Practice Question Please Read The Questions and Find The Answer

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Please read the questions and find the answer

1. What are some of the reasons why infant cries?

 Sleepiness or fatigue
 Wet or dirty diaper
 Hunger
 Overstimulation from noise or activity
 Colic, acid reflux, or food allergies
 Pain or illness
 Gas
 Stranger anxiety or fear

2. What will you do if the child has a temper tantrum?

 Give plenty of positive attention. ...
 Try to give toddlers some control over little things. ...
 Keep off-limits objects out of sight and out of reach. ...
 Distract your child. ...
 Help kids learn new skills and succeed. ...
 Consider the request carefully when your child wants something

3. What safety precautions should be observed if a toddler is in the crib?

 The crib is the right size. ...
 The corner posts are smooth. ...
 The hardware is firmly secured. ...
 The paint color is nontoxic. ...
 The mattress fits snugly inside. ...
 Avoid soft toys and bedding. ...
 Stay away from headboard and footboard cutouts and drop-sides.

4. Why should toddlers be allowed to walk and explore their surroundings?

 Exploring the inside and outside world — with supervision, of course — is important for toddlers'
emotional, social, and physical development. They learn more about the world and how it
works. ... Exploring also gives toddlers a chance to work on important motor skills.

5. How would you enhance a toddler’s physical growth and development?

 Provide a play environment that encourages lots of time and space for energetic and noisy play
 Stretch out body parts. Stretch and gently wiggle your toes, feet, legs, arms, and fingers. Gently
stretch your neck by looking side to side and up and down
 Set aside family time for a hike, walk, or visit to a nearby park. Play games that involve running,
hopping, throwing and catching together
 When playing ball, ask the child to use alternate feet for kicking or alternate hands for batting. Make
sure the ball is large enough to promote success, yet small enough to present a challenge
 Discourage inactivity by limiting TV viewing and video/computer game playing to less than two hours
a day
 Try rolling games. How many different ways can we roll? Slow and fast rolls, arms at side, or one
arm up and one arm down
 Invite children to help other activity that he/she can participate.
6. What safety precautions are you going to do when infants start crawling?
 Cover sharp corners with pads or guards. ...
 Keep small objects out of reach of crawling babies. ...
 Lock cabinets with hazardous materials. ...
 Make sure you invest in quality baby gates. ...
 Keep all plugs and cords out of reach.

7. What will you do if the toddler has convulsion due to high fever?
 Place the child on a soft surface, such as a bed.
 Prevent choking by laying the child on his or her side or stomach.
 Ensure that the child is breathing adequately.
 Never place anything in the child's mouth during a convulsion.

8. How would you know if a child is ready to be toilet-trained?

 Pulling at a wet or dirty diaper.
 Hiding to pee or poop.
 Showing Interest in others' use of the potty, or copying their behavior.
 Having a dry diaper for a longer-than-usual time.
 Awakening dry from a nap.

9. What will you do if a child met a bathroom/comfort room accident?

10. What are the things to consider in dressing up the child?

 Avoid uncomfortably small necklines, armholes, sleeves, and waistlines and elastic that is too tight.
 select garments that are easy to put on and take off.
 select pullover tops that open on the shoulder to allow the garment to be slipped on quickly.
 Comfortable clothing will allow absorption and ventilation so that body moisture can evaporate
 Clothing that is too small or too large can inhibit body movement and interfere with a child’s
 Harsh or scratchy fabrics, fasteners, and seam finishes can irritate a child’s sensitive skin.
 Knitted fabrics are excellent choices for young children’s clothing because they:
allow ventilation, yet give warmth;
• mold to the shape of the body without restricting body movement;
• are soft against the skin; and
• “stretch” to make dressing easier.

11. What precautions would you take to avoid accidents while the child is playing with toys?
 Store toys in a safe place. Put all toys away and off the floor when they're not being used. ...
 Check toys often for damage. Watch for splinters or sharp edges on wooden toys. ...
 Throw away plastic wrap and other packaging right away.
 Read toy instructions and explain them to your child.

12. What actions should you avoid while feeding a pre-schooler?

 Avoid slippery foods such as whole grapes, large pieces of meats, hot dogs, candy and cough
drops. Small, hard foods such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, chips, pretzels, raw carrots and raisins. To
prevent choking.
 Avoid the child to rush eating.
 Know some food that make her-his allergy
13. What are the precautions when preparing meals for asthmatic children?
 Fill up on fruits and vegetables
 Get your dose of dairy
 Stay away from sulfites
 Consider caffeine
 Ask about herbs
 Avoid that “too-full” feeling
 Watch your weight

14. What will you do if a child swallowed food with a chemical agent?
 Get the poison away from the child.
 If the substance is still in the child's mouth, make him or her spit it out or remove it with your fingers.
Keep this along with any other evidence of what the child has swallowed.
 Don't make the child vomit.
 Don't follow instructions on packaging about poisoning. These are often outdated. Instead, call your
child's healthcare provider or poison control center right away for instructions.

