see Chapter 5). A single-strand nick or gap
damage that is left un-repaired, or is repaired incor- upstream of a replication fork can also be processed
rectly, causes genetic alterations and, in the worst case, into a DSB during DNA replication. On the other hand,
could lead to cell death. Double-stranded DNA breaks the formation of DSBs constitutes an intermediate stage
(DSBs) are the most threatening type of DNA damages in a number of cellular processes, including meiosis,
in living cells. For the maintenance of genome integrity the production of the variable regions of vertebrate
and cell survival, it is critical that cells repair such breaks immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, and mating
accurately and faithfully. Cells possess several DNA type switching in yeast. Studies of the mechanisms of
repair pathways to deal with DSBs. Genetic and bio- genetic recombination have shown that DSB formation
chemical studies have provided considerable data on is the critical event for the initiation of recombination.
the genes and their encoded proteins involved in these There are two fundamental mechanisms for the repair
repair systems and their functions. Although plants have of DSBs: 1) NHEJ, and 2) HR (Box 6.1, Fig 6.1). While HR
long played a key role in building our understanding is the predominant DSB repair pathway in bacteria and
of genetics, relatively little is known about DNA repair yeast, NHEJ is believed to be the principal DSB repair
in plants. The completion of genome sequencing of pathway in higher eukaryotes, including higher plants.
arabidopsis and several major crops has greatly facili- Recent studies have revealed that both HR and NHEJ
tated the search and study of genes involved in DNA contribute to DSB repair in higher eukaryotes, with
repair. A number of homologous genes involved in DSB the relative contribution of the two repair pathways
repair in yeast and vertebrates have been identified in depending on the phase of the cell cycle and the devel-
higher plants (Table 6.1). In addition, the huge collec- opmental stage. HR is important during the late S and
tion of T-DNA/transposon tagging mutants in arabidop- G2 phases of the cell cycle, when sister chromatids are
sis has helped identify the function of some of these available as templates, and during early stages of devel-
genes in plants. Several arabidopsis mutants that are opment. Thus, a deficiency in either repair pathway is
deficient in homologous recombination (HR, Box 6.1) highly toxic for higher eukaryotes.
and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ, Box 6.1) have
been identified; and appeared to be hypersensitivity to
DSBs-inducing agents. However, with a few exceptions, 3. Non-Homologous End Joining
these mutants do not show embryonic lethality or severe
growth defects, which is in contrast to cases in vertebrate NHEJ is a straightforward pathway, largely independent
animals. This may represent a distinct advantage of plant of the sequences involved, and acts simply to rejoin
systems for the study of DSB repair and recombination. the two ends of the break. As a consequence, NHEJ is
Here the current understanding of DSB repair and its role a relatively inaccurate process and is frequently accom-
in mutagenesis in higher plants is described. panied by insertion or deletion of DNA sequences. This
repair pathway is known to function throughout the cell
cycle. Recently it has become clear that NHEJ comprises
2. DNA Damage and Double-Stranded DNA several different pathways (McVey and Lee, 2008).
Break Repair
3.1. Molecular Processes of NHEJ Repair Pathways
DSBs are not always due to treatment of DNA damaging
agents, they often represent intermediate molecules of The most well-studied NHEJ pathway is the classical-
active cellular metabolism. Physical mutagens such as NHEJ (C-NHEJ) which is dependent on DNA-dependent
ionizing radiations and UV (especially UV-C) irradiation, protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex [Ku70, Ku80 and
and a few chemical mutagens often lead to DSBs (see DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs)], XRCC4 and
Chapter 5). Cellular processes such as DNA replication DNA ligase IV (LigIV).
Box 6.1: Glossaries of Double-stranded DNA break repair
Double-stranded DNA break (DSB) The two complementary strands of the DNA double helix are broken simultaneously at
sites that are sufficiently close to one another that base-pairing and chromatin structure
are insufficient to keep the two DNA ends juxtaposed.
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair NHEJ is a pathway that can be used to repair DSBs. NHEJ is referred to as “non-
homologous” because the broken ends are directly ligated without the need for a
homologous template.
Homologous recombination (HR) HR is the process by which a strand of DNA is broken and joined to the end of a different
DNA molecule. HR commonly occurs during meiosis as chromosomal crossover
between paired chromosomes in eukaryotes.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) NER is a pathway to repair DNA damage affecting longer strands of 2-30 bases. This
pathway system recognizes bulky distortions on the DNA helix caused by chemicals and
UV as well as single-strand breaks. Recognition of these distortions leads to the removal
of a short single-stranded DNA segment including the DNA lesion, creating a single-
strand gap in the DNA, which is subsequently filled in by DNA polymerase.
Rad52 epistasis group A definition of their genetic inter-relationship in HR repair pathway. This group includes
Rad50, Rad51, Rad52, Rad54, Rad55 Rad57, Rad59, Mre11 and Xrs2. They were originally
identified in a genetic screen for X-ray-sensitive mutants in budding yeast.
Holliday Junction (HJ) After a DSB occurs a modified break end forming a single-stranded nucleofilament
starts strand invasion for searching homologous template DNA. A displacement loop
(D-loop) is formed during strand invasion between the invading 3' overhang strand and
the homologous DNA. After strand invasion, a DNA polymerase extends the invading 3'
strand, changing the D-loop to more prominently cruciform structure. This four-stranded
branched DNA structure is called Holliday junction, and it is an intermediate in crossover
or gene conversion.
Crossover and non-crossover These are outcomes of meiotic recombination. In a paired homologous chromosome,
meiotic DSBs occur and the DSBs are re-joined. When chromosome arms on opposite
sides of the recombination initiation site exchange partners the event is referred to as a
reciprocal crossover. If the original configuration of chromosome arms is retained, the
event is referred to as non-crossover.
Gene conversion Gene conversion is an event in genetic recombination. This process results in the
nonreciprocal exchange of a small fragment of genetic material from a donor DNA
sequence to a homologous acceptor DNA sequence. It can occur between sister
chromatids, homologous chromosomes or homologous sequences on either the same
chromatid or different chromosomes.
Sister chromatid Sister chromatids are identical copies of a chromosome; they contain the same genes and
same alleles.
The first step of C-NHEJ is the binding of the Ku het- is a serine/threonine protein kinase with specificity for
erodimer proteins to the two DNA ends. The Ku heter- serine-glutamine or threonine-glutamine sequences in
odimer is composed of a 73 kDa subunit (Ku70) and an target proteins. The recruitment of DNA-PKcs to DNA
86 kDa subunit (Ku80). Ku70 and Ku80 have a similar breaks by Ku results in activation of its kinase function.
three-dimentional structure. The crystal structure of the The other NHEJ factors are hence phosphorylated by
Ku heterodimer with DNA showed that the heterodimer DNA-PKcs, which is important for the juxtaposition of
forms a toroidal strucuture with a central hole, which DSB ends. Cells lacking Ku exhibit radiosensitivity and
is large enough to accomodate duplex DNA. This ring are defective in DSB repair. In animals, individuals lack-
shape of the Ku heterodimer indicates that Ku is able to ing either of the Ku subunits show higher radiosensitiv-
form a bridge between the two broken ends, suggesting ity, immune deficiency and defective DSB repair, similar
that Ku also contributes to the protection of DSB ends. to DNA-PKcs null animals; Ku null animals show growth
Subsequently, DNA-PKcs is recruited by Ku. DNA-PKcs defects and pre-immune senescence, which together
Table 6.1: HR and NHEJ factors in budding yeast, vertebrates and arabidopsis
Budding yeast Vertebrates Arabidopsis Function
HR DNA repair
Rad51 paralogs
indicate that Ku and DNA-PKcs have distinct, as well as ome due to a defect in V(D)J recombination. The defect
overlapping functions. of V(D)J recombination (Box 6.1) in cells lacking Artemis
If the juxtaposed DNA ends can be ligated, the repair is caused by a failure to open hairpins occurring at joint
would require only a ligation reaction. However, DSBs formation that would be required for subsequent end-
generated by exposure to DNA damaging agents rarely joining during NHEJ. Although it is unclear whether
have ligatable DNA ends. Therefore, a second step to Artemis participates directly in DNA damage-induced
process the DNA ends to create suitable substrates for DSB repair, it is likely that Artemis is required to repair a
DNA ligase is required. The Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 (MRN) subset of DSBs during NHEJ.
complex (The budding yeast homolog of NBS1 is Xrs2, The final step is a ligase reaction and filling of the
and thus it is referred to as the MRX complex), which small gap by DNA polymerase. The ligation occurs in
also plays an important role in the early stages of HR the LigIV/XRCC4 complex. LigIV is an ATP-dependent
(see next section), is involved in this step in yeast. This DNA ligase with an amino-terminal catalytic domain
complex functions as a structure-specific nuclease, and and carboxy-terminal BRCT domain. The BRCT domain
also plays a role as the end-bridging factor. The other is a conserved domain similar to the C-terminal portion
structure-specific nuclease, Artemis was identified on of the BRCA1, and thought to function in protein-pro-
the basis of its mutation in patients with human radio- tein interactions. The interaction of LigIV (via this BRCT
sensitive-severe combined immunodeficiency syndor- domain) with XRCC4 stimulates ligase activity, and the
Rad50 Mre11
5'-3' resection by complex
Rad51-ssDNA nucleofilament
Chromatin remodeling and complex
DNA unwinding by Rad54
HJ resolution by
BLM/TopIII or Mus81/Eme1,
and ligation
XRCC4/DNA ligase IV
LigIV/XRCC4 complex is thought to be involved in DNA Ku-dependent, at least at certain developmental stages
alignment or gap-filling prior to ligation. XRCC4 can also and/or in certain tissues of somatic cells.
interact with DNA-PKcs, Ku and DNA polymerase µ.
This might indicate that XRCC4 mediates to connect the 4. Homologous Recombination
sequential reactions that occur during NHEJ.
Recent studies have defined end-joining repair path- HR is generally an accurate pathway, and ensures the
ways other than C-NHEJ, which are independent on repair of DSBs without any loss of genetic information,
Ku70/Ku80/DNA-PKcs/XRCC4/LigIV. These pathways but it requires the presence of the undamaged sister
are so called ‘alternative-NHEJ’ (A-NHEJ) pathways. One chromatid or homologous chromosome as a template.
of well-defined A-NHEJ pathways is microhomology- HR is a required repair mechanism for the progression
mediated end joining (MMEJ; McVey and Lee, 2008). of meiosis. The repair of DSBs by HR involves numerous
The most distinguished feature of MMEJ is the use of 5 steps and factors, including recognition of the homolo-
to 25 base bair (bp) microhomologous sequences for gous sequences, strand invasion, DNA synthesis, and
alignment of break ends during re-joining. This results in resolution of complex structures.
deletions flanking the original break, and thus, MMEJ is
an error-prone repair pathway. Although molecular pro- 4.1. Molecular Process of HR
cess of MMEJ is less clear compared to that of C-NHEJ,
recent studies predict the factors involved in MMEJ; HR involves sequential steps that are catalyzed by mul-
Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 and EXO1 for resection, poly(ADP- tiple enzymes (Fig 6.1). In eukaryotes, these sequential
ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP1), XRCC1 and Ligase I (LigI) steps are carried out by members of the Rad52 epistasis
and III (LigIII) for ligation (McVey and Lee, 2008). group (Box 6.1).
After DSBs occur, in yeast, the ends of duplex at the
3.2. NHEJ in Higher Plants break are extensively processed by the MRN complex
comprising Mre11, Rad50 and NSB1 to produce single-
Many of the factors involved in C-NHEJ mentioned stranded 3’ overhangs. The next key step is a further
above, except DNA-PKcs and Artemis, have been resection of the processed ends by the cooperation of
identified in the arabidopsis genome, and their mutants CtIP (The budding yeast homolog is Sae2), EXO1 and
have been characterized (Table 5.1). Characterization DNA2 to produce long 3’-single-stranded DNA tails,
of C-NHEJ-deficient mutant plants demonstrated that which are required to form nucleoprotein filaments
these proteins are important for DSB repair in arabidop- and important for homology search and strand invasion
sis (see review, Bleuyard et al, 2006). Although genes processes.
involved in A-NHEJ pathway, such as PARP-1, XRCC1 Facilitated by Rad52, Rad51 paralogs (see Table 6.1),
and LigI are found in the arabidopsis and rice genomes, a recombinase protein, Rad51 binds the resected ends
the molecular process of A-NHEJ is less pronounced in of the break to form a Rad51/single-stranded DNA
higher plants. (ssDNA) complex (Rad51-nucleoprotein filament). In
C-NHEJ is thought to be critical for the integration higher eukaryotes, BRCA2 also joins in this step to sta-
of transforming plasmids or T-DNAs into the genomes bilize the Rad51-nucleoprotein filament. The resulting
of higher plants. Recently, Li et al. (2005) reported a Rad51-nucleoprotein filament invades into a homolo-
decreased frequency of T-DNA integration in atku80 gous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecule, and
plants during the transformation in somatic cells in starts DNA synthesis to extend the end of the invading
a root transformation assay. In addition, overexpres- strand. During this step, Rad54 plays several important
sion of Ku80 in transgenic plants increased the rate of roles. Rad54 is a member of the SWI2/SNF2 family of
T-DNA integration (Li et al, 2005). In contrast, Gallego et ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling factors. In the
al. (2003) reported that the frequency of T-DNA integra- pre-synaptic phase, Rad54 combines with the Rad51-
tion in atku80 plants was comparable with that in wild- nucleoprotein filament, stabilising the latter. In the
type plants during the transformation of germ-line cells synaptic phase, Rad54 protein serves as a constituent
by in planta transformation. These results indicate that factor of the Rad51-nucleoprotein filament and remod-
the NHEJ pathway used for T-DNA integration is partly els chromatin during a strand-transfer event, which,
together with Rad51 nucleoprotein filament, leads to filament (Table 6.1). Arabidopsis Rad51 paralogs play
the creation of the D-loop. In the post-synaptic phase, an important role in the assembly and stabilization of
Rad54 increases the rate and extent of heteroduplex Rad51 nucleoprotein filament in place of Rad52.
extension and disassembles Rad51 nucleoprotein fila- Spo11 is encoded by a single gene in most eukary-
ments on dsDNA. otes. The arabidopsis and rice genomes each possess
By recapture of this strand, a co-joined molecule that three SPO11-like genes (AtSPO11-1, AtSPO11-2 and
contains the double Holliday junction (HJ, Box 6.1) is AtSPO11-3 in arabidopsis), sharing 20–30% identity to
generated (Fig 6.1). The inter-linked molecules are then each other (Stacey et al, 2006). Arabidopsis mutants
processed by branch migration, resolution of the HJ deficient in either AtSpo11-1 or AtSpo11-2 show severe
and DNA ligation (Fig 6.1). Genetical and biochemical meiotic defects. The apparently non-overlapping roles
studies revealed that two protein comlexes are impor- of AtSpo11-1 and AtSpo11-2 suggest a plant-specific
tant for HJ resolution. One is the BLM/TopIII (Sgs1/Top3 metabolism for DSB induction in meiosis.
in budding yeast) complex and the other is the Mus81/ According to characterization of mutants deficient
Eme1 (Mus81/Mms4 in budding yeast) complex. While for HR genes in arabidopsis, mutant plants deficient
the Sgs1/Top3 complex produces non-crossover prod- in HR genes show higher sensitivity to DNA damaging
ucts, the Mus81/Eme1 complex is thought to function for agents, being especially hypersensitive to DNA cross-
crossover products. In meiosis, meiotic recombinaton- linking agents. In addition, these mutants show reduced
specific factors play important roles in recombination. frequencies of recombination events in somatic cells.
During meiosis, HR reaction starts at DSBs introduced Thus, each sequential step of HR is required for effcient
by the Spo11 protein, which cleaves DNA via a topoi- HR repair in arabidopsis. In contrast, the contribution
somerase-like reaction to generate covalent protein- of the HR genes in meiosis is different in arabidopsis.
DNA linkages to the 5’ DNA ends on either side (Li and While Spo11-1, Spo11-2, Mre11, Rad50, Rad51, Dmc1,
Ma, 2006). Spo11 is found in many organisms, including Rad51C, XRCC3 are required in meiosis, NBS1, Rad51B,
budding and fission yeasts, Drosophila melanogaster, Rad51D, XRCC2 and Rad54 are despensable for the
mice, humans and plants, and Spo11 deficiency leads to progression of meiosis.
sterility with very little residual meiotic recombination. Finally, recent studies have closed up the genetic
The other factor is Dmc1, which is a meiosis-specific link between HR repair and organization of the pro-
Rad51-like protein (Li and Ma, 2006). Although Dmc1 grammed cell cycle of shoot apical meristems in higher
could form nucleoprotein filaments similar to Rad51, plants. Deficiencies of AtMre11, AtBRCA2 and AtRad51C
behavior of complex formation between two are dif- displayed fasciation and abnormal phyllotaxy pheno-
ferent. Rad51 complex formation is required for Dmc1 types (Abe et al, 2009). These phenotypes were not
association, presumably to promote recombination increased in mutants deficient for NHEJ specific genes
events, whereas Rad51 forms complexes in meiotic compared to wild-type. These results suggest that HR
nuclei independently of Dmc1. Thus Dmc1 and Rad51 repair during S to G2 of cell cycle is important to main-
apparently have different function in meiosis. tain cell cycle control for shoot apical meristem.
functions as a molecular chaperon of histone proteins which result in increased accessibility to DNA, open
to load onto DNA. Defects in CAF-1 might cause the further opportunities for DNA repair proteins to locate
temporary presence of open chromatin structures due and access damaged sites. Recent rapid technological
to delayed chromatin assembly. Indeed, Costa and advances in fluorescent marker proteins and real time
Shaw (2006) showed, via three-dimensional fluores- imaging techniques make it likely there will be new
cence in situ hybridization on intact root epidermal insights into this fascinating aspect of the cellular DNA
tissue, that most nuclei of root epidermal cells in caf-1 damage response.
mutants were in an open chromatin state. Arabidopsis
caf-1 mutants showed a hyper-recombination pheno-
type in planta (Endo et al, 2006). Late S-G2 phase is 6. Implications and Perspectives
suitable for HR because sister chromatids are available.
G2 retardation might make the chromatin structure of 6.1. DSB Repair and Mutation Induction
CAF-1 mutants relatively open, allowing enhanced HR.
When DSBs occur, chromatin remodellers could also The most widely used mutagens in plant genetics are
theoretically influence DNA repair directly by targeting chemicals, ionizing irradiation and T-DNAs/transpo-
action at repair sites to enhance repair protein access, or sons. Of these, ionizing irradiation- and T-DNA/trans-
indirectly as general chromatin fluidizers, increasing site poson insertion-mediated mutagenesis relies, at least in
exposure throughout the genome to enhance damage part, on the mechanism of DSB repair. Ionizing irradia-
detection and repair. One of the earliest detectable tion has long been used as a plant mutagen in forward
events in cells treated with ionizing irradiation is the genetic studies, and such mutants have proved valuable
rapid and extensive phosphorylation of the histone in the fields of genetics and breeding. Ionizing irradia-
variant H2AX. ATM and ATR are the major kinases tion induces several types of mutations, including dele-
responsible for histone H2AX phosphorylation follow- tion, insertion and base substitution, and frequently
ing replication blocks and DNA damage (Green and causes rearrangement (see Chapter 19). Although the
Almouzni, 2002). Phosphorylation could alter chroma- molecular mechanisms of ionizing irradiation-induced
tin structure to permit the access or action of repair fac- mutation are unclear, the NHEJ repair pathway par-
tors, or it may function as a signal amplification event, ticipates in the induction of some of these mutations,
perhaps helping to recruit not only repair or down- since all NHEJ-deficient plants show higher sensitivity
stream signaling factors, but also additional chromatin to ionizing irradiation. In the context of the cell cycle,
modulating activities. In addition to covalent modifica- NHEJ is thought to be the predominant pathway for
tion, ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling has also DSB repair in seeds shortly after imbibition. In addition,
been implicated in DSB repair. Ino80, which belongs aged seeds are generally thought to contain relatively
to the SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling gene family, high levels of DNA damage, and a prolonged G1 arrest
has been shown to be important for efficient somatic is required during germination so that DNA repair can
HR in arabidopsis (Fritsch et al, 2004); HR frequency occur after imbibition (Whittle et al, 2001). If the error-
of atino80 allelic mutants was 15% that of wild-type prone repair pathway functions during the prolonged
plants. As described in the previous section, Rad54 also phase of the cell cycle, the mutation rate in the seeds
belongs to the SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling gene might be increased.
family, and overexpression of yeast Rad54 enhances the Currently, T-DNA/transposon insertion mutagenesis
gene targeting frequency in arabidopsis (Shaked et al, has become a common method for introducing muta-
2005). Furthermore, HR frequency was stimulated in an tions into plant genomes (see Chapter 38-39). T-DNA
overexpressor of the arabidopsis gene encoding MIM, insertions require NHEJ activity and the situation is likely
which is one of the factors responsible for the structural to be similar in the case of transposon insertions. In con-
maintenance of chromosomes (Hanin et al, 2000). trast to ionizing irradiation-mediated mutation, inser-
The above discussion serves to highlight candidate tions of T-DNAs/transposons and retrotransposons
proteins that might create an open chromatin struc- are not always random. Rather, insertions of T-DNAs
ture during the process of DSB repair. Processive DNA are preferentially found in 5’-gene regulatory regions,
events, such as RNA transcription and DNA replication, polyadenylation site regions and A+T rich regions
(Gelvin and Kim, 2007). Similary, non-random distribu- HR repair in somatic cells. Investigation into the genetic
tions of T-DNAs and retrotransposons were observed in interactions of HR and other DNA repair pathways (see
rice (see Chapter 39). These results suggest that inser- Chapter 5) will certainly prove interesting.
tions of T-DNA/transposon/retrotransposon would One aim of the study of the molecular mechanisms
be biased dependent on loci, and further suggest that of HR in plants is to be able to establish efficient target
it is difficult to establish saturatation of mutation of a mutagenesis by gene targeting and to upregulate HR.
genome via T-DNA/transposon/retrotransposon inser- It remains unclear how a particular repair pathway,
tion, although the number of insertion mutation is still whether HR or NHEJ, is chosen, activated and regulated
growing. when DSBs occur. Recent studies have shown that the
Recently, an NHEJ-based targeted-mutagenesis frequency of HR is influenced by growth-stage, day-
strategy was developed in several oraganisms by using length, and temperature (Boyko et al, 2006). HR is also
synthetic zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) to introduce increased by induction of DSBs. Recently, it was found
a DSB at a specific site in the genome (see Chapter that ZFN can be used to introduce DSBs at specific loci,
40). Subsequent repair of the DSB by NHEJ produces and that such treatment drastically enhanced gene
deletions and/or insertions at the re-joining site. A targeting in several oraganisms (see Chapter 40). Gene
large number of DNA binding modules are currently targeting of rice has now been established (see Chapter
available and the method of constructing ZFNs is estab- 40), and gene targeting coupled with ZFN in rice will
lished. Thus, if a cleavage site in a gene of interest can be allow efficient, well-designed targeted-mutagenesis of
identified and a method for introduction of ZFNs into rice to be established.
the host plant cell is available, ZFN-mediated targeted
mutagenesis represents a powerful tool for saturation
mutagenesis of the genome. Acknowledgements
We thank our colleagues for many stimulating discus-
6.2. Future Perspectives sions. We acknowledge the financial support of a
PROBRAIN (Program for Promotion of Basic Research
The recent studies with arabidopsis mutants described Activities for Innovative Biosciences) grant to S.T. from
here have expanded the possibilities of investigating the the Bio-Oriented Technology Research Advancement
molecular mechanisms of DSB repair in higher plants. Institution (BRAIN) of Japan, and grants from the Ministry
Comparative studies of DSB repair in higher plants and of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery of Japan and budget
vertebrates have revealed many similarities. On the for Nuclear Research from the Ministry of Education,
other hand, several important differences between Culture, Sports, and Technology of Japan. M.E. was also
these two living systems have also emerged. supported by a fellowship from Grant-in-Aid for JSPS
One striking difference is the viability of DSB repair- (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).
deficient mutants in arabidopsis. Although the DNA
damage-checkpoint system in arabidopsis is similar to
that of vertebrates, mechanisms of downstream pro- 7. References
cessing, for example selection for repair or cell death,
might differ between higher plants and vertebrates. 7.1. Cited References
One relevant factor in this context is that the germlines Abe, K., Osakabe, K., Ishikawa, Y. et al. 2009. Inefficient
of plants are created at a late stage in development. double-strand DNA break repair is associated with
Genomic changes in somatic cells, especially in shoot increased fasciation in Arabidopsis BRCA2 mutants.
apical meristem cells, potentially risk transmitting Journal of Experimental Botany. 60: 2751-2761.
genomic changes to the next generation. Hence the Bleuyard, J.Y., Gallego, M.E. and White, C.I. 2006. Recent
genome integrity of shoot apical meristem cells should advances in understanding of the DNA double-strand
be maintained by error-free DNA repair pathways. To break repair machinery of plants. DNA Repair. 5: 1-12.
date, HR repair has been found to be less pronounced in Boyko, A., Zemp, F., Filkowski, J. et al. 2006. Double-
somatic cells, but fasciation phenotypes in HR-deficient strand break repair in plants is developmentally regu-
mutant plants may compensate for the requirement for lated. Plant Physiology. 141: 488-497.
Costa, S. and Shaw, P. 2006. Chromatin organization and Shaked, H., Melamed-Bessudo, C. and Levy, A.A. 2005.
cell fate switch respond to positional information in High-frequency gene targeting in Arabidopsis plants
Arabidopsis. Nature. 439: 493-496. expressing the yeast RAD54 gene. Proceedings
Endo, M., Ishikawa, Y., Osakabe, K. et al. 2006. of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 102:
Increased frequency of homologous recombination 12265-12269.
and T-DNA integration in Arabidopsis CAF-1 mutants. Whittle, C.A., Beardmore, T. and Johnston, M.O. 2001.
EMBO Journal. 25: 5579-5590. Is G1 arrest in plant seeds induced by a p53-related
Fritsch, O., Benvenuto, G., Bowler, C. et al. 2004. The pathway? Trends in Plant Science. 6: 248-251.
INO80 protein controls homologous recombination
in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell. 16: 479-485. 7.2. Further reading
Gallego, M. E., Bleuyard, J. Y., Daoudal-Cotterell, S. et al.
2003. Ku80 plays a role in non-homologous recom- Bennardo, N., Cheng, A., Huang, N. et al. 2008.
bination but is not required for T-DNA integration in Alternative-NHEJ is a mechanistically distinct path-
Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal. 35: 557-565. way of mammalian chromosome break repair. ProS
Gelvin, S.B. and Kim, S.I. 2007. Effect of chromatin upon Genetics. 4: e1000110.
Agrobacterium T-DNA integration and transgene Britt, A.B. 1996. DNA damage and repair in plants. Annual
expression. Biochemistry Biophysics Acta. 5-6: Review of Plant Biology. 47: 75-100.
409-420. Cann, K.L. and Hicks, G.G. 2007. Regulation of the cellu-
Green, C. M. and Almouzni, G. 2002. When repair lar DNA double-strand break response. Biochemical
meets chromatin. First in series on chromatin dynam- Cellular Biology. 85: 663-674.
ics. EMBO Report. 3: 28-33. Hamant, O., Ma, H. and Cande, W.Z. 2006. Genetics of
Hanin, M., Mengiste, T., Bogucki, A. et al. 2000. Elevated meiotic prophase I in plants. Annual Review of Plant
levels of intrachromosomal homologous recombina- Biology. 57: 267-302.
tion in Arabidopsis overexpressing the MIM gene. Li, X. and Heyer, W.D. 2008. Homologous recombina-
The Plant Journal. 24: 183-189. tion in DNA repair and DNA damage tolerance. Cell
Li, J., Vaidya, M., White, C. et al. 2005. Involvement of Research. 18: 99-113.
KU80 in T-DNA integration in plant cells. Proceedings Ma, Y., Lu, H., Schwarz, K. et al. 2005. Repair of double-
of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 102: strand DNA breaks by the human nonhomologous
19231-19236. DNA end joining pathway: the iterative processing
Li, W. and Ma, H. 2006. Double-stranded DNA breaks model. Cell Cycle. 4: 1193-1200.
and gene functions in recombination and meiosis. Roth, D.B. 2003. Restraining the V(D)J recombinase.
Cell Research. 16: 402-412. Nature Review Immunology. 3: 656-666.
McVey, M. and Lee, S.E. 2008. MMEJ repair of double- Shrivastav, M., De Haro, L.P. and Nickoloff, J.A. 2008.
strand breaks (director’s cut): deleted sequences and Regulation of DNA double-strand break repair path-
alternative endings. Trends in Genetics. 24: 529-538. way choice. Cell Research. 18: 134-147.
Stacey, N. J., Kuromori, T., Azumi, Y. et al. 2006.
Arabidopsis SPO11-2 functions with SPO11-1 in mei-
otic recombination. The Plant Journal. 48: 206-216.
Section 2
Mutagens and Induced Mutagenesis
Mutagenic Radiations: X-Rays, Ionizing
Particles and Ultraviolet
C.Mbaa,*,#, R.Afzaa and Q.Y.Shub
Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, Vienna, Austria
Present Address: Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
* Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Types of Radiation
2.1. Types and Features
2.2. Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiations
3. Ionizing Radiation
3.1. Atomic Structure and Isotopes
3.2. Types and Sources
3.3. Ionizing Radiations Applied in Plant Mutagenesis
3.3.1. X-Radiation
3.3.2. Fast and Thermal Neutrons
3.3.3. Alpha Particles
3.3.4. Beta Particles
5. References
1. Introduction Electromagnetic radiations are classified further into
different types, based on their source, but the most
The physical agents that cause damage to DNA mol- basic distinction lies in the amount of energy that is
ecules of a living organism are referred to as physical involved, their frequency and source. Table 7.1 provides
mutagens or mutagenic radiations. Early in the 20th cen- the characteristics of common types of radiation.
tury, the ‘rediscovery’ of Gregor Mendel’s work, now
known as Mendelian genetics, was followed closely 2.2. Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiations
by theories that mutations, the heritable change to the
genetic makeup of an individual, could be induced, Based on their capacity for producing ions, radiations
and induced mutations would mimic spontaneous are divided into ionizing and non-ionizing radiations.
mutations, the drivers for evolution and speciation (see Non-ionizing radiation can be strong enough to influ-
Chapter 1 & 2).The discoveries around the turn of the ence the atoms it comes into contact with although
19th century of X-rays (Roentgen, 1895), radioactivity not strong enough to affect their structure. By contrast,
(Becquerel, 1896), and radioactive elements (Marie ionizing radiation has enough energy to directly affect
and Pierre Curie, 1898) provided sound foundations the structure of atoms of impacted materials, includ-
for experimental mutagenesis. Muller and Städler’s pio- ing living plant and animal tissues. The term ‘ionizing’
neering discoveries of the mutagenic effects of X-rays on arises from the fact that when these forms of radiation
fruit flies and maize, respectively, transcended induced pass through a tissue, there is always the tendency to
mutagenesis to a reality in the late 1920’s (see Chapter dislodge an electron from its orbit around the nucleus
2 for more information on pioneering research). In the thereby producing an ion as the corresponding proton
past 80 years, physical mutagens, mostly ionizing radia- becomes positively charged (ionized).
tions, have been used widely for inducing hereditary
aberrations and more than 70% mutant varieties were
developed using physical mutagenesis 3. Ionizing Radiation
1. Electromagnetic radiation is energy that travels through free space or through a material medium in the form of electromagnetic
waves, such as radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma rays. It has wavelike properties such as
reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference, as well as particle like properties in that its energy occurs in discrete packets, or quanta.
All types of electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed, but vary in frequency and wavelength, and interact with matter differently.
2. Corpuscular radiation is made up of sub-atomic particles, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, or alpha particles, that travel in streams
at various velocities. All the particles have definite masses and travel at various speeds; while their mass is determined when they are
emitted from isotopes, their speeds can be further manipulated in various types of accelerators.
3. Ionizing radiation consists of highly-energetic particles or electromagnetic radiations that can detach (ionize) at least one electron from
an atom or molecule. Ionizing ability depends on the energy of the impinging individual particles or waves, and not on their number.
4. Non-ionizing radiation refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms
or molecules — that is, to completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule.
Table 7.1: Classification of radiations over the range of the electromagnetic spectrum 1
Frequency (Hz) Wavelength Nomenclature Typical source
Mutagenic radiations
Non-mutagenic radiations
while negatively charged electrons orbit the nucleus. The According to the IUPAC (International Union of Pure
number of protons in the nucleus is unique and deter- and Applied Chemistry) nomenclature, isotopes are
mines what material (element) the atom is. For example, named by giving the name of the element followed by a
if the nucleus contains 8 protons, the atom is oxygen, hyphen and the mass number - the sum of the neutrons
and that contains 17 protons, the atom is chlorine. The and protons, or number of nucleons, in the isotope’s
number of neutrons in the nucleus of all atoms of the nucleus, e.g. helium-3, carbon-12, carbon-13, iodine-
same element is not fixed. Atoms of the same element 131 and uranium-238. In symbolic form, the number
with different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. of nucleons is denoted as a superscripted prefix to the
For example, all atoms of the element carbon have 6 chemical symbol, e.g. 3He, 12C, 13C, 131I and 238U.
protons, but while most carbon atoms have 6 neutrons, When the nuclear forces holding the protons and neu-
some have 7 or 8. An isotope therefore refers to one of trons together at the nucleus of an atom are sufficient to
two or more atoms that have the same number of pro- overcome electrical energy that tries to push the pro-
tons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. tons apart, such an atom is said to be stable. An atom
An isotope is also referred to as a nuclide. A nuclide becomes unstable or radioactive when the number of
is any particular atomic nucleus with a specific atomic neutrons is above a certain limit, and is referred to as
number, Z and mass number A; it is equivalent to an a radionuclide, radioactive isotope or radioisotope.
atomic nucleus with a specific number of protons and For example, carbon-14 is radioactive while carbon-12
neutrons. The term isotope is more appropriately used and carbon-13 are stable isotopes. In the unstable state,
when referring to several different nuclides of the same some of the atom’s excess energy begins to escape in
element; nuclide is more generic and is used when the form of radiation. This may be in the form of alpha
referring only one nucleus or several nuclei of different (-) particles, beta (-) particles, or gamma (-) rays
elements. or combinations of all three. The process of emitting
the radiation is called radioactive decay. When the induced mutagenesis. A summary of ionizing radiations
nucleus of a radioactive isotope decays, emitting ion- that have been used in plant mutation induction is pre-
izing radiation, the nucleus is altered. It is transformed sented in Table 7.2.
into another isotope which in many cases is a different
element. This new isotope may be stable or unstable. 3.3. Ionizing Radiations Applied in Plant
If it is stable, the new isotope is not radioactive. If it is Mutagenesis
unstable, it also will decay, transforming its nucleus and
emitting more ionizing radiation. Several decays may be In general, ionizing radiations have the common prop-
required before a stable isotope is produced. erty of being able to cause the release of energy – called
ionizations or ion pairs – as they pass through matter.
3.2. Types and Sources However, they vary in their ionization capacities and
have unique properties (Table 7.2). In plant mutagen-
While most ionizing radiations are emitted from esis, the energy and penetration ability are the two
naturally decaying isotopes, they can also be produced key technical parameters that affect the effectiveness
artificially in reactors and further manipulated through of a mutagen, other factors, e.g. the availability of and
accelerators; the latter have also been used a lot in accessibility to the source, the suitability for treating a
Neutron Nuclear Uncharged particle, From less than Very hazardous Thick shielding of light Many cm
(fast, reactors or slightly heavier than 1 eV to several elements, such as
slow, and accelerators proton, observable only MeV concrete
thermal through interaction with
Alpha Radioisotopes A helium-nucleus, 2-9 MeV Very dangerous Thin sheet of paper Small
particles ionizing heavily sufficient fraction of a
Protons or Nuclear Nucleus of hydrogen Up to several Very dangerous Many cm of water or Up to many
deuterons reactors or GeV paraffin cm
particular type of plant tissue, the safety for both treat- from the atomic orbit. The energy lost as another elec-
ment and post-treatment management, the cost of tron, usually from the outer shell at a higher energy level,
treatment, can all affect the usefulness of a particular sheds its excess energy in order to occupy the void left
mutagen. by the ejected electron, and is emitted in the form of a
Since the 1960’s, gamma rays have become the most single photon of X-radiation.
commonly used mutagenic radiation in plant breeding Over the past century, various kinds of X-ray machines
(see Chapter 2); during the past two decades, ion beam have been produced for different applications, from
radiation has also emerged as an effective and unique medical imaging to airport security to non-destructive
mutagen (see Chapter 9 & 10). Other types of muta- phenotyping. Induced mutations were first generated
genic radiation, e.g. X-rays, - and - particles, neutrons in plants using X-rays by Städler (1928); however, no
and UV light, have also demonstrated usefulness in commercial X-irradiator was specifically and widely
plant mutation induction, either for particular types of adapted for mutation induction in plants. With continu-
material, or for particular purposes (e.g. fast neutrons in ing global security and safety concerns, it is becoming
inducing deletion mutations), and they are described in increasingly difficult to transport radioactive materials,
the following sections. like gamma irradiators. This is impacting negatively on
the procurement and establishment of new gamma
3.3.1. X-Ray Irradiation irradiation facilities as well as on the replenishment of
The X-ray was first discovered by Roentgen in 1895; this depleted sources. Consequently, the renewal of inter-
was achieved courtesy of a device called a Crooke’s est in X-irradiation as a viable alternative to gamma rays
tube, essentially a glass envelope subjected to a high is emerging. Some X-ray machines designed for tissue
vacuum, with a wire element at one end forming the irradiation seem to be potentially useful for mutation
cathode, and a heavy copper target at the other end induction due to both ease of operation and excellent
forming the anode. By applying a high voltage to these technical adaption.
two electrodes, electrons formed at the cathode are The Rad Source X-rays RS series (Rad Source
pulled towards the anode and in the process strike the Technologies Inc., Alpharetta, GA, USA), for example,
copper at very high energy levels. Roentgen discovered have proven to be equivalent to cesium-137 and cobalt-
that very penetrating radiations were produced from 60 sources as a blood irradiator; additionally, they are
the anode, which he called X-rays. now being used in various biological research assays
It is now known that X-rays can be produced whenever including the induction of genetic changes. These RS
high energy electrons impact a heavy metal target, like X-ray irradiators are cabinet-housed and require neither
tungsten, molybdenum or copper. On impact, some nuclear-specific certification nor specialised personnel
of the electrons will approach the nucleus of the metal for operation. Also, no special precautions, such as
atoms on account of electrostatic attraction between lead-lined rooms nor controlled access are required
the negatively charged electrons and the nucleus that for this series of X-ray irradiators. The obviation of these
has a net positive charge. An electron approaching the security provisions as well as the absence of the need
nucleus comes under the influence of a nuclear force for the eventual disposal of the cobalt-60 or cesium-137
which being stronger than the electrostatic attraction sources makes the X-ray option attractive. Although
decelerates the electron and deflects it from its origi- there has been no report on the use of such equip-
nal course, a phenomenon known as Bremsstrahlung ment, there is real potential that such X-irradiators may
(German for ‘braking radiation’). The deceleration and become preferred equipment for mutation induction in
deflection results in the loss of kinetic energy; the lost plants.
energy is emitted in the form of photons of radiation, i.e.
X-radiation. An electron may also approach the atom 3.3.2. Fast and Thermal Neutrons
directly and be stopped completely by the electrostatic Neutrons are uncharged atomic particles of varying
field; this type of collision results in all the energy of the levels of kinetic energy. A neutron emission can arise
electron being converted to a single photon of X-ray. naturally by being ejected from the nucleus during the
An atom that is hit by a high energy electron may also process of nuclear fission i.e. the splitting of an atom, a
become ionized through the dislodging of an electron process accompanied with the release of energy. The
Box 7.2: Types and features of neutron radiation
1. Fast neutron (Nf). A fast neutron is a free neutron with a kinetic energy level close to 1 MeV. Fast neutrons are produced by nuclear
processes such as nuclear fission, such as radionuclide 252Cf and 242Cm-Be
2. Thermal neutron (Nth). A thermal neutron is a free neutron that is Boltzmann distributed with kT = 0.024 eV (4.0×10-21 J) at room
temperature. Nth is produced through moderation of fast neutrons.
3. High energy neutron. These neutrons have more energy than fission energy neutrons and are generated in accelerators -- Low
energy ion accelerators such as Cock Walton or Van de Graaff types of accelerator, or high energy ion accelerators, such as electrostatic
accelerators and cyclotrons.
Burger and Broerse (1974)
collision of the ejected neutron with another atom coated with boron carbide (B4C) to minimise ther-
leads to another fission event resulting in the ejection mal neutron contamination. With this facility for the
of yet more neutrons. These in turn collide with other swimming-pool-type reactor, contamination of gamma
atoms leading to more fission reactions and the ejec- rays and thermal neutrons can be reduced effectively.
tion of yet more neutrons. This process is repeated An additional extension tube made of lead was used to
countless times over leading to a self sustaining chain minimise further gamma ray contamination as sample
reaction. Radioactivity is produced in the process as the chambers were transported into and out of the SNIF.
neutrons also, on account of the absence of a charge, The SNIF was movable and accurate dose rates could
impact on the nucleus rendering it unstable. In practice, be determined based on its distance from the core of
not all the neutrons contribute to the sustenance of the the reactor.
chain reaction; some pass from the core of the reactor Other similar facilities developed for neutron
through outlet ports and so could be used for other radiation include the Lucas Heights Laboratories of
purposes such as irradiation. Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering,
Neutrons can be mono-energetic and poly-energetic, a dedicated leg for handling irradiation of biologi-
and can be produced through nuclear fission and fur- cal samples was adapted on the 3 MeV Van de Graaff
ther processed into different types (Box 7.2). Neutrons Accelerator. Similarly, the USIF, for Uranium Shielded
produced through nuclear fission in nuclear reactors Irradiation Facility was used for TRIGA-type reactors.
are termed fast neutrons (Nf). When fast neutrons pass The a Standard Column Irradiation Facility (SCIF) was
through moderators such as carbon, hydrogen, paraffin designed similarly and used in thermal columns for
or water, their energy is gradually lost. When a neutron exposure of biological samples to thermal neutrons
has the energy of a gas molecule at room temperature, (Novak and Brunner, 1992).
it is known as a thermal neutron (Nth). Thermal neutrons The use of fast neutrons as a mutagen has so far
are the most common type of neutrons produced by limited due to various reasons. First, there are always
the preponderant gas-cooled and light water reactor accompanying contamination of -rays and thermal
types, and typically have different reaction profiles than neutrons in fast neutron irradiation, which cannot be
matter from fast neutrons. easily quantified nor can the individual effects of these
The FAO/IAEA Neutron Seed Irradiation Programme different types of radiation be measured; Second, the
(1966-1974) stimulated extensive international research accessible fast neutron facilities are limited and its
on the use of fast neutrons in seed mutation induc- operation is much more complicated and expertise and
tion (IAEA 1967, 1968, 1972). One of the outputs of the labour demanding and hence is less cost-effective than
program is the development of a Standard Neutron other type of radiations.
Irradiation Facility (SNIF) for swimming-pool-type
reactors (Burtscher and Casta 1967). The SNIF for 3.3.3. Alpha Particles
the now decommissioned ASTRA reactor of the An alpha particle is composed of two protons and two
Austrian Research Centre, Seibersdorf, Austria con- neutrons; it is essentially the nucleus of a helium atom
sisted of a 46cm long cylindrical tube of 43 cm diam- and hence positively charged and energetic. Alpha
eter. Constructed with lead (which effectively reduced particles are emitted in the course of the radioactive
gamma contamination), additionally the walls were decay of heavy radioactive elements such as uranium
and radium. The energy of - particles emitted varies, For external radiation, radiation facilities for the expo-
with higher energy particles being emitted from sure of plant propagules have also been developed.
larger nuclei, but most particles have energies of Bores and Bottinot (1974) described the design of stron-
between 3 and 7 MeV, corresponding to extremely tium-90 (90Sr) – yttrium-90 (90Y) radiation facility suit-
long to extremely short half-lives of -emitting nuclides, able for inducing mutations in plants. By exposing plant
respectively. Because of their charge and large mass, propagules to particles, no radioactive contamination
particles are easily absorbed by materials, and they can remains in the treated materials.
travel only a few centimetres in air. They lose energy Today, particles can be generated and transformed
rapidly when passing through matter and hence their into electron beams for sophisticated irradiations using
penetrability is relatively low compared with gamma electron beam technology. Electron beams can have
and X-rays (Table 7.1). However, particles are strongly the energy from a hundred thousands eV to several
ionizing, and with large enough doses can cause any MeV and can be used as mutagens (Shu et al. 2002),
or all of the symptoms of radiation poisoning. It is esti- however, their potential has not been explored widely.
mated that chromosome damage from particles is
about 100 times greater than that caused by an equiva-
lent amount of other radiation. 4. Non-Ionizing Radiation – Ultraviolets
The penetrability of particles into plant tissues is
very low hence external radiation of -particles is rarely Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, first described by Johann
used in mutation induction in crops. Recently, particle Wilhelm Ritter in 1801, is light energy emitted between
delivery mechanisms especially the charged-particle the wavelengths of 100 and 400nm, i.e. between the
microbeams have improved significantly in cancer electromagnetic spectrum of X-ray and visible light
therapy. This may also hold promise for alleviating the (Table 7.1). UV radiation is of relatively low energy (com-
constraints to the use of particles in induced crop pared with – and X-rays) and is not ionizing, i.e. does
mutations. Indeed, particles when managed with not dislodge electrons.
instruments can be considered as a special type of ion Ultraviolet radiation is further divided into different
beam radiation –helium ion beams (see Chapter 9). forms based on wavelength, i.e. Ultraviolet A (UVA) 315
- 400 nm, Ultraviolet B (UVB) 280 – 315 nm, Ultraviolet
3.3.4. Beta Particles C (UVC) 100 – 280 nm. UVC is the most energetic and
Beta particles are fast moving electrons emitted from biologically damaging, it is not found in sunlight as it is
the nuclei of many fission events, i.e. they are products absorbed by the ozone layer; UVB is the major muta-
of radioactive decay of unstable nuclei such as the genic fraction of sunlight; and UVA also has deleterious
isotopes, 32P and 35S. They can be either negatively or effects primarily because it creates oxygen radicals
positively charged but regardless of the charge, they which can indirectly damage DNA.
have a very small mass (approximately 1/2000 the mass The mutagenic effect of UVs derives from the fact that
of a neutron). As mutagens, they have the same effects it can react with DNA and other biological molecules
as X or -rays except that like particles, however, their since their wavelengths are preferentially absorbed by
low penetrability compromise their efficacy. bases in DNA molecules and by aromatic amino acids
To overcome the limitation of low penetrability of of proteins. UVB and UVC produce pyrimidine dimers
particles from radioactive isotopes, a few methods have on interaction with DNA; UVA produces very little of
been developed for plant mutagenesis. The simplest these. These pyrimidine dimers, on account of their
way to administer particles is by immersing plant ability to form lesions that interfere with transcription
materials (e.g. seeds or propagule) in 32P solution. The and DNA replication, lead to mutations, chromosomal
absorbed 32P is integrated into germline cells of M1 rearrangements and lethality.
plants and causes mutations. This method has been UV is produced from arc welding equipment and for
used successfully in the development of rice and cotton practical purposes UV is artificially produced by the
mutant varieties. However, since the plant materials are excitation of mercury vapour at low and medium pres-
contaminated with the source radioactive isotope, the sures. Instruments of UV radiation are relative cheap
safety becomes a concern in growing these materials. and available almost in every plant tissue culture or
molecular biology laboratory. However, due to the low Parker, S. 2007. McGraw and Hill Encyclopaedia of
penetrability, their use in plant mutagenesis has been Science and Technology, 10th Edition.
limited mainly for irradiation of materials and equip- Shu, Q.Y., Li, W.H., Xia, Y.W. et al. 2002. Biological effects
ment used in tissue culture. of electron beam on M1 plants in rice. J Nucl Agric Sci.
Gamma Irradiation
C.Mbaa,*,# and Q.Y.Shub
Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, Vienna, Austria
Present Address: Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
* Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
3. Mechanism of Ionization
4. Gamma Facilities
4.1. Gamma Cell
4.2. Gamma Phytotron
4.3. Gamma Glasshouse
4.4. Gamma Field
5. Safety Considerations
6. References
1. Introduction The physical parameters of 60Co and 137Cs make them
suitable as gamma sources (Table 8.1).
Among the physical mutagens, X- and (gamma) rays The decision on which type of gamma emitter is
are the most commonly used mutagens in mutation procured is usually based on the consideration of the
breeding. Over the past 40 years, the use of rays in relative merits of these parameters for the purposes for
mutation induction has become particularly prevalent, which the source is being installed. For instance, 137Cs
while the use of X-rays has been significantly reduced has a much longer half-life than 60Co, which probably
(Fig 8.1). The preference for the use of facilities for explains why it is the more commonly used in irradia-
irradiation is probably on account of both its wide tion facilities (both for mutation induction and for the
availability and versatility of use. During the past half sterilization of food products). In selecting between
century, gamma sources were installed in several types these two types of sources, it should also be borne
of irradiation facility. While numerous facilities have in mind that 137Cs and 60Co have different properties.
dual or multiple uses, e.g. for medical uses, mutation For instance, 13 times more 137Cs is required to gener-
breeding and food irradiation, some specially designed ate the same activity as 60Co; one curie (Ci) of activity
facilities have been constructed specifically for plant is generated by 0.88 mg and 11.5 mg of 60Co and 137Cs,
mutation induction and breeding, e.g. the Controlled respectively. Also, more than four times more activity of
Environment Radiation Facility of the Brookhaven Cs is needed to produce the same dose rate as 60Co.
National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA, which comprises Probably counterbalancing the foregoing is the fact that
gamma cells (consisting of lead shielded gamma emit- Co decays about six times faster than 137Cs. With half-
ters, 60Co and 137Cs), gamma phytotrons and gamma lives of 5.3 and 30 years, respectively, 60Co decays 12.3%
fields in which plants can be grown and irradiated per year as compared with 2.3% for the same period for
chronically. Cs. Also, less shielding is needed with 137Cs than with
Co as indicated by their respective tenth value layer
(TVL, the thickness of an absorber required to attenuate
2. Source of Gamma Rays a beam of radiation to one-tenth). Another important
feature of 60Co sources is that the radiations are com-
The naturally occurring isotope, potassium-40 (40K), is posed of 2 gamma rays which occur in the decay of
one source of rays in the environment. For practical 60
Co to nickel-60 (60Ni) and are present in equal num-
purposes, mutation induction in plants is achieved bers. Beta () particles are emitted from these 2 gamma
by gamma rays produced by the disintegration of the emitters but the encapsulation and self-absorption of
radioisotopes cobalt-60 (60Co) and cesium-137 (137Cs). the source imply that the -particles are of minimal
500 X-rays
No. of mutant variety
Gamma rays
Before 1961- 1971- 1981- 1991-
1960 1970 1980 1990 2008
Time period (year)
Table 8.1: Physical parameters of 60Co and 137Cs1
60 137
Parameters Co Cs
Applications Commercial gamma irradiation facility for Gamma cell, phytron, glasshouse
sterilization of foods and other items; gamma
field, gamma cell.
adapted from Briggs and Konzak (1977); TVL: tenth value layer
2. Compton scattering: This describes the photon-electron interaction in which an incident gamma photon loses enough energy to an
atomic electron to cause the ejection of the latter from the atom. The remnant energy retained by the incident photon is emitted as a new,
lower energy gamma photon with an emission direction different from that of the incident gamma photon. There is an inverse relationship
between the probability of Compton scatter and photon energy. Compton scattering is thought to be the principal absorption mechanism
for gamma rays in the intermediate energy range of 100 keV to 10 MeV, an energy spectrum.
3. Pair production:
The gamma photon on encountering the nucleus causes the production (ejection) of an electron and additionally the electron’s anti-matter,
the positron leading to the so-called electron-positron pair. The positron has the same mass as an electron, but it has a positive charge
equal in strength to the negative charge of an electron. Energy in excess of the equivalent rest mass of the two particles (1.02 MeV) appears
as the kinetic energy of the pair and the recoil nucleus. The positron has a very short lifetime (if immersed in matter) (about 10-8 seconds).
At the end of its range, it combines with a free electron. The entire mass of these two particles is then converted into two gamma photons
of 0.51 MeV energy each. When an electron and a positron interact, they will be annihilated, a term describing their ‘conversion’ to two
gamma-rays. It is plausible to infer that when a positron enters any normal matter, it will find an abundant supply of electrons with which to
The secondary electrons (or positrons) produced in any of these three processes frequently have enough energy to produce many
ionizations (knocking electron from their orbit) up to the end of range.
importance biologically (detailed consideration of rays pass through a tissue, the ionization process occurs
-particles as irradiation agents is treated separately through 3 main mechanisms: 1) the photoelectric effect;
in Chapter 7). 2) Compton scattering, and 3) pair production (Box 8.1).
As indicated above, 60Co produces greater radioactivity Gamma irradiation sources are commonly available in
than the same quantity of 137Cs. This should be borne many countries. The International Atomic Energy Agency
in mind with regard to dosimetry considerations in (IAEA) has supported its Member States in Africa, Asia,
radiation induced mutagenesis when using these two Europe and South and Central America in building dozens
different sources of gamma rays. In general, as gamma of gamma facilities through its Technical Cooperation
programme. Also, the IAEA, through its Plant Breeding Gammacell irradiators, designed for both vertical and
and Genetics Laboratory of the FAO/IAEA Division of horizontal loading of samples provide a uniform field
Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture situated at for the irradiation of samples. Gamma sources are
the IAEA Laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria provides commonly provided as a line source, similar in shape
gamma irradiation services for its Member States. to a pencil. Within a sample chamber, this shape ena-
Gamma instruments are divided into two main types bles the gamma exposure to be provided as a uniform
for mutation induction, acute and chronic irradiation dose over a larger distance than is the case for a point
facilities. Acute irradiation, implying the one time expo- source. The point source on the other hand projects
sure of plant parts (usually propagules) to irradiation, is the dose differently, as radiation coming from a single
most conveniently carried out in a purpose built labo- small point. When the distance from a line source is
ratory making use of gamma cells and other dual-use increased (about three times the length of the source)
irradiation facilities. On the other hand, gamma irradia- the line source acts as a point source. The exposure to
tion is also amenable for prolonged exposure of plant the operator standing about 30cm from the source, for
materials; when this is desired, the gamma source is instance, would be considered a point source due to
placed in a glasshouse, field or in a chamber under con- the distance from the source itself.
trolled environmental conditions so that plants can be
irradiated as they grow over extended periods of time. 4.2. Gamma Phytotron
The different adaptations of gamma sources for radia-
tion induced mutations are described below. A typical A gamma phytotron is a completely closed chamber in
gammacell irradiator is described as a source for acute which plants are grown under controlled environmen-
irradiation while a gamma glasshouse in Malaysia, a tal conditions and a gamma source is built for chronic
gamma field in Japan and a gamma phytotron in Korea irradiation. One such facility was built at the Advanced
are described as examples of facilities providing chronic Radiation Technology Institute (ARTI), Korea Atomic
irradiation for induced plant mutations. Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Jeongeup, Jeonbuk,
Korea. This chamber has a 60Co ionizing source with
4.1. Gamma Cell Irradiator radiation activity of about 400 curies (Ci). The source is
stored 1m underground and remotely raised for irradia-
The gammacell is the most commonly used irradiator as tion in operation room (Kang et al. 2010).
it can be adapted for several functions including radia- The phytotron at ARTI has functionality for housing a
tion induced mutagenesis and sterilization of foods (Fig range of plant materials from potted plants to cultured
8.2). The irradiators are suitable for seed irradiation callus. The materials destined for chronic irradiation are
as long as the size of the irradiation space is sufficient exposed to low doses of rays in the irradiation room
and the dose rate allows practical irradiation times. (Fig 8.3). Immediately adjacent to this room is the non-
µE/m2/s. All parameters are adjustable to suit desired
growth conditions of targeted plants.
Source: 800 Ci RSL6050 Caesium
400 Diameter (S1-S7) A Alert-Zone
300 Diameter (A1-A7) S Safe-Zone
600 - 900 Diameter (C1-C8) C Clear-Zone
The estimated dose rates are <0.011734 µSv per hour dyke 8 m high (Fig 8.4), which prevent primary radia-
on the outside face of the concrete biological shield (30 tion from reaching the outside area. The 60Co source
m diameter point); <0.004813 µSv per hour immediately has been renewed every 2 years since 1962. At the start
above the skyshine roof; and <0.000718 µSv per hour at of the operation, 20 hours (from 12 am to 8 am of the
the 150-meter diameter fence. Currently, the irradiator following day) daily irradiation has been conducted.
operates 20 hours daily (from noon to 8 am). It is shut Now, the daily irradiation time has been shortened to 8
down for maintenance and sample preparations for four hours (from 12 am to 8 pm) with extended restrict areas
hours and activated for another 20-hour irradiation. following the Recommendation of the International
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP, 2001).
4.4. Gamma Field Currently, the irradiation dose of the gamma ray at the
nearest point of the field (10 m from the 60Co source) is
A few large scale irradiation facilities – gamma fields approximately 2 Gy/day. This diminishes progressively
have been constructed around the world for chronic with increasing distance from the source, reducing by
irradiation treatment of growing plants. For example, 150 times at a distance of 100 m from the source.
Kawara (1969) estimated that more than 20 gamma The facility is especially suited for the irradiation of
fields, including the largest one of the Brookhaven large live plants in situ, and is utilized for chronic irradia-
National Laboratory (Upton, NY, USA) at that time, had tion for various crops. Plants such as fruit trees, mulberry
been established all over the world in 1969. Some of tree, tea tree, flowers, upland crops, rice etc. are grown
these are now decommissioned, such as the one at year round in the immediate vicinity of this facility; the
the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Gamma nearest plants are at a distance of 10 m radius while
Field in Sichuan Agricultural Academy of Agricultural the farthest are at a displacement of 100 m radius from
Science, Chengdu, China. However, the world’s largest the centrally located source. The facility is particularly
radiation facility for plant breeding – the gamma field at useful for the irradiation of large plants.
the Institute of Radiation Breeding (IRB), Ohmiya, Japan
has remained operational since it was commissioned in
1962 (Fig 8.5; Nakagawa et al. 2010). 5. Safety Considerations
The IRB gamma field is a circular field of 100m radius
(an area of 31,400 m2) with 88.8TBq Co-60 source at the The containment vessel of an irradiator is normally
center. The gamma field is surrounded by a shielding heavily shielded, typically with lead. The operation of
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 8.5 The gamma field at the Institute of Radiation Breeding, Ohmiya, Japan. a: An aerial view of the facility showing concentric rings of
crops grown in terraces around the irradiation source located at the centre of the field; b: A close-up image of the facility showing the irradia-
tion tower, crops being exposed to chronic irradiation and freshly prepared field for planting; c: A close-up image of the facility showing the
reinforced steel casing housing the 60Co source. (Courtesy of Dr. H. Nakagawa)
Box 8.2: Safety considerations in the use of a gamma irradiation facility (from Dalhousie University, Canada)
• Verify that the source is in the “OFF” position before attempting to open the chamber door. After placing the sample into the
chamber check the interlocks before placing the source in the active position.
• After using the irradiator, document use in the log book.
• The operator should stay outside the room when the unit has the source in the active position. If the sample is left in the irradiator for
an extended period of time while the operator is not attending the system, the area must be locked.
• In the event of a problem with the system, the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) should be contacted.
Gamma cells are commonly used for acute irradiation while gamma rooms and gamma fields are most suited for chronic irradiation
a gamma irradiation facility should in all cases be desig- 6. References
nated to a properly trained (and in many countries, duly
certified) operator. Recognising the potential hazards 6.1. Cited References
of unintended exposure to radiation, gamma irradiators
are usually set up for operation by remote control. The Briggs, R.W. and Konzak, C.F. 1977. Radiation types and
inherent safety provisions, including interlocks and other sources. In: Anonymous (ed.) Manual of Mutation
safety features, are built into all types of gamma irradia- Breeding. International Atomic Energy Agency,
tor, all aiming at minimizing any potential exposure to Vienna, Austria.
operators. These are designed to move the source into Ibrahim, R. 2010. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency Gamma
the safe position if the chamber is opened or other situ- Greenhouse. Plant Mutation Reports. 2:50-51.
ations arise. Administrative controls are established to Kang, S.Y., Kim, J.B., Lee, G.J. et al. 2010. Construction
make sure the area is clear and ensure that the operators of “gamma phytotron”: new chronic irradiation facil-
have the appropriate training. Control of access to the ity using 60C gamma-ray. Plant Mutation Reports.
facility is usually enforced through strict oversights on 2:52-54.
the handling of the key to the system. Quite importantly, Kawara, K. 1969. Structural characteristics and the expo-
workers using the system must be monitored for whole sure rates in the Japan’s Gamma Field. Gamma Field
body gamma exposures as well in accordance with Symposia. 6: 1-18.
the statutory provisions of the country. More detailed Nakagawa, H. 2010. Gamma radiation facilities at the
guides on safe usage of gamma irradiation facilities are Institute of Radiation Breeding. Plant Mutation
provided by the National Standards Handbook No. 73 Reports. 2:55-56.
(1960) while on-line resources include the websites of
the Dalhousie University, Canada. An adaptation of the 6.2. Websites
latter is provided in Box 8.2.
FAO/IAEA Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic Stock:
Radiation Safety Manual:
Ion Beam Radiation Mutagenesis
T.Abe*, H.Ryuto and N.Fukunishi
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction lished among radiation oncologists, physicists, and
biologists. This positive experience encouraged plant
Ion beams consist of particles traveling along a path. scientists to use the RIBF for radiation biology research,
The particles can vary on mass from a simple proton to which began in 1989. Plant breeding trials began in the
a uranium atom. Alpha rays for example can be consid- mid 1990s and the work on induced mutations in plants
ered as a helium ion beam, though usually ion beams is described below.
are generated through particle accelerators.
The history of ion beam research and its applications
trace back to the establishment of accelerator facili- 2. Ion Beam Radiation and Facilities
ties at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL, known
as Bevalac) in the United States, in 1970’s. Before the 2.1. Nature and Characteristics of Ion Beam
Bevalac, no particle accelerator could produce ion Radiation
beams with sufficient energy to pass through biological There are two significant differences between photons,
tissues. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values gamma-rays and X-rays and ions: 1) an ion has a mass
were determined for particles with relatively high ener- and 2) an ion has an electrical charge. By contrast pho-
gies and for relatively heavy ions at the LBL, and other tons, gamma and X-rays have neither. As the result, ion
facitlities in 1980’s. Biological effects depend on the beams provide a different linear energy transfer (LET).
local ionization density of the DNA. One of the dif- For example this is 0.2 ~ 2 keV/µm for gamma-rays and
ficult challenges of the 1990’s was to understand the X-rays, but is much larger and widely varying for ion
damage induced by ionizing radiation at the cellular beams, e.g. 23 keV/µm for C ion and 640 keV/µm for
and molecular (DNA) levels, and its relationship to bio- Fe ion.
logical effects. High-LET radiation, such as ion beams, causes more
The RIKEN RI-Beam Factory (RIBF, Japan) is a multi-dis- localized, dense ionization within cells than low-LET
ciplinary facility for high energy ion beam research. The radiation. As shown in Figure 9.1, the LET of ion beams
light ion beam, up to 135 MeV/nucleon (about half the changes dramatically with penetration distance. The
speed of light) was established since 1986. Shortly after peak of LET is achieved at the stopping point and known
it was used in cancer therapy, collaboration was estab- as the Bragg peak (BP) (Fig 9.1). In human cancer treat-
500 Ne ion
LET (keV/μm)
300 C ion
0 10 20 30 40 50
Range in Water (mm)
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 9.1 LET curves for Ne and C ion beam penetration in water. Water can be used as surrogate for soft tissues penetration in plants. A
beam of high energy penetrates a plantlet and/or plant tissue with rather low and uniform LET.
ment, the BP is used to target malignant cells. However, 2.2. Ion Beam Facilities for Plant Mutation
a uniform dose distribution is important for even and
reproducible mutagenic treatment, therefore plant The feature of ion beam generators that is probably
cells and organs are treated using ions with stable LET most suitable for the mutation breeding is that the accel-
(Fig 9.1). erator can provide more than 0.2 pnA of C-ion beam
The choice of ion beam depends on the character- at 100 MeV/nucleon. For plant mutation induction it is
istics of the ion with respect to electrical charge and preferable for the accelerator facility to have an exclu-
velocity. When a high LET is required a heavier, highly sive beam line with a beam spreading apparatus. There
charged ion is selected with a low velocity. Dose (in Gy) are a numbers of ion beam accelerators set up for medi-
is proportional to the LET (in keV/µm) and the number cal use all over the world, and several large heavy-ion
of particles. For example, the number of particles (N) accelerator facilities have been constructed. However,
passing an area of 1µm2 in the case of 1 Gy dose deposi- most accelerators for medical use provide proton
tion is given as, beams that have relatively low LET values, and the large
N = 6.24 / heavy-ion accelerators are sometimes fully devoted to
basic science (nuclear physics). Currently therefore, the
where is the LET value in keV/µm unit. number of accelerator facilities that are used for plant
mutation induction and breeding is limited.
Table 9.1: Parameters of ion beam accelerator facilities for plant breeding.
Facility Ion beam Energy LET Range in Water
(MeV/nucleon) (keV/µm) (mm)
N 135 31 34
Ne 135 62 23
Ar 95 280 8
Fe 90 640 4
C 26.7 86 2.2
C 41.7 52 5.3
N 80 43 15
O 70 62 10
Ne 70 96 8
Ar 69 327 5
Note that the LET and ranges for W-MAST, IMP, and LNS are the calculated values using the SRIM code (Ziegler et al. 2008) at the kinetic
energy written in the table.
Range Shifter
Wobbler Scatterer
Sample Changer
Table 9.1 shows a list of accelerator facilities in the twelve 12-cm-diameter aluminium energy absorbers
world that have been used for plant mutation breeding. attached to air cylinders (from 0.02 to 20 mm thick). The
These include the RIKEN RI-Beam Factory (RIBF, Japan), kinetic energy of the beam is absorbed by the energy
the Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation absorbers while passing through the range shifter, and
Application (TIARA, Japan), the Wakasawan Energy the decreasing kinetic energy of the beam results in
Research Center Multipurpose Accelerator System with increasing the LET. Therefore, the LET of the beam inci-
Synchrotron and Tandem (W-MAST, Japan), Institute dent on the samples can be adjusted using the range
of Modern Physics (IMP, China), and the Laboratori shifter. For example, the LET values from 22 to 285 keV/
Nazionali del Sud (LNS, Italy). µm of C ion and from 60 to 700 keV/µm of Ne ion can
be selected.
2.3. Ion Beam Preparation After the selection of the LET, the beam is used to irra-
diate samples, which is automatically positioned into
The RIBF consists of five cyclotrons and an injector the beam area using the automatic sample changer.
linac. An AVF cyclotron and a ring cyclotron, RRC, are
used to obtain the beams listed in Table. 1. The beam
accelerated by the cyclotrons is transported to the
E5B beam line, which is used exclusively for radiation
of biology experiments. Figure 2 shows the schematic
view of the E5B beam line. The approximately 5-mm-
diameter beam is transported from the accelerator
and transformed into an approximately 8-cm-diameter
beam with a uniform intensity distribution while passing
through the E5B beam line. There are various methods
used for spreading the beam, such as the raster scan
method, the double scattering method, and the wob-
bler scattering method (Chu et al. 1985); the wobbler
scattering method is used in the RIBF.
The automatic sample changer consists of a movable recombination (HR) is the major DSB repair pathway
table with six stages for cassettes. The sample contain- in micro-organisms. In the case of Arabidopsis irradi-
ers carrying the biological samples are placed into the ated with C ions in TIARA, half of the mutants produced
cassettes, and the cassettes are automatically moved had point-like mutations and the other half large DNA
to the beam position. Typical sample containers are: a alterations such as inversions, insertions, transloca-
plastic box (5 cm X 7.5 cm X 1.25 cm) for dry seeds and tions and large deletions (5.4-233 kbp, Shikazono,
scions, plastic Petri dishes (3, 6 and 9 cm diameter) for 2005). Several molecular analyses of C, N and Ne ion
imbibed seed and tissue culture material and plant box induced mutations in plants have been reported with
for cultured plantlets (Fig 9.3). The maximum number deletion sizes ranging from 26 bp to 18 kbp in RIBF.
of sample containers that can be automatically irradi- Carbon ions at 23, 40, 60 keV/µm and Fe ions (640
ated is more than 500 (Ryuto et al. 2008). keV/µm) induce point, insertion and deletion mutants
in Mesorhizobium loti, in which HR is the major repair
4 pathway (Ichida et al. 2008). Insertion and deletion
mutation rates for Fe ions were higher than that of C
ions. The size of the deletion seems to be dependent
Mutation Rate (%)
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme Initial studies showed that ion beams are highly effec-
Figure 9.4 Effects of heavy-ion beams on mutation induction in tive in inducing mutations using developing seed
embryos at a particular stage after fertilization without
damage to other plant tissues. Many types of mutants
including albino, sectorial chimera, periclinal chimera,
herbicide- and salt-tolerant phenotypes in M1 plants in
3. Biological Effects of Ion Beams tobacco (Abe et al. 2000). Exposure of plant materi-
als to an ion beam for a few seconds to minutes trig-
Ion beam irradiation is expected to produce double- gered various genetic changes. The sensitivity of plant
stranded DNA breaks. Mutations induced by ion beam materials to ion beam irradiation decreased in the
irradiation at the molecular level have been most following order: callus, developing embryos and stem
extensively studied in mammalian cells. The frequency nodes, imbibed seeds and scions, and finally dry seeds
of deletion is higher for ion beam irradiation than for (Table 9.2). Advantages of ion beam mutagenesis
gamma rays (e.g. Suzuki et al. 1996). On the other hand, include: low dose with high survival rates, induction of
ion beams can induce point-like mutants in yeast (e.g. high mutation rates and a wide range of variation. The
Matsuo et al. 2006) and red alga (Cyanidioschyzone use ion beam often alters only a single characteristic.
merolae, Ohnuma et al. 2007). These differences may Thus a new crop variety could be obtained by select-
be the result of different DNA repair systems between ing a mutant with a modification to a target trait while
animals and micro-organisms. Non-homologous end- retaining the existing valuable ones. The approach has
joining (NHEJ, see Chapter 6) leads to the rejoining been particularly successful in flower breeding.
of doubled stranded breaks (DSBs) after mammalian In 2002, the sterile Vervena mutant, “Temari Bright
cells are exposed to radiation, whereas homologous Pink” became the first flower developed and marketed
Table 9.2: Mutant lines developed in various crops using RIBF
Mutant phenotype / Variety, strain/Plant material treated Treatment Survival rate (%) / Mutation
plants (generation) Ion /LET (keV/µm) Dose (Gy) rate (%) 1
Chlorophyll deficient
using ion beam mutagenesis. The development period 5. References
of the new variety took only three years. Similar suc-
cesses were demonstrated by the new colour of Dahlia 5.1. Cited References
var. World (in 2002), the new sterile Verbena vars.
Temari Sakura Pink (2003) and Temari Momo (2006), Abe, T., Bae, C.H., Ozaki, T. et al. 2000. Stress-tolerant
the new colour Petunia var. Surfinia Rose Veined (2003), mutants induced by heavy-ion beams. Gamma Field
the new colour Dianthus var. Olivia Pure White (2008), Symp. 39: 45-54
the new colour cherry blossoms var. Nishina Zao Chu, W.T., Curis, S.B., Llacer, J. et al. 1985. IEEE Trans.
(2008), and the dwarf Delosperma vars. Reiko Rose Nucl. Sci. 32: 3321
and Reiko Pink Ring (2009). In addition three mutants Hayashi, Y., Takehisa, H., Kazama, Y. et al. 2007. Isolation
of sweet pepper: two dwarf plants and a yellow pepper of salt-tolerant mutants of rice induced by heavy-ion
have been developed through ion beam irradiation irradiation. RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 40 :253
(Honda et al. 2006). These mutant phenotypes are Hayashi Y., Takehisa H., Kazama, Y. et al. 2008a. Effects
recessive and due to single gene mutations. The isola- of ion beam irradiation on mutation induction in rice.
tion of monogenic homozygous recessive mutants in Cyclotoron and their applications. 2007: 237-239.
the M1 generation have not normally been described Hayashi Y., Takehisa H., Kazama, Y. et al. 2008b.
in other mutational studies as there are complications Characterizaion of salt-tolerant mutants of rice
with chimeras (see Chapter 15). However, ion beam induced by heavy-ion irradiation. RIKEN Accel. Prog.
treatment can induce homozygous recessive mutations Rep. 41 :234.
in nuclear genes that allow detection of mutants even Honda, I., Kikuchi, K., Matsuo, S. et al. 2006. Haevy-
in M1 plants (Abe et. al., 2000 and Imanishi et al. 2007). ion-induced mutants in sweet pepper isolated by M1
Hence, the time needed for developing a new variety plant selection. Euphytica. 152: 61-66.
using ion beam radiation can be significantly shortened. Ichida, H., Matsuyama, T., Ryuto, H. et al. 2008.
An international heavy-ion plant research consortium Molecular characterization of microbial mutations
has been organized with 125 national user groups and induced by ion beam irradiation. Mut. Res. 639:
11 international institutes. The consortium includes 101-107.
agricultural experimental stations, universities, seed Imanishi, S., Noguchi, A., Nagata, M. et al. 2007.
and horticulture companies. Recent results from the Construction of libraries of ‘Micro-Tom’ tomato
consortium involve studies in plant physiology, genet- mutations induced by heavy-ion bombardment.
ics, botany, and agriculture using mutants of many Acta Horticulturae. 745, 485-489.
species in the plant kingdom. Of note are 4 lines of Matsuo, Y., Nishinima, S., Hase, Y. et al. 2006. Specificity
salt-resistant rice, one of which has been grown in a of mutations induced by carbon ions in budding
saline paddy field with good yield (Hayashi et al. 2007, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mut. Res. 602: 7-13.
2008b). Other examples include: the development Morishita, T., Miyazawa, Y., Saito, H. et al. 2008.
of semi-dwarf buckwheat that is shorter and sturdier Semidwarf mutants of tartary buckwheat induced by
than normal varieties (e.g. Morishita 2008); and heavy-ion beam irradiation. RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep.
the development of mutants that enable the molecular 41 :232.
understanding of the mechanisms of flowering in sterile Ohnuma, M., Yokoyama, T., Inoue, T. et al. 2007.
eucalyptus and wheat (Shitsukawa et. al., 2006). Mutation induction by heavy-ion irradiation in
The ion beam irradiation technique induces mutations Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D. RIKEN Accel. Prog.
at a high rate without severely inhibiting growth at relatively Rep. 40: 252.
low doses. The irradiation treatment given to the various Ryuto, H., Abe, T., Fukunishi, N. et al. 2008. Heavy-ion
plant materials is short, only seconds or a few minutes, but beam irradiation facility for biological samples in
is enough to induce mutation. Thus, the ion beam is an RIKEN. Plant Biotech. 25 :119-122.
excellent tool for mutation breeding to improve horticul- Shikazono, N., Suzuki, C., Kitamura, S. et al. 2005.
tural and agricultural crops with high efficiency. Analysis of mutations induced by carbon ions in
Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Exp. Bot. 56: 587-596
Shitsukawa, N., Ikai, C., Shimada, S. et al. 2007. The Kazama, Y., Saito, H., Yamamoto, Y.Y. et al. 2008. LET-
einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) mutant, dependent effects of heavy-ion beam irradiation in
maintained vegetative phase, is caused by a dele- Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotech. 25: 113-117.
tion in the VRN1 gene. Genes and Genetic Systems. Kikuchi, S., Saito, Y., Ryuto, H. et al. 2009. Effects of
82:167-170. heavy-ion beams on chromosomes of common
Suzuki, M., Watanabe, M., Kanai, T. et al. 1996. LET wheat, Triticum aestivum. Mut Res. doi:10.1016/j.
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chromatin damage in human cells irradiated with Miyazaki, K., Suzuki, K., Iwaki, K. et al. 2006. Flower
accelerated carbon ions. Adv. Space Res. 18:127-136. pigment mutations induced by heavy ion beam
Ziegler, J.F., Biersack, J.P. and Ziegler, M.D. 2008. SRIM irradiation in an interspecific hybrid of Torenia. Plant
- The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter. SRIM Co. Biotech. 23: 163-167.
ISBN 0-9654207-1-X. Morishita, T., Yamaguchi, H., Degi, K. et al. 2003. Dose
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diation in buckwheat. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.
5.2. Websites Res. B206: 565-569.
Niwa, K., Hayashi, Y., Abe, T. et al. 2009. Induction and isolation of pigmentation mutants of Porphyra
nishina/radia/index.html yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) by heavy-ion beam irradiation. Physol. Res. 57: 194-202. Sasaki, K, Aida, R., Niki, T. et al. 2008. High-efficiency
improvement of transgenic torenia flowers by ion
beam irradiation. Plant Biotech. 25: 81-89.
5.3. Further Reading Shimada,,S., Ogawa, T., Kitagawa, S. et al. 2009. A
genetic network of flowering-time genes in wheat
Bae, C.H., Abe, T., Matsuyama, T. et al. 2001. Regulation leaves, in which an APETALA1/FRUITFULL-like gene,
of chloroplast gene expression is affected in ali, a VRN1, is upstream of FLOWERING LOCUS T. Plant J.
novel tobacco albino mutant. Ann. Bot. 88: 545-553. 58: 668-681.
Goodhead, D.T. 1994. Initial events in the cellular effects
of ionizing radiations:clustered damage in DNA. Int.
J. Radiat. Biol. 65: 7- 17.
Ion Implantation Mutagenesis
H.Y.Feng and Z.L.Yu*
Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Anhui Province, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, CAS, P.O.BOX 1126, 230031 Hefei, China
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Underlying Principles
2.1. Energy Loss
2.2. Mass Depositing Reaction
2.3. Charge Exchange
2.4. Dose and Dose Response
5. References
1. Introduction not need expensive equipment, it has been proven to
be efficient in inducing important mutations and it has
As presented in Chapter 9, heavy ion mutagenesis become an important new mutation method for plants
involves an ion beam that is generated through a heavy and microbes. The underlying principles, techniques
ion accelerator and has an ionic mass number (A) and methods of ion implantation mutagenesis, and its
greater than 4 (A>4), and an ionic energy more than a application in plant mutation breeding are described
million electron volts (MeV; Tsuji et al. 1998). A heavy below.
ion accelerator consists of an ion source, ion implan-
tor (low energy accelerator), main accelerator and
terminal. In general, ionic energy extracted from an 2. Underlying Principles
ion implantor is in the range of thousands of electron
volts (keV) in a heavy ion accelerator. Ion beams with Radiation damage to organisms induced by ionizing
the range of keV energy are commonly used for other radiation is often considered to be primarily from the
purposes than mutagenesis, for example, ion implanta- energy transferred along the ray path. It is now clear that
tion into materials and ion beam analysis. the particle mass after losing all its energy can also have
Ion implantation is a method of implanting impuri- an impact. The term “damage” usually refers to DNA
ties below the surface of a solid. It is usually used for structural changes. Compared with high-energy ioniz-
modifying surface properties of bombarded materials ing radiation, the molecular damage resulting from ion
(Ziegler and Manoyan, 1988). In the mid-1980’s, authors implantation is characterized by the combined effect
of this chapter discovered the bio-effects induced by of energy deposition, mass deposition and charge
ion implantation into plant seeds. The energies of ions exchange between ions and the various targeted com-
used in these experiments (~keV) were 3 to 5 orders pounds in an organism.
of magnitude lower than those typically used in heavy
ion beam mutagenesis. It had generally been assumed 2.1. Energy Loss
that ~keV ions could penetrate into water with a depth
that was far too small to induce biological aberrations. From an atomic collision point of view once collisions
However, when the implantation dose (number of ions occur the energy loss laws remain the same, regardless
implanted) was sufficiently high, yellow stripes were of the atomic complexity of the biological target and
observed on the leaves of rice, maize and wheat M1 regardless of when and where the target atoms are hit.
plants grown from seeds implanted with 30 keV nitro- When ions are implanted into cells, they transfer some
gen ions. This was similar to the observation on maize of their energy to a target atom through nuclear or elec-
leaves in the Apollo-Soyuz space flight experiment, and tron collision energy loss (Box 10.1).
these yellow characteristics could be stably inherited to For a solid film, e.g. metal or a semi-conductor film,
later generations (Yu et al. 1991). the distribution of the atomic volume density is contin-
Little attention had been paid until recently to interac- uous and homogeneous; the defects can be described
tions between low-energy ions and matter compared at an atomic level. In other words its mass-thickness in
to high-energy ions; there had been almost no study on direction of incident ions is the same everywhere, so
the effects of low-energy ions on complex organisms the -particle transmission energy spectra (i.e, particle
such as plant seed. At present, it is generally accepted energy - lose energy) in a solid film should consist of
that molecular damage induced by high-energy ion- a single energy peak. For biological materials, such as
izing radiation is actually the combined result of a seed, since the distribution of the atomic volume den-
multitude of low-energy (a few to several hundreds eV) sity is much more complicated, there are many voids
events, including secondary particles (electrons, free such as channels or holes in the specimens, hence the
radicals, ions and segment molecules) caused by ioniz- energy transfer is different compared to solid film. It
ing radiation in an ion track (Michael and O’Neil, 2000). is thought that fluctuations in the incident ion energy
The discovery of mutation effect of ion implantation has loss along the direction of the ion trajectory is charac-
opened a new branch in plant mutagenesis. Since the terised by a beaded energy deposition due to the voids
ion implantation technique is relatively simple and does in which there is no energy loss when ions traverse
Box 10.1: Glossaries of ion implantation mutagenesis
1. Nuclear collision energy loss: an ion transfers some of its energy to a target atom and is deflected through a large angle, the energy
transferred causes the target atom to be displaced; this is a nuclear collision process involving an interaction between an energetic ion
and the atom hit. The energy transferred from the ion to the hit atom is termed ‘nuclear collision energy loss’.
2. Electron collision energy loss: The moving ion transfers some of its energy to the electrons of the atoms it collides with causing
ionization or excitation or electron capture. The energy loss in each collision in this case is relatively small and the ion undergoes only
a small deflection. This is an electron collision process involving an interaction between the energetic ion and atoms hit. The energy
transferred to the electrons of atom hit is termed ‘electron collision energy loss’.
3. Ionization and excitation: The outer-shell of electrons of an atom absorb radiation energy in atomic physics, these electrons gain
energy and jump to a higher energy state, known as an ‘excited state’. The process is called ‘excitation’. If the absorbed energy is sufficient
the outer-shell electrons can break away from atom, this process is termed ‘ionization’.
4. Alpha particule transmission energy spectrum: An energy spectrum is a distribution of energy among a large assemblage of particles.
For any given value of energy, it determines how many of the particles have that much energy. The particles may be electrons, photons,
alpha or a flux of elementary particles. Alpha particle transmission energy spectrum is the energy spectrum resulting from alpha particule
penetration into matter.
these voids. Figure 10.1 shows the -particle transmis- The energy spectrum given in Figure 10.1 obviously
sion energy spectra in a piece of tomato skin (apparent shifts to the high energy side, equivalent to the appar-
thickness: ~50 µm) before and after ion implantation. ent thickness of the tomato skin to be thinned by 7.5–9.1
Before ion implantation, the energy spectrum of the µm. The thinnest of mass-thickness is almost zero, there
experimental system has a very broad distribution. This appears to be a completely free -particle peak at
indicates a heterogeneous distribution of the spatial channel 933 in the spectrum (5.484MeV). This indicates
structure of the tomato skin, where areas with very small that the low-energy ion beam can etch away the tomato
mass-thickness (mass each unit area, g/cm2) exist. fruit coat and dig paths that can connect the voids (that
103 5.484MeV α
in a natural situation are isolated from each other) in the not naturally occur in peanut (or in the cutter blade in
direction of ion incidence. Thus, in further treatments PIXE analysis) the vanadium detected in this experiment
this allows deeper penetration. can be only a result of implanted vanadium ions. These
results demonstrated that the range of 200 keV V ions
2.2. Mass Depositing Reaction implanted in the peanut seed is of about three orders of
magnitude greater than that in water, though water has
The ion concentration-depth distribution in the almost the same mass thickness as peanut seed.
implanted samples can be detected by nuclear analy- When ions are implanted into organs, tissues or
sis. Figure 10.2 shows the ion concentration-depth cells, the deposited ions may react with nearby atoms
distribution in a peanut seed implanted with 200 keV and molecules. The reaction products may be stable
vanadium (V) ions (Zhu et al. 2001). In this experiment, or unstable (excited). The unstable products can par-
a dry peanut seed was fixed in a specially made mould ticipate in further reactions and eventually a balance is
and put onto a slicer to remove part of the seed. The reached. The most simplified demonstration of this is
seed was placed in the target chamber with the cut when ice water was implanted with 30 keV 13C+ at abso-
side facing the ion beam and then implanted. After ion lute temperature scale 16K, H2O2, 13CO2, and 13CO were
implantation, the sample was packed with paraffin, put formed (Strazzulla et al. 2003). Similarly, nitrogen ion
onto the slicer again at the original position and sliced implantation into NAA (Naphthyl Acetic Acid, with MW
into 15-µm pieces. Each piece was analyzed using the of 186, Fig 10.3a) can produce new products and deriv-
proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique for atives (Huang et al. 1996). It should be noted that there
V-ion concentration. Scanning electron microscopy is no nitrogen atom in the molecular structure of NAA.
was used to investigate the V concentration distribu- After nitrogen implantation, new molecular structures
tion in more detail for the first piece (0 – 15 µm). The in the implanted NAA sample were detected through
V peak in the first 0 – 15 µm was very high and about GC-MS analysis. Its mass spectrum suggests a molecular
98% of V is deposited in this region. The peak rapidly weight of 267 g/mol. This new molecule is expected to
decreased in the second slice (16 – 30-µm) and contin- contain a nitrogen atom according to chemical valence
ued to decrease in subsequent slices. In the region of theory (Fig 10.3). These experiments demonstrated that
121 – 135 µm, the V concentration was close to the limits ion implantation into organic molecules can result in
of PIXE detection. Since the element vanadium does the formation of new molecules.
Gaussian fit to Data_V+ of 200keV
Area Center Width Offset Height
10 1.274E6 4.3594 8.8175 0 1.1528E5
Relative concentration
-15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
d / μm
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.2 The relative concentration-depth distribution of 200 keV vanadium ions implanted in peanut seed measured by the PIXE
a b
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.3 The molecular structure of NAA (above), and the structure of main product after nitrogen ion implantation into -NAA. (a) prod-
uct; (b) derivative of product.
2.3. Charge Exchange and other physiological changes occur. In the case of
interactions between energetic ions and biological
The surface of a biological sample, such as a cell, con- organisms, energy deposition plays a role on ionizing
tains negative ion groups that can be observed to move radiation in damaging the ionized groups on the surface
to the anode during electrophoresis. When subject of the biological target. The important factor here is the
to incident ionizing radiation, the number of ionized charge exchange in the electro-characteristics of the
groups on the surface of implanted samples is changed. sample.
Dissociation and topography change the cell-cell inter- Since biological organisms are not good electrical
action, the interaction between Ca+ ions and the cell conductors, the accumulated surface charge is not
membrane, the ion permeability of the cell membrane, immediately released. Instead, the charge is maintained
Microscope A+ A+ A+
+ -
+ + ++ +
+ + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + +
+ + +
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.4 Schematic of electrophoresis (A) and mode of change in electrical characteristics of Tyr (B).
long enough to change the electrical characteristics value. Therefore, the absorption dose, defined as the
of the sample surface, which can be examined using energy absorbed per unit mass, is the only major param-
capillary-electrophoresis. For example, when positive eter that is used for characterizing radiation effects.
ions are implanted in minute biological molecules, with It should be noted that, for ion implantation mutagen-
the increase of implantation doses, the electrical char- esis, it is not sufficient only to consider energy absorp-
acteristics of implanted molecules change accordingly. tion. Factors related to ion implantation-induced
Figure 10.4 shows the electrophoresis behavior in the biological effects, as distinct from those due to radia-
capillaries of the tyrosine (Tyr) crystal after ion implanta- tion, include not only energy deposition (and momen-
tion (Shao et al. 1997). Tyr is an electro-negative mol- tum transfer), but also mass deposition and charge
ecule and moves to the anode during electrophoresis. exchange. In brief, in the case of ion implantation the
When implanted with positive ions, it will slow down, influencing factors are threefold: 1) the simultaneous
stop and move towards the cathode as the implantation input of energy, 2) substance and 3) charge of the bio-
dose increases (Fig 10.4). logical organism. Parameters quantifying energy depo-
sition, mass deposition and charge exchange should be
2.4. Dose and Dose Response used in assessing biological effects of ion implantation
mutagenesis. However, for the convenience, the noun
In radiobiology, biological effects appear when a bio- “dose” is still used in ion implanatation, the unit is ions/
logical organism absorbs radiation energy over a critical cm2.
Relative survival rate
14 15 16
10 10 10
+ -2
Dose/N .cm The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.5 Relative survival rate – dose response of DNA with nitrogen ion implantation.
Since there are intrinsic differences between ion ion beam bombardment. Therefore, the diameter of
implantation and radiation, it is reasonable that the the ion beam should be as large and homogeneous as
responses of biological organisms to ion implantation possible. Although processing biological samples calls
are different from other ionizing radiations. A typical for some special requirements, the basic structure of
dose-response curve is presented in Figure 10.5; it is an ion beam facility used for mutation induction is not
worth noticing that there are oscillations, while the sur- greatly different from that of an industrial ion implanter
vival rate goes down with dose strength, i.e. the survival (and in some respects simpler).
rate experiences a process of slowly dropping – slightly Figure 10.6 is a schematic diagram of a device used in
ascending – rapidly decreasing (Joiner et al. 2001). This mutation research. In the ion source part (1), an electri-
phenomenon of survival-dose response is universal in cal discharge in gas or vapor produces plasma. Energy
ion implantation mutagenesis of plants. of ions extracted from the plasma by the extraction
electrodes can generally reach ~ 50 keV. The ion beam
is focused by a focal magnet (2) to run towards a magnet
3. Technical Aspects of Ion Implantation analyzer (3). Ions with the same mass to charge ratio
Mutagenesis (m/z) are sorted by the magnet analyzer to the accel-
eration section (4), here ions can be accelerated and
3.1. Facility energy of ions can be reached in the range of hundreds
keV. The accelerated ions enter into a target chamber (5)
A large quantity of samples, such as seeds, propagules, and are implanted into the seeds on a sample disk (6).
in vitro cultures, etc, need to be treated to establish For monitoring the ion beam parameters, various meas-
M1 populations of reasonable size. In ion implantation urement systems are installed (7). Some of the extracted
mutagenesis, because of the limited penetration ability ions in passage between the ion source and the mass
of ion beams, each seed must be directly exposed to analyzer are partly neutralized by charge exchange of
1 2 3 8
ions and gas molecules; they are not deflected by the system is usually composed of two, three or four elec-
magnet analyzer, and hit directly a sample disk in a all- trodes. It is possible for three- or four-electrode extrac-
pass target chamber (8). Here the bio-effects induced tion systems to form beams of ions with energy up to a
by the implanted particles without charges could be hundred keV. If ionic energy from a ion source is further
studied. raised, to several hundred keV on request, ions will be
The ion source consists of two basic parts: the plasma accelerated in an accelerating tube. There are several
generator and the ion extraction system. The extraction aligned ion extraction holes or slits on each electrode.
Lufanqie No. 7 High yielding, big fruit Nitrogen ion/ 5x1015ions/cm2 1997
Corn (maize)
Wanyu No. 10 High yielding, high sugar Nitrogen ion / ~1.0x1017ions/cm2 1999
17 2
Wanyu No. 14 High yielding,opposite leaves Nitrogen ion/ 0.8~1.2x10 ions/cm 2000
Wanyu No. 15 High yielding, high sugar, opposite Nitrogen ion/ 1.5~1.8x1017ions/cm2 2003
Wanmai No. 32 High yielding, high disease Nitrogen ion/ 4.0~6.0x1016ions/cm2 1997
Wanmai No. 43 High yielding, resistant to smut Nitrogen ion/ 3.0x1016ions/cm2 1999
Wanmai No. 54 High yielding, resistant disease Nitrogen ion/ 2.8x1016ions/cm2 2003
Wandao No. 20 High yielding, short stature period Nitrogen ion/ ~2.6x1016ions/cm2 1994
(S9042) resistant to disease
Wandao No. 42 High yielding, resistant to rice Nitrogen ion/ ~3.0x1016ions/cm2 1994
(D9055) blast
Wandao No. 44 High yielding, high quality Nitrogen ion/ 2.4~2.8x1016ions/cm2 1999
16 2
Wandao No. 45 High yielding, resistant to disease Nitrogen ion/ 1.5~3.5x10 ions/cm 1996
Wandao No. 48 High yielding, resistant to rice Nitrogen ion/ 4.0~5.0x1016ions/cm2 1999
Wandao No. 60 High yielding, high quality, Nitrogen ion/ 2.0~2.5x1016ions/cm2 2000
resistant to rice stripe disease
Wandao No. 71 High yielding, cold tolerance Nitrogen ion/ ~6.0x1016ions/cm2 1999
15 2
Wandao No. 96 High yielding, high quality, direct Nitrogen ion/ ~30x10 ions/cm 2006
Wandao No. 143 High yielding, for direct sowing Nitrogen ion/ ~65x1015ions/cm2 4005
16 2
Fengyou 293 High yielding, long-term storage Hydrogen ion/ 1.2~1.5x10 ions/cm 2006
Zhongyou 292 High yielding, long-term storage Hydrogen ion/ ~150x1015ions/cm2 2006
Wandao No. 179 High yielding, high quality, short Nitrogen ion/ 8.0~8.5x1016ions/cm2 2006
growth period
Jindou No. 28 High yielding, large grain Argon ion/ 3.0~5.0x1016ions/cm2 2004
Fengdou 103 High yielding, large grain, black Nitrogen ion/ 6.0~8,0x1016ions/cm2 2005
A wide ion beam can be obtained using multi-holes siderable heat and the temperature of the cell or callus
extraction electrodes. rapidly decreases. When a phase balance is reached,
In practice a device for ion implantation mutagenesis the temperature at the interface of the two phases is
could be simpler than the one described above. The below 0oC. Thus the water at the cell or callus surface
focusing system, magnet analyzer and acceleration will freeze to form an ice shell and prevents the water
section may not be necessary for simplified devices. inside the samples from evaporating further. For fixed
Figure 10.7 shows a schematic of such a simplified vacuum pressure (i.e. the vapour pressure remains
device. The ion source on this device is similar with the stable), the temperature of the ice shell surface is con-
one shown in Figure 10.6 but installed vertically. The stant. Such a low temperature is harmful to living cells
extraction system consists of three electrodes, each with no anti-freezing protection.
with 19 holes; the energy of extracted ions can reach
to 50 keV. Ion beams of 15 cm in diameter are directly 3.2. Methods in Sample Preparation and
targeted, without being analysed or further accelerated, Treatment
onto the seed sample disk on the turnplate 80 cm in
diameter below the extraction electrode. The big target 3.2.1. Sample Preparation
chamber is 1.0 m in height and 90 cm in diameter. The Because the ion penetration range is limited, each
centre-line of ion beam is 35cm away from the center- seed must directly be bombarded by ion beam. Proper
line of the big target chamber. The device has another preparation of samples is helpful and sometimes
small chamber underneath the big chamber, separated essential for increasing the efficiency of ion implanta-
by a valve, for treatment of samples with high water tion mutagenesis. Since the ion beam is produced in
content, such as microbes, cells, calli etc. vacuum, it is essential to protect samples with a high
When the valve is opened, cell or callus samples in water content to attain a reasonable survival rate after
the small chamber are suddenly exposed to a vacuum bombardment.
in the big chamber, evaporation of water removes con-
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.8 Device for ion implantation mutagenesis.
Table 10.2: Types and rates of aneuploid plants obtained by N-ion implantation in wheat and rye
Tested No. of euploid Ion dose No. of individuals No. of Type of Rate
material chromosome (1016 cm-2) chromosomes aneuploidy (%)
2 29 27 2n-1 6.89
3 36 27 2n-2+1t 2.78
3 36 27 2n-1 5.56
3 36 26 2n-2 2.78
4 33 26 2n-2 6.06
4 33 27 2n-1 3.03
4 33 29 2n+1 3.03
10 Vegetatively Propagated Crops Although the ice shell surface can in theory prevent
For vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs), bud tips more water from evaporating, it has been observed in
should be used for ion implantation. In sample prepara- experiments that after cells have been pumped for 20
tion, it is not advisable to take only young buds; a piece min, the entire cell pellet is transformed into icy dusts. It
of stem or a segment of twig should also be included. is also reasonable to assume that all the ice in the cells
The stem piece (such as for sweet potato) and twig will be evaporated eventually.
(such as from poplar or fruit trees) should be wrapped A real-time measurement indicates that cell tem-
with plastic film and smeared with a low melting point perature decreases gradually from room temperature
wax, so that only the bud tip is exposed to ion beam. to near 0oC when the pressure goes down from 1 atm
The prepared stem piece or twig is fixed on the sample to 1000 Pa (pre-pumping in the small chamber for ~
support with bud tips oriented toward the ion beam. 12 s) (Fig 10.9). After the isolation valve is opened, the
cell temperature drops to -28 oC in about 100 s as the Cells and Calli pressure diminishes from 1000 to 100 Pa. When the
Cell and callus samples will undergo pressure changes pressure continues to decrease, the temperature fall
when loaded into the vacuum chamber. Cells and calli becomes slower implying either complete dehydration
contain a large quantity of water, and their status in a or a frozen ice solid. This rapid cooling rate and low
vacuum is completely different from that of crop seed. temperature deactivate the cells (Feng et al. 2004).
For simplicity, a cell can be considered to be a water The poor vacuum tolerance of living cells and calli
droplet. When a group of cells is placed under vacuum, indeed presents a big obstacle to ion beam mutation.
water evaporation can cause a precipitous drop of It is thus important to find means to mitigate the effects.
temperature in the cells, and the lower the pressure in A set of ‘‘glycerol and freezing, then vacuum’’ protocols
the chamber, the lower the cell temperature. When the can protect the treated cells and calli in a vacuum, for
liquid–vapor equilibrium is reached, the temperature at example, high glycerol concentrations (15% and 20%)
the interface of the two phases is constant. According to have better cell protection effects against vacuum
the pressure-temperature equilibrium theory, the tem- stress, and pretreatment with 20% glycerol increases
perature of pure water would be below -70oC when the cell survival rates from less than 1% to greater than 12%.
pressure reaches 1.33Pa. Thus, cells begin to freeze from
the surface upon evaporation and an ice shell is formed.
3.2.2. Ion Implantation and Dose Control very sensitive to the discharge gas pressure and the
The ion beam mutation facility at the Institute of Plasma electric field and magnetic field configuration in the
Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences is used here as beam line, and they may not remain constant through-
an example for illustrating the process of ion implanta- out a long time run. The measurement is carried out
tion (Fig 10.7 & Fig 10.8). Crop seeds are inserted one when the beam is interrupted, and thus the time is not
by one on the sample disks/holders in advance. On the counted toward the applied dose.
day of implantation, before applying vacuum pump- The small target chamber is designed particularly for
ing, the sample disks are placed on the turnplate in the treatment of high-water content samples, such as cells,
big chamber (Fig 10.10). Six to ten sample disks can calli and small stems. The volume ratio between the
be simultaneously placed on the circumference of the big chamber and the small chamber is 600:1. The small
turnplate. It normally takes about 1 hour for the cham- chamber has a sterile environment (Fig 10.11). When
ber pressure to reach 0.001Pa which is appropriate to samples are moved into and out of the small chamber,
start implantation. After ion implantation is completed sterile air is blown in to ensure that the samples are not
for one sample disk, another sample disk will be rotated contaminated.
to the treatment position.
Before ion implantation, the dose rate should be
measured. Ion implantation of biological samples usu-
ally makes use of an intermittent (repetitively pulsed)
implantation mode. The number of ions implanted in
each implantation pulse time is known and thus the
total ion implantation dose can be calculated from the
total implantation pulse times. For example, samples
in a sample holder are implanted once a time with
an actual implantation on-time of 5 seconds and the
implantation dose rate is 5 × 1014 ions/cm2 per implanta-
tion time of 5 seconds; thus in a total of 50 implantation
times the total dose received by the samples is 50 × 5 ×
1014 ions/cm2 = 2.5 × 1016 ions/cm2.
The dose rate should be measured not only before
implantation but also during ion implantation if a The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
high dose (and hence a long implantation duration) is Figure 10.11 A culture plate with calli is loaded into the small cham-
required. This is because the ion beam parameters are ber, sterile air is blown towards the laboratory assistant.
4.1. Uniqueness of Ion Implantation Mutagenesis Several mutants with novel characteristics were
induced by ion implantation mutagenesis. The maize
• Safety and security: there is no requirement of mutant with opposite leaves was identified in progenies
radioactive isotopes (compared with gamma of the inbred line Yellow 48 after treatment of 30 keV N+
sources) and there is no toxic chemical waste implantation; it is characterized by decussate phyllotaxis
(chemical mutagen), hence it is safe, secure and fruits throughout the life cycle (Fig 10.12). The leaf
and user friendly. number and total leaf area of this mutant is increased
• Cost-effectiveness: it is cheaper and easier to by almost a factor of two compared with other maize.
build such a facility, and low running cost. This mutant might be used for studies on the genetics,
• Low physiological damage to M1 plants means phylogeny, phytomer modeling, plant physiology, plant
that the population size of M1 plants can be taxonomy, and breeding of maize.
reduced relative to other mutagenic methods. In another example, ion implantation into seeds of
perennial woody plants, such as gingko, Chinese chest-
4.2. Breeding of New Varieties nut and sea buckthorn, could be used to curtail their
juvenile stage. Figure 10.13 shows gingko at the first year
Since the discovery of its mutation effect, ion implan- of juvenile stage when the ion implanted seeds have
tation has been used in breeding of various plant spe- grown.
cies. In addition to main crops, it has been proven to
be useful for other plant species, such as Ephedraceae,
clover, ginkgo and Chinese chestnut. As a result, twenty
two new varieties were bred by authors’ laboratory, and
released during 1994-2006 in China (Table 10.1).
Among the released mutant varieties, a few varieties
have already been widely grown. The wheat variety
Wanmai 54 (also known as Wan 9926, Table 10.1)
showed excellent performance in trials and farmers’
fields, e.g. high yielding and resistance to head blight,
its planting area has expanded to regions around the
Yangtze River in China. In national new variety trials,
Wanmai 54 exhibited yield advantages of 7% more than
the standard variety Yangmai 158; it ranked first among The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
all varieties in 2005-2006 production trials of winter Figure 10.12 Maize plants that show opposite (left) or alternate
(right) pairs of leaves and fruits.
wheat. Wanmai 54 also has excellent disease resistance
and quality traits.
Starting from a seedling it takes gingko 6~8 years to set
4.3. Generation of Novel Germplasm fruits. After ion implantation treatment, a mutant with
a significantly shortened juvenile stage was identified
Most induced mutants are not used directly as new (Fig 10.13). Although the mechanism of curtailing the
varieties, either because the induced mutation is of no juvenile stage for perennial woody plants induced by
immediate agronomic value or it is linked with other ion implantation is not clear, it may provide materials
inferior characteristics, or the parent variety has already for early breeding and for studies of plant physiology.
lost its competitiveness to new varieties. For example, a
total of ~13,000 mutant lines were developed through 4.4. Application in Chromosome Manipulation
ion implantation by the end of 1994 by more than 60
breeding groups in China, of these only ~1.0% were A combination of energy absorption, mass deposition
used further in breeding programmes (e.g. Wanmai 54 and charge exchange of ion implantation into plant
). However, they are still useful as materials for genetic seeds can result in many types of chromosome damage.
research and gene identification. Taking wheat var. Premebi as an example, chromosomal
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 10.13 Gingko fruiting in the first year of its juvenile stage.
Shao, C.L., Xu, A. and Yu, Z.L. 1997. Charge exchange 5.3. Further Reading
effect of ion implantation to biomolecules. Nuclear
Techniques. 20:70-73 (in Chinese). Yu, Z.L., Yu, L.D. and Brown, I.G. 2006. Introduction to
Joiner, M.C., Marples, B., Lambin, P. et al. 2001. Low dose Ion Beam Biotechnology. Springer-Verlag, NewYork.
hypersensitivity: current status and possible mecha- Yu, Z.L. 1998. Introduction to Ion Beam Biotechnology,
nisms. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 49:379-389. Anhui Sci. & Tech. Press, Hefei, 1998 (Chinese
Feng, H.Y., Wu, L.J., Xu, A. et al. 2004. Survival of mam- edition).
malian cells under high vacuum condition for ion Feng, H.Y., Yu, Z.L. and Chu, P.K. 2006. Ion implantation
bombardment. Cryobiology. 49 :241-249. of organisms. Materials Science & Engineering. R54:
5.2. Websites Nastasi, M., Mayer, J.W. and Hirvonen, J. 1996. Ion-
Solid Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications.
Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Biology, Chinese Academy Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
of Sciences:
Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Biology of Henan Province
(Zhengzhou University):
Effects of Radiation on Living Cells and Plants
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, A1400, Vienna, Austria
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
3. Biological Consequences
3.1. Effects on Cell Division and Plant growth
3.1.1. Effects on Mitosis
3.1.2. Effects on Meiosis
3.1.3. Effects on Seed Germination, Plant Growth and Reproduction
3.2. Induced Mutations
3.3. Radio Sensitivity and Relative Biological Effect
4. References
1. Introduction to the enhancement of therapeutic or detrimental effects
of ionizing radiation due to the presence of oxygen. The
Radiobiology studies the effects of radiation on living effects of low-LET ionizing radiations on cell survival are
organisms. This includes radiation across the electro- generally larger by about a factor of 3 in well oxygenated
magnetic spectrum including X-rays, ultra-violet radia- cells than in hypoxic cells. The influence of oxygen on
tion, visible light, microwaves, radio waves, emissions the frequency of single and double-strand breaks, meas-
due to radioactive decay, low-frequency radiation ured as the OER, in different mammalian cells by electro-
such as ultrasound, heat waves and related modalities. magnetic radiation and fast electrons ranges from a 1.7 to
Radiation biology is an interdisciplinary science that 5.4 fold increase in the former and from a 3.6 to 3.8 fold
combines biology and radiation physics. The history increase in the latter (Tisljar-Lentulis et al. 1983). While
of radiobiology began with the discovery of X-rays by most radio-biological studies have focused on human
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895 (for more about the health and food safety, work on crop improvement has
milestones in mutational genetics, see Chapter 2). In been relatively limited. However, the underlying mecha-
1896, Henri Becquerel observed the emission of ‘mys- nisms and biological consequences of radiation are
terious’ rays from substances containing uranium, which expected to be similar in animals and plants.
Marie Curie named radioactivity. In 1898, Pierre and The process of radiation affecting plants involves
Marie Curie discovered radium and were awarded the physical, chemical and biological stages (Table 11.1).
Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 jointly with Becquerel. In The biological consequences of radiation depend on
1927, Hermann Joseph Muller published the first paper its effect on cellular components such as proteins and
on the mutagenic effects of radiation on Drosophila. organelles but more importantly on the plant’s genetic
His discovery of the role of radiation in mutation induc- material.
tion initiated a new scientific research field of induced
mutagenesis and earned him the 1946 Nobel Prize
in Physiology and Medicine. Almost in parallel, Lewis 2. Physical and Chemical Effects
John Stadler studied the mutagenic effects of radiation
on higher plants and laid the scientific foundations of Radiation acts on living cells by the releasing of energy
a systematic and reasoned extension of induced muta- raising electrons to a higher energy state (excitation),
tions in crop improvement (Stadler, 1928). Although he ejecting electrons from target molecules (ionization),
remained sceptical about its usefulness and economic and other reactions (such as mass deposition and
applicability to crop genetics, his work nevertheless charge exchange). It involves both physical and chemi-
founded the new field of mutation breeding. cal processes as detailed below.
In order to enhance the efficiency of mutation induc-
tion for crop improvement, initial radiobiology studies 2.1. Physical Stage
focused on radiation effects on living, multi-cellular plant
organisms. An impressive share of early development in The timeframe of the first physical stage lies in the
this area took place in the Radiation Laboratory of the 10-15 seconds range; it mainly involves energy transfer,
University of California (USA), beginning with the inven- absorption and the subsequent ionization of plant
tion of the cyclotron by Ernest Lawrence in 1930. Studies molecules. Ionizing radiations generate ions in living
with radioactive -particle sources showed that radia- material, producing highly reactive molecules. For low
tions with high linear energy transfer (LET) capacity were energy, short wavelength electromagnetic radiation
biologically more reactive than X-rays in eukaryotes. such as visible and UV light, the photo-electric effect
The generation of high energy particles, with increased predominates. This includes molecular oscillation and
penetration ability, from accelerators made it possible to excitation of atomic valence electrons, including their
carry out in vivo radiobiological studies in the 1950s and ejection called the Compton scatter. For X-rays (usually
60s. These particles became valuable tools for a range of with low-energy), the photo-electric effect predomi-
investigations on the LET, radiation survival response, the nates, producing photo-electrons that transfer their
dependence on relative biological effectiveness (RBE) energy in the same manner as Compton electrons. The
and the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). The OER refers Compton electrons scatter and travel through the target
Table 11.1: The different stages of radiation affecting living cells and plants
Stage Duration Process
Chemical and Biochemical Seconds to minutes Interaction of free radicals with molecules, chromatins, proteins, DNA repair.
Biological Minutes to years DNA fragmentation, cell death, mutation, and reduced growth and
material, colliding with atoms and thereby releasing cle, the limited 2–3 Å range of the recoil nucleus (Fig
packets of energy. Higher energy electromagnetic radi- 11.1), renders it extremely potent due to its high electric
ation, (e.g. -rays) can cause excitation and dissociation charge and high mass. Thus, all of the ionization energy
of atomic nuclei and creation of particle-antiparticle is deposited in an extremely small volume wherever the
pairs. Neutrons with energies between 10 keV and 10 parent nucleus happens to be located. In the vicinity of
MeV transfer energy mainly by elastic scattering, i.e. chromosomes, the effect would be to ‘wipe out’ that
billiard-ball-type collisions, of atomic nuclei in the region of the chromosome.
target material. In this process the nucleus is torn free Investigations on the implantation of 7Be and 7Li ion
of some or all of the orbital electrons because of its beams into maize and wheat seeds have been con-
greater velocity. The recoiling atomic nucleus behaves ducted (Guo et al. 2007). It is hypothesised, that 7Li ion
as a positively charged particle. As the mass of the beam implantation in the irradiated seeds may lead to
neutron is nearly the same as that of a hydrogen atom, the production of 1H (7Li, 7Be) following the electron-
hydrogenous materials are most affected by this energy capture decay of 7Be to the 478 keV first excited state
transfer. in 7Li. More studies are needed to consolidate this
Ultra-violet radiation induces a broad spectrum of hypothesis, but if verified, this might open up a new
events in the DNA and RNA of prokaryotes and eukary- range of physical mutation effects.
otes. The scientific consensus is that X-rays and gamma
radiation trigger initial physical processes, nourishing 2.2. Physico-Chemical Stage
chemical reactions, whereas effects of UV radiation are
of a chemical nature. In fact, the study of these is con- The timeframe of the second, physico-chemical, stage
sidered as a separate discipline, photobiology. lies in the range of 10-6 seconds. This leads to macro-
Ion beams as mutagens are different from other physi- molecular radicals that react with water and other cel-
cal mutagens such as -rays or X-rays in that they not lular molecules and radicals until chemical stability is
only involve energy transfer, but also mass deposition, restored (direct chemical effect) and formation of reac-
charge exchange (see Chapters 9 & 10) and momentum tive products from radiolysis of water (indirect chemical
transmission. Ions are heavier than electrons and they effect).
can gain a high momentum, i.e. for the same energy, the The target biological molecules in a living cell are
momentum of the ion is several orders of magnitude mostly DNA, storage proteins and enzymes. The
larger. According to the laws of conservation of energy physico-chemical stage of radiation effects include the
and momentum, implanted ions interacting with cel- direct disruption of chemical bonds of molecules via
lular molecules will transmit their momentum which the transfer of excitation and ionization energy through
will then have a disruptive effect on the target. On the radiation or through mass deposition and charge
other hand, particles cause only a few ionizations, exchange by ion beam implantation (see Chapter 10).
losing most of their ionization energy in the cytoplasm. All life forms maintain a reducing environment within
However, the small ionization caused by the recoil of their cells. A very efficient, but complex interplay of
the parent nucleus during the decay is potentially enzymes, powered by a constant input of metabolic
significant. Although this energy of the recoil nucleus energy buffers and equilibrates the internal reduced
is typically only about 2% of the energy of the parti- state. When this normal redox state is challenged and
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 11.1 Illustration of DNA damage caused by ionization or excitation and separation of ionizations in relation to the size of a protein
molecule ( chain of myoglobin) and a double helix when tissue is irradiated with -rays, fast neutrons (recoil nuclei) and -rays (electrons).
Note that the next ionization for the -rays in the electron track will come close to 60cm outside of the picture.
disturbed too far from its equilibrium, e.g. by ionizing and provokes an inflammatory response. Chemical
radiation (Equation 1), toxic effects arise through the interactions, particularly of destructive reactive oxygen
production of reactive oxygen species that damage all species such as free radicals and peroxides cause exten-
components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, RNA sive cellular damage.
and DNA. This process is called oxidative stress (Evans
and Cooke, 2004). 2.3. Chemical Stage
ionizing radiation
The major portion of long term effects on the living cell is
H 2O •OH, eaq , H•, H2O2, H2
inflicted by damage to DNA. More than half of the biologi-
cal effect of low LET ionizing radiation (for example, X-rays
Equation 1. Interaction of ionizing radiation with cellular water
eaq = hydrated electron (k ≈ 1.3-1.7 × 1010 M-1s-1); and -rays) is the result of indirect radiation. About 90%
•H = hydrogen atom (k ≈ 1-5 × 108 M-1s-1); of this is due to the action of the hydroxyl radical (•OH)
•OH = hydroxyl radical (k ≈ 5-10 × 109 M-1s-1)
where k = diffusion constant alone. Direct action predominates for high LET radiation.
damage by low-energy electrons are less well known, hydroxyl radical •OH. Thus, the induction of a double
but a substantial proportion of DNA strand breaks are strand break by a single burst of radiation is the result
thought to be initiated by single energy absorption of a localized attack by two or more •OH radicals. This
events (Fig 11.2a & Fig 11.2b). Low-energy electrons that presents a challenge to the DNA repair machinery, and
are slowed down to energies too low to induce ioniza- has vital consequences for biological effects of the cell,
tion of DNA (small transfers of energy in the order of 10 such as the development of a complex lesion through
eV or less), undergo resonant attachment to DNA bases concomitant damage in close proximity by •OH or
or to the sugar-phosphate backbone and produce by direct effects on the DNA. One strand could be
complex DNA damage: a transient molecular anion is attacked by an •OH radical whereas the other strand
formed that reacts further to break one or both strands may sustain direct damage within a 10 base-pair range
of the DNA. In this way, one electron can produce mul- of the •OH attack. Clusters of such hybrid damage are
tiple lesions, thus amplifying the clustering of damage known to be generated by the closely spaced deposi-
induced in DNA by a single radiation track. tions of energy along the radiation tracks. Low-energy
electrons, might induce single strand breaks on each
2.3.2. Indirect Radiation Effects strand of the DNA as a single electron interaction. This
A third of the in vivo damage to the genome caused by is similar to the induction of a double strand break by
light ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, can be attributed a single •OH radical, in itself a minor contributor to
to energy deposited directly in the DNA and its closely indirect damage attributed to the effects of radical
bound water molecules. The remaining two thirds can transfer between DNA strands. Thus, transfer of radicals
be indirectly attributed to free radicals produced by or energy between DNA strands may play an important
energy deposited in water molecules and other bio- part in amplifying the complexity of DNA lesions over
molecules surrounding the DNA. Since the reducing and above the level set by the physical clustering of
counterparts of •OH , principally the hydrated electron, events along the radiation tracks (Fig 11.2c).
eaq- are relatively ineffective (see Equation 1) especially Studies on radiation-induced DNA damage as a func-
at inducing DNA strand breaks, almost all of the indirect tion of hydration, by gas chromatography/mass spec-
damage to DNA is due to attacks by the highly reactive trometry (GC/MS) using an isotope-dilution technique,
a b
a b
has enabled the cataloguing of biochemical products products. As water is the most abundant molecule in
of DNA damaged by oxidative stress and ionizing radia- living cells, the principal radiation products are reac-
tion (Fig 11.3). Relative comparison has revealed that the tive oxygen species (ROS) that diffuse into the watery
products of DNA damage by direct ionizing radiation environment of the different cellular compartments
are essentially the same as those formed by reactions of (e.g. cytoplasm, plastids, nuclei) and the cytosol. ROS
the hydroxyl radical with DNA bases. The yields depend react with macro-molecules in other cellular compart-
on the extent of DNA hydration. ments. This indirect action of radiation is responsible for
DNA damage can be repaired. The timeframe of 99.9% of the damage to proteins. This injury translates
these biochemical processes (enzymatic repair of dam- into changes in protein structure and often induces a
aged DNA) lies in the range of minutes. The result of the decrease or loss of protein function; there is seldom
action of the nuclear repair mechanisms could be error- a gain of function. Irradiation of plants using -rays
free or error-prone (see Chapters 5 & 6). Single strand induces stress in the surviving plants which significantly
breaks can be repaired quickly and with a low error affects physiological and biochemical processes: per-
rate. Double strand breaks are more difficult to handle turbations to protein synthesis, enzyme activity, hor-
for enzymatic repair mechanisms and their error-prone monal balance, leaf gas-exchange, and water exchange
repair leads to mutations, loss of reproductive capacity are prominently cited as the effects of seed irradiation.
of the affected cell and ultimately to cell death. In some Functional, structural and morphological changes are
cases, the DNA might be irreparable, and the damaged correlated to the strength and the duration of the irra-
genomic parts may be lost. Clustered lesions are diffi- diation stress. Up to a threshold, the adaptive capacity
cult for the cell to repair and are therefore likely to lead of the plant is preserved and the observed changes are
to permanent damage to the genome. reversible. The plant responds to the radiation-induced
stress in the same way it responds to environmental
2.3.3. Effects on Proteins (Enzymes) stress. An essential part of this response is the initiation
On their path through the cells of a living organism, of protein breakdown and recycling of breakdown
-rays randomly ionize molecules along their trajecto- products, which in turn depend on the levels of proteo-
ries rupturing chemical bonds and releasing radiolytic lytic enzymes as cellular proteins may need to be rebuilt
or synthesized de novo. Degradation of damaged, mis- bacteria known as SOS repair. The first experimental evi-
folded and potentially harmful proteins provides free dence of photo-reactivation of UV induced DNA damage
amino acids for the synthesis of new proteins. Indeed, in plant ribosomal genes was produced by Petersen and
after and neutron irradiation of pea seeds, enhanced Small (2001). Most original data obtained to date demon-
degrading enzyme activities have been reported, lead- strate that in the lack of visible light, young barley leaves
ing to an inverse correlation with growth (Bagi et al. are unable to remove an enormous fraction of CPD from
1988). the whole genome including ribosomal genes. It appears
Every macro-molecule that suffers a direct ionization that the only mechanism capable of rescuing the barley
event is destroyed. The only survivors are those that escape genome from the vast majority of UV-C induced CPD is
direct ionization. The same is true for frozen samples. photo-reactivation. The investigations highlight the fact
Ionizations still occur randomly and water is the principle that UV-C induced oxidative base lesions have a sig-
molecule affected, but diffusion of radiation products is nificant impact on the stability of the plant genome. In
limited. At very low temperatures (77°K), a cut-off value addition, response to irradiation appears to be genotype
is reached, where essentially all the radiation damage dependent. The results in barley show the importance
is due to primary ionization events occurring directly in of light-dependent repair pathways for the maintenance
macro-molecules. Thus, proteins in frozen solutions are of genome integrity and underscore the need for further
103 to 104 times less sensitive to radiation as those in the intensive investigations in the field (Manova et al. 2009).
liquid state. The survival of frozen proteins after irradiation
is a direct measure of the mass of the active structures and 2.5. Visualization of Damaged DNA
independent of the presence of other proteins.
The damaged DNA molecules can be detected in irra-
2.4. Radio Effects of Ultra-Violet Light diated cells using methods such as the Comet assay and
TUNEL test.
Ultra-violet light can cause photochemical damage.
Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) are the main pho- 2.5.1. Comet Assay
toproducts following exposure to UV-B and UV-C, and The comet assay (Singh et al. 1988) or the Single Cell Gel
they can lead to cell death and pre-carcinogenic lesions. Electrophoresis assay (SCGE) is a rapid, simple, visual
Other types of dimers are considered to be especially and sensitive technique for measuring DNA breakage in
mutagenic. DNA-protein cross-links can occur after ultra- individual eukaryotic cells. It is inexpensive and popular
violet radiation and can be lethal. Biological effects can as a standard evaluation technique for DNA damage,
arise when ultra-violet radiation is absorbed. Absorption repair and bio-monitoring. It can be used in conditions
is dependent on the chemical bonds of the material, and where more complex assays are not operable.
is highly specific. Sunburn in human is a form of erythema In this technique eukaryotic cells are immobilized in
produced by over-exposure to the UV-B portion of the a low-melting-point agarose suspension. The captured,
solar spectrum. A rare but deadly form of skin cancer in suspended cells are lysed under alkaline (pH>13) condi-
humans, malignant melanoma, is induced by exposure tions and subjected to electrophoresis. The underlying
to sunlight, with occurrences localized to most frequently concept is that undamaged DNA retains a highly organ-
exposed regions of the body. Because UV can penetrate ized association with matrix proteins in the nucleus.
only few layers of cells, the effects of ultra-violet radia- Lysis disrupts this framework. The individual strands of
tion on humans are restricted to exposed tissues of the DNA lose their compact structure and unwind, expand-
skin and the eyes. Survival from ultra-violet irradiation is ing out of the nuclear matrix. DNA is negatively charged.
reduced as the dose of radiation is increased. The shapes Large, undamaged DNA strands remain confined in
of survival curves are similar to those for lethality from the agarose matrix, whereas the smaller fragmented
ionizing radiation; they are dependent on the presence DNA pieces migrate towards the anode. Therefore,
or absence of repair systems. The four repair systems that the amount of DNA that leaks through the gel matrix
enhance biological survival include photo-reactivation by towards the anode is a measure of the amount of DNA
splitting of CPDs in the DNA; DNA excision repair; DNA damage in the cell. Electrophoresis is followed by visual
recombination repair; and an inducible repair system of analysis with DNA staining and measuring dye fluores-
cence to determine the extent of DNA damage. This 3.1. Effects on Cell Division and Plant Growth
can be performed by manual scoring or automatically
by imaging software. The stronger the signal from the Plant cells can swiftly respond to radiation treatment
migrated DNA the more damage present. The overall and initiate pathways to cope with such genomic
gel picture commonly shows a circular head corre- stresses (see Chapter 5). Most DNA damage caused
sponding to the undamaged DNA and a tail of dam- by radiation needs to be repaired before cells can start
aged DNA. It resembles a comet (hence “comet assay”); dividing again (the canonical cell cycle is shown in
the brighter and longer the tail, the higher the level of Figure 11.6). Severe irreparable damage may cause cell
damage (Fig 11.4). DNA damage is usually due to single death, while lighter damage may be correctly or incor-
strand and double strand breaks, AP sites (abasic sites rectly repaired and lead to retardation of cell division,
missing either a pyrimidine or purine nucleotide) and cytological abnormalities and induced mutation. The
sites where excision repair is taking place. destruction of many enzymes by radiation also contrib-
utes to the slowdown of cell division and plant growth.
2.5.2. TUNEL Test
The TUNEL test (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase 3.1.1. Effects on Mitosis
dUTP nick end labelling) is a method for detecting DNA Depending on dose, several types of cellular effects can
fragmentation by labelling the terminal end of nucleic be observed. The most probable is cell death. Cell death
acids (Gavrieli et al. 1992). Originally, TUNEL was a can occur through apoptosis in which radiation triggers
labelling method for detecting DNA fragmentation that the genetic process of programmed cell death, cytolysis
results from apoptotic signalling cascades. The assay (swelling of cells until they burst and disappear), pro-
relies on the presence of nicks in the DNA which can be toplasmic coagulation (irreversible gelatin formation in
identified by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, an both the nucleus and cytoplasm), karyolysis (nuclear
enzyme that will catalyze the addition of dUTPs tagged swelling followed by chromatin loss), pyknosis (nuclear
with a secondarily labelled marker (e.g. fluorescence). contraction and chromatin condensation) or karyor-
It is also used to label cells that have suffered severe rhexi (nuclear fragmentation).
DNA damage, e.g. through radiation (Fig 11.6). At non-lethal doses, changes in cellular function can
occur, including delays in certain phases of the mitotic
3. Biological Consequences cycle, disrupted cell growth, permeability changes, and
changes in motility. Mitosis may be delayed or inhibited
The biological consequences of radiation can appear at following radiation exposure causing major alterations in
various stages of development, i.e. abnormal cell divi- cell kinetic patterns resulting in depletion of the affected
sion, cell death, mutation, tissue and organ failure and cell populations. Dose dependent inhibition of mitosis
reduction of plant growth. The effect is dependent on (reduced mitotic index) is particularly common in actively
the type and dose of radiation, physiological status and proliferating cell systems, e.g. meristems. This inhibition
the genetic composition of the treated material. occurs when the chromosomes begin to condense in
early prophase of the mitotic cycle, but prior to the break- growth may also be retarded, usually after a latent period.
down of the nuclear membrane. Subsequent irradiation This may be due to progressive formation of inhibitory
after this transition point does not hold-up mitosis. metabolic products and/or alterations in the cell micro-
Ionizing radiation produces cytological aberrations environment. Irradiated cells may show both increased
and defects in chromosome segregation. Cytological and decreased permeability. Radiation changes within
aberrations observed in mitosis include the produc- the lipid bilayers of the membrane may alter ionic pump-
tion of micro-nuclei and chromosomal abnormalities. ing. This may be due to changes in the viscosity of intra-
The micro-nucleus assay measures the proportion of cellular fluids associated with disruptions in the ratio of
micro-nuclei produced by a given radiation dose. It is a bound to unbound water. Such changes would result
responsive test for investigations of cytogenetic damage in an impairment of the ability of the cell to maintain
produced by radiation in dividing cell systems in vivo. metabolic equilibrium and could be very damaging even
Chromosomal abnormalities in irradiated mitotic cells if the shift in equilibrium is small. The motility of a cell
range from breaks, through exchanges, laggards and may be decreased following irradiation. However, the
anaphase bridges, dicentric and centric ring formations, presence of normal motility does not imply the absence
terminal fragments with telomeric signal at only one end of radiation injury. Irradiated mammal spermatozoa,
and interstitial fragments that appear as double minutes for example, may retain their motility and be capable
without any telomeric signals (see review, Natarajan 2005). of fertilization while carrying radiation-induced genetic
Defects in chromosome segregation play a critical changes which may affect subsequent embryogenesis.
role in producing genomic instability and aneuploidy.
Merotelic kinetochore orientation is a major cause of 3.1.2. Effects on Meiosis
lagging chromosomes during mitosis. Cells with mono- Meiosis is an extremely complex process involving: DNA
oriented chromosomes never enter anaphase and replication, cell division, genome reduction, chromo-
lagging chromosomes appear during anaphase after some recombination and chromosome re-assortment,
chromosome alignment occurs during metaphase. Cell and is easily disrupted by irradiation. An increase in radi-
ation dosage is positively correlated to a decrease in the seed germination, plant growth and reproduction are
meiotic index. Mutated plants typically show reduced inversely correlated to irradiation dose.
fertility, mainly caused by chromosomal rearrangements
and genomic mutations during meiosis. The chromo- 3.1.4. Induced mutations
somal aberrations involve reciprocal translocations, Although most damaged DNAs can be repaired, they do
duplications, deficiencies (aneuploidy) and inversions. not necessarily regain their correct sequence or form.
Various types of mutations in the DNA sequence can
3.1.3. Effects on Seed Germination, Plant Growth occur after exposure to mutagens. They include chro-
and Reproduction mosomal aberrations (e.g. duplications, translocations),
Ionizing radiation significantly affects physiological point mutations and short insertion/deletions (INDELS;
and biochemical processes in plants. The irradiation see Chapter 20). Modern molecular high-throughput
of seeds disrupts protein synthesis, affects hormone techniques such as TILLING (Colbert et al. 2001; see
balance, disturbs gas-exchange, water exchange and Chapters 21 & 22) or pyrosequencing (Ronaghi et al.
enzyme activity. The morphological, structural and the 1998), allow for assaying SNPs and small INDELs in a
functional changes depend on the strength and the high-throughput manner. In rice (Oryza sativa), the
duration of the radiation stress induced. In the case of frequency of induced mutations varies with the devel-
moderate stress, the adaptability of plants is preserved opmental stage at the time of irradiation. The highest
and the observed changes are reversible. In general, overall mutation frequency is observed when radiation
Interphase State
I = Interphase: (1) G1 phase = Gap 1 (cell increases in size); (2) S phase = Synthesis (DNA replication), and (3) G2 phase = Gap 2 (gap between
DNA synthesis and mitosis, cell continues to grow)
is applied 10 days before anthesis, the late tetrad stage the form of ionizing radiation, by one kilogram of matter.
of microspores. This stage is more useful for radiation 1 cm3 of human tissue is usually composed of 109 cells. A
exposure than seeds and fertilized egg cells (Kowyama 1 mGy dose indicates a hit rate of 1 in 1000 or 106 cells. If
et al. 1994). Pollen irradiation treatments can result in 99.9% are repaired, 103 cells will result damaged by radia-
viable pollen tube growth but abnormal fertilization tion. Assuming that 999 of the 1,000 damaged cells die, 1
and is used as a standard treatment in the production of cell may survive with damage and could be mutated.
haploids in fruit crops (see Chapter 30) and in generat- The equivalent dose to a tissue, sievert, is found by mul-
ing mutant germplasm in the next generation. tiplying the absorbed dose, in grays, by a dimensionless
“Quality Factor” Q, a term that has replaced the relative
3.2. Radio Sensitivity and Relative Biological Effect biological effectiveness (RBE). RBE was a concept intro-
duced in the 1950’s by health physicists upon noting that
Various biological effects can result from the actions of different types of radiation might affect living organisms
ionizing radiation. Radio sensitivity measures the relative differently. Higher RBE correlates to greater biological
susceptibility of organisms, organs, tissues or cells to the damage for equivalent radiation exposure, dependent
damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Highly metaboli- upon radiation type. Another dimensionless factor N,
cally active cells, well nourished, quickly dividing cells depends upon the part of the body irradiated, the time
and undifferentiated cells are most sensitive to radiation. and volume over which the dose was spread, and the
Any given cells cycling through the different stages of the species of the biological organism. Together, Q and N
cell cycle are most sensitive at the M phase and gradu- constitute the presently used radiation weighting factor,
ally less sensitive during G2, G1 and least sensitive when WR. For an organism composed of multiple tissue types
in the S phase. Thus, as a rule of thumb, dividing tissues a weighted sum or integral is often used. Although the
are radiosensitive (high mitotic rate), and non-dividing sievert has the same dimensions as the gray (i.e. joules
tissues are radio-resistant, thus reproductive cells/tissues per kilogram), both measure different phenomena.
are more affected than non-differentiated cells/tissues. For a given amount of radiation, measured in grays, the
Data for one gymnosperm species (Pinus strobus) biological effect, measured in sieverts can vary consider-
show that greater damage is produced by a 5-month ably as a result of the radiation weighting factor WR. For
chronic exposure during a period of active growth example, temporary male sterility is induced by 0.15 Gy,
than by a comparable exposure during dormancy. The whereas a four times higher (0.6 Gy) dose is needed for
correlation between interphase chromosome volume temporary female sterility (from
(ICV) and radio-sensitivity was confirmed for these end This variation in RBE is also attributed to the different LET
points. The larger the ICV, the more sensitive the spe- of each type of radiation. Studies (Kazama et al. 2008)
cies. Thus sensitivity to chronic -irradiation of untested have shown that the biological effect of ion beam radia-
woody plant species can be obtained if the ICV is known tion is dependent on absorption doses and LET values
(Sparrow et al. 1970). The radio-sensitivity of organisms but independent of ion species, which means that the
varies greatly, being related to their intrinsic sensitivity treatment of 12C would produce similar biological effects
to radio-biological damage and to their ability to repair on rice seeds as 20Ne at the same dose (e.g. 50 Gy) and
the damage. Radiation doses resulting in 10% survival the same LET (e.g. 30 keV/µm).
of a species range from 3 Gy (mouse and human cells)
to greater than 1,000 Gy (the bacterium Deinococcus
radiodurans). Developing embryos are relatively very 4. References
radio-sensitive. Radio-sensitivity generally decreases
as the embryonic development proceeds. The age- 4.1. Cited References
dependent change in radio-sensitivity may strongly
depend on the degree of morphogenesis. In rice (Oryza Bagi, G., Bornemisza-Pauspertl, P. and Hidvégi, E.J.
sativa), the most radiosensitive stage (X-rays, 20 Gy), is 1988. Inverse correlation between growth and
the last pre-meiotic interphase. degrading enzyme activity of seedlings after gamma
The absorbed dose of ionizing radiation is measured in and neutron irradiation of pea seeds. International
grays. One gray is the absorption of one joule of energy, in Journal of Radiation Biology. 53: 507-519.
Boudaïffa, B., Cloutier, P., Hunting, D. et al. 2000. Sparrow, A.H., Schwemmer, S.S., Klug, E.E. et al. 1970.
Resonant formation of DNA strand breaks by low- Radiosensitivity studies with woody plants: II. survival
energy (3 to 20 eV) electrons. Science. 287: 1658-1660. data for 13 species irradiated chronically for up to 8
Colbert, T., Till, B.J., Tompa, R. et al. 2001. High- years. Radiation Research. 44: 154-177.
throughput screening for induced point mutations. Stadler, L.J. 1928. Mutations in barley induced by X-rays
Plant Physiol. 126: 480-484. and radium. Science. 68: 186-187.
Evans, M.D. and Cooke, M.S. 2004. Factors contributing Stoilov, L. 2009. Genomic and gene-specific induction
to the outcome of oxidative damage to nucleic acids. and repair of DNA damage in barley. CRP Effects of
Bioessays. 26: 533-542. Mutagenic Agents on the DNA Sequence in Plants.
Gavrieli, Y. 1992. Identification of programmed cell death D24011 (2003-2009), IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
in situ via specific labeling of nuclear DNA fragmenta- Tisljar-Lentulis, G., Henneberg, P. and Feinendegen, L.E.
tion. J Cell Biol. 119: 493-501. 1983. The oxygen enhancement ratio for single- and
Guo, H.J, Liu, L.X., Han, W.B. et al. 2007. Biological effects double-strand breaks induced by tritium incorpo-
of high energy 7Li ion beams implantation on wheat. rated in DNA of cultured human T1 cells: Impact
Plant Mutation Reports. 1: 31-35. of the transmutation effect. Radiation Research 94:
Kazama, Y., Saito, H., Yamamoto, Y.Y. et al. 2008. LET- 41-50.
dependent effects of heavy-ion beam irradiation in
Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnol. 25: 113-117. 4.2. Websites
Kowyama, Y., Saba, T., Tsuji, T. et al. 1994. Specific devel-
opmental stages of gametogenesis for radiosensitivity The different stages of radiation effect on living cells:
and mutagenesis in rice. Euphytica. 80: 27-38.
Maluszynski, M. 2009. Analysis of mutation types and Documents/TrainingRadiotherapy/Lectures/RT03_
frequencies induced in the barley genome by physi- RadBiol1_RS_WEB.ppt
cal and chemical mutagens. CRP Effects of mutagenic The DNA damage by low energy electrons: http://
agents on the DNA sequence in plants. D24011
(2003-2009), IAEA, Vienna, Austria. talks/Denifl_WG1_RADAM07.pdf
Manova, V., Georgieva, M., Borisov, B. et al. 2009. The International Commission on Radiological
Genomic and gene-specific induction and repair of Protection (ICRP):
DNA damage in barley. In: Shu Q.Y. (ed): Induced Plant
Mutations in the Genomics Era. Food and Agriculture 4.3. Further Reading
Organization of the United Nations, Rome pp. 122-125.
Natarajan, A.T. 2005. Chromosome aberrations: Plants Anonymous 2009. ICRP Report 2006-2008 revision 1.
to human and feulgen to FISH. Current Science. 89: ICRP Reference 90/547/09: 44.
335-340. Bedford, J.S. and Dewey, W.C. 2002. Radiation Research
Petersen, J. L. and Small, G. D. 2001. A gene required for Society. 1952-2002. Historical and current highlights
the novel activation of a class II DNA photolyase in in radiation biology: has anything important been
Chlamydomonas. Nucleic Acids Res. 29: 4472-4481. learned by irradiating cells? Radiat. Res. 158: 251–291.
Ronaghi, M., Uhlén, M. and Nyrén, P. 1998. A sequencing Nias, A.H.W. 1998. An introduction to radiobiology , New
method based on real-time pyrophosphate. Science. York, NY, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-97590-7, 0-471-97589-3:
281: 363-365. 38.
Singh, N.P., McCoy, M.T., Tice, R.R. et al. 1988. A simple Skarsgard, L.D. 1998. Radiobiology with heavy charged
technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA particles: a historical review. Phys Med. 14(Suppl 1):
damage in individual cells. Experimental Cell 1-19.
Research. 175: 184-191.
Chemical Mutagenesis
BioFIG, FCT, Universidade do Algarve, 8005-139 Campus de Gambelas, Faro, Portugal
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL: Jose Leitao [ -]
1. Introduction
2. Alkylating Agents
2.1. Sources and Types of Alkylating Agents
2.2. Properties of the Alkylating Agents
2.3. Major Alkylation Adducts and their Repair
6. References
1. Introduction database ( obtained
via chemical mutagenesis were induced by alkylating
The first attempts to induce mutations in biological sys- agents. Of these, three compounds are significant:
tems using chemical compounds go back to the begin- ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea
ning of the past century. However, it was during World (MNU) and 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea (ENU) which account
War II that the two most relevant names in chemical for 64% of these varieties (Fig 12.1).
mutagenesis, Charlotte Auerbach and Iosif A. Rapoport,
established the mutagenic proprieties of several chemi-
cal compounds (Box 12.1). A detailed review of these 2. Alkylating Agents
and other major moments in the history of the plant
chemical mutagenesis is given by van Harten (1998, see 2.1. Sources and Types of Alkylating Agents
Chapters 1 & 2).
There is currently an enormous number of known Alkylating agents are strong mutagenic, carcinogenic
chemical compounds able to induce mutations in and cytotoxic compounds (Fig 12.2). Paradoxically, the
prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic cells and this continues cytotoxic properties of some of the compounds are
to increase. The continuous search and the synthesis of largely exploited in cancer therapy. Alkylating agents
new mutagenic compounds is driven, not by the needs can be found among large panoply of classes of com-
of experimental mutagenesis, but by the paradoxal fact pounds, including sulphur mustards, nitrogen mus-
that several mutagenic compounds, although carcino- tards, epoxides, ethyleneimines and ethyleneimides,
genic, posses simultaneously anti-neoplastic proprie- alkyl methanesulphonates, alkylnitrosoureas, alkylni-
ties and find application in anti-tumor therapy. trosoamines, alkylnitrosoamides, alkyl halides, alkyl
Despite the large number of mutagenic compounds, sulphates, alkyl phosphates, chloroethyl sulphides,
only a small number has been tested in plants. Among chloroethylamines, diazoalkanes, etc.
them, only a very restrict group of alkylating agents has Although most are synthetically produced, a few
found large application in plant experimental mutagen- alkylating agents are of biological origin, e.g. the strong
esis and plant mutation breeding. Over 80% of the reg- mutagenic glucosamine-nitrosourea (Streptozotocin) is
istered new mutant plant varieties reported in the IAEA produced by Streptomyces achromogenes.
Box 12.1: C. Auerbach and I. Rapport and their work on chemical muatgenesis
Charlotte Auerbach (1899 – 1994) was born to a Jewish family in Krefeld, Germany. She attended classes at Universities of Berlin, Würzburg
and Freiburg. After her “State examination” in 1924 and a short period of research in developmental biology she spent some years teaching
at various schools in Berlin. After Hitler became the German Chancellor and new laws prohibited Jews to teach in state schools she moved
to UK. There, through Professors H. Freundlich and G. Barger, she was introduced to F.A.E. Crew, head of the Institute of Animal Genetics in
Edinburgh, where she started to work on Drosophila and was awarded a Ph.D. in 1935. In 1939 she acquired British citizenship, thus avoiding
incarceration in internment camps during the World War II.
In 1938 Crew introduced Auerbach to H.J. Müller who stimulated her to test a number of chemical agents known to be carcinogenic for
induction of mutations in Drosophila. After obtaining negative results with 1:2:5:6- dibenzanthracene, 9:10-dimethyl-1:2 dibenzanthracene
and methyl-colanthrene, in 1940 Auerbach began to work in collaboration with J.M. Robson on the mutagenic effects of mustard gas.
Robson had at that time already observed the antimitotic effect of this compound in the vaginal ephithelium of rats. During their collaboration
most of the experimental treatments were carried out by Robson and his collaborators, while Auerbach performed the genetic analysis of
treated Drosophila using the ClB method introduced by Müller, with whom she discussed experimental results.
In 1942, Auerbach and Robson sent several reports to the Ministry of Supply of the British Government where they describe the induction
of sex-linked lethal, chromosomes inversions and translocations by mustard gas (encrypted as substance “H”). They also reported mustard
gas to act directly on the chromosomes while describing the induced visible mutations and discussing the similarities and dissimilarities of
the effects of this chemical mutagen and those of X-rays.
In a letter to Nature in 1944, Auerbach and Robson mentioned that they had tested a number of chemical substances for their ability to
produce mutations and that some of them were very effective, producing mutation rates of the same order as those with X-rays. However,
it was not until 1946 in a new letter to Nature that the name of the mutagenic substance, dichloro-diethyl-sulphide or mustard gas, was
disclosed. According to Auerbach the idea of testing mustard gas was suggested by the pharmacologist A. J. Clark who saw similarities
between the long-lasting effects of this compound and that of X-rays, and hypothesized mustard gas to have effects on the genetic material.
Auerbach kept working in the field of mutagenesis, even long after she retired, publishing several articles and some major books, some of
them translated into multiple languages. She was honoured with many prizes and distinctions among which the Darwin Medal by the Royal
Society in 1977.
Iosif Abramovich Rapoport (1912 – 1990) was born in Chernigov, Ukraine. In 1930 he started his studies at the Faculty of Biology at
the Leningrad State University and in 1938 he was awarded a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences by the Institute of Genetics of the Academy of
Sciences. A Doctor of Sciences degree was awarded in 1943 after he defended his thesis and while attending a rapid course for commanders
at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow.
Twice injured during the war (he lost an eye) Rapoport was awarded many major military medals of the Soviet Union and the USA Legion
of Merit. After the war he resumed his research at the Institute of Cytology, Histology and Embryology in Moscow, working on chemical
mutagenesis in Drosophila.
Although, the first mutants induced by chemical mutagenesis were probably identified by V.V. Sacharov in 1932, the early work of
Rapoport led to the identification of a number of mutagenic agents: formaldehyde, urotropine, acrolein, ethylene oxide, ethyleneimine,
diethylsulphate, diazomethane, N-nitrosomethylurethane. As with Auerbach, Rapoport used the Müller’s ClB method to assess mutagenic
effects in Drosophila. The first article on these discoveries: “Carbonyl compounds and chemical mechanisms of mutations” was published
in 1946 and several other papers were published until 1948.
As an opponent to Lysenkoism and refusing to recognize his “error” Rapoport was excluded from the Communist Party and from 1949 to
1957 he worked as a paleontologist and stratigrapher. In 1957 (Stalin died in 1953) Rapoport joined the Institute of Chemical Physics of the
Academy of Sciences in Moscow where he resumed his work on chemical mutagenesis.
Rapoport established the mutagenic properties of 55 chemical compounds including the nitrososureas which he called “super mutagens”
and still are largely used in plant chemical mutagenesis today. A Center for introduction of chemical mutagenesis in the biosynthetic
(biotech) industry and agriculture was created in 1965. Headed up by Rapoport this Center had a tremendous impact in the utilization of the
chemical mutagenesis in Soviet Union, Eastern European Countries and other countries. Numerous mutant varieties were officially released
in these countries and registered in the IAEA data base; 383 chemically induced mutant varieties of major crop species were released in the
former-USSR alone by 1991.
Later in his life Rapoport was awarded the most prestigious social and academic distinctions of the URRS
Beale G (1993) The discovery of mustard gas mutagenesis by Auerbach and Robson in 1941. Genetics 134: 393-399.
Some alkylating agents such as the methyl-donor cant source of environmental exposure of humans to
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which in spite of being alkylating compounds, particularly to the carcinogenic
involved in about 40 metabolic reactions in mamma- 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK),
lians is a weak methylating agent able to form adducts 4-(methylnitrosamino) -1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL)
to DNA, are formed endogenously as natural products and N’-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), is tobacco smoke.
of organisms. Other alkylating agents as chlorometh- Alkylating agents are electrophilic compounds with
ane (CH3Cl), formerly thought to be uniquely of ocean affinity for nucleophilic centres in organic macro-
origin but today assumed to have a dominant terrestrial molecules to which they bind covalently. In DNA these
origin as result of the reaction of plant pectin with chlo- compounds form covalently linked alkyl adducts to the
ride, are naturally formed in the environment. A signifi- bases and to the phosphodiesters.
CH 3 N
H2N N O H2N N CH 3
(1- Methyl-1-nitrosourea) (1- Ethyl-1-nitrosourea)
(Methyl methanesulfonate) (Ethyl methanesulfonate)
O O CH 3
H3C S CH 3 S
O CH 3 O
(Dimethyl sulfate) (Diethyl sulfate)
CH 3
CH 3
H 2N N O H2N N O
(1-methyl-2-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine) (1-ethyl-2-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine)
(1,3-bits(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea) (2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethly)-N-methylethanamine)
(Carmustine - BCNU) (Mechlorethamine)
Despite some controversy, alkylating agents are usu- dently of the substrate and are relatively un-selective
ally classified as SN1-type or SN2-type according to their towards the nucleophile they alkylate. Consequently,
kinetic properties. Compounds for which the rate these compounds alkylate nitrogen, oxygen and phos-
determining (slow) step in the alkylation reaction is a phate group sites in DNA. The SN2 compounds, where
first order kinetics formation of reactive intermediates the substrate (DNA) participates directly in the genera-
independently of the substrate (in our case - DNA) tion of the reactive species, react primarily with the most
are designated SN1-type alkylating agents. Those com- nucleophilic sites on DNA, i.e. the nitrogens N7 and N3
pounds, where the rate-determining step is a second- of guanine and N3 of adenine. (Fig 12.4, Table 12.1)
order nucleophilic substitution reaction involving both Although most of the commonly used alkylating
the compound and the substrate (DNA) are designated agents in plant experimental mutagenesis produce
SN2-type alkylating agents (Fig 12.3). similar spectra of alkylation lesions in DNA (Fig 12.4),
The very-reactive electrophilic species produced by differences in alkylation mechanisms (SN1 vs SN2) give
the SN1-type alkylating agents are generated indepen- rise to differences in the proportions of lesions pro-
Table 12.1: Alkylation products of major representative SN1 (MNU, ENU) and SN2 (MMS) compounds1
Alkylation Products MNU ENU MMS
O6-alkylguanine 6 ~7 0.2
N -alkylguanine 65 ~ 13 83
N1-alkyladenine 2 ~1 1
N3-alkyladenine 7 ~6 11
N -alkyladenine 2 ~1 2
Phosphotriesters 20 ~ 65 1
Data kindly provided by Prof. A. E. Pegg, Dep. of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Milton s. Hershey Medical center, Pennsylvania State
University College of Medicine, Hershey Pennsylvania 17033, USA
duced. For example, 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea (MNU) and alkylating agents (Fig 12.2) such as the chloroethylating
1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea (ENU) react via an SN1 mechanism agents (e.g. 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea - BCNU),
and efficiently alkylate both nitrogens and oxygens in the nitrogen mustards or mitomycin C, are characterized
DNA. Methyl methanesulphonate (MMS), which reacts by their ability to induce DNA strand cross-links and are
via an SN2 mechanism, predominantly alkylates the utilized as anti-neoplastic compounds. This last class of
nitrogens at the DNA bases and produce little alkylation alkylating agents has not been utilized in plant mutation
of the oxygens in DNA bases and in the sugarphosphate breeding experiments.
backbone (Fig 12.4; Table 12.1).
Alkylating agents are commonly divided into two classes: 2.2. Properties of the Alkylating Agents
mono-functional and bi-functional. The alkylating agents
usually used in plant experimental mutagenesis and The physical and chemical properties of the alkylating
mutation breeding are mono-functional. Bi-functional agents and of innumerous other chemicals, as well as
- +
SN1 RX X+R R - D N A + x-
slow fast
P 5 4 N
6 3 N 6 8
O H 5
H 1 2 HN 1 9
N 4 N
2 P
H H 3
Cytosine Guanine H H
N -
5 4 7
- 6
O P O 6
5 8
3 NH N 1 9
1 2 4 N
O H N 3 O
H H Thymine Adenine H H
O CH 2 H H
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 12.4 Most frequently alkylated sites in DNA.
information regarding their biological activity, chemical 2.3. Major Alkylation Adducts and their Repair
structure, and other properties, can be retrieved from
the Pubchem database (http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm. Eleven sites in the four bases and the phosphodiester The Substance Identity and the Compound groups constitute the 12 most common targets for
Identity codes for some alkylating agents are given in the alkylating agents in DNA (Fig 12.4). Nevertheless,
Table 12.2. Both codes can be used interchangeably after additional minor sites can be identified, such as the
accessing the database provided that the respective links exocyclic 2-amino group of guanine in which alkylation
“Substance” or “Compound” are previously selected. by the bi-functional agent mitomycin C was recently
Many other databases are available, inter-linked and determined.
inter-active. For example, the Toxicology Data Network N7alkylguanine - The most nucleophylic site in DNA,
(http://toxnet. links over a dozen different the N7 position of the guanine is the primary alkylated
data bases (including Pubchem). Broad and regularly site in DNA. Although this represents the bulk of the
updated and peer reviewed information regarding DNA alkylation by most alkylating compounds, this
multiple aspects of the compounds, from physical altered base is, apparently, non-mutagenic.
and chemical properties to biological activity and risk, O6alkylguanine – A major characteristic product of
handling, clean-up, disposal, etc., can be found in the SN1-type alkylating agents O6-alkylguanine is strongly
these databases. Box 12.2 shows a partial example of mutagenic since it mispairs with thymine and gives rise
the information that can be retrieved from Toxnet - in to G:C – A:T transitions. The repair of this lesion is par-
this case showing information regarding the inactivation ticularly crucial in humans, given that besides the muta-
and disposal of solid waste and mutagenic solutions genic implications there is a very well established strong
after 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea treatments. Some general correlation between the formation of this adduct and
rules for inactivation of alkylating compounds are pro- carcinogenesis. This DNA lesion is repaired in many
vided simultaneously. prokaryotes and eukaryotes through a direct reversal
Table 12.2: Commonly used alkylating agents in plant mutagenesis and mutation breeding.
