Moraga Rotary Newsletter August 3

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potatoes with an assortment of

MORAGA President Brian South rang the bell

ROTARY and launched the meeting remotely via

Zoom. Guests today included – Today’s
speaker Pat Mori from Children’s
NEWSLETTER Interview Center, Bill Eames, Honorary
Moraga Rotarian and Bill and Shane
Harris (father and son representing the
August 3, 2021 Campolindo football program).

Greeter/Invocator, Linda May had some

words of wisdom and listed the
Next Meeting: commemorations on this date including
National Watermelon Day. Linda then
Tuesday, August 10th @ 12 led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Noon at La Finestra
Program: Sandee Weidemann ~~Birthdays & Anniversaries~~
with Shephard’s Gate
Greeter: Jim Campbell Rich and Peg Render celebrated their
47th anniversary on this day. On
prodding from President Brian, Rich
Zoom connection information for next week’s
meeting will be distributed early next week
said they met as sophomores at Bradley
University in Peoria, Illinois. One of their
Upcoming Speakers: first dates was to go swimming with
Aug 17 – Alan Purves – Scotch Whisky another couple in the strip mine pools in
Aug 31 – Hays Englehart – Adventures on rural Illinois.
Route 66
On this very day, it was honorary
Sep 7 – Adam Nielsen from the
member, Lou Roessler’s, birthday.
Department of Fish and Game
Mark Hoogs and Joseph Schneider
both had birthdays in July, but we will
have to catch them in the future since
We met at La Finestra Restaurant they weren’t with us today.
where chef/owner/Rotarian Jeff Assadi
served a delicious buffet with a mixed ~~Happy Bucks~~
green salad, tomato/mozzarella/basil
with a balsamic sauce as an hor Gary Irwin had $5 Happy Bucks for the
d’oevre, then spaghetti and meatballs, 19th anniversary for his son and daughter
chicken prepared with provolone and in law.
pancetta, vegetable medley and roasted
Evie Michon had $5 Happy Bucks for Bill and Shane Harris solicited our
the great TGIF party hosted by Roger support for the Campolindo High School
and Jan Gregory. John Erickson football program. Bill coaches the
added $10 for the good time he had at freshman team while Shane is a
the party including the visit from the sophomore currently on the JV squad.
hummingbirds. The football program is privately funded
and does not receive funds from the
Roger Gregory had $10 Happy Bucks school. The football team is selling
for the success of the TGIF party and his donation cards which offer discounts at
daughter’s 40th birthday party the next local businesses.
TGIF- Last Friday of the Month The
Rich Render had $6 Happy Bucks as he Rotary Social for August will be at 6 pm
has retired for the 6th time. Will there be a Friday, August 27 at Bill Eames’ home
seventh? in Rossmoor (1901 Lakeshire, Walnut
Creek). Please bring your favorite wine
~~Announcements~~ and an appetizer to share. These events
are always fun.
Angelo Costanza took the podium and
presented a thank you letter from one of Brian announced it’s time to replenish
this year’s Camp Royal campers - the prize fund for the weekly Encore
Namratha Kasalanati who said “it was a Game. $10 to the Treasurer please –
which gets you into the pool of eligible
transformative experience with really
participants. This week’s game was for a
wise speakers. I learned valuable skills
on how to lead myself and others to $20 prize – but more on this later at the
achieve success and happiness in life.” end of the meeting. We always end our
meetings with an Encore Game.
President Brian thanked Gary Irwin for
his contributions to defray the cost of the
hybrid meetings (Zoom and in person). ~~Rotary Minute~~
Frank May was acknowledged for his
ongoing work to get the audio-visual Recall that President Brian threatened us
system working for each meeting. with this Rotary Minute idea. As a way to
get to know more about individual
After less than spirited bidding, the Fine members Brian will ask a member at
Free Hat for August went to Gary Irwin random about how they joined Rotary.
for $50. No participant today. Next week.
Debbie Koo announced that progress is
being made on the invoicing system for
our club. Debbie Roessler, Moraga Rotary
Program Director par excellence,
Gordon Nathan of the Rescue One introduced today’s speaker –Pat Mori,
organization informed our club that it has Director of the Children’s Interview
an opening on its Board. Rescue One Center (CIC). Pat has a MS in
supports the Moraga Orinda Fire District. Psychology.
Her organization works in collaboration
with Community Violence Solutions. ~ Future Greeter/Invocators~
Their mission is to reduce trauma and 8/17 John Erickson
facilitate healing for child victims and 8/24 Mary Sue Erickson
support investigations of abuse. It is a 8/31 Roger Gregory
complex process that involves multiple
agencies. They deal with mental health For the new Rotary Year our leaders are:
issues, abusive relationships and sexual President Brian South
abuse as it relates to young victims.
President Elect TBD

They are located in a nondescript Secretary Jennifer Brophy

building in downtown Martinez. One
family is interviewed at a time. There is a Executive Secretary Evie Michon
children’s playroom. Interview rooms are
Treasurer Debbie Koo
equipped with microphones and
cameras. Program Chair Debbie Roessler

CIC acts as an advocate for teens, young Community Tony Schoemehl

children and mentally handicapped Service Chair
persons. Among the interview International Debbie Koo & Dianne
participants are a former police officer, Service Chairs Wilson
District Attorney representative, social Foundation Chair John Erickson
worker, forensics expert and language
Youth Services Rich Render
interpreter. It also provides medical Chair
Public Relations Chair Gary Irwin

500 interviews are completed each year. Fund Raising Chair Frank May
Their funding comes from the State Membership Chairs Roger Gregory &
Office of Emergency Services, local Hubert Ma
governments and charitable Advisors to the Board Cliff Dochterman,
organizations including Moraga Rotary. Mary Sue Erickson,
Linda May &
Jim Campbell
District Governor 5160 Kathy Suvia
~~Encore Game~~ President, Shekar Mahta
The prize was $20. The random selector Rotary
chose Tony Schoemehl but he had to International
leave early so Roger Gregory was next
This month’s Newsletter Editor – Ron Mucovich
up. He chose, “The ace of spades.” The
correct suit was the ace of hearts. Sorry.
Next week’s prize will be $30.

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