15. What will you do if a child has to burn?

 Know what kind of burn
 Remove the child from the heat source.
 Cool the affected area with cold water or cold compress until the pain reduced
 Protect the burn with a dry sterile gauze bandage or clean cloth.
 Do not apply ointment or any substance to the burned area
 If the burn is big call 911 for help

16. What will you do in case of fire at home?

 Know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher
 Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number.
 Yell "Fire!" several times and go outside right away. If you live in a building with elevators, use the
stairs. Leave all your things where they are and save yourself.
 If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second
way out. Never open doors that are warm to the touch.
 If you must escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your exit. Close doors behind
 If smoke, heat or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with doors closed. Place a wet towel
under the door and call the fire department or 9-1-1. Open a window and wave a brightly colored
cloth or flashlight to signal for help.
 Once you are outside, go to your meeting place and then send one person to call the fire
department. If you cannot get to your meeting place, follow your family emergency communication

17. What are the activities that enhance the intellectual and creative needs of the child?
 Sing a long. Sing a favourite songs
 Identify noise.. like sounds of animal,
 Practice alphabet / counting / shapes & color
 Offer choices and ask question
 Visit interesting place.
 Play with everyday item
 Offer variety of games
18. How would you develop bonding with a child?
 Say “I love you” often. It is often implied that we love our children, but be sure to tell them every day,
no matter what age they are. ...
 Set boundaries, rules, and consequences. ...
 Listen and empathize. ...
 Play Together. ...
 Be available and distraction-free. ...
 Eat meals together. ...
 Create parent-child rituals.

19. How would you boost a child’s self-esteem?

 Help your child learn to do things. At every age, there are new things for kids to learn. ...
 When teaching kids how to do things, show and help them at first. ...
 Praise your child, but do it wisely. ...
 Be a good role model. ...
 Ban harsh criticism. ...
 Focus on strengths. ...
 Let kids help and give.

20. What is the best outdoor activity for an 8-10 years old child?
 Comic Book Writing: Fold paper together and make your own comic book.
 School Games: Teach your family games that you know from school.
 Nature art: Using materials found all around the outside of your house, create a piece of art or a self-
portrait. Think leaves as hair, moss as eyebrows, rocks as eyes, etc.
 Make a Treasure Map: Make a treasure map to buried treasure in your yard or house
 Build a tower: Make a tower from playing card or Index cards.
 Make a Board Game: Design your own board game.
 Paper Plane Competition: Research how to build the best paper airplanes and have a competition.
Which flies farthest?
 Boat Sink or Float: Build your own boat – use paper, LEGOs, etc. – and set it in water. Add 1 penny
at a time until it sinks. How many did it hold?

21. What indoor activities enhance gross motor skills development?

 Trampolines. Using a trampoline is a great activity to improve balance. ...
 Hopscotch. Hopping and jumping require strong gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. ...
 Martial arts classes. ...
 Playground play. ...
 Balloon and bubble play. ...
 Tricycles, scooters, and pedal cars. ...
 Dancing. ...
 Obstacle courses.

22. What are some of the hygiene practices that you should instill in children?
 washing hands.
 covering their mouth when they cough.
 having regular baths or showers.
 brushing and flossing teeth.
23. How would you determine the maximum inflation point when taking BP?
 To determine the maximum inflation pressure, start by palpating the brachial or radial pulse while
inflating the cuff. Inflate the cuff 30 mm Hg quickly past the point when you obliterate the pulse (ie.,
you no longer feel the pulse).
  Last pulse during inflation & add 30

24. Why do you encourage the client to urinate prior to bed bathing?
 To pevent client from urinating during bed bathing

25. How will you undress/dress a client with right-sided paralysis?

 To undress the unaffected part first
 To dress the paralyzed part first

26. What is the purpose of a rubber draw sheet in perennial care?

 Prevent bed sheet from being wet

27. What is the importance of indwelling urinary catheter care?

 Prevent further infection
 Pevent ascending infection
 UTI silent killer
28. How often would you change the position of an immobile (bedridden) client?
 Several times

29. Why is there a need to apply the principles of body mechanics when transferring and mobilizing
disabled clients?
 Prevent injury
 Good blood circulation

30. What are the considerations in preparing meals for the elderly client?
 Food that are nutritious & w/ proper diet
 Medical condition
 Ability to eat
 Preference