Compound IUPAC Name Acronym(s) Substance1 Identity (SID Compound2 Identity (CID)
and suicidal mechanism by O6alkylguanine-DNA- O4alkylthymine – Usually a minor lesion, even for SN1
alkyltransferases which transfer the alkyl group from compounds, this altered base can mispair with guanine
DNA to a cystein of the active site, which results in the and lead to A:T – G:C transitions. Directly repaired
inactivation of the repair protein. by Ogt and Ada (two different O6-alkylguanine-
The recent sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome DNA-alkyltansferases) gene products in bacteria this
revealed the absence of O6alkylguanine alkyltransferase lesion is very inefficiently repaired by the mammalian
gene homologues in this plant species. The absence of O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltansferase protein (known
similar gene homologues in other plants may explain the as MGMT or AGT). It should be noted that 1-ethyl-1-ni-
negative experimental results obtained regarding this trosourea tends to induce more A:T – G:C transitions
repair activity in some plants (and in Chlamydomonas). than the related compound 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea
Additional and alternative mechanisms for the repair (Table 12.3), which is in accordance to the higher
of this adduct have been recently identified (Fig 12.5). alkylation rate of the O4 position of the thymine by the
One of the mechanisms implicates the product of alkyl- ethylating (vs. methylating) compounds (Table 12.1).
transferase like (ATL) genes in the repair of this lesion via N3alkyladenine – Although induced by all alkylating
nucleotide excision repair (NER). agents this altered base is a major product of the SN2-
Table 12.3: Mutation spectrum of the alkylating agents at the molecular level
Compound G:C – A:T (%) A:T – G:C (%) Transvertions (%) Other
MNU ~100 - - -
ENU 72 21 6 -
MMS 20 14 66 -
EMS 93 1 2 4
NDMA 90 <5 - -
NDEA 60 21 9 10
MNNG 98 <2 - -
ENNG 95 5 - -
DMS 74 3 20 3
Methlylating agent
CH3+ synthesis(?) Transition
A T mutations
6 S1 6
G C O meG C O meG ~ T
Polymerase G/H
O6meG Singlestrand
CH3 gap (> 1kb) "
Synthesis (?)
O6meG ~ T Doublestrand
absent in plants
Cell death
repair (HR/NHEJ)
Nucleotide Excision Repair Recombination
(Sister chromatid exchanges;
Chromosome aberrations)
mechanism via MGMT/AGT proteins. The O6-methylG:T mispair can be recognized by the mismatch repair (MMR) machinery, but the
excised thymine is replaced again by thymine resulting in a ”futile” repair cycle which can lead, on a further round of DNA replication, to the
induction of DNA double strand breaks (DSB). DSB can be repaired by the homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end join-
ing (NHEJ) pathways, but can also result in clastogeny, SCE formation and/or apoptosis. Nucleotide excision repair (NER), a possible mecha-
nism for repair of larger adducts, can, in some organisms, be recruited by alkyltransferases like (ATL) proteins to repair O6-methylG, possibly
even before S1. S1 and S2: first and second rounds of DNA replication after alkylation. Adapted from: Margison et al. (2002) Mutagenesis
17: 483-487.
type compounds. This lesion and that of N3alkylguanine mutational processes that determines success in plant
is repaired by the base excision repair (BER) mechanism mutation breeding.
which initiates with the removal of the altered base by
a glycosylase activity that generates an abasic site in
the double helix. Methyl methanesulphonate (MMS), 3. Mutagenesis of Alkylating Agents
an inducer of these two lesions, has been used for the in Plants
study of this DNA repair mechanism in the various bio-
logical systems. 3.1. Mutagenicity
N1alkyladenine and N3alkylcytosine – These two minor
cytotoxic lesions are also preferentially induced by SN2 3.1.1. DNA Breakage and Clastogenicity
agents, which could explain the increased frequency of Despite the relative absence of experimental data on
transversion mutations after MMS treatments. These two the fate of the formed DNA adducts, the mutagenicity
adducts were recently shown to be repaired by a direct and the clastogenicity of alkylating agents in plants has
reversal mechanism involving oxidative DNA demethy- been documented for more than 40 years. The study
lases (Alk-B in E. coli). In contrast to the O6alkylguanine- of the clastogenic effects of alkylating agents and other
DNA-alkyltransferase, homologues to the Alk-B gene chemical compounds in plants had, and still has, two
have been already identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. main goals: 1) the assessment of several aspects of plant
Alkylphosphotriesters -The alkylation of phosphodi- cell biology related to the plant response to chemical
esters in DNA results in alkylphosphotriesters which in compounds, and 2) the study of the biological activity
E. coli are repaired by the Ada-protein while in mam- of chemical compounds using plants as biological assay
mals they are assumed to be very poorly or even not in order to draw conclusions concerning the risk they
repaired by the alkyltransferase protein (MGMT/AGT). represent to the environment and human health (e.g.
It is noteworthy that for the SN1 compounds 1-methyl- risk of carcinogenicity). The sensitivity and reliability
1-nitrosourea (MNU) and 1-ethyl-1-nitrosourea (ENU) of the plant bioassays have been recognized by vari-
the alkylphosphotriesters account for approximately ous prestigious international organizations such as the
20% and 70% of all alkylation adducts, respectively, and World Health Organization, which recommend their
that there is an almost negligible amount of this lesion use for mutation screening and for detection of geno-
induced by the SN2 compound methyl methanesulpho- toxins in the environment.
nate (MMS) (Table 12.1). Among the multitude of plant species used for such
The relative frequency of induction of a specific purposes, Crepis capillaris, Lycopersicon esculentum,
pre-mutagenic lesion in DNA depends mostly on the Pisum sativum and Zea mays were the subjects of
properties of the mutagen, e.g. SN1 vs. SN2 compounds comprehensive and informative revisions (e.g. Grant
or methylating vs. ethylating agents. The ultimate muta- and Owens, 2001). From these and other sources it is
genic effect of a chemical agent, however, depends clear that all major alkylating agents (EMS, ENU, MNU,
on the lesions initially induced in the DNA, the lesions DES, etc.) show a positive clastogenic effect in all tested
that remain unrepaired and the mutagenic effect of the plant species. Effects can be seen at the cytological level
repair mechanisms themselves. and recorded as bridges and fragments in anaphase
When not repaired, the pre-mutagenic adducts tend and telophase cells, as translocations, deletions, inser-
to give rise to fixed mutations. The alkylated O6guanine tions, inversions, ring chromosomes, etc. in metaphase
tends to produce G:C to A:T transitions. The alkylated C cells, and as micro-nuclei in interphase and mitotic
N3adenine gives rise to A:T to T:A transversions, while cells.
the non-repaired alkylated N3cytosine can result in Regarding the clastogeny induced by alkylating
C:G to T:A transitions and C:G to A:T and C:G to G:C agents in plants, it was found that prior treatment of
transversions. root meristems with low doses of these compounds
The elucidation of the fate of the alkylation products (or with environmental stress factors as heat-shock or
in plants constitutes one of the main challenges for heavy metal salts) induced a protective (reducing) effect
plant experimental mutagenesis. The clarification of against subsequent treatments with higher doses of
these processes will allow a better understanding of the alkylating agents. By analogy with the bacterial “adap-
tive response” to alkylating agents, this phenomenon out in plants. Nevertheless, in spite of differences in
was named “clastogenic adaptation”. genome organization or cell cycle phase dependent
The molecular basis of “clastogenic adaptation” in differences in chromatin packing that could determine
plants was studied in correlation with the formation differences in the accessibility of chemical compounds
and removal of O6alkylguanine (Baranczewski et al. to DNA, the ultimate DNA lesions induced by chemical
1997). Nevertheless, the apparent absence of the repair mutagens: transitions, transversions, deletions, inser-
protein O6alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferases in plants tions, inversions, DNA single and double strand breaks
requires all former experimental data on “clastogenic and DNA recombination are similar, though in different
adaptation” to be re-thought in the light of this new proportion, to those induced by radiation. The spec-
information. New explanations, including the role of trum of mutations induced by chemical and physical
other O6alkylguanine repair mechanisms, are required. mutagens, in particular the so called “visible”, ”macro”
DNA breakage is assumed to be the phenomenon or phenotypic mutations (chlorophyll, morphological,
that underlies the formation of chromosome aberra- physiological) is expected to be similar.
tions and chromosome rearrangements. During the Some mutations such as those conferring increased
last two decades the assessment of genotoxic and (plastome encoded) herbicide or antibiotic resistance
clastogenic effects of chemical compounds in plants seem to be more frequent in chemical (alkylating com-
has been complemented with the direct assessment pounds) mutagenesis. However, the identification of
of DNA breakage, primarily using the single cell gel these mutations may be simply the result of the applied
electrophoresis (SCGE) technique also known as the selection procedures.
“Comet assay” (see Chapter 11). A major difference between chemical and physical
While simultaneously evaluating DNA damage and mutagenesis is the possibility of achieving higher muta-
somatic mutations in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum, tions rates with minimal effects on survival and fertility
Gichner et al. (1999) ranked the mutagenic potency of of M1 plants by chemical mutagens, a situation that does
the four main alkylating agents as: MNU> ENU≈ MMS > not seem possible with acute treatments of physical
EMS. With respect to DNA damaging activity the rank mutagens.
order was slightly different: MNU > MMS >ENU > EMS.
The reliability of the Comet assay in assessing DNA 3.2. Plant Materials and Methods of Treatment
damage in different plant species is well established
and a clear correlation between the extent of DNA 3.2.1. Types of Plant Material
damage and the concentration of the mutagen used Chemical mutagenesis can be performed with all types
has been observed in a wide range of species, including of plant materials, from whole plants (usually seed-
sugar beet, alfalfa, tobacco, lentil, maize, potato, durum lings) to in vitro cultured cells. Nevertheless, the most
wheat and bread wheat (Gichner et al. 2003). A corre- commonly used plant material is seed. Multiple forms
lation between “clastogenic adaptation” expressed as a of plant propagules such as bulbs, tubers, corms and
reduction of chromatid type aberrations, micro-nuclei rhizomes and explants used for plant vegetative propa-
and aneuploid cells, and the “clastogenic adaptation” gation such as vegetative cuttings, scions, or in vitro
expressed as a reduction of damaged DNA assessed by cultured tissues as leaf and stem explants, anthers, calli,
the “comet assay”, was observed after the treatment with cell cultures, microspores, ovules, protoplasts, etc., are
non-toxic doses of cadmium chloride prior to the chal- also used. Gametes, usually inside the inflorescences,
lenge treatment with a high dose (5mM, 2 h) of MNU. are also targeted to mutagenic treatments (immersion
of spikes, tassels, etc. into mutagenic solutions, see
3.1.2. Nature of Induced Mutations Chapter 14).
Chemical mutagens in the early studies were termed
“radiomimetic” due to the similarity of their effects com- 3.2.2. Types of Treatment
pared to the radiation effects on biological systems. To Mutagenic treatments are usually performed on plant
the best of our knowledge, an extensive comparative tissues and result in multiple different mutations
analysis of the total spectra of mutations induced by induced in a large number of cells, most of which nor-
radiation vs. chemical agents has never been carried mally do not develop into new plants. In vitro culture
Box 12.2: Precautions for (and inactivation of) alkylating, arylating and acylating compounds
Precautions for “Carcinogens”: Carcinogens that are alkylating, arylating or acylating agents per se can be destroyed by reaction with
appropriate nucleophiles, such as water, hydroxyl ions, ammonia, thiols & thiosulfate. The reactivity of various alkylating agents varies
greatly ... and is influenced by solubility of the agent in the reaction medium. To facilitate the complete reaction, it is suggested that the
agents be dissolved in ethanol or similar solvents. ... No method should be applied ... until it has been thoroughly tested for its effectiveness
and safety on material to be inactivated. For example, in case of destruction of alkylating agents, it is possible to detect residual compounds
by reaction with 4(4-nitrobenzyl)-pyridine.
1. Oxidation by potassium permanganate in sulfuric acid (KMnO4 in H2SO4). The products of the reaction have not been determined.
Degradation efficiency was >99.5%.
2. Reaction with sulfamic acid in hydrochloric acid solution (HCl). The strong hydrochloric acid causes displacement of the nitroso
group. The nitrosyl chloride formed reacts with the sulfamic acid to form nitrogen and H2SO4. This reaction prevents any reformation
of the nitrosamide. The products of the reaction are the corresponding amides produced by simple removal of the nitroso group.
Degradation efficiency was >99.5%.
3. Reaction with iron filings in HCl solution. The strong HCl causes displacement of the nitroso group. The nitrosyl chloride formed
is reduced by the iron filings in the acid to ammonia. This reaction prevents any reformation of the nitrosamide. The products of
the reaction are the corresponding amides produced by simple removal of the nitroso group except for N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-
nitrosoguanidine and N-ethyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, where reductive removal of the nitro group causes the major products to
be methylguanidine and ethylguanidine, respectively. Degradation efficiency was >99%.
4. Reaction with sodium bicarbonate solution (NaHCO3). This weak base causes a slow, base-mediated decomposition. The rate of
reaction is sufficiently slow so that any diazoalkanes that are formed react with the solvent before escaping from the solution. The
products of the reaction have not been definitely identified ... Degradation efficiency was >99.99% for N-methyl-N-nitrosourea,
N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, N-methyl-N-nitrosourethane, and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourethane. The method is not suitable for N-methyl-N’-
nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, N-ethyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, or N-methyl-N-nitroso-p-toluenesulfonamide.
5. Reaction with NaHCO3 solution, then nickel-aluminum (Ni-Al) alloy and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) solution, then potassium
hydroxide (KOH) solution. The slow increase in pH of the solution produced by sequential addition of the bases causes a slow
degradation of the nitrosamide. The degradation rate is sufficiently slow so that any diazoalkanes that are formed have time to react
with the solvent before escaping from the solution. Degradation efficiency is >99.9%.
Montesano, R., H. Bartsch, E.Boyland, G. Della Porta, L. Fishbein, R. A. Griesemer, A.B. Swan, L. Tomatis, and W. Davis (eds.). Handling
Chemical Carcinogens in the Laboratory: Problems of Safety. IARC Scientific Publications No. 33. Lyon, France: International Agency for
Research on Cancer,1979.,p.17
Nitrosamides. [Lunn, G., E.B. Sansone. Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1994., p. 279]
Table 12.4: Half-life of some alkylating agents in water solution at different temperatures and pH.
[Unit: T0.5(h)]
Mutagens Temp (°C) pH6 pH7 pH8
MNNG 22 2.5
ENNG 22 7.0
methods provide an exception in the sense that, for of the generative cells that will transmit mutations to the
species where regeneration protocols are established, next (M2) generation via sexual reproduction while lower-
any mutated cell has the potential to regenerate into ing the injury of other tissues which will decrease plant
a new plant and thereby transmit its mutations to the survival or result in higher sterility in the M1 generation.
next, sexual or vegetative, generation. During chemical mutagenic treatments, time (usually
One of the practical issues that concerns researchers and a few hours) is needed for the mutagen to reach the
breeders is the optimization of the mutagenic treatments apical and/or axillary meristems in seed embryos, prop-
Table 12.5: Examples of mutagenic treatments with the most commonly used alkylating agents.
Alkylating agent Plant species Plant material Concentration Exposure References
MNU Begonia Leaf explants (in 0.2 – 10 1h Bouman and De Klerk (2001) Theor
(MW 103.08) vitro) Appl Genet, 102: 111-117
Lathyrus sativus Pre-soaked seeds 0.5 – 1.4 3h Rybinski (2003) Lathyrus Lathyrism
(12 h) Newsletter, 3: 27-31
Lens culinaris Seeds 0.49 – 3.88 6h Sharma and Sharma (1986) Theor Appl
Genet, 71: 820-825
var. botrytis Pieces of curd (in 0.3 Days Deane et al. (1995) Euphytica, 85:
vitro) 329-334
Nicotiana Protoplasts 0.1 Days Rey et al. (1990) Plant Cell Reports, 9
plumbaginilfolia (5): 241-244
Zea mays Callus 1 – 30 4-8 h Moustafa et al. (1989) Plant Cell and
Tissue and Organ Culture, 17: 121-132
Oryza sativa Panicles 94.2 (injected) Lee et al. (2003) Genetics and
Genomics, 22: 218-223
agules, buds, etc., which are protected, respectively, by To overcome this problem, the renewal - at least par-
the seed testa and cotyledons and/or by primordial tial - of the mutagenic solution during the treatments has
and adult leaves. In addition, during the mutagenic been suggested, which implies the repeated manipula-
treatments the chemical mutagens undergo spontane- tion of the mutagen and the need of additional muta-
ous degradation (Table 12.4) and part of the reactive genic solution. Another option is to pre-soak seeds (or
chemical species will be lost in reactions (e.g. alkylation other type of plant material) in water or buffer for some
reactions) with the contents of tissues and cells other hours prior to mutagenic treatment. This allows the
than the target meristematic cells, which will be reached mutagen to diffuse more rapidly to the tissues of inter-
some hours later by a depleted mutagenic solution. est (meristems). Depending on the species and the
experimental design diverse times of pre-soaking, from mutagens (Box 12.2). Commonly used buffers include
shorter periods of 4-5 hours to longer periods of 12-16 the phosphate buffers, in particular the Sorensen’s
hours, may be used (Table 12.5). A third option is to pre- phosphate buffer, at pH (6.8 – 7.0). Distilled water is
germinate seeds and to treat seedlings (Table 12.5). This slightly acidic and is also commonly used.
procedure facilitates the access of the mutagens to the Exposure time varies substantially depending on the
apical and axillary meristems and reduces the time of type of plant material and concentration, but usually
exposure to 1-2 hours. This has advantages in providing ranges from 1 to 6-12 hours.
almost full survival and fertility among the M1 plants and
very high mutation rates in the M2 generation. A range 3.3. Handling M1 and M2 Generations
of other tissues can be pre-soaked or pre-germinated
for use in vivo and in vitro mutagenesis (bulbs, corms, As for physical mutagenic agents, the level of injuries
tubers, etc.). induced by the alkylating agents in M1 plants can be
In certain specific circumstances, other types of treat- assessed as germination and/or field emergence rates
ment may be used in chemical mutagenesis, including and parameters such as survival - percent of plants that
dipping inflorescences such as spikes or tassels in muta- attain the adult phase; sterility - percent of adult plants
genic solutions, or injection of mutagenic solutions in that do not produce progeny; plant morphoses, chloro-
stems or culms, etc. There are also some reports of in phyll chimeras, plant height, number of inflorescences,
vitro treatments, in which plant tissues are cultivated number of fruits, fertile branches, fertile nodes, number
in the continuous presence of low concentrations of of seeds, etc (see Chapter 14). Several parameters can
mutagenic agents (Table 12.5). be conceptualized and analyzed in different ways, for
example: sterility can be assessed establishing multiple
3.2.3. Concentration of Mutagens, pH and levels of expression from less sterile plants to totally
Exposure Time sterile plants.
It is advisable that the concentrations of the mutagens Much work has been dedicated to correlating injuries
to be used is established and reported in molar units. to the M1 plants with mutagenic rates in the M2 prog-
Molar units refer to the number of molecules of the eny. This has been done in order to establish predictive
mutagen in the solution and facilitates the comparison rules in generating the required mutant variation in the
of the biological effects of different mutagenic agents subsequent M2 generation. Lethal dose thresholds have
on an equimolar basis. In many earlier works mutagen also been investigated. It became commonly accepted
concentrations are reported as percentage units, (v/v) that doses inducing 25 to 50% lethality (LD25 - LD50)
or (w/v). among the M1 plants will result in the highest muta-
Some general conclusions can be reached by com- tions rates. Most of these parameters were developed
paring the most used alkylating agents EMS, ENU and from treatments of dry seeds which required relatively
MNU. In acute treatments, EMS is frequently used long treatment times, and this resulted in relatively high
at ranges of 10s-100s mili-molar concentrations (e.g. lethal injury to embryonic tissues. However, the use
10 - 100 mM and over); ENU is generally used at con- of protocols that minimize the injury to M1 plants (e.g.
centrations an order of magnitude lower (e.g. about pre-soaking seeds or carrying out short mutagenic treat-
5 - 6 mM) while MNU is usually used at much lower ments on germinated tissues) allow very high mutation
concentrations (e.g. 0.2–1.0 mM). The most important rates in the M2 generation to be reached while signifi-
limiting factor regarding the mutagenic concentration is cantly reducing the lethality among the M1 plants.
the toxicity of the compound, which rapidly increases The normal, general mutation breeding methods
with concentration and shows a clear negative effect on apply to chemical mutagenesis. The pedigree method
the survival and fertility of the M1 progeny. where M1 plants are individually harvested and individ-
When used as a solid substance, the alkylating agents ually sown as M2 families and the bulk method where all
need first to be dissolved in appropriate solvents such M1 plants are bulk harvested and the bulked M2 progeny
as ethanol or DMSO and then added to buffers or is sown are commonly used. These two main breeding
water. The pH of the buffers is usually neutral or slightly methods contrast in the way mutation rates are calcu-
acid (pH 6-7), this helps to minimize degradation of the lated: a) Pedigree method - as percentage of M2 families
with mutations and b) Bulk method - as percentage of deployed for hypoxanthine involving endonuclease V
mutated M2 plants. The first method however, permits a (recently identified in E. coli). Oxanthine seems to be
better correlation to be established between the M1 and repaired less efficiently than xanthine, via BER or NER
M2 generations, as well as providing a better compari- pathways. The fate of the nitrous acid and nitric oxide
son between biological effects of different mutagens. induced DNA inter-strands cross-links as well as the
In a broad sense, and often in practice, an M2 family consequences on the ability of oxanine to form cross-
is taken to be the progeny of an M1 plant. However, this link adducts with aminoacids, polyamines and proteins
concept can be further constrained and an M2 family are currently very poorly understood.
to be formed from the progeny of a plant branch, indi- In plants, nitric oxide is assumed to play an important
vidual spike, etc. role in plant growth and development and to be a ubiq-
uitous signal involved in the induction of cell death and
of defense genes, and in the interaction with reactive
4. Other Chemical Mutagens oxygen species during defense against pathogens or in
response to the plant hormone ABA. Bearing in mind
Paraphrasing the title of an article published by Ferguson that nitric oxide over-production in chronically inflamed
and Denny (1995) it can be said that multiple groups of tissues has been implicated in carcinogenesis and that
chemical compounds can be classed as an “underuti- NO releasing compounds are potent growth inhibitors
lized resource” in plant chemical mutagenesis. Some of of cancer cell lines and prevent colon and pancreatic
the promising compounds are discussed below. cancer in animal models, the study of nitrous acid and
nitric oxide effects in biological systems is expected to
4.1. Nitrous Acid and Nitric Oxide expand.
4.1.1. Properties 4.1.2. Nitrous Acid and Nitric Oxide in Plant Mu-
The mutagenic effect of nitrous acid (HNO2) in virus, tagenesis
bacteria, fungi, and yeast was documented more than Although, nitrous acid mutagenesis is used for genetic
five decades ago. More recently nitric oxide (NO) was improvement of virus, fungi and bacteria for multiple
found to exert, through similar pathways, similar effects biotechnological purposes, its exploitation in plant
on biological systems. Both compounds induce two genetic improvement has been lacking. Since nitrous
major types of mutations: transitions and DNA inter- acid is quite instable, hence the mutagenic treatments
strands cross-links. with nitrous acid need to be quick, e.g. not longer
Although hydrolytic deamination of the bases in DNA than a few minutes, which makes the treatment of dry
occurs spontaneously, nitrous acid and nitric oxide seeds ineffective. Young seedlings and especially in
increase deamination rate, in particular of guanine. vitro cultured plant cells, tissues and other vegetative
Both compounds induce nitrosamine deamination of explants offer more potential as targets for nitrous acid
adenine to hypoxantine (Hx), of cytosine to uracil and mutagenesis. The low pH at which nitrous acid needs to
of guanine to xanthine (Xan) and oxanine (Oxa) at a be maintained is an additional stress factor that needs
molar ratio of 3:1 (Fig 12.6). to be considered in any nitrous acid treatment of plant
Hypoxantine pairs with cytosine leading to AT GC materials.
transitions, while uracil pairs with adenine inducing Protocols for nitrous acid (N2O) mutagenic treat-
CG TA transitions. Xanthine and oxanine can pair ments: nitrous acid needs to be prepared fresh at low
with cytosine or with thymine, in the latter case leading temperatures (0°C) before each treatment. Usually
to GC AT transitions. potassium or sodium nitrites are solubilized in acetate
Inter-strand cross-links are formed preferentially in buffer at pH 4.0 - 5.5. Alternatively, identical volumes of
5’CG sequences where the two guanines on opposite solutions with equi-molar concentrations of sulphuric
strands remain covalently linked through a shared exo- acid and barium nitrite are mixed and the barium sul-
cyclic imino group (Fig 12.7). phate removed by centrifugation. This last solution has
Uracil and hypoxantine are repaired by the BER a very low pH (1.5). Mutagenic treatments are usually
pathways, whereas an alternative repair pathway is performed with 0.02 to 0.1 M solutions.
N N O N NH 2
NH 2 H
Guanine Xanthine Oxanine
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 12.6 Nitrous acid and nitric oxide induce the nitrosamine deamination of guanine to xanthine and oxanine
4.2. Base Analogues and Related Compounds properties of this compound are being tested for anti-
neoplastic treatments.
4.2.1. Types and Effects Other base analogues as 2-Aminopurine (2AP),
Under specific conditions some base analogues (Fig 2,6-Diaminopurine (2,6DAP), 6-N-hydroxylaminopurine
12.8), and their ribosides and deoxyribosides, can be (HAP) and 2-Amino-6N-hydroxylaminopurine (AHAP)
more mutagenic to specific organisms than the alkylat- can function as analogues of adenine or guanine and
ing agents. The analogue of thymine 5-bromo-uracil incorporated into DNA where they induce high rates
(BU) - and its deoxyriboside 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine of C:G to T:A and T:A to C:G transitions and frameshift
(BUdR) - can incorporate into DNA and induce GCAT mutations. 2AP and 2,6 DAP are very effective mutagens
and ATGC transitions, and ATTA and CG AT trans- to phages and bacteria but weak mutagens to eukary-
versions, as well as small indels that cause frameshift otic cells and weak carcinogens in mammalian systems.
mutations, both in vivo and in vitro. In contrast, HAP and AHAP are strongly mutagenic to
The ability of BUdR to incorporate into newly synthesized eukaryotic cells and relatively carcinogenic. The clasto-
DNA strands is exploited in sister chromatid exchange genic effect of base analogues in plants, including related
analyses, and the anti-proliferative and radiosensitizing compounds as the alkylated oxypurines: 8-ethoxycaf-
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 12.7 Covalent linkage of two guanines, on opposite strands, induced by nitrous acid and nitric oxide.
feine and 1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid, was established ment of the genotoxicity of MH versus methyl methane-
over three decades ago almost simultaneously with the sulphonate (MMS) in onion (Allium cepa) confirmed the
determination of the ability of some of these compounds much stronger clastogenic effect of MH: 24.0 and 46.4 %
to induce visible mutations in plants. Nevertheless, base cells with chromosome aberrations for concentrations of
analogues have not been tested intensively for the induc- 5 mg/l and 10 mg/l, respectively, versus 19.1 % aberrant
tion of mutants of interest in plants, and in this regard, the cells for 10mg/l MMS (Rank et al. 2002).
release of the malting barley commercial variety “Fuji Nijo MH effects revealed by comet assay were contrary
II” induced by BUdR + gamma rays treatment in Japan is to the expected, since no DNA damage was observed
exceptional. (Gichner, 2003). However, Juchimiuk et al. (2006) also
(6-N-hydroxylaminopurine - HAP) O
O (Maleic Hydrazide)
Maleic hydrazide (1,2-dihydro-3,6-pyridazinedione, using the comet assay registered extensive DNA damage
MH) is a structural isomer of uracil with plant growth both in N. tabacum and human leucocytes when MH
regulator properties and commonly used as herbicide treatments were performed on previously isolated cell
and sprout inhibitor. The genotoxic effects of this base nuclei. The comparison of the contradictory results of
analogue, particularly in plants, are rather intriguing and these experiments raises the question of the role of in
deserve further enlightenment. MH shows low muta- vivo DNA repair mechanisms in the mutagenic effect
genic activity in bacteria, fungi and animal cells with of MH. Intriguing results were also observed when
seemingly no carcinogenic effects. However, this com- MH was used in combined mutagenic treatments. As
pound exhibits high mutagenic, clastogenic and recom- expected, a synergistic effect was observed when MH
binational activity in plants, frequently stronger than that was combined with X-rays in inducting somatic muta-
of the most powerful alkylating agents (Gichner 2003). tions in Trandescantia stamen hairs; but, conversely, an
In an experiment carried out simultaneously in two dif- antagonistic mutagenic effect was registered when MH
ferent laboratories the results of the comparative assess- was combined with EMS.
4.2.2. Base Analogues and Plant Mutation 2,7-diaminomitosene (2,7-DAM), which then alkylates
Breeding DNA (Paloma et al. 2001).
Apart from a very few exceptions, and despite the well Azaserine is a naturally occurring serine derivative
documented genotoxic effects of MH in plants, reports with antineoplastic properties that functions as a purine
on the use of this compound in plant mutation breeding antagonist and a glutamine amidotransferase inhibitor.
are lacking. The relative low toxicity and carcinogenicity Azaserine spontaneously decomposes to diazoac-
of most of the base analogues, which are relatively inert etate which carboxymethylate DNA forming O6CmG,
and non-volatile compounds, are properties expected N7CmG and N3CmA as major products and O6meG and
to encourage the utilization of base analogues in plant N7 and N3 methylpurines as minor products.
mutation breeding. MH and other base analogues have The fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin is a bacterial
been used as water or buffer (e.g. Tris HCl) solutions at gyrase inhibitor that causes DNA double-strand breaks
5 to 10 mg/l. and induces a wide pattern of mutations including dif-
ferent kinds of base-pair substitutions and 3 or 6 base-
4.3. Antibiotics pair insertions/deletions that result in frameshift muta-
tions in bacteria. At high concentrations ciprofloxacin
4.3.1. Types and Effects inhibits the eukaryotic topoisomerase-II and induces
Antibiotics are defined functionally on the basis of genotoxic effects in mammalian cells in in vitro stud-
their anti-microbial activity. This group of compounds ies, whereas no genotoxic or carcinogenic effects were
includes a multitude of natural and synthetically synthe- observed when used in in vivo tests with rodents.
sized substances which, according to their molecular Some antibiotics are radiomimetic and induce pre-
structure, fall into very different classes of compounds. dominantly single and double strand breaks in DNA. A
Some antibiotics (Fig 12.9), such as streptozotocin, major representative group of these antibiotics are the
mitomycin C or azaserine, can also be included in the bleomycins, a group of natural glycopeptides produced
group of alkylating compounds. by Streptomyces verticillus. It has potent antitumor
Streptozotocin (STZ) is a naturally synthesized broad activity, which is commonly assigned to its strong induc-
spectrum antibiotic and a potent mutagen and carcino- tion of DNA breakage (Ferguson and Denny, 1995).
gen used as a diabetogenic and anti-neoplastic agent. Many other antibiotics, as fumagillin, amoxicillin and
DNA specific sequence analyses showed that over amoxicillin-related antibiotics, such as ampicillin, are
98% of the STZ-induced mutations were G:C to A:T also mutagenic to bacteria and mammalian cells, while
transitions with a few A:T to G:C transitions. However others such as actinomycin D are potent apoptotic
STZ also produces DNA strand breaks, alkali-labile agents.
sites, unscheduled DNA synthesis, DNA adducts,
chromosomal aberrations, micro-nuclei, sister chro- 4.3.2. Antibiotic Mutagenicity Assays in Plants
matid exchanges and cell death. Although the ability The assessment of genotoxic effects of some antibiot-
of streptozotocin to induce visible mutations in plants, ics, in particular the study of the induced DNA lesions
in particular chlorophyll mutations, was reported four and respective repair pathways, has been carried out in
decades ago this mutagen has not been taken up in plants, though at a much lower scale compared to the
plant breeding experiments. number of similar studies performed in bacteria and
Mitomycin C (MMC) is an antineoplastic antibiotic mammals.
isolated from Streptomyces caespitosus that inhibits The clastogenic properties of bleomycin have been
DNA, RNA and protein synthesis and induces apoptosis determined in faba beans (Vicia faba), barley (Hordeum
in mammalian cells, and intra-chromosomal recombi- vulgare) and Crepis capillaris root cells. The formation and
nation in plant somatic cells. MMC is a bi-functional repair of bleomycin induced DNA breaks in faba beans
alkylating agent that reacts with guanine residues was assessed by neutral elution and by the comet assay.
to form DNA inter-strand cross-links at the 5-CG-3 The very fast repair of bleomycin induced strand breaks
sequences and six types of guanine adducts, four of was first documented in Arabidopsis and more recently
them arising from the direct alkylation of DNA by MMC confirmed in barley (Georgieva and Stoilov 2008).
and two other resulting from the previous formation of Among the non-alkylating mutagenic compounds
CH 3
(Streptozotocin) (Mitomycin C)
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 12.9 Molecular structures of two antibiotic/alkylating agents
antibiotics have been the most extensively used in plant Treatment conditions with antibiotics can vary substan-
mutation breeding, with particular success in the induc- tially. Treatments with 50 to 200 μg/ml bleomycin, 5 to
tion of male sterile mutants in a number of plant spe- 500 μg/ml mitomycin C, 5 to 5000 μg/ml streptomycin
cies. Twenty-two cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and and 1 – 5 mg/ml azaserine have been used.
7 nuclear male sterile (NMS) mutants were selected in
sunflower (Helianthus annus) after treatments of seeds 4.4. Intercalating Agents and Topoisomerase
with mitomycin C and streptomycin. Streptomycin Inhibitors and Poisons
proved to be more effective in the induction of male
sterility mutations as 18 of the CMS mutants were 4.4.1. Intercalating Agents
induced by this antibiotic. Six of these CMS lines have Intercalating agents can reversibly intercalate with
been released by the USDA-ARS and the North Dakota double-stranded DNA, but they do not covalently
AES (Jan and Vick, 2006). The efficiency of streptomycin interact with it. Classical intercalating compounds such
to induce male sterile mutants was also proved in sugar as acridinium salts, ethidium bromide and propidium
beet, sorghum and pearl millet. In this last species male iodide are fused-ring aromatic molecules with positive
sterile mutants were also induced with mitomycin C. charges on an attached side chain and/or on the ring
Streptomycin, penicillin, rifampicin, erythromycin and system itself. Other compounds, such as DAPI, contain
tetracycline were also tested for inducting male sterile unfused aromatic systems with terminal basic functions
mutants in Linum usitatissimum. and are classified as non-classical intercalators.
Despite the very limited use of antibiotics in plant Initially used as disinfectants and anti-parasitic com-
mutation breeding and the very few published studies pounds, acridines and acridine derivatives constitute
on the genotoxicity of these compounds in plants, it is one of the biggest groups of the intercalating agents.
worth mentioning that among the new plant genomic These compounds have light absorbing properties and
tools stands the publicly available microarray data from photo-enhanced cytotoxicity and mutagenicity and are
the AtGenExpress initiative (http://www.arabidopsis. exploited as dyes in biological and biochemical assays
org/info/expression/ATGenExpress.jsp). This includes (e.g. acridine orange) and in clinics.
the transcriptional response of 16-day old WT (Col) The most specific DNA lesion induced by the acridine
Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings to the genotoxic treat- compounds are frameshift mutations. The exploitation
ment with (1.5μg/ml) bleomycin and (22 μg/ml) mito- of these particular mutagenic properties allowed Francis
mycin C for different (up to 24 hours) exposure times. Crick and co-authors to demonstrate the triplet nature
of the genetic code using the acridine dye proflavine. the persistence of these topoisomerase-DNA cleavage
The genotoxic activity of acridines and related molecules complexes are referred to as “topoisomerase poisons”.
differ from compound to compound. While simpler mol- Although there is some evidence for the involvement of
ecules, such as 9 amino-acridine and quinacrine, induce topoisomerases in the induction of frameshift mutations,
±1 frameshift mutations in bacteriophages and bacteria e.g. a functional T4 topoisomerase is required for 9-ami-
and are weak clastogens and mutagens to mammalian noacridine mutagenesis in T4 bacteriophage, the strong
cells, other acridines such as quinacrine, amsacrine and clastogenicity of several intercalating agents has been
anthracyclines are severely clastogens and carcinogens. ascribed to their topoisomerase II poisoning properties.
Acridines bearing additional fused aromatic rings Topoisomerae II poisons are strong cytoxic and/
(benzacridines) show little activity as frameshift muta- or clastogenic compounds, since stabilized cleavage
gens, but following metabolic activation interact cova- complexes can inhibit DNA replication and cause
lently with DNA inducing predominantly base-pair double strand breaks. Multiple anti-cancer drugs such
substitution mutations (Ferguson and Denny, 2007). as etoposide and doxorubicin and antibiotic com-
Nitroacridines have been shown to be mutagenic and pounds such as ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin function
clastogenic to mammalians. Some of these compounds, as topoisomerases II poisons.
such as nitracrine and the 3-nitroacridine Entozon, A second group of drugs that function by inhibiting
exhibit a predominant induction of -2 frameshift muta- the DNA binding and/or the catalytic cycle of topoi-
tions. Like the nitroacridines, the acridine mustards and somerases are referred to as topoisomerase catalytic
aflatoxin B1 can induce frameshift mutations and base- inhibitors. They do not induce double strand breaks and
pair substitution. exhibit lower cytoxicity. Examples of eukaryotic (human)
Acridine mustards, in which an alkylating mustard is catalytic inhibitors are aclarubicin and merbarone; the
attached to an intercalating acridine chromophore, former prevents the binding of topoisomerase II to DNA
can be 100-fold more cytotoxic than the free mustard. and the latter inhibits the DNA strands cleavage activity
Some acridine mustards such as ICR-191 and C20 are of this enzyme (e.g. McClendon and Osheroff, 2007).
known to form adducts to the N7 position of guanine, Compounds that exhibit topoisomerase II poison-
but analogues with longer linker chains, as C5, can form ing activity can be found either among intercalating or
adducts almost exclusively at the N1 position of adenine. non-intercalating agents. Genistein (a bioflavonoid),
The recombinogenic and mutagenic activities of some quinolones (e.g. CP-115,953), etoposide and teniposide
mutagens, e.g. bleomycin, can be enhanced and syner- are non-intercalating topoisomerase II poisons, while
gistic effects can be observed with pre-treatments with amsacrine, doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, proflavine and
aminoacridines, nitroacridines or acridine mustards. auramine are examples of intercalating topoisomerase
II poisons (Fig. 12.10). Quinones, which act as topoi-
4.4.2. Topoisomerase Poisons somerase II poisons in the presence of cleavage com-
plexes and as topoisomerase catalytic inhibitors when
Topoisomerases play critical roles in primary DNA previously incubated with the enzyme in the absence of
processes such as replication and recombination as DNA, and benzene are other examples of strong topoi-
well as in chromosome segregation, condensation and somerase poisons. Topoisomerase II catalytic inhibi-
decondensation. While type I topoisomerases remove tors can also be classed as intercalating agents, such
super-helical torsions in DNA generating temporary as 9-aminoacrine, chloroquine, tacrine and ethidium
single breaks in one strand, type II topoisomerases bromide or non-intercalating as merbarone.
alleviate DNA over-winds and resolve DNA knots and Interestingly, topoisomerase II catalytical inhibitors
tangles by a similar mechanism but generate transient can antagonize topo II poison activities. The attenu-
double strand breaks. In their function, topoisomerases ation of the DNA cleavage-enhancing properties of
establish the so called cleavage complexes, constituted teniposide, amsacrine and etoposide by merbarone,
by transient covalent attachment between the tyrosyl or the inhibition of the etoposide induced micro-nuclei
residues of their active site and the terminal DNA formation by chloroquine, A-74932, 9-aminoacridine
phosphates generated during the cleavage reaction. and ethidium bromide, are examples of such antago-
Compounds that stimulate the formation or increase nistic interaction.
(9-aminoacridine) (Acridineorange)
NH(CH2 )3 NH(CH2 )2 CI
(ICR - 191)
(Entozon) (Amsacrine)
Topoisomerase II does not become a genotoxic and topoisomerase poisons have been used to induce
enzyme uniquely by the direct poisoning effect of chem- mutants in bacteria, blue-green algae, Chlamydomonas,
ical compounds. Poisoning effect on topoisomerase II fish, animal and human cell lines, Oenothera chlo-
can be produced by double helix distortions caused by roplasts, etc. However, to the best of our knowledge
the presence of abasic sites generated by spontaneous (except for a report of male sterile mutants induced
hydrolysis, by DNA damaging agents or by base exci- by acriflavine and ethidium bromide in sugar beet) no
sion repair pathways (McClendon and Osheroff. 2007). other major publication has been produced reporting
In spite of the well demonstrated mutagenic activity of the use of this kind of compound for plant mutagen-
the intercalating agents and/or topoisomerase II cata- esis. The strong ability to induce frameshift mutations,
lytic inhibitors and topoisomerasesII poisons in multi- double strand breaks and other types of mutational
ple prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, and despite the events, in some cases mediated by adduct forma-
well documented clastogenic and cytotoxic effects of tion, provides compelling reasons for more studies in
acridines and their amino derivatives (Rank et al. 2002), plant systems. They might also become a new type of
so far these compounds have been rarely tested in mutagen that can induce unique mutations for plant
plants. molecular biologists, e.g. for TILLLING experiments,
Intercalating agents and/or topoisomerase inhibitors and for plant breeders.
Treatments with these mutagens are usually per- agents, in particular EMS but also MNU, are the most
formed with low micro-molar solutions prepared from frequently utilized mutagens for that purpose. As a con-
5-10 mg/ml stock solutions in dimethylsulphoxide sequence there has been a resurgence of main stream
(DMSO), 10 mM HCl, 10mM KOH or in water. Optimal articles and references to plant chemical mutagenesis.
concentrations and exposure times for plant mutation
breeding purposes need to be determined. Although 5.2. Practical Tips for Plant Mutagenesis
plant mutagenic treatments using these compounds Experiments
can be performed on seeds, it is expectable that
compounds with mutagenic effects associated with The guide lines below were developed for working
topoisomerase poisoning or topoisomerase inhibition with strong mutagens and carcinogens such as alkylat-
activities will be more effective on vegetatively growing ing agents, but may be followed when using muta-
tissues, particularly on seedlings and in vivo and in vitro gens assumed to be less toxic, less mutagenic or less
explants. carcinogenic.
rea (ENU) can be acquired in ISOPAC vials to which 13. Immersion of the plant material in 10% sodium
solvents (buffer, DMSO, ethanol) can be added via thiosulphate solution for a few minutes can help to
injection through a resealable cap. inactivate the mutagenic agent.
8. Solutions are safer to handle than substances in 14. Mutagenised plant material to be carried forward
a powder/solid form. Liquid spills are also much for in vitro culture needs to be surface sterilized
easier to locate than small powder particles. When after the mutagenic treatment.
weighing an alkylating agent it is advisable to add 15. Workers engaged in sowing, planting, grafting or
some milli-liters of the solvent (DMSO, ethanol) in vitro culture of mutagenised material should be
immediately after weighing out the material – this fully informed about the material they are manipu-
will prevent further dispersal of the powder and will lating. Careful supervision of workers is required
retain any liberated gas. It is also advisable that any to ensure that they wear appropriate protective
tool (e.g. spatula) that has been in contact with the clothing and gloves and that mutagenised materials
mutagen is immersed immediately in a solvent. are not manipulated directly by hand (even when
9. All surfaces, over which mutagens are supposed wearing gloves). Direct contact with the treated
to be manipulated (space around balances, fume material should be avoided; forceps can be used
hood, etc.), can be covered with filter paper fixed when sowing and planting and additional protec-
with tape or other means. At the end of the treat- tion is necessary when preparing scions to reduce
ment the paper can be carefully removed trapping the risk of contact with the mutagen still in the plant
any spilled particles or drops and disposed in a material.
specific designated disposal bag. 16. Chemical mutagenic treatments should always be
10. After the mutagen is dissolved in an adequate performed by, or under the directed supervision
amount of buffer or water, the solution can be of a specially trained officer to avoid contamina-
poured over the plant material to be treated. Plant tions and/or non-declared and non-eliminated
materials that can cause splashes (seeds, tubers, contaminations.
corms, etc.) should first be placed into the container 17. Treatments can be performed in specialised labo-
used for treatment (e.g. a simple glass beaker). ratories or in common laboratories. In the last case,
Alternatively, the plant material can be immersed in access to treatment rooms should be restricted.
the final volume of water or buffer solution to which Formation of toxic gases (e.g. diazoalkanes from
the mutagen dissolved in a solvent (DMSO, ethanol) nitroso compounds at high pH) and their transpor-
can be added with careful stirring (e.g. glass rod). tation to other laboratories via fume hood conduits
During the mutagenic treatment containers, even in should be avoided completely. Is advisable to per-
a fume hood, should be covered, e.g by parafilm. form mutagenic treatments out of regular working
11. After pre-soaking, if the remaining water or buffer time.
is removed, the amount of liquid taken up by the 18. Mutagenic solutions, including waste waters,
plant materials should be taken into account if an should be inactivated and glassware and metal-
exact calculation of the final concentration of the lic instruments (spatula, forceps, etc.) chemically
mutagen is required. decontaminated. Plastics, paper, gloves, etc.
12. At the end of the treatment period the mutagenic should be incinerated (Box 12.2). Most commonly
solution should be decanted or pipetted out, or used alkylating agents can be inactivated by adding
the treated material removed from the mutagenic sodium thiosulphate solution (10% final concen-
solution (easier for cuttings, tubers, corms, etc.). In tration) to the mutagenic solution and mutagenic
both cases treated plant material should be washed waste liquids, and by slowly increasing the pH using
immediately with water to remove the remain- a sodium hydroxide solution or sodium hydroxide
ing mutagenic solution. After this, three or more pellets (to 1% final concentration) and kept at least
changes of water should be used for at least one overnight to decompose. This will assure the com-
hour in order to remove as much of the mutagen plete inactivation of the mutagens.
as possible.
A solution of 10% sodium thiosulphate and 1% sodium Juchimiuk, J., Gnys, A. and Maluszynska, J. 2006. DNA
hydroxide, should be used for decontamination of damage induced by mutagens in plant and human
glassware and disposable labware. Information regard- cell nuclei in acellular comet assay. Folia Histochem.
ing inactivation and disposal of specific mutagens can Cytobiol. 44 (2):127-131.
be found at McClendon, A.K. and Osheroff, N. 2007. DNA topoi-
somerase II, genotoxicity, and cancer. Mutat Res. 623
6. References Paloma, Y., Belcourt, M.F., Tang, L.-Q. et al. 2001.
Bioreductive metabolism of mitomycin C in EMT6
6.1. Cited References mouse mammary tumor cells: cytotoxic and non-
cytotoxic pathways, leading to different types of DNA
Baranczewski, P., Nehls, P., Rieger, R. et al. 1997. Removal adducts. The effect of dicumarol. Biocheml Pharmacol.
of O6-methylguanine from plant DNA in vivo is accel- 61 (12): 1517-1529.
erated under conditions of clastogenic adaptation. Rank, J., Lopez, L.C., Nielsen, M.H. et al. 2002. Genotoxicity
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. 29 (4): of maleic hydrazide, acridine and DEHP in Allium cepa
400–405. root cells performed by two different laboratories.
Ferguson, L.R. and Denny, W.A. 1995. Anticancer drugs: Hereditas. 136: 13–18.
an underestimated risk or an underutilized resource in van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation Breeding. Theory and
mutagenesis? Mutat Res-Fund Mol M. 331: 1-26. Practical Applications. Cambridge University Press. pp.
Ferguson, L.R. and Denny, W.A. 2007. Genotoxicity of non- 353.
covalent interactions: DNA intercalators. Mutat Res.
Georgieva, M. and Stoilov, L. 2008. Assessment of 6.2. Websites
DNA strand breaks induced by bleomycin in barley
by the comet assay. Environmental and Molecular IAEA data base
Mutagenesis. 49:381-387.
Gichner, T., Ptáek, O., Stavreva, D.A. et al. 1999. Comparison PubChem
of DNA damage in plants as measured by single cell gel
electrophoresis and somatic leaf mutations induced by Toxnet
monofunctional alkylating agents. Environmental and http://toxnet.
Molecular Mutagenesis. 33:279-286. AtGenExpress
Gichner, T. 2003. Differential genotoxicity of ethyl meth-
anesulphonate, N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and maleic
hydrazide in tobacco seedlings based on data of the
Comet assay and two recombination assays. Mutat Res. 6.3. Further Reading
Gichner, T., Patková, Z. and Kim, J.K. 2003. DNA damage Bignold, L.P. 2009. Mechanisms of clastogen-induced
measured by the comet assay in eight agronomic plants. chromosomal aberrations: A critical review and
Biologia Plantarum. 47 (2): 185-188. description of a model based on failures of tether-
Grant, W.F. and Owens, E.T. 2001. Chromosome aberration ing of DNA strand ends to strand-breaking enzymes.
assays in Pisum for the study of environmental muta- Mutat Res. 681: 271–298.
gens. Mutat Res. 488: 93–118. Drabløs, F., Feyzi, E., Aas, P.A. et al. 2004. Alkylation
Hodgdon, A.L., Arenaz, P. and Nilan, R.A. 1981. Results damage in DNA and RNA-repair mechanisms and
of acridine dye treatment of Steptoe barley. Barley medical significance. DNA Repair. 3(11):1389-407.
Genetics Newsletter. 11: 69-71. Hamilton, J.T.G., McRoberts, W.C.,Keppler, F. et al.
Jan, C.C. and Vick, B.A. 2006. Registration of seven cytoplas- 2003. Chloride Methylation by Plant Pectin: An
mic male-sterile and four fertility restoration sunflower Efficient Environmentally Significant Process. Science.
germplasms. Crop Sci. 46:1829–1830. 301:206-209.
Loechler, E.L. 1994. A violation of the Swain-Scott princi- Robertson, A.B., Klungland, A., Rognes, T. et al. 2009.
ple, and not SN1 versus SN2 reaction mechanisms, DNA Base excision repair: the long and short of it.
explains why carcinogenic alkylating agents can form Cell Mol Life Sci. 66(6):981-993.
different proportionvs of adducts at oxygen versus Strekowski, L. and Wilson, B. 2007. Noncovalent interac-
nitrogen in DNA. Chem Res Toxicol. 7(3):277-280. tions with DNA: An overview. Mutat Res. 23(1-2): 3-13.
Mishina, Y., Duguid, E.M. and He, C. 2006. Direct Tubbs, J.L., Latypov, V., Kanugula, S. et al. 2009. Flipping
reversal of DNA alkylation damage. Chem Rev. 106 of alkylated DNA damage bridges base and nucleo-
(2):215-232. tide excision repair. Nature. 459:808-813.
Palavan-Unsal, N. and Arisan, D. 2009. Nitric Oxide
Signalling In Plants. Bot. Rev. 75:203–229.
Sodium Azide as a Mutagen
D.Gruszka*, I.Szarejko and M.Maluszynski
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection, University of Silesia, 40-032 Katowice, Jagiellonska 28, Poland
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction 2. Metabolism and Activity of Sodium Azide
Sodium azide (NaN3), a common bactericide, pesticide 2.1. Effects on Seed Germination and Plant
and industrial nitrogen gas generator is known to be Growth
highly mutagenic in several organisms including plants
and animals. Sodium azide is a potent mutagen in micro- Sodium azide (SA) is a well-known inhibitor of heavy-
organisms and a very efficient mutagen in barley as well metal enzymes with influences on metabolism and
as in some other crop species, however it is marginally respiration of living cells. It is metabolized in vivo to
mutagenic in mammalian systems and not mutagenic in a powerful chemical mutagen in many plant species,
Neurospora, Drosophila and in Arabidopsis thaliana – a including barley, rice, maize and soybean (e.g. Owais
model plant species. Mutagenicity of sodium azide is and Kleinhofs, 1988; Szarejko and Maluszynski, 1999).
mediated through the production of an organic metab- The mutagenic effect of SA greatly depends on the pH
olite of azide and highly dependent on acidic pH. The of the treatment solution and similarly to the MNU
frequency of chromosome breakage caused by sodium (N-methyl-N-nitrosourea), can be increased further by
azide is relatively very low. The issues concerning pre-germination of seeds prior to NaN3 treatment. This
metabolism, activity, cytotoxic and mutagenic effects mutagen generates M1 sterility and high frequency of
of sodium azide and comparisons with other mutagens M2 chlorophyll mutations in barley. The high frequency
are presented in this chapter. of chlorophyll and morphological mutations induced
% %
100 100
80 80
60 60
Control Control
1.5 mM NaN3 1.5 mM NaN3
5mM NaN 3 5mM NaN 3
40 40
10 mM NaN3 10 mM NaN3
15 mM NaN3 15 mM NaN3
20 20
0 0
pH 3 pH 7 pH 11 pH 3 pH 7 pH 11
-20 -20
30 1.5 mM NaN3
5mM NaN3
10 mM NaN3
15 mM NaN3
pH 3 pH 7 pH 11
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 13.1 (A) Influence of sodium azide treatment pH on barley seed germination. Seed were treated with four SA concentrations: 1.5 mM,
5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM for 4 h. (B) Influence of sodium azide treatment pH on barley seedling emergence reduction. Seed were treated
with four SA concentrations: 1.5 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM for 4 h. (C) Influence of sodium azide treatment pH on barley seedling height.
Seed were treated with four SA concentrations: 1.5 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 15 mM for 4 h.
by sodium azide is comparable with the frequency catalyzes the terminal step of photo- or oxidative phos-
produced by alkylating agents. Influence of sodium phorylation in chloroplasts, mitochondria and bacterial
azide on barley seeds germination (Fig 13.1A), seedlings membranes is particularly prone to inhibition by sodium
emergence reduction (Fig 13.1B) and seedlings height azide. This leads to a reduction in ATP production and,
(Fig 13.1C) is greatly dependent on acidity of treatment as a consequence, DNA, RNA and protein synthesis.
solution, while in alkaline solution it is completely This inhibition is dose-dependent and is potent even at
ineffective. the lowest dose used for mutation induction in barley
embryos. Recovery from this reduction was observed
2.2. Metabolism of Sodium Azide in Plant Cells in the case of DNA replication, whereas there was only
marginal recovery of protein synthesis. Due to the fact
Since the pI (isoelectric point) of sodium azide is at that SA affects DNA synthesis, it is most effective when it
pH=4.8, the predominant compound at pH=3 is hydro- is applied at S-phase of the cell cycle. Sodium azide acts
gen azide (HN3). The improved mutagenic effectiveness as an inhibitor of the proton pump and alters the mito-
of SA in the acid form is due to facilitated penetration chondrial membrane potential. Additionally, in E. coli
through the cell membrane by the uncharged HN3 mol- the primary site of the inhibitory action of SA is SecA
ecule. The mutagenic effect of sodium azide is mediated protein, an essential component of the protein export
through the synthesis of an organic metabolite, which system, displaying ATPase activity. Mutations causing
was identified in bacteria and barley as an amino acid resistance to sodium azide in E. coli occur mainly in the
analogue L-azidoalanine [N3-CH2-CH(-NH2)-COOH]. A secA gene (Fortin et al. 1990).
free amino acid group is essential for mutagenic activ-
ity, when compared to the carboxyl group. Synthetic
D-azidoalanine displays very low mutagenic activity, 3. Cytotoxic and Mutagenic Effect
indicating that a stereo-selective process is involved
in azidoalanine mutagenicity. The production of this 3.1. Influence on the Cell Cycle and Metabolism
metabolite is dependent on the enzyme O-acetylserine
sulfhydrylase [E.C.] inhibited in vitro by cysteine. A dose-dependent decline in mitotic index was
This enzyme catalyses the addition of azide (N3-) or sul- observed when SA at concentrations 0.1-0.5% were
phide (S2-) to O-acetylserine which leads to the synthesis applied to the seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum.
of azidoalanine or L-cysteine, respectively. Alpha-methyl At the highest concentration the reduction in mitotic
substitution blocks the mutagenicity of azidoalanine with index was 50%. The inhibitory influence of SA dose
alpha-methyl-azidoalanine being nearly devoid of muta- (concentration and duration of treatment) on the
genic activity. Homologation of azidoalanine to yield mitotic index was also observed in barley seedling,
2-amino-4-azidobutanoic acid markedly increases the what corroborated a cytotoxic effect of this mutagen
molar mutagenic potency. As in the case of azidoalanine, (Ilbas et al. 2005), and confirmed the inhibitory effect of
the mutagenic activity of this homologue is associated sodium azide on cell cycle. The ATP demand of divid-
with the L-isomer. The lack of SA mutagenic effect on ing cell is much higher compared to a non-proliferating
adult fruit flies and arabidopsis seeds is attributed to the cell. The ATP deficiency caused by sodium azide may
absence of cellular components conducting enzymatic be one of the reasons for the decrease in mitotic index.
conversion of sodium azide to the metabolite azidoala- SA was found to decrease the cellular level of calmodu-
nine (Sadiq and Owais, 2000). lin, which is a calcium binding protein participating in
signal transduction and cell division. Sodium azide at a
2.3. Physiological Effects concentration 1 mM caused a remarkable reduction of
cell divisions in barley anthers (Castillo et al. 2001).
Sodium azide is an inhibitor of the terminal segment of The organization and movement of spindle fibres during
the electron transport chain. The physiological effect the cell division is an ATP dependent process. Due to the
of SA is the inhibition of catalase, peroxidase and cyto- reduced synthesis and availability of ATP in sodium azide
chrome oxidase, thus influencing respiratory processes. treated cells, the spindle fibre organization is affected,
Proton-translocating ATPase complex (F0F1), which which may in turn influence the organization of chromo-
Terminal segment of electron Catalase Cytochrome Calmodulin
transport chain Peroxidase oxidase (calcium - binding
ATPase complex
(F0F1) Consequence:
reduction in elimination of peroxides
Consequence: (induced by radiation)
reduction in ATP production
Secondary effects: reduction in the efficiency
inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis
of DNA repair
inhibition of cell cycle
abnormalities in spindle fibre organization
Secondary effect:
oxidative stress
defects in signal transduction
pathways and cell division
somes at the metaphase plate and their migration during dose-dependent manner, at the concentration range 1-4
anaphase. Metabolic mechanisms that are the targets of mM at pH 3, with highest frequency, 17.3% recorded for
sodium azide activity are shown in Fig 13.2. 4 mM. A high frequency of chlorophyll mutations was
Apart from being a suppressor of cell divisions, also observed in barley variety Aramir after combined
positive effects of sodium azide on pollen embryogen- treatment with 1 mM NaN3 (3 hours, pH=3) followed by
esis have been demonstrated in Solanum nigrum and 0.7 mM MNU with a 6-hour inter-incubation (germina-
Hordeum vulgare (Kopecky and Vagera, 2005; and tion) period between treatments. Using this combina-
Vagera et al. 2004, respectively). tion 6.4% of chlorophyll mutations were obtained in
the subsequent M2 population (Fig 13.3A), with a fertility
3.2. Mutagenic Effect and height reduction of M1 plants lower than after the
double treatment with MNU (Fig 13.3B).
It is well known that sodium azide induces chromo- Similarly, a very high level of point mutations was
somal aberrations only at a very low rate compared to observed for other barley genotypes after combined
other mutagenic treatments. Is has been shown that treatment with NaN3 and MNU. On average 5.6% chlo-
L-azidoalanine does not interact with DNA directly rophyll seedlings were found in the M2 derived from
under in vitro conditions. Mutagenic activity of this this treatment for six barley varieties tested and about
compound was attenuated by a deficiency in the exci- 30-50% of M1 plants carried a chlorophyll mutation.
sion of UV-like DNA damage in both plants and bacte- The reduction in M1 plants fertility did not exceed 55%,
ria, therefore it seems that a lesion recognizable by the which makes this combination a very efficient treatment
excision-repair mechanisms must be formed to evoke for inducing point mutations in barley. Combined treat-
the effect. Mutagenesis proceeds from this by ‘direct ment of NaN3 and MNU yielded a wide spectrum of gene
mispairing’ (Owais and Kleinhofs, 1988). mutations in many barley genotypes, leading to dwarf
Sodium azide was used for the first time as a mutagen and semi-dwarf characters or changes in root system
by Nilan et al. (1973) in barley, when an increase in the development and structure (Szarejko and Maluszynski,
frequency of chlorophyll mutations was observed in a 1999). The protocol recommended as a highly efficient
% %
7 90
6 0.7 mM MNU
70 0.7 mM MNU
0.7 mM MNU - 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU
60 0.7 mM MNU - 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU
0.75 mM NaN3
4 50
0.75 mM NaN3
0.75 mM NaN3 - 6h iig - 0.75 mM NaN3
3 40
0.75 mM NaN3 - 6h iig - 0.75 mM NaN
0.75 mM NaN3 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU
2 0.75 mM NaN3 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU
1mM NaN3 - 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU 20
1 1mM NaN3 - 6h iig - 0.7 mM MNU
0 0
M2 chlorophyll mutants
A B M1 seedlings M1 plant M1 plant
emergence height fertility
reduction reduction reduction
method of mutagenic treatment in barley is given in centration and 2) the duration of treatment. SA alone
Box 13.1. In treatment of dormant rice seeds, the ger- also delayed seed germination. Given that the physi-
mination rate and seedling growth were reduced in ological effect of sodium azide is inhibition of catalase,
proportion to both 1) the increase in sodium azide con- peroxidase and cytochrome oxidase, delay in germi-
nation may be explained by inhibition of metabolic
Box 13.1: Protocol for highly efficient method of activity necessary for germination. The fact that SA has
barley seeds treatment with sodium azide and a limited effect on the fertility reduction of the M1 sup-
MNU ports the observation that somatic damages and muta-
tion induced by this mutagen are not accompanied by
chromosomal aberrations. The percentage sterility of
Pre-soaking of seeds in
barley M1 ovules after sodium azide treatment can be
distilled water
Duration: 8 hours described by a second degree parabola in which higher
values of sterility are obtained at intermediate concen-
tration of the mutagen (Prina and Favret, 1983). Sodium
Treatment with
azide has been used successfully in the induction of
1.5 mM sodium azide
mutations in plants, including numerous crop species
(pH 3, phosphate buffer)
(Table 13.1). The mutagenicity of SA can be affected by
Duration: 3 hours
cellular metabolism during germination. Sodium azide,
when applied at the DNA synthesis stage of the first cell
division of germination process, is more effective in the
germination period
induction of mutation. In rice, when applied at this stage
(seeds on trays with
wet filter paper) at a dose of 10 mM for six hours, sodium azide yielded
Duration: 6 hours the maximum percentage of mutations 11.1% and 1.22%
based on M1 panicles and M2 seedlings, respectively
(Hasegawa and Inoue, 1980).
Treatment with
Sodium azide proved to delay the in vitro differentia-
0.7 mM MNU
Duration: 3 hours tion of callus structures derived from leaf segments of
sugar cane in a concentration-dependent manner (0.07
to 0.7 mM). The number of regenerated plantlets in
Washing the seeds sodium azide treated callus was reduced. Additionally,
under running tap water,
at a concentration of 0.9 mM necrosis in meristematic
3 times for 10 min.
sugar cane callus were observed (Gonzalez et al. 1990).
Table 13.1: The use of sodium azide for mutation induction in plant species
Species Common name Recommended treatment method (and outcomes) Material
Brachypodium distachyon Purple false brome 1.5 mM for 2 hours (estimation of mutagenic effects) Seed
Phaseolus vulgaris Bean 0.04; 0.12; 0.36; 1.08 mM for 3 hours (estimation of Seed
mutagenic effects)
Saccharum officinarum Sugarcane 0.07; 0.15; 0.46; 0.77 mM for 10 min. (estimation of Leaf callus
mutagenic effects)
Solanum nigrum Black nightshade 10; 20 mM for 24 hours (increase in the efficiency of Seed
androgenic production)
Tradescantia hirsutiflora Spiderwort 0.2 mM for 6 hours (estimation of cytological effect) Inflorescence
Trigonella foenum-graecum Fenugreek 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5% for 6 hours (estimation of the Seed
rate of cytogenetic changes)
Zea mays Maize 0.1; 1; 10 mM for 1 hour (mutation induction) Immature embryo
3.3. Types and Frequencies of Induced Mutation versions constituted 14% of identified substitutions. The
frequency of A-T G-C transitions was about three
The frequency and type of point mutations induced by times higher than G-C A-T. Deletions and muta-
this mutagen at a concentration of 1 mM were deter- tion hot spots were not found. Mutations induced by
mined by sequence analysis of the barley gene Ant18 sodium azide do not show a tendency for clustering.
encoding dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, which catalyzes The absence of G-C C-G transversions was observed
the last step in flavonoid synthesis pathway. Sodium in the analyzed sequences. This kind of transversions is
azide, when applied at the above concentration, gener- induced by 60Co-rays or Fe2+ ions in the DNA through
ated 21 base substitutions within the analysed sequence, the action of oxygen free radicals, and absence of these
which corresponds to 0.17% of the 12,704 nucleotides transversions rules out the option that oxygen free
sequenced. Transitions made up 86%, whereas trans- radicals from azide-derived peroxide accumulation are
the secondary mutagens, responsible for the identified azide, results in the reduced scavenging of peroxide,
substitutions (Olsen et al. 1993). leading to an increase in radiation-induced damage.
Inhibition of respiratory activity brings about reduc-
tion of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and thus
4. Interactions with other Mutagenic Agents a reduced supply of ATP to the affected cells. Sodium
azide disrupts the cascade of oxidative phosphoryla-
Apart from being an independent mutagen, sodium tion re-directing the electron stream to flavoproteins
azide proved to display interesting interactions in terms and increasing the production of peroxide, furthermore
of cytotoxic and mutagenic activity with other chemical accumulation of this compound is accelerated by the
and physical mutagens. A beneficial influence of simul- synchronous inhibition of catalase.
taneous treatment of rice seed with sodium azide and Taking into account that sodium azide mutagenesis (also
MNU was noted in terms of obtaining a high density of in combination with other mutagens) produces relatively
mutations with relatively low toxicity to treated seed. high frequencies of mutation with mild effect on plants
Concentrations of MNU above 15 mM cause a large fertility the use of this mutagen in the future may be of sig-
drop in germination and viability of germinated plants. nificant importance in functional genomics when applied
Therefore, a combination of 1 mM sodium azide plus along with high throughput technologies, like TILLING,
15 mM MNU was applied and the density of induced especially for crop species.
mutations was determined as 1/265 kb. This observed
mutation frequency is satisfactory for high throughput
TILLING strategy and proved to be about three times 5. References
higher than have been determined for treatments with
lower concentrations (Till et al. 2007). 5.1. Cited References
When applied at concentration of 10 mM to barley
seed, after -irradiation (160 Gy) in anaerobic conditions Castillo, A.M., Cistue, L., Valles, M.P. et al. 2001. Efficient
with a four-hour treatment, SA considerably raises the production of androgenic double-haploid mutants
frequency of chromosomal aberrations from 26 to 64%. in barley by the application of sodium azide to
Sodium azide is an inhibitor of catalase, peroxidase and anther and microspore cultures. Plant Cell Reports.
terminal cytochrome oxidase. Catalase and peroxidase 20:105-111.
are important in the elimination of the peroxides, which Fortin, Y., Phoenix, P. and Drapeau, G.R. 1990. Mutations
are induced by radiation, whereas the inhibition of cyto- conferring resistance to azide in Escherichia coli occur
chrome oxidase interferes with the efficiency of DNA primarily in the secA gene. Journal of Bacteriology.
repair process at the chromosome level, especially by 172: 6607-6610.
reducing ATP production, which is required during the Gonzalez, G., Perez, M., Santana, I. et al. 1990. Mutagenie
damage repair process. The synergistic relationship activity of 3-azido-1,2-propanediol and sodium azide
between these two mutagenic agents was noted only applied to sugar cane callus cells. Biologia Plantarum.
at acidic (pH 3) treatment. The interaction between 32:388-390.
sodium azide and ionizing radiation and its association Hasegawa, H. and Inoue, M. 1980. Effects of sodium
with a decreased catalase, proxidase and respiratory azide on seedling injury and chlorophyll mutation in
activity is explained by enhanced formation of peroxy rice. Japan Journal of Breeding. 30:301-308.
radicals in irradiated tissues and the demand for ATP Ilbas, A.I., Eroglu, Y. and Eroglu, H. E. 2005. Effects of the
during the repair of the induced lesions. Additional application of different concentrations of NaN3 for
corroboration comes from the fact that the induction of different times on the morphological and cytogenetic
sodium azide activity was also observed by pre-soaking characteristics of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seed-
of the seeds in either O2- or N2-bubbled water prior to lings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 47:1101-1106.
and during the treatment. Kopecky, D. and Vagera, J. 2005. The use of mutagens
SA treatment modifies the extent of the lesions and to increase the efficiency of the androgenic progeny
efficiency of the repair processes. The strong inhibition production in Solanum nigrum. Biologia Plantarum.
of catalase and peroxidase activity, induced by sodium 49:181-186.
Nilan, R.A., Sideris, E.G., Kleinhofs, A. et al. 1973. Azide 5.2. Further Reading
– a potent mutagen. Mutation Research. 17:142-144.
Olsen, O., Wang, X. and von Wettstein, D. 1993. Sodium Engvild, K.C. 1987. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation
azide mutagenesis: preferential generation of A-T mutants of pea, Pisum sativum. Theoretical and
G-C transitions in the barley Ant18 gene. Proceedings Applied Genetics. 74:711-713.
of National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. Engvild, K.C. 2005. Mutagenesis of the model grass
90:8043-8047. Brachypodium distachyon with sodium azide. Riso
Owais, W.M. and Kleinhofs, A. 1988. Metabolic activa- National Laboratory, Riso-R-1510: 1-8.
tion of the mutagen azidein biological systems. Falistocco, E., Torricelli, R., Feretti, D. et al. 2000.
Mutation Research. 197:313-323. Enhancement of micronuclei frequency in the
Prina, A.R. and Favret, E.A. 1983. Parabolic effect in Tradescantia/micronuclei test using a long recovery
sodium azide mutagenesis in barley. Hereditas. time. Hereditas. 133: 171-174.
98:89-94. Hibberd, K.A. and Green, C.E. 1982. Inheritance and
Sadiq, M.F. and Owais, W.M. 2000. Mutagenicity of expression of lysine plus threonine resistance
sodium azide and its metabolite azidoalanine in selected in maize tissue culture. Proceedings of
Drosophila melanogaster. Mutation Research. National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 79:
469:253-257. 559-563.
Szarejko, I. and Maluszynski, M. 1999. High frequency Kleinhofs, A., Sander, C., Nilan, R.A. et al. 1974. Azide
of mutations after mutagenic treatment of barley mutagenicity – mechanism and nature of mutants
seeds with NaN3 and MNH with application of inter- produced. In: Polyploidy and Induced Mutations in
incubation germination period. Mutation Breeding Plant Breeding. IAEA, Vienna. pp. 195-199.
Newsletter 44: 28-30 Mullarkey, M. and Jones, P. 2000. Isolation and analy-
Till, B.J., Cooper, J., Tai, T.H. et al. 2007. Discovery of sis of thermotolerant mutants of wheat. Journal of
chemically induced mutations in rice by TILLING. Experimental Botany. 51: 139-146.
BMC Plant Biology. 7: 1-12. Seetharami-Reddi, T.V.V. and Prabhakar, G. 1983. Azide
Vagera, J., Novotny, J. and Ohnoutkova, L. 2004. induced chlorophyll mutants in grain Sorghum varie-
Induced androgenesis in vitro in mutated popula- ties. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 64:147-149.
tions of barley, Hordeum vulgare. Plant Cell. Tissue Shamsuzzaman, K.M., Saha, C.S., Bhuya, A.D. et al.
and Organ Culture. 77: 55-61. 1999. Development of a new jute (Corchorus cap-
sularis) variety ‘Binadeshipat-2’ through sodium azide
mutagenesis. Mutation Breeding Newsletter. 44: 9-10.
Silva, E.G. and Barbosa, H.M. 1996. Mutagenicity of
sodium azide in Phaseolus vulgaris. Brazilian Journal
of Genetics. 19: 319-322.
Section 3
Mutation Induction and
Mutant Development
Methodology for Physical and Chemical
Mutagenic Treatments
A.Kodyma,b, R.Afzaa, B.P.Forstera,c, Y.Ukaid, H.Nakagawae and C.Mbaa,*,#
Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture,IAEA Laboratories Seibersdorf, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, Vienna, Austria
Present Address: Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Melbourne School of Land and Environment, The University of Melbourne, Richmond, VIC 3121, Australia
Biohybrids International Ltd, PO Box 2411, Earley, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK
Formerly, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8657 Japan
Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, P.O.Box 3, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. References
1. Introduction of the mutagen on the hereditary materials (at the gene
and chromosome levels) and the primary injury results
The outcome of any mutation induction exercise is in reductions in growth and fertility and can lead to
largely dependent on the appropriateness of the strate- lethality in the first mutant population (the M1 plants).
gies adopted. The critical factors that could determine Therefore, both physical and chemical mutagens can
the spectrum and rate of induced mutations include the cause two types of effects on M1 plants: (1) physiologi-
type of mutagen, the dose and dose rate administered cal damage (primary injury); (2) DNA damage (at the
and the method of treatment including choice of mate- sequence to chromosome levels). The latter is the ulti-
rials, pre- and post-treatment handling. These need mate subject of any mutation programme.
to be carefully assessed and consequently executed
according to project objectives and available resources. 2.1. Plant Injury in the M1 Generation
The standard procedures for inducing mutations using
both physical and chemical mutagens are outlined in Most of the observed effects in the M1 generation are
the following sections. The sensitivity of plant materi- physiological. Plant injuries in the M1 generation are
als to various mutagens has been investigated and is indicative of the degree of the effects of mutagens on
summarized for many plant species. However, these plants and can be determined quantitatively in various
should be considered as a good guide, not treated as ways (Box 14.1). Physical injury is commonly measured
fixed numbers, particularly for plant species that have using such parameters as reductions in germinability
not been studied extensively, since there is a significant of seeds, growth rates of seedlings, vigour, sterility and
genotypic effect in sensitivity to mutagenic treatments even lethality of plants (Box 14. 1). These can be used as
in plants. It is therefore recommended that preliminary a surrogate to set threshold values of mutagen doses in
assays to determine appropriate doses are carried out. acquiring the required mutation induction.
Box 14.1: Parameters used to estimate the degree of plant injury in the M1 generation*
1. Seedling height, determined at a particularly stage soon after germination. Normally carried out under controlled environment
conditions or glasshouses.
2. Root length, determined soon after germination in controlled environment or glasshouse conditions.
3. Emergence under field conditions, or germination under controlled environment conditions.
4. Survival under field or controlled environment conditions.
5. Number of florets, flowers or inflorescences per plant.
6. Number of florets or flower parts per inflorescence.
7. Number of seed set.
8. Fruits and or seeds per plant.
* Adapted from Manual on Mutation Breeding, International Atomic Energy Agency, Technical Report Series No. 119
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 14.1 Seedlings from gamma ray irradiated seeds showing seedling height and density decreasing progressively with increase in dose.
A: Improved rice variety, IR29. B: Pokkali, an uncultivated wild relative of rice. C. A Namibian variety of bambara groundnut.
(e.f. 500 Gy). indicating that Pokkali is more radio toler- Whereas germination rates are computed at an appro-
ant. Figure 14.2 shows an easy method for measuring priate interval shortly after sowing, survival rates are
seedling height and root length: seedlings of barley are determined at maturity (at harvest time) of the M1 popu-
placed on a sheet of graph paper on which lengths had lation. Survivors of the treatment may be defined as
been previously marked. those plants that complete their life cycle and produce
at least one floret, flower or inflorescence, regardless of
2.1.2. Lethality and Sterility whether seeds are produced. Actual plant death may
Mutagens can completely prevent the germination of occur at any time between the onset of germination
seeds at high doses. Lethality, when seeds germinate and ripening. Survival rate determined in controlled
but are unable to grow and subsequently wither and environments can be significantly different from field
die off, is also common at high doses. High mutagen tests, particularly if adverse conditions occur.
doses can also reduce the fertility of M1 plants and in Fertility reduction in M1 plants can be manifest in vari-
extreme cases can result in total sterility. Since there ous forms (Box 14.2). The degree of M1 sterility varies
are direct relationships between plant responses and greatly from plant to plant and from inflorescence to
mutagen dose, germination and survival rates as well as inflorescence even within the population treated with
reductions in fertility can be used in determining opti- the same dose. Seed set is the most commonly used
mal doses of mutagens for treating plant propagules. criterion in quantifying sterility. Due to the wide range
* Modified from Manual on Mutation Breeding, International Atomic Energy Agency, Technical Report Series No. 119
of variations among plants, sufficient number of inflo- It should be noted that the relationship between the
rescences should be used to estimate this parameter. effect on an M1 trait and mutation rate in the subsequent
M2 varies between chemical mutagens and between
2.2. Methods in Determining Dose Effects radiations, especially between sparsely and densely
ionizing radiations. For instance, the relative biological
It is well documented that effects of mutagens are dose effectiveness (RBE) of neutrons often differs with M1 traits.
dependant. However, the dose effect is not linear.
With the increase of mutagen dose, the effect on plant 2.2.1. Sowing Methods
growth and reproduction increases. Low doses can Flat method. This is widely used for seeds of beans, cere-
have a stimulatory effect on pollen and seed germina- als and other similar sized seed. The seeds are normally
tion rate, seedling height and root length and on in vitro sown in a glasshouse in trays with holes for drainage con-
cultures. Prior to initiating any mutagen treatment, the taining heat- or steam-sterilized soil, and with adequate
most important step is to determine the effective dose. moisture to ensure germination. Seeds are planted in
In the absence of detailed data, it is sometimes neces- spaced rows keeping in mind the requirements of the
sary to estimate the optimum dose in the M1 population species. Trays used at the Plant Breeding Unit of the
by estimating the LD50 or by RD50 via a small scale test. IAEA have a size of 400 x 600 x 120 mm and accom-
The LD50 is the dose that results in a 50 % reduction in modate 4-7 rows depending on the plant species and
germinating seeds or viable plants. The RD50 represents orientation of the tray. The seeds are planted in order of
the dose which reduces the growth and seed produc- increasing dose with replications sown in different trays.
tion of an M1 population by 50%. As mentioned above, This planting technique allows simple and rapid visual
seedling height and root length are commonly used assessment of the various treatments (Fig 14.1), however
to determine dose effects of mutagens. The following it is limited to young seedlings. Alternatively, seeds can
controlled environment and glasshouse methods allow be sown in pots or individual cells of compartmental-
the determination of germination/emergence, seed- ized trays (commercially available) in which later stages
ling height and leaf spotting, all indices of the extent of can also be studied. The environmental conditions, as
damage occasioned by radiation or chemical mutagen. well as water and nutrient supply, and sowing depth,
should be uniform for all treatments.
Petri dish method. This is particularly effective for
seeds of cereals or smaller size and for seed that require
light for germination. Seeds are placed on wet filter
paper in a Petri dish. The paper is kept moist at all times
as germination is strongly influenced by water uptake.
Fungal contamination may spoil the experimental set
up, and can be controlled by using sterile filter paper,
sterile Petri dishes, water and disinfected seed (e.g.
surface sterilization in 20 % Clorox bleach, 5.25 % w/v
NaOCl active ingredient, for 20 min).
Sandwich blotter method. Seeds are pre-soaked and
then placed between two wet blotter papers which
are pressed together and supported vertically in racks.
The racks are placed in plastic trays with water. This is
a labour saving and accurate technique that was espe-
cially designed for cereal seeds. However, it requires
specific equipment such as a plastic film-covered
growth cabinet and a humidifier.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme With any of the three methods, the plants should
Figure 14.2 Seedlings of barley are placed on a sheet of graph paper be grown in a climatically controlled environment, or
on which lengths had been previously marked making it easy to
measure the heights of the seedlings. in a uniform section of a glasshouse. The experimental
set-up normally requires about 100 seeds per dose In epigeous germination of dicot plants, the cotyledons
without replications; 20 - 25 seeds per dose with 3 to are pulled upward through the soil during germination,
4 replication and an equal number of control seeds is e.g. Phaseolus vulgaris, Here the epicotyl length is meas-
used for comparison. ured between the points of attachment of the cotyledons
to the tip of the primary leaves or to the stem apex. The
2.2.2. Data Collection hypocotyl region is relatively insensitive to radiation as
Seedling height is determined by cell division as well as growth here is determined mainly by cell elongation rather
cell extension and as such provides an early simple means than cell division. The epicotyl exhibits more mitotic activ-
of determining treatment effect. It is not possible to distin- ity and is therefore a better measure of mutagen effects.
guish between delayed germination and seedling height Seedling height can also be taken from soil level to the tip
reduction in early seedling growth. Therefore, measure- of the primary leaves, or to the stem apex.
ments are taken when the first true leaves in the control In hypogeous germination of dicot plants, the cotyle-
seedlings have stopped growing. It is therefore advisable dons remain below the soil surface, e.g. Pisum sativum,
to determine the time at which the first true leaf in control measurements are taken from soil level to the tip of the
plants ceases to expand, in order to determine the best primary leaves (longest leaf) or to the stem apex.
time for data collection.
It should be noted that at low doses, seedling heights of 2.2.3. Determination of LD50 and RD50
irradiated materials may exceed control values. There are After a radiosensitivity assay, a graph of the reductions in
differences in the morphogenesis of monocot and dicot the measured parameter (usually expressed as percent-
seedlings, therefore different procedures are used for col- age of the control sample) against the corresponding
lecting data on plant injuries for the two types of plants. dose of the mutagen is plotted. The indices, LD50 and
In monocots, seedling height is measured from the RD50 (or any other percentage reduction), can be easily
soil level to the tip of the first or secondary leaf. In the read off the gradient of the graph (the 0.50 position in
Petri dish and sandwich blotter methods, measurement Figure 14.3). Determining these values through substi-
starts from the embryo axis. In cereal seedlings, the leaf tutions in a straight line equation of the graph leads to
which emerges through the coleoptile is the first true the same results.
leaf. Seedlings where only the coleoptile develops are
not considered for seedling height measurements. 2.3. Factors Influencing Mutagenic Effects
In cereals, the reduction in seedling height, as a
function of dose, emerges more clearly when control Plant genera and species and, to a lesser extent,
seedlings shoots are about 11 - 20 cm long. In barley genotypes and varieties differ in their radio-sensitivity.
measurements are taken usually after 10 to 14 days, These differences are accounted for bby genetic, physi-
when seedling height of the control is 16 to 20 cm. ological, morphological and other biological modifying
Surviving or growth rate
0 50 100 200 400 Gamma rays (Gy)
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 14.3 Model curves illustrating the effects of increasing dose of irradiation on physiological damage.
factors (such as ontology). These combine with envi- to irradiation. A notable example of the striking variation
ronmental factors (such as oxygen and water content) in radiosensitivity is that tree species are generally 2 to 2.5
to assert marked influences on the response of seeds times more sensitive to radiation than grasses.
(and other plant propagules) to ionizing radiation and An example of intraspecific genetic variation in radio-
chemical mutagens. sensitivities was documented in the work of Takagi (1969)
on soybeans which showed that the RD50 of acute gamma-
2.3.1. Genetic factors irradiated seeds ranged from 60 Gy to 320 Gy for the high
The wide range of radiosensitivities typically observed radiosensitive variety, Lexington and the low radiosensi-
across plant species and even among breeding lines tive variety, Virginia bean, respectively. Similarly, about
have been ascribed to differences in nuclear index, six-fold differences in radiosensitivity to chronic irradiation
i.e. the interphase chromosome volume (ICV) of inter- (performed in a gamma field) were recorded between the
phase cells of shoot meristems, defined as the nuclear highly sensitive soybean variety, Lexington with RD50 of
volume divided by the chromosome number, in DNA 0.17 Gy/day and a low sensitive wild form Madara-ooba-
content, and ploidy level. The higher the ICV with the tsurumame with RD50 of 1.05 Gy/day.
same ploidy level, the higher the cellular radiosensitiv- The acute radio-sensitivity differences between the
ity. In irradiation of growing plants, radiosensitivity as high and low-sensitive varieties were identified to be
expressed by growth depression and/or seed sterility in controlled by two single recessive genes, rs1 and rs2,
the M1 shows a close negative linear regression on ICV while chronic gamma ray irradiation sensitivity was influ-
on a log-log plot, with a slope of -1. In seed irradiation, enced by the single recessive gene, rs1. The rs2 gene,
however, the correlation between radiosensitivity and which was discovered in the variety Goishi-shirobana
ICV is not so clear, though significant in comparison of (RS1RS1rs2rs2), increases the level of radio-sensitivity
species with wide taxonomic diversity. only during acute irradiation. Individuals possessing
Another factor is the ploidy level. The homoeologous the double recessive genotype (rs1rs1rs2rs2) are known
genes of polyploid plants have complementary effects, to exhibit significantly higher levels of radio-sensitivity
and as a result polyploid species are more tolerant to and serious damage than the individuals possessing the
DNA damage than diploid species. In some genera, for rs1rs1++ genotype (Table 14.1). A similar major gene rs1
instance, chrysanthemum, the higher the ploidy level, the which controls gamma-ray sensitivity in seed irradiation
higher tolerance to radiations in the range of 2x to 22x. has been reported in barley (Ukai 1986). In other spe-
Radiosensitivity is also dependent on DNA repair system cies (for instance, rice) in which major genes have not
of the plant (see Chapter 5), a further indication of the been reported, varietal differences in radiosensitivity is
influence of genetic backgrounds on the plants’ responses generally polygenic.
Table 14.1: Differences in radiosensitivity of soybean varieties exposed to acute and chronic gamma
Variety Chronic irradiation Acute irradiation Genotype
2.3.2. Environmental factors in oxygen conditions. Seed storage in small air-tight tin-
Oxygen is the main environmental modifying factor, foil bags or in sealed boxes has proven effective.
while water content, temperature and storage condi- In general, botanical seeds are the most convenient
tions are secondary factors. The presence of oxygen can materials for mutagenic treatment, especially for seed
increase biological radiation damage hundred-fold (see propagated plants. Dry, quiescent seeds, i.e. seeds
Chapter 11). The moisture (or water) content of resting ready for germination are ideal, as differences in radio-
seeds, on account of its role in respiration and gas trans- sensitivity may occur as a result of the specific ontoge-
port, also influences the seed’s radiosensitivity though netic or physiological state of other plant materials.
the mechanism of this effect is not fully understood. In Also, actively dividing cells, as is the case in seeds about
resting barley seeds, for instance, water content below to germinate, are more sensitive to radiation than rest-
14% leads to increased sensitivity to both gamma and ing or dormant seed (van Harten, 1998).
X-ray irradiations. Van Harten (1998) hypothesized that
this may be attributable to the ability of drier seeds to 2.3.3. Radio-Sensitivity of Plant Species
retain more of the radicals produced from irradiation Over the past half century, a huge amount of data on
which are implicated in inducing the mutations; wetter the radio-sensitivity of various plant species have been
seeds on the other hand have higher respiration rates. accumulated. However, data available in the literature
For practical purposes, the plant breeder should always might vary even for the same species; such variations
determine and note the moisture contents of the seeds might be attributed to genotypic differences as well as
to be irradiated in order to achieve reproducible results. the physiological status of the materials. In spite of these
The effects of modifying factors can be minimized by variations, it is recommendable that these data are used
controlling the seed water content and the reproduc- as a basis for the optimization of irradiation doses prior
ibility of parameters of primary damage made possible to bulk irradiation of samples. The radio-sensitivities,
within practical limits. Thus, prior to gamma irradiation shown as estimated LD50 or RD50, of various plant spe-
the seed water content is adjusted to 12 - 14 % by hold- cies to fast neutrons and to both acute and chronic
ing seed in a vacuum desiccator. The critical tissues are gamma irradiation are summarized in Appendix 1, 2
those of the embryo, but it can be assumed that the and 3. In some species, the suggested doses for practi-
water content of the seed and the embryo of most spe- cal application are also provided.
cies will be similar. Environmental factors are less impor-
tant with densely ionizing radiation, consequently no
seed moisture adjustment is necessary for fast neutron 3. Methods and Techniques for Mutagenic
treatment. In thermal neutron irradiations, moisture Treatment
content of seeds do not change radiosensitivity.
Compared to oxygen and water content, ambient 3.1. Acute, Chronic, Recurrent Treatment and Dose
temperature plays a less important role in influencing the Fractionation
outcome of radiation induced mutagenesis, in seed irra-
diation. In growing plant irradiation, low temperatures Irradiation, for the purposes of inducing mutations in
increases M1 damage and mutation rate. For chemical plants, is normally carried out in either of three ways:
mutagenesis however, temperature affects the reactiv- • Continuous exposure, usually of growing plants,
ity of the process and should therefore be monitored over extended periods of time, ranging from
appropriately. The age of the seeds seems to affect the weeks to months, to relatively low doses of
rate of mutations, with older seeds (e.g. five-year old seed irradiation; this is known as chronic irradiation.
of annual cereals) having been shown to house a higher Gamma glasshouses and fields are particularly
density of spontaneous mutations compared to freshly suited for this extended exposure of growing
harvested seed. Seed ageing and the conditions of seed plants to irradiation.
storage post-irradiation are also critical for the density of • The single exposure of plant propagules at
induced lesions. It is advisable to sow seeds soon after higher doses over a short period of time (min-
irradiation and if storage is desirable, the irradiated seeds utes) is known as acute irradiation.
must be stored dry, at low temperatures, in the dark and • Recurrent irradiation involves the exposure to
radiation of progeny of plants that had been irradiations) are expected to result in fewer effects to cells
irradiated in previous generation(s). as compared to higher dose-rates (acute irradiations).
• Dose fractionation or split dose irradiation, Hall et al. (1966) irradiated seedling roots of Vicia
somewhat akin to chronic irradiation, refers to faba with gamma-rays at two different temperatures
the practice of exposing the plant propagule to 19˚C and 12˚C. Since it was known that the average
more than one regimen of irradiation with the inter-mitotic period of the root meristem cells of Vicia
treatments separated by time intervals. cultured at 12˚C is about twice that for roots grown at
It used to be believed that acute irradiation resulted 19˚C, it was expected that for a given dose rate roots
in relatively greater mutation frequencies. This does not at the lower temperature would accumulate twice
appear to be supported by empirical data, but currently, the dose per cell cycle as roots at 19˚C. They found
most mutation induction exercises are of the acute type. that roots at 19˚C required about twice the dose rate
It is important to note that the degree and frequency to produce a given reduced growth pattern as roots
of radiation-induced injuries depend not only on the exposed at 12˚C and concluded that the result was
total dose delivered but is also a function of the radia- consistent with the hypothesis. In another experiment,
tion dose absorbed per unit time, a parameter known Hall and Bedford (1964) avoided the influence of cell
as dose rate. The results from studies aimed at estab- cycle by using roots of Vicia faba chilled to 3.5˚C during
lishing relationships between dose rates and mutations irradiation treatment. Root growth and cell-division in
have seemed inconsistent. While some studies indicate the meristem was halted by the low temperature, but
a direct relationship between dose rates and effects, i.e. recovery of sub-lethal damage after acute doses took
higher dose rates leading to larger radiation damage place, though slowly. They irradiated roots at 3.5˚C
and mutation rates, the inverse or a lack of a definite with dose rates of 8.9, 15.2, 84.0 and 73,200 mGy/hr
trend have also been reported. It seems that there is a and found that the radiation damage resulting from a
critical point in dose rates above which the effective- given dose of radiation is diminished when the dose
ness of radiation increases with increasing dose rate rate is reduced from 73,200 mGy/hr to 84 mGy/hr and
and below which effectiveness decreases with increas- from 84 mGy/hr to 15.2 mGy/hr, but that the radiation
ing dose rate. More studies in this area are therefore injury is independent of dose rate when the dose rate
clearly required. is as low as 15.2mGy/hr or less. However, Matsumura
(1965) found greater effectiveness of chronic over acute
3.1.1. Dose Rate Dependency of M1 Damages exposures in terms of height reduction and in killing of
Acute and chronic irradiations correspond to higher various cereals using dry, quiescent seeds. These results
and lower dose rates, respectively, although the thresh- suggest that although dose rate effects on dividing cells
old of dose rate between the two types of irradiations are mainly explained by cell cycle, there are other fac-
is not clear in plants. Increased radiation effects per unit tors concerned.
dose (effectiveness) with increasing dose rate are a gen- Most observations on dose rate effects are based
eral phenomenon and have been reported in a range of on, at most, a few dose rates and the range of dose
plant species as well as bacteria and animals. rates investigated is somewhat limited. Bottino et al.
It is generally believed that repair mechanisms are (1975) irradiated germinating seeds of barley with 137Cs
responsible for decreased effects of radiations when the gamma-rays at various combinations (73 cases) of total
dose is delivered over a longer period of time. Repair dose (4–32Gy) and dose rate (0.3–240Gy/hr) and meas-
of radiation damage takes place mainly during DNA ured seedling height 5 days after irradiation. The doses
replication (S stage) at interphase of the cell cycle. In this required to produce 20% and 35% growth inhibition at
context a radiobiological hypothesis has been proposed each exposure rate were determined. For both levels of
that states it is the dose per cell cycle that determines the growth inhibition, as dose rate increased, the total dose
magnitude of radiation effects produced in a population required to produce a given effect decreased (effec-
of dividing cells exposed continuously to radiations. tiveness increased). A linear relationship on a double
According to this hypothesis the shorter the cell cycle or logarithmic plot was observed in the range of dose rates
the longer the irradiation period, the less the effects of between 0.3 to 15Gy/hr. At around 15Gy/hr, a change
a given dose. In other words, lower dose-rates (chronic in slope occurred and a slight but consistent increase
of required total dose (decrease of effectiveness) was 3.1.3. Recurrent Treatment
observed from this critical dose rate area upwards The strategy of irradiating the progeny of previously
240Gy/hr. Conversion of exposure rate to exposure irradiated materials is known as recurrent treatment.
time demonstrated this point of change in effectiveness Deriving from the notion that recurrent treatment
occurred at 0.3 to 0.4 hours which are well within one would enhance both the density and spectra of muta-
mitotic cycle (approximately 10 hours) and diminution of tion events, recurrent irradiation treatment was the
effects caused by protraction of exposure over more than subject of robust investigations from the 1940s through
one mitotic cycle could be eliminated as causative of the to the 1960s. It was expected that recurrent treatments
reversal. They suggested that the critical point may differ would further broaden the induced genetic variability
for other species and may depend on chromosome size exploitable in crop improvement programmes and
and/or mitotic cycle time characteristics of a species. increase the chances of obtaining target mutant phe-
An oxygen requirement has been reported for the notypes. Investigators studied this strategy in both seed
expression of dose rate effects (Dewey, 1969). It was and vegetatively propagated plants using a wide range
suggested that this was due to the presence of repair of mutagens including X- and gamma rays, thermal neu-
mechanisms which require oxygen and function most trons and the chemical mutagen, EMS; the alternation
efficiently at low dose rates. of EMS with irradiation was also studied. The results of
these experiments did not bear out the expected results
3.1.2. Dose Rate Dependency of Mutation Rate and were at best mixed. In most cases, radiosensitivity,
Like radiation damage, increased mutation rate with mutation density and spectra remained unaffected
increased dose rate was found for many organisms, with repeated irradiation of subsequent generations. A
plants, animals and microbes. telling result was the accumulation of so many deleteri-
Fujii (1962) reported the result of irradiation on air- ous alleles in barley after five generations of recurrent
dried seeds of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) irradiation as to render the induced mutants useless as
with 100 and 200Gy of X-rays and gamma-rays at dose breeding materials. It is plausible to surmise that the
rates of 0.45 to 600Gy/hr. He found increased growth possible increase in mutation density and spectrum
inhibition and seed sterility with increased dose rate. might not justify the added expense and time invested
Chlorophyll mutation frequency per spike progeny also in recurrent mutagen treatment. It is most practical to
increased with increasing dose rate. When he irradiated restrict the induction of mutations to either acute treat-
seeds of an upland rice variety with 0.05 to 300 Gy of ment (for plant propagules) or chronic treatment (for
gamma-rays at dose rates of 0.1, 3 and 100Gy/hr, he whole plants) and concentrate on producing sufficient
found chlorophyll mutants to be more frequent in the mutants and developing high-throughput screens to
highest treatment (100Gy/hr), however growth inhibition increase the chances of obtaining the desired range
was most conspicuous at the lowest dose rate 0.1Gy/hr. and number of specific mutants in a wild type genetic
Using barley seeds with very low moisture content background.
Natarajan and Maric (1961) reported that a low dose rate
was more effective as regards seedling height, chromo- 3.1.4. Dose Fractionation
some aberrations and the frequency of chlorophyll The irradiation strategy involving the splitting of the pre-
mutants segregating in progenies compared to a high determined acute dose over two or more irradiation
dose rate. They considered the dose rate effect to be treatments interspersed with variable time interval(s),
due to storage effects accumulated during the period a practice that received a lot of attention in the 1960s,
of irradiation. is known as dose fractionation or split dose irradiation.
After irradiation of Saintpaulia with X-rays at dose The practice involved initiating a radiation treatment by
rates ranging from 0.02 to 250Gy/min, Broertjes (1972) administering a relatively small initial dose which was
demonstrated a similar phenomenon as that of Bottino thought to either confer some protection against the
et al. (1975): the mutation frequency per Gy increased subsequent higher dose or aid the plant in recovery
with increasing dose rate until a maximum mutation from biological damage. In general, the studies seemed
rate was obtained. Further increases in dose rate, how- to suggest that the net biological damage from a split
ever, resulted in decreases in mutation rate. dose irradiation was less than a single acute irradiation
at a dose equaling the sum of the doses administered that would yield the greatest amount of desirable muta-
separately. Again, it is plausible to surmise that whatever tion per unit dose while at the same time producing
advantages are derivable (in terms of reduced biologi- the least density of undesirable effects. When using
cal damage in dose fractionation), these are nullified by physical mutagens, this is known as radiation sensitivity
its more cumbersome procedure. For practical pur- testing, but more commonly referred to by the short-
poses, especially in plant breeding, the administration ened form, radiosensitivity tests. A determination of the
of a single acute dose will remain the strategy of choice mutagen dose that results in a 50% reduction in seed
for inducing mutations. germination or seedling viability, known as LD50, has
been used to predict accurately the most effective and
3.2. Combined Physical and Chemical Treatments efficient mutagen dose. Equally demonstrably useful in
predicting such a mutagen dose is the determination of
Since chemical and physical mutagens have different the mutagen dose that results in the reduction of aver-
modes of reaction with plant materials, some investigators age seedling growth by 50%; this is known as RD50. In
held the notion that the induction of mutations could be practice, mutagen dose leading to 30% lethality and
enhanced, in terms of mutation rate and spectrum, by 30% growth reduction, LD30 and RD30, respectively are
their combined use in a single treatment. The strategy of also used in induced mutations aimed at generating
combined treatments usually involved the applications mutant populations for crop improvement. The deter-
of a physical mutagen followed by a chemical mutagen. minations of these parameters are fairly straightforward
It was thought that the chemical mutagen would inhibit and involve comparisons between the untreated (con-
the DNA repair mechanism leading to a greater mutation trol) samples with the treated samples (according to
rate and wider spectrum of mutation events. Instances of mutagen dose) for the effects the mutagen treatment.
the serial exposures of the target materials to multiples of These comparisons are based on estimates of plant
the same type of mutagen (physical or chemical) are rare injury using one, or a combination of the phenotypic
in literature. The results from combined treatments have characters listed in Box 14.1.
been largely ambivalent with the aforementioned expec- In addition to empirically determined radiosensitiv-
tations of enhanced mutagenicity never conclusively real- ity (providing the reference thresholds for mutation
ized. This probably explains the significantly low number induction in plants), nature has also imposed inherent
of officially released mutant crop varieties ascribable limitations on how much induced lesions a plant can
to a combination of physical and chemical mutagenic reasonably tolerate. Beyond a certain threshold, the
treatments (or multiple treatments with the same type of combination of biological and genetic damage can
mutagen); these, in fact, account for approximately only lead to sterile offspring and even lethality. The latter
one percent of all officially released crop mutants. In prac- manifests in low or complete loss of germination of
tical terms also, it is arguable whether increases in muta- the treated materials; even when seeds germinate after
tion rates beyond those currently routinely produced exposure to extremely high doses of mutagens, the
using single mutagenic treatments are useful in breeding; seedlings fail to grow and die soon afterwards.
the unintended mutation events housed in the putative
mutants would encumber the breeder with unnecessary 3.4. Considerations for Induced Mutagenesis:
extra efforts to get rid of the deleterious mutations. Pre-and Post-Treatment Handling of Materials
3.3. Determination of Optimal Dose 3.4.1. Choice of Target Material: Seed Propagated
The effectiveness and efficiency of any induced Mutations are induced in plants through the exposure of
mutagenesis experiment (estimates of mutation density their propagules to mutagens. For plants that are propa-
and ability of the mutagen to induce desirable changes gated through seeds, the procedure is more straightfor-
with minimal unintended effects) are direct results of the ward as botanical seeds are easily exposed to the muta-
choice of appropriate mutagen dosage. It is standard gens. Seeds are easy to store and transport and generally
practice therefore to precede any bulk mutagen treat- permit the exercise of more controls over the dose of
ment with a preliminary determination of the dosage mutagens delivered. In order to expedite the recovery of
the mutation events in homozygous states, procedures monitored and mutation events are fixed in homozygous
for inducting mutations using haploid gametic cells and states also vary between inbreeding and outcrossing crop
using doubled haploidy to generate fertile diploid plants species. Further consideration of induced mutation in veg-
have been developed for a number of crops e.g. rice, etatively propagated crops is given in Chapter 26.
barley and maize (see also Chapter 29).
When seeds are used as starting materials, dry, qui- 3.4.3. Handling of Seeds Before Exposure to
escent seed samples are used and further standardized Mutagens
by discarding any injured, abnormal or diseased seed. Prior to gamma irradiation, the most commonly used
Seeds should be representative of the genotype and form of physical mutagen, the moisture content of the
have a high germination capacity. In certain plants seeds is equilibrated prior to exposure to irradiation,
breeding materials may have distinct seed coverings, this is known as pre-conditioning. Pre-conditioning is
for example in oil palm thin-shelled commercial tenera done by packing the seeds loosely in water-permeable
palms are produced by crossing thick shelled dura with paper bags or mesh bags in lots of desired amounts per
shell-less pisifera types. The presence/absence and dose and labeled with information on species, name
thickness of the shell will affect the mutation rate and of variety or genotype, date and the treatment dose.
treatments may need to be adjusted according, or alter- The size of the bags must be suitable for the seeds and
natively the shell may be removed and/or the embryo should fit into the irradiation compartment.
excised and the mutagenic treatment applied to naked For seed moisture adjustment the seed coat and/
(usually cultured) embryos. Procedures for breaking or shell covering must be water permeable or else
seed dormancy, such as cold treatment (pre-chilling), removed or mechanically or chemically modified
exposure to heat, breaking of hard seed coat (scarifi- (scarified). Seed coats can be rubbed with sandpaper,
cation) or hormonal treatment, precede irradiation of nicked with a knife or filed with a metal file. The seed
dormant seeds. sample is placed in a vacuum desiccator above a 60%
glycerol-distilled water mixture; the desiccator is main-
3.4.2. Choice of Target Material: Vegetatively tained at room temperature, with an internal relative
Propagated Plants humidity of about 73% (monitored with a hygrometer).
In plants where sexual reproduction is not feasible, i.e. Samples ranging from 10 - 500 g of seeds are normally
vegetatively propagated plants, other plant propagules handled and adjusted in a desiccator with a capacity for
are used, e.g. buds, tubers, stem cuttings, vines, twigs and 1,000 ml of the glycerol/water mixture.
in vitro nodal segments. With advances in cell and tissue At the FAO/IAEA Seibersdorf laboratory, a routine pre-
culture, experiments are ongoing with a view to develop conditioning treatment for a minimum of 7 days with 60%
reproducible protocols for the use of different types glycerol is used for equilibrating the moisture contents for
of aseptic cultures including cell suspensions, somatic small grain cereals (such as rice, wheat and barley). This
embryos and micropropagation systems as targets for is extended for up to 14 days for greater quantities, larger
inducing mutations. These types of cultures permit mas- size seeds (e.g. beans) and/or seed with thick seed coats.
sive vegetative production in a short time frame and in Different species may not equilibrate to the same water
relatively very little space (laboratories as compared to content at a particular relative humidity. In general it is
extensive hectarage in the field). sufficient to follow the desiccation procedure described
In general, depending on the type of propagule used, above and to have a standardized method without the
due considerations are given to the appropriate strategies need for determining the seed water content. However,
for mitigating the effects of chimerisms (most pronounced if uncertainties arise, the seed water content can be
with vegetatively propagated plants) and in recovering measured according to the rules of the International
the sought after mutation events in homozygous states Seed Testing Association (ISTA, 2003).
and in suitable genetic backgrounds, usually with as little Seeds are brought out from the desiccators just before
unintended mutation events complicating selection radiation treatment. If the moisture equilibration cannot
on account of linkage drag. The strategies for handling be followed immediately by radiation treatment, the
mutagenic populations through subsequent generations seeds should be packed in air-tight containers during
as the putative mutants are evaluated, segregations are transport to the gamma source.
Environmental factors have minimal effects on the Hall, E.J., Oliver, R., Shepstone, B.J. et al. 1966. On the
outcome of fast neutron irradiation; no seed moisture population kinetics of the root meristem of Vicia
adjustment is therefore necessary prior to exposing faba exposed to continuous irradiation. Radiation
seeds to fast neutrons. The above procedure described Research. 27:597-603.
for seeds is designed for exposure to gamma radiation ISTA 2003. International Rules for seed testing, Edition
and is therefore omitted for far neutron treatments. The 2003, International Seed Testing Association, Zuerich,
seeds are merely packed in lots of desired amounts per Switzerland.
dose and labeled accordingly as above. Again, the size Matsumura, S. 1965. Relation between radiation effect
of package must be suitable for the seeds and should and dose rates of X and gamma rays in cereals. Japan.
fit into the irradiation containers. Depending on the J. Genetics Suppl. 40:1-11.
type of reactor it may be advisable to use plastic bags or Natarajan, A.T. and Maric, M.M. 1961. The time-intensity
plastic vials in order to prevent any potential spoilage factor in dry seed irradiation. Radiation Botany. 1:1-9.
by cooling water inside the reactor. Takagi, Y. 1969. The second type of gamma-ray sensitive
gene RS2 in soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Gamma
Field Symposia. 8:83-94.
4. References Ukai, Y. 1986. Development of various irradiation tech-
niques for frequency enhancement of radiation
4.1. Cited References breeding. Gamma Field Symposia. 25:55-70.
van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation Beeding. Theory and
Bottino, P.J., Sparrow, A.H., Schwemmer, S.S. et al. 1975. practical Applications. Cambridge, U.K.: New York,
Interrelation of exposure and exposure rate in ger- Cambridge University Press, pp. 353.
mination seeds of barley and its concurrence with
dose-rate theory. Radiation Botany. 15:17-27. 4.2. Websites
Broertjes, C. 1972. Use in plant breeding of acute, chronic
or fractionated doses of x-rays or fast neutrons as illus- NIAS (accessed May, 2004). Gamma field. Institute of
trated with leaves of Saintpaulia. Thesis; Centr. Agric. Radiation Breeding, NIAS, MAFF, Japan.
Publ. Doc., Wageningen, Agr. Res. Report. (Verlag http://www.irb/
Landbouwk. Onderzoek.) 776, ISBN9022003884,
74pp. (cited by Bottino et al. 1975). 4.3. Further Reading
Dewey, D.L. 1969. An oxygen dependent X-ray dose rate
effect in Serratia marcescens. Radiation Research. Brunner, H. 1985. Radiosensitivity of a number of crop
38:167-474. species to gamma and fast neutron radiation.
Fujii, T. 1962. Comparison of the effects of acute and Standards for laboratory operations involving chemi-
chronic irradiations. Recent Advance of Plant cal mutagens. A training manual. Plant Breeding Unit,
Breeding (Ikushugaku Saikin no Sinpo). 4:60-69. FAO/IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf, Austria.
Hall, E.J. and Bedford, J.S. 1964. A comparison of the Nilan, R.A., Konzak, C.F., Wagner, J. et al. 1965.
effects of acute and protracted gamma-radiation Effectiveness and efficiency of radiations for inducing
on the growth of seedlings of Vicia faba. Part I. genetic and cytogenetic changes. Suppl. Rad. Bot.,
Experimental observations. Int. J. Rad. Biol. 8:467-474. Vol 5, pp. 71-89.
Chimeras and Mutant Gene Transmission
A.R.Prina*, A.M.Landau and M.G.Pacheco
Instituto de Genética “Ewald A. Favret”, CICVyA-INTA. P.O. Box 25, B1712WAA, Castelar, ARGENTINA
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Chimeras
1.1. Definition and Types
1.2. Chimeras induced by Mutagenic Treatments
1.3. Appearance of Chimeras in M1 Plants
1.3.1. Somatic Chimeras
1.3.2. Chimeras in Reproductive Organs
3. References
1. Chimeras independantly occurs in more than one of the cells
that constitute a meristem and much less probable that
1.1. Definition and Types it simultaneously affects both copies of any particular
gene of a dipolid cell. As a consequence the vast major-
In 1907, Winkler first used the word ‘chimera’ to ity of mutations will be heterozygous. Each of these
describe a plant arising from grafting together two mutant cells, if able to multiply by mitosis, will form a
Solanum species (Box 15.1). The plant developed a unique heterozygous mutant cell lineage sector, which
shoot that longitudinally had two distinct halves, each will grow surrounded by a normal background or by
belonging to a different species. A chimera is defined as other different mutant sectors with variable sizes and
an individual that has sectors made up of different cell patterns. Therefore, plants derived from seeds treated
genotypes. These cells differ in chromosome structures with a mutagen are complex chimeras.
or in chromosome number (aneuploidy or ploidy) or Several factors can affect the formation of chimeras in
even in only one nucleotide within a nuclear and/or M1 plants: (1) the nature of the experimental material,
an organelle genome. It is worth mentioning that in a such as the species ontogeny, the embryonic structural
broader sense some variegated phenotypes originating features and the developmental stage, specially the
from epigenetic effects that are propagated through number of cells that will grow into different meristems;
cell division and even across generations can be also (2) the nature and dose of the applied mutagen, par-
considered to be chimeras. ticularly its cell killing effects (see Chapter 14); and (3)
Due to differences in genes affecting pigmentation the competitiveness of the mutant sector.
plant chimeras can be revealed in clonal or cell lineage Most plants of the M2 generation, are not chimerical,
variegations (Box 15.1). The different patterns of clonal since every plant derives from a zygote by mitosis. The
variegation are directly associated with the patterns of uni-cellular constitution of gametes and zygotes does
cell lineages , which differ markedly between monocots not allow the transmission of chimeras based in nuclear
and dicots, particularly in leaf patterns. In both taxa, genes from one to another generation. The same is not
clonal variegations in the leaves are clear cut and are true for chimeras based on plastid or mitochondrial
delimited by the leaf veins, showing up as elongated genes, since semi-autonomous organelles (plastids
stripes in monocots and irregular patches in dicots or mitochondria) are several per cell and they may be
(Fig 15.1A & Fig 15.1B). These chimerical variegations are unevenly transmitted to daughter cells through mitosis.
distinct from plants exhibiting positional variegation, as When uni-cellular organs, such as those of the male
in the latter, the phenotypic differences among tissues or female gametophytes or zygotes, are treated with
of a leaf are due to differential gene expression and not mutagens, chimeras based in nuclear genes can be
due to genetic differences, and hence they are not chi- avoided in M1 plants, but organelle gene chimeras
meras (Box 15.1). Leaves with typical positional patterns, may still exist (see Chapter 17). Chimeras in M2 plants
also called figurative patterns, are those presenting dif- or in further generations can also arise from genetically
ferent pigmentations between the inter-venial spaces unstable mutant genotypes, e.g. those carrying muta-
and the vein margins or between the upper and the tor genes(see Chapter 17) or through the reactivation
lower part of the leaf blade (Fig 15.1 C and D). of transposons (Walbot 1988), which can produce new
variability recurrently.
1.2. Chimeras Induced by Mutagenic Treatments
1.3. Appearance of Chimeras in M1 Plants
Multi-cellular organs, such as seed-embryos or veg-
etative buds, are commonly subjected to mutagenic 1.3.1. Somatic Chimeras
treatments for plant breeding purposes. Mutation rates When mature seeds are subjected to mutagenic treat-
are increased many folds by mutagenic treatments; ment, the number of leaf primordia cells is one of the
however, since every cell has multiple potential targets factors determining the final size of the mutant sectors
for mutation induction, any particular mutation can still produced in fully-grown leaves of the M1 plants. In cere-
be considered a rare event at the level of a single cell. als the mature embryo is highly differentiated relative
Thus, it is very unlikely that a given mutational event to that of dicots. For example, a mature barley embryo
Box 15.1: Key terms related to chimeras and mutant gene transmission
Chimera: from Greek chimaira: a mythological animal composed of parts of three different animals. It is traditionally applied in biology
to define a plant (or an animal, an organ or a tissue) consisting of somatic sectors having different genetic constitutions. In modern
biotechnology, it is also used to designate transgenic cells or organisms carrying DNA from more than one species. In plant mutation
research, the former definition is adopted.
Cell-lineage or cell clone: cell population derived from a single cell by repeated mitosis.
Cell-lineage or clonal variegation: different pigmentations in a variegated plant are due to genetic differences between cell clones. This
is an indication that the plant is chimerical. The patterns of variegation will depend on the ontogeny of the species.
Positional variegation: pigmentation differences among tissues of the same plant result from differential expression depending on the
position of the cells and are not due to genetic differences. Plants carrying positional variegation are not chimeras.
Diplontic selection: competition occurring during the diplophase between somatic cells or cell clones carrying different genotypes in a
chimerical organism. It is also called intra-individual or intra-somatic selection.
Haplontic selection: competition occurring during the haplophase. After overcoming diplontic selection in the soma of a chimerical
plant, the mutant clones that reach M1 inflorescences need to compete in gamete production and transmission to zygotes, in order to be
transmitted into the second generation (M2).
Initial cells: cells capable of dividing to form a meristem. In a seed embryo, those mutations that affect initial cells, the originating cell
lineages that eventually form reproductive tissues, are the only ones that may be transmitted to next generations.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 15.2 Chlorophyll somatic sectors of barley M1 leaves. A, Plant showing two sectors of different colour, one albina on the fifth and the
other xantha on the sixth leaf. B, Albina streak. C, Yellow streak on viridis background. D, Viridis streak on normal background. E, Normal
green streak on a viridis heterozygous background. F, Yellow-albina double sector on the double heterozygous MC 136. (From Prina and
Favret, 1988, Copyright 1988 by the American Genetic Association).
consists of the apical meristem, two auxiliary buds, can result in physiological disorders of M1 plants, which
three, sometimes four or exceptionally five, primordial can further make it difficult to identify mutated sectors.
leaves and several root initials (Mullenax and Osborne However, one type of chimera, which produces con-
1967). The first primordial leaf blade is composed of a spicuous changes in chlorophyll content, has been fre-
greater number of cells than the second leaf, the third quently observed and extensively studied in M1 plants.
and so on. As a consequence the size of correspond- Since the early days of chimera research it has been
ing mutant sectors decreases in fully-grown leaves: will noticed that leaves of some M1 plants exhibit chloro-
consist of a few cells in the first leaf blade; but in the phyll deficient sectors, as longitudinal streaks in mono-
fourth or subsequent leaves they will appear as longitu- cots and as irregular-shaped spots in dicots (Fig 15.2 &
dinal stripes traversing the blade lengthwise (Fig 15.2). Fig 15.3). When homozygous wild type barley seeds are
Most induced mutant alleles are recessive and hence treated with mutagens, either with chemicals or with
they are not expressed phenotypically in the heterozy- X-rays, two types of chlorophyll deficiencies are often
gous mutant cell-clones of M1 plants. Even if dominant observed: light green (~70%) and albino (see Chapter
or semi-dominant mutant alleles are induced, most of 25). However, when heterozygous tester stocks are sub-
them cannot be distinguished because they may affect jected to mutagenic treatments, the mutant spectrum
characters that are not visual e.g. a mutant allele of root of somatic sectors dramatically changes depending on
or grain quality traits. In addition, mutagenic treatments both, the gene, which is in a heterozygous condition
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 15.3 Chlorophyll-deficient sectors on the first foliage-leaf in cotton after seed treatments with a) sodium azide or with b) X-rays
and the type of mutagen. X-rays mutagenesis showed harvest M1 plants, how to grow and select mutant plants
a more generalized effect than chemical treatments on in the M2 and subsequent generations (see Chapter 18).
different genes, including not only chlorophyll deficient The initial cells of the mature embryo that develop
genes but also genes related to diseases resistance into reproductive organs are called germ track cells.
(Prina and Favret 1988). In this respect, it is worth men- The number of germ track cells is termed the “geneti-
tioning that in the case of vegetatively propagated spe- cally effective cell number” (GECN), and this must be
cies the experimental material usually carries several estimated if mutation frequencies are expressed on a
loci in a heterozygous condition, which can drastically treated-cell basis.
influence the spectrum of mutant somatic sectors. Histological analyses that aim to determine the GECN
are generally very difficult and often give contrasting
1.3.2. Cell Lineages and Chimeras in results (see D’Amato 1965). Interestingly, GECN can be
Reproductive Tissues estimated by analyzing the segregation ratios of chloro-
The chimerical nature of M1 plants can be used to distin- phyll mutants in M1 plant inflorescence progenies. In
guish induced variability from that already present in the this manner, the reproductive tissues in each of the main
material before treatment, when M1 spikes are individu- tillers that originate from more than one initial cell were
ally harvested and grown, as proposed by Stadler (1930) determined in cereals (barley, rice and Triticum durum).
at the dawn of experimental mutagenesis. (Fig 15.4). This According to Gaul (1964) 2-4 initial cells give rise to
is based on the premise that the reproductive tissues of each of the main 4-5 spikes of barley in undisturbed
each of the main spikes arise from different initial cells development, but this number decreases after treat-
(Box 15.1). Newly induced mutations would segregate in ments that have high cell-killing effects (see Chapter 14).
only one (rarely in two) of the main M1 spike progenies Considering the absence of deviations from selective
(Fig 15.4). On the other hand, phenotypic segregations forces and segregation of only recessive mutant alleles,
observed in all or in most of the spike progenies cor- it is estimated that rates near 1 mutant (M) : 3 normal (N)
respond to variability already existing in a heterozygous seedlings indicate that the reproductive tissues of the
condition, which could arise by spontaneous mutation. spike come from one initial cell; the rates will theoreti-
Although most induced mutations are not expressed cally decrease to 1 M: 7 N, 1 M : 11 N and 1 M : 15 N, for
in somatic tissues of M1 plants, they constitute hidden 2, 3 or 4 initial cells, respectively. In this manner, the
chimeras that play an important role in the develop- segregation of 2 M : 22 N observed in the spike-progeny
ment of mutated sectors that proceed into reproduc- represented in second place in Figure 15.4-A suggests
tive organs (male and/or female gametes). Knowledge that the GECN in that spike was three. Obviously, that
of how different sectors grow and finally develop into spike progenies consisting of 20-30 M2 seedlings, or
reproductive organs is important for handling experi- even much less as it is commonly found after mutagenic
mental material appropriately, i.e. how to grow and treatments e.g. in barley, are very small for distinguish-
A. Spike progenies from the main Ɵllers.
SegregaƟon of recessive mutants induced by the
treatment is expected to occur in only one M1 spike
progeny and usually in proporƟons below 3N:1M,
because the reproducƟve Ɵssues of the main Ɵllers
usually arise from more than one iniƟal cell of the
seed embryo.
ing situations with increasing GECNs. Another more is not strictly established in seed meristems and that
precise method used for analysis of mutant sectors in some initial cells in the seed embryo can originate clones
M1 barley spikes was achieved by the analysis of waxy constituting both, vegetative and reproductive tissues.
pollen grains (e.g. Lindgren et al. 1970). This character The variable number of initial cells forming reproduc-
is determined by the pollen grain genotype and not by tive tissues in main or lateral tillers of cereals and the
that of the mother plant and, therefore it is particularly variable size of the progenies in M2 complicates the
useful for chimera analysis in the M1 inflorescence. Such estimation of mutation rates. This matter prompted
analyses indicate that mutant sectors present a wide long discussions about the best scoring method for
variation in patterns and sizes, from one single anther evaluating mutagenic effects. Conventionally, mutation
to an entire spike. frequency is estimated based on the number of chlo-
It must be mentioned that lateral tillers can originate rophyll mutations per hundred M1 spikes. Gaul (1960)
from cells still undetermined in the seed embryo, which criticized this method considering that it may underes-
indicates that distinction between germ or somatic lines timate the actual mutation frequency in the case of high
damaging treatments (see next section). He proposed cences. It must be taken into account that favourable
to use the number of chlorophyll mutants per hundred alleles can also be eliminated by diplontic selection
M2 seedlings as a general method. Several modifica- when they are located in a cell that is affected by del-
tions for scoring mutation frequencies have been eterious changes.
proposed, however, after theoretical comparisons of It was hypothesized that different levels of competi-
various methods it was concluded that none of them tion exist among clones arising from initial cells already
was invariably superior to others and that effectiveness pre-determined in dormant seeds and those clones
of each method depends on the conditions and aims of derived from cells still undetermined, and hence M1
the experiment (Yonezawa and Yamagata, 1975). inflorescences of later-forming tillers produce M2 prog-
enies with lower mutation rates (Gaul 1964). According
to this hypothesis, non-differentiated cells do not gen-
2. Competition of Mutated Versus erally take over the function of those initial cells already
Non-Mutated Cells pre-determined and so, competition for constituting
the generative tissues in the main spikes is limited to only
In M1 plants, genetically different cell clones grow 1-4 cells in each. The initial cells not yet differentiated at
together in the same soma, which may bring about the time of treatment, such as those of the lateral-tiller
competitions for survival and growth. In this respect, spikes, will be involved in a larger cell complex compet-
there are two main sieves that a newborn mutant allele ing to form the reproductive tissues. On a practical level,
needs to pass through to be transmitted to the second differences in mutation rates between main and lateral
generation. The first sieve acts at the level of the soma of tillers of barley may be magnified if the high plant lethal-
the M1 plant and depends on both the capability of the ity caused by high mutagenic doses is not compensated
mutant cell to divide and generate (by mitosis) a mutant for by space planting M1 seeds closely, in order to avoid
clone, and the fitness of that clone to compete with having sparse plots with excessive tiller production.
others (mutants or wild type) during M1 plant develop- It is worth mentioning that a distinction must be made
ment, and finally end up in reproductive tissues. This with respect to competition among diploid cells grown
competition among somatic cells during the diplophase in vitro, which occurs in a quite different context (see
was called “diplontic selection” by Gaul (1964) and Chapter 16). Finally, it must be remarked that somatic
intra-individual or intra-somatic selection by Kaplan competition is more complex in the case of induced
(see D’amato, 1965). The second sieve occurs when the mutations in organelle-genes (see Chapter 17).
mutant clones, after overcoming diplontic selection,
reach the reproductive organs of the M1 plant. In order 2.2. Haplontic Selection
to get into the second generation (M2) the mutant allele
needs to compete in gamete production and in zygotes During gametogenesis, recessive mutants are exposed to
formation. As this competition occurs during the haplo- selection for the first time. In the case of mutant alleles
phase, it is called “haplontic selection”. expressed in a heterozygous condition, sporophyte and
gametophyte functions can differ drastically and allele
2.1. Diplontic Selection fitness values might differ from one phase to another.
In barley, seed set reduction of M1 spikes has been
Evidence of diplontic selection was observed in barley, largely used in estimating female gamete failure, even
rice and wheat, where the number of sectors constitut- though other causes of seed set reduction, such as
ing the M1 inflorescences decreases with increasing pollen abortion or early zygotic lethality cannot be
radiation-dosage (e.g. Gaul 1964). This fact is explained ruled out. In the first decades of experimental mutagen-
by the high cell killing effects of high-radiation doses esis, when the use of ionizing radiations was common,
that induce extensive chromosome disturbances chromosome aberrations were assumed as the main
and render some cells unable to multiply by mitosis. source of M1 sterility. Later, it was evident that other fac-
Accordingly, chemical mutagens have a slighter cell tors were involved, e.g. point mutations, small deficien-
killing effect than ionizing radiations and show a higher cies, as well as physiological damages (Ekberg 1969).
number, but of smaller mutant sectors in M1 inflores- Selection against most chromosomal deficiencies is
usually much more intense among male gametes than tions can drastically change depending on the genotype
females. However, as the population size in the male and, consequently, M2/M1 relationships can be mark-
gametophyte (pollen production) largely exceeds that edly affected. Different trends in M2/M1 relationships
of the female counterpart (ovules) the effects of seed were also observed when these mutagens were used in
treatments on the male gametes have a much lower hexaploid wheat as compared to diploid barley. All the
impact on M1 seed-set. aforementioned indicates that the relationship between
Estimation of gametic competition by analyzing M2 M2/M1 observations markedly depends on the particular
mutant segregation is usually difficult because of devia- mutagen-genotype combination and, therefore, making
tions due to the chimerical constitution of M1 inflores- quick estimations of expected M2 mutations based on
cences and diplontic selection. Evidence for moderate the frequency of M1 chlorophyll deficient sectors is only
gametic competition has been obtained by analyzing reliable if the relationship for the particular combination
progenies of solid heterozygous plants. Extensive is already known.
investigations carried in barley, wheat and pea showed Another interesting point to be considered is the
a significant deficit in recessive mutants of about 20 % relationship between the sterility of M1 inflorescences
in some cases, but an excess of recessive mutants was and the mutation frequency in M2. In several crop plants
rarely found. It is generally agreed that deviating segre- (barley, rice, pea and tomato) no correlation was found
gation frequencies in induced chlorophyll mutants are after seed irradiation. However, chemical mutagenic
mainly due to reduced transmission of the mutant allele treatments on barley seed resulted in a high correlation
through the male gametophyte. Gametophytic lethal between M1 sterility and M2 mutant frequencies, indi-
alleles have no transmission at all through the male cating that, at least in the case of some chemical treat-
gamete and represent an extreme case of (none) allele ments, elimination of highly sterile M1 inflorescences as
transmission. The pollen-irradiation method, used early sometimes proposed in order to get rid of deleterious
on in maize and more recently in Arabidopsis (Naito effects of the treatments, could contribute to a decrease
et al. 2005), allowed determination of sexual transmis- in M2 mutant frequencies (Prina et al. 1986).
sibility of many mutations, including large deletions,
induced by pollen-irradiation.
It is obvious that gamete competition is only an Acknowledgements
issue for sexually propagated species. Therefore, some We wish to thank Graciela del Castaño, Mariela Trazar,
alleles having detrimental effects in gametes can be Liliana Barchetta and Raúl Daniel Bassi for help pro-
maintained in vegetative propagated species. In addi- vided during manuscript preparation.
tion, lack of recombination in mitosis allows the main-
tenance of mutants in a heterozygous condition.
3. References
2.3. M2/M1 Mutant Frequencies Relationship
3.1. Cited References
Blixt (1972) found a close correlation between M2 chloro-
phyll mutants and M1 leaf spotting induced by chemical Blixt, S. 1972. Mutation genetics in Pisum. Agr. Hort.
mutagens in pea. However, it was observed in barley that Genet. 30:1-259.
the relationship between the frequency of M2 mutant D´amato, F. 1965. Chimera formation in mutagen-
seedlings and the frequency of chlorophyll deficient sec- treated seeds and diplontic selection. In: The use
tors observed in M1 plants was much lower with X-rays of induced mutations in Plant Breeding (Proc. Meet
than with chemical mutagens. Thus, after X-ray treat- FAO/IAEA, Rome, 25th May- 1st June 1964), pp.
ments, the ratio between M2 chlorophyll mutations and 3-16.
M1 chlorophyll sectors was as low as 0.4 and the oppo- Ekberg, I. 1969. Different types of sterility induced in
site trend was observed after sodium azide treatments, barley by ionizing radiations and chemical muta-
which showed a M2/M1 ratio as high as 6.3. Meanwhile, gens. Hereditas. 63:255-278.
EMS showed an intermediate value of 2.5. In addition, Gaul, H. 1964. Mutations in Plant Breeding. Radiat. Bot.
as mentioned earlier, the expression of somatic muta- 4:155-232.
Lindgren, D., Eriksson, G. and Sulovska, K. 1970. Bengtsson, B.O. 1976. Two methods of estimating
The size and appearance of the mutated sector in mutagenic effects after treatment of barley seeds.
barley spikes. Hereditas. 65:107-132. Hereditas. 83:39-46.
Mullenax, R.H. and Osborne, T.S. 1967. Normal and Cecconi, F., Pugliesi, C. and Baroncelli, S. 1992. A
gamma-rayed resting plumule of barley. Radiat. clonal analysis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus
Bot. 7:273-282. L) – I. The capitulum development. Env. Exp. Bot.
Naito, K., Kusaba, M., Shikazono, N. et al. 2005. 32(4):505-512.
Transmissible and Nontransmissible Mutations Grant-Downton, R.T. and Dickinson, H.G. 2005.
Induced by Irradiating Arabidopsis thaliana Pollen Epigenetics and its Implications for Plant Biology. 1.
with Gamma-rays and Carbon Ions. Genetics. 169: The Epigenetic Network in Plants. Annals of Botany.
881-889. 96:1143-1164.
Prina, A.R. and Favret, E.A. 1981. Comparative analy- Kirk, J.T.O. and Tilney-Bassett, R.A.E. 1978. The Plastids.
sis of the somatic mutation process in barley. In : Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 960.
Barley Genetics IV (M.J. C. Asher, ed.). Edinburgh Koornneef, M. 2002. Classical mutagenesis in higher
University Press, pp. 886-891. plants. In: Molecular Plant Biology Vol.1. Gilmarin
Prina, A.R. and Favret, E.A. 1988. Influence of Marker PM and Bowler (eds.), Practical Approach Series.
Genes on the Expression of Somatic Mutations in ISBN-13: 978-0-19-963876-5. pp. 1-11
Barley. J. Heredity. 79:371-376. Kurup, S., Runions, J., Köhler, U. et al. 2005. Marking
Prina, A.R., Hagberg, A. and Favret, E.A. 1986. cell lineages in living tissues. The Plant Journal. 42:
Inheritable sterility induced by X-rays and sodium 444-453.
azide in barley. Genetica Agraria. 40:309-320. Li, S.L. and Rédei, G.P. 1969. Estimation of mutation
Stadler, L.J. 1930. Some genetic effects of X-rays in rate in autogamous diploids. Radiation Botany.
plants. J. Hered. 21(1):3-19. 9:125-131.
Walbot, V. 1988. Reactivation of the Mutator transpos- McDaniel, C.N. and Poethig, S. 1988. Cell-lineage pat-
able element system following gamma irradiation terns in the shoot apical meristem of the germinat-
of seeds. Gen. Genet. 212:259-264. ing maize embryo. Planta. 175:13-22.
Bird, R.M.K. and Neuffer, M.G. 1987. Induced muta-
3.2. Further Reading tions in Maize. Plant Breeding Revs. 5:139-180.
Yu, F., Fu, A., Aluru, M. et al. 2007. Variegation mutants
Birky, C.W.Jr. 2001. The Inheritance of Genes and mechanisms of chloroplast biogenesis. Plant
in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts: Laws, Cell and Environment. 30:350-365.
Mechanisms, and Models. Ann. Rev. Genet.
Chimeras: Properties and Dissociation
in Vegetatively Propagated Plants
1. Introduction
3. Dissociation of Chimeras
3.1. Histogenetic Instability
3.2. Dissociation Through Vegetative Propagation
3.3. Dissociation Through Seed Propagation
5. References
1. Introduction time. As will be detailed in the following paragraph, the
mode of spreading and spatial arrangement of a mutant
Chimeras are individuals composed of tissues of two or cell lineage results from the layered structure of the shoot
more idiotypes which are represented by their respec- apical meristem and ordered orientation of cell division
tive cell lines in the shoot apical meristem. In addition planes, as well as the competitiveness of the mutant cells.
to ‘chimeras’ the term ‘mosaics’ is sometimes used A cell lineage derived from a mutated cell first spreads
synonymously. However, the latter is better applied to as a sector within the tissue layer where the mutation
patterns resulting e.g. from permanent genetic instabil- event had taken place. This kind of chimeric constitution
ity which, unlike the ‘true’ chimeric patterns dealt with called ‘mericlinal’ is unstable, the size and persistence
in this chapter, may be transmitted through single cells. of such sectors depending on the competitiveness of
Plant chimeras may be classified according to their the mutated tissue. Lateral bud formation and sprouting
origin, structure and the type of genetic difference in within a mutated sector leads to a stable periclinal chi-
their component idiotypes. Regarding the origin, chi- meric state in which mutated cells occupy a whole layer
meras may be obtained as a result of grafting, sorting of the lateral shoot meristem.
out from variegated seedlings, genetic transformation, In order to recover homohistic (‘solid’) mutants, the
as well as spontaneous or induced mutation. Only the chimeric stucture of M1 plants obtained after spontane-
latter is considered in more detail here. ous or induced mutagenesis needs to be dissociated. In
In view of homohistic (‘solid’) mutant development in seed-propagated crops this is commonly done by self-
plant breeding, the classification of chimeras according ing of M1 plants and raising the M2 progeny. In addition
to their structure is most important and hence will be to chimera dissociation, selfing enables mutations to be
considered in more detail. Mutagenic treatment of seeds brought in homozygous condition, which is required
and buds (tip/node cuttings), as commonly practised for true-to-type seed propagation. Chimera dissocia-
in mutation breeding programmes, leads to mutant M1 tion and mutant gene transmission in seed-propagated
plants exhibiting chimerism. This is because mutations crops is described in detail in Chapter 15 of this book.
occur in single cells and shoots are recovered from In the present chapter, main emphasis is placed on
pre-existing multi-cellular meristems. Likewise, most of methods of chimera dissociation using plant regenera-
somatic mutations occurring spontaneously in nature, tion via adventitious buds or somatic embryos. Unlike
appear in a chimeric condition, which may persist during selfing, plant regeneration from somatic cells permits
vegetative growth, sometimes unrecognized, over a long the genetic background of the treated varieties to be
retained, which is of particular importance in vegeta- layers is strictly anticlinal (i.e. perpendicular to the mer-
tively propagated crops. Moreover, when mutagenic istem surface), while both anticlinal and periclinal (i.e.
treatment is immediately applied to materials devoid parallel to the meristem surface) division planes occur
of pre-existing meristems and this is followed by regen- in the corpus. The SAM layers are commonly termed
eration of adventitious buds, chimera formation can be ‘histogenic layers’, in order to denote that they produce
largely avoided, because such buds often, though not independent cell lineages, which according to their posi-
always, originate from single cells. Employment of this tion within the plant body differentiate into the various
so called ‘adventitious bud technique’ thus provides leaf and stem tissues. Thus, the epidermis is derived from
the possibility of immediate and efficient production L1 (‘dermatogen’), whose cells, exept during trichome
of homohistic (‘solid’) mutants, but with the addition formation, do not divide pericinally. In contrast, cells of
that this is true for nuclear mutations only. In case of L2 origin, in addition to dividing anticlinally, may divide
plasmon mutations, cells with mixed mutated and wild periclinally soon after they have left the SAM. Cells of L2
type organelle populations are produced. Sorting out origin give rise to outer mesophyll as well as outermost
of organelles during subsequent regeneration is often cortical parenchyma and, notably, gametes, while L3 cells
incomplete and chimeras are frequently obtained, even give rise to inner cortex, vascular tissues, roots and pith.
if plant regeneration occurs from single cells. Though this describes the usual pattern as observed in
periclinal chimeras bearing pigment or ploidy mutations,
the relative contribution of the histogenic layers to the
2. Origin, Structure and Properties of Chimeras different leaf and stem tissues, especially that of L2 and
L3, is quite flexible and may vary a great deal even within
2.1. Shoot Apical Structure and Plant Ontogenesis an individual. Also, histogenesis in chimeras is strongly
dependent on relative competitiveness of mutated and
Most of spontaneous somatic mutations observed in wild type layers. On the other hand, important to note
nature are of mericlinal or periclinal chimeric condi- is that the arrangement of histogenic layers in the SAM
tion. The different layered arrangements of component is carried over to lateral bud meristems, usually without
idiotypes in those chimeras (Fig 16.2b-i) result from the being changed.
layered structure and highly ordered orientation of cell
division planes within the shoot apical meristem (SAM), 2.2. Types of Chimeras
which was first described as ‘tunica-corpus theory’
by Schmidt (1924). In a typical angiosperm shoot tip Regarding the spatial arrangement of their compo-
(Fig 16.1), the core tissue (= corpus) is covered by two nent idiotypes, three main types of chimeras are
tunica cell layers. The number of tunica layers may vary distinguished:
(from only one to three or even more) among species and
at different stages of development in the same species. 2.2.1. Sectorial Chimeras
Commonly, the layers are designated as L1, L2, L3 and so Sectorial chimeras, in which the component idiotypes
on (if there are more than the typical two tunica layers), occupy massive sectors of varying size, but reaching
starting from the outermost layer (= L1). All the following through more than one layer of the plant body (Fig 16.2k),
considerations are based on two tunica layers being pre- are rarely seen in nature. They are formed, e.g. when an
sent, L3 thus representing the corpus. Within the SAM adventitious shoot meristem develops from a group of
proper, orientation of cell division planes in the tunica cells, one of which is mutated (Fig 16.3c,d). Sectorial
a b
Corpus: L3
chimeras are unstable and tend to segregate rapidly al. 1940). The formation of a periclinal from a mericlinal
into pure types. By accident, they may attain a mericlinal chimera may happen through gradual driving out wild
chimeric state and finally stabilize as a periclinal chimera. type cells. However, this is to be expected only when the
mutation is advantageous compared to wild type. More
2.2.2. Mericlinal Chimeras frequently, periclinal chimeras develop, when a lateral
Due to the above described growth patterns a mutation bud originates from within the sector bearing the mutated
occurring in a cell of one of the SAM layers results in the tissue layer. Since in this case the lateral meristem incorpo-
formation of a mericlinal chimeric constitution in which rates only mutated cells of the respective layer, sprouting
mutated cells occupy a sector of the tissue(s) derived of this bud will give rise to a periclinal chimeric shoot with
from the respective histogenic layer (Fig 16.1b, Fig 16.2b- the entire layer mutated. In this way, three primary types of
d). The fate of the mutated sector is governed by the periclinal chimeras (Fig 16.2e-g) may arise, depending on
growth pattern of the apex where the sector originates, in which layer the mutation had occurred. The terminol-
the environmental conditions acting on the growth, ogy for naming the different types of periclinal chimeras
and by diplontic selection, i.e. the selective value of the varies. In this chapter, a terminolgy is chosen referring to
mutant idiotype relative to wild type. Mericlinal chime- the layer(s) which is (are) mutated. Those chimeras bear-
ras are unstable and tend to lose the mutated tissue or ing a mutated L1 are termed ‘ectochimeras’, those with
develop into stable periclinal chimeras. Because they mutated L2 ‘mesochimeras’ (‘sandwich chimeras’), and
may appear phenotypically similar, mericlinal chimeras those with mutated L3 ‘endochimeras’. Trichimeras, bear-
are sometimes confused with sectorial chimeras. ing three distinct idiotypes are rare. They may originate
e.g. by a further mutation event in one of the two wild
2.2.3. Periclinal Chimeras type layers of a primary periclinal chimera, or by sorting
In periclinal chimeras mutated cells occupy one or more out during plant recovery from a cell containing a mixed
entire histogenic layer(s). This structure has first been visu- population of three or more different plastid types.
alized, and the independent behaviour of the histogenic Commonly, different histogenic compositions are
layers in the SAM proven, in periclinal ploidy chimeras designated by letter combinations, where letters
of Datura, in which the polyploid layers were ‘marked’ denote the idiotypes of the histogens starting with
by their increased nuclear and cell diameter (Satina et L1. A mesochimera bearing a chlorophyll-deficient L2
(Fig 16.2f) is thus designated as GWG, using “G” for In the phenotypes depicted in Figure 16.2, cell-
“green” (wild type) and “W” for “white” (chlorophyll- autonomous expression of the mutant trait is assumed.
deficient). The two chimeric types in which one of two There are several cases, however, where chlorophyll-
idiotypes resides in L1 and the other in L2+L3 (WGG and deficient mutated cells cause bleeching of chloro-
GWW; Fig 16.2e,i) appear phenotypically uniform, while plasts in wild type cells of the neighbouring layer. For
the remaining (GWG, GGW and WWG) display variega- instance, endochimeras (GGW) of such type, instead of
tion. The example of chlorophyll deficiency illustrates dark green leaves with a sharply delimited lighter centre
that even in case of a directly visible mutant trait, the (Fig 16.2g), possess leaves with dark green margin and
chimeric nature or actual histogenic composition may indistinctly delimited white centre. The phenotype of
be obscured due to cell type-specific expression of the periclinal chimeras may thus be modified by both cell
mutant trait. Thus, because chlorophyll is not expressed type-specific expression and layer interactions. Further,
in most epidermal cells, GGG and WGG phenotypes (Fig chimeric patters may be more or less obvious, depend-
16.2a,e) are superficially indistinguishable, as are GWG ing on developmental stage-specific gene expression.
and WWG (Fig 16.2f,h), as well as GWW and WWW (Fig Periclinal chimeras can be fairly to very stable, which is
16.2i, j). Distinction of these types requires microscopi- exemplified by the many chimeric varieties of ornamen-
cal inspection of stomatal guard cells or trichomes which tals displaying variegated foliage with periclinal patterns
normally express chlorophyll. (Marcotrigiano, 1997). These varieties are vegetatively
b c d
e f g
h i j
propagated through tip and/or node cuttings which of different mechanisms may even lead to layer reversal
ensures the SAM structure remaining unchanged. Still, (GWGWGW = ecto-endochimeric; not shown in Fig
layer rearrangement may accidentially occur, urging 16.2). Usually, all such kind of changes occur through
on propagators to regularly remove off-types that have transitional mericlinal states, i.e. the change first appears
lost the desired pattern. Generally the extent of such in a sector which, sooner or later, gives rise to a purely
variation is more prone in endochimeras than in mes- periclinal chimeric or homohistic shoot, e.g. through
ochimeras. Causes of variegation other than periclinal lateral bud formation within the changed sector.
chimerism are mentioned in Chapter 15 of this book. Histogenetic instability may be enhanced and chi-
Ectochimeras usually are most stable. As the latter mera dissociation favoured by conditions causing mod-
appear phenotypically uniform, their chimeric nature erate damage to the SAM; notably radiation used for
may remain unrecognized for long time and only be mutant induction may have this effect. Also, mechani-
revealed by rare layer rearrangents uncovering the cal wounding and application of plant hormones can
mutant phenotype. Erroneously, this is often taken as disturb the ordered growth of the SAM, thus accounting
a mutation event, but which, in fact, had taken place for higher percentages of off-types in plants obtained
long before. In old clonal varieties, spontaneous through meristem culture of periclinal chimeric varie-
somatic mutations, especially those which are weakly ties. Still, only partial chimera dissociation may be
or not expressed in the epidermis, may accumulate in achieved in this way, as has been reported e.g. in a chi-
ectochimeric condition more or less unnoticed, grape- meric grapevine cultivar, where mostly chimeric plants
vine being a good example (Franks et al. 2002; Riaz et were recovered from cultures of fragmented shoot
al. 2002). This situation may not be undesirable, since in apices (Skene and Barlass, 1983).
part, the chimeric nature may be responsible for certain
unique characters of some cultivars/subclones, and, on 3.2. Dissociation Through Vegetative Propagation
the other hand, dissociation of the chimeric types may
yield valuable new clones and thus lead to diversifica- As detailed before, mutagenic treatment of seeds and
tion within ancient varieties. buds, respectively, first leads to an unstable mericlinal
chimeric state. In order to achieve that the mutation
is secured by conversion of the unstable mericlinal
3. Dissociation of Chimeras constitution into a more stable periclinal one, lateral
bud sprouting should be forced. Buds located within
3.1. Histogenetic Instability mutated sectors will thus give rise to periclinal chimeric
shoots in which loss of the mutation is less likely. In
Different mechanisms, which can be summarized as his- fruit trees, it has been proposed that before selection
togenetic instability, may cause periclinal chimeric states or rooting, shoots derived from original treated mate-
to be changed and/or dissociated. Such processes have rial should undergo several rounds of multiplication
been studied in many species. They comprise rare unu- through branching, as grafted scions or in vitro shoot
sual periclinal (‘illegitimate’) divisions in one of the tunica cultures (Predieri, 2001). Although some degree of
layers within the SAM proper, resulting in replacement of layer rearrangement due to histogenetic instability may
the layers beneath. In this way, periclinal chimeras the of occur during repeated shoot subculture, and this may
three primary types WGG, GWG and GGW (Fig 16.2e-g) be favoured by in vitro shoot proliferation, it should be
may convert from one to the other type (GWGGGW; noted, however, that homohistic (‘solid’) mutants may
Fig 16.2fg), into secondary chimera types (e.g. not necessarily be obtained in this way. Thus, experi-
WGGWWG = ecto-mesochimeric or ‘diectochimeric’ ments conducted in cytochimeric banana, obtained
- Fig 16.2h; GWGGWW = meso-endochimeric - Fig after treatment with colchicine, showed that chimera
16.2i), or produce homohistic wild type (GGWGGG; dissociation was not completely achieved by micro-
Fig 16.2ga) and mutant (WGGWWGWWW; propagation methods involving repeated axillary shoot
Fig 16.2ehj) shoots, respectively. Another type of proliferation (Roux et al. 2001). In this connection it
change is displacement of a layer by the one beneath (e.g. needs to be remembered of that ectochimeras as well
WGGGGG, GWGWGG, and so on). Combination as meso-endochimeras superficially appear uniform
and thus are sometimes mistaken as being non-chi- be dissociated through regeneration of somatic embryos
meric. Though rarely, their chimeric nature may give rise as has been shown e.g. in grapevine (Franks et al. 2002).
to variation through accidental layer rearrangements. Most important for efficient chimera dissociation is the
If complete chimera dissociation is intended, the question of whether regenerants produced from multi-
only ways to achieve this with certainty are by selfing cellular explants originate from single cells or from a
M1 plants derived from treated material or by vegetative group of cells. Both has been observed, the type of origin
propagation via adventitious regeneration from single seeming to be more or less species-specific. In case the
somatic cells. The latter is the method of choice in veg- origin is pluri-cellular, it is further important to know,
etatively propagated crops, since it enables to retain the whether or not cells derived from more than one histo-
heterozygous genetic background of clonal varieties. genic layer may be incorporated in the SAM of regener-
Adventitious buds may develop from wounded sites ants. Marcotrigiano (1986) has investigated this question,
in planta or conventional cuttings devoid of preexisting using a series of Nicotiana tabacum (T) + N. glauca (G) graft
buds (e.g. leaf or root cuttings), however, such regenera- chimeras of four different histogenic compositions (TGG,
tion capacity occurs rather erratically in a limited number GTT, TGT and TTG). Among a total of 658 regenerants
of taxa. Compared to cuttings, explants cultivated in vitro he found 43 periclinal chimeric, 8 mericlinal chimeric,
are much more amenable to the induction adventitious and 607 non-chimeric with homohistic shoots of both
regeneration. Based on the finding that shoot neoforma- species being recovered. This example nicely illustrates
tion is promoted by application of cytokinins and auxins that adventitious regeneration quite effectively dissoci-
in appropriate concentration ratio, adventitious bud ates chimeras even in a system where regenerants are
regeneration protocols have been developed for almost of pluricellular origin. A somewhat higher frequency of
every angiosperm species of any commercial or scientific chimeric regenerants (10.8 %) was observed from petiole
interest. Still, it needs to be mentioned that regeneration and internode explants of chimeric Pelargonium zonale
competence and culture requirements vary consider- bearing plastid defects in GGW and GWG histogenic
ably among species and even idiotypes within a species, composition (Li, 2005). Compared to explant and callus
cases of regeneration recalcitrance demanding for further cultures, even more complete dissociation of chimeras
improvement of the methods. In principle, adventitious may be achieved through shoot regeneration from cell
shoots can be obtained from derivatives of all histogenic suspension cultures.
layers (e.g. Marcotrigiano, 1986), which is of particular
importance for chimera dissociation. However, different 3.3. Dissociation Through Seed Propagation
cell types generally have different regeneration compe-
tence, and this may hardly be influenced by the culture Seed propagation proceeds via uni-cellular gametes,
medium composition or other factors. There are cases in and hence leads to complete dissociation of chimeras
which shoot regeneration almost exclusively occurs from bearing nuclear mutations. Selfing M1 plants and rais-
just one particular cell type (e.g. Hall et al. 1995; Geier ing the M2 progeny further enables mutated alleles to
and Sangwan, 1996). In cases where adventitious buds be brought into homozygous condition, and thus to
are unavailable or more difficult to induce, chimeras may visualize recessive mutations. Moreover, homozygo-
• By forcing lateral bud sprouting in mericlinal chimeric M1 plants, more stable periclinal chimeras can be obtained, and thus the risk of
losing the mutation reduced.
• Histogenetic instability in periclinal chimeras may eventually yield homohistic (‘solid’) mutants through accidental layer
rearrangements. Treatments changing the growth patterns of the shoot apical meristem, e.g. wounding and hormone application
(meristem culture), lead to more frequent layer rearrangements.
• More reliable and rapid dissociation of periclinal chimeras is achieved via induction of in vivo or in vitro adventitious bud
regeneration. Instead, somatic embryogenesis may be applied in species, where bud regeneration is unavailable, difficult to induce,
or embryogenesis is more efficient.
• For successful application of ‘adventitious bud techniques’, the most suitable type of cutting, explant or tissue culture system
available in the respective species should be chosen, considering the regeneration efficiency, chimeric structure to be dissociated,
and cellular origin of regenerants.
sity of mutated alleles is indispensable to true-to-type clonal varieties, selfing inevitably results in complete
seed propagation. Mutant gene transmission in seed- loss of variety identity through recombination of many
propagated crops is described in detail in Chapter 15. characters. For the same reason, buds (tip or node cut-
Here, it should just be emphasized that seed propaga- tings) or in vitro regeneration systems rather than seeds
tion allows recovery of only the mutations residing in are subjected to mutagenic treatments. 2) Nuclear
the germline, i.e. the cell lineage giving rise to gametes mutations affecting the dominant allele in heterozy-
(usually L2), while those residing in tissue layers outside gous loci cause changed phenotypes which appear as
the germline are inevitably lost. In contrast, vegetative distinct sectors, already in M1 plants. There is no need to
propagation via adventitous regeneration may enable achieve homozygosity of such mutant alleles, since veg-
to recover plants from any layer. etative propagation assures true-to-type reproduction.
In vegetatively propagated crops, selfing is not usually 3) Selfing may be impossible due to self-incompatibility,
applied to dissociate chimeras. This is for the following or clonal varieties may be sterile as e.g. in garlic and cer-
reasons: 1) Because of the general heterozygosity in tain interspecific hybrids of ornamental species.
• Selfing of M1 plants is commonly practised in seed-propagated crops, however, only mutations residing in cells of the germline
(usually L2) may be revovered in this way.
Table 16.1: Comparison of plant materials subjected to mutagenic treatment, with regard to the inci-
dence of chimera formation, methods of chimera dissociation and other parameters.
