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Theory and Practice: Abstraction

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definition has proven to be quite difficult. In fact, at times one seems to be reduced to saying, “I
know it when I see it,” or perhaps, “Anything is literature if you want to read it that way.”
Sometimes the motivation for a particular definition seems like the work of copyright lawyers,
aimed primarily at stopping people from using the word ‘literature’ for works which have not been
licensed as literature by…well, by
Understanding exactly what literature is has always been a challenge; pinning down a definition has
proven to be quite difficult. In fact, at times one seems to be reduced to saying, “I know it when I
see it,” or perhaps, “Anything is literature if you want to read it that way.” Sometimes the
motivation for a particular definition seems like the work of copyright lawyers, aimed primarily at
stopping people from using the word ‘literature’ for works which have not been licensed as
literature by…well, by Domain of Educational Technology
• Domain 1-DESIGN
The theory and practice of design includes Instructional System Design, (ISD), instructional
strategies, and learner’s characteristics.

• Instructional
System THEORY AND Design
• Instructional Strategies  Learner’s Characteristics

Technology is based on theory. Theories are results of

experts’ studies. Technology utilizes theories to build or
develop tools and gadgets. The most related theory to
technology to technology is constructivism. Here are some
reasons why constructivism facilitates knowledge construction:

1. Constructivism provides representation of reality

Designing programs can be meaningful if the learner experienced the activities which are familiar and
real. The senses are involved in its use and the activities designed are built on the learner’s past experiences.
Example is answering exercises about experiments which the learner underwent. Law of gravity can be
publicized by dropping two objects (one light weighed and one is heavy). The learner can answer the following
questions. Which object reached the ground faster? Which of the objects reached the ground slower? What is
the time difference after each object touched the ground?
2. Constructivism represents the natural complexity of the real world
Design the life cycle of a butterfly starting from a worm to a full blown butterfly. The students may be
asked to show the stages by taking pictures through a digital camera. Later when the cycle is completed, a
story can be written using the computer and downloading the story in a powerpoint presentation.
3. Constructivism represents authentic task which focus on contextualizing rather thanabstracting.
The teacher can design evaluation tools with the use of samples for very well-made cell phone holder
made from beads, satisfactory made cell-phone holder from beads, and poorly-made cellphone holder out of
beads. Upon finishing the project, the students can rate their works by comparing it with the evaluation
samples. The design of the evaluation instrument is a technology.
4. Constructivism provides real world case-based learning environments rather than predetermined
instructional events.
The constructivist uses technology from past experiences and knowledge to come up with something
new and unique. An example is the experiences from real-world of keeping oneself healthy through proper
nutrition in preparing vegetable like leafy green malunggay leaves into varied recipes like malunggay juice,
malunggay ice cream , and malunggay okoy.

5. Constructivism fosters reflective practice

The teacher can request the students to create scenarios of their learning experiences on the teacher’s
way of motivation. They can be asked to write reflective journals about the motivation applied by the teacher
and react on the extent of its effectiveness using their own opinion. Motivation is a form of technology.

6. Constructivism promotes context and content

Context and content are the bases of student’s reflection and understanding about the lesson. The
teacher design situations where the students recall the context and content of certain issues or events which
the students have experienced watching or hearing. For instance, the context of an erupting volcano will have
an adverse effect on the lives and crops of the people. Likewise, the students can write their reflections about
this event. The content of the volcano’s lava sill surely be harmful to the people living near the volcano but the
people prefer to stay in their houses. Some social negotiations for the collaborative effort to convince the
people to vacate the area can be offshoots of students’ ideas on how to conduct collaborative construction of
knowledge through social negotiations. Here, social negotiation is a form of technology.

