Process Analysis Paragraph
Process Analysis Paragraph
Process Analysis Paragraph
2. This paragraph discusses three things about eating tacos. What are they?
a. Do not wear expensive clothes because you might spill something on them.
3. According to the information in this paragraph, how many steps are there in applying to an
American university?____Which step has two parts?______Write them here.
3. Organizing a Process Analysis Paragraph
The order of steps in a process is important to the success of a process analysis paragraph.
Language Focus
Transition Words and Chronological Order
A process analysis paragraph is usually arranged in chronological order. In other words,
the steps in the process are listed in the order that they happen in time.
Writers use time phrases, time clauses, and time words to show time order in a process.
These items are also called transition words.
1. Study the transition words in the following chart. In the right column are examples of how
they are used
Transition Words Examples
Then Then remove the pot…
First, you must be sure…
First, (Second, Third, etc)
The first step is to choose several schools…
Next, (The next step/thing) The next thing you should do is to decide…
The last step (Finally.) The last step is to put the corner…
In addition, In addition, ask various school officials and
teachers to write letters…
Before Before you serve the coffee, …
After (When) When the foam appears, …
2. Now turn back to Example Paragraph 2 and circle all the transition words that you can find.
Notice that some time phrases and words are followed by a comma when they appear at the
beginning of a sentence. Time clauses, such as "After you have researched several schools," are
always followed by a comma when they appear at the beginning of a sentence.
Transitional words, phrases, and clauses can show chronological order. Most transitional words
and clauses are followed by a comma.
The following sentences make up a paragraph. Number them from 1 to 10 to indicate the best
order. In addition, add commas where necessary. Hint: Five sentences need commas
A. First put the water and the plants in the jar.
B. One week later check the fish
C. The fact that the fish is still alive shows that oxygen was added. If you look carefully
at a plant stem when it is in sunlight, you can see the tiny
bubbles of oxygen escaping from the plant.
D. When you do this be sure to leave about an inch of empty
E. Keep the jar in a cool place indoors, but be sure that it
receives some direct sunlight for a few hours each day.
F. When you are sure that the water in the jar is at room
temperature add the fish.
G. Here is a simple science experiment that proves that plants
produce oxygen.
H. For this experiment, you will need a clean quart jar with a
tight lid, some tape, a goldfish, some water, and a few green plants.
I. Put the lid on as tightly as you can.
J. After that wrap the lid with several layers of tape so that you are sure that no air can pass
through it.