Material subjected to Seeds Tip and node cuttings 'Adventitious bud regeneration
mutagenic treatment systems'*
Applicable to Seed propagated crops Vegetatively propagated crops Seed- and vegetatively
propagated crops
Constitution of M1 plants Usually mericlinal chimeric Usually mericlinal chimeric Homohistic (regeneration from
single cells)
or sectorial chimeric,
rarely other constitutions
(regeneration from more than
one cell)
Methods of chimera Selfing of M1 plants, raising the 1) Forcing of lateral bud No dissociation required
dissociation M2 progeny sprouting and enhancing (homohistonts),
histogenetic instability or rapid spontaneous
2) induction of adventitious dissociation (sectorial chimeras)
bud or embryo regeneration
Risk of loss of mutations due to High (due to long duration Medium (if dissociation of Low (due to rapid and
diplontic selection from mutagenic treatment till chimeras is effected soon after independent development of
flowering) mutagenic treatment) regenerants)
Histogenic layer(s)/cells Layer(s) giving rise to gamete Derivatives of all histogenic All morphogenetically
from which mutants may be formation (usually L2) layers; however, regeneration competent cells of the culture
recovered ability may vary between
layers/cell types
Start of mutant selection After chimera dissociation Usually after plant regeneration, Usually after plant regeneration,
(in M2) if applicable already during if applicable in vitro during
dissociation of chimeras regeneration (selection for
resistance/tolerance traits
expressed at the cell level)
* Cuttings or in vitro explants devoid of pre-existing shoot meristems, tissue or cell cultures, capable of adventitious bud or embryo
4. Single Cell Regeneration Systems for by using appropriate marker genes (e.g. Domínguez et
Avoiding Chimeras al. 2004). As a rare exception, adventitious shoots may
be even periclinal chimeric, as has been shown in trans-
In addition to their usefulness in dissociating existing genic tobacco (Schmülling and Schell, 1993).
chimeric structures, adventitious bud regeneration While Figures 16.3a-d depict situations in which
or somatic embryogenesis offer an efficient means of adventitious buds arise directly from cells of the primary
avoiding chimera formation. Thus homohistic mutants explant, a more or less extended phase of unorganized
may be immediately obtained, when cuttings or callus growth often precedes shoot regeneration. In
explants capable of adventitious bud regeneration are this case, a mutated cell present in the primary explant
subjected to mutagenic treatment and this is followed multiplies to form a mutated callus sector. Buds regen-
by regeneration from single cells (Fig 16.3a,b). More erating from within such sectors are homohistic, even
precisely, the SAM of regenerants needs to be derived if their SAM is derived from more than one callus cell
from a single cell. There are several cases where adven- (Fig 16.3e,f). Buds developing from more than one cell
titious shoots regenerate from single cells of conven- at the border between mutated and wild type callus
tional cuttings and much more such cases where this sectors may be sectorial chimeric. Primary somatic
occurs in vitro. In other species, shoot regeneration embryos are usually derived from single cells, while
normally occurs from a group of cells (Marcotrigiano, secondary embryos arising from the former, may be
1986). If more than one cell of the original explant con- of pluri-cellular origin. Consequently, some degree
tributes to the SAM of regenerants, and one of these of chimerism may occur when mutagenic treatment
cells is mutated, the regenerating bud will be sectorial is applied to somatic embryos, instead of explants or
chimeric (Fig 16.3c, d; Fig 16.2.2k). This state is unstable embryogenic callus.
and its spontaneous dissociation leads to homohistic Alternatively to multi-cellular explants, mutagenic
mutants more rapidly and freely than it is the case after treatment may be applied to single-cell cultures.
mutagenic treatment of preexisting buds. The formation Protoplast cultures, representing pure single-cell
of sectorial chimeric shoots after genetic transformation cultures, thus assure complete avoidance of chimera
- like mutation, a single-cell event - has been illustrated formation and dissociation, respectively. They are,
a c e
b d f
however, less easy to manage as the much more robust genetic changes summarized as ‘somaclonal varia-
explant cultures, and reliable regeneration from proto- tion’. Consequently, if the aim is changing single traits
plasts is available in fewer species. In any case, the type through induced mutation without affecting the genetic
of plant material subjected to mutagenic treatment background, in vitro culture procedures, applied as
needs to be chosen considering not only the availability means of either chimera dissociation or avoidance of
of regeneration systems in the treated species but also chimera formation, should be carefully evaluated in
the ease of handling and expected overall efficiency. terms of their potential risk of somaclonal variation. On
Table 16.1 presents a comparison of plant materials the other hand, somaclonal variation may be exploited
subjected to mutagenic teatment, with regard to the as a potential source of useful mutations for crop
incidence of chimera formation, methods of chimera improvement.
dissociation and other parameters. It should be noted,
however, that Table 16.1 gives a generalized overview.
The efficiency of different systems in terms of chimera 5. References
dissociation and avoidance may vary, due to species-
and tissue-specific regeneration ability and patterns. 5.1. Cited References
In addition to minimizing or avoiding chimera forma-
tion, in vitro adventitious bud regeneration or somatic Domínguez, A., Cervera, M., Pérez, R.M. et al. 2004.
embryogenesis systems may offer more advantages. Characterisation of regenerants obtained under
Compared to seeds or cuttings, in vitro cultured tissues selective conditions after Agrobacterium-mediated
and cells, due to their small size and often more friable transformation of citrus explants reveals production
texture, may be easier to penetrate and hence more ame- of silenced and chimeric plants at unexpected high
nable to the application of chemical mutagens. Further, frequencies. Mol. Breed. 14:171–183.
such systems may enable in vitro selection for increased Franks, T., Botta, R., Thomas, M.R. et al. 2002. Chimerism
resistance to abiotic and biotic stress, provided the resist- in grapevines: implications for cultivar identity, ances-
ance mechanism or components thereof are expressed try and genetic improvement. Theor. Appl. Genet.
at the cell level. In vitro selection methods are treated in 104:192-199.
detail in Chapter 28 of this book. Geier, T. and Sangwan, R.S. 1996. Histology and chi-
Plastome mutations constitute a special case. They meral segregation reveal cell-specific differences
can be induced at high frequency by certain alkylating in the competence for shoot regeneration and
agents, N-nitroso-N-methyl urea (NMH) being particu- Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Kohleria
larly effective in this regard. Mutagenic treatment first internode explants. Plant Cell Rep. 15:386-390.
gives rise to cells with a mixed population of mutated Hall, R.D., Verhoeven, H.A. and Krens, F.A. 1995.
and wild type plastids. Regeneration from such hetero- Computer-assisted identification of protoplasts
plastidic cells may lead to chimeric regenerants, even if responsible for rare division events reveals guard-cell
these are derived from single cells. During bud regen- totipotency. Plant Physiol. 107:1379-1386.
eration and subsequent shoot growth some heteroplas- Li, M.-Y. 2005. Observation of high-frequency occurrence
tidic cells may still be found, but sorting out of mutated of chimeral adventitious shoots in tissue culture
and wild type plastids sooner or later leads to the estab- from the chimeral tissues of Pelargonium zonale.
lishment of stable periclinal chimeras of all possible HortScience. 40:1461-1463.
histogenic layer compositions as well as homohistic Marcotrigiano, M. 1986. Origin of adventitious shoots
shoots. NMH treatment of explants and subsequent regenerated from cultured tobacco leaf tissue. Amer.
shoot regeneration, compared to treatment of buds, J. Bot. 73:1541-1547.
can thus be an attractive method allowing rapid and Marcotrigiano, M. 1997. Chimeras and variegation:
easy production of different periclinal variegation pat- Patterns of deceit. HortScience. 32:773-784.
terns, desirable in ornamentals breeding. Nybom, N. 1961. The use of induced mutations for the
One aspect that finally deserves attention is that improvement of vegetatively propagated plants.
different in vitro regeneration systems, to a greater or In: Symp. Mutations and Plant Breeding, Cornell
lesser extent, may involve increased frequencies of University, Ithaca, NY. NAS-NCR, Publ. 891: 252-294.
Predieri, S. 2001. Mutation induction and tissue cul- 5.2. Further Reading
ture in improving fruits. Plant Cell Tissue Org. Cult.
64:185-210. Broertjes, C. and van Harten, A.M. 1988. Applied muta-
Riaz, S., Garrison, K.E., Dangl, G.S. et al. 2002. Genetic tion breeding for vegetatively propagated crops
divergence and chimerism within ancient asexually (Developments in Cop Science, Vol. 12). Amsterdam,
propagated winegrape cultivars. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. New York: Elsevier.
Sci. 127:462-710. Burge, G.K., Morgan, E.R. and Seelye, J.F. 2002.
Roux N., Dolezel J., Swennen R. and Zapata-Arias F.J. Opportunities for synthetic plant chimeral breeding:
2001. Effectiveness of three micropropagation tech- past and future. Plant Cell Tissue Org. Cult. 70:13–21.
niques to dissociate cytochimeras in Musa spp. Plant Pogany, M.F. and Lineberger, R.D. 1998. Plant chimeras
Cell Tissue Org. Cult. 66:189-197. in tissue culture: a review. http://aggie-horticulture.
Satina S., Blakeslee A.F., Avery A.G. 1940. Demonstration
of the three germ layers in the shoot apex of Datura Švábová, L. and Lebeda, A. 2005. In vitro selection for
by means of induced polyploidy in periclinal chime- improved plant resistance to toxin-producing patho-
ras. Amer. J. Bot . 27: 895-905. gens. J. Phytopathol. 153:52-64.
Schmidt, A. 1924. Histologische Studien an phaneroga- Tilney-Bassett, R.A.E. 1986. Plant chimeras. London,
men Vegetationspunkten. Bot. Arch. 7/8: 345-404. Baltimore: Edward Arnold.
Schmülling, T. and Schell, J. 1993. Transgenic tobacco Williams, E.G. and Maheswaran, G. 1986. Somatic
plants regenerated from leaf discs can be periclinal embryogenesis: Factors influencing coordinated
chimeras. Plant Mol. Biol. 21:705-708. behaviour of cells as an embryogenic group. Ann.
Skene, K.G.M. and Barlass, M. 1983. Studies on the Bot. 57:443-462.
fragmented shoot apex of grapevine. IV. Separation
of phenotypes in a periclinal chimera. J. Exp. Bot.
Mutation Induction in
Cytoplasmic Genomes
A.R.Prina*, M.G.Pacheco and A.M.Landau
Instituto de Genética “Ewald A. Favret”, CICVyA, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), CC25, B1712WAA, Castelar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. References
1. Introduction decades a huge amount of information on plastome
genes was produced from experiments on site-directed
Cytoplasmic genes are located in semi-autonomous mutagenesis using homologous recombination in
cytoplasmic organelles, i.e. plastids and mitochondria. Chlamydomonas and, more recently, in tobacco.
They are semi-autonomous in the sense that only a por- However, in most crop plants species, plastid transfor-
tion of the proteins they need are encoded by their own mation is at present not easily performed and efficient
DNA, most are encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in procedures for plastome/chondriome mutagenesis are
the cytosol and finally imported into the organelles. highly desirable.
It is widely accepted that mitochondria and plastids Among the characters regulated by organelle genes,
evolved from free-living prokaryotes and that during a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is by far the most com-
long process of endosymbiosis they suffered a drastic mercially exploited, being a very useful tool for hybrid
loss of genetic material (90-95%). The lost genes were seed production in maize and several other crops.
transferred to the nucleus of the host eukaryotic cell in The CMS system has been determined in more than
which they originally invaded. In agreement with that 150 species and it is usually associated with changes in
idea both the mitochondrial and the plastid genomes mitochondrial genomes. Another cytoplasmic mutant
share several similarities with bacterial genomes. During commercially used in rapeseed varieties is a psbA
evolution these organelles became an essential com- gene allele that confers triazine tolerance. This plastid-
ponent of the plant cell. The co-evolution of the three encoded genotype has been found in several species as
genomes involves an intensive and tightly coordinated a spontaneous mutation.
cross-talk system. Many of the genes that still remain
in these organelles encode components of their own
genetic machinery and it can be inferred from informa- 2. Organelle Genomes and their Function
tion in bacteria that variability in these widely conserved
genes not only includes diverse antibiotic resistances, 2.1. Plastid Genome (Plastome)
but also differential abiotic stress responses.
Natural genetic variability residing in the cytoplasmic The plastid genome, or plastome, is a uni-circular DNA
organelles is extremely narrow in comparison with that molecule of about 150 kbp encoding roughly 100-150
of the nuclear genome. The generation of variability genes in the majority of higher plants. In addition to the
using conventional tools is very difficult in most crop components of the genetic machinery the plastome
species due to the particular mode of inheritance, encodes most of the genes involved in photosynthe-
mostly mono-parental, and reduced or null recombina- sis (Fig 17.1A), including the reaction centre apopro-
tion by means of traditional hybridization. Over the last teins, cytochromes and the large sub-unit of ribulose
Complex I, NADH:ubiquinol
oxidoreductase (16%)
rRNAs (4%) Complex III, ubiquinol:cytochrome c
3% 5% 4% 16% oxidoreductase (2%)
10% tRNAs (27%) 32%
5% 27% photosynthesis (27%)
2% Complex IV, cytochrome c oxidase (5%)
5% Complex V, ATP synthase (9%)
ribosomal proteins (19%)
Cytochrome c biogenesis (7%)
transcription/translation (5%)
9% ribosomal proteins (20%)
19% NADH dehydrogenase (10%)
5% 7% miscelaneous (4%)
miscelaneous (3%) 4%
27% 20% rRNAs (5%)
conserved ORFs (5%) tRNAs (32%)
1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO). in the electron transfer chain or belonging to the ATPase
RubisCO is the key enzyme in photosynthesis and pho- complex (Fig 17.1 B).
torespiration, and probably the most abundant protein
on earth. Variability in these genes has been observed
to affect responses to abiotic stress and photosynthetic 3. Mutation Induction of Cytoplasmic Genes
efficiency, and even a slight improvement on these
characters can have a huge impact in plant productivity. It is widely accepted that mutation induction of cytoplas-
mic genes by treatments with typical mutagens, like ion-
2.2. Mitochondria Genome (Chondriome) izing radiations and chemical mutagens is much more
difficult than that of nuclear genes. In some reports, the
In contrast to the plastome, the mitochondrial genome obtainment of cytoplasmic mutants was only assumed
or chondriome of higher plants consists of a complex from observations of non-Mendelian transmission,
population of circular and linear DNA molecules with sorting-out patterns of chlorophyll deficiencies and/or
different sizes and sequences. In the chondriome the presence of mixed cells, but they were not actually
internal recombination events, which can originate proven. On the other hand, it has been sometimes dis-
new arrangements, are common. Consequently, the cussed whether these mutagens directly induced cyto-
gene order is not as strict as in the plastome. The size plasmic mutations or if they induced nuclear mutants,
of the chondriome, ranging from 200 to 2,000 kbp, is which in turn produced cytoplasmic mutants. Some
much more heterogeneous among different plant spe- peculiarities of cytoplasmic genomes that are relevant
cies than the plastome. However, the number of genes for mutation induction are highlighted in Box 17.1.
encoding proteins does not necessarily correlate with
the genome size. In mitochondria the genetic machin- 3.1. Physical and Chemical Mutagenesis
ery is even more incompletely encoded than in plastids
and thus they need to import not only proteins, but 3.1.1. Plastome
also some tRNAs from the cytosol. Several hundreds of Among the typical mutagens, nitrosourea compounds
proteins are necessary for a functional mitochondrion, have been revealed as promising agents for the induc-
but the chondriome is responsible for encoding and tion of plastome mutations in several higher plants spe-
synthesizing only a few of these, most of them involved cies, including sunflower and tomato (Hagemann 1982).
High number of copies of DNA molecules per cell: The cytoplasm of one cell contains numerous semi-autonomous organelles
(plastids and mitochondria), each having multiple copies of DNA molecules. Thus, as mutations occur at the level of one of these copies,
cytoplasmic chimeras cannot be avoided even when applying mutagenic treatments on uni-cellular organs (see Chapter 15).
Mixed cell: a cell carrying more than one type of allele in their plastids or mitochondria, also called heteroplastomic or heteroplastidic,
when involving plastid DNA, and heteroplasmic, when involving any of these organelles. Cytoplasmic mutants always originate as mixed
cells, they remain as mixed cells during several mitotic divisions and they can also persist as mixed cells after meiosis.
Somatic segregation or sorting out: a typical phenomenon of organelle genomes, which originates as a consequence of the so-called
relaxed genome (see below). Thanks to somatic segregation an organelle mutant allele can differentially grow into some daughter
organelles and daughter cells, segregating mutant vs. wild type homoplasmic cells without need of meiotic segregation.
Mode of inheritance and relaxed genome: in cultivated plants organelles have mostly a mono-parental mode of inheritance and
they have the so-called relaxed genome, in contrast to the stringent nuclear one, which is copied only once per mitotic cell cycle. The
more flexible mechanisms controlling replication and distribution of organelle-DNA molecules at cell division make the appearance of
cytoplasmic mutants less predictable than that of nuclear ones (see Chapter 15). For nuclear genes, chimeras are usually limited to the
soma of the M1 plants, while segregation of solid mutants is expected to start in the M2 generation. For cytoplasmic genes the appearance
of chimeras is much more complex than for nuclear genes, they are not limited to the M1 plants soma and the segregation of solid
“homoplasmic” mutants is expected to occur in later generations.
Intracellular competition: as mentioned in Chapter 15, after mutagenic treatments applied on multi-cellular organs, competition
between mutated vs. non-mutated cells can occur. This is true for both, nuclear and cytoplasmic mutations, but in the last case, as
different organelle-DNA molecules can replicate more often than others into a single cell, intracellular competition can also occur.
Plastome-encoded antibiotics resistance was induced Oenothera (GuhaMajumdar et al. 2004).
in Solanaceae species using N-nitroso-N-methylurea
(NMU) (McCabe et al. 1989) and atrazine tolerance 3.1.2. Chondriome
in Nicotiana after treatment of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea In the case of mitochondrial genes, cytoplasmic male
(ENU) (Rey et al. 1990). Nitrosourea compounds seem sterile (CMS) genotypes have been the main target of
to preferentially target the plastid DNA, but they also mutation induction. Results of EMS mutagenesis for
produce large amounts of nuclear mutations. CMS has been so far contradictory . There are two
The availability of mutagenic treatments acting more reports of successful obtainment of CMS from ionis-
specifically on the cytoplasmic DNA would be highly ing radiation mutagenesis, one was in sugar beets with
advantageous such that identification of cytoplasmic gamma-rays (Kinoshita et al. 1982) and the other in
mutants can be easily performed in the absence of wheat with ion beam radiation (Wang and Li, 2005).
high amounts of nuclear gene mutants that occur Several chemicals known as effective inducers of cyto-
when applying typical mutagens. In the uni-plastid plasmic mutants in yeast have been successfully used in
Chlamydomonas alga, a model organism with sev- crop plants, e.g. acriflavine, streptomycin and ethidium
eral excellent attributes for plastid genetics studies, bromide in sugar beets (Kinoshita et al. 1982), and the
treatments with the antibiotic streptomycin induced last two drugs along with mitomycin in pearl millet
plastome resistant mutants and also cytoplasmically (Burton and Hanna, 1982). The method of CMS induc-
inherited mutants carrying photosynthetic defects. tion with streptomycin in maize was patented in the US
Specific increase in chloroplast gene mutations was in 1971. Examples of mutation induction in cytoplasmic
also reported after growth of Chlamydomonas in the genes by artificial mutagenesis are listed in Table 17.1.
thymidylate synthase inhibitor 5-fluorodeoxyuridine
(FUdr), a drug that causes the plastid to become thy- 3.2. Cytoplasmic Mutators
midine starved (Würtz et al. 1979). In this sense, some
promising results came from experiments with the Cytoplasmic variability can also be generated using
intercalating agent 9-aminoacridine hydrochloride in genetically unstable genotypes, which probably are
defective in genes that control organelle-genome integ- selected for atrazine tolerance (Rios et al. 2003). Both
rity and are hence referred to as cytoplasmic mutators. the wide spectrum of mutants and the subtle DNA
Mutator lines produce maternally-inherited changes changes induced; suggest that this chloroplast muta-
and are therefore potential sources of organelle-genetic tor genotype can be an exceptionally valuable tool to
variability. explore the potential functionality of the otherwise
highly conserved plastid genome.
3.2.1. Genetic Control of Genetic Instability Several mutants with chlorophyll deficient sectors
The genetic instability of mutator lines can be encoded have been observed in association with mitochondrial
by cytoplasmic or by nuclear genes, however, the latter anomalies. Thus, non-chromosomal stripe (NCS) maize
are more useful for inducing cytoplasmic variability mutants produce mitochondrial DNA rearrangements
because they allow easy separation of both compo- that cause deletion of essential genes; e.g. in the case of
nents by means of hybridization and back-crossing. NCS 5 and NCS 6 mutants the mitochondrial cox2 (cyto-
Mutator genotypes already exist in nature and they can chrome oxigenase sub-unit 2) gene is affected and this
also be induced by mutagenic treatments. finally impairs the development of normal chloroplasts
showing yellow leaf stripes. Another chlorophyll-defi-
3.2.2. Spectrum of Cytoplasmic Mutants Induced cient mutant that alters the mitochondrial genome is the
by Mutator Genotypes widely studied iojap maize, which has been observed to
The width of the mutant spectrum generated by cyto- induce new cases of CMS (Lemke et al. 1988). Another
plasmic mutators can be either wide or narrow. The iojap example is the maize nuclear genotype denominated P2
maize and albostrians barley are typical examples of the line that was reported as a natural mutagenesis system for
narrow spectrum group. Other mutators reported in sev- mtDNA. It highly destabilizes the mitochondrial genome
eral dicots (Arabidopsis, Epilobium, Oenothera, Nepeta by increasing low copy-number sub-genomes, amplify-
and Petunia) and in barley are generating wide spectrum of ing aberrant recombination products and causing loss
mutations. The mutator genotype of Oenothera increases of normal components (Kuzmin et al. 2005). Finally,
200-1000 folds the spontaneous appearance of pig- the Arabidopsis chmchm mutant, which confers mater-
ment deficient sectors. It was molecularly characterized nally inherited leaf variegation and distortion and was
as inducing deletions and duplications in the plastome previously classified as chloroplast mutator, has been
through a replication slippage mechanism. Interestingly, observed to induce rearrangements in some mitochon-
when applying NMU on Oenothera plastome mutator drial genes for ribosomal proteins and to destabilize the
genotypes a synergistic effect was observed suggesting an mitochondrial genome. Furthermore, it causes accumu-
interaction between the mutator gene product and some lation of a rearranged subgenome, which was already
repair systems in charge of correcting NMU-induced present in the wild type at very low level, by specific
damage (GuhaMajumdar et al. 2004). copy number amplification (substochiometric shifting),
The barley chloroplast mutator genotype induces a e.g. in the maternal distorted leaf (MDL) mutant a defec-
wide spectrum of chlorophyll mutants, which includes tive ribosomal protein gene rps3 replaces the wild type
several viable and normal-vigour types. Mutator effects copy. This mutator gene, renamed AtMSH1, encodes a
are slightly manifested in the M2 generation (approxi- homologue to MutS gene in E coli, which is involved in
mately 3 striata over 1,000 F2 seedlings) and only subtle DNA mismatch repair (Abdelnoor et al. 2003).
mutational changes have so far been detected in plas-
tid DNA of mutator-induced mutants. Remarkably, the
mutator induced plastome variability is easily observed 4. References
because it occurs on a homogeneous nuclear genetic
background and without the simultaneous induction of 4.1. Cited References
nuclear gene mutants. Most of the mutational changes
so far observed consisted of several T/A – C/G transi- Abdelnoor R.V., Yule, R., Elo, A. et al. 2003.
tions and only one insertion. They were observed in Substoichiometric shifting in the plant mitochondrial
the plastid genes infA, psbA and the ycf3 locus (Prina genome is influenced by a gene homologous to
et al. 2009). The psbA mutant was observed in families MutS. PNAS. 100(10):5968-5973.
Burton, G.W. and Hanna, W.W. 1982. Stable cytoplasmic Wang, L.Q. and Li, G.Y. 2005. Role of Mutation Induction
male-sterile mutants induced in Tift 23DB1 pearl for Wheat (T. aestivum L.) Improvement. In: Role of
millet with mitomycin and streptomycin. Crop Sci. Classical Mutation Breeding in Crop Improvement,
22:651-652. (S.K.Datta ed). Daya Publishing House, Delhi, pp.
GuhaMajumdar, M., Baldwin, S. and Sears, B.B. 2004. 156-185.
Chloroplast mutations induced by 9-aminoacri- Würtz, E.A., Sears, B.B., Rabert, D.K. et al. 1979. A specific
dine hydrochloride are independent of the plas- increase in chloroplast gene mutations following
tome mutator in Oenothera. Theor. Appl. Genet. growth of Chlamydomonas in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine.
108:543-549. Mol. Gen. Genet. 170:235-242.
Hagemann, R. 1982. Induction of plastome muta-
tions by nitroso-urea-compounds. In: Methods in 4.2. Further Reading
Chloroplast Molecular Biology, Edelman et al. eds.
Elsevier Biochemical Press, pp. 119-127. Birky, C.W. Jr. 2001. The inheritance of genes in mito-
McCabe, P.F., Timmons, A.M. and Dix, P.J. 1989. A simple chondria and chloroplasts: Laws, Mechanisms, and
procedure for the isolation of streptomycin resistant Models. Ann. Rev. Genet. 35:125-48.
plants in Solanaceae. Mol. Gen. Genet. 216:132-137. Bock, R. and Khan, M.S. 2004. Taming plastids for a green
Kinoshita, T., Takahashi, M. and Mikami, T. 1982. future. Trends in Biotechnology. 22 (6):311-318.
Cytoplasmic mutation of male sterility induced by Börner, T. and Sears, B. 1986. Plastome mutants. Review/
chemical mutagens in sugar beets. Proc. Japan Acad. Genetics resources. Plant Molecular Biology
58 Ser B:319-322. Reporter. 4 (2):69-92.
Kuzmin, E.V., Duvick, D.N. and Newton, K.J. 2005. A Gustafsson, A. and Ekberg, I. 1995. Extranuclear muta-
mitochondrial mutator system in maize. Plant Physiol. tions. In: Manual on Mutation Breeding, second
137:779-789. Edition. Joint FAO/IAEA Div. of Atomic Energy in
Lemke, C.A., Gracen, V.E. and Everett, H.L. 1988. A Food and Agriculture, Vienna. pp. 114-117.
second source of cytoplasmic male sterility in Hagemann, R. 1976. Plastid distribution and plastid com-
maize induced by the nuclear gene iojap. J. Hered. petition in higher plants and the induction pf plastid
79:459-464. mutations by nitroso-urea–compounds. In: Genetics
Prina, A.R., Landau, A.M., Colombo, N. et al. 2009. and Biogenesis of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria. Th
Genetically unstable mutants as novel sources of Bücher et al. eds. Elsevier/NorthHolland Biomedical
genetic variability: The chloroplast mutator genotype Press. Amsterdam. The Netherlands, pp. 331-338.
in barley as a tool for exploring the plastid genome. Hagemann, R. 1986. A special type of nucleus-plastid-
In: Shu Q.Y. (ed) Induced Plant Mutations in the interactions: nuclear gene induced plastome muta-
Genomics Era. Food and Agriculture Organization of tions. In: Regulation of Chloroplast Differentiation, G.
the United Nations. Rome. pp. 227-228. Akoyunoglou and H. Senger eds. (A.R. Liss, Inc. New
Rey, P., Eymery, F. and Peltier, G. 1990. Atrazine- and York), pp. 455-466.
diuron-resistant plants from photoautotrophic proto- Kirk, J.T.O. and Tilney-Bassett, R.A.E. 1978. The plastids.
plast-derived cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Elsevier, North Holland, Amsterdam. pp. 960.
Plant Cell Rep. 9:241-244. Woodson J.D. and Chory, J. 2008. Coordination of
Rios, R.D., Saione, H., Robredo, C. et al. 2003. Isolation gene expression between organellar and nuclear
and molecular characterization of atrazine tolerant genomes. Nature Reviews/Genetics. 9:383-395.
barley mutants. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:696-702.
Strategies and Approaches in Mutant
Population Development for Mutant Selection in
Seed Propagated Crops
Y.Ukaia and H.Nakagawab,*
Formerly, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8657 Japan
Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, P.O.Box 3, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan (Present address: Biomass Research
& Development Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba 305-8517, Japan)
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL: -
1. Introduction
4. Other Considerations
5. References
1. Introduction 2. Population Management for Selecting
Mutants in Self-Pollinated Crops
The use of appropriate procedures for mutagenic treat-
ment, mutant population development and manage- 2.1. Genetic Features of M1 and M2 Populations
ment, and mutant selection are key elements in mutant
exploitation. As described in Chapter 14, mutagenic After mutagenic treatment, plant materials (seeds, tis-
treatments determine not only the mutation rate per cell sues, organs, etc) and plants grown from them are in M1
in the treated material, but also cell development and generation; the seeds harvested from M1 plants and the
genetic transmission. Once the treatment is completed, plants grown from these seed are the M2 generation. M1
the next important step is to develop appropriate and M2 populations are populations that are composed
populations for screening and selecting mutants with of M1 and M2 plants. Their genetic structure is quite
desired traits. This includes the growing and harvest- different from those of a traditional cross-breeding pro-
ing of M1 and M2, and in some cases M3 populations. gramme, i.e. F1 and F2 populations (see Box 18.1).
It is also to be noted that rare traits can be the result of
various combinations of mutated loci and these often 2.1.1. M1 Population
do not show themselves until much later generations. After treatment with mutagenic radiations or chemical
This process is quite different from that of conventional mutagens, mutations can occur in different genomic
cross breeding and is one of the most critical steps in regions and different cells of the treated material.
the process of mutant development. If the procedure The frequency of mutation occurrence at a certain
is inappropriate, mutants cannot be detected efficiently gene at the time of treatment is defined as the mutation
even when they are generated at a high frequency. rate per gene. The frequency of mutation occurrence
The procedure of population development and man- at one or more of the genes at a locus in a cell is called
agements can be different for self- and cross-pollinated mutation rate per cell. Letting mutation rate of a gene of
crops, and for qualitative and quantitative traits. The a particular locus be , the probability of occurrence of
development of a relevant procedure also needs to mutation at one or two genes of the loci is 2(1-) +2
take into account ontology and chimerical nature of (= 2-2),which is close to 2, since is usually much
most M1 plants, and the frequency and inheritance of smaller than 1. Therefore, in diploid plants, the mutation
induced mutations. rate per cell is double the mutation rate per gene.
Box 18.1: Comparison of genetic features between populations derived from mutagenic treatment and
hybridization in self-pollinated crops.
1. Typically, cross-breeding is initiated following the controlled hybridization of two different inbred or doubled haploid lines. Since the
parents are highly or completely homozygous, the resulting F1 plants are heterozygous and uniform in genotype. Therefore, a small
number of F1 plants are sufficient for developing the subsequent F2 population. In contrast, the plants of an M1 population are not
genetically uniform, and exhibit a variety of genotypes due to the induction of various mutations. Since most induced mutations are
usually recessive to the original allele, these mutations cannot be identified in the M1, and phenotypically may appear to be uniform.
It is not advisable to grow a large number of M2 plants from a small number of M1 plants since this approach will reduce the efficiency
of specific mutant identification. This is demonstrated mathematically in the following section.
2. The plants of an F2 population are generated following self-pollination of F1 plants. The various genotypes, as represented by the
various loci provided by each parent, segregate in the typical Mendelian fashion, i.e. at any particular segregating locus, three
genotypes are possible: AA, Aa or aa, where AA and aa are the genotypes of the two parental lines. Whether a locus segregates
for genotypes or not depends on the combination of the genotypes of the parents used. The segregation of parental genotypic
contribution provides a large spectrum of genotypes in the F2 population. Similarly, in some plants of an M2 population, the targeted
locus may have three possible segregating genotypes, AA, Aa’ and a’a’ where a’ is the mutant recessive allele at the locus. The
differences are: (1) the mutation frequency at the targeted locus is very low in the whole population even following a mutagenic
treatment (e.g. <10-4); (2) within a single plant progeny-row of M2 plants, the segregation of mutant (a’a’ ) and wild type (AA and Aa’)
does not normally follow Mendelian ratio, and less mutant plants are expected due to the chimerical nature of the M1 plants and
diplontic and haplontic selection (see explanation in this chapter); (3) additional mutations can occur simultaneously at loci other
than the targeted locus, in other words, each of the M2 plants has the potential to have mutations at different loci.
The chance of a simultaneous occurrence of two or induced mutants cannot be screened in the M1 gen-
more mutations at the same locus of the two homolo- eration, though there are a few examples of dominant
gous chromosomes in diploid plants is rare and so is the mutations.
chance of segregation of homozygous mutants in the The number of cells that compose the initial cells
M1 population. of the shoot apex in a seed is not one but several and
In seed propagated crops, only germline cells can since the mutation rate per gene is very small, the prob-
transmit their genotype into subsequent progenies. ability of the simultaneous induction of mutations at
Therefore in materials treated with a mutagen, only two or more initial cells is negligibly small, therefore
cells that develop into inflorescences (“initial cells” or any inflorescence that possesses the mutated allele is
“genetic effective cells” in a seed, see Chapter 15), can often in a chimeric state with both mutant and normal
transmit mutated alleles into the M2 generation. Other tissue sectors (Fig 18.2, also see Chapter 15). When
vegetative cell lines, e.g. those that develop into leaves an inflorescence (e.g. a spike of barley and wheat or a
and/or endosperms may also be mutated; however, panicle of rice) or a part of the inflorescence is derived
these mutated cells can not transmit mutated alleles to from a mutated initial cell, then this is called“a mutated
the next generation since they do not take part in meiosis inflorescence”.
and therefore do not give rise to male or female gametes.
When a mutation (A a’) is induced at one of the 2.1.2. M2 Population
genes of a homozygous AA locus, the genotype The overall genetic feature of the M2 generation varies
becomes heterozygous (Aa’). Typically, the mutant with the method of how M2 seed is harvested from M1
allele is completely recessive to the original allele and plants and how they are grown up (see next section).
the Aa’ phenotype cannot be discriminated from the Mutants that have homozygous mutant alleles (a’a’) will
original AA phenotype. Hence, the vast majority of appear in M2 population as a result of self-pollination of
Mutagen treatment
M1 M1 seed
M1 plants
M2 M2 population
M1 plants (Fig 18.1). For example, early flowering, semi- Mutagenic treatment not only causes germination
dwarf, and male sterile mutants can be visually recog- reduction of M1 seeds, but also leads to a decrease in
nized. However, due to the chimerical nature of M1 pollen fertility of M1 plants. Therefore, M1 plants have a
plants, and subsequent diplontic selection in M1 plants higher out-crossing tendency than non-treated plants. If
and haplontic selection during gameogenesis, as well there are plants of other genotypes (varieties or breed-
as due to lethality of M2 embryos or seeds with lethal ing materials) that are grown nearby and which flower at
homozygous mutant alleles, the proportion of mutant the same period as the M1 plants (which is highly likely
(a’a’) to wild type plants (AA and Aa’ ) is usually less than in seasonal crops), out-crossing can easily occur in M1
those segregating in a Mendelian fashion. Figure 18.2 plants, which will result in contaminations of M2 seeds.
shows different scenarios of the segregation of mutant Therefore, M1 plants should be grown either at a reason-
plants in the M2 generation when they are grown in able distance from other varieties (physical isolation) or
single plant progenies. For example, if there are four in a time period when no other plants would flower
initial cells in the treated seeds and only one of them is simultaneously (biological isolation).
mutated after treatment, the segregation rate of mutant
to wild type plants in the M2 will be 1:15, compared to 1:3 2.2.2. Harvesting and Growing out the M2 Seed
in a typical (Mendelian) F2 population. There are basically two methods of establishing an M2
The competition process that takes place between population in self-pollinated crops such as barley and
normal and mutant cells in vegetatively growing tissues wheat. In such monocots the inflorescence is known as
is known as “diplontic selection”. The survival rate of a spike.
cells with the mutated allele in M1 generation is lower
than that of the normal cells. If such competition occurs M1-spike progeny method
at the reproductive stage such as meiotic division and This is a method in which M2 seeds are harvested
fertilization, the process is known as “haplontic selec- separately from each spike of M1 plants. The method
tion”. Gametes with a mutated allele have a lower was developed by Stadler (1928) and has been used
chance of completing double fertilization than normal effectively by Swedish research groups guided by Å.
ones. In both cases, the segregation ratio becomes Gustafsson (Lundqvist, 1991). Usually 10 to 20 plants are
lower than the expected ratio of 0.25. grown out from seed of individual M1-spikes. The fre-
quency of mutants per progeny is called the “segrega-
2.2. Procedures for Selecting Mutants tion frequency” and is distinguished from the “segrega-
tion ratio”, which refers to the ratio of a trait segregating
2.2.1. Growing out the M1 Population according to its genetic control, e.g. a ratio of 3:1 in the
In growing out the M1 population, the following guide- progeny for a single gene controlled trait.
lines are helpful: (1) plants should be grown in suitable The segregation frequency depends on four factors: (1)
conditions; (2) plants should be isolated, physically segregation ratio, (2) existence of chimeras in a spike, (3)
or biologically, from other varieties or materials of the diplontic and haplontic selection, and (4) the number
same species. of plants per progeny. In typical diploid species, the
After mutagenic treatment, plant materials such as seeds segregation ratio of recessive mutants (a’a’) is 0.25; and
often have a low level of viability. For example, the germi- in polyploids the segregation ratio is lower than 0.25. If
nation rate of M1 seeds may be reduced to about 50% of a spike originates from a single mutated initial cell, and
control seeds in order to achieve a reasonable mutation the number of plants per progeny is infinite, then the
frequency (see Chapter 15). This level of germination and same is also expected for segregation frequency.
subsequent emergence can be significantly reduced if the If there is a chimeric sector in a spike of an M1 plant,
seeds are sown in adverse environments, e.g. in drought the expected frequency of mutants per progeny is less
or saline fields. Therefore, even if the objective of a muta- than 0.25. Allowing the number of initial cells to be set
tion project is to select mutants with enhanced tolerance as “k”, the expected frequency of mutants in a progeny
to drought or salinity, the M1 plants should be grown in with an infinite number of plants is 0.25/k. The higher
a non-stressed condition; otherwise, there will be insuf- the number of initial cells, the lower the segregation fre-
ficient number of plants generated in the M2 . quency. In progeny derived from a spike of the main stem
AA:Aa’:a’a’= 13:2:1
AA:Aa’:a’a’= 5:2:1
AA:Aa’:a’a’= 1:2:1
Table 18.1: The number of M2 plants T2( x 10,000) required in obtaining one or more mutants with the
probability 0.95. The mutation rate per cell is assumed to be 10-4 and segregation ratio of the mutant
0.25. 1)
n2) Number of initial cells k
13) 2 3 4 6
Adopted from Ukai and Yamashita (1974)
The number of plants per progeny
Absence of chimera
Figures in block letters are minimum values of total number of M2 plants for a particular number of initial cells
that develops from a higher number of initial cells, the not necessary. The word “the same kind” here means
segregation frequency is lower than in progeny derived the same change in DNA sequence in a strict sense,
from primary and secondary stems (tillers). If some of the change in the same gene, or phenotypically same
initial cells are killed by mutagenic treatment of seeds change. It depends on the aim of the experimenter and
(e.g. with high dose of radiation treatment), the segrega- is subjective.
tion frequency of mutants becomes higher (Fig 18.2). Based on this principle, the higher the probability
Even if progeny arise from a mutated spike, it is possi- of obtaining one or more mutants with the same total
ble (by chance) that no mutant may be segregated out. number of M2 plants, the higher the efficiency of mutant
When the number of plants per progeny is n, then, the development. The probability of obtaining one or more
probability that no mutant appears in the progeny by mutants under a given total number of M2 plants is larger
chance is (1 - 0.25)n. If n is 10, for example, the prob- as the number of plants per progeny (n) becomes smaller,
ability is (1 - 0.25)10 = 0.056. The smaller the number of and is at the maximum when n = 1 (Freisleben and Lein
plants per progeny, the higher the probability that no 1943). Details are shown in the following section.
mutant appears by chance. This is true in the absence
of chimera, and/or diplontic and haplontic selection. 2.3. Selecting of Qualitative Trait Mutants
The segregation frequency of mutants per progeny
is calculated by the total number of mutants divided It is important to determine the most efficient sizes of M1
by the total number of plants observed in the M1-spike and M2 populations to ensure a reasonable probability
progenies in which one or more mutants were selected. of identifying a desired mutant. As discussed above,
In other words, the segregation frequency is calculated factors such as chimerical nature, harvesting and grow-
on the basis of the number of progeny in which one or ing practices, and the genetic nature of traits of interest
more mutants actually segregated and not on the basis can all significantly affect the population size and hence
of progeny derived from a mutated spike. Some of the the efficiency in mutant development.
latter can not be discriminated from normal progeny
due to no segregation of mutants by chance. Hence, 2.3.1. Determining M1 and M2 Population Size
the segregation frequency is not consistent with the Qualitative traits, including morphological traits such
expected ratio of 0.25 even in the absence of chimer- as semi-dwarf, and disease resistance are very often
ism, and diplontic and haplontic selection, unless n is the target of a mutation programme. The appropriate
indefinite. The smaller the value of n, the higher the population size can be determined through the follow-
segregation frequency with n=1 being at the maximum. ing analysis according to Yoshida (1962):
If chimera and/or diplontic and haplontic selection Letting the number of M2 lines be m and the number
occurs, then the segregation frequency is lowered and of plants per M1 spike progeny n, the mutation rate per
the probability that no mutant appears in the progeny cell p1(=1-q1), and the segregation ratio of the mutant trait
by chance becomes higher. p2(=1-q2) , the probability (P) that one or more mutants are
detected among the total number of M2 plants (T2 = mn) is:
One-plant-one-grain method P =1 - m (1)
The method of constructing the M2 population by plant- where = q1 + p1q2 . In this equation, the segregation ratio
ing only one grain (seed) from each plant was proposed is the expected ratio of mutants (a’a’) in progeny derived
as the “one-plant-one-grain method”. In practice, the from a heterozygous mutant (Aa’). The segregation
seeds are harvested not from each M1 plant, but from ratio is usually not equal to the segregation frequency.
each spike, hence this method is also known as the Hence, we have:
“one-spike-one-grain method”. If a few seeds per spike log (1-P)
m= (2)
are used for the establishment of the M2 population, this log(ψ)
approach is called the “one-spike-few-grain method”.
In mutation breeding, a single target mutant from the Therefore, the total number of M2 plants required is:
entire M2 population is sufficient for utilization and mul-
n log (1-P)
tiplication of the mutant for further selection and test- T2 =mn= (3)
ing. Usually, two or more mutants of the same kind are log(ψ)
Setting P to be a constant (e.g. 0.95), T2 is expressed be found in the same progeny from which the mutant
as a function of n. A value of n that minimizes T2 is the originally segregated. Moreover, sister-plants exhibiting
most efficient. The results of numerical calculations a normal phenotype and heterozygous genotype (Aa’)
in the absence of chimera are shown in the second may be retained, and homozygous mutants (a’a’) may
column (k = 1) of Table 18.1. T2 is at minimum when be recovered in the M3. Another weakness is that a large
n=1, indicating that taking only one grain from each M1 number of plants must be grown in the M1 as compared
spike is the most effective approach. This is the theo- with the M1 spike-progeny method. Dense planting, if
retical basis of superiority of the one-spike-one-grain possible, may be effective in reducing the space, cost
method in mutant selection. The minimum value of and labour for growing out the M1 plants. Obtaining a
11.96 in the table infers that under a mutation rate per constant number of seed from each M1-spike is labori-
cell of 10-4 , 119,600 plants are required to obtain one ous. In this instance, sometimes an equivalent number
or more mutants with the probability of 0.95. If n = 20 , of seed are taken from a sample of bulked M2 seed
T2 is 598,000, indicating that the number of M2 plants without separating the M1-spikes. But in this approach,
required increases to five times the number when n = 1 . the high efficiency of detecting mutants by the one-
In the one-spike-one-grain method, seed is pooled spike-one-grain method is partly lost.
after a constant number of seed are obtained from each
spike and sown in the M2 as a bulk. Cost and labour 2.3.2. Effects of Chimeras in M1 Reproductive
required for growing the M2 plants is usually smaller Parts and Efficiency of Selection
than in the M1 spike-progeny method. This method, The shoot primordium of a seed embryo has a multi-
however, has some weakness. When a detected cellular structure, but only the genetic effective cells
mutant is accompanied by severe or complete sterility, (GEC, or initial cells as described above) become ger-
the mutant is lost. On the other hand, in the M1-spike mline cells which eventually produce progeny. Since
progeny method, another mutant of the same type may the mutation rate is very low, mutation at the same locus
Table 18.2: The total number of M1 and M2 plants T 1+2( x 10,000) required in obtaining one or
more mutants with the probability 0.95 1).
n2) Number of initial cells k
1 2 3 4 6
Table 18.3: Efficiency in the selection of mutants with a quantitative trait controlled by a single gene.
Proportion of selection S.D. A 1) B2) % C3) %
usually occurs only in one of these GECs, which leads to 2.3.3. Estimation of Mutation Rate
mutant sectors or chimera in a spike. In other words, a The estimation of mutation rate is important for deter-
spike is often composed of non-mutated and mutated mining the practical population sizes. There are two
cells. The larger the number of initial cells, the smaller the methods for estimating the mutation rate. The first
expected frequency of mutants per progeny. It is gener- method is based on ‘M2 mutant frequency’, the second
ally believed that the presence of chimera within spikes is based on ‘mutant progeny frequency’.
leads to a disadvantage in the screening of mutants. The expected number of M2 progenies that include one
However, theoretical calculations have revealed that or more mutants (mutant segregating progenies) E(Mmut) is:
even in the presence of chimera, the one-spike-one-
grain method is the best (Table 18.1). The superiority E(Mmut)=mp1(1-q2n) (5)
of the one-spike-one-grain method to other methods
where two or more grains are obtained from each spike Here, 1 - q2n represents the probability that one or
decreases with the increase of the number of initial cells. more mutants are segregated out among the plants
If a densely planted M1 plant population is not feasi- from an M1 spike.
ble, the cost required for growing the M1 plants must The expected number of mutants per progeny E(Nmut)
be taken into account. The total number of M1 and M2 for progenies in which one or more mutants are segre-
plants ( T1+2 ) required for detecting one or more mutants gated is:
with a probability of 0.95 is shown by: E(N mut )= (6)
1 - q 2n
(n+1)log (1-P) Hence, the expected total number of mutants in the
T1+2 =m+mn= (4) M2 is
E (Tmut ) = E (Mmut ) E (N mut ) = mnp1 p2 (7)
The calculated results are shown in Table 18.2. If the
cost per plant is equal between the M1 and the M2, the From this, p1 is estimated by:
optimum number of plants per progeny is not 1 and Tmut T 1
p1 = = mut . (8)
becomes larger as the number of initial cells increases. mnp2 T2 p2
If the number of initial cells is 1 (no chimera), 2, 3, 4 and If p2 is 0.25, four times the frequency of mutants in the
6, the total number of plants required are at the mini- M2 is an estimate of the mutation rate p1. This is the
mum when the number of plants per progeny are 2, 4, method proposed by Gaul (1960) which is based on ‘M2
5, 5 and 7, respectively. mutant frequency’.
The frequency of mutant progenies (p1*) is often is negligible. Hence the selection of mutants in muta-
employed as an estimate of mutation rate that is tion breeding is usually unsuccessful for a quantitative
sometimes called the ‘mutations-per-spike’ measure trait, particularly when the number of loci controlling
(Frydenberg 1963). This is based on scoring individual the trait is many and the effect of each locus is small
mutational events, and represents a direct estimate of as compared with environmental variation. But many
initial mutation frequency, but has a weakness as an quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies revealed that the
estimate of mutation rate. In the absence of chimeras genetic effect among the contributing loci is not equal.
within spikes, p1* is represented as follows: Often a few loci possess significantly higher genetic
effects. Mutations at a gene at such loci with a large
p1*=E (Mmut )/m= p1 (1-q2n ) (9) genetic effect can be selected after mutagenic treat-
ment. For such mutations, too, the one-spike-one grain
If the number of plants per progeny (n) is not suffi- method is most efficient for the selection of mutants.
ciently large, the probability that no mutants segregate A quantitative trait mutant cannot be detected with a
out in the progeny by chance is not negligible and p1* is high level of confidence owing to its interaction with
smaller than p1 . Moreover, in the presence of a chimera environmental factors, therefore, a different procedure
and with a sufficiently large n , p1* is larger than p1. When is recommended for selecting such mutants.
the number of initial cells in the meristem of a seed Assume a quantitative trait of a phenotypic value
embryo is k, p1* is roughly k times p1. The number of which follows a normal distribution (A) with mean N
initial cells varies with several factors such as the dose of and standard deviation s. In other words, the genotypic
the mutagen, stage of plants treated, the species used value of the normal plant is N, and its environmental
as material and the type of stem (main or secondary) variance is s2. Suppose that a targeted mutation (Aa’)
with which the spike is associated. is induced at a locus with a high genetic effect with a
mutation rate per cell p1. Assume that the phenotypic
2.4. Selecting Quantitative Trait Mutants value of the homozygote a’a’ follows another normal
distribution (B) of mean M (>N) with the same mag-
2.4.1. Theoretical Considerations nitude of standard deviation as a normal plant (). In
A quantitative trait such as yield or quality of grains is other words, the mutant has a genotypic value of M and
generally controlled by many genes, and in addition, an environmental variance of 2. Assume also that the
influenced by environmental factors. Since the muta- mutated allele is completely recessive to the original
tion rate of a gene is very low, the chance of simulta- allele, and that the phenotypic value of heterozygote
neous occurrence of mutations at two or more genes (Aa’) follows the distribution A.
N M Th
Phenotypic values of plants in M2 population follows 2.4.2. Practical Example
a distribution which is a combination of two normal For example, let the targeted mutation be a late-flower-
distributions A and B with a ratio of 1- 0.25p1 and 0.25p1. ing mutation. Suppose that the original wild type plants
Directional selection of M2 plants is practiced. flower on the 80th day after sowing, while targeted late
All of the plants with phenotypic values above a mutants flower on the 90th day. N=80 and M=90, and
threshold point (Th) are selected. In this type of selec- hence d = N-M = 10. If the standard deviation of the
tion for a quantitative trait the determination of the phenotypic value is 0.5d, namely 5 (days), and if the
value of Th in relation to the mutant genotype and envi- selection proportion is set at 1%, then the number of
ronmental variation is important. plants to be selected is approximately 1,036 out of the
Computer simulations were performed for the 100,000 plants, and the proportion of selected mutants
selection of plants with phenotypes that are higher among the mutants segregated is 37.1%, namely, 62.9%
than Th (Fig 18.3). It was assumed that the frequency of the mutants included in the M2 population fail to be
of mutants in M2 is 103, and that the number of detected. The proportion of mutants among the plants
plants screened is 100,000. The selection propor- selected is only 3.58%, and hence re-selection for
tion was based only on the normal distribution of mutants is required. In order to increase the proportion
the normal plants, since in actual cases genetic value of mutants detected among the segregating mutants, a
(M) of the targeted mutant is unknown, and was decrease in the standard deviation i.e. environmental
set at 1% and 0.1%. Standard deviation was set at variations of the phenotypic value is required. Selection
1d, ½d, 1/3d, and ¼d, where d=M-N. The proportion of of mutants on the basis of the mean value of M2-plant
selected mutants among the mutants segregating in the derived progeny in the M3 instead of value of M2 plant is
population (B) and the proportion of selected mutants a possible solution as shown in the next section.
among the selected plants (C) were recorded. The results
are shown in Table 18.3 and indicate that (B) is sufficiently 2.4.3. Traits of Low Heritability
high whenis 1/3d or ¼d, depending on the selection If the heritability of the targeted quantitative trait is low
proportion. In the case of a 1% selection proportion, and is much influenced by environmental effects, mutants
(B) is higher, however, (C) is lower than in the case of should be screened from the M3 population based on the
0.1%. The decrease of environmental variation up to mean phenotypic value of progeny derived from M2 spikes
1/ d or ¼d, if possible, is important so that one does or plants. In such a case also, the results shown above may
not miss the segregating mutants. If this is possible, be helpful in determining the selection proportion if the
utilizing a higher selection proportion is better, but in phenotypic value of individual plant in M2 is replaced by
this case the proportion of mutants among the selected the mean phenotypic value of the progeny.
plants is low and re-selection of mutants is required.
The normal curve on left and right hand show a distri-
bution of phenotype of a quantitative trait of the original 3. Population Management for Selecting
population and a mutant population, respectively. The Mutants in Cross-Pollinated Crops
latter actually has a very low frequency as compared with
the original population. N and M stand for the pheno- Since the genetic structure of segregating generations
typic mean (genetic effect) of the original and a mutant in cross-pollinated crops is quite different from those in
population. Th is the selection threshold (critical). The self-pollinated ones, the methods for selecting mutants
solid area under a normal curve shows the proportion of in self-fertilizing species are not applicable for cross-
selected plants, 1% for instance. The standard error of the fertilizing species.
normal distribution (=environmental variation) is set to be
equal to the difference (d) of M and N (d = M - N ) and to 3.1. Production and Genetic Structure of the M2
half of d, in the top and bottom of the cases, respectively. Population
Note that in the former case the proportion of mutants
selected among the mutants induced are much lower In some cross-fertilizing (allogamous) crop species (e.g.
than in the latter case, though the selection proportion is maize, melon, cucumber, oil palm), male and female
equal between the two cases. flowers are spatially separated. In such species, It is
possible to produce M2 populations by artificial self- forces a type of inbreeding is essential for obtaining
ing of M1 plants by pollinating the female flowers with mutants from the populations derived from mutagen
pollens from male flowers of the same plant. However, treated seeds. The “Crossing-within Spike Progeny
homozygous mutants would not appear in such M2 (CSP) method” developed by Ukai and Yamashita (1983)
populations, since male and female gametes usually and Ukai (1990) was found to be very effective in Italian
derive from different cells in the seed embryo. Since M2 ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), rye (Secale cereale) and
plants are free from chimerism, and therefore homozy- other allogamous species.
gous mutant M3 seeds are produced through selfing
of heterozygous plants (Aa’) in M2, and subsequently 3.2. Crossing-within Spike Progeny Method
homozygous mutant plants are segregated out in M3
populations. In many cross-fertilizing species, however, The crossing-within spike progeny (CSP) method is
selfing is not successful due to self-incompatibility sys- composed of: (1) harvesting seeds separately from each
tems, and in other cases artificial selfing on a large scale spike of the M1 plants or plants in a recurrently treated
is impractical due to very small size of flowers. population (see Chapter 14); (2) sowing the seeds
In an open pollinating plant population of an derived from each spike in a small hill-plot (plot of a
allogamous species in which a specific mutation small-area, e.g. 0.5m x 0.5m ) in the next generation:
(Aa’) was induced with a frequency per gene of (3) isolating each hill from the others by bagging all the
, the frequency of the genotypes AA, Aa’ and aa’ in plants of each hill-plot just prior to the start of flowering
the population is expected to be (1- , (Fig 18.4); and, (4) harvesting seeds from each hill-plot
respectively, assuming random mating. Since the and sowing them as a hill-plot progeny for the selection
mutation rate is very low, the frequency of the plants of mutants in the next generation.
possessing the genotype a’a’ (2) is negligible and it is This method is based on half-sib mating, a type of
practically impossible to obtain a mutant in the M2. inbreeding that is achieved within each hill-plot from
Thus the mutated genes induced by the treatment are which homozygous mutants will segregate out in the
mostly retained in the segregation population as het- following generation (M3) with an expected frequency
erozygotes Aa’ which can rarely be discriminated from of 0.0625, if the M1-spike is free from chimeras and the
the normal genotype AA due to recessive nature of the number of plants per hill and the number of plants per
mutations. As a consequence, adopting a method that progeny in the selection generation are both infinite.
Mutagen Treatment
M1 plants
open pollination
M3 progeny derived from M2 -hill
Selection of mutants
Mutated spike
derived progeny
In an M1-spike derived from a mutated seed (Aa’) the 1. In a cross-breeding programme, most important
frequency of the genotype A and a’ of egg is 1/2 and traits to be selected are quantitative and, in gen-
1/2, respectively, in case of no chimeras. Under open eral, controlled by polygenes. The phenotype of
pollination, the eggs are fertilized with pollen from the a quantitative trait is influenced by environmental
other plants. Due to very low mutation rates, nearly all factors. Selections for a specific trait are made in the
pollen have the A genotype. Hence, the seed set on later generations when most of the loci governing
the M1-spike have the genotype AA and Aa’ both with trait are fixed. In a mutation breeding programme,
an expected frequency of 1/2. Seed harvested from the targeted traits are those usually governed by a
the mutated spike are sown in a hill-plot and the plants single major gene and the selection of mutants is
are bagged just before flowering for avoiding fertiliza- performed primary in the M2 generation. However,
tion with the pollens from the other hills. Fertilization is some breeders erroneously consider that the selec-
performed within each hill-plot. The frequency of gene tion methods developed for cross-breeding can
A and a’ is 3/4 and 1/4, respectively. So, under random also be applied to mutant selection.
mating within each hill, the frequency of the mutant 2. Seed sterility may be observed and is often caused by
seeds (a’a’) per progeny derived from hill in the M3 gen- the mutagenic treatment. The treatments with radia-
eration is expected to be 1/4 x 1/4 =1/16. tions often induce chromosome translocations and
inversions that lead to pollen and seed sterility. Sterility
3.3. Increasing the Frequency of Mutant Detection following chemical mutagenic treatments is often due
to induction of sterility genes. The magnitude of steril-
When an M1-spike is derived from k initial cells, the fre- ity differs between plants and between spikes within
quency of mutants per progeny in M3 is expected to be plants. Since either type of induced sterility is more or
0.0625/k2 /(1-(1-p3)n ), where n is the number of plants less inherited to the subsequent generations, hence,
per progeny, and p3 is the segregation frequency when n if the objective is not to develop mutants for fertility,
is infinitely large. The frequency of the progeny in which inflorescences with normal seed fertility should be
one or more mutants segregate is kp1(1-(1-p3)n ), where selected from the M1 plants.
p1 is the mutation rate per cell. Hence, the frequency of 3. When the breeder identifies a mutant in field
mutants among the observed plants is 0.0625/k2 /(1-(1- screening, a stake marker is often used and placed
p3)n )x kp1(1-(1-p3)n ) = 0.0625p1/k. Thus, the frequency in the soil adjacent to the individual and a record
of the mutants in the M3 population decreases with the (preferably electronic) is made in a field note which
inverse of k, the number of initial cells. Avoiding chi- leads to data base describing the location and the
meric structure within M1-spike is important in mutant characteristics of the targeted mutant(s). If the prob-
selection in cross-pollinating crops. ability of identification of a mutant by any observer
Since the bagging of each hill-plot just before flower- is one, as is the case with most of the chlorophyll
ing time in M2 is a laborious task, it is desirable to increase and early maturity mutations, we identify these
the frequency of the mutated gene in the population in mutants as expressing “complete ascertainment”.
the generation in which bagging is performed. Usually semi-dwarf mutants and disease resistance
Recurrent mutagenic treatments for successive mutants are generally not easily identified, and
generations meet these two requirements. Unlike a these types of mutants are defined as expressing
self-pollinated species, seed sterility does not increase “incomplete ascertainment”.
drastically after recurrent treatment in a cross-polli- 4. In the selection of mutants in self-pollinating crops,
nated species, which was shown in Italian ryegrass after the most important point in M3 screening is to eval-
gamma-ray and chemical treatments (Ukai 1990). uate the mutations that have been selected at the
M2 generation. The mutation must be highly herit-
able and fixed in the following generation by selfing
4. Other Considerations the M2-spike progeny in the field. If the undesirable
characteristics are associated with a mutant and
Supplementary comments regarding the method of cannot be removed by ordinary selection, it may
mutant development and selection are shown below. be necessary to back-cross (BC) the mutant to the
original variety and select a promising progeny from Lundqvist, U. 1991. Swedish mutation research in barley
the BC population. with plant breeding aspects (a historical review) In:
5. In instances where chronic irradiation is performed “Plant mutation breeding for crop improvement
on growing plants instead of seeds, the screening (Proceedings FAO/IAEA Symposium, Vienna, 1990)”,
of mutants differs with the developmental stages Vol. 1: 135-148, Vienna, IAEA.
at which the mutation is induced. If the mutation Stadler, L.J. 1928. Mutations in barley induced by X-rays
occurred prior to pollen- and embryo-sac develop- and radium. Science. 68:186-187.
ment, the mutants can be selected at the M2 genera- Ukai, Y. 1990 Application of a new method for selection
tion as in the seed irradiation, although the number of mutants in a cross-fertilizing species to recurrently
of initial cells within the spike is much higher than mutagen-treated populations of Italian ryegrass.
in seed irradiation If the mutation occurs at or after Gamma Field Symposia. 29:55-89.
the pollen- and embryo-sac development, the Ukai, Y. 2003 “Plant Breeding”, University of Tokyo Press,
mutants will appear at the M3 generation. Tokyo, Japan, pp. 455 (in Japanese)
6. Generation of doubled haploids from M1, M2, M3 Ukai, Y. and Yamashita, A. 1983.‘Crossing-within-Spike-
etc generations is a valuable means of producing Progeny method’. An effective method for selection
homozygous mutants and is particularly valuable in of mutants in cross-fertilizing plants. Technical News
species that have long generation times e.g. peren- of the Institute of Radiation Breeding.
nial trees (see Chapter 29). Yoshida, Y. 1962. Theoretical studies on the methodologi-
cal procedures for radiation breeding. I. New meth-
ods in autogamous plants following seed irradiation.
5. References Euphytica. 11:95-111.
Frydenberg, O. 1963. Some theoretical aspects of the Iida, S. and Amano, E. 1987. A method to obtain mutants
scoring of mutation frequencies after mutagenic treat- in outcrossing crops. Induction of seedling mutants in
ment of barley seeds. Radiation Botany. 3:135-143. cucumber using pollen irradiation. Technical News of
Freisleben, R. and Lein, A. 1943. Vorarbeiten zur the Institute of Radiation Breeding. 32.
züchterischen Auswertung röntgeninduzierter Ukai, Y. and Yamashita, A. 1974. Theoretical consideration
Mutationen. II. Mutanten des Chlorophyllapparates on the problem of screening of mutants I. Methods
als Testmutationen für die mutationsauslösende for selection of a mutant in the presence of chimera
Wirkung der Bestrahlung bei Gerste. Z. in M1 spikes. Bull. Inst. Radiation Breeding. 3:1-44.
Pflanzenzücht. 25:255-283. Ukai, Y. 2010. Theoretical considerations on the efficiency
Gaul, H. 1960. Critical analysis of the methods for deter- for selection of mutants in an allogamous plant spe-
mining the mutation frequency after seed treatment cies. Breeding Science. 60:267-278.
with mutagens. Genet. Agrar. 12:297-318.
Irradiation - Facilitated Chromosomal Translocation:
Wheat as an Example
H-Y.Wang, Z-H.Liu, P-D.Chen* and X-E.Wang*
State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Institute of Cytogenetics, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL: Wang Xiu-e: - Chen Pei-du:
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Wheat Chromosome Nomenclature
4. Future Developments
4.1. Combination of Irradiation with Induced-Homoeologous Pairing
4.2. Use of Molecular Markers in Translocation Identification and Selection
5. References
1. Introduction gene, Ph. Thus, the use of methods that can induce
random chromosomal breakage at a relatively high
1.1. Background frequency is useful in increasing the ratio of terminal
translocations. Gametocidal chromosomes can induce
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most extensive structural chromosome changes, but the vari-
widely grown food crops in the world. A continuous ants obtained are often unstable.
improvement in its production is a challenging task for Irradiation of wheat-alien hybrids, amphiploids and
wheat breeders to keep abreast of population growth wheat/alien chromosome cytogenetic stocks can pro-
and increasing consumption in certain regions such as duce a mass of translocations, these can carry desired
in South Asia. As the genetic variability within cultivated genes from alien species and are ready to be used in
wheat has been gradually eroded under modern agricul- traditional breeding. Irradiation-facilitated transloca-
tural systems, alien germplasm has become increasingly tion enables the transfer of genes from alien chromo-
important as a source of new variation for wheat improve- somes that would rarely pair with those of wheat during
ment. The related genera of wheat such as Secale, meiosis. In addition, the alien chromosome segment
Agropyron, Aegilops, Haynaldia, Elymus, Thinopyrum containing the target gene could, theoretically, be
and Hordeum represent an enormous pool of genetic inserted into a wheat chromosome without losing any
variation that has great potential for wheat improvement. wheat chromatin. A further advantage is that once the
These species exhibit huge diversity in phenotype and alien segment is introgressed into the wheat genome, it
adaptation to a wide range of environments, desirable is genetically fixed as it will not recombine with wheat
traits such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, salt chromosomes in the presence of Ph. Therefore, this
tolerance, winter hardiness and adaptability to poor soil. kind of irradiation technique is a powerful tool to intro-
However, because of their genetic distant, it is difficult duce new and heritable variation into wheat for genetic
to introduce these useful genes into cultivated varieties improvement, and serves as an important complement
by crossing, chromosome pairing and recombination to conventional breeding. So far, irradiation has been
between homoeologous chromosomes. The gene trans- widely used for inducing the transfer of alien genes into
fer can be achieved by chromosome manipulation, i.e. wheat. Several wheat varieties have been developed
the development of amphiploids and alien addition, using this approach, notably in Australia and USA. In
substitution and translocation lines. The amphiploid addition to their direct use in wheat breeding, translo-
contains a complete set of the alien chromosomes, and cation lines have been used widely in gene mapping.
addition or substitution lines contain a whole alien chro-
mosome. These materials have little potential as varieties 1.2. Wheat Chromosome Nomenclature
as many redundant genes would be introduced into cul-
tivated variety along with the target genes. However, they Bread wheat, Triticum aestivum is a member of the sub-
are extremely valuable as bridging lines in the production tribe Triticeae, which includes several important small
of translocation lines, especially interstitial translocation grain cereals: durum wheat (T. durum), barley (Hordeum
between a normal wheat chromosome and a small alien vulgare), rye (Secale cereale) and the wheat/rye hybrid
chromosome segment. (triticale) along with many wild grass species. Bread wheat
Chromosome translocations can be induced by ion- is a hexaploid species comprising of three genomes: AA,
izing radiation (see Chapter 11), tissue culture, homoe- BB and DD. It is a cultivated species with no wild equiva-
ologous chromosome pairing, gametocidal genes from lent; however, each of the three genomes was contrib-
several Aegilops species, spontaneous wheat-alien uted by separate ancestral wild diploid grasses. Triticeae
chromosome translocation, or by centric breakage and genomes are composed of seven pairs (7”) of chromo-
fusion. Spontaneous alien translocation can occur as somes. Bread wheat has 42 chromosomes or 21 pairs of
a result of occasional chromosome breakage and re- chromosomes. This is known as the euploid comple-
union. Due to distant genetic relationship, homoeolo- ment, and any deviation from 42 chromosomes is termed
gous recombination between chromosomes of wheat aneuploid. Basic chromosomal constitution is given by
and its wild relatives take place at a low frequency due the sporophytic number (2n), the ploidy level (x) and the
to the action of the homologous chromosome pairing chromosome number and is thus 2n = 6x = 42. The chro-
Table 19.1: Information of the species included in this chapter
Secale cereale L. 14 RR
Agropyron intermedium (Host) Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D. R. Dewey subsp. 42 JJJsJsSS
P. Beauv. Intermedium; Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski
Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Elytrigia pontica (Podp.) Holub; Lophopyrum ponticum(Podp.) 70 JJJJJJJsJsJsJs
Barkworth & D. R. Dewey Löve
Hordeum vulgare L. 14 HH
mosomes of each genome are number 1 to 7: 1A, 2A, 3A, Terminal translocations (Fig 19.1 A) are the most
4A, 5A, 6A and 7A for the A genome; 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, common type, these involve the distal segment of a chro-
and 7B for the B genome; and 1D, 2D 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D and mosome which is replaced by a segment of another (e.g.
7D for the D genome. These chromosomes are ordered an alien) chromosome. When breaks occur within the
according to relatedness, thus the group 1 chromosomes centromeric region, it may result in a whole arm translo-
(1A, 1B and 1D) carry similar genes and are referred to as cation (Fig 19.1 B), in which a whole arm of a chromosome
being homoeologous. The homoeologous relationship replaces that of another. The normal division is either the
extends to all members of the Triticeae. Genomes and
chromosomes not present in wheat, but which may Box 19.1: Homologous chromosomes, homoeolo-
be introduced from other species, are termed ‘alien’. gous chromosomes and translocation classes
Further information in genetic nomenclature is given Homologous chromosomes: These are chromosome pairs of
in Chapter 4. a genome, one from each parent, they have the same genetic
composition, e.g. 1A and 1A; 2A and 2A; 7D and 7D etc.
Homoeologous chromosomes: These are related
chromosomes with similar genetic constitutions, but from
2. Irradiation-Facilitated Chromosomal different genomes, e.g. 1A, 1B and 1D; 2A, 2B and 2D; 7A, 7B and
7D etc.
Translocation Translocation: A chromosomal aberration resulting from the
interchange of parts between non-homologous chromosomes.
Terminal translocation: Where the distal segment of a wheat
2.1. Types of Chromosome Translocation Induced chromosome is replaced by a segment of another (e.g. an alien)
by Irradiation chromosome.
Whole arm translocation: A wheat chromosome arm is
replaced by a whole arm of another (e.g. an alien) chromosome.
Translocations are one type of chromosome aberration, Reciprocal translocation: A type of chromosome rearrangement
involving the exchange of chromosome segments between
which may result from the rejoining of broken chromo- chromosomes that do not belong to the same pair of
somes. Irradiation tends to induce chromosome breaks, chromosomes.
Intercalary translocation: A chromosome segment inserted into
which can rejoin at random, resulting in translocations.
another chromosome.
These are likely to be deleterious. Explanations for the dif- Compensating translocation: A chromosome segment replaces
ferent types of translocation are summarized in Box 19.1. an equivalent segment of a homoeologous chromosome.
separation of the two sister-chromatids during anaphase tion will be desirable when an alien segment containing
of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis, or the separation desirable genes is inserted into a host chromosome
of the pairing homologous chromosomes during the without loss of host genes. This requires one break in the
anaphase I of meiosis, however the mis-division is that host chromosome and two breaks in the alien chromo-
a breakage occur at the centromere region of a chromo- some, with the desirable genes between the breaks. The
some during anaphase and this will result in telo-, iso- or excised alien segment has unstable ends, which can unite
whole arm translocation chromosomes. Mis-division with the unstable ends of the host chromosome at the
of univalent chromosome centromeres can only cause break point. If the inserted alien segment is quite short, it
whole arm translocation. A reciprocal translocation (Fig should not interfere with the pairing of the homologous
19.1 C) is a type of chromosome rearrangement involv- host chromosomes, particularly if the chromosome with
ing the exchange of chromosome segments between the insertion is made homozygous by selfing.
two chromosomes that do not belong to the same pair
of homologous chromosomes. A compensating trans- 2.2. Steps to Develop Useful Translocation Lines
location, in which a desired alien segment replaces an
equivalent segment of a homoeologous wheat chromo- There are five steps essential for achieving useful trans-
some, is more likely to be beneficial. locations between chromosomes of wheat and an
In an intercalary translocation (Fig 19.1 D), a chromo- alien species (Fig 19.2). Firstly, identification of alien
some segment is inserted into another, however this genotypes carrying desired genes required for wheat
seldom occurs as this requires several simultaneous improvement; secondly, production of a wheat-alien
breakage and reunion events. This type of transloca- hybrid, amphiploid, alien addition or substitution lines;
1. Identification of related genera or species which carry the target genes for
wheat improvement
3. Induce mutation
Seed irradiation Pollen irradiation
Seeds Seeds
thirdly, irradiation of the hybrid, amphiploid or alien rays and ultraviolet. The choice of radiation is related to
chromosome lines to induce translocations; fourthly, the type of materials to be treated, the availability of irra-
identification and selection of translocation events and diation equipment and the expected/desired frequency
finally, fixation of the translocated chromosome by pro- and spectrum of mutations. Note that irradiation treat-
ducing homozygous lines via selfing. The first two steps ments differ only slightly with respect to their efficiency
(identifying genes for transfer and making wheat-alien in producing desirable translocations. Generally, fast
hybrids), are the most difficult. In addition, the initial neutrons can induce relatively small segment deletions
translocations obtained in this procedure may often be or translocations. X-rays and gamma-rays are preferred
agronomically inferior to wheat because the alien seg- because of their ease of use and safety in application,
ment may contain other genes with negative effects. In good penetration, high reproducibility, high transloca-
this case, an additional step is required to reduce the tion frequency and fewer disposal (radioactive) prob-
size of the transferred chromosome segment. lems. X-rays were used most extensively in early studies,
whereas gamma-rays have become more widely used.
2.3. Radiation Mutagens Used to Induce Chromo-
some Breakage Events 2.4. Genotypes Targeted for Irradiation Treatment
Radiation treatments used for chromosome breakage- In general, four genotypes, i.e. wheat-alien amphip-
reunion induction include: X-rays, fast neutrons, gamma- loids, alien chromosome addition lines, substitution
lines and whole arm translocation lines are used as translocation lines produced only involve that specific
initial materials for irradiation to induce chromosome alien chromosome. Furthermore, the alien transloca-
translocations (Box 19.2). It is preferable that the desired tion induction frequency is very low due to the low
genes of the alien species have been mapped to a ratio of alien chromatin present. In contrast, a complete
chromosome or chromosome arm and their respective genome of the alien species is present in the wheat-
homoeologous relationships with wheat chromosomes alien amphiploids and could be used to induce a mass
clearly established. Furthermore, wheat-alien chromo- of translocation lines involving different chromosomes.
some translocations resulting from these genotypes can Bie et al. (2007) obtained the large number and range of
be identified easily by cytological methods, by pheno- translocations by pollen irradiation of a Triticum durum-
typic analysis and/or by molecular markers specific to Haynaldia villosa amphiploid. This work produced a
the alien chromosomes or target chromosomal regions. translocation line germplasm bank for further genetic
Amphiploids (or amphidiploids) are usually the fertile studies, including physical mapping.
products of spontaneous or induced chromosome The use of available whole arm translocation for irra-
doubling of sterile interspecific or intergeneric hybrids. diation can improve the efficiency of creating interstitial
The chromosome number of an amphiploid is the sum translocations. Here a break in the alien chromosome
of the two parents, and the genotype will be entirely can generate small fragment interstitial or terminal trans-
homozygous. Amphiploids provide a starting point for locations, or deletions of the alien chromosome. Chen
the production of wheat-alien chromosome addition et al. (2008) observed a high frequency of both small
lines or substitution lines and interspecific transfers. fragment terminal translocations or deletions and inter-
Wheat-alien addition lines, including monosomic calary translocations involving the short arm of chromo-
additions (2n=43; 21w”+1a’) and disomic additions (2n=44; some arm 6V of H. villosa by irradiation of a whole arm
21w”+1a”), have complete wheat genome with additional translocation, 6VS/6AL.
chromosomes from the alien species. These genotypes
are used to identify alien chromosomes carrying useful 2.5. Target Materials for Mutagenesis and Irradia-
genes and form the starting point for the cytogenetic tion Dosage
transfer of alien chromatin into wheat.
Wheat-alien substitution lines, including monosomic Various parts of the same plant exhibit differences with
substitutions and disomic substitutions, have a normal respect to their radio-sensitivity. The occurrence of
(euploid) wheat chromosome numbers (2n=42), but a induced translocations may be affected by numerous
single chromosome, or a pair of wheat chromosomes factors such as genetic background (genotype), target
are replaced by single (monosomic) or a pair of (dis- tissue, water content in the target tissue, temperature,
omic) chromosomes from an alien species. These oxygen level, and dose rate (see Chapter 14).
genotypes have certain advantages over addition lines,
although they are generally more difficult to obtain. Seed
By having an euploid chromosome complement they Seed is a convenient and common target for mutagenic
are more stable, allowing large-scale multiplication. treatment. Prior to treatment it is referred to as the M0
They also permit the value of the genes carried by the generation, after treatment it becomes M1. The water
alien chromosome to be evaluated against each of the content of the seed is a critical factor affecting translo-
three possible wheat homoeologous alleles in turn. cation-producing frequency (Smith, 1958). Compared
Irradiation of disomic substitution or addition lines, to dry seeds, seeds soaked in water before treatment
which have two doses of an alien chromosome, has a are more responsive to irradiation. Seeds with 12-14%
greater chance of exchange with a host chromosome water-content usually give relatively higher mutation
than when a single alien chromosome is present. frequencies. Half-lethal dosage is widely used to obtain
Wheat-alien disomic addition and substitution lines the maximum number of mutations, with 100 Gy being
are usually used for translocation induction, because a reasonable dose. However, the dose and duration
the target gene has been mapped to a specific alien of application of a mutagen vary with genotype and
chromosome and the identity of the translocation should be determined through experimentation. It has
chromosome is easy to be determined. However, the been found that a 20Gy dose (60Co source) was suffi-
cient for inducing a desirable level of wheat-rye chro- resulting from fertilization of un-irradiated egg cell with
mosomal translocations in triticale seeds (Ahmad et al. irradiated pollen are usually free from chimeras and are
2000). Rakhmatullina and Sanamyan (2007) estimated heterozygous for any induced translocations. However,
the efficiency of seed irradiation by thermal neutrons pollen irradiation is usually associated with problems such
for inducing chromosomal aberration in M2 of cotton, as non-availability of adequate quantities of pollen, poor
and they found that 15 and 25Gy were the most efficient pollen viability and the potential of inducting of haploid
radiation doses for inducing chromosomal aberrations. embryo formation (see Chapter 30).
Chimeras are common in the first generation (M1
plants) and, only with some exceptions (organelle Mature female gametes
genes, mutator genotypes) can be purged by selfing Chen et al. (2008) successfully enhanced the induce-
in the production of the M2 generation. For crops like ment frequency of translocations, especially inter-
wheat, individual tillers (side branches) originate from stitial translocations, by irradiation of mature female
different cells of the embryo of the treated seeds. If an gametes of whole arm translocation lines. The use of
aberration occurs in one of these cells, it will be carried mature female gametes has several advantages. First
in the tiller developed from that cell. of all, female gametes are less lethal sensitive and can
endure higher dosages and dosage rates. Secondly,
Adult plant shortly before meiosis female gametes are irradiated just before fertilization
The transfer of rust resistance from Triticum umbellulatum and they are pollinated with normal fresh pollens after
(formerly, Aegilops umbellulata) into common wheat irradiation. In this case, the structural aberrations have a
using irradiation by Sears (1956) is a classical example. greater chance to be involved in the fertilization process
In his experiment, adult plants were irradiated shortly and thereby can be transmitted to the next generation.
before meiosis (with 15 Gy), and the irradiated pollen was Thirdly, these irradiated female gametes can be polli-
pollinated onto spikes of normal, non-irradiated plants. nated with mature and fresh pollen of normal wheat.
Irradiation of adult plants will be particularly advan- This avoids the elimination of structurally aberrant
tageous if monosomic-substitution plants (being chromosomes due to pollen tube growth and fertiliza-
monosomic for an alien chromosome and also for a tion competition that occurs after pollination (normal
homoeologous wheat chromosome) and also deficient pollen usually has a competitive advantage). Thus a
for chromosome 5B carrying the Ph1 gene, are used. higher proportion of the chromosome aberrations can
In the absence of the pairing homologous gene, Ph1, be retained in the M1 plants. M2 seeds are obtained by
homoeologous chromosomes will associate at meiosis backcrossing with normal pollen. Various structural
and recombine. Therefore, by irradiating plants that are changes (including interstitial translocation) observed
not only doubly monosomic, but also lack Ph1, a sub- in the M1 can be recovered in the M2. Backcrossing can
stantial increase of the yield of desired translocations improve the transmission frequency and vitality of the
may be achieved. Alternatively, mutants carrying a non- progenies. The fertility levels are generally enhanced
functional Ph1 gene, e.g. ph1b may be used. However, with each progressive generation and hence the small
adult plants are not as easy to handle as seeds, espe- fragment chromosome changes in the M2 plants are
cially if the radiation source is not readily available. easily transmitted to the next generation. The applica-
tion of genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) in the M1
Pollen enabled the detection of more chromosome structural
Pollen is another relatively convenient target for irradiation changes of alien segments in a relatively small popula-
treatment. The treatment dosage for pollen is less than tion (Box 19.3).
that for seeds. In this treatment, spikes from tillers to be
used for pollen irradiation are detached from the plant. 2.6. Identification of Translocation Events
After irradiation, they are maintained with their cut ends
in water until flowering. The induced translocations in all A number of well established methods for identifying
parts or branches of the M1 plant are present in a heterozy- translocations including phenotypic, cytological and
gous state, and hence it is not necessary to harvest sepa- molecular analysis are available for wheat geneticists
rately. The advantage of pollen irradiation is that the plants and breeders (Box 19.3).
Box 19.3: Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic tools used to identify chromosome translocation
Chromosome C-banding: Method of defining chromosome structure by differential staining (banding) of constitutive (C)
heterochromatin regions with Giemsa.
Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH): GISH is a genomic probing technique and a molecular cytogenetic technique, which uses
genomic DNA from the alien species as a probe in combination with an excess of unlabelled wheat DNA in the hybridization solution
to block cross hybridizations. GISH analysis allows physical determination of alien chromosome segment and the break points in these
translocations and an estimation of the sizes of the transferred segments of the alien species.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): A molecular cytogenetic technique in which a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe is labeled
with a fluorescent dye conjugates (that can be visualized under a fluorescence microscope) and then hybridized onto target DNA, usually
chromosome preparations on a microscopic slide. FISH allows direct mapping of DNA sequences to chromosome, and has become an
important technique in plant molecular cytogenetics research. It is used to map genes physically and precisely to a specific region of a
chromosome and can enumerate chromosomes, and/or detect chromosomal deletions, translocations, or gene amplifications in cells.
Molecular markers: A molecular marker (or genetic marker) is a specific fragment of DNA sequence that is associated to a part of the
genome and can be identified within the whole genome. Molecular markers are used to ‘flag’ the position of a particular gene or the
inheritance of a particular characteristic. In a genetic population, the characteristics of interest will usually stay linked with the molecular
markers. In wide hybridization, the molecular markers specific for different species are used to trace the introduced alien chromatin in a
background of cultivated species. In some cases the gene of interest can be monitored directly.
GISH was further improved with the advent of non-iso- mosomes, restricted fragment length polymorphisms
topic fluorescent reporter molecules for labeling of DNA clones) is used as probes, a specific genomic region can
in 1980s leading to the development of fluorescence be targeted through FISH analysis. FISH and GISH require
in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. FISH methods expertise in fluorescence microscopy.
have advantage over hybridization with isotope-based
probes, including longer probe stability, speed, high 2.6.5. Molecular Markers
sensitivity, spatial resolution and simultaneous detection Genome specific molecular markers with wide genome
of more than one probe. So, FISH is a useful tool in trans- coverage such as restriction fragment-length polymor-
location identification and characterization at the physi- phisms (RFLPs) can provide a powerful tool in evaluating
cal level. When species-specific repetitive sequences the amount and location of the alien chromatin in the
or genomic clones (e.g. Yeast or Bacterial artificial chro- translocation lines. They are especially valuable in deter-
Resistance to leaf rust Triticum umbellulatum Transfer (T47) (T6BS.6BL-6U#1L); T40 (T6BL.6BS-6U#1L); T41 (T4BL.4BS-
6U#1L); T44 (T2DS.2DL-6U#1L); T52 (T7BL.7BS-6U#1L)
Resistance to stem rust Secale cereale WRT238 (T3AS.3R#1S); 90M126-2 (T3AL.3R#1S); 90M126-9 (T3BL.3R#1S)
Resistance to Hessian fly Secale cereale 88HF16 (T6BS.6BL-6R#1L); 88HF79 (T4BS.4BL-6R#1L); 88HF89
Resistance to FHB Leymus racemosus NAU618 (T1AS-Lr7S.Lr.7L); NAU611 (T4AL.Lr7S); NAU601 (T4BS.4BL-
7Lr#1); NAU615 (T4BS.4BL-7Lr#1S-1); NAU614 (T6BL.6BS-5Lr#1)
Blue-grain Thinopyrum ponticum BT108 (1BS.1BL-4AgL); Line 9908 (2DL-4AgL); BT91 (4AgL-3AL)
§ BYDV, Barley yellow dwarf virus; FHB, Fusarium head blight. * Wheat-alien chromosome translocations induced by irradiation before
1996 were summarized by Friebe et al. (1996).
mining the relative position of translocation breakpoints. mosome region. Alien translocation lines therefore
Furthermore, RFLP analysis can identify an interstitial provide a means of transferring blocks of such genes,
translocation not detectable by GISH. The identification translocation lines are genetically stable and their
of markers tightly linked to the target gene allows marker- resistance is more durable compared to single gene
assisted selection. RFLP markers have been used for transfer. The wheat-rye 1RS/1BL translocation has been
several alien introductions into wheat for pest or disease utilized successfully in breeding programmes world
resistance: H23 and H24 genes for Hessian fly resistance wide, one of the important reason is that several useful
(Ma et al. 1993), the segment carrying Pm13 for powdery genes especially disease resistance genes are located
mildew resistance (Donini et al. 1995), Yr15 for stripe in 1RS. More and more translocation lines, especially
rust resistance (Sun et al. 1997), eyespot resistance from intercalary translocations with multiple useful traits are
Haynaldia villosa (Yildirim et al. 1998), and scab resist- expected to be deployed in modern wheat breeding
ance from Leymus racemosus (Wang et al. 2001). with the accelerated development of various transloca-
Because of the lower costs and higher speed of analy- tion lines involving various different alien species.
sis, PCR-based markers are now preferred in detecting A number of translocations have been induced by irra-
alien chromosomes or chromosome segments. The diation of amphiploids, addition lines and substitution
co-dominance of SSRs (simple sequence repeats) and lines between wheat and various alien species (Table
their high polymorphic information content often make 19.1). Although most of these translocations are either
these markers of choice. Many wheat SSR markers non-compensating translocations or contain undesirable
have been developed, their primer sequences pub- genes, a number of improved strains carrying useful alien
lished, and their chromosomal locations determined. genes for resistance to various diseases of wheat have
However, most SSR markers are genome-specific, and been developed using this technique. One of the most
their transferability across related species is low. successful translocations involved the transfer of a seg-
The US wheat EST (expressed sequence tag) mapping ment from Agropyron elongatum chromosome 6E, car-
project has mapped nearly 7,000 ESTs in chromosome rying the stem rust resistance gene Sr26, to chromosome
bins covering all 21 wheat chromosomes, providing an arm 6AL of wheat. Using this translocation line, stem
excellent resource for marker development for specific rust resistance (Sr26) was successfully introduced into
chromosome regions. Alternatively, EST-based PCR Australian wheats in 1971 and it has played an important
products can be digested with frequent-cutting restric- role in protecting wheat crops from stem rust especially
tion enzymes to increase polymorphism. EST-SSR or EST- in northern New North Wales and Queensland. Kite, one
STS (sequence tagged sites) have now been applied to of the first cultivated varieties with Sr26, was the highest
detect alien chromosomes and chromosome segments. yielding commercial varieties in northern New North
Comparative mapping studies have demonstrated Wales for several years. A total of 12 registered Australian
extensive colinearity among different species and this varieties (Eagle, Kite, Jabiru, Avocet, Bass, Blade, Flinders,
colinearity is increased among closely related spe- Harrier, King, Quarrion, Sunelg and Takari) possess Sr26.
cies. Many molecular markers have been mapped in In the U.S., Riley67, a commercial variety of soft winter
particular homoeologous chromosomes or particular wheat produced at Purdue University, possesses leaf rust
chromosome segment. In most cases, most markers resistance from T. umbellulatum, demonstrating further
were polymorphic in the region of the alien chromatin. potential of this technique for crop improvement.
Using ionizing irradiation, a large number of trans-
locations have been induced between chromosomes
3. Exploitation of Translocation Lines in of wheat and related species such as Secale cereale,
Wheat Improvement T. umbellulatum, Leymus racemosus, Haynaldia villosa
and Agropyron elongatum, etc. (Table 19.1).
3.1. Application of Translocation Lines in Breeding
3.2. Application of Translocation Lines in
Disease resistance gene cloning studies in model or Genetic Mapping
other plant species have shown that resistance genes
are often present as a gene cluster in a specific chro- In contrast to their direct use in wheat breeding, trans-
location lines have been widely used in gene mapping. ing agronomically superior germplasm. As shown in
According to the data from identification and charac- Table 19.1, the majority of the genes located on wheat-
terization of wheat-alien translocations, a large number alien translocation lines are related to disease and pest
of genes conferring disease resistance and other mor- resistance. The original blue-grained wheat, Blue 58, was
phological traits have been mapped on chromosomes a substitution line derived from hybridization between
of wheat-alien species, thereby facilitating further common wheat and Thinopyrum ponticum, in which
directed chromosome engineering aimed at produc- one pair of 4D chromosomes was replaced by a pair
emmer chromosomes
grass chromosomes
chromosomes doubled
with colchicine 3x=21 ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat
Emmer-like wheat
grass-emmer x
2n=6x=42 2n=6x=42
grass emmer-wheat hybrid ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat
2n=6x=42 2n=6x=42
extra chromosome
from grass
leaf rust resistance from Triticum umbellulatum
added into wheat var. Chinese Spring The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 19.3 Irradiation-induced translocation between chromosomes of wheat and T. umbellulatum. The procedure by which a gene for
resistance to leaf rust was transferred from T. umbellulatum to common wheat. An allohexaploid was made by combining the chromosomes
of emmer (2n=4x=28, AABB) with those of T. umbellulatum. The resulting allohexaploid (2n=6x=42, AABBUU) was crossed with the wheat
genetic stock Chinese Spring. Repeated backcrossing of rust-resistant plants to Chinese Spring gave rise to a plant with the chromosome
content of common wheat, plus one chromosome from the wild grass, which carried the gene for rust resistance. X-ray irradiation of pollen
induced chromosome rearrangement in which the gene for rust resistance was transferred to a wheat chromosome. The red shows the A
and B genome; The blue shows the U genome; The green shows the D genome.
of alien 4Ag chromosomes (an unknown group 4 chro- chromosome with a wheat segment attached, behave
mosome from A. ponticum). Blue aleurone located on as univalents at meiosis and were not included in most
chromosome 4Ag might be a useful cytological marker of the resultant gametes.
in chromosome engineering and wheat breeding. Crosses were made by pollinating pollen from the
GISH analysis proved that the 4Ag was a recombina- irradiated plants to untreated plants of Chinese Spring.
tion chromosome, its centromeric and pericentromeric The Lr9 gene was traced through subsequent genera-
regions were from an E-genome chromosome, but the tions by screening progenies for resistance to the rust
distal regions of its two arms were from an St-genome disease pathogen Puccinia recondite. Resistant plants
chromosome. Recently, Zheng et al. (2006) treated were checked cytologically to select those that had an
the translocation line with -rays to induce recombina- alien segment attached to a wheat chromosome while
tion between the 4Ag translocation and normal wheat discarding those with an intact iso-chromosome. Out
chromosomes. By GISH and FISH analysis, a set of new of 17 different translocations with an alien segment car-
translocation lines with different seed colours were rying Lr9, one was at first thought to be an insertion as
identified and the gene(s) controlling the blue aleurone described above. However, further study showed that
was located on the long arm of 4Ag. Further, the colour a reciprocal exchange had occurred through a terminal
gene was physically mapped to the 0.71-0.80 regions transfer of the long arm of the T.umbellulatum chromo-
(distance measured from the centromere of 4Ag). some 6U segment to the distal region of the long arm
of chromosome 6B. This line was named “Transfer”. It
3.3. Examples was later used as a source of resistance to leaf rust in
the production of several commercial wheat varieties
Details of four examples of translocations for wheat widely grown in the United States.
improvement are given below.
3.3.2. Translocations between Wheat and
3.3.1. “Transfer”–a wheat/Triticum umbellulatum Leymus racemosus with Resistance to Fusarium
Translocation With Resistance to Leaf Rust Head Blight (Chen et al. 2005)
The first successful radiation-induced translocation was Wheat scab (Fusarium Head Blight, FHB) is a destruc-
the wheat - Triticum umbellulatum translocation line tive disease in warm and humid wheat growing areas of
with a dominant gene for leaf-rust resistance (Lr9). This the world. Finding diverse sources of FHB resistance is
study is a classical example of logic and careful plan- critical for genetic improvement of resistance in wheat
ning, as is illustrated in Figure 19.3. The wild grass T. breeding program. Leymus racemosus is a wild per-
umbellulatum (2n=2x=14, genome UU) was first crossed ennial relative of wheat and is highly resistant to FHB.
to tetraploid emmer wheat, T.turgidum (2n=4x=28, Three wheat - L. racemosus disomic addition (DA) lines
genomes AABB), and chromosomes of the F1 plant were DA5Lr, DA7Lr and DALr.7 resistant to FHB, were used to
doubled with colchicine to produce a fertile allohexa- induce wheat- L. racemosus translocation lines through
ploid (2n=6x=42, genomes AABBUU). The experimen- irradiation. Plants with scab resistance were irradiated
tal allohexaploid was then crossed to a hexaploid bread at meiosis at the (pre-meiotic) boot stage by 60Co -ray
wheat genetic standard, Chinese Spring (2n=6x=42, 5-11.25 Gy (0.75–1.0 Gy/min) or their mature pollen was
genomes AABBDD). After the second backcross to irradiated at the early flowering stage by 60Co -ray 10 Gy
Chinese Spring, leaf rust-resistant plants that contained (1.0 Gy/min). The irradiated plants were then allowed
42 wheat chromosomes plus one additional chromo- to self-pollinate or used as pollen donors in crosses
some were identified. The additional chromosome was with susceptible varieties. The progenies were analyzed
postulated to be from T.umbellulatum and carrying by C-banding and GISH to identify intergenomic trans-
the leaf rust resistance gene (Lr9). To induce a possible locations involving wheat and Leymus chromosomes.
translocation and reduce the chromosomal load from As shown in Figure 19.4, a total of five wheat-alien
T.umbellulatum, plants with 43 chromosomes (mono- translocation lines with wheat scab resistance were
somic addition lines) were X-rayed shortly before identified by chromosome C-banding, GISH, telosomic
meiosis with 15 Gy. An intact iso-chromosome, and pairing and RFLP analyses. In line NAU614, the long arm
probably the centric (non-translocated) part of the alien of 5Lr was translocated to wheat chromosome 6B. Two
NAU614 (T6BL. 6S-5Lr1#L) NAU601 (T4BS. 4BL-7Lr#1S) NAU615 (T4BS. 4BL-7Lr#1S-1)
lines, NAU601 and NAU615, had a part of the short Monosomic addition lines were irradiated and used
arm of 7Lr transferred to wheat chromosomes 4B. Two as male parents in crosses with susceptible lines. The
other lines, NAU611 and NAU618, contained transloca- plants of the M1 progeny with 2n=42 chromosomes and
tions involving Leymus chromosome Lr.7 and different good scab resistance were selected for further screen-
wheat chromosomes. The resistance level of the trans- ing of translocations by chromosome C-banding and
location lines with a single alien chromosome segment GISH. Because a monosomic alien chromosome will
was higher than the susceptible wheat parent Chinese tend to be lost during meiosis and a male gametophyte
Spring, but lower than the alien resistant parent L. rac- (n+1) with a complete alien chromosome is at a disad-
emosus (Fig 19.5). At least three resistance genes in L. vantage, meiosis and pollen competition favour prefer-
racemosus were identified. One was located on chro- ential transmission of gametes with translocations.
mosome Lr.7, one was on the long arm of 5Lr and the
other on short arm of 7Lr. These translocation lines will 3.3.3. Translocations Between Wheat and Haynal-
provide much needed new sources of scab resistance dia villosa Using Pollen Irradiation (Bie et al. 2007)
for wheat improvement. Bie et al. (2007) used pollen irradiation treatment to
For irradiation, both dry seeds and spikes at pre- induce chromosome translocations between Triticum
meiosis, meiosis or pollen stage can be treated. In this durum and Haynaldia villosa. In their experiment, T.
experiment, the frequency of translocations through durum-H. villosa amphiploid pollen was first treated
irradiation of adult plants at meiosis or in spikes before with 12 Gy-rays and then pollinated onto T. aestivum,
pollination was much higher (11.8%) than that of irradia- ‘Chinese Spring’. Ninety-eight intergeneric transloca-
tion of dry seeds. Although an irradiation treatment at tions between T. durum and H. villosa were detected
meiosis has the advantage that chromosome translo- by GISH in 44 of 61 M1 plants, with a higher translocation
cations can occur in both male and female gametes, occurrence frequency of 72.1%. There were 26 whole
treating spikes just before flowering is much easier. arm translocations, 62 terminal translocations, and 10
CS wheat-L.racemosus Sumai3 8545
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 19.5 Spikes of some translocation lines inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Spikes from left to right: Chinese Spring (CS, suscepti-
ble wheat parent), NAU601, NAU611, NAU615, NAU618, NAU614, Sumai 3 (resistant check) and Mianyang 8545 (susceptible check). Disease
symptoms only occurred rarely on one or two spikelets in the translocation lines, whereas the symptom occurred on half the spikes in the
susceptible parent Chinese Spring and susceptible check Mianyang 8545.
intercalary translocations. The ratio of small alien seg- some structural changes of 6VS, including 80 interstitial
ment terminal translocations was much higher than that translocation chromosomes, 57 terminal transloca-
of large alien segment terminal translocations. Pollen tion chromosomes and 55 deletion chromosomes.
irradiation is therefore an effective method for rapid Irradiating mature female gametes of whole arm trans-
mass production of wheat-alien chromosomal translo- location is a new and highly efficient approach for crea-
cations, especially terminal translocation will be more tion of small segment chromosome structural changes,
significant for wheat improvement. especially for interstitial translocations.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 01 02 03 04 05 06
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 07 08 09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
19 20 21 22 23 24
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ti- V
25 26 27 28 29 30
01 02 03 04 05 06
31 32 33 34 35 36
Ti- W
01 02 03 04 37 38 39 40
In contrast, the irradiation method of obtaining wheat ods may integrate both advantages of high-frequency
alien exchanges has the advantage of high frequency of and specificity. Presumably the low percentage of
translocations induction. However, it has the disadvan- homoeologous translocations resulting from irradiation
tage that the majority of the translocations are geneti- is due to the fact that broken ends of wheat and alien
cally imbalanced as they involve non-homoeologous homoeologous chromosomes are rarely in close prox-
chromosomes. Thus, a combination of these two meth- imity in the irradiated metabolic nucleus. However, if
chromosomes are associated in all interphase nuclei for identifying and screening the desirable transloca-
and not only pre-meiotic nuclei, relaxation of the Ph tions induced by irradiation.
mechanism may result in wheat and alien chromosomes
being somatically associated. Irradiation-induced Acknowledgements
broken ends of homoeologues would then be in close The authors wish to express their thanks to Ms Chunxia
proximity for fusion of exchange ends. Therefore, irradi- Yuan for her artwork of the graphics.
ating plants or seeds that are 5BL-deficient may be the
most efficient method for obtaining a high frequency of
genetically balanced wheat-alien translocations.
5. References
4.2. Use of Molecular Markers in the Identification
and Selection of Desired Translocations 5.1. Cited References
Identifying target genes for transfer can be a difficult Ahmad, F., Comeau, A., Chen, Q. et al. 2000. Radiation
step in procedures for inducing translocations between induced wheat-rye chromosomal translocations in
chromosomes of wheat and alien species. Despite Triticale: optimizing the dose using fluorescence in
the enormous pool of alien genetic variation and the situ hybridization. Cytologia. 65(1):1-6.
sophisticated techniques available for transfer to wheat, Bie, T.D., Cao, Y.P. and Chen, P.D. 2007. Mass production
there still remains the problem of identifying, in the of intergeneric chromosomal translocations through
alien species, the characters required for transfer. So far pollen irradiation of Triticum durum-Haynaldia vil-
the majority of the recorded wheat-alien translocations losa amphiploid. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.
are related to resistance to fungal diseases and pests, as 49:1619-1626.
such translocations can be relatively readily identified Chen, P.D., Liu, W.X., Yuan, J.H. et al. 2005. Development
by phenotypic screening. However, phenotype analy- and characterization of wheat- Leymus racemo-
sis is sometimes of low efficiency, especially where sus translocation lines with resistance to Fusarium
environmental effects are large as in many diseases. Head Blight. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
In the case of identification of -rays induced wheat- 111(4):941-948.
alien translocation lines, Crasta et al. (2000) found that Chen, S.W., Chen, P.D. and Wang, X.E. 2008. Inducement
conventional phenotypic analysis only resulted in a low of chromosome translocation with small alien seg-
(4%) success rate of identifying barley yellow dwarf virus ments by irradiating mature female gametes of the
resistant and susceptible translocation lines, whereas whole arm translocation line. Science in China series
58% of the susceptible progeny of this irradiated seed C: life sciences. 51(4):346-352.
contained a Thinopyrum intermedium chromosome- Crasta, O.R., Francki, M.G., Bucholtz, D.B. et al. 2000.
specific repetitive sequence as identified by RFLP and Identification and characterization of wheat-wheat-
GISH analysis. grass translocation lines and localization of barley
With the increasing needs of improving wheat qual- yellow dwarf virus resistance. Genome. 43:698-706.
ity, both processing and nutritional, and of expanding Donini, P., Koebner, R.M.D. and Ceoloni, C. 1995.
wheat production into arid or semi-tropical areas where Cytogenetic and molecular mapping of the wheat–
it has not been previously cultivated, wheat breeders Aegilops longissima chromatin breakpoints in pow-
wish to transfer other useful genes in regard to quality dery mildew-resistant introgression lines. Theoretical
and adaptability from alien species to wheat. However, Applied and Genetics. 91:738-743.
in comparison with those conferring to disease and Friebe, B., Jiang, J., Raupp, W.J. et al. 1996. Characterization
pest resistance, these genes are difficult to be identified of wheat-alien translocation conferring resistance to
by phenotype analysis such as physical and chemical disease and pests: current status. Euphytica. 91:59-87.
determinations because of high genotype-environment Le, H.T., Armstrong, K.C. and Miki, B. 1989. Detection of
interaction effects. In this situation, molecular mark- rye DNA in wheat-rye hybrids and wheat transloca-
ers linked to these new genes, together with GISH, tion stocks using total genomic DNA as a probe. Plant
C-banding, and biochemical markers, would be helpful Molecular biology report. 7:150-158.
Ma, Z.Q., Gill B.S., Sorrells M.E. et al. 1993. RFLP mark- villosum in a wheat background. Genome. 41:1-6.
ers linked to two Hessian fly-resistance genes in
wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Triticum tauschii 5.2. Websites
(coss.) Schmal. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
85(6-7):750-754. Cytogenetic and Genome Research:
Rakhmatullina, E.M. and Sanamyan, M.F. 2007.
Estimation of efficiency of seed irradiation by thermal asp?Aktion=JournalHome&ProduktNr=224037
neutrons for inducing chromosomal aberration in M2 Cytogenetic Resources:
of cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. Russian Journal of
Genetics. 43(5):518-524. The Wheat Genetic and Genomic Resources Centre,
Sears, E.R. 1956. The transfer of leaf rust resistance from Kansas State University, USA:
Triticum umbellulatum to wheat. Brookhaven Symp
Biol. 9:1-21.
Sears, E.R. 1977. An induced mutant with homoeolo- 5.3. Further Reading
gous pairing in common wheat. Canada Journal of
Genetics Cytology. 19:585-593. Appels, R., Morris, R., Gill, B.S. et al. 1998. Chromosome
Sun, G.L., Fahima,T., Korol, A.B. et al. 1997. Identification Biology. Kluwer Academic Publishers Boston/
of molecular markers linked to the Yr15 stripe rust Dordrecht/London.
resistance gene of wheat originated in wild emmer Endo, T.R. 1994. Structural changes of rye chromosome 1R
wheat, Triticum dicoccoides. Theoretical Applied induced by gametocidal chromosome. The Japanese
and Genetics. 95:622-628. Journal of Genetics. 69:11-19.
Smith, H.H. 1958. Radiation in the production of useful Lupton, F.G. 1987. Wheat Breeding: Its scientific basis.
mutations. The Botanical Review. XXIV (1):1-24 Lupton F G H. (ed.) Chapman and Hall, UK.
Wang, X.E., Chen, P.D., Zhou, B. et al. 2001. RFLP analy- Riley, R., Chapman, V. and Johnson, R. 1968. Introduction
sis of wheat-L. racemosus translocation lines. Acta of yellow rust resistance of Aegilops comosa into
Genetica Sinica. 28 (12):1142-1150. wheat by genetically induced homoeologous
Yildirim, A., Jones, S.S. and Murray, T.D. 1998. Mapping recombination. Nature. 217:383-384.
a gene conferring resistance to Pseudocercosporella
herpotrichoides on chromosome 4V of Dasypyrum
Molecular Techniques and Methods for Mutation
Detection and Screening in Plants
Q.Y.Shua, K.Shirasawab,c, M.Hoffmannd, J.Hurlebausd and T.Nishiob*
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 981-8555, Japan
Present address: Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan
Roche Applied Science, Nonnenwald 2, 82372 Penzberg, Germany
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Induced Mutations: Molecular Features and Frequencies
2.1. Nature of DNA Lesions in Induced Mutants
2.1.1. Differences in DNA Lesions Observed in the M1 and M2 Generations
2.1.2. DNA Lesions Caused by Different Mutagens
2.2. Mutation Frequencies
2.2.1. Method in Estimating Mutation Frequency
2.2.2. Mutation Frequency and Influencing Factors
3. Techniques for Mutation Detetion and Screening
3.1. Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism
3.2. Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, Conformation-Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis and
Conformation Sensitive Capillary Electrophoresis
3.2.1. Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
3.2.2. Conformation-Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis
3.3. High Resolution DNA Melting Analysis
3.4. Dot-Blot SNP Analysis
3.5. Mismatch Cleavage Analysis
4. Methods for Molecular Mutation Screening
4.1.1. Principles of De-TILLING
4.1.2. Pooling Strategies
4.1.3. Detection of Deletion Mutants
4.2. A simplified TILLING Technique
5. New Developments
5.1. Low Cost Sequencing
5.2. New Platforms for TILLING
5.2.1. CSCE-Based TILLING
5.2.2. HRM-Based TILLING
6. References
1. Introduction mutations, and the latter is also critical for the proper
design of approaches to screen for induced mutants.
Mutants are important genetic resources not only for
breeding but also for basic studies of gene function. 2.1. Nature of DNA Lesions in Induced Mutants
Before the turn of the 21st century, mutants were mostly
selected by observing phenotypes of individual plants 2.1.1. Differences in DNA Lesions Observed in the
in mutated populations treated with chemical or physi- M1 and M2 Generations
cal mutagens. During the past 10 years, the genomes of a After mutagen treatment, cells with damaged DNA will
number of plant species including important crops (e.g. either die or repair the DNA lesions. While most repairs
rice, maize, soybean, sorghum) have been sequenced are error-free, some are not (see Chapters 5 & 6). By
or partially sequenced (e.g. wheat) and the function irradiating Arabidopsis pollen with rays (low LET) and
of many genes have been determined or annotated. carbon ions (high LET), Naito et al. (2005) revealed
Concurrently,, various molecular and genomics tools that M1 plants, which were derived from seeds that
have been developed for the detection of genetic vari- were produced by pollinating non-treated plants with
ants including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). irradiated pollen, carried extremely large deletions of
The integration of genomics information and molecu- up to > 6 Mbp (~5% of the whole genome). However,
lar tools has resulted in the development of various not all DNA lesions in M1 plants are transmitted to the
molecular approaches that can be deployed in the M2 and higher generations. The transmission of dif-
screening for mutants in large populations derived from ferent mutations depends on their effects on gamete
radiation and chemical mutagenesis. In this regard, the development or survival; the majority of large deletions
invention of targeting induced local lesions in genomes are not transmitted to M2 progeny, while mutations
(TILLING), see Chapters 21 & 22) has been significant in containing 1- or 4- base pair deletions are generally
exploiting mutations in linking phenotype to genotype. transmitted normally. Further analysis of various trans-
In this chapter, a brief overview is given for both the mission modes suggests that the non-transmissibility
features and frequencies of mutations induced by vari- of the large deletions may be due to the deletion of a
ous mutagens; several techniques for detection of point particular region that contains a gene or genes required
and small indel mutations are described, followed by for gamete development or survival. Since most chemi-
high-throughput approaches to screen for mutants. This cal mutagen-induced mutations are point mutations,
is a rapidly growing area and examples of some emerg- which have limited effect on gamete development and
ing platforms are included. survival, hence DNA lesions observed in M1 and M2
generations are similar.
2. Induced Mutations: Molecular Features 2.1.2. DNA Lesions Caused by Different Mutagens
and Frequencies A large amount of data on molecular features of
induced mutations have become available during the
During the past century, different types of physical and last decade; they are either from TILLING analyses of
chemical mutagen have been explored for the induc- M2 (or M3 in a few cases) plants or discovered after a
tion of mutations in plants. It is well known that different mutated gene is cloned through other forward genetics
mutagens have different effects on plants, resulting in schemes. In general, most mutations caused by chemi-
different types and levels of damage, and consequently cal mutagens, particularly those of alkylating agents, are
produce a range of induced mutations at different fre- base pair substitutions (see Chapter 12). However, small
quencies. There are also a few claims that certain muta- deletions are also infrequently identified in progenies
gens can generate ‘rare’ mutations, for example, heavy derived from chemical mutagenesis (see Chapter 20).
ion beam mutagenesis produced several flower colour In contrast to the large data available for chemical
mutants that are seldom induced by using rays (see mutagenesis, molecular characterization of mutations
Chapter 9). Such phenomena can only be explained induced by different types of radiation remains lim-
by a good understanding of the genetic control of ited. Available data indicate that mutations induced
individual traits and the molecular features of induced by radiations consist of both deletions and base pair
substitutions (Table 20.1). It has shown that carbon-ion of mutation frequency is performed in a different way.
irradiation can induce kilobase-scale deletions, as well
as short deletions and rearrangements such as inver- 2.2.1. Method in Estimating Mutation Frequency
sions, insertions, and translocations. Fast neutrons are The frequency of induced mutation can now be esti-
believed to result in kilobase-scale deletions, for exam- mated by assessing DNA lesions in selected DNA frag-
ple Li et al. (2001) identified deletions up to 12 kb. ments of M2 plants. If the total size of assessed DNA frag-
Similarly, only one study analyzed the molecular ment is expressed as i kilo bases (kb), the total number
nature of mutations in the Wx gene in about two dozens of M2 individuals as j, and the total number of DNA
of rice mutants induced by sodium azide (Jeng et al. lesions identified as n, then the mutation frequency (f) is
2009). Therefore, further studies are needed to have a expressed as the number of mutations per 1,000 kb for
thorough comprehension. ease of comparison:
f = (n x 1000)/ (i x j)
2.2. Mutation Frequencies This formula can be manipulated easily to determine
mutation density, that is, one mutation per a set number
In the past, mutation frequencies have been estimated of DNA kilo bases (Table 20.2).
by observing phenotypic mutants, e.g. chlorophyll To achieve an accurate estimation, false positive or
deficiency, plant height, sterility etc, and expressed negative mutations should be excluded. False negative
either by the percentage of individual M2 mutants or by mutations are DNA lesions that are not identified in the
the percentage of mutated M2 panicle rows, in which experiment due to technical inability. For example, Gady
at least one mutant is observed. Therefore, mutation et al. (2009) reported that the false negative rate can be
frequencies vary between different traits and among as high as 25% and 75%, respectively in 4 x and 8 x pool-
different M2 populations derived from different muta- ing, when the high resolution DNA melting curve analysis
genic treatments. In molecular studies, the estimation (HRM) method was used for the detection of single nucle-
Table 20.1: Types of DNA lesion result from treatment of different mutagens
Types of Mutagen Types of DNA lesion1 Observations Reference or source2
Ethyl methanesulphonate BPS Mostly, G/C to A/T or vice See in Table 2 & Chapter 12
N-Nitroso-N- BPS Mostly, G/C to A/T or vice See Table 2 & Chapter 12
methylurea versus
Gamma rays Deletions and BPS Small deletions (1 to a few Naito et al. (2005) & authors’ unpublished
bp) and large deletions data
(up to a few Mbp), as
well as single nucleotide
Ion beams Deletions and BPS Small deletions (1 to a few Naito et al. (2005) & Chapter 9
bp) and large deletions
(up to a few Mbp), as
well as single nucleotide
Thermal neutrons Deletions and BPS A deletion of ~ 40 kb and an Sato and Nishio (2003); Kawakami et al.
A to G change (2009)
BPS: base pair substitution
Some references are listed in Further Reading
otide substitutions. In physical mutagenesis, since many 2.2.2. Mutation Frequency and Influencing
mutants are expected to be large deletions, some of them Factors
can easily escape detection when a method designed for Mutation frequencies have been estimated in a number
point mutation detection is applied. Conversely, when of TILLING programmes in various plant species
methods for screening deletions are applied, e.g. for fast (Table 20.2). They are mostly from chemical mutagen-
neutron mutagenesis, it is not possible to identify point esis. The highest mutation frequency was reported in
and small indel mutations. In mutagenesis, false positive wheat, where ~40 mutations per 1000 kb DNA fragment
mutations can also exist due to mechanical mixture and were observed, while the lowest was only ~1 mutation
heterozygosity residue in the seeds used for mutagen per 1000 kb in barley (Table 20.2).
treatment, and out-crossing of the M1 plants with pollen Many factors can influence the mutation frequency
from a neighbouring variety. The existence of false nega- in an experiment. First, physical mutagens generally
tive and positive mutations can lead to the under- and produce relatively low frequencies, though a number of
over-estimation of mutation frequency. false negative mutations may exist as described above.
Table 20.2: Mutation frequency and estimated number of lesions per genome in M2 populations
of different plant species
Mutagen1 Mutation frequency NLpG2 Reference3
EMS 1/35~1/24 kb 666, 000 Slade et al. (2005); Uauy et al. (2009)
Sato et al. (2006) screened a gamma-ray-irradiated tomato populations since in that experiment M2 plants
rice population by mismatch cleavage analysis using with low seed set were excluded (Gady et al. 2009,
Brassica petiole extracts. Analyses of 25 gene fragments Table 20.2). It should also be noted that the mutation
(1.23 kb length on average) of 2,130 M2 plants revealed frequency may vary significantly in different experi-
six mutants. The rate of mutation induced by gamma ments even when the same mutagen, dose, and variety
rays was estimated to be one mutation per 6,190 kb are used (Xin et al. 2008).
(Table 20.2). This is in sharp contrast to the mutation The different mutation densities in different crop spe-
frequency of chemical mutagens; up to one mutation cies or in different populations induced by different
per 135 kb for MNU and ~ one per 300 kb for EMS mutagens at different doses result in different numbers
(Table 20.2). Second, higher mutation densities are of mutations. For example, there could be on average
mostly reported in polyploid crops, such as hexaploid about 666,000 mutations at the DNA level in a single
and tetraploid wheat in which multiple genomes (gene mutant line in wheat. This has significant implication on
duplications) buffer mutation events. Third, the proce- the utilization of induced mutants both in breeding and
dure of population development may affect the muta- gene function analysis (see Chapter 24).
tion frequency observed. For example in rice, Suzuki et
al. (2008) observed a mutation frequency of 7 muta-
tions per 1000 kb in the MNU-derived M2 population 3. Techniques for Mutation Detetion and
that was developed from low seed setting M1 plants. Screening
This frequency is two times higher that reported by Till
et al. (2007) in M2 populations derived from randomly Since many naturally occurring mutations are single
harvested M1 plants after combined mutagenesis of nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), various technolo-
MNU and sodium azide. This may also explain the gies have been developed for SNP detection, most of
relatively low mutation frequency observed in diploid which are also useful for the detection of small inser-
(3) Denaturation
tion/deletions (indels) (Box 20.1). Some are described 3.2. Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis,
below. Conformation-Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis and
Conformation Sensitive Capillary Electrophoresis
3.1. Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism
3.2.1. Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis
Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) is
analysis can detect point mutations in DNA fragments a method used for mutation detection. Here mutants
(< 500 bp) by the different motilities of mutant DNA are detected by differences in electrophoretic mobil-
and wild-type DNA. Various modifications of the SSCP ity in temperature gradient gels, due to differences in
technique have also been developed. For example, in melting temperatures between the homo-duplex of
multiple fluorescence-based PCR-SSCP, PCR products wild-type (WT) or mutant DNA, and the hetero-duplex
labeled with fluorescent dUTPs are analyzed by an of WT-mutant DNA (Box 20.1). DNA homo-duplexes
automated DNA sequencer under SSCP conditions. are double-strand DNA fragments with perfect base
PCR-RF-SSCP analysis is a combination of PCR-RFLP complementation (complete strand matching), while
analysis and SSCP analysis, in which PCR products (~2 hetero-duplexes contain mismatched bases between
kb) are digested into short DNA fragments (< 500 bp) strands. When a WT DNA sample is mixed with mutant
by restriction enzymes and electrophoresed in poly- (M) DNA, three types of DNA duplexes can be formed
acrylamide gels under SSCP conditions (Fig 20.1). This by allowing them to dissociate then re-anneal (WT-
method is suitable for screening point mutations in WT, M-M and WT-M). Temperature gradient capillary
longer DNA fragments than those used in normal SSCP electrophoresis (TGCE) has been developed for high-
analysis. In rice, point mutations in the Wx gene of throughput screening of mutations, in which capillaries
many glutinous mutants have been detected efficiently instead of slab gels are used for electrophoresis. There
and identified by the PCR-RF-SSCP technique (Sato and is no known report on the use of TGGE for mutation
Nishio 2003). However, this method is not applicable screening in plants, but it has been successfully applied
to the analysis of bulked DNA samples and thus can not in mouse.
be used for screening mutations in large populations.
Box 20.1: Methods used for detecting DNA point and small indel mutations
Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP): SSCP is revealed through electrophoretic analysis of denatured DNA fragments
(<500 bp) in native polyacrylamide gel. It can be used for detection of unknown mutations, but not for analysis of pooled DNA samples.
PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP): PCR-RFLP is the electrophoretic analysis of PCR products cleaved by
restriction endonuclease. A term “Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS)” used by plant scientists is the same as PCR-RFLP. It is
not suitable for the detection of unknown SNPs.
PCR-restriction fragment-SSCP (PCR-RF-SSCP): PCR-RF-SSCP is the analysis of PCR products cleaved by restriction endonuclease in
native polyacrylamide gels. This method is highly useful for the identification of genes having unknown SNPs, but it can not be used for
pooled DNA samples.
Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE): TGGE is the electrophoretic analysis of hetero-duplex DNA in temperature gradient
gels. Differences in melting temperatures between the homo-duplex of wild-type or mutant DNA and the hetero-duplex of such DNA
result in the difference of mobility in gels. A modification using capillary electrophoresis is termed TGCE.
Conformation sensitive capillary electrophoresis (CSCE): The analysis is based on the different mobilities of DNA homo-duplexes and
hetero-duplexes during electrophoresis in capillaries filled with CAP, a semi-denaturating polymer. It allows the identification of pools
containing a mutation within the target fragment.
High resolution melting curve analysis (HRM): HRM is a non-enzymatic, robust and well-established method to characterize DNA
fragments through post-PCR melting curve analysis. It makes use of special DNA-binding dyes whose binding/release characteristics
allow them to be used and detected at high concentrations without inhibiting PCR. Due to their saturating, homogeneous staining of PCR
products, such dyes give sharp, unique melting profiles that allow the differentiation between homo- and hetero-zygote samples, and,
less frequently, even between homozygous wild-types and mutants (whole amplicon melting).
Dot-blot-SNP: SNP analysis by hybridization of labelled oligonucleotides to dot-blotted PCR products, which was improved using
competitive hybridization. This method is useful for genotyping mutated genes and for discrimination of a newly induced mutation from
genetic variations, but cannot be used for analysis of unknown mutations.
Mismatch cleavage: In this method, wild type and mutated DNAs are mixed to form duplex DNAs; the hetero-duplex DNAs having a
mismatched base pair are cleaved by hetero-duplex cleavage enzyme such as Cel1 or ENDO1. The DNA fragments (cleaved or intact)
are revealed by electrophoretic analysis. This method is amendable to pooled DNA samples and for the screening of unknown mutants.
Details see Chapters 21 & 22.
Homozygous wild type Homozygous mutant Heterozygous
A 1.0
Normalized data B 1.0 Temperature Shifted C 0.12 Difference Plot
Normalized Fluorescence
Temperature normalized
0.8 0.8 0.08
Δ Fluorescence
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.02
0.2 0.2 -0.02
0.0 0.0
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
Temperature ( oC) Temperature ( oC) Temperature ( oC)
saturating, homogeneous staining of PCR products, temperature-shifting the curves such that differences
such dyes give sharp, unique melting profiles that allow of Tm between homozygotes with very similar curve
the differentiation between homo- and heterozygote shapes disappear, allowing the heterozygous samples
samples, and between homozygous wild-types and to stand out (Fig 20.3). In cases where Tm differences
mutants (whole amplicon melting). between homozygotes are big enough, these can be
In HRM analysis, unknown sequence variations more displayed by omitting the temperature shifting
become apparent in heterozygous samples due to step. By finally plotting the difference in fluorescence
the presence of hetero-duplex DNA. When amplified between each sample, the homozygotes and het-
and during melting, these samples show fluorescence erozygote samples can be easily identified (Fig 20.3).
curves with significantly different profiles (shapes) than Machines that detect HRM are normally linked to a
those derived from homozygous (wild-type or mutant) computer in which data can be analysed, stored or
samples. Software algorithms are available to analyze transferred to a database. A limitation of HRM and other
these differences by first normalizing the data and then methods that detect SNPs in a given length of DNA is
that they cannot differentiate between two samples 4. Methods for Molecular Mutation
each with one SNP for the same base but at different Screening
locations, but this is not a big issue for detecting muta-
tion in an artificially generated mutant population since Different mutagens can cause different types of DNA
the chance of existing two mutations in such a short damages, and consequently result in different types
DNA fragment is close to zero. of DNA lesion in M2 populations. Therefore, differ-
ent technologies are needed to detect different types
3.4. Dot-Blot SNP Analysis of induced mutation. Low mutation frequencies are
problematic, for example the highest mutation rate
Dot-blot-SNP analysis is a high-throughput and simple -~40 mutations per 1000 kb DNA fragment in wheat (via
method for detecting point mutations. In such analysis, chemical mutagenesis, Table 20.2) translates into only
a point mutation is detected by hybridization with an 40 plants carrying a mutation when 1,000 plants are
oligonucleotide probe and a competitive oligonu- analyzed for a 1 kb target gene fragment. The number
cleotide (Fig 20.4). It can be used to identify a targeted of plants required for screening increases significantly
mutation in a specific DNA sequence. for other crops due to reduced mutation densities, par-
ticularly when populations are developed by radiation
3.5. Mismatch Cleavage Analysis treatments (Table 20.2). Therefore, the screening needs
to be high-throughput. Since the features and the loci of
It has been known for decades that DNA fragments with mutations are largely unknown, many methods based
mismatches can be recognized and cleaved by certain on sequence information are currently not applicable
enzymes such as S1 and Endo1. With the discovery and for mutation screening.
its soon application in analysis of SNPs and small indels, The ability of several methods to detect mutant
high-throughput mutation discovery platforms such as alleles in pooled DNA samples has, to some extent,
TILLING (see Chapters 21 & 22) have been established. provided a practical and feasible means of screening
Primer A Primer B
Primer A Primer B
WT No or WT fragment
M PCR product
mutations in mutagenized populations using molecular The de-TILLING method includes three key techno-
tools (see Chapters 21 & 22). Although coined only in logical aspects:
2000, TILLING has proven to be a valuable method-
ology for finding induced mutations as well as those 1. Fast neutron mutagenesis, which generates DNA
naturally existing in a number of plants. The principles deletions of different size;
and protocols of the typical TILLING technology are 2. A DNA pooling strategy to reduce the number of
given in Chapter 21 & 22. The TILLING version using PCRs needed; and
fast neutron mutagenesis and one simplified TILLING 3. Technologies that allow a mutant allele, possess-
technique are briefly described below. ing an internal deletion, to be amplified in pools
with excessive genomic target sequence (wild type
4.1. De-TILLING allele).
As shown in Figure 20.5, when the deletion is suffi-
4.1.1. Principles of De-TILLING ciently large, there is no amplification for the WT allele,
Fast neutron mutagenesis often results in kilobase-scale while the mutant allele can be readily amplified. Li et
DNA deletions. As a new knockout technique to obtain al. (2001) observed that the deletion size of Arabidopsis
deletion mutants for target genes, a strategy to screen mutation varied from 1 to 12 kb with half of them being
for rare deletion mutants in large fast neutron mutagen- about 2-4 kb. When a mutation is only about 1-2 kb,
ised populations was first developed by Li et al. (2001) while the target region extends to only 2-3 kb, then the
and demonstrated in Arabidopsis and rice. It combines WT allele can be easily amplified. Since the WT ampli-
fast neutron mutagenesis and high-throughput PCR con is present tens of thousands times in excess over
screening, named as “Deleteagene” (Delete-a-gene). the mutant allele, there is a high risk that the mutant
This strategy has been further developed and named allele is not amplified; hence special procedures are
deletion-TILLING, or de-TILLING (Rogers et al. 2009). required to ensure the mutant allele is detected.
4.1.2. Pooling Strategies all its super-pools are screened. The same procedure is
In de-TILLING, by preferentially amplifying the dele- applied for the pools and sub-pools until the individual
tion mutant, it is possible to exploit deep poolings. mutant line is identified.
However, by increasing the pooling factor, it is impor- With the invention of techniques of preferentially
tant to develop a strategy to de-convolute these pools, amplifying mutant loci from an even larger pool, Rogers
once a mutant has been detected in them. A multiple et al. (2009) was able to design a novel strategy for
step pooling method was proposed by Li et al. (2001). deeper pooling. In this strategy, the population is segre-
Equal DNA samples of 18 M2 lines were combined into gated into a towered structure consisting 96-well plates
the first level pool - sub-pool; 2 sub-pools make a pool, of DNA extractions. Each tower is pooled to create a
and 8 pools become a super-pool, and 9 super pools 3-dimensional (3-D) pool matrix of rows, columns and
create a mega-pool. The mega pool, containing 2,592 plates (Fig 20.6).
M2 lines, is used for detecting deletion mutants. Once In practice, the DNAs of about 10-15 towers (repre-
a mega-pool is identified that contains a mutant locus, senting ~6,000 M2 plants) are pooled further and used
WT amplicon
Mutant ampicon
WT amplicon
Mutant ampicon
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 20.7 The de-TILLING strategy. Amplification from a vast excess of wild type sequences in DNA pools containing a deletion allele is
suppressed by template restriction and production of the suppressor fragment from the poison primer. PeF and PeR: external forward and
reverse primers; PiF: (internal) poison primer (forward). RE: Restriction site. Amplicons with red dotted white stripe are poorly amplified,
while amplicons with white dotted red stripe are well amplified. Initial drawings provided by the courtesy of Dr. T. Wang, John Innes Centre,
for PCR in screening for mutants. When a mutation is allele, possessing an internal deletion, to be amplified
identified within a PCR reaction, the compositional in pools where the genomic target sequence is present
components of the 25 towers (X+Y+Z, Fig 20.6) are at a 20,000-fold excess. This detection sensitivity is
screened simultaneously to identify a single tower achieved by combining two approaches that suppress
housing the mutant, in a single step. Similarly, once the the amplification of the undeleted WT fragment –
mutant tower is identified, the 25 pools are screened to restriction suppression and a poison primer approach
identify the pool that contains the mutant seed lot. This (Rogers et al. 2009, Fig 20.7).
strategy has been deployed successfully in the identifi- Restriction enzyme suppression relies upon the pre-
cation of deletion mutants in M. truncatula (Rogers et digestion of highly complex DNA pools with selected
al. 2009). one or a few restriction enzymes (Fig 20.7), which cut
the target sequence. This prevents the WT sequence
4.1.3. Detection of Deletion Mutants acting as a dominant PCR template. Since the deletion
The identification of deletion mutants by PCR among fragment does not contain the restriction sites for the
wild types with great excess in quantity is a major chal- enzymes used, the DNA template with the deletion is
lenge. In such cases, the amplification of wild type not affected.
sequences should be suppressed efficiently, otherwise WT sequences escaping the restriction digestion are
the mutant allele would not be amplified. Rogers et subject to ‘poison primer’ suppression. The poison
al. (2009) developed a strategy that allows a mutant primer is designed in the deletion region and together
γ ray
irradiation M1 M2
with the external reverse primer can amplify short frag- person can screen 4,320 M2 plants in one day (3 runs/
ments of the WT sequence. These short fragments, day) using one electrophoretic apparatus, in which 288
known as suppressor fragments, are produced more samples can be analyzed at a time.
efficiently and act to suppress the amplification of the
long fragments. Amplification of the deletion mutant
allele produces a single fragment by the two external 5. New Developments
primers (Fig 20.7). Therefore, after the first round of
PCR, the deletion mutant allele is enriched relative to Detection or scanning a mutation in targeted genome
the full WT allele. In the second round of PCR, only sequence in a limited number of individuals, or screen-
external primers are used and the mutant allele is pref- ing of induced mutations in a large mutagenised popu-
erentially amplified (Fig 20.7). lation are extremely useful tools for functional genom-
ics and plant breeding. During the past decade, there
4.2. A Simplified TILLING Technique have been numerous developments that are relevant to
this subject.
In a typical TILLING analysis, target DNA fragments are
amplified by PCR with fluorescent-labeled primers from 5.1. Low Cost Sequencing
bulked DNAs extracted from eight M2 plants. Hetero-
duplexes are formed between a wild-type single strand DNA sequencing is the ultimate step to verify a mutation
and a mutant complementary strand and then cleaved in a gene both in reverse and forward genetics studies.
by Cel1 endonuclease at a mismatch point. The Cel1 Many molecular technologies have been designed as
treated PCR amplicons in the form of homo-duplex or a preliminary screening tool to identify the individu-
hetero-duplex are then subjected to electrophoresis als that carried a mutation in a large population (e.g.
in denaturing polyacrylamide gels of the LI-COR gel TILLING) or the gene fragment in which a target gene is
system (see Chapter 21 & 22). located (e.g. fine gene mapping), so that the amount of
Several groups have developed simplified versions of gene sequencing could be significantly reduced. With
the TILLING technology. In such systems, mismatched the availability of Next Generation (NextGen) and Third
DNA are cleaved by crude extracts of the Cel1 enzyme Generation sequencing technologies, which produce
(see ref. in Till et al. 2007), and electrophoresis is per- gigabases of data at extremely low cost, the landscape
formed in agarose or common polyacrylamide gels, has changed significantly allowing for a sequencing rev-
hence the expensive equipment is no more necessary. olution. For example, a team has recently sequenced
For example, Sato et al. (2006) demonstrated that a three human genomes for US$4,400 each – at least ten
crude extract prepared from mizuna petioles (Brassica times less than that achieved with other technologies
rapa), which are easily ground to powder in liquid and 20 human genomes can be sequenced in a day.
nitrogen, can be used as a mismatch-specific endonu- Such low cost sequencing has made re-sequencing of
clease. In their system, PCR amplicons of pooled DNA gene fragments of interest (e.g. the delimited region of a
samples, after denaturing and re-annealing, are treated gene) and genes of interest in thousands of mutagenised
with Brassica petiole extract and subjected to agarose inbred lines both feasible and inexpensive. This has led
gel electrophoresis (Fig 20.8). By using this system, a several laboratories to integrate TILLING projects with
single point mutation can be detected in a DNA mix- NextGen and Third Generation sequencing technology
ture containing wild-type and mutant DNAs at a ratio platforms, e.g.Seq-TILLING (Weil, 2009).
of 9:1, indicating that one heterozygous mutant among A major advantage to large scale Seq-TILLING is that
five plants can be identified. This technique has been DNA samples can be analysed in much deeper pools
applied successfully in screening for mutants induced than with the Cel1-based approach. For some sequenc-
by gamma irradiation (Sato et al. 2006). Although the ing instruments, pooling can be as high as 40- to
sensitivity is lower than that of the TILLING system using 50-fold, compared to the 8-fold pooling in typical Cel1
eight bulked M2 plants, this system is much simpler as it TILLING. Similar to the de-TILLING described above,
neither involves an initial investment nor requires a high a two or three dimensional strategy can be applied.
operational cost. In the agarose-gel-based system, one Additionally, a barcode system can be deployed by
attaching barcode sequences to the fragments as prim- hence no cleavage is needed. The applicability of these
ers used to amplify the sequence in preparation for instruments for TILLING is therefore determined by its
loading into sequencing instruments (Weil, 2009). throughput and cost-effectiveness. Gady et al. (2009)
has recently applied two such high-throughput tech-
5.2. New Platforms for TILLING niques – CSCE and HRM for detecting point mutations
in large EMS mutated populations (Fig 20.9). Using
Typical or simplified TILLING systems are based on the CSCE or HRM, the only step required is a simple PCR
hetero-duplex cleavage by endonucleases such as Cel1. before either capillary electrophoresis or DNA melting
As described above, there are instruments that can be curve analysis.
used to differentiate hetero-duplex from homo-duplex,
M2 Seeds M3 Seeds
DNA extraction
15000 lines
4x Pools 8x Pools M3
4x Pools M2
Mutation Analysis
Mutation Analysis
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 20.9 An example of mutant production and identification in tomato using the TILLING process. M2 population, 10 seeds originating
from the first M1 fruit were ground and DNA isolated, the M2 population comprises of 8,225 lines. M3 population, from the second M1 fruit,
consisting of 8,810 lines were grown and selfed, seeds were harvested for 7,030 lines and a seed lot subset (10 seeds) was used for DNA
extraction. For both M2 and M3 population, DNA was pooled 4 or 8 fold, depending on the selected screening method: CSCE; after multiplex
PCR amplification with fluorescent labelled primers, samples are pooled directly and loaded into capillaries filled with CAP polymer. Pools
containing a mutation are identified using Applied Maths’ HDA peak analyser software. HRM; following PCR amplification in presence of
LC-Green+™ or other dye, pools are analysed for their product melting temperatures. Adopted from Plant Methods 2009 5:13
5.2.1. CSCE –Based TILLING that it was possible to distinguish hetero-duplex forma-
CSCE is a non-enzymatic differential DNA conformation tion even when diluted 32-fold, but they used an 8-fold
technique for SNP discovery as described above (Fig flat DNA pooling in their study. The length of the ampli-
20.2). After PCR amplification, and the denaturing and cons is the same as in CSCE-TILLING.
re-annealing of amplicons, several duplex species are
formed, e.g. homo-duplex of wild type (WT-WT) and
mutant (M-M) and hetero-duplex of WT-M. Because of 6. References
the mismatch formed in the hetero-duplex, it migrates
at a different speed than the homo-duplex during 6.1. Cited References
electrophoresis in capillaries filled with CAP, a semi-
denaturing polymer, thus allowing the identification of Drmanac, R. 2009. Human genome sequencing using
pools containing a mutation within the target fragment. unchained base reads on self-assembling DNA
Presence of hetero-duplex is identified as an altered nanoarrays. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.1181498
peak shape as shown in Figure 20.9. Gady, A.L.F., Hermans, F.W.K., Van de Wal, M.H.B.J. et
Experiments with different pooling depths demon- al. 2009. Implementation of two high through-put
strate that an 8-fold pooling was feasible in diploid techniques in a novel application: detecting point
material using CSCE analysis, a 4-fold pooling is rec- mutations in large EMS mutated plant populations.
ommended for assurance of minimum false negative Plant Methods. 5:13.
results. In comparison with the up to 1.5 kb of the ampli- Jeng, T.L., Wang, C.S., Tseng, T.H. et al. 2009. Nucleotide
con in a typical TILLING, the target fragment length is polymorphisms in the waxy gene of NaN3-induced
optimal for 200-500 bp in CSCE. This reduction of effi- waxy rice mutants. J Cereal Sci. 49:112-116.
ciency is compensated for by multiplex PCR of up to 4 Li, X., Song, Y., Century, K. et al. 2001. Fast neutron dele-
fragments and by using primers labeled with 3 different tion mutagenesis-based reverse genetics system for
dyes for each product labeling. Combining multiplex plants. Plant J. 27:235-42.
PCR and multiple labeling with amplicons differing in Naito, K., Kusaba M., Shikazono, N. et al. 2005.
size, it is possible to screen 12 fragments in one run by Transmissible and nontransmissible mutations
pooling all PCR products post-PCR reaction. induced by irradiating Arabidopsis thaliana pollen
with gamma-rays and carbon ions. Genetics.
5.2.2. HRM – Based TILLING 169:881-889.
Similar to CSCE, HRM is also a non-enzymatic mutation Rogers, C,, Wen, J.Q., Chen, R.J. et al. 2009. Deletion-
screening technique, it reveals sequence variants due based reverse genetics in Medicago truncatula.. Plant
to distinct patterns in DNA melting curve shape. It has Physiol. 151:1077-1086.
been used recently in many ways as a novel approach to Sato, Y. and Nishio, T. 2003. Mutation detection in rice
study genetic variation in many fields (human, animals, waxy mutants by PCR-RF-SSCP. Theor Appl Genet.
plants, fungi and microbes, and plant breeding), with 107:560-567.
applications ranging from qualitative SNP detection to Sato, Y., Shirasawa, K., Takahashi, Y. et al. 2006. Mutant
semi-quantitative analysis of methylation. When using selection of progeny of gamma-ray-irradiated rice by
equipment and reagents such as the LightCycler® 480 DNA hetero-duplex cleavage using Brassica petiole
System and its accompanying High Resolution Melting extract. Breed Sci. 56:179-183.
Mastermix, which contains a saturating fluorescent Suzuki, T., Eiguchi, M., Kumamaru, T. et al. 2008.
dye, Real time PCR is carried out using a touchdown MNU-induced mutant pools and high performance
protocol, with annealing temperatures ranging from 70 TILLING enable finding of any gene mutation in rice.
to 60°C. HRM curve data are obtained at a rate of 25 Mol Genet & Genomics. 279:213-223.
acquisitions per °C. Till, B.J., Cooper, J., Tai, T.H. et al. 2007. Discovery of
In the study of Gady et al. (2009) the LCgreen Plus+TM chemically induced mutations in rice by TILLING.
molecule was used during PCR amplification, and BMC Plant Biology. 7: 19.
pools containing a mutation were screened using a Weil, C.F. 2009. TILLING in grass species. Plant Physiol.
LightScanner® System (Fig 20.9). They demonstrated 149:158-164.
Xin, Z.G., Wang, M.L., Barkley, N.A. et al. 2008. Applying Greene, E.A., Codomo, C.A., Taylor, N.E. et al. 2003.
genotyping (TILLING) and phenotyping analyses to Spectrum of chemically induced mutations from a
elucidate gene function in a chemically induced sor- large-scale reverse-genetic screen in Arabidospsis.
ghum mutant population. BMC Plant Biology. 8:103. Genetics. 164:731-740.
Iwahana, H., Fujimura, M., Takahashi, Y. et al. 1996.
Multiple fluorescence-based PCR-SSCP analysis
6.2. Websites using internal fluorescent labeling of PCR products.
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Conformation sensitive capillary electrophoresis Kawakami, S.I., Kadowaki, K.I., Morita, R. et al. 2009.
(CSCE): Induction of a large deletion including the waxy locus by thermal neutron irradiation in rice. Breed
NGRLW_CSCE_3.1.pdf Sci. 57:153-157.
LightCycler® 480 System & Mutation Detection McCallum, C.M., Comail, L., Greene, E.A. etc. 2000.
Approaches: Targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING) for plant functional genomes. Plant Physiol.
Talame, V., Bovina, R., Sanguineti, M.C. et al. 2008.
6.3. Further Reading TILLMore, a resource for the discovery of chemi-
cally induced mutants in barley. Plant Biotechnol J.
Cadwell, D.G., McCallum, N., Shaw, P. et al. 2004. 6:477-485.
A structured mutant population for forward and Uauy, C, Paraiso, F., Colasuonno, P. et al. 2009. A modi-
reverse genetics in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant fied TILLING approach to detect induced mutations
J. 40:143-150. in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. BMC Plant
Cooper, J.L., Till, B.J., Laport, R.G. et al. 2008. TILLING Biology. 9:115.
to detect induced mutations in soybean. BMC Plant Muleo, R., Colao, M.C., Miano, D. et al. 2009. Mutation
Biology. 8:9. scanning and genotyping by high-resolution DNA
Dujols, V., Kusukawa, N., McKinney, J.T. et al. 2006. melting analysis in olive germplasm. Genome.
High-resolution melting analysis for scanning and 52:252-260.
genotyping. In: Tevfik D (ed.) Real Time PCR. Taylor
and Francis, Abingdon, pp. 159-169.
Discovery of Chemically Induced
Mutations by TILLING
R.Bovina, V.Talamè, S.Salvi, M-C.Sanguineti and R.Tuberosa*
Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences and Technology (DiSTA), University of Bologna, Viale Fanin 44, 40127 Bologna, Italy
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
3. TILLING Applications
3.1. Genome Structure of the Target Species
3.2. TILLING Projects and Public Services
5. References
1. Introduction 2. Technical Aspects of the TILLING Procedure
The term functional genomics encompasses a number From a technical point of view, the TILLING protocol
of different approaches aimed at determining gene includes four main phases:
function on a genome-wide scale. The application of 1. generation of a mutant population,
these approaches is greatly facilitated by the utilisa- 2. selection of target genes,
tion of new, high-throughput technologies applicable 3. molecular screening,
to almost any organism. As an example, sequence 4. recovery of mutants.
alignment-based comparisons are used to identify
homologous sequences between and within species, 2.1. Generation of a Mutant Population
transcriptional profiling to determine gene expression
patterns and interaction analyses to help elucidate The first and most important prerequisite of TILLING
pathways, networks and protein complexes. However, is to create a proper mutant population. The accurate
although these analyses are extremely useful to extrap- programming of the chemical mutagenesis step will
olate important features of a novel gene from a bio- influence all subsequent experimental choices and the
chemical or a molecular point of view, they are not very quality of the TILLING results. Above all, it is of para-
informative in the context of the functional complexity mount importance to reach an appropriate frequency
of a living organism. of mutations per genome maintaining a reasonably
In order to overcome these limitations, different low percentage of lethality and plant sterility. Two fun-
reverse-genetics approaches have been conceived. damental aspects need to be considered before pro-
Nonetheless, the tools for reverse genetics are not ceeding with the chemical treatment: (1) the chemical
always transferable from one organism to another or mutagen that works best with the target species and (2)
from model species to non-model ones because in the material to be mutagenized.
most cases the main drawback is the lack of efficient
technical protocols exploitable for the majority of the 2.1.1. Mutagen and Mutagenic Treatment
plant species. An important feature to consider is the frequency
A novel, reverse-genetics approach that combines the of point mutations per genome induced by differ-
advantages of point mutations provided by chemical ent chemical mutagens. The higher the number of
mutagenesis, with the advantages of PCR-based muta- mutations that are induced per genome, the more
tional screening has been introduced recently under desirable the chemical mutagen will be. In fact, for
the name of TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesion IN TILLING purposes, the utilisation of chemicals with a
Genomes; McCallum et al. 2000). From a technical stand- low point-mutation frequency requires the production
point, the first step of a TILLING assay is the PCR amplifi- of larger populations to allow for a sufficient number
cation of a target DNA fragment of interest from pooled of mutant alleles per gene. This aspect should also be
DNAs of multiple mutant individuals. In sample pools, duly considered in terms of cost and labour efforts
heteroduplexes with a mismatched base pair are formed required to analyse a very large number of individuals.
between wild-type and mutated fragments by denaturing Among the chemical mutagens that have been used
and reannealing PCR products (Fig 21.1). Heteroduplexes for producing point mutations (see Chapters 12 &
are cleaved by an endonuclease enzyme able to recog- 20), ethylmethansulphonate (EMS) has been favoured
nize the mismatch position. Cleaved products are then for several decades both in plants and in animal spe-
resolved using denaturing polyacrilamide gel or capil- cies because it produces a relatively high density of
lary electrophoresis. When a positive signal is identified, irreversible mutations per genome. An important
individual DNA samples of the pools are mixed in equal advantage of using a standard mutagen, such as EMS,
amounts with the wild-type DNA and one-by-one re- is that an extensive body of literature has confirmed its
analysed to identify the mutant individual plant; the effectiveness in forward-genetics screens in a range of
induced mutations are eventually confirmed by sequenc- species. EMS has produced consistent results in differ-
ing. A detailed description of the technical aspects of the ent organisms; apparently similar levels of mutagenesis
TILLING procedure is presented in the following section. have been achieved in Arabidopsis seeds soaked in
EMS (McCallum et al. 2000) and Drosophila males fed have been used in particular species for which they
EMS (Bentley et al. 2000). These features have made exhibit high effectiveness. For example, an EMS-like
EMS the preferred mutagen for TILLING applications: alkylating agent called ethylnitrosurea (ENU) has been
EMS has been utilised in Arabidopsis (McCallum et al. used efficiently on zebrafish (Wienholds et al. 2003),
2000), Lotus japonicus (Perry et al. 2003), Hordeum sodium azide (NaN3) was used to produce a barley
vulgare (Caldwell et al. 2004), Zea mays (Till et al. mutant population for TILLING applications (Talamè
2004), Drosophila melanogaster (Winkler et al. 2005), et al. 2008) and a combination of sodium azide plus
Triticum spp. (Slade et al. 2005), Brassica napus (Wu methyl nitrosurea (NaN3-MNU) used to develop a rice
et al. 2007), Oryza sativa (Till et al. 2007), Medicago TILLING population (Till et al. 2007). Another crucial
truncatula (Porceddu et al. 2008) and Sorghum bicolor aspect to be considered to obtain the right level of
(Xin et al. 2008). In other cases, less common mutagens mutations per genome is the intensity of the chemical
+/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ -/- +/+
of target gene
C PCR Products T PCR Products
Heat, Anneal
Homoroduplexes T Heteroduplexes
C Cell endonuclease Cut upper strand
C Cut lower strand
Denaturing electrophoresis
Uncut strands
Mobility of
Cut lower strand
treatment. The application of elevated mutagen doses The following generation of selfing (M3) will reveal the
increases the point mutation rate. However, there are recessive mutants. To bypass this chimerism problem,
good reasons to avoid using the highest possible muta- the pollen treatment approach appears to be a prefer-
gen dose because this will also lead to an increase in able alternative in monoecoius plants as also shown in
undesired mutations. a study conducted in maize for discovering induced
Commonly, it is of primary importance to test different point mutations by TILLING.
mutagen dosages to determine the optimal dose espe-
cially while working with species for which no previous 2.2. Selection of Target Genes
mutagenic information is available. It is known that
each chemical mutagen can produce different effects Once a mutagenized population is made available,
in different species in terms of mutation rate and seed the next TILLING step is the selection of target genes.
survival. Some parameters such as: embryo lethality, A typical reverse-genetics screen starts with the iden-
sterility rate and presence of pigment-defective sectors tification of one or more genes of known sequence
(chimerism) may provide an idea on the effectiveness of that are chosen because of their putative involvement
the mutagenesis treatment and on the optimal mutagen in a particular biological or physiological process. In
dosage identification (see Chapter 14). this context, the comparison of potential targets with
functionally known paralogues or homologous genes,
2.1.2. Material to be Mutagenized together with gene expression or protein interaction
In plant species characterised by sexual reproduction, information can facilitate the identification of suitable
the mutagenic treatment can be applied to either target genes. Whenever possible, single-copy genes
seeds or pollen. Seed treatment is considered the are considered the best choice for deploying TILLING
preferred approach for TILLING applications. Seed because in this case, point mutations are more likely
mutagenesis, as compared to pollen mutagenesis, is to generate detectable phenotypic alterations. For this
technically easier because seeds do not have any tem- purpose, whenever precise information on the gene in
poral/developmental stage restrictions for treatment the target species is unavailable, the identification of a
and because seeds are much more resistant to higher suitable gene is facilitated by information from other
mutagen doses. As a negative counterpart, many of the plant species and/or by further analysis (e.g. Southern
mutations obtained in seed embryos are not preserved blotting on the target sequence).
in subsequent generations (see Chapter 15). Individuals
from the M2 generation represent the first non-chimeric 2.2.1. Selection of Target Amplicon
material which could be used for TILLING: almost all One of the main technical shortcomings of TILLING is
of the mutations identified in the M2 generation will be that it is possible to screen for point mutations only in
recovered in the mutant lineage. a portion (up to ca. 1,000 bp) of the target gene. The
Pollen mutagenesis can be preferable under several identification of the most appropriate gene window
points of view, particularly for the possibility of obtain- can be hindered by limited knowledge in terms of
ing genetically homogeneous M1 plants. In this case, M1 sequence information of the species of interest. If the
plants can already be screened by TILLING because any genome sequence of a species becomes available, it is
mutation displayed in the molecular analysis is almost relatively simple to design specific primers for the target
often sexually transmitted. So far, the pollen approach region; conversely, in species only partially sequenced,
for TILLING purposes has been used only on maize, a PCR amplification could result in spurious products due
monoecious species, with staminate flowers in the tas- to paralogous and homoeologous sequences. A good
sels separated from pistillate flowers on the ear. As a solution to this problem has been shown by Slade et
matter of fact, a substantial drawback of seed mutagen- al. (2005) in wheat where gene-specific primers were
esis in species like maize is that male and female flowers designed for optimal TILLING of waxy loci.
almost invariably derive from different germline cells of If previous information on the position of the most
the embryo. The selfed progeny of a mutagenized seed important functional domains is not available, the choice
will not segregate for the recessive mutation because a of a gene window should take into account the gene
recessive allele is only provided by one of the gametes. model (exons and introns position), the effect of point
mutations on codons and splice junctions (EMS alkylates identify a suitable amount of mutant alleles can be very
G residues, see Chapter 3), and sequence conservation high (in some cases, up to tens of thousands), making
of the encoded protein. The important task of design- it necessary to pool as many individuals as possible
ing primers suitable for TILLING is simplified by various before testing for the presence of a mutation in the
software tools that utilise homology information to pre- target region. This aspect affects the throughput and
dict the effect of the mutations on the protein function. the cost of the technique. A high-throughput TILLING
The free web-based tool, Codons Optimized to Detect protocol for consistent detection of heteroduplexes
Deleterious LEsions (CODDLE) was developed as a tool in eight-fold pools has been developed, thus enabling
to facilitate the choice of gene regions more suitable the detection of one genome in 16 in a diploid species
for TILLING ( Once (see endonuclease cleavage below). This implies that a
a genomic sequence and the corresponding coding single TILLING run can interrogate circa 750,000 total
sequence is available, CODDLE identifies regions where base pairs (eight-fold pooling × 1,000 bp × 96 lanes)
point mutations are most likely to cause deleterious detecting mutations equivalent to circa 3,000 sequenc-
effects on gene function. The programme exploits avail- ing lanes. The resulting savings, taken together with cost
able information about the typology of induced muta- savings from pooling prior to PCR amplification, sug-
tion and plots the probability of missense and nonsense gests that high-throughput TILLING is almost an order
mutations along the coding sequence. Additionally, the of magnitude more economical than full sequencing,
programme searches the predicted protein sequence even when accounting for the identification of the
under study for the occurrence of conserved regions mutant in each pool and its sequencing.
that are less likely to be functionally neutral. Finally, the There is also a trade-off between discovering a muta-
programme identifies the gene portion most suitable for tion in a pool and identifying the mutant individual.
TILLING amplifications that will be used for primer design Ultimately, there is a break-even point, beyond which
(Primer3 programme at: The any further increase in pooling implies that the effort
selected amplicon and the effects of all possible poly- in finding the individual mutant within a positive pool
morphisms induced by the mutagen are automatically exceeds that of screening the pools. The break-even
tabulated by the programme. point is proportional to the mutation rate and the size
of the fragment because doubling the size of the frag-
2.3. Screening Mutant Pools ment or doubling the mutation rate halves the number
of assays required to identify the individual carrying the
A detection system suitable for TILLING should be sen- mutation. This situation is peculiar for wheat TILLING
sitive enough to discriminate between wild-type and where, due to the high mutation frequency, the PCR
mutated sequences at the single nucleotide level. Key screening was mainly performed in two-fold pools.
steps of the TILLING procedure can be summarised as: Alternatively, DNA samples can be pooled according
pooling, heteroduplex formation and enzymatic cleav- to a two- or three-dimensional gridding strategy, that
age, detection of generated fragments and phenotype increases the number of DNA pools for the PCR screens
recovery. but allows for the identification of the mutant individual
without proceeding with the analysis of the single com-
2.3.1. Pooling Strategies ponents of the pool. As an example, a collection of 100
Individuals from the M2 or M3 generation are used to mutants can be pooled into a 2D-grid consisting of 10
prepare DNA samples that are bulked and arrayed on rows and 10 columns, so that an individual line is identi-
microtitre plates. An important aspect to be evaluated fied by an address of one row and one column. When
is the maximum number of DNA samples that can a mutation is discovered, it will appear in two separate
be pooled. In fact, as the pooling level increases, the gel lanes whose co-ordinates will identify the unique
proportion of heteroduplexes decreases, with a con- individual harbouring the mutation, thus reducing
sequent reduction in sensitivity. On the other hand, false-positive errors, as true signals will replicate in the
increasing the pooling level reduces the number of anal- relevant lanes. A 2D-pooling strategy was successfully
yses required to screen the entire collection of mutants. utilised for the discovery of rare human polymorphisms
The number of mutants that need to be screened to by Ecotilling (Till et al. 2006).