Practice is repeated actin in applying a particular theory. It promotes continuous implementation or

use of a particular gadget, tool, or activity. Through continuous practice, mastery eventually takes place.
Technology starts with design which includes Instructional System Design, (ISD), Instructional
strategies, and learner’s characteristics. ISD provides a framework to guide the program designer.
Just like a tailor, a pattern is necessary in sewing well-fitted pants for the customer. A recipe is need to
yield a good dish to be served as meals. A teaching guide will help the teachers use a textbook effectively.
In designing technology, instructional strategies follow the identification of the instructional design.
The strategies might involve single learner or group of learner. It may also include the teaching method like
direct or indirect teaching.
Computer games frequently involve one or two players. Usually, tutorial programs involve one player.
Another factor in designing instructional strategies is knowledge of the characteristics of the learner,
their interests and needs. A simple teaching program design is created for beginner while a more complicated
one is made for older mature learners. Visual aids are also designed based on the age level of the learners.
Teenagers and early adolescents enjoy adventure, and adult images rather than characters well-loved by
young children.
Digital storytelling will be interesting to learners who are fond of using digital camera composing and
documenting events, like class field trips, school fair, and other school celebrations. Technology gadgets like
cell phone, i-pod, laptops and others are specially designed for students who are fond of music, dances,
movies, and films.



The theory and practices of development of educational technology includes print

technologies, audio technologies, still visuals, audio-visual technologies, information and
communication technologies, electronic technologies, and integrated technologies.
Development of print technologies in the computer focuses on the senses. The varied
media corresponds to the senses in the information of insights and perceptions. Technologies
related to printed materials cater to the sense of sight and the reading skills
In using the computer, varied fonts, clips arts and
colored figures are available to suit the artistic skills of the DEVELOPMENT
user. Audio technologies provide to accompany 
presentations that caters to the sense of hearing. Religious Print technologies
song and the National Anthem are available for the  Audio technologies
program and songs for ice breakers available. Other  Still Visuals
technologies under development are still visuals and audio  Audio-visual technologies
visuals to make presentations interesting and appealing to  ICTs
the senses.  Electronic technologies
 Integrated technologies

THEORY  Media Utilization

 Implementation
AND  Institutionalization
 Policies and

PRACTICE regulation

The theory and practice on utilization of educational technology includes media utilization,
implementation, institutionalization and policies and regulation.

Technology is the phase where learning materials are considered, implemented and used in actual
teaching and learning activities. After realizing the merit of the material, then it is institutionalized and the
policies, and regulations are set about its use, replication, and documentation.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and other materials can be taken from the computer
through surfing, paraphrasing, cutting and pasting. These materials can be sent or recorded through electronic
technologies like the electronic mail and integrated technologies social media like facebook, twitter, and


The theory and practice on management of educational technology includes project

management, resources management, management of delivery and diffusion of innovation. Management of
the project starts when the materials are designed. Management is undertaken during the material
development , and utilization up to monitoring and evaluation of the usefulness and worth of the materials. It
ensures management of resources and delivery systems. Management also includes the use of computer
laboratory, checking of electrical connection, and sharing of the materials among the teachers and staff of the
 Project Management
 Resources Management
 Management of Delivery
EVALUATION  Diffusion of Innovation
 Problem analysis
 Measurement
 Formative Evaluation
 Summative Evaluation


The theory and practice of evaluation of educational technology includes problem analysis,
measurement, formative evaluation, and summative evaluation.

This phase shows the different process involved in judging the worth of the materials produced. The
teacher and students use a variety of evaluation instruments depending on the skill or knowledge being
evaluated like paper-and-pencil test for knowledge, an attitude scale for attitude and feelings, and
performance test for skills. The teacher also uses rubric, checklist, rating scale, and authentic assessments.

Software is available to evaluate the finished learning materials. There are specifications which may
include organization, content, relevance, creativity, appropriateness, and audience impact. The developer can
also device evaluation instruments that fit well to the materials produced.

Technology Focus
The focus on integration of technology will be on facilitating and enhancing the teachinglearning
episodes undertaken by both the teachers and the students. The degree of utilization of tools and techniques
to improve student learning constitute the main concern of Educational Technology manifested by the
acquisition of the intended learning outcomes.

Technology Competence
Technological Competence refers to the ability to use with ease and confidence the equipment, tools
or gadgets will lead to satisfaction of the user. Likewise, proper use will lead to guarantee safety, good results
and good product. Well-used digital camera will lead to good pictures. Gadgets powered by electricity must be
used properly to avoid accidents and unsatisfactory products. The guiding principle in technological
competence is to master the instructions first before using the equipment, tools or gadgets.

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