CRT Learning Module: Course Code Course Title Units Module Title
CRT Learning Module: Course Code Course Title Units Module Title
CRT Learning Module: Course Code Course Title Units Module Title
This will be the source of Information for you to acquire knowledge and
skill in this particular trade independently and at your own pace, with
minimum supervision of help from your instructor.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
section. Read Modules and complete self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this
Most probably your facilitator will be your supervisor or manager.
Your online facilitator will support and correct you.
Your facilitator will tell you about the important things you need
consider when you are completing activities and it is important that
you listen and take notes.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice
on the job. Make sure you practice new skills during regular work
shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory and
also your confidence.
Talk to more experienced classmates and ask for their guidance. You
may join the forum sessions for question and answer at the Facebook
(FB) GroupWhen you are ready, ask your facilitator to watch you
online via Zoom or Google Meet to perform the activities outlined in
this module. In the absence of internet, you may record yourself
using mobile phones to be sent later at the school for checking.
Ask your facilitator work through the activities: ask for written
feedback on your progress. Your facilitator keeps feedback/pre-
assessment reports for this reason. When you have successfully
completed each element, ask the facilitator to mark on the reports
that you are ready for assessment.
1. Use this module with care. Do not write anything on this module. Do
not put unnecessary marks on any part of the material.
2. Damaged, or lost modules will be charged at your expense.
3. Upon finishing this module, kindly return with your quizzes, activity
outputs in long plastic envelope (clear) with Name, Grade and Track.
4. Read and comprehend the directions for every lessons, exercises and
other activities.
5. Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises.
6. Try to finish a given activity before proceeding to the next.
7. Allot 3-5 hours per week per subject to read lessons, answer the
exercises and do assignments and output.
This module covers the knowledge about the Legal Bases of the
Teaching Profession
Number of Hours:
3 hours
Republic Act 10533 “Enhancing Basic Education Act of 2013 ”
For this purpose, the State shall create a functional basic education
system that will develop productive and responsible citizens equipped with
the essential competencies, skills and values for both life-long learning and
employment. In order to achieve this, the State shall:
(b) Broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation,
vocational and technical career opportunities as well as creative arts, sports
and entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly
globalized environment; and
(f) The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of Mother
Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) which starts from where
(g) The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure
mastery of knowledge and skills after each level; and
(h) The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to
localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective
educational and social contexts. The production and development of locally
produced teaching materials shall be encouraged and approval of these
materials shall devolve to the regional and division education units.
(d) The DepED and private education institutions may hire practitioners,
with expertise in the specialized learning areas offered by the Basic
Education Curriculum, to teach in the secondary level; Provided, That they
teach on part-time basis only. For this purpose, the DepED, in coordination
with the appropriate government agencies, shall determine the necessary
qualification standards in hiring these experts.
SEC. 12. Transitory Provisions. — The DepED, the CHED and the TESDA
shall formulate the appropriate strategies and mechanisms needed to
ensure smooth transition from the existing ten (10) years basic education
cycle to the enhanced basic education (K to 12) cycle. The strategies may
cover changes in physical infrastructure, manpower, organizational and
structural concerns, bridging models linking grade 10 competencies and
the entry requirements of new tertiary curricula, and partnerships between
the government and other entities. Modeling for senior high school may be
implemented in selected schools to simulate the transition process and
provide concrete data for the transition plan.
SEC. 14. Mandatory Evaluation and Review. — By the end of School Year
2014-2015, the DepED shall conduct a mandatory review and submit a
midterm report to Congress as to the status of implementation of the K to
12 program in terms of closing the following current shortages: (a)
teachers; (b) classrooms; (c) textbooks; (d) seats; (e) toilets; and (f) other
shortages that should be addressed.
The DepED shall include among others, in this midterm report, the
following key metrics of access to and quality of basic education: (a)
participation rate; (b) retention rate; (c) National Achievement Test results;
(d) completion rate; (e) teachers’ welfare and training profiles; (f)
adequacy of funding requirements; and (g) other learning facilities
including, but not limited to, computer and science laboratories, libraries
and library hubs, and sports, music and arts.
SEC. 16. Implementing Rules and Regulations. — Within ninety (90) days
after the effectivity of this Act, the DepED Secretary, the CHED Chairperson
and the TESDA Director-General shall promulgate the rules and regulations
needed for the implementation of this Act.
SEC. 17. Separability Clause. — If any provision of this Act is held invalid
or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity and effectivity of
the other provisions hereof.
Act of 2001″, Republic Act No. 9258, Republic Act No. 7836, and all
other laws, decrees, executive orders and rules and regulations contrary to
or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.
SEC. 19. Effectivity Clause. — This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days
after its publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of
general circulation.