1,169 bp
Heteroduplex Denature 730 bp
Heteroduplex 439 bp
1,100 bp 1,169 bp 1,169 bp
900 bp
700 bp 730 bp
439 bp
200 bp
2.3.2. PCR, Heteroduplex Formation and Enzymatic Although the S1 nuclease can cleave mismatches, their
Cleavage detection can be limited and not always effective. A
Sample pools are subjected to window-specific ampli- member of the S1 family purified from celery (CelI) can
fication by PCR using properly designed primers. The reliably cleave mismatches on either strand on the 3’-
products of amplification are then denatured and side. The CelI enzyme has rapidly become the most
reannealed, generally by heating and cooling. If a point popular endonuclease for high-throughput TILLING
mutation occurs in the amplified region in at least one applications although only one costly commercial for-
of the single DNA strands of the pool, it is likely that the mulation of the enzyme is currently available (Surveyor
mutant strand will reanneal with the wild-type strand so kit from Transgenomic Inc., NE, USA). More recently,
that a fraction of the pool will have a mismatch at the it was shown that crude extracts from celery are suf-
site of the mutation. A method that can distinguish the ficiently enriched in mismatch cleavage activity so that
mismatched heteroduplex identifies any pool contain- they can be used for high-throughput applications with-
ing a mutation (see Chapter 22). For high-throughput out further purification (see Chapter 20).
TILLING purposes, an efficient heteroduplex detection
method based on endonucleolytic cleavage and sizing 2.3.3. Detection of Cleaved Fragments
on electrophoretic gels has been developed. Enzymes The first TILLING screenings were based on a
of the S1 nuclease family are characterised by the ability Denaturing High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography
to recognize single nucleotide mismatches as a restric- (DHPLC) approach for heteroduplex detection. The
tion site and to generate cleavages at single strand key point of using DHPLC is that the solid phase has a
exactly at the 3’-side of the mismatch. Consequently, differential affinity for single- and double-stranded DNA
incubating sample pools containing heteroduplex mol- based on their different hydrophobicity. In the case of
ecules in the presence of an S1 nuclease will generate duplex fragments, keeping the column temperature just
short fragments in addition to the uncleaved amplicon. below the melting temperature of the homoduplexes
causes mismatched fragments to begin melting out takes advantage of the automated loading procedure
as the duplex passes through the column, decreasing and the possibility to simultaneously analyse two differ-
its hydrophobicity and thus its retention time in the ent amplicons. Accordingly, the ABI prism developed
column. Consequently, even single mismatches in a a four-colour system that provides sufficient spectral
duplex will cause a reduction in the affinity to the solid separation to allow for the use of all four dye labels.
matrix and so the molecules appear as a leading peak An additional method makes use of a commercial
because they exit the column sooner than perfectly kit based on a mismatch cleavage by CelI to identify
matched fragments. The DHPLC approach can be easily mutations in double-stranded DNA fragments using an
automated as no labelling or purification of the DNA agarose-gel assay for fragment detection. This mutation
fragments is needed. The method is also relatively fast detection kit can be applied particularly to small-scale
and highly specific. The requirement of scaling up the projects, such as screening for mutations and polymor-
detection of the cleaved fragments generated by nucle- phisms in single genes. Unfortunately, the high cost of
ase digestion has led to the development of an efficient each analysis makes this approach unsuitable for exten-
detection method based on sizing by electrophoretic sive applications.
gels. Whatever the selected detection system and once
The approach implemented for the LI-COR sequenc- positive results are identified, a second round of
ers (LI-COR Inc., 2006; consists of TILLING is performed on the individuals from each
denaturing polyacrylamide slab gel analyzers. This positive pool. This step identifies the plant carrying
electrophoretic instrument permits the visualization the mutation and confirms the mutation. The ultimate
of fragments based on fluorescence detection. For this validation of the results is obtained by sequencing the
purpose, PCR amplification of the target fragments is variant alleles that will allow for singling out the exact
conducted using infra-red dye-labelled primers. The position and the typology of the mutation. Several kinds
forward primer is usually 5’-end labelled with a fluores- of single-base changes are expected to result from
cent dye IRDye700 (detected at ca. 700 nm) and the chemical mutagenesis.
reverse primer is labelled with IRDye800 (detected at Once a mutation is discovered, it is important to esti-
ca. 800 nm). For each run, primers fluorescence emis- mate the probability of protein-function alteration. As
sions are detected by LiCOR and two electronic image an example, truncation mutations are almost all clearly
files are produced, one containing data from the 700 classified, while the effect of a missense mutation may
nm channel and the other from the 800 nm channel. In not be so obvious. For this purpose, software tools
denaturing conditions, if a mutant allele is present, the based on protein homology information to predict
cleaved fragments are displayed in the two channels damaging lesions are available. For example, PARSESNP
so that the sum of their length will correspond to the (Project Aligned Related Sequences and Evaluate SNPs;
complete amplicon size. The molecular weights of the is a web-based
fragments also provide the approximate position of the tool for the analysis of polymorphisms in genes. The
nucleotide change (Fig 21.2). Compared to the DHPLC, programme determines the translated amino acid
the electrophoretic TILLING method presents several sequence starting from a reference DNA sequence
important advantages: larger size fragments (circa 1,000 (genomic or cDNA) and a gene model, and the effects
bp) can be explored, thus allowing for the identification of the supplied polymorphisms on the expressed gene
of a higher number of point mutations per analysis. product. If a homology model is provided, predictions
In addition, the CelI-based method is feasible for any can be made as to the severity of missense changes.
novel fragment without substantial protocol modifica- PARSESNP utilises for this purpose conserved align-
tions while the DHPLC approach requires setting up ments in the Blocks database (the same information also
new running conditions (i.e. the column temperature). used by CODDLE). Another similar bioinformatics tool
Although TILLING has so far extensively utilised the developed for TILLING is SIFT (Sorting Intolerant From
LI-COR gel analyzer as detection system, recently Tolerant, a software
another mutation discovery strategy based on fluo- able to predict whether an amino acid substitution
rescence detection has deployed the ABI capillary affects protein function based on sequence homology
sequencer (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). The method and the physical properties of amino acids. The SIFT
A EMS M1 M2 M3
x x
x x
x x x x
Target x x x x
x x
x x x x x
Heterozygote Homozygote
B x
x x
Target x x x x
x x
x x
x x
Gametes Zygote
programme uses PSI-BLAST searching of current data- advanced generations are scored for the phenotypic
bases to assess amino acid conservation. analysis, these procedures could be avoided. For exam-
ple, when an M2 plant heterozygous for the target muta-
2.3.4. Phenotype Recovery tion is considered, the subsequent M3 family will show
When an allelic series of mutations is discovered the 1:2:1 Mendelian segregation. Typing numerous
through TILLING with some likely to affect the function- plants for each Mendelian class should yield a perfect
ality of the encoded protein, a phenotypic analysis is correlation between genotype and phenotype because
required to verify the effect of the mutation. As previ- crossovers scramble the background and will produce
ously illustrated, chemical mutagenesis introduces a different subsets of homozygous background lesions
large number of point mutations per genome (up to in different M3 plants (Fig 21.3A). A limitation is that the
many thousands) in addition to those detected at the background mutations can be distinguished from the
target locus. Consequently, in the standard procedure, mutation in the gene of interest only if they are unlinked.
the mutants are backcrossed or outcrossed in order to When multiple mutant alleles for the same target gene
eliminate or at least reduce undesired effects caused are available, a complementation test offers a solution
by extra mutations that could interfere with the phe- to this problem. In fact, two mutant lines could be
notypic appearance (see Chapter 27). However, when crossed to make them heteroallelic at the target gene
and to essentially make all background mutations het- formed, resulting in the production of a multiple mutant.
erozygous with the wild-type (Fig 21.3B). Consequently, Another possible reason for the lack of visible pheno-
a phenotype attributable to the two non-complement- types is that individual gene-family members may have
ing mutations will be found in every individual carrying evolved to function only under specific physiological
both, whereas complementing background mutations conditions (i.e. conditional phenotypes). Thus, only
will not show different phenotypes from the wild-type. in such conditions will an effect on the phenotype be
It may happen that no phenotypic variation is detected observed. To test for conditional phenotypes in a gene
even if a mutant line completely devoid of background of unknown function, a broad range of growing condi-
mutations is available. Two main causes can be responsi- tions should be used (see Chapter 25).
ble for this finding: functional redundancy and the pres- Once a phenotype has been observed, additional
ence of a conditional phenotype (Fig 21.4). Functional steps are required to prove that the phenotypic charac-
redundancy among the members of a gene family or teristic is indeed controlled by the gene of interest (Fig
among homoeologous genes in polyploid species is a 21.4). For example, in order to unambiguously assign a
likely reason for the frequently observed lack of an identi- function to a gene, a complementation test with a func-
fiable phenotype associated with a mutation. Most plants tional transgene can be performed. However, this is still
in wheat mutant populations appeared to be similar to an expensive and time-consuming process in various
the wild-type and only in rare cases (< 0.5%) were abnor- species. The widely-accepted alternative to comple-
mal phenotypes observed among field-grown plants. It is mentation is the characterisation of multiple alleles at
well known that the polyploidy nature of wheat provides the target locus. The observation of a similar phenotype
buffering against the effect of mutations. To test for func- in multiple, independent mutant lines of the same
tional redundancy, genetic crosses between plants that locus provides strong support that the locus is indeed
bear mutations in different redundant genes can be per- controlling the phenotype.
A Clean up line:
1) Backcross/Outcross
2) Find single mutant
3) Find homozygotes
B Yes No C
Box 21.1
Project Species Website
Canadian TILLING Initiative Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica napus, Brassica oleracea
Additional TILLING projects have been extensively such as improved SNP detection or sequencing, will
reported in iterature for both plant and animal species. greatly improve the mutant detection. A good candi-
Box 21.1 reports the website of a number of plant date for TILLING improvement is the direct sequencing
TILLING projects. that could facilitate the homozygous/heterozygous
discrimination, hence allowing one to analyse contem-
porary multiple sequences. Microarray technology can
4. Advantages, Disadvantages and be very promising in a long-term view, although the
Prospects high cost and uncertain reliability are issues that need
to be resolved.
TILLING provides a high-throughput, sensitive, cheap Finally, while TILLING is a fast procedure likely to be
and rapid reverse-genetics approach with several improved in its effectiveness, evaluating the phenotypic
advantages. consequences of mutations is still a slow procedure.
Firstly, the utilisation of chemical mutagens generally Furthermore, to produce a range of alleles rather than
introduces point mutations which produce an allelic a single knockout mutation requires an increased effort
series for potentially any target gene. In fact, unlike tech- in downstream analysis. Probably the most challenging
niques generating knock-outs, chemical mutagenesis future efforts in functional genomics will be aimed at
causes destabilisation of the proteins, ranging from not facilitating the downstream analysis of mutants, includ-
effective to severe. Ideally, using a TILLING approach, ing sophisticated high-throughput phenotyping plat-
a target gene can be investigated for each domain or forms and more attention to data management issues.
even each single amino acid.
The introduction of point mutations, and the conse-
quent attenuation of peculiar genes, may have com-
mercial applications in crop breeding. In some cases, 5. References
for agricultural purposes, it could be useful for silencing
altogether the expression of particular genes like those 5.1. Cited References
coding for protein required for pathogen multiplication
or for the synthesis of toxic metabolites. TILLING pro- Bentley, A., MacLennan, B., Calvo, J. and Dearolf, C. R.
vides an excellent opportunity for tailoring crop plants 2000. Targeted recovery of mutations in Drosophila.
that display desirable traits but lack powerful genetic Genetics. 156:1169-1173.
tools. Furthermore, an additional advantage of TILLING Caldwell, D. G., McCallum, N., Shaw, P., Muehlbauer, G.
is that resulting crop varieties are not subject to the J., Marshall, D. F. and Waugh, R. 2004. A structured
same regulatory approval requirements as transgenic mutant population for forward and reverse genetics
crops. Another advantage of TILLING on other reverse- in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant Journal. 40:
genetics strategies centered mainly on model species, 143-150.
is its applicability to almost any species. This notwith- McCallum, C. M., Comai, L., Greene, E. A. and Henikoff,
standing, TILLING could become obsolete when a gen- S. 2000. Targeted screening for induced mutations.
eral technology for easy modification of target genes Nature Biotechnology. 18:455-457.
will become available. Recent improvements in these Perry, J. A., Wang, T. L., Welham, T. J., Gardner, S., Pike,
technologies, such as the selective enzymatic cleavage J. M., Yoshida, S. and Parniske, M. 2003. A TILLING
of chromosomal loci, may render them widely applica- reverse genetics tool and a web-accessible collec-
ble also in recalcitrant systems (Urnov et al. 2005). tion of mutants of the legume Lotus japonicus. Plant
A component of the success of the TILLING strat- Physiology. 131:866-871.
egy refers to the ability to easily detect mismatches Porceddu, A., Panara, F., Calderini, O., Molinari, L.,
in DNA heteroduplexes using cleavage approaches. Taviani, P., Lanfaloni, L., Scotti, C., Carelli, M.,
Additionally, in the near future the development of Scaramelli, L., Bruschi, G., Cosson, V., Ratet, P., de
other techniques to discover and screen for single- Larembergue, H., Duc, G., Piano, E. and Arcioni,
nucleotide differences could improve and simplify the S. 2008. An Italian functional genomic resource for
TILLING procedure. Advances in genomic technology, Medicago truncatula. BMC Research Notes. 1: 129.
Slade, A. J., Fuerstenberg, S. I., Loeffler, D., Steine, M. Wu, G. Z., Shi, Q. M., Niu, Y., Xing, M. Q. and Xue, H. W.
N. and Facciotti, D. 2005. A reverse genetic, non- 2007. Shanghai RAPESEED Database: a resource for
transgenic approach to wheat crop improvement by functional genomics studies of seed development
TILLING. Nature Biotechnology. 23:75-81. and fatty acid metabolism of Brassica. Nucleic Acids
Talamè, V., Bovina, R., Sanguineti, M. C., Tuberosa, Research. 36:1044-1047.
R., Lundqvist and U., Salvi, S. 2008. TILLMore, a Xin, Z., Wang, M. L., Barkley, N. A., Burow, G., Franks, C.,
resource for the discovery of chemically induced Pederson, G. and Burke J. 2008. Applying genotyp-
mutants in barley. Plant Biotechnology Journal. ing (TILLING) and phenotyping analyses to elucidate
6:477-485. gene function in a chemically induced sorghum
Till, B. J., Cooper, J., Tai, T. H., Colowit, P., Greene, E. mutant population. BMC Plant Biology. 8:103.
A., Henikoff, S. and Comai, L. 2007. Discovery of
chemically induced mutations in rice by TILLING. 5.2. Websites
BMC Plant Biology. 11:7-19.
Till, B. J., Reynolds, S. H., Greene, E. A., Codomo, C. A., Codons to Optimize Discovery of Deleterious Lesions
Enns, L. C., Johnson, J. E., Burtner, C., Odden, A. R., (CODDLE):
Young, K., Taylor, N. E., Henikoff, J. G., Comai, L. and Project Aligned Related Sequences and Evaluate SNPs
Henikoff, S. 2003. Large-scale discovery of induced (PARSESNP):
point mutations with high-throughput TILLING. Primer3 programme at:
Genome Research. 13:524-530. Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant (SIFT): http://blocks.
Till, B. J., Reynolds, S. H., Weil, C., Springer, N., Burtner,
C., Young, K., Bowers, E., Codomo, C. A., Enns, L. C.
and Odden, A. R. 2004. Discovery of induced point 5.3. Further Reading
mutations in maize genes by TILLING. BMC Plant
Biology. 28:4-12. Alonso, J. M. and Ecker, J. R. 2006. Moving forward in
Till, B. J., Zerr, T., Comai, L. and Henikoff, S. 2006. A pro- reverse: genetic technologies to enable genome-
tocol for TILLING and Ecotilling in plants and animals. wide genomic screens in Arabidopsis. Nature
Nature Protocols. 1:2465-2477. 7:524-536.
Urnov, F. D., Miller, J. C., Lee, Y. L., Beausejour, C. M., Comai, L. and Henikoff, S. 2006. TILLING: practical
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A Protocol for TILLING and Ecotilling B.J.Tilla, T.Zerrb, L.Comaic & S.Henikoff1d*
Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA
Present: Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory, Joint FAO/IAEA Division, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.
University of California Davis Genome Center, Davis, California 95616, USA.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
This has first been published in Nature Protocols 1, - 2465 - 2477 (2006)
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of TILLING
1.2. High-Throughput Large-Scale Applications of TILLING
1.3. Ecotilling
1.4. Other Potential Applications
1.5. Limitations of TILLING
2. Materials
2.1. Reagents
2.2. Equipment
2.3. Reagent Setup
2.3.1. Primer design
2.3.2. Optimizing the Amount of Genomic DNA for PCR
2.3.3. Optimizing the Amount of Single-Strand-Specific Nuclease
2.3.4. Determining the Number of Samples to Pool
2.3.5. Preparation of Ladders and Lane Markers
2.4. Equipment Setup
2.4.1. Preparation of Sephadex Spin Plates
2.4.2. Preparation of Acrylamide Gels
2.4.3. Reusing Membrane Combs
3. Procedure
3.1. PCR Amplification of Target Regions and Heteroduplex Formation
3.2. Heteroduplex Digestion
3.3. Sample Purification
3.4. Loading Samples onto 100-Tooth Membrane Combs
3.5. Loading and Running Gels
3.6. LI-COR Gel Analysis
4. Troubleshooting
5. Anticipated Results
6. References
1. Introduction reverse genetic applications can provide more than
just gene knockouts; mutagens such as ethyl methane-
The acquisition of large-scale nucleotide sequence sulfonate primarily induce point mutations, providing
data has led to the introduction of methods that target allelic series that also include useful missense muta-
the disruption of specific genes, also known as reverse tions (Greene et al. 2003). Mutations can be induced
genetics. Although potentially very powerful, reverse by chemicals at a high density, allowing for the efficient
genetic approaches can be limited if the method used recovery of multiple alleles in a small screening popu-
to induce the genetic change is not generally applicable lation. TILLING is a reverse genetic strategy that com-
to different organisms, as is often the case for transgenic bines traditional mutagenesis with high-throughput
strategies. However, chemicals and other agents have discovery of single-nucleotide changes (McCallum et
been used for several decades to induce mutations in al. 2000, Colbert et al. 2001). The method is general
a variety of organisms, making traditional mutagenesis and, following its original application to the model
an attractive strategy for reverse genetics. Chemical plant Arabidopsis thaliana, has been applied to a vari-
mutagenesis is especially valuable for agricultural ety of plant and animal species including maize, lotus,
applications because, unlike transgenic approaches, it barley, wheat, Drosophila and zebrafish (Till et al. 2004,
is not hampered by restrictive regulatory and consumer Wienholds et al. 2003, Winkler et al. 2005, Perry et al.
issues. In addition, mutagenesis-based methods for 2003, Slade et al. 2005, Caldwell et al. 2004).
Array and pool DNA samples Amplify gene target, form heteroduplexes
TIMING: 6 hrs. per 768 samples
TIMING: 3 hrs. 30 min
PREPARATION: Years in advance
1.1. Overview of TILLING onto a denaturing polyacrylamide slab gel. We use the
LI-COR DNA analyzer system to visualize fluorescently
The TILLING procedure can be divided into a series labeled DNA. Two electronic image files are produced
of steps (Fig 22.1). DNA is first extracted from test per gel run; one containing data from the 700-nmchan-
samples. DNA aliquots are pooled (typically eightfold) nel and the other from the 800-nm channel (Fig 22.2b).
and arrayed into a multiwell microtiterplate containing Data analysis is aided by the use of GelBuddy, a freely
96 or 384 wells. Screening for mutations begins with available program for Macintosh and Windows PCs
PCR amplification of a target fragment of up to~1.5 kb designed for the analysis of TILLING and Ecotilling
using gene-specific infrared dye-labeled primers. The gel data produced by the LI-COR analyzer (Zerr and
forward primer is 5’-end labeled with a fluorescent Henikoff, 2005). The exact nucleotide change is then
dye that is detected at ~ 700 nm (IRDye 700) and the determined using standard DNA sequencing meth-
reverse primer is labeled with the IRDye 800,which is ods. With eightfold pooling, ~1,600 samples can be
detected at ~ 800 nm. After PCR amplification, samples screened per day for mutations in a single ~ 1.5 kb gene
are denatured and annealed to form heteroduplexes target using a single LI-COR analyzer. Higher through-
between mutant and wild-type DNA strands. Samples put and economy of scale can be achieved by using
are then incubated with a single-strand specific nucle- multiple thermal cyclers and analyzers.
ase to digest mismatched basepairs (Fig 22.2a) (Till et Several alternative TILLING protocols are available.
al. 2004b). After the reaction is stopped, DNA is puri- For example, TILLING organisms with large introns,
fied from buffer components and sample volumes such as zebrafish, requires short exon targets, leading to
are reduced. A portion of each sample is then loaded the development of alternative protocols for zebrafish
TILLING (Draper et al, 2004, Wienholds and Plasterk, fly/) TILLING services. There are also several independ-
2004). In addition, TILLING can be performed using ent TILLING services, including a service for lotus (http://
alternative readout platforms including slab gel and cap-
illary systems (Perry et al. 2003) (http://www.jicgenom- and barley ( BarleyTILLING.htm), which further illustrates the value of
ment.html). Although many groups use an enzymatic the method for production-scale reverse genetics.
mismatch cleavage approach similar to that described
in this protocol, other mutation discovery methods can 1.3. Ecotilling
potentially be substituted including denaturing HPLC
and resequencing (e.g. McCallum et al. 2000, Bentley The TILLING protocol that we developed for reverse
et al. 2000, Wienholds et al. 2002). When choosing a genetics has been adapted to survey natural variation
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery plat- within populations. Our first Ecotilling project was acci-
form, it is important to consider criteria such as equip- dental: we noticed bands in common for some individu-
ment cost, reagent cost, maintenance cost, automation als, which we realized were contaminants from a differ-
and assay sensitivity. ent Arabidopsis accession (‘‘ecotype’’) from that used in
the mutagenesis. A systematic survey of ~200 ecotypes
1.2. High-Throughput Large-Scale Applications of indicated that the method is accurate and robust (Comai
TILLING et al. 2004). We found that multiple polymorphisms,
including SNPs, small indels and variations in satellite
TILLING is a high-throughput, low-cost method that is repeat number could be discovered within a single
suitable for a large-scale production operation. The first target region. Detection of dozens of polymorphisms in
production-scale TILLING service to be offered was the a single fragment is possible because only a small frac-
Arabidopsis TILLING Project (ATP; http://tilling.fhcrc. tion of heteroduplexes are cleaved at any single position
org). Several computational tools were adapted to pro- by the CEL I nuclease used for TILLING (Till et al. 2004b,
vide a completely web-based system for target selection, Comai et al. 2004). Ecotilling can be used to discover
primer design and evaluation of sequence-verified muta- and catalog common polymorphisms without sample
tions (Till et al. 2003). The service began in August 2001 pooling, as was done for Arabidopsis and the black cot-
and after 5 years of operation had delivered more than tonwood (Populus trichocarpa) (Gilchrist et al. 2006). To
6,700 mutations to the Arabidopsis community (http:// detect homozygous polymorphisms, an equal amount Analysis of the first of DNA from a reference sample is added to each assay
~2,000 mutations showed the expected 2:1 Mendelian well. However, when rare nucleotide polymorphisms
ratio of heterozygous to homozygous mutations in sam- are sought, samples can be pooled, as we have recently
ples pooled eightfold. Because heterozygous mutations illustrated in using Ecotilling to discover rare SNPs in the
will be present at half the concentration of homozygous human genome (Till et al. 2006).
mutations in an eightfold pool (1/16th vs 1/8th), it is clear
that TILLING is sensitive and robust on a production 1.4. Other Potential Applications
scale (Greene et al. 2003). Since October 2005, ATP
has recovered its operating expenses, including materi- The protocol described here allows for the low-cost
als, labor and overhead, from user fees, which provide discovery of induced mutations and natural nucleo-
a realistic cost estimate for production-scale TILLING. tide polymorphisms on a production scale. The use
Currently, the ATP charges $1,500 to screen ~3,000 lines, of standard bench techniques and equipment makes
which includes DNA sequencing validation of mutations TILLING and Ecotilling additionally attractive for smaller
and a free replacement order should the initial screen scale projects. We can also foresee the extension of
fail. Approximately 90% of orders supplied by users are this protocol to other applications, where the rapid
successful, with occasional failures usually attributable to and low-cost discovery of SNPs, indels and other small
primer design. ATP was used as a model to create maize nucleotide polymorphisms is desired, such as the iden-
( (Till et al. tification of polymorphisms associated with quantita-
2004) and Drosophila (Fly-TILL, tive traits and the screening for rare mutations in cancer.
Box 22.1: Preparation of celery juice extract
Timing ~10h
1. Wash ~1 lb (one bunch) of celery in cool water. Remove any leafy material to aid in juicing. Pass the celery through a juicer.
Approximately 400 ml of juice should be produced.
2. Centrifuge the juice for 20 min at 2,600g to pellet debris. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube.
3. Add 1 M Tris and PMSF to the cleared celery juice so that the final concentration of the solution is 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.7, 100 µM PMSF.
! CAUTION PMSF is hazardous. Wear gloves; avoid direct contact with skin or inhalation.
4. Bring the supernatant to 25% (NH4)2SO4 by adding 144 g l-1 of solution. Mix gently at 4 °C for 30 min. Centrifuge the supernatant at
13,000–16,200g at 4 °C for 40 min. Discard the pellet.
5. Bring the supernatant from 25 to 80% (NH4)2SO4 by adding 390 g l-1 of solution. Mix gently at 4 °C for 30 min. Spin at 13,000–16,200g for
1.5 h. Save the pellet and discard the supernatant, being careful in decanting the supernatant.
PAUSE POINT The pellet from Step 5 can be stored at -80 °C for at least 2 weeks.
6. Suspend the pellets in ~ 1/10 the starting volume (e.g., 40 ml) with Tris/KCl/PMSF buffer, ensuring the pellet is completely dissolved.
7. Dialyze thoroughly against Tris/KCl/PMSF buffer at 4 °C for 1 h. Use dialysis membrane with a 10,000 kDa cutoff size. Use at least 4 liter
of buffer per 20 ml of enzyme suspension. It may be easiest to split the suspension into several dialysis tubes. After 1 h, replace buffer with
fresh Tris/KCl/PMSF buffer. Repeat two more times for a total of four buffer changes.
PAUSE POINT After two buffer changes, dialysis can be left overnight. Dialysis can proceed as long as 1 week without any apparent loss in
enzyme activity. Four hours of dialysis can be taken to be the minimal amount of dialysis required.
8. If desired, clear the dialyzed solution by spinning at 10,000g for 30 min. Greater than 90% of the enzyme activity should be retained in
the soluble fraction.
PAUSE POINT Aliquot into small volumes (~1ml) and store at -80 °C. This protein mixture does not require storage in glycerol and remains
stable through multiple freeze–thaw cycles. When activity is determined, working stock volumes can be aliquoted (e.g., enough for 1
week) and stored at -20 °C. One pound of celery should produce enough enzyme for approximately 500,000 reactions.
• Ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4; Sigma cat. no. • MgCl2 (25 mM in water)
A2939) • Unlabeled forward and reverse gene-specific
• PMSF (Sigma cat. no. P7626-5G) !CAUTION primers (see REAGENT SETUP)
PMSF is hazardous. Wear gloves; avoid direct • IRDye 700 (forward) and IRDye 800 (reverse)
contact with skin or inhalation labeled primers of the same sequence as the
• 1 M PMSF (stock in isopropanol). To prepare unlabeled primers (MWG Biotech) CRITICAL
an aqueous solution of 100 µM PMSF, add 1 ml Limit exposure of IRDye-labeled primers to
0.1 M PMSF per liter of solution immediately fluorescent light. Repeated freeze–thaw cycles
before use can reduce fluorescent signal. Make multiple
• Tris/KCl/PMSF buffer: 0.1 M Tris-HCl pH 7.7, 0.5 aliquots and store at -80°C. Working stocks
M KCl and 100 µM PMSF in water can be kept at -20°C for months as long as
• TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5 and 1 mM thawing is limited
EDTA prepared in water • Celery juice extract (prepared as described in
• Hot start Ex-Taq polymerase (Takara cat. no. Box 22.1)
RR006B) • 10x digestion buffer: 37.5 ml water, 5 µl 20 mg
• Ex-Taq buffer (supplied in kit with Ex-Taq ml-1 BSA, 100 µl 10%Triton X-100 (vol/vol), 2.5
polymerase) ml 2 M KCl, 5 ml 1 M HEPES pH 7.5 and 5 ml 1 M
• dNTPs (2.5 mM each, supplied in kit with Ex-Taq MgSO4. Prepare in advance and store aliquots
polymerase) at -20°C
0.4 ng
0.2 ng
0.1 ng
0.05 ng
0.03 ng
Figure 22.3 Gel image showing the effect of genomic DNA concentration on TILLING data. An LI-COR IRDye700 image shown for a ~ 1,000-
bp Arabidopsis gene target. PCR was performed on 16 unique samples using different DNA concentrations (listed above the gel image).
Vertical lines produced by the GelBuddy program bracket every eight lanes (a useful feature when using a 2D pooling strategy). Light blue
lines bracket the set of 16 samples at different concentrations. Each sample contains DNA from a pool of eight different Arabidopsis plants.
Blue arrows mark known mutations. At DNA concentrations of 0.05 and0.03 ng, true mutations are lost and false-positive signals begin to
appear (examples are marked by red arrows). Loss of positive signals at low concentrations may result from a failure to amplify from the small
number of mutant genomic targets in the early rounds of PCR. False-positive signals likely arise from rare random Taq errors occurring on
single molecules in the early rounds of PCR. When using low concentrations of genomic DNA, these induced errors represent a sufficient
proportion of the total number of amplified molecules, such that they are visible as cleaved products on the LI-COR gel image. Errors of this
type are not seen when using higher concentrations of genomic DNA because they are present on only one of thousands of PCR products
produced during early rounds of amplification, and are thus beyond the limits of detection. Genomic DNA concentrations of 0.1 or 0.2 ng
produce the best signal-to-noise ratio in this gel image. After testing more than five different gene targets, we determined that the target
shown here produced a greater-than-average yield of PCR product, and ~ 0.4 ng of genomic template was chosen as the standard amount
of DNA to use in all Arabidopsis PCR reactions. Single target optimization is impractical for high-throughput production.
Box 22.2: Extraction of genomic DNA and concentration normalization
Timming 4 h per 44 samples
1. Add the following components to each supplied reaction tube (prefilled with garnet particles and one ceramic bead).
CRITICAL STEP A variety of methods are available for the extraction of high-quality DNA from plant and animal tissues. We have used
the FastPrep kit (MP Biomedicals) for all DNA produced at the Seattle TILLING Project. The method listed below is a modification of the
manufacturer’s protocol supplied with the kit. Unless stated otherwise, all solutions are supplied in the kit.
Component Amount
5. Add an equal volume of binding matrix. Incubate for 5 min at room temperature with gentle agitation.
10. Add 200 µl ultra-pure water and vortex thoroughly to suspend pellet. Incubate for 5 min at room temperature with gentle agitation.
11. Centrifuge at room temperature at 14,000g for 5 min. Transfer the supernatant to a new microfuge tube. We use a tube with a rubber
o-ring to reduce sample evaporation.
PAUSE POINT Store DNA at 4°C. In our experience, Arabidopsis DNA produced by this method has remained stable for over 4 years
when stored in TE buffer at 4°C.
13. Normalize all samples to ensure that each individual will be equally represented in the pool. This can be done by performing agarose
gel electrophoresis on aliquots and comparing ethidium bromide-stained fluorescence of the slow-migrating band to standards of
known concentrations. The amount to load on a gel should be determined empirically. By using a 1.5% agarose gel, any degradation of
the DNA can be detected, which should run as a single band of limiting mobility (Fig 22.4). We use software provided with a digital gel
documentation (GelDoc) system to determine the DNA concentration of each sample, which we adjust to the desired concentration by
adding TE buffer.
Figure 22.4 Examples of genomic DNA quality. High-quality (a), medium-quality (b) and low-quality (c) genomic DNA as assayed by agarose
gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. With adequate quantification, medium-quality genomic DNA can be used to produce
high-quality TILLING and Ecotilling gel data. The use of low-quality genomic DNA can result in low-quality TILLING and Ecotilling data, likely
owing to the inhibitory effect of fragmented DNA on PCR amplification. Fragmented DNA can also lead to inaccurate quantification, which
might lead to false-negative errors in pooled samples.
• Sephadex G-50 medium (Amersham 2.2. Equipment
Pharmacia cat. no. 17-0043-02)
• Formamide load buffer: 19.2 ml deionized forma- • FastPrep Instrument for DNA extraction (MP
mide, 770 µl 0.25 M EDTApH 8 and ~ 1 mg bromo- Biomedicals 6001-120) or equivalent
phenol blue. Store for long periods at -20°C. upgrade
Working stocks can be held at 4°C for 1 week • Microcentrifuge (Labnet International cat. no.
• Isopropyl alcohol (Sigma cat. no. I9030) C0233M-2) or equivalent
• Ficoll (Fisher cat. no. BP525-100). Prepare a • 20 and 200 µl variable volume multichan-
1% (wt/vol) solution in water. Aliquots can be nel pipettes (Rainin cat. nos. L8-20,L8-200) or
stored at -20°C for months. Working stocks can equivalent
be stored at 4°C for up to 2 weeks • 300 µl variable volume electric multichannel
• APS ((NH4)2S2O8) (Sigma cat. no. A3678-25G) pipette (Rainin, cat. no. E8-300) or equivalent
• TEMED (N,N,N’,N’-tetra methylethylene (used for distributing PCR mix into multiwell plates)
diamine) (Sigma cat. no. T9281) • Multichannel electronic pipettor with expand-
• KB+ 6.5% acrylamide gel matrix (LI-COR cat. able equal tip spacing (Matrixcat. no. 2139), used
no. 827-05607) !CAUTION Acrylamide, for transferring samples from tubes into 96- or
TEMED and APS are hazardous. Avoid contact 384-wellsample plates
with skin and inhalation; wear protective cloth- • Vegetable juicer, L’EQUIPE Model 110.5 or
ing, gloves and goggles equivalent
• 0.8x TBE running buffer: 89.2 g Tris-base, 45.8 g • Stir plate (Fisher cat. no. 11-500-49SH)
boric acid (H3BO3) and 68 ml 0.25 M EDTA pH • Nanopure (water treatment) (VWR (Barnstead)
8; adjust the final volume to 10 liter with water cat. no. 13500-866)
Figure 22.5 Gel image showing the effect of the amount of celery juice extract used to cleave mismatches. An LI-COR IRDye 700 image
shown for an ~1,000-bp Arabidopsis gene target. Three samples containing known nucleotide polymorphisms were treated with increasing
amounts of celery juice extract (listed above gel image). Units of celery juice activity are listed, with 1 unit defined as the amount providing
the best signal-to-noise ratio. Blue arrows mark the location of true polymorphisms. The red arrow marks a band that is present in both
image channels at the same position, likely resulting from a spurious mispriming event. Signal and noise decrease with increasing amounts
of extract, presumably owing to cleavage of the end label as the duplex ‘‘breathes’’. This figure is modified from Till et al. 2004b.
• pH meter (Fisher cat. no. 13-636-AR10) LI-COR or the Gel Company
• Centrifuge 5804 (Brinkman cat. no. 2262250-1) or • Skirted 96-well plates (Island Scientific cat. no.
equivalent IS-800ARS)
• Thermal cyclers, for example, dual 384-well • Millipore centrifuge alignment frame (Fisher
GeneAmp PCR system 9700 (Applied Biosystems cat. no. MACF09604)
cat. no. N8050002) • Millipore multiscreen 96-well separation plate
• LI-COR 4300 S DNA Analyzer (LI-COR cat. no. (Fisher MAHVN4550)
4300-02) • Millipore multiscreen column loader (Fisher
• Vacuum sealer, for example, FoodSaver V900 cat. no. MACL09645)
• Filter paper (Fisher cat. no. 09-806A) • Buffer Reservoir (Appogent Discoveries cat. no.
• 100-tooth membrane combs (Gel Company cat. 8095)
no. CAJ96) • 96- or 384-well reaction plates for PCR (Island
• 25 cm glass plates, 25 mm spacers, 25 mm gel Scientific cat. no. IS-800ARSor Abgene cat. no.
casting comb, gel rails and other accessories TF-0384)
provided with the LI-COR DNA analyzer. • Plate sealing adhesive tape (Applied Biosystems
Additional materials can be purchased from cat. no.4306311)
1 2 12
1A 2A 12A
1B 2B 12B
1C 2C 12C
1D 2D 12D
1E 2E 12E
Plates 3 to 11
1F 2F 12F
1G 2G 12G
1H 2H 12H
Pool samples by row
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
B 1 1
1A 11A
1B 11B
1C Plates 2 to 5 11C
1D 11D
1E 11E
1F 11F
1G 11G
1H 11H
Pool samples by column
Pool samples by row
12A 12C 12E 12G
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 12B 12D 12F 12H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 22.6 Pooling strategies used for TILLING and Ecotilling. Samples are first arrayed in an 8 x 8 grid of 64 individual samples. (a) For one
dimensional (1D) pooling, all eight samples in a row of the 8 x 8 plate are pooled together. Using an eight-channel pipettor, all 64 samples
from an 8 x 8 plate can be pooled together with eight pipetting steps. The first 64 samples are deposited in column 1 of the 1D plate. Samples
from the second 8 x 8 plate are deposited in column 2, and so on, for a total of 12 8 x 8 plates used to make a 1D plate containing 768 unique
individuals. (b) For two dimensional (2D) pooling, samples from a common row on an 8 x 8 plate are first pooled as in (a). Samples from a
common column are then pooled and deposited in the adjacent column of the 2D plate. A total of 384 unique samples are deposited in the
96-well 2D pool plate.
Box 22.3: Sample arraying and pooling
Timing 6h per 768 samples
Arraying individual samples into a multiwell plate prior to pooling can reduce pipetting errors and the time required to construct a plate of
pooled samples. We use standard 96-well microtiter plates for arraying because the spacing of the wells is compatible with multichannel
pipettors and larger format pipetting devices.
1. Array sixty-four samples into an 8x8 grid on a 96-well plate (leaving the last four columns empty).
2. Pool the samples using an eight channel pipettor; combine samples from each of the eight rows on the plate into a single column of the
pooled plate, so that position A1 of the pool plate contains samples A1-8 of individual plate 1.
Using a one-dimensional pooling strategy, 12 pooled columns are produced from 12 plates of 64 individuals (Fig 22.6a). This arraying
protocol allows the screening of 768 different individuals in a single assay. Tracking a putative mutation from a pool to an individual
sample is straightforward. For instance, if a mutation is found in position B2 of the 96-well pool plate, the eight samples that contributed to
this pool are found in row B of the second ‘‘individuals’’ plate of 64 samples used to create the pools.
2. Combine all eight samples in a single column of the same individuals plate and deposit those samples into the adjacent column of the
96-well plate of pooled samples. Each individual is then represented in two unique pools.
Two-dimensional eight-fold pooling allows 384 unique samples to be screened per 96-well plate assay (Fig 22.6b). When a mutation is
discovered, it will appear in two separate gel lanes, the coordinates of which will identify the unique individual harboring the mutation.
Additionally, the strategy should reduce false positive errors, as true signals must replicate in the appropriate lanes. For projects where
samples are not pooled, it may be useful to replicate samples within the assay to more easily define false negative and false positive
signals. Once error rates are clearly defined, sample redundancy can be eliminated and screening throughput increased.
It is advantageous to prepare screening stock plates in a 96-well format. For 384 liquid handling, four 96-well stock plates are combined to
create a 384 well assay plate. During Sephadex purification, the 384-well plate array is converted back into four 96-well plate arrays, which
facilitates loading the 100 lanes of a LI-COR gel.
Prepare a master stock plate by arraying samples, diluted to the appropriate concentration (see REAGENT SETUP), into 96- or 384-well
microtiterplates and pool as desired. Prior to PCR, transfer 5 µl from this plate to the assay plate. Assay plates can be prepared in advance
and stored at-20°C for up to one week in a sealed container to limit evaporation. The master stock plate can be stored at 4°C for years. To
limit evaporation, the plate is first sealed with adhesive sealing tape, and then vacuum sealed.
for PCR should be determined empirically, by following so that doubling the number of individuals in a pool
the standard TILLING protocol with varying amounts of will provide nearly a twofold increase in the through-
genomic DNA. For most organisms, we have determined put of mutation discovery. For Ecotilling, the expected
the optimal amount of genomic DNA by using a molar ratio frequency of nucleotide polymorphism will influence
between primer and genomic DNA similar to that origi- the level of desired pooling. When cataloging common
nally determined to be optimal for Arabidopsis. For exam- nucleotide changes, pooling is not appropriate because
ple, 0.375 ng of Drosophila genomic DNA is used per PCR of the additional work needed to determine which
reaction. For maize, with a genome size approximately 14 individuals in a pool harbor the polymorphism (Comai
times that of Drosophila, 4.5 ng of genomic DNA is used et al. 2004, Gilchrist et al. 2006). However, for rare
per amplification reaction. A concentration is chosen that polymorphisms, pooling reduces effort but will obscure
provides the best signal-to-noise ratio when using a fixed the identification of very common polymorphisms. For
amount of enzyme for heteroduplex digestion (Fig 22.3). example, we discovered rare human SNPs much more
A higher concentration may be required when using lower efficiently in eightfold pools than in unpooled samples,
quality genomic DNA samples (Fig 22.4). but common SNPs were in many pools, making the task
of identifying the individuals harboring very common
2.3.3. Optimizing the Amount of Single-Strand- SNPs more time consuming than if screening were
Specific Nuclease performed on unpooled samples (Till et al. 2006). Note
that if sample pooling is not used, homozygous nucleo-
TIMING ~ 10 h tide changes will be discovered only if reference DNA
The optimal amount of single-strand-specific nuclease is added to each sample. See Box 22.3 and Figure 22.6
for heteroduplex digestion should be determined for recommended pooling strategies.
empirically. We have found that the activity in celery
juice extract remains stable for more than 1 year at 2.3.5. Preparation of Ladders and Lane Markers
-80°C, and therefore use the same amount of enzyme
for all TILLING and Ecotilling reactions performed in TIMING 3 h 30 min
our laboratory. A celery juice extraction protocol is IRDye ladders are commercially available; however,
provided in Box 22.1. To determine the optimal amount assay cost can be reduced by preparing custom ladders
of enzyme, perform TILLING reactions with varying and lane markers. Design primers to produce PCR prod-
amounts of enzyme and choose the amount that pro- ucts of desired length. Follow the PCR amplification
vides the best signal-to-noise ratio. We have measured protocol (Steps 1–6) using genomic DNA of the cor-
similar activities from many independent celery juice responding species. After PCR amplification, purify the
extractions, and so the amount used in this protocol can product through a Sephadex G50 spin plate, without the
serve as a guide. Using too little enzyme results in a very addition of formamide load dye or lane marker to the
dark image where true bands are difficult to discover catch plate, and omitting the sample volume reduction
above the background of PCR failure products. Adding step described in Step 19. Combine sample wells into a
too much enzyme results in a blank image, presumably single tube and store at -20°C. This is the concentrated
because the enzyme cleaves off the IRDye label from stock. Determine the amount to use empirically, typi-
the 5’ DNA ends when the duplex ‘‘breathes’’ (Fig 22.5). cally ~ 0.13 ng per lane. Prepare a 200-bp fragment as a
lane marker. To create a ladder, combine fragments of
2.3.4. Determining the Number of different molecular weights. This ladder should include
Samples to Pool a 700-bp fragment if using GelBuddy for image analysis.
Box 22.4: PCR amplification program
Loop number Cycle number Denature Anneal Ramp Extend Hold
1 95 °C, 2 min
55 72 °C for 5 min
127 8°C
Sephadex G-50 powder. Remove excess powder with back plate, remove the casting comb and remove all
the supplied scraper. Lay a clean Millipore 96-well sepa- acrylamide from the well. Before placing the plates in
ration plate on top of the filled loader. Invert the plate the LI-COR DNA analyzer, clean them with isopropanol,
and loader to deposit Sephadex into the plate. To ensure making sure that the laser detection region is clean. After
that all Sephadex enters the plate, tap the back of the the run is complete, the samples will have passed through
loader with scissors. Remove the loader and clean off any the gel and new samples can be applied and the gel run
excess Sephadex powder on top of the plate with a fine again. Only two runs are suggested because the sample
paintbrush. To hydrate the Sephadex, add 300 µl water image becomes diffuse and hard to interpret during the
to each well and let stand for 1 h before use. Plates can third run. !CAUTION Acrylamide, TEMED and APS are
be stored for up to 1 week at 4°C in a sealed plastic bag hazardous. Avoid contact with skin and inhalation; wear
containing a moist towel to prevent dehydration. Before protective clothing, gloves and goggles.
use, gently rinse the bottom of the plate to remove
excess Sephadex. When sample purification is com- 2.4.3. Reusing Membrane Combs
plete, store the used plate for approximately 3 days until
the Sephadex has dehydrated. Discard the Sephadex, TIMING ~40 min
rinse the plate thoroughly with water and allow it to A membrane comb can be reused many times until its
completely dry before reuse (1–3 days depending on teeth become bent and the comb is no longer easy to
room temperature and humidity). Plates can be reused insert into the gel well. Clean a comb by soaking in a tub
at least six times. of deionized water for at least 30 min. If many combs
are washed at once, care should be taken to avoid
2.4.2. Preparation of Acrylamide Gels comb damage, and water should be exchanged several
times to ensure the combs are thoroughly cleaned. Air-
TIMING 2 h dry combs for several days before reusing.
Clean glass plates and assemble spacers and rails fol-
lowing the protocol provided with the LI-COR DNA
analyzer. Combine 20 ml of 6.5% acrylamide gel matrix, 3. Procedure
15 µl TEMED and 150 µl 10% APS. Use a plastic syringe
to deposit the acrylamide solution between glass plates. 3.1. PCR Amplification of Target Regions and Het-
When done, insert the casting comb and apply the pres- eroduplex Formation
sure plate. Pour excess acrylamide solution onto comb.
Let it stand for 90 min before use. To store gels, apply TIMING ~ 3 h 30 min
a damp paper towel to each end of the gel and cover 1. Prepare genomic DNA as outlined in Box 22.2 or by
in plastic wrap. Gels can be stored for up to 1 week at any other appropriate method. Pool samples and pre-
4°C.Before use, thoroughly wash both the front and pare assay plates containing 5 µl of genomic DNA per
well, as detailed in Box 22.3. These can be prepared signal can decay over time and it is best to process the
fresh, or prepared in advance and frozen until required. assay plate as soon as possible.
2. Make a fresh mixture of unlabeled and labeled prim-
ers. Mix 100 µM stock primers at a ratio of 3:2:4:1 CRITICAL STEP Alternatives: When screening a small
(IRDye 700primer: unlabeled forward primer: IRDye number of samples, the cost of end-labeled IRDye
800 primer: unlabeled reverse primer). We do not primers can become prohibitive. Several universal
store primers in mixed form, and therefore only make primer labeling strategies have been described that can
enough primer mixture for the number of reactions reduce primer cost (Wienholds et al. 2003, Winkler et
we are performing. To minimize pipetting errors, the al. 2005, Till et al. 2006).
minimal volume of primer mixture we prepare is 10 µl
(enough for two 96-well reaction plates). 3.2. Heteroduplex Digestion
Primer mix 4
CRITICAL STEP The nuclease concentration in each
5 U µl-1 hot start Ex-Taq 6 batch of celery juice extract must be determined
Total 587 empirically (see REAGENT SETUP). The amount listed
here is for illustration purposes only.
Total ~5647 µl
4. Add 5 µl of PCR master mix to each well of the assay
plate and seal the plate with adhesive tape. 8. Spin the assay plate for 2 min at 1,300g at room
5. Spin the plate for 2 min at 1,300g at room tempera- temperature.
ture (approximately 19–25°C). 9. Add 20 µl of celery juice extract reaction mix to
6. Place the plate in the thermal cycler and run the each well of the plate. Mixing is optional, but is
amplification program in Box 22.4. recommended when practical (e.g., using a multitip
pipetting device).
PAUSE POINT When cycling is complete, the plate can 10. Spin the assay plate for 2 min at 1,300g at room
be stored at -20 °C for weeks. Note that fluorescent temperature.
11. Incubate the plate for 15 min at 45 °C. samples maintain the same orientation between plates
12. Spin the assay plate for 2 min at 1,300g at room (position A1 of assay plate equals A1, and not H12, of
temperature. sample catch plate).
13. Stop the reaction by adding 5 µl of 0.225 M EDTA to
each well of the assay plate. 18. Spin the Sephadex plate/catch plate assembly for 2
min at 440g at room temperature.
PAUSE POINT The assay plate can be stored at -20 °C 19. Remove the catch plate containing the DNA solutions.
for weeks. Note that the fluorescent signal can decay Reduce sample volumes by incubating the plate for 45
over time and itis best to process the assay plate as soon min at 85 °C, or until only 1.5 µl remains in each well.
as possible.
PAUSE POINT After volume reduction, the plate can be
3.3. Sample Purification stored at 4 °C for several weeks. Note that fluorescent
signal can decay over time and it is best to process the
TIMING ~ 1 h assay plate as soon as possible.
14. Prepare one catch plate for each 96-well reaction
plate before performing Sephadex purification.
Add 1.5 µl of formamide load buffer to each well of 3.4. Loading Samples Onto 100-Tooth Membrane
the catch plate. Add ~2 µl of 200-bp lane marker to Combs
the plate such that marker is deposited every eight
lanes beginning with lane 4 (e.g., 4, 12, 20 and so TIMING 10–40 min
on). 20. Heat the sample catch plate for 5 min at 90 °C.
21. Store the sample on ice for at least 3 min before
CRITICAL STEP Alternatives: In theory, any method that loading.
provides both salt and buffer removal in addition to 22. Apply ~ 0.5 µl of sample per membrane comb tooth
volume reduction can be used in place of the Sephadex starting with tooth number 4 and ending with tooth
G50 column. A less expensive alternative would be number 99. The bottom 1/3 of the tooth should be
alcohol precipitation (Draper et al. 2004). When test- stained blue after loading.
ing options, consider the time required, the percent of 23. Apply ~ 0.25 µl of molecular weight ladder to teeth
sample recovery and the material cost of the assay. 1, 3 and 100. This asymmetry ensures that sample 1
is never confused with sample 96 in the event that
15. Assemble a Sephadex G50 plate, an alignment the comb is inverted before application to the gel.
frame and an empty 96-well waste plate to catch There are several options for loading samples onto
water. Centrifuge the assembly for 2 min at 440g at membrane combs. The sample can be applied
room temperature. directly using a single-channel pipettor, can be
16. Remove the waste plate and attach a sample catch preloaded into a comb-loading tray or the sample
plate containing formamide load dye and lane can be loaded directly using a comb-loading robot.
markers. Although the comb-loading robot is advantageous
17. Apply the full sample volume from the assay plate in that human error is reduced and loading is auto-
onto the 96-well Sephadex plate. If using a 384-well mated, using a comb-loading tray and a multichan-
assay plate, each quadrant of the plate is applied nel pipettor provides an inexpensive alternative.
to a separate Sephadex plate. This is necessary
because a maximum of 100 sample lanes can be PAUSE POINT The loaded membrane comb can be stored
loaded on an LI-COR gel. for an extended period of time before loading (at least 24 h).
As the fluorescent signal can decay over time, it is advised to
CRITICAL STEP Apply the samples directly over the apply the comb to the gel within 2 h of loading.
centers of the packed Sephadex columns and do not
touch the columns with pipette tips. Make sure that CRITICAL STEP Alternatives: Samples can be loaded
the sample catch plate is properly labeled and that the directly onto the gel using a sharks tooth or a square
Table 22.1: Troubleshooting table
Step Symptoma Probable causes Tests and solutions
45 Weak or PCR amplification failure Start by running some undigested PCR product on an agarose gel. If you observe less
absent IRD than ~5 ng µl-1 PCR product, inefficient PCR is likely the cause. Try alternative primers
(Step 2) and test PCR solutions (Step 3). Check cycling conditions (Step 6). Validate
the quality of the genomic DNA template (Box 22.2)
Improper storage of IRD If adequate PCR product is observed by agarose gel electrophoretic analysis, load an
primers by (REAGENT aliquot of undigested PCR product on an LI-COR gel ( ~ 0.5 µl of unpurified product
SETUP, Step 2) from the 10 µl PCR reaction is usually sufficient). If you can detect no signal, the
fluorescent primers may have lost activity.
LI-COR analyzer If you can detect no signal, the fluorescent primers may have lost activity. If the
failure(Step 32) ladders and lane markers appear, you can rule out an LI-COR gel analyzer failure
DNA over-digestion If adequate signal of undigested PCR product is observed on the LI-COR gel image,
try varying the amount of single-strand-specific nuclease (Step 7) to determine if
over-digestion is the problem. Make fresh EDTA stock. DNA will be over-digested if
enzymatic reaction is not stopped (Step 13)
Only the Unknown, possibilities This is a common problem experienced at our facility. We have yet to obtain
IRDye 800 include a failure during conclusive results indicating the cause of signal loss specific to the IRDye
signal is primer synthesis, or 800-channel image.
weak or ambient laboratory
missing conditions such as Perform reactions with primers giving a weak IRDye 800 signal in parallel with
elevated levels of ozone primers known to give a strong IRDye 800 signal. Record laboratory conditions such
as temperature, humidity and ozone levels to determine if there is a correlation
between laboratory conditions and signal loss
IRD signal Too much sample loaded Perform TILLING/Ecotilling with positive controls and vary the amount of sample
too strong on the gel (Step 22) loaded on the gel (Step 22). If cleaved products are not present on the gel, perform
an enzyme titration (Step 7) with new buffers and solutions, checking that proper
Single-strand- incubation times and temperatures are followed
specific nuclease for
heteroduplex digestion
has reduced activity
(Step 7)
Gel image Salts not removed from If using Sephadex for sample purification, check centrifugation times and speed. Try
smeary sample (Step 18) purification using a new membrane plate. Perform the Sephadex purification step
twice on samples. Try an alternative purification such as alcohol precipitation
Sample not denatured Check electrophoresis conditions. Perform reactions with positive controls using new
before or during PAGE reagents (including formamide buffer)
run (Steps 14, 20 and 32)
PCR product degradation Skip heteroduplex digestion with a subset of samples. Run these samples on the same
(Steps 7 and 14) gel as digested products. This tests for degradation during heteroduplex digestion. A
likely cause of sample degradation is the formamide load buffer
All symptoms are observed during gel analysis
tooth comb. Although 96-tooth sharks tooth combs 24. Remove a pre-poured gel from 4 °C storage.
are available, loading can be tricky. Loading fewer than 25. Clean the gel well and glass and insert the plate
96 samples on a single LI-COR gel reduces throughput assembly into LI-COR DNA analyzer. Fill the upper
without providing any clear benefit for data analysis. and lower buffer tanks with 0.8x TBE buffer.
26. Pre-run the gel for 20 min, ensuring that the lasers
3.5. Loading and Running Gels focus properly (40 mA, 40 W, 1,500 V, 50 °C, image
width 1,028 and scan speed 2).
TIMING ~ 20 min for pre-run and comb application, 4h 27. Rinse the gel well thoroughly using a plastic 10-ml
15 min for gel running syringe with no needle attached.
28. Remove buffer from the upper tank. Remove excess
liquid from the gel well by inserting filter paper into 38. Call lanes. Click the ‘‘Find Lanes’’ button. Set the
the gel well. number of sample lanes in the ‘‘Find Lanes’’ pop-up
29. Remove the filter paper and add 1ml Ficoll solution window (96 for a standard TILLING/Ecotilling run).
to the gel well. A small bead should form at the Unless one of the channels is very weak, use both
edge of the front glass plate. channels for detecting lanes. After clicking the ‘‘OK’’
30. Insert the loaded membrane comb into the gel button, automatically generated lane tracks will be
well at a 45° angle. Once the teeth touch the Ficoll superimposed on the displayed gel image.
solution, the comb should slide smoothly into the 39. Edit lanes. Blue lane tracks should run through the
well. The comb should be gently inserted into the 200-bp marker band found in every eighth lane
well and the teeth should not be forced into the starting with lane number 4. If the blue lane tracks
acrylamide. do not coincide with the 200-bp markers, or if any
31. Gently fill the upper buffer tank with 0.8x TBE buffer lane tracks deviate from the sample lanes in the
and replace the top electrode. image, click the ‘‘Edit Lanes Mode’’ button. Click
32. Start a 4 h 15 min gel run (40 mA, 40 W, 1,500 V, 50 the mouse over the lane you wish to edit or delete,
°C, image width 1,028 and scan speed 2). Optional: or over the lane adjacent to the area where you wish
After 10 min, remove the comb and gently rinse the to add lanes. Use the ‘‘Edit/Insert Lanes’’ or ‘‘Edit/
Ficoll out of the gel well. Re-insert the top elec- Delete Lane’’ menu command to insert or delete
trode and close the LI-COR door. The 4,200-series lanes. To change the path of a single lane track, drag
machines will automatically restart. If using a 4,300- the boxes on the selected lane horizontally to the
series machine, the run will remain paused until the desired location. When finished, click the ‘‘Show
continue option is selected. We typically start runs Lanes’’ button to hide the lane tracks.
at the end of the day and leave the machines run- 40. Adjust the fragment length calibration ladder. The
ning unattended. ladder is adjusted by dragging markers at the left
margin of the image. Click the ‘‘Show Calibration
CRITICAL STEP Excessive washing of the well can dis- Information’’ button. Curves representing the
turb the gel and result in lower quality gel data. calibration ladder will be superimposed on the
gel image. Place the mouse over the blue number
3.6. LI-COR Gel Analysis 700 and drag the number vertically to place the
corresponding calibration curve over the 700-bp-
TIMING 10 min–1 h size standard band. Do the same with number 200,
33. Download the most recent version of GelBuddy from making sure the corresponding curve overlaps the Installation 200-bplane marker bands. Set the migration limit
instructions, technical documentation and descrip- markers by dragging the red numbers to the bottom
tions of additional features are provided on the of the signal on the gel image (100%) and to the top
GelBuddy web site. of the full-length product (0%). When complete,
34. Download IRDye 700 and IRDye 800 TIFF images click the ‘‘Show Calibration Information’’ button
from the LI-COR to your desktop. again to hide the calibration ladder.
35. Open GelBuddy. Import images by using the 41. Mark mutations. GelBuddy provides automatic (A)
‘‘File/Open 700 and 800 Channel Images’’ menu and manual (B) band marking tools. The automatic
command. band marking tool is most appropriate for analysis of
36. Adjust the 700-channel image so that background Ecotilling images containing many cleavage product
bands become visible, using the slider bars at the bands. The manual band marking tool can be used
top of the GelBuddy window. as the sole means to mark an image containing few
37. Click the ‘‘Select Channel’’ toolbar button at the top cleavage products or to edit an automatically gener-
of the window to view the 800-channel image. (Each ated markup.
button may be identified by the text that appears
when the mouse cursor is placed over the button.) (A) Automatic band marking (optional)
Adjust the 800-channel image as in Step 36. 42. Click the ‘‘Analyze’’ button. The ‘‘Edit Gel
Information’’ pop-up window will appear. selecting the ‘‘Report/View Concise Report’’ menu
43. Enter the size of the full-length product and click command. Use the ‘‘Report/Save Concise Report’’
‘‘OK’’. A log window will appear showing the pro- command to save this report for future reference.
gress of automated band detection. The total analy- 50. Save the gel markup file using the ‘‘File/Save Gel
sis time will appear when analysis is complete. Markup’’ menu command. The ‘‘File/Open Gel
44. Close the log window to view the marked image. Markup’’ command may be used during subse-
quent GelBuddy sessions to load the markup file for
(B) Manual band marking review or revision.
45. Click the ‘‘Record Signals Mode’’ button. If you have
not yet specified the size of the full-length product,
you will be prompted to do so at this time. Enter 4. Troubleshooting
the size of the full-length product and click ‘‘OK’’.
Use the ‘‘Select Channel’’ button to switch between TIMING
channels. Approximate times for the major reagent preparation
46. Click the mouse over a cleavage product band to steps and the high-throughput screening procedure are
mark it. Each mark in the 700 channel is indicated listed in Figure 22.1.
by a red box and each mark in the 800 channel is
indicated by a blue box. To delete a mark, select Troubleshooting
the channel containing the marked band, place Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 22.1.
the cursor over the box and click the mouse while
pressing the ‘‘Option’’ key (on Macintosh OS X) or
‘‘Alt’’ key (on Windows). If you are unsure of a muta- 5. Anticipated Results
tion, note that when the mouse is over an image
band, the inferred size of the cleavage product is True polymorphisms will produce two cleaved frag-
indicated at the bottom of the window. For each ments, one in the IRDye 700–channel image and
polymorphism, the inferred cleavage product sizes another in the IRDye 800-channel image whose molec-
for the blue and red boxes should sum to approxi- ular weights add up to the molecular weight of the full-
mately the size of the full-length product. length PCR product. The full-length PCR product should
47. Edit signal groups. GelBuddy automatically links produce a sharp and intense band toward the top of the
comigrating bands to facilitate assignment of sam- gel image. Background bands arising from incomplete
ples to haplotype groups in Ecotilling applications. PCR should be of lower intensity (Fig 22.2). Assays
If you wish to review and edit grouping of comigrat- can be optimized to increase the signal-to-noise ratio
ing bands, click the ‘‘Edit Signal Groups Mode’’ by altering the amount of genomic DNA used in PCR
button. Each group will appear as a set of colored and the amount of enzyme used for mismatch cleav-
boxes linked by horizontal lines. To select multiple age (Fig 22.3 & 22.5). Bands that are scored on TILLING
bands, click on the first band you wish to select, and Ecotilling gels should represent true nucleotide
then click on additional bands while pressing the polymorphisms. This can be verified by sequencing the
‘‘Shift’’ key. The ‘‘Edit/Group Selected Signals’’, putative polymorphic individual.
‘‘Edit/Merge Selected Signal Groups’’ and ‘‘Edit/
Remove Selected Signals From Group’’ menu com- Acknowledgments
mands may then be used to alter signal grouping. We thank the past members of the TILLING team for
48. For two-dimensional (2D) pooling applications, the their input on protocol improvement and develop-
‘‘Options/Show Pool Boundaries’’ menu command ment. Steve Reynolds, Kim Young and Rob Laport
may be used to display lines delineating sets of row developed modifications for extracting DNA using
and column pools (vertical lines in Fig 22.3). the FastPrep kit. We thank the current TILLING team—
49. View report. A text report containing a list of paired Jennifer Cooper, Christine Codomo, Aaron Holm,
700- and 800-channel bands, lists of comigrating Margaret Darlow and Lindsay Soetaert—for their contin-
bands and other information may be viewed by ued input on data quality and protocol improvement.
We thank Takehito Furuyama and other members of cleavage by single-strand specific nucleases. Nucleic
the Henikoff lab for helpful discussions on the effect of Acids Res. 32:2632–2641.
low amounts of genomic DNA on PCR amplification Zerr, T. and Henikoff, S. 2005. Automated band map-
and enzymatic mismatch cleavage. We thank Elizabeth ping in electrophoretic gel images using background
Greene, Samson Kwong and Jorja Henikoff for develop- information. Nucleic Acids Res. 33:2806–2812.
ing the computational and informatics tools required to Draper, B.W., McCallum, C.M., Stout, J.L. et al. 2004.
run a high-throughput production laboratory. This work A high throughput method for identifying N-ethyl-
was supported by grants 0234960 and 007777 from the N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced point mutations in
National Science Foundation. zebrafish. Methods Cell Biol. 77: 91–112.
Published online at Wienholds, E. and Plasterk, R.H. 2004. Target-selected
Rights and permissions information is available online gene inactivation in zebrafish. Methods Cell Biol.
at 77:69–90.
Bentley, A., MacLennan, B., Calvo, J. et al. 2000. Targeted
recovery of mutations in Drosophila. Genetics.
6. References 156:1169–1173.
Wienholds, E., Schulte-Merker, S., Walderich, B. et al.
Greene, E.A. et al. 2003. Spectrum of chemically induced 2002. Target-selected inactivation of the zebrafish
mutations from a large-scale reverse-genetic screen rag1 gene. Science 297, 99–102.
in Arabidopsis. Genetics. 164:731–740. Till, B.J. et al. 2003. Large-scale discovery of induced point
McCallum, C.M., Comai, L., Greene, E.A. et al. 2000. mutations with high throughput TILLING. Genome
Targeted screening for induced mutations. Nat. Res. 13:524–530.
Biotechnol. 18:455–457 . Comai, L. et al. 2004. Efficient discovery of DNA poly-
Colbert, T. et al. 2001. High-throughput screening for morphisms in natural populations by Ecotilling. Plant
induced point mutations. PlantPhysiol. 126:480–484 . J. 37:778–786.
Till, B.J. et al. 2004. Discovery of induced point mutations Gilchrist, E.J. et al. 2006. Use of Ecotilling as an efficient
in maize genes by TILLING. BMC Plant Biol. 4:12. SNP discovery tool to survey genetic variation in
Wienholds, E. et al. 2003. Efficient target-selected wild populations of Populus trichocarpa. Mol. Ecol.
mutagenesis in zebrafish. GenomeRes. 13:2700–2707. 15:1367–1378.
Winkler, S. et al. 2005. Target-selected mutant screen by Till, B.J. et al. 2006. High-throughput discovery of rare
TILLING in Drosophila. GenomeRes. 15:718–723. human nucleotide polymorphisms by Ecotilling.
Perry, J.A. et al. 2003. A TILLING reverse genetics tool and Nucleic Acids Res. 34:e99.
a web-accessible collection of mutants of the legume Wilson, I.G. 1997. Inhibition and facilitation of nucleic acid
Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiol. 131:866–871. amplification. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:3741–3751.
Slade, A.J., Fuerstenberg, S.I., Loeffler, D. et al. 2005. A McCallum, C.M., Comai, L., Greene, E.A. et al. 2000.
reverse genetic, non transgenic approach to wheat Targeting induced local lesions IN genomes
crop improvement by TILLING. Nat.Biotechnol. (TILLING) for plant functional genomics. Plant Physiol.
23:75–81. 123:439–442.
Caldwell, D.G. et al. 2004. A structured mutant popu- Rozen, S. and Skaletsky, H. 2000. Primer3 on the WWW
lation for forward and reverse genetics in Barley for general users and for biologist programmers.
(Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant J. 40:143–150. Methods Mol. Biol. 132:365–386.
Till, B.J., Burtner, C., Comai, L. et al. 2004b. Mismatch
Applications of DNA Marker Techniques in Plant
Mutation Research
D.Wua, Q.Y.Shub and C.Lic,*
State Key Lab of Rice Biology and Key Lab of the Ministry of Agriculture for Nuclear-Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, P.R. China
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China
Department of Agriculture, Government of Western Australia, 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, WA6151, Australia
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
4. References
1. Introduction and enzymes can be used as efficient markers in crop
improvement, for example the grain storage proteins
DNA-based molecular markers are polymorphic DNAs of wheat that contribute to quality characteristics and
that may be anonymous or identified at specific loca- mutations in these genes can be screened for by altered
tions within genome. They have been widely used for protein profiles. Genetic markers are also important in
genotyping and diversity analysis of germplasm, map- the identification of radiation-facilitated chromosome
ping and tagging of genes. In the last two decades, DNA translocations (see Chapter 19) .
markers (often termed molecular markers) have been
modified constantly to enhance their utility and to bring 2. Types and Characteristics of
about automation and high-throughput in the process DNA Markers
of genome analysis. A large number of economic
important traits have been tagged using genetic markers 2.1. Types of Molecular Markers
in various crops. These developments have given new
dimensions for plant breeding through marker-assisted There is a wide assortment of genetic differences that
selection (MAS) to develop better varieties faster. can be revealed using various types of DNA analytical
In comparison to morphological markers, DNA mark- tools. The most common genetic variations in plant
ers can be used for evaluating multiple traits simultane- genomes involve: single nucleotide polymorphisms
ously, at any developmental stages, using DNA from all (SNPs), repetitive sequences, inversions and insertion/
kinds of plant organ and tissues, and independent of deletions (Indels). Various technologies and strategies
the influence of environmental conditions. Since DNA have been developed to uncover and utilize these
can be analysed prior to sowing/planting in the field, genetic differences, which can be classified into 4 cat-
genotyping (especially large scale screening) can be egories (Box 23.1).
fitted into the off-season and selection made prior to Different DNA markers might have significantly differ-
field sowing/planting, e.g. in the case of seed genotyp- ent technical requirements, particularly for DNA quan-
ing. Therefore, DNA marker analysis is efficient in time tity and quality, reproducibility and cost (Table 23.1).
and space, and thereby costs, and can accelerate the They may also differ in development and set up costs
breeding processes by allowing rapid improvement and amenability to automation, which is becoming
of traits, particularly those that are difficult to improve more and more important for high-throughput geno-
by conventional methods. In a breeding context DNA typing. On the other hand, technological developments
markers become especially powerful if they are com- have dramatically increased the ability and efficiency of
bined with pedigree information, thus markers and detecting DNA polymorphisms. For example, various
traits can be traced through pedigrees to discover the technologies have been developed to detect SNPs (see
source of the initial variation/introduction and its reten- Chapter 20), small indels can now be detected easily
tion in successful breeding lines and varieties. Genetic using sophisticated machines such as multi-capillary
markers are also powerful when combined with other electrophoresis systems. Increasingly, the various pro-
biotechnologies such as doubled haploid in produc- cesses are integrated to provide a seamless process
ing homozygous lines carrying the trait (mutation) of from DNA extraction to DNA analysis to data capture.
DNA marker techniques can also be used widely 2.2. Characteristics of Molecular Markers
in plant mutation breeding and genetic research for
increasing both the efficiency and efficacy of mutation Different DNA markers have different characteristics.
techniques. They can be used for tracing the pedigree Some DNA markers reveal genetic variation solely at a
of induced mutants and tagging important mutations. single position whereas others reveal variation simulta-
Consequently, closely linked markers of mutant traits neously at multiple loci (Table 23.1). Certain DNA mark-
can be used for MAS, pyramiding and cloning of ers are co-dominant, allowing both alleles at a locus
mutant genes. However, the way they are used is some- to be distinguished, while others are dominant, only
what different from conventional plant breeding pro- indicating presence or absence of the marker; some
grammes. Some biochemical markers such as proteins DNA markers are developed based on the gene/allele
Box 23.1: Classification of DNA markers based on the development and type of genetic variation
RFLP: Restricted fragment length polymorphisms. This is one of the earliest type of DNA marker. DNA is cleaved with restriction enzymes
that recognize specific sequences in the DNA, the resulting fragments are separated by size using electrophoresis. Probes that are
generated from specific regions of the genome are used to identify fragments corresponding to the target sequence.
PCR-based markers
RAPD: Randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs. Sections of DNA are randomly amplified from different regions of the genome using PCR
primers of approximately 10 bp (base pairs) of arbitrary sequence to generate a range of markers, normally visualized as banding profiles
in gels after electrophoresis.
SSR: Simple sequence repeats, also known as microsatellites. SSRs are tandemly repeated nucleotides of 1-4 bp in size, e.g. mono-
nucleotide repeats, (A)n, (T)n, (G)n and (C)n; bi-nucleotide repeats such as (CT)n, (AG)n, tri-nucleotide repeats such as (TCT)n, (AGA)n,
etc. Polymorphism is based on differences in the number of repeats (length of repeated sequence).
EST-SSR: SSR located in expressed sequence tags (ESTs). ESTs are directly related to gene expression and EST libraries can be developed
for specific plant tissues (e.g. root ESTs) and responses to specific environments (e.g. heat stress). EST-SSRs are especially useful for
comparative mapping and evolutionary studies because they have a high likelihood of being syntenic between species.
Indel: DNA insertion/deletion. Indels are polymorphisms of short insertions and deletions, which can be spread across the genome, and
therefore recognised as an abundant source of genetic markers, though not as common as SNPs. In most of cases, Indels are referred to as
non-repetitive sequences.
ISSR: Inter simple sequence repeat. As the name implies ISSRs are genomic regions located between SSR sequences. These regions can
be amplified by PCR using simple repeat sequences as primers. Various SSR sequences can be anchored at the 3’-end of the primer to
increase their specificity (usually to reduce the number of bands on a gel to a manageable number). ISSRs are mostly dominant markers,
though occasionally a few may exhibit co-dominance. An unlimited number of primers can be synthesized for various combinations of
di-, tri-, tetra- and penta-nucleotides.
SNP: Single nucleotide polymorphisms. SNPs are single base changes in the DNA sequence that are generally bi-allelic at any particular
site. SNPs can be revealed through various approaches (see Chapter 20), but sequencing methods are rapidly being developed that aid
SNP detection.
SRAP: Sequence-related amplified polymorphism. SRAP is based on two-primer amplification. The primers are 17 or 18 nucleotides long
and consist of the core sequences and selective sequences. The core sequences are 13 to 14 bases long, of which the first 10 or 11 bases at
the 5 end are sequences of no specific constitution (known as “filler” sequences), followed by the sequence CCGG in the forward primer
and AATT in the reverse primer. The core is followed by three selective nucleotides at the 3 end. The filler sequences of the forward and
reverse primers must be different from each other and can be 10 or 11 bases long. In the PCR, the annealing temperature for the first five
cycles is set at 35°C. The following 35 cycles are run at 50°C. The amplified DNA fragments are separated and detected by denaturing
acrylamide gels.
ASAP: Allele-specific associated primers. Specific primers are designed according to sequence information of specific alleles and used for
amplification of DNA to generate a single fragment at stringent annealing temperatures. They also known as allele-specific or gene specific
VNTR: Variable number of tandem repeats. VNTRs are also known as minisatellites that are tandem repeats with a monomer repeat length
of about 11–60 bp. The minisatellite loci contain tandem repeats that vary in the number of repeat units between genotypes and are
referred to as variable number of tandem repeats or hypervariable regions (HVRs).
AFLP: Amplified fragment length polymorphism. This technique combines aspects of RFLP and PCR amplification. The technique is based
on the detection of genomic restriction fragments by PCR amplification and can be used for DNAs of any origin or complexity without any
prior knowledge of sequence, using a limited set of generic primers. The number of fragments detected in a single reaction can be ‘tuned’
by selection of specific primer sets.
CAPS: Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence. This technique combines PCR amplification and restriction enzyme digestion to
generate DNA polymorphisms. Polymorphic patterns are generated by restriction enzyme digestion of PCR products. PCR primers for this
process can be synthesized based on the sequence information available in data bases of genomic or cDNA sequences or cloned RAPD
bands. These markers are co-dominant in nature.
STS: Sequence-tagged sites. RFLP probes specifically linked to a desired trait are sequenced and converted into PCR-based STS markers
based on nucleotide sequence of the probe resulting in a polymorphic band pattern for the specific amplicon. In this technique the
tedious hybridization procedures involved in RFLP analysis can be overcome.
Box 23.1: Classification of DNA markers based on the development and type of genetic variation
DarT: Diversity Array Technology. DarT is a hybridization-based method capable of generating a medium density scan of any plant
genome, irrespective of genome sequence information. A single DarT assay simultaneously genotypes hundreds to thousands of SNPs
and Indels throughout the genome.
Microarray based markers: A microarray-based method has been developed for scoring thousands of DNAs for a co-dominant marker
on a glass slide. The approach was developed to detect insertion polymorphism of transposons and works well with single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) markers. Biotin-terminated allele-specific PCR products are spotted unpurified onto streptavidin-coated glass
slides and visualized by hybridization of fluorescent detector oligonucleotides to tags attached to the allele- specific PCR primers. Two
tagged primer oligonucleotides are used per locus and each tag is detected by hybridization to a con-catameric DNA probe labeled with
multiple fluorochromes.
BeadArray: This technology relies on laser fibre optics, which provides the possibility of testing >1500 loci in a single DNA sample in a
single tube. The assay employs sets of locus specific oligodeoxynucleotides designed to interrogate each individual SNP. One of these is
locus specific (Locus Specific Oligo, LSO), but non-discriminatory, and the other two are designed so that their 3’- base is complementary
to one or other alternative allele sequences (Allele Specific Oligo’s, ASO). After a complex series of reactions, the yield of a PCR
product that contains one or other of the discriminating ASOs can be quantified and the SNP genotype at the specific locus ascertained.
BeadArray is a genotyping system commercialized by Illumina and exploits an assay known as ‘GoldenGate’. In this assay 1536 different
SNP loci are interrogated by a series of extension and ligation reactions followed by PCR.
Table 23.1: Relative comparisons of some commonly used DNA markers in cereals
sequence and hence are gene/allele specific while of EST-SSR markers (Varshney et al. 2005). In contrast to
most others are not (Table 23.1, Box 23.2). The useful- SSRs, multiple regions of the genome can be targeted
ness of a particular type of genetic marker also depends simultaneously with RAPDs. However, this is not a seri-
on its density, frequency, distribution and richness in ous constraint as SSR analyses are easy to multiply. A
polymorphism in the genome (evaluated by its poly- down side to RAPD markers is they are dominant, not
morphic index, Box 23.2). co-dominant. The RAPD technique is fairly simple how-
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are co-dominant ever; it does not require restriction digestion, labeled
and highly polymorphic. SSRs are not confined to non- probes, hybridization, or prior knowledge of sequence
coding regions of the genome, and many are found in and the use of hazardous detection chemicals. Small
coding sequences of genes, allowing the development variations in experimental conditions often affect the
A Mutant development :useful
X:not useful
Parent variety
Mutagenic treatment: X
M 1 population
Generation advancement: X
M 2/3 population
Mutant screen and selection:X
M 2/3 mutant plants
reproducibility of the RAPD technique (e.g. between on the kilobase scale instead of the megabase scale.
laboratories), which limits its use. Over 37,000 SNPs were identified in a comparison of
AFLP is a technique that combines aspects of both shotgun sequences between Arabidopsis accessions
RFLP and DNA amplification using the polymerase Columbia and Landsberg erecta. Because of their high
chain reaction (PCR); it is a more robust method than density in the genome, SNPs are extremely well suited
RAPD, but more technically demanding. AFLP typically for high-resolution gene mapping, marker-assisted
allows the analysis of dozens of DNA markers simulta- selection and studies assessing the level of diversity
neously. Combinations of primers with alternate sup- throughout the genome. SNP frequency is such that
plementary bases allow many different sub-sets of DNA more than one SNP can be detected within a DNA frag-
marker combinations, or genomic representations, to ment or across a region of interest, and the variation
be analyzed, a feature that makes this technique very detected can be converted into haplotypes if required.
versatile. Like RAPD markers, AFLP markers are either In addition to the above DNA markers, a number of
present or absent. AFLP band intensities can be quan- other markers, i.e. CAPS, STS, SCAR, ISSR, SRAP, VNTR,
tified and scored as co-dominant marker, especially DarT, and other derivative techniques have been devel-
between samples of closely related individuals such oped and utilized during the past decades (the more
as backcross populations to discriminate heterozygous common of these are described in Box 23.1).
loci. AFLP is normally used as a genetic fingerprinting
method or when large numbers of markers are required
from which candidate markers linked to a target can be 3. Use of DNA Markers in Mutant
selected. Characterization
For sheer density of DNA markers, single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) offer one of the richest sources. Plant mutation research projects can include either all
SNPs are increasingly used as DNA markers because steps, as shown in Figure 23.1, from mutagenic treat-
techniques are becoming more widespread, cost effec- ment to gene cloning and gene pyramiding, or involve
tive and automated, and the genome sequence infor- only a part of them. DNA marker techniques can be
mation of major crops are becoming increasingly avail- used to facilitate some of investigations; however, they
able (see Chapter 20). With SNPs, as opposed to other are usually not useful for screening and selection of
types of DNA markers, marker density can be measured induced mutants (Fig 23.1).
3.1. Most DNA Markers are Not Useful in Mutant process and occurs at an extremely low frequency, it is
Screening very unlikely that two mutations occur simultaneously,
one at the marker locus, the other at the gene target;
During the past decade, numerous DNA markers have Furthermore, even if such an event occurs, it is almost
been identified for various traits of agronomic or quality impossible for the two mutations to occur in the same
importance. This has led to a commonly asked ques- desired direction (e.g. the marker and target gene are
tion: can DNA markers be used for screening or select- mutated into previously reported desired alleles).
ing an induced mutant? The answer is that most of them Consequently, a mutant plant most probably has the
are not useful, with the exception of functional markers. wild type allele of the linked marker, and vice verse.
Other commonly asked questions are given in Box 23.3. Therefore, standard DNA markers that are only linked
As described earlier and shown in Fig 23.1, all DNA to a trait will not be useful for screening and selection
markers except gene specific markers are indirect mark- of a mutated trait in mutant populations (M2, M3, etc).
ers and consist of a DNA fragment that is physically Currently, the only exceptions are functional molecu-
close to the gene of interest. Since plant mutagenesis lar markers, for example, SNPs responsible for herbi-
induced by chemical or physical mutagens is a random cide tolerance and susceptibility (see Chapter 31), or
Box 23.3: Frequently asked questions relating to DNA markers in plant mutation research
Question 1: Can DNA markers be used for screening and selecting induced mutants?
Answer: In general no, induced mutants can not be screened or selected using most DNA marker systems. Functional markers can be
used for a specific type of mutation.
Question 2: To what degree can an induced mutant be different from its wild type parent for it to be distinguishable with molecular
Answer: Theoretically, chemically induced mutants differ from their parents by only 5 per million base pairs and frequency is even less for
those physically induced. Studies in cereals show that selected morphological mutant have identical (AFLP and SSR) genotypes to their
parents. Therefore, if a mutant shows a high degree (e.g. >5%) of SSR variation compared to its parent, it might not be a true mutant of the
said parent, and more likely to be a contaminant.
Question 4: What kind of populations should be developed for tagging and mapping a mutant gene?
Answer: Mapping populations (F2, BC1, DHs etc.) should be developed by crossing the mutant with wild type varieties that are genetically
distant from the mutant (this provides a high level of polymorphism among the markers used to construct the map). The most common
error for tagging a mutant gene is to use a segregating population derived from a cross between a mutant and its parent (there will be no
marker segregation).
Question 5: What are the advantages of induced mutants compared with conventional germplasm in positional gene cloning?
Answer: Once a gene is delimited to a short genomic region (i.e. ~100 kb), in most cases there should be only one site of sequence
difference between the mutant and its parent. The gene with this sequence difference is highly likely to be the target gene. This is often not
the case for conventional germplasm, since more than one site of sequence difference is expected, for example, there is a SNP every 2kb
of rice genome between the indica and japonica sub-species.
for tolerance or susceptibility to a particularly race of As described above, SSRs are highly polymorphic
a disease (e.g. the rice blast resistance gene Pita-2, see markers that have been developed in many plant
Chapter 3). In such cases, a simple molecular marker genotypes. If they have a mutation frequency similar to
can be developed and used for screening of a desired other genomic regions during chemical and physical
mutant; however, it will need screen millions of M2 mutagenesis, a mutant should have an almost identi-
plants, which is not cost-effective for most traits. This cal SSR fingerprint to its parent. This is because (1) SSR
may change with the dramatic reduction of sequenc- markers are short DNA fragment, i.e. ~200 bp per SSR
ing cost owing to the new generations of sequencing marker, therefore, only one mutation will be induced
facilities. per 1,000 SSR markers (based on the observations of
one mutation per 200 kb); (2) even such a mutation
3.2. Excluding False Mutants Using DNA Markers (mostly SNP) can not be revealed since the polymor-
phism of SSR marker are based on the repeat number
Due to reduced pollen fertility of M1 plants (see Chapter difference (at least 2bp difference). It is known that SSRs
14) and because the mutant selection process (a pro- mutate at a higher frequency than normal genomic
cess of selecting any plants that differs from its parent regions, for example, it has found to be about 5 or more
variety), there is plenty opportunity for mixing within times higher in maize (Vigouroux et al. 2002). Even so, a
the mutant population and contamination from other mutant would be expected to be identical to its parent
sources, e.g. a segregant from an outcross of the parent when genotyped with 200 SSR markers. The chances
with another variety. It is recommended that extreme of hitting a desired mutation with an SSR are negligible.
care is taken to protect M1 and M2 plants from pollen Such theoretical postulation has recently been experi-
and seed contamination through proper isolation, and mentally proven in rice.
avoid other sources of mixing. However, it is practically Rice lines carrying a transgenic gene or a reces-
impossible to exclude all chances of contamination, sive mutant gene were used by Fu et al. (2008) to
especially when the material is grown out on a large demonstrate out-cross derived contaminants, which
scale in the field. A selected mutant is normally subject were frequently selected as “mutant” in several rice
to scrutiny using the breeder’s knowledge, expertise populations. However, all seven true mutants have SSR
and experience, but further more stringent validation haplotypes identical to their respective parents. They
is required as such a process can not always lead to a further demonstrated that false mutants can be identi-
scientifically correct judgment due to potential pleio- fied easily using SSR analysis, and were able to correct
tropic effect of a mutation, which can make a mutant the pedigree of a xantha mutant Huangyu B (Fu et al.
quite different from its parent at phenotypic level. 2007). Therefore, SSR marker assays can be used as a
On the other hand, it is not uncommon that the simple method for assuring the genetic relationship of
physiological, biochemical and agronomical effects a mutant and its parent, and used to exclude any false
of a mutated trait are evaluated through comparative mutant before performing comprehensive studies on
analysis between a mutant and its parent. Recently, the effects of the mutations.
such comparisons have extended to gene expression
and metabolism using various array and ‘omics’ tech- 3.3. Tagging, Mapping and Cloning a Mutant Gene
niques (Burow et al. 2008; Zakhrabekova et al. 2008).
The scientific soundness of any conclusion derived In the early days of mutagenesis, the existence of a gene
from such comparative studies relies on the true origin was often first revealed when a mutant with a visible
of the mutant from the parent variety. Therefore, it has phenotype was recovered; from pea plants with wrin-
become increasingly important to develop an objec- kled seeds to fruitflies with altered eye pigmentation.
tive and efficient means to guarantee that the mutant is Mutants have long played a central role in genetic anal-
directly originated from the parent under study through ysis, and in crop species like barley and rice and model
induced mutagenesis (not a mixture, or a progeny from species, genetic maps were established using spontane-
an outcross). In this regard, standard DNA markers can ous and induced mutations. For example in Arabidopsis
play a role in assuring the mutant being compared is the first comprehensive genetic map was established
truly a direct mutant of the parental variety. 20 years ago in which 76 genes associated with distinct
phenotypes, from altered trichome morphology and ommended that mapping populations are developed
seed coat pigmentation to reduced surface waxes and by crossing to japonica genotypes. F2, BC1 and/or DH
increased hypocotyl length were mapped (see Chapter populations are commonly used for such purposes.
4). With the availability of various molecular markers, The second population can be used as a validation
attempts to tag and map a mutant gene have become population, which also provides a second option for
routine in molecular studies. tagging the mutant gene if the first population shows
low polymorphisms for the available genetic markers.
3.3.1. What Kind of Mutated Traits can be Tagged The second population is also very useful for delimit-
or Mapped? ing the region in which the mutant gene is located (Fig
Mutation can affect both qualitative (e.g. glutinous 23.2). It should be noted that the larger the population
endosperm, extreme dwarfism) and quantitative (e.g. the more accurate the marker-mutation linkage.
yield, maturity, grain protein content) traits. It is unlikely Bulked sergeant analysis (BSA, Michelmore et al. 1991)
that two or more genes in the same pathway are is a popular method for tagging traits. In this method
mutated simultaneously in a single mutant plant (due two DNA bulks are made from contrasting individuals at
to the very low frequency of mutation for any single extremes ends of a frequency distribution for the trait.
gene). Therefore, the mutated trait of either qualitative In the case of a disease resistance trait, one bulk with be
or quantitative nature segregates as a single gene in seg- composed of the DNA from say 10 individuals showing
regating populations (F2, BC1, DHs, etc) derived from a extreme resistance and the second bulk is made up of
cross between a mutant and its parent. However, when an equal number of extreme susceptible individuals. If
a quantitative trait mutant is crossed with another vari- the population is derived from a mutation programme
ety with a contrasting genotype, the mutated trait can the mutated traits will be absent in one bulk but present
no longer be identified in the resulting progeny, since in the other. Therefore, after phenotyping 10 individu-
other genes influence the trait (positively or negatively). als with and 10 individuals without the mutant gene are
It should be noted that quantitative trait loci (QTLs) selected and DNA extracted from each individual. The
are regularly identified using genetic markers, but they DNA is then bulked for each of the two groups. The two
are different from the mutated gene in a mutant line bulks and the parental lines are then analysed using vari-
discussed above, and hence should not be confused. ous markers. If the location of the mutation is unknown
It should also be noted that, with the development of a genome wide marker system is required. If, however,
new generations of sequencing technologies, it might the chromosome, chromosome arm or chromosomal
become possible to sequence large DNA fragments region is known more targeted markers can be selected
at reasonable cost and high-throughput; hence poly- (for example, mutated traits that are assigned to a
morphic DNA markers can be developed with much specific chromosome or linkage group through classi-
greater precision and used to tag mutated genes using cal chromosome mapping). Any marker found in one
populations derived from crosses between a mutant bulk but not the other becomes a candidate tag for
and its parent. Such an approach is highly desirable as it the mutant gene. When such markers are found their
would preclude the development of developing map- fidelity to the trait can be checked by analysing each
ping populations and thus save time. individual that make up the bulks and confirming the
marker-mutation association in the mutant parent.
3.3.2. Gene Tagging and Mapping These candidate tags are then further tested in the
If a mutant trait is qualitative in nature it can be tagged, whole population in order to estimate the genetic
mapped and in some cases cloned (Fig 23.2). Currently, distance between the markers and the mutant gene
such work always starts with the development of a and to map the mutation. The process is the same as
segregating population. It is recommended that two the common practice of gene tagging and mapping.
crosses are made between the mutant line and two For coarse mapping of a mutant gene, population size
wild type (WT) genotypes. The WT genotypes should can vary from 100 to 400 plants depending on the plant
be genetically distant from the mutant so a sufficient species, for example, 100 mutant type plants would be
number of polymorphic markers can be assayed. In typical for tagging a single gene in rice (Fig 23.2). Fine
rice, for example, if the mutant is an indica rice, it is rec- mapping requires larger mapping populations or spe-
Seg. pop. 2
1 Seg. pop. 1: F 2, BC 1, etc.
cialist methods such as targeting recombination events In the course of map-based cloning, mutant genes
around the locus of interest. are first identified through linkage to a sufficiently small
region by fine mapping and delimiting (Fig 23.2). A
3.3.3. Fine Mapping, Delimiting and Cloning larger segregating population (e.g. 1,000 to 2,000 F2 or
Induced mutants have been purposely and system- DH plants) is grown, genotyped, and phenotyped to
atically produced for gene isolation and gene analysis. determine fine-scale genetic linkage. The mutant can be
The rice IR64 mutant collection at the International delimited through analysis of recombinant plants based
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) comprises of more than on reference genome sequence information which
38,000 M4 lines. Compared with the T-DNA mutant is available for most major crop species. At this stage,
lines, induced mutations are unique and to some recombinant plants of a second population are always
extent irreplaceable in gene discovery. For example, very useful since there may be additional recombinants
most T-DNA insertions cause gene “knock-outs”, and no that can be used for narrowing the fragment where the
mutant can be recovered if such genes are essential for mutant gene is located and thereby developing more
plant survival. In contrast induced mutations are more tightly linked markers (Fig 23.2).
“knock-down” mutations with some possessing unique When the mutant gene is delimited to a narrow region,
functionality, they are therefore of great use in gene the next step is to identify the most likely candidate gene
discovery and gene function studies. In many crops, through bioinformatics and in silico data searches (Fig
it is not always possible to generate large numbers of 23.2). For example, it is possible to identify a gene that
insertion mutants, because of resilience to transforma- is homologous to a known gene in another species. For
tion or inefficient regeneration protocols, but it is pos- example, Kim et al. (2008) and Xu et al. (2009) identi-
sible to generate mutants in all crops through physical fied the candidate genes responsible for two low phytic
or chemical mutagenesis. Several examples of gene acid mutations through homologue data searches, and
discovery are described in Chapters 35-37. Here the consequently demonstrated the mutations occurred in
general procedure is discussed. two genes. However, if the mutated trait is controlled by
a gene for which no data are available, it is not possible variety should have the best combination of alleles for
to identify the candidate gene through such analysis. In these traits. Gene pyramiding is the term used when
such cases, mutation detection through sequencing or two or more genes are simultaneously selected and
mismatch cleavage of the whole delimited region can bred into a single breeding line.
be performed for the mutant and its parent, for example Gene pyramiding is especially useful for combining
Zhao et al. (2008) identified a new low phytic rice gene genes responsible for resistance to different races of a
using such techniques. Although this method is cur- disease or biotypes of a pest, since resistances to multi-
rently often limited to data searches in model species, races or multi-biotypes are also considered to be more
the expansion of whole genome sequencing, particu- durable than resistance to a single-race or single-bio-
larly of major crop species will provide greater scope in type. Gene pyramiding would be very difficult without
the future as ‘omics’ data bases are developed in crops. genetic markers, since it is often impossible to distin-
Induced mutants have a special advantage in iden- guish resistance controlled by a single gene or by two
tifying the target gene after it is delimited compared or more genes at the phenotypic level. Genetic markers
with conventional germplasm. Once a mutant gene is provide a powerful means for maximizing the utilization
delimited to a short genomic region (e.g. ~100 kb) it can of mutant resources through MAS and gene pyramid-
be recognized by its sequence variation. Sequence dif- ing. It has already been successfully applied in several
ference between a mutant and its parent has frequency crops breeding programmes, and some new varieties
of about 1 per 200 kb for chemical mutagenesis and and advanced lines possessing multiple attributes
even lower for physical mutagenesis (see Chapter 20). have been developed. A coordinated research pro-
Therefore, any gene with a sequence difference within ject on ‘Pyramiding of mutated genes contributing to
the target region is highly likely to be the gene in ques- crop quality’ was initiated in 2004 by the International
tion. This is not the case for conventional germplasm, Atomic Energy Agency with the aim to develop elite
since more than one site of sequence difference is breeding lines by combining mutant genes controlling
expected, for example, there is a SNP every 2kb of the nutritional value (amino acid composition, micronutri-
rice genome between indica and japonica sub-species. ents, vitamins, secondary metabolites, nutraceuticals,
If there are two or more allelic mutations for the same etc.), end-user quality traits, and tolerance to biotic and
mutated trait, and all mutations occur in the same gene, abiotic stresses.
this become compelling evidence for the gene discov- It is essential to develop multiplex marker technolo-
ery (Fig 23.2). gies for efficient pyramiding of genes. PCR multiplexing
and multi-pooling strategies can significantly reduce the
3.4. Marker-Assisted Selection, Pyramiding and cost of genotyping and increase genotyping through-
Tracing Mutant Genes put. These are available for many markers systems e.g.
a multiplex ready PCR technology has been developed
3.4.1. Marker-Assisted Selection and Gene for genotyping with multiple SSR markers (Hayden et al.
Pyramiding 2008).
After a mutant trait is tagged by one or more markers,
it is possible to select the mutant trait using the mark- 3.4.2. Allele-Specific Markers for Distinguishing
ers; this is termed marker assisted selection (MAS). and Tracing Mutant Genes
Marker assisted-selection has become an important Once a mutant gene is identified and cloned, it is possi-
tool in plant breeding to increasing breeding efficiency, ble to develop genetic markers that differentiate the dif-
allowing early generation selection, and reducing plant ferent alleles; these markers are known as allele-specific
population size and in reducing redundant planting markers. For example, Zhao et al. (2008) developed
areas. In principle, there are no substantial differences allele-specific markers for the low phytic acid gene Lpa1
between common gene and mutant gene tagging when in rice. After the KBNT lpa1-1 mutation was identified
MAS is applied to a breeding programme. to be a single nucleotide substitution of C/G to T/A),
New varieties are required to be excellent for all a CAPS marker (LPA_CAPS) was developed for distin-
important characters such as yield, desirable quality, guishing the mutant allele (lpa1-1) from the WT allele.
and resistance to pest and diseases. Therefore, a new Similarly, an Indel marker (LPA1_Indel) was designed to
discern the Os-lpa-XQZ-1 mutation (lpa1-2) from the WT Hayden, M.J., Nguyen, T.M., Waterman, A. et al. 2008.
allele. It is now possible to differentiate the two mutant Application of multiplex-ready PCR for fluorescence-
alleles (lpa1-1 and lpa1-2) and the WT allele (Lpa1) using based SSR genotyping in barley and wheat. Mol
these two markers. With allele-specific markers, MAS Breed. 21:271-281.
for the desired gene allele is 100% accurate and there- Kim, S.I., Andaya, C.B., Newman J.W. et al. 2008.
fore of immense value in breeding. Isolation and characterization of a low phytic acid
With allele-specific markers, it also becomes pos- rice mutant reveals a mutation in the rice orthologue
sible to trace the origin of important gene alleles in of maize MIK. Theor Appl Genet. 117:1291-1301.
modern varieties. The Green Revolution in rice was Michelmore, R.W., Paran, I. and Kesseli, R.V. 1991.
achieved with the development of semi-dwarf (SD) Identification of markers linked to disease-resistance
rice varieties during the 1960-1970’s. The short stature genes by bulked segregant analysis: a rapid method
of semi-dwarf varieties is due to mutations in the SD1 to detect markers in specific genomic regions by
gene that encodes the GA20-oxidase-2 enzyme. It has using segregating populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci
been demonstrated that at least 7 sd1 alleles have been USA. 88:9828-9832.
used in rice breeding in China, Japan and USA. Apart Varshney, R.K., Graner, A. and Sorrells, M.E. 2005. Genic
from the IR8 sd1 allele (a 383 bp deletion and hence microsatellite markers in plants: features and applica-
null mutation, from the native variety Dee-geo-woo- tions. Trends Biotechnol. 23:48-55.
gen, DGWG), two artificially induced sd1 mutations, Vigouroux, Y., Jaqueth, J.S., Matsuoka, Y. et al. 2002.
namely those of semi-dwarf mutant varieties Reimei Rate and pattern of mutation at microsatellite loci in
(sd1-RM) and Calrose-76 (sd1-CR), have also been used maize. Mol Biol Evol. 19:1251-1260.
widely in Japan and USA. Both sd1-RM and sd1-CR are Xu, X.H., Zhao, H.J., Liu, Q.L. et al. 2009 Mutations of the
due a single nucleotide substitution, which leads to multi-drug resistance-associated protein ABC trans-
amino acid changes, i.e. D349H and L266F, respec- porter gene 5 result in reduction of phytic acid in rice
tively (Asano et al. 2007). Based on these findings, Kim seeds. Theor Appl Genet.
et al. (2009) was able to design an allele specific marker Zakhrabekova, S., Gough, S.P., Lundqvist, U. et al. 2008.
and examined the nature and distribution of sd1 alleles Comparing two microarray platforms for identifying
among U.S. varieties. mutated genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant
Physiol Biochem. 45:617-622.
Zhao, H.J., Liu, Q.L., Ren, X.L. et al. 2008. Gene identi-
4. References fication and allele-specific marker development for
two allelic low phytic acid mutations in rice (Oryza
4.1. Cited references sativa L.) . Mol Breed. 22:603-612.
4.3. Further reading Lörz, H. and Wenzel, G. 2007. Molecular Marker Systems
in Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement. Springer,
Guimarães, E.,Ruane, J., Scherf, B. et al. 2007. Marker- Tokyo.
Assisted Selection-Current status and future per- Servin, B., Martin, O.C., Mezard, M. et al. 2004. Toward a
spectives in crops, livestock, forestry and fish. Food theory of marker-assisted gene pyramiding. Genetics.
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 168:513–523.
International Atomic Energy Agency 2002. Mutant
germplasm characterization using molecular mark-
ers. Training course series No.19. IAEA, Vienna.
Section 4
Mutation Breeding
Principles and Applications of Plant
Mutation Breeding
Q.Y.Shua,*, B.P.Forsterb and H.Nakagawac
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Present: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
BioHybrids International Limited, P.O. Box 2411, Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 5FY, UK
Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan
Corresponding author: Email:
1. Introduction
2. Biological Basis of Mutation Breeding
2.1. DNA Damage and Repair
2.1.1. DNA Damage and Cell Survival
2.1.2. DNA Repair and Consequences
2.2. Ontology and Reproductive Biology
2.2.1. Ontology
2.2.2. Reproductive Biology
2.3. Gene and Genome Biology
3. Strategies in Mutation Breeding
3.1. Approaches in Mutation Breeding
3.1.1. Direct Use of Induced Mutants
3.1.2. Indirect Use of Induced Mutants
3.1.3. Other Approaches
3.2. Techniques Related to Mutation Breeding
3.2.1. Mutagenesis
3.2.2. Production of Solid/Homo-Histont Mutants and Homozygous Mutants
3.2.3. Mutant Screening and Selection
3.3. Mutation Breeding for Different Traits
3.3.1. Traits Improved through Mutation Breeding
4. Theoretical Considerations and Planning of a Mutation Breeding Project
4.1. Mutation Breeding versus other Breeding Methods
4.1.1. Technical Assessment of the Suitability of Mutation Breeding
4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutation Breeding
4.3. Planning a Mutation Programme
4.3.1. General Considerations
4.3.2. Mutation Breeding in Sexually Propagated Crops
4.3.3.Vegetatively Propagated Species
5. Mutation Breeding in Modern Crop Improvement
5.1. Mutation Breeding for New and Novel End-Products
5.2. Molecular Mutation Breeding
5.2.1. Utilization and Manipulation of DNA Damage and Repair Mechanism
5.2.2. Making Use of knowledge of Trait Genetic Control
5.2.3. Molecular Screening and Identification of Induced Mutations
6. References
1. Introduction 2. Biological Basis of Mutation Breeding
Plant and animal breeding has been practiced since the A number of biological mechanisms underlie mutation
dawn of human civilization. Simple selection of desir- breeding. They include the biology of DNA damage and
able offspring was the first method of breeding and this repair, ontology and reproductive biology, gene and
utilized the occurrence of spontaneous mutations. The genome biology, and genetics and functional genomics.
application of Mendel’s laws of genetics at the begin-
ning of the 20th century made a significant impact on 2.1. DNA Damage and Repair
plant breeding, which changed from empirical or
experience-based practice to a science-based plant DNA damage caused by physical and chemical
technology. Cross breeding (or recombinant breed- mutagens is the starting point of mutation breeding.
ing), based on crossing of different genotypes followed As described in Chapter 5, DNA lesions are naturally
by trait selection, has become the widely practiced generated in living cells in the process of metabolism
method in plant breeding. Later, the work on the induc- and DNA replication. Treatments of chemical or physi-
tion of genetic alterations by X-rays, performed by the cal mutagens can significantly increase the number,
plant breeder Lweis John Stadler in the late 1920’s and and alter the profile, of DNA damage. Living cells can
early 1930’s, laid the foundation of another type of plant respond quickly to the DNA damages and initiate dif-
breeding – mutation breeding. ferent mechanisms either by killing the damaged cell or
Mutation breeding involves the development of by repairing DNA lesions; the consequences of these
new varieties by generating and utilizing genetic vari- process are directly linked to mutation breeding.
ability through chemical and physical mutagenesis. The
achievements of mutation breeding (see Chapters 1&2) 2.1.1. DNA Damage and Cell Survival
contributed by various influential people (Box 24.1) in In general, the higher the dose of a mutagen, the more
various species places mutation breeding on a strong the DNA damage. Since each cell can only tolerate
foundation. It is now one of the three pillars of modern certain amounts of DNA damage, above which the cell
plant breeding (the other two are recombinant breed- would be killed through processes such as apoptosis. At
ing and transgenic breeding). Although mutation breed- the plant level, or in vitro tissue culture, this is reflected
ing follows the same rules of traits being under genetic by a reduction or cessation of growth after mutagen
control, it differs from other breeding methods in that it treatment above certain critical dose levels.
generates new genetic variation. It also differs in the way
of screening and selection of desirable breeding lines, 2.1.2. DNA Repair and Consequences
and in the potential to improve a new variety, e.g. by After mutagen treatment at non-lethal doses, viable
speeding up the development of desired phenotypes. biological mechanisms are initiated to repair the DNA
As in other modern breeding schemes mutation breed- lesions (see Chapters 5 & 6). This process is critical and
ing exploits advances in genomics in selecting desired has significant implications for mutation breeding since
lines by genotyping rather than phenotyping, this has the consequences of this process are directly related
been dubbed “molecular mutation breeding”. to the type and frequency of mutations produced and
Mutation breeding is quite unique in several aspects, hence has a impact on the generation and frequency of
it is therefore of paramount importance to understand desirable mutant plants.
the advantages and limitations for its effectiveness in Error-proof and error-prone DNA repair. If all DNA
crop improvement. The principles and applications of lesions are perfectly repaired, there would be no muta-
mutation breeding in crop improvement, and the inte- tions. However, errors in DNA repair do happen and
gration of genomics, molecular technologies and other are inherent with certain mechanism. For example,
related technologies into mutation breeding are briefly homologous recombination repair of DNA double
introduced in this chapter. Examples are given through- strand breaks (DSBs) often result in restoration of origi-
out. The chapter also acts as a guide to other chapters nal DNA sequence, and hence produces relatively few
and further reading on specific topics. mutations. Not all DNA lesions are repaired by solely
one mechanism and some DNA repair mechanisms are
Box 24.1: Influential people in the history of mutation breeding
Carl von Linné (1707-1778). Swedish botanist, the ‘Father of taxonomy’ and constructor of the system of naming, ranking and classifying
organisms. From 1741 onwards described various examples of mutants, heritable variation in both wild and cultivated plants.
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884). An Austrian monk who conducted studies on garden peas in the Augustinian Abbey of St Thomas at
Brünn (now Brno, Czech Republic). In 1865 Mendel published studies on inheritance from which Mendelian genetics and Mendelian laws
of inheritance were developed. Known as the ‘Father of genetics’.
Wilhelm Conrad von Röntgen (1845-1923). German physicist and ‘Father of diagnostic radiology’ who discovered X-rays (1895). Nobel
Prize in Physics laureate in 1901.
Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852–1908). French physicist who discovered spontaneous irradiation from uranium, referred to as Becquerel
radiation (a mixture ofandrays). Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 (shared with Pierre and Marie Currie).
Charles Robert Darwin (1809 - 1882). English naturalist who wrote the ground breaking book “The origin of the species”. Darwin
developed the evolutionary theory of natural selection through “survival of the fittest” in which heritable genetic changes (mutations)
provide variation and the driving force for speciation. Darwin also defines bud variation (bud sport mutation) in 1868.
Hugo de Vries (1848 – 1935). Dutch scientist who developed the concepts of genes (pangenes) and mutation. A founding father of
genetics. Suggested that newly discovered irradiation could be used to induce mutations artificially. Produced two major works: “The
mutation theory” (published in two volumes: 1901 and 1903), and “Species and varieties: their origin by mutation” (1905).
Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov (1887 – 1943). A Russian botanist, geneticist and plant breeder. Developed the concept of “Centres of
diversity” where genetic variation for plant species, including the origins of crop species, occurred in certain geographic regions.
According to Vavilov wild type (dominant) alleles dominate the centres with recessive alleles (the result of mutation) being more frequent
on the periphery. In 1935 Vavilov famously stated that “plant breeding was evolution in human hands”.
Herman Joseph Muller (1890 – 1967). An American geneticist who worked on mutation induction in Drosophila. Provided proof that
X-rays could induce mutations in genes (1927). The ability to produce abundant mutants provided a foundation for many studies, e.g.
in evolution, mechanisms of gene mutation and the properties of genes. Produced a method (CIB-method) to detect mutations on the
X-chromosome of Drosophila. Muller was very optimistic about practical benefits of induced mutations. Nobel Prize in Physiology and
Medicine, 1946.
Lewis John Stadler (1896 – 1954). A contemporary of Muller but worked on mutants in seed crops, particularly maize, wheat and barley.
Stadler dramatically increased the mutation rate in crop plants. He demonstrated that mutant rates were proportional to dosage and that
rates varied within and between species. In so doing, Stadler was the first to demonstrate the potential of induced mutagenesis in higher
plants. Contrary to Muller, Stadler was critical about the benefits of induced mutation for breeding: 1) referring to most mutations as ‘junk’,
2) that sufficient variation was naturally available to breeders, 3) that mutations were invariably recessive and had deleterious effects and,
4) that rare worthwhile mutants would require the development of massive screening methods. Although Stadler was correct in his views,
his pessimistic comments had a negative effect on deploying mutagenesis in plant breeding.
Herman Nilsson-Ehle (1879-1949). Swedish plant physiologist, geneticist and breeder. Along with co-worker Åke Gustafsson is credited
to be the first to produce superior varieties (in barley) through induced mutation. He stressed the importance of combining theoretical
and practical research. Worked at Svalöf, a Swedish plant breeding institute renowned for applying and testing emerging technologies and
scientific principles to plant breeding.
Reinhold von Sengbusch (1898-1985). German scientist credited with the first example of efficient mass screening methods for mutant
detection, “sweet”, alkaloid-free lupin (begun in the 1920s). These mutants along with other spontaneous mutants for non-shattering and
water-permeable seed led to the domestication of lupin and their development as a fodder crop.
Hans Stubbe (1902-1989). German pioneer of mutation breeding. Published extensively on fundamental issues in induced mutation
(e.g. Stubbe 1937). He recognised the importance of mutation in diversity and evolution and was among the first to study small mutation
effects. He established the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Research with its world renown Genebank at Gatersleben, Germany.
Åke Gustafson (1908-1998). A Swedish geneticist and plant breeder who was a keen advocate of mutation breeding. He debunked and
addressed the criticisms of Stadler and stated that mutation induction could produce valuable mutations and that mutation induction
was a useful tool in the hands of a plant breeder. He developed a large basic research programme to influence and improve methods for
mutagenesis in breeding cultivated plants. Often referred to as the ‘father of mutation breeding’.
Iosif Abramovich Rapoport (1912-1990). Russian pioneer of chemical induced mutagenesis in plant breeding. Induced mutations in over
3,000 varieties of various crops from which 366 mutant varieties were produced.
Auerbach and Robson (1944-46). Published the mutagenic effects of certain chemicals.
DNA double-strand break
0-5 bp
Annealing at Annealing at
End-processing microhomologies long homologies
and/or synthesis
5-25 bp x30 bp
NHEJ Flap trimming, synthesis Flap trimming, synthesis
1-4 bp deletions and inserions Ligation Ligation
Variable-size deletions Large deletions
inserted necleotides common No inserted nucleotides
Mutation feature and spectrum. At the DNA level, premature stop code, or changed gene expression at
mutations are either DNA base pair changes, or large or the transcriptional level or by splicing modifications if
small DNA fragment insertions/deletions. At the phe- the mutation occurs at the exon-intron interface.
notypic level, mutations can result in a wide spectrum Implications in mutation breeding. Since most
of morphologies. Large DNA indels often cause trun- deletions lead to gene knockout or knockdown they
cation of encoded protein either due to deletion of a are recessive to wild type alleles at the phenotype level.
number of amino acids, or frameshift; small indels can Therefore, they are most useful for improving recessive
also lead to truncated proteins due to frameshift that traits, a common examples is semi-dwarfism. When a
causes early stop coding. Therefore, most indels result new gene function is needed, base pair changes are
in loss-of-function mutations and are recessive to wild more likely to fulfil the objective, since they can result
type (WT) alleles. Large fragment deletions may involve in either a gain-of-function or alteration-of-function,
more than one gene; hence at the biological level such such as herbicide tolerance mutations (see Chapter 31).
mutations can have large effects on traits (particularly Therefore, mutation breeding is able to improve crop
if it involves two or more genes belonging to the same traits by both knockout and knockdown of genes of
gene family). In some rare occasions deletions may gen- interest or by gain-of function or alteration-of function
erate pseudo-WT alleles when they restore the frame of through appropriate choice of mutagens.
the gene due to a further deletion (see Chapters 1&4), Understanding the features of mutations at the DNA
and at phenotype level, these mutations appear to be level is also important in designing molecular screening
dominant. methods. For example, different strategies and methods
Base pair changes, often induced by chemical are needed for screening point mutations and indels
mutagens, do not always have an impact on the gene (see Chapter 20). The co-existence of error-proof and
product. However, some can result in either func- error-prone DNA repair mechanisms also provides pos-
tion alteration of the gene product due to amino acid sibilities to increase the mutation frequency through
change, truncated proteins due to the generation of a genetic engineering of the systems.
2.2. Ontology and Reproductive Biology Despite the fact that ontology is a basic principle in
plant development and has direct implications in muta-
After DNA damage is repaired, the DNA lesions are either tion breeding, research in ontology has been limited. In
restored to the wild type, undamaged status or fixed as this regard there is great potential in exploiting multiple
a mutation in the affected cells. They become useful in recessive traits and mutant cell tracking (e.g. by molecu-
mutation breeding only when they are the sourced by lar markers) to study ontology in greater depth.
germline cells and pass through diplontic and haplontic
selection (see Chapters 15&16). In this respect, a full 2.2.2. Reproductive Biology
understanding of cell ontology and plant reproductive Reproductive modes of plants. Plants have evolved
biology is essential. two distinct reproductive modes: asexual and sexual
reproduction, each of which exhibits a rich diversifica-
2.2.1. Ontology tion of mechanisms (Fig 24.2). Autogamy (self fertilising)
In each propagule, such as a seed or a bud, there is usu- includes self-pollinated species without self-incompat-
ally more than one meristematic cell that develops to ibility mechanisms; their progeny is homozygous with
produce germline cells or new organs. The ontology of the same genotype as the parent plant. Allogamy (sepa-
different plant species is very important in the manage- rate male and female parents) includes cross-pollinated
ment of M1 and M2 populations in seed crops and for species with high or low self-incompatibility systems
the dissociation of chimeras in vegetatively propagated to prevent autogamy. The genotypes within a natural
crops. population are diverse and the genotypes obtained by
In seed crops, mature and dry seeds are often chosen natural mechanisms are also diverse. Inbred lines can be
for mutagenic treatment. Although the knowledge of developed in allogamous species by artificial manipula-
the exact number of primordial cells in a seed may be tions and used in breeding; typically contrasting inbred
unclear, it is commonly estimated, for example in cere- lines are combined to recreate a highly heterozygous
als, that there are about 4-6 primordial cells that serve progeny.
as the initials for germline cells. Therefore, the M1 plants Implications of reproductive mode in mutation
derived from mutagenised mature seeds are chimerical, breeding. Meiosis and fertilization are important
and different tillers/branches carry different mutations. genetic processes that allow the re-assortment and
The chimerical nature of M1 plants complicates the recombination of genes. The manipulation of these
management of M1 and M2 populations, and precludes processes enable the production of mutant popula-
screening mutants in the M1 generation. To avoid the tions and the refinement, selection and development
formation of chimeras, pollen grains and fertilized eggs of desired mutations. Through these processes, the
(zygotes) are sometimes targeted in mutagenic treat- chimeras present in M1 plants disappear, homozygous
ment (see Chapter 14). mutant loci are generated, targeted mutant alleles are
In vegetatively propagated crops, the M1V1 plants separated from other unwanted non-target mutations
generated by induced mutation are also chimerical. and the background mutational load reduced. With
Here ontology knowledge is of particular importance some exceptions such as plants with Taraxacum type
in determining the number of sub-cultures needed diplospory (which involves meiosis but without subse-
in in vitro tissue culture, or for developing suitable in quent fertilization), asexual reproduction (via embryos
vivo methods to dissociate the chimeras. If insufficient in seed-like propagules) does not result in a change
rounds of in vitro sub-culture or in vivo cloning are in the genetic constitution due to the lack of meiosis
performed, the plants will still possess chimeras, and (Fig 24.2). The direct consequence of this type of repro-
the mutant may be lost in subsequent multiplications. duction is that no homozygous mutant loci are formed
On the other hand, if unnecessary sub-culture/cloning and the mutated traits are not readily expressed due to
are carried out, the probability of having plants with the recessive nature of most induced mutations. Since
same genetic make-up increases; as a consequence it is also not possible to segregate the desired mutations
this would necessitate increasing the size of mutant from other non-desirable background mutations, the
population and hence the cost of mutant selection (see latter may also affect the final use of the induced mutant
Chapters 26 & 28). as a new variety.
Seed production through sexual reproduction is via particularly stresses such as cold, drought and salinity
the union of male and female gametes. For practical as well as mutational stress. Japanese lawngrass, Zoysia
crop breeding purposes sexual reproduction is classified japonica, and pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucaum,
into autogamy (self-pollination) and allogamy (cross- exhibit protogyny, in which the stigma appears first and
pollination). There is a huge diversity of mechanisms in matures in a flower before anthers appear, thus reduc-
sexual reproduction: bisexual, hermaphroditic, mono- ing the chance of self pollination. In this case, plants are
clinous, perfect flowers by male and female expression mostly pollinated by their neighbours. If neighbouring
in one flower, monoecious, dioecious, polygamous, plants have a different genotype, heterozygous prog-
etc. The classification of types is very closely related to eny will be produced. Out-crossing can be increased
self-pollination and cross-pollination. Methods in dis- significantly in M1 plants, because pollen fertility is often
sociating chimericas are therefore dependent on the reduced after mutagenic treatment. For this reason it
type of breeding system of the species involved (see is important to isolate M1 plants from other genotype
Chapter 15). plants.
Many important food crop species such as rice, Maize and rye and many forage grasses such as
wheat, barley and soybean are self-pollinated species. orchard grass, tall fescue and ryegrass, and legumes
Varieties of self-pollinated population, in general, are such as clovers, alfalfa, Brassica and fruit trees are cross-
pure lines as out-crossing is completely restricted by pollinated species. Cross pollination is encouraged by
natural systems such as cleistogamy (stigma is receptive self-incompatibility systems. Various genotypes and
and pollen shed inside closed flowers) or by artificial hence phenotypes are produced from cross-pollina-
isolation and controlled self pollination. Most self- tions. Self-pollinated plants in cross-pollinated species
pollinated species may hybridize with other genotypes can be produced by controlled pollinations, however,
and even in highly homozygous self pollinating crops many cross pollinated species exhibit in-breeding
such as barley there is a low percentage of out-crossing, depression and the production of highly homozygous
which can be influenced by environmental factors, lines is difficult if not impossible by repeated rounds of
Parthenogenetic egg cell development Embryos from somatic cells in the ovary
in unreduced embryo sac
Embryo sacs from megaspore mother cells Embryo sacs from somatic cells
Diplospory Apospory
selfing, e.g. by single seed descent. However, in some Therefore, the Wx gene is a better targeted in breeding
cross pollinating species such as rye which has a strong of waxy starch crops.
self incompatibility system and suffers from in-breeding All living beings, according to the degree of related-
depression, viable 100% homozygous lines can be pro- ness, have many homologous genes –genes with similar
duced via doubled haploidy (Maluszynski et al. 2003). structure and function. Related species share most of
Effective mutant selection methods established for the genome of a common ancestor, from which they
self-pollinated species are not applicable to cross- diverged millions of years ago at the beginnings of
pollinated species. In a cross-pollinated population, speciation. Geneticists discovered a striking synteny
mutated genes are present in a heterozygous condition among plant species in which chromosomes of various
and thus cannot be distinguished from normal plants species carry homoeologous (similar) genes in the same
by phenotype. The mutant can be followed and main- order. Synteny has relevance to mutation breeding and
tained in progenies by DNA diagnostics but at some genetics. First, it indicates that one mutation identified
stage a homozygous mutant that expresses the mutant in one crop species can also be induced in another crop
trait is required Therefore, the production of homozy- species. This was established at the phenotype level,
gous mutants from heterozygous material becomes for example, semi-dwarf mutations can be generated in
a critical step in mutation breeding of such crops most crops, but sytney provided a genetic explanation
(methods for doing this are provided in Chapter 18). and a platform for targeted mutation in other species.
Second, knowledge of synteny is useful in identifying
2.3. Gene and Genome Biology the candidate region of a mutated gene before starting
a genetic mapping programme, and after being delim-
Gene biology and genome biology are well-established ited to a chromosome region through gene mapping,
scientific disciplines and both impact on mutation the candidate gene of the mutation may be identified
breeding. As discussed in Chapter 3, a single gene is by searching homologues of a known gene with similar
composed of several distinct DNA sequences and the function.
protein product derived from exon regions may be Different plant species and genotypes of a given spe-
composed of several functional domains. Screening cies differ in their sensitivity to mutagens; which is par-
mutations in exon regions would therefore be benefi- ticularly evident in the fertility of M1 plants (see Chapter
cial in increasing the efficiency of developing mutants 14). This can now be explained by genome and gene
with phenotypic effects. Furthermore, if the specific biology, as both are related to the survival of cells. Since
functional sequence domains are known for a target some genes are essential for the stability of the plant
gene, these domains should be the target region, e.g. genome and cell survival, the loss of function of such
functional sequences in herbicide resistance genes (see genes can directly affect the functionality of a cell. Since
Chapter 31). diploid plant species have only one copy of the genome
Genes often work in concert, and therefore a mutation in their gametic cells, their gametes are very sensitive
in one gene may affect the expression of other gene. to the loss of function, especially of essential genes.
This is the case for mutations in developmental genes, Similarly, embryos, seeds and plants with homozygous
such as height and flowering time that have strong plei- mutant alleles may not grow normally and may die at
otropic effects on a wide range of other characters, it is various growth stages. Similar mutations in polyploid
also important were a mutated gene is part of a linked plants can be tolerated due to genetic buffering of non-
biosynthesis pathway. In general, the effect of a gene mutated homologues (in autopolyploids) and homoeo-
downstream of a pathway has less effect than mutations logues (in allopolyploids). Thus, polyploid plants often
in upstream genes. For example, there are several genes possess high mutation densities relative to diploid
involved in starch synthesis in cereal crops, mutations plants when screened at DNA level (see Chapter 20).
of the Wx gene only affect the synthesis of amylose, However, at the phenotypic level, this is not the case
and they do not affect the overall synthesis of starch. since mutations (very often recessive) in one genome
However, mutations of other genes, e.g. the gene that are often masked by the wild type alleles in other
produces ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase, can affect genomes, hence the mutation frequency assessed at
not only starch content but also starch composition. the trait level is often less in polyploid species than in
diploid ones. improving traditional Basmati rice varieties.
Breeding for single traits and adaptability. In certain
cases, a few single traits/genes play an important role
3. Strategies in Mutation Breeding in determining quality for end-user needs, either the
end product itself or ease of processing. Mutation tech-
3.1. Approaches in Mutation Breeding niques can be applied to develop new varieties with
such desired traits from otherwise excellent varieties.
Mutation techniques can be used in different ways in For example, many waxy rice varieties with desirable
crop improvement. It is therefore important to iden- starch quality are induced mutants of high yielding
tify the most suitable approach in achieving desired non-waxy rice varieties. With respect to adaptability
objectives. quite often, a variety introduced from region A (e.g. of
low latitude) performs very well in contrasting region B
3.1.1. Direct Use of Induced Mutants (e.g. of high latitude) with high yielding and desirable
Much excitement was generated in the early days of agronomic traits, but it is too late for commercial pro-
induced mutagenesis as novel mutants overcame major duction. In such cases, early maturing mutants can be
obstacles in crop improvement and/or produced new developed and often used as a new variety in region B.
and valuable variants. New forms such as semi-dwarf- Early maturing (daylength insensitive) mutants of barley
ism, early maturity, disease resistance, etc met immedi- allowed the crop to be adapted to equatorial latitudes
ate market demands and were often released directly of Tanzania from the northern hemisphere (long day
as commercial varieties without recourse to refinement adapted) varieties. Mutants in genes controlling flow-
through cross breeding. The development of direct ering time, especially vernalisation and photoperiod
mutants into commercial varieties is still a common response genes have played a major role in adapting
practice in vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) and is crops to new environments. Since disease is often race
a major, if not the only, method of developing new vari- specific, a resistant variety in region A may become
eties in some VPCs (see Chapter 26). For seed propa- susceptible to the same disease in region B when chal-
gated crops (SPCs) there are many examples of direct lenged by a different race; mutation breeding can be an
mutants being released as new varieties, especially effective method to improve the disease resistance in
in diploid cereals such as rice and barley, however in such cases. Numerous varieties of such kind have been
general the current trend is to enter mutant lines into a developed in the past, such as the black spot disease in
breeding programme. pear and apple in Japan (see Chapter 26), and this will
Breeding of traditional and local crops. Certain remain a useful tool in breeding for adaptation.
crop species are grown and consumed locally and Fine-tuning of elite lines. In cross breeding, it is
have not been subject to much breeding, these are not uncommon that an elite line does not meet the
sometimes referred to as under-utilized crops, e.g. taro, requirement of one specific criterion that is needed for
amaranth and bambara groundnut. In such cases, muta- its release, production or increase its market value. For
tion breeding is often a method of choice for the direct example, it may not have the optimal height, in cereals
improvement of certain important traits, such as disease for example a tall variety is more prone to lodging (fall or
resistance. In some cases traditional varieties are pre- lean over) in certain fields and environmental (weather)
ferred over “improved” varieties introduced from other conditions making it more difficult to harvest. Height
countries, for example, traditional rice varieties are pre- is a polygenic character controlled by many genes,
ferred by many farmers in certain regions of Asia, even some with large effects and others with smaller effects.
though rice has been improved extensively elsewhere, Altered plant height, particularly height reduction, is
and traditional sorghum varieties (landraces) are grown easily achieved by induced mutation of major genes
by many farmers in Sierra Leone to meet local demand. (see Chapter 25). Mutation breeding can be deployed
In such cases, mutation breeding can work well and in the tailoring of elite lines for many traits (agronomic,
elite mutant lines may be used directly as new varieties. disease and quality).
Chapter 33 provides an excellent example of mutation The value of a mutant line, i.e. its potential as a new
breeding as an efficient and only available technique for variety or use in a breeding programme will depend on
the level of background mutations (mutation load). Since changes of a few traits by mutation breeding
mutations are produced at random there will always be might not be sufficient to become a new variety.
additional mutations across the genomes carried, some • Some novel mutations may have negative effects
with negative effects that may or may not be immediately on other traits that may not become apparent
apparent. The following measures are recommended to until large scale trials/commercial produc-
minimize the effects of background mutations: tion are conducted, further breeding may be
1. A relatively low dose of mutagen (e.g. LD20, see required to overcome such shortcomings.
Chapter 14) is applied to reduce the mutation load; Although a mutant may not be used directly as a new
2. A large M1/M2 population is developed and dozens of variety, it may have potential in breeding. In many cases
mutants for the target trait are selected, hence mutants the mutant line is crossed with other breeding lines, but
with less negative background mutations exist; a cross between the mutant and its parent can also be
3. Non-linked background mutations are removed by used to reduce the background mutations in certain
several rounds of self-pollination. circumstances (on average 50% of the mutations will be
All these methods are designed to dilute the mutation shed at each generation). When several mutants for dif-
load and as a consequence normally they involve the ferent traits are developed, it is also advisable to inter-
production and handling of more plant materials which crosses these to combine (pyramid) the mutated traits
is costly, takes up more storage and growing space into a single breeding line, in so doing the background
and takes more time. A balance is therefore required mutational load is simultaneously reduced. Molecular
between effort and expected gain. markers can be used both aggressively in selecting for
the desired mutant recombinants and defensively to
3.1.2. Indirect Use of Induced Mutants select lines with minimal background mutation.
As mentioned above mutants are used directly for com- Once a mutant variety is developed, it can be used as
mercial production in VPCs, often with no knowledge a donor parent of the mutated trait in cross breeding.
for the genes involved. For SPCs the situation is some- This is especially the case where a mutant sets a new
what different. New cultivated varieties are required standard for a particular trait. For example, the barley
to meet minimal standards (national and international) mutant variety Golden Promise set a new standard
and provide financial benefits to growers (usually by for Scottish malt whisky. Hundreds of varieties have
possessing high yields and good quality).A mutant pos- been developed in a wide range of commercial plants
sessing a desired trait may fall short of standards. This by cross breeding using mutant varieties with traits of
can be due to one or several of the following reasons: economic importance, such as semi-dwarf in rice and
• The mutant has a heavy mutation load that can barley, disease resistance in barley (see Chapters 1&2),
not be removed. This is particularly common and herbicide tolerance in many crop species (see
in polyploid crops that can tolerate deleteri- Chapter 31). Recently, mutants for novel traits, fatty
ous mutations and which are often subjected acid composition (see Chapter 32), and low phytate
to higher mutagenic doses than diploids and content, are used in breeding new varieties for specific
hence usually have relatively high mutational purpose.
loads (see Chapter 20). Further crossing and selection is an effective way to
• The mutant source may be in an out-dated vari- minimize the negative pleiotropic effects of important
ety, or an unadapted line which requires major mutations. The maize opaque 2 (o2) mutation is an
breeding up-grading to meet contemporary excellent example. The opaque-2 mutant contains
standards and may also be poorly adapted to an increased amount of lysine and has been used to
the target environment. improve the protein quality of maize. The o2-maize
• Breeding methods and pure line production, mutants are known to contain less and
particularly for annual crops, are well devel- -zein, which results in increased amount of other
oped and there are demands in meeting varietal proteins, including globulins and albumins. Despite the
DUS standards (distinctiveness, uniformity and improvement in the amino acid composition and nutri-
stability) and in improving yield, quality and dis- tion value, most o2-maize lines are not well-adapted
ease characteristics over standard varieties, thus because of their low grain yields, soft and chalky
endosperm, and high susceptibility to kernel breakage pollination are often haploid and form a useful resource
and to pest and mold damages. Therefore, the o2 could from which to develop doubled haploid plants. This is
not be utilized until modifier genes to produce a vitre- a popular method in developing breeding lines in citrus
ous (starch) endosperm while maintaining the nutri- and other fruit crops (see Chapter 30).
tional advantages of o2 maize were identified, which X-rays have long been used as a tool to examine den-
led to the development of quality protein maize (QPM). sity differentials within and between tissues, especially in
The vitreous endosperm, containing an elevated level human medicine. In plants, X-rays have also been used
of -zein, increases the resistance of o2 maize to dis- as a tool to identify haploid embryos in seed batches,
eases and insect damages, increases the grain yield, and e.g. haploid melon embryos are less dense than normal
improves grain appearance. diploid embryos and can be selected for using soft X-rays
as a mass screening tool (Sauton et al. 1989).
3.1.3. Other Approaches
Mutation techniques also are used in specific ways to 3.2. Techniques Related to Mutation Breeding
achieve breeding objectives.
Facilitated chromosome translocation. Wide The advance of mutation breeding is much dependant
hybridization is used in many crops to introgress useful on several biotechnologies, which include techniques
genes from wild species into cultivated forms. One of mutagenesis; dissociation of chimeras, production of
mechanism used to achieve this is through chromo- homozygous mutants in seed crops and technologies
some translocation in which part of a chromosome for efficient screening and evaluating mutants.
from a wild species genome attaches to a chromosome
of the cultivated species. This type of chromosome 3.2.1. Mutagenesis
engineering can be greatly enhanced by mutagenic Mutagenesis induced by various physical and chemi-
treatment (see Chapter 19). cal mutagens are described in detail in Chapters 7-13.
Treatment of heterozygous material. Some breed- The availability of these different mutagens and suitable
ers have observed wider genetic variation in progenies treatment methods form a foundation for mutation
derived from highly heterozygous material such as breeding. Breeders can now choose a suitable mutagen
F1 or F2 seeds treated with mutagens compared to to generate various types of mutations such as sequence
non-treated seed. This method has been successful in changes, loss or altered gene function, chromosomal
producing dozens of mutant varieties. The enhanced and genome rearrangements.
variation is unlikely to have resulted from induced Generally it is the propagating material that is targeted
mutations since the mutation frequency is in general for mutagen treatment. For SPCs this is normally the
very low compared to the genetic variation arising from seed, for VPCs this can be in situ or in vitro vegetative
gene recombination. A possible explanation is that the propagules (whole plants, cuttings, buds, callus, etc).
mutagenic treatment enhances recombination. Since The cells, tissues and organs of these propagules belong
many genes of similar function or controlling a complex to the sporophytic generation of the plant. The male
trait are often clustered on chromosomes, their linkage (pollen) and female (embryo sac) gameophytic phases
cannot be broken easily through recombination during may also be targeted. In addition to the vegetative cell,
normal meiosis. Mutagenic treatment can result in the male gametophyte generates the two sperm cells
double strand DNA breaks, which are repaired through that fertilise the egg cell and the fused central cells of
homologous recombination using homologous DNA, the female gametophyte (double fertilisation) giving rise
e.g. those of sister chromosomes used as templates to the embryo and endosperm respectively. Mutation
(see Chapter 6). Consequently, tight gene linkages may induction in the sperm and egg cells that generate
be broken up by mutagenic treatment. embryos after fertilization will pass on mutations to the
Non-mutagenic applications. At specific doses, next generation and are thus attractive targets for muta-
mutagenic irradiations can destroy the function of genic treatments in SPCs. The resulting mutant plants
male gametes and thereby affect their ability to fertilize can be handled normally as described in relevant chap-
ovules, but the growth of the pollen after pollination ters. Treatment of pollen grains has become an efficient
may be unaffected. The embryos produced by aberrant method for maize mutation induction.
More novel methods in gametophytic irradiation small frequencies efficient mass screening methods
include the treatment of microspores; these are formed would be needed for their selection. The exploitation
after meiosis, are uni-nucleate and develop into pollen of mutants in plant breeding and genetics has always
grains in normal plant development. However, in vitro been dogged by difficulties in selecting the rare useful
culture of microspores with various stress and hormone mutants in populations that are largely of little inter-
treatments can interrupt and divert normal develop- est. Stadler, one of the pioneers in plant mutagenesis
ment and induce embryogenesis in these single cells. pointed this out at the onset of induced mutagenesis (see
Microspore culture is used routinely in many species Chapter 1) and argued against induced mutagenesis
(asparagus, brassicas, barley, maize, rye, tobacco, as a viable plant breeding tool unless mass screening
triticale, wheats, etc) to produce haploids and thereby methods could be deployed. Von Sengbusch is cred-
doubled haploid plants. Doubled haploidy is the fastest ited with developing the first efficient mass screening
route to total homozygosity and is of immense value to method. In the 1920’s he discovered ‘sweet’ (alkaloid-
plant breeders and geneticists. The attraction in muta- free) spontaneous mutants in various bitter and poison-
tion breeding is that any mutation induced in a cultured ous lupin species, but more significantly he developed
microspore will be fixed in a homozygous condition a rapid method for their selection. Many thousands of
immediately on developing a doubled haploid plant seed were screened and the “sweet” mutants (along
via spontaneous or induced chromosome doubling with other spontaneous mutants for non-shattering and
(see Chapter 29). water-permeable seed) paved the way for the domes-
tication of lupins and their development as a fodder
3.2.2. Production of Solid/Homo-Histont Mutants crop. The mass screening method of von Sengbusch
and Homozygous Mutants was based on simple mecurimetry (precipitation of
Since only solid, homo-histont (non-chimerical) seed hot water extracts with potassium tetraiodomer-
mutants are of practical use technologies for producing curate) and because of its commercial value was kept
them become critical. In seed propagated crops, this secret until 1942 (Sengbusch, 1942). The problem for
is not difficult since the sexual reproduction process plant breeding and genetics is that the ultimate goal
can largely solve the problem of eliminating chimeras. is the production of desired phenotypes. Therefore,
Vegetatively propagated crops are different and various development of suitable high-throughput phenotyp-
methods have been developed to produce homo- ing methods will remain an important task in mutation
histont mutants (see Chapter 26). breeding and genetics.
In seed propagated crops, it is generally routine to pro- Visual screening and selection. Some mutant traits,
duce homozygous mutant plants and lines; since many e.g. plant stature, leaf colour and fertility are obvious
mutations are recessive they do not express a change and can be easily detected and selected by simply
in phenotype when they are in a heterozygous status. growing out and looking at a mutant population. Many
Thus phenotypic selection is useless until homozygous single mass screening methods have been developed
mutants are made available. Different methods are for specific traits. The simplest of these is a “shot gun”
needed to produce homozygous mutants for out- approach in which a mutant population is grown out
crossing and self-pollinating crops (see Chapter 18). in an area subject to a selection pressure, e.g. fields
Double haploid technologies are also used as efficient with high/low fertiliser application, fields treated with
means for producing homozygous lines, particularly for a herbicide, fields with a high incidence of disease,
out-crossing plants, however these technologies are temperature, drought, salinity, etc. Thus mutants for fer-
currently routine for only a small number (about 30) of tiliser use efficiency, herbicide resistance and resistance
crop species (see Chapter 29). to biotic and abiotic stresses, etc can be selected simply
by walking the field and picking out promising plants.
3.2.3. Mutant Screening and Selection These can then be subjected to more rigorous testing
From the very beginnings of induced mutagenesis it has for validation and in determining inheritance. For plant
been realised that a major constraint in mutant deploy- breeding purposes any screening method is useful if it is
ment is the ability to select rare mutant individuals. It cost effective and efficient. The ability to screen at seed
was argued that since desired mutants occurred at such or seedling stages is particularly beneficial as this saves
time and space and removes un-wanted genotypes such as colourimetric analysis of inorganic phosphorus
early. Trait screening that fits into the normal procedures (as indicator of low phytate content), enzymatic analysis
of plant breeding (seed production, seed storage, ger- of trypsin inhibitors, are also useful for particular traits as
mination, trialing, etc) are relatively easy (see Chapter far as they are cost- and time-effective.
25). Others may require more specialised screens, for High-throughput phenotyping (phenomics). The
example, disease resistance, might be revealed through current biggest advancement in high-throughput phe-
in vitro inoculation of leaf segments. notyping is the development of phenomics platforms
Screening mutants of biochemical traits. Quality, able to measure phenotypic traits either throughout the
including human health and nutrition traits, has become life cycle of a plant or on specific organs such as fruits,
important targets in modern breeding programmes. seeds and leaves. Phenomics is emerging as an excit-
The analysis of quality trait normally requires specially ing new phenotypic data capture biotechnology that
equipped laboratories. Theoretically, mutation breed- can keep pace with rapid advances in high-throughput
ing can be used to generate novel alleles of target traits genotyping. This is achieved by the development of
or to improve a variety for such traits; however, since tens sophisticated equipment able to measure physical and
of thousands of plants need to be screened to identify a chemical parameters in a large number of samples.
desirable mutant, it is not always feasible for the follow- These methods are usually computerised and normally
ing reasons. First, the content of chemical components non-destructive. For example the MARVIN digital seed
is often affected by micro- and macro-environmental analyser/counter is able to image, weigh and process
factors; there are often great variations among plants large numbers of seed in one batch rapidly (e.g. about
grown even in the same field with “uniform” agronomic 100 barley seed/batch/minute) and can be used to
practices. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to dis- select mutant seed traits for shape, size and weight. The
tinguish mutants from natural variants by chemical anal- machine is simple to operate and one person can screen
ysis. Second, with respect to economics it is not feasible many thousands of seeds in a day. Likewise data on seed
to analyse tens of thousands plants, if the cost per unit chemical composition can be gathered using near and far
test is expensive, this is not uncommon. For example, if infra-red spectroscopy and may be exploited in select-
it costs 10 dollars per sample (labour plus chemicals), ing seed varying in quality characteristics. Additionally
it will cost at least 100,000 dollars to screen the plants seed density determined by X-ray analysis may be used
of a reasonably sized population. The effort and costs as another measure of quality or to screen for haploids.
involved in testing will therefore depend on the value of These methods have until recently been stand alone
the trait sought and is often not viable. Third, although platforms, but there is the potential to integrate these into
the running of chemical analyses is often automated a series on non-destructive tests in gathering as much
and efficient the whole process is often time-consum- information as possible on large numbers of seed. This
ing due to lengthy sample preparation times and data therefore would be especially attractive as a pre-screen
analysis. This is compounded by scaling, for example, in mutation breeding of seed crops.
if one person can analyse 50 samples per day, then it Phenomics facilities are also being developed to per-
would take 200 days to complete 10,000 samples. This form non-destructive tests on plants throughout their
is not compatible with population sizes produced nor life cycle. Some such as the Australian Plant Phenomics
with breeding programmes where decisions need to be Facility follow plant development from seed sowing to
made within months after harvest and before the next germination to vegetative and reproductive growth to
seasons planting. harvest (see Chapter 41).
Some rapid, simple and indirect methods are helpful Importance of uniform field trialing. The failure
for pre-screening in this regard. Many quality traits for in the application of mutation techniques to some
example oil, protein, amylose content can now be ana- important traits can partially be ascribed to the non-
lysed using near infrared spectrometry (NIRS). NIRS can availability of a screening method that can be applied to
be used for single kernels (grains) analysis for some traits. large mutated populations. An important consideration
Although there has yet been no example of NIRS being for field selection of mutants is homogeneity of field
used for screening mutants, theoretically and techni- plots with respect to environmental conditions. Subtle
cally it has the potential to be utilized. Other methods, environmental changes can effect trait expression and
subsequently, the selection process. This is especially Resistance to biotic stress. Biotic stresses are primar-
important in a mutation breeding programme because ily diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses, and
the screening step within the M2 population normally the damages induced by insects, animals, nematodes,
aims to select a very small number of mutants from a weeds etc. Historically, mutation breeding methods
large number of plants and should therefore minimize have been quite successful in improving disease resist-
the selection of false positives. This is particularly rel- ance, but not for insect resistance.
evant in screening mutants tolerant to biotic and abi- Diseases involve a complex inter-play between a
otic stresses (such as drought), and mutants of altered host plant and a pathogen. The resistance/susceptibil-
chemical components (see Chapter 41). ity response can involve several components. This is
Molecular screening of mutations. As described in generally called a gene-for-gene relationship. Induced
Chapter 20, until recently the vast majority of mutants mutations may change the interaction and inhibit cer-
have been selected, described and catalogued based tain steps in the mechanism of infection. Numerous
on phenotypic attributes. The explosion of genomics mutants have been developed through mutation
data and fast development of various tools for detec- induction, showing enhanced resistance to various
tion of DNA variation in recent years, coupled with diseases (virus, bacterial, and to some extent fungi).
bioinformatics, has enabled the establishment of geno- For example, several authors have induced mutations
typic methods for screening mutations. at the same locus (ml-o) located on the short arm of
chromosome 4H in barley for resistance to powdery
3.3. Mutation Breeding for Different Traits mildew and mutations conferring resistance to barley
yellow mosaic virus have been induced in Japan. The
The strategies utilized to select and improve desir- ml-o mutant is interesting as it has not broken down
able and specific characteristics in a plant breeding and has provided unprecedented resistance to mildew
programme vary with plant species, the environment for many decades, it is assumed that this is due to gene
where the plant will be cultivated, the farmers’ cultiva- knock out as several mutation methods can be used to
tion methods, and the utility of the product. The objec- induce this resistance. In other cases where resistance
tives of a mutation breeding programme are basically to specific pathotypes is conferred by a specific host
the same as those of any other breeding method and gene allele, which might have only a single nucleotide
involve the same technologies. difference from susceptible one, chemical mutagens
may be deployed to provide subtle mutations in the
3.3.1. Traits Improved trough Mutation Breeding target gene sequence.
Based on literature and data in the FAO/IAEA Database As discussed above, simple and easy screening
of Mutant Variety and Genetic Stock, mutant varie- methods are of paramount importance for successful
ties with the following improved traits have been screening of disease resistant mutants. In field screen-
developed. ing, this is often performed in disease hotspots. If no
High yield. Stable and high yield potential in specific suitable hotspot fields are available, artificial infections
environmental conditions is probably the most impor- become necessary for example growing plants of a
tant objective of most of plant breeding programmes. highly susceptible variety for the pathogen to multiply
Yield is a complex trait and influenced by other breed- on and act as an inoculum source in spreading spores to
ing objectives, such as, plant architecture, maturity, test plants. For some diseases, toxins produced by the
nitrogen utilization efficiency, resistance to biotic and disease might be used in in vitro screening of resistant
abiotic stresses, etc. It is difficult to use mutation breed- mutants. For example, the toxin of Alternaria alternata
ing to improve the yield potential of crops that are well (Fr.) Keissier (= Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka), which
established and which have been subject to intense and causes a serious black spot disease of Japanese pear
refined breeding. However species new to agriculture can be efficiently used for in vitro screening of resistant
(e.g. Jatropha) or which have received limited breeding mutants (Sanada, 1988).
(e.g. medicinal, spice and herb crops) can be taken to Unlike diseases, there is little interaction between
new yield levels by breeding for an ideotype, e.g. by host plants and their insect pests, as one pest may
changing plant stature. attacks other plant species or even different plant
genera. This predator-to-host interaction may explain breeding research and breeding programmes and are
why there are fewer examples of mutant varieties carry- available in germplasm collections, e.g. tolerance to
ing induced pest resistance. Although the mechanisms cold, heat, daylength and drought.
of insect resistance are often not clearly defined, the Quality, nutrition and functionality. Quality usu-
mechanisms that influence the plants resistant against ally refers to the composition of organic compounds
insects are, and include: (1) non-preference ; (2) antibio- produced and stored by plants, such as starch, protein,
sis; and (3) tolerance. fatty acid, vitamins, etc. The nutritious value of harvest-
Non-preference is a characteristic of plants whereby able products is the most important objective for the
insects do not infest. This includes various character- plant breeding after yield. This involves the elimination
istics such as colour, odour, taste, pubescence, latex of undesired substances such as anti-nutritional fac-
production, etc. Aphids prefer greener cabbage and tors. Raising or lowering the concentration of specific
leafhoppers prefer soybeans with non-pubescence. substances such as fatty acids and changing their com-
These characteristics may be induced by mutagen- positional profile have been major targets for mutation
esis. Antibiosis includes the production of substances breeding. Biosynthesis of such substances is controlled
by plants that inhibit, kill or prolong the physiological by the presence of a suite of enzymes. The simplest
maturity of insects. Since it is difficult for mutagenesis idea for modifying these compounds through muta-
to generate a new defence gene, it may be difficult to tion is by inducing knock-outs in genes involved in the
use this strategy in a mutation breeding programme. metabolic pathways, thus increasing the synthesis of
Tolerance towards insects is a quantitative reaction upstream substances and decreasing the production
and may include characteristics such as plant vigour, and concentration of downstream substances. In addi-
the ability to produce many shoots and many roots, as tion to changing the concentration of quality traits the
well as strength of stem tissue and avoidance (little or components themselves can be changed qualitatively.
no vegetative growth when insect pests are prevalent). A prime example here is the altered fatty acid composi-
Recently, there has been some progresses in identify- tion of many oil crops via mutating genes. Canola for
ing resistance gene(s) to brown plant hopper in rice example is a form of rapeseed that has high quality
(Fujita et al. 2008), as such, it may be possible to induce edible oil, this was achieved by lowering the levels of
resistant rice mutants efficiently by targeting the identi- toxins (glucosinolates) and the fatty acid, erucic acid
fied gene(s) related to the resistance mechanism. In by gene knock outs induced by gamma ray irradiation.
this respect transgenic breeding for pest resistance has The removal of anti-nutritional factors have been key
been more successful, e.g. GMO crops carrying the BT to domestication of wild plants for edible purposes for
toxin gene. which spontaneous or induced mutations have been
Tolerance to abiotic stress. Abiotic stresses include key, e.g. sweet lupins mentioned above
unfavourable environmental conditions such as soil Proanthocyanidins of barley cause problems in
salinity, extreme pH, water deficits and flooding, and brewing as they produce hazy beer, the removal of
weather. The approaches utilized within these pro- proanthocyanidins was attempted by NaN3 treatment
grammes are sometimes quite simple. As an example, to induce mutations that block the flavonoid pathway.
the M2 plants of rice were sown in high saline paddies Recently, mutation breeding has been used for enhanc-
and the M1 calli are transplanted on the medium with ing bioavailability of important nutrients in certain
high salt concentration (Lee et al, 2003). From this crops. For example, crops with low phytic acid content
experiment, Lee et al. (2003) selected two promising are preferred because the bioavailability of mineral ele-
salinity-tolerant lines from regenerated plants Recently, ments and phosphorus can be significantly increased.
two candidate salt tolerant rice lines induced by carbon In this regard, two barley mutant varieties have recently
and neon ion beams (Hayashi et al. 2008) been released for commercial production (see review
Though many of the mechanisms of abiotic tolerance Raboy 2009).
are unknown, the threat of global warming and climate Mutation breeding has also been used for breeding
change forces new approaches in adapting crops to crops with special functionality. In Japan, rice mutant
changing environments. Huge numbers of potentially varieties with low glutelin content, such as LGC-1 and
useful genotypes have been generated from mutation its derivatives, have been developed for patients who
must restrict protein intake, such as kidney disease Phytomer mutants can be used to study and predict
patients. These varieties are now used for this type the type of organ produced by meristems at various
of diet therapy. Rice varieties with high content of positions (apical or side) at various stages in the life
resistant starch are being developed in China for cycle, ontogeny. The most basic phytomer unit consists
dietary therapy of patients with type 2 diabetes. These of a stem segment with a leaf attachment which can
varieties have about 10 times higher resistant starch than be replicated in an apical or side direction. Studies of
normal rice varieties and preliminary tests have shown phytomer mutants can be used in taxonomical studies
they are effective for controlling the glycemic index in defining what type of structures is developed from a
when substituted into diets, though more studies are meristem in a given species. For example a classic taxo-
needed (Shu et al. 2009). It is expected that more foods nomic difference between wheat (Triticum) and barley
with such novel functions will be developed through (Hordeum) genera is that floret production in wheat
mutation breeding. is indeterminate whereas it is determinate in barley.
Plant architecture. Mutation breeding is frequently This leads to wheat having multiple florets per spikelet
used for inducing mutants affecting plant architecture. whereas barley is restricted to one. Wheat therefore
Plant architecture includes phenotypic traits such produces far more seed per spike (ear) than barley.
as plant height (culm length of cereals), plant-type, However, a phytomer mutant in barley, known as the
branching character (number of tillers), size, number “wheat mutant” exhibits indeterminate floret produc-
and shape of leaves, stolon characters, size and tion and therefore of interest in increasing yield (Forster
number of flowers etc. Among them, mutants confer- et al. 2007); it is also of taxonomic interest as it indicates
ring reduced plant height, which generally has had a that this particular taxonomic descriptor is governed
positive effect on increasing plant yields by reducing by a single gene. Close to 100 phytomer mutants have
lodging under high fertilizer condition and high tillering. been described in the model species barley (Forster
This characteristic has been frequently utilized across et al. 2007). Many of these altered traits are of interest
cereal crops and legumes. One of the most successful to plant breeders, some examples are: ari – short awn,
utilization of plant height mutations is the application blf1 – broad leaf, brc1 – branched spike, cul – uniculm
of the semi-dwarfness gene, sd of rice. The sd1 gene (single stem), dub1 – double seeds, eam – early maturity,
which controls short and stiff stems in rice, also confers ert – short rachis internodes, flo – extra floret, gig – gigas
increased grain yields through a reduction in lodging. organs, hcm1 – short stem, int – intermedium spike, Kap
Semi-dwarf rice varieties have been a leading example – hooded lemma, lax – lax spike, lel1 – leafy lemma, lnt1
of breeding progress as defined during the “Green – low tiller number, mnd – many noded dwarf, mov1 –
revolution”. The first semi-dwarf mutant variety of rice multi-ovary, nld – narrow leaf dwarf, ovl – ovary-less, pyr
var. Reimei was induced through gamma irradiation – pyramide spike, raw – smooth awn, sid1 – single elon-
(Futsuhara 1968). This variety’s height was reduced by at gated internode dwarf, trd – additional bract on spike,
least 15 cm when compared to the original var. Fujiminori, ubs4 – unbranched style 4, uzu1 – shortened organs, viv
and carries the same sd1 (semi-dwarf) allele of the sponta- – viviparous, vrs – six-row spike, wnd – winding dwarf
neous mutant var. Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen and var. Calrose and Zeo – short stem.