31. What are the indications that you have to stop CPR?
 Physician takes over
 Operator exhausted
 Sign of life
 Turn-over to emergency medical service

32. What is the importance of proper hand washing technique?

 Handwashing with soap and water is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting
sick and spreading germs to loved ones. Many diseases are spread by not cleaning your hands
properly after touching contaminated objects or surface

33. Where is the best place for bathing infants?

 You can give your newborn a bath in a small plastic bath or even in the kitchen sink. The kitchen
sink might be easiest in the first few weeks. A plastic baby bath is probably easier once
your baby gets bigger. You can bath your baby in any room that's warm, safe and clean – it doesn't
have to be a bathroom.
34. Why shouldn’t you leave the infant/toddler alone while bathing?
 it can cause drowning

35. How do you prevent diaper rash?

 Change diapers often. ...
 Rinse your baby's bottom with warm water as part of each diaper change. ...
 Gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel or let it air dry. ...
 Don't overtighten diapers. ...
 Give your baby's bottom more time without a diaper. ...
 Consider using ointment regularly.

36. Why is it important to dispose of soiled clothes and diapers properly?

 Proper disposal of diapers reduces incidences of contamination of drainage water, which can
subsequently lead to diarrheal diseases. Non-renewable energy, global warming, and respiratory
effects from in organics are the most relevant of the potential environmental impacts for the diapers.

37. How long do you sterilize the feeding bottle s and nipples? When do you start counting the time for
the sterilization?
 Sterilize the bottle for 5 minutes and add the nipple after for another 5 minutes .we star counting
after 25 minutes.

38. What are the different types of milk formula?

 ready-to-feed, liquid concentrate and powdered.

39. What will you do with the leftover milk?

 When your baby has finished a feed, throw any remaining milk away. However, if you make a feed
and your baby leaves it untouched, you can keep the milk at room temperature for a short time – no
more than two hours. Beyond this time, you will need to throw the milk away and prepare a fresh
40. When do you burp the infant?
On the half of the milk and end of the milk.

41. What are the ways to prevent colic?

 Colic is thought to be due to swallowed air, so holding the baby in an upright position when feeding
may help to reduce the amount of air swallowed. If the baby is bottle-fed, a fast-flow teat will help to
reduce the amount of swallowed air by allowing milk to flow freely when the baby sucks the teat

42. How would you know if an infant/toddler is choking?

 coughing, gagging, wheezing, distress, choking noises, rattling breathing sounds, no breathing, no
sounds, paleness, blue colour, and loss of consciousness

43. What will you do if the infant doesn’t respond to your first aid procedure?
 Check for breathing by tilting their head back and looking and feeling for breaths
 Activate emergency medical services (EMS)
 Give five rescue breaths: tilt their head back, seal your mouth over their mouth and nose. Blow five
times into the baby
 Give 30 chest compressions: push firmly in the middle of their chest with two fingers so that the
chest goes inward, then release.
 Give two rescue breaths. Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths
until help arrives.
44. Where do you use a tympanic thermometer? EAR
 Use a clean probe tip each time, and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
 Gently tug on the ear, pulling it back. ...
 Gently insert the thermometer until the ear canal is fully sealed off.
 Squeeze and hold down the button for 1 second.
 Remove the thermometer and read the temperature.

45. What will you do if the child’s heart is more than 120 beats per minute while at rest?
 If your child's heartbeat is too fast, you should call your pediatrician. Share the pulse you
counted with them, and they will let you know the best next steps. If your child's heart is beating
too fast for you to count the beats, that could be cause for concern.

46. What are the basic food groups needed by growing children?
 There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, minerals, proteins,
vitamins, and water.

47. What precautions must you take while serving hot soup or dishes?

48. How would you control a bleeding wound?

 Apply direct pressure on the cut or wound with a clean cloth, tissue, or piece of gauze
until bleeding stops.
 If blood soaks through the material, don't remove it. ...
 If the wound is on the arm or leg, raise limb above the heart, if possible, to help slow bleeding.

49. When do you use a splint?

 A splint is a piece of medical equipment used to keep an injured body part from moving and to
protect it from any further damage. Splinting is often used to stabilize a broken bone while the
injured person is taken to the hospital for more advanced treatment.

50. What is the importance of a back rub to a bed-ridden client?

 To stimulate circulation, prevent bedsore & promote relaxation

51. What are the basic considerations in assisting your client with his personal needs
 Maintain persons privacy & dignity of the client

52. How could you help your client maintain his self-esteem and sense of independence?
 Encourage him to do as much function as possible.

53. What important safety procedures must be done when transferring client from bed to a wheelchair?
 Lock the wheels of wheelchair & the bed.

