Moraga Rotary Newsletter April 27 2021

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from Joaquin Moraga school and Lillian

MORAGA Roodvelt via Zoom from Arizona

ROTARY John Erickson had a High 5 for
Jennifer Brophy’s work in organizing

NEWSLETTER data for the Dinner with Rotary program.

Jennifer Brophy had $13 Happy Bucks
April 27, 2021 for the A’s winning streak.
_________________________________ Hubert Ma was very happy, offering a
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Happy $5 for Stephanie Dickerson’s
work on school safety, a High $5 for
May 4 at NOON John and Mary Sue Erickson’s
Program: Brian South on Tecpan donation of wine and for wrapping all the
bottles for the dinners with Rotary and
– Guatemala Floor Project finally a High $5 our club’s recognition
Greeter: Evie Michon as Moraga‘s Non Profit Organization of
____________________________ the Year. If we win it two years in a row,
To participate next week: he will up he donation to $100 next year.
Zoom connection information for next week’s
meeting will be distributed early next week. Roger Gregory had a High $5 for a
wonderful Dinner with Rotary at La
Upcoming Speakers: Finestra.
May 11- Avi Mylrea – Common Hope
Cliff Dochterman had an A’s mask
May 18 – Breyana Brandt – Director
made by his daughter for Jennifer
Moraga Parks and Recreation
May 25 – Joint Meeting with Rotary
Club of GomaTumaini (Congo) 8AM !! Debbie Roessler had a Happy $10 for
the start of the White Elephant sale
which benefits the Oakland Museum.
Check their web site.
~~Forty Fourth Meeting of ’20/’21 ~ANNIVERSARIES & BIRTHDAYS~
President Brian South rang the
Moraga Rotary bell to open the meeting Hubert Ma’s birthday back to January
and today’s greeter, Barbara Bruner, 22 was recognized.
read quotes from Will Rogers. She then
led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. ~~TRIPS~~
Our guests today included Kim Lockett, None reported.
Joan Danilson and Hongmei Wang

~~FINE-FREE HAT~~ project including $50,000 from our club.
For April it belongs to John Erickson We will have a joint Zoom meeting with
the Rotary Club of Goma on May 25 at

President Brian informed us that we ~~WHAT’S IN THE BOX~~

sold 220 dinners for our final Dinner No game this week.
With Rotary on Thursday, April 22..
The club should net about $2,000 from ~TEACHER OF THE MONTH~
this event. The club generated about
$10,000 from all the dinners combined. Kim Lockett, a 7th and 8th grade
science teacher at JM was honored this
Rotary District 5160 is having the month. She was praised by Principal
District Conference April 30th through Joan Danilson and colleague Hongmei
May 2nd. Wang. She also supervises the
yearbook class and the Eco Club and
Rich Render has the club lined up with runs “all things green” at the school
an E Waste event on Saturday, May including development of a food waste
15th. There will be more details as we collection program. Food is collected at
get closer to that date. the school and transferred to a
processing facility in Emeryville where it
Herb Wehmeyer is seeking Greeters for eventually produces methane gas.
our zoom meetings in June. Please Stephanie Dickerson gave her a
email Herb at to sign certificate of appreciation and gift cards
up. to Town Bakery and TJ Maxx.

President Brian reported having met

with Tom Guyette of the Lamorinda - ~~PROGRAM~~
Sunrise Club with the hope that the
Diablo Valley Rotoract Club can connect This week’s program was a virtual
with St Mary’s College students presentation by Forest Resener of
and mentor them and assist in forming a Stove Team International which is
club there. based in Oregon and provides stoves to
needy families in Latin America.
Hubert Ma reported that the MOFD IS
In many households in this region
establishing a wild fire mediation
cooking is done in kitchens with an open
program utilizing web enabled sprinkler
fire. These fires cause carbon poisoning
systems. Check the MOFD web site for
in these homes. These fires require a lot
more information.
of wood which has contributed to forest
devastation. In addition to smoke
Debbie Koo reported that $100,000 has
inhalation these fires are dangerous and
been raised for the Lumumba Library
cause burns primarily to children.
Stove Team has developed ultra clean
stoves which use far less wood and emit
far less smoke. So far 78,000 have been
distributed. Stove Team was founded by
Nancy Hughes.

Each week we end the meeting with this
game. The goal is to guess the suit of a
single ace drawn from four aces.
Today’s potential prize was $10. Frank
May was the chosen contestant. He
guessed clubs but the winner was
diamonds. Next week the prize will be
$20. You must be present to win.

• 5/11 – Hubert Ma
• 5/18 – Mark Hoog
• 5/25 – Debbie Koo
• 6/1 -- Roger Gregory
• 6/8 -- open
• 6/15 – open
• 6/22 -- open

Moraga Rotary Directors 2020/2021
President Brian South
President Elect Brian South
Past Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
Executive Secretary Evie Michon
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer and Youth Services Chair Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairs Dianne Wilson & Debbie Koo
Membership Chairman Roger Gregory
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman
District Governor 5160 Mark Roberts
President, Rotary International Holger Knaack

This month’s Newsletter Editor – Ron Mucovich

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