76. All of these varieties are widely utilized across Asia Maturity. Early and late maturing mutants are fre-
(Rutger 1992). Since identification of the sd1 gene, quently induced through mutagenesis and are easily
in Japan, 80 of 229 registered, indirect use mutant identified. Early maturity in cereal and legume crops
varieties represent descendants of var. Reimei. In is one of the most useful characteristics for cultivation
the USA, greater use has been made of the semi- in cool temperate regions, offering the opportunity to
dwarf trait from cv. Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen derivatives; flower in frost free conditions, harvest prior to frost, and,
however, few additional induced or identified spon- in drought-prone regions the ability to produce a viable
taneous mutation have been as successful as sd1 crop prior to drought conditions. The flowering time
(Rutger and Mackill 2001). Similar achievements have and maturity of cereals and other crops is controlled
also been made in oats, barley and other crops. by the plants ability to sense season via temperature
Mutants have been used to study the basic archi- and daylength sensors, controlled by vernalisation and
tectural building blocks of plants, the phytomer. photoperiodic sensitivity genes. Sweden was a pio-
neering country for mutation breeding and developed many agronomic traits have been provided through
the barley variety Mari, a mutant variety exhibiting early spontaneous mutants and have been incorporated
maturity and semi-dwarfism. This was developed by into the crop as they arise. The small grain cereals,
radiation in 1960 and many valuable indirect-mutant rice, wheat, barley, etc provide a good example. The
varieties were developed from it. Early flowering and grassy wild progenitors of these crops possess natural
maturity mutants have been induced in a number of seed dispersal mechanisms whereby the seed head
crops, other notable examples include banana, cotton, shatters into pieces at maturity and individual units
pearl millet, rice, soybean etc. carrying seed fall to the ground and are dispersed by
Agronomic and related traits. The semi-dwarf trait is hooking onto passing animals. Such dispersal mecha-
generally related to modern production systems. These nisms are inappropriate to agriculture and cereal crops
have two major advantages: 1) they change the source were not established until mutants for non-shattering
sink relationship so that more energy is directed towards were found. Interestingly the barbed awn trait useful
seed production and less to vegetative growth, and 2) for natural dispersal has persisted, however, barbs are
amenability to mechanical harvesting. Some other char- now thought to be associated with the dust produced
acteristics of plant architecture, such as increased branch during mechanical harvesting that causes ‘Farmers lung’
number in cereal and legume crops, more compact and smooth awn mutants, e.g. raw of barley are now
growth habit such as high plant density, shorter stolon of interest in addressing this modern domestication/
length of potato etc can also affect the efficiency of growth health issue.
and harvest, particularly in modern, mechanised agricul- Post harvest traits. Post harvest traits are often over-
ture. There is one unique mutation with a lower number looked but have significant value in terms of transport
of axillary buds in chrysanthemum, which was induced and storage or harvested product, processing of raw
by ion beams in Japan. This mutant is very useful for the and secondary products, marketing, shelf life and ulti-
flower industry because in non-mutant chrysanthemum mately delivery of affordable products to the end user
large flowers can only be produced by removing (hand (the consumer).
picking) axillary flower buds from the plant. This muta-
tion negates the need for axillary bud removal. Notable
successful varieties carrying this mutation include var. 4. Theoretical Considerations and Planning
Imajin (Imagine) and var. Alajin (Aladdin). of a Mutation Breeding Project
Another important plant character induced by
mutagenesis is non-shattering rice. This mutation, The urgency in plant breeding is to produce new
induced by gamma-ray irradiation utilizing a shattering improved varieties as rapidly and economically as
Indica variety, was used to release the forage rice variety possible. Plant breeders will therefore adopt the most
“Minami-yutaka” in Japan (Kato et al. 2006). The muta- efficient methods to achieve this. With the availability of
tion, which may be induced by gamma-ray irradiations different techniques, mutation breeding can be applied
in gramineous species, will be useful for improving in various situations. However, mutation breeding is
forage crops with high levels of seed shattering in their not necessarily the best choice. Therefore, it is impor-
inflorescence. To make agriculture greener, traits such as tant to first assess whether mutation breeding is the
super- nodulation and more efficient use of water and right choice in achieving the objectives. Other meth-
other mineral elements in soils will become more and ods include cross breeding and transgenic breeding.
more important. The success in breeding and release However, these methods are not mutually exclusive
of a super-nodulating soybean variety is a significant and can be combined pragmatically by breeders in
advance in this field (Takahashi et al. 2005). reaching goals. For all breeding approaches planning
For species new to agriculture, e.g. blueberries, is important and requires knowledge of the biology
jatropha and those that have received little attention of the crop (in-breeding or out-breeding, diploid or
of plant breeders, e.g. medicinal plants and culinary polyploid, etc) in the careful utilization of all available
herbs and spices, there is an urgent need to identify, knowledge, technology and resources.
develop and establish domestication traits. For species
that have been in domestication for thousands of years 4.1. Mutation Breeding versus other Breeding
Methods ties. In addition to adapting crops to the physical
Mutation breeding differs from other breeding methods environment, new pests and diseases are expected
in several aspects. Consequently, it has advantages and to emerge. These abiotic and biotic stresses are
disadvantages and considerations should be compre- new challenges for crop production and breed-
hensive, taking into account the technical feasibility of ing. These traits may not exist in current varieties
achieving the breeding objectives; access to available or extant germplasm and may require mutation
gemplasm, access to mutation facilities, transport of M0 breeding to generate novel alleles.
and M1 seed (or other propagation material) between 3. Other examples are end user traits, such as novel
mutation facility and breeding location, the human quality and nutritional/functional traits that could
resources required (trained breeder and supporting bring benefits to particular market sectors. For
staff), the economic resources (budget for laboratory example as mentioned earlier: the low phytate trait
and field work), capacity (available field space, seed for enhancing bioavailability of micro-mineral nutri-
storage, selection methods), and the urgency of a new ents and high content of resistant starch for lowering
variety, for example for combating a newly emerged the glycemic index of diabetes patients and altered
disastrous disease. Additionally issues such as the ethi- starch for industrial uses (e.g. bio-ethanol) .
cal concerns of producers and end-users, intellectual
property (IP) and the formalities of official release of Reducing time needed for developing a new vari-
mutant crops should also be considered, though these ety. Where the required trait is available in germplasm
latter three are generally of more concern to transgenic collections of the crop species, the breeder has a
(GMO) crops. dilemma, whether to cross this material with elite lines,
followed by backcrossing if necessary, or to attempt to
4.1.1. Technical Assessment of the Suitability of induce the variation directly into elite lines via mutagen-
Mutation Breeding esis. The advantage of mutation breeding in such cases
Under what circumstances should mutation breeding resides on the time saved to breed a new variety. For
be deployed? This is often is the first general question example, homozygous lines can be obtained in the M4
that is asked by a breeder. generation (four crop cycles) at the latest through muta-
tion breeding; it would take at least 8-10 generations to
Breeding varieties with novel traits. In certain cases, produce a similar line through cross breeding, in annual
the desired trait does not exist in germplasm collections crops this translates into a saving of up to 5 years, in
of a crop, and hence mutation breeding becomes a perennial crops this is considerably longer.
valuable method to generate and develop new varieties
with such desired characteristics. This often happens in 4.2. Advantages and Disadvantages
the following situations.
1. For plant species that are not widely used and culti- The successful breeding of crops through traditional
vated, for example, local traditional vegetable crops breeding procedures requires a wealth of genetic diver-
that are grown locally often have very limited or no sity from which the plant breeder makes appropriate
available germplasm repositories and many desired selections. This diversity can be found within a species
traits may not exist in the locally grown material. In or in some instances, identified in a distant relative.
such cases, cross breeding is severely limited, but Genetic variation results over time through evolution-
mutation breeding can generate desired traits and ary changes in genes. Such changes are exhibited as the
develop new varieties in such crops. natural variation in a species and this variation can be
2. There are continual demands from growers for conserved by man as seed reserves, plant tissue stocks
material with new traits required for more efficient and gene banks of national and international agricultural
crop production. This issue becomes exacerbated centres. When one identifies specific accessions having
by climate change. Small changes in the growing characteristics appropriate to the targeted breeding
environment, e.g. 1ºC increases in temperature, or objectives, the breeder can initiate the hybridization
extreme heat stress, and changes in precipitation of the promising accessions and select plants with the
are expected to require new better adapted varie- improved characteristic(s).
Box 24.2: Advantages and disadvantages of mutation breeding
Possible to achieve instant progress in elite material.
Single trait improvements can be made to an established variety preferred by producers, processors and/or consumers.
Direct mutants varieties are possible, or limited breeding effort required.
Novel variation can be produced.
Single gene mutants with no negative pleiotropic effects are possible.
Production of environmental responsive traits (e.g. flowering, fertility under various daylengths).
For some mutagenic treatments such as gamma and X-ray, there is neither residual radiation nor chemical contamination of the treated
material. The treated material is safe to handle.
Specific genes/traits can be targeted.
Possible to calculate chances of success (mutation frequency).
The process is generally random and unpredictable.
Useful mutants are rare and predominantly recessive.
A heavy mutational load (mutation density) may require intensive breeding to reduce background mutations and eliminate chimeras.
Large population sizes and effective mass screening methods are required to select rare mutants.
Mutants can have strong negative pleiotropic effects on other traits, e.g. high lysine/protein in barley and low lignin/high digestibility in
maize are associated with low yields (pleiotropic effects however are an issue in all forms of breeding).
Unknown interactions with environmental factors, performance may vary significantly in different environments (this is an issue in all forms
of breeding).
Health risks: careful handling and disposal of waste chemical mutagens; background radiation in fast neutron treatments needs to decay
before handling treated material.
Most mutants are of no use to breeding even if a large number of mutants can be produced.
The number of lines/families in a generation can mushroom after the M1 generation.
Field trialling and germplasm storage can be expensive and require a lot of space and careful management if large mutant populations are
handled. However, effective screening and selection for desired mutants at an early stage can negate this problem.
If the available genetic resources do not exhibit the breeding is the generation of new mutated alleles which
desired characteristics or meet the targeted breeding present both opportunities and challenges for the plant
objectives, the inducement of genetic variation by breeder. Advantages include the creation of new alleles
mutation is a logical and appropriate approach. One that do not exist in the elite germplasm pool. Mutation
advantage to a breeder in utilizing mutation breeding induction in elite lines is very attractive to breeders as
is that a reduced breeding time can be achieved. If a refinement into a commercial line can be achieved
breeder attempts to transfer a useful trait into an eco- quickly with little further breeding effort. In some cases
nomically important variety, this will necessitate the the induction of desired mutant alleles in a commercial
crossing of the economically important variety with line can produce an immediate ‘new improved’ vari-
perhaps a less desirable variety possessing a single ety. A disadvantage in mutation induction has been a
advantageous agronomic trait. It will then be necessary limited capacity to produce dominant or co-dominant
to take the F1 hybrid and backcross it to the superior alleles, the vast majority being recessive. However, this
parent variety or top cross with the latest best variety situation is changing with the ability to generate func-
for at least 7-8 generations, with continued selection tional mutants.Also low mutation frequencies require
of individuals possessing the particular useful trait. If growing out large populations to screen for desired and
one attempts to apply mutation breeding to the same rare mutants. This can be an expensive process. The
breeding objective, one may be able to induce a muta- advantages of mutation breeding have been exploited
tion of the desired trait in the economically important by plant breeders throughout the history of mutation
variety directly. If the trait is successfully captured in breeding who have devised ways and means of over-
the M2 generation, purification of the mutant requires coming problems.
only 1 or 2 additional generations and this may be fur- Polyploid crops have additional issues. Mutation
ther accelerated using doubled haploid technologies. detection in polyploids is difficult as any homozygous
(Maulszynski et al. 2003) mutant locus, which is easily detected in diploids, can
The advantages and disadvantages of mutation breed- be masked by wild type genes present at homologous
ing are listed in Box 24.2. A central feature of mutation (same gene in another location) and homoeologous
(similar gene in another genome) loci. One of the 4.3.1. General Considerations
effects of ploidy is to provide the plant with a genetic It is of paramount importance to understand the bio-
buffer, thus polyploids have a greater tolerance of logical and technological basis of mutation breeding
mutations. The number of targeted loci is also higher in designing an effective mutation breeding project as
(proportional to the ploidy level/number of homolo- described above. This includes the selection of starting
gous and homoeologous loci) which necessitates more materials, use of an appropriate mutagen, and deploy-
intensive mutation treatments, and as a consequence ment of efficient and affordable selection methods.
more backcrossing to relieve the induced mutational Planning and selection of a particular targeted variety
load. One means of overcoming these problems is to for mutation induction represents an important first step.
carry out the mutation induction at a lower ploidy level An appropriate choice of a high performing variety with
and use this as a bridge to introduce mutations into selection for an appropriate targeted mutation will ulti-
the polyploid crop. Polyploids do however have an mately determine the success or failure of the mutation
advantage in that genomes and chromosomes can be breeding programme. An economically successful vari-
moved around, added and replaced using cytogenetic ety is adopted for mutation induction, usually by X-ray
manipulations (e.g. see Law et al. 1987 for methods in or gamma-ray irradiation, or treatment of a chemical
wheat). It is therefore possible to carry out large scale mutagen. The selected mutagenic treatment typically
mutation sweeps in polyploids by replacing entire results in only single or simple trait modification and
chromosomes. aims to maintain other agronomically useful characteris-
tics. Since the mutation rate at one locus is typically very
4.3. Planning a Mutation Programme low, the probability for simultaneous induction of two
or more desirable mutation is negligible. Moreover, the
In a mutation breeding approach it is important for accumulation of multiple, possibly interacting mutations
the breeder to understand the mode of reproduction in one individual could lower the viability of the mutant.
(sexual or asexual, self-pollinated or cross-pollinated, Usually, the choice of target variety or breeding materials
annual, perennial) of the crop under study. In addi- is determined by the needs of processors, consumers
tion, understanding how the ploidy level (diploid or and farmers. For example, if there is a variety that pos-
polyploid) may effect trait expression is also an impor- sesses processor and consumer popularity, but which
tant consideration. Once a basic understanding of the is susceptible to a particular disease, then the approach
biology of a particular species is known, the next step would be to induce and identify a mutation in that variety
involves the selection of promising phenotypes and for disease resistance. In certain circumstances, another
genotypes. In a mutation breeding approach, seed approach may be recommended. For example, there
treatment with a mutagen, followed by selection in the are two ways to develop new varieties with salinity toler-
M2 is the principal approach for identifying desirable ance, one is to mutated a variety that is high yielding but
mutants. Calculating the probable number of M1 plants is susceptible to salinity, the other is to mutate a variety that
very important for the effective screening and identifica- is low yielding but tolerant to salinity, such as a traditional
tion of mutants in the M2. An efficient screening approach local variety grown in the affected area. In such a case,
is essential in a mutation breeding approach since a high because it is much easier to improve agronomic perfor-
mutation induction rate, followed by a poor screen- mance than to enhance salinity tolerance, the latter is the
ing approach could result in inefficiency and ultimately better option.
project failure. The strategy and screening methods The next step is to select an appropriate mutagen.
applied by the breeder will be dependent on the breed- A relatively small number of mutagens are known to
ing objectives. As an example, the method deployed for induce mutations effectively and efficiently. In addition,
selection of a trait, such as resistance to biotic or abiotic different mutagens create different types of mutation. In
stresses will differ from that applied to selection of traits general, chemical mutagens induce DNA base substitu-
for quality, biomass yield, etc. A well conceived and tions and radiations such as gamma-rays and ion beams
efficient screening approach, with appropriate numbers induce small or very large deletions (see Chapter 20)
evaluated for a targeted genotype, will offer the highest with minor exceptions. There are also different effects on
level of efficiency and project success. mutation induction between radiations with low linear
energy transfer (LET), such as gamma-rays and X-ray, and and dose rate.
high LET radiations, such as neutrons and ion beams (see 6. Mutation rate and thereby the population size
Chapter 9). Therefore, it is important to use a suitable required to recover desired mutants. Aim to pro-
mutagen to achieve the specific breeding goal. duce specific mutants or a range of mutants. A
The third step is to deploy an efficient method for population size of 100,000 M2 plants or M3 families
mutant screening and validation. Following selection, it is not uncommon.
is important to verify if the selected trait is heritable. To 7. Mass selection method, which generation should
assess the heritability of a newly identified mutation, it be screened? Because the vast majority of mutants
will be necessary to conduct multi-location trials across are recessive their phenotypic expression cannot
several locations for a minimum period of 3 years for be observed until the mutated genes are homozy-
annual crops, more for perennials. Following successful gous and therefore the M2 generation is the earliest
performance trials, data must be evaluated and a deci- possible generation in which to screen for mutants.
sion for variety designation and release will be pending For a quantitative trait, normally M3 families and
following a variety review by committee. Data collec- subsequent generations are used for phenotypic
tion, storage and analysis (bio-informatics) are also screening.
important considerations. 8. For advancing mutant generations, harvesting seed
from single plant selections is recommended.
4.3.2. Mutation Breeding in Sexually Propagated 9. Additional breeding, depending on mutation den-
Crops sity is required to clean up background mutations.
Induced mutation and breeding in sexually propagated 10. Costs: financial, time, space and labour.
crops (SPCs) is relatively straight forward as the propagat- 11. Advancement (bulking and purifying) of promising
ing material, the seed, can be treated directly and mutant lines for entry into official tests.
lines refined by successive rounds of meiotic recombi- 12. Statutory (national and industrial) checks to meet
nation/breeding and selection. Furthermore seeds are required standards of distinctiveness, uniformity
easily transported from e.g. a seed store to a mutation and stability and food/health legislation.
facility and onward to a mutant screening/selection site. 13. Release and marketing.
However, whole plants, tissues and gametes can also be
treated with mutagens with selection usually operating The above list is simplistic as plant breeding is not
in subsequent generations (M2 and above). SPCs can generally a linear progression, but a continuous and
be divided into two types, in-breeders (self pollinating progressive cyclical and rolling process. In practice any
species) and out-breeders (cross pollinating species). new mutant (novel variant) in a SPC will be vectored
Different breeding strategies are use for in-breeders and into an ongoing programme at the time of crossing.
out-breeders but they share some common features. For Therefore seed must be available at sowing times to
practical considerations these include: coordinate flowering. The methods are easiest for dip-
loid in-breeding species such as rice and barley. These
1. Consideration of crop biology (in-breeder, out- species have simple genetics and are naturally homozy-
breeder, ploidy level, etc). gous, it is therefore relatively easy to produce and
2. Consideration of the genetic control of target detect homozygous (predominantly recessive) mutant
traits (single gene, polygenic, dominant/recessive, lines. Obligate out-breeders lie at the other extreme.
pleiotropy). Mutant selection in out-breeding crops is more difficult
3. Choice of starting material (elite genotypes, varieties, due to their highly heterozygous nature. These species
homozygous lines, etc). Homozygous lines have an have natural mechanisms that promote and maximise
advantage as they safe guard against the selection of the maintenance of heterozygosity, therefore recessive
false positives which can arise by contamination of alleles play a minor role in determining phenotype.
seed stocks (or other propagation material). Furthermore, on (artificial) selfing of out-breeders it is
4. Material to be treated (seed, whole plants, tissue difficult to distinguish between mutant recessives and
cultures, pollen, etc). normal recessives. Selfing can be difficult or impossible
5. Mutagen (physical, chemical, biological, somatic) and the development of lines carrying homozygous
recessive mutant alleles is hampered further by in- 4.3.3. Vegetatively Propagated Species
breeding depression. The method for mutation breeding in vegetatively propa-
gated crops (VPCs) is similar to that of seed propagated
A strategy for an annual seed propagated crops is as species, but with some important differences. In VPCs
follows: the main harvested product is usually a vegetative organ
and not the seed. As such, flowering and fertility are not
1. Year 1. Produce a large mutant population in elite major breeding goals, on the contrary in many cases non-
germplasm using a relatively mild mutagenic treat- flowering genotypes (e.g. in sugarcane) are preferred,
ment, grow out M1 plants to produce M2 seed. The as are seedless fruits (e.g. pineapple). Since VPCs are
aim here is to provide a large enough M2 popula- highly heterozygous the main mode of action of induced
tion in which a reasonable number of desired mutation is presumed to be the unmasking of recessive
mutants will be present (about 10) in a population traits by knocking out the wild type (dominant) allele at a
(of several thousand), and where the mutation rate heterozygous locus. However, for those species that are
per genome is small. Here the numbers will vary asexual due to meiotic instability caused by odd ploidy
depending on the species, ploidy and target tissue. levels (e.g. triploidy of banana), breeding (and mutation
2. Year 1/Year 2. The M2 seedlings and plants (and induction) may be performed at the diploid level after
M3 seeds for seed traits) are screened. Apply high- which the commercial ploidy level can be re-created.
throughput phenotyping to screen out candidate There are two kinds of vegetatively propagated crop
lines. This would be carried out in specialised plants: (1) Those that are propagated through hybridi-
facilities such as laboratories or environmentally zation and seed such as Japanese lawngrass (Zoysia
controlled glasshouse facilities. The aim here is to japonica L.); and (2) Those that are not propagated by
reduce the population size dramatically from sev- hybridization (due to the absence of flowers or sterility).
eral thousand to about 10 candidates in the early If both vegetative and cross-breeding approaches are
generations. Thus subsequent breeding focuses on available within a selected species, the breeder must
target traits and high value genotypes. As phenom- consider which method would have the greatest impact
ics facilities become more advanced several traits towards inducing the appropriate mutation. This could
can be assayed simultaneously and/or sequentially. involve irradiation of seed or irradiation of the vegetative
3. Year 2/Year 3. Confirm that the selected phenotype portions of the plant. Both methods have been success-
is heritable and is reproduced in field conditions. ful in a wide array of mutation breeding programmes of
4. Year 2/Year 3. Entry validated lines into the breeding flowers, such as in orchid and chrysanthemum. Since
schedule and begin crossing. Progress lines through it takes several years for seedlings to produce flowers
normal breeding practices. in fruit trees and the flowers often exhibit self-incom-
The scheme above can be applied with little or no patibility which restricts pure line selection, mutation
knowledge of the genetic controls of the trait being breeding has an advantage over hybridization in these
targeted. Genetic in-puts however can be greatly ben- species. In Japan, a mutant Japanese pear variety “Gold
eficial. Knowledge of the number of genes controlling Nijisseiki” resistant to black spot disease was developed
a trait can help to determine the mutagenic dose treat- from a sport generated by planting seedlings of suscep-
ment and the size of the population required, the more tible “Nijisseiki” in the Gamma Field (see Chapter 26).
genes involved the less the dose and/or population In a mutation breeding programme involving a veg-
size. Once desired phenotypes are produced the inher- etatively propagated species, the possible existence
itance of the trait needs to be established by fidelity of a chimera must be considered (see Chapter 16).
(heritability) of the phenotype to the next generation. Chimera formation can sometimes be avoided if adven-
Allelism testing can be performed simply and in parallel titious buds generated from a single cell are used. If the
with the breeding crossing programme and F1s assessed characteristics of mutants are easily identified as flower
to confirm or otherwise allelism to known genes and fruit colours and/or shapes, the propagated plants
controlling a trait. Thus, a breeder will know quickly possessing only mutant cells can be obtained by cut-
whether the induced trait is a duplication of existing ting the stems, twigs or plant parts and propagating and
mutant genes (and thereby redundant) or novel. screening the mutation. This can be repeated indefinitely
until the pure mutant plant is identified. If in vitro culture are good examples. Breeding anti-nutrient less/free new
of the species is available, it is often feasible to induce varieties, or varieties with high content of micro-nutrient,
mutant in in vitro cultures followed by regeneration since vitamins, anti-oxidants, etc are actively pursued in many
an original mutated cell line is used to regenerate a plant mutation breeding programmes of food crops.
(see Chapter 28). Since the techniques of in vitro culture
of tissues and single cells have been recently developed 5.2. Molecular Mutation Breeding
and refined in various species, utilization of cell and
tissue cultures in obtaining mutations is important. The term ‘molecular mutation breeding’ is defined
as mutation breeding in which molecular biological
knowledge, techniques and tools are used. As dis-
5. Mutation Breeding in Modern Crop cussed above experimental mutagenesis of the early
Improvement 20th century led to unprecedented breakthroughs in
plant breeding, this however was based largely on
The objectives of the today’s breeding programmes phenotypic selection and without much knowledge of
are quite different from those of earlier times. The the genetic controls of target traits. As mutation science
rapid advances in molecular genetics and genomics developed, some basic genetic studies (determination
has provided a host of DNA technologies available for of dominance, mapping, allelism testing, etc) were
crop improvement and has transformed breeding and carried out, but it wasn’t until the advent of molecular
brought about molecular plant breeding methods. As a biology that the molecular basis of mutant event could
consequence mutation breeding has thrived and gained be investigated and exploited in gene discovery and
momentum over the past decades. breeding. Techniques in molecular genetics are rapidly
evolving and methods in handling the large data sets
5.1. Mutation Breeding for New and Novel produced (bioinformatics) are expected to have a mas-
End-Products sive impact on molecular mutation breeding.
The continual changes in social and economic environ- 5.2.1. Utilization and Manipulation of DNA
ments drive the demand for new, crop products; for food Damage and Repair Mechanism
(especially health and nutrition), fuel (e.g. “greener” fuel), The natural and artificial environment subjects DNA
fibre, medicines, ornaments, industrial processes, etc. of living cells to continual damage. Cells respond to
Changes in demand can alter the primary use of a crop, this by switching on an array of repair mechanisms, but
for example the development of “biomass crops” for the occasionally the repair process lacks fidelity and leads to
biofuel industry, rather than “food production”. Breeders mutation. Knowledge gained from molecular genetics
often possess inadequate germplasm resources for such can now explain many phenomena emanating from clas-
radical changes. In such instances, mutation breeding sical mutation studies, e.g. differential sensitivities of plant
can offer some hope for success. Recently, rice breeders species, genotypes and tissues to mutagenic treatments
have focused their attention toward the breeding of very and the consequences of various repair mechanisms. For
high yielding forage rice varieties. A few high-yielding example gamma irradiation often leads to DNA double
indica landraces were available; however, these were strand breaks (DSBs), ion beams are associated with
not free of an undesirable seed-shattering character. deletions of DNA fragments, ultraviolet radiation results
Gamma-ray mutagenic treatment was successful in induc- in covalent dimerization of adjacent pyrimidine bases of
ing non-shattering mutants which resulted in the rapid DNA and chemical mutagens often cause miss-pairing or
production of new varieties such as var. Minami-yutaka nucleotide excision etc (see Chapter 12).
(Kato et al. 2006). Furthermore two DSB repair pathways are known;
Another important function that mutation breeding has homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous
played and will still play in the future is the development end joining (NHEJ). The former is precise and results in
of crop products with novel properties. New cereals and few errors (fewer mutations) whereas the latter is error
legume mutant varieties with low phytate content, or prone and can produce a high frequency of mutations.
with high resistant starch content, as described earlier, Knowledge of DNA repair can therefore be exploited
in designing mutagenic treatments that maximise the pered by the fact that induced mutations (often reces-
frequency and type of the desired mutation. For exam- sive) of a single gene do not have effect at the phenotype
ple, plant lines, tissues or cells defective in HR repair level due to non-mutated homologous or homoeolo-
will produce relatively higher frequencies of mutations gous genes. For example, hexaploid wheat has three sets
after a mutagenic treatment than normal material and of genome, namely A, B and D. If a mutation occur in
chemical mutagens are expected to produce a high fre- one chromosome of the A genome, 1A for instance, and
quency of amenable single nucleotide polymorphisms although this becomes homozygous after self-crossing
(SNPs). The production of SNPs, rather than fragment in M2 generation, the existence of non-mutated homoe-
deletions may have the additional benefit of producing ologous genes in chromosomes 1B and 1D will mask the
functional, dominant or co-dominant alleles rather than mutation on 1A and the mutant lines cannot be detected
recessive gene knock outs. Thus in cases where a func- via phenotyping methods. By using molecular screen-
tional mutation is required, such as herbicide resistance ing methods, it is now possible to identify mutants of
(see Chapter 31), a chemical treatment may provide homoeologous genes, and by combing mutated genes
the optimal effect, but where a recessive mutation is across a homoelogous family (e.g. a gene on 1A, 1B and
required, such as many semi-dwarfs, a physical muta- 1D) into a single breeding line, the mutant phenotype
tion treatment may be preferred. is generated. As such, mutation breeding can now be
applied more effectively for breeding novel varieties in
5.2.2. Making Use of Knowledge of Trait Genetic polyploidy crops (see Chapter 27).
Control The power of mutation breeding of vegetatively
In all cases basic knowledge of the genetics control- propagated crops (VPCs) is rather limited compared with
ling the target trait is required to develop an effective SPCs. This is because no self-crossing is involved in VPCs
molecular mutation breeding strategy. In addition to its and hence recessive mutations cannot be revealed.
importance for choosing a suitable mutagen, it is impor- Therefore, mutants are often revelations of existing het-
tant to generate an appropriately sized mutant popula- erozygous mutant alleles. Once molecular methods are
tion. That is, the more the genes controlling a given trait, used, it is possible to screen mutants heterozygous at the
the more the chance to identify a mutant in a mutant target locus, another round of mutation induction and
population. Of course, these should be genes of major screening can then reveal double (recessive) mutants.
effect on the trait, since mutation of genes of minor It is possible to develop a mutant line with desired
effect cannot be identified efficiently at the phenotypic phenotypes from a homozygous wild type variety. Such
level in many circumstances. mutant alleles do not exist in wild type germplasm and
If the gene controlling a trait is already known, mutants these induced mutations are completely novel to these
may be identified directly using molecular tools that crops, and may bring great benefits to the product or
target that gene. production.
As discussed earlier, mutation breeding is often char-
5.2.3. Molecular Screening and Identification of acterised by its limited power for improving the overall
Induced Mutations performance of a variety, since a mutant line often has very
TILLING approaches can be exploited in cases where few mutated genes of interest. This limitation can now be
the gene of interest has been sequenced. Thus a TILLING overcome by either pyramiding desired mutations through
population can be designed with the expectation of crossing between complementary mutant lines derived
recovering 10-20 or more mutations in a specific gene. from a single variety (for SPCs), or through repeated muta-
Details of the TILLING technology and its application tion and selection (VPCs). That is, one population can be
in mutation breeding are described in Chapters 21, screened for several genes of interest and mutant lines with
22 & 27. The ability to screen for mutated genes using individual desired mutations can then be crossed to pro-
molecular approaches has not merely been a techno- duce recombinant lines with the desired mutations through
logical advance, it has resulted in a revolution in muta- marker-assisted selection. For VPCs, it is not possible to
tion breeding as it has greatly enhanced the power of make crosses, therefore a second round of mutation induc-
mutation breeding in crop improvement. tion is performed on the selected mutants, after which new
Mutation breeding of polyploidy crops is often ham- lines carrying additional mutations are identified.
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Doubled in: Haploid Production in Crop Plants. A MARVIN digital seed analyser/counter:
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Raboy, V. 2009. Approaches and challenges to engineer- TraitmillTM, CropDesign’s high throughput phenotyp-
ing seed phytate and total phosphorus. Plant Science. ing platform:
Rutger, J.N. 1992. Impact of mutation breeding in rice: UK CropNet database:
a review. Mutation Breeding Review No. 8, Vienna
(Austria), FAO/IAEA: 1-23.
Sanada, S. 1988. Selection of resistant mutants to black
spot disease of Japanese pear by using host specific 6.3. Further Reading
toxin. Jpn. J. Breed. 38:198-204.
Sauton, A., Olivier, C. and Chavagnat, A. 1989. Use of soft Micke, A., Donini, B. and M. Maluszynski 1990. Induced
X-ray technique to detect haploid embryos in imma- mutations for crop improvement, Mutation Breeding
Review, 7:1-41. Sleeper, D.A. and Poehlman, J.M. 2006. Breeding Field
Fehr, W.R. (1987). Principles of variety development Crops. 5th edition. Blackwell Publishing.
Volume 1, Macmillan. Publishing Company, New Ukai, Y. 2006. Effectiveness and efficiency of mutagenic
York: pp. 536. treatments. Gamma Field Symposia. 45:1-4.
Fehr, W.R. 2007. Breeding for modified fatty acid compo-
sition in soybean. Crop Sci. 47:S-72-S-87.
Gustafsson, Å. 1986. Mutation and gene recombination
principal tools in plant breeding. In: Svalöf 1886-
1986. Research and results in plant breeding. Ed. G.
Olsson, pp. 76-84. Stockholm: LTs förlag.
Mutant Phenotyping and Pre-Breeding in Barley
B.P.Forstera+b* J.D.Franckowiakc, U.Lundqvistd, W.T.B.Thomasa, D.Leadera, P.Shawa, J.Lyona and R.Waugha
SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA, UK
Curent address: BioHybrids International Ltd, PO Box 2411, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK
Agri-Science Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Hermitage Research Station, Warwick, QLD 4370 Australia
Nordic Genetic Resource Center, P.O. Box 41, SE-230, 53 Alnarp, Sweden
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Single Gene Mutations
2.1. Classic Mutations in Barley
3. Multiple Gene Mutations
3.1. Development of a Structured Mutation Population
3.1.1. Plant Material and Methods
3.1.2. Maintenance of Family Structure
4. Phenotypic Screening and Selection
5. Mutant Phenotypes
5.1. Caryopsis Mutants
5.2. Germination Mutants
5.3. First Leaf Mutants
5.4. Seedling Mutants
5.5. Tillering Mutants
5.6. Leaf Mutants
5.7. Culm Mutants
5.8. Spike and Spikelet Mutants
6. Mutant Classes
7. Germplasm Storage
8. Exploitation
8.1. Access to Information and Material
8.2. Genetics
8.3. Advancing Selections
8.4. Barley Mutations in Breeding
8.5. Other Uses
8.6. Limitations
9. References
1. Introduction mutation or possess a mutated ancestor (see Chapter 1).
In cereals key mutant domestication traits include: non-
Barley has and continues to be a model species for dormant seed, plant stature, modified inflorescences,
mutation genetics and breeding. Mutagenesis in barley, non-shattering spikes, free-threshing grain and large grain.
and other species, is an effective method of generating Alterations in the timing of flowering have been critical
phenotypic variation. Mutants have been used as tools in the adaptation of crops to new environments, espe-
to help understand plant development, physiology, evo- cially adjustments in photoperiodic and vernalisation
lution and domestication; they have also been exploited responses. The use of mutant lines in plant breeding has
in crop improvement. Classic studies in barley have pro- also improved resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses,
duced new genetic resources, including isogenic lines yield and quality. Perhaps the most significant example
for individual mutant genes, morphological marker maps of mutation breeding is the deployment of semi-dwarf
and databases on mutant stock description. Advances in cereals in the ‘Green Revolution’, which resulted in dra-
bioinformatics allow phenotypic and genotypic data to matic yield increases in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and
be acquired and handled on a much bigger scale, with rice (Oryza sativa L.).
the massive data sets produced being housed and inter-
rogated at publicly accessible web sites. These advances
have promoted the development of large scale multi- 2. Single Gene Mutations
mutant populations and have simultaneously revitalised
old mutant collections. The general applicability of Simple Mendelian genetics is based on two principles:
mutagenesis allows the rapid generation of structured 1) the inheritance of independent genetic units, and 2)
populations from germplasm of interest to scientists recombination of genetic units that are then distributed
and breeders. Using barley as an example, practical via gametes to progeny. A concept embedded in simple
protocols for generating, screening and selection are Mendelian genetics is that the units of inheritance, the
described for all stages in the life cycle, from caryopsis, to genes, are constant entities and that variation is a result
germination through to maturity traits. Many of the phe- of recombination among them. However, variation
notypes generated are of direct interest to plant breeders via recombination cannot explain the sudden genetic
and geneticists. Methods in maintaining and advancing changes that occur in nature that have been a driving
selected lines as well as genetic characterisation are also force in evolution. These genetics changes are called
described. mutations. Various mutations occur and range from gross
Random mutation followed by the selection of benefi- changes to the genome, e.g. a change in the number of
cial traits is a natural driving force in evolution and spe- chromosomes to subtle single base changes in a DNA
ciation. Man has exploited this natural variation to select sequence (these and the methods used to induce
traits useful in the domestication and improvement of them are discussed in greater detail in Chapters 4 &
crop plants, and to adapt cultivated plants to a range of 20). Large genome mutations (aneuploidy, chromo-
environments and uses. The production of mutations some duplications, translocations and deficiencies, etc)
can be accelerated by the use of specific chemical or have been of interest in cytology studies from the onset.
physical agents (see Chapters 7-13). However, changes to plant traits are of greater interest to
Induced mutants have played a major role in plant plant breeders and geneticists as these may be manipu-
breeding and classical genetics. For example, genetic lated for crop improvement. Many of the traits of interest
mapping populations can be developed from crosses turned out to be single gene traits, followed the rules of
with mutant lines to identify the specific lesion respon- Mendelian genetics and were thereby relatively easy to
sible for the observed mutant phenotype. Since induced study and manipulate.
mutagenesis is generally applicable to all germplasm of
a given crop it is possible to generate novel mutant phe- 2.1. Classic Mutations in Barley
notypes in elite material. Mutants have had a significant
impact on crop production worldwide with the release Barley, Hordeum vulgare L is a small grain cereal. It is
of over 3,000 varieties (IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic a member of the subtribe Triticeae, of the grass family,
stock database) that are either the direct products of the Poaceae. Barley is closely related to other important
Bowman Recipient Parent Donor Parent
BC 2
BC 3
BC n Selfing
crops species; bread wheat, macaroni wheat, rye and rowed barley, the genes involved (vrs1 and int-c) were
the wheat/rye hybrid, triticale, all of which are in the among the first morphological mutants to be mapped
Triticeae. The biology of barley makes it a particularly (on chromosomes 2H and 4H, respectively). In the
useful species for mutation studies. It has a relatively 1980’s a backcrossing project was initiated in the USA
short life cycle and simple genetics (2n = 2x = 14). It is to develop near isogenic lines by placing all recorded
an inbreeding diploid and therefore mutants are rela- barley mutant genes individually into a common
tively easy to detect and fix compared to polyploid and genetic background. Once mutants were isolated in
out-crossing species. Barley is also a major crop grown a common genetic background their effects could be
worldwide and is closely related to other important more easily studied. Other objectives included provid-
small grain cereals, notably bread and durum wheat, ing genetic stock descriptions, mapping mutant genes
rye and the wheat rye hybrid, triticale. Barley was and providing a genetic resource. Initially 30 mutants
domesticated from the wild species Hordeum vulgare were collected from Japan, Sweden and the USA and
L. subsp. spontaneum (C.Koch) (2n = 2x = 14) in the these were crossed and backcrossed to the locally
Fertile Crescent some 10,000 years ago. Morphological adapted variety Bowman (Fig 25.1). The project has now
features selected for cultivation included non-shat- grown to over 900 individual mutants collected from
tering spike, kernel size, spike type and adaptation around the world with backcrossing complete for about
to a range of environments. Mutants for spike type 600. These mutants are recorded and described in the
allowed the development of six-rowed as well as two- barley genetic stocks database.
The classic studies in barley resulted in new genetic genetics the starting point is an altered phenotype, in
resources for both research and exploitation in crop reverse genetics the starting point is a mutated gene
improvement. Some notable mutant traits used to improve sequence. Both approaches aim to link phenotype to
and expand the range of the barley crop included: genotype. (The reverse genetics approach is exem-
• Semi-dwarfism, the ari-e.GP and sdw1.d plified in Chapter 38). Here we describe the forward
mutants from Golden Promise and Diamant, approach using morphological mutants found in a
respectively, were used to produce a number barley mutation grid (Caldwell et al. 2004). Phenotypic
of semi-dwarf varieties, but other ari, ert and deviants were sought at all stages in plant development,
brh mutants were also exploited. Semi-dwarf from quiescent seed, to germination, to vegetative and
cereals became important in the 1950s with reproductive growth and to maturity.
the introduction of the combine harvester.
Harvesting was made easier in cereal crops 3.1. Development of a Structured Mutation Population
with short, stiff and erect straw. Semi-dwarfs
were also associated with increased yield as 3.1.1. Plant Material and Methods
more energy resources were available for grain A two-rowed, semi-dwarf, spring barley var. Optic was
rather than vegetative tissues. chosen as it was a top quality malting variety adapted
• Early maturity (eam8 from Mari). Early maturity to local, Scottish, conditions. Optic, however did not
mutants allowed the development of barley possess an effective resistance gene to prevalent races
and other cereals to tropical and semi-tropical of mildew in the UK and developing a mildew resistant
regions with short days. mutant was of interest. Grain of Optic was mutagenised
• Mildew resistance (mlo9 from Diamant). The with ethyl-methanesulphonate (EMS) at two dosage
mlo9 mutant has been an important source levels, 20 and 30 mM, which produced an estimated
of mildew resistance since Alexis was first average of 5,000 mutations per genome (Caldwell
released in 1986 ( et al. 2004). The treated grain is referred to as the M0
generation and on germination produces M1 plants.
No more than two M2 grain per M1 plant were grown
3. Multiple Gene Mutants on to produce a structured population of over 21,000
M3 families, described by Caldwell et al. (2004). The
The advent of bioinformatics and developments in com- M1 generation was grown up in glasshouse conditions.
putational biology have revitalised interest in induced M2 individual plants, M3 rows and plots of subsequent
mutation as they provide a means of bringing together generations were generally grown in the field. DNA was
large data sets. Massive data bases are available that sampled from M2 plants for genotypic analysis (muta-
describe hundreds of thousands of expressed gene tion detection) and M3 and subsequent generations
sequences that can be interrogated for gene/function were inspected for phenotypic variation and this was
associations. Such data are set to grow further with the done at all stages in development. Harvested seed or
advent of the ‘sequencing revolution’. However, infor- ears were labelled and stored. A schematic of these
mation on phenotype, the ‘phenotype gap’ severely procedures is given in Figure 25.2.
limits our ability to capitalise on the wealth of genomics
data. One way to overcome this is to develop multiple 3.1.2. Maintenance of Family Structure
mutations in structured families such as in mutation grids It is important to maintain family structure as once
and targeting induced local lesions in genomes (TILLING) mutant sequences and/or phenotypes are revealed
populations (see Chapters 21, 22 & 27). they need to be traced back to a common origin and
By combining mutagen dosage and population size traced forward to advanced generations. Population
structured families can be developed which, in theory, structure was maintained in each season by harvesting
contain one or more (usually 10-20) mutations in every each family row separately. In order to maintain the
gene of the genome. These populations provide a genetic diversity within a family all plants (or a selection
wealth of mutated genes and phenotypes that can be of plants) should be threshed as individual family bulks.
exploited in forward and reverse genetics. In forward Alternatively a random selection of ears along each row
Optic, M 0 seed M1 Plants M 2 Plants
800 Mutation
650 Hin 96
600 Hin 72
Hin 48
550 Hin 32
500 Hin 24
Intensity (mV)
Hin 16
450 Hin 10
400 Hin 8
Hin 6
350 Hin 4
300 Hin 2
Hin WT
Hin Hom
Time (min)
Seed resource
M3 and M4 families
can be selected and stored to maintain a high degree of Figure 25.2. The sheer size of mutant populations (the
genetic variation of the family. Optic mutation population consisted of 21,000 M3
Ears from mutant plants identified within family rows can families) often means that phenotyping in the field is
be included in the bulk, but can also be harvested sepa- undertaken over more than one season. In the case of
rately to isolate the mutant. These can then be grown on the Optic populations this was done over 3 years on M3
in subsequent years as progeny from single ears, and pro- or M4 families grown in standard 1.5 m long rows consist-
vided a true breeding genetic resource of mutants where ing of 15-20 plants per family. Rows were organised into
the phenotype can be validated in the next generation. plots (4 rows per plot) and plots organised into beds,
After sampling spikes from family rows, selecting ears each family was identified by a bar-coded label and a
from single mutant plants and removing any control field co-ordinate (bed/plot/row). Laboratory screens
plants/guard rows, the remaining plants in the mutation were used to detect mutant phenotypes in the caryop-
field can be combine harvested to provide a random sis and germination and glasshouse tests were used to
bulk of mutant seed. Random bulks can be utilised in identify some seedling trait mutants. In the Optic work
large scale mutant screening, e.g. disease resistance data were recorded electronically by hand held devices
and responses to fertiliser and herbicide treatments, linked to a central server and transferred to the publicly
but in the case of bulks the family structure is lost. accessible database. A system was developed utilising
wireless technology to electronically record data. This
process ensured that recordings were immediately
4. Phenotypic Screening and Selection available to other users who were involved in the scor-
ing process and reduced errors in transferring hand
The general scheme for mutation induction, develop- written notes. This information along with photographs
ment of a structured population and the connections of mutant phenotypes was then transferred to the pub-
between phenotyping and genotyping are given in licly available database for further analysis.
Total Recording Within Defined Ranges
Number of Recordings
0-5 5-10 10-15 15-25 25-50 50-100 100-500 250-500 500-1000 1000+
Count 169 128 258 258 549 1374 2238 2990 3252 5368
Material was examined at all stages in plant develop- semi-dwarfs have had a major impact in the past, the
ment in order to identify useful genetic diversity data for structured population would be relatively unattractive
subsequent applications such as map-based gene clon- to breeders as it may require several rounds of back-
ing or breeding of improved lines. During the course of crossing to reduce the mutational load while isolating
the work it was noticed that short stature, late flowering desired traits.
and light green appearance were very common mutant
phenotypes. These common phenotypes were often 5. Mutant Phenotypes
associated with other less common mutants, i.e. rare
mutants were usually present in families which exhib- Phenotypes were scored by the naked eye of experts
ited one of the common mutant phenotypes. The step familiar with barley morphological mutants or experts
up in mutation frequencies provided by these three in specific traits such as agronomy, pathology, plant
common mutant classes (Fig 25.3) can be exploited. development and physiology (see Acknowledgments).
Thus an alternative phenotyping strategy might be to An understanding of the botany of the species is also
select in the first instance for these common phenotype required. Phenotypic screening was not carried out until
classes (a fourth common class which may be included the M3 generation at the earliest; this is because M1 plants
is partial fertile) and to make more detailed assessments exhibited chimeras and physiological disorders carried
among selected families in subsequent generations. over from the mutagenic treatment (see Chapters 15
Data indicated that selection for late flowering alone & 16). Since the vast majority of mutants are recessive,
represents 65% of the mutant phenotypes in the popu- many phenotypes are not expressed until plants become
lation. A benefit of a common phenotype pre-screen homozygous for the mutation. Phenotypes were scored
would be a much reduced population size in which continually throughout the life cycle and it was common
to make more detailed observations in subsequent to build phenotypic descriptions for single families/
generations. This will however produce a bias towards plants over the growing period and over the three year
late, short and light green phenotypes, and whereas assessment period.
Table 25.1: Mutant classes
Primary class Secondary classes Tertiary classes
Table 25.1: Mutant classes
Transition to reproductive growth
Lethality Timing
Peduncle Length
Surface waxes
Collar Suppression
Table 25.1: Mutant classes
Floral part abortion
Disease reactions
Straw strength
Disease reactions
5.1. Caryopsis Mutants 5.3. First Leaf Mutants
The grain (also known as the kernel) of barley is a one A standard first leaf glasshouse screen was utilised: 16-20
seeded fruit, known botanically as a caryopsis. Caryopsis grain were sown into 4” pots filled with standard compost
mutants were generally detected by inspecting stored, and watered. Pots were inspected after 10 - 14 days (first
quiescent grain, i.e. phenotyping is partially independ- leaf) and also at four weeks (tillering). This test can be carried
ent of seasonal effects and such screening can be carried out at any time in a lit, temperature controlled glasshouse.
out at any time as it is not season dependent. Examples Examples of first leaf mutants are given in Figure 25.6.
of mutant phenotypes observed are given in Figure 25.4.
5.4. Seedling Mutants
5.2. Germination Mutants
Assessments of seedling traits were made from glass-
Twelve disease-free seed of each family were placed onto house tests and field grown material. Some seedling
filter paper with 2.5 ml distilled water in 9 cm Petri dishes. mutants are shown in Figure 25.7.
Petri dishes were incubated for 3 days at 20 °C in the dark
and assessed for germination, seminal root and coleoptile 5.5. Tillering Mutants
variants. The Petri dishes were then given an additional 2.5
ml distilled water and incubated in the light for a further 3 Assessments of tillering characteristics were made using
days and assessed again, the second assessment included glasshouse and field grown material. Some examples
colour mutants of the shoot. Germination tests used are given in Figure 25.8.
stored grain and could be carried out at any time. A range
of germination mutants is given in Figure 25.5.
(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
5.6. Leaf Mutants 6. Mutant Classes
Characterizations of leaf mutants were made using glass- Table 25.1 lists primary, secondary and tertiary pheno-
house and field grown material. Examples are given in typic classes that are commonly recorded in barley.
Figure 25.9. Knowledge of botanical descriptors of the species
under study is essential in phenotypic assessments as
5.7. Culm Mutants is knowledge of how the plant grows; its physiology,
agronomy, pests and diseases. An awareness of traits of
Phenotyping of stem traits was carried out primarily in interest to scientific and breeding communities is also
the field. Some examples are given in Figure 25.10. desirable. It is therefore advisable to have experts, in
various disciplines, assess the material. Because of their
5.8. Spike and Spikelet Mutants size, it is not always possible to assess a whole mutant
population in one season as the work is labour inten-
Variations in spike and spikelet development were sive. In the case of the Optic mutation grid assessments
examined using field grown plants. Some examples are were made over three field seasons.
given in Figure 25.11. The vast majority of phenotypic data are scored on
the sporophyte, although some fertility variants may
be attributable to mutations in the mega- (female) and
(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
micro- (male) gametophytes. Data can be collected varied in representation from rare to common classes;
throughout the life cycle (grain, seedling, vegetative a frequency distribution is given in Figure 25.3. Rare
and reproductive growth, floral development, flower- mutants, with as few as 10 representatives in the entire
ing and ripening). population included single elongated internode, albino
Phenotypic data were gathered over three seasons lemma and yellow stripe mutants. At the other extreme,
(2003 to 2005) in M3 and M4 rows. Among the 21,000 the most common classes were: late flowering (2,629
mutant families, 7,204 exhibited one or more visible entries), light green (1,349) and short stature (1,356).
mutant phenotypes (approx. 34%). A large number of Families exhibiting a common mutant phenotype (late
families (4,324) exhibited more than one visible mor- flowering, light green or short) were often observed to
phological mutant plant in an M3 or M4 row, 259 fami- exhibit additional phenotypes (either in the same indi-
lies contained lethal mutants. These include mutations vidual or in other plants of that family); these included
effecting seed viability, embryo lethal mutants, devel- other common phenotypes and less common mutant
opmentally non-viable mutants and sterility mutants. classes (Table 25.2). For example, of the 2,629 families
Lethal mutants can be maintained in the population scored as late flowering, 1,975 exhibited one or more
as heterozygotes. Some lethal mutants are environ- additional phenotypes, the most frequent classes are
mentally induced and seed stocks can be obtained given in Table 25.2. Taken together the three most
only in certain seasons/conditions. It was possible to common classes capture 55% of the observed pheno-
classify mutants into 204 phenotypic classes which types in the entire population.
Table 25.2: Comparison of the three common mutant classes; the total number of families exhibiting
late flowering, light green and short stature phenotypes and the number of families among these that
exhibit additional mutant phenotypes
Common Total number Late Light green Short stature Extreme short Necrotic
classes families
Common Lethal Thin leaf Yellow leaf Short awn Week Plant Erect growth
Web portals or databases are commonly developed largely in categories that require specialised screening
for public access to data and materials The address for methods, e.g. reaction to pathogens, desynapsis, and
the Optic mutation grid is: caryopsis colour and composition which could not be
barley/mutants and was set up to act as a gateway to determined as Optic is a hulled variety. Conversely,
the work being carried out on barley mutant popula- novel mutants with no direct counterparts in BGSAD
tions at SCRI as well as to offer tools to allow querying listings were found and these were found at all stages
of phenotypic data. Experimental data can be queried in the life cycle, notably for seminal root morphology
in a number of ways such as by phenotype description, which is an area that has been studied infrequently.
by year, by botanical structure (grain, leaf, stem, spike,
etc) or by the total number of families that display a 7. Germplasm Storage
particular phenotype. Access to image data associated
with many of the plant families is provided. The portal Space is a major issue in storing seed and secure,
also provides information for researchers who may be compact methods need to be devised, storage of air
interested in requesting and exploiting the resources is wasteful and promotes the spread of pests and dis-
described. eases. It is also advisable that storage containers are air-
The phenotypes observed in the Optic mutant popu- tight and see-through so that seed and/or ears can be
lation were compared to standard phenotypic descrip- inspected without disturbance. Threshed seed or intact
tions from the Barley Genetic Stocks AceDB Database spikes can be stored; spike storage has advantages in
(BGSAD) and in several cases it was possible to assign that spike morphology can be inspected/verified and
candidate genes. These are attached to the descrip- subsequent generations can be traced back to a single
tions given in the web-site. Comparisons between the ear. Transparent screw cap 15 – 50 ml tubes are useful
Optic mutant phenotypic data and those listed in the storage containers for seed or spikes harvested from
BGSAD showed that about 10% of those listed in the single plants and single row (multiple plant) selec-
BGSAD are not recorded in the Optic mutation grid. tions. Seed longevity is directly related to moisture and
Missing phenotypes in the Optic mutant collection are temperature and a compromise is often required for
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 25.12 Mutant seed storage
logistical reasons. For viability over a 10 – 20 year period material for large scale “shot gun” phenotyping,
storage in airtight containers at 4ºC in the presence of e.g. sowing out a large area of bulked seed to
a drying agent is recommended for small grain cereals select mutants for nutritional, pesticide or climatic
such as barley. Tubes can be labelled with a bar code, responses.
family code, date of harvest, field co-ordinates (bed/
plot/row) and phenotypic descriptors (e.g. dwarf, pale 8.2. Genetics
green, leaf stripe etc, see Fig 25.12). For larger quanti-
ties, e.g. bulked seed, larger containers are required. Mutants have played a major role in basic and classic
genetic studies. Mutant lines exhibiting similar pheno-
8. Exploitation types can be crossed together to determine allelism (see
Chapter 4), dominance relationships, the number of loci
8.1. Access to Information and Material controlling a trait, the number of gene families and the
number of alleles involved in trait expression. Genetic
Optic mutant phenotypes are described in the database mapping populations can be developed from crosses to
and seed can be provided on request, this is normally mutant lines and used to find the chromosomal region
a common feature for various TILLING and mutation associated with specific mutants and to develop isogenic
grid populations of a range of species. Various barley lines (Figure 25.1). A catalogue of barley genetic stocks
mutant seed stocks are available: is available at the BGSAD, which provides information
1. seed/spikes from family rows, the aim here is to on genes, gene symbols, inheritance, phenotype, origin
maintain the mutational load of each family. of mutant, chromosomal location and relevant refer-
2. seed/spikes from selected plants, these have been ences for over 900 genes. DNA from mutants can be
selected as a first step in mutant line purification. used to detect DNA sequence mutations in candidate
3. bulked seed (from all mutant families grown in the genes, and lines that share a phenotype compared for
field in a particular season), which provides useful commonality. The strategy is feasible with the advent of
high-throughput genotypic detection systems such as all involve creating a mapping population but, as one is
TILLING (see Chapter 21, 22 & 27). trying to locate one locus on the genome, it is most effi-
cient to use Bulk Segregant Analysis (Michelmore et al.
8.3. Advancing Selections 1992) with mapped markers to derive an approximate
genomic location. The next step is to identify genetic
Once mutants have been identified from a population, markers in the region and use them to fine map the
they can follow two main deployment routes (Fig 25.13), mutant locus in an extended segregating population.
although these are not mutually exclusive. The first step It is not necessary to genotype the whole population
is to check whether the observed phenotype is truly as one can use an initial screen with flanking makers
new or merely another allele at an already categorised to identify the potentially informative individuals for
locus. The BGSAD ( contains more intensive genotyping. If markers such as Single
information and images of most of the mutant loci that Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are utilized, then
have been reported in barley. One can search this for one can use the sequence information used to derive
similar phenotypes to those identified in one’s mutant the SNPs to identify syntenic regions in model species
population. This then provides a list of potential allelic such as Brachypodium and rice and thus identify a list of
mutants which can then be crossed to the new mutant potential candidate genes that can be refined to a few
and the F1s can be checked to see if they are mutant or potential targets using bioinformatics tools. The final
wild type. If the new mutant is not allelic to any previ- stage is to validate candidate genes by knocking out
ously known mutant, then it can be crossed to a refer- and/or over-expressing and evaluating whether or not
ence genotype to begin to locate the mutant locus on the effect on phenotype is similar to that observed in
the genome. A range of options are available here but the original mutant.
Identify Mutant
Cross to Stock
Cross to Reference
Produce segregating
Adaptive backcross to
Bulk segregant elite line
via synteny
Some mutants have potential application in variety any of the Optic mutants will become varieties directly
development but other mutations carried elsewhere as it is likely that the mutational load induced by EMS
in the genome mean that direct mutants are frequently is large (1 mutation every 500K nucleotides), and Optic
unsuitable for direct deployment as cultivated varieties. itself will soon be superseded as a variety as it was first
In such cases, a backcrossing programme can be used recommended in 1995. There is however great poten-
to “clean-up” the genetic background associated with tial in using this material for barley breeding to improve
the mutant whilst maintaining positive selection for standard traits and introduce novel characters.
the mutant phenotype. The problem with this strategy,
particularly for annual crops such as barley, is that the 8.5. Other Uses
mutant parent will probably have been surpassed by
breeding progress and will thus not be competitive with Mutants such as leaf spot and lesion mutants can be
other lines, unless the mutant trait confers such an end- compared to disease and mineral deficiency/toxicity
user advantage that it attracts a market premium. An symptoms to investigate genes that are common or
adaptive backcrossing procedure can be used to coun- different in elucidating the mechanisms involved in
ter this situation. In such a scheme, the best available biochemical responses (recognition, response, uptake,
current variety is used as the “recurrent” parent so that transport, etc.) to biotic and abiotic stresses.
the mutant is introgessed into a contemporary genetic Classically, barley mutants have played an important
background. The number of backcrosses needed role in developing a better understanding of genetic
depends, to some extent, upon the mutation frequency systems. They have, for example, been used to elu-
in the experiment but, given that background marker cidate phytomer models (Bossinger et al. 1992). The
selection is not an option, at least two backcrosses Optic mutants include several new phytomer mutants
should be conducted before starting a selfing or dou- that shed more light on the barley phytomer model and
bled haploid programme to develop a pure line. have necessitated revision (Forster et al. 2007).
Root mutants are an under-represented class.
8.4. Barley Mutations in Breeding Although simple tests can be devised to assess roots at
germination and early seedling development there is a
Classic examples of induced mutation in barley include lack of knowledge of mutants in roots of older plants. In
early maturity (eam8 induced in var. Mari), semi- the Optic work several root mutants were observed at
dwarfism (sdw1 and ari-e.GP induced in vars. Diamant germination and it is clear that a wealth of mutants exist
and Golden Promise, respectively) and mildew resist- in older roots systems, including the nodal root system.
ance (mlo9 in Diamant to produce the var. Alexis). In The detection of root lodging variants is an indication
diploid inbreeding cereals such as barley and rice, it is that these occur. Since roots are underground organs
not uncommon for mutant lines to become varieties they are difficult to observe. Simple root screening
directly. Typically however, mutation breeding attempts methods such as electrical capacitance designed to
to improve a single trait, e.g. disease resistance, in oth- estimate root system size (Chloupek et al. 2005), may
erwise elite lines: the elite line is subject to a mutagenic be useful as a first screen in selecting mutants that
treatment and desired phenotypes are selected in the should be studied in more detail with more sophisti-
M2 and subsequent generations. Although desired traits cated screens.
can often be found within the primary gene pool of Fertility/sterility mutants are composed of a large
the crop species, induced mutations have an advan- group of variants and have potential in the discovery
tage over the use of more distant gene pools (out-of- of the numerous genes involved in the development of
date varieties, landraces and wild relatives) in that the reproductive organs, meiotic cell division and gameto-
trait can be selected for directly within contemporary phytic differentiation. Male sterile mutants have some
breeding germplasm. potential as a breeding tool. In rice male sterile mutants,
Several of the mutants detected in the Optic mutation particularly those that can be turned on and off by alter-
grid are of interest in barley breeding. Examples include ing the environment, e.g. photoperiod are of interest
mildew resistance, altered grain shape and size, naked in hybrid rice seed production (Rutger, 1992). Similar
caryopsis and orange lemma mutants. It is unlikely that reversible mutants may be found after growing selected
barley mutants in different environments, which can ronments as this will reveal responses to temperature,
then be selected for hybrid seed production. light intensity and photoperiod as well as a range of
The large number of visual mutants that can be main- pests and diseases. Barley, like other small grain cereals,
tained as homozygous lines can be used as training has two root systems; seminal (or primary, derived from
tools for students and barley researchers to observe the seed or embryo node) and nodal (or adventitious,
variants and understand the range of traits that can be derived from the nodes of the culm). Since observa-
altered by mutation. Some of these educational oppor- tions are normally done on aerial parts, with perhaps
tunities may include knowledge transfer exercises; vari- the exception of germination, root traits are greatly
ous collections can be compiled to demonstrate genes under represented and tests are required to investigate
involved in evolution and adaptation, breeding targets, the normally hidden underground plant parts.
chromosome location, allelic variation and to demon-
strate laws of inheritance.
8.6. Limitations SCRI receives grant-in-aid from the Scottish Government
Rural and Environment Research and Analysis
Although a vast collection of phenotypic data can be Directorate (RERAD). Jerome D. Franckowiak received
collected there remain many limitations in phenotypic an International Scientific Interchange Scheme (ISIS)
data of mutants. In barley the primary harvested product fellowship from the UK Biotechnology and Biological
is the grain and therefore a collection of grain mutants Sciences Research Council (BBS) to work at SCRI for 3
would be highly desirable. Although a large mutant col- months in 2005. We would like to thank Adrian Newton
lection was obtained in Optic, it is limited by the fact (pathologist, SCRI), Richard Keith (agronomist, SCRI),
that Optic is a semi-dwarf variety having a covered cary- Gordon Simpson and Sandie Blackie (floral physi-
opsis (the lemma and palea adhere to the caryopsis, ologists, SCRI and University of Dundee at SCRI), Jill
termed hulled). Many caryopsis mutations are therefore Alexander (germination, SCRI), Nick Harberd (gibberel-
masked; this can be addressed by the development of lins expert, JIC, Norwich), David Laurie and Mary Byrne
another mutant population in a naked barley geno- (flowering, JIC, Norwich) for help in screening parts of
type. The semi-dwarf 1, sdw1, gene in Optic may also the Optic mutant population.
limit the range and expression of plant height mutants
that can be observed, again this may be overcome by
developing yet another population in a tall genotype. 9. References
Normally only the sporophytic mutants are observed
and there is little attempt made to investigate the male 9.1. Cited References
and female gametophytic stages, these diminutive and
endosymbioitc life forms mature into pollen (male) and Bossinger, G., Rohde, W., Lundqvist, U. et al. 1992.
embryo sacs (female) and require specialised observa- Genetics of barely development: mutant pheno-
tion techniques. However, many mutants expressed types and molecular aspects. In Shewry PR (Ed):
during gametophytic development are likely to results Barley: genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology
in reduced fertility, and sterile and partial fertile mutant and biotechnology. CAB International. pp. 231-264.
classes would provide a good starting point in which Caldwell, D.G., McCallum, N., Shaw, P. et al. 2004. A
to screen for gametic phase mutants. Variation in ger- structured mutation population for forward and
mination percentages can be observed, but the causes reverse genetics in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The
require further investigation. These may, for instance be Plant Journal. 40:143-150.
caused by biochemical mutants (isozymes, nutritional Chloupek, O., Thomas, W.T.B., Forster, B.P. et al. 2006.
factors, malting, brewing and feed traits). The mutant The effect of semi-dwarf genes on root system size
descriptions are also often deficient for responses to in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 112:
abiotic and biotic stresses as the material is grown in 79-786.
normal and relatively benign environments. It is highly Forster, B.P., Franckowiak, J.D., Lundqvist, U. et al. 2007.
desirable to grow mutant populations in a range of envi- The barley phytomer. Annals of Botany. 100:725-733.
Michelmore, R.W., Paran, I., Kesseli, R.V. et al. 1991. 9.3. Further Reading
Identification of markers linked to disease resistance
genes by bulked segregant analysis – a rapid method Davis, M.P., Franckowiak, J.D., Konishi, T. et al. 1997. 1996
to detect markers in specific genomic regions by using special issue. Barley Genetics Newsletter . 26.
segregation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Franckowiak, J.D. 1995. The brachytic class of semidwarf
Sciences. 88:9828-0832. mutants in barley. Barley Genetics Newsletter. 24:
Rutger, J.N. 1992. Impact of mutation breeding in rice – a 56-59.
review. Mutation Breeding Review. 8:3-23. Hagberg, A., Åkerberg, E. et al. 1961. Mutations and poly-
ploidy in plant breeding. Scandinavian University
9.2. Websites Boos, Svenska Bokförlaget, Bonniers, Stockholm.
Khush, G.S. 2001. Green revolution: the way forward.
IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic stock database: Nature Reviews Genetics. 2:815-822. McCallum, C.M., Comai, L., Greene, A. et al. 2000b.
Barley genetic stocks database (BGSAD): Targeted screening for induced mutations. Nature Biology. 18:455-457.
Mutation Breeding of Vegetatively
Propagated Crops
P. Suprasannaa,* and H.Nakagawab
Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division,Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085 India
Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Modes of Vegetative Propagation
2.1. Mode of Natural Propagation
2.2. Commercial Propagation
2.3. In vitro Propagation and Propagation in Breeding programmes
3. The General Protocol for Mutation Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated Crops
3.1. General Aspects
3.2. Mutagenic Treatments
3.2.1. Target Materials
3.2.2. Mutagens and Treatment
3.3. Dissociation of Chimeras and Selection of Mutants
3.3.1. Production of Solid Mutants
3.3.2. Selection of Mutants
3.4. Evaluation of Mutant Clones and Release of New Commercial Varieties
4. Theoretical Aspects of Mutation Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated Crops
4.1. Genetic Features of VPCs and Induced Mutations
4.2. Determining an Optimal Treatment Dose
4.3. Features of Mutation Breeding Versus Cross Breeding
4.3.1. Mutation Breeding Versus Cross Breeding
4.3.2. Usefulness of Mutation Breeding
5. Successful Examples
5.1. Japanese Pear Varieties
5.1.1. Gold Nijisseiki
5.1.2. Osa Gold
5.1.3. Kotobuki Shinsui
5.2. Apple
5.2.1. Houiku Indo
5.3. Chrysanthemum
5.3.1. Haeno-Eikou
5.3.2. Haeno-myojou
5.3.3. Aladdin, Imagine and Aladdin 2
5.4. Rose
5.4.1. Hitachi Smile
6. References
1. Introduction techniques are described in this chapter; In vitro tech-
niques are very useful in mutation breeding of VPCs,
A large number of plant species are asexually or vegeta- particularly for the production of solid, non-chimera
tively propagated and are known as vegetatively propa- mutants and for in vitro selection of certain traits, they
gated crops (VPCs). They include many ornamentals, are described in Chapter 28.
root and tuber crops, woody perennial and forest trees,
fruit crops, and other crops such as peppermint, sugar-
cane, tea and many grasses. Cross breeding of VPCs is 2. Modes of Vegetative Propagation
often difficult due to various biological limitations, e.g.
their long vegetative phase, high heterozygosity and Vegetative reproduction is a form of asexual repro-
polyploidy, incompatibility and other cross barriers, duction and is also known as vegetative propagation,
apomixis and sterility. Mutation techniques can over- vegetative multiplication, or vegetative cloning. In addi-
come many of these barriers and can be used for the tion to a natural vegetative mode of propagation, some
improvement of many VPCs. VPCs can also (or be forced to) propagate via seeds in
The tulip (Tulipa sp.) mutant variety Estella Rijnveld certain conditions; they can also be multiplied via in
developed by X-ray irradiation and officially released vitro culture in commercial production.
in 1954 in the Netherlands may be the first mutant
VPC variety. Since then, there have been almost 700 2.1. Mode of Natural Propagation
VPC mutant varieties released worldwide (FAO/IAEA
Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic Stocks, http:// Different plant species have evolved to asexually repro- 2009.09.01). duced progenies through different mechanisms through
The possibilities of mutation breeding in vegetatively the formation of specialized vegetative structures.
propagated crops depend on many factors, such as Table 26.1 presents different modes of vegetative
the genetics of the characters involved, the mutagen propagation with examples in a range of plant species.
to be used, the handling of the material after treat- In vegetative propagation, parts of the shoot are usu-
ment, the availability of a selective screening method, ally able to root anew and to develop into a plant. For
etc. It is important to define both the objectives of the example, strawberries develop specialized runners that
programme and to outline the strategy very carefully. serve propagation and colonization of new areas, some
The general principles, commonly used techniques species form specific fruit bodies or brood buds, the
and protocols for VPC improvement using mutation potato forms tubers.
Sucker Mint,
Bulb Onion
Rhizome Ginger
Special parts Bulbils Lilies, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, Oxalis, pineapple and onion
2.2. Commercial Propagation 2.3. In Vitro Propagation and Propagation in
Breeding Programmes
Vegetatively propagated crops include a large number
of economically important plant species such as cash During the past decades, the ability to culture and
crops (ornamentals, timber and fibres) and as food crops manipulate a large number of totipotent cells has been
(fruits, tuber and root crops). For certain VPCs, such as exploited for both commercial production of propagules
some bananas, oranges and grapes, clonal propagation and for breeding programmes. Numerous protocols have
is necessary for the multiplication of plants of varieties been developed for different kinds of plants, for example
that produce no viable seeds. For others propagation dozens of ornamental plants. In vitro techniques such as
may be easier, more rapid, and more economical by micro propagation, somatic embryogenesis provide an
vegetative methods than by seed. efficient method for propagating disease-free, genetically
Depending on the plant species, various plant organs uniform plants on a large scale compared to propagation
are used as propagules in clonal propagation (Table by conventional means such as cuttings and seeds. There
26.1). For example, propagation can be initiated by is also an additional benefit in that micro propagation cul-
removing a section of a plant (bud, scion, cutting or tures are disease free and can be easily transported. Micro
other vegetative structures such as tuber and bulb) propagation can be achieved by direct organogenesis
through in vivo or in vitro culture. Bud, scion and cut- via shoots or by somatic embryogenesis. Organogenesis
ting are very common in the multiplication of fruit trees, via shoots is considered to be one of the most widely
plantation crops and ornamental crops (e.g. citrus, used commercial methods of regeneration. Once plants
rubber and rose, respectively), while tubers and bulbs have been regenerated, they are hardened-off; then pass
are used in herbaceous vegetable and ornamental crops through gradual acclimatization in a glasshouse (or shade
(e.g. potato, garlic, shallot, dahlia and lily). Vegetative or house depending on the crop) and then to the field. In
clonal propagation produce plants that have the same breeding programmes of VPCs, tissue culture techniques
genetic information as the mother plants. This process are extremely useful; it allows mutagenic treatments of
is very important in horticulture since the genotype of large populations, in vitro selection of certain traits, and
most commercial fruit and ornamental varieties is highly cloning of selected variants in a small area, short time peri-
heterozygous, and the unique characteristics of such ods, and on a year round basis. The details are described
plants are immediately lost if they are propagated by in Chapter 28.
seeds, i.e. through the processes of meiosis. Although vegetatively propagated crops are multi-
Beside tubers, crops such as potato can be propa- plied asexually in commercial production, seeds are
gated through cuttings. Cuttings taken from juvenile produced in conventional breeding programmes of a
parts of many woody perennial plants can be produced few plant species, such as potato, rubber and cassava.
easily by adventitious roots, whereas cuttings taken from The plants produced through hybridization of two vari-
the adult part of the same plants are not able to pro- eties always exhibit a range of genotypes and can be
duce adventitious roots easily. An advantage of taking subject to selection of new varieties. However, asexual
cuttings is the acceleration of mass propagation of plant propagation is still used for these crops in mutation
materials. Some plants such as pineapples and bananas, breeding programmes.
for example, are vegetatively propagated because it is
not possible to produce seeded fruits. In pineapple, 3. The General Procedure of Mutation
leaf budding has been shown to be a good way of mass Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated Crops
propagating in vivo, an average of 15 leaf-buds can be
obtained from a single crown. Suckers have also been a 3.1. General Aspects
traditional method to propagate banana. However, the
rate of in vivo propagation through suckers or leaf bud- Both scientific and technical issues need to be thor-
ding is not sufficiently rapid and does not have growth oughly analyzed before initiating a mutation breeding
uniformity for commercial scale production, which can programme in VPCs. Mutation breeding might not be
be solved in some species through micro-propagation the method of choice for certain breeding objectives,
using tissue culture techniques. or not applicable for certain plant species. Therefore,
knowledge of the target crop, mode of propagation While in VPCs, meristematic buds are usually used as
and traits to be improved are needed for the choice of target material for mutation induction. Many plants
starting material and the ways of eliminating chimeras. possess natural systems of vegetative propagation,
Box 26.1 presents critical considerations that should especially by tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, stolons, apomic-
be thought through before initiating any mutagenesis tic seed, etc (Table 26.1). In addition, many new in vivo
programme. The decision as to which breeding strategy methods, such as stem or leaf cuttings or grafts, and in
(mutation versus cross breeding) is appropriate for a vitro methods such as cell or tissue culture are also used
specific situation is usually economic: which method in commercial production. Both natural and artificial
is the easiest, the fastest, and the least costly. Mutation propagules can potentially be employed as the target
breeding in some cases may offer the best prospects of materials of mutagenic treatment.
success. In practice, the ease of dissociating chimeras after
Mutations breeding of VPCs involves the processes mutagenic treatment (see Chapter 16) plays an impor-
of mutation induction, and separating and selecting tant role in the choice of target material. If in vitro tech-
useful mutations. Effective methods to develop mutants niques are employed either for chimeras dissociation or
that express phenotypic variation on an individual plant in vitro mutagenesis, consideration of their suitability for
level include: adventitious bud techniques, continuous in vitro culture may prevail and different target materials
pruning, grafting and cutting-back techniques and in may be used (see Chapter 28).
vitro culture techniques. Generally, stable mutants are The use of heterozygous starting material (A) will
not produced until after several vegetative generations be more practical for mutation work than homozygous
material (AA or ), because induced mutations are
3.2. Mutagenic Treatment mostly recessive hence they can be expressed only in
plants with the original genotype A where the dominant
3.2.1. Target Materials allele is mutated. Mutations from recessive to dominant
For seed propagated crops, treatment of seeds with a occur at a very low frequency, i.e. probably less than 5%
mutagen is a common procedure to induce mutation. of all mutational events.
Box 26.1: General considerations for initiating a mutation breeding programme of VPCs*
• The trait for which the variation is sought, and its commercial value/potential, end user demands.
• Genetics of the trait (dominance, recessiveness, pleiotropy, linkage).
• The crop, variety, mode of propagation, degree of heterozygosity and ploidy level.
• Need for mutation induction as an alternative to existing conventional or modern methods.
• Plant material to be used for treatment and methods to handle chimerism.
• Available information on the above aspects and limitations, if any.
* The exact number of years needed varies from plant species to species
Box 26.3: Some practical in vivo and in vitro techniques used for chimera dissociation
Method Description Plant species
Adventitious buds Regeneration of plants through adventitious buds from leaf cuttings Chrysanthemum
Induced axillary branching Induced axillary shoot production from a chimera cultivar by cytokinin Cordyline terminalis L
Leaf cuttings Leaf cuttings regenerate shoots and the plants are mostly non-chimerical Peperomia
(possibly arising from single cells or cells descended from a single apical layer)
Adventitious roots from Generation of shoots from root cuttings (non-chimerical, originating mostly from Potato, Pelargonium
stem cuttings. L3)
In vitro organogenesis Regeneration through organogenesis from sectored chimeras Begonia and several
dicots and monocots
Shoot proliferation Shoot cultures of chimera plants are proliferated on high cytokinin medium Banana
through micropropagation
Fragmentation of shoot Shoot apices of periclinal chimeras are fragmented during the initiation of the Grape
apices culture
Shoot-tip culture Shoot tips (consisting of a meristematic dome with 2 – 5 leaf primordial) are Banana
technique cultured on cytokinin medium
Multi-apexing culture A combination of a high proliferation rate and production of adventitious buds is Banana
technique used. The absence of apical dominance and a higher proliferation rate could be
responsible for the absence of mix-ploidy
Corm slice culture Shoot tip explants isolated from in vitro plantlets with a pseudostem are isolated Banana
technique and necrotic tissues are removed before making 3 – 5 transverse sections below
the meristem tip are made. Slices of the corm tissue 0.5 – 1 mm thick are then
placed on the semi-solid multiplication medium.
3.2.2. Mutagen and Treatment rooted cutting, bulbs, stolons and scions for grafting are
Both chemical and physical mutagens have been used, difficult to treat in a reproducible manner with chemi-
but more than 90% of released mutant varieties are cal mutagens. Even though chemical mutagens can be
developed using physical mutagens in VPCs (FAO/IAEA applied to tissue culture materials but the procedure
Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic Stocks, http:// requires sterilization of mutagen solution by ultra- 2009.09.01). All types of ionizing radia- filtration method.
tions such as X-rays, gamma rays, fast neutrons and ion The next step is to identify a suitable dose after the
beams are effective for the induction of mutations. target material and mutagen have been chosen. The
However, in practice, only X- and -rays, and recently general procedure outlined in Chapter 14 should
heavy ion beams are most commonly used for muta- be followed in this process. Compared with seed
tion induction in VPCs. The high penetration capacity mutagenesis, the moisture content of different batches
and the fact there is no need for post-treatment han- of propagules of the same species may vary significantly,
dling may explain the preference of these radiations therefore, it is strongly recommended that previously
to chemical mutagens. There have also been many reported doses should be used only as reference doses,
reports stating that chemical mutagenesis is less effec- and pre-trials be performed to determine the dose suit-
tive because of poor uptake and less penetration of the able for the material to be treated in each experiment.
chemical (however, see Chapter 12 for current views on
chemical mutagenesis). Large-sized materials such as
3.3. Dissociation of Chimeras and Selection of after the same number of sub-cultures using the multi-
Mutants apexing technique.
An important practical consideration with respect
3.3.1. Production of Solid Mutated Plant to mutation breeding in VPCs is the availability of an
Since natural and artificial vegetative propagules existing method or can be developed for propagation
are multi-cellular organs and several meristem cells by adventitious buds. The most important advantage
develop into a plant or a branch, therefore, mutagenic should be the speed and relative ease of production of
treatment of such entities can result in chimeras (see solid mutants. Adventitious bud technique is a remark-
Chapter 16). Mutations occurring in apical or axillary ably simple way to avoid unstable chimera by forcing
shoot meristems will lead to a lineage of daughter cells regeneration of buds from single cells. The propor-
and thereby a lineage of mutated cells and then to large tion of mutants with uniformly altered inflorescences
mutated sectors. A mutant plant replete for a specific increase considerably in the second vegetative gen-
trait could result from a single mutated cell. Both solid eration (M1V2), through regeneration from leaf explants.
mutants and periclinal chimeras can be used as new For example, in chrysanthemum, Broertjes et al. (1980)
varieties in vegetatively propagated plants. In situations estimated that after X- irradiation it took only 1-2 years
where mutations occur outside the shoot meristem, the to produce the same range of flower colour mutants in
cells have to be stimulated to develop further shoots in a specific variety as at present would arise as spontane-
order to encourage maintenance of the mutation. For ous sports in about 10-20 years. In Gerbera, following
example, mutagenized callus can be multiplied and X- or gamma ray treatment of in vitro grown leaves
stimulated to produce shoots and whole plants can and subsequent regeneration of adventitious shoots,
be regenerated for evaluating the mutant. In chrysan- 1,250 M1V2 plants were raised, of which 187 mutants
themum, gamma-ray irradiated florets (small flowers were isolated and only six were confirmed to be solid
on the peripheral rings of a composite flower) can be mutants (Laneri et al. 1990). A technique has also been
cultured for direct regeneration, a technique that has developed for the management of chimeric tissues
proved useful in avoiding unstable chimeras by forcing through direct shoot regeneration from flower petals
the regeneration of buds from single cells. of chrysanthemum (Datta et al. 2005). This method of
If chimerism cannot be avoided, it would be useful chimera isolation and establishment of solid mutant has
to know the chimeric pattern of M1 plants or for a sys- two steps: first, in vivo mutagen treatment of ray florets
tematic dissolution of chimeric structures in vegetative (small flowers on the peripheral rings of a composite
organs. The mutated sectors of chimerical plants can flower) and secondly, in vitro regeneration of viable
then be grown and isolated from the non-mutated sec- plants from mutated sectors. This method represents a
tors through a process known as “chimera dissociation”. quick method (M1V2) for the creation of solid mutants.
This is achieved through a series of vegetative propaga- In Gladiolus, normally dormant corms are irradiated
tion procedures either in vitro or in vivo; the underly- in springtime with about 75 Gy of gamma rays. When
ing principle and general protocol are described in plants in M1V1 (the first vegetatively propagated genera-
Chapter 16. In practice, different methods are employed tion after mutagenesis) being “sectorial” chimeras, are
in different plant species (Box 26.3). Additionally, in propagated in the usual way, that is by corms (stem
vitro culture techniques are powerful means for chi- tubers from orthotopic subterranean stems), the result-
mera dissociation (see Chapter 28). For example in ing M1V2 consists almost completely of either solid
banana, Roux et al. (2001) assessed colchicine treatment mutants or of solid normal plants.
induced ploidy chimerism (mixoploidy), and chimera
dissociation using three different propagation systems 3.3.2. Selection of Mutants
(shoot-tip culture technique - ST, multi-apexing culture Selection for interesting mutants can take place 3-4
technique - MA and corm slice culture technique - CS). years after irradiation. From these mutants, clones can
The average percentage of cytochimeras was reduced be made for further assessment. In this way some com-
from 100% to 36% after three sub-cultures using shoot- mercial mutants have been obtained (van Harten and
tip culture, from 100% to 24% when propagating by Broertjes 1990). Visual selection of the mutant pheno-
the corm slice culture technique and from 100% to 8% typic variation is the most effective method of selec-
tion in VPCs. It can be used effectively for identifying 4. Theoretical Aspects of Mutation Breeding
common traits and characters such as colour changes, in Vegetatively Propagated Crops
plant morphology, earliness, resistance to pests and
diseases, etc. Selection usually starts from M1V2 and Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variability
continues for confirmation in M1V3 or M1V4 generation. in VPCs. In general, induced variability is no different
Since the probability of identifying desired mutants in that generated from spontaneous mutation. The direct
a homogenous M1V2 population is quite low, selection use of induced mutation is important for breeding
is necessary in the M1V3 generation or in some cases in of VPCs, especially when the objective is to improve
M1V4 generation. In the case of ornamental plants such one or two characters, without altering the remaining
as tulip, selection is continued for at least four years to genotype in a well-established variety. Therefore, the
allow mutated cells to grow out and to produce either a main advantages are that the basic genotypes of the
solidly mutated bulb or at least a larger visibly mutated established variety are only slightly altered and that
sector that will be expressed in further generations. In the time taken to improve an outstanding variety with
crops like sugarcane, stem cuttings are multiplied for desired traits can be shortened as compared to tradi-
3-4 generations before selection is applied on irradi- tional method of hybridization. Inheritance in VPCs is
ated plant population. often complex owing to high levels of heterozygosity
Although each mutation breeding programme has its and ploidy, which make genetic analysis difficult. Other
unique objectives, most mutations to be identified in limitations in mutation breeding in VPCs include the
VPCs can be categorized into the following: 1) compact damage caused after radiation or chemical mutagen
type (shorter stems or shorter internodes), 2) fruit or treatment. These include non-genetic effects that are
flower colour, 3) self fertility, 4) seedlessness, 5) time of not restricted to the first generation, their effects will
fruit maturity and 6) disease resistance. In VPCs, phe- only disappear after several subsequent vegetative
notypic selection is made directly on plants in the field, generations.
nursery or glasshouse. In the case of selection for pest
and disease resistance, challenging and/or exposure to 4.1. Genetic features of VPCs and induced muta-
the causative agents of the disease or its pathotoxin may tions
be required or the plants to be tested can be grown in
a disease-infected area or ‘hot spot’. With ornamental Why induced mutations can be observed in M1 gen-
plants, selection for changes in flower colour or plant eration in VPCs? Most VPCs are highly heterozygous,
morphology is very much easier, this can be done having genotypes such as A, AA or A at many loci
directly in the glasshouse or in the field. If a cutting back (diploid or triploid or higher ploidy). This is an advan-
technique is to be applied, the newly grown shoots are tage for mutation breeding, because most induced
removed after a few vegetative stages and observed for mutations are recessive, therefore, mutants with geno-
desired characters. type ’ and ’ (’ represents the mutated allele) are
easily manifest in M1 generations (in chimeras such as
3.4. Evaluation of Mutant Clones and Release of M1V1, M1V2, or in solid mutant such as M1Vs ).
New Commercial Varieties New genotypes are not necessary induced muta-
tions. In some cases, a new genotype observed in the
Induced mutations have been widely used for commer- progeny may not necessarily result from induced muta-
cial breeding of VPCs, especially with ornamental plants. tion. Mutagenic treatment can cause re-arrangement of
After isolation of mutants with desirable traits that meet the meristem structure. Tetraploid cells are likely to be
the objective, they are propagated through either in vivo more resistant to irradiation than diploid cells, because
or in vitro methods. The clones are then assessed in official doubled chromosomes in tetraploid cells compensate
field trials as required for the release of a new commercial for chromosomal damages associated with irradiation.
variety This process is not different from cross breeding As a result of such effects, diploid cell layers may be
and readers can learn more about this by reading special- replaced by tetraploid cell layers when shoot apices of
ized breeding books for pertinent crops. periclinal chimeras in which the layers differ in ploidy
level are irradiated. There have been many reports stat-
ing that irradiation can be used to transfer a mutation significantly, including some rare mutations that are not
that is present only in the cells of one layer, to another easy to be observed in nature or by crossing method.
layer. Secondly, once the target mutation appears, it can be
Maintenance of chimerical mutants. In mutation stabilized rapidly by vegetative propagation methods to
breeding, the mutated sector should be developed speed up the selection process. In a situation where a
into a solid mutant or a periclinal chimera. In orna- desired character is controlled by a single gene, and a
mental plants, the flower colour depends mainly on desirable complex character such as quality trait has to
the genetic constitution of the L1 layer of the flower be retained, induced mutagenesis in combination with
petals and, in chrysanthemum; a mutated flower colour tissue culture technique greatly enhance the efficiency
is often obtained in different genetic constitutions of genetic improvement in VPCs.
between L1 and L2 layers. In such periclinal mutants, it
is important that periclinal chimeras are maintained as 4.3.2. Usefulness of Mutation Breeding
long as vegetative propagation is continued. In general, Mutation breeding is the most suitable method for the
mutated cell lines are stable in periclinal chimeras, but breeding VPCs, since the new mutant varieties and the
not in the mericlinal chimeras (see Chapter 16). original ones have the same genetic background except
for the mutated genes. Therefore, new mutant varieties
4.2. Determining an Optimal Treatment Dose can be used for cultivation under the same conditions
as their parental varieties, which is not always the case
Mutation frequency usually increases linearly with for new varieties developed through cross breeding
increasing dose of mutagenic treatment, but survival where new agronomies have to be developed for new
and regeneration capacity decreases with increasing forms. In VPCs that do not produce any seed (for exam-
dose. When determining an optimal dose for treat- ple banana), mutation breeding becomes one of the
ment, these two aspects should be considered. few available options (other than transformation)_ since
In VPCs no meiosis is experienced throughout the cross breeding is not possible.
process of mutant development, therefore, the genetic
constitution of a mutated cell is inherited to its lineage
cell lines and plants unchanged. Therefore, it is impos- 5. Successfull Examples
sible to separate useful mutations from unwanted ones
that occurred in the same cells. This is in sharp contrast 5.1. Japanese Pear Varieties
to seed propagated crops, where unwanted mutant
genes can be separated from desired ones through self- 5.1.1. Gold Nijisseiki
crossing or backcrossing. Therefore, a dose lower than The variety Nijisseiki is one of the most popular Japanese
LD50 is preferred in mutation breeding of VPCs. pear varieties. It occupied 28% of the total cultivated area
of Japanese pear 1990 in Japan. However, var. Nijisseiki
4.3. Features of mutation breeding versus cross is highly susceptible to the black spot disease, Alternaria
breeding alternate (Fr.) Keissier (Alternaria kikuchiana Tanaka). By
using chronic gamma-ray radiation in the Gamma Field, a
4.3.1. Mutation versus Cross Breeding black spot resistant Japanese pear variety, Gold Nijisseiki,
Mutation induction techniques can greatly increase the was developed and released as the “pear Norin 15” by
gene mutation frequency and create new germplasm, the Institute of Radiation Breeding, NIAR and Tottori
new materials and new varieties in a relatively short Horticulture Experiment Station in 1991. The resistance
period of time. Compared with other types of crops (for is intermediate and less than that of the natural resistant
example, seed propagated crops) and other breeding germplasm compared by a developed screening test
methods, mutation breeding of VPCs has unique advan- using AK-toxin to cut leaves (Sanada 1988) probably
tages. The genetic variability increases considerably, by because of the periclinal chimera resistance mutation
hundreds or a thousand times higher than the natural occurred only in L2 cell layer, however black spot symp-
mutation frequency. The variation spectrum is wide toms seldom appear in the field condition. Since the
and various, among them useful variation increases variety is very useful, it was registered in Australia in 2004
(Certificate No. 2533), too. The breeding process was as were clearly more resistant to the disease than var. Osa
follows: Nijisseiki were selected. Parts of the branch were grafted
1962 Vegetatively propagated nursery plants of to a Japanese pear tree and the resistance of the subse-
Nijisseiki susceptible to black spot disease were planted quent growth was identified by the bioassay method.
and grown in the Gamma Field at 53m (30 x 10-2 Gy/day) 1992 Vegetatively propagated branches were grafted
– 93m (4 x 10-2 Gy/day) with the interval of 8m) from the to var. Suisei of Japanese pear.
Co source. Since there were no effective screening 1993 Self-compatibility of the flowers and fruit char-
method for resistant branches at the time no mutants acteristics of the plants were evaluated. As a result, it
were identified. was demonstrated that the mutant line was completely
1981 After the application of fungicides was stopped similar to var. Osa Nijisseiki except for the resistance to
branches were screened for resistance primarily by natu- black spot disease.
ral infection. One resistant mutant branch named as “ 1997 The mutant variety Osa Gold was registered.
(Gamma)-1-1” was selected from the chronically irradi- (Adapted from Masuda et al. 1998).
ated trees for about 20 years without showing symptoms.
1986-89 Regional adaptability tests at experiment sta- 5.1.3. Kotobuki Shinsui
tions of 27 prefectures were conducted. Since the screening method using AK-toxin was effective,
1990 Since the characteristics of the “-1-1” were acute irradiation to scions for the induction of resistant
identified as being the same as var. Nijisseiki except for mutants of a Japanese pear variety Shinsui (highly sus-
the resistance to black spot disease the mutant line was ceptible to black spot disease) was attempted by Tottori
registered as a national variety, Gold Nijisseiki (Japanese Horticultural Experiment Station (THES) and Institute of
pear Norin 15). Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological
(Adapted from Kotobuki et al. 1992). Resources (NIAR). The breeding process was as follows:
1987-88 One thousand and eighty-eight dormant
5.1.2. Osa Gold scions were irradiated with 60Gy of acute gamma-ray
After the mutant branch resistant to black spot disease irradiation and 926 dormant scions irradiated with
was identified, a rapid screen based on treatment of 80Gy (dose rate: 2.5Gy/hr), these were top-grafted to
leaf discs with AK-toxin was established (Sanada, 1988). the mature tree of Japanese pear varieties, Yakumo and
When the discs (7 mm in diameter) of 1st to 5th leaf of a Hakko in the field of THES.
twig were cut and placed on the filter paper soaked with 1988-89 The 4th leaf of the newly developed 5,736
the AK-toxin for 2-3 days, susceptible leaves turned black branches (3,568 branches from the branches irradiated
and resistant leaves remained green (Fig 26.1). By com- with 60Gy and 2,168 with 80Gy) were screened for resist-
bining chronic gamma irradiation in the Gamma Field ance to black spot disease using the AK-toxin bioassay.
with this rapid screen, another intermediate resistant 1989 One branch (var. Nashi Houiku 2 gou) clearly
Japanese pear variety, Osa Gold, was bred from the self- exhibited the same intermediate resistance to the black
compatible variety, Osa Nijisseiki, which is highly suscep- spot disease as var. Gold Nijisseiki.
tible to black spot disease, by the Tottori Horticultural 1993-95 Regional adaptability tests at 27 institutes and
Experiment Station (THES) and Institute of Radiation experiment stations including National Institute of Fruit
Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources Tree Science were conducted
(NIAR). The breeding process was as follows: 1996 The var. Nashi Houiku 2 gou was registered as a
1986 Vegetatively propagated nursery plants of var. new variety Kotobuki Shinsui (Registered Number is No.
Osa Nijisseiki were planted at a distance of 40, 50, 60, 5436; Japanese pear var. Norin 12).
and 70 m from the 60Co source in the Gamma Field and (Adapted from Kitagawa et al. 1999).
chronic gamma ray irradiation was applied to the grow-
ing plants. 5.2. Apple
1988 Screening tests using a bioassay using AK-toxin,
(a host specific toxin produced by Alternaria alternata) 5.2.1. Houiku Indo
were conducted on the leaves of stems. The AK-toxin bioassay for black spot disease screening
1991 Candidate resistant branches (IRB 502-13T), that in Japanese pear was adapted for the Alternaria blotch
AK-toxin I : R - CH3
HO HN II : R - H
12 steps
OTr O AK-toxin : Nakashima, T. et al.
O 10 %
total yield R O (1982) Agri. Biol. Chem. 49: 807-815
1st leaf
2nd leaf
3rd leaf
4th leaf
5th leaf
disease in apple by using a host specific toxin of apple, grafted onto the apple variety, Sansa.
AM-toxin. A new in vitro selection method was developed 1999 The flowering of the grafted branch started.
(Tabira et al. 1993), including repeated in vitro propagation 2001-3 Evaluation tests of fruits and related charac-
of shoots with weak reaction to the AM-toxin for eliminat- teristics, as well as resistance to Alternaria blotch were
ing chimeras. A new apple mutant variety, Houiku Indo, conducted for 3 years and identified a resistant line, but
was developed by the Institute of Radiation Breeding, with the quality characteristics of Indo.
NIAR. The breeding process was as follows: 2004 The line was registered as a new variety, Houiku
1992 Shoots of the apple var. Indo, that is hypersensi- Indo (Registered number is No. 17754).
tive to Alternaria blotch were micropropagated on MS (Adapted from Yoshioka et al. 2000).
medium (Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented
with 1.0 mg/L BAP and 0.75 % Bacto Agar at 25 °C in a 16 5.3. Chrysanthemum
hour-photoperiod. Shoots cultured in vitro for 5-6 weeks
were irradiated with gamma-rays by a total exposure of Mutation induction of chrysanthemum through a com-
80 Gy at a dose rate of 2.5 and 5.0 Gy/h. After irradiation, bined technique of gamma-ray chronic irradiation in the
a single cut shoot was placed in a 40 x 120 mm test tube Gamma Field and in vitro culture of irradiated plant tis-
containing 30 ml of micro-propagation medium among sues, and through ion beam irradiation were conducted
MV1 –MV3 generation. Selection of shoots screened by and mutant varieties without chimera have been suc-
using AM-toxin and propagation were repeated. cessfully developed and released, notably in Japan.
1994 One AM-toxin-insensitive clone was selected in
the MV6, irradiated by a total exposure of 80Gy at a dose 5.3.1. Haeno-eikou
rate 5.0Gy/h. 1987 Small seedlings of a popular chrysanthemum
1995 The propagated resistant clones were top- variety Taihei were planted at various places in a
Gamma Field in June with the dose of gamma-rays 0.25- pure white and large flowers, but has defective charac-
1.5 Gy/day until November (the total doses are 25-150 ters such as possessing many axillary flower buds and
Gy for 100 days). Petals of the irradiated plants were late flowering. The production of large numbers of axil-
cultured to produce callus and regenerated plants were lary flower buds results in labour intensive de-budding,
obtained from the calli. which is thought to be 1/3 to 1/4 of total farmer’s labour.
1988 Regenerated plants derived from the calli were Late flowering is also expensive in term of longer cultiva-
transplanted to a field nursery in June, and a plant, tion under heating in autumn and winter seasons in Japan.
IRB88-49, were selected from the plant population of In order to overcome these agronomical constraints the,
50gy of gamma-ray irradiation dose. Kagoshima Biotechnology Institute and Japan Atomic
1989-2000 The selected line was vegetatively Energy Agency initiated mutation improvement of Jimba
propagated by cuttings and the characteristics of the using ion beams. Ten thousand mutated chrysanthemum
plants were evaluated. lines were produced from carbon or helium ion treat-
2001 Practical field trials were conducted in the ments. Two good mutants, named Aladdin and Imagine,
Wadomari-cho Experiment Field, Kagoshima, and the successfully achieved the requirement for reduced axil-
unique colour and the shape were identified. lary flower bud number. At present, Aladdin is one of the
2002 The line, IRB88-49, was registered as the new most popular varieties in Japan. As Aladdin showed no
variety, Haeno-eikou (Register No. 14563). defects such as reduced DNA content after irradiation,
Aladdin was used for re-irradiation to another final target
5.3.2. Haeno-myojou trait; to improved low temperature flowering. By using
1987 Small seedlings of a popular chrysanthemum ion beam irradiation, Aladdin 2 was created as the “per-
variety Taihei were planted at various places of Gamma fect” chrysanthemum in Japan.
Field in June with the dose of gamma-rays 0.25-1.5 Gy/ 2000 Tissue cultures of flowers or leaf discs of Jimba
day until November (the total doses are 25-150 Gy for were irradiated with carbon ions (320 MeV and 220
100 days). Petals of the irradiated plants were cultured MeV) or helium ions (100 MeV and 50 MeV). Irradiation
to produce callus and regenerated plants were obtained effects such as growth and regeneration rate were esti-
from the calli. mated. The best conditions for mutagenesis had been
1988 Regenerated plants derived from the calli were established.
transplanted to a field nursery in June, and a plant, IRB88- 2002 Among more than ten thousand mutated and
30, was selected from the plant population of 50gy of regenerated plants, two good mutants, which had
gamma-ray irradiation dose. The petals of the line were reduced axillary flower bud numbers compared to
cultured and regenerated. Jimba, were selected. At the same time, re-irradition with
1989 A regenerated plant, IRB89-12 was selected. ion beams was initiated to improve lower temperature
1990 The characteristics of the IRB89-12 were flowering by exposure to mutants possessing reducing
evaluated. axillary flower buds.
2001 Practical field trials were conducted in the 2003 Aladdin and Imagine were submitted for variety
Wadomari-cho Experiment Field, Kagoshima, and the registration.
unique colour and the shape of the flowers of the mutant 2007 Aladdin 2, which is mutated from Aladdin, was
were identified. submitted for variety registration.
2002 The line, IRB89-12, was registered as a new chry- 2009 At least 35 domestic and one foreign coopera-
santhemum variety, Haeno-Myojyou (Register No. 14563) tives requested licenses for using Aladdin and Aladdin
By mostly the same method using in vitro culture of 2. More than 40 million flowers have been produced
same or different tissues from irradiated plants, another 8 commercially.
new varieties were developed and released by IRB.
5.4. Rose
5.3.3. Aladdin, Imagine and Aladdin 2
The variety Jimba is the most popular chrysanthemum in 5.4.1. Hitachi Smile
Japan, which is commonly used for Japanese ceremony 1987 Small seedlings of a popular rose variety
such as funerals. Jimba has good features such as havinf Samantha were planted at the various places in a
Gamma Field in June with the dose of gamma-rays Roux, N., Dolezel, J., Swennen, R. et al. 2001. Effectiveness
0.25-1.5 Gy/day until September 1988 (total doses were of three micropropagation techniques to dissociate
98.4-1590.6 Gy for 16 months). cytochimeras in Musa spp. Plant Cell, Tissue and
1988 The flowers of the plants were observed and Organ Culture. 66:189–197.
the scions with mutant flower were cut and vegetatively Sanada, T. 1988. Selection of resistant mutants to black
propagated in September. spot disease of Japanese pear by using host-specific
1989 The cuttings of the mutant scion were vegeta- toxin, Japan. J. Breed. 38:198-204.
tively propagated to generate non-chimeric plants and Tabira, H., Shimonaka, M., Kawakami, K. et al. (1993).
planted in the field in May. Selection by AM-toxin of Alternaria bolotch-resistant
1990 A mutant line, IRB90-4, was selected from the mutant from gamma rays-irradiated in vitro apple
population with the total gamma-ray dose of 492.1 Gy plants. Ann. Phytopath. Soc. Japan. 59:753-754 (in
(1.25 Gy/day) and evaluated until 2001. Japanese).
2001 The line, IRB90-4, was registered as a new rose Van Harten, A.M and Broertjes, C. 1989. Induced
variety, Hitachi smile (Register No. 15714). In the same mutations in vegetatively propagated crops. Plant
way, a new variety Hitachi poeny was also developed Breeding Reviews. 6:55-91.
and registered.
6.2. Websites
6. References
FAO/IAEA Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic
6.1. Cited References Stocks.
Broertjes, C. and Van Harten, A. M. (1988). Applied FNCA. 2004.
Mutation Breeding for Vegetatively Propagated
Crops, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Broertjes, C., Koene, P. and Van Heen, J.W.H. (1980).
Irradiation of progressive radiation induced mutants 6.3. Further Reading
in a mutation breeding program with Chrysanthemum
morifoium Ram. Euphytica. 29:525-530. Van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation breeding: Theory and
Datta, S.K., Mishra, P. and Mandal, A.K.A. 2005. In practical applications. Cambridge University Press,
vitro mutagenesis – a quick method for establish- Cambridge, UK. pp. 1-353.
ment of solid mutant in chrysanthemum. Curr. Sci. Van Harten, A.M 2002. Mutation breeding of vegeta-
80(1):155-158. tively propagated ornamentals. In: A. Vainstein (ed.)
Laneri, U., Franconi, R, and Altavista, P. 1990. Somatic Breeding for ornamentals: classical and molecular
mutagenesis of Gerbera jamesonii hybrid: irradiation approaches. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.105-127.
and in vitro cultures. Acta Hort. 280:395–402
Uses of TILLING® For Crop Improvement
A.J.Slade* and C.P.Moehs
Arcadia Biosciences, 410 W. Harrison St, Ste 150, Seattle, WA 98119, USA
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction has been equally important for basic plant science
research. With the wide adoption of Arabidopsis as a
TILLING, Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes, model system in plant biology, induced mutants have
is a method to uncover genetic diversity at the single played a prominent role in elucidating the genetics
nucleotide level that has widespread application in and biochemistry of a wide range of biological traits,
both plants and animals. This reverse genetic method e.g. photorespiration, the response of plants to various
facilitates research ranging from investigation of gene biotic and abiotic stresses, as well as the elucidation of
function to modification of traits for crop improvement. amino acid biosynthesis and catabolism, to name just a
TILLING provides a means to discover induced and few examples.
existing genetic diversity and can therefore be exploited The contrasting uses of plant mutants are highlighted
in mutation breeding. This chapter discusses TILLING by the fact that the very mutants that are likely to be
in a plant breeding context; the theory and protocols discarded by breeders, because of their deleterious
used in TILLING are given in Chapters 21 & 22. More phenotypes, are the ones of interest to researchers
specifically this chapter deals with 1) how TILLING can who wish to gain an understanding of the molecular
be exploited to advance crop improvement, 2) how bases of the phenotypic lesions. A classical example
TILLING can be used to identify useful allelic variants in of this is the study of the xantha mutants of barley defi-
genes underlying traits of interest to breeders in both cient in chlorophyll biosynthesis (von Wettstein et al.
diploid and polyploid crops, and 3) how comparative 1974). A more recent example is the cloning of the rice
genomics will help expand the impact of TILLING on monoculm mutant (Li et al. 2003). Plants homozygous
crop improvement in the future. for this recessive mutation produce far few tillers than
normal plants and are of no immediate value for plant
breeding. Nevertheless, the cloning of the gene under-
2. Mutagenesis, Breeding and Tilling lying this mutation gives new insights into the control
of tillering in rice and other monocots. Interestingly,
2.1. Mutagenesis and Breeding transgenic over-expression of the wild type monoculm
gene, which is a GRAS-family transcription factor, in
Mutagenesis of plants with physical or chemical agents the mutant background resulted in rice plants with 2-3
is a well established technique in crop improvement. times the numbers of tillers of wild-type plants (Li et
Over 3,000 varieties that have induced mutants in al. 2003). As the authors of this paper indicate, since
their pedigrees have been released worldwide in the tiller number is related to grain yield, manipulation of
past seventy years (IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic this gene, whether using transgenic or non-transgenic
stock database). Typically plant breeders have used approaches, may ultimately play a role in practical
mutation breeding to improve a single trait in an elite breeding efforts to increase yield in monocots.
background. Not surprisingly, the traits targeted by The above examples highlight the fact that mutagen-
this approach have been those that are easy to identify esis for crop improvement and mutagenesis for basic
such as disease resistance, height or maturity date. The research are converging in ways that will benefit pure
reason for this is readily apparent: simplicity and cost. and applied plant genetics. Combining mutagenesis,
The majority of the mutants used in these varieties were TILLING and functional genomics research is expected
induced by physical agents, mainly -rays, and the muta- to bridge the divide between crop improvement and
tions selected had major effects on the traits in question basic science as genes underlying traits of interest to
and could be readily distinguished from undesirable plant breeders are uncovered both in crops and in
mutations. Mutation breeding is also readily applied to model plant systems like Arabidopsis, Brachypodium
vegetatively propagated crops and floricultural crops in and rice.
which it is easy to maintain a new and novel trait, such
as flower colour, from cuttings or other vegetative tissue 2.2. TILLING for Research and Breeding
(see Chapters 26 & 28).
As useful as mutagenesis has been for increasing The first papers describing the concept of TILLING
genetic variation in crops for breeding purposes, it appeared in 2000. Eight years later TILLING has been
widely adopted in the academic community for func- as yield and quality that are influenced by multiple
tional genomics research in both animals and plants. genes each with a relatively small contribution to the
TILLING projects have been initiated in numerous trait. Plant scientists face this situation whether they
crops including barley, maize, rapeseed, soybean, rice wish to use non-transgenic or transgenic means to
and wheat among others. The Arabidopsis TILLING increase crop yield, quality and other traits. Recently,
project is a good example of the rapid adoption of when a QTL enhancing rice yield was recently cloned
TILLING for basic plant science research (http://tilling. and shown to be a null allele of a cytokinin oxidase, it which reports the discovery of 7,788 was found that plant breeders had already selected this
mutations in over 600 user-submitted gene targets as allele in some high yielding varieties; plant breeders
of January 2008. are often ahead of the underpinning science as they
The genetic diversity discovered by EcoTILLING or simply select for performance. These results lead to
artificially generated through a TILLING programme the question: what are the candidates for TILLING that
may lead to the development of gene-specific molecu- breeders might target? In addition, before embarking
lar markers that can be further used in marker-assisted on a TILLING project, one must ask the question: is
breeding, as other molecular markers (Fig 27.1, see the hypothesized beneficial effect of new alleles of the
Chapter 23). candidate gene identified by TILLING sufficiently large
Despite the optimism engendered by the advent of to justify the costs associated with TILLING? In light of
functional genomics, there is still an insufficient under- these questions, the following sections discuss the cur-
standing of the genes underlying traits of interest to rent uses of TILLING and the situations in which it offers
plant breeders. This is particularly true for traits such advantages over other approaches.
3. Practical Use of TILLING for Breeding mediate submergence tolerance, at least in part, via
down-regulation of one of the other ERFs present at the
3.1. Potential Uses of TILLING for Sub1 locus, Sub1.C. Sub1.C was consistently expressed
Crop improvement at a higher level under submergence in submergence
intolerant varieties of rice than in submergence tolerant
Frequently the exploitation of a particular gene for crop rice, and transgenic ectopic expression of Sub1.A in a
improvement has followed a stereotypical sequence rice cultivar lacking it resulted in reduced expression
of events: initially a particular plant is selected either under submergence of Sub1C (Xu et al. 2006). In addi-
in a plant breeder’s field or in the laboratory because it tion to providing an outstanding demonstration of the
exhibits a desired phenotype, then the plant is used by role that a single nucleotide SNP (altering a proline to
breeders to deploy the trait conferred by the gene, or a serine) in a key transcription factor can have on rice
the plant is characterized in the laboratory, and finally submergence tolerance, this research also raises the
the gene underlying the trait is cloned. It is only at this interesting question of the role played by Sub1.C in
point that the breeder or the academic scientist is able submergence tolerance/intolerance. This question can
to ask whether new alleles of the identified gene (or be addressed by TILLING to identify inactive alleles of
orthologues in related crops) are needed for breeding Sub1.C in a japonica rice background that lacks Sub1.A.
or research purposes and whether such alleles are likely TILLING to verify the role of particular candidate genes
to be identified by TILLING or EcoTILLING. identified during a QTL mapping project has previously
Currently, despite the fact that TILLING populations been suggested to be a particular strength of TILLING.
have been developed in many important crops, there This is indeed one of the uses to which available TILLING
are still very few published examples in which the resources in rice are being put: Till et al. (2007) report
above sequence has been followed to the point of finding a truncation mutation in OsDREB, a transcription
development of an improved crop variety. The follow- factor with a role in abiotic stress tolerance (Dubouzet et
ing therefore highlights some examples that illustrate al. 2003). The availability of a knockout mutation in this
the concept of utilizing novel alleles for crop improve- gene offers a new opportunity to study its function in vivo.
ment. Even when the new alleles were not identified A number of variants of the TILLING/EcoTILLING
via TILLING, the examples discussed represent cases technique, e.g. using agarose gels have been proven to
in which the cloning of the genes underlying the traits be useful (see Chapter 20). These authors demonstrate
raise interesting questions that could be addressed by the usefulness of their technique for identifying SNPs
TILLING. that distinguish the alleles of candidate genes of interest
Recently, a major determinant of submergence toler- between the parents of a cross in rice. They also show
ance in rice was cloned. The majority of rice varieties how their technique can be used for selecting particu-
are killed by complete submergence for 14 days, while lar alleles during marker assisted backcrossing using a
an unimproved indica variety FR13A is able to withstand MYB1 transcription factor and oxalate oxidase genes
this stress. When the submergence tolerance (Sub1) involved in blast resistance as examples.
locus was cloned, it was found to contain a cluster of 2 or Once a gene of interest has been identified,
3 members of Apetala2-like transcription factors similar EcoTILLING provides an easy method to assess the level
to ethylene response factors (ERFs). In the submergence of genetic diversity at that locus across a broad selec-
tolerant line from which the Sub1 locus was cloned, the tion of germplasm. A proof of principle experiment has
three ERFs present at the locus were named Sub1.A, been published in which diversity at the mlo and Mla
Sub1.B and Sub1.C. Submergence tolerance was corre- powdery mildew resistance loci of barley was assessed
lated with the presence of a serine in a putative mitogen (Mejlhede et al. 2006). EcoTILLING of these loci offers
activated protein kinase (MAPK) binding site of Sub1.A; the possibility of developing barley breeding lines con-
the intolerant allele of Sub1.A possessed a proline at the taining novel allele combinations at the mlo and Mla
equivalent position. A further intriguing finding was that loci. This could be especially useful in the pyramiding
the entire Sub1.A coding region was absent from 5 of 17 of resistance genes in an already resistant background.
indica varieties surveyed, and from all 4 of the japonica Perhaps the best example of the use of TILLING
varieties analyzed (Xu et al. 2006). Sub1.A appears to for crop improvement to date is described in a
recently published paper in which TILLING in such as wheat, cotton and rapeseed. Other crops such
tobacco is used to reduce nornicotine content (Julio as maize and soybean are paleopolyploids, which
et al. 2008). Nornicotine is derived from nicotine are ancient polyploids with diploidized genomes.
by N-demethylation. Its presence is undesirable in Polyploid genomes are dynamic, with duplicated
cultivated tobacco because it is a precursor of the genes retaining their original functions, developing new
carcinogen N’-nitrosonornicotine. Nornicotine is a functions, or becoming silenced or lost. Bread wheat
minor alkaloid in most commercial tobacco varie- (Triticum aestivum), one of the world’s most important
ties, however, a phenomenon known as “conversion” food crops, is an allopolyploid with combined A, B and
results in the progeny of low nicotine to nornicotine D genomes derived from two polyploidization events.
converting parent plants having a much higher conver- The first polyploidization event occurred approxi-
sion rate of nicotine to nornicotine (Siminszky et al. mately 500,000 years ago to create tetraploid (AABB)
2005). Using a microarray approach in which labeled wheat. The second polyploidization event occurred
cDNAs from converter and non-converter tobacco when ancestral tetraploid wheat (AABB) hybridized
genotypes were hybridized to a custom-made tobacco with diploid goat grass, Triticum tauschii (DD), around
EST microarray, several genes that were consistently 8,000-10,000 years ago. The large size of the wheat
up-regulated in the converter genotype compared to genome (16,000 Mb) and its allopolyploid nature pre-
the closely related non-converter germplasm under sent additional challenges to molecular marker devel-
conditions that favoured the conversion of nicotine opment and breeding because many wheat genes are
to nornicotine were identified (Siminszky et al. 2005). present in three closely related and often functionally
These genes were closely related cytochrome P450s, redundant copies. To be effective, molecular markers
only one of which appeared to function as a nicotine must distinguish between the closely related genomes.
N-demethylase. The next logical step was taken by Julio In wheat, the assignment of molecular markers to par-
et al. (2008) who developed a TILLING population in ticular genomes and chromosomes has been facilitated
a burley-type tobacco cultivar known to exhibit strong by the development of aneuploid lines based on the
nicotine to nornicotine conversion ability and screened capacity of the polyploid A, B and D genome chro-
for mutations in the cytochrome P450 shown to be mosomes to substitute for loss of their homoeologous
responsible for this activity by Siminszky et al. (2005). chromosomes (Gupta et al. 2005). These lines have
Julio et al. (2008) showed that plants homozygous for a been useful for mapping ESTs and molecular markers
null mutation in this cytochrome P450 do not accumu- onto physical maps. In addition, a smaller number of
late nornicotine under field conditions. functional molecular markers have been developed
The results in tobacco are a powerful demonstration for some of the important agronomic and quality traits
of the benefits of TILLING for target selected mutation in wheat that can be used to precisely select for these
breeding. The preceding example also shows that characteristics (Box 27.1).
TILLING is particularly useful for quality traits and reces- In order to harness genetic diversity for the develop-
sive genes that are difficult for breeders to select in the ment of new traits, diversity must be first identified and
field. In the coming years, numerous other examples of accessible. A recent study found that there has been
the utility of TILLING for crop improvement are likely to a “massive loss of nucleotide diversity” in wheat since
appear. domestication (Haudry et al. 2007). The authors deter-
mined that diversity at the nucleotide level was low at
3.2. TILLING in Polyploid Wheat the 21 loci sequenced in tetraploid wild emmer wheat
and even more drastically reduced by 69% in cultivated
Polyploidization is an important evolutionary process in bread wheat and by 85% in durum wheat. The limited
which doubling of an endogenous genome or hybridi- nucleotide diversity in wheat is likely due to the small
zation between distinct genomes permits novel combi- number of plants contributing to the formation of the
nations of genes. However, the additional complexity new polyploid species and to the further restriction
in the genome due to this process can complicate of domestication bottlenecks in genetic diversity.
trait improvement. An estimated 70% of all flowering Although diversity may be limited in wheat at the single
plants are polyploids including many important crops nucleotide level, the process of polyploidization results
Box 27.1: Functional molecular markers in wheat
Trait Locus Genes
in genomic rearrangements and deletions and these decreases levels of amylose from about 25% to 22%, but
have been observed in polyploid wheat. The allopoly- does not cause complete loss of amylose because of
ploid genome can absorb these deletions without loss the activity of the other homoeologous genes. Even so,
of viability because many genes are present in duplicate partial waxy wheat lacking the Wx-B1 allele is prized for
or triplicate homoeologous copies. For example, loss of Japanese Udon noodle production demonstrating that
Gpc-B1 in hexaploid wheat is associated with reduced even a small reduction in amylose levels can effect starch
grain protein content, larger seeds and a delay in matu- alterations beneficial for certain applications.
ration, whereas RNAi suppression of GPC in diploid In order to develop full waxy wheat, efforts were
rice causes almost complete sterility (Dubcovsky and focused on identifying and combining genetic diversity
Dvorak, 2007). A study of the hardness locus (Ha) in for all the waxy genes in wheat. Protein isozyme mark-
wheat indicated that independent deletions of the ers were the first molecular markers to be employed to
locus have occurred recurrently in polyploid wheat, but access diversity in the waxy loci. Wheat varieties lacking
no deletions have been found in over 200 accessions of of one or two of the waxy protein from the A or B genomes
diploid wheat (Li et al. 2007). were identified using a modified two-dimensional gel
When available, deletion (null) alleles allow novel electrophoresis that separated the closely related pro-
gene combinations to be made in modifying traits. For teins based on size and charge. Subsequently, molecu-
example, combinations of deletion alleles of the waxy lar markers based on DNA sequences were developed
loci allowed the creation of the first complete waxy and thousands of wheat varieties were surveyed for
wheat variety (Nakamura et al. 1995). Waxy has been a their waxy alleles. Although 16% of wheat varieties from
locus of considerable interest for plant breeders in cereal around the world were found to contain deletions in
crops due to its role in the production of amylose, a pri- Wx-A1 or Wx-B1 genes, a deletion affecting the Wx-D1
mary component of starch. Loss of the enzyme, granule gene was determined to be a rare occurrence. Wx-D1
bound starch synthase, encoded by the waxy locus, null alleles were identified in only 3 regionally adapted
leads to the production of starch primarily composed landrace varieties out of thousands of wheat varieties.
primarily of amylopectin. High amylopectin or “waxy”
starch has unique physicochemical properties such as 3.3. Combining Multiple Alleles in Polyploids
high peak viscosity and greater freeze thaw stability.
Loss of a single homoeologous copy of the waxy gene TILLING technology provides a means to address the
limited nucleotide diversity of wheat and other crops obtained for this gene in hexaploid wheat. A wheat
especially when favorable deletion alleles are not avail- line that had a knockout point mutation in the Wx-D1
able or when genetic alterations other than knockout gene and another mutation predicted to severely affect
alleles are desired. As a reverse genetic strategy, TILLING protein function in the Wx-A1 gene were advanced to
allows identification of variation in a gene of interest homozygosity. The resulting line stained lightly with
to be uncovered without the need for an immediately iodine compared with controls, demonstrating that
identifiable phenotypic effect. This is a considerable the amylose levels were greatly reduced in the triple
benefit for uncovering useful genetic variation in poly- mutant. This general strategy using TILLING technology
ploids where similar genes may compensate function- to identify genetic diversity in homoeologous genes is
ally for the loss of a single gene, masking the effects of a exceptionally well suited to polyploids.
mutation or gene deletion. When TILLING is applied in Targeting genes of interest through TILLING allows
a polyploid, each of the multiple homoeologous genes the development of novel traits and functional markers
can be targeted separately, and then favorable mutant simultaneously because the mutation serves as a land-
alleles of each homoeologue in the same genetic mark that can be converted into a molecular marker.
background can be combined into one plant to finally The use of TILLING also allows surveys of naturally
assess a phenotype. An example of using TILLING in occurring variation to examine thousands of individu-
a polyploid to identify novel diversity is the identifica- als in a mapping population, or thousands of different
tion of 246 new alleles of the waxy loci in bread and varieties at a time. This approach is especially useful
durum wheat (Slade et al. 2005). Using TILLING, 106 when no naturally occurring or very limited nucleotide
novel point mutation alleles of Wx-A1 and 90 alleles of diversity is available. For example, due to the rarity
Wx-D1 were discovered in a mutagenized population of of detectable variation in the Wx-D1 gene, new vari-
approximately 1,100 hexaploid wheat individuals. The ants were created by starting with wheat containing A
wheat variety used in this study contained the null allele and B deletion alleles and then using mutagenesis to
at the Wx-B1 locus, so no additional mutations were create new point mutation alleles that could then be
D Self
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 27.2 Combining multiple alleles in a polyploid. For many wheat genes, a phenotype will not be detectable from the alteration of only
one homoeologue due to functional redundancy. Combining multiple mutations discovered through TILLING or other method is illus-
trated. A, B and D refer to mutations in the different homoeologous chromosomes. Mutations are shown as yellow bars and the mutation of
interest as a red bar. The mutation of interest can be followed in subsequent crosses using a number of detection methods
detected in the background of the other two null alleles ulations of hexaploid and tetraploid wheat compared
(Yanagisawa et al. 2001). In contrast, TILLING allows to barley, maize, rice and Arabidopsis (see Chapter
identification of new alleles that don’t necessarily have 20). The redundancy of genes in the multiple A, B and
a knockout gene function and that can be identified D genomes is likely the reason that wheat can withstand
in the same genetic background. Because an allelic such a high mutation load. It has also been suggested
series of point mutations can be identified with differ- that the time since polyploidization may play a role
ent potential effects on protein function ranging from in allowing the relatively younger polyploid wheat
null to reduced function to dominant effects, a range genome to withstand high levels of random mutations
of phenotypes may be possible. Null alleles and point compared with more ancient polyploids, such as maize,
mutations can have quite different phenotypic effects that have reduced redundancy in the genome.
and are not always equivalent. For example, Rht-B1 Background random mutations can be eliminated
mutations that reduce wheat height are semi-dominant through a backcross process while retaining the muta-
and gibberellin-resistant, but a null allele at that locus is tions of interest. In a backcross programme, the wheat
associated with tall, gibberellin-responsive plant (Peng line containing all the mutations of interest is crossed
et al. 1999). to an unmutagenized wild-type (WT) parent line
After desirable alleles are identified through TILLING (Fig 27.3). The F1 progeny is then backcrossed to the
in a polyploid such as wheat from what is typically the recurrent parent and the BC1 progeny are obtained and
M2 generation, M3 plants containing these alleles can genotyped for the alleles of interest. Only progeny with
be crossed together to produce a plant with combined the allele assortment desired are carried on to the next
mutant alleles in all three homoeologues. This process backcross with the recurrent parent (BC2). This process
starts with crossing two mutant lines together followed can be repeated as many times as needed (BC3-5). This
by crossing the progeny of that cross to a plant contain- process could also be used to transfer the novel alleles
ing a mutation in the third homoeologue (Fig 27.2). into a different genetic background, all the while fol-
Functional markers developed to precisely identify lowing the mutations with functional molecular markers
each novel allele allow progeny with the desired com- developed to follow the mutations of interest.
bination of alleles to be rapidly selected. Siblings from
these crosses lacking the desired mutations may serve
as controls in early phenotyping efforts. Alternatively, 4. Future Applications of TILLING to Plant
backcrosses can be performed before combining Breeding
mutations. This may be particularly advantageous in
combining mutations in diploids, because deleteri- Recent progress in the sequencing of several complete
ous effects of homozygous background mutations can plant genomes and EST sequencing from many diverse
complicate phenotypic evaluation. plant species provides new opportunities to apply
knowledge gained from functional genomics in rice
3.4. Cleaning Up Background Mutations and Arabidopsis to the improvement of many differ-
ent crops. Genes identified from functional genom-
One of the consequences of mutation breeding using ics approaches as well as genes known to affect traits
chemical mutagenesis, including TILLING, is that the of interest in other crops become candidates for trait
background genome contains high levels of random alteration. To capitalize on these advances and transfer
unwanted mutations. Background mutations can com- information gathered in Arabidopsis and rice to other
plicate phenotypic analysis of the effects of the modi- crops, nucleotide and amino acid sequence com-
fied gene or gene combinations. For example, some parisons as well as gene synteny, the conserved order
background mutations may interfere with plant growth of genes in related species, can be used to identify
or affect other aspects of the plant making it difficult to potential orthologous genes (genes derived from a
clearly determine the effects solely attributable to the common ancestor) between crops. Identification of
desired mutations. Polyploid wheat, especially, can candidate orthologous genes is made easier by the
withstand high levels of mutation evident by the high considerable colinearity between the genomes of
mutation load measured in mutagenized TILLING pop- grass species. However, gene synteny between grass
genomes is complicated by gene duplications, inver- tive approaches. For example, the Rht genes of wheat
sions, deletions, translocations, and differences caused responsible for the increased yield associated with
by transposable elements. As a result, large regions the green revolution were identified as orthologues
of the various grass genomes are rearranged relative of maize Dwarf8 and Arabidopsis GAI (Gibberellin
to each other, and these alterations can complicate Insensitive) genes using sequence homology and gene
the interpretation of comparative data. Smaller scale synteny (Peng et al. 1999). The identification of the grain
microcolinearity between the genomes, if available, is protein content gene GPC-6B1 is another example of
most useful in the transfer of positional information to this approach in which the wheat region on chromo-
the cloning of candidate orthologous genes. some 6B syntenic to the rice region on chromosome
An increasing number of candidate genes for crop 2 was used to define additional molecular markers to
improvement have been identified using compara- refine mapping of the GPC-6B1 locus (Distelfeld et al.
A F1 A
B 50%
25% X B
Identify using
Molecular Markers
2004). Armstead et al. used synteny between Festuca Dubouzet, J.G., Sakuma, Y., Ito, Y. et al. 2003. OsDREB
and rice to identify an orthologue of the stay green genes in rice, Oryza sativa L., encode transcription acti-
cotyledon colour I gene originally described by Gregor vators that function in drought-, high-salt-, and cold-
Mendel (Armstead et al. 2007). In another example, the responsive gene expression. Plant Journal. 33:751-763.
identification of the vernalization gene, Vrn3, was facili- Gupta P.K., Kulwal, P.L. and Rustgi, S. 2005. Wheat
tated using colinear regions between rice and barley cytogenetics in the genomics era and its relevance to
(Yan et al. 2006). Rice and wheat colinearity has also breeding. Cytogenet Genome Res. 109:315-327.
helped narrow the search for the gene responsible for Haudry, A., Cenci, A., Ravel, C. et al. 2007. Grinding up
tolerance to boron toxicity in wheat (Schnurbusch et wheat: a massive loss of nucleotide diversity since
al. 2007). All of these examples demonstrate the utility domestication. Mol Biol Evol. 24: 1506-1517.
of gene synteny and sequence homology in candidate Julio, E., Laporte, F., Reis, S. et al. 2008. Reducing the
gene identification. content of nornicotine in tobacco via targeted muta-
Using gene-specific primers, TILLING can be applied tion breeding. Molecular Breeding. DOI 10.1007/
to identify genetic diversity in candidate genes that s11032-007-9138-2.
can then be employed to generate novel traits. For Li, W., Huang, L. and Gill, B.S. 2008. Recurrent deletions
polyploids especially, extension of wheat sequence of puroindoline genes at the grain hardness locus in
information from ESTs to include genomic DNA con- four independent lineages of polyploid wheat. Plant
taining introns and flanking untranslated regions helps Physiol. 146(1):200-12.
define unique regions that distinguish between the A, Li, X., Qian, Q., Fu, Z. et al. 2003. Control of tillering in rice.
B, and D homoeologous genes for further study. EST Nature. 422:618-621.
sequences of wheat genes can be compared to rice Mejlhede, N., Kyjovska, Z., Backes, G. et al. 2006.
gene structure to identify likely positions of intronic EcoTILLING for the identification of allelic variation in
regions for development of gene specific primers. A the powdery mildew resistance genes mlo and Mla of
programme that aligns wheat ESTs with similar rice barley. Plant Breeding. 125:461-467.
genes facilitates candidate gene identification (Mitchell Mitchell, R.A., Castells-Brooke, N., Taubert, J. et al. 2007.
et al. 2007). Additional information from ongoing Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS): a tool
projects will expand access to more and more plant to provide best estimate of hexaploid wheat tran-
genomes. And, as more genes and gene combinations script sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Web Server
that control agronomic and quality traits are defined, issue):W148-51.
the utility of TILLING to identify novel genetic diversity Nakamura, T., Yamamori, M., Hirano, H. et al. 1995.
in targeted candidate genes for breeding in many crops Production of waxy (amylose-free) wheats. Mol Gen
will increase. Genet. 248:253-259.
Peng, J., Richards, D.E., Hartley N.M. et al. 1999. ‘Green
revolution’ genes encode mutant gibberellin
5. References response modulators. Nature. 400(6741):256-61.
Schnurbusch, T., Collins, N.C., Eastwood, R.F. et al. 2007. Fine
5.1. Cited References mapping and targeted SNP survey using rice-wheat gene
colinearity in the region of the Bo1 boron toxicity tolerance
Armstead, I., Donnison, I., Aubry, S. et al. 2007. Cross-species locus of bread wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 115:451-461.
identification of Mendel’s I locus. Science. 315: 73. Siminszky, B., Gavilano, L., Bowen, S.W. et al. 2005.
Distelfeld, A., Uauy, C., Olmos, S. et al. 2004. Conversion of nicotine to nornicotine in Nicotiana
Microcolinearity between a 2-cM region encompass- tabacum is mediated by CYP82E4, a cytochrome
ing the grain protein content locus Gpc-6B1 on wheat P450 monooxygenase. Proceedings of the National
chromosome 6B and a 350-kb region on rice chromo- Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 102: 14919-14924.
some 2. Funct Integr Genomics. 4(1):59-66. Slade, A.J., Fuerstenberg, S.I., Loeffler, D. et al. 2005. A
Dubcovsky, J. and Dvorak, J. 2007. Genome plasticity reverse genetic, nontransgenic approach to wheat
a key factor in the success of polyploid wheat under crop improvement by TILLING. Nature Biotechnology.
domestication. Science. 316(5833):1862-6. 23:75-81.
Till B.J., Cooper, J., Tai, T.H. et al. 2007. Discovery of chemi- 5.2. Websites
cally induced mutations in rice by TILLING. BMC Plant
Biol. 7:19. Arabidopsis TILLING project:
von Wettstein, D., Kahn, A., Nielsen, O.F. et al. 1974.
Genetic regulation of chlorophyll synthesis analyzed IAEA/FAO mutant variety genetic stock database:
with mutants in barley. Science. 184:800-802.
Xu K., Xu, X., Fukao, T., Canlas, P. et al. 2006. Sub1A is an PubMed: US national library of medicine service:
ethylene-response-factor-like gene that confers sub-
mergence tolerance to rice. Nature. 442:705-708.
Yan, L., Fu, D., Li, C. et al. 2006. The wheat and barley ver- 5.3. Further Reading
nalization gene VRN3 is an orthologue of FT. Proc Natl
Acad Sci U.S.A. 103:19581-19586. Till B.J., Colbert, T., Codomo, C. et al. 2006. High
Yanagisawa, T., Kiribuchi-Otobe, C. and Yoshida, H. -throughput TILLING for Arabidopsis. Methods
2001. An alanine to threonine change in the Wx-D1 Molecular Biology, 323:127-135.
protein reduces GBSS I activity in waxy mutant wheat. Till B.J., Zerr, T., Comai, L. et al. 2006. A protocol for
Euphytica. 121:209-214. TILLING and Ecotilling in plants and animals. Nature
Protocols. 1:2465-2477.
Henikoff, S. and Comai, L.. 2003. Single-nucleotide
mutations for plant functional genomics. Annual
Review of Plant Biology. 54:375-401.
Henikoff, S., Till, B.J. and Comai, L. 2004. TILLING.
Traditional mutagenesis meets functional genomics.
Plant Physiology. 135:630-636.
Applications of in vitro Techniques in Mutation
Breeding of Vegetatively Propagated Crops
P.Suprasannaa*, S.M.Jainb, S.J.Ochattc , V.M.Kulkarnia and S.Predierid
Nuclear Agriculture & Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai - 400 085, India.
Department of Applied Biology, University of Helsinki, PL-27, Helsinki, Finland.
INRA CR Dijon, UMRLEG, PCMV, Dijon, France.
IBIMET-CNR, Area Ricerca CNR, Via Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy.
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. In Vitro Mutagenesis
2.1. Selection of Target Material
2.2. Choice of Mutagen and Doses
2.3. Post-Treatment Handling
2.4. In Vitro Culture and Population Development
2.4.1. Somatic Embryogenesis
2.4.2. Organogenesis
2.5. Determination of the Number of Plants Required for Selection
3. In Vitro Selection
3.1. Advantages and Limitations of In Vitro Selection
3.2. In Vitro Selection Methods
4. Examples
4.1. Banana
4.2. Sugarcane
4.3. Chrysanthemum
6. References
1. Introduction vitro mutagenesis can be applied to both seed crops
(e.g. haploid mutagenesis, see Chapter 29) and VPCs.
In vitro techniques, e.g. protoplast, cell, tissue and In vitro mutagenesis is particularly advantageous com-
organ culture, can be used in various steps and for dif- pared with in vivo mutagenesis of VPCs. First, a large
ferent purposes in mutation breeding of vegetatively number of homogenous individuals can be prepared
propagated crops (VPCs), and have become an integral for mutagenic treatment in a relatively small laboratory
part of such programmes (Box 28.1). The use of in vitro space; second, the developmental patterns of cultured
culture for chimera dissociation has been described cells, organs and tissues can be synchronised allowing
in Chapter 16 and the micropropagation of selected for replication of treatment, mass in vitro selection and,
mutants is in principle not different from conventional as a consequence, provide consistent and reproducible
materials, hence they are not further elaborated. results; third, the chimeras issue is largely diminished
The principles and key steps of in vitro mutagenesis since mutants often originate from single somatic cells.
and in vitro selection are described, and examples are For seed crops, use of haploid cultures may provide
given in the section of case studies. The application additional benefits (see Chapter 29).
of in vitro culture techniques in mutation breeding of The whole process of in vitro mutagenesis involves
VPCs relies heavily on the reproducible and efficient a series of important steps: selection of proper target
tissue culture techniques, and readers should first check material (explants or cultures), determination of a muta-
whether such techniques are available for the plant spe- gen and a proper dose, post-treatment handling and
cies concerned. A generalized flowchart for developing sub-cultures; regeneration of plants for mutant selec-
a mutant variety using the above approach is outlined tion. Therefore, the success of any in vitro mutagenesis
in Fig 28.1. It is imperative that such an approach will depends on established and reproducible in vitro plant
provide advancement only if it includes investigations regeneration procedures, optimization of mutagenic
into different phases, from the laboratory to actual field treatments, and efficient screening of the mutagenized
performance testing. The time required from the induc- populations for desired variations. Much of the varia-
tion treatment to the variety release is also very long, tion observed in vitro (particularly in undifferentiated
especially in some woody plant species, with a 10- to systems like callus or suspension cultures) is considered
15-year period. The results obtained will be valuable epigenetic which implies that the variation is not caused
only if the choice of market stable varieties to mutate by a mutation but by a change in gene activity caused
and basic traits to modify is well planned in advance. by environmental factors during the developmental
and also by culture process. Contrary to mutations,
epigenetic effects occur at much higher frequency and
2. In Vitro Mutagenesis cannot pass through meiosis. This should be clearly
distinguished from in vitro mutagenesis. One can also
In vitro mutagenesis refers to mutation induction through undertake extensive recombination by crossing, but
treating explants or in vitro cultures (protoplasts, cells, this method is unsuitable in most VPCs. Table 28.1 pre-
tissues and organs) with a mutagen, followed by mutant sents some cases of in vitro mutagenesis in vegetatively
screening/selection and characterization (Box 28.1). In propagated plants reported in the literature.
1. In vitro dissociation of chimeras. Separation of chimeras through in vitro culture techniques like adventitious buds or somatic
embryogenesis, in which the genetic background of parent genotype is retained.
2. In vitro mutagenesis. Mutation induction through treating explants or in vitro cultures (protoplasts, cells, tissues and organs) with
mutagen, followed by mutant screening/selection and characterization.
3. In vitro selection of mutants. Selection of in vitro cell lines or tissue cultures for a desired trait using a selection agent, e.g. medium
with a high concentration of salt or phytotoxin.
4. Micropropagation of selected mutants. Propagation of selected mutants through in vitro techniques of node culture, shoot
meristem culture, somatic embryogenesis etc.
2.1. Selection of Target Material sterile, uncontaminated cultures, hence certified virus-
free donor plants are often used as starting material
Mutagenic treatments can be applied to explants or in for tissue culture. The plant parts are generally washed
vitro cultures (e.g. multiple shoot cultures, calli, cell sus- under running tap water to remove dirt and then in mild
pensions, protoplasts, microspores etc. (Table 28.1). A detergent solution followed by surface sterilization with
variety of explants is available, e.g. apical meristems, axil- hypochlorite solution. For herbaceous plants it is often
lary buds, roots and tubers. A crucial factor in the choice convenient to take explants (shoot tips, axillary buds,
of explants, either used for direct mutagenic treatment meristems, and roots) from donor plants grown in a
or for in vitro culture and mutagenic treatment at a late growth chamber, in vitro, or glasshouse; it is therefore no
stage, is the ease of culturing. Since in vitro culture is problem to have sufficient number of explants for muta-
dependent on plant health and the ability to produce genic treatment. For other plant species, multiplication is
Selection of plant
With or without
selection, plant
Mutated Plants
Lab/Field selections
Mutated identified
Mutant clones
needed to have a sufficient number of explants, since it is mutagenized at any stage in the somatic embryogenesis
not easy to get them directly from plants. pathway provided there is sufficient subsequent prolif-
Mutagenesis of single individual cells would be the eration to screen out chimeras. Callus and cell suspen-
most preferred method of in vitro mutagenesis; how- sion cultures that show good regeneration potential
ever, it is practically very difficult to obtain genuine offer another attractive target. Protoplast cultures are
single-cell suspensions due to the tendency of cells to ideal targets for mutagenesis and selection as these are
form clumps. Hence, the in vitro plant materials can be in G1 phase of cell division and therefore have potential
Chrysanthemum Rooted cuttings rays (25 Gy) Direct shoot Yellow flower Ahloowalia et al.
morifolium organogenesis mutants (from white (2004)
and red flower
Musa spp. banana Shoot tips Carbon ion beam Direct regeneration Disease resistant Reyes-Borja et al.
(0.5 to 128 Gy) lines (2007)
Musa spp. banana Shoot tips rays (60 Gy) Direct regeneration Mutant Novaria; FAO/IAEA mutant
earliness database
Banana var Lakatan Shoot tips rays (40Gy) Direct regeneration Height reduction, Roux (2004)
Latundan Larger fruit size
Pineapple var. Crowns rays Axillary bud Lines with reduced FNCA
Queen (Ananas regeneration spines
comosus (L.) Merr.)
Begonia rex in vitro cultured (30-45Gy) Adventitious bud Leaf colour and Buiatti (1990)
leaflets regeneration shape mutants
Hybrids of Begonia in vitro cultured rays (100 Gy) Adventitious shoot Leaf colour, size Roest et al. (1981)
x hiemalis leafs regeneration and form and
flower mutants
Weigela X-rays (30 Gy) Bud neoformation Leaf and flower Duron and
in vitro colour mutant Decourtye (1986)
varieties ‘Courtadur’
Potato Callus cultures rays (30-50Gy) Adventitious bud Tuber colour Ancora and
regeneration mutants Sonnino (1987)
Sugarcane Buds / callus rays (20-25Gy) Organogenesis / Mutants for Patade and
cultures embryogenesis agronomic traits Suprasanna (2008)
Cassava Somatic embryos rays (50Gy) Embryogenesis Morphological Roy et al. (2004)
mutants; mutants
with storage root
yield, altered
Sweet potato Embryogenic rays (80Gy) Embryogenesis Mutants for salt He et al. (2009)
suspensions tolerance
Table 28.2: Some examples of radio-sensivity of tissue culture of fruit crops1
Species Mutagen Plant explants LD50 (Gy)
Adapted from Predieri S (2001) and modified.
in yielding non-chimeric mutant lines. The major disad- experiments is to determine the appropriate mutagen
vantage of protoplasts is their common recalcitrance to dose and dose rate, which vary according to the plant
plant regeneration for a number of species, hence its species, level of ploidy, developmental stage, and
actual application has so far been limited. physiological condition. In general, since actively divid-
Besides the choice of material, considerations on the ing cells are more sensitive to mutagenic treatment than
genetic constitution and ploidy may influence the suc- non-dividing ones, the doses used for in vitro mutagen-
cess of in vitro mutagenesis programmes. For example, esis are usually lower than for in vivo treatment.
genetically heterozygous (A, A, A) material can The common procedure to assess appropriate dose
be useful in the production of recessive mutants by is based on understanding the sensitivity of the tissues
knocking out the ‘A’ allele. and/or cells to a given mutagen. It is usually measured
by developing a sensitivity curve based on dose and
2.2. Choice of Mutagen and Dose survival percentage. The dose killing about 50% of
the treated materials is named LD50, which could be
The principle of mutagen choice for in vitro mutagen- obtained from a sensitivity curve (see Chapter 14).
esis is not different from in vivo mutagenesis. The most Radio-sensitivity varies with the species and the
commonly used mutagens so far are physical mutagens genotype, with the physiological condition of plants
such as rays and X-rays (Table 28.2). The limited use and organs, and with the manipulation of the irradi-
and success of chemical mutagen might attribute to ated material before and after mutagenic treatment.
both the poor uptake and penetration of the com- Reported LD50 are given in Table 28.2 for some species.
pound by cultured tissues and the difficulty in applying In some cases, low dose of radiation may enhance shoot
a chemical mutagen on vegetative parts. In reality, the growth, e.g. in citrus species. In date palm, low doses of
choice of mutagen is also dependent on the availability gamma radiation prevent loss of somatic embryogene-
and accessibility of physical facilities. sis up to 3 years, which is normally lost within a year. The
Successful in vitro mutagenesis is dependent upon physiological status of plants and their radio-sensitivity
the ability to: 1) induce target mutations at a detectable are often correlated to water content of the tissue, since
frequency with limited background mutations, and 2) the most frequent primary target of ionizing radiation is
to regenerate plants readily from the mutagen treated the water molecule (see Chapters 11 & 14).
plant material. Therefore, in addition to the choice After the LD50 is determined, the most suitable dose
of mutagen, another important step in mutagenesis can be chosen for treatment. LD50 is often chosen as a
suitable dose, but the actual dose to be applied is largely be subjected to standard regeneration procedures,
determined by experience. Heinze and Schmidt (1995) already optimised for shoot differentiation and growth.
suggest a LD50 ±10% as a starting point for the experi- Following mutagenic treatment, undesired physiologi-
ments. Doses lower than LD50 favour post-treatment cal effects can be observed at various stages up to the
plant recovery, while the use of higher doses increases rooting stage. Where micro-cuttings are used in irra-
the probability to induce mutations but with a high diation treatment, post-irradiation culture should be
mutational load. Therefore, LD20 or LD30 have also been planned to induce meristems growth and develop into
used as the optimum dose as these levels of mutagens shoots as soon as possible. This can be done through
are not highly toxic to in vitro tissues. Although the infor- repeated cuttings to avoid apical dominance effects,
mation on radio-sensitivity and lethal effects of chemi- with a suitable plant growth regulator (e.g. cytokinins)
cal mutagens can be obtained from previous reports, to support shoot growth. In the initial period, cytokinins
the results should not be blindly accepted. Ideally, at can be used at low concentrations (compared to normal
least a few simple experiments should be performed level used in vitro cultures of the plant species), and can
to generate relevant data and compare with published be increased incrementally in subsequent sub-cultures.
reports, before arriving at conclusions. Tissue cultured woody fruit plants axillary buds gener-
Predieri and Fasolo (1989) suggested the following ally include more than one meristem. However, the out-
optimized protocol in determining radio-sensitivity for in growth of lateral buds in growing shoots is regulated by
vitro leaf cultures of apple (Malus pumila L.). Six leaves apical dominance, a process by which the apex exerts
were used per treatment in a Petri dish and cultured on an inhibitory action on buds situated below it (Muleo
a regeneration medium. The cultures were then exposed and Morini, 2006). The removal of the first developed
to acute irradiation (60Co) with doses of 0, 10, 20, 30 or axillaxy shoot allows more irradiated meristems, poten-
40 Gy (42.7 Gy/min). The use of acute irradiation allows tially carrying mutations, to develop from the originally
rapid treatment of the plant material. The cultures were treated shoots (Fig 28.2).
kept in the dark and allowed to regenerate (45 days). Undesired negative primary effects of irradiation, e.g.
The LD50 was calculated as the dose of radiation that tissue browning, necrosis or chlorosis, are sometimes
reduced the number of shoots regenerated per irradi- unavoidable, but may be reduced by incorporating anti-
ated leaf to 50% compared to un-irradiated controls. oxidants in the culture media. Cultures irradiated either
When shoot apices are used as the target material the during proliferation or regeneration phases should be
aim is to induce proliferation and multiplication after transferred rapidly to fresh media, to reduce the forma-
treatment. Shoot tips trimmed to a minimum size (as in tion of toxic compounds. The basal part of irradiated
case of banana or sugarcane) from an actively proliferat- shoots (e.g. 1 cm in the case of banana) should also
ing shoot cultures are placed horizontally in Petri plates be removed for the same reason. Culturing in the dark
with few drops of sterile water to protect the shoot tip (avoiding light exposure) may also help in limiting nega-
from drying during radiation exposure. Immediately tive physiological effects induced by irradiation.
after irradiation, shoots are placed onto shoot multi- The lowered regeneration capability of cultures after
plication media and the multiplication rate is recorded radiation treatment has been attributed to toxic effects
after 4 weeks of culture. LD50 is then calculated as the of gamma radiation on cells and tissues resulting in
dose of radiation (or other treatment) that reduces reduced competitiveness of these cells and their prog-
the proliferation rate of irradiated shoots to 50% of un- enies. Intra-somatic competition which discriminates
irradiated control shoots. against mutagen affected cells and potentially causing
a loss of their cell progenies may be modified by in
2.3. Post-treatment Handling vitro conditions (medium composition or some other
factors) resulting in a better competitiveness of mutant
After the in vitro mutagenic treatment is given it is often cells. In this respect partial desiccation treatment has
necessary to provide a medium for the mutated cells to been found to be a useful and simple method in stimu-
grow and develop into a cell mass, or to differentiate lating regeneration response in case of gamma- irradi-
into embryos, shoots and ultimately plants. After trans- ated cultures. This has proved effective in sugar cane
fer to fresh regeneration medium, irradiated tissues can though the mode of action is unclear.
Irradiation of microcuttings
Tissue sybjected to irradiation Direct transfer to a fresh medium
Tissue developed after irradiation Development in subculture
Transfer to soil
M1V2a M1V2b M1V2c
M1V3a... M1V3b... M1V3c...
M1Vna M1Vnb M1Vnc
Mutagenic treatment can also affect rooting capacity selection pressure could be applied 2-3 times to make
and plant development ex vitro. Maximum care should sure that the selected mutant lines are solid mutants.
be taken at the rooting stage and during the acclima-
tization phase to ensure complete recovery of useful 2.4. In Vitro Culture and Population Development.
mutants without any loss. A short, acute, auxin treat-
ment can often help in increasing rooting performance. Whether explants or in vitro cultures are used for
Time in culture is also associated with epi-genetic mutagenic treatment, all mutagenized cultures need to
effects such as methylation. undergo a series of sub-cultures to dissociate chimae-
The putative multiplied mutant plantlets may respond ras and produce plants for selection of desired mutants
differentially to glasshouse, shade house or other harden- (Fig 28.2). The times of sub-culture needed depend on
ing facility (depending on species and climate) and field the type of species, the material mutagenized, and the
transfer. Considerable mortality can be expected at both way of plant regeneration. It is not advisable to screen
these stages. Hence, only experienced staff should carry for mutations in the first vegetative generation after
out hardening and subsequent field transfer. This step mutagenesis (M1V1) as mutations may remain masked or
normally requires 70-90% relative humidity (glasshouse, remain undetectable by chimeras in this generation. If
poly house, shade house, etc) otherwise in vitro plants useful mutants are found early, these should be moni-
would wither and die (misting and water are usually auto- tored for stability in subsequent generations, up to M1V4
mated for large scale production of field ready plants). or M1V6 generations.
Normally in vitro culture conditions, the relative humid- If explants are treated for mutagenesis, once the dose
ity is over 90%. Hardened plants may be field evaluated is chosen, more information is needed to determine how
following standard procedures depending on the trait to many explants should be treated to establish a popula-
be evaluated either in a single or in multi-location trials. tion with a reasonable expectation of containing desired
Well adapted in vitro mutant plantlets can be sub- mutant lines. This is dependant on both the expected
jected to the selection pressure for the selection of mutation frequency and the tissue culture process.
solid mutants before transfer to the field evaluation. The The tissue structures from which plants originate are
either multi-cellular or of single cell origins. Normally and progress through distinct developmental stages, these
chimeras are major problems in plants regenerated after are specific to the species, but include: globular, heart,
mutagen treatment of multi-cellular structures such as torpedo, cotyledon and mature stages. Direct somatic
shoot tips or axillary buds (see Chapter 16). However, embryogenesis is the formation of somatic embryos or
chimeras can be easily dissociated in in vitro culture embryogenic tissue directly from explants without the
by repetitive sub-culturing, normally about 4 genera- formation of an intermediate callus phase. The trend is to
tions (M1V4). Compared to in vivo bud mutagenesis this develop procedures that are directly embryogenic as time
translates into a lower frequency of chimeric plants in culture (and particularly callus culture) is proportional to
and a higher probability of mutant phenotype expres- the extent of somaclonal variation in regenerated plants,
sion. It also facilitates rapid completion of propagation and this is often undesired (see later sections).
cycles (sub-culturing) aimed at separating mutated from While the induction of secondary embryogenesis or
non-mutated sectors. In vitro selection and cloning can repetitive embryogenesis can increase further the number
therefore capitalise on early evaluation and large scale of plants, it should not be used for in vitro mutagen-
multiplication systems. esis programmes after mutagenic treatment, since it
will increase the number of plants of the same genetic
2.4.1. Somatic Embryogenesis make up. This should be taken into consideration when
In vitro plant regeneration occurs via somatic embryo- somatic embryogenesis occurs in callus cultures. Callus
genesis and organogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis is is a coherent, but unorganized and amorphous tissue,
an excellent system for clonal propagation and muta- formed by the vigorous division of plant cells. In this case,
tion induction. The fact that somatic embryos originate limited number of regenerative plants from the same
from a single cell prevents chimeras among regenerated callus should be sampled in making up the population for
in vitro plants and makes of them an ideal subject for mutant screening. On the other hand, embryogenic cells
mutagenesis. Also, direct mutant somatic embryos can are particularly preferred for in vitro mutagenic treatment,
be developed from mutagenized somatic embryo cells though some disadvantages also exist (Box 28.2).
and germinate into whole mutant plants. This system is
suitable for crops vegetative propagated, including fruits, 2.4.2. Organogenesis
citrus, date palm, mangos and others. Therefore, if plants Organogenesis is used for plant multiplication mainly by
can be regenerated directly through somatic embryo- shoot tip culture, which is a common practice adopted
genesis, the round of sub-culture could be minimized. by commercial laboratories. By this method, mutant
The bipolar structure of the somatic embryo contains plants can be multiplied in large-numbers. Normally,
both shoots and root meristems. Somatic embryos develop the germination rate of somatic embryos is very low,
• Somatic embryos originate from a single cell and minimise or eliminate chimeras.
• Somatic embryogenic cell suspension is ideal for mutation induction due to the production of mutant somatic embryos.
• Somatic embryos can be produced in a bioreactor for their large scale production for selection.
• Embryogenic cells are suitable for long term storage by cryopreservation to enable preservation of mutants.
• Somatic embryogenesis is highly species and genotype dependent and therefore requires specific culture media formulation.
• Somatic embryogenic cultures can lose their embryogenic property if they are not sub-cultured regularly.
Table 28.3: Agronomic traits that can be selectable in cultured plant
Disease resistance Medium with pathotoxin/ crude toxin/ culture filtrate (CF)
Salt tolerance Medium with high salt (NaCl) concentration or sea water
which makes it difficult to exploit commercially for large- of induction of the desired trait. Expected mutation
scale plant production. The combination of somatic frequencies for a single trait can be expected to have a
embryogenesis and organogenesis would therefore be frequency of 0.1–1.0%. For example, frequencies rang-
suitable for mutation induction and subsequent large- ing from 0.14 to 1.93% for a number of variations in fruit
scale multiplication of the mutant plants, respectively. traits in different varieties of pear have been reported
If shoot tips are used in gamma radiation treatment, (Predieri and Zimmerman 2001). As an example, these
this would generate chimerical plants depending on authors postulated that an expected frequency of
the occurrence of mutations in L1, L2, and/or L3 mer- 0.5% would require 1,000 plants in order to produce 5
istematic layers. The regenerated mutant plants will be individuals that carry the desired trait. Considering 3-5
unstable due to segregation in subsequent vegetative sub-cultures and with an average success of rooting
propagated generations. Therefore, it is highly desirable around 80% and survival of plants to be 90%, the total
to dissociate chimeras by multiplying plants up to M1V3- initial plant population would be 1,000 (see below for
M1V4 generations. This is usually done by axillary bud details).
culture, as this represents the simplest type of in vitro Mutagenic treatments should be set to obtain a high
plant propagation system, extensively applied in sev- number of plants. Less than 500 plants can limit the pos-
eral ornamental plants and woody species. Axillary bud sibility of successful selection and 500 to 1,000 plants
proliferation can yield an average tenfold increase in are a reasonable range to start with. It is also advisable to
shoot number in a 4-6 week culture passage. For annual have information on the regeneration and proliferation
and other fast growing species a large population of rates of the irradiated material, number of sub-cultures
plants can be generated within a year. Adventitious post irradiation, rooting response of the shoots or other
shoot proliferation is the most frequently used multipli- propagules and finally the survival rates of plants post
cation technique in micropropagation systems. radiation exposure. The expected proliferation rate can
be determined with the same regression equation as
2.5. Determination of the Number Plants Required used for estimating LD50. It may increase in the follow-
for Selection ing subcultures, but it is advisable to be on the safe side,
to produce more plants to compromise on the possible
The number of plants (P) to be developed for mutant contamination rate, rooting and/or survival problems
selection is calculated based on the expected frequency often encountered. The number of sub-cultures that are
essentially required during the post-irradiation phase The trait of interest should be selectable at the cellular
can vary from a minimum of three to a maximum of five level and expressed in the regenerated plants. Not
depending on the occurrence of chimera. The rooting all traits can be selected at cellular level, for example,
percentage is often estimated to be about 80% of the yield, seed colour or plant height. Disease resistance,
regular frequency obtained for non-treated material or abiotic stress tolerance (particularly to salt and drought),
more directly obtained by observing cultures treated enriched nutritional quality and herbicide tolerance are
for LD determination. Plant survival must be calculated some of the traits that have been successfully selected
based on experience with the specific plant material. isolated in crop plants including VPCs. In vitro selected
The following formula (Predeiri and Virgillo 2007) is variants should always undergo specific ex-vitro testing
used to calculate the number of plant parts (X) to be to confirm the existence of improved selected traits and
treated: to exclude the possible emergence of other undesired
X = P/ (( * b)*c)*d traits such as instability and non-uniformity.
For example: where P (the number of plants planned for 3.2. In Vitro Selection Methods
field selection) is 1,000 and (expected proliferation rate)
is 3.3 and b (number of sub-cultures) is 4 and c (expected During in vitro selection, two types of selections viz.
rooting percent) is 0.85 and d (expected plant survival) is single step selection and multi-step selection are prac-
0.90; X = 1000/((3.3*4)*0.85)*0.90 = 99. ticed. Generally, an inhibitor or an anti-metabolite is
added into the culture medium at a level that will either
kill or inhibit the growth of most wild type cells. Desired
3. In Vitro Selection mutated cells will be able to grow in the presence of the
inhibitor. The concentration of the inhibitor depends
During in vitro culture, it is possible to exercise selec- on the sensitivity of the cells/tissues used in the experi-
tion of mutants for agronomically useful, genetically ment. It is often desirable to establish a dose-response
determined traits. For selection, one can make culture curve with respect to growth inhibition. In single step
medium by adding certain amount of herbicide, salt or selection, the inhibitor is added to the culture medium,
aluminium or exposing to physical stress such as cold at least 2-3 times the level of inhibitory concentration
or heat. Such a stress situation would kill those cells that can kill maximum cell population and cultures are
not possessing the required tolerance or resistance, maintained for several sub-cultures. Examples include
and allowing tolerant or resistant and surviving cells to selection for herbicide tolerance (maize), amino acid
grow. These can be picked up, multiplied through sub- enrichment (maize, rice), disease resistance (maize,
cultures and regenerated into plants. rice) and salt tolerance (rice, alfalfa). In a multi-step
selection method, a sub-lethal concentration is added
3.1. Advantages and Limitations of In Vitro into the medium for cultures to grow and in the subse-
Selection quent sub-cultures a gradual increase in inhibitor level
is given. With this method, it has been suggested that
In comparison to methodologies involving treatment the selected mutant trait will be more stable and more
of in vivo material, in vitro cultured explants provide a expressive, since the variant cells are in constant expo-
wider choice of controlled selection following muta- sure to the increasing levels of the inhibitor.
genic treatment. Screening performed in vitro allows Once mutagenesis and selection are performed, the
for handling of large populations, avoiding the problem selected population is allowed to grow, proliferate, and
of working with a low number of individuals as is often regenerate into complete individuals. In some cases, the
in the case of in vivo plant material. Mutagenized cell selected cells may have reduced efficiency for growth in
suspension, microspores and protoplast cultures have the presence of a large number of other killed cells. This
the greatest potential for in vitro selection owing to may be improved by providing optimal culture conditions,
their uniformity. In vitro selection of mutated cells has ideally one that can regenerate a plant from a single cell
involved exposure to herbicides, salts, toxins, culture or embryogenic cell suspension culture. Nevertheless, in
filtrates and low or high heavy metals and temperatures. the absence of an optimized in vitro method, propagation
through adventitious bud formation in which the buds • The micropropagated plants were planted in
develop from one or a restricted number of de-differen- an experimental site uniformly infested with
tiated cells, is a useful option for producing mutant plants. race 4 Foc. Plants were grown under normal
These can then be propagated vegetatively for further field agropractices of cultivation. When plants
assessment of the mutant character. showed emergence of the bunch, height and
circumference of pseudostem, date of bunch
emergence and number of green leaves were
4. Examples noted.
• External symptoms such as sign of wilting, yel-
4.1. Banana lowing of leaves, splitting of pseudostem and
petiole buckling were noted on a scale of 1-3,
Bananas (Musa spp.) are one of the world’s most impor- 1-no symptoms, 2 mild and 3 severe symptoms,
tant fruit crops. Over 400 million people throughout plants were classified.
the developing countries of the tropics and subtropics • 35 plants showed improved agronomic per-
depend on this crop as a staple food and an important formance from which bits of rhizome with
commodity for local and international trade. Several growing points were removed from plants with
pathogens throughout the tropic regions of the world no wilt symptoms and replanted in an FOC
have become a threat for production, and among these, infested site during November 1991.
the most serious pathogen is Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. • The plants were then maintained through M1V4
cubense race 4. There is no known chemical or cultural beginning 1993 until 1997 during which 5 lines
method available for the control of this disease, and (DPM 2, 25, 15, 22 and 16) showed resistance
hence, resistant germplasm needs to be developed for without loss in productivity.
sustainable banana production. Development of an • The five lines were micropropagated and then
early, reliable, and reproducible selection strategy such field planted in the FOC infested site for further
as the use of pathotoxin or culture filtrate can speed up evaluation.
the selection procedure. The selected mutant plants are • One line (DPM 25) was selected and evalu-
transferred to a “hot spot” and the performance of the ated along with commercial cultivar. Williams.
mutant plants is evaluated on the basis of survival rate Rhizome bits were isolated from these agro-
and other agronomic traits including yield. Such meth- nomically superior plants and were then used
ods have been used in efforts to either develop or screen for raising plants which were maintained in
for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) FOC infested site during 1998-2003.
in banana (Smith et al. 2006). The following is a method • DPM 25 was identified as a mutant line for fur-
adopted from their study to screen for Fusarium wilt ther evaluation and improvement.
resistance and superior agronomic traits using gamma
irradiated and micropropagated plants of banana. 4.2. Sugarcane
• Shoot apices obtained from micropropagated
plants were isolated and exposed to gamma Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is an important
radiation (60 Co) at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50Gy for agro-industrial sugar crop of the world; it is cultivated
checking radiosensitivity. in more than 20 million hectares. Being a typical gly-
• About 500 explants of var. Dwarf Parfitt were cophyte, salinity in root zone of sugarcane decreases
irradiated at 20Gy gamma rays and after 2-3 sucrose yield, through its effect on both biomass and
cycles of in vitro multiplication on cytokinin juice quality. Somaclonal variation in combination
supplemented MS medium, shoots were with in vitro mutagenesis and selection has been
singled out and induced for root initiation on applied for the isolation of agronomically useful
hormone-free medium. mutants including tolerance to biotic and abiotic
• The rooted plantlets were carefully removed stresses in the improvement of sugarcane (Patade
from the test tubes and were hardened ex vitro and Suprasanna, 2008). A methodology is presented
for field planting. below for the isolation agronomically useful mutants
following radiation induced mutagenesis of embryo- of millable canes, stool weight, number of internodes,
genic callus cultures of sugarcane (Suprasanna et al. cane weight, cane diameter and H.R. Brix of sugarcane
2009). mutant and control plants. The variants performing
better over checks were field evaluated in M3 genera-
4.2.1. Embryogenic Callus Induction and Gamma tion under Rod Row Trial.
Irradiation A wide range of agronomically desirable mutations
Embryogenic callus cultures of widely grown sugar- was observed for morphological, quality and yield
cane var. Co 86032 were established from spindle leaf contributing characters. The spectrum of mutations was
discs on MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) basal salts broader in the Co 94012 for morphological characters
supplemented with 100 mg l-1 malt extract, 100 mg l-1 whereas, for quality and yield characters, variety Co
L-glutamine, 1000 mg l-1 casein hydrolysate, 2.0 mg l-1 86032 exhibited wider range of mutations. Mutations
2,4-D, 30 g l-1 sucrose and 2.0 g l-1 gelrite. The cultures for early maturity (based on BRIX) were observed in Co
were maintained on callus induction medium (CIM) 86032 (0.17 %) and for mid late maturity in CoC 671 (0.16
under a 16 h photoperiod (30 μmol m-2 s-1 PFD) at 25 %). Range of mutations obtained for cane yield attribut-
+ 2 ºC and 70 % RH by regular sub-culture on fresh ing characters was 0.09 to 0.38 % at different doses of
callus induction medium. Embryogenic calli were then gamma rays and varieties.
subjected to gamma radiation using Gamma Cell 220
at dose rate of 7.0 Gy/min. The irradiation doses were 4.3. Chrysanthemum
10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 Gy. Radiation treated calli were
immediately cultured on CIM to eliminate the radiolysis Chrysanthemum is an important ornamental plant and
hazards and sub-cultured for at least thrice, at 30 day a leading cut flower in the world with Netherlands,
interval, on CIM before using for further studies. South Africa, Spain and Israel being the major world
The callus growth (mg) was determined in terms of producers. Chrysanthemum is also a good model rep-
relative growth rate (RGR) after 30 days of culture as resenting vegetatively propagated crops, particularly
follows: RGR= (final fresh weight - initial fresh weight) ornamentals and, the varieties are mostly hexaploid and
/ initial fresh weight. Gamma irradiation reduced the heterozygous, thus mutational experiments become
relative growth rate of sugarcane calli with increasing rather easier and interesting to develop mutants with
doses (10-50 Gy). Significant reduction in growth rate varied flower colours (Mandal et al. 2000; Datta and
was noted by almost 85% in 40 - 50 Gy treatment, Chakraborty, 2005).
whereas the 20 Gy irradiated calli exhibited almost 50
% reduction of growth rate as compared to the control 4.3.1. Starting Materials and Mutagen Treatment
calli, and hence, 20 Gy was considered as the LD50 dose Cuttings are generally used for irradiation either with X-
for sugarcane. rays or gamma rays at doses of 15 Gy, or slightly higher
(25-30 Gy). One cutting of about 10 cm in length may
4.2.2. Plant Regeneration have ten or more axillary buds if fully grown. It is sug-
Plantlets were regenerated on regeneration medium, i.e., gested that before starting experiments, preliminary
CIM without 2,4-D. About 5 cm long individual shoots mutagenic experiments with high dose should be made
were transferred on ½ MS medium with 2 mg l-1 NAA for and the material studied to show potential for colour
rooting. The regeneration efficiency was expressed in change. The colour sector or patches may be only a few
terms of number of plantlets regenerated in a particular mm or even microscopic in size. If a high dose of the
treatment of gamma irradiation and salt stress. The rooted mutagen does not give favourable colour spot changes,
plantlets were hardened in the greenhouse. it may be better to give up this approach in favour of
others. For acute irradiation mutagenesis, at least
4.2.3. Mutant Population Growth and Selection one hundred cuttings may be used in order to obtain
Mutant populations were derived from in vitro desired mutants. After irradiation, the growing plants
mutagenesis of sugarcane var. CoC-671, Co 94012 and are cut back including their out-growing axillary buds
Co 86032 and field planted. At maturity stage, data was two or three times so as to obtain shoots with larger
collected on various agronomic traits including number areas of mutated sectors.
Box 28.3: Tips for in vitro mutagenesis
• Use clean, actively growing tissues as the source of initial explants.
• When cuttings with dormant buds are taken, place them at 20°C, treat with fungicides, and keep them in a beaker filled with water
for two weeks until buds open and develop shoots.
• When shoots are 1.5-2.0 cm long, remove apical part (1.0 cm), rapidly rinse in tap water and transfer in the laminar flow cabinet. To
avoid tissue browning, these steps must be followed rapidly.
• Dip explant in sodium or calcium hypochlorite (0.12-0.25% active Cl2) solution for 10 to 20 min maximum to avoid bleaching or
browning of tissues. It is better to standardize the hypochlorite concentration and treatment time for better explant response to
shoot regeneration
• After treatment, remove explants from the sterilizing solution and rinse 2 to 3 times in sterile distilled water for 3 min.
• Cut off the basal part (0.3 cm) and developed leaves of explants and culture initial explants (0.5 – 0.8 cm) in test tubes filled with
culture medium. If the cleaning protocol is successful, explants do not brown. In some cases explants may turn light brown and start
responding within 7-10 days of culture.
• In case of endogenous contamination of the explant, reducing its size and keeping it together with the sterilizing agent under
vacuum for better penetration may be helpful to get rid of endogenous contaminants.
• Culture media can be based on full or half-strength MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) or SH (Schenk and Hildebrandt, 1972)
supplemented with MS or LS (Linsmaier and Skoog, 1965) vitamins, and plant growth regulators.
• NAA or IBA (≥ 0.1 mg/l) are commonly used for callus induction, BAP (0.1-0.2 mg/l) stimulates growth, in some cases 0.1-0.5 mg/l
GA3 is effective in sustaining apex growth and shoot elongation.
• After 3 weeks, transfer explants to fresh medium amended with (0.3-1.0 mg/l) BAP, and select the most appropriate BAP
concentration to yield the highest production of regularly shaped, vigorous shoots. Full strength MS is most efficient at this step.
• Determine the appropriate number of sub-cultures to obtain the highest number of shoots for mutagen treatment as well as for
large-scale multiplication of mutant plants.
Following irradiation treatment, the fresh/dry weight Physical mutagen treatment of organs (shoot tips,
is measured as an indication of retarded growth. As meristems, axillary buds, etc) for mutation induction is
for the gamma-ray dose, the use of only 250 rad (= 2.5 mainly done by gamma radiation. The protocol is more
Gy) can be suitable. This dose is far below the RD-50 or less similar for radiation treatment of organs (see Box
(reducing dose for 50%). Such a small dose may require 28.4).
the production of large populations in the M1V1, M1V2 Chemical mutagens can also be applied to in vitro
etc, but the incidence of accompanying unfavourable systems either before culture or during culture. Ethyl
simultaneously induced mutant genes will be reduced. methane sulphonate (EMS) mutagen treatment is the
In order to overcome this, it is suggested to opt for low most commonly used chemical mutagen for in vitro
dose treatment to reduce accompanying mutant gene, mutation induction. Methods for EMS treatment are
and select as many (independent) mutants as possible described in Box 28.5 though similar steps can be used
even with the same phenotype. For example, if a yellow for other chemical mutagen with some minor modifica-
colour is wanted from a pink flower line, select two or tion in the protocol.
three or more independent yellow colour mutant lines,
e.g. yel-1 from cutting No3, yel-2 from cutting No24 and
so on. Then the best one as the best performing mutant 6. References
line is taken.
6.1. Cited References
4.3.2. Handling the Mutant Population Through
M1V1 to M1V3 and Selection Ancora, G. and Sonnino, A. 1987. In vitro induction of
In chrysanthemum, selection is directly made in the mutation in potato. In YPS Bajaj (ed): Biotechnology
field as the plant/flower colour, shape/type of plant in Agriculture and Forestry, vol3. Springer, Berlin
or flower may be selected. The selected plant may still Heidelberg New York, pp. 408–424.
show chimerism in the M1V1 generation in the field, but Buiatti, M. 1990. The use of cell and tissue cultures for
these are expected to be reduced in M1V3 or later popu- mutation breeding. In: P Parey (ed.): Science for Plant
lations. To screen for a given trait (flower color), petal Breeding, EUCARPIA, Gottingen, 1990, pp. 179–201.
tissue of a new mutant colour sector can be cultured Datta, S.K. and Chakraborty, D. 2005. Classical muta-
in vitro to obtain single re-differentiated mutant plant tion breeding and molecular methods for genetic
lines. improvement of ornamentals. In SK Datta (ed.): Role
In commercial chrysanthemum production, vegeta- of Classical mutation breeding in crop improvement.
tive generations advancing from M1V1 to M1V3 or more Daya Publ. House New Delhi, India. pp. 260-265.
is inevitable. To shorten this process, tissue culture Duron, M. and Decourtye, L. 1986. Effets biologiques des
method is used for obtaining chimera-free mutant tis- rayons gamma appliqués à des plantes de Weigela
sues and plants. Even if mutant tissue can be selected cv. ‘Bristol ruby’ cultivées in vitro. Nuclear techniques
in the M1V3 or later generations, the structure of a mer- and in vitro culture for plant improvement. Proc.
istem (growth corn) may still be unstable and give rise Symp. Vienna, 1985. IAEA, Vienna, pp. 103-111.
to variation. He, S., Han, Y., Wang, Y. et al. 2009. In vitro selection and
identification of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)
Lam.) plants tolerant to NaCl. Plant Cell Tiss Organ
5. Practical Protocols and Tips Cult. 96:69–74.
Heinze, B. and Schmidt, J. 1995. Mutation work with
During the in vitro mutagenesis, several steps as outlined somatic embryogenesis in woodyplants. In: SM. Jain,
in the chapter are important and will require optimization K Gupta & J. Newton (ed.): Somatic Embryogenesis in
to establish a successful protocol for mutation induction. Woody Plants, Vol 1, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht.
This can be useful in subsequent mutant isolation for pp 379–398.
agronomically useful traits. In the following sections, Linsmaier, E. and Skoog, F. 1965. Organic growth factor
practical protocols and tips are provided to guide the requirements of tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol.
researcher. A general protocol is outlined in Box 28.3. Plant. 18:100-127.
Mandal, A.K.A., Chakrabarty D. and Datta, S.K. 2000. Schenk, R.U. and Hildebrandt, A.C. 1972. Medium and
Application of in vitro techniques in mutation breed- techniques for induction and growth of monocotyle-
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Murashige, T. and Skoog, F. 1962. A revised medium for group, Cavendish subgroup). Austr. Jour. Exp. Agri.
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Trees and Fruits, Springer, pp.323–333.
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selection for productivity and fruit traits. Euphytica.
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2007. Alteration of resistance to black Sigatoka of vegetatively propagated crops. Elsevier Sci. Publ.
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Roest, S., van Berkel, M.A.E., Bokelmann, G.S. et al. 1981. and Organ Culture. 82: 113–123
The use of an in vitro adventitious bud technique for Van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation breeding: Theory and
mutation breeding of Begonia x hiëmalis. Euphytica. practical applications. Cambridge University Press,
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tions in cassava using somatic embryos and the iden-
tification of mutant plants with altered starch yield
and composition. Plant Cell Rep. 23:91–98.
Haploid Mutagenesis
1. Introduction
2. Methods of Doubled Haploid (DH) Production
2.1. Androgenesis
2.1.1. Anther Culture
2.1.2. Isolated Microspore Culture
2.2. Wide Crosses Followed by Chromosome Elimination
2.3. Gynogenesis
2.4. Spontaneous Occurrence of Haploids
3. Efficient DH Methods Available for Major Species
4. Main Approaches in DH Mutagenesis
4.1. In Vitro Treatment of Haploid Cells or Tissues and Plant Organs Containing Male or Female Gametophytes
4.1.1. Choice of DH Production Method
4.1.2. Choice of Explants for Mutagenic Treatment
4.1.3. Applied Mutagens
4.1.4. Assessment of Critical and Optimal Doses
4.2. Production of DH Mutant Lines from M1 Plants
4.3. Stimulation of In Vitro Culture Response by Mutagenic Treatment
5. Mutant Selection
5.1. In Vivo Selection
5.2. Traits Suitable for In Vitro Selection
5.2.1. Tolerance to Herbicides and Toxins
5.2.2. Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses
5.2.3. Altered Content and/or Composition of Seed Compounds
5.3. Successful Examples of In Vitro Mutagenesis/Selection in Brassica Species
5.3.1. Rapeseed Mutants Tolerant to Imidazolinone Herbicides
5.3.2. Rapeseed Mutants Tolerant to Stem Rot (Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum)
5.3.3. Mutants Tolerant to Soft Rot Disease (Erwinia Carotovora) in Chinese Cabbage
5.3.4. Cold Tolerant Mutants in Canola
5.3.5. Canola Mutants with Reduced Level of Saturated Fatty Acids
6. Other Applications of DH Systems in Connection with Mutation Techniques
7. References
1. Introduction ornamentals. Application of DH system not only saves
many generations needed to produce homozygous
The term ‘haploid’ refers to plants that contain a gametic breeding lines, but also enhances the effectiveness of
number of chromosomes (n) in their somatic tissues. selection, especially when quantitative traits are evalu-
Haploids can arise spontaneously from unfertilized ated. The same advantages are apparent when haploid
egg cells with a very low frequency in some species, systems are used for mutant induction and selection.
normally considered too low for practical purposes. When haploid cells are subjected to mutagenic agents
For practical use in plant breeding and genetics, male and then induced to develop doubled haploid plants,
or female gametes can be induced in vitro to develop recessive mutations, which are the predominated form
haploid embryos or calli, which are subsequently of mutations, can be recovered in the first generation
regenerated into haploid plants. Having only one set after mutagenic treatment. In this way, the time needed
of homologous chromosomes, haploid plants can not for the development of homozygous mutants can
undergo normal meiosis and are sterile. However, the be significantly shortened and selection of mutants
chromosome number of haploids can be doubled, becomes more efficient (Fig 29.1). Additionally, if
either spontaneously or by application of a special agent selection can be carried out in vitro, the haploid cells
(usually colchicine). The resulting individuals are called or embryos provide an extremely large mutagenized
‘doubled haploids’ (DHs), have two sets of identical population, increasing the probability of identifying
chromosomes, and hence are fertile and completely even a rare mutation event.
homozygous. Therefore, ‘doubled haploidy’ provides The successful application of haploid mutagenesis
the shortest route to produce completely homozygous depends on certain conditions. The most important is
lines from heterozygous plant material. an efficient method of doubled haploid production.
The first haploid plants were obtained from anthers of Although efforts to obtain DH plants have been under-
Datura innoxia cultured in vitro (Guha and Maheshwari, taken in more than 250 plant species (Maluszynski et al.
1964). Since then, various techniques of doubled hap- 2003), the efficient and reproducible DH protocols are
loid production have been developed for many crop available only for less than 30. Another important factor
species. DH systems have been integrated into breed- in the application of DH technology for mutant induc-
ing programmes of many crops, including major cereals, tion and selection is a proper choice of mutagen and a
oil crops, fruit crops, vegetables, medicinal plants and reliable mutagenic procedure. The existing techniques
Donor plant (2n)
Meiosis Mutagenic treatment
with physical or chemical
In vitro culture of haploid cells (n)
Sporothytic development
In vitro selection
selective agent
at dose LD100 Haploid embryos/calli (n)
sterile conditions, plated onto induction medium Depending on the species, the population of
and incubated at an appropriate temperature for microspore-derived embryos and germinated plants
4-6 weeks. During this period, the responsive micro- is either all haploid or consists of haploid and doubled
spores undergo mitotic divisions and develop into haploid plants. The latter derive from the spontaneous
embryos or calli. Then, microspore-derived structures chromosome doubling which can occur early in cul-
are transferred onto regeneration medium where ture, usually through incomplete cytokinesis after the
embryos can germinate into plantlets. Haploid plants first microspore division, followed by fusion of, which
can also be regenerated from microspore-derived calli in normal development would be the vegetative and
through organogenesis. In many cases both, embryos generative nuclei. When the frequency of spontane-
or embryo-like structures co-exist in the same culture ous chromosome doubling is high, as it is the case of
together with microspore-derived calli. barley or wheat, the haploid plants can be discarded
The switch of microspores from the normal gameto- and only DH plants are harvested without additional
phytic (pollen) development into a sporophytic path- treatments. For most species, however, haploid plants
way is a critical step. This can be induced by a variety of are in the majority in microspore-derived populations;
stresses applied to plant material prior to culture. The therefore the young plants are often treated with colchi-
detachment of anthers from the donor plant provides a cine. There have been also successful attempts to apply
stress in itself, but additional stress treatments can greatly colchicine or other chromosome doubling agents, e.g.
enhance the androgenic response of microspores. oryzaline during embryo/calli development in vitro.
Most often, temperature stresses, i.e. heat shock (32oC It should be pointed out that there is no single anther
for a few hours to a few days) or cold pretreatment (4oC culture protocol available that can be used for differ-
for 2-4 weeks); nitrogen and carbohydrate starvation or ent species. Each crop has different requirements for
osmotic stress are applied prior to culture to promote donor plant growth, pretreatments and media. Even
re-programming of microspore development. within a species, different genotypes vary greatly in their
There also are many other factors that can affect response to the same applied procedure. Some recal-
anther culture efficiency. Among the most important citrant genotypes may not respond to culture at all. This
are: growth conditions of donor plants, composition genotype dependence is one of the major factors limit-
of induction medium, physical environment of culture ing the routine use of anther culture in breeding.
incubation and plantlet regeneration, and genotype of
plants used as donors of anthers. The proper conditions 2.1.2. Isolated Microspore Culture
of donor plant growth are among the key factors ensur- Sporophytic development of microspores can also
ing good culture response. The material is usually culti- be achieved through in vitro culture of microspores
vated in growth chambers with controlled temperature, released from anthers prior to culture. Usually, flower
light and humidity, although plants grown in less con- buds, florets or pieces of inflorescences containing
trolled environments (glasshouses, greenhouses, etc) microspores at a responsive stage, are mechani-
are also utilized. It is very important that plants should cally homogenized in a blender and microspores are
be properly watered, fertilized and kept free of diseases separated from the debris through filtration. After a few
and insects. Anther cultures set up from field-grown rounds of washing and centrifugation, the microspores
plants have also been reported, but such material has are finally re-suspended in an induction medium and
much less synchronous microspore development and incubated under appropriate conditions. The devel-
results in high variation in culture response. Among opment of isolated microspores is more rapid and
media components, the source and level of carbohy- synchronous than in anther culture, and plants are
drates and nitrogen belong to the most important fac- generally derived through embryogenesis rather than
tors. For many species, maltose has become the pref- from callus. When established, androgenesis via iso-
erable source of carbon in induction medium. Some lated microspore culture is the most effective system
species require addition of specific amino acids. The of doubled haploid production, it is however techni-
majority of anther culture media include a composition cally demanding and the development of a procedure
of growth regulators, although in some cases the auxin giving similar response across genotypes requires a lot
has been omitted. of effort.
All factors affecting anther culture efficiency are 2.2. Wide Crossing Followed by Chromosome
also important in isolated microspore culture with the Elimination
role of stress applied to microspores prior to culture
being even more pronounced. Besides temperature, This method of haploid production was first described
osmotic and starvation shocks, treatments with various by Kasha and Kao (1970) who reported the recovery of
chemicals such as 2-hydroxynicotinic acid have been haploid barley plants after crossing cultivated barley,
successful in inducing microspore embryogenesis in Hordeum vulgare with the wild relative H. bulbosum
some species. The type of stress treatment and its dura- used as a male parent. The pollen of H. bulbosum fer-
tion is species and genotype dependent. Other critical tilizes the egg cell of H. vulgare and a hybrid zygote is
factors that can influence the embryogenic potential of formed. Then, the chromosomes of H. bulbosum are
culture are: separation of viable and dead microspores lost during subsequent cell divisions that create the
before culture and determining an optimal density of embryo. In the first few days after pollination, only H.
microspores in the induction medium. To remove dead vulgare chromosomes remain in cell nuclei and the
microspores, the microspore filtrate is centrifuged in a embryo becomes haploid. Due to the accompanying
density gradient, e.g. maltose and mannitol, and after failure of endosperm development, the embryo is not
separation re-suspended in the induction medium to able to mature within the seed (caryopsis) and has to
the optimal density. be rescued through in vitro culture. This is usually done
The induction media used for microspore culture 12-14 days after pollination. During the next few weeks,
have the same or very similar composition to the media haploid plants are developed, colchicine-treated and
used for anther culture of the same species, but they transferred to soil. This system, initially created for
are usually liquid. To ensure the proper aeration of barley and often referred to as the ‘Bulbosum method’,
microspores and developing structures, the cultures has been adopted for other cereal species, including
are often gently shaken during incubation. The media bread and durum wheat, triticale and oat in which
used for induction of microspore embryogenesis are pollen from a range of species is used.
either free of growth regulators or supplemented with In wheat, intergeneric crosses with maize as a pollinat-
low concentration of cytokinines and weak auxins. ing parent are applied to produce haploid embryos and
This is contrary to somatic tissues which require media plantlets. The development of embryos is supported
with a strong auxin, such as 2,4-D in inducing somatic by plant hormone treatment, usually 2,4-D, applied to
embryogenesis. wheat florets and tillers immediately after pollination.
As microspore-derived embryos are the pre-domi- The rescue of embryos onto culture medium and colchi-
nant product of isolated microspore culture, they can cine treatment of haploid plantlets is always necessary.
be relatively easily germinated into plantlets after trans- The efficiency of embryo formation may be influenced
fer onto regeneration medium. Thus, the regeneration by genotype of the maize parent. Some other species,
potential of microspore culture is much higher than e.g. sorghum and pearl millet have also been success-
that of anther culture, where both embryos and calli are fully applied as pollinators for bread and durum wheat.
induced but the latter are more difficult to regenerate The advantages of wide crosses as a method of DH
into plantlets. Another advantage of microspore culture production are: very low genotype dependence, lack
comes from the very low level of gametoclonal variation of albinism and absence of gameoclonal variation. It
present among embryo-derived DH plants compared should be pointed out that haploid plants that develop
to the regenerants obtained from calli. One limitation from interspecific or intergeneric crosses originate from
in using this technology in monocots is the high level of female gametic cells.
albino plantlets observed among microspore-derived
regenerants in some genotypes, similarly to anther 2.3. Gynogenesis
culture. Nevertheless, taking into account the high effi-
ciency and other advantages of the system, it should be This approach to DH production is based on parthe-
a method of choice for DH production, when a routine nogenic development of the unfertilized egg cell of an
protocol of isolated microspore culture is available. embryo sac under in vitro conditions. The mechanism
stimulating the sporophytic development of the egg
cell or other haploid cells of the embryo sac (antipodals genetic stocks carrying haploidy inducing genes, lines
or synergids) are yet unknown, but haploid embryos with visible dominant markers or pollination with irradi-
have been produced from unfertilized ovaries, ovules ated pollen (Kasha and Maluszynski, 2003). However,
or floret buds cultured in vitro under appropriate the frequency of haploids has remained too low for
conditions. The haploid embryos, after transfer onto breeding purpose.
regeneration medium, are germinated into plants. The Because of their rarity, haploid seedling selection is
efficiency of the method is affected by similar factors dependent upon the availability of large seedling popu-
as those that influence androgenesis, i.e. donor plant lations, and high throughput detection methods such as
growth conditions, composition of culture media, morphology (visual screening), genotyping (homozygo-
culture conditions and genotype of donor plants. sity testing with DNA markers) and ploidy determina-
However, stress pretreatments have not been success- tion (e.g. flow cytometry). After haploid selection, the
ful in enhancing gynogenic response. The recovered chromosome complement is doubled. Recently, the
plantlets are always haploid, therefore chromosome protocol for haploid seedling screening has been pro-
doubling is required. The advantage of gynogenesis is posed for oil palm (Nelson et al. 2008). Even though
genetic stability of doubled haploid lines and a lack of only 83 haploid plants were recovered from screen-
albino regenerants in cereals. ing of more than 20,000,000 seedlings, haploid and
Due to the potentially much lower efficiency of doubled haploid oil palm production by this method
gynogenesis as compared to androgenetic systems, represents a major breakthrough as oil palm has been
this approach to DH production is applied only for recalcitrant to other methods of haploid production,
species that fail or respond very poorly in anther and despite intense efforts. Other advantages of haploid
microspore culture. Additionally, to make this method seedling selection include: it is a natural process and
cost-effective, a high number of female gametic cells there are no issues in somaclonal variation or albinism.
per one inflorescence should be available for culture, The applicability of high throughput haploid seedling
thus most efforts to improve gynogenesis have been screening to other crops, in which haploid production
undertaken in such species as onion (Allium cepa) or is difficult or impossible by other methods, remains to
sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). Gynogenesis has been the be proven.
main route to doubled haploid production in other
species of Chenopodiacae and some members of
Cucurbitacae family. 3. Efficient DH Methods Available for
Gynogenesis can also be induced through pollination Major Species
with irradiated pollen grains in some fruit crops (see
Chapter 30). The detailed protocols of doubled haploid production
for many major plant species have been collected in a
2.4. Spontaneous Occurrence of Haploids manual “Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants”
(Maluszynski et al. 2003). The recent developments
Haploids can occur spontaneously by parthenogenetic in DH technology and utilization are summarized in
development of unfertilized egg cell. Occasionally a special issue of Euphytica (2007, vol. 158) and two
haploid embryos can survive to seed maturity and may books: “Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry,
germinate. This has been recognized by plant breed- Vol. 56, Haploids in Crop Improvement II” (2005) and
ers for many decades, especially in seed propagated “Advances in Haploid Production in Higher Plants”
crops where rare haploids can be distinguished in fields (2009) - see Further reading. Table 1 presents species
of normal plants by their poor vigour, lack of fertility for which the effectiveness of doubled haploid pro-
and other morphological traits. The natural produc- duction is sufficient enough to be utilized in breeding
tion of haploid seedlings has generally been regarded programmes and genetic studies.
as an inefficient method of generating haploids. Many In barley, doubled haploids can be obtained through
approaches have been attempted to increase the all possible approaches: anther culture, isolated micro-
frequency of parthenogenesis, including selection of spore culture, wide crosses and gynogenesis, although
seeds with twin embryos, the use of alien cytoplasm, the latter method is much less efficient than the others
and is not practicable. Isolated microspores, due to culture, although less effective, can be used in barley
their uniformity and high efficiency, are the method when sophisticated facilities are not available. Anther
of choice for large commercial breeding companies, culture is also the only or the main method used for DH
they may be, however, difficult to implement in less production in rice, maize, rye, pasture grasses, potato
equipped laboratories or breeding stations. The suc- and some fruit and woody trees. In contrast, the effec-
cess rate of microspore culture is very much dependent tive protocols of isolated microspore culture developed
on the availability of facilities required for controlled for rapeseed and other Brassica species have made this
growth of donor plants and on their genotype. Anther method less amenable to plant growth conditions and
Table 29.1: Major species with DH production protocols applicable in breeding and/or research
Crop group Species Method of DH production*
* Methods of DH production are listed in the order of their current usage in breeding programmes of a species. IMC – isolated
microspore culture, AC – anther culture, WC – wide crosses, G – gynogenesis, SS – seedling screening.
applicable for large scale mutation breeding projects. cereals and Brassicaceae may bring new insights and
In bread and durum wheat, wide crosses with maize indicate new directions in DH technology develop-
and anther culture are the two most often utilized DH ment also in these recalcitrant species.
technologies. The chromosome elimination method is
much less genotype dependent and can be carried on
in any plant breeding station supplied with very basic 4. Main Approaches in DH Mutagenesis
in vitro culture equipment. It requires, however, the
colchicine treatment of haploid plants and additional There are two main approaches to apply DH system in
generation to obtain sufficient number of seeds. Anther plant mutagenesis: in vitro haploid mutagenesis and
culture is less labour-consuming and does not require the production of DHs from mutated plants. In hap-
chromosome doubling. On the other hand, high geno- loid mutagenesis, mutagenic treatment is applied to
type dependence and albinism of many regenerants haploid cells, most often uni-nucleate microspores or
may limit the efficiency of this method. Isolated micro- plant organs containing male or female gametes, e.g.,
spore procedures are also available for wheat but this anthers, spikes, panicles, flower buds prior to culture.
technique is much more technically demanding than In addition, microspore-derived haploid embryos, calli
two other methods of DH production. or protoplasts can also be the subject of mutagenic
For many important crops, among them most leg- treatment. In the second approach, M1 plants derived
umes, there is still a lack of effective methods of DH from mutagenic treatment of dormant seeds are used
production, despite many efforts and studies under- as donors for DH production. After meiosis, M1 plants
taken. The progress achieved recently in understanding produce gametes carrying mutations in the hemizy-
the molecular basis of microspore embryogenesis in gous stage. Anthers or isolated microspores from M1
15-30 s; optimal 15 sa
5-20 s; LD50=7 s
LD50=90 s
LD50=75-90 s
Table 29.3: Chemical treatments applied to haploid material in Brassicaceae
Species Mutagen Material treated Applieded doses
Brassica napus EMS Isolated microspores 0.1- 0.5%, 1.5 h; optimal 0.1-0.2%
Hypocotyl segments from 0.2, 0.25, 0.5%, 3-10 h; optimal 0.2 and
microspore derived embryos 0.25%, 3-4 h
Brassica juncea EMS Isolated microspores 0.1- 0.5%, 1.5 h; optimal 0.1-0.2%
plants serve as explants for DH production. In both spontaneous chromosome doubling occurs in some
approaches, haploid cells, among them cells carry- crops at the early stage of microspore culture which
ing mutations, are induced to enter the sporophytic results in completely fertile doubled haploid plants
development in vitro and after chromosome doubling, without the need for doubling agents.
homozygous plants are produced (including mutant The mutagenic treatment of isolated microspores, fol-
lines) and can be subjected to selection. lowed by in vitro selection for particular traits has been
exploited most widely in rapeseed and other Brassica
4.1. In Vitro Haploid Mutagenesis species. For crops such as Brassica napus, B. campestris,
B. carinata, B juncea or B. rapa, very efficient protocols
The following factors should be considered before for isolated microspore culture have been developed
implementation of mutagenic treatment at the haploid and utilized in breeding programmes. These proto-
level: choice of efficient method of DH production; cols have been adjusted for application of mutagenic
choice of explant to be treated; mutagen; doses and treatments both with physical and chemical mutagens
treatment procedures which can be applied for in vitro (Tables 29.2 & 29.3). In cereals, barley is the only crop
mutagenesis, including mutagen sensitivity test. for which microspore culture techniques have been
integrated with in vitro mutagenic treatments.
4.1.1. Choice of DH Production Method In species where microspore cultures have not been
When an efficient system of regenerating plants from established, anther culture technique is used pre-
isolated microspore culture is available, microspores dominantly for DH production as a routine procedure.
at the uni-nucleate stage are the best targets for in vitro Mutagenic treatment of plant organs containing male
mutagenesis. Isolated microspores provide a plentiful gametophytes, particularly anthers, has been reported
population of haploid cells that are capable of rapid, in major cereals, such as rice, wheat and barley (Tables
uniform and synchronous development into embryos. 29.4 & 29.5) and some other species, among them
The embryos can be easily germinated into plantlets, apple, tobacco and potato (Table 29.6).
in contrary to much slower and less efficient process of The ‘Bulbosum method’, with treatment of H. vulgare
callus regeneration. Additionally, a high frequency of plants before meiosis, has been attempted to produce
Table 29.4: Physical treatments applied to haploid material in cereals1
Species Mutagen Material treated Applied doses
Triticum aestivum Gamma rays Spikes before anther 1-10 Gy; optimal 1-5 Gya)
UV – ultra violet light; LD50 – dose giving 50% reduction in embryogenesis; a) doses where significant stimulation of embryos formation
was observed
Oryza sativa EMS Anther culture at early stage 2-4 ml/L, 12 h**
DH mutants in barley. The method of wide crosses nucleate stage of microspore development. When iso-
followed by chromosome elimination is also routinely lated microspore cultures are used for DH production,
employed in wheat breeding, it has not, however the treatment is usually applied soon after microspore
been, used yet for wheat mutant production. Similarly, isolation, before the first mitotic division of microspore
gynogenesis via ovary or ovule culture has not been nucleus in culture. Soon after immature pollen grains
employed for this purpose in any species, although it become bi-nucleate, in species such as barley and
should be considered as a method of choice for in vitro wheat, the majority of them undergo spontaneous
mutagenesis in onion or sugar beet. chromosome doubling through fusion of two haploid
nuclei. Usually, there is a narrow time-window, when
4.1.2. Choice for Explants for Mutagenic Treatment microspores are still at the uni-nucleate stage that muta-
To exploit fully the advantages of haploid mutagenesis, genic treatment should be applied. When treatment is
the mutagenic treatment must be applied at the uni- postponed to further stages of microspore develop-
Table 29.6: Physical treatments applied to haploid material in other species1
Species Mutagen Material treated Applied doses
1-10 Gy
ment in vitro, the advantages of haploid mutagenesis embryos produced by the ‘Bulbosum method’ in barley
are lost. The treatment of microspores at uni-cellular (Tables 29.3 & 29.5).
stage is also advantageous for species where the spon- Haploid protoplasts or haploid cell cultures originat-
taneous chromosome doubling is low (such as Brassica ing from microspore-derived calli have been also used
sp. or rice), as it reduces the chance of chimerism in as material for mutagenic treatments. The majority
regenerative plants. of reports on treatment of haploid protoplasts come
Mutagenic treatment is often applied to plant organs, from studies on tobacco and other Nicotiana species
such as panicles, spikes, flower buds or inflorescences performed in the 1980s (Tables 29.6 & 29.7). Haploid
containing microspores at appropriate stages for andro- Nicotiana protoplasts, similarly as microspore-derived
genesis. After treatment, anthers are excised and inocu- calli in rice, were used to generate cell suspension
lated onto culture medium. In this case, the mutagenic cultures that were utilized subsequently for in vitro
treatment is applied to haploid cells, which results in selection of cell lines resistant to various amino acids.
the recovery of completely homozygous plants after Only in Nicotiana species where regeneration of plants
spontaneous or induced chromosome doubling. There from protoplasts is relatively well established, were DH
are, however, examples of the application of muta- mutants obtained from this procedure.
genic agents to anthers cultured for different periods,
e.g. 10, 20 and 30 days. These examples involve rice 4.1.3. Applied Mutagens
anther cultures where the frequency of spontaneous Both physical and chemical mutagens have been
chromosome doubling is relatively low. The major- applied for treatment of haploid explants in vitro.
ity of developing rice calli remain haploid, but as Among physical factors, gamma rays and UV light have
mutagenic treatment is applied to the multi-cellular been utilized most often, although treatments with fast
structures, the regenerated plants can be chimeric and neutrons and ion beams have also been attempted
therefore segregate in the progeny. Examples of other (Tables 29.2, 29.4 & 29.6). Among chemical mutagens,
multi-cellular haploid structures used as material for alkylating agents: ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS),
treatment include haploid embryos and their segments N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea
derived from microspore culture in rapeseed, as well as (ENU), N-methyl-N1-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)
Table 29.7: Chemical treatments applied to haploid material in other species
Species Mutagen Material treated Applied doses
and ethyleneimine (EI) have been applied most often 4.1.4. Assessment of critical and optimal doses
(Tables 29.3, 29.5 & 29.7). Before a large scale experiment with mutagenic treat-
The choice of mutagenic agent depends on the facili- ment of haploid cells is carried out, a smaller scale pilot
ties available and the explants to be treated. Irradiation test for estimating the sensitivity of treated explants to
with gamma rays is the most feasible way of treatment the applied mutagens should be performed. Treatment
for all types of plant material, but it can be performed of isolated microspores prior to culture can decrease
only when an in vitro laboratory is located in the prox- drastically their survival, ability to undergo divisions,
imity of a gamma source. In contrast to dormant seeds, develop into embryos and to germinate into plantlets.
cells in culture or living plant organs containing micro- Additionally, in cereals, the mutagenic treatment can
spores are not convenient material for irradiation. UV increase the proportion of albino plantlets among
light is a relatively cheap and easy to operate source of regenerants.
non-ionizing radiation, however due to its low penetra- To assess the sensitivity of microspores to a mutagenic
tion into plant tissues it can be applied only for treat- agent, a range of doses is tested and a dose-response
ment of single cell layers in culture, e.g. to the isolated curve, or ‘killing curve’ is generated. The frequency of
microspores or haploid protoplasts (see Chapter 7). microspore-derived embryos is estimated for each
Alkylating agents have proven to be very potent dose and the LD50 (lethal dose 50%) is indicated as a
mutagens in inducing (predominantly) point mutations dose which reduces embryo survival by 50%. This dose
(see Chapters 12 & 20). When treatment with chemi- is often suggested as a suitable for large scale treatment.
cal agents is applied, both, mutagen concentration However, it should be noted that mutagenic treat-
and time of treatment should be taken into account. ment can not only reduce the ability of microspores to
Chemical mutagens, such as EMS, MNU or ENU can be develop into embryos, it can also significantly decrease
dissolved easily in the culure medium used for anther or their regeneration potential. Additionally, various muta-
microspore culture. Usually, isolated microspores are gens can affect the microspore culture in different ways.
treated directly after isolation for a relatively short time In a study performed in rapeseed, UV light reduced
(0.5-1.5 h), although longer treatments with lower muta- only embryo formation but not the regeneration abil-
gen concentrations have also been applied (Table 29.3). ity of surviving embryos, whereas gamma radiation
When anthers or anther-derived calli and embryos are decreased both the frequency of surviving embryos
treated, the mutagen is often incorporated into the and the frequency of regenerated haploid plants
induction medium for different periods of time, ranging (MacDonald et al. 1991).
from several hours to a few days. Treatment of haploid It should also be considered that high doses of muta-
explants with chemical agents has one disadvantage genic treatment generate many mutations per genome,
in comparison to the physical mutagens as it requires among them undesired and deleterious mutations.
a thorough cleaning of treated material to remove resi- The presence of deleterious mutations in haploid
dues of the chemical mutagen. This is especially critical cell is usually lethal. In contrast to the conventional
for isolated microspores, as at time of treatment they mutagenesis of diploid seeds, where the desired muta-
are extremely fragile and can be damaged easily by the tions can be sorted out from the deleterious ones after
additional rounds of washing and centrifugation. meiosis in the M1 generation, treatment of microspores
Table 29.8: Mutagens used for DH mutant production from M1 plants1
Species Mutagen Dose applied to dormant seeds
NaN3 1 mM, 24 h
250 Gy
300-450 Gy
94.2 mM (1%)**
MNU 1 mM***
in culture directly affects their survival ability. However, Tables 29.2-29.7 present doses of physical and
even in conventional mutagenesis, the dose giving 50% chemical mutagens applied to isolated microspores,
of survival reduction, called ‘critical’, is too high for anthers, haploid calli and other explants in Brassica spe-
breeding purposes as the high frequency of favorable cies (Tables 29.2 & 29.3), major cereals (Tables 29.4 &
mutants is accompanied with a high load of undesired 29.5) and other species for which in vitro mutagenesis
mutations at other important loci. The decrease in at the haploid level has been performed (Tables 29.6 &
mutation frequency can be recompensed by enlarge- 29.7). When available, the data include a range of doses
ment of mutagenized populations. Here, in vitro applied in establishing a dose-response curve, the LD50
mutagenesis offers a great advantage over conventional dose and doses called ‘optimal’ for which the useful
seed treatment as extremely large populations of cells mutants have been reported. It should be noted, that
(the targets for mutagens) can be handled in vitro (e.g. doses applied to haploid cells, embryos, calli etc. are
100,000-200,000 per 1 ml of medium). For example, several times lower than the doses applied to dormant
the large scale in vitro mutagenesis experiments of seeds of the same species. Among treated materials,
Polsoni et al. (1988) comprised of 200 plates, each con- isolated microspores are the most sensitive to muta-
taining 1,000,000 rapeseed microspores that yielded gens, followed by anthers before or directly after inocu-
over 2,000,000 mutagenized embryos. Dealing with lation and inflorescences (spikes, panicles etc.) with
such large M2 populations is not feasible in the field. uni-nucleate microspores. Anthers after some period in
Screening for mutants in these enormously large in vitro culture and microspore derived calli appear to be a little
populations increases the probability of identifying less sensitive than other explants. The finally selected
even rare mutation events after treatment with doses doses of mutagens should be adjusted according to
much lower than LD50. the results of sensitivity tests and the objective of the
mutation programme. If the recovered mutants are to The limitations in utilizing M1 plants for mutant
be used directly in breeding programmes of a particular production are related to dealing with much smaller
crop, the lower doses should be applied as compared populations of mutagenized cells, as compared to
to the induction of mutants for genomic projects. mutagenic treatments in vitro. The zygotic embryos
present in dormant seeds at the time of treatment
4.2. Production of DH Mutant Lines from M1 Plants contain only a few initial cells that give rise to the cell
lineages forming gametes and subsequently, the next
Doubled haploid systems can be incorporated into generation. The number of these, so called ‘genetically
conventional mutagenesis where mutagenic agents are active’ cells differs between species and even between
applied to dormant seeds. In this case, M1 plants derived varieties - there are two initial cells in Arabidopsis thali-
from seeds treated with physical or chemical mutagens ana and six to twelve in barley (see Chapter 15). For this
are used as donors of gametic cells for DH production. reason it is necessary to ensure an adequate size of the
Depending on the species, different methods of DH M1 population used as a source of gametic cells for
production can be applied, i.e. androgenesis through DH production. Whereas even a few donor plants can
anther or isolated microspore culture, wide crosses supply hundreds of thousands of microspores, each of
followed by chromosome elimination, and gynogen- them being a potential target for mutagenic action of in
esis via ovary or ovule culture. In practice, only anther vitro mutagenesis, much more M1 plants are needed to
cultures have been utilized so far for DH production facilitate the selection of desired mutants. Due to the
from M1 plants with examples in barley, rice, wheat and chimeric structure of M1 plant, microspores from dif-
Solanum nigrum (Table 29.8). ferent spikes or panicles can carry different mutations,
Using M1 plants for mutant production has some but phenotypically similar mutants regenerated from
advantages and some limitations compared to in vitro the same floret are very likely to be identical in genetic
haploid mutagenesis. First, when DH plants are regen- nature. On the other hand, DH populations represent
erating from segregating gametes of M1 plants where a gametic segregation ratio of 1:1 for each allele pair as
mutations are present at the haploid stage, all mutants compared to a 3:1 ratio in the M2, and this makes the
are completely homozygous and do not segregate in the selection for mutants more efficient. It is difficult to esti-
progeny. Second, the possibility to obtain stable, non- mate the exact number of M1 plants that should be used
segregating mutants is greatly reduced when a muta- for in vitro culture and a very few experimental data
genic agent is applied after anther inoculation, i.e. to address this question. In the experiment performed by
multi-cellular structures developing from microspores Szarejko et al. (1995), about 50 M1 plants for each muta-
in vitro. Third, isolated microspores at the uni-nucleate genic combination, i.e. double treatment with MNU
stage are the best targets for in vitro mutagenesis, they and combined treatment with sodium azide and MNU,
are however, very sensitive to mutagenic treatments were used as donors of anthers. The frequency of pure
and post-treatment manipulations. The negative mutant lines found among anther culture regenerants
somatic effect of mutagenic treatment, often affecting reached 25%.
culture efficiency drastically, is reduced greatly when
the mutagen is applied to seeds, i.e. many cell gen- 4.3. Stimulation of In Vitro Culture Response by
erations before meiosis of the M1 donor plants. Using Mutagenic Treatment
dormant seeds for mutagenic treatments it is possible
to employ much higher doses of mutagens than using While the decrease of culture ability after application
microspores, anthers or inflorescences. Usually, the of mutagens in vitro is a commonly observed fact, the
doses applied for producing the M1 donor plants that opposite phenomenon has been reported in some
serve as a source of gametic cells for culture are within cases. In rice and wheat, treatment of spikes or anthers
the range of doses utilized in conventional mutagenesis. with specific, usually low doses of physical or chemi-
However, before a large scale experiment is set up, the cal mutagens significantly increased anther culture
viability of micropsores produced by M1 plants should response measured by number of induced calli and
be evaluated, as too high doses of mutagens can result percentage of calli regenerated plants. For example,
in a large reduction of microspore survival. Chen and co-workers (1996) observed 12-38 % increase
in green plant regeneration after irradiation of 30-35 phenotype are genetically fixed and will not segregate
day-old anther cultures of 6 rice varieties with 20 Gy in the progeny. Another advantage in selecting mutants
gamma rays. A similar stimulatory effect was reported using a DH system arises from the fact that the geno-
in rice and barley when M1 plants derived from muta- types and genetic segregation ratios in DH populations
genized dormant seeds were used as donors for anther are equivalent to those found in gametes. This results
culture (Vagera et al. 2004). The promoting effect of in simplified genetic segregations and an increased effi-
mutagenic treatment was especially pronounced in ciency of selection for desired mutants.
recalcitrant varieties that can not regenerate plants from
non-treated material. 5.1. In Vivo Selection
In rapeseed, in the majority of experiments, culture
response declined after physical or chemical treat- Although early selection for certain characters can
ments. There are only a few reports indicating that be carried on in vitro (as presented below), in most
in treatment of anthers or isolated microspores with cases the screening for desired mutants after haploid
mutagens can significantly increase culture efficiency mutagenesis is postponed to the later stages of DH
in this species. Nevertheless, it should be noted that development. In this approach, haploid plants are
the enhancement of culture response in any species is produced directly from embryos or are regenerated
genotype, mutagen and dose specific. from calli on medium free of any selection factor. After
transfer to soil, plants are grown to maturity. If they
set enough seeds, which is often high in the case of
5. Mutant Selection spontaneous chromosome doubling, the harvested
seeds can be used directly for evaluation of DH lines
Selecting desired mutants is the ultimate goal of any and screening for mutants in a laboratory, growth room,
mutation programme. When DH techniques are inte- glasshouse or field conditions. For species that have a
grated with mutagenesis, the selection of mutants is low rate of spontaneous chromosome doubling and
somewhat different from conventional mutagenesis. In require colchicine treatment, one more generation may
conventional mutagenesis of seed propagated crops, be needed for seed increase.
selection of mutants is usually initiated in the M2 gen- There are several examples of large scale micro-
eration. Due to the chimeric structure of M1 plants, spore mutagenesis experiments in rapeseed and other
there is usually a deficit of recessive mutant phenotypes Brassicas, and a smaller number of experiments in other
in the segregating progeny of M1 plants, and the vast species such as rice and barley where many valuable
majority of mutants are recessive. When screening for a mutants were selected in the progeny of microspore-
quantitative trait, such as yield, disease resistance, abi- derived DH plants. In large-scale studies conducted
otic stress tolerance or quality, mutant selection should in Canada, about 80,000 haploid/doubled haploid
be postponed until the M3 generation. In any case, the plants were obtained from microspore mutagenesis of
homozygosity test must be undertaken in the selfed three Brassica species: B. napus, B. rapa and B. juncea.
progeny of a selected mutant. On average, the isola- About 1,700 DH lines of B. napus, 7,000 DH lines of B.
tion of a homozygous mutant line in seed propagated rapa and 3,600 lines of B. juncea were evaluated in a
crops takes 3-4 generations or longer depending on two-year experiment for agronomic performance and
the breeding system of the crop. Application of a DH fatty acid composition (Ferrie et al. 2008). The objective
system can significantly shorten this process. In haploid was to produce DH mutant lines with altered fatty acid
or doubled haploid cells and tissues, mutated traits, profiles, including lines with elevated levels of oleic
though recessive in nature, are expressed; therefore, acid, reduced levels of -linolenic acid or low levels of
selection of qualitative traits can be started immediately saturated acids. The experiment appeared to be suc-
at the M1 generation, which is not possible in conven- cessful as many DH lines of B. napus and B. juncea were
tion mutagenesis. The selection for DH mutant with obtained with the level of saturated fatty acids reduced
changes in quantitative traits should be carried out one to 5% and 5.4%, respectively. Canola grade oil can be
generation later, similar to the conventional mutagen- labeled as ‘low saturate’ when the content of saturated
esis. DH mutant lines selected on the basis of their fats among all fatty acids is below 7.1%. For B. rapa, of
7,000 DH lines evaluated for fatty acid composition, 197 et al. 2001). One of the early flowering DH lines has
lines had a level of oleic elevated above 55%, 67 lines been recommended for regional trails in the Zhejiang
had -linolenic acid reduced to less than 8% and 157 Province of China.
lines showed low saturated acid content (less than 5%).
Similar experiments, however on a smaller scale, were 5.2. Traits Suitable for In Vitro Selection
performed for Brassica carinata with the objective to
produce DH lines with modified contents of erucic acid One of the most important advantages of combining
and glucosinolates (e.g. Barro et al. 2002). In barley, a haploid systems with mutagenesis is the possibility of
relatively small mutant population of DH lines (616) was in vitro mutant selection, which can exploit exceedingly
regenerated after mutagenic treatment with sodium large populations. Such selection is carried out in vitro
azide applied to microspore and anther culture, but it following the application of mutagenic treatment to
was effective in providing various morphological and haploid explants. Traits amendable to such selection
developmental mutants: dwarf, semi-dwarf, early and include tolerance/resistance to disease, herbicides,
late heading, head type, eceriferum, chlorophyll seed- and abiotic stress, and altered content and/or compo-
ling, partially male sterile (Castillo et al. 2001). The fre- sition of seed compounds. Examples are given below.
quency of mutated DH lines ranged from 3.8 to 15.8%,
depending on the genotype. Using M1 plants as donors 5.2.1. Tolerance to Herbicides and Toxins
for anther culture Szarejko et al. (1995) obtained DH Active components of herbicides are directly used
lines carrying mutations in morphological, biochemical for selection of tolerance to herbicides, while toxins
and quantitative traits at a frequency of 25%. Double excreted by pathogens are used for selection of resist-
treatment with sodium azide and MNU was used to ance to diseases. Usually, a selective agent is included
produce the M1 donor plants in this experiment. Similar at a certain point of in vitro culture, at the concentra-
treatments were applied by Jimenez-Davalos (1999) to tion LD100 that kills all microspres, developing embryos,
seeds of two barley breeding lines cultivated in Peruvian calli or plantlets except those which carry a mutation
highlands 3,500-4,000 m above sea level. M1 plants conferring resistance/tolerance to the applied factor.
served as donors for anther culture. Several true-to type The earliest examples of in vitro selection include selec-
mutant lines that exceeded the yield of the parental line tion for herbicide and disease resistant mutants where
in these conditions were identified. biologically active components of herbicides or toxins
In rice, M1 plants derived from EMS and MNU treat- produced by pathogens were added to the induc-
ment of fertilized eggs were used for anther culture tion or regeneration medium at dose LD100 or above
which produced a small number (68) of DH plants (Lee (Table 29.9). Most often, the selection agent is added
et al. 2003). However, the treatment was very effective at a certain stage in the culture process, and develop-
providing 31% of stable mutants for such characters ing embryos/calli are kept in the selection medium
as semi-dwarfism, early maturation, glabrous seed, for a longer period of time (3-4 weeks). Only surviving
smooth leaf, hulled seed and reduced shattering resist- embryos are then germinated. Selection factors can
ance. After yield evaluation, several of these mutants also be incorporated into the medium used for plant-
were used as new breeding materials in Korea. A similar let development. After transfer to soil and subsequent
approach was applied by Kyin San Myint and co-work- chromosome doubling, the progeny of putative DH
ers (2005) who obtained stable rice mutants flowering mutants are again screened for resistance/tolerance
significantly earlier than the parent variety from anther to the applied selection factor in laboratory tests and
culture derived from gamma treated M1 plants. One of finally DH lines are evaluated in the field. Besides her-
these lines, with yield parameters similar to the parent, bicide and disease resistance, successful selection of
but maturing 19 days earlier, also had improved protein mutants or mutated cell lines resistant to various amino
and amylose content and was recommended for large acids have been reported. Contrary to the selection
scale evaluation trials in Myanmar. In another study in applied at the whole plant level, the in vitro selection
rice, DH lines with improved agronomically important system allows screening of extremely large populations
characters were selected in a DH population derived in a small space and with little labour.
from gamma irradiation of cultured anthers (Chen
Table 29.9: In vitro selection applied in haploid systems
Species Selection objective Selection factor Concentration
Brassica campestris Improved resistance to Erwinia Culture filtrates (OD680 ~ 1.8-2.0) 30-40% (w/v)
Oryza sativa Cell lines tolerant to cyhalofop Herbicide cyhalofop butyl (CHB) 5 mg/L
butyl (CHB) herbicide
* only concentrations of selection agents in the induction medium (NLN) are presented here
5.2.2. Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses containing high levels of NaCl in rapeseed (Rahman et
The growing knowledge on biochemical pathways con- al. 1995). It should be noted, however, that tolerance to
trolling plant responses to abiotic stresses makes it pos- a selection factor expressed by embryos and especially
sible to explore the possibility of in vitro selection for by calli, is not always confirmed at the whole plant level.
mutants with elevated levels of key signaling molecules It is necessary to evaluate the putative mutants not only
that play an important role in plant defense pathways. during all stages of in vitro development but also in lab-
There are examples of cold tolerant rapeseed DH oratory tests and in the field conditions. In the studies
mutant lines selected on media containing high levels of Rahman et al. (1995), of 834,000 embryos developed
of salicic acid, jasmonic acid or proline analogues after ENU treatment, 10 embryos survived high levels of
(McClinchey & Kott, 2008). All these compounds are salt in the medium, but none of the regenerated DH
key defense signaling molecules in cold-induced oxi- plants performed better than the control in field experi-
dative and osmotic stresses. Similarly, selection for salt ments. Only two lines showed improvement of some
tolerant rapeseed mutants was carried out on medium biochemical markers related to salt tolerance, such as
favourable Na to K ratio or elevated levels of proline. mutants tolerant to imidazolinone family of herbicides
These features may have been responsible for embryo (Pursuit, Assert and Scepter). The enzyme acetohy-
surviving on salt containing medium but did not result droxyacid synthase (AHAS), the first enzyme common
in enhanced salt tolerance of DH plants. to the biosynthesis of leucine, izoleucine and valine is
the primary target of these herbicides. The AHAS is also
5.2.3. Altered Content and/or Composition of the primary site of action for the inhibitory effects of
Seed Compounds sulfonoureas and triazole pyrimidines. Mutants tolerant
Brassica microspore system provides another opportu- to the herbicides containing these compounds were
nity for in vitro selection. Microspore-derived haploid isolated in many plant species (see Chapter 31).
embryos reflect a pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis
and accumulation similar to the processes occurring Mutagenic treatment and in vitro selection in micro-
during in vivo seed maturation. Rapeseed microspore spore culture
embryos express similar fatty acid composition as Microspores of Brassica napus var. Topas were isolated
zygotic embryos in seeds. Thus, a small piece of tissue, and mutagenized with 20 µM EMS. Immediately after
usually one cotyledon of a late cotyledonary micro- mutagenic treatment, the microspores were cultured in
spore embryo can be used for a non-destructive test induction medium (NLN) containing the selective agent
to evaluate fatty acid composition. The remaining part, – herbicide, Pursuit. The LD100 concentration, 40 µg/L
even an embryo axis without both cotyledones, can be of Pursuit was used. The surviving embryos were trans-
regenerated into a plant. When embryos are produced ferred to solid B5 medium for 5 days and then sub-cul-
from a mutagenized microspore population, it is pos- tured to the same medium containing 50 µg/L Pursuit.
sible to screen for mutated embryos with an altered oil Ten putative Pursuit-tolerant embryos were recovered
composition and to discard all others before germina- from two experiments, involving 6,000 and 50,000
tion. The non-destructive method of analysis allows potential embryos. All ten embryos were regenerated
isolation of homozygous rapeseed mutants with an into plants and transferred to soil. When plants estab-
increased level of oleic acid and with an accompany- lished a good root system, they were colchicine-treated
ing reduction of linoleic acid. Besides fatty acids, other and re-potted. Seeds were collected from fertile sectors
compounds, including glucosinolates and sinapines, of putative mutants and increased by two generations
accumulate in microspore-derived embryoys provid- of selfing in a glasshouse. Five of these lines produced
ing a possibility for in vitro selection of mutants with progeny with higher tolerance to herbicide than the
improved seed meal quality (Kott et al. 1996). parent variety, but another five showed very low or no
tolerance at the whole plant level. Two Pursuit-tolerant
5.3. Successful Examples of In Vitro Mutagenesis/ mutant lines (P1 and P2) were used for further analysis.
Selection in Brassica Species
Genetic and biochemical analysis of mutants
The system of in vitro mutagenesis and selection has Mutants P1 and P1 were backcrossed to the parent vari-
been best developed in rapeseed and other Brassica ety Topas and to each other. Tolerance in each mutant
species where the efficient microspore culture proto- was controlled by a single semi-dominant gene and was
cols are available. The development of micropores into mediated by alteration of the herbicide action to the
embryos is uniform and rapid. Examples of large scale AHAS gene. One of the mutants produced the AHAS
in vitro mutagenesis/selection experiments performed enzyme 500 times more tolerant to Pursuit than the
in B. napus or B. campestris microspore culture in order parent variety, Topas. The segregants from F2 progeny
to produce herbicide tolerant, disease resistant, salt or of the P1 x P2 cross tolerated higher levels of herbicide
cold tolerant DH mutant lines are presented below. than either homozygous mutant alone.
5.3.1. Rapeseed Mutants Tolerant to Imidazolinone Glasshouse and field herbicide trials
Herbicides (Swanson et al. 1989; Senior & Bavage, 2003) Plants of variety Topas were killed by 20 g/ha Pursuit
In vitro microspore mutagenesis combined with a both in glasshouse and field experiments and were seri-
selection system was utilized to produce rapeseed ously damaged by much lower doses of herbicide. The
mutant line P1 tolerated 2 times higher levels of Pursuit lines were cultured on MS medium with different
than the 50 g/ha recommended for field use, and the concentrations of OA (0, 1, 3, 5 and 8 mM) for 4 weeks.
P2 tolerant line withstood the rates of herbicide up to After this time period, the surviving calli were counted
10 times of the recommended dose. Both mutant lines and weighed. For routine screening, a concentration
were tolerant to 500 g/ha (P1) and 12,000 g/ha (P2) of of 3 mM was used. After the initial selection with this
herbicide Assert in glasshouse spray tests. dose, the surviving calli underwent a 3 week phase
of re-growth on MS medium without OA, after which
Mutant commercialization they were cut into smaller pieces and subjected to the
The double mutant line harbouring both genes has second cycle of screening with 5 or 8 mM OA incorpo-
been commercialized in Canada under the name rated into MS medium.
SmartCanola. The variety expressed tolerance to imida-
zoline and sulphonurea herbicides without deleterious Plant regeneration and production of DH lines
effect on plant development, yield, maturity, quality After the second cycle of testing, a total of 1,600 surviv-
and disease resistance. ing calli from 17 donor lines were transferred onto an
MS regeneration medium. The regenerated plantlets
5.3.2. Rapeseed Mutants Tolerant to Stem Rot were removed to soil, vernalized and colchicine treated
(Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum) (Liu et al. 2005) for chromosome doubling. In total, 242 plants after OA
selection were regenerated and finally 54 DH lines were
Plant material and microspore culture obtained and used for evaluation of stem rot resistance
Twenty varieties and breeding lines expressing dif- in laboratory and field experiments.
ferent levels of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
were used as donor plants for microspore culture. Glasshouse and field evaluation of DH lines
Microspores were isolated, cultured in NLN medium The resistance of the obtained DH lines to stem rot
and incubated in darkness for 1 month. For regenera- (S.sclerotiorum) was evaluated in a greenhouse by
tion, the cotyledonary embryos were transferred onto artificial inoculation of detached leaves with mycelia
B5 medium. After 20-25 days, the regenerated embry- of S.sclerotiorum and by feeding OA at the seedling
onic seedlings were cut into 2 mm long segments and stage. Based on resistance assessment and observation
planted onto MS medium for callus induction. After of agronomic characters, 22 DH lines were selected for
4 weeks the developing calli were sub-cultured and field trials. Further analysis led to the selection of two
maintained for further experiments. DH lines, named M083 and M004, which expressed
50% less disease indices than the control and per-
Mutagenic treatment formed better than the parents in several agronomic
Calli (2 mm) of one line were used to develop a dose- parameters.
response curve after EMS treatment. Calli were grown
on MS medium containing the following EMS con- 5.3.3. Mutants Tolerant to Soft Rot Disease
centrations: 0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.3 and 0.5% for 72 hours. The (Erwinia carotovora) in Chinese Cabbage (Zhang &
surviving calli were transferred on MS medium and after Takahata, 1999)
a 4 week recovery their growth was determined. For a
large scale treatment, the dose 0.15% EMS for 72 h was Plant material and microspore culture
applied. For each of eight B. napus lines, 1,800 to 2,200 Plants of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris) var.
calli were cultured on MS medium with this dose. The Ho Mei were used as donors for microspore culture.
calli that survived the mutagenic treatment were recov- Microspores were isolated and cultured in the modi-
ered on MS medium without EMS. fied ½ NLN medium for 1 day at 32oC, followed by
incubation at 25oC, in darkness. After 3 weeks of cul-
In vitro selection ture, the cotyledonary embryos were transferred to B5
Oxylic acid (OA) is a toxin produced by S. sclerotiorum. regeneration medium and incubated at 25oC under a 16
To find an appropriate concentration of OA for selec- h photoperiod for 3-4 weeks.
tion of calli with improved resistance, calli from four
Mutagenic treatment Mutagenic treatment
Immediately after isolation, microspore suspensions Directly after plating, microspores were exposed to
were subjected to UV radiation. The open dishes were 280 nm short-wave UV light delivered by the model
placed on the flow bench at a distance of 65 cm from a C81 lamp. The duration of exposure varied between 75
UV tube (incident dose rate of 2.0 W mm-2 s-1) for vari- s to 90 s for a particular canola line and was determined
ous lengths of time, from 5 to 80 s. Additionally, micro- on the basis of dose-response curve in the preceding
spores cultured for various time (0-96 h) after isolation pilot experiments. The doses causing 50% embryogen-
were UV irradiated for 40 s. LD50 was determined, cor- esis reduction were chosen for large scale mutagenesis.
responding to UV irradiation for 12 s prior to culture. For
large scale experiments, irradiation for 20 s was applied. Development of in vitro chemical selection
The objective of this study was to develop canola
In vitro selection lines with increased tolerance to cold. The applied
In the initial experiment, culture filtrates of a soft rot strategy of in vitro selection was aimed at detecting
(Erwinia carotovora) isolate were used to examine their mutated microspores or embryos with changes in
toxicity and usefulness for in vitro selection. Microspore- various biochemical pathways leading to the elevated
derived cotyledonary embryos were transferred to B5 levels of key defense signaling molecules, such as saly-
medium containing 0-40% (w/v) culture filtrates (OD680 cilic acid (SA), p-Fluoro-D,L-Phenyl Alanine (FPA) and jas-
~ 1.0) for 3-4 weeks after which period their survival was montic acid (JA). All these molecules are known to play
evaluated. For further experiments, B5 medium con- a significant role in the frost-induced oxidative stress
taining 30-40% (w/v) soft rot filtrate (OD680 ~ 1.8-2.0) pathway. Another approach was to select mutants
were used. After incubation on selection medium for over-producing proline which is known to protect plant
3-4 weeks, the surviving embryos were sub-cultured on tissues in the cold-induced osmotic stress pathway. In
B5 medium for 2-3 weeks and the transferred to soil. this case, in vitro selection of mutated microspores and
embryos was carried out by using three proline ana-
Production of DH lines resistant to soft rot disease logues: hydroxyproline (HP), azetidine-2-carboxylate
Out of 6,657 cotyledonary embryos grown on medium (A2C) and 3,4-dehydro-D,L-proline (DP).
containing 30-40% bacterial filtrate, 250 plantlets were All chemicals were first tested on non-mutagenized
regenerated and 152 plants developed to the flower microspore cultures to evaluate the proper concen-
stage. One hundred and two plants underwent sponta- tration of a specific compound and the time of its
neous chromosome doubling and produced seeds. The application giving an adequate selection pressure. The
resistance to E. carotovora was evaluated in the progeny concentration used ranged from 0.05 to 10 mM. On
of 46 fertile microspore-derived plants in a glasshouse the basis of these experiments, the concentrations of
test. Twelve DH lines described as resistant or moder- selection agents for 1-3 days old microspore cultures
ately resistant were detected among all analyzed. (Table 29.9) and developing plantlets were established.
The concentrations used were found to be chemical and
5.3.4. Cold Tolerant Mutants in Canola genotype dependent. The mutagenized microspores
(McClinchey & Kott, 2008) were subjected to the selection chemicals in NLN medium
until the surviving embryos were identified and transferred
Plant material and microspore culture onto B5 germination medium. For SA, FPA, A2C and DP,
The five spring canola (Brassica napus) breeding lines were the in vitro selection was continued, by flooding the solid
used as donors for microspore culture. Microspores were B5 medium with an appropriate concentration of a chemi-
isolated and cultured following the standard procedure for cal agent when the plantlets were 24 and 40 days old.
rapeseed microspore culture, including incubation in NLN
medium, application of heat stress at 30oC for the first 2 Characterisation of DH lines tolerant to cold
weeks to induce embryogenesis, followed by incubation at Haploid mutant plants were colchicine treated at the
24oC for the next 3 weeks on a gyratory shaker and transfer beginning of flowering. A total of 329 microspore-
of cotyledonary embryos on solid B5 medium for germina- derived DH lines were obtained from the in vitro
tion. After 30 days, the plantlets were transplanted to soil. mutagenesis/selection experiments. They showed a
wide range of cold tolerance in laboratory freezing embryo axes were able to develop into plantlets. Only
tests. All chemical selective agents, except of FPA, ena- embryos with positive changes in fatty acid profile were
bled selection of lines with improved cold tolerance maintained in culture, those showing a lack or negative
compared to the parent lines. Seventy-four DH lines alterations were discarded. After germination, 30-day-
expressed significantly enhanced tolerance in -6oC old haploid plants were transferred to soil conditions,
freezing test and 19 lines had better winter survival than and at the bolting stage these were colchicine treated
the winter canola checks. Out of 4 mutants tested for to induce chromosome doubling.
proline content, 2 mutant lines selected on medium
with the proline analogues, accumulated more proline Characterisation of DH mutant lines
than the parent lines, when exposed to 4oC environ- In total, 389 mutated embryos that were able to matu-
ment. All cold-tolerant mutant lines performed similarly rate at 35oC were screened for fatty acid composition.
to the parents in regards to seed quality and agronomic These embryos showed a range of fatty acid composi-
parameters. tion in both directions. Fifty-two percent of them had
reduced palmitic acid content and 46% had lower
5.3.5. Canola Mutants with Reduced Level of stearic acid level. The reduced level of saturated fatty
Saturated Fatty Acids (Beaith et al. 2005,) acids was confirmed in the progeny of DH lines grown at
normal temperatures. The lowest level of palmitic acid
Plant material, microspore culture was 3.9% and stearic acid 0.9%, compared to 5.5% and
Four rapeseed (canola) varieties and breeding lines were 1.7% in control, respectively. Several DH mutant lines
used as donors for isolated microspore cultures. The with major saturates levels below 5.5% were selected.
microspore plating, embryo initiation and germination
were conducted according to the procedure outlined
above, except of the elevated temperatures applied 6. Other Applications of DH Systems in
during culture and the excision of embryo cotyledons for Connection with Mutation Techniques
HPLC analysis.
The advantage of doubled haploidy can be utilized in
Mutagenic treatment plant mutagenesis not only during mutant induction
For mutation induction, the isolated microspores were and early selection. Given that doubled haploidy is the
exposed to 254 nm short wave UV light for 90 s. This dose shortest route to the complete homozygosity, doubled
caused 50% microspore embryogenesis reduction. haploid systems can be employed during other stages
of a mutation breeding programme. Often, a desired
In vitro selection mutation in a selected mutant line is accompanied by
The objective was to produce DH mutants with other mutations which negatively affect plant yield or
reduced levels of saturated fats, palmitic and stearic other agronomically important traits. In such cases, the
acids. The heat treatment during embryo maturation procedure called ‘mutant cleaning’, based on a few
was applied in order to (artificially) increase the satu- rounds of backcrossing to the parent variety, can be
rate fats levels, this enables the clear identification of proposed. The selection of recombinants carrying a
putative mutated embryos with the lowest and highest desired mutation and ‘clean’ from the undesired ones
content of saturated fatty acids. Heat (35oC) was applied can be facilitated by implementation of a DH system
during embryo maturation for 18 days, following the to produce homozygous lines from these crosses. This
microspore incubation at 30oC for 17 days. After 35 days can speed up the production of desired true-to-type
of culture, when embryos had reached maturity, they mutant lines and increase the efficiency of their selec-
were subjected to HPLC analysis of fatty acid composi- tion in a desired genetic background.
tion. For this purpose, the cotyledons were excised and DH technology can also be applied when a mutant
the remaining embryo axes were transferred onto B5 line is used in a cross-breeding programme. The appli-
solid medium. Although the weight of embryos matu- cation of DH system for production of pure lines from F1
rated at 35oC was drastically reduced, the cotyledons progeny of the crosses between a mutant line and other
provided enough tissue for the HPLC analysis while the varieties or breeding lines gives the same advantages
as its use in conventional breeding programmes. Of 7. References
special value is the rapid fixation of recombinant lines
in the homozygous stage when a mutant line carries 7.1. Cited References
changes in quantitatively inherited traits. DH popula-
tions obtained from such crosses are ‘immortal’ (can Barro, F., Fernandez-Escobar, J., De La Vega, M., et al.
be maintained indefinitely) and can be evaluated over 2002. Modification of glucosinolate and eruic acid
many years in replicated and multi-locational trials. In contents in doubled haploid lines of Brassica carinata
contrast to generations obtained by selfing or back- by UV treatment of isolated microspores. Euphytica.
crossing, DH lines do not segregate in the progeny, 129:1-6.
therefore the potential phenotypic variation within a Beaith, M.E., Fletcher, R.S. and Kott, L.S. 2005. Reduction
line should be attributed only to environmental factors. of saturated fats by mutagenesis and heat selection in
Genetic analysis of mutants including mapping Brassica napus L. Euphytica. 144:1-9.
mutated genes is another area for combining DH and Castillo, A.M., L. Cistue, M.P. Valles, J.M. Sanz, I.
mutation technology. Over years, DH mapping popula- Romagosa, J.L. Molina-Cano. 2001. Efficient pro-
tions derived from crosses between polymorphic varie- duction of androgenic doubled-haploid mutants in
ties have been used to produce molecular marker maps barley by the application of sodium azide to anther
in barley, wheat, rice, rapeseed and other species. If a and microspore cultures. Plant Cell Rep. 20:105-111.
similar DH population is created from a cross between Chen, J. L. and Beversdorf ,W.D. 1990. Fatty acid inherit-
a mutant line and the variety being a parent of the map- ance in microspore-derived populations of spring
ping population, it can be used for mapping of genes rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Theor.Appl.Genet.
underlying the mutated phenotype. Such approaches 80:465-469.
facilitate chromosomal location of a gene of interest Chen, Q.F., Wang, C.L., Lu, Y.M., et al. 1996. Rice induced
as it is possible to utilize information on the position of mutation breeding by irradiated anther culture. Acta
DNA markers linked to the gene from genetic reference Agric. Zhejiangensis. 8:202-207.
maps. Dealing with DH populations instead of F2 gen- Chen, Q.F., Wang, C.L., Lu, Y.M., et al. 2001. Anther cuture
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traits are to be analyzed. ment. Euphytica. 120:401-408.
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a large population of doubled haploid lines carrying muta- embryos from anthers of Datura. Nature. 204:497.
tions in homozygous stage. Such population can serve Ferrie, A.M.R., Taylor, D.C., MacKenzie, S.L. et al. 2008.
as a TILLING platform for detecting mutations in genes Microspore mutagenesis of Brassica species for fatty
of interest (see Chapter 21) when DNA is isolated from acid modifications: a preliminary evaluation. Plant
each line and seeds deposited in a seed bank. Creation Breeding. 127:501-506.
of TILLING populations from mutagenized microspores Jimenez Davalos, J.E. 1999. Development of doubled hap-
can save one generation compared to the traditional loid mutant lines of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) through
TILLING population based on the development of M1 and in vitro anther culture and evaluation of DH lines in field
M2 progeny. It also allows the direct recovery of a pure conditions. M.Sc. Thesis, La Molina National Agrarian
mutant line, instead of looking for a homozygous mutant University, Lima, Peru, pp. 76 (in Spanish).
in the M3 progeny. All lethal mutations will be eliminated Kasha, K.J. and Kao, K.N. 1970. High frequency haploid
from the DH population, what should be considered as production in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Nature.
the advantage in applying TILLING for breeding purposes. 225:874-876.
Such population could be used for comparative studies Kasha, K.J. and Maluszynski, M. 2003. Production of
with the traditional TILLING platform. doubled haploids in crop plants. An introduction. In:
Maluszynski, K. J. Kasha, B. P. Forster, and I. Szarejko
(Eds.), Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants. A
Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.
Kott, L., Wong, R., Swanson, E. et al. 1996. Mutation and Rahman, M.H., Krishnaraj, S. and Thorpe, T.A. 1995.
selection for improved oil and meal quality in Brassica Selection for salt tolerance in vitro using microspore-
napus utilizing microspore culture. In: Jain, S.M., derived embryos of Brassica napus cv. Topas, and the
S.K. Sopory and R.E. Veilleux (Eds.) In Vitro Haploid characterization of putative tolerant plants. In Vitro
Production in Higher Plants. Vol. 2. Kluwer Academic Cell Dev.Biol.-Plant. 31:116-121.
Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 151-167. Senior, I.J. and Bavage, A.D. 2003. Comparison of genet-
Kyin San Myint, Khine Oo Aung, Khin Soe. 2005. ically modified and conventionally derived herbicide
Development of a short duration upland rice mutant tolerance in oilseed rape: A case study. Euphytica.
line through anther culture of gamma irradiated plants. 132:217-226.
MBNL&R 1: 13-14. Swanson, E.B., Herrgesell, M.J., Arnoldo, M. et al. 1989.
Lee, S.Y., Cheong, J.I. and Kim, T.S. 2003. Production of Microspore mutagenesis and selection: canola plants
doubled haploids through anther culture of M1 rice with field tolerance to the imidazolinones. Theor.
plants derived from mutagenized fertilized egg cells. Appl. Genet. 78:525-530.
Plant Cell Rep. 22:218-223. Szarejko, I. and Forster, B.P. 2006. Doubled haploidy
Liu, S., Wang, H., Zhang, J. et al. 2005. In vitro mutation and induced mutation. Euphytica. 158: 359-370.
and selection of doubled haploid Brassica napus lines Szarejko, I., Guzy, J., Jimenez Davalos, J. et al. 1995.
with improved resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Production of mutants using barley DH systems. In:
Plant Cell Rep. 24:133-144. Induced Mutations and Molecualar Techniques for
MacDonald, M.V., Ahmad, I., Menten, J.O.M. et al. 1991. Crop Improvement. IAEA, Vienna, pp. 517-530.
Haploid culture and in vitro mutagenesis (UV light, Vagera, J., Novotny, J. and Ohnoutkova, L. 2004.
X-rays, and gamma rays) of rapid cycling Brassica Induced androgenesis in vitro in mutated popula-
napus for improved resistance to disease. In: Plant tions of barley, Hordeum vulgare. Plant Cell Tiss.
Mutation Breeding for Crop Improvement. Vol. 2, Organ Cult. 77:55-61.
IAEA, Vienna, pp. 129-138. Zhang, F. and Takahata, Y. 1999. Microspore mutagenesis
Maluszynski, M., Kasha, K.J., Forster, B.P. et al. 2003. and in vitro selection for resistance to soft rot disease
Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants; A in Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. peki-
Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, nensis). Breed. Sci. 49:161-166.
pp. 428.
Maluszynski, M., Kasha, K.J. and Szarejko, I. 2003. 7.2. Further Reading
Published protocols for other crop plants. In:
Maluszynski, K. J. Kasha, B. P. Forster, and I. Szarejko Forster, B.P., Heberle-Bors, E., Kasha, K.J. et al. 2007. The
(Eds.), Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants. resurgance of haploids in higher plants. Trends in
A Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Plant Sci. 12(8):368-375.
pp. 309-335. Forster, B.P. and Thomas, W.T.B. 2005. Doubled hap-
McClinchey, S.L. and Kott, L.S. 2008. Production of loids in genetics and plant breeding. Plant Breeding
mutants with high cold tolerance in spring canola Reviews. 25:57-88.
(Brassica napus). Euphytica. 162:51-67. Maluszynski, M., Szarejko, I. and Sigurbjörnsson, B.
Nelson, S.P.C., Dunwell, J.M., Wilkinson, M.J. et al. 1996. Haploidy and mutation techniques. In: Jain,
2008. Methods of producing haploid and doubled S.M., S.K. Sopory and R.E. Veilleux (Eds.) In Vitro
haploid oil palms. PCT, International publication Haploid Production in Higher Plants. Vol. 1. Kluwer
number WO 2008/114000 A1. Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 67-93.
Polsoni, L., Kott, L.S. and Beversdorf, W.D. 1988. Large- Maraschin, S.F., de Priester, W., Spaink, H.P. et al. 2005.
scale microspore culture technique for mutation- Androgenetic switch: an example of plant embryo-
selection studies in Brassica napus. Can. J. Bot. 66: genesis from male gametophyte perspective. J.Exp.
1681-1685. Botany. 56 (417):1711-1726.
Palmer, C.E., Keller, W.A. and Kasha, K.J. (Eds.) 2005. Szarejko, I. 2003. Doubled haploid mutant production.
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 56 In: Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants; A
Haploids in Crop Improvement II. Springer-Verlag, Manual. In: Maluszynski, M., K.J. Kasha, B.P. Forster
Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 318. and I. Szarekjo (Eds) Kluwer Academic Publisher,
Pauls, K.P., Chan, J., Woronuk, G. et al. 2006. When Dordrecht, pp. 351-361.
microspores decide to become embryos – cellular Touarev, A., Forster, B.P. and Jain, S.M. (Eds.) 2009.
and molecular changes. Can.J.Bot. 84:668-678. Advances in Haploid Production in Higher Plants.
Shariatpanahi, M.E., Bal, U., Heberle-Bors, E. et al. Springer Science + Buisness Media, pp. 348.
2006. Stresses applied for the re-programming of
plant microspores towards in vitro embryogenesis.
Physiologia Plantarum. 127:519-534.
Use of Irradiated Pollen to Induce Parthenogenesis
and Haploid Production in Fruit Crops
Dipartimento S.EN.FI.MI.ZO. Sezione Frutticoltura Mediterranea, Tropicale e Subtropicale. Facoltà di Agraria. Università degli Studi di Palermo. Viale delle Scienze, 11. 90128 Palermo, Italy
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction rice, wheat, tobacco, maize and pepper and doubled
haploidy is used rountinely in breeding programmes
Worldwide, the most cultivated fruit trees are citrus, for variety development in many crops, e.g. eggplant,
banana, grape, apple, peaches, pear, plum, apricot pepper, barley and rapeseed. Furthermore, haploid
and kiwifruit. World fruit production amounted to cells are ideal for mutation induction and mutant selec-
almost 500 million metric tonnes in 2007 (FAOSTAT, tion. Mutation induction played an important role in
Database). The awareness of the necessity of a healthier fruit breeding, especially in the middle of 20th century.
food intake will probably increase the demand for fruit Doubled haploid production is, among the in vitro
and the variety on offer in the near future. In addition, tissue culture methods, an efficient system to increase
market demands for quality of the product and of the the range of applications of mutation techniques, facili-
plants that produce them are increasing, especially tating the screening for both recessive and dominant
with regard to a higher level of resistance or tolerance mutants, avoiding chimerism and shortening the time
to biotic and abiotic stresses and the development of taken up by breeding programmes. The main aspects
more sustainable agricultural practices. of haploid mutagenesis are the immediate expression
Fruit breeding focuses on numerous goals and of recessive mutations and the possibility of obtaining,
increasingly employs biotechnological tools, alongside by doubling chromosomes, complete homozygous
more conventional approaches such as hybridization, diploids. In addition to mutagenic treatment of haploid
selection and mutation induction. For example, among cells, mutation treatments of gametophytes can be
biotechnological methods, haploid and doubled hap- used for the induction of haploids.
loid production through gametic embryogenesis allows Characteristics of woody plants, like a long reproduc-
the single-step development of complete homozygous tive cycle, a high degree of heterozygosis, large size, and,
lines from heterozygous parents, increasing the effi- often, self-incompatibility, make impossible to perform
ciency of perennial crop breeding programmes. several generations of selfing to obtain homozygous
Haploids (sporophytic plants with the gametophytic lines by conventional inbreeding methods. Therefore,
chromosome number), originate from a single gamete methods to produce doubled haploids are particularly
and doubled haploids (DHs) are obtained by the spon- attractive for fruit trees. Considerable research has
taneous or induced doubling of their chromosome been carried out since the 1970s to obtain haploids
numbers. They have aroused the interest of breeders for fruit tree breeding through gametic embryogenesis,
since the discovery of the first natural haploid in Datura not always successfully. Haploids can be induced by
stramonium and Nicotiana in the 1960s because of their regeneration from the male gamete (pollen embryo-
potential use in mutation research, selection, genome genesis) or from the female gamete (gynogenesis). In
mapping, production of inbred parental lines required vitro anther or isolated microspore culture techniques
in hybrid production (capatilising on heterosis), genetic are usually the most effective and widely used methods
transformation and increasing the efficiency of crop of producing haploids and doubled haploids. Haploid
breeding programmes. “Gametoclonal variation” is the production through pollen embryogenesis has been
variation often observed among plants regenerated reported in about 200 species, but mostly in a limited
from cultured gametic cells and, consists of genetic, number of families, such as Solanaceae, Cruciferae and
morphological and biochemical differences that can Gramineae; many other families (particularly woody
contribute to crop improvement. It results from both plants and Leguminosae) remain recalcitrant. With
meiotic and mitotic division and can be induced by respect to haploid production via gynogenesis, several
cell and tissue culture. Chromosome doubling pro- methods can be used: selection of seedlings, in situ
cedures are often required and the segregation and or in vitro parthenogenesis induced by pollen from a
independent assortment observed for selection pur- triploid plant followed by in vitro embryo culture and in
poses (see Chapter 29). DHs can be very useful also situ parthenogenesis induced by pollination with irra-
for genome mapping, providing reliable information diated pollen. The most effective of these in the major
on the location of major genes and QTLs for economi- fruit crops is haploid production via parthenogenesis
cally important traits. New superior varieties produced induced through pollination with irradiated pollen.
via gametic embryogenesis have been reported for
2. Haploid Development via Irradiated ing radiation, and that they can incorporate certain genes
Pollen Pollination from the irradiated pollen. At lower doses (10-20 Kr), fewer
seedlings were produced and many of them were abnor-
Parthenogenesis (the production of an embryo from an mal and died soon after germination or before reaching
egg cell without the participation of the male gamete) maturity. Moreover, low level radiation may damage only
or apogamy (the production of an embryo from a game- part of the generative nucleus while maintaining its capac-
tophytic cell other than the egg) can lead to haploid ity to fertilize the egg cell, and lead to hybridisation. One
embryos. Parthenogenesis induced in vivo by irradiated explanation for this phenomenon is that growth promot-
pollen, often followed by in vitro culture of embryos, ing substances inducing parhenocarpic fruit and seed
is exploited in obtaining haploids in fruit crops. This testa development are released from the pollen coat.
method is commonly used in those species in which in The genetic constitution of both maternal and paternal
vitro pollen embryogenesis has not been applied suc- parents, particularly of the latter donor parents, are signifi-
cessfully, and consists of rescuing immature seeds or cant factors in the successful induction of parthenogenetic
embryos obtained through pollination with irradiated embryos through the use of irradiated pollen.
pollen. Irradiation to destroy pollen or egg cell nuclei was
among one of the first applications of nuclear techniques 2.3. Fruit and Seed Development After Pollination
in plant breeding. Haploid embryo production after pol- With Irradiated Pollen
lination with irradiated pollen was first discovered by
Blakesslee et al. in 1922 to obtain gynogenic haploids Irradiation does not hinder pollen germination, but pre-
in Datura stramonium; later in 1985 it was reported by vents pollen fertilization, stimulating the development
Raquin in Petunia, and it has been successful in fruit trees of haploid embryos from ovules. In fact, several research
such as apple, pear, kiwi fruit and citrus. Production of studies have shown that irradiated pollen can germinate
haploids via irradiated pollen induced parthenogenesis on the stigma, grow within the style and reach the embryo
is based on the ‘Hertwig effect’. sac, but cannot fertilize the egg cell and the polar nuclei
(that produce the embryo and endosperm, respectively).
2.1. The ‘Hertwig Effect’ However, it can stimulate the division of the egg cell,
inducing parthenogenesis and development of partheno-
The ‘Hertwig effect’ is a phenomenon originally carpic fruit. Pollen response to irradiation is genotype and
described by O. Hertwing (1911, see Pandey and Phung, dose dependent. Usually, low doses induce conventional
1982) in frog and consisting of the production of mater- mutational damages, while at higher doses increased the
nal individuals with the use of male gametes treated frequency of parthenogenetic embryos.
with high doses of ionizing radiation (radium). On the Pollen irradiation can include genetic and development
other hand, subjecting the sperm to low dose of radia- phenomena, such as selective gene transfer, ‘egg transfor-
tion prior to fertilization caused massive mortality of the mation’ via incorporation of fragments of male DNA after
embryos. The explanation of the Hertwing effect is that high pollen irradiation doses and the mentor pollen effect
high doses cause complete inactivation of the sperm use to overcome incompatibility barriers.
and permit the development of haploid embryos, while Autonomous endosperm is sometimes observed after
low doses do not totally destroy the sperm genome, irradiated pollination in apple (e.g. Zhang and Lespinasse,
resulting in aberrant embryos. 1991) and cacao (e.g. Falque, 1994). The development of
autonomous endosperm is a very rare event in sexually
2.2. Discovery of ‘Hertwig Effect’in Plants reproducing angiosperms.
or embryos obtained from pollination with pollen donor and female recipient influences the number of
irradiated (usually by gamma rays from cobalt 60). parthenogenetic seed obtained. In kiwifruit, moreover,
The success of this technique is dependent on several both the genotype of the pollen and female parents
factors such as the choice of radiation dose, the devel- influences the ploidy of the regenerated plants. Some
opmental stage of the embryos at the time of culture, pollen donors appear to be more efficient in producing
the media requirements and the culture conditions. parthenogenetic haploids compared to others and dif-
Methods include various steps: selection of of parents ferent female lines can respond differently to the irradi-
and emasculation, pollen irradiation, pollination, seed ated pollen of the same genotype. However, genotype
or embryo rescue, ploidy level determination, chromo- has a less marked effect on in situ parthenogenesis
some doubling, identification of homozygous plants by induced by irradiated pollen than on in vitro pollen
molecular markers (Fig 30.1). embryogenesis.
Emasculation is performed in flowers of the female
3.1. Selection of Parents and Emasculation parent, to make flowers unattractive to pollinating
insects and to carry out controlled pollination. Flowers
One of the main factors affecting parthenogenesis of the pollen donor are harvested just before anthesis.
induced by irradiated pollen is the genotype of the Anthers are removed and placed in a dessicator until
plant. Research involving large numbers of different dehiscence, and the dry pollen is then exposed to
genotypes showed that the genotype of both the pollen radiation treatment.
Fruit development
Seed collection
Plant production
Haploids Non-haploids
6 7
Homozygous Hybrids
3.2. Pollen Irradiation the style and reach the embryo sac, but cannot affect
normal double fertilization (fertilize the egg cell and the
Radiation is a physical mutagen. Irradiation has been polar nuclei). However, it can stimulate the division of
used in fruit crop breeding to inactivate one nucleus the egg cell, inducing parthenogenesis and develop-
in protoplast fusion to produce cybrids or alloplasmic ment of parthenocarpic fruit.
hybrids (diploid somatic hybrid plants containing the
nuclear genome of one parent and the cytoplasmic 3.4. Seed or Embryo Rescue
genome either of the other parent or a combination of
both parents). Pollen radiation has been used also in The combination of pollination with irradiated pollen
the “mentor (or pioneer) pollen” tecnique to overcome and in vitro culture of immature embryos has improved
self-incompatibility, particularly in apple and pear. the efficiency of haploid production in many fruit crops.
The types of radiation available for mutagenesis are The timing of embryo rescue is critical and it varies
ultraviolet radiation (UV, 250-290 nm) and ionizing among species. Some authors suggest in apple and
radiation (X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha and beta particles, pear that embryos should be removed and cultured no
protons and neutrons), the latter having the capacity to later than six weeks after pollination, but this time can
penetrate deeper into tissue. Among ionizing radiation, depend upon genotype and temperature during the
X-rays and above all gamma rays, have been the most preceding period. Postponing excision will decrease
used, particularly for fruit trees. Gamma rays are gener- the relatively small number of viable embryos, though
ally obtained from isotope sources (e.g. 60Co or 137Cs), the larger size of older embryos facilitates their in vitro
while the most commonly used source of far–UV radia- survival and propagation. Apple embryos from either
tion is the germicidal lamp. Optimising the dose (inten- normal or irradiated pollen pollination are normally
sity and amount) to apply is one of the most important cultured at about 50 days after pollination; 30 day old
steps in the mutagenic induction, because it affects the or younger embryos fail to develop. In pear embryos
percentage of survival of the treated material and the are normally rescued from 80 day old developing seed.
mutation frequency. The radiation energy is expressed Embryo development can be improved by the manip-
in Gy (Gray) and the sensitivity to radiation depends on: ulation of the numerous factors affecting their rescue
1) the species and genotypes, 2) the plant’s physiological and growth. The culture medium, with all its com-
status, and 3) the treatment of the material before and ponents (macro and micronutrients, carbon source,
after the mutagenic treatments. Regarding the rate at plant growth regulators, activated charcoal; other sub-
which the dose is applied to plant material it is possible stances; pH, osmotic potential and solidifying agents)
to distinguish between acute and chronic doses. Table can determine the success of embryo rescue. Different
1 gives commonly used treatments for pollen irradiation genotypes show very diverse medium requirements
in major fruit crops. in promoting the development of parthenogenetic
embryos. The incubation environment (temperatures,
3.3. Pollination light, and culture vessels) can affect the success of the
culture, but usually they do not receive much attention
Irradiated pollen is used to pollinate the female parent in embryo rescue experiments (especially light quality,
24-48 h after emasculation. Controlled pollination irradiance and photoperiod).
technique consists of applying irradiated pollen to the
apical part of the stigma of a gynoecium in a emascu- 3.5. Ploidy Determination
lated flower, with a brush or by a fingertip. In vitro polli-
nation of the stigma of an excised gynoecium implanted Different methods can be used to determine ploidy
in solid culture medium has also been applied in Citrus level of regenerants obtained. These include: chromo-
clementina Hort. ex Tan. to produce haploids. Mature some counting, flow cytometry analysis, stomatal size
stage of the pistils is usually necessary for gynogenic measurement, chloroplast number of the guard cells
embryo regeneration. and nucleus size. The chromosome counting method
Several research studies have shown that irradi- can be laborious and cumbersome, and requires
ated pollen can germinate on the stigma, grow within actively growing tissues (usually root tips). Chromosome
counting is further handicapped in many woody species 4. Practical Examples in Major Fruit Crops
because of their small size. Although flow cytometry has
a high start up cost (requiring expensive equipment) it 4.1. Kiwifruit
allows rapid analysis of a large number of samples and
for this reason it is gaining more importance than other Both male and female gametic methods of produc-
methods. Haploid, but also diploid, triploid or hexaploid ing haploids, that is by pollen embryogenesis or by
regenerants have been obtained via parthenogenesis gynogenesis, were attempted in kiwifruit (Actinidia
induced by radiated pollen in fruit crops (Table 30.1). deliciosa A. Chev.) in the 1980’s, but only the second
approach has been successful. Pandey, the pioneer
3.6. Chromosome Doubling in this field, pollinated several female kiwifruit varie-
ties with lethally irradiated pollen of different male
Spontaneous doubling can occour during gametic and inconstant male genotypes (Pandey et al. 1990).
embryogenesis process, but with different frequen- Inconstant males are male genotypes that occa-
cies, depending on the method of haploid production sionally develop small ovaries with viable ovules.
used. Particularly, in pollen embryogenesis the rates of Irradiation doses of 500, 700 and 900 Gy did not
spontaneous doubling are much higher than in gyno- affect pollen germination and seeds were set regu-
genesis. During adventitious in vitro regeneration, it larly. Seeds were germinated in vitro, after 3-6 months
is also possible to obtain spontaneous chromosome storage at 4°C. Ploidy level reduction was estimated
doubling, without chemical treatments. Moreover, the by measuring the size of nuclei of both embryos and
frequency of spontaneous doubling depends on the endosperm cells with an image analyser. Two plants
genotype and when it is too low, efficient chromosome from the Pandey’s breeding programme with half
doubling protocols have to be developed. Duplication the chromosome number, that is 87 chromosomes
agents (anti-microtubule agents or spindle inhibitors) (kiwifruit is hexaploid: 2n = 6x = 174) were produced.
can be applied to the regenerated plantlets or at the A similar experiment was successfully carried out
early stages of gametic embryogenesis; furthermore, it a few years later in France by Chalak and Legave
is possible to apply them in vivo or in vitro. Colchicine is (1997), who produced parthenogenetic tri-haploids
the most commonlyused anti-microtubule agent used, by pollinating the female var. Hayward with pollen
but oryzalin, trifluralin, pronamide and amiprophos- of two male genotypes. The M1 and M2 pollen was
methyl (APM) are also used. A compromise between irradiated with gamma rays at the dose of 200 – 1,500
toxicity towards the treated tissues and the efficiency in Gy. The pollen irradiation treatment had little effect
genome doubling has to be found to maximize success. on pollen germination, but decreased fruit set, fruit
growth and the number of viable seeds produced
3.7. Identification of Homozygous Plants per fruit. Seeds were sown in a glasshouse; seedling
ploidy was assessed by flow cytometry and plantlets
Because of the spontaneous diploidization of the hap- were analysed by isozymes and RAPD markers. The
loids, ploidy level determination cannot always identify analyses revealed a reduction in the chromosome
gametic plants and molecular markers (as well as isozyme set, from 6x to 3x in many seedlings. These neverthe-
analyses) have been employed to decide the gametic less displayed a high level of heterozygosity, compat-
origin of regenerants; since diploids could arise from un- ible with the polyploidy and the heterozygosity of the
wanted normal pollination these need to be identified and original seed plants. At the lowest irradiation dosage
eliminated. This is relatively easy to do with genetic mark- (200 Gy), hexaploid seedlings were also obtained
ers as haploids and doubled haploids will be homozygous (derived from complete fertilization), whereas tri-
whereas normal embryos will exhibit heterozygosity. haploid doubling was easily obtained by treating
RAPD and microsatellite analyses have been employed scarified leaves removed from tissue-cultured shoots
to assess homozygosity and to characterize regenerants with oryzalin, a herbicide with a strong binding affin-
obtained from via parthenogenesis induced by irradiated ity to plant tubulin and capable of depolymerisation
pollen in fruit crops. It is expected that faster genotyping of the cell microtubules structure resulting in chro-
based on DNA sequence will predominate in the future. mosome doubling.
4.2. Citrus Species anther culture. Pollination of mature pistils was neces-
sary for gynogenic embryoids regeneration. Although,
Citrus species represent the largest fruit production unlike clementine anther culture, embryogenic calluses
worldwide, with over 115 million tonnes produced were not obtained, parthenogenesis induced in vitro by
during 2007 (FAOSTAT database). All cultivated forms triploid pollen can be employed usefully in attempting
of Citrus and related genera (Poncirus, Fortunella, etc.) to obtain haploids in mono-embryonic genotypes of
are diploid with a monoploid number of chromosomes Citrus for which pollen embryogenesis has not yet been
(n = x = 9). Triploid and tetraploid forms of Citrus also successful in haploid production.
exist. With regard to haploids and homozygous plants With regard to the in situ parthenogenesis induced by
obtained from female gametes, in Citrus natsudaidai irradiated pollen followed by in vitro embryo culture,
haploid seedlings were first obtained by the application the production of nine haploid plantlets, which did not
of gamma rays. One haploid embryo was obtained from survive, and two embryogenic callus lines have been
an immature seed from a diploid (Clementine man- obtained in clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex
darin) x diploid (Pearl tangelo) cross (Esen and Soost, Tan.), var. SRA 63 after in situ parthenogenesis induced
1972) and a haploid plant was obtained from the cross by pollen of Meyer lemon (Citrus meyeri Y. Tan.) irradi-
between ‘Banpeiyu’ pummelo and ‘Ruby Red’grapefruit ated at 300, 600 and 900 Gray (Gy) at the rate of 6 Gy/
(Toolapong et al. 1996). min from a cobalt 60 source (Ollitrault et al. 1996). A
In Citrus, in situ or in vitro parthenogenesis can be haploid plant produced through in vivo induced gyno-
induced by triploid pollen followed by in vitro culture genesis by pollination of Nules clementine with irradi-
of embryos. In particular, three haploid plants were ated pollen of Fortune mandarin, followed by in vitro
obtained from in vivo crosses of two mono-embryonic embryo rescue, has been selected for citrus genome
diploids (clementine and “Lee”) x a triploid hybrid sequencing by the International Citrus Genome
of “Kawano natsudaidai” (Citrus natsudaidai Hayata; Consortium (ICGC) (
Oiyama and Kobayashi, 1993). Triploidy of pollen, like Flowers of clementine SRA 63 were pollinated in
irradiation, does not hinder pollen germination, but the field with the irradiated pollen; fruits were picked
prevents double fertilization and stimulates the devel- at maturity and small seed selected. Embryos were
opment of haploid embryoids from ovules. Haploid recovered from the small seeds and cultured in vitro on
and diploid embryoids did not show any difference in a medium enriched with sugar and plant growth regula-
size, however, haploid seedlings grew very slowly in tors (30 g/l sucrose, 1 mg/l GA3 or 1 mg/l Kinetin).
the soil. Restriction endonuclease analyses of nuclear While the in vitro pollen germination rate was not
ribosomal DNA and of chloroplast DNA determined affected by irradiation up to 900 Gy, seed production
the maternal origin of these haploids. and size were reduced by this treatment dose. Ploidy
Haploid plantlet regeneration through gynogenesis level of the obtained plantlets was evaluated by flow
in Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan., var. Nules, has been cytometry and isozyme analyses have been carried out
induced by in vitro pollination with pollen from a trip- to characterize the regenerants. Haploid induction has
loid plant (Gemanà and Chiancone, 2001). The pollen been obtained in the mandarins Fortune (C. clementina
source chosen was ‘Oroblanco’, a triploid grapefruit- Hort. ex Tan. x C. tangerina Hort. ex Tan.) and Ellendale
type citrus obtained in 1958 through a cross between an (C. reticulata Blanco x C. sinensis L. Osb.) by Froelicher
acidless pummelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck) and a seedy, et al. (2007) through in situ gynogenesis by pollination
tetraploid grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.). The in vitro with irradiated pollen of ‘Meyer’ lemon. Pollination
stigmatic pollination technique consisted of applying was carried out for three genotypes of mandarin with
pollen to the apical part of the stigma of an excised four levels of gamma-ray irradiated pollen (150, 300,
gynoecium implanted in solid culture medium. Some 600, and 900 Gy). Again small seed were selected
ovaries developed into brownish and friable callus, from which embryos were rescued and cultured. Ploidy
sometimes breaking to reveal ovules. From this kind of levels of plantlets, determined by flow cytometry, were
ovary, the gynogenic embryoids emerged four to five haploid, diploid and triploid. Microsatellite analysis
months after in vitro pollination, which is practically the showed that diploid and triploid plants were the result
same time required for haploid plant regeneration via of crosses between mandarin and lemon.
4.3. Apple the pollination of one stigma with ‘low dose pollen (50
Gy)’ and the other four with ‘high dose pollen (500 Gy)’
Apples (Malus domestica (L.) Borkh.), with more than resulted in a higher embryo yield compared to pollina-
64 million tonnes produced during 2007 (FAOSTAT tion of all the stigmas with ‘high dose pollen’. The king
database), are among the most produced fruits in the flowers produced more embryos compared to lateral
world, alongside citrus, bananas and grapes. Haploid flowers in the cluster.
production has been obtained in Malus domestica (L.) Pollination with irradiated pollen often results in
Borkh, 2n = 2x = 34, by several methods. Several authors the formation of seeds with just endosperm or with
have reported pollen-derived plants from anther culture endosperm and embryos. Pollen tubes of irradiated
in this species. The induction of embryogenesis from pollen grains at high dose treatments may only carry a
cultured apple anthers is still low and highly genotype- single sperm viable nucleus into the embryo sac, allow-
dependent. Pollen embryogenesis and plant formation ing only single rather than double fertilization, either of
from isolated apple microspores has been reported for the egg cell or of the fused polar nuclei.
several apple varieties (Höfer, 2004). In situ parthenogenesis has been induced in the
James at al. (1985) reported that 50 days after pol- female parent Lodi and Erovan by irradiating the pollen
lination with pollen of ‘Baskatong’ irradiated at 50 of a clone RR homozygous for the marker gene coding
and 100 krad, about 50% of the seeds had developed for anthocyanin production by gamma rays from Cobalt
endosperm, while a proportion of these seeds also 60 at 45 Gy/min (500, 1,000, and 1,500 Gy) (Zhang et
contained an embryo. The ‘stimulative parthenocarpy’ al. 1990). The young fruits were collected at different
may be attributed to auxins produced by the develop- times after pollination and ovules and immature seeds
ing endosperm. were cultured in vitro (immature seeds were given a
Haploid plants have been obtained through in situ cold treatment to break dormancy). Six embryos were
parthenogenesis induced by pollination of var. Erovan recovered from Erovan and three from Lodi but only
with pollen irradiated at 500 to 1,000 Gy, followed by two plants from Erovan survived and exhibited a hap-
in vitro embryo culture on MS medium containing 0.1 loid chromosome number.
mg/l NAA, 1 mg/l BA and 1 mg/l giberellic acid (GA3). Zhang and Lespinasse, (1991) pollinated four apple
Trees chosen as female parents were isolated in a cage varieties (Erovan, Golden Delicous, R1-49 and X6677)
before flowering, and three or four flowers per cluster with gamma irradiated pollen of the clone RR at the
were pollinated after manual emasculation at the bal- doses from 125 to 1,000 Gy. Pollination by irradiated
loon stage of flower development. This technique has pollen affected fruit set, seed number and seed con-
been successfully applied to other apple varieties with tent and induced the formation of parthenogenetic
different gamma rays doses from Cobalt 60 (e.g. Zhang embryos, especially when the irradiation doses were
et al. 1992). over 125 Gy. There was an influence of the female geno-
A study on the influence of pollination techniques, type on the percentage of empty seeds, of embryo-
plant growth regulators for fruit set and ex vitro germi- containing seeds or seeds with only endosperm.
nation on homozygous plant production by partheno- Immature embryos were extracted 2-3 months after
genesis in situ has been carried out by De Witte and pollination and cultured in vitro after 2 months of cold
Keulemans (2000). They reported beneficial effects of treatment (3°C). Eleven haploid plants (detected by
bee-booster pollination (only for strongly self-incom- chromosome count) were obtained in all genotypes
patible genotypes, such as Elstar and Granny Smith), and the best radiation doses were from 200 to 500 Gy.
by reduction of fruit drop through daminozide applica- The authors concluded that pollination with gamma
tions and sowing well-developed seeds after stratifica- irradiated pollen in apples can promote: 1) the produc-
tion instead of in vitro embryo germination. Positive tion of parthenocarpic fruits, and 2) the development
effects are produced by repeated pollination (the first of parthenogenesis with the production of haploid and
one with pollen irradiated at a high dose, 500 Gy, and diploid embryos as well as endosperms with or without
the second one with pollen irradiated at low dose, 100 an accompanying embryo. They stated also that the
Gy) on embryo yield (although not in all the genotypes optimum conditions for inducing in situ parthenogen-
in all years). Furthermore, these authors reported that esis are: 1) pollen irradiation doses of 200 and 500 Gy;
2) collection of fruits 3 months after pollination; 3) in 10 Gy/min for the second year experiments. The fruit set
vitro culture of immature embryos and 4) cold treat- markedly decreased when pollination was performed by
ment (3°C) of embryos for 2 months. irradiated pollen, differently from in vitro germination of
Emasculated flowers of variety Idared were pollinated pollen which was not significantly decreased compared
with gamma irradiated Baskatong pollen to stimulate to the control.
the egg cells to develop into haploid embryos. The
embryos obtained were dissected out of the immature 4.5. Plum
seeds (70 and 140 days after pollination) and cultured in
vitro (Verdoodt et al. 1998). The shoots obtained were Peixe et al. (2000) carried out a study reporting the
analyzed using the S-alleles of the two parent genotypes effect of irradiation with gamma rays (0, 100, 200,
in order to select the true homozygotes. 500 and 1,000 Gy) of pollen of the var. Stanley on its
Genotype has a much greater effect on in vitro pollen viability, fruit setting and seed development after pol-
embryogenesis than on in situ parthenogenesis induced lination of a European plum (Prunus domestica L.), var.
by irradiated pollen. In addition, this technique is rela- Rainha Clàudia Verde. Results showed that gamma
tively easy to perform and therefore useful in fruit tree irradiated (200 Gy) pollen can induce the formation
breeding. of 2n endosperm and abnormal embryo development
The cytological effects of pollen gamma irradiation and that it is possible to obtain haploid induction in this
at 50 and 100 krad on both embryo and endosperm genotype by in situ parthenogenesis.
development were studied in Malus × domestica by
Nicoll et al. (1987). They showed that the fruit and seed 4.6. Pear
set was reduced by increasing doses of pollen irradia-
tion, while embryo sacs resulting from the treatments Untreated and 50 krad irradiated pollen of var. Bonne
differed in number and morphology of endosperm Louise d’Avranches was used to pollinate flowers at
nuclei and in the presence or absence of an embryo. the balloon stage of the pear (Pyrus communis L.)
Nuclear abnormalities included enhanced numbers of varieties Conference, Doyenné du Comice and Gieser
polyploid restitution nuclei, bridges between nuclei, Wildeman. The irradiated pollen stimulated a rather
excluded metaphase chromosome fragments and large “parthenocarpic” fruit set, presumably associated
disrupted mitotic synchrony. Generally, a high dose of with endosperm rather than embryo development
pollen irradiation (100 krad) generated an all-or-noth- during the first 4-6 weeks after pollination (Sniezko
ing response in the embryo sac, either creating highly and Visser, 1987). The irradiated-pollen induced pear
abnormal embryos and/or endosperms which aborted, embryos showing limited viability, because of their
or showing relatively normal development. The callus presence in immature fruit and their absence in mature
obtained from excised endosperm derived from 100 fruits. The in vitro culture of immature embryos was sug-
krad pollen showed a smaller average genome size than gested to rescue the putative haploids.
that one from control (un-irradiated) pollen. Haploids and DHs have been obtained by in situ
parthenogenesis induced through irradiated pollen (P)
4.4. Sweet Cherry or by seedling selection (S) from three pear varieties:
Doyenné du Comice (P and S), Williams (S) and Harrow
The regeneration of four homozygous lines has been Sweet (S) (Bouvier et al. 2002). Particularly, among more
obtained by in situ parthenogenesis induced by pollina- than 10,000 seedlings obtained from twelve different
tion with irradiated pollen, followed by immature embryo crosses, 17 were selected because of their ‘haploid
and cotyledon culture in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), phenotype’ and 12 resulted, by chromosome count-
variety Altenburger (Höfer and Grafe, 2003). The pollen ing, haploids (2n = x = 17). With regard to the induction
parent used was Prunus cerasifera var. Atropurpurea, car- of haploid plants by irradiated pollen, four genotypes
rying a marker gene R encoding anthocyanin synthesis were chosen as female parents: Doyenné du Comice,
in the whole plant. Pollen was irradiated by gamma rays Williams, President-Hèron and Harrow Sweet. The
from Cobalt 60 at doses of 250, 500 and 750 Gy at 1.3 or 4 male parent was TNR12.40, a selected clone carrying a
Gy/min for the first year and only 750 and 1,200 Gy at 4 or homozygous dominant marker gene for the colour red
and the pollen was treated with the gamma-irradiation Bouvier, L., Guérif, P., Djulbic, M. et al. 2002.
(from cobalt 60 at 0, 200, 250, and 500 Gy). The per- Chromosome doubling of pear haploid plants and
centage of pollen germination was only somewhat homozygosity assessment using isozyme and micros-
affected by irradiation, whereas the higher the irradia- atellite markers. Euphytica. 123:255-262.
tion dose, the lower the number of embryos per fruit. Chalak, L. and Legave, J. M. 1997. Effects of pollination by
Immature embryos were removed from seeds three irradiated pollen in Hayward kiwifruit and spontane-
months after pollination and they were cultured in vitro ous doubling of induced parthenogenetic trihap-
at 3°C for three months to break embryo dormancy loids. Sci. Hort. 68:83-93.
and later at 24° C. Three plants from var. Doyenné du De Witte, K. and Keulemans, J. 2000. Influence of polli-
Comice and one from Williams were from maternal nation techniques, plant growth regulators for fruit set
origins. Although some spontaneous chromosome and ex vitro germination on homozygous plant pro-
doubling occurred, most of the doubled haploids were duction by parthenogenesis in situ in apple. pp.309-
obtained by oryzalin in vitro treatment (200-300 µM). 314. In: M. Geibel, M. Fischer, and C. Fischer (eds.).
Proc. Eucarpia, Symp. on fruit Breed. and Genetics.
4.7. Cocoa Acta Hort. 538, ISHS.
Esen, A. and Soost, R. K. 1972. Unexpected triploids in
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pollen was treated with 0, citrus: their origin, identification, and possible use. J.
50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Gy gamma rays (Falque Hered. 62:329-333.
et al. 1992). Pollen viability and in vitro germination Falque, M. 1994. Pod and seed development and pheno-
has not been affected by irradiation. Irradiated pollen type of the M1 plants after pollination and fertilization
tubes penetrated into the styles and reached the ovules with irradiated pollen of cacao (Theobroma cacao).
20 hours after pollination. Over 100 Gy no fruit set was Euphytica. 75(1-2):19-25.
obtained. Further experiments have been carried out in Falque, M., Kodia, A. A., Sounigo, O. et al. 1992. Gamma-
order to induce parthenogenesis in Theobroma cacao irradiation of cacao (Theobroma cacao) pollen: Effect
L. (Falque, 1994). Pollen of the clone K5 was gamma on pollen grain viability, germination and mitosis and
irradiated at 0, 50, 70 and 90 Gy and used to pollinate fruit set. Euphytica. 64:167-172.
flowers of the clones IMC67 and T85/799. Irradiation Froelicher, Y., Bassene, J.-B., Jedidi-Neji, E. et al. 2007.
affected pod size, ripening time and number of beans. Induced parthenogenesis in mandarin for haploid pro-
No haploid was obtained. Morphological mutants were duction: induction procedures and genetic analysis of
obtained from IMC67 pollinated with 50 Gy irradiated plantlets. Plant Cell Report. 23:937-944.
K5 pollen, and some of them had inherited paternal Germanà, M.A. and Chiancone, B. 2001. Gynogenetic
alleles of enzymic markers without showing the axil- haploids of Citrus after in vitro pollination with triploid
spot dominant character. Accidental self-fertilization pollen grains. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture 66: 59-66.
of the two self-incompatible clones, through mentor Höfer, M. 2004. In vitro androgenesis in apple–improvement
pollen effect, was only observed in rare cases. of the induction phase. Plant Cell Report. 22:365-370.
Höfer, M. and Grafe, C. 2003. Induction of doubled
Acknowledgements haploids in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Euphytica.
The Author wishes to thank Raffaele Testolin for criti- 130:191-197.
cally reading the manuscript. James, D. J., Passey, A.J., Mackenzie, K.A.D. et al. 1985.
The effect of pollen irradiation on the development
of the post-fertilization ovule of apple (Malus pumilia
5. References Mill.) pp.210-224. In: G.P.C. Chapman et al. (eds.)
Experimental Manipulation of ovule tissue. Longman,
5.1. Cited References London.
Nicoll, M.F., Chapman, G.P. and James, D.J. 1987.
Blakeslee, A. F., Belling, J., Farnham, M. E et al. 1922. A Endosperm responses to irradiated pollen in apples.
haploid mutant in the Jimson weed, Datura stramo- Theor Appl. Genet. 74:508-515.
nium. Science. 55:646-647.
Ollitrault, P., Allent, V. and Luro, F. 1996. Production of Zhang, Y.X., Lespinasse, Y. and Chevreau, E. 1990.
haploid plants and embryogenic calli of clementine Induction of haploidy in fruit trees. Acta Hort. 280:
(Citrus reticulata Blanco) after in situ parthenogen- 293-304.
esis induced by irradiated pollen. Proc. Intern. Soc. Zhang, Y.X., Bouvier, L. and Lespinasse, Y. 1992.
Citriculture. South Africa. 2:913-917. Microspore embryogenesis induced by low gamma
Oiyama, I.I. and Kobayashi, S. 1993. Haploid obtained dose irradiation in apple. Plant Breed. 108:173-176.
from diploid X triploid crosses of Citrus. J. Japan. Soc.
Hort. Sci. 62(1):89-93. 5.2. Web sites
Pandey, K.K. and Phung, M. 1982. ‘Hertwig Effect’ In
plants: induced partenogenesis through the use of International Citrus Genome Consortium (ICGC)
irradiated pollen. Theor. Appl. Genet. 62:295-300.
Pandey, K.K., Przywara, L. and Sanders, P.M. 1990. FAO/IAEA, Mutant Varieties Database. Plant Breeding
Induced parthenogenesis in kiwifruit (Actinidia deli- and Genetic Section. Vienna, Austria. 2006.
ciosa) through the use of lethally irradiated pollen.
Euphytica. 51:1-9. FAOSTAT Database.
Peixe, A., Campos, M.D., Cavaleiro, C. et al. 2000.
Gamma-irradiated pollen induces the formation of
2n endosperm and abnormal embryo development 5.3. Further reading
in European plum (Prunus domestica L., cv. “Rainha
Clàudia Verde”). Sci. Hort. 86:267-278. Forster B.P., Herberle-Bors, E., Kasha, K. J. et al. 2008.
Raquin, C. 1985. Induction of haploid plants by in vitro The resurgence of haploids in higher plants. Trends in
culture of Petunia ovaries pollinated with irradiated Plant Science. 12:602-609.
pollen. Z. Pflanzenzucht. 94:166-169. Forster, B.P. and Thomas, W.T.B. 2005. Doubled hap-
Sniezko, R. and Visser, T. 1987. Embryo development and loids in genetics and plant breeding. Plant Breeding
fruit-set in pear induced by untreated and irradiated Reviews. 25:57-88.
pollen. Euphytica. 1:287-294. Germanà, M.A. 2006. Doubled Haploid production
Toolapong, P., Komatsu, H. and Iwamasa, M.. 1996. in fruit crops. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 86:
Triploids and haploids progenies derived from small 131-146.
seeds of ‘Banpeiyu’ pummelo, crossed with ‘Ruby Germanà, M.A. 2007. Haploidy. In: Citrus. Genetics,
Red’ grapefruit. J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 65:255-260. breeding and biotechnology. Khan I. (Ed.), CABI, pp.
Verdoodt, L., Van Haute, A., Goderis et al. 1998. Use of 167-196.
the multi-allelic self-incompatibility gene in apple Germanà M.A. 2009. Haploid and Doubled Haploids in
to assess homozygosity in shoots obtained through Fruit Trees. In: Touraev A., B. Forster and M. Jain Eds.
haploid induction. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Advances in Haploid Production in Higher Plants.
96:294-300. Springer, pp. 241-263.
Yehia, M.M. 1985. Shoot regeneration from callus derived Maluszynski M., Kasha, K.J., Forster, B.P. et al. 2003.
from nucellar explant and immature embryo tissue of Doubled haploid production in crop plants: A
Williams Bon Chrétien and Conference pear. Rep. E. manual. Kluwer Academic Press.
Malling Res. Stn. For 1984:245-250. Sestili, S. and Ficcadenti, N. 1996. Irradiated pollen for
Zhang, Y.X. and Lespinasse, Y. 1991. Pollination with haploid production, Vol.1, pp. 263-274. In: S.M. Jain,
gamma-irradiation pollen and development of S.K. Sopory and R.E. Veilleux (eds.), In vitro Haploid
fruits, seeds and parthenogenetic plants in apple. Production in Higher Plants. Kluwer Academic
Euphytica. 54:101-109. Publishers, The Netherlands.
Van Harten, A.M. 1998. Mutation Breeding Theory
and Pratical Applications. Cambridge Univ. Press,
Herbicide-Tolerant Crops Developed
from Mutations
S.Tan* and S.J.Bowe
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction extend the utility of existing herbicides to crops that are
not naturally tolerant to these herbicides.
Herbicide is a chemical substance or cultured biologi- A common and effective approach to allow farmers
cal organism used to kill plants or suppress the growth to use herbicide in a herbicide-susceptible crop is to
of plants. Herbicide-tolerant crops (HTCs) have been change the crop genetically with a traditional, muta-
widely and increasingly adopted around the world tional or transgenic technique to make the crop tolerant
because they have several advantages over other weed to the herbicide. Transgenic technique inserts a foreign
management systems. HTCs in combination with their gene into an organism while mutational technique
corresponding herbicides are able to control many mutates a native gene. After the genetic change, the
weeds that cannot be, or are less effectively, controlled enzyme, a protein that catalyzes a biochemical reaction
by other means. It is particularly effective when the weed and encoded by the herbicide-tolerant gene, becomes
is a closely related species to the crop. For instance, the insensitive or less sensitive to the herbicide than the
imidazolinone-tolerant rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat normal enzyme, or the modified plant can degrade
(Triticum aestivum) in combination with imidazolinone the herbicide before the herbicide reaches the target
herbicides can control red rice (Oryza sativa) and enzyme, thus making a crop tolerant to the herbicide
jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica ) which no other (Table 31.1). The herbicide tolerance trait that results
herbicide can selectively control in cultivated rice and from the genetic modification can be used not only
wheat. The imidazolinone-tolerant maize (Zea mays) for the development of a HTC but also as a selectable
and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in combination with marker.
imidazolinone herbicides are able to control parasitic Many HTCs have been commercialized, and they can
weeds such as witchweed (Striga spp.) and broomape be classified into several categories depending on their
(Orobanche spp.) very effectively. HTCs can also be herbicide tolerance, method of development, and
good rotational crops for fields previously treated with mechanism of tolerance (Table 31.1). Commercial HTCs
the herbicide for which the HTC is designed because developed from mutations include imidazolinone-
the herbicide residue carried over from previous years tolerant maize, rice, wheat, rapeseed (Brassica napus),
in the soil will not injure the HTC. Another reason for sunflower, and lentil (Lens culinaris); sulfonylurea-toler-
the popularity of HTCs is the increasing difficulty of ant soybean (Glycine max) and sunflower; cyclohexan-
discovering a new herbicide with a known or a novel edione-tolerant maize; and triazine-tolerant rapeseed
mode of action. As a result, there is a strong demand to (Table 31.1). All commercial, non-transgenic HTCs
Table 31.1: Commercial herbicide-tolerant crops, their mechanisms of tolerance, and development
Mechanism of tolerance
Mutation of a native Imidazolinone-tolerant maize, rice, wheat, None Tan et al. 2005; Slinkard
gene (non-transgenic) rapeseed, sunflower, and lentil. et al. 2007; Green,
Sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean and 2007; Gabard and
sunflower. Huby, 2004; Zagnitko
Cyclohexanedione-tolerant maize. et al. 2001; Sundby et
Triazine-tolerant rapeseed. al. 1993
were developed from mutations of genes that encode the ability to degrade the herbicide quickly can tolerate
altered enzymes targeted by herbicides. Commercial the herbicide with little or no injury. Three enzymes or
HTCs developed from transgenes include glyphosate- proteins and their genes have often been the targets for
tolerant maize, soybean, cotton (Gossypium spp.), mutation discovery of herbicide-tolerant variants. They
rapeseed, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), and sugar beet are acetohydroxyacid synthase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase,
(Beta vulgaris); glufosinate-tolerant maize, cotton, and D1 protein of photosynthesis (Table 31.2).
and rapeseed; and bromoxynil-tolerant cotton and
rapeseed (Table 31.1). Genes conferring tolerance to 2.1. Acetohydroxyacid Synthase (AHAS) and AHAS
most herbicide classes are available, but many of them Gene Mutations
have not yet been developed into commercial HTCs.
AHAS, also called acetolactate synthase (ALS), is a key
enzyme of branched-chain amino acid biosynthe-
2. Target Genes and Enzymes for Commercial sis that catalyzes the condensation of two pyruvate
Herbicide-Tolerant Crop Development molecules to acetolactate and the synthesis of 2-ace-
tohydroxybutyrate from pyruvate and 2-ketobutyrate
Herbicides control weeds generally through binding and (Box 31.1). Leucine, valine, and isoleucine are the prod-
inhibiting the function of key enzymes or proteins of vital ucts of this biochemical pathway and are important
biochemical pathways and physiological processes. For amino acids and building blocks of proteins. The AHAS
instance, imidazolinone and sulfonylurea herbicides, can be inhibited non-competitively by five major chemi-
glyphosate, and glufosinate inhibit critical enzymes of cal families including imidazolinones, sulfonylureas, tri-
amino acid biosynthesis; aryloxyphenoxypropionate azolopyrimidines, pyrimidinylthio(or oxy)-benzoates,
and cyclohexanedione herbicides inhibit a key enzyme and sulfonylamino-carbonyltriazolinones (Table 31.2).
of fatty acid biosynthesis; and triazine herbicides and The inhibition blocks the biosynthesis of leucine, valine,
bromoxynil bind to D1 protein and block the electron and isoleucine and causes plant death (Box 31.1). The
transport of photosynthesis. A crop with herbicide- examples of imidazolinone herbicides are imazamox,
insensitive enzyme targeted by the herbicide or with imazaquin, imazapic, imazapyr, and imazethapyr; and
Table 31.2: Target enzymes of herbicides and their gene mutations used in developing commercial
herbicide-tolerant crops.
Enzyme or protein Acetohydroxyacid synthase Acetyl-CoA carboxylase D1 protein of photosynthesis II
Catalytic function Biosynthesis of branched-chain Biosynthesis of fatty acids Facilitation of electron transport
amino acids in photosynthesis II
Common mutation point for A122, P197, A205, W574, S653 I1781, W2027, I2041, D2078, V219, S264
herbicide tolerance G2096
Box 31.1: Catalytic function of susceptible and resistant AHAS enzymes.
Schematic diagrams showing catalytic function of susceptible and resistant AHAS enzymes without a herbicide present (A and B) and
inhibition of the herbicide (C and D). The herbicide can bind to susceptible AHAS (C), inhibits the AHAS catalytic activity, and results
in plant death. In contrast, the herbicide cannot bind to resistant AHAS (D) because of the altered AHAS structure resulting from amino
acid substitution led by AHAS gene mutation. As a result, the herbicide does not inhibit catalytic activity of the resistant AHAS, and the
resistant plant is not affected by the herbicide.
Pyruvate Pyruvate
C D Pyruvate
Susceptible AHAS
Resistant AHAS
Acetolactate and
No acetolactate and 2-acetohy droxybutyrate
2-acetohy droxybutyrate
Leucine, valine,
and isoleucine
No leucine, valine, (resistant plant is not
and isoleucine affected by herbicide)
(susceptible plant is
killed by herbicide)
examples of sulfonylurea herbicides are chlorsulfuron, codon or amino acid positions in this chapter are in ref-
rimsulfuron, and thifensulfuron-methyl. erence to Arabidopsis thaliana unless stated otherwise)
The AHAS enzyme consists of large catalytic subu- (Table 31.2). The five amino acids are folded in the adja-
nits and small regulatory subunits encoded by nuclear cent area of the AHAS enzyme quaternary structure and
genes. Since maize, rice, soybean, sunflower, and lentil this folding pocket has been proposed as the binding
are diploid; rapeseed allotetraploid; and bread wheat site of the AHAS-inhibiting herbicides where herbicides
hexaploid; the number of AHAS gene loci is expected to contact and interact with the AHAS enzyme.
be different from crop to crop. The polypeptide of the Substitution of the amino acid at any of these five criti-
AHAS large subunit has about 670 amino acids. Each cal positions may prevent a herbicide from binding and
amino acid in the protein is determined by a set of three inhibiting the AHAS enzyme because of protein struc-
successive nucleotides in mRNA called coding triplet or tural change resulting from the amino acid substitution
codon. Five commonly-occurring mutation sites in the (Box 31.1). The altered AHAS enzyme resulting from the
gene of the AHAS large subunit that confer tolerance to AHAS gene mutation is less sensitive or no longer sensi-
AHAS-inhibiting herbicides have been found in plants. tive to the herbicide. Thus the plant with the resistant
The wild type amino acid and codon position of these AHAS has normal biosythesis of leucine, valine,
mutation sites are A122, P197, A205, W574, and S653 in and isoleucine and is not affected by the herbicide
reference to the AHAS gene of Arabidopsis thaliana (All (Box 31.1 & Fig 31.1). Many AHAS gene mutants have
Figure 31.1 Sunflower plants with imidazolinone-tolerant A205V mutation of AHAS gene (left pot) were not affected by foliar spray of
imazamox herbicide, but sunflower plants without the tolerant mutation (right pot) were killed by the same herbicide spray.
been used to develop crops tolerant to AHAS-inhibiting the species. Five commonly-occurring mutation posi-
herbicides. There have been no significant agronomi- tions have been found in the homomeric ACCase gene
cal pleiotropic effects noted with the commercial AHAS that confer tolerance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides
gene mutations. To date, commercially available, in plants (Table 31.2). The wild type amino acids and
mutated AHAS gene alleles in all crops are incom- codon numbers of the five positions are I1781, W2027,
pletely-dominant (partially-, semi-, or co-dominant). I2041, D2078, and G2096 in reference to blackgrass
(Alopecurus myosuroides), and they are located within
2.2. Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase (ACCase) and ACCase the active site cavity of the ACCase’s carboxyl trans-
Gene Mutations ferase to which herbicides bind.
The ACCase enzyme with an amino acid substitution
ACCase is a key enzyme of the fatty acid biosynthesis at position I1781 or D2078 tends to be resistant to both
and catalyzes carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to form aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione
malonyl-CoA (Table 31.2). Phospholipids are the herbicides, but the altered ACCase from the mutation
products of the fatty acid biosynthesis and are critical at position W2027, I2041, or G2096 tends to be more
to the building of new membranes required for cell resistant or only resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropion-
growth. The ACCase in the cytosol of all plants and ate herbicides. The I1781L mutation of the ACCase
also in the plastids and mitochondria of grass species gene discovered in maize has been used to develop
is a homomeric enzyme that has all functional domains cyclohexanedione-tolerant maize. The trait is incom-
on a single polypeptide. In contrast, all other ACCases pletely dominant. There have been no significant agro-
in the plant are heteromeric enzymes composed of nomical pleiotropic effects noted with this mutation.
four distinct subunits. The homomeric ACCase can
be inhibited non-competitively by two chemical fami- 2.3. D1 Protein of Photosynthesis and psbA Gene
lies of herbicides, aryloxyphenoxypropionate such as Mutations
haloxyfop and cyclohexanedione such as cycloxydim
and sethoxydim (Table 31.2). The D1 protein of photosynthesis II (PS II) facilitates
The ACCase enzyme is encoded by a nuclear gene electron transport from plastoquinone A (QA) to plas-
and consists of about 2,300 amino acids depending on toquinone B (QB) in the PS II system, one of the two
functional photosynthesis assemblies that is activated to the plant population or adding the inhibitor in tissue
at shorter light wavelength and is responsible for culture medium will kill the plants or tissues that are
oxygen evolution of photosynthesis (Table 31.2). The susceptible to the inhibitors. In contrast, a plant or cell
D1 protein can be bound by herbicides from several with a herbicide-tolerant variant of AHAS, ACCase, or
chemical families including triazines and bromoxynil. psbA genes resulting from spontaneous mutation will
The herbicides bind the QB-binding niche on the D1 survive the selection pressure and can be easily identi-
protein competitively and block the electron transport fied with the herbicide treatment.
from QA to QB in PS II. The D1 protein is encoded by a Several herbicide-tolerant mutants have been
chloroplastic gene called psbA. Several mutation sites discovered through this simple selection method
of psbA gene have been reported in plants. The two from either cell culture or farm field (Table 31.3).
commonly-occurring mutation sites are V219 and S264 Cyclohexanedione-tolerant maize and several mutants
in reference to Arabidopsis thaliana. The S264G muta- of imidazolinone-tolerant maize and rice were selected
tion of psbA gene has been used to develop triazine- from cell culture using a culture medium containing
tolerant rapeseed. Because the psbA gene is located in a cyclohexanedione or AHAS-inhibiting herbicide.
the chloroplast, the triazine-tolerance trait is inherited Similarly, one of the imidazolinone- or sulfonylurea-
maternally. The triazine-tolerance trait in rapeseed tolerant sunflower mutants and the triazine-tolerant
tends to be associated with low yield and oil content trait in rapeseed were discovered in farmer’s fields from
and poor seedling vigor. This is the only herbicide-tol- natural populations after herbicide spray.
erance trait commercialized from a mutation that shows Chemical mutagenesis followed by selection can
any agronomic penalty from the mutation. increase mutation frequency and therefore improve
the chance of discovering herbicide-tolerant mutants
when compared with the method of selecting mutants
3. Development of Herbicide-Tolerant solely from spontaneous mutation. Many breeders
Mutants use chemical mutagens to create herbicide-tolerant
mutants beyond spontaneous mutation. After the
Spontaneous mutations and variants of the AHAS, chemical mutagenesis, mutants that are tolerant to a
ACCase, and psbA genes occur commonly in natural herbicide are generally selected by treating the prog-
plant populations. For instance, the spontaneous eny of the mutagen-treated plants with the herbicide.
mutation frequency for resistance to AHAS-inhibiting In fact, most of the herbicide-tolerant mutants were
herbicide in Arabidopsis thaliana was estimated to be created and selected through this two-step method of
of the magnitude of 10-9. Imposing selection pressure chemical mutagenesis followed by herbicide selection
by spraying inhibitors of AHAS, ACCas, and D1 protein (Table 31.3).
Chemical mutagensis
N-nitroso-N-methylurea Soybean
Several chemical mutagens including ethyl meth- is not closely linked to the gene conferring herbicide
anesulfonate (EMS), ethyl nitrosourea, N-nitroso-N- tolerance, it is easy to introduce the latter without the
methylurea, and sodium azide have been used in former into an elite variety through backcrossing and
mutagenesis for treating seeds, pollen, and micro- imposing selection pressure on each backcrossed gen-
spores of a plant to develop herbicide-tolerant mutants eration with herbicide spray. After several generations
(Table 31.3). Among the chemical mutagens used in of herbicide selection, any undesirable mutation from
the development of herbicide-tolerant mutants, EMS is mutagenesis can be separated from the herbicide toler-
the most popular. Treating dose, time, and procedure ance mutation.
of chemical mutagens varied depending on types of
mutagens, crops, and plant organs; and details about
the mutagen treatment and subsequent selection of 4. Commercial Herbicide-Tolerant Crops
each herbicide-tolerant mutant will be discussed in the Developed from Mutations
following sections of this chapter.
Imidazolinone-tolerant rice, wheat, and lentil; 4.1. Herbicide-Tolerant Maize
sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean; and one of the imida-
zolinone- or sulfonylurea-tolerant sunflower mutants 4.1.1. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Maize
were developed by soaking seeds with chemical Cell culture and pollen mutagenesis were used in
mutagens followed by herbicide selection (Table 31.3). in vitro selection to develop imidazolinone-tolerant
In comparison, several imidazolinone-tolerant maize maize (Table 31.4). The cell calluses induced in culture
mutants were developed by soaking pollens with a of the maize A188 x B73 cross were cultured in the
chemical mutagen followed by pollinating maize plants medium containing imazaquin to select imazaquin-
with the mutagen-treated pollens and spraying M1 plants tolerant cells. Several imidazolinone-tolerant lines
with the herbicide. Similarly, imidazolinone-tolerant were selected including XI12, XA17, QJ22, and XS40.
rapeseed was developed by treating microspore with An important feature of this type of in vitro selection is
a chemical mutagen followed by culturing the micro- that since it is based on biochemical cell metabolism
spore in the medium containing an imidazolinone her- the whole plant is not required for selection purpose;
bicide (see Chapter 29). hence selection can be carried out efficiently in the
Gamma irradiation was also used in enhancing laboratory and not in the field during a limited grow-
gene mutation frequency in herbicide-tolerant mutant ing season. The XI12 and XA17 have been used subse-
development (Table 31.3). For example, rice seeds quently to develop commercial IT and IR maize hybrids.
were treated with gamma ray to increase mutation fre- The imidazolinone-tolerant maize was commercialized
quency in the development of imidazolinone-tolerant in 1992 and is marketed as CLEARFIELD® maize.
rice. Gamma irradiation was also used in creating The second method was pollen mutagenesis by using
sulfonylurea-tolerant lentil. However, mutagenesis a chemical mutagen followed by selection with the
with gamma irradiation was not as popular, nor as suc- herbicide. Fresh pollen grains of the maize line UE95
cessful as chemical mutagenesis in the development were added to 1% ethyl methane sulphonate solution
of herbicide-tolerant mutants. In contrast to gamma and were shaken vigorously for 30 seconds and then
irradiation, chemical mutagenesis needs less expensive shaken 4-5 times every three minutes for 40 minutes.
equipment and can be carried out more easily. Many The treated pollen was then brushed onto the silks of
breeders have access to a chemical mutagen, but not de-tasseled UE95 for pollination. The M1 seeds were
a gamma ray source. To date there has been no com- planted and sprayed with imazethapyr. Several imida-
mercial herbicide-tolerant crop created and developed zolinone-tolerant maize lines including Mutant 1 and
through gamma irradiation. Mutant 2 were successfully selected. Subsequently,
Mutagenesis including chemical mutagenesis may imidazolinone-tolerant maize developed from this
cause mutation of desirable genes at the same time source has been also marketed.
of creating herbicide-tolerance mutation, resulting in Maize has two AHAS gene loci, als1 on the long arm
undesirable characteristics of a mutant. However, if of chromosome four and als2 on the long arm of chro-
the mutated gene conferring undesirable phenotype mosome five. XI12 and XA17 are from mutations of the
Table 31.4: Mutations of the AHAS gene conferring tolerance to AHAS-inhibiting herbicides.
Mutagenesis and selection
Mutation with herbicide
Crop and Amino acid Nucleotide Chemical Plant material herbicide
mutant substitution* substitution Locus Mutagen and method tolerance Reference
Maize (Zea mays)
XI12 S653N G to A als2 No Cell culture Imidazolinone Dietrich, 1998
QJ22 S653N G to A als1 No Cell culture Imidazolinone Dietrich, 1998
Mutant 2 S653N G to A No data EMS Pollen Imidazolinone Bright et al. 1992
XA17 W574L als2 No Cell culture Imidazolinone, Bernasconi et al.
other AHAS 1996
Mutant 1 A122T G to A No data EMS Pollen Imidazolinone Bright et al. 1992
Rice (Oryza sativa)
93AS3510 G654E G to A No data EMS Seed Imidazolinone Croughan, 2005
Several S653N G to A No data EMS Seed Imidazolinone Croughan, 2005
Kinmaze W574L + No data No Cell culture Pyrimidinyloxy- Shimizu et al. 2006
mutant S653I benzoate and other
AHAS inhibitors
Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Several S653N G to A ALS1 Sodium Seed Imidazolinone Pozniak et al. 2004
azide,EMS mutagenesis
TealIMI 11A S653N G to A ALS2 EMS Seed Imidazolinone Pozniak et al. 2004
Rapeseed (Brassica napus)
PM1 S653N G to A AHAS1 Ethyl Microspore Imidazolinone Barnes and
nitrosourea mutagenesis Vanstraelen, 2009
PM2 W574L G to T AHAS3 Ethyl Microspore Imidazolinone and Barnes and
nitrosourea mutagenesis sulfonylurea Vanstraelen, 2009
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
IMISUN A205V C to T AHAS1 No Whole plant Imidazolinone Kolkman et al. 2004
CLHA-PLUS A122T G to A AHAS1 EMS Seed Imidazolinone Sala et al. 2008
SURES P197L C to T AHAS1 No Whole plant Sulfonylurea Kolkman et al. 2004
Several No data No data EMS Seed Sulfonylurea Gabard and Huby,
mutagenesis 2004
Lentil (Lens culinaris)
RH44 No data One of EMS Seed Imidazolinone Slinkard et al. 2007
two loci mutagenesis
Soybean (Glycine max)
W20 P197S als1 NMU Seed Sulfonylurea Sebastian, 1992;
mutagenesis Green, 2007
W4-4 Two NMU Seed Sulfonylurea, Sebastian, 1992
mutations at mutagenesis Imidazolinone
two loci
als2, but QJ22 and XS40 are from mutations of the als1 or at codon 1769 in reference to wheat (Table 31.5).
(Table 31.4). A single nucleotide change or substitution Codon nucleotides TTA replaced ATA, and as a result,
in DNA can lead to gene mutation, subsequently codon the encoded ACCase enzyme has the I1781L amino acid
change in mRNA, and consequently amino acid sequence substitution. The alteration of the ACCase prevents
change of a protein. The XI12 and QJ22 have an altered some aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedi-
AHAS enzyme with S653N amino substitution (from serine one herbicides from binding and inhibiting the enzyme
to asparagine or S to N at codon 653) encoded by an and makes the plant tolerant to the herbicides.
AHAS gene mutation resulting from a single nucleotide
substitution from AGT to AAT at codon 653 (Table 31.4). 4.2. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Rice
Similarly, the Mutant 2 from the pollen mutagenesis has
the same S653N AHAS gene mutation resulting from The commercial imidazolinone-tolerant rice was devel-
a base pair substitution from G to A at codon 653. In oped from two seed mutagenesis projects (Table 31.4).
contrast, the XA17 from the cell selection has the W574L In the first project, 1.5 kg seeds of the rice variety AS3510
mutation of the AHAS gene (Table 31.4). Mutant 1 from the were treated with 0.5% EMS solution for 16 hours imme-
pollen mutagenesis has the A122T mutation resulting from diately prior to planting. The M2 plants were treated with
a single nucleotide substitution from G to A at codon 122 imazethapyr to select imidazolinone-tolerant plants. A
(Table 31.4). The amino acid substitution of A122T, W574L, single rice plant survived the herbicide treatment and
or S653N modifies the herbicide-binding pocket of the was designated as 93AS3510. The imidazolinone-toler-
AHAS enzyme and prevents the herbicide from binding ance trait of 93AS3510 was used to breed CLEARFIELD®
and inhibiting the enzyme. rice varieties CL121 and CL141 which were commercial-
ized in 2001. Exposing rice seeds to gamma rays was
4.1.2. Aryloxyphenoxypropionate- and Cyclohex- also attempted in this project but did not result in any
anedione-Tolerant Maize commercial herbicide-tolerant mutant.
Similar to imidazolinone-tolerant maize, aryloxyphenoxy- In the second project, 136 kg seeds of the rice variety
propionate- and cyclohexanedione-tolerant maize lines Cypress were treated with 0.175% EMS aqueous solu-
were also discovered in vitro from herbicide selection of tion for 23 hours. The M2 plants were sprayed post-
maize cells (Table 31.5). Several sethoxydim-tolerant callus emergence with imazapyr or imazapic, and seven toler-
lines including S1, S2, S3, and S4 and haloxyfop-tolerant ant lines including PWC16, PWC23, CMC29, CMC31,
callus lines including H1 and H2 have been selected from WDC33, WDC37, and WDC38 were selected. Several
a maize tissue culture of A188 x B73 cross in a medium commercial, imidazolinone-tolerant rice varieties and
containing sethoxydim or haloxyfop. Cyclohexanedione- hybrids such as CL161 and XL8 have been bred by
tolerant inbred lines were developed by backcrossing using the mutation from this source. Crop breeders in
public inbred lines with plants regenerated from the S2 the US often apply for plant variety protection for their
callus cultures. The materials were transferred to maize new rice varieties, readers can get information on more
breeding companies in 1990, and sethoxydim-tolerant CLEARFIELD® rice varieties from USDA plant variety
maize hybrids were developed from the trait and were protection office website listed in reference section of
first marketed in 1996. Subsequently Cycloxydim-tolerant this chapter.
maize hybrids have been also developed using the same Imidazolinone-tolerant rice mutants used for com-
mutation and marketed in Europe as DUO System and are mercial variety development have a single nucleotide
increasingly adopted by farmers. substitution in their AHAS gene that is responsible for
Two distinct ACCase isoforms, ACCase I and ACCase the imidazolinone tolerance. The line 93AS3510 has
II, have been found in maize. ACCase I is sensitive to the nucleotide substitution from GGG to GAG at codon
herbicide, while ACCase II is relatively insensitive to or 654, resulting in the G654E amino acid substitution of
less inhibited by sethoxydim or haloxyfop than ACCase the AHAS enzyme (Table 31.4). In comparison, the
I. The DNA analysis of the sethoxydim- and haloxyfop- lines PWC16, PWC23, CMC29, WDC33, and WDC38
tolerant maize DK592 showed that the ACCase gene, have the S653N amino acid modification of the AHAS
presumably the ACCase I gene, has a single nucleotide enzyme resulting from the nucleotide substitution of
substitution at codon 1781 in reference to blackgrass AGT with AAT at codon 653 (Table 31.4). Both G654E
and S653N mutations confer good tolerance to imida- 11A mutants have an AHAS gene mutation on genomes
zolinone herbicides. D and B, respectively, and the mutation causes a single
Besides the commercial imidazolinone-tolerant nucleotide substitution from G to A at codon 653, result-
rice mutations, a double mutation of the AHAS gene ing in the amino acid substitution of S653N of the AHAS
has also been reported in rice. This double mutation enzyme (Table 31.4). Similar to the S653N mutation in
was discovered from a cell culture of the rice cultivar maize and rice, the S653N mutation in wheat also con-
Kinmaze in medium containing bispyribac-sodium, a fers good tolerance to imidazolinone herbicides
pyrimidinyloxy-benzoate herbicide. The AHAS gene
has double mutations of W574L and S653I and con- 4.4. Herbicide-Tolerant Rapeseed
fers higher resistance to bispyribac-sodium than to
imazaquin or chlorsulfuron (Table 31.4). 4.4.1. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Rapeseed
Imidazolinone-tolerant rapeseed was devel-
4.3. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Wheat oped from chemical mutagenesis of microspores
(Table 31.4). Microspores of the rapeseed variety Topas
Similar to imidazolinone-tolerant rice, imidazolinone- were isolated and treated with 20 µM ethyl nitrosourea,
tolerant wheat was developed from two seed mutagen- a chemical mutagen. The treated microspores were
esis projects using chemical mutagens (Table 31.4). In cultured in the medium containing imazethapyr to
the first project, 5,000 seeds of the winter wheat variety produce embryos, and the survived embryos then grew
Fidel were treated with 1 mM sodium azide solution into plantlets. The plantlets were transferred to soil, and
for two hours after being soaked in water for 24 hours the chromosomes of the plantlets were doubled with
without and then with air bubbling. The M2 seeds were colchicine. Two lines exhibited excellent tolerance to
seed-treated with herbicide imazethapyr and then imazethapyr and were designated as P1 and P2, also
followed by a soil spray of imazethapyr. Four plants, referred to as PM1 and PM2. Both PM1 and PM2 have
FS1, FS2, FS3, and FS4, survived the imidazolinone been subsequently used as trait donors for breeding
treatments; their phenotype and enzyme tolerance imidazolinone-tolerant rapeseed that was commercial-
profiles were nearly identical. The tolerance mutation ized in 1995 and is marketed as CLEARFIELD® canola.
from this source has been used as a trait donor for the There are five AHAS gene loci in rapeseed. AHAS1
imidazolinone-tolerant wheat varieties that have been and AHAS5 are located on genome C, but AHAS2,
marketed as CLEARFIELD® wheat since 2001. AHAS3, and AHAS4 are located on genome A. The
In the second seed mutagenesis project, approxi- PM1 has a single nucleotide modification from G to A
mately 40,000 seeds of the spring wheat variety CDC at codon 653, resulting in the S653N amino acid sub-
Teal were treated with 0.3% EMS solution for six hours stitution of the AHAS1 enzyme (Table 31.4). In contrast,
after being soaked in distilled water for four hours. The the PM2 has a single base-pair change from G to T at
M2 plants were sprayed with herbicide imazamox as codon 574, resulting in the W574L amino acid substitu-
the selection agent. Several plants including TealIMI tion of the AHAS3 enzyme. Similar to the case in maize,
11A and 15A survived the herbicide treatment, and a both S653N and W574L mutations of the AHAS gene in
new mutation was discovered from TealIMI 11A. The rapeseed confer good tolerance to imidazolinone her-
tolerance trait from this source has also been used to bicides and are responsible for the imidazolinone toler-
develop imidazolinone-tolerant wheat. Several dozens ance observed with PM1 and PM2 mutants. However,
of CLEARFIELD® winter and spring wheat varieties have the PM2 is much more tolerant to imidazolinone herbi-
been commercialized such as ORCF-102, Infinity CL, cides than the PM1.
and AP604 CL. Readers can get information about
more CLEARFIELD® wheat varieties in the US from 4.4.2. Triazine-Tolerant Rapeseed
USDA plant variety protection office website listed in Triazine-tolerance in rapeseed was derived from
reference section of this chapter. spontaneous mutations found in bird’s rape (Brassica
Wheat has three AHAS gene loci, ALS1, ALS2, and rapa or B. campestris). A triazine-tolerant bird’s rape
ALS3, and they are located on the long arm of chromo- biotype was originally discovered in two maize fields
somes 6D, 6B, and 6A, respectively. The FS and TealIMI in Quebec, Canada. Repeated backcrossing of the
Table 31.5: Gene mutations conferring cyclohexanedione and triazine tolerance.
Mutagenesis and
selection with
Mutation herbicide
Material Reported
Amino acid Nucleotide Chemical & herbicide
Gene Crop Mutant substitution substitution Locus mutagen method tolerance Reference
rapeseed cultivar Tower (B. napus) with the resistant plant selection, and the other from seed mutagenesis
B. rapa biotype resulted in a triazine-tolerant B. napus (Table 31.4). An imidazolinone-tolerant wild sunflower
germplasm referred to as ATR-5Tw. The ATR-5Tw was biotype with a spontaneous AHAS gene mutation was
released and used to develop triazine-tolerant rape- discovered in a soybean field in Kansas, USA. The toler-
seed cultivars that have been marketed since the 1980s. ant wild sunflower was crossed with several domestic
Triazine-tolerant rapeseed varieties tend to have lower sunflower lines. As a result, several imidazolinone-tol-
yield and oil content than conventional varieties. The erant germplasm lines including IMISUN-1, IMISUN-2,
farmer has therefore to consider the tradeoff between IMISUN-3, and IMISUN-4 were created. The seeds of
good weed control with triazine herbicides and the these lines were distributed to sunflower breeders for
potential reduction of yield or oil content by using developing imidazolinone-tolerant sunflower hybrids.
triazine-tolerant varieties. Several dozens of imidazolinone-tolerant sunflower
The mutation conferring triazine tolerance in B. napus hybrids carrying this trait have been developed and
occurred at the chloroplastic psbA gene that encodes commercialized as CLEARFIELD® sunflower since 2003.
the D1 protein of photosynthesis II. The nucleotide Three AHAS genes, AHAS1, AHAS2, and AHAS3, have
substitution from AGT to GGT at codon 264 resulted been identified in common sunflower. The IMISUN
in the S264G alteration of the D1 protein (Table 31.5). mutant has a point mutation on the AHAS1 gene with
Because of the substitution, triazines are no longer able the base-pair substitution from GCG to GTG at codon
to bind to the D1 protein and compete with QB, and position 205 and the amino acid substitution of A205V
consequently cannot interrupt the electron transport of of the encoded AHAS1 enzyme (Table 31.4). Similar
PS II and injure the plant. to the mutant discovered in Kansas, another imida-
zolinone-tolerant wild sunflower biotype was found in
4.5. Sunflowers Tolerant to AHAS Inhibitors South Dakota, USA and also has the A205V AHAS gene
4.5.1. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Sunflower Surprisingly, selfed-progeny of an intermediately-
tolerant phenotype of the Kansas mutant was observed
Two imidazolinone-tolerance traits have been discov- not to segregate further, hinting that more than one
ered in common sunflower. One was from a field whole gene may contribute to the total tolerance. The inherit-
ance of the imidazolinone-tolerance trait from Kansas is also derived from a mutated AHAS gene. However,
appears to be additively controlled by two genes. It there is no published information available about the
has been also proposed that the tolerance is controlled DNA sequence of the mutated AHAS gene and its locus
by the partially-dominant A205V AHAS gene and a in M7. Sulfonylurea-tolerant sunflower has been devel-
modifier gene that confers no tolerance by itself but can oped and commercialized from this source.
enhance the former. However, the second additive or
modifier gene is yet to be found. 4.6. Imidazolinone-Tolerant Lentil
For the seed mutagenesis project, approximately
60,000 seeds of sunflower line BTK47 were treated The imidazolinone-tolerant lentil trait was developed
with 0.25% EMS for 15 hours, then soaked in 1.5% from seed mutagenesis (Table 31.4). Five kg of mixed
sodium thiosulfate solution for 0.5 hour, and finally lentil seeds were treated in EMS solution and then
rinsed continually with tap water for one hour. After planted in the field. An imidazolinone-tolerant line
M2 was sprayed with herbicide imazapyr, eight resistant designated as RH44 was discovered from a population
plants were identified. After several generations of of approximately one million M3 seeds using imida-
screening, one of the resistant lines closely resembling zolinone herbicides as the selection agent. The RH44
BTK47 attributes was selected and designated as CLHA- showed an increased imidazolinone resistance as com-
PLUS (Table 31.4). CLHA-PLUS was found to have an pared with the conventional lentil variety CDC Richlea,
AHAS1 gene mutation with the nucleotide substitution but showed little resistance to sulfonylureas. The RH44
of GCG to ACG at codon 122, resulting in A122T amino has been used as an imidazolinone-tolerance trait donor
acid substitution of the AHAS1 enzyme (Table 31.4). The to develop imidazolinone-tolerant lentil varieties that
mutated AHAS1 gene allele in CLHA-PLUS is partially were first commercialized as CLEARFIELD® lentil in 2006.
dominant and confers a higher level of imidazolinone Besides chemical mutagenesis, gamma irradiation was
tolerance than the allele in IMISUN. also reported to generate sulfonylurea-tolerant lentils.
An enzyme assay showed an increased tolerance of
4.5.2. Sulfonylurea-Tolerant Sunflower RH44 AHAS enzyme to imazapic or imazethapyr when
Similar to imidazolinone-tolerant sunflower, two sul- compared with the conventional variety CDC Richlea,
fonylurea-tolerance traits were discovered in common indicating that the tolerance is a result of AHAS gene
sunflower. One was from a field whole plant selection, mutation. However, there is no published information
and the other from seed mutagenesis (Table 31.4). A available about the DNA sequence of the mutated AHAS
sulfonylurea-tolerant wild sunflower biotype was dis- gene. Lentil is believed to have two AHAS genes, and
covered in Kansas, USA, and the tolerance trait was one of them mutated in RH44. The tolerance trait is
introduced into domestic sunflower lines and resulted incompletely dominant.
in the germplasm lines SURES-1 and SURES-2. Tolerance
is conferred by a mutation on the AHAS1 gene, and 4.7. Sulfonylurea-Tolerant Soybeans
codon position is 197 with a codon base-pair substitu-
tion from CCC to CTC and an amino acid substitution Sulfonylurea-tolerant soybeans have been developed
from proline to leucine in the encoded AHAS1 enzyme through chemical seed mutagenesis followed by herbi-
(Table 31.4). cide screening (Table 31.4). Seeds of soybean varieties
Seed mutagenesis of sunflower was carried out Williams, Williams 82, and A3205 were soaked with
by treating the seeds of sunflower line HA89B with mutagen EMS or N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) to
20-35 mM EMS for 18 hours under continuous stirring increase mutation frequency. Among the sulfonylurea-
(Table 31.4). The M2 plants were subjected to selection tolerant soybean mutants selected, W20 was derived
pressure by being grown in a hydroponic screening from Williams treated with NMU and has been used as
system containing thifensulfuron-methyl or rimsulfuron. a trait donor to develop sulfonylurea-tolerant soybeans.
As a result, several sulfonylurea-tolerant lines including Sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean varieties have been mar-
M7 were selected. Subsequent AHAS assays showed keted as STS® soybeans since 1994.
that the AHAS enzyme of all mutants was tolerant to The tolerance of W20 is conferred by a mutation on
sulfonylureas. Apparently, the sulfonylurea tolerance als1 locus at codon 197 with an amino acid substitution
from proline to serine in the encoded AHAS enzyme 5. References
(Table 31.4). Backcrossing of W20 with Williams 82 and
several other soybean lines showed that the mutated 5.1. Cited References
allele (Als1) is inherited dominantly at the whole-plant
level. However, AHAS enzyme assays showed clear Barnes, S. and Vanstraelen, S. 2009. Assay for imida-
evidence for a dosage effect of the mutated allele, indi- zolinone resistance mutations in Brassica species. US
cating that the tolerance trait is semi-dominant. patent 7595177.
In addition to the mutation in W20, a second sul- html.
fonylurea-tolerant AHAS gene mutation named Als2 Bernasconi, P., Woodworth, A.R., Rosen B.A. et al. 1996.
was also found in the second-round NMU mutagen- A naturally occurring point mutation confers broad
esis of the soybean seeds that already possessed one range tolerance to herbicides that target acetolactate
mutation for herbicide resistance, and the “second synthase. J. Biol. Chem. correction 271: 13925 and
generation” mutant is designated as W4-4 (Table original. 270: 17381-17385.
31.4). The Als2 resides at a second locus, segregates Bright, S.W.J., Chang, M.T., Evans, I.J. et al. 1992. Herbicide
independently from the first mutation, and is inherited resistant plants. Patent Application of World
semi-dominantly. The W4-4 carries two mutations, Intellectual Property Organization. WO92/08794.
has a higher level of sulfonylurea resistance than W20, Croughan, T.P. 2005. Resistance to acetohydroxyacid
and is cross-resistant to an imidazolinone herbicide. synthase-inhibiting herbicides. US patent 6943280.
Besides AHAS gene mutations, four non-target based
and sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean mutants were also Dietrich, G.E. 1998. Imidazolinone resistant AHAS
discovered from seed mutagenesis of variety Williams, mutants. US Patent 5767361.
through using ethylnitrosourea as the mutagen. The tol- patft/index.html.
erance is conferred by a single recessive gene in all four Duke, S.O. 2005. Taking stock of herbicide-resistant
mutants, and each mutation resides at one of three loci. crops ten years after introduction. Pest Manag. Sci.
In summary, spontaneous and mutagen-induced muta- 61:211-218.
tions have been successfully selected and utilized in Gabard, J.M. and Huby, J.P. 2004. Sulfonylurea-tolerant
developing crops tolerant to several classes of herbicides. sunflower line M7. US patent 6822146. http://www.
All herbicide-tolerant mutants used in commercial HTCs
were derived from a single nucleotide substitution of Green, J. 2007. Review of glyphosate and ALS-inhibiting
genes that encode tolerant enzymes or proteins targeted herbicide crop resistance and resistant weed man-
by herbicides. The alleles of all commercial herbicide- agement. Weed Technol. 21:547–558.
tolerant mutations are incompletely dominant and not Green, J. 2009. Evolution of glyphosate-resistant crop
pleiotropic, except for the triazine-tolerant mutation that technology. Weed Sci. 57:108-117.
is inherited maternally and linked with several agronomic Kolkman, J.M., Slabaugh, M.B., Bruniard, J.M. et al. 2004.
traits. To confer commercial tolerance to herbicides, some Acetohydroxyacid synthase mutations conferring
herbicide-tolerant alleles can be heterozygous, others resistance to imidazolinone or sulfonylurea herbi-
need to be homozygous, and the rest must be stacked cides in sunflower. Theor. Appl. Genet. 109:1147-1159.
with another tolerant gene. The herbicide-tolerance trait Pozniak, C.J., Birk, I.T., O’Donoughue, L.S. et al. 2004.
can be incorporated in an elite variety through crossing a Physiological and molecular characterization of
trait donor with the elite variety. mutation-derived imidazolinone resistance in spring
wheat. Crop Sci. 44:1434-1443.
Sala, C.A., Bulos, M., Echarte, M. et al. 2008. Molecular
and biochemical characterization of an induced
mutation conferring imidazolinone resistance in sun-
flower. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118:105–112.
Sebastian, S.A. 1992. Soybean plants with dominant
selectable trait for herbicide resistance. US patent
Shimizu, T., Nakayama, I., Nagayama, K. et al. 2006. USDA. Certificate status database of plant variety pro-
Gene encoding acetolactate synthase. US patent tection office.
7119256. npgs/html/
Slinkard, A.E., Vanderberg, A. and Holm, F. 2007. Lentil
plants having increased resistance to imidazolinone 5.3. Further Reading
herbicides. US patent 7232942. http://www.uspto.
gov/patft/index.html. Duggleby, R.G., McCourt, J.A. and Guddat, L.W. 2008.
Sundby, C., Chow, W.S. and Anderson, J.M. 1993. Effects Structure and mechanism of inhibition of plant
on photosystem II function, photoinhibition, and acetohydroxyacid synthase. Plant Physi. Biochem.
plant performance of the spontaneous mutation of 46:309-324.
serine-264 in the photosystem II reaction center D1 Duke, S.O. (ed). 1996. Herbicide Resistant Crops, CRC
protein in triazine-resistant Brassica napus L. Plant Press, Boca Raton.
Physiol. 103:105-113. Gressel, J. 2002. Molecular biology of Weed Control,
Tan, S., Evans, R.R., Dahmer, M.L. et al. 2005. Taylor & Francis, London.
Imidazolinone-tolerant crops: history, current status Mallory-Smith, C.A. and Retzinger, Jr E.J. 2003. Revised
and future. Pest Manag. Sci. 61:246-257. classification of herbicides by site of action for weed
Zagnitko, O., Jelenska, J., Tevzadze, G. et al. 2001. An resistance management strategies. Weed Technol.
isoleucine/leucine residue in the carboxyltrans- 17: 605-619.
ferase domain of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is critical Newhouse, K., Wang, T. and Anderson, P. 1991. Chapter
for interaction with aryloxyphenoxypropionate and 10, Imidazolinone-tolerant crops. Imidazolinone
cyclohexanedione inhibitors. PNAS. 98:6617-6622. Herbicides. Shaner, D. L. and O’Conner, S. L. (eds),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 139-150.
5.2. Websites Powles, S.B. and Holt, J.A. 1994. Herbicide Resistance
in Plants: Biology and Biochemistry, CRC Press, Boca
ACCase and ALS mutation tables. http://www.weedsci- Raton. Preston, C. and Mallory-Smith, C.A. 2001. Biochemical
Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Plants evaluated mechanisms, inheritance, and molecular genetics of
for environmental and livestock feed safety. http:// herbicide resistance in weeds. Herbicide Resistance and World Grains, Powles, S. B. and Shaner, D. L.
Center for Environmental Risk Assessment. (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 23-60.
GM crop database. http://www.cera-gmc. Reade, J.P.H. and Cobb, H. 2002. Chapter 8,
org/?action=gm_crop_database&. Herbicides: modes of action and metabolism.
Health Canada. Novel food decisions. http://www.hc-sc. Weed Management Handbook. Naylor, R. E. L. (ed), Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp. 134-170.
Herbicide Resistance Action Committee. Classification Tan, S., Evans, R. and Singh, B. 2006. Herbicidal inhibitors
of herbicides according to mode of action. http:// of amino acid biosynthesis and herbicide-tolerant crops. Amino Acids. 30:195–204.
Mutation Breeding for Fatty Acid
Composition in Soybean
Y.Takagia, T.Anaia and H.Nakagawab,*
Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Honjyo-machi 1, Saga 840-8502, Japan
Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan
Present address: Biomass Research & Development Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba 305-8517, Japan
*Corresponding authors, E-MAIL: - -
1. Introduction
7. References
1. Introduction 2. Diversity of Fatty Acid Composition and
its Genetic Control
Soybean is one of the most important oil crops provid-
ing about 30% of the world’s oil production. It is widely 2.1. Fatty Acids Biosynthesis
used for cooking and numerous industrial processes.
Differences in the fatty acid composition of soybean oil Every oil crop produces unique oils with a specific fatty
affect the physical, chemical and nutritional characters acid composition (Table 32.1). In the seed of traditional
of its products. Soybean oil of common varieties has on rapeseed, the levels of eicosenoic acid and erucic acid
average, 25.0 % of oleic acid, 52.0 % of linoleic acid, content are 14.5% and 41.0%, respectively, and these
and 8.0 % of linolenic acid. Table 32.1 shows the fatty levels are higher than those found in the seed of other
acid composition of different vegetative oils and their oil seed crops. The fatty acid composition of oil crops,
relative market prices. The fatty acid composition of such as soybean, maize, traditional sunflower, and
soybean oil is characterized as low oleic acid content traditional safflower varieties exhibit higher levels of lin-
(with high linoleic acid) and high linolenic acid content. oleic acid (50 - 80%), and lower levels of oleic acid (10
Due to this composition, the price of soybean oil is typi- - 30%). Linolenic acid is not found in the oils of maize,
cally lower than other oil crops. traditional sunflower, and traditional safflower, but it is
The relative ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty as high as 8.0% in soybean. Olive oil is characterized
acids determines the property of seed oils. Oils with a by a higher content of oleic acid (76.2%) and a lower
high content of the mono-unsaturated fatty acid -- oleic level of linoleic acid (5.5%). Palm oil is characterized
acid has greater stability during high-temperature heat- with higher levels of palmitic acid (43.0%) and oleic acid
ing in cooking than the oil with a normal oleate content. (44.2%). Basically the fatty acid composition is quite
Soybean oil with a high content of poly-unsaturated diverse within and across the oil crops and between
fatty acids (linoleic acid and linolenic acid) produces the traditional (non-improved) and improved varieties.
undesirable flavour and odour when maintained for Notable examples are zero erucic acid rapeseed, high
long periods at high room temperature. Hydrogenation oleic sunflower, and high oleic safflower.
treatment is used to improve the oil stability by reduc- The biosynthesis of fatty acids, common in all the
ing its linolenic acid content; however, during this pro- plant species, involves a carbon elongation process:
cess, trans fatty acid is produced. Since trans fatty acids palmitic acid (16 carbons : 0 double bonds) stearic
have been associated with an increased risk of coronary acid (18:0), and a process of desaturation reaction, that
disease in human. The United States Food and Drug is stearic acid (18:0) oleic acid (18:1) linoleic acid
Administration (1999) expressed the need for soybean (18:2) linolenic acid (18:3) (Fig 32.1). Oleic acid (18:1)
oil that exhibits a total content of linolenic acid of less can be further extended to eicosenoic acid (20:1) and
than 1% in order to reduce the total levels of trans-type erucic acid (22:1) through a carbon chain elongation
fatty acid generated by the hydrogenation treatment. process that is unique to traditional rapeseed. The fatty
As a result, oils from sunflower, safflower and olive with acid composition of a particular variety or species is
high oleic acid content are considered to be of superior largely determined by the genes coding for enzymes
quality. involved in the biosynthesis of individual fatty acids.
Various breeding programmes have been set up The incorporation of “target genes”, known to modify
during the past two decades which aim to modify soy- the fatty acid components of oil crops, were initially
bean fatty acid composition, including mutation breed- identified in natural populations of a specific species,
ing programme. Seed X-ray irradiation of the var. Bay and then incorporated into breeding materials. For
has produced several mutants with varying fatty acids example, high levels of erucic acid were controlled by
composition and the underlying genes and mutations 2 pairs of genes (E1E1E2E2) acting additively in the biosyn-
thereof have been investigated. A summary of mutants thesis of eicosenoic acid (20:1) and erucic acid (22:1)
that express unique fatty acid composition is provided in traditional rapeseed. In a screen of a diverse array
along with other achievements of fatty acid improve- of world germplasm collections, a gene was identified
ment in soybean research. and eventually used to develop “zero erucic” rapeseed,
which has no erucic acid. In “zero erucic” rapeseed
Table 32.1: Fatty acid composition (% of total oil) of different vegetable oils, and their market prices
Seed oil Fatty acids
Rapeseed (zero erucic) 9.2 1.6 59.1 19.4 10.2 0.2 0.3 26
Palmitic acid
Sop1, Fap1
cy synthase Fap2, Fapx
((Gm KAS )
Eicosenoic acid -6 desaturase
de -3 desaturase
(GmSte ) (C20:1) (Gm
F 2) (Gm
F 3)
Erucic acid
varieties, the recessive alleles e1e1e2e2 are present and The alteration of the fatty acid composition of safflower
the carbon elongation reactions (oleic acid eicose- is provided and compared to other oil seed crops in
noic acid erucic acid) are blocked. Table 32.1. The 10 to 80% increase in oleic acid content
In a second example, a gene regulating high oleic of safflower was considered a breeding success. As a
acid content of safflower was discovered in a landrace result, the linoleic acid content in a newly derived saf-
from Pakistan and transferred to commercial varieties. flower variety was reduced to approximately 10%. In this
Table 32.2: Fatty acid composition of different soybean mutants, and their genotypes
Mutant lines Fatty acid (% of total oil) Genotype
Palmitic (16:0) Stearic (18:0) Oleic (18:1) Linoleic (18:2) Linolenic (18:3)
biosynthetic process, the desaturation step of convert- Unlike prior successes in rapeseed, and sunflower and
ing oleic acid (18:1) to linoleic acid (18:2) was blocked safflower germplasm to identify fatty acid variations, a
due to the presence of the ol gene allele. similar evaluation of soybean germplasm failed to iden-
tify any major genes that would dramatically alter the
2.2. Inter-Varietal Variation of Fatty Acid Composition fatty acid composition of soybean. As a consequence,
in Soybean the induction of mutants to enhance the diversity of
fatty acid composition of soybean was initiated.
In order to modify the fatty acid composition, 251
soybean varieties from the USA and 172 landrace lines
from Japan and Korea were evaluated to identify inter- 3. Comparison of Fatty Acids in Mutant and
varietal variation. The results indicated that linoleic and Natural Populations
linolenic acid contents were controlled in a polygenic
manner. Genetic studies showed that the contents of X-ray induction of mutations in soybean var. Bay was
oleic acid and linolenic acid content appeared to be initiated in 1987. Preliminary evaluation and screening
controlled by two and one genes, respectively. But, of M2 mutants exhibited alterations in fatty acid com-
specific quantification of both fatty acids from soybean position. Finally, 46 mutant lines were isolated out
accessions did not reveal any genotypes with substan- of an M2 population of 12,266 individuals. Fatty acid
tially high oleate and low linolenate. It is thought that compositional changes of the mutant lines are listed in
the effects of each gene on fatty acid content are small, Table 32.2. These include the low palmitic acid content
indicative of a quantitative trait, and are easily modified mutant J3 (6.1%), the high palmitic acid content mutant
by environmental effects, although the genetic variation J10 (17.2%), and other mutant lines, e.g. M25 with a high
of fatty acid contents occurs in the natural population of stearic acid content (21.2%), M23 with a high oleic acid
soybean. content (48.6%), M5 with a low linolenic acid content
Table 32.3: Mean and range of fatty acid composition (% of total oil) in different mutants and natural
varieties of soybean (1992)
Materials No. of lines Palmitic acid Stearic acid Oleic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid
(16:0) (18:0) (18:1) (18:2) (18:3)
Mutants of Bay† 46 10.6 (6.3 - 16.7) 5.2 (2.9 - 16.1) 26.5 (17.5 - 48.2) 49.8 (32.2 - 60.5) 7.9 ( 4.6 - 12.6)
Var. Bay ‡ ( 30 plants) 11.6 (11.3 - 11.9) 2.9 (2.7 - 3.1) 23.3 (20.8 - 25.9) 54.1 (52.6 - 55.7) 8.2 ( 7.9 - 8.5)
Varieties § Mean 99 12.1 (10.0 - 15.5) 2.9 (1.6 - 4.1) 25.1 ( 14.2 - 44.3) 51.9 (36.6 - 61.1) 8.0 (5.2 - 12.6)
(4.9%), and B739 with a high linolenic acid content 4.1. Mutant Genes for Reduced and Elevated
(18.4%). Table 32.3 shows the comparison of fatty acid Palmitic Content
composition of the 46 mutant lines and 99 soybean
landraces; it clearly shows that the 46 individual mutant Palmitate content in ordinary soybean oil is about 11%.
lines have a wider range of fatty acid composition than The C1726 was isolated as a mutant with low palmitic
the landraces. These results indicated that mutation acid following chemical treatment with EMS and its
induction is a useful approach for enhancing diversity underpinning allele is designated as fap1. Additional
of fatty acid composition in soybean. mutant alleles, fap3, and sop1 were identified as con-
ferring low palmitic acid content. A double mutant
line carrying homozygous alleles of fap1 and fap3 had
4. Mutant Genes Affecting Fatty Acid Content reduced palmitic acid content as low as 3.5% (Horejsi
et al. 1994). Several low palmitic acid mutants have
Traditional breeding, selection, characterization and been isolated and a double mutant line (fap1 plus
experimentation have provided plant breeders with sop1) LPKKC-3, derived from a cross between J3 x
a cornucopia of mutant genes. The basic studies on C1726, exhibited a reduced palmitic acid level of 4.4%
plant fatty acid biosynthesis of soybean have also (Table 32.2).
been propelled by advances in genomics, especially High palmitic acid content mutants have also been
in model species such as Arabidopsis thaliana. Figure isolated. For example, line C1727 carrying the fap2
32.1 illustrates the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway of gene exhibits a palmitic acid content as high as 17.3%.
soybean seed oil. Palmtoil-ACP (16:0) is synthesized A double mutant line, HPKKJ10, was selected from the
from maronil-ACP (4:0) through the condensation progeny of a cross between KK7 (14.2%) possessing fapx
(fatty acid elongation) cycle, which involves three and J10 (17.2%) possessing fap2; it exhibits a high palmitic
types of -ketoacyl-synthase (KASs). Palmitoil-ACP acid content of 21.6% (Table 32.2). Several additional
is synthesized by KASI and KASIII, then steroil-ACP genes have been reported to confer elevated palmitic
(18:0) is synthesized by KASII. Following this process, acid content such as the fap4, fap5, fap6 and fap7 gene
stearoil-ACP is converted into oleoil-ACP by stearoil- (Narvel et al. 2000). Pyramiding these genes into a single
ACP desaturase. Acyl-ACP thioesterase catalyzes the line can further increase palmitic acid content, i.e. triple
acyl-ACPs, and palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid mutant line with fap-2b, fap4, fap6 has a palmitic acid
are produced in the same pathway. Oleic acid is then content as high as 39.9%.
converted to linolenic acid through linoleic acid by two
distinct microsomal fatty acid desaturases, omega-6 4.2. Elevated Stearic Acid Content
and omega-3. These fatty acid biosynthesis enzymes are
encoded by GmKASII, GmSte, GmFAD2 and GmFAD3 Stearate content in ordinary soybean oil is about 3.5%.
gene families, respectively. Three mutant lines which exhibit elevated stearic acid
contents were isolated from soybean populations fol-
Table 32.4: Genetic basis of phenotypes and reduced linolenic acid mutant lines of soybean
Isoform / Locus Line Allele Mutation type Reference
lowing EMS or sodium azide treatment. The mutant line that the mutant alleles, ol and ola, may control the
A6 with the fas gene allele exhibits the highest stearic acid linoleic acid content by blocking the oleic acid desatu-
content up to 30.4%. Allelism tests were made between A6 ration step (Fig 32.1). Presumably, multiple genes are
and four newly isolated high stearic acid mutants, ST1, ST2, involved in the fatty acid synthesis of oleic acid. In order
ST3, and ST4. The results from hybrids between ST2 line to increase oleic acid content, the ol gene allele and
(st2 gene) and A6 (fas gene) indicated the mutants were other gene mutations that act additively are necessary.
allelic, exhibited a higher stearic acid content (Bubeck et
al. 1989). X-ray induced mutants have also been isolated 4.4. Reduced and Elevated Linolenic Acid Content
and some hybrids exhibited elevated stearic acid con-
tent. A double recessive line (st1, st2) derived from a cross Linolenic acid is thought to be a cause for quality
between KK2 (7.2%) and M25 (21.2%) exhibits a very high deterioration of soybean oil by oxidation, and hence
content of stearic acid up to 31.4% (Table 32.2). breeding projects aim to reduce its content to less than
1%. Among traditional varieties, linolenic acid content
4.3. Elevated Oleic Acid Content varies from 5.2–12.6% (Table 32.3), and is highly affected
by environmental conditions. Hammond and Fehr
Oleic acid content, which is of interests to consumers (1983) isolated a mutant line named A5 from an EMS
who purchase health food, ranges from 14.2– 44.3% treated population. It has a low linolenic acid content
among traditional soybean varieties (Table 32.3). This of ~3.4% and was later identified to possess a mutant
range is wider than the other fatty acids. However, since allele of the fan gene. Two double mutant lines A16 and
oleic acid content is highly affected by environment, A17 (fan, fan2) were developed from the cross between
especially by the temperature during the stage of seed low linolenic acid mutants A23 and A5 and exhibited a
ripening, it is thought to be an unstable characteristic. lower linolenic acid content than either of their parents.
Two high oleic acid mutants, M23 (48.6%) and M11 Another double mutant line, LOLL, which was devel-
(35.8%), have been developed through X-ray irradiation oped from a cross between M5 (4.9%) and M24 (5.9%)
of the var. Bay (25.2%). Evaluation of the offspring from and carries two recessive mutant genes of fan and fanx,
the cross between M23 and M11 suggested that each has a linolenic acid content as low as 2.9% (Table 32.2).
mutant carried a different allele (ol and ol, respec- Mutants exhibiting high levels of linolenic acid con-
tively) at the same locus for oleic acid content. The wild tent were also developed. For example, the mutant line
type allele Ol for low oleic acid content (var. Bay) was B739 expressed a linolenic acid content of 18.4%. This
partially dominant to ol and completely dominant to high linolenic acid trait was identified to be controlled
the allele ola, and ola was completely dominant to ol. by the linh gene.
There was a negative relationship between oleic and
linoleic acid contents in both mutants, which suggests
Table 32.5: Soybean lines with altered fatty acid composition developed by combination of
induced mutations
Line Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic Genotype & Reference
(16:0) (18:0) (18:1) (18:2) (18:3)
HPS 23.1 11.4 13.3 44.6 8.6 sop2, fap2 / St1, st2 / Ol / Fan, Fanx
MHPDHL 19.3 2.2 31.8 43.4 3.3 Sop2, fap2 / St1, st2 / ol / fan, fanx
HPLOLL 25.2 2.8 18.5 50.9 2.6 sop2, fap2 / St1, st2 / Ol / fan, fanx
HSO 11.2 11.8 20.4 48.2 8.4 Sop1,Fap2 / St1, st2 / ol / Fan,Fanx
DHL 11.7 2.8 50.6 32.2 2.7 Sop1,Fap2 / St1, St2 / ol / fan, fanx
N98-4445A 9.6 4.0 58.9 25.0 2.6 USDA-ARS/North Carolina State Univ.
5. Genetic Characterization of Mutant vidual mutants will be valuable for future soybean oil
Genes breeding programmes.
Genetic analysis of the fatty acid content in soybean 6. Soybean with New Fatty Acid
mutants suggests that three or more genes may be Composition
involved in each step of fatty acid synthesis. For exam-
ple, four microsomal GmFAD3 isoforms, GmFAD3-1, Soybean varieties with altered fatty acid composition
GmFAD3-1b, GmFAD3-2, and GmFAD3-2b desaturase can be useful for unique use of soybean oil. Some
genes have been identified in soybean, all of which newly developed genetic recombinant lines associated
may affect linolenic acid content. The genetic bases with three or more mutant genes are provided in Table
of some mutant genes corresponding to three major 32.5. High oleic acid and low linolenic acid content
low-linolenic acid loci have been identified (Anai et in soybean are of potential value for increasing the
al. 2005). It was found that the low linolenic lines M24, market price of the product as well as meeting end user
A5, and C1640, which were designated as possessing demands. To attain this goal, a DHL line with high oleic
the fanx or fan allele, had a deletion in GmFAD3-1a acid and low linolenic acid content, which was devel-
gene, and M5, J18, and A29 also possess the fan allele oped through a cross between M23 with high oleic
had a deletion in GmFAD3-1b gene. In each mutant acid (ol gene) and LOLL with low linolenic acid (double
line, single base or large deletions were identified in the mutant carrying fan and fanx alleles), was developed.
sequence of the responsible gene (Table 32.4). Other The DHL has extremely high oleic acid content (50.6%)
deletion mutants have been found in the GmKASII and reduced linolenic acid (2.7%), compared to the
gene of palmitic acid, GmSte gene of stearic acid, and original var. Bay (25.2% oleic acid and 7.6% linolenic
GmFAD2 gene of oleic acid gene. However, only lim- acid).
ited information is available concerning additional fatty In the USA, an experimental line designated as N98-
acid mutants and the vast majority of fatty acid mutants 4445A exhibits high oleic acid (~ 59%) and low linolenic
of soybean have yet to be characterized. Identification acid (~ 2.6%) contents. The extremely high oleic acid
of the genetic basis of these mutant alleles enables line, (N98-4445A x M23)–1, obtained from the cross
the development of allele-specific molecular markers, between N98-4445A and M23 attained a 73% oleic
which can be used in marker-assisted selection pro- acid content. Two or more genes of N98-4445A and
grammes. This will greatly enhance the effectiveness of with complementary gene act ol of M23 believed to be
fatty acid composition improvement because the fatty responsible for this extremely high oleic acid level.
acid content is highly influenced by environmental con- Multiple genes are presumed to be involved in each
ditions, e.g. location, temperature, solar radiation, etc. fatty acid biosynthetic pathway and various interac-
A superior understanding of the relationships between tions are likely to occur among them. Major goals are
the corresponding gene(s) and the phenotype of indi- to continue the development of soybean germplasm
that exhibits higher than 70% oleic acid and lower than 5. Hammond, E.G. and Fehr, W.R. (1983). Registration
1% linolenic acid content. In order to accomplish the of A5 germplasm line of soybean (Reg. No. GP44).
allele-specific genotypic selection for these traits, the Crop Sci. 23:192.
utilization of genetic markers for particular gene fami- 6. Horesji, T.F., Fehr, W.R., Welke, G.A. et al. (1994).
lies will provide a more efficient approach than pheno- Genetic control of reduced palmitate content in
typic selection (e.g. gas-liquid chromatography) that is soybean Crop Sci. 34, 331-334.
subject to environmental influences. Multiple sources 7. Narvel, J.M., Fehr, W.R., Ininda, J. et al. (2000).
of alleles for each candidate gene will provide further Inheritance of elevated palmitate in soybean seed
benefits in the breeding for superior fatty acid profiles, oil. Crop Sci. 40:635-639.
and assist in minimizing the fixation of alleles linked to
target genes.
7.2. Further Reading
Genetic Improvement of Basmati Rice
Through Mutation Breeding
G.J.N.Rao*, A.Patnaik and D.Chaudhary
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction cooked kernels (Fig 33.1). Appreciated for its exquisite
aroma and taste, Basmati rice commands a premium
The passion for exquisite types of food and drink in the price in both domestic and international markets
world brings in names like Champagne wine, Scotch (about three times higher than non-Basmati rice) and
whisky, which with their rich flavour and unique taste traditional Basmati labels also receive duty exemption
bestow pleasure to connoisseurs. These premium in some markets. The demand for Basmati rice is strong
names in international trade are recognizable, set and increasing.
themselves apart from others in their category and are The traditional Basmati rice varieties are low yielding
best recognized by their branding, specific ingredients with tall and weak culms, light green leaves (Fig 33.1) and
and processing. For wines, their quality and character respond poorly to fertilizer application. They are char-
are determined by using grapes of specific varieties and acterized by photo-thermo sensitivity, late maturity and
produced in particular areas. Basmati, the Champagne lodging susceptibility, which makes it difficult to fit them
of rice, the unique aromatic rice from the Indian sub- into cropping systems. To address these undesirable fea-
continent is one of the handful of rice varieties in the tures, Basmati breeders of the sub-continent have long
world that are internationally traded with a specific been attempting to breed high yielding Basmati rice of
name. Basmati derives its name from Bas (aroma) and shorter duration coupled with lodging resistance.
mati (already ingrained).
Also known as “Queen of Fragrance”, “Prince of Rice“,
”Crown Jewel” of South Asian rice, Basmati is romanti- 2. Types of Basmati Rice and
cized as nature’s gift to the Indian sub-continent and had Breeding Approaches
been favoured by Emperors and praised by poets for
hundreds of years (Thakrar and Ahuja, 1990). Basmati 2.1. Recognition of a Basmati Rice Variety
rice is defined by its origin (geographical location) and
by genotype. Historical and archeological findings To protect the unique Basmati quality, there are strict
indicate that varieties with such unique morphologi- criteria for defining a rice variety as a Basmati rice (Box
cal and quality attributes are not present in traditional 33.1). Therefore only a handful Basmati rice varieties
rice-growing areas anywhere in the world, signifying the have been approved for general production (Box 33.2).
emphasis on the place of origin of Basmati. Therefore, In India, Basmati rice varieties are classified into two
the names of the varieties were often derived from their categories: Traditional Basmati and Evolved Basmati
originating localities and authentic Basmati rice cultiva- (Box 33.2). All varieties derived from cross breeding can
tion is confined to the Indo-Gangetic plains of India only be ranked as Evolved Basmati, while those from
(1m.ha) and Pakistan (0.75 m.ha). pure line selection or selection from natural mutation
Basmati rice varieties constitute a distinctive group can be recognized as Traditional Basmati.
with their pleasant aroma, exclusive grain and cooking
quality. Basmati’s matchless characteristics include long 2.2. Genetic improvement of Basmati rice
slender kernels with a high length/breadth ratio with the
grain having a slightly twisted tip. During cooking, the In the efforts to breed high yielding, semi-dwarf,
kernels elongate linearly by nearly twice their original non-lodging Basmati varieties, two main breeding
length, remain separate, non-sticky and possess a soft approaches have been used for improvement of
fluffy texture with visible hoops or corrugation on the Basmati rice over the past century.
Figure 33.1 Crop, grain, polished kernel and cooked kernel of Basmati 370
Traditional : Basmati 370, Pakistan Basmati.
Evolved : Basmati 385, Super Basmati, Basmati 198.
high yielding semi dwarf, non lodging Basmati mutant at vested as they tended to camouflage semi dwarf plants
the Central Rice Research Institute, India may provide a in the field and lodging was common in wet season in
good example of how to improve traditional specialty the parent varieties as they did not possess a stiff culm.
varieties using mutation breeding. Of the remaining, plants with non-lodging phenotypes
were selected as it was difficult to ascertain the nature
of short stature (genetic or environment-shading due to
3. Breeding of a New Basmati Mutant the effect of neighbouring tall plants in the population).
Variety ‘CRM 2007-1’ From the populations of Pusa Basmati 1, plants having
good panicle types without awns were selected. The
3.1. The Breeding Process flowering date was recorded and plants that flowered
earlier or later than the parent were tagged so that they
3.1.1. Growing and Harvesting of M1 Populations could be harvested separately. As it was not possible to
Grain of two traditional Basmati rice varieties, Basmati evaluate quality at the M2 generation, the plants having
370 and Pakistan Basmati and an evolved Basmati, Pusa grains similar to Basmati were selected. In addition,
Basmati 1 were treated with - rays (100, 150, 200 Gy). in order to avoid loss of potentially promising single
The objective of the programme was to induce non- plants, a relatively higher number of plants (16,860)
lodging, semi-dwarf Basmati varieties from the tradi- were collected from the M2 generation.
tional varieties; while yield improvement was the major
objective in case of evolved Basmati. Since the Basmati 3.1.3. M3 and Higher Generations
improvement programme was acknowledged to be a A few kernels from each plant selected at the M2 stage
difficult task, around 150-200 g of grains for each treat- were checked for aroma and grain chalkiness and
ment (dose) was irradiated so as to get around 7-8,000 several lines not having desirable quality (aroma and
plants per treatment in M1 generation. The treated mate- clear translucent endosperm without any chalkiness)
rials were sown immediately after irradiation in shallow were discarded. The grains from the primary panicles of
trays along with the control (non-irradiated parent). selected M2 plants were grown as an M3 family line. From
Care was taken to eliminate contamination of grains M3 generation onwards, panicles from 4-5 single plants
from other genotypes and 25-30 day old seedlings were were collected from each line and were grown sepa-
transplanted in a well puddled field at one seedling/hill rately in the next generation with the same line number.
in extremely close spacing (≤ 5cm x 5cm) to curtail tiller- From the identified semi-dwarfs, several lines were
ing in the plants (a practice used to obtain only one or rejected as they were not true breeding. The lines with
two tillers/plant). The control was planted similarly. As desired levels of grain quality, non-lodging and semi-
expected, the plants produced shorter panicles having dwarf stature were advanced. Many lines were rejected
fewer grains than normal. During harvest, the panicles as they had poor or undesirable panicle characters, e.g.
from all plants were pooled for each dose and highly size, exertion, spikelet number per panicle or low grain
sterile panicles were all discarded. It is important to weight, sterility and awn, etc. Another criterion was to
note that this is a pragmatic method aimed at producing select plants that were similar to their parent (traditional
desired phenotypes quickly and therefore, in contrast varieties) except short stature and earnest efforts were
to TILLING procedures (see Chapter 21) no effort was made in this regard. As a consequence, the number of
made to develop a structured population. lines reduced drastically with generation advancement,
which concluded at M7. After M7, only three, seven
3.1.2. Growing, Selecting and Harvesting of M2 Plants and ten mutant lines from Basmati 370, Pusa Basmati 1
In the M2 generation, around 100,000 plants per variety and Pakistan Basmati, respectively, were isolated. Only
were raised from the bulked seeds and were transplanted these lines were evaluated in Observational (OYT)
at one seedling/hill in normal spacing (20cm x 15cm in and Replicated Yield Trials (RYT) before nomination to
wet season; 15 cm x 15cm in dry season). Application of multi-location evaluation trials in the Basmati growing
recommended doses of fertilizer and need-based plant area (North West India). Though all three mutant lines
protection measures were undertaken. During harvest, of Basmati 370 recorded higher yields at the station
first, all tall plants (in traditional varieties) were har- trials, one line i.e. CRM 2007-2 was discarded since it
Table 33.1: Performance of mutant line CRM 2007-1 and it’s parent Basmati 370
Traits CRM 2007-1 Basmati370
Table 33.2: Yield performance of CRM 2007-1 and two Basmati varieties at the Central Rice
Research Institute research farm in wet and dry season (yield in kg/ha)
Variety 2001 2002 2003 2004
CRM 2007-1 5038 4900 4233 4938 4955 4878 3729 4261
did not attain the desired purity level, which might be sowing to 50% flowering) and plant height (108 cm) to
due to out-crossing derived segregation. Pusa Basmati 1, but about one week earlier and 24 cm
Of the three mutant lines, CRM 2007-1 is a semi- shorter than Taroari Basmati.
dwarf and early, with reduced plant height of ~20cm The grain quality tests and the Basmati panel tests on
and shortened growth duration of ~10 d compared to CRM 2007-1established conclusively its Basmati qual-
its parent (Table 33.1, Fig 33.2). It showed great prom- ity and good acceptability of the produce (Table 33.4,
ise by out yielding both parent and Pusa Basmati 1, the 33.5).
yield control in the station trials (Table 33.2). The yield The three year mandatory multi-location trials clearly
increase in the mutant over the parent was accounted demonstrated the superiority of CRM 2007-1 over
for by the increase in number of grains per panicle and Pusa Basmati 1 in yield; its grain quality also meets the
panicle weight. Basmati standards. Therefore, CRM 2007-1 was identi-
fied for release as a Basmati variety in North Western
3.2. Performance of Mutants Region of India by the Variety Identification Committee
in 2006. CRM 2007-1 has also performed well in the
3.2.1. Basmati Growing Areas farmers fields of Punjab and Haryana and the yield
In the multi-location trials, the mutant line CRM 2007-1 levels recorded up to 6.2 t/ha indicates its high yield
performed well in the traditional Basmati growing states potential in the Basmati zone.
of Punjab and Haryana. The mutant recorded signifi-
cantly higher yields over the two Basmati controls i.e. 3.2.2. Non-Basmati Area
Pusa Basmati 1, the yield control (6.96%) and Taroari In Orissa, India, a non-traditional Basmati area, CRM
Basmati, the quality control (40.24%; Table 3). CRM 2007-1 performed well and gained wide consumer
2007-1 had very similar growth duration (113 days from acceptance. Having the Basmati quality, CRM 2007-1
Table 33.3: Yield performance of CRM 2007-1 comparative in multi location trials
Yield advantage (%) over controls
Table 33.4: Grain quality characters of CRM 2007-1 (IET 17276) and CRM 2007-3 (IET 18987)
Character CRM 2007-1 CRM 2007-3 Pusa Basmati 1 Taroari Basmati
fetched a premium price in the local market thus ensuring and CRM 2203-4 showed 7.91, 7.01, 15.39 and 21.24 %
higher economic returns to the farmers in the region. Due yield increase over Pusa Basmati 1, the yield control
to good performance in Orissa and ready acceptance by respectively. Both the mutants from Pakistan Basmati
farmers, CRM 2007-1 was released as “Geetanjali” in 2005 also displayed high yields. The mutant CRM 2202-117
and was notified by Government of India in 2006. showed 14.9% higher yield than Pusa Basmati 1 while
Another mutant line CRM 2007-3, also derived from the other mutant CRM 2202-118 displayed a 7.5% higher
Basmati 370, performed well in the multi-location trials. yield over Dubraj, the yield control, in another AFGON
It had out yielded the control variety Pusa Basmati 1 by trial.
6.47% and Taroari Basmati by 29.40%. However, this However, none of these mutant lines could be clas-
mutant could not be recognized as a Basmati due to sified as Basmati due to deficiencies in one or more
its low head rice recovery and low KLAC value as per quality traits. Both mutant lines of Pakistan Basmati did
Basmati standards (Table 33.4). not have the required kernel length and other traits;
although most mutant lines of Pusa Basmati 1 had the
3.3. Performance of Mutants of Pusa Basmati 1 required kernel length, they failed to meet the require-
and Pakistan Basmati ment for kernel length after cooking (Table 33.6).
Table 33.5: Panel test scores1 of CRM 2007-1 (IET 17276)
Variety Appearance Cohesiveness Tenderness on Taste Aroma Elongation Overall acceptability
Touching Chewing
Table 33.6: Gain quality of mutant lines of Pusa Basmati 1 and Pakistan Basmati
Mutant (IET No.) Mill (%) HRR (%) KL (mm) KB L/B Grain Grain KLAC AC (%)
(mm) Ratio Type Chalk
CRM2203-1 (IET 18416) 73.8 53.5 6.62 1.79 3.69 LS VOC 11.5 24.97
CRM2203-2 (IET 18988) 72.9 42.3 6.60 1.72 3.83 LS VOC 9.4 22.64
CRM2203-3 (IET 18417) 73.1 49.5 6.63 1.76 3.76 LS VOC 11.0 24.33
CRM2203-4 (IET 18008) 73.0 69.6 6.31 1.75 3.61 LS A 10.6 23.32
CRM2202-117 (IET 18007) 67.0 40.3 5.95 1.77 3.36 SS A 10.2 23.49
CRM2202-118 (IET 18364) 63.0 42.1 6.25 1.76 3.55 LS VOC 11.0 21.65
Mill-Milling percentage (%), HRR -Head rice recovery (%), KL-Kernel length (mm), KB-Kernel Breadth (mm), LS- Long slender,
SS-Shortlender, A-absent, VOC- very occasionallypresent, KLAC-Kernel length after cooking (mm), ER- Elongation ratio AC- Amylose
content (%)
onstrated clear potential of mutation breeding in the Some of the experiences that can be shared from the
genetic improvement of Basmati rice. From a pure program on Basmati rices are:
line selection like Basmati 370, a traditional low yield-
ing Basmati, significant enhancement in yield (29.6%) 1. Requirement of a large M2 population size - (>
was obtained using mutagenesis, without altering its 100,000 per variety), a large population has to be
famous quality traits. The success in yield enhance- raised to select mutants with the desirable traits.
ment in CRM 2203-4- (21.2%) over Pusa Basmati 1, an 2. The second and key element is that production of
improved high yielding Basmati clearly demonstrates initial large populations in the M1 and M2, should
the potential existing in Basmti rice for improvement be followed by specific and stringent phenotypic
through mutation. selection which minimizes the number of lines
However, many selected mutant lines with improved taken forward to the next generation. This is impor-
yield or other agronomic traits failed to meet the strin- tant saving space and costs.
gent criteria of a Basmati rice. These results implied 3. Maintaining the grain quality is the major and the
that mutant lines derived from a speciality variety like most difficult aspect of Basmati breeding. The
Basmati rice might not attain its original quality criteria. basic selection criteria should be grain quality first
Therefore, it is important to isolate many mutants with as these speciality rices are known by their quality
targeted traits, e.g. semi-dwarf, non-lodging as carried rather than by yield. Though careful selection was
out in this study, and then subject them to quality analy- followed over generations among large popula-
sis to discard those that fail to meet the criteria. tions at each stage, very few semi-dwarf mutants
having Basmati quality could be isolated and out of 5. References
these, only CRM 2007-1 (Geetanjali) possess the set
quality standards of Basmati. 5.1. Cited References
4. The number of traits to be selected should be
restricted to one or two as the present example is a Ahuja, S.C., Panwar, D.V.S. and Uma A. 1995. Basmati
clear demonstration of the non-recovery of all the rice-the scented pearl. CCS Haryana Agricultural
grain quality traits of Basmati in the mutants. University, Hisar, Haryana. 63.
5. Single plant based selection should be practiced as Futsuhara, V., Toriyama, K. and Tsunoda, K. 1967.
line purity is critical for the success of the breeding Breeding of a new rice variety ‘Reimei’ by gamma-ray
programme. irradiation. Jap. J. Breed. 17:85.
6. Seasonal variation – if the objective is to breed a Panwar, D.V.S., Gupta, K.R. and Battan, K.R. 1991. HKR
Basmati for both wet and dry seasons, selection 228. A semi dwarf aromatic rice strain for Haryana,
of plants for wet and dry seasons should be per- India. Intl. Rice Res. Newsl. 16:16-17
formed separately to obtain line uniformity as lines Patnaik, A., Chaudhary, D. and Rao, G.J.N. 2006. Genetic
selected in wet season tend to behave differently in improvement of long grain aromatic rices through
dry season. mutation approach. Plant Mutation Reports. 1(1) 11-16.
Rutger, J.N., Peterson, M.L. and Hu, C.H. 1977. Registration
Acknowledgments of Calrose 76 rice. Crop Sci. 17:978.
The authors wish to thank the director, C.R.R.I. for the Thakrar, R. and Ahuja, S.C. 1990. Potential prospects for
facilities and also duly acknowledge the Directorate export of Basmati rice. In: Muralidharan K. Siddiq E
of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India for the data on the A. New frontiers in rice research, DRR, Hyderabad,
AICRIP trials for the years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 in India:382-387.
its annual progress Reports.
5.2. Websites
Mutation Breeding of Sweet Cherry
(Prunus avium L.) var. 0900 Ziraat
B.Kuntera,*, M.Basb, Y.Kantoglua and M.Burakc
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK), Sarayköy Nuclear Research and Training Center (SANAEM), Division of Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey
Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute (AHCRI), Yalova, Turkey
Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Agricultural Research
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
3. Procedures for the M1V2 and Following Generations before Fruit Set
5. References
1. Introduction Because of the economic importance of variety
0900 Ziraat and the success of mutant cherry varieties,
Turkey is the motherland and first producing country of gamma-ray irradiations were used to induce “compact”
sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.). It is also one of the larg- and “self-fertile” types in this popular variety.
est exporters of sweet cherry and accounts for 20% of
the global export market. The ancient Roman historian
Pliny the Elder mentioned that the cherry tree was taken 2. Mutagenic Treatment and Growing Out
by the Roman General Lucius Licinius Lucullus when he the M1V1 Generation
defeated Mithridates VI, King of Pontus, around 70 B.C.
in ancient Cerasus or Cerasion of modern day Turkey, This project has been carried out in collaboration with
which is a major cherry cultivation area and ranks either the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Sarayköy Nuclear
as first or second in worldwide cherry production with Research and the Training Center and Yalova Atatürk
an annual production amount of 200,000 tons, 35,000 Horticultural Central Research Institute (AHCRI).
tons of this amount is exported annually. Due to Turkey’s In 2000, in order to determine the “effective mutation
geography, plantations are located at different altitudes dose”, dormant scions of 0900 Ziraat were irradiated
which results in a wide harvest period making it possi- with 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 Gy of gamma-rays
ble to export cherries with a similar quality for almost with 60Co as a irradiation source. Fifty scions (20 cm
five-six weeks with different maturation periods. Nearly long) were used for each irradiation dose. Subsequently,
all of Turkey’s export cherries consist of 0900 Ziraat, irradiated buds were immediately grafted on Prunus
and the vast majority of these cherries are marketed in avium L. rootstock by T-budding. Grafted seedlings
Europe. were grown on in a glasshouse with 50% shading.
In contrast to the quality traits of 0900 Ziraat, it is self- On the 60th day following bud break and sprouting,
incompatible and tends to grow vigorously and is low the effective mutation dose was calculated by linear
yield on standard rootstocks. Although these traits are regression on the basis of shoot length (Donini, 1980,
deleterious they are out weighed by the huge demand Saamin and Thompson, 1998) and determined as 33.75
from external markets for the 0900 Ziraat sweet cherry Gy (Figure 34.1).
variety. In 2001 approximately 2,000 buds were irradiated at
In Table 34.1, the Mutant Variety Database of 33.75 Gy. In early spring of 2002, when shoots reached
International Atomic Energy Agency (FAO/IAEA), at suitable thickness (1-1.5 cm diameter of basal scion),
nine mutant cherry varieties are listed (Mutant Variety young trees were transplanted to orchard conditions, with
Database and Donini 1980). Apart from the literature, a spacing of 3 X 5 m (Figure 34.2). The varieties Bigarreau
there is a rich diversity of mutant cherry varieties which gaucher and Starks gold were used as pollinators which
are not registered but used as breeding parents. are known to be compatible with 0900 Ziraat.
Table 34.1: Recorded mutant sweet cherry varieties in IAEA Mutant Variety Database (MVD)
MVD ID Mutant Variety Name Mutagen Country Year Main Character
Shoot length (cm)
Control 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Dose (Gy) The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 34.1 Shoot length of sweet cherry on the 60th day after grafting with treatment of gamma rays at different doses
2003 2004
3. Procedures for the M1V2 and Following and Thompson 1998). At this stage the main objective
Generations before Fruit Set was to produce a reasonably sized and varied mutant
population exhibiting variation throughout the vegeta-
In 2002 during the growth season (M1V2) various mor- tive period (bud sprouting to leaf fall). Growth of each
phological growth characters were noted, e.g., growth year was considered as a new mutant generation (M1V2,
vigor, branching pattern, leaf and bud structures. At this M1V3, M1V4 etc.). In each generation general habit was
stage mutation frequencies (%) were calculated from noted along with detailed morphological descriptors of
observed abnormalities (short internodes, rent leaf, every branch. All data and abnormalities (if any) were
chlorophyll mutation, different leaf size) on 150 ran- recorded up to the fruit setting stage.
domly selected shoots (Fig 34.3). The mean mutation After the young trees had completed their juvenile
frequency was estimated to be about 4%, which is simi- phase (subsequent to flower formation), fruit setting,
lar to the value obtained in the cherry var. Bing (Saamin fruit quality, fruit pomology (fruit weight, width, height,
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 34.3 Some leaf mutants in M1V2 generation. : abnormal leaves; B: extra large leaf, C: chlorophyll mutation (indicated by the arrow).
peduncle length, and seed weight), fertility, cracking 34.4). At the end of petal fall stage, fruit numbers were
rate and soluble solid content rate (brix) were deter- counted. Time and methods scheme of experiment is
mined in samples of 30 fruits through three repeated below (Fig 34.5)
rounds. Most trees completed their juvenile phase at
M1V5 or M1V6. At this stage there were 371 trees survived 4. Performance Criteria and Production of
from the approximately 2,000 grafted buds at the M1V1 Mutants for Registration
generation. The decrease in numbers was caused by a
latent effect of the irradiation treatment, poor grafting By the year 2008, 8 mutant candidates were identified
success, weakness of shoot growth, and susceptibility among 371 living trees in the plantation, these were
to winter cold. selected according to morphological and pomological
The trees and fruits of all mutant candidates were characteristics such as growth habit, fruit shape, fruit
photographed and archived during the M1V5 or M1V6. set, fruit weight, fruit height, peduncle length, seed
Self compatibility was assessed by observing fruit set weight, soluble solid content rate (brix) and self-fertility
in 100 randomly selected and isolated flowers to pre- test. Measurement of minimum 9 g fruit weight, 5 cm
vent pollen contamination before flowers blossom (Fig peduncle length, 28 mm fruit size, 15% self fruit and
PRE-TEST Bud grafting on Calculation of EMD
P. avium rootstock (Shoot length in 60th day)
M1V 1 Irradiation Co with EMD
Bud grafting on
P. avium rootstock
Young trees
development in
shadow condition
2002 - 2005
M1V 2 - M1V 5 Juvenil Phase
2005 - 2008
Observation & Measurements
- Habit
- Tasting Confirmation
- Pomology (3x30 sample) and
- fruit weight
M1V 5 - M1V 8 - fruit height Selection
- peduncle length
- seed weight
- soluble solid content
- Fruit cracking rate
- Fruit setting (100 flower/tree)
“Advanced Observation Plantation”
for registration
(probagation 9 trees/candidate)
16% soluble solid content were accepted as selection 5. References
criteria. In addition the total yield over the first three
years was taken into account. Some of these data are 5.1. Cited References
presented in Table 34.2 and shown in Figure 34.6.
Dwarf mutants were among the selected as these Donini, B. 1980. Mutagenesis Applied to Improve Fruit
are of economic significance (Table 34.3). Other can- Trees. Induced Mutations in Vegetatively Propagated
didates were observed to be highly fertile, semi-dwarf Plants. Vienna 1982 IAEA Panel Proceeding Series.
having additionally low cracking rates. However, no Saamin, S. and Thompson, M.M. 1998. Radiation-
self-fertile types have been observed. induced mutations from accessory buds of sweet
According to the US packing and sales standards cherry, Prunus avium L. cv ‘Bing’. Theoretical and
on cherry (Anonymous, 2006), fruits smaller than 10 Applied. Genetics. 96:912-916.
ROW size (equivalent. 26.6 mm diameter and 8,7-10,6
g fruit weight) are not suitable for export. The mutant 5.2. Websites
candidates have proven to be economically valuable
considering their average fruit size of 29 mm even in dry FAO/IAEA Database of Mutant Variety and Genetic
years; and while the control trees produced a yield of Stocks: http://
18-20 kg/tree, the yield of the candidate trees was more
than 29 kg. 5.3. Further Reading
A plantation established for advance observations
and registration work by the Ministry of Agriculture for Anonymous, 2006. Agricultural Marketing Resource
Turkey will commence on the basis of the findings gath- Center, Commodity Profile: Cherries, Sweet and Tart.
ered from this plantation. pp.1-9.
Mutant 25/1
Mutant 25/55
Mutant 30/13
Table 34.2: Observations of some mutant variety candidates with dwarf, semi-dwarf and high yield traits
Type Year Fruit Fruit Fruit Peduncle Seed Soluble Yield (kg) Cracking
weight (g) width height length weight (g) solid (%)
(cm) (cm) (cm) content
(brix) (%)
Mutant 2005 10,4 2,8 2,4 5,7 0,56 14,8 0,115 ---
2006 10,7 3,0 2,5 5,9 0,46 17,4 1,772 48,0
Mean 9,9 2,8 2,4 5,7 0,43 16,8 11,79 (*) ---
Mutant 2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2006 9,2 2,7 2,3 5,4 0,49 19,6 0,602 33,2
Mean 9,7 2,7 2,4 5,4 0,42 17,0 8,350 (*) ---
Mutant 2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2006 12,7 3,5 2,7 5,7 0,52 16,4 3,580 43,4
Mean 10,5 2,9 2,6 5,5 0,43 18,2 29,480 (*) ---
Observations Vigorous (15-20 % shorter than parent), grand high yield (50% more than control in tree basis)
Control 2005 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Section 5
Mutations in Functional Genomics
Cloning Genes for Mineral Uptake:
Examples Using Rice Mutants
Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Chuo 2-10-1, Kurashiki 710-0046
* Correspomding author, EMAIL:
1. Introduction
4. References
1. Introduction This high accumulation has been attributed to the abil-
ity of the roots to take up Si rapidly. Physiological stud-
The recent completion of sequencing the rice genome ies have shown that Si uptake by rice roots is mediated
has propelled genomics studies towards the identi- by a transporter; however, the genes responsible for the
fication of genes and understanding their functions. high Si uptake are unknown. Rice mutants with a low Si
It is estimated that rice contains 37 - 38,000 genes content were first isolated to identify genes responsible
(International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, 2005), for Si uptake.
but the functions of the vast majority of these genes
are unknown. Many approaches have been suggested 2.1. Screening Mutants Defective in Si Uptake
in cloning and analyzing a gene, one of these is to use
mutants in a forward genetic approach. Tolerance to germanium (Ge) was used as an indica-
Plants require 17 elements for their growth and devel- tor for screening rice mutants defective in Si uptake.
opment, of which 14 are minerals (others are provided Germanium is an analogue of Si and previous studies
by water, carbon dioxide and oxygen). When a mineral have shown that plant roots take up Si and Ge similarly.
is taken up by the roots from the soil it is translocated to However, once it is taken up, Ge is toxic to plants,
the shoots, and then distributed within the plant. Many which is easily characterized by brown spots on the leaf
genes are believed to be involved in this process. On blades (Fig 35.1). One mutant showing tolerance to Ge
the other hand, plants also have to overcome excessive toxicity was isolated from 64,000 M2 plants obtained
levels of toxic minerals, such as Cd and Al, in problem from seed mutagenized with NaN3. This was named low
soils. Therefore, tolerant genes to these stresses must silicon mutant 1 (lsi1).
exist. However, only a few genes to date have been Short term uptake experiments showed that Si uptake
identified in these processes. Most mineral associated of the mutant was much lower than that of wild type
genes remain to be cloned; however, two examples are (WT) rice at both low and high Si concentrations.
given on how to isolate mutants and functional genes When the two lines were cultured in a nutrient solution
related to plant nutrition. containing 1.5 mM Si for 1 month, the Si content of the
mutant was 30% that of the WT. In contrast, there was
no difference in the P and K concentrations between
2. Example 1: Identification of a the mutant and WT (Table 35.1). These results indicate
Si Transporter Gene that lsi1 is a mutant defective in Si uptake.
Silicon is a beneficial element for plant growth. Its main 2.2. Cloning and Characterizing the Si Transporter
function is to help plants to overcome multiple biotic Gene, Lsi1
and abiotic stresses. Silicon is especially important for
optimal growth and sustainable production of rice. An F2 mapping population was derived from a cross
Rice is able to accumulate up to 10% Si in the shoot. between lsi1 and WT and used in genetic analyses.
Table 35.1: Shoot concentrations of Si, P and K of WT and lsi1 cultured in a nutrient solution
with 1.5 mM Si for 1 month
Line Shoot concentration (%)
Si P K
Among 89 F2 seedlings, 71 seedlings showed a high Si in the mutant at the position of 132 aa. The gene consists
uptake similar to that of WT, while 18 seedlings showed of five exons and four introns. The cDNA of this gene
a low Si uptake similar to that of lsi1. This segregation was 1,409 bp long and the deduced protein consisted
ratio fitted a 3:1, suggesting that the low Si uptake of of 298 amino acids. The gene is predicted to encode
mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene. a membrane protein similar to water channel proteins,
Genetic mapping of the mutant gene was performed aquaporins. The predicted amino acid sequence has six
by segregation analysis in F2 seedlings generated from a transmembrane domains and two Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA)
cross between lsi1 and the indica rice variety Kasalath. A motifs, which are well conserved in typical aquaporins.
total of 128 EST-based PCR markers and 58 microsatellite Blast search and ClustalW analysis revealed that Lsi1
markers, which are scattered around the rice genome, belongs to the Nod26-like major intrinsic protein (NIP)
were used for rough mapping of the gene. As a result, sub-family.
the gene was located at about 19cM between the micro- An RNAi technique (to suppress the expression of
satellite maker RM5303 and an EST-based PCR marker Lsi1) was used to confirm Lsi1 involvement in Si uptake.
on chromosome 2. For fine mapping of Lsi1, new mark- In RNAi transgenic lines, Si uptake was significantly
ers were developed that narrowed the genomic region reduced compared with that of the vector control
of Lsi1 to 13.9 kb between the two flanking markers (Fig plants, and the expression of Lsi1 in the RNAi transgenic
35.2). A gene candidate within this region was identi- lines was significantly suppressed correspondingly (Fig
fied using rice GAAS software and the gene sequences 35.3). The RNAi transgenic lines also showed higher
of WT and lsi1 compared. A sequence mutation in the resistance to Ge toxicity. In contrast, there was no dif-
candidate gene, a base change from G in the WT to A ference in water uptake between the RNAi lines and the
in the mutant was revealed. This resulted in an amino vector control lines (Ma et al. 2006). Taken together,
acid change from alanine in the wild type to threonine the results indicate that the Lsi1 gene is responsible for a
A RM5303 Isi 1-1 Isi 1-2 Isi 1-3 Isi 1-4 Isi 1-5 Isi 1-6 Isi 1-7 E60168
0 1 3 3 1 0 0 14 10kb
Lsi1 region (n=280)
Isi 1-5 Isi 1-a Isi 1-b Isi 1-c Isi 1-d Isi 1-e Isi 1-6 Isi 1-7
2 1 0 0 0 2 0 2kb
1 266 267 491 492 686 748 749 1409
atg 142 1605 104 349 tga
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 35.2 Mapping of Lsi1 and gene structure. A-B) lsi1 mutation was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 2 between markers RM5303
and E60168. C) Lsi1 gene structure at genomic sequence. Red arrow shows the lsi1 mutant position.
4 5 15 88 79 91
high Si uptake in rice. the exodermis and endodermis (Fig 35.4b). In both
The function of Lsi1 in terms of expression and the exodermis and endodermis, the Casparian strips
localization was also investigated. Quantitative RT-PCR are formed during root maturation in rice, which are a
analysis revealed that Lsi1 was mainly expressed in the barrier to apoplastic permeation of water and solutes.
root, but not in shoots nor in panicles (Fig 35.4a). The These apoplastic barriers apparently restrict silicic acid
expression was regulated by Si supply; the expression permeability. Therefore, for transport of Si into the cells,
was decreased to one fourth in plants continuously Lsi1 is required to be expressed on both the exodermis
supplied with Si. The Lsi1 protein was localized in the and endodermis.
basal region of seminal roots, on the distal side of both By using the same approach, recently a gene (Lsi2)
encoding an efflux transporter of silicon has been responsible for the high Al resistance in rice has not
identified in rice (Ma et al. 2007). This transporter is been elucidated. Unlike other cereal species such as
also localized at the exodermis and endodermis like rye, wheat and barley, secretion of organic acid anions
Lsi1. However, in contrast to Lsi1, Lsi2 is localized at the does not seem to be a mechanism for Al resistance (Ma
proximal side (Ma et al. 2007). et al. 2002). Several genetic studies on Al resistance in
rice have been carried out and three to ten quantita-
tive trait loci (QTLs) have been identified in different
3. Example 2: Identification of AI-Tolerant genetic backgrounds and experimental conditions.
Genes One major QTL for Al resistance was detected on chro-
mosome 1 in all populations (Wu et al. 2000, Nguyen
Soil acidity is a major problem limiting crop productivity et al. 2001, 2002, 2003, Ma et al. 2002). This QTL has
throughout the world. Although crop productivity on been recently reported to be orthologous to AltSB, a
acid soils is limited by multiple abiotic stress factors such major Al resistance gene in sorghum on chromosome
as deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, 3 (Magalhaes et al. 2004). Another major rice Al resist-
toxicity of manganese, and so on, toxicity of aluminum ance QTL has been identified on chromosome 3 (Wu
(Al) has been regarded as a major factor limiting crop pro- et al. 2000, Nguyen et al. 2003), which is homeologous
ductivity on acid soils. Soil Al dissolves at low pH in an to the Triticeae group 4 chromosomes. These studies
ionic form (mainly Al3+), which inhibits root elongation at provided an important starting point for isolating genes
a very low concentration, and subsequently the uptake of responsible for high Al resistance in rice. However, no
water and nutrients, leading to reduced plant growth and Al-resistance genes have been cloned from rice so far.
increased susceptibility to environmental stresses. One possible reason is that the contribution of each
There are large variations in Al resistance among plant QTL detected is not so large (less than 30%), giving rise
species and varieties within a species. Rice is the most to the difficulty in discriminating between phenotypes
Al-resistant species among small-grain cereal crops, when the map-based cloning technique is applied. As
although genotypic variation also exists in this species an alternative strategy to QTL mapping, mutants sensi-
(Foy 1988). However, the physiological mechanism tive to Al were exploited.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 35.5 Phenotype of wild type rice (WT, var. Koshihikari) and an Al-sensitive mutant (star1/als1). A) seedlings (4 day old) were exposed
to a 0.5 mM CaCl2 solution (pH 4.5) containing 0 or 20 µM Al for 72 h; B) seedlings (25 day old) were cultured in an acid Andosol (pH 4.8) or
a near-neutral alluvial soil (pH 6.5) for 20 days.
3.1. Screening Al-Sensitive Mutants ably a consequence of root growth inhibition, which
decreased the uptake of nutrients and water.
M3 populations of an Al-resistant variety of rice (Oryza The Al content of the root apices (0-1cm) was sig-
sativa L. cv. Koshihikari) were generated by -ray treat- nificantly higher in the mutant than in the WT plant irre-
ment and were subsequently screened for Al-sensitive spective of Al concentration in the culture solution (Fig
mutants. The screening test was done with 50 µM Al and 35.6). This result suggests that Al-exclusion mechanisms
relative root elongation was used as an index for evalua- rather than internal detoxification are disrupted in the
tion of Al resistance (Fig 35.5). In the first screening, 60 mutant. There were no significant differences in the
putative mutants were selected from a total of 560 lines. sensitivity to La and Cd toxicity between the WT plant
The second round of screening resulted in 14 putative and the mutant, indicating that the mutant is specific to
mutants. Finally, two mutants were isolated in the third Al toxicity.
screening of M4 seedlings; the most Al-sensitive mutant
(star1, sensitive to Al rhizotoxicity, formerly named as 3.2. Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of
als1, Al sensitive 1) is described here. STAR1/Als1
The morphology and growth rate of both the root and
shoot were similar between the wild type (WT) plant and Genetic analyses were performed on progeny from
star1 mutant in the absence of Al (Fig 35.5A). However, crosses between the star1/als1 mutant and a WT plant
in the presence of Al at 20 µM, root elongation of the WT (var. Koshihikari). The F1 seedlings were highly resistant
plant was not significantly inhibited, whereas that of the to Al like the WT plant, suggesting that als1 is a recessive
mutant was severely inhibited. Furthermore, when both mutant. Further analysis with the F2 progeny resulted
lines were grown in an alluvial soil without Al toxicity, the in 70 Al-resistant seedlings (>30% relative root elonga-
growth of both roots and shoots of the mutant were simi- tion) and 20 Al-sensitive seedlings (<20% relative root
lar to those of the wild type (Fig 35.5B), whereas in the elongation). Thus the Al-resistant and the Al-sensitive
acid soil at pH 4.8, the growth of the root and the shoot seedlings segregated at a 3:1 ratio (2 =0.37, 0.5<P<0.75),
of the mutant decreased compared to WT by 85% and suggesting that the sensitivity to Al in als1 is controlled
70%, respectively. Reduction of shoot growth is prob- by a single recessive gene.
(nmol root apex )
Al content
0 20 40 60
Al concentration (μM)
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 35.6 Al content in the root apices of wild type rice (var. Koshihikari) and the mutant (als1/star1). Four day old seedlings were exposed
for 24 h to a 0.5 mM CaCl2 solution (pH 4.5) containing 0, 10, 30 or 50 µM Al. Root apices (0-1 cm) were excised and the Al concentration
was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Error bars represent±SD (n=3).
The gene (STAR1/Als1) responsible for Al resistance low Al tolerance was used. Three polymorphic InDel
in rice was mapped using a segregating F2 population markers between the above two markers was devel-
from the cross: mutant (star1/als1) X Kasalath. Bulked oped and this gene was mapped between MaOs0624
segregant analysis (Michelmore et al. 1991) was per- and MaOs0617 on the two overlapping PAC clones
formed by pooling equal amounts of DNA from 10 (AP003770 and AP003771) (Huang et al. 2009). With
Al-sensitive plants and comparing this with a bulk from further development of two new InDel markers and
10 Al-resistant F2 plants. Among 80 InDel markers three CAPS markers on the two PACs, the gene was
examined, 59 markers showed polymorphism between finally mapped to an 88 kb candidate region on PAC
the mutant and Kasalath and were then used to examine clone AP003771. There are 14 predicated genes within
polymorphism among the Al-sensitive and Al-resistant this region based on rice genome annotation in the
bulks. As a result, the marker R6M44 on the long arm of TIGR website (, including seven
chromosome 6 was found to be associated with Al sen- putative retrotransposon genes. Sequencing the other
20.9 cM
3.8 cM
1.9 cM
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 35.7 Linkage relationship between InDel markers and a gene for Al resistance (STAR1/Als1) on chromosome 6 in rice.
sitivity. Co-segregating analysis using the 27 Al-sensitive seven candidate genes revealed that one gene has a
F2 plants showed that R6M44 was located 24.7 cM 15-bp deletion in the second exon region in the mutant
from STAR1/Als1. Further fine mapping of the gene compared to the wild type, while there were no muta-
exploited two polymorphic InDel markers MaOs0615 tions in other genes. This gene consists of four exons
and MaOs0619. Linkage analysis showed that STAR1/ and three introns, encoding a 291 amino acid protein.
Als1 was located between MaOs0615 and MaOs0619, The gene (STAR1/Als1) is predicted to encode a nucle-
with a distance of 3.8 cM and 1.9 cM, respectively (Fig otide-binding domain (NBD) of a putative ATP-binding
35.7). For fine mapping of STAR1, 716 homozygotes with cassette (ABC) transporter protein, which has all typi-
cal motifs conserved in NBD, Walker-A, Q-loop, ABC Huang, C.F., Yamaji, N., Mitani, N. et al. 2009. A bacte-
signature, Walker-B, D-loop and H-loop. According rial-type ABC transporter is involved in aluminum
to new nomenclature, STAR1 was categorized into the tolerance in rice. Plant Cell. 21:655–667.
NO subgroup of the subfamily I, which includes NBD Ma, J.F., Shen, R., Zhao, Z. et al. 2002. Response of rice to
proteins with low similarity and unknown functions. In Al stress and identification of quantitative trait loci for
rice genome, there is no homolog of STAR1. Database Al tolerance. Plant Cell Physiol 43:652-659.
searches led to find one homolog of STAR1 each in Ma, J.F. and Furukawa, J. 2003. Recent progress in the
maize, Arabidopsis, grape, and moss (Physcomitrella research of external Al detoxification in higher plants:
patens), but their function is unknown. Further work a minireview. J Inorg Biochem 97:46-51.
showed that STAR1 interacts with STAR2 to function as a Ma, J.F., Tamai, K., Yamaji, N. et al. 2006. A silicon trans-
bacterial-type ABC transporter, which is required for Al porter in rice. Nature. 440:688-691.
tolerance in rice (Huang et al. 2009). Ma, J.F., Yamaji, N., Mitani, N. et al. 2007. An efflux trans-
Since the map-based cloning technique has been porter of silicon in rice. Nature. 448:209-211.
established, successful isolation of a mutant is a key Magalhaes, J.V., Garvun, D.F., Wang, Y. et al. 2004.
step in the process of gene cloning. For this, a reliable, Comparative mapping of a major aluminum toler-
less labour-intensive and time-consuming, and a more ance gene in sorghum and other species in the
convenient screening method is important. Integrated Poaceae. Genetics. 167:1905-1914.
knowledge of plant nutrition, plant physiology, chem- Michelmore, R.W., Paran, I. and Kesseli, R.V. 1991.
istry, and biochemistry is required to help to develop a Identification of markers linked to disease resistance
successful screening method. genes by bulked segregant analysis – a rapid method
to detect markers in specific genomic regions using
Acknowledgments segregating populations. PNAS. 88:9828-9832.
The study was partly supported by a grant from the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project 2005.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan The map-based sequence of the rice genome.
(Rice Genomics for Agricultural Innovation (IPG- Nature. 436:793-800
006 and QT-3006) to J. F. M.) and a Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (Nos. 4.2. Further Reading
21248009 and 22119002). I thank Fangjie Zhao for his
critical reading of this manuscript. Kochian, L.V., Hoekenga, O.A. and Piñeros, M.A. 2004.
How do crop plants tolerate acid soils? Mechanisms
of aluminum tolerance and phosphorous efficiency.
4. References Annu Rev Plant Biol. 55:459-493
Ma, J.F. and Takahashi, E. 2002. Soil, Fertilizer, and Plant
4.1. Cited references Silicon Research in Japan. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Ma J.F. and Yamaji, N. 2008. Functions and transport of
Foy, C.D. 1988. Plant adaptation to acid aluminum-toxic silicon in plants. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.
soils. Commun Soil Sc. Plant Ana. 19:959-987. 65:3049-3057.
Molecular Genetics of Symbiotic Plant-Microbe
Interactions in a Model Legume, Lotus japonicus
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction into bacteroids, and finally fixation of atmospheric
nitrogen takes place (Fig 36.1).
Legume plants are able to form root nodules by symbi-
otic interactions with soil bacteria of genera, Rhizobium, 2.2. Types of Symbiotic Mutants
Sinorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, and
Azorhizobium (referred as Rhizobium hereafter). The Lotus japonicus mutants were mostly generated by
micro-symbionts in the nodules develop the activity chemical (ethyl methane sulphonate: EMS) mutagene-
of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and supply the fixed sis, T-DNA insertion, and/or somatic mutation through
nitrogen to the host legumes, thus making legume- re-generation of plants from de-differentiated calli or
Rhizobium symbiosis highly beneficial in agricultural cultured cells (Schauser et al. 1998; Szczyglowski et al.
practice. Kawaguchi et al. 2002). The most comprehensive list of
Identification of rhizobial lipochichin oligosaccharide the symbiotic mutants identified so far is given by Sandal
signal molecules (Nod factors) in the early 90’s has led to et al. (2006) together with gene map positions. These
great progress of understanding the functions of bacte- symbiotic mutants were categorized into three groups
rial genes that are responsible for symbiosis. However, according to the developmental stages of symbiosis in
identification of host legume genes that are essential for which the defects are attributed, i.e., non-nodulating
symbiosis has been very limited. Two legume species, (Nod-), defective in cooperative histogenesis (Hist-), and
Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula, are diploid formation of ineffective nodules (Fix-). Nod- mutants are
with relatively small genome sizes and are capable of attributed to defects in very early steps of symbiotic
molecular transfection, and thus model legumes for interactions, and hence neither bacterial infection nor
molecular genetic studies (Box 1). nodule primordium formation occurs. Hist- mutants are
The accumulation of molecular genetics capabilities, characterized by defects in infection thread formation
such as expression sequence tags (ESTs) (Asamizu et al. and/or its growth, and accompanied with incomplete
2000; Kouchi et al. 2004), high-density linkage maps nodule organogenesis. Fix- mutants form apparently
and genome sequencing (Sato et al. 2008) has allowed a normal nodules containing endosymbiotic bacteria,
number of host legume genes required for symbiosis to but their nodules show no or very low nitrogen-fixing
be isolated. Recent developments of molecular cloning activity. Development of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis
of host legume symbiotic genes using a model legume, is depicted in Figure 36.1 together with representa-
L. japonicus is described here. Available resources and tives of genes and/or genetic loci belonging to these
databases for L. japonicus are listed (see Web sites in categories.
References). Besides these mutant categories, there is another
category that has defects in regulation of nodule num-
bers. This category contains so-called hyper-nodulation
2. Symbiotic Mutants of Lotus japonicus (Nod++) mutants which show excessive nodulation
owing to defects in “autoregulation” (Oka-Kira and
2.1. The Nodulation Process Kawaguchi, 2006).
root nodule. Rhizobia reside in nodule cells and are Transformation Hypocotyl infection by A. tumefaciens
enclosed by a plant-derived symbiosis-specific mem-
brane (peribacteroid membrane, PBM), differentiate
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 36.1 Nodulation process of Lotus japonicus and representatives of symbiotic mutants (revised from Kawaguchi et al. 2002)
3. Early Symbiotic Gene Cascade (Radutoiu et al. 2003). Mutants with a Nod-Myc- pheno-
type are placed on a “common sym pathway” (CSP) and
3.1. Perception of Nod Factors and Common their causal genes are termed “common sym genes”.
Symbiotic Pathway The most prominent physiological event on the CSP
is calcium spiking which appears as an oscillation of
Nod- mutants are attributed to the defects in very early Ca2+ concentration in root hair cells in response to Nod
steps of symbiotic interactions, such as Nod factor per- factor application (Fig 36.2). Calcium spiking is thought
ception and/or the immediate downstream signal trans- to play a pivotal role in early symbiotic signaling. The
duction pathways that precede infection and nodulation CSP genes are classified into two groups according to
processes. About a half of Nod- mutants identified so far their positions before and after calcium spiking. SymRK
are defective in symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhiza encodes a receptor-like protein kinase, and LjNup133
(AM) fungi (Myc-), indicating that both symbioses share and LjNup85, encode nucleoporins, are positioned
common mechanisms. Since the symbiosis with AM fungi upstream of calcium spiking. CASTOR and POLLUX are
is distributed through more than 80% of plant species and both putative calcium-gated ion channel proteins and
is shown to have an evolutionary origin far preceding leg- are also crucial for induction of calcium spiking. The
ume-Rhizobium symbiosis, it is thought that legume plants mutants defective in these genes fail to induce calcium
have acquired the ability of symbiosis with Rhizobium spiking upon bacterial inoculation. The exact bio-
bacteria on the basis of pre-existing mechanisms for myc- chemical functions of these genes are still to be eluci-
orrhizal symbiosis (Kistner et al. 2005). dated. CCaMK is a calcium and calmodulin dependent
Figure 36.2 shows the current working model of a protein kinase and is postulated to work as a decoder
symbiotic gene cascade in Lotus japonicus. NFR1 and of calcium spiking. It was first identified as the causal
NFR5 encode putative Nod factor receptors and the gene of a symbiotic mutant Ljsym72, which showed
defects in these genes lead to complete lack of the Nod-Myc- phenotype but was able to induce calcium
responses to Nod factors and Rhizobium inoculation. spiking in response to bacterial inoculation. Ljsym72
However, those mutants are able to achieve symbiosis was shown to be a loss-of-function mutant of LjCCaMK.
with AM fungi, thus showing Nod-Myc+ phenotype Interestingly, the snf1 mutant, which forms spontaneous
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 36.2 A working model of the symbiotic gene cascade in Lotus japonicus at early stages of symbiosis with Rhizobia and AM fungi. The
loci of which causal gene was isolated are bold faced. (Courtesy of Dr. H. Imaizumi-Anraku).
nodules without Rhizobium bacteria, has been demon- powerful approach to investigate interrelationships of
strated to be due to the gain-of-function mutation of the individual symbiotic genes.
same gene. In the snf1 mutant, CCaMK exhibits kinase Host plant signaling specifically responsible to myc-
activity constitutively in an independent manner to cal- orrhization is totally unknown at present. This is mainly
cium spiking by a single amino acid substitution at the due to the fact that symbiosis with AM fungi is obliga-
autophosphorylation site in its kinase domain. These tory which makes it difficult to analyze the mycorrhiza-
findings demonstrate the key regulatory role of CCaMK tion process in great details. Key to overcoming these
in activating the downstream signaling cascade(s) that difficulties is the identification of signal molecules (Myc
lead to nodule organogenesis (Tirichine et al. 2006). factors) produced by AM fungi and the isolation of
Recently, a novel CSP component CYCLOPS was identi- Nod+Myc- mutants.
fied, which was shown to interact directly with CCaMK
(Yano et al. 2008).
4. Infection Process and Symbiotic Nodule
3.2. Nodulation-Specific Pathway Formation
Nod- (Myc+) mutants downstream of common sym
pathway are allocated to the nodulation-specific 4.1. Infection and Nodule Organogenesis
pathway. A putative transcription factor, NIN, and
GRAS family transcription factors, NSP1 and NSP2 have Hist- mutants represent genetic loci that have effects
been identified as the components of the earliest step on the infection process. The mutants of this category
of the nodulation-specific pathway. Further genetic are characterized by defects in infection thread forma-
approaches such as analyses of double and/or triple tion and/or its growth, as well as incomplete nodule
mutants, together with biochemistry of isolated gene organogenesis with absence of bacterial infected cells.
products, will reveal more insights of early symbiotic The alb1 and crinkle mutants are typical examples of this
signaling pathways. Since transformation with gain-of- category. In crinkle, infection thread development is
function CCaMKT265D is demonstrated to induce spon- arrested upon penetration into the epidermal cells (Fig
taneous nodulation, transfection of CCaMKT265D into 36.3) and nodule organogenesis is blocked at very early
the background of the other Nod- mutants would be a stages, resulting in the formation of small bumps. Very
thick infection threads mostly aborted in root hair cells bacteria, but exhibit no or very low nitrogen-fixing
are formed in alb1 mutants. Even when the infection activity. Therefore, the genetically-controlled specific
threads develop in root corticall cells the bacteria fail interactions between legumes and rhizobia are not
to be released into host cell cytoplasm and are tightly restricted only to the early stages of symbiosis as medi-
packed in the infection threads. The nodulation process ated by Nod factors, but also exist at rather later stages
in alb1 appears to be more advanced than crinkle, but of nodule development.
the nodules are irregularly shaped with undeveloped Phenotypes of representative Fix- mutants are summa-
vascular bundles. rized in Table 1. Among these Fix- mutants, Ljsym75 (sen1)
Recently, a novel Hist- mutant, Ljsym101 (cerberus) has and Ljsym81 (sst1), are the most well characterized. The
been identified and the CERBERUS gene was cloned. nodules formed on sen1 mutant are morphologically
The cerberus mutant forms many small bumps, with no comparable to those on wild type plants, but exhibit
successful infection of rhizobia. In this mutant, rhizobia no nitrogen fixation activity. Nitrogenase proteins in the
colonize at curled root hair tips, but formation of infec- endosymbiotic bacteria are hardly detectable. Electron
tion threads are severely aborted. Even when the infec- microscopy suggested that in sen1 nodules, differentia-
tion threads are formed on rare occasions, the growth is tion of rhizobia into bacteroids is incomplete, and thus
arrested near the root hair tip or at the epidermal layer, the bacteria are unable to induce nitrogenase genes.
and fails to penetrate the cortical cells. These phenotypes The Sen1 gene has now been cloned (Table 36.1).
strongly suggest that the CERBERUS gene is required for The sst1 mutant forms nodules with very low nitrogen
very early steps of infection thread formation, thus it is fixation activity (Fig 36.4), and bacteroid differentiation
positioned upstream of CRINCLE and ALB1. resembles that in wild type nodules rather than sen1
nodules. The gene was identified as encoding nodule-
4.2. Genes Involved in Bacteroid Differentiation specific sulphate transporter (SST1) (Krusell et al. 2005).
and Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation SST1 protein is a component of peribacteroid mem-
brane (PBM) and transport SO42- to bacteroids from
In contrast to Nod- and Hist- mutants, genetic loci in Fix- plant cell cytosol (Fig 36.4), thus meeting the demand
mutants are attributed to much later stages of symbiotic for sulphur by intracellular rhizobia to support continu-
nodule development. This involves the differentiation ous synthesis of nitrogenase and the related electron
of rhizobia into bacteroids followed by induction of transfer proteins.
nitrogenase, and the organization of metabolic func- Bacteroid differentiation is one of the central subjects
tions required for nitrogen fixation in the host nodule in the studies of Fix- mutants. Biochemical and molecular
cells. Fix- mutants form morphologically normal nod- mechanisms underlying differentiation of Rhizobium
ules with infected cells containing endosymbiotic bacteria into the symbiotic form, bacteroids, has not been
B: bacteroidl S: symbiosome;
P: peribacteroid membrane
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 36.4 Left: Phenotype of sst1 mutant. Nodules formed on the mutant are pale pink and nitrogen fixing activity is very low. Bars=2 cm
(upper panel) and 1 mm (lower panels) (From Krusell et al. 2005). Right: Possible function of SST1 (Couetesy of Prof. N. Suganuma).
14 d.p.i 21 d.p.i
Table 36.1: Representatives of Fix- mutants of Lotus japonicus and their phenotypes1
Locus Endocytosis Nitrogenase N2 fixation Early Senescence Gene Cloning
sen1 + - - + cloned
studied well from the host plant side nor from the bacte- Acknowledgements
rial side. A recent transcriptome analysis using a DNA array The author thanks to Drs. H. Imaizumi-Anraku and
constructed on the basis of whole genome sequencing of Y. Umehara of NIAS, and Prof. N. Suganuma of Aichi
Mesorhizobium loti revealed that bacteroid differentia- University of Education for providing information on
tion involves global and drastic alterations in gene expres- unpublished data.
sion in rhizobia (Uchiumi et al. 2004). Differentiation to
nitrogen-fixing bacteroids is strictly controlled by interac-
tions with the host nodule cells. Fix- mutants provide a 5. References
powerful tool to investigate such interactions and the host
plant factors required for bacteroid differentiation as well 5.1. Cited References
as its maintenance and persistence.
Nodules formed on Fix- mutants exhibit premature Asamizu, E., Nakamura, Y., Sato, S. et al. 2000. Generation
senescence in common, that are characterized by of 7137 non-redundant expressed sequence tags
abnormal and/or excessive vacuolation of infected from a legume. Lotus japonicus. DNA Res. 7:127-130.
cells, enlargement of symbiosomes, and disintegration Kawaguchi, M., Imaizumi-Anraku, H., Koiwa, H. et al.
of infected cell cytoplasm. The temporal patterns and 2002. Root, root hair, and symbiotic mutants of the
extent of these phenotypes of premature senescence model legume Lotus japonicus. Mol. Plant-Microbe
is considerably different between each Fix- mutant. The Interact. 15:17-26.
premature senescence of nodules is not simply due to Kistner, C., Winzer, T., Pitzschke, A. et al. 2005. Seven
nitrogen deficiency caused by ineffective nitrogen fixa- Lotus japonicus genes required for transcriptional
tion. It is more likely that it reflects the activation of a reprogramming of the root during fungal and bacte-
kind of plant defense responses to exclude non-fixing rial symbiosis. Plant Cell. 17:2217-2229.
or inefficient endosymbi¬onts which confer no benefit Kouchi, H., Shimomura, K., Hata, S. et al. 2004. Large-
to the host plants. For instance, a Fix- mutant, ign1 exhib- scale analysis of gene expression profiles during early
its very rapid disintegration of symbiosomes of the stages of root nodule formation in a model legume,
infected cells as compared with the other Fix- mutants Lotus japonicus. DNA Res. 11:263-274.
identified so far (Fig 36.5). IGN1 was demostrated to be Krusell, L., Krause, K., Ott, T. et al. 2005. The sulfate
a novel plasma membrane protein containing ankyrin transporter SST1 is crucial for symbiotic nitrogen
repeats, but its biochemical functions remain to be fixation in Lotus japonicus root nodules. Plant Cell.
elucidated (Kumagai et al. 2007). Investigations on 17: 1625-1636.
molecular mechanisms of premature senescence of Kumagai, H., Hakoyama, T., Umehara, Y. et al. 2007.
nodules in these Fix- mutants may lead us to understand A novel ankyrin-repeat membrane protein IGN1 is
how intracelular rhizobia are stably maintained in the required for persistence of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis
host legume cells without invoking defense responses in root nodules of Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiol. 143:
against microbial invasion. 1293-1305.
Oka-Kira, E. and Kawaguchi, M. 2006. Long-distance 5.2. Websites
signaling to control root nodule number. Curr. Opin.
Plant Biol. 9:496-502. Genome sequences, linkage map and markers:
Radutoiu, S., Madsen, L.H., Madsen, E.B. et al. 2003.
Plant recognition of symbiotic bacteria requires two EST database:
LysM receptor-like kinases. Nature. 425:585-592.
Sandal, N., Petersen, T.R., Murray, J. et al. 2006. Genetics Gene expression database:
of symbiosis in Lotus japonicus: Recombinant inbred
lines, comparative genetic maps and map position Mesorhizobium loti Genome:
of 35 symbiotic loci. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact.
19:80-91. Legume Base (Japan National BioResource Project):
Schauser, L., Handberg, K., Sandal, N. et al. 1998.
Symbiotic mutants deficient in nodule establishment index.jsp
identified after T-DNA transformation of Lotus japoni- EMS mutant library (Riken):
cus. Mol. Gen. Genet. 259:414-423.
Szczyglowski, K., Shaw, R.S., Wopereis, J. et al. 1998. TIGR Lotus japonicus Gene Index:
Nodule organogenesis and symbiotic mutants of the
model legume Lotus japonicus. Mol. Plant Microbe cgi?species=l_japonicus
Interact. 11:684-697. Lotus TILLING homepage:
Tansengco, M.L., Hayashi, M., Kawaguchi, M. et al.
2003. Crinkle, a novel symbiotic mutant that affects page.htm
the infection thread growth and alters the root hair,
trichome, and seed development in Lotus japonicus. 5.3. Further Reading
Plant Physiol. 131:1054-1063.
Tirichine, L., Imaizumi-Anraku, H., Yoshida, S., Hayashi, M., Miyahara, A., Sato, S. et al. 2001.
Murakami, Y., Madsen, L.H., Miwa, H., Nakagawa, Construction of a genetic linkage map of the model
T., Sandal, N. et al. 2006. Deregulation of a Ca2+/ legume Lotus japonicus using an intraspecific F-2
calmodulin dependent kinase leads to spontaneous population. DNA Res. 8:301-310.
nodule development. Nature. 441:1153-1156. Imaizumi-Anraku, H., Takeda, N., Charpentier, M. et al.
Uchiumi, T., Ohwada, T., Itakura, M., Mitsui, H., Nukui, 2005. Plastid proteins crucial for symbiotic fungal and
N., Dawadi, P., Kaneko, T., Tabata, S., Yokoyama, T., bacterial entry into plant roots. Nature. 433:527-530.
Tejima, K. et al. 2004. Expression islands clustered Murakami,Y., Miwa, H., Imaizumi-Anraku, H. et al.
on symbiosis island of Mesorhizobium loti genome. 2006. Positional cloning identifies Lotus japonicus
J. Bacteriol. 186:2439-2448. NSP2, a putative transcription factor of the GRAS
Yano, K., Yoshida, S., Müller, J. et al. 2008. CYCLOPS, a family, required for NIN and ENOD40 gene expres-
mediator of symbiotic intracellular accommodation. sion in nodule initiation. DNA Res. 13:255-265.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105:20540-5. Nishimura, R., Hayashi, M., Wu, G.-J. et al. 2002. HAR1
mediates systemic regulation of symbiotic organ
development. Nature. 420:426-429.
Schauser, L., Roussis, A., Stiller, J. et al. 1999. A plant
regulator controlling development of symbiotic root
nodules. Nature. 402:191-195.
Mutational Dissection of the Phytochrome
Genetic Systems in Rice
M.Takano*, X.Xianzhi and N.Inagaki
Photobiology and Photosynthesis Unit, Division of Plant Science, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
2. Mutant Isolation
2.1. Tos17 Retrotransposon Mutants
2.2. Mutants Induced by Gamma Rays
4. References
1. Introduction their effects on photomorphogenesis, light-inducible
genes and flowering time.
Light is one of the most important environmental
stimuli, playing a pivotal role in the regulation of plant
growth, development and metabolic activities. The per- 2. Mutant Isolation
ception of environmental light by plants is achieved by
a family of plant photoreceptors which are capable of 2.1. Tos17 Retrotransposon Mutants
detecting a wide spectrum of wavelengths ranging from
UV to far-red light: these include the phytochromes, Large populations of rice (Oryza sativa L. var.
cryptochromes, phototropins and several others. Nipponbare) mutants generated by Tos17-mediated
Phytochromes are the most extensively characterized mutagenesis were made available by the Laboratory of
photoreceptors in plants. However, their diverse func- Gene Function at the National Institute of Agrobiological
tions in the regulation of plant development have been Sciences (Tsukuba, Japan). Details of mutagenesis with
characterized mainly in dicots, and very little informa- Tos17 have been described (Hirochika, 1999). In order to
tion in this regard is available in monocots, principally identify mutants for specific genes from a large mutant
due to the lack of phytochrome mutants. Phytochrome population (around 50,000 mutant lines), the popula-
mutants have been developed in rice in order to tion was divided into 52 groups, and within each group
advance knowledge of phytochrome function in plants, the lines were aligned into two- or three-dimensional
especially in terms of exploring potential differences matrices. A particular group of mutant lines was termed
between monocots and dicots. Therefore in addition a ‘mutant panel’. For example, a mutant panel of 625
to studying phytochromes in a monocot, the develop- lines consisted of a matrix in which all of the mutant
ment of mutants in rice would allow for comparisons of lines were aligned in 25 rows and 25 columns. Plant
these photoreceptors between monocots and dicots. samples were collected and mixed to make a pool for
Phytochromes in higher plants are encoded by small DNA extraction from all of the individual mutants in a
gene families. Rice has only three members, PhyA, PhyB particular row and column. The pooled DNA was sub-
and PhyC (Kay et al. 1989; Dehesh et al. 1991; Basu et al. jected to PCR analysis so that a maximum of 50 (25 + 25)
2000), while Arabidopsis has five phytochromes, PhyA PCR reactions were enough to survey 625 mutant lines.
to PhyE (Clack et al. 1994). The relatively small number Mutant lines with an insertion of Tos17 in the PhyA
of phytochrome genes in rice is an advantage in study- gene could be identified by using primers specific
ing the functions of individual phytochromes by the iso- to PhyA and to Tos17. If a desired mutant exists in the
lation and analysis of mutants. A reverse-genetics strat- panel, DNA pools from one row and one column must
egy was adopted to identify rice phytochrome mutants give amplified DNA fragments of the same size. The
as a forward approach was not possible because mutant line can be located on the matrix by the row/
the phenotype of rice deficient in phytochrome was column identifier. After extensive screening of mutant
unknown. The Rice Genome Research Program (http:// panels, five different mutant alleles of phyA were iso- has generated a gene knockout lated (Fig 37.1A). In addition, eight phyA mutant alleles
system using the retrotransposon Tos17 and has isolated were found in the FST (flanking sequences tagged)
mutants for many genes of interest. In this system, the database (Fig 37.1A). Attempts were also been made to
Tos17, which is activated in tissue culture, can be used to isolate phyB and phyC mutants from the mutant panels,
generate a large number of transposon-tagged mutant but only one mutant line for phyC was identified (Fig
lines. DNA isolated from mutant plants is organized 37.1C) and no candidates have been obtained for phyB
into ‘mutant panels’ (Hirochika, 1999) which may be mutants (Takano et al. 2005). As a result there is a bias for
screened efficiently by the polymerase chain reaction the transposition of Tos17 at a sub-chromosomal level
(PCR) by combining a primer for a gene of interest with a and the sub-chromosomal region where PhyA resides
primer for Tos17. The PCR products can be exploited in appears to be a focus for the transposition of Tos17.
the isolation of mutant alleles of the gene. This chapter The insertion sites of Tos17 in the PhyA (A) and PhyC
describes the isolation and characterization of rice phy- (C) genes, and mutation sites found in the PhyB (B) gene,
tochrome mutants and experiments designed to study are schematically depicted. Exons are represented as
A phyA-4
phyA-5 phyA-3
Insertion site line name Insertion site line name phyA-2
5718 NE1031 7748 NF6831
6092 phyA-5 8125 NE1038
6223 NG3530 8166 phyA-2
6234 NE0007 8544 ND5013
6576 ND1022 8599 NE4038
6667 phyA-4 8625 phyA-3
6949 phyA-1
phyC-1 1kb
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 37.1 Gene structures of rice phytochromes and positions of the mutations.
black boxes and open boxes are 5’- and 3’-untranslated have long coleoptiles under red light. About 3,000
regions. The chromophore binding sites are indicated M2 seedlings were screened from -ray mutagenized
by #. Thirteen different alleles of rice phyA mutations Nipponbare for the elongated coleoptile phenotype
were identified (A). Tos17-insertion sites are indicated (referred to as elc hereafter) under continuous red light
by black arrows (isolated by our group) or open arrow- (Rc). The screen yielded one elc mutant (elc-1) in which
heads (found in the FST database). Tos17 sequences the coleoptile was relatively straight and long com-
were inserted in both orientations; those with forward pared to control seedlings (Takano et al. 2005).
orientation are presented above the bar and those with Rice phytochromes function as repressors of flower-
reverse orientation are below. Nucleotide numbers are ing induction under long day (LD) conditions. Thus, 37
based on the rice Phy18 gene sequence (Accession No. lines of early flowering mutants which had been isolated
X14172). The horizontal arrow in C shows the orienta- in the Institute of Radiation Breeding for coleoptile
tion of the inserted Tos17 (grey bar). lengths when grown under Rc irradiation. This screen
yielded four additional mutants at the elc locus (alleles
2.2. Mutants Induced by Gamma Rays elc-2, elc-3, elc-4 and elc-5). The background variety of
elc-2 is Nipponbare, and that of elc-3, elc-4 and elc-5
Since no lines were found with a Tos17 insertion in PhyB is Norin 8.
among the mutant panels, other mutation methods Sequencing of each of the elc mutants was done
were used to obtain this class of mutants. This was to test whether the mutant phenotypes were caused
achieved by phenotypic screening of an M2 genera- by lesions in this gene. As expected, either a deletion
tion of a rice population mutagenized by -ray irradia- or an insertion in the coding region of the PhyB gene
tion. Seedlings of rice phyB mutants are expected to was detected in all elc mutants isolated (Fig 37.1B).
The insertion or deletions induced frame shifts and 3. Functional Analysis of Phytochrome
subsequently created new stop codons, resulting in a Mutants
truncated PhyB protein in elc-1, -2, -4, and -5 mutants
(Fig 37.2). These mutations are large enough to abolish 3.1. Genetic Basis of Phytochrome Mutations
the normal function of PhyB. However, the elc-3 muta-
tion appeared to be less drastic: a deletion of 33 base In order to confirm that the mutants isolated lacked
pairs removed the stop codon along with a sequence phytochrome function, Western blot analyses were
corresponding to the C-terminal 9 amino acid residues carried out on soluble proteins extracted from seed-
and added 62 irrelevant residues at the C-terminus of lings of phyA-2, phyB-1, and phyC-1 mutants using a
PhyB (Takano et al. 2005). From these results, it was monoclonal antibody against rye PhyA and polyclonal
concluded that all elc mutants are alleles of phyB, they antibodies raised against rice PhyB and PhyC proteins.
were therefore renamed from elc-1, elc-2, elc-3, elc-4 The results indicate that each antibody is specific to
and elc-5 to phyB-1, phyB-2, phyB-3, phyB-4 and phyB- the individual phytochrome and that the mutant lines
5, respectively. tested are null. It was noted that the content of PhyC
Details of mutations detected in the elc mutants and protein was greatly reduced in the phyB mutant, a phe-
their consequent aberrant ORFs are shown along the nomenon which has also been observed in Arabidopsis
PhyB cDNA sequence (Accession No. AB109892) and (Monte et al. 2003). Double mutants were obtained
its deduced amino acid sequence. by crossing mutant lines together and selfing the F1, i.e.
G V C S S L T S H N Y S -- (50 residues)--*
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 37.2 Mutations in the PhyB gene in elc mutants.
crosses were made with phyA-2 or phyA-4, phyB-1 and was also found that phyA is involved in the inhibition
phyC-1 mutants with each other and selection made of mesocotyl elongation and the induction of the grav-
phyA+phyB, phyA+phyC, and phyB+phyC double itropic response in crown roots under FRc (Takano et
mutants in the F2. al. 2001). When grown under natural light conditions,
phyA mutants develop normally and display a vegeta-
3.2. Effects on Photomorphogenesis tive phenotype and a flowering time that are indistin-
guishable from the wild type. Therefore, loss of phyA
The distinct roles of phytochromes in the photomor- function in rice appears to cause phenotypic changes
phogenesis of rice seedlings were examined by com- that are mainly restricted to the de-etiolation process.
paring single- and double-phytochrome mutants and Phenotypic characterization of phyB mutant seedlings
Nipponbare (wild type, WT) grown under various light showed that phyB is responsible for the response to Rc
conditions (Fig 37.3), including continuous irradiation in rice (Fig 37.3; Rc). However, it was revealed that phyB
with FR (FRc) and red light (Rc) for 9 days. No apparent is not the sole photoreceptor for Rc, because coleop-
differences were observed between WT and phyto- tile elongation was significantly inhibited by Rc even in
chrome mutants grown in the dark. phyB mutants although the extent of inhibition was less
Under FRc, coleoptiles of phyA mutants were longer than that in wild type (Fig 37.3; Rc). Such an incomplete
than those of WT but still shorter than those of dark- effect is not observed in Arabidopsis, where etiolated
grown seedlings (Dark). The phyC single mutation phyB seedlings display a marked insensitivity to Rc with
showed no effect, but phyA+phyC double mutants respect to almost all aspects of seedling de-etiolation.
had long coleoptiles, as long as those of dark-grown Thus, phyB plays a main role in responding to Rc in
seedlings (Fig 37.3, FRc). Therefore, phyA is a dominant Arabidopsis, whereas in rice, phyB does not seem to
photoreceptor for FRc and the function of phyC is dis- be a predominant player in the R-mediated response.
pensable when phyA is functional. But in the absence Such a difference was also observed in the expression
of phyA, phyC partially compensates for the phyA modes of light-inducible genes, mentioned below.
function on the FR-mediated coleoptile growth inhibi- Seedlings were grown in darkness (A), or under FRc
tion (the difference between phyA and phyA+phyC). It (B), or Rc (C) for 9 days at 28°C. The fluence rates of FRc
Dark Rc FRc
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 37.3 Nine-day-old seedlings of WT and phytochrome mutants grown under FRc or Rc
and Rc are 15 µmole photons m-2 s-1. Two seedlings of 3.3. Effects on Light-Inducible Genes
Nipponbare (WT) grown in dark are in A. In B and C, In order to elucidate the distinct roles of phytochromes
WT and single- and double-phytochrome mutants are in gene expression, the expression levels were exam-
aligned for comparison from left to right: WT, phyA, ined in Lhcb (Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding
phyB, phyC, phyA+phyC, phyB+phyC, and phyA+phyB. protein) and RbcS (Ribulose bisphosphate carboxy-
White and yellow arrows indicate apexes of coleop- lase/oxygenese small subunit) genes in seedlings of WT
tiles and first leaves, respectively. Red arrows indicate and phytochrome single and double mutants grown in
second nodes. All pictures are the same magnitude, darkness or under FRc or Rc. Light-inducible genes such
and scale bars at the left are 10 mm. as Lhcb and RbcS were slightly induced by FRc even in
In Arabidopsis, most phytochrome mutants have the phyA mutant, but this expression was completely
been isolated by forward genetics screens designed to abolished in the phyA+phyC double mutant (Fig 37.4A).
identify lines with reduced sensitivity to light. However, These results indicate that phyC is able to perceive FR to
such screens have not yielded any phyC mutants, sug- induce at least Lhcb and RbcS expression among light-
gesting the marginal contribution of phyC to photo- inducible genes, although the contribution is minor (Fig
morphogenesis. Loss of phyC function did not cause 37.4A).
clear phenotypic differences in seedling or vegetative A. Nipponbare (WT) and phytochrome-single
growth in rice, indicating that phyC also plays a minor (phyA, phyB, phyC) and double (AB, phyA+phyB; AC,
role in photomorphogenesis in this species. The light- phyA+phyC: BC, phyB+phyC) mutants were grown in
dependent inhibition of coleoptile and mesocotyl the dark (D) or under FRc for four days. LhcB and RbcS
elongation under Rc or FRc were examined, but no gene expression was analyzed by Northern hybridiza-
differences were observed between the wild type and tion with gene specific probes. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
phyC mutants (Fig 37.3).
was stained with Methylene Blue on the same blot as a mode. Therefore, the molecular properties of phyA
quantity control. seem to differ between Arabidopsis and rice, being
B. Rice seedlings from Nipponbare (WT) and more specialized for FR perception in Arabidopsis,
phytochrome-single (phyA, phyB, phyC) and double while perceiving both R and FR in rice. A model com-
(phyA+phyC, phyB+phyC, phyA+phyB) mutants were paring phytochrome function in these two species is
grown in complete darkness for 7 days (D) and then shown in Figure 37.5.
treated with a single pulse of red light (R), a pulse of FR
immediately after a red pulse (R/FR), a train of R-FR-R 3.4. Effects on Flowering Time
pulses (R/FR/R), or a single FR pulse (FR). Seedlings were
harvested 3 h after the pulse irradiation and LhcB gene Light is a crucial factor in determining flowering time.
expression was analyzed by Northern hybridization. Wild type and phytochrome mutant plants were grown
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) was stained with Methylene in paddy field conditions with natural day-length, which
Blue on the blot of WT as a quantity control. resembled experimental long day (LD) conditions, and
In Arabidopsis, phyA is responsible for Lhcb gene the time to flowering measured (Fig 37.6A). Wild type
induction in the photo-irreversible very low fluence plants flowered in about 100 days after germination
response (VLFR) mode, while phyB mediates Lhcb and so did the phyA mutants. However, phyB and phyC
expression in the R/FR photo-reversible low fluence mutants flowered about two weeks earlier than WT. The
response (LFR) mode. As a result, Lhcb expression flowering time of the phyB+phyC double mutant was
induced by R did not appear to be reversed by sub- the same as that of phyB or phyC monogenic mutants.
sequent FR irradiation in the wild type and the phyB The results obtained suggest that cooperative function-
mutant (Hamazato et al. 1997). In contrast, etiolated ing of phyB and phyC is necessary to suppress flowering
seedlings of wild type and phyB mutant rice did show under LD conditions. Interestingly, phyA+phyC double
R/FR photo-reversibility in the induction of Lhcb gene mutants flowered very early, more than 20 days ahead
expression. Unexpectedly, even phyB+phyC double of phyC monogenic mutants. The phyC monogenic
mutants, in which phyA is the only active phytochrome, mutation caused a moderate phenotype of early flower-
showed R/FR reversibility (Fig 37.4B). These results ing under LD conditions. However, the phyC mutation
clearly indicate that phyA is involved in Lhcb induction, in combination with the phyA mutation accelerated
not only in VLFR mode but also in R/FR reversible LFR flowering time in LD conditions, while the phyA muta-
Rice Arabidopsis
tion by itself had little effect on flowering time. These mediated by the phytochromes promote flowering in
results suggest that phyC and phyA affect flowering time response to SD conditions, while they delay flowering
at separate points in the same signalling pathway. in long days. Among the phytochromes, phyB alone
In short day (SD) conditions (Fig 37.6B), phyC mutants seems to be involved in SD signal transduction but not
flowered at the same time as the wild type. On the in LD signalling, while phyA mediates the signals in
other hand, phyA mutants showed slightly late flower- response to both photoperiods.
ing compared to Nipponbare or phyC mutants, and Nipponbare (WT) and phytochrome-single (phyA,
the same extent of delay of flowering was observed phyB, phyC) and double (phyA+phyC, phyB+phyC,
in phyA+phyC double mutants. The phyB monogenic phyA+phyB) mutants were grown in the paddy field
mutants were early flowering compared with the wild (A) or in a growth chamber set as SD (10L/14D, B: open
type or phyC mutant even in SD conditions, and the bars) or LD (14L/10D, B: shaded bars), and their flow-
flowering time of phyB+phyC double mutants was the ering times were measured. The means ± SE obtained
same as that of phyB monogenic mutants. These obser- from 20 plants are displayed.
vations indicate that phyC is dispensable for flowering By comparing these results in rice with those obtained
time determination in SD conditions. in Arabidopsis (Neff and Chory, 1998), it can be con-
In order to evaluate the differences in flowering times cluded that phyB and phyC act to delay flowering under
between LD and SD conditions more precisely, double inadequate photoperiod for the plants in both rice
mutants were grown in the same growth chamber and Arabidopsis (LD for rice and SD for Arabidopsis).
under LD conditions (Fig 37.6B, shaded bars). Floral The contributions of phyB and phyC are the same in
induction in the phyB+phyC double mutants was rice, while phyB function is dominant over phyC in
greatly enhanced with the reduction in day length and Arabidopsis (Monte at al., 2003). The phyA functions,
this behaviour matched that of a phyB single mutant. especially in combination with other phytochromes,
Interestingly, phyA+phyC double mutants showed the are quite different between rice and Arabidopsis. In
same flowering times in both SD and LD conditions. rice, the phyA mutation greatly accelerated flowering
Furthermore, the flowering time of the phyA+phyB in the phyB and phyC background, but no significant
double mutants was earlier in LD than in SD condi- effect of the phyA mutation were observed in the phyB
tions. These results suggest that in rice the light signals and phyC background in Arabidopsis.
Acknowledgements Neff, M.M. and Chory, J. 1998. Genetic interactions
between phytochrome A, phytochrome B, and cryp-
We thank Dr. H. Hanzawa for providing us with the tochrome 1 during Arabidopsis development. Plant
monoclonal antibody against rye PhyA. We are grateful Physiol. 118:27-35.
to Dr. M. Tahir for critical reading of the manuscript. We Takano, M., Inagaki, N., Xie, X. et al. 2005. Distinct and
also thank K. Yagi, M. Sato and Y. Iguchi for their techni- cooperative functions of phytochromes A, B and C
cal assistance. This work was partly supported by the in the control of de-etiolation and flowering in rice.
Rice Genome Project (IP-1006). Plant Cell . 17:3311-3325.
Takano, M., Kanegae, H., Shinomura, T. et al. 2001.
4. References Isolation and characterization of rice phytochrome A
mutants. Plant Cell. 13:521-534.
4.1. Cited References
4.2. Web Sites
Basu, D., Dehesh, K., Schneider-Poetsch, H.J. et al.
2000. Rice PHYC gene: structure, expression, map The Rice Genome Research Program
position and evolution. Plant Mol Biol. 44:27-42.
Clack, T., Mathews, S. and Sharrock, R.A. 1994. The
phytochrome apoprotein family in Arabidopsis is 4.3. Further Reading
encoded by five genes: the sequences and expres-
sion of PHYD and PHYE. Plant Mol Biol. 25:413-427. Briggs, W.R., Beck, C.F., Cashmore, A.R. et al. 2001. The
Dehesh, K., Tepperman, J., Christensen, A.H. et al. 1991. phototropin family of photoreceptors. Plant Cell.
phyB is evolutionarily conserved and constitutively 13:993-997.
expressed in rice seedling shoots. Mol Gen Genet Briggs, W.R. and Huala, E. 1999. Blue-light photorecep-
225:305-313. tors in higher plants. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 15:
Hamazato, F., Shinomura, T., Hanzawa, H. et al. 33-62.
1997. Fluence and wavelength requirements for Hirochika, H., Sugimoto, K., Otsuki, Y. et al. 1996.
Arabidopsis CAB gene induction by different phyto- Retrotransposons of rice involved in mutations
chromes. Plant Physiol. 115:1533-1540. induced by tissue culture. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93:
Hirochika, H. 1999. Retrotransposons of rice as a tool for 7783-7788.
forward and reverse genetics. In Molecular Biology of Hirochika, H. 1997. Retrotransposons of rice: their regu-
Rice, ed. K. Shimamoto, pp.43-58. lation and use for genome analysis. Plant Mol Biol
Kay, S.A., Keith, B., Shinozaki, K. et al. 1989. The sequence 35:231-240.
of the rice phytochrome gene. Nucleic Acids Res. Lin, C. 2002. Blue light receptors and signal transduction.
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and characterization of phyC mutants in Arabidopsis Phytochromes and photomorphogenesis in
reveals complex crosstalk between phytochrome Arabidopsis. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 353:
signaling pathways. Plant Cell. 15:1962-1980. 1445-1453.
T-DNA Insertion Mutagenesis
R.S.Sangwana,*, S.Ochattb, J-E.Nava-Saucedoa and B.Sangwan-Norreela
Unité de Recherche EA3900 «Biologie des Plantes et Contrôle des Insectes ravageurs» -Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Laboratoire Androgenèse et Biotechnologie, Faculté des
Sciences, 33 rue Saint-Leu, 80039 Amiens, France.
Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire, Morphogenèse et Validation (PCMV) Unité Mixte de Recherches en Génétique et Ecophysiologie des Légumineuses à Graines (URLEG) Centre de
Recherches INRA de Dijon B.P. 86510 21065 Dijon Cedex, France.
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:, Tel: 0033 3 22827651 Fax: 0033 3 22827612
1. Introduction
5. References
1. Introduction transposon tagging can be applied to T-DNA generated
mutants as well. A T-DNA insertion may reveal gene
The last two decades have been very rewarding for plant function via a gene knock-out and a gene knock-up
scientists as they have capitalized on recombinant DNA (over-expression and miss-expression) or through
technology and induced mutations, created by muta- expression patterns revealed by modified insertion ele-
gens such as transposable elements and insertional ments. Moreover, T-DNA tagged mutants are central to
mutagenesis (see Glossary, Box 38.1) to explore many reverse genetics in Arabidopsis and are used in a similar
aspects of gene and chromosome behaviour. Most way to conventional mutants in crosses, phenotypic
mutations in plants have been induced at random, either assessments and molecular analyses. The T-DNA tag
by using chemicals, ionizing radiation, or by disrupting typically causes a loss of gene expression and results in
the gene through the insertion of a DNA fragment. The a monogenic recessive mutation in the gene. This chap-
inserted DNA can be either a mobile genetic element, ter highlights the significance of insertional mutagenesis
such as a transposon, or a piece of bacterial DNA, in functional genomic studies and summarizes T-DNA
known as T-DNA, that is integrated in the plant genome mutagenesis schemes, including methodologies for
following co-cultivation with Agrobacterium tumefa- creation of T-DNA mutant collections, T-DNA vectors,
ciens, gene bombardment, or direct gene transfer via isolation of the tagged gene and comparisons of the fre-
electroporation, microinjection or polyethylene-glycol quency of mutant recovery using various strategies. In
treatment of protoplasts. T-DNA-induced mutants/ addition, concrete examples are given in cloning genes
genes could be cloned because they are tagged by the using T-DNA insertion lines, step by step.
T-DNA insertion. Thus, tagging an unknown gene with
a transposon or with DNA greatly simplifies the subse-
quent isolation of the gene. The lack of movement of 2. Creation of Mutant Collections by T-DNA
T-DNA is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is Insertion in Plants
advantageous during gene cloning, but makes it impos-
sible to generate multiple alleles by reversion. Several Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated T-DNA transfer
large-scale T-DNA and transposon insertional mutagen- has been the method of choice for insertional mutagen-
esis projects using these strategies are underway to esis in plants. Figure 38.1 illustrates the T-DNA tagging
support gene discovery projects (Pan et al. 2003). The system, including the process of T-DNA integration
mutagenic potential of transposable elements has and its structure. Any sequences inserted between the
been widely exploited in research on many organisms T-DNA borders can be transferred into the plant cell;
to clone genes using transposon sequences as molecu- however, the integration process consists of several
lar tags (transposon tagging). Although, application is steps involving bacterial proteins and plant enzymes
limited to species with active, well defined transposon responsible for DNA replication and repair. Using the
systems, such as maize and Antirrhinum, it has been Agrobacterium system, large collections of T-DNA
demonstrated that it may be possible to clone any gene transformants of Arabidopsis have been reported by
from any plant species by the application of transposon several groups and have been used for reverse genet-
tagging (see Chapter 39). ics (Pan et al. 2003). Users can access this information
Since many plant scientists use Arabidopsis as a model through a range of databases, described by Pan et al.
plant for mutational experiments, extensive collections 2003. Interestingly, T-DNA integration seems to involve
of lines of mutants, as well as comprehensive genetic mostly transcriptionally active regions and has been
maps based on biochemical and morphological muta- suggested that > 80% of T-DNA insertions are related to
tions and on polymorphic DNA markers, are now avail- functionally active genes.
able. However, one of the best methods for generating Moreover, to create a T-DNA mutant gene bank or
the tagged mutants is based on insertional mutagenesis collection, i.e. a population of transgenic plants with
with the T-DNA from Agrobacterium tumefacians (e.g. gene-tagged individuals and isolating the tagged genes,
Feldmann, 1991; Radhamony et al. 2005); these inserts involves many well defined steps. Figure 38.2 shows a
do not move and hence are not analogous to transpo- flow chart for T-DNA mutant generation in Arabidopsis.
sons, but many of the cloning strategies exploited in It describes the protocols used to generate a transgenic
Box 38.1: Glossary
50Kan medium Culture medium containing 50 mg/l of Kanamycin.
Ac-Dc The first transposon system described by Barbara McClintock. Ac (‘activator’) is an autonomous
element, and Dc (‘dissociation’) refers to a non-autonomous element of this system.
Allele One of the variant forms of a gene at a particular locus, or location, on a chromosome. Different alleles
produce variation in inherited.
Binary vectors A modified Agrobectrium T-DNA is introduced into the plant on a separate-coli compatible plasmid;
the necessary virulence functions are provided in trans from a Ti plasmid devoid of T-DNA.
Cointegrate vector Is produced by integrating the recombinant intermediate vector (containing the DNA insert)
into a disarmed pTi. The co-integration of the two plasmids is achieved within Agrobacterium by
homologous recombination. The genes of interest to be transferred into plants are initially cloned in
Forward genetics This process begins with a mutant phenotype but says nothing about the nature of the gene.
Hemizygous If there is only one copy of a gene for a particular trait In a diploid organism, the organism is
hemizygous for the trait.
Heterozygous Having two different alleles at a given locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes. A genotype
consisting of two different alleles of a gene for a particular trait (Aa). Individuals that are heterozygous
for a trait are referred to as heterozygotes.
Homologous recombination Specific gene disruptions are made by replacing the endogenous gene with an altered version of that
gene multimer.
Homozygous Having two identical alleles of a particular gene (e. g. GG, or TT).
Mini-Ti The plasmid containing disarmed T-DNA is called mini-Ti or micro-Ti, e.g., pBinl9, and has the
origins for replication in both E.coli and Agrobacterium. MINI−Ti approach simplifies procedures for
exploiting T−DNA as a gene vector for plants.
Null alleles An allele that makes no gene product or whose product has no activity.
Phenotype The characteristics of the organism, usually with respect to the traits a particular gene controls.
Reverse genetics This process initiates from the gene sequence and tries to generate a mutant phenotype.
Somaclonal variation In tissue culture transformation systems, mutants can result from exposures to exogenous hormones,
creating ‘somaclonal variants’.
Suppressor mutation A mutation that counteracts the effects of another mutation. A suppressor maps at a different site than
the mutation it counteracts.
T-DNA is the transferred DNA of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid of some species of bacteria such as
Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes.
T-DNA mutagenesis The same procedure of T-DNA transfer can be used to disrupt genes via insertional mutagenesis. Not
only does the inserted T-DNA sequence create a mutation but it also ‘tags’ the affected gene, thus
allowing for its isolation. This method is used widely to study gene function in plants, such as the
model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ti plasmid Is a circular plasmid that often, but not always, is a part of the genetic equipment that Agrobacterium
tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes use to transduce its genetic material to plants.
TILLING (Targeted Induced A PCR mutagenesis protocol to create single-base mutations in particular genes. This method allows
Local Lesions in Genomes) the creation of multiple alleles.
Transposable elements Discrete DNA sequences able to transport directly to other locations within a genome.
‘jumping genes’
Transposon systems Include both autonomous elements and non-autonomous elements. Autonomous elements encode
the functional transposase enzyme, and can thus mobilize themselves. Non-autonomous elements
do not encode functional transposes, and therefore, can not transpose on their own- but they can be
mobilized by the autonomous element of the same transposon system.
Wild type An organism as found in nature; the dominant allele usually found in nature, and from which
mutations produce other dominant or recessive alleles.
T-DNA Tagging System
3’ 5’
Plant DNA
T-DNA Complex
Gene A
Plant DNA
T-DNA Promoter sequence
population, the genetic analysis of the transformants, the mutant screening is done in T3 lines. Because pri-
the screens that have been conducted and gene iso- mary transformants (T1/T2 lines) are heterozygous for
lation strategies. Genetic segregation and molecular the insert (selectable marker and mutation), progeny
analysis such as Southern analysis are done to confirm (T3 lines) will segregate 3:1 (resistance: recessive) for the
that the mutant contains T-DNA as well as demonstrat- dominant selectable marker (for a single insert), but 1:3
ing that the mutant phenotype is not due to somaclonal (mutant: wild type) for any recessive mutation.
variation. Moreover, co-segregation of the genetic
marker carried by the T-DNA and the isolated pheno- 2.1. T-DNA Tagging Vectors
type is necessary to show that the mutation is linked to
the T-DNA insertion. For transformation, several vectors Plants such as Arabidopsis can be transformed stably
have been developed (below) however, to be able to using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transfer of
use T-DNA effectively as a gene tag, protocols for effi- T-DNA (Fig 38.2). The T-DNA, which is flanked by left-
cient generation of a large number of transgenic indi- and right-boarder (LB and RB, see Fig 38.1) sequences,
viduals to screen for specific phenotypes are required. resides on a tumour-inducing (Ti) plasmid. The Ti
Usually the primary transformation is referred to T0 and plasmid also carries many of the transfer functions for
the seeds from T0 plants/lines called T1 (first generation mobilizing the T-DNA. Important considerations when
after transformation), T3 plants /lines were obtained choosing a vector include the resistance marker in
after out-crossing/selfing the T2 plants/ lines. Usually bacteria, the resistance marker in plants, the size of the
Tissue Culture System Primary Transformants
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
T2 T2 T1
Co-segregation tests
Rescue DNA
vector, and the configuration of unique restriction sites Types of commonly used vectors
available for cloning. The most common bacterial resist- Co-integrate vectors. The genes to be transferred into
ance markers are kanamycin, streptomycin or spec- plants are initially cloned in E. coli for ease in the clon-
tinomycin, gentamycin, and tetracycline. With respect ing procedures. A co-integrate vector is produced by
to plant resistance markers, several families of T-DNA integrating the recombinant intermediate vector into
vectors, such as the pSLJ, pPZP, pCAMBIA (http://www. a disarmed pTi. The co-integration of the two plasmids, and pGreen series, include members is achieved within Agrobacterium by homologous
conferring different resistances. The most widely used recombination (Fig 38.3A). The critical feature is that
plant resistance markers are probably those for the the vector by itself will not replicate in Agrobacterium
antibiotic kanamycin and the herbicide phosphino- without first integration into the resident Ti plasmid.
thricin or glufosinate ammonium, better known by its Binary vectors: A binary vector consists of a pair of
trade names Basta. Old protocols used Agrobacterium plasmids of which one plasmid contains disarmed
tumefaciens strain LBA4404, but this strain often does T-DNA sequences (at least the left and right boarders
not appear to be virulent enough for the vacuum-infil- of T-DNA must be present), while the other contains vir
tration method. Better strains are C58 derivatives such region, and ordinarily lacks the entire T-DNA including
as GV3101 (pMP90), GV3101 (pMP90RK). the borders (Fig 38.3B shows a binary vector). The
A gene
Escherichia coli
vir Ti Agrobacterium Ti
plasmid plasmid
BL gene BR
BL gene BR
Ti Agrobacterium Ti
vir plasmid vector plasmid +
plasmid containing disarmed T-DNA is called mini-Ti lowing insertion into the plant genome, flanking plant
or micro-Ti, e.g., pBinl9, and has the origins for replica- sequences able to direct gene expression will lead to
tion in both E. coli and Agrobacterium.. The DNA insert the expression of the marker gene. Screenable markers,
is integrated within the T-region of mini-Ti, and the such as NPTII, Lux or GUS can be used to screen for pro-
recombinant mini-Ti is cloned in E. coli. Binary vectors moters effectively as transcriptional fusions or, where
(or autonomous vectors) are vectors which need not the marker gene product can tolerate amino-terminal
recombine into the resident Ti plasmid. These vectors extensions, translational fusions.
are the most commonly used for plant transformations. Active vectors: Active T-DNA tagging vectors or
The fact that apart from the border repeats, the T-DNA tags that do not respond passively to the expression
can be modified at will without interfering with the pro- patterns of the chromosomal environment into which
cess of gene transfer to the plant cell and integration they insert, but actively modify it in a positive or nega-
into the genome. It leads to using wide variety of tag- tive, manner. In other words, this means activation of
ging vectors, such as passive and active tagging vectors. expression of flanking plant DNA sequences by the
Passive vectors: Passive tagging vectors contain a T-DNA tag following insertion into the genome. It could
marker gene either lacking a promoter sequence or be envisaged that T-DNA tags bearing transcriptional
one linked to a ‘minimal promoter’ notionally missing enhancer sequences could be used to this effect. This
sequences necessary to produce normal developmen- concept has been used to tag plant sequences and to
tally regulated gene expression, yet sufficient to initiate dissect the molecular basis of auxin synthesis, transport
transcription. The rationale of these vectors is that fol- or action.
2.2. Genetic Transformation Systems and protoplasts. Using these in vitro techniques, T-DNA
insertion banks were created and screening of these
A special criterion (i.e. no or little somaclonal variation) transgenic families has revealed the presence of muta-
has to be considered in the transformation method for tions affecting many different aspects of plant growth
T-DNA mutagenesis. For example, root transformation and development. Previously, it has been reported
system (Valvekens et al. 1988) is good for introducing that zygotic embryos provide an alternative source of
genes into Arabidopsis but it is not likely to be extremely explant tissue for regeneration at high frequencies and
useful for insertion mutagenesis as it generates soma- without apparent somaclonal variations. One pos-
clonal variation. In Arabidopsis many methods for in sible explanation of this success is that cells of zygotic
vitro plant regeneration have been developed using embryos have undergone only a few cell divisions after
protoplast, cotyledons, leaf stem and root explants completing fertilization. These cells may thus remain
(Valvekens et al. 1988), however, a high frequency of totipotent and therefore more responsive to in vitro
somaclonal variation was found in the regenerants. manipulations. Taking into account of the problem of
When Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was somaclonal variation, a reliable and general transforma-
added to this regeneration protocol a concomitant tion system has been developed using the Arabidopsis
increase in somaclonal variation was also observed. This zygotic embryo as a model system. Figure 38.4 illus-
is mainly because, the regeneration of transgenic plants trates the transformation protocol, following which no
generally required long (weeks to months) exposure of somaclonal variants were observed among a total of
plant tissues to exogenous phytohormones. As a result, 5,000 primary transformants (Veyres et al. 2008).
somaclonal variations or mutants that are not due to
the insertion of T-DNA can arise with higher frequency. 2.2.2. In Planta Transformation Systems
These untagged mutations make it laborious to find the Several in planta transformation techniques, using
rare tagged mutants. Therefore, in planta transformation Agrobacterium have been available since 1987
approaches (detailed below) have been developed (Radhamony et al. 2005). Initially, seed transforma-
which greatly reduces the problem of somaclonal vari- tion with Agrobacterium was developed (Feldmann
ation. Several in vitro and in planta transformation tech- and Marks, 1987) and later this became a valuable
niques, using Agrobacterium for T-DNA mutagenesis method for insertional mutagensis and gene isolation
are available and these are detailed below. in Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis seeds imbibed in fresh
cultures of Agrobacterium, were grown to maturity and
2.2.1. In Vitro Transformation Systems progeny obtained by selfing were found to maintain
Classically, Agrobacterium-mediated transforma- a marker gene carried by T-DNA. The ability to raise
tion has been obtained using co-cultivation of plant a large number of independent transformants has
explants such as leaf, stem, root etc and then transfer allowed this approach to be used effectively for gene
to a regenerating medium containing phytohormones tagging. As Agrobacterium is capable of systematically
and antibiotics. Regeneration of transgenic plants, using transforming diverse cell types when infiltrated into
in vitro genetic transformation methods requires careful plants, vacuum infiltration techniques in Arabidopsis
co-cultivation of the explants (cells, callus or tissues), became important and were developed (Bechtold et al.
introduction of DNA using Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1993; Clough and Bent, 1998). In planta transformation
or particle bombardment, selection of transformed cell has been refined further, for example, the “floral dip”
lines and regeneration of plants. Transformation medi- method consists of simply dipping developing floral
ated by Agrobacterium has provided a reliable means of tissues into a solution containing Agrobacterium tume-
creating transgenics in plant species. The various meth- faciens (Clough and Bent, 1998). With these in planta
ods of transformation that have been developed, and transformation methods, most transformed progeny are
the list of plants successfully transformed, have been genetically uniform (non-chimeric) and the somaclonal
the reviewed by Sangwan and Sangwan-Norreel (1989). variation associated with tissue culture and regenera-
In Arabidopsis, several Agrobacterium-mediated tion is minimized. Thus, the ease of this method means
genetic transformation methods have been developed that, in addition to being useful for routine transforma-
via explants obtained from leaves, stems, roots, cells tion, it can also be used to create the large number of
independent transformants that are required for inser- Transformants were identified as kanamycin-resistant
tional mutagenesis of the genome. seedlings that produced green leaves and well-estab-
Extensive work in T-DNA tagging (see Section 3 lished roots within the selective medium. Transformants
below) has become possible because of improve- were grown to maturity in a glasshouse. Southern analyses
ments in techniques for Agrobacterium mediated trans- were done to confirm the transgenic status of the trans-
formation. For example, using transformation methods formants. Generally, DNA integrates at a single locus,
based on “floral dips” (Clough and Bent, 1998), a large but it usually consists of arranged multimers of the donor
population of T-DNA transformed lines of Arabidopsis DNA. Once integrated into the genome, DNA is usually
can be generated, thus having good chances of finding maintained stably. Most mutants caused by T-DNA inser-
a transgenic plant carrying a T-DNA insert within any tion are recessive and hence not seen until the regener-
gene of interest. ants are self-pollinated, i.e., are present in a homozygous
state. Chimeras can also be created during transformation,
2.2.3. Selection of Transformants complicating recognition of novel phenotypes. As a con-
The general steps in transformants selection from T0, T1 sequence of these phenomena, only a portion of the vari-
and T2 generations are the followings: ation observed after T-DNA transfer results from T-DNA
• T0 lines/plants: are referred as the primary trans- insertional mutagenesis. Moreover, insertion appears to
formants grown on the selective (kanamycin) be random: T-DNA has no significant target-site prefer-
medium. Southern analyses were done to check ence and no obvious hotspots have been detected.
the transgenic status as well as the number of
copy of the T-DNA inserts. T0 plants are grown to 2.2.4. Mutant Screening and Verification
maturity to get theT1 seeds. To prove that mutation is caused by a T-DNA insertion,
• T1 lines/plants: To ensure that only unique trans- the following criteria must be met:
formants were harvested, T1 seeds were surface • Mendelian segregation of the mutant pheno-
sterilized and plated on 50K medium. Testing type, and
of T1 seeds on the 50K medium will indicate the • Co-segregation of a T-DNA insertion with the
average number of functional inserts per transfor- mutant phenotype
mant. T1 plants are grown to maturity to get the T2
seeds. It has been shown that if a T2/T3 line is segregating in
• T2 lines/plants: T2 or T3 lines are used for mutant a Mendelian manner for both the KanR marker and the
screening and segregation analysis mutation of interest, most probably it can be considered
that the gene is tagged than when the two traits are not
To select for transformed plants, sterilized T1 seeds segregating appropriately (Feldmann, 1991; Veyres et
were plated onto a selection (kanamycin) medium. al. 2008). The best method for co-segregation of early
expression phenotypes is to plate about 200 T2 or T3 mutations from the background of somaclonal variants,
seeds on 50K medium and a segregation ratio of 1:2:1 particularly in cases where they are linked. Moreover,
(KanR, mut: KanR, wt: KanS, wt) most likely indicates, a the identification and cloning of any gene of interest is
single insert. For further confirmation, at least 200 seeds not practical using tissue culture-based transformation
from the line that is segregating 1:2:1 on non-selective systems, e.g. in addition to generating the somaclonal
medium should be plated. This should generate a 3:1 variations, the size of the transgenic population obtained
ration (wt: mutant). In addition, transfer about 50 mutant is usually small. However, somaclonal variation can be
seedlings/plantlets from non-selective medium to 50K minimized if semi-organized or embryonic tissues are
medium. If any of the mutant plantlets are sensitive, the used as the target for transformation, particularly if the
plantlets will bleach with arrested root growth. If all 50 target cell can enter embryogenesis either directly or
plantlets are resistant then tight linkage is established. only after a short callus phase. Another way to avoid
If any of the 50 plantlets bleaches on 50K medium the somaclonal variation is to introduce the DNA directly
insert has probably not been caused by the mutation. into the germ line-into targets such as meristematic tis-
However, due care should be taken with this assay as sues or microspores that have been re-programmed to
some mutants that show a general bleach after transfer, become embryos (Touraev et al. 1997). To circumvent
such as defective in root development, may, infect, be the problem of somaclonal variations, Feldmann and
KanR. Southern analysis (at least on 7-10 plants) should be Marks (1987) have devised an Agrobacterium-mediated
done to establish that there is not a silent T-DNA insert seed transformation technique that avoids tissue culture
segregating in the family. If the mutant passes successfully in vitro. By this method several thousand lines carry-
both the transfer test and the Southern analysis, gene ing T-DNA-induced mutations have been isolated in
isolation and molecular complementation can proceed. Arabidopsis (Feldmann, 1991). However, this procedure
yields only a low frequency of transformation (0.32%),
2.3. Somaclonal Variation Versus T-DNA Mutation chimeric transformants containing both transformed and
non-transformed tissue frequently occur, and several
In vitro regenerated plants may display a different pheno- parameters affecting its reproducibility have not yet been
type to that of the plant from which the cells originated determined.
- this is known as somaclonal variation. The basis of
somaclonal variation is not understood, although chro-
mosomal rearrangements, the activation of endogenous 3. Insertion Mutant Facilitated Gene Cloning
transposons, modifications of the nuclear DNA content,
change in DNA methylation status and mutation may all The inserted sequence not only disrupts the expres-
be contributing factors. Among factors clearly shown to sion of the gene but also tags the effected gene and
increase the extent and susceptibility of tissues to soma- as the sequence of the inserted sequence is known,
clonal variation are the time spent in vitro prior to regen- therefore, the gene in which the insertion has occurred
eration, the hormonal content of the media used and can be easily recovered, using several cloning or PCR-
the regeneration strategy adopted. As a result, in tissue based strategies. As Arabidopsis introns are small and
culture systems, somaclonal variation - mutants which have little intergenic material, the T-DNA insertion (on
are not due to the insertion of T-DNA can arise with high the order of 5 to 25 kb in length) generally produces a
frequency, these large numbers of untagged mutants disruption of gene function. Therefore, in a large T-DNA
making it laborious to find the rare tagged mutants. bank/ lines, chances of finding a transgenic plant car-
The frequency of somaclonal variants from such in vitro rying a T-DNA insert within any gene of interest is very
manipulations often reaches a few percentages of the high.
primary regenerants, about the same frequency as the
T-DNA tagged mutations, and this particularly affects the 3.1. Techniques for the Isolation of Mutated
relative nuclear DNA content as was recently reported Genes: Recovery of Plant DNA Flanking the T-DNA
for Tnt1 retrotransposon insertion mutants of the model
legume Medicago truncatula. Thus, in gene tagging After it has been shown that a mutation co-segregates
experiments, it is difficult to distinguish insertional gene with the kanamycin-resistance marker in the T-DNA,
there are a wide range of molecular techniques avail- coli and selection of antibiotic resistant colonies and
able for the isolation of the mutated gene: recovering analysis of the plasmids to uncover those that contain
plant DNA flanking the T-DNA inserts. One can simply plant DNA. Before beginning plasmid recovery for a
construct a genomic library of the mutant and isolate particular tagged gene it is important to have shown
clones containing T-DNA sequences. Some of these that there is only a single insert in the transformed line.
clones will contain plant DNA as well. However, cur- If the map position of the mutation of interest is known,
rently, the PCR based techniques are more commonly it is possible to recover plant flanking DNAs from lines
used, mainly because these are simple, relatively easy, with multiple inserts, followed by identification of a
rapid and inexpensive. For example, it has also been polymorphism for each, and placement on the genetic
reported that the sequences flanking the insertion can marker map to identify the correct plasmid. This proto-
be easily identified from single or low copy number col has been described in detail. This technique does
lines using inverse PCR (IPCR) and by thermal asymmet- not work for all inserts. If the correct fragment is not
ric interlaced (TAIL) PCR (detailed below). In addition, a recovered in one or two tries, it is best to simply gener-
simple and efficient PCR strategy to amplify the T-DNA ate a lambda library to recover the flanking plant DNA.
flanking region known as T-linker specific ligation PCR
(T-linker PCR) has also been reported. The polymerase chain reaction based techniques:
Commonly used techniques used to isolate the PCR is a technique that has revolutionized molecular
mutated gene are described (from the most complex to biology by virtue of its utility in amplifying microgram
simple one) such as Lambda library Screening, Plasmid amounts of a specific, targeted gene from as little as a
rescue, Inverse PCR, TAIL-PCR, and Genome Walking. single copy of starting template DNA. Various modifica-
Generally speaking, the success rates of isolating the tions to the classic PCR has been carried out to identify
mutated genes are higher with the production of DNA sequence flanking a know sequence.
Lambda library and plasmid rescue than with Inverse Inverse PCR: This involves digestion of the DNA to
PCR or with TAIL-PCR. In all cases, however, unequivo- produce a fragment containing known sequence, fol-
cal proof about the function of gene is obtained by per- lowed by circularization by intra-molecular ligation.
forming molecular complementation, i.e., by demon- Schematic representation of inverse PCR is shown in
strating that the introduction of a wild type allele would Figure 38.6. The resulting circular template is then PCR
eventually restore the phenotype. amplified via the use of divergent primers which have
been designed to anneal within the region of known
Lambda library screening: Often, this has been accom- sequence. This permits amplification of the flanking
plished by construction of a genomic DNA library in a sequence by positioning two primers, each of which
bacteriophage vector followed by screening of the binds to the known sequence “inside out” on the circle.
library using the T-DNA as a probe. The production Therefore, this strategy maintains specificity at each
of a lambda library should always generate a plant primer binding site. This method is only suitable when
flanking DNA. However, this approach has at least two the digested DNA can be monomerically circularised.
drawbacks. First, the preparation and screening of the Difficulties with inverse PCR include the requirement
genomic library is tedious and time consuming. Second, for two restriction sites that flank the priming region and
genomic DNA may contain sequences or covalent inefficient PCR amplification of closed circular DNA.
modifications (e.g., methylation) that render recom- This inefficient PCR amplification occurs, if a conveni-
binant bacteriophage clones “unstable” in packaging ent restriction enzyme site is not present to linearize
reactions or in host bacteria, thus precluding efficient the circle between the 5’ ends of the two amplifying
cloning of certain regions. primers prior to PCR amplification. Without lineariza-
tion, double-stranded circular DNA is amplified much
Plasmid rescue: A schematic representation of plas- less efficiently than linear DNA. Since, at present, only
mid rescue is shown in Figure 38.5. It is performed regions of limited size can be enzymatically amplified
by restricting a small amount of plant DNA containing using PCR, and since primers must be synthesized
a T- DNA insert, followed by self ligation and transfor- from known sequences, the inverse PCR approach is
mation of the resulting fragments into competent E. not amenable to assaying very long distances in the
LB RB T-DNA Flanking Region
Antibiotic R Ori
Antibiotic R Ori
genome. However, the inverse PCR technique does size between the secondary and tertiary reactions next
eliminate the need to construct and screen genomic to each other.
libraries in order to walk hundreds, if not thousands, of
base pairs into flanking regions. In theory, inverse PCR Genome walking: Here the starting DNA must be very
could be carried out repeatedly allowing progressively clean and have a high average molecular weight, requiring
more distant flanking sequences to be determined. a higher quality preparation than the minimum suitable
for Southern blotting or conventional PCR. The DNA is
Thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR): TAIL- digested by blunt end cutting enzymes. DraI, PvuII, EcoRV
PCR utilizes a set of nested sequence specific primers and StuI are the enzymes usually provided in the Universal
together with a shorter arbitrary primer (AD) of lower Genome Walker kit. However, other enzymes that
melting temperature. Schematic representation of TAIL- leave a blunt end could be also be used, expanding the
PCR is shown in Figure 38.7. PCR conditions are modi- number of libraries that can be generated. The digested
fied in such a manner that both primers or alternatively, DNA is ligated with the adaptors. These are referred to as
only the specific primer functions well. This is achieved “Genome Walker libraries”. The next step is to design a
by use of high and reduced stringency cycles, enabling pair of nested gene specific primers, these primers should
target sequence to be amplified preferentially over be 26-30 nucleotides in length and have a G/C-content of
non-specific products. Usually the boarder primers are 40-60%. This ensures that the primers anneal effectively to
used in combination with AD primers. Three rounds of the template at an annealing and extension temperature
PCR are carried out, in which the primary PCR product of 67ºC. The primary PCR reaction uses the outer adaptor
is diluted 50 folds and used as template for secondary primer (AP1) and the outer gene-specific primer (GSP1).
PCR in presence of nested specific primer. Subsequently The product of the primary walk is then diluted and used
the secondary PCR product is diluted 10 fold and used as a template for a secondary walk with the nested adaptor
as template for third round of PCR with a second nested (AP2) and nested gene-specific (GSP2) primers. The major
specific and AD primer. Running the PCR products side PCR products obtained are gel extracted and sequenced.
by side allows isolating the band with a ‘shift’ in product
LB T-DNA RB T-DNA Flanking Region
Panhandle PCR: This method requires the generation In this case, the linkers are ligated to blunt ends which
of a template shaped like a pan with a handle, hence have been generated by random chemical cleavage of
the name. The template is generated by restriction the genomic DNA template, followed by denaturation
enzyme digestion of genomic DNA followed by ligation of and primer extension from a known sequence.
to a single-stranded oligonucleotide. This ligated-oligo-
nucleotide has a free 3’ end which is complementary Targeted inverted repeat amplification: This elimi-
to the known region of DNA. In this method, single- nates the steps and sequence artifacts associated with
strands of DNA which contain the complement of the cloning and permits genome walking into unclon-
ligated-oligonucleotide undergo self-annealing, form- able regions of DNA. The genomic DNA is restriction
ing a stem-loop structure. The ligated oligonucleotide enzyme digested and then ligated to the 3’ end of a
can then prime template-directed DNA polymeriza- 5’-phosphorylated oligonucleotide using a short bridg-
tion. PCR amplification of the unknown DNA can sub- ing oligonucleotide as a splint. The phosphorylated
sequently be carried out because a known sequence oligonucleotide is designed to create 5’-end exten-
now flanks both ends of the unknown DNA. sions that are complementary to the known sequence.
Following denaturation and reannealing under dilute
Capture PCR: In this technique only one primer is conditions that promote intra-strand annealing and
derived from the known sequence, whereas the second under high stringency, only those DNA strands that con-
primer anneals to a linker, which has been ligated to one tain the known sequence will form a stem-loop struc-
end of the digested DNA sample. The second primer ture with a recessed and phosphorylated 5’ end. This
is also biotinylated to enable isolation of subsequent stem-loop renders a substrate for a subsequent heat-
extension products on a streptavidin support. Ligation stable ligation reaction to another oligonucleotide that
of a linker to allow the use of a defined second primer anneals to the known sequence immediately adjacent
is also the strategy employed in Ligation Mediated PCR, to the phosphorylated oligonucleotide high-stringency
which is a method that has been used to generate in annealing site. The oligonucleotide appended to the
vivo footprints of transcription factors bound to DNA. phosphorylated oligonucleotide by the heat-stable
LB T-DNA RB T-DNA Flanking Region
Primary PCR
Amplification with alternative asymmertric (high stringrncy)
and symmetric (low stringency) PCR
12 super cycles
SP1 and AD primers
50 fold dilution
Secondary PCR
Amplification with alternative asymmertric (high stringrncy)
and symmetric (low stringency) PCR
10 super cycles
SP2 and AD primers
Specific Product
10 fold dilution
Tertiary PCR
20 normal cycles
SP3 and AD primers
ligase can, when present in its free, non-ligated form, the pool of surviving clones is PCR amplified. These addi-
prime DNA polymerase-mediated amplification of tional straight-forward steps give relative enrichment for
those strands modified by site-specific ligation to this the genomic sequence of interest and generate a simple
same oligonucleotide. This is followed by one or two DNA template, enabling easy amplification by PCR.
nested DNA amplifications, with the final amplification
primed by the phosphorylated oligonucleotide in its Vectorette PCR: Here synthetic duplexes are ligated to
free, non-ligated form. the restriction enzyme digested ends of DNA. The unique
feature of this method lies in the construction of the
Rapid Amplification of Genomic DNA Ends (RAGE): synthetic duplexes, termed vectorette units. Vectorette
The RAGE approach involves ligation of digested genomic units contain a bubble region of non-complementarity.
DNA to plasmid DNA. PCR primers are designed so The vectorette PCR primer is identical to one of the non-
that one is homologous to a known target region in the complementarity portions. The vectorette PCR primer,
genomic DNA sequence, and the other is homologous to therefore, contains no region of complementarity to
a defined plasmid sequence. By the RAGE method, clon- the end modified DNA unless polymerase extension is
ing is accomplished via digestion of genomic DNA with initiated from an upstream portion of a DNA strand. The
a single restriction endonuclease, and the products are DNA strand of interest is amplified to the extent that this
ligated into the linearized, phosphatased plasmid vector. initial DNA primer extension (from the non-vectorette
PCR is performed directly on the ligated DNA employ- primer that anneals to the known region) is specific for
ing nested primers and two rounds of amplification to the strand of interest. A limiting factor with this method
increase specificity. There are a few modifications to this may be the specificity in the primer extension step that
procedure; the genomic DNA is directionally cloned into generates an annealing site for the vectorette primer.
the multiple cloning site of a plasmid vector. The ligated This is because primer extension from a site near the 5’
products are then transformed into bacteria and plated end of any DNA strand will create an annealing site foe
on selective media, and the plasmid DNA recovered from the vectorette primer, which results in a PCR product.
PCR walking or adaptor ligation PCR: DNA is digested ate sequence at 3’ and 5’ end respectively. Two-round
with restriction enzymes yielding blunt-ended frag- PCR protocol is designed and optimized for the RSD-
ments that are ligated to asymmetric adaptors. Using PCR to amplify the single strand target template from
PCR primers specific to the adaptor sequences com- genomic DNA by a specific primer, and amplify the
bined with PCR primers designed for the T-DNA, it is target gene by using the specific primer and one of
possible to amplify unknown genomic regions flanking the universal RSD-primers. In the first round, the single
the T-DNA insertion site. The design of the adaptor strand target gene from genomic DNA is amplified by
sequences allows PCR amplification of fragments single specific primer under stringent conditions. PCR
between the adaptor specific primer and the T-DNA- product is diluted 50 folds and used as template in the
specific primer only. Non-specific PCR amplification second round. Then, double strand target gene was
between adaptor-specific primers is prevented by the amplified by a universal primer and the specific primer.
presence of an amine group on the exposed 3’ end of
the adaptor. This vectorette feature prevents extension Targeted gene walking: This is a modification of the
of the lower adaptor DNA strand, which would result polymerase chain reaction that allows the amplification
in the formation of an adaptor primer binding site. An of unknown sequences adjacent to a known sequence
adaptor primer-binding site is created only by PCR without intervening steps. The overall protocol for
extension from the T-DNA-specific primer. Furthermore, ‘gene-walking PCR’ consists of three consecutive steps:
if any PCR products are generated with full-length adap- A series of PCR reactions are performed in parallel, with
tor sequences at both ends, amplification is suppressed identical components in each tube except for different
following the denaturation step during PCR cycling ‘walking’ primers. Later, an oligomer-extension assay
because the terminal repeats that are present in these is performed in a small aliquot of PCR reaction with a
sequences form panhandle structures. nested, kinased internal primer, to identify products
Further methods rely on the use of less specific second that represent ‘walks’ from the targeted site. Further, the
primers: Restriction Site PCR employs oligonucleotide labelled band is excised from the gel, re-amplified, and
primers specific for given restriction enzyme recogni- directly sequenced.
tion sequences, in conjunction with a specific primer
derived from the known DNA sequence, whereas tar-
geted gene walking is based on PCR initiation with prim- 4. T-DNA Insertion Mutant Resources, Gene
ers bearing only partial homology at the 3’ end of the Cloning and their Limitations
target sequence. The disadvantage of this latter method
is that it produces numerous non-specifically amplified A number of genes involved in various metabolic and
species in addition to the correct PCR product. developmental pathways have been cloned from the
T-DNA tagged lines (Radhamony et al. 2005). For exam-
Random primer PCR: This utilizes a combination ple, genes involved in the ethylene signal transduction
of short random primers and one primer for known pathway have been isolated. The engineering of these
sequence, the extra product formed due to presence genes and others in the pathway might make it possible
of known primer is eluted and sequenced. to generate plants that are more resistant to environ-
mental stresses or improve senescence qualities of
Restriction site-dependent PCR (RSD-PCR): RSD-PCR fruits and vegetable parts of plants.
utilizes the natural restriction sites in the genomic DNA Although, many agriculturally useful plants are the
to design universal primers, and has two rounds of PCR product of traditional plant breeding strategies based on
protocol without nested process. The RSDPCR proto- quantitative genetic variation and on random and spon-
cols were optimized, and successfully used for chromo- taneous genetic events, however biotechnology is play-
some walking and new gene cloning via degenerated ing an increasingly important role, e.g. most European
primers. RSD-PCR strategy is based on these principles: barley varieties are produced via doubled haploidy and
restriction sites dispersed throughout the genome are marker assisted selection is common place, especially
candidacy for universal pairing; a universal primer is a for disease resistance genes. Therefore, functional
combination of selected restriction sites and degener- genomic in combination with genetic engineering for
particular commercial traits such as exploiting changes in and gene levels. First, advantage of using T-DNA as an
plant architecture: height, morphology, leaf size, number insertional mutagen is that it directly generates stable
and shape, root proliferation, the timing of flowering, insertions into genomic DNA and does not require
and the number, size and shape of seeds, has enormous additional steps to stabilize the insert. Second, advan-
potential (see Chapter 25). By identifying, the key genes tage is that T-DNA insertion appears to be completely
known to control basic steps in plant architecture, it may random, as no T-DNA integration hot spots or integra-
also be possible to change almost any aspect of plant tion preferences have been reported. The Arabidopsis
development; this would lead to the production of a Biological Resource Center (ABRC) at the Ohio State
range of novel horticultural and agricultural varieties. In University and the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock
the past, the best known examples are the height reduc- Centre (NASC) in UK, have been established to dissemi-
tions in wheat and rice that facilitated the “green revolu- nate biological materials, including mutant germplasm,
tion” in cereal production in the 1960s. This modification gene, DNA, data, descriptions etc.
in plant architecture is the visual evidence of variation in Aside from the advantage of tagging the disrupted
the behaviour and timing of expression of large number locus, T-DNA has other advantages over traditional
of regulatory genes and chemical signalling pathways mutagenesis systems: low copy number and random
within and between cells of a meristem. Recently, Forster insertion. A database ( has been
et al. (2007) have demonstrated the use of mutants to developed for archiving, searching and analyzing inser-
elucidate the phytomer model of barley, which includes tional mutagenesis lines, in the model plant species
for example an indeterminate floral mutant similar to that Arabidopsis thaliana. For the Websites that provide
of wheat which may be exploited in increasing barley information (see Box 38.2).
yields. In the past dwarfing and flowering time mutants
have played a major role in crop improvement in cere- 4.2. Major Insertion Mutants in Plants
als (termed as the Green Revolution). Therefore, T-DNA
mutagenesis represents a promising approach to the Other than Arabidopsis, information on genomic
molecular isolation of genes with an essential function sequences and physical maps are now available for
e.g., during plant growth and development. many plants such as rice, maize, tomato, Medicago and
Brassica. For example, rice genome has been exten-
4.1. T-DNA Insertion Mutant Resources sively covered because of its small size among cereal
genomes, nearly complete genome sequence and
Transformation mediated by Agrobacterium has been economic importance, as a major crop. T-DNA tagging
widely used for insertional mutagenesis in different has been used successfully for gene discovery in rice.
plant species. Huge collections of T-DNA transformants An initial database has also been constructed using
of Arabidopsis have been generated independently T-DNA flanking sequences. T-DNA tags have also been
by several groups and have been used extensively for observed to insert preferentially into gene rich regions.
reverse genetics (Sessions et al. 2002; Krysan et al. A database of insertion sites in rice is publicly available at
2002;; In tomato; http:// new tools for functional analysis based on insertional Recently, more than 225,000 mutagenesis, with Ac/Ds system in the background of
independent Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA inser- the miniature cultivar Micro-Tom has been established.
tion events in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana have The T-DNA mutational approach is now being modified
been reported ( successfully to tag genes in a number of economically
press) that represent near saturation of the gene space. important plant species such as, rice, tomato, Brassica,
However, the precise locations were determined for Medicago and poplar. Thus T-DNA tagging in conjunc-
about 88,000 T-DNA insertions, which resulted in the tion with other mutation based techniques like transpo-
identification of mutations in >21,700 of the 29,454 pre- son insertion, TILLING etc., would not only continue to
dicted Arabidopsis genes. Genome-wide analysis of the provide useful information in Arabidopsis but is likely to
distribution of integration events revealed the existence prove an efficient tool for functional genomics in other
of a large integration site bias at both the chromosome plants also.
Box 38.2: Gene disruption resources in Arabidopsis
Laboratory Sequenced insertions Source
4.3. Gene Cloning Using T-DNA Insertion Lines: an mutants provide convincing evidence that brassinoster-
Example of Brassinosteroid Dwarf Mutants. oids are essential for plant growth and development. For
T-DNA insertion mutagenesis is a compromise between example, brassinosteroid biosynthetic mutants such as
the ease of mutant generation and the ease of cloning. bri1, cpd1, dwf1 have been identified among de-etiolated
Therefore, by first generating a mutant that demonstrates dwarfs of Arabidopsis. The growth of mutants was found
the phenotypic consequences of a mutation in a gene, to be restored by exogenous application of brassinolide
the context for understanding gene function is enhanced and not by gibberellin or IAA. Thus, new discoveries of the
enormously. Moreover, the versatility of T-DNA tagging physiological properties of brassinosteroids allow us to
vectors is such that they can be employed to search consider them as highly promising, environment-friendly
not only for specific genes but also sequences of DNA natural substances suitable for wide application in plant
controlling expression. In recent years there has been protection and yield promotion in agriculture.
an explosion of cloned genes in Arabidopsis, rice and, During the last decade, several groups (including ours)
to a lesser extent, other plant species (Radhamony et al. have isolated dwarf mutants/genes, especially the brassi-
2005). Data now suggest the utility of T-DNA tagging in nosteroid (Br) mutants, using T-DNA insertion mutants.
other plants such as rice, maize, tobacco and raise the For example, a T-DNA insertion library based on an
possibility of applying this mutagen to the agronomi- Agrobacterium - mediated zygotic embryo transformation
cally important crop plants. As an example of this T-DNA technique in Arabidopsis can be established and used to
tagging approach, the discovery that two differentially screen for dwarf phenotypes in F2 plants (e.g. Veyres et al.
regulated genes in rice control the rate-limiting step in 2008). One of the mutants identified carried a recessive
brassinosteroid biosynthesis introduces several exciting nuclear mutation, boul (bul) (Fig 38.8). By characterizing
possibilities for engineering the brassinosteroid path- the dwarf mutants, several groups have shown the involve-
way to increase the yield in rice and other monocots. ment of BRs in the cell elongation process. The Br-dwarf
gene is the latest in a series of genes that, through their
The importance of Brassinosteroids: Brassinosteroids effects on plant growth and development, have potential
(BRs) are a new group (the sixth group) of plant growth use in crop plants. Br genes have been over expressed
regulators with significant growth-promoting activity. and studied in rice with an erect phenotype and with a
They were first isolated and characterized from the pollen significant increase in photosynthesis and yield. These
of Brassica napus L. and are now regarded ubiquitous in new genes may allow the time and duration of growth/
the plant kingdom. Brassinosteroids are considered as height to be altered in transgenic crop plants. In food
phytohormones with pleiotropic effects, as they influ- crops such as rice, wheat, corn the extent of plant growth
ence several developmental processes such as growth, is a critical factor in determining the seed number and
germination of seeds, rhizogenesis, flowering, abscission, size-for instance in rice inflorescence. It will be interesting
maturation and senescence. They also confer resistance to to determine the relationship between genes controlling
plants against various abiotic stresses. The BR is biosynthe- this aspect of determinacy and dwarfism.
sised from campestrol, its biosynthetic pathway was eluci- Moreover, convincing evidence shows that an agro-
dated and later shown to be correct through the analysis nomically important trait can be enhanced by manipu-
of BR biosynthesis mutants in Arabidopsis, tomatoes and lating brassinosteroid levels without undesirable side
peas. Moreover, the studies conducted in Arabidopsis effects. In the case of the two rice C-22 hydroxylases,
with brassinosteriod-deficient, sensitive and insensitive one plays a primary role in shoot elongation and repro-
A B C D m
ductive development, whereas the other controls leaf PCR analysis for reverse genetics. Moreover, small and
inclination. Loss of the former gene (OsDWARF4L1) major chromosomal rearrangements induced by T-DNA
results in semi-dwarf plants with small seeds, whereas integration have been frequently observed, leading to
loss of the latter gene (OsDWARF4) results in normally difficulties in the genetics analysis of the insertion, such
shorter plants with erect leaves. The more erect leaf as mutant phenotypes that are not correlated with the
architecture most probably increases photosynthesis in T-DNA insertion. Moreover, the efficient transformation
the lower leaves and thus improves yields under dense systems in Arabidopsis have made it feasible for labo-
planting conditions, thus indicating that increases in ratories to generate thousands of independent trans-
yield are possible for all crops. Manipulation of brassi- formants rapidly and as a result T-DNA is now a widely
nosteroid biosynthesis or other signal transduction used insertional mutagen in Arabidopsis. However,
pathways should prove a useful approach to this end. the simplicity of using insertional mutations should not
Given that loss-of-function mutants in the brassinoster- overshadow the power of other approaches, such as
oid pathways are dwarfed, it was hypothesized that the chemical and physical mutagenesis.
over-expression of the same genes would produce taller
plants with greater biomass and yield. Using T-DNA Acknowledgements
mutants, many of the growth and developmental pro- We thank Dr. Geetha Govind for her assistance in writ-
cesses, including meristem differentiation, hormone ing a portion of the work on the molecular techniques
perception, flower development and morphogenesis for recovery of plant DNA flanking the T-DNA.
have been studied in Arabidopsis, and comprehensive
reviews for each exist (Radhamony et al. 2005).
5. References
4.4. Limitations of Insertion Mutants for Gene
Cloning 5.1. Cited References
Some problems have been reported during analyz- Azpiroz-Leehan, R. and Feldmann, K.A. 1997. T-DNA
ing the T-DNA tagged lines e.g. multiple insertions, insertion mutagenesis in Arabidopsis: going back and
complex arrangement of T-DNA, insertion of vector forth. Trends in Genetics 13: 152-156.
backbone sequences, modifications of the DNA con- Bechtold, N., Ellis, J. and Pelletier, G. 1993. In Planta
tent per nucleus, chromosomal duplication and rear- Agrobacterium-Mediated Gene Transfer by
rangements or a combination of these (Radhamony Infiltration of Adult Arabidopsis thaliana Plants, CR
et al. 2005). For example, complex patterns of T-DNA Acad. Sci.: Life Sci. 316: 1194–1199.
integration, including the transfer of vector sequences Clough, S.J. and Bent, A.F. 1998. Floral dip: a simplified
adjacent to T-DNA borders and the large frequency of method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
concatemeric T-DNA insertions, can complicate further of Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 16: 735-743.
Feldmann, K.A. 1991. T-DNA insertion mutagenesis in 5.2. Websites
Arabidopsis mutational spectrum. The Plant Journal.
1: 71-82. CAMBIA:
Feldmann, K.A. and Marks, M.D. 1987. Agrobacterium- GABI-Kat SimpleSearch ( is
mediated transformation of germinating seeds a Flanking Sequence Tag (FST)-based database for
of Arabidopsisthaliana. Molecular and General T-DNA insertion mutants.
Genetics. 208: 1-9. Ochatt, S.J. 2006. Flow cytometry (ploidy determina-
Forster, B.P., Franckowiak, J.D., Lundqvist, U. et al. 2007. tion, cell cycle analysis, DNA content per nucleus).
The Barley Phytomer. Annals of Botany. 100: 725–733. In: Medicago truncatula handbook, Chapter
Krysan,P.,Young,J.C.,Jester,P.etal.2002.Characterization 2.2.7. Online version,
of T-DNA insertion sites in Arabidopsis thaliana and MedicagoHandbook/
the implications for saturation mutagenesis.OMICS A T-DNA Express: Arabidopsis Gene Mapping Tool:
J. Integrative Biology. 6: 163-174.
Pan, X., Liu, H., Clarke, J. et al. 2003. ATIDB: Arabidopsis The multinational coordinated Arabidopsis
thaliana insertion database. Nucleic Acids Res. 31: thaliana functional genomics project:
Phillips, R.L., Kaeppler, S.M. and Olhoft, P.1994. Genetic
instability of plant tissue cultures: Breakdown of 5.3. Further Reading
normal controls. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91:
5222-5226. Azpiroz-Leehan, R. and Feldmann, K.A. 1997. T-DNA
Radhamony, R.N., Prasad, A.M. and Srinivasan, R. 2005. insertion mutagenesis in Arabidopsis: going back and
T-DNA insertional mutagenesis in Arabidopsis: a tool forth. Trends in Genetics. 13: 152-156.
for functional genomics. E. Journal Biotechnology. 8: Catterou, M., Dubois, F., Smets, R. et al. 2002. hoc: an
1-20. Arabidopsis mutant overproducing cytokinins and
Sangwan, R.S. and Sangwan-Norreel, B.S. 1989. expressing high in vitro organogenic capacity. Plant
Genetic transformation and plant improvement. In Journal. 30:1-17.
: Biotechnology in Agriculture (Kluwer Academic Feldmann, K.A. 2006. Steroid regulation improves crop
Press, B.S. et R.S. SANGWAN Eds), pp. 299-337. yield. Nature Biotechnology. 24: 46-47.
Touraev, A., Stöger, E., Voronin, V. et al. 1997. Plant male Fujioka, S. and Yokota, T. 2003. Biosynthesis and metab-
germ line transformation. The Plant Journal. 12: olism of brassinosteroids. Annual Review of Plant
949-956. Biology. 54: 137–164
Valvekens, D., Van Montagu, M. and Van Lijsebettens, Koncz, C., Martini, N., Meyerhofer, R. et al. 1994.
M. 1988. A. tumefaciencs mediated transforma- Specialized vectors for gene tagging and expression
tion of Arabidopsisthaliana root explants by using studies. In Plant Lol. Biol. Manual, Vol.B2 (Galvin,
kanamycin selection. Proceedings of the National S.B. and Schilperoort, R. A., eds.). Dordrect, The
Academy of Science of the United States of America. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press.pp.1-22.
85: 5536-5546. Ochatt, S.J. 2008. Flow cytometry in plant breeding.
Veyres, N., Danon, A., Aono, M. et al. 2008. The Cytometry A 73: 581-598
Arabidopsis sweetie mutant is affected in carbohy- Parinov, S. and Sundaresan, V. 2000. Systems for
drate metabolism and defective in the control of insertional mutagenesis. Current Opinion Biotech.
growth, development and senescence. The Plant 11:157-161.
Journal. 55: 665-686. Wang, K.L.-C., Hai, L. and Ecker, J.R 2002. Ethylene
biosynthesis and signaling networks. Plant Cell. 14,
Transposon Mutagenesis for Functional Genomics
Q.H.Zhu*, N.Upadhyaya and C.Helliwell
Division of Plant Industry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:, Tel: 61 2 6246 4903, Fax: 61 2 6246 5000
1. Introduction
5. Prospects
6. References
1. Introduction 2. Plant Transposable Elements
With the completion of genome sequencing of Transposable elements were first discovered by Barbara
Arabidopsis and rice, the model species for dicotyle- McClintock in the 1940s as the causative agent of maize
donous and monocotyledonous plants, respectively, kernel variegation (see Chapter 1). Since then TEs have
and the production of large expression sequence tag been found to be ubiquitous genetic elements in both
(EST) collections in a number of plant species, plant prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Genome sequencing and
science entered a new era of functional genomics that annotation have shown that TEs are the single largest
aims to unravel the biological functions of all plant component of the genetic material of most eukaryotes.
genes. Mutant phenotypes provide direct links between They account for 15-80% of plant genomes, for instance,
genes and their biological functions in plant growth and ~30% of the rice genome consists of TEs (International
development. Generation and evaluation of mutants is Rice Genome Sequencing Project, 2005), and are driv-
therefore essential to provide new impetus for genetic ing forces of genome evolution due to their abilities to
studies and functional genomics in plants. Chemical alter genome organization and gene sequences.
and ionizing radiation mutagenesis have been routinely Eukaryotic TEs are categorized into two groups
used to create mutants for genetic analyses and plant according to their structure (Fig 39.1, A-C) and trans-
breeding, but it is generally time-consuming, and diffi- position mechanism (see Box 39.1 for details): Class I
cult to identify the responsible gene. A number of func- elements or retrotransposons and class II elements or
tional genomics tools have been developed to acceler- DNA transposons. Class I elements can be divided into
ate linking mutant phenotypes to genes. Among these, long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons with both
insertional mutagenesis using T-DNA and/or transpos- LTRs in direct repeat orientation (Fig 39.1B), and non-
able elements (TEs) is not only able to create large- LTR retrotransposons that are further divided into long
scale mutant populations but also provides molecular interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and short inter-
tags for further identification and characterization of spersed nuclear elements (SINEs). Class II elements are
the tagged gene. Compared with T-DNA insertional characterized by short terminal inverted repeats (TIRs)
mutagenesis (see Chapter 38), mutagenesis using TEs and duplication of a short genomic sequence at the site
has several advantages. First, large-scale mutagenized of insertion, a feature conserved in each TE superfamily,
populations can be produced using a relatively small for example, the hAT (hobo-Ac-Tam3) superfamily gen-
number of initial TE insertion lines as many independ- erates 8-bp target site duplication (TSD) upon insertion
ent insertions can be generated among the progeny of (Fig 39.1D). Both groups of TEs contain autonomous
a single TE insertion line. This is particularly useful for and non-autonomous elements with transposition of
plant species for which transformation is inefficient. the latter controlled by the former.
Second, T-DNA transformants tend to have multiple
copies of the T-DNA insert at one locus while transpo- 3. Transposon Mutagenesis Strategies
son insertions are usually single copy. Third, a chromo-
some region of interest, such as a quantitative trait locus 3.1. Transposable Element as a Gene Identifica-
(QTL) controlling an agronomically important trait, can tion Tool
be intentionally mutagenized using a TE insertion line
harbouring a TE close to the QTL. Fourth, a tagged gene Transposable elements, by their capacity to excise
can be confirmed by recovery of revertants resulting from the original location in the genome and reinsert
from excision of the TE tag. This chapter introduces the into a new genomic location, have the potential to
principle and strategies of transposon mutagenesis in induce mutations that result in detectable mutant
gene identification, discusses the approaches used for phenotypes due to knock-out of the gene function.
mutant identification and verification, and highlights The disrupted gene can then be identified by analyz-
development of enhanced tagging systems. ing the DNA sequences surrounding the inserted TE
(Fig 39.2). This approach of gene isolation, transposon
tagging, does not require prior knowledge of the gene
to be isolated, but does require the sequence of the
Box 39.1: Glossary
Autonomous TEs TEs with open reading frames (ORFs) encoding transposase – a protein required for transposition. They
are active or are capable of transposition by themselves.
Flanking sequence tags (FSTs) DNA sequences flanking a TE insert, which are usually isolated using PCR-based approaches or
plasmid rescue if the TE-containing vector is engineered with a bacterial origin of replication (ori) and
appropriate antibiotic resistance gene.
Forward genetics A gene characterization approach starting with a mutant phenotype followed by cloning and
identification of the corresponding gene.
Germinal excision Excision of transposon occurring in germline cells that can be passed on to the next generation.
Launching pad The integration site of a T-DNA from which a transposon is excised and reinserted into a new location
in the genome, also called donor site.
Long interspersed nuclear Long DNA sequences (>5 kb) contain an internal promoter and at least two genes that are responsible
elements (LINEs) for transcription, reverse-transcription and integration, respectively. These properties enable them to
copy both themselves and other non-coding LINEs, consequently to enlarge the genome.
Non-autonomous TEs TEs without or with only partial ORFs encoding transposase. In most cases they derived from internal
deletion of an autonomous TE. They are inactive but can be transposed in the presence of an
autonomous TE.
Non-targeted or random A transposon mutagenesis strategy that aims to mutagenize a gene of interest, a specific chromosomal
mutagenesis region (regional mutagenesis), or to create a collection of mutants.
One-element system A transposon tagging strategy in which only an autonomous transposon is used.
Regional mutagenesis A transposon mutagenesis strategy that aims to mutagenize a certain chromosomal region based on
the linked transposition characteristic of some transposons, such as Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm.
Retrotransposons Class I TEs that transpose via an RNA intermediate by a ‘copy and paste’ mechanism. Copy number
increases after transposition.
Reverse genetics A gene characterization approach starting with the gene of interest aiming to understanding the gene
function by the generation and analysis of mutant phenotypes.
Revertant Wild-type phenotype progeny resulting from germinal excision of a transposon insert that restores the
open reading frame of the disrupted gene.
Short interspersed nuclear Short DNA sequences (<500 bp) containing an internal pol III promoter at the 5’ end and other
elements (SINEs) sequence of unknown origin in the 3’ half of the element. They do not encode a functional reverse
transcriptase but can be transposed in the presence of active LINEs.
Somatic excision Excision of a transposon occurring in somatic cells resulting in mosaic tissues, an early-stage excision
results in large reversion sectors, whereas a late-stage excision results in a small reversion sector. These
excisions are not passed on to the next generation.
Targeted mutagenesis A transposon mutagenesis strategy that aims to generate transposon tagged alleles of a known mutant
identified by conventional mutagenesis approaches to identify the gene responsible.
Transposable elements (TEs) DNA sequences that can excise from one chromosomal location and
reinsert into new chromosomal locations in the genome.
Transposons Class II TEs that transpose via a DNA intermediate by a ‘cut and paste’ mechanism. Copy number does
not change before and after transposition.
Transposon tagging A gene identification strategy by insertion of a transposon into a genomic region that may or may not
result in a detectable mutant phenotype, and the gene can be isolated by cloning the DNA sequences
flanking the transposon insert that serves as a molecular tag.
TILLING (Targeted Induced A PCR mutagenesis protocol to create single-base mutations in particular genes. This method allows
Local Lesions in Genomes) the creation of multiple alleles.
Two-element system A transposon tagging strategy in which the autonomous element is immobilized by removing its
cis-sequence, usually one of the terminal inverted repeats, and the immobilized autonomous and
its corresponding non-autonomous element are transformed into two independent transgenic lines.
Transposition of the non-autonomous element is initiated by crossing these two transgenic lines.
Transposase gag pol orf1 en rt
LINEs (A)n elements
....T CAG CTG ACA ACT GCA TTA G.... Target site on
....A GTC GAC TGT TGA CGT AAT C.... the host DNA
Insertion of Ac
Excision of Ac
* * *
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 39.1 Schematic representations of structures of transposable elements. A, class II DNA transposons. The autonomous element encodes
transposase and is capable of transposition by itself, whereas the non-autonomous element is a derivative of the autonomous element due
to internal deletion. Both elements contain terminal inverted repeats (TIRs; black solid triangles) that are essential for transposition. B, LTR
retrotransposons. These have long terminal repeats (LTRs) in direct orientation (black triangles). The autonomous element contain at least
two open reading frames (ORFs; gag and pol) encoding a capsid-like protein and a polyprotein, respectively, which are required for reverse
transcription and transposition. The non-autonomous element lacks partial or all coding sequences. C, LINEs and SINEs. LINEs contain
coding sequences (orf1, en and rt) that encode a gag-like protein, endonuclease and reverse transcriptase, respectively. SINEs are character-
ized by an internal pol III promoter (black rectangle). Both LINEs and SINEs terminate by a simple sequence repeat, usually poly(A). D, target
site duplication (TDS) and excision footprint. Upon insertion of Activator (Ac) in the exon of a host gene, an 8-bp TSD (bold italic letters) is
generated and the ORF (highlighted in grey background and individual codons for amino acids are underlined) is interrupted, resulting in
loss-of-function mutation. Upon excision of the Ac element, the ORF could be restored resulting in revertant (a), but in most cases, excisions
are imprecise resulting in frameshift mutation (b) or restoration of the reading frame but changed in the amino acid sequence (c) that may or
may not show the wild-type phenotype, i.e. revertant, depending on whether or not the changes are located at the conserved domain. Note
that only two possible excision events are shown.
TE to be used. Isolation and characterization of class endogenous transposons in several plant species. The
II DNA transposons from maize (Zea mays) and snap- importance of transposon tagging for gene identifica-
dragon (Antirrhinum majus) in the 1980s (Fedoroff et al. tion was quickly recognized by geneticists working with
1983 and Bonas et al. 1984, respectively) laid the cor- plants that lack well-characterized endogenous TEs,
nerstone for application of transposon tagging in gene leading to the introduction of maize transposons into a
identification. range of heterologous plant species, including tobacco
After cloning of the first gene, bronze (bz), using the (Nicotiona tubacum), Arabidopsis, tomato (Solanum
Activator (Ac) element in maize (Fedoroff et al. 1984), lycopersicum), rice (Oryza sativa) and soybean (Glycine
a number of genes were subsequently identified using max). Several genes were first cloned using the trans-
Gene tagging using endogenous TE Gene tagging using engineered TE
Co -segregation analysis
formed transposon as a molecular tag in Arabidopsis the transposon with the mutant phenotype. The flank-
and petunia. These efforts demonstrated the feasibility ing sequence tag (FST) of the transposon is then isolated
of transposon tagging in heterologous plant species using inverse PCR (iPCR) or thermal asymmetric inter-
and encouraged plant biologists to further refine and laced (TAIL) PCR (Fig 39.3A). The identity of the mutant
develop the tagging systems to increase screening and gene is determined by searching sequence databases
tagging efficiencies. To date, elegant transposon tagging using the isolated FST as a query. This approach cannot
systems have been established in several plant species, be applied to identify genes encoding indispensable
leading to isolation and characterization of many genes. functions for plant growth and development as no
There are two tagging strategies: 1) targeted mutagenesis homozygous mutant will be available.
and 2) non-targeted or random mutagenesis. Targeted In maize, Ac/Dissociation (Ds), Enhancer (En)/
mutagenesis is mainly applied in maize, whereas non- Inhibitor (I) or Supressor-Mutator (Spm)/dSpm, and
targeted mutagenesis is applied in plants with well Mutator (Mu) have all been successfully used in targeted
characterized endogenous transposons as well as in mutagenesis. These elements showed different tagging
heterologous plants. efficiencies or mutation rates due to differences in copy
number and transposition characteristics. It has been
3.2. Targeted Mutagenesis shown that both Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm tend to trans-
pose to genetically linked sites. In studies of the p and bz
Normally recessive homozygous mutants are available loci in maize, ~60% of Ac transpositions were to geneti-
for the target gene. Plants carrying active transposon(s) cally linked sites (e.g. Dooner and Belachew, 1989),
are crossed to the homozygous mutants. The F1 popula- with the majority of transposed Ac located within 10
tion is screened for rare progeny showing the mutant cM of the donor site (e.g. Dooner and Belachew, 1989).
phenotype, which are analyzed to check the presence Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm have similar mutation rates at
of the transposon and to confirm the co-segregation of ~10-5-10-6/gene per generation (Table 39.1), but it can
TE - M TE + + TE - + TE + +
TE - M X TE + + X
TE - + TE + +
TE + + TE Ex M TE TE - + +
TE - M TE - M TE - +
WT phenotype Mutant phenotype
TE - + M TE M TE +
TE - + X M TE + +
25% 50% 25%
Co - segregation analysis
be up to 100 fold higher if the gene of interest is linked be maintained through heterozygotes, but also for gen-
to the active transposon. The mutation rate of Mutator erating large-scale transposon insertion populations.
is 10-100 fold higher than that of Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm In this approach, plants with active transposons are
largely due to its high copy number and a transposition crossed to wild-type plants. Dominant mutations that
preference for genetically unlinked sites (Lisch et al. are related to seed development might be observed
1995), but the characteristic of high copy number may in F1 progeny due to fertilization of the mutagenized
complicate the subsequent co-segregation analysis. In gametes, but recessive mutations can only be screened
addition, the Mu element has a low germinal excision with a 3:1 segregation ratio for the normal and mutant
rate and revertants are difficult to recover. phenotype in the F2 population (Fig 39.3B). After confir-
mation of the co-segregation relationship between the
3.3. Non-Targeted Mutagenesis transposon and the mutant phenotype, the correspond-
ing gene is able to be cloned using similar approaches
Non-targeted mutagenesis is a more general tagging used in targeted mutagenesis.
approach. It is not only suitable for cloning genes caus- The focus of non-targeted mutagenesis can be on a
ing lethality or infertility because the mutated allele can single gene or genes involved in a specific metabolic
pathway, but only genes functioning in a single copy 3.4. Regional Mutagenesis
manner can be effectively identified and analyzed. To
ensure that the gene of interest can be identified and Saturating a plant genome with transposon insertion can
cloned, it is necessary to increase the size of the mutant be achieved by using transposons with high copy number,
population and the density of the transposon inserts, such as Mu elements. Several projects have been set up to
i.e. towards achieving saturation mutagenesis. These mutagenize the maize genome using Mu elements, such
populations can be screened for the gene of inter- as the Trait Utility System for Corn (TUSC), Maize Targeted
est based on a forward genetics approach, but they Mutagenesis (MTM), UniformMu and RescueMu (Brutnell,
are more routinely screened using a reverse genetics 2002). Alternatively, transposons such as Ac/Ds and Spm/
approach (see below). Mutator is the most commonly dSpm that preferentially transpose to genetically linked
used element in maize because of the aforementioned sites are first used to saturate a chromosomal region, i.e.
characteristics, whereas Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm ele- regional saturation, and finally to achieve whole genome
ments are more commonly used in other plant species. saturation by combining each saturated region. For exam-
F1 population
F2 population from a
single cross (each
empty triangle
representing a single
line with a transposed
Table 39.2: Transposon tagging population resources in plants
Species Institution Transposon used Mutagenized FST lines Database web link
loci available
AT: activation tagging; ET: enhancer trap; GT: gene trap; NA: not available. Some of the numbers of the mutagenized loci and FST lines in
rice are based on Krishnan et al. (2009).
ple, with a population of insertion lines in which the Ac have been or are being isolated in several laboratories
elements are spaced at 10-20 cM intervals, it is possible to (Table 39.2), the initial launching pad population can
mutagenize the whole maize genome using the regional be generated by selecting insertion lines based on the
mutagenesis strategy (Walbot, 2000). In Arabidopsis, sev- mapping information of the FSTs. Each launching pad
eral regional mutagenized populations have been created line is then crossed to Ac or Spm lines to saturate the
using Ac/Ds or Spm/dSpm. surrounding region of the launching pad. Assuming that
In rice, where a large number of Ds and dSpm inser- 50% of the transposed Ds and dSpm elements insert
tion lines have been created and FSTs of these lines within a 1-Mb (~4 cM in rice) genomic region flanking
the launching pad, ~400,000 insertion plants (~930 a map-based cloning approach, a time-consuming
plants with independently transposed Ds or dSpm to procedure. To use regional mutagenesis for QTL clon-
be produced from each line) from ~430 Ds or dSpm ing, an insertion line with a transposon mapped to the
launching pad lines in which the Ds or dSpm elements QTL or its surrounding region is searched and retrieved
are evenly distributed throughout the rice genome with from the insertion mutant libraries and crossed to a line
1-Mb interval will most likely be sufficient to saturate expressing transposase to generate a transposon muta-
the whole genome (Fig 39.4). More launching pad lines genized population containing multiple mutant alleles
would establish the population more rapid. at the locus of interest. Segregating populations (usu-
Regional mutagenesis is also particularly attractive for ally F2 or subsequent generations) are then screened
cloning and identification of QTLs that have been exten- for mutants in which the expected mutant phenotype
sively studied due to their agronomic importance, but co-segregates with the transposon insertion. Once con-
are hard to characterize using traditional approaches. firmed, the nature of the QTL is identified by isolation of
Even for plant species with a whole genome sequence, the flanking sequence of the transposon.
such as rice, regional mutagenesis is more efficient than
Box 39.2: Application of the rice Tos17 insertion population and reverse genetics in gene identification
Tos17 is a 4114-bp long LTR-type retrotransposon and has a low copy number in the rice genome compared with other types of
retrotransposons. For instance, Nipponbare, the variety selected by IRGSP (the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project) for rice
genome sequencing, contains only two copies of Tos17 per haploid genome. After activation by tissue culture, Tos17 copy numbers
could be increased up to 30, and all of them became inactive in the regenerated plants. Several features make Tos17 an ideal molecular
mutagen for high throughput mutagenesis in rice. First, the copy number of Tos17 correlates with the duration of tissue culture, suggesting
that it is possible to control the number of Tos17 elements and consequently the mutation rate. Second, Tos17 tends to transpose into
unlinked genomic sites. Third, Tos17 prefers low-copy-number sequences and genes as integration targets. Approximately 50,000 Tos17
insertion lines containing ~500,000 mutated loci have been generated at the National Institute for Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS, Japan)
and are publically available. This has become an important resource for reverse genetics in rice. There are two ways to identify insertion
in the gene of interest, e.g. gene A in the following diagram, in this population. One (I) is to search the Tos17 FST database using sequence
of gene A as a query. The FST database was established by systematically amplification of Tos17 FSTs using PCR-based approaches
followed by sequencing using DNA samples prepared from each individual line. To date, ~35,000 Tos17 FSTs have been catalogued in the
database. Another way (II) is to screen DNA pools using primers specific to gene A and Tos17 . Seeds of Tos17 lines are pooled in a three-
dimensional matrix, and DNA samples are prepared from tissues derived from each pool of seeds. For example, if an insertion in gene A is
located at plate I, row B and column 2, it can be identified by positive PCR results in all these three pools after screening of 30 DNA pools.
To facilitate functional characterization of these Tos17 lines and to benefit plant biologists, especially those working on rice and other
monocotyledonous species, all Tos17 lines have been recently phenotyped in the field through collaboration of seven laboratories and a
public database containing this phenotype information has been created, which is available at
Inactive Tos17
Tissue culture
to active Tos17
Gene A
Gene C
(I) (II)
Plate I
Row B
Individual DNA sample
Column 2
A1 12
I DNA pools: I-X (10 plates),
FST isolation
A -H (8 rows) and 1 -12 (12
columns), total 30 pools
FST database including 960 insertion
lines to be screened by PCR
Searching for the gene using primers specific to
of interest (e.g. gene A) gene A and Tos17.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Ds plant Ac plant
35S Ds (Basta) HPT X iAc GFP
Further screening
GE Ds (Basta) NE GE Ds (Basta) NE
PCR confirmation
3.5. Forward Genetics and Reverse Genetics continue to play an important role in gene identification
in plants, particularly for the genes controlling morpho-
Forward genetics is a phenotype-based approach that is logical traits which are easily phenotyped.
straightforward but is not suitable for gene identification Reverse genetics aims to gain insight into the func-
without a detectable mutant phenotype or gene family tion of the gene of interest, such as an annotated new
members, as insertion in one member of the gene gene or a member of a gene family, by generation and
family does not necessary lead to a mutant phenotype analysis of phenotype(s) in the corresponding mutant.
due to functional redundancy. Some mutations may RNA silencing technology using hairpin transgene has
require specific conditions to give rise to a detectable been widely applied in plants as a complementary tool
mutant phenotype. Screening mutants using forward for characterization of gene function. Recent develop-
genetics tends to be laborious and requires much ment of artificial miRNAs provides a more efficient and
space, especially for plant species of large size. Despite accurate RNA silencing technology in plants. In spite of
these limitations, forward genetics has played and will successful application of RNA silencing in investigation
En Gene
En Gene
En Gene
BAR 35S-4E Gene
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 39.6 Schematic representations of gene trap, enhancer trap and activation tagging system. A, gene trap system. The modified trans-
poson (shown in grey box with arrow heads representing TIRs) has a sequence containing a splice acceptor (SA) fused to a promoter-less
reporter gene (GUS) that will express upon insertion of the transposon into an exon or intron of an endogenous gene due to generation of a
fusion transcript as a result of interaction between the splice donor of the gene and the SA before the reporter gene. B, enhancer trap system.
The reporter gene (GUS) is fused to a minimal promoter (TATA) that could be activated by an endogenous enhancer (En) upon insertion of
the transposon within or adjacent to a gene. C, promoter trap system. The modified transposon containing a promoter-less reporter gene
(GUS) that will be activated upon insertion of the transposon within exon of a gene. D, activation tagging system. The modified transposon
containing a selection marker (BAR, Basta resistance gene) and a tetramer of the CaMV 35S enhancer (35S_4E) next to and pointing to one of
the termini of the transposon. Transcription of an endogenous gene will be activated or enhanced because of interaction with the tetramer
enhancer. Both termini of the transposon could have a tetramer enhancer so that it is capable of up-regulating endogenous genes from
either border.
of gene function in plants, knock-out by RNA silencing insertion mutant for the gene of interest in the mutagen-
is often not complete. In contrast, knock-out mutations ized population. Usually, PCR is used to screen pooled
resulting from T-DNA or transposon insertion are usu- DNAs using a gene-specific primer and a primer spe-
ally null mutations, leading to a more precise under- cific to the transposon tag, which has been discussed
standing of the functions of the gene of interest. in detail in Chapter 38. The use of rice Tos17 in gene
To apply reverse genetics effectively, a large collec- identification for reverse genetics is shown in Box 39.2.
tion of transposon induced mutant plants needs to be PCR-based methods are very efficient for identification
created to increase the chance that the gene of interest of insertions from single- or low-copy-number insertion
is mutagenized. To this end, a large number of transpo- lines. The sensitivity of the PCR technique, especially in
son mutagenized populations have been generated in combination with confirmation of the PCR products by
several plant species. An incomplete list of such popu- hybridization with a gene-specific probe, allows detec-
lations is shown in Table 39.2. In addition, it should be tion of the gene of interest within a pool of hundreds
possible to determine effectively the presence of an or thousands of individuals. For high-copy-number
insertion lines, transposon display and amplification 4. Enhanced Transposon Tagging Systems
of insertion-mutagenized sites (AIMS) can be used.
Once the FST is confirmed by sequencing, the loss-of- Use of transposons as a molecular mutagen for gene
function phenotypes of the gene can then be examined isolation was initially exploited endogenously in maize
after identification of homozygous mutants. and snapdragon. Although Ac and Mu elements have
In order to facilitate gene identification and functional been utilized in large-scale mutagenesis experiments in
analysis, large-scale isolation of FSTs has been or is being maize, sophisticated transposon tagging systems using
performed for most of the major transposon tagging Ac/Ds or Spm/dSpm were established in heterologous
populations in various plant species. Several system- systems by modification of the Ds or dSpm elements
atically-catalogued databases of transposon FSTs have to incorporate selection markers and by controlling
been established in Arabidopsis, rice and maize, most transposition of the Ds or dSpm elements using a two-
of these FSTs have been mapped to the corresponding element tagging system.
genome and are searchable via web-based interface
(Table 39.2). These FST databases will significantly facili- 4.1. Development of a Two-Element System
tate gene characterization in plants especially for the
vast majority of genes for which no mutant phenotype In heterologous plant species, initially only the autono-
is available. Finally, the availability of complete genome mous element (e.g. Ac) was transformed to generate
sequences combined with reverse genetics can allow a tagging population. To monitor transposition of
every gene to be characterized. the element, the Ac element is usually engineered
between a constitutively expressed promoter such as
3.6. Verification of Transposon Tagged Mutations the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter (CaMV 35S)
and an excision marker that will express upon exci-
In order to establish robust associations between phe- sion of the element. Mutations caused by insertion of
notype and gene, the relationship between the mutant the Ac element are unstable as the transposability of
phenotype and the causative transposon insertion has to the Ac element remains throughout the life of a plant.
be confirmed by co-segregation analyses using hybridi- Some plants will maintain the mutant phenotype after
zation- or PCR-based methods. TSD is created at the imprecise excision of the element, but it would not be
insertion site upon insertion of a transposon. Excision possible to isolate the corresponding gene due to loss
of the transposon is usually imprecise and leaves part or of the molecular tag. After several generations, insertion
all of the TSD, the so called excision footprint, behind plants will accumulate increasingly ‘noisy’ backgrounds
(Fig 39.1D). When a transposon inserts at exon of a due to the imprecise excision of the element, making
gene, the imprecise excision footprint may result in a co-segregation analysis much harder. Furthermore,
frameshift mutation. In this case, a transposed transpo- screening of the transposed autonomous element
son closely linked to the donor site could be associated largely relies on labour- and cost-consuming PCR and/
with the mutation, resulting in a false relationship with or Southern blot analysis.
the mutant phenotype. Therefore, co-segregation result To overcome these problems, two-element systems
obtained by hybridization using a transposon-specific were developed so that a transposed non-autonomous
probe does not always guarantee that the mutation is element can be stabilized by segregating away an immo-
induced by this particular transposon. Function of the bilized autonomous element. In the non-autonomous
transposon tagged gene has to be supported by other element, a reinsertion marker such as antibiotic- or her-
independent experiments, such as alleles created by bicide-resistance gene is incorporated to select prog-
other methodologies, knock-out phenotype using RNA eny bearing the transposed elements. To monitor the
silencing technology or complementation experiment excision events or to select against non-excision events,
using the wild-type copy of the tagged gene. But resto- the non-autonomous element is inserted between a
ration of a wild-type phenotype upon excision of the promoter and an excision marker gene so that excision
transposon provides strong evidence that the transpo- of the element results in expression of the excision
son was responsible for the mutation. marker. This excision marker also serves as a launching
pad indicator so that genetically unlinked transposi-
tion events can be separated or enriched by selection transposon consisting of an intron with multiple splicing
against the launching pad indicator. Progeny expressing acceptor sites fused to the coding region of a reporter
the reinsertion marker and the excision marker have the gene, usually a -glucuronidase (GUS) or GFP gene (Fig
element transposed into linked sites, whereas progeny 39.6A). A fusion protein including the reporter gene
expressing only the reinsertion marker have the ele- and the N-terminal portion of the host gene will be
ment transposed into unlinked sites. Appropriate selec- produced when the element is inserted into either an
tion markers can also be engineered in the construct exon or an intron of a host gene in the same transcrip-
harbouring the immobilized autonomous element tional orientation; therefore, expression pattern of the
so that stable transposants can be easily selected by reporter gene reflects the activity and regulation of the
counter selection of this marker. An example of such disrupted genes. An enhancer trap contains a modi-
a two-element tagging system is shown in Figure 39.5. fied transposon harbouring a reporter gene driven by
To facilitate recovery of FSTs of the transposon inserts, a minimal promoter (Fig 39.6B). Upon insertion at, or
components for plasmid rescue function, including adjacent to, a host gene, the minimal promoter, may
antibiotic resistance gene and plasmid origin of repli- be cis-activated by enhancer elements in the host gene
cation, can be engineered into the non-autonomous leading to the expression of the reporter gene. A pro-
element (see Chapter 38). In other words, by judicious moter trap is a variation of the enhancer trap, in which
choice of an appropriate combination of marker genes, expression of a promoter-less reporter gene relies on
the efficiency of screening stable transposants can be insertion of the modified transposon element down-
significantly improved. stream of an active endogenous promoter (Fig 39.6C).
The autonomous and non-autonomous elements A clear advantage of these trap systems is that the
can also be brought together by co-transformation. expression pattern of the tagged gene can be studied
Similarly, stable transposants can be obtained by segre- in detail by analysis of the GUS or GFP expression pat-
gating away the autonomous element from the double tern during plant development. Information from such
transformants. In rice, a system in which a transiently expression patterns can be very useful in the subse-
expressed transposase is used to induce transposition quent phenotypic analysis of the homozygous insertion
of Ds during tissue culture steps has been established mutants. Although functionality of the enhancer trap
so that stable Ds insertion lines (i.e. without integrated system may not be affected by its insertion orientation
iAc) can be directly regenerated by tissue culture if it is close to one endogenous enhancer, expression of
(Upadhyaya et al. 2006). The main advantage of this the reporter gene of the gene trap or the promoter trap
system is that stable Ds insertion lines can be produced requires the reporter gene to be in the same orientation
as primary transformants, thereby increasing screening as the tagged gene. In other words, the disadvantage of
efficiency and reducing the space required for growing these uni-directional trap systems is that there is neither
the segregating population. selection against insertions outside genes, nor against
insertions in which the reporter gene is in the opposite
4.2. Gene, Enhancer and Promoter Trap Systems orientation relative to transcription of a tagged gene.
This drawback has been partly overcome by develop-
Both Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm tend to insert preferen- ment of a bi-directional trap system (Eamens et al.
tially into or near genes. Analysis of distribution of 2004).
insertion positions within genic regions in rice showed
that 30-40% of insertions were in exons (Krishnan et al. 4.3. Activation Tagging System
2009). Obviously, insertion of transposons in exons is
expected to disrupt the gene function but it may or may Insertional mutagenesis using T-DNAs or transposons
not lead to visible mutant phenotypes due to existence usually generates recessive loss-of-function mutations.
of functional redundant gene(s), lethality or insertion Genes with lethal or deleterious knock-out phenotypes
in non-essential genes. To overcome these difficulties are not amenable to the loss-of-function approach, and
in phenotyping, gene and enhancer trap systems have knock-out of a single gene of a gene family does not
been developed and integrated into transposon tag- always produce detectable mutant phenotypes due to
ging systems in plants. A gene trap contains a modified functional redundancy. These limitations of insertional
mutagenesis could be partly compensated for by activa- involved in cis-silencing of repeat sequences. No phe-
tion tagging which produces dominant gain-of-function notypic data were available for the activation tagging
mutations. Activation tagging requires a T-DNA con- population in rice thus far, but enhanced expression of
taining a constitutive promoter or a strong enhancer, rice genes adjacent to Ds insertions was confirmed by
usually a tetramer of the CaMV 35S enhancer that reads semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR (Qu et al.
out of the T-DNA terminus (Fig 39.6D). Integration of 2008). Recently, a novel Ac/Ds-based activation tag-
such a T-DNA upstream of an adjacent gene will lead to ging system in which a modified Ds element (UbiDs)
increased transcription of the gene or changed expres- contains two outwards inverted copies of the maize
sion pattern depending on the activity of the enhancer. ubiquitin 1 promoters near each end of the element
Weigel et al. (2000) reported that genes at least 3 kb has been established in barley (Ayliffe et al. 2007). The
from the enhancer can be activated to give a novel phe- majority of the transposed UbiDs elements activated
notype. Although activation tagging has been mainly high levels of adjacent flanking sequence transcription.
applied to T-DNA tagging systems and large collections
of such T-DNA lines have been created in Arabidopsis
and rice, it has also been successfully adapted for trans- 5. Prospects
poson tagging systems for gene identification and char-
acterization (e.g. Wilson et al. 1996, Marsch-Martinez et One of the main objectives for plant biologist in the
al. 2002, Ayliffe et al. 2007 and Qu et al. 2008). “-omics” era (genomics, phenomics, metabolomics,
The first version of the transposon-based activation etc) is to identify and characterize all plant genes in
tagging system was designed by Coupland and col- order to have a thorough understanding of the physiol-
leagues (Wilson et al. 1996), who modified the Ds ele- ogy, morphology, genetics and development of plants.
ment by inserting a CaMV 35S promoter, which points This relies on application of many approaches includ-
outwards from the element, close to one end of the ing insertional mutagenesis. Transposon mutagenesis
element so that a dominant gain-of-function mutation is with its unique advantages over T-DNA mutagenesis
expected upon insertion of the transposed Ds upstream has proven to be an important functional genomics
of a gene. Using this engineered Ds element, a semi- tool in achieving these goals. Although the collections
dominant mutation that increases expression of TINY, an of T-DNA insertion lines has now outnumbered those
AP2 domain containing gene in Arabidopsis, was identi- of transposon insertion lines in Arabidopsis largely due
fied. Later, like the T-DNA-based activation tagging sys- to its relatively easy Agrobacterium-mediated in planta
tems, a tetramer of the CaMV 35S enhancer was placed transformation, transposon-based mutagenesis is still
near one end of the Ds or dSpm element to distribute the routine or the only approach for generation of large-
the CaMV 35S enhancers throughout the genome using scale insertion populations in other plants, especially
the two-element tagging strategy (e.g. Marsch-Martinez those where large-scale transformation methods have
et al. 2002 and Qu et al. 2008). In Arabidopsis popu- not been developed. Recent advances further demon-
lations, 0.1-1% of the activation tagged inserts showed strate the feasibility of using transposon mutagenesis in
a dominant or semidominant inheritable phenotype the study of gene functions in the majority of flowering
(e.g. Marsch-Martinez et al. 2002), which was similar to plant species, if not all. Large-scale mutagenesis popu-
or ~10 fold higher than the frequency observed in the lations with transposons or retrotransposons inserted as
T-DNA-based activation tagging population (Weigel a molecular tag have been established in a number of
et al. 2000), suggesting that activation tagging using plant species, including several important food crops
transposons is more effective than using T-DNA. The 10 such as rice, maize and barley. With the availability of
fold difference in activation efficiencies observed in the the genome sequences of Arabidopsis and rice and
two Arabidopsis populations (e.g. Marsch-Martinez et large number of ESTs in other plant species, the current
al. 2002) might be caused by the difference in length focus of transposon tagging is not only to increase the
of the TIR sequences used to construct the mobile ele- size of mutagenized populations but to map the inser-
ments. Shorter TIR sequences might prevent them from tion sites by isolation of the transposon FSTs. To take fur-
forming internal hairpins or double stranded RNAs, ther advantage of TE-based mutagenesis, it is necessary
a precursor for production of small interfering RNAs to increase the density of TE tags and to finally to achieve
saturation mutagenesis of plant genomes. Regional Krishnan, A., Guiderdoni, E., An, G. et al. 2009.
mutagenesis should play an important role towards Mutant resources in rice for functional genomics of
this goal. Development of other methodologies, such the grasses. Plant Physiol. 149:165-170.
as high throughput phenomics facilitates, will greatly Lisch, D., Chomet, P. and Freeling, M. 1995. Genetic
enhance the progress on phenotyping the TE tagged characterization of the Mutator system in maize:
populations, which has been the bottleneck in large- behavior and regulation of Mu transposons in a
scale functional genomics studies thus far. Furthermore, minimal line. Genetics. 139:1777-1796.
as the majority of the transposon insertion lines do not Marsch-Martinez, N., Greco, R., Van Arkel, G. et al.
show a mutant phenotype under normal conditions, it 2002. Activation tagging using the En-I maize
is important to initiate customized phenotyping in con- transposon system in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.
ditions such as cold, drought and/or diseases, to fully 129:1544-1556.
take advantage of the transposon mutagenesis popu- Qu, S., Desai, A., Wing, R. et al. 2008. A versatile
lations in discovery of functional plant genes. Special transposon-based activation tag vector system for
facilities such as the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility functional genomics in cereals and other monocot
are being set up for such purposes. plants. Plant Physiol. 146:189-199.
Upadhyaya, N.M., Zhu, Q.-H., Zhou, X.-R. et al. 2006.
Dissociation (Ds) constructs, mapped Ds launch
pads and a transiently expressed transposase
6. References system suitable for localized insertional mutagen-
esis in rice. Theor Appl Genet. 112:1326-1341.
6.1. Cited References Walbot, V. 2000. Saturation mutagenesis using maize
transposons. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 3:103-107.
Ayliffe, M.A., Pallotta, M., Langridge, P. et al. 2007. A Weigel, D., Hoon Ahn, J., Blazquez, M.A. et al. 2000.
barley activation tagging system. Plant Mol Biol. Activation tagging in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.
64:329-347. 122:1003–1013.
Bonas, U., Sommer, H., Harrison, B.J. et al. 1984. The Wilson, K., Long, D., Swinburne, J. et al. 1996. A
transposable element Taml of Antirrhinum majus is Dissociation insertion causes a semidominant muta-
17 kb long. Mol Gen Genet. 194:138-143. tion that increases expression of TINY, an Arabidopsis
Brutnell, T.P. 2002. Transposon tagging in maize. Funct gene related to APETALA2. Plant Cell. 8: 659–671.
Integr Genomics. 2:4-12.
Dooner, H.K. and Belachew, A. 1989. Transposition
pattern of the maize element Ac from the bz-M2 6.2. Websites
(Ac) allele. Genetics. 122:447-457.
Eamens, A.L., Blanchard, C.L., Dennis, E.S. et al. 2004. The Australian Plant Phenomics Facility:
A bidirectional gene trap construct for T-DNA and
Ds mediated insertional mutagenesis in rice (Oryza
sativa L.). Plant Biotech J. 2:367-380.
Fedoroff,N.V., Wessler, S. and Shurem, M. 1983. 6.3. Further Reading
Isolation of the transposable maize controlling ele-
ments Ac and Ds. Cell. 35:235-242. Bennetzen, J.L. 2000. Transposable element contribu-
Fedoroff, N.V., Furtek, D.B. and Nelson, O. 1984. tions to plant gene and genome evolution. Plant
Cloning of the bronze locus in maize by a simple Mol Biol. 42:251-269.
and generalizable procedure using the transpos- Fedoroff, N.V. 1989. About maize transposable ele-
able controlling element Activator (Ac). Proc Natl ments and development. Cell. 56:181-191.
Acad Sci USA. 81:3825-3829. Gierl, A. and Saedler, H. 1989. The En/Spm transposa-
International Rice Genome Sequencing Project 2005. ble element of Zea mays. Plant Mol Biol. 13:261-266.
The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Springer, P.S. 2000. Gene traps: tools for plant devel-
Nature. 436:793–800. opment and genomics. Plant Cell. 12:1007-1020.
Walbot, V. 1992. Strategies for mutagenesis and gene Zhu, Q-H., Eun, M.Y., Han, C.D. et al. 2007. Transposon
cloning using transposon tagging and T-DNA inser- insertional mutants: a resource for rice functional
tional mutagenesis. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant genomics. In NM Upadhyaya. ed, Rice Functional
Mol Biol. 43:49-82. Genomics—Challenges, Progress and Prospects.
Springer, New York, pp.223–271.
Site-Directed Mutagenesis in Higher Plants
K.Osakabe, H.Saika, A.Okuzaki and S.Toki*
Division of Plant Sciences, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
*Corresponding author, E-MAIL:
1. Introduction
6. References
1. Introduction 2.2. Molecular Processes of Gene Targeting in
Higher Plants
Site-directed mutagenesis is a molecular biology tech-
nique in which a mutation is created at a defined site in GT via HR enables precise modification of a target gene.
a DNA molecule. Historically, this has been a method Thus, gene modification by GT is a powerful tool for
of introducing mutations into plasmid DNA. In general, functional analysis of targeted genes. Moreover, GT is
site-directed mutagenesis requires sequence data of the thought to be a ‘clean’ transformation technology as it
wild-type gene. Recent advancements in genome anal- involves the complete substitution of target gene. GT
ysis have provided information on the whole genome has been shown to be efficacious in the production of
sequence of model plants and important crops. This a novel phenotypes in plants, suggesting that GT has
allows modification of the genomic sequences of plants potential in molecular breeding of crops. To date, suc-
of interest via homologous recombination (HR) medi- cessful GT events of endogenous gene in flowering plants
ated gene targeting (GT) and chimeric oligo mediated have been reported in arabidopsis, tobacco, maize and
mutagenesis. Many agronomically valuable pheno- rice (Table 40.1), though these experiments are in their
types and natural variants have been caused by point, infancy.
or only a few, mutations. Point mutations, especially True GT (TGT), in which the target gene is modified as
can be regarded as the cleanest and most direct gene expected, is explained by the double crossover model
manipulation technique for future molecular breeding or one-sided invasion (OSI) model (Fig 40.1). In all GT
in plants. In addition the production of the knock-out events in higher plants except zinc finger nucleases
gene mutants in plants via site-directed mutagenesis is (ZFNs) stimulated GT, an Agrobacterium-mediated
a useful technique in functional studies. transformation system is used to introduce donor DNA
(see Chapter 38). It has been proposed that a single-
stranded T-DNA (ssT-DNA) molecule is imported into
2. Site-Directed Mutagenesis via Gene Targeting the plant nucleus, and it converts to double-stranded
T-DNA (dsT-DNA). In the case of dsT-DNA (Fig 40.1A),
2.1. Molecular Basis of Gene Targeting both 3’-ended single strands from the targeted DSB
sites in the plant genome invade homologous dsT-
GT is a molecular technique to introduce modifica- DNA sequences to initiate new DNA synthesis. The
tions into the endogenous genomic sequences via HR. resolution of the Holiday junction (see Chapter 6)
HR is one of the repair systems for double-stranded results in non-crossover or crossover recombinants.
DNA breaks (DSBs) in somatic cells, and is the process Non-homologous sequences with plant genome such
by which a strand of DNA is broken and joined to the as border sequence are eliminated in this process.
end of a different DNA molecule (see Chapter 6 for In the case of ssT-DNA (Fig 40.1B and 40.1C), one of
the detail of HR) . This repair system is generally the the 3’-ended single strands from the targeted DSB
more accurate pathway of DSB repair, but it requires sites in the plant genome anneals to homologous ssT-
the presence of the undamaged sister chromatid or DNA sequences to initiate new DNA synthesis. If the
homologous chromosome as a template. In the GT newly synthesized 3’-ended sequence anneals to the
method, an exogenous DNA which includes homolo- homologous sequences at another DSB site in the plant
gous sequences with the target gene and the modifica- genome, non-homologous sequences with the plant
tion of interest is normally used as a template instead of genome are eliminated (Fig 40.1B). However, if the
undamaged homologous DNA. newly completely synthesized 3’-ended sequence is
HR is active in the late S to G2 phases of the cell cycle ligated to another DSB site, the border sequences are
when the sister chromatid is available as a homologous integrated into the plant genome via non-homologous
template. HR also requires DSBs, which can not only be end joining (NHEJ) (Fig 40.1C). A mismatch correction
generated by treatment with DNA-damaging stresses occurs after DNA synthesis and resolution of heterodu-
such as ionizing radiation, UV or chemical mutagens, plex regions.
but also by cellular processes such as DNA replication. Aberrant recombination events such as ectopic
Some HR genes are activated by DSBs. Thus, these are GT (EGT), in which the modified target sequence is
key features for improvement of the GT efficiency. integrated elsewhere in the genome, are frequently
Table 40.1: GT in higher plants
Plant species Gene name Selection marker(s) Regenerants
Tobacco ALS ALS 22 EGT plant lines (1990), *403 candidate calli (2009)
This table is modified and updated from Iida and Terada (2005). *GT with ZFNs (see 3.2). ** GT with Rad54 (see 3.1).
Targeted-selected mutagenesis Even though mutations happen randomly in the genome of the target organism, a sensitive screening
method such as TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes), allows directed identification
of a mutation in a specific gene. Coupling of TILLING with random mutagenesis is an example of
targeted-selected mutagenesis.
Insertional mutagenesis Insertional mutagenesis is a method of producing mutations in a genome by insertion of mobile
(transposon mutagenesis) genetic elements and T-DNA. In nature, retrotransposons and transposons are the major agents
of insertional mutagenesis. In higher plants, T-DNA insertion via Agrobacterium has been used to
produce a large number of mutant collections in arabidopsis and rice.
Gene targeting Gene targeting (GT) is a transformation technology that can modify a target gene preciously using
homologous recombination (HR). There are two types GT: true GT (TGT) in which the target gene
was modified as expected, and ectopic GT (EGT) in which the modified target sequence is integrated
elsewhere in the genome.
Single-stranded T-DNA Single-stranded T-DNA (ssT-DNA), T-strand corresponds to the coding strand of the T-DNA region.
A T-complex is a T-strand with a single affixed VirD2 and coated with VirE2. It is formed in the plant
cytosol and translocates to the nucleus where the T-DNA subsequently integrates into the plant
Exogenous marker In the universal GT system, exogenous selection markers are needed to select cells in which T-DNA
integrates at random or targeted sites, or to stop growth of cells in which T-DNA integrates at random.
Selection markers derived from micro-organisms are usually used.
Zinc finger nucleases Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are chimeric proteins composed of several (in general three to four)
zinc finger DNA binding domain and a DNA cleavage domain from the restriction endonuclease,
Fok I. Each zinc finger is a stretch of about 30 amino acids that binds to a particular three base DNA
sequence. The binding motif of zinc finger domain can be changed to obtain zinc finger arrays with
different sequence specificity.
Chimeric oligo A chimeric oligo is a short strand (68-72nt) of synthesized DNA oligonucleotides, which also contains
2’-O-methyl RNA. The chimeric oligo is self-complementary and takes the form of a double-hairpin
structure. A duplex region is designed to have homology to the endogeneous target locus, but with
one of the middle bases so as to make miss match with target sequence.
Targeted locus
5’ 3’
3’ 5’
Random integration
True GT Ectopic GT
detected in addition to TGT. EGT is explained by OSI targeted site; and 2) a negative marker to stop growth of
and NHEJ (Fig 40.1D). The broken 3’-ended ssT-DNA cells in which T-DNA integrates at random.
anneals to homologous sequences in the plant genome
to initiate new DNA synthesis. Additional sequences 2.3.1. Positive-negative selection using exogenous
in the plant genome are synthesized at the 3’-end of markers
ssT-DNA and then the modified T-DNA is integrated In positive-negative selection using exogenous mark-
at random in the genome without changing the target ers, a positive selectable marker which is inserted into
locus. a targeted sequence and negative selectable marker(s)
which are placed at the ends of a targeted sequence,
2.3. Selection Strategies in Gene Targeted Plants are used in a vector for GT. In this strategy, a positive
exogenous marker remains in the targeted locus, and
In the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system, these are therefore not ‘clean technologies’.
majority of the T-DNA molecules are integrated ran- The Waxy and ADH2 gene encode the granule-bound
domly into plant genomic DNA via NHEJ. GT via HR starch synthase and alcohol dehydrogenase, respec-
occurs in the order of 10-3 to 10-6 compared with random tively, in rice; they can be knocked out by positive-neg-
integration of T-DNA in plant genome via NHEJ in higher ative selection. Figure 40.2A is a diagram illustrating the
plants. Thus, in order to select cells and plants in which knockout of the Waxy gene. Diphtheria toxin A (DT-A)
GT has occurred, it is important to distinguish these protein inactivates the elongation factor 2 and inhibits
from those that are non-transformed, and cells in which protein biosynthesis; it has been demonstrated that DT-A
donor DNA is inserted at random. In general, there are can be used as a strong negative marker of GT in rice. In
two types of exogenous markers: 1) a positive marker to their GT vector, hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt)
select cells in which T-DNA integrates at random site or expression cassette is used as the disruptive gene and two
A Targeted locus Waxy
with WT allele
Targeted locus A L S
with WT allele
W548L S627I
Mutant allele A L S
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 40.2 Schematic representation of rice GT. The green bars represent the homologous sequences corresponding to the Waxy or OsALS
locus (Terada et al. 2002, Endo et al. 2007). (A) GT strategy for the disruption of Waxy gene. The white region in the Waxy box indicates
the first intron sequence. In the T-DNA, hygromycin phosphotransferase expression cassette (hpt) with maize En terminator (ΔEn) is used
as a positive marker and two diphtheria toxin expression cassettes (DT-A) are used as negative markers. (B) GT strategy for OsALS gene. A
sequence encoding the chloroplast-targeting signal is deleted in the T-DNA, rendering the gene non-functional. The two mutations (W548
L and S627I) that confer herbicide BS tolerance are marked by solid red vertical lines.
DT-A expression cassettes are placed at both ends of the BS, was constructed as a vector for GT of OsALS; the
transformation vector. They succeeded in obtaining GT truncated ALS is thought to be non-functional when it
plants at a frequency of 1-2 % (targeted calli per survived integrates into the rice genome; it becomes functional
calli) similar to that reported in mouse embryogenic stem when the two point mutations introduced by GT works
cells. In this system, only cells in which TGT occurs and as a positive selection marker against BS. Using this
functional DT-A cassettes are not inserted into genome strategy, 66 independent plants were regenerated from
DNA, as shown in Figure 40.1A and B, can survive. 1500 Agrobacterium-transformed calli (approximately
30 g FW). Sensitivity test of ALS enzymatic activity using
2.3.2. Target Gene Specific Selection GT plants showed that BS tolerance level of GT homozy-
In cases where the selectable marker is coincidentally gous plants exceeded that of plants over-expressing the
also the gene of interest, e.g. a herbicide or antibiotic, mutated ALS gene containing the same mutation as GT
target gene specific selection can be exploited in GT. plants. This result suggested that exclusion of the wild-
Exogenous markers are not always necessary in this type, BS-sensitive, OsALS gene is important to produce
strategy because a target gene itself can work as a posi- novel crops, hyper-tolerant to BS.
tive selectable marker.
Acetolactate synthase (ALS, also see Chapter 31)
catalyzes the initial step common to the biosynthesis of 3. Challenges in Improving Gene Targeting
the branched-chain amino acids and is the initial target
of many herbicides such as bispyribac sodium (BS). 3.1. Over-Expression of Homologous Recombina-
Figure 40.2B is diagram illustrating the modification of tional Repair Genes
the OsALS gene. By using target gene specific selection
strategy, rice plants tolerant to BS were obtained by GT is a general method applied in yeast and mammalian
introducing two base substitutions that confer tolerance cell research. In higher plants the frequency of GT events,
to BS into the OsALS gene. A truncated ALS sequence, e.g. in rice and arabidopsis is still relatively low because of
which lacks chloroplast-targeting signal sequence and low HR frequency. It seems that the dominance of NHEJ
harboring two base mutations that confer tolerance to over HR in plant DNA repair, and by implication the inte-
A B (1)
Fok I N-ter
C-ter Nuclease
6 5 4 3 2 1 -1 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1
6 5 4 3 2 1 -1 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1
- R T L N D S R- - -R S L A D S R- - -R T L D D S R-
Fok I
Fok I
gration of foreign DNA into the plant genome, does not 3.2. Role of Zinc Finger Nucleases in Double-
permit efficient HR. Stranded DNA Breaks
One attempt to improve the efficiency of HR is
the manipulation of the expression of HR genes. Enhanced HR can be achieved in plant cells by creat-
Overexpression of Escherichia coli recA or ruvC in ing DSBs at the target site. For example, expression
plant cells showed some gains in the HR frequency of I-Sce I, a rare-cutting restriction enzyme, has been
with a modest enhancement (two to three-folds). shown to lead to a significant increase in HR-mediated
However, these gains were not confirmed by GT GT in tobacco. Expression of rare-cutters can also lead
experiments. Recently, Shaked et al. (2005) reported to site-specific integration of foreign DNA molecules
that over-expression of yeast RAD54 gene in arabidop- and to induce site-specific mutagenesis. Nevertheless,
sis enhances GT frequency by an average of 27-fold. their use is limited to rarely occurring natural rec-
However, over-expression of the arabidopsis RAD54 ognition sites or to specific artificial target sites. To
gene in arabidopsis was shown to be led to no enhance- overcome this problem, ZFNs have been developed.
ment of intra-chromosomal HR, suggesting that more ZFNs are chimeric proteins composed of a synthetic
detailed analysis of RAD54-overexpressed plants may zinc finger-based DNA binding domain and a DNA
be necessary in developing an efficient GT system. cleavage domain. ZFNs can be specifically designed
to cleave virtually any long stretch of double-stranded
HS:ZFN ts Extracted DNA from
in planta transformation T2 seedlings,
PCR amplification
Select transgenic of target sequence,
induction 2~20% of target
T2 seedlings analyze PCR fragments
of ZFN genes containing
mutations at the
target site
Cells containing
mutated gene
Heat induction of
ZFN, and generate
T3 plants
DNA sequence by modification of the zinc finger DNA and is therefore employed in the construction of ZFNs.
binding domain (for reviews see Durai et al. 2005; Since the domain must be dimerized to accomplish
Camenisch et al. 2008). a DSB it is necessary that a nuclease is also bound to
Functional ZFNs are dimer with each monomer the opposite strand by virtue of another ZFN molecule
composed of a non-specific DNA cleavage domain bound to its target sequence as shown in Figure 40.3A.
from the Fok I endonuclease fused to a zinc finger array The two target sites need not be homologous, so long
engineered to bind a target DNA sequence of interest. as ZFNs targeting both sites are present. In order to
A typical structure is shown in Figure 40.3A. The DNA- form a dimer, two ZFN molecules must meet with
binding domain of a ZFN is typically composed of three their respective recognition sites not less than four to
to four zinc-finger arrays. Each zinc finger motif binds seven-base pairs apart, but also not so far apart that they
to a three-base pair sequence and as such a protein cannot dimerize. To accomplish this, the length of the
including more zinc fingers targets longer sequences. linker between the zinc finger DNA binding domain
Key amino acids, at a positions -1, 2, 3 and 6 relative to and the DNA cleavage domain needs to be optimized.
the start of the -helix, contribute to the specific bind- Specifically designed ZFNs can introduce a DSB at a
ing to the DNA sequence. These amino acids can be target site on the gene of interest. This introduction of
changed, while maintaining the remaining amino acids the DSB up-regulates HR at that site. Indeed, expres-
as a consensus backbone, to generate ZFNs with differ- sion of ZFNs has been shown to enhance HR in several
ent sequence specificities. The rules for selecting target organisms. In fruit fly, engineered ZFNs that recognize
sequences have been described in several papers the yellow gene were expressed in flies in the presence
(e.g. Mandel and Barbas 2006; Sander et al. 2007). of donor DNA (Bibikova et al. 2003). GT can occur at
This modular assembly method along with an exam- remarkable efficiencies. In some cases, more than 1%
ple of the construction of the ZF array binding to the of the progeny flies had sustained a GT event. A study
sequence of 5’-GAG-GTG-GCG-3’ is shown in Figure in human cells used a defective green fluorescent
40.3B. Depending on the required specifications of the protein (GFP) reporter gene that was repaired by ZFN-
end-product, the constructed ZF arrays can be custom- mediated HR (Porteus and Baltimore, 2003), cleavage
ized via cell-based engineering techniques. of the GFP reporter by ZFNs enhanced HR more than
The non-specific nuclease domain of Fok I is function- 2000-fold. In addition, Urnov et al. (2005) reported that
ally independent of its natural DNA-binding domain engineered ZFNs can be used to correct human genetic
Chimeric oligo 2’ -0-methyl RNA
3’ 5’ G
Introduction of chimeric oligos
A to the nucleus
5’ C
3’ 5’ G
Chimeric oligos are used by endogenous
C mismatch repair machinery as a template
for correction of genomic DNA
defects through HR. Mutations in the IL2RG gene that 4. Site-Directed Mutagenesis via Methods
cause X-linked severe combined immune deficiency other than Gene Targetting
(SCID) were corrected at frequencies approaching 18%.
Furthermore, about 7% of the cells acquired the desired 4.1. ZFN-Mediated Mutagenesis
genetic modification on both chromosomes.
ZFNs can also be used to increase the frequency of ZFN-mediated DSBs at the target sequences can
gene targeting in higher plants. To give a proof of prin- potentially be repaired by HR or lead to enhanced
ciple, Shukla et al. (2009) and Townsent et al. (2009) HR at the break site as described in the above section.
designed ZFNs for endogenous genes of maize (Inositol- Nevertheless, genomic DSBs in many organisms, and
1,3,4,5,6-penta-kisphophate 2-kinase (IPK1) gene; particularly in higher plants, are typically repaired by
Shukla et al, 2009) and tobacco (ALS; Townsent et al, NHEJ machinery. NHEJ repairs DSBs by joining the two
2009) . They introduced ZFNs expression cassettes into ends together and usually produces no mutations, pro-
plant cells with plasmid DNA as double-stranded DNA vided that the cut is clean and uncomplicated. However,
via electroporation (Townsent et al, 2009) or whisker- in some instances, the repair will be imperfect, resulting
mediated transformation (Shukla et al, 2009). Both in deletions, insertions and/or substitutions and even
studies revealed that over 20% of selected lines showed capture of foreign DNA molecules at the repaired site.
GT events. These works demonstrates that cleavage of This phenomenon leads to the possibility that ZFNs can
a chromosomal target by ZFNs dramatically stimulates be used to disable dominant mutations in heterozygous
HR-mediated gene targeting in plants, and provides a individuals by producing DSBs in the mutant allele. This
basis for future experiments with ZFNs directed to any technology has been applied successfully in several
of endogenous genomic locations. organisms including arabidopsis.
Lloyd et al. (2005) applied ZFN in arabidopsis for site- and 10-4 in rice . In two cases using maize and tobacco,
directed mutagenesis. They used a model system with the regenerated plants having modified genes were fer-
a synthetic target site for a previously reported 3-finger tile, and modified ALS genes were genetically inherited
type ZFNQQR. First, the construct composed of the through normal Mendelian segregation and stable in
synthetic target site and the ZFNQQR gene driven by the subsequent generations (Zhu et al. 2000; Kochevenko
heat-shock promoter was introduced into the genome and Willmitzer, 2003).
of arabidopsis. After transformation, the seedlings However, using BY-2 cells and rapeseed protoplasts,
from the transgenic lines were heat-shocked and DNA Ruiter (2003) showed that the frequency of base changes
from the seedlings analyzed. The results showed that, at the target sequence were at the same level regardless
as expected, induction of ZFN expression resulted in of the presence of the chimeric oligo, therefore, they
mutations at the chromosomal target locus at frequen- suggested that spontaneous mutation obscures the
cies as high as 0.4 mutations per cell, and 10% of the effect of chimera oligonucleotides in plants. Model sys-
heat induced plants showed the heritable mutations in tems have also been developed to examine the utility
the next generation (Fig 40.4). This work demonstrates of chimeric oligos using transgenic cells with integrated
that ZFNs can work at high efficiencies in plant nuclei markers such as GFP, bar and a fusion between GFP and
for site-directed mutagenesis. bar as reporter genes. Other markers assays include
the use of reporter plasmid DNA. Plant extracts have
4.2. Chimeric Oligo-Mediated Mutagenesis been reported to catalyze DNA repair (e.g. banana and
maize). In addition culture media conditions can affect
Chimeric oligo-mediated mutagenesis was initially targeting efficiency.
developed to induce single-base mutations in chromo- In addition to plant species and genotype, there are
somal genes of mammalian cells. A chimeric oligo con- many factors that affect the targeting frequencies among
sists of 68 synthesized oligonucleotides and take the experiments, such as differences of cell type, target
form of double hairpin structures, which have a DNA sequences, transcription activities of the target gene,
‘ mutator ‘ region of 5 nucleotides complementary to design and quality of oligonucleotides, procedure of
the target site flanked by 2’-O-methyl RNA bridges of 10 inducing oligonucleotides, enzyme activity of homolo-
nucleotides each. Modification of the RNA residues by gous recombination system or DNA mismatch repairing
2’-O-methylatioin of ribose sugar are designed to avoid system, selection agents or culture condition and so on.
degradation by RNaseH in cells. Chimeric oligos are In order to improve the frequency of chimeric oligo-
thought to bind to the specific-site of the target gene nucleotide-directed gene targeting in plants, it will be
and form a D-loop structure, and be used as a template necessary to optimize the detailed condition depend-
for correcting the targeted gene through DNA mismatch ing on the cell type and variety of each plant species
repair (Fig 40.5). through model assay systems. The remaining problem
The utility of chimeric oligos have been demonstrated of this technology is that how we can isolate mutated
in some plant species, such as maize (Zhu et al. 2000), cells or tissues without using selectable marker.
tobacco (Kochevenko and Willmitzer, 2003) and rice Once these problems are solved, oligonucleotide-
(Okuzaki and Toriyama, 2004). In plants experiments, directed gene targeting will become a powerful tool
chimeric-oligo were delivered into calli by particle for investigating gene function or producing improved
bombardment or into protoplasts by electroporation. crops.
In mammalian cells, chimeric oligo have been deliv-
ered by lipofection or by transfection.
In all plant, same endogenous genes, e.g. ALS were 5. Key Issues for Future Practical Use
selected as target so that cells having a modified ALS
gene could be selectable with herbicides. Unlike the There are three major issues in the improvement of GT
high frequency levels of chimeric oligo-mediated efficiency in the context of transformation systems. First,
mutagenesis, up to 40 %, have been reported in mam- the frequency of T-DNA integration via Agrobacterium
malian systems, the frequencies in plants are estimated should be increased because the number of cells in
to be much lower, such as 10-6 in tobacco, 10-4 in maize which GT occurs is thought to be highly dependent on
the number of initial transformed cells. For example, Iida, S., and Terada, R. 2005. Modification of endoge-
several hundreds of independent transformation events nous natural genes by gene targeting in rice and other
in rice culture occur in small callus (5-10 mm diam- higher plants. Plant Molecular Biology. 59: 205-219.
eter) using an efficient transformation protocols. Thus, Kochevenko, A. and Willmitzer, L. 2003. Chimeric RNA/
highly efficient transformation systems are required to DNA oligonucleotide-based site-specific modifica-
establish high efficient GT technology in transforming tion of the tobacco acetolactate syntase gene. Plant
recalcitrant plants. Second, T-DNAs integration into the Physiology. 132:174-184.
plant nucleus should be easily accessed to endogenous Lloyd, A., Plaisier, C.L., Carroll, D. et al. 2005. Targeted
homologous sequence, and then HR between T-DNA mutagenesis using zinc-finger nucleases in
and the plant genomic sequence should occur effi- Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy
ciently. Finally, it is important to distinguish efficiently of Sciences of the United States of America. 102:
between cells in which GT occurred and not. 2232-2237.
Although custom-made ZFNs can drastically enhance Okuzaki, A. and Toriyama, K. 2004. Chimeric RNA/DNA
the efficiency of GT in several organisms including oligonucleotide-directed gene targeting in rice. Plant
plants, a bottleneck in the application of ZFNs has Cell Report. 22:509-513.
been the generation of highly specific engineered zinc- Porteus, M.H. and Baltimore, D. 2003. Chimeric nucle-
finger arrays. A lack of specificity of the zinc finger DNA ases stimulate gene targeting in human cells. Science.
binding domains used in the construction of the ZFNs 300: 763.
leads to recognition of secondary degenerate sites that Ruiter, R., Brande, V.D., Stals, E. et al. 2003. Spontaneous
they were not intended to target. Hence it is critical to mutation frequency in plants obscures the effect of
design highly specific ZFNs. Protocols and web-based chimeraplasty. Plant Molecular Biology. 53:715-729
tools describing modular-based approaches to ZFN Sander, J.D., Zaback, P., Joung, J.K. et al. 2007. Zinc Finger
design are now available ( Targeter (ZiFiT): an engineered zinc finger/target site
mb/barbas/zfdesign/zfdesignhome.php; http://bindr. design tool. Nucleic Acids Research. 35:W599-605. However, high failure rates To access “ZiFit” program, jump to http://zifit.part-
were also reported when using these tools.
Sustained expression of ZFNs in cells is likely to con- Shaked, H., Melamed-Bessudo, C. and Levy, A.A. 2005.
tribute to cellular toxicity. To overcome this problem, High-frequency gene targeting in Arabidopsis plants
RNA injection approaches have been taken to express expressing the yeast RAD54 gene. Proceedings of the
ZFNs in zebrafish and fly cells; however, it is difficult National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
to apply this method to higher plants, hence alterna- America. 102:12265-12269.
tive methods are needed to regulate the expression of Shukla, V.K., Doyon, Y., Miller, J.C. et al. 2009. Precise
ZFNs, e.g. using inducible promoters such as heat shock genome modification in the crop species Zea mays
promoters or drug-inducible promoters. using zinc-finger nucleases. Nature. 459:437-441.
Terada, R., Urawa, H., Inagaki, Y. et al. 2002. Efficient
gene targeting by homologous recombination in rice.
6. References Nature Biotechnology. 20:1030-1034.
Townsend, J.A., Wright, D.A., Winfrey, R.J. et al. 2009.
6.1. Cited references High-frequency modification of plant genes
using engineered zinc-finger nucleases. Nature.
Bibikova, M., Beumer, K., Trautman, J.K. et al. 2003. 459:442-445.
Enhancing gene targeting with designed zinc finger Urnov, F.D., Miller, J.C., Lee, Y.L. et al. 2005. Highly
nucleases. Science. 300:764. efficient endogenous human gene correction using
Endo, M., Osakabe, K., Ono, K. et al. 2007. Molecular designed zinc-finger nucleases. Nature. 435:646-651.
breeding of a novel herbicide-tolerant rice by gene Zhu, T., Mettenburg, K., Peterson, D.J. et al. 2000.
targeting. Plant Journal. 52:157-166. Engineering herbicide-resistant maize using chimeric
RNA/DNA oligonucleotides. Nature Biotechnology.
18:555-558. finger nucleases. Mini Reciew of Medical Chemistry.
6.2. Websites Durai, S., Mani, M., Kandavelou, K. et al. 2005. Zinc finger
nucleases: custom-designed molecular scissors for
Zinc Finger Tools. genome engineering of plant and mammalian cells.
zfdesign/zfdesignhome.php Nucleic Acids Research. 18:5978-5990.
ZiFiT: software for engineering zinc finger proteins Endo, M., Osakabe, K., Ichikawa, H. et al. 2006.
(V3.3). Molecular characterization of true and ectopic gene
targeting events at the acetolactate synthase gene in
Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology. 47:372-379.
6.3. Further Reading Johzuka-Hisatomi, Y., Terada, R. and Iida, S. 2008.
Efficient transfer of base changes from a vector
Camenisch, T.D., Brilliant, M.H. and Segal, D.J. 2008. to the rice genome by homologous recombina-
Critical parameters for genome editing using zinc tion: involvement of heteroduplex formation and
mismatch correction. Nucleic Acids Research. 36:
Phenomics in Plant Biological Research
and Mutation Breeding
C.R.Schunk and M. Eberius*
1. Introduction
6. Outlook
7. References
1. Introduction phenotype gap has widened in recent years, i.e. our abil-
ity to associate gene functions with plant phenotypes of
The following chapter will try to provide an outline of relevance to breeding has remained largely static.
the fast evolving approach to characterising plants by In the past 15 years developments in IT-support of
the way they grow, develop and look over a range of high-resolution, fast imaging and storage as well as
the electromagnetic spectra far beyond human vision. large-scale data processing have led to entirely new
Plant phenomics (as the more general term) corre- potentials for the comprehensive characterisation of
sponds to plant phenotyping and provides methods large plant numbers. The development of multi-spec-
and technical approaches to measure phenotypes. tral recognition systems and usage of comprehensive
The chapter highlights the essential points and focuses automatisation, particularly in the glasshouse domain,
on basic approaches. Examples are given to illustrate delivers images and measurement results for individual
these points with a focus on application to mutation plants or small groups of plants in a quality, number,
breeding. However, it should become apparent that frequency and reproducibility formerly unknown. One
most approaches and phenotyping technologies of major part of the current development is to supplement
phenomics have wide ranging applications, especially the highly successful and long-standing phenotype rec-
where large numbers of plants, seedlings, seeds or ognition of experienced breeders in the quantitative
fruit require characterisation. Furthermore, this can be domain by comprehensive image recognition and to
achieved in a non-destructive, comprehensive and evaluate the resulting data with biostatistical methods
reproducible manner. The data are captured swiftly and to obtain significant results. These data may then be
stored for subsequent detailed analysis. correlated optimally with the quantitative data of the
other “-omics” disciplines and, in this way, will enlarge
the scope of knowledge about plants, which will in turn
2. The Concept of Phenomics impact on efficient selection in plant breeding.
because a large number of quantitative parameters can or where only single individuals are available because
be registered objectively, quickly and reproducibly for of crossings or mutation tests. Germination and seed-
all single plants or plant part (e.g., fruit or seed). ling establishment are also major factors determining
the success of varieties in specific environments.
2.3. Non-destructive, individual, high-frequency
phenotyping 2.4. High-throughput plant imaging
A major advantage of non-destructive measurement tech- High-throughput plant imaging can be achieved by
niques (particularly for optical evaluation) and automated automation by either moving plants to an imaging appa-
imaging is the possibility to repeatedly image the same ratus or by moving the apparatus to the plant. Currently
plants within a week or even daily, thus achieving a high image analysis units have the capacity to image more
measurement density. This form of dynamic phenotyping than 1,000 plants in pots per day during daytime or,
generates completely new insights into the high dynam- depending on their size, analyse between 10,000 to
ics of plant growth, because variability between plants as 100,000 seedlings in trays. The high throughput does
well as variability in time can be recorded quantitatively. In not allow simultaneous imaging of extremely dynamic
this way a biomass measurement (e.g. as dry weight) that processes (such as photosynthesis, stomata behaviour
could formerly only be taken once per plant can now be and resulting leaf temperature), but it does allow the
explained by the accumulated result of a series of factors determination of relative differences between plants. In
such as germination velocity and growth rate of the leaf cases of measuring parameters of photosynthesis (and
area in various phases. Each plant is measured repeat- other parameters that varying over a day) the measure-
edly and from these measurements distinct, biologically ments can be timed to minimize effects of varying light
relevant parameters may be determined (Fig 41.2). This in conditions that can occur in glasshouses. However,
turn helps in the development of growth models for geno- moving averages of parameters and plants deviating
types integrating the influence of the environment. These from them can be handled and outlying individuals
model-based parameters are then far less distributed. identified in a statistically significant way (Fig 41.3).
This approach of repeated individual measurement As time frames and environmental conditions, e.g.
for single test objects allows the detection of significant during transport from the glasshouse into the imag-
differences between groups of varying genetic back- ing unit, remain constant for all plants in automated
ground or under changing environmental conditions, systems, significant measurement data can still be col-
even for smaller plant numbers. It is particularly impor- lected, even though it is expected that the measure-
tant in cases where seeds and arable land are expensive ment as such will influence the results.
2.6. Storage of raw data
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Figure 41.4 Polar diagrams representing four shapes and one growth rate parameter of rosette plants, each for four measurement intervals
(left). All 25 values are shown for 34 plants (middle). Colour coded plant silhouettes (right) represent the time-dependent development
of all phenotypic parameters: yellow -growing stockiness; blue -diminishing stockiness; purple - all parameters except excentricity nearly
constant; green - growth rate slowing down. In each tray some 850 data points are generated and phenotyping can process 100 trays in 6
hours for each measurement with a total of 85.000 data points for the full analysis. Such data generation provides important insights into the
dynamic relation between gene, proteome and growth dynamics and this is not feasible by manual data capture.
be able to access all plants easily and quickly for meas- Solely relying on “field similarity” to create a meaning-
urements and at the same time to keep growth condi- ful screening is not an adequate line of reasoning for or
tions for all plants as similar as possible (Fig 41.5). If in against a certain test scenario. In some cases it may even
long-term breeding programmes only a small number make sense to grow a plant, e.g. a maize plant in rela-
of plants are available for each genotype (it may be only tively large single pot units within great distances from
single specimen), light and temperature conditions each other (and not root competition), to study their
need to be controlled within strict limits and watering maximum biomass potential and its distribution within
of all plants needs to be kept comparable. This can only and between roots and shoots. However, important
be achieved in glasshouses or – under even tighter con- breeding traits such as leaf angle cannot be reasonably
trol – in climate chambers, but not in the field. assessed in this way, because this is heavily influenced
It remains yet to be decided in a general discourse by environmental components (especially plant to
if the advantages reached through better controllabil- plant interactions, Fig 41.6).
ity and the lessened need for cooling in large climate
chambers can outweigh the assumed problems with
purely “unnatural” light. In any case the allocation of
near to natural light conditions in growth chambers can
allow a shortening of breeding times due to multiple
harvest periods per year, particularly when field breed-
ing in the other hemisphere (for annual crops) proves
Optimal access to individual plants for image analysis
can only be guaranteed by screening single pot plants.
At the same time this offers the incredible opportu-
nity to supply each plant individually with water and
keep soil humidity in all pots similar. As pots generally
provide less buffering against fluctuations in humidity
levels due to their smaller size, it is necessary to get the
plants to a predefined weight once or twice a day. This
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solves the huge problems of pot water management in
non-automated glasshouse tests with manual watering Figure 41.5 Fully automated glasshouse compartment with 600
plants. Plants are transported on conveyour belts through doors
or flood watering namely the irregular watering or con- (left upper edge of the image) to the imaging system. The box visible
stant watering to 100 % water holding capacity. between the two doors is a pesticide spraying unit.
A realistic leaf angle cannot be measured nor deducted be assessed by single or multiple imaging. Leaf feed-
in single plant tests For many cereal species it has also ing assays enable the monitoring of consumed leave
been shown that multiple plants in a single pot can lead amounts and of the mobility/survival of the feeding
to significant changes in phenotypes and that pheno- organisms. In tests with aphids, parameters like growth,
types displayed in the glasshouse are lost in field grown reproduction rate, mobility or mortality rate may be
plants. Image analysis can deal remarkably well with measured. In addition, the movement of pest organisms
complex growth behaviour, even for multiple plants per can be initiated by controlled heat or UV-light. Thus leaf
pot, and quantify a large variety of growth parameters. disc assays provide a simple and effective tool for any
kind of resistance screening, as they do not require the
complete plant and thus allow several resistance tests
to be carried out for each plant.
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Figure 41.7 Phenotyping systems of different sizes starting from one single manually loaded imaging unit, (A) small conveyour loops with
1-3 imaging units for different cameras (B – E) up to systems with many plants standing on conveyours in the glasshouse including spray units
(green) and separated glasshouse compartments (F-I).
If large root columns are to be scanned with high reso- 3.1.2. Agar plates
lution in visible light or in near infrared light conditions, For small seedlings such as Arabidopsis, where inclined
a large number of fused images are needed because of agar plates are used to grow roots these can be placed
the large bend in the column. This in turn leads to imag- flat mechanically for imaging in high-throughput sys-
ing times of several minutes. Rectangular containers are tems.. To achieve this, the multi-well plates are put
much faster to image, but tend to form root accumula- down, imaged and then lifted, taking up to 100 at a
tion in corners. However, by employing special cars and time. Generally this is also possible for systems with
lifting units and adjusting the glasshouse accordingly, manual plate loading, when these are put down for an
columns may also be used in high-throughput testing. even shorter period of time.
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Figure 41.9 Random mode (A); Half line mode (B); Full line mode (C); First plant systematic (D)
Special systems allow the imaging of the plates with a hensive phenotyping. Therefore many automated
high frequency when a limited amount of upright plates glasshouses have been equipped with conveyors, not
revolved around an imaging channel. The plates will be only in research where large plant numbers need to
transported automatically. change position frequently. The changing of location
for each individual plant is essential and sensible for
3.2. Automated plant phenotyping at high frequency various reasons. Slow and almost continual rotation is
highly effective in plant randomisation, to minimise the
3.2.1. Plant identification and tracking effects of gradients and hotspots in temperature, light,
In phenotyping it is essential that plants can be identi- and humidity and wind velocity in the short term. It can
fied fast and reliably during their entire growth cycle. be achieved by following different randomisation strat-
Barcodes may get soiled over time, but RFID-chips egies (examples given in Fig 41.9).
identify plants safely and reliably at every crucial point, A complete randomisation may lead to frequent
be it before imaging, watering or sampling. Depending changes in adjacent plants, but a thorough distribu-
on the employed chip type and the frequency band tion of all plants to all positions can only be achieved
used, the chips may be scanned within areas ranging within a random distribution system over a long time.
from a few centimetres up to several meters. To identify Also, with linear working through imaging series, con-
individual plants that are in close proximity, systems trol (standard) plants should re-occur regularly to be
with short ranges are particularly useful. RFID-chips can used as reference data sets. Watering combined with
be attached to pots, plants, fruits or flowers or to the complete randomisation may lead to plants in particu-
cars that carry pots and trays. If plants are to remain on larly small pots and during drought stress testing with
cars for longer terms, these are commonly equipped relatively low soil humidity being exposed to hugely
with integral RFID-chips. As the chips are storage media, varying stress intensities. But block by block random
both individual plant names and additional information designs similar to the field may also be deployed with
about tests or manual phenotype classification can be modifications for conveyor systems. Here half or quar-
saved (e.g. with hand-held scanners) or buffered before ter lines of plants remain together, forming virtual trains
being transferred into the database. The chips are and changing their position in the glasshouse in a strictly
mostly water- and weather-resistant and can even be controlled manner to achieve an equal spatial distribu-
buried in the pots or attached to plants in the field. As tion over time. In this way watering schemes can also be
read-out is unproblematic, plants can be permanently structured and equalised. By employing several virtual
tracked and their plant history retraced, even during trains on one conveyor belt line, plants from the line
intense randomisation schemes. end will regularly end up in interior positions.
One exception from permanent randomisation in
3.2.2. Conveyor belts in glasshouses and climate blocks or single plants is the moving field concept in the
chambers strictest sense, which is particularly suitable for big plants
Employing conveyor belts for plant transport in glass- with overhanging leaves, such as maize (Fig 41. 10). In
houses provides a series of advantages for compre- order to arrange these plants in close proximity, but nev-
ertheless minimise shearing during movement, they can same spot and suffered no wind movement in the glass-
be moved, as it were, as an entire field (with some care house for several years; at the most it will cause a slight
taken for plant leaves in end rows). shortening in comparison to unmoved plants, and thus
Through cooling the air close to the glasshouse floor to a stabilisation that is also rather common in the field.
by blowing from the side or using pipes under the When it comes to choosing a belt system, low vibra-
belts, cooler air can be layered at the pot level and a tion belts have a significant advantage over roll systems
temperature gradient achieved in the soil similar to field as far as smooth running is concerned and when there
conditions. Some plants need these temperature differ- is a danger that loose soil mixtures might segregate. In
ences for their biomass production and roots normally the very rare cases of newly planted test objects being
experience lower temperature than aerial plant parts. particularly shock-sensitive, shock absorbing buff-
The effect can even be increased by using suitable ers and controlled belt movement are options worth
covers between the belts and employing transparent considering.
pots for root research observation. Choosing a specific
floor colour under the belts may simulate the presence 3.2.3. Plant transport systems
or absence of competitors to the plant, depending on When plants do not hang over the pot rim and only
the screening objectives, for example, red soil colour rarely need to be moved for measurement, watering
implies field-like competition. and imaging, crane systems such as those commonly
employed in commercial gardening may be suitable.
With these systems plants will be transferred out of the
glasshouse and onto a conveyor belt and – after meas-
uring, watering and weighing – be transported back into
the glasshouse. Often small single pots can be placed
on trays for easier transport.
These transport systems are particularly suitable when
growing plants need to be selected and newly arranged
on the basis of image analysis results, as is the case
in resistance screening. Here a constantly increasing
number of densely growing plants in trays need to be
sorted out or classified according to growth velocity
during their life cycle, to filter out those that are most
resistant right to the very end of the test.
humidity levels at different points in the glasshouse also
impacts on evapo-transpiration (Fig 41.12).
In addition flooding tables and surplus watering
can provoke nutrient differences due to leaching, and
always having 100 % water holding capacity as a top
level is not very realistic as it does not compare to the
field environment. With individual quantitative data on
water usage the comparison with imaging data, and
thus a continuous calculation of the water use efficiency
(WUE) of each plant, becomes possible. While fixed
humidity sensors in each pot and adjustable dripping
lines may tackle the problem of different soil humidity
profiles in each pot, the fixed wiring for sensors and
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme piping for water is often inhibitory to randomisation and
Figure 41.11 One or more cameras move over multi-well plates imaging. For fast, spatially resolved and non-destructive
or trays in one or more layers depending on the growth chamber assessment of soil humidity, NIR-cameras, filtered for
the specific water band, can provide a wide range of
information, measuring soil humidity through transpar-
ent material or directly at the soil surface or in deeper
3.2.5. Mobile cameras to assess closed cultures layers (by employing capillary sticks) and making it vis-
in glasshouses ible through transparent windows into the whole soil
In cases where moving the test objects is not efficient profile. This information can also be used for individual
due to plant sizes or numbers, or when growth condi- watering in multi-well trays.
tions are to be kept closer to glasshouse production sce-
narios, it is often extremely useful to move one or more 3.2.7. Pest and disease control
cameras around in the glasshouse instead. Cameras and Highly automated phenotyping systems need to con-
illumination plus additional sensors can be installed on trol undesirable pests and disease just like any other
an autonomous car which stops in front of every plant, glasshouse system. For this purpose specific spraying
takes the relevant images after identifying the plant and units are available which can either imitate field plant
then proceeds to the next test object. The specific chal- protection spraying or perform their own particularly
lenges of ambient light and appropriate positioning can careful version to protect the valuable plants – calcula-
be overcome by shading and bright light illumination tions of comprehensive cost per plate in some cases
during imaging. Such imaging approaches make sense reach 700 US $, demonstrating the need to apply any
e.g. for pepper, tomato or cucumber phenotyping in kind of treatment cautiously.
glasshouse breeding programmes when often thou- Such cabinets contain a selected number of plants
sands of genotypes need to be assessed. passing through the spray nozzles. Surplus spraying solu-
tion is collected for later re-use or controlled disposal.
3.2.6. Mobile and in situ watering and weighing The same units may also be used to create artificial rain
Comprehensively programmed and controlled water- which is quite important as some test screenings need
ing and weighing of individual plants or replicates in simulated rainfall. Boron tolerance screens for example
small groups is only one of a series of important require- strongly need the possibility to wash off excreted borate,
ments in precise phenotyping. at least for some treatment groups, to allow better assess-
Water is nearly always a limiting factor in growth and ment and prediction of how specific varieties would
the difference of soil humidity between plants watered behave under natural conditions. Additionally, such pro-
without full individual control very easily reduces the grammed washing as a uniform starting point can make
significance of screening results between different individual analysis of borate excretion much easier com-
treatments groups by increasing variability within treat- pared to test setups where plants are washed individually
ments. Bigger plants need more water and different air at similar or different points in time.
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 41.12 Watering to a pre-defined target weight corresponding to a defined percentage of soil humidity will bring the soil humidity for
all plants to the same value only once a day. Plants that need much water will evaporate more, and thus the average value during the day will
be significantly lower than that for plants needing less (left). Dynamic watering takes the higher consumption of water by some plants into
account by adding a percentage offset to the water consumed relative to the target value. In most cases a 30 % offset is sufficient to keep the
average humidity of plants with different water demands nearly constant over time. Values depend on absolute water consumption, water
holding capacities and pot sizes.
All these methods can be used to confine pest control able statistical significances if factors depending on the
to certain areas of the glasshouse where appropriate. environment, plant size or water use efficiency of differ-
ent varieties are compensated. This is independent of
3.3. Controlled stress induction management and the question whether the aim of the test is screening for
assessment tolerance, yield stability, growth, selection, gene regula-
tion or other parameters. Watering might also be per-
3.3.1. Watering and weighing formed during the night hours and moreover extremely
As shown above precise and closely monitored water- regularly and faster than with any manual individual and
ing of plants is an important requirement for any kind of defined watering, providing an even more homogene-
plant screening where plants are to face environmental ous daily water supply as well as growth improvements
conditions as homogeneous as possible. to all plants, and additionally reducing variability within
A highly precise control of water supplies is hugely treatments. Depending on the plants and setup, the
important particularly in screening for tolerance tests can be performed with pots closed at the bottom
towards different drought stress patterns. Due to the (watered from the top) or open pots (watering from the
fact that pots contain a lower absolute amount of water bottom into special saucers), to achieve the desired
compared to bulk field soil, particularly under drought humidity gradients in the soil, defining specific plant or
conditions, it is a specific challenge to keep a defined, particularly root growth conditions.
constant, low soil humidity level or vary it according to a
pre-defined plan. Like the slow reduction of soil humid- 3.3.2. Addition of nutrients
ity in the field, lowering the average soil humidity in pots Regular fertilisation of plants may be part of the normal
may also be achieved by reducing the target weight of plant cultivation process, striving for optimal or even
the pots on a daily basis (Fig 14.13) . unrestricted nutrient provision. Sometimes tests for
Plants may be provided with the same target weight nutrient use efficiency or very specific nutrient stress
or to the same average soil humidity over the day, can be a part of a stress screening. In both cases it is
irrespective of how much water they actually use due important that all plants or at least all plants of a certain
to their size or different water use efficiencies. Bigger treatment group receive the same absolute amount
plants will accordingly get more water as they would of fertiliser. For this purpose fully automated program-
also extract larger amounts in the field from the bulk mable dosage systems can add nutrients and water in
soil. Thus, drought stress screenings provide more reli- separate weight and watering cycles or in one cycle with
3.4. Non-destructive multi-spectral imaging
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Figure 41.15 Three different maize varieties: Bangui (left), Sweet corn (middle), Prelude (right)) showing three different root growth patterns.
3.4.2. Non-visibility imaging column, each column is turned four times by 90° to
While the spectral range around 900 nm is often create a complete record of all visible roots. For better
already considered as near infrared, it is nevertheless spatial tracking of local changes, the columns can be
visible using “normal” CCD-chips based on silicon, at specifically designed to only fit into the holder in a cer-
least if filters are removed from the chips. In combina- tain position, thus making it possible to take images that
tion with 900 nm LED-illumination and appropriate come close to time-lapse shots.
filtering, camera systems adapted in this way allow day As most effects of root density and development are
and night imaging in a wavelength range invisible to interesting on the depth axis, the LemnaTec software
plants. Thus plants can be imaged at night/in the dark allows for the soil column to be separated in as many
without disturbing their diurnal rhythm. This is impor- virtual slices as required. In this way thorough root den-
tant for photobiological studies and the monitoring of sity profiles can be compiled.
plant movement (Fankhauser et al. 2010). Figure 41.15 shows an analysed image of three root
columns for three different maize varieties:
3.4.3. Visible root imaging It is evident directly from the images how root growth
To achieve high resolution, multiple images per root characters are observed with differences in density,
column are made by automatically shifting the position colour and width (Fig 41.16) .
of the column during the image acquisition process. When dynamic imaging is used in combination with
These images are then automatically transferred into time resolution, the great advantages of non-destruc-
the software and the column can be seen as a whole. tive quantitative image analysis become more obvious.
As roots may grow non-homogeneously around the Importantly, repeated measurement allows taking both
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 41.16 Depth dependency or root density for three different maize genotypes at the same period of development.
the initial and the final value of any time interval to be bulbs with large, blue cut-off filter plates provides the
taken into account, to characterise effects not only rela- basis for homogeneous blue excitation. Detecting all
tive to the mean value of the control, but to the relative light in a range higher than 510 nm by using a sensitive
change of the same plant. This makes it possible, for colour camera allows the measuring of any fluorescence
example, to calculate relative growth rates for the roots, that can be excited by blue light. Based on this technol-
taking differences in absolute plant size into considera- ogy complete plants, up to fully grown maize or 2.5 m
tion, based e.g. on different germination times. Thus a Miscanthus or sugar cane, can be imaged for green
huge amount of otherwise detectable “biological fluorescent protein (GFP), red fluorescent protein (RFP)
variability” can be attributed to different initial values for or other fluorophores as well as for continuously excited
individual plants and removed from the resulting data. chlorophyll fluorescence. Measuring chlorophyll and
This is particularly valid and important if dynamic GFP-like fluorescence in parallel provides an ideal basis
stressors such as drought, fertiliser or herbivorous pests for later image processing by e.g. normalising GFP-signals
are brought into the system at pre-determined points of of 3-D-plants and arbitrarily oriented leaves through
time (after several weeks) of plant growth, when plant chlorophyll intensity. This kind of chlorophyll imaging
size and root development have reached a certain contains without a doubt less information than PAM-like
distribution, e.g. due to slightly different germination measurements, but it can be done very fast and with
times, smaller differences in growth conditions and reproducible results even for really big plants. Depending
exponential growth rates. on the aim of the screening, blue wide-field imaging can
provide sufficient information on chlorophyll, particu-
3.4.4. Fluorescence imaging larly in comparison with other slower and more complex
Blue wide-field fluorescence. Fluorescence phenotyp- chlorophyll fluorescence imaging methods.
ing of complete plants is always challenging as high and Chlorophyll PAM. Due to the restricted size of the
homogeneous excitation in combination with sensitive illumination field PAM-systems are frequently used
detection is required. Combining cold light fluorescence for small plot areas and two-dimensional plants like
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 41.17 Wheat dries down in warm ambient conditions. NIR-imaging shows a strong increase in reflectance as the water in the leaves
is extremely reduced. Blue/green false colours represent high water content, while yellow/red colours symbolise low water content (high
Brassica rosettes and small seedlings ( noise ratio which do not need liquid nitrogen cooling
Taking this into account the integration of PAM-systems opens new opportunities for luciferin testing. Test sys-
in high-throughput imaging with moving cameras or tems wherein plants are sprayed with luciferase before
small imaging cabinets becomes attractive. Due to imaging can be completely automated to also include
the high degree of automation even complex analysis the spraying procedure. While these tests provide
schemes (including dark adaptation phases in the range rather medium than high-throughput, the automation
of 20 to 60 minutes) can be easily realised by placing of long imaging times is even more important for the
storage conveyor belts in dark tunnels between glass- imaging of as many plants per day as possible.
houses and imaging cabinets.
For larger, more complex plants PAM-like illumina- 3.4.5. NIR imaging
tions are not yet available. Due to the limited availability of cameras with a sensi-
Chlorophyll Kautsky. A very interesting approach tivity range between 900 and 1,700 nm (near infrared),
to chlorophyll activity measurement is the Kautsky the exploitation of this range is still in its infancy. While
effect measurement. Fast-flashed images are taken in a Fourier transform spectroscopy of homogenised and
sequence and allow the calculation of Epsilon for each dried samples is very common in the analysis of pro-
pixel of the leaf. However, it is not actually biologi- teins, NIR-imaging is a newly emerging technology in
cally clear what a change in Epsilon means and how to this field.
interpret it. Nevertheless, experiments have shown that
adding pesticides led within minutes to extremely visu- 3.4.6. Water Leaf Scanning
alisable changes of Epsilon in leaves, whereas visible In the last years NIR-cameras (900 to 1700 nm) have
light did not reveal any differences (Jalink 2009). become increasingly popular as prices of this very specific
Luminescence imaging. The development of cameras camera type have reached affordable levels for deploy-
with a very high sensitivity and a very good signal to ment in phenotyping systems. The most common appli-
cation is the reflective measurement of water in leaves, which is further complicated by their growth in soil.
as water has highly absorbing bands between 1,450 and Even if assessment can be performed with soil, any
1,550 nm. While well-watered leaves thus show a dark form of root hair analysis can only be done on very
colour, even a slight reduction in water content results in short root parts, which bears the additional risk of not
an increase in brightness, i.e. reduced absorption of the being representative for all roots concerned. Thus the
leaves – visible long before wilting or leaf rolling (Fig 41.17). full efficiency of a plant’s water extraction capacity is dif-
As a result water filling of tomato plants after water- ficult to assess, particularly if one takes into account that
ing can be made visible. Other phenomena like leaves much of the transfer might be strongly connected with
showing temporarily increased water content at the the presence of fungi, which still remain completely
beginning of drought stress, caused by the closing of unquantifiable through the assessment of root architec-
stomata when roots start running out of water, is also ture. The general challenge here is that some important
detectable. Due to the fast and non-destructive meas- features related to root efficiency such as hair roots and
urement NIR-water imaging is a very interesting alterna- symbiosis with fungi cannot be made directly visible
tive to the destructive assessment of leaf water poten- by imaging. To overcome this problem the LemnaTec
tial. This is a good example of how specific information NIR-approach is to look directly at the change of water
gained from destructive measurement methods, that distribution in the root column during plant growth.
nobody would ever want to apply to thousands of plants By using specially designed NIR-imaging units and
each day, can be substituted by a very effective non- appropriate cameras, changes in the relative water
destructive imaging method. As is usual when applying content of the outer soil surface can be monitored.
imaging methods, they should never be expected to Particularly for plants needing much water, the liquid
replace or even substitute another method. Rather, it is will diffuse through the column more slowly than plants
always very effective to use the new method indepen- can actively extract it from the soil. As the soil column is
dently to gain more information. The final statistics can much taller than wide, it can be assumed that a change
then reveal what is very important additional informa- of the water content in a specific depth is more depend-
tion for high-throughput phenotyping of plant stress. ent on water extraction by the roots than by diffusion
within the soil. This is particularly true with repeated
3.4.7. Water NIR-root scanning imaging during daytime, when most water is used up,
While there is a wide range of methods to assess growth, and when watering is then performed in the evening,
morphology and architectural features of aerial plant allowing for equal dispersion during the night. Specific
parts, the root system remains comparatively under- non-capillary top layers and the closed bottom of the
investigated. The number of already existing monitor- columns virtually rule out evaporative losses.
ing systems is limited, particularly when larger amounts A very important advantage of this method is that
of plants need to be analysed non-destructively under root efficiency not visible from the outside can now,
high-throughput conditions. As many essential influ- for the first time, be quantified. Instead of destructively
encing factors for root growth directly depend on the acquired estimates of root hair density, the global water
soil, it would be of special interest to assess real soil extraction efficiency measurement allows for much
samples. This is particularly important when complex larger numbers of plants to be screened, which would
interactions between plants, roots, nutrients, drought, never be possible with detailed observation of each
salinity or herbivorous insects are to be analysed and plant. In addition, any kind of drought stress experiment
artefacts caused by artificial media need to be mini- where pots are weighed for the calculation of average
mised or preferably eliminated. The quantification of soil humidity is massively enhanced when the distribu-
root architecture requires shape and structure of roots tion of water within the soil can be monitored. Figure
to be analysed. This can then be studied in relation to 41.18 shows just such an analysis for a maize plant.
information on their ability and efficiency to extract
water and nutrients from the soil, in addition to the 3.4.8. IR heat imaging
static requirements. As uptake is to a large degree High-throughput 3-D imaging systems provide a unique
mediated by root hairs, many very laborious additional chance to quantify differences in leaf temperature,
analyses for their quantification are necessary, a fact either within one plant or even between various plants,
The Joint FAO/IAEA Programme
Figure 41.18 NIR-imaging of a maize plant in a root column. Original image (left), colour-classified image of soil water distribution with blue
for highest and red for lowest water density (middle), change of areas with different moistures over time (right).
under highly controlled and automated conditions. All these features of automated measurement provide
Depending on the environment in which the plants homogeneous measurement conditions where manual
are grown and the aim of the screening, IR-imaging can measurement would never be able to keep conditions
be performed with different setups. All approaches similar in quite such a controlled way. This example also
need to consider that leaf temperature imaging is a highlights the aspect that automating is not just a way to
highly dynamic process, as opening and closing of increase quantity of data, but can even be used to gen-
stomata may change leaf temperatures within minutes. erate new types of data or data with much less measure-
Additionally, the absolute leaf temperature is – beside ment noise and higher reproducibility, by standardising
genetic or phenotypic plant-related factors – strongly the plant preconditioning (or sample preparation, as it
depending on actual irradiation, air temperature, air is more generally called) far better than ever before.
humidity, air velocity and, for thicker plant parts, the Such imaging offers great potential for screening
“history” of all these factors over the last hour or so. mutants for surface (epidermis) properties such as hairi-
For these reasons keeping the environmental factors ness and waxiness.
as constant or at least as controlled as possible – e. g. in
growth chambers – is one promising approach. Letting 3.5. Image pre-processing
plants circulate fast to homogenise conditions is another
helpful method, particularly in glasshouses. In addition, 3.5.1. General
taking measurements for a large number of plants over a The role image processing plays in plant phenotyping is
short time allows a far better normalisation of results on significant, but many projects tend to overestimate the
the moving average and – based on this – identification specific task of developing appropriate image process-
of plants that deviate and are for this very reason more ing algorithms as part of the phenotyping projects.
interesting. Conveyor-based systems also enable place- Any reliable image processing needs reproducible
ment of the plants in well-climatised, pre-conditioning imaging conditions, i.e. images taken under conditions
zones, where they all stay for the same pre-defined time suitable for scientific imaging to be used as a measure-
under controlled conditions concerning light, airflow, ment method. Therefore it makes sense to invest in
temperature and humidity. This allows separation of the highly-controlled imaging where camera parameters,
environmental factors from the phenotypic or genetic light intensity and direction, image background and
factors. Even the plants’ reactions to changing conditions plant positioning can be controlled automatically,
can thus be monitored, particularly when the imaging at best by a set of parameters taken directly from the
unit itself is also kept as a highly controlled environment. database.
3.5.2. Requirements for imaging algorithms networks and decision making devices. This all sounds
Based on such images there are several image process- very adequate for phenotyping, but it should be
ing algorithms available with various functions. They considered that phenotyping is rather a quantitative
help to separate the plant from the background, classify measurement method than a tool to obtain meaning
plant shape quantitatively, characterise plant parts and from images. Biological meaning is after all a question
provide data on plant colour. Again having the most of skillful statistical analysis, interpretation of data in
complex or best performing algorithms is far less impor- a certain context and cross checking of image-based
tant than being able to identify the robust and reliable data with data from other sources in relevant compre-
information of a defined set of parameters. While scien- hensive plant models, integrating much more than just
tific image analysis in general works retrospectively – i. the image analysis results. Therefore, the tendency to
e. by having a set of images for subsequent, detailed expect too much final interpretation from the image
analysis, with relevant amounts of human interference analysis itself should be avoided. Any kind of interpre-
in parameter selection – phenotypic image processing tation of non-measurable factors as part of an image
for high throughput needs algorithms which perform analysis is scientifically very risky as all factors used as
satisfactorily without human control, as image numbers a base for a certain extrapolation may change over
simply get too large to control them. Data needs to be time, by application or with varieties, and then create
available within minutes or at least hours after imaging mere artefacts. Therefore image analysis which solely
and not only at the end of a long-term project. To reach provides data on projected leaf area should never
this aim any kind of image analysis should be com- extrapolate (even if it seems quite suggestive) leaf parts
pletely integrated into the whole automated phenotyp- hidden by others. The human brain is working continu-
ing process. No manual interference should be needed ously with such extrapolations, but they should not be
to transfer images, apply algorithms or copy data results part of a scientific measurement method as it strives to
from file A to file B. identify interesting plants and not to extrapolate prob-
Consequently, fully integrated phenotyping systems abilities. If an Arabidopsis rosette is very compact with
include powerful, but clear-cut and transparent image largely overlapping leaves, describing this by a set of 3
analysis devices, as part of their complete routine from parameters such as projected leaf area, compactness
imaging to data presentation. As methods are generally and smallest non-convex shape area is much more
developed at the beginning of larger screenings and successful than any complex approach to calculate the
then retained, it makes sense to resort to already existing hidden leave parts from what is visible. Projected leaf
expertise in development and implementation. After area from top and side may even convey very efficiently
all, image analysis is just one component of all meas- the light interception, more so than any attempt to
urement methods, and is relatively uncoupled from the identify the inclination of each single leaf. Nevertheless,
type and quality of the results. This is in clear contrast there are certainly cases where specific interpretative
to the STATISTICAL retrospective analysis of data where image analyses make more sense in answering specific,
they are intrinsically related to the real experiment. well-defined questions such as fast selection of seeds
Therefore statistics are – in contrast to image analysis – or seedlings.
always at the core of the research and competence of
the user of any phenotyping technology. 3.5.4. Two-dimensional imaging and three-di-
While other books are already providing crucial mensional data representation
information on biological image processing, some core Raw images are nearly always 2-D and to employ specific
aspects shall also be discussed here to explain the specific techniques with multiple cameras or structured light
needs of biological image processing in contrast to the opens new options for the reconstruction of 3-D objects
widespread technical image processing (Russ 1999). (LIT 3D images). This is quite appealing, but one needs
to consider carefully in which cases the informational
value of the 3-D image is actually higher than that of the
3.5.3. Image analysis as a measurement method combined image analysis results of several 2-D images.
The fine art of image analysis includes a tremendous There are cases where this is correct, but it should always
amount of algorithms for pattern matching, neuronal be weighed against the great need to add a large amount
of seemingly suggestive external information to the algo- code of the vial is scanned and immediately afterwards
rithms that produce such 3-D models. If the model fits the RFID-chip of the plant is registered to connect both
really well, this is fine, but there is the high risk of deriving datasets. The results are either stored on the hand-held
artefact parameters though it is no longer clear to what or the RFID-chip or directly transferred (wireless) to the
degree the applied 3-D plant model gets over-stretched. central database. Thus the sampler can concentrate
In general, if they are not used very carefully, 3-D models on performing fast manual work without the danger of
just integrate various shape parameters into a seemingly confusing or miss-naming samples. Entire QTL- or other
pleasant visual result, disguising the individual param- -omics analysis studies can be compromised by faults
eters. Only very thorough data extraction from such in data handling. As conveyor belts can transport plants
models, while at the same time keeping the entire mod- efficiently and on request, current procedures require
elling process in mind, really allows drawing clear-cut about five people standing side by side in one place,
and reproducible conclusions better than those directly taking one sample every 10 s (including freezing), can
obtained from a set of 2-D images. manage 1,800 samples within one hour, thus taking full
advantage of automatic plant identification and vial/
3.5.5. Image analysis: no need to be fully com- plant transportation on request.
The very pleasant effect from high volume data storage 3.6.2. Spectroscopy for compositional analysis
of all images taken is that only very loosely aggregated A growing number of technologies using small or
raw data is collected. As a result it is not necessary to even portable sensor systems are becoming available,
extract all kinds of specific data, even if there is no measuring a wide range of signals related to specific
obvious reason to do it. As long as the statisticians are components that can be of interest to metabolomics
happy with the accumulated data, it can make sense to and quality traits in crops.
store 100 values from each image right from the begin- Chlorophyll is the most common component meas-
ning, but having sound backup systems for keeping the ured, but others like phenols, starch, sugar and volatile
images safe and well-ordered is far more important. substances are evolving. Such example shows how
Storage of all relevant images allows reanalysis at any phenotyping technology can assist other -omics as well
time in the future, when new needs arise or insights as opening new fields of phenotyping.
appear and become relevant for further biological
4. Selected Methodologies in Phenomics
3.6. Phenotyping based cross technologies for
other –omics 4.1. Transformation and mining of phenotype data
3.6.1. Sampling procedures for chemical analy- 4.1.1. Old and new parameters – the issue of cor-
sis: proteomics, metabolomics and genomics relation and character of measurement values
Two major concerns in any kind of manual plant part The use of phenotyping parameters is generally based
sampling or in making other kinds of manual measure- on pragmatic decisions by those who need fast and effi-
ments are: 1) the wrong assignment of samples due to cient methods to assess sufficient data for their research
incorrect labelling, and 2) the sampling time. For many or breeding. For example, the assessment of biomass in
sampling procedures, e.g. in gene regulation studies, it pre-imaging phenomics times, was simplified to cutting
is of utmost importance to sample swiftly and at a spe- the test plants and measuring their weight. Depending
cific time of the day or developmental stage and then on the size and number of plants, fresh or dry weight was
label the samples as fast and as accurately as possible chosen whichever was easier to handle. If for example
before freezing. With increasing throughput and efforts weighing could be done immediately after cutting and
to lower costs for any kind of analysis, the numbers the number of plants was very large, fresh weight was
involved in such samplings will grow. To avoid mistakes, often preferred. Dry weight was frequently favoured
sampling vials can be pre-labelled with a reliable bar- for smaller plant numbers where enough drying capac-
code. When using hand-held scanners, first the bar- ity was available. Unfortunately, neither of these two
measurement values represents a “true value” for bio- describe plant shapes accurately. For this reason a set
mass, but both concepts intend to provide reproduc- of different parameters is used, which have different
ible results to be used as statistical values, to character- mathematical definitions such as compactness, 2nd
ise and distinguish plant genotypes. Nevertheless both moments, 2nd moments ratio, ferret diameter orienta-
approaches are well-established and often used as they tion or roundness. The ferret diameter or caliper length
are based on a well-defined measurement scheme, is a good example for an essential and non-trivial trans-
reproducible and successful in differentiating plants. formation of the manual parameter “rosette diameter”
Introducing additional parameters in image-based phe- into a mathematically reliable measurement. While
notyping, such as projected leaf area or image-based diameter is precisely defined for the measurement of
volumes (Rajendran et al. 2009), often involves hard a circle, caliper length for an irregular leaf rosette con-
work in finding correlations with “classical”, manually tains a great deal of subjectivity (Fig 41.19).
measured parameters. If correlation remains limited, Taking the diameter of the smallest encompassing
this is seen as a drawback of the new parameter. The circle is, by contrast, a highly reproducible measure-
“historical” approach tends to ignore the fact that many ment. Nevertheless many shape parameters – like diam-
parameters have different physical bases of measure- eter and circumference as such – have only a restricted
ment and for this reason can only be correlated under shape descriptive value and an even less general bio-
very tightly controlled conditions and rarely in a scien- logical meaning. Such meanings are often developed
tifically reasoned way; any kind of projected leaf area after data transformation. The use of top and side pro-
measurement does not “see” the thickness of leaves (a jected areas of plants to describe dynamic leaf rolling
genotype just having small but thick leaves would be under drought stress for maize is an example for such
an outlier in such a correlation, suggesting a fault of the a transformation – eliminating absolute sizes by using
parameter). Importantly in this example, a plant phe- similarity models – which is quite common in other
notype like this would be very interesting as the ratio engineering sciences (cp. Buckinghams Pi-theorem in
between fresh weight and projected leaf area could engineering).
be seen as a parameter for leave thickness. This little Specific analyses of maize plants identifying internode
example illustrates that the establishment of any kind of
correlation based on a measurement hypothesis only
generates more problems than it could finally ever help
to solve in any productive statistical assessment. For this
reason any measurement parameter as such should be
seen as non-correlated to any other recent or older
parameter. If statisticians do find strong correlations
afterwards, this may be due to the physical redundancy
of the parameters, the self-similarity of the plants or just
pure chance, due to high homogeneity of the geno-
types assessed. The reasons supporting a correlation
should always be assessed carefully and extrapolation
for future measurements (often under different condi-
tions) should never be taken lightly.
length and leaf angle are examples of highly developed centres could be initiated, maintained and shaped.. The
and highly specialised morphological parameters. following aims to highlight some developments that have
While these measurements appear to be very targeted contributed to the current stage in phenomics.
and appropriate for biological samples, it should always In agricultural fertiliser and nutrient research, for
be considered that for fast, flexible and efficient image example, professor Mitscherlich developed a conveyor
analysis more general parameters like leaf orientation systems for automated watering as early as the 1960s,
distribution seem rather abstract at first glance, but can and he established several of these systems in remov-
be applied much easier to a far wider range of plants, able glasshouses in the German Democratic Republic .
when not all of them follow a rather idealised pattern, At the time, any kind of growth and phenotype assess-
like the very straight leaves of maize grown under field ment was more or less done manually.
density conditions. But with the impressive automatisation of genetic
research and the increasing knowledge about model
4.2. Advanced statistics plant and crop genetics, the need for larger pheno-
typing facilities in glasshouses and growth chambers
Bioinformatics tailored to the appropriate purpose is a became urgent. The dramatic progress in imaging and
crucial tool for any kind of phenotyping, but especially IT-technology has since provided a boost in the amount
high-throughout. Experience with many successful of affordable tools available for the performance of
phenotyping systems shows that using less and rather automated and often non-destructive high-throughput
well-defined basic parameters and more high-level sta- phenotyping.
tistics for well-designed screening tests is a very promis- For obvious reasons, the agricultural industry was
ing approach. Nevertheless, any such statistics should among the first to realise the potential in establish-
refer to a comprehensible biological basis and should ing phenotyping facilities both for model plants and
not just hold a lose connection to physiological basics, crops. While some were started by large breeding
in order to avoid over-interpretation of data and utilis- companies, other smaller companies made pheno-
ing of mathematical artefacts instead of well-founded typing their core business, focusing for example on
phenotypes of biological and crop significance. All this Arabidopsis (Paradigm Genetics started in 1997) or rice
requires a very multi-disciplinary approach, where stat- (e.g. Cropdesign starting in 1998). Accelerated crop
isticians need a good basic feeling or intuitive model of development and the patenting of genetic functions
biological processes. In addition, the biologists need to were the primary focus of this industry-driven research.
design experiments in collaboration with statisticians. If Due to the need for centres with a certain critical
the work is based on diffuse questions merely suggested mass, smaller breeding companies started to operate
in screening approaches, even sound phenotyping will phenotyping centres as cooperatives, helping them
only be able to identify more or less trivial answers. For to develop smaller, but often focussing on high value
this reason it is strongly recommended to make the bio- crops like fruits and vegetables, in many cases these
statistical approach an intrinsic part of each screening, were geared to specific regions or environments.
starting well in advance when planning an experiment State research centres often place their focus on the
and following all steps. Mere end-of-the-pipe statis- characterisation of seed banks for germplasm to allow
tics will not be helpful in finding biologically relevant better exploitation of the as yet untapped treasures that
answers (Edwards 2009). have been collected there over long periods of time
(e.g. barley genetic stocks, including mutant stocks). At
4.3. Phenotyping infrastructure - approaches and the same time such centres intend to provide services
tendencies for basic and applied research groups and to help the
regional breeding industry in an effort to remain com-
High-throughput plant phenotyping requires significant petitive (e.g. in Australia). There is a good reason for the
amounts of hard- and software and also trained staff to fact that phenotyping centres generally develop in close
handle each step of the whole process. As a result of these relation to regionally or nationally important crops. This
requirements different approaches have been devel- is particularly true as such centres can help to assert a
oped over the last decade as to how such phenotyping region’s rights on their national genomic heritage. Even
for similar crops growth conditions and challenges plants) would take around 8 hours per imaging run on
such as diseases, soil properties or climatic factors vary a Scanalyzer3D system as imaging frequencies in the
massively between regions, resulting in the need for range of 25 s per tray are no problem as long as trays
regionally orientated phenotyping centres. In addition, stand on or are fed to conveyour belts. If growth rates
quarantine regulations for specific diseases frequently would be needed one day per week is enough to screen
make regional solutions a must. As a result public-private 20.000 plants in a well organised phenotyping facility.
partnerships have been established, as well as combina- Analysis is not slower than imaging which allows sort-
tions of local public infrastructure developments and ing of plants online after they left the imaging units.
international research initiatives. This example shows that high throughput phenotyp-
An increasing number of phenotyping centres are now ing is well suitable for high plant numbers and handling
emerging in Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, Eastern size of units just depends on the sizes of the plants. If
Asia, South America, India and China. Unfortunately, images are taken once complexity of the analysis nearly
economically challenged regions, particularly in devel- does not matter any longer. As a result the same analysis
oping countries, but also agriculturally important states methods are used for high throughput as well for high
like Russia, Ukraine and White Russia are lagging behind. content analysis where lower number of plants are
analysed in greater detail. This detail will in many cases
be restricted to the imaging frequency or the numbers
5. Phenomics in Plant Mutation Breeding of images per plant during each imaging (turning plants
add imaging from several sides) which would take
There are many interesting cases where mutation somewhat more time. Multi frequency imaging does
breeding may take advantages of high-throughput not need additional time as imaging units work sequen-
phenotyping. A major driver for the application of tially at the same frequency as one unit would do.
phenomics to mutant populations is that the selection
of mutants in a mutant population can be extremely 5.1. Provision of plant management infrastructure
arduous, involving manual selection often of huge for uniform testing
populations (e.g. 20,000 M3 families, see Chapter 25).
Difficulties in screening for mutants are exacerbated To quantify relevant growth parameters in large-scale
by the fact mutants are predominantly recessive and research programmes, it is very important to keep
desired mutants often extremely rare chance events. As growth conditions as similar as possible for all plants,
such mutation breeding was considered non-scientific, or at least to monitor the environmental factors closely
a label that has dogged the uptake and release of its enough to allow statistical or model-based compensa-
potential. High-throughput phenotyping sweeps this tion for environmental factors. For these various reasons
obstacle aside. randomisation in the glasshouse and comprehensive
The key issue is to spread out , germinate or let grow water management as part of most phenotyping pro-
the seeds or plants in a way that image analysis has a grammes are of special importance, particularly if 5 to
chance to identify the specific phenotype based on 15 % changes in a specific trait could already signify an
sizes, shapes , colours , fluorescence or on multi -image important advantage for a specific crop.
parameters like growth rates. Growing plants under
high density conditions makes especially sense if they 5.2. Comprehensive quantitative performance
need to be grown over longer durations. High numbers profiles of mutated plants
of plants or computing times are never an issue if the
trait is extractable from the image. If seeds or germinat- While screening of mutants implies focusing on the most
ing plants can be handled in multi-well plates (e. g. 48 interesting traits of a specific pre-determined breeding
well plates) a screen of 20,000 seeds just corresponds programme, high-throughput phenomics allow com-
to 420 plates being 6 loads of a ScanalyzerHTS system prehensive observation of many phenotypic traits. This
which can be analysed in 1-2 days depending on the means that not only the top 10 % of interesting plants
imaging resolution needed. If plants are cultivated in get a sound data coverage, but all plants, as long as
20-well soil trays the analysis of 1000 trays (20.000 they are phenotyped. Thus the full set of information is
available for each single plant, and as long as plant sam- plants are determined, before the need to go into the
ples are at least stored for genetic analysis for a much field and make single resistance screenings at hotspots.
greater percentage of plants showing any deviation Identifying plants with higher resistance to root dis-
from the wild type a gene-phenotype-correlation can eases is by far easier than any field testing as test sys-
be established immediately or retrospectively. This has tems with transparent pots allow the comprehensive
huge implications for the efficiency of mutant pheno- monitoring of root growth and also to watch reactions
type selection and will also impact on the understand- to infections nearly as easy as with shoot development.
ing of gene function and its relation to phenotype and
environmental interactions. Thus the long-term value of 5.3.2. Abiotic stress
any mutation programme can be increased massively, Due to the complexity of defining and imposing specific
even for researchers with a very different focus, located stress for and on plants, it makes sense to control stress
at the other side of the world, and the data may be of levels as tightly as possible. To this end, automated
relevance years after the original experiment. phenomics systems allow randomisation of plants for
those parameters with limited control options (light,
5.3. Trait targeting temperature, air humidity) and, at the same time, full
control over soil humidity or nutrient status. Imposing
5.3.1. Biotic stress the same drying down gradients on all plants is particu-
Biotic stress testing for individual (pre-selected mutant) larly important if the plant material is commonly very
plants has to be very well-organised if it is to be done heterogeneous, as is a special feature of mutant popu-
fast and efficiently at an early stage of screening. Having lations. Otherwise any drought stress screening would
only single plants or small numbers on hand can mean just be a water usage screen for big plants that need
that less than one plant is available per resistance test. more water and face stress earlier than smaller plants.
This might be helpful in minimising screening costs The same would apply to salt stress where plants that
and accelerating the process overall, but at the same need to take up higher amounts of water would also
time requires specific concepts on how to handle test face higher stress levels. As water uptake is quantitatively
designs. One approach in such a case – keeping the measured based on water loss (in systems with covered
efficient plant logistics and identifications of automated soil to prevent evaporation), such factors which might
phenotyping systems in mind – could be similar to the otherwise compromise a screening can be integrated
following layout: The respective plant is grown and all into the stress assessment. To avoid killing individuals,
growth parameters are measured. At a certain plant size valuable plants through extreme stress, imaging of leaf
one leaf or parts of a leaf of minor importance for growth rolling in visible light and leaf water changes in near
are collected from all specimens, cut into pieces and infrared light or changes in chlorophyll activity under
put on agar plates for classical leaf disk screening, after fluorescent light can be used to quantify early stress
infecting different parts with various pests. These may symptoms, instead of screening for symptoms that show
be aphids, feeding larvae, various fungi or other plant near death also visible to the naked eye. In addition,
diseases. The result of these tests can be read out within the imaging results can be used to stop stressing plants
the next 2 weeks generally, by using a high-throughput individually by no longer reducing soil humidity or even
phenotyping system for multi-well plates. As all plants by going back to the non-stress level soon enough to
and leaf discs are uniformly identified by a unique label, guarantee recovery. In many cases medium stress levels
datasets will be immediately matched after measure- plus recovery monitoring might be far more relevant in
ment. As a result important decisions can be made well any event for an informed selection of plants than their
in advance, e.g. to use additional leaf material for more survival of high stress level situations.
specific tests, to grow this plant further or even to plan
targeted crossings based on the resistance screening 5.4. Quantification and selection
results. This example clearly illustrates how reliable
and fast information can greatly accelerate screening 5.4.1. Trawling for small quantitative differences
for mutants. An approach such as this allows for earlier A large part of screenings deals with the handling of
decisions, as entire resistance profiles of individual large numbers of plant data, manpower, pots, soil and
glasshouse capacities. Informed decision making can is therefore of interest to breeders. Seed samples are
help to select relevant plants earlier on in the test, thus also relatively easy to handle as they are transportable,
reducing the total number of plants that need to be take up little space and selected seed may be grown on
screened till they reach full maturity. As shown above when and where required. Recently, Nelson et al. (2009)
any screening based on a certain dataset taken at a demonstrated the use of high-throughput phenotyping
specific point in time is not comprehensive. For this of seeds and seedlings in the detection of haploids and
reason highly automated phenomics, which provides doubled haploids (and thereby F1 hybrids) in oil palm.
an information chain – from image acquisition to data Since haploids occur naturally in seeds and seedlings
transformation and statistical analysis – allows an evalu- of many crop species, albeit at extremely low frequen-
ation of plants for all parameters involved very close in cies (e.g. 1 in 10,000) this screen has wide potential
time to the actual screening. Data for each plant is thus application as it overcomes the hurdle of rarity. Any
available quickly and only plants of interest may be phenotypic screening needs to be able to handle large
taken on to the next measurement or sorting point. This amounts of seedlings in a non-destructive manner in
is an enormous advantage compared to any system that order to select interesting specimens. Technologies
requires huge interaction of data and manpower for the in this field are developing fast and may need hugely
calculation of decisive results. different approaches in the future, depending on the
The fast provision and analysis of data are particularly tested crop species. Never-the-less, such methods for
useful for the selection of plants to be taken forward for selecting rare but identifiable seeds or seedlings from
practical plant breeding (including mutation breeding); thousands of others is a classical example of how phe-
selected plants may be used in crossing or other plant nomics produces technological tools that allow the
breeding technologies such as haploid/doubled hap- handling of well-established breeding methods in a
loid generation and genotyping. Selected plants may much more efficient way. Thus technology is finally pro-
also be taken up in gene expression studies. Here again viding not only a quantitative change based on larger
if all data have been aggregated in close temporal prox- throughput numbers, but also allowing completely new
imity, interesting plants can be sampled before a certain approaches which would never have been used with-
phenomenon has already passed by. As an example: if out adequate automation technology.
early stress symptoms measured by NIR-water imaging Similar arguments can be made for other plant parts
of leaves is correlated to gene regulation, it certainly of harvestable interest such as fruit, tuber, leaf, flower
makes sense to have such stress symptoms identified and wood specific phenotyping.
within hours of imaging. Even for parameters such as
growth rate, fast identification of a 10 % increase could 5.4.3. In vitro screening
be decisive in selecting a valuable mutant. As calli and small or regenerating plants are mostly
The option to sort and select plants pre-selected at grown under sterile conditions on agar, they are ideal
the database level while they are circulating past a objects for high-throughput screening. It makes sense
sampling station, e.g. for leaf discs or other plant part to grow these in regular geometrical schemes such as
phenotypes, dramatically accelerates the sampling of in multi-well plates, to have a distinctive correlation
rare and valuable plants among a very large group. This between data and plant/callus.
is of special importance for mutation breeding where High-throughput phenotyping systems with moving
selection of rare phenotypes is more relevant than func- cameras can take multiple images per plate at various
tional analysis of plant development and interaction of image magnifications. Depending on the screening aims
different factors. or available markers, a range of parameters can be ana-
lysed, including colour, shape, growth rate and water
5.4.2. Seed and seedling phenotyping content (NIR) to specific fluorescence-related to chlo-
Seed phenotyping is becoming more and more rophyll, anthocyanins, phenols or other components
important for various reasons. A major driver in seed of tissues and organs.. Any of these parameters might
phenotyping is that for many crops the seed is the pri- provide information to identify cells, calli, embryos or
mary agricultural product. Selection for high yielding plantlets which show targeted patterns of mutagen-
and high quality seed, including novel seed products, esis or simply reveal differences compared to “normal”
(wild type) background values. Such plants or calli etc, Nevertheless, the requirements of quantitative phe-
can then be selected for further regeneration and hard- notyping when dealing with large numbers of plants in
ening to produce complete plants. Comprehensive high frequency have dramatically increased due to the
multi-parameter patterns may be of great value in advance in genomics. The innovative deployment of
retrospective studies in identifying early markers of automation technology and the ability to provide fast
interesting plants, and also in minimising losses (by not storage and effective data crunching capabilities were
regenerating cultures of no or little potential). the prerequisites to reach today’s standards.
In the case of cell suspensions that will provide large The history of active and controlled (induced)
numbers of small calli, the early detection of unwanted mutagenesis is much shorter than that of plant breed-
chimeras is of particular value in increasing the devel- ing and classification in general. Nevertheless, several
opment of useful regenerants. All these automated approaches in the enhanced development of new
steps allow the handling and early screening of larger varieties have gained importance over the last century.
plant numbers and provide informed decisions on how All these techniques aim to improve and acceler-
to define selection criteria. ate breeding to keep pace with rising food demands,
changing growing conditions and other challenges for
5.5. Modelling mutation effects modern varieties such as pest and disease control and
the development of novel products to satisfy chang-
The rapidly decreasing costs of genotyping and many ing market demands. Modern phenomics provides a
newly evolving bio-techniques to identify mutations wide range of new and efficient tools and approaches
will aid in characterising mutant plants far in advance of to make mutation breeding more effective. And thus
current methods. This is particularly important for the it not only presents quantitative changes, but actually
early identification of mutants present in a heterozygous creates new opportunities in usage for specific plants
condition, i.e. where mutant phenotypes are masked.. or breeding targets that would not be available without
To focus such crossings on really interesting mutations, the new sensors, automatisation, analysis and data
the modelling of genotype to phenotype interactions mining capacities of modern high-throughput plant
will become increasingly important in the simulation of phenotyping.
how a final line with an identified mutation is expressed
a certain genetic background. To reach this aim all
available knowledge and measurement capacities are 7. References
required to develop and validate optimal models of
genotype-related phenotypes. The maximum control 7.1. Cited References
over environmental conditions is needed to separate
environmental factors from genetic factors. Thus glass- Eberius, M., Lima-Guerra, J. 2009. High throughput
house screening can be genuinely compared with the phenotyping – data acquisition, transformation and
„wind tunnel“ testing for cars mentioned above: in analytics. In: Edwards, D. et. al (eds) Bioinformatics –
providing an infrastructure for the highly controlled and Tools and Applications. Springer.
monitored experiments, to test and separate different Fankhauser C. et al. 2010. The Arabidopsis Phytochrome
factors of plant development and the expression of Kinase Substrate 2 protein is a phototropin signalling
desired phenotypes. element that regulates leaf flattening and leaf posi-
tioning. Plant Physiology. In press.
Jalink, H. 2009. Fast and non-invasive phenotyping of
6. Outlook plant health/stress status using LED induced chloro-
phyll fluorescence transient imager. EPSO workshop
Phenotyping and, more generally, phenomics have Nov. 2.-3.
their basis in the human capability for plant pattern Nelson, S.P.C. et al. 2009. Breeding for high productivity lines
recognition and classification. This approach in the via haploid technology. In: “PIPOC 2009: Agriculture,
understanding of plants and breeding is several thou- Biotechnology & Sustainability Conference”. pp.203-
sand years old and has provento be highly successful. 225. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Kuala Lumpur.
Rajendran, K., Tester, M. Roy, Stuart J. 2009) Quantifying
the three main components of salinity tolerance in
cereals. Plant Cell and Environment. 32:237-249.
Russ, J.C. 1999. The Image Processing Handbook. CRC
Boca Raton.
7.2. Websites
7.3. Further reading Edwards, D. et al. 2009. Bioinformatics – Tools and Applications. Springer.
The Appendix 1 was adopted from the training manual, Radiosensitivity of a Number of Crop Species to Gamma
and Fast Neutron Radiation, prepared by Brunner, H. (1985) of the Plant Breeding Unit, FAO/IAEA Agriculture
& Biotechnology Laboratory, International Atomic Energy Agency Laboratories, Seibersdorf, Vienna International
Centre, Vienna, Austria.
The Appendix 2 and 3 are compiled by H.Nakagawa of the Institute of Radiation Breeding, National Institute of
Agrobiological Sciences, P.O.Box 3, Kami-Murata, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Ibaraki 319-2293, Japan.
[1] Yamaguchi, T. 1988. Mutation breeding of ornamental [9] Yamakawa, K. 1969. Induction of male-sterile tomato
plants. Bull. Inst. Rad. Breed. 7:49-67. mutants by gamma irradiation. IRB Technical News. 3:1-2.
[2] Miksche, J.P. and Shapiro, S. 1963. Use of neutron [10] Nakajima, K. 1970. Gamma ray induced sports from a
irradiations in the Brookhaven Mutation Programme. rose variety (Peace). IRB Technical News. 4:1-2.
Biological Effects of Neutron and Proton Irradiations. [11] Fujita, H. and Takato, S. 1970. An Entire leaf mutant in
IAEA, Vienna, 1964 vol.1. pp393-408. Mulberry. IRB Technical News. 5:1-2.
[3] Yamaguchi, T. 1982. Mutation breeding in vegetable [12] Yamakawa, K. 1970. Radiation-induced mutants of
crops. Gamma Field Symposia. 21:37- 53. chrysanthemum and their somatic chromosome
[4] Ukai, Y. 1983. In: Mutation Breeding ed. by Yoshio number. IRB Technical News. 6:1-2.
Watanabe, Y. and Yamaguchi, H. Gamma. Field [13] Kukimura, H. 1971. On the artificial induction of skin
Symposia No.20 Suppl. Yokendo, Tokyo, pp306 (in colour mutation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas
Japanese). LAM) tuber. IRB Technical News. 8:1-2.
[5] Sparrow, A.H., Sparrow, R.C., Thompson, K.H. et [14] Takagi, Y. 1973. Radiosensitizing gene (rs-1) in soybean
al. 1965. The use of nuclear and chromosomal vari- variety. IRB Technical News. 12:1-2.
ables in determining and predicting radiosensitivities. [15] Ikeda, F. 1974. Radiation-induced fruit color mutation
Radiation Botany. Suppl. 5:101-132. in the apple var. Fuji. IRB Technical News. 15:1-2.
[6] Bhatt, B.Y., Bora, K.C., Gopal-Ayengar, A.R. et al. 1961. [16] Hiraiwa, S. and Tanaka, S. 1979. Glabrous mutants of
Aspects of irradiation of seeds with radiations. Effects rice. IRB Technical News. 22:1-2.
of ionizing radiations on seeds. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, [17] Fujita, H., Yokoyama, T. and Nakajima, K. 1980.
pp591-607. Re-treatment of induced mulberry mutants with
[7] Singleton, W.R. (ed.) 1958. Nuclear Radiation in Food gamma-rays. IRB Technical News. 23:1-2.
and Agriculture. pp193. [18] Ukai, Y. 1983. “Crossing-within-spike-progeny
[8] Nishida, M. 1969. The induced semi-dwarf mutants of method” An effective method for selection of mutants
apples by gamma irradiation. IRB Technical News. 2:1-2. in cross-fertilizing plants. IRB Technical News. 25:1-2.
[19] Kondo, T. and Ohba, K. 1984. Juvenile leaf-form [28] Fujii, T. and Matsumura, S. 1959. Radiosensitivity in
mutation in Chamaecyparis obtusa. S. et Z. IRB plants III. Experiments with several polyploid plants.
Technical News. 26:1-2. Jpn J. Breeding. 9:245-252. (in Japanese)
[20] Yatou, O. 1985. Radiosensitivity of callus of safflower, [29] Sparrow, A.H., Schwemmer, S.S. and Bottino, P.J.
Carthamus tinctorius L. IRB Technical News. 27:1-2. 1971. The Effects of external gamma radiation from
[21] Sanada, T., Nishida, T. and Ikeda, F. 1986. Resistant radioactive fallout on plants with special reference to
mutant to black spot disease of Japanese pear. IRB crop production. Radiation Botany. 11:85-118.
Technical News. 29:1-2. [30] Fuji, T. 1983. Radio-sensitivity and modifying factors.
[22] Kukimura, H. 1987. Variation of berberine content In: Mutation Breeding, Gamma Field Symposia, 20,
in embryoid of Coptis spp. irradiated by -ray. IRB Suppl., Yokendo. pp49-62.
Technical News. 31:1-2. [31] FAO/IAEA. 1985. Mutation Breeding Review. 3.
[23] Iida, S. and Amano, E. 1987. A method to obtain [32] FAO/IAEA. 1985. Mutation Breeding Newsletter 26.
mutants in outcrossing crops. -Induction of seedling [33] FAO/IAEA. 1986. Mutation Breeding Newsletter 27.
mutants in cucumber using pollen irradiation. IRB [34] FAO/IAEA. 1986. Mutation Breeding Newsletter 28.
Technical News. 32:1-2. [35] FAO/IAEA. 1987. Mutation Breeding Newsletter 29.
[24] Amano, E. and Tsugawa, H. 1985. Effect of gamma- [36] FAO/IAEA. 1987. Mutation Breeding Newsletter 30.
irradiation on garlic and nagaimo. Jpn. J. Breeding. 35.
Suppl. 2:216-217.
[25] Nagatomi, S. 1987. Personal communication.
[26] Irradiation record at Institute of Radiation Breeding
[27] Sparrow, A.H. and Schwemmer, S.S. 1974.
Correlations between nuclear characteristics, growth
inhibition, and survival-curve parameters (LD n,
whole plant D o and D q ) for whole-plant acute
gamma-irradiation of herbaceous species. Int. J.
Radiat. Biol. 25:565-581.
Appendix 1: Radio-sensitivity of various plant species to fast neutrons
Genus (family) / Common name Species (Latin name) No. Line tested GR50 (Gy, range) Typical dose (Gy)
GR50 = 50% seedling height (or epicotyl height) reduction after irradiation of quiescent seeds equilibrated to 12-14% moisture with fast
neutrons derived from the SNIF (Standard Neutron Irradiation Facility). Precision of the applied doses: ±5%.
Appendix 2 Radiosensitivity of plants to chronic irradiation and suggested dose for mutation induction
Genus/Species English Name Suggested Dose (Gy/day) Reference
Appendix 2 Radiosensitivity of plants to chronic irradiation and suggested dose for mutation induction
Genus/Species English Name Suggested Dose (Gy/day) Reference
Appendix 2 Radiosensitivity of plants to chronic irradiation and suggested dose for mutation induction
Genus/Species English Name Suggested Dose (Gy/day) Reference
Appendix 2 Radiosensitivity of plants to chronic irradiation and suggested dose for mutation induction
Genus/Species English Name Suggested Dose (Gy/day) Reference
Appendix 2 Radiosensitivity of plants to chronic irradiation and suggested dose for mutation induction
Genus/Species English Name Suggested Dose (Gy/day) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Brassica campestris bird rape seeds 800< 1200 860 [1]; [4]
Brassica oleracea flowering cabbage seeds 500-700 960 780 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Callistephus chinensis Nees. China marigold seeds 100 210 160 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Chrysanthemum maximum shasta daisy seeds 400 600 360 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Coix lacryma-jobi var.Ma-yuen Job’s tear seeds 300; (200) [4]; [26]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Cynara scolymus globe artichoke seeds 500-700 700 620 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Echinops ritro L. small globe thistle seeds 100 230 90 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Gaillardia pulchella rosering gaillardia seeds 500-700 <700 <700 [1]; [4]
Gypsophila elegans common gypsophila seeds 300 560 400 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Helianthus annuus common sunflower seeds (200-240) 460 340 [1]; [26]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Lupinus luteus yellow lupine seeds 400 600 440 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Pharbitis nil Choisy morning glory seeds (36) 140 110 [1]; [26]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Setaria italica Italian millet seeds 400 140-460 280 [1]; [4]; [6];
Silene pendula drooping silene seeds 300 470 300 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Solanum pseudo-capsicum Jerusalem cherry seeds 100 250 160 [1]; [4]
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
Appendix 3 The radiosensitivity of plants to acute gamma irradiation estimated by LD50, RD50 and the
suggested dose (SD) for practical application
Genus/Species English Name Organ SD (Gy) LD50 (Gy) RD50 (Gy) Reference
This unique book elegantly shows how biology, physics, and chemistry all interplay to provide
the nexus of theory and practice of plant mutagenesis. Clearly written and illustrated, the book
provides an up-to-date and comprehensive manual for understanding the application of muta-
genesis and its scientific basis. The reading of this book provides a lucid review of the basis of
mutagenesis, gives many practical tips for the efficient production of mutant types, and portends
an important future for such techniques in basic and applied biology. Anyone contemplating the
standing of a pathway for a trait will find this book as an essential reference.
Ronald L. Phillips
University of Minnesota