54. What are some physical changes related to aging?

 Reflexes are slow
 hair turns gray & change in texture
 all body processes are slow
 loss of skin elasticicity
 fat becomes thin & more fragile
 senses becomes less accurate needs aid like eyeglasses, hearing aid.
 Posture become more stalk
55. What is the basic rule in the care of a client with Alzheimer’s disease?
 Supervise closely don’t restrain the client
 Remind patient of time, date, names of all kind.

56. What is the most effective way to control the spread of infection?
 Handwashing

57. What are the safety precautions to be observed when caring for clients with diminished vision?
 Maintain a footlight during the night
 Arrange furnishing, personal items for convenient, confers & safety of client.

58. How would you prevent fall/slip in the bathroom?

 Keep the bathroom dry at all times
 Make a dry cloth available
 Use non-skid mats

59. How would you know if the bottle content is poisonous?

 Symbol of skull or logo bone
 If no date of expiration available
 If it is expired

60. What protective devices can be used for infection control?

 Gloves
 Masks
 Gogles
 Gown
 Cap
 Apron
 Slippers

61. What are the common signs that a diabetic client has low blood sugar?
 Pale palm
 Drowsiness
 Sweating
 Tremors
 cold clamy skin
 diminished vision

62. What is the typical sign of impending heart attack?

 Chest pain
 Not relieved by rest (angina pectous)
 creased Blood Pressure
 Stiffness muscle

63. What is the first common sign of infection?

 Fever (such as 38 C)
 Increased WBC/body malaise

64. What will you do if your client has blood pressure of 150/100 mmHg?
 Seek medical assistance call emergency hotline
 Advice client to take in usual medication

65. How would you respond to your cancer client’s statement, “I wish I would die now?”
 Allow client to release ventilate feeling
 Make client comfortable
 Be a good listener. Why? Because silence is therapeutic

66. How would you react when criticized by your colleagues at workplace?
 Ignore them & do your job well
 Inform your head/supervisor

67. What is the recommended diet for an elderly with heart disease?
 Recommended fat, low Na regular diet, decrease fat

68. What is the most important consideration when preparing meals for your diabetic client?
 Calorie measures
 Sugar content of the foods
 Total caloric content
 Sugar in the diet

69. What will you do if you found out that a client afflicted with Alzheimer’s scattered “stool” in the room?

70. What are the proper steps in cleaning ceilings, walls, and floors?
Start at an entrance and plan to work clockwise around the room. Lay a towel on the  floor at the
base of the wall where you'll be cleaning. Dip the sponge in the soapy water and gently wring it
until it's not dripping wet. Wash 3-foot by 3-foot sections of the wall, starting at the top and working

71. Why are the commonly used home disinfecting agents/solutions?

The most cost-effective home disinfectant is chlorine bleach (typically a >10% solution of sodium
hypochlorite), which is effective against most common pathogens, including disinfectant-resistant
organisms such as tuberculosis (mycobacterium tuberculosis), hepatitis B and C, fungi, and
antibiotic-resistant strains of ..
72. Why is a feather duster not a recommended tool for dusting?
Feather duster are not recommended for cleaning because when you clean to other side and you
use again to the other side the dust will only transfer to the area that you already clean.

73. Why do we need a damp cloth to dust furniture and fixture?

Using a slightly damp cloth will allow you to get the dust a little wet and collect it into
the cloth so it doesn't fly into the air (only to descend on some other unsuspecting surface)

74. What is the proper sequence in cleaning the toilet bowl?

 Begin by applying toilet cleaner to the bowl, and allow it to soak. If you’re using vinegar in place of
toilet cleaner, simply pour a cup into the bowl. Quickly swish the cleaner around the bowl with a
 While the cleaner soaks in, spray the exterior of the toilet with an all-purpose disinfectant. If the toilet
is extra dirty, give it a preliminary wipe-down with paper towels and toss them in the trash.
 Next, use a scrub sponge to clean the exterior of the toilet. Pay attention the base and floor around
the toilet while you’re there. If you have a modern toilet with a quick-disconnect toilet seat, remove
the seat and clean it separately.
 Once the exterior is clean, use a toilet brush to clean the bowl. If you have hard water rings or
stains, use a pumice stone to remove these.
 You know the area underneath the rim where water pours out? Since this is out of sight, many
people don’t scrub it. Don’t ignore this area! Use your brush or sponge to clean the underside of the

75. What is the importance of waste/garbage segregation?

Segregation of waste is important for properly disposing of the vast amount of garbage our society
produces in an environmentally conscious manner. Different components of waste have
very different properties, and grouping them by type allows for proper processing or storage

76. What is the difference between making – up an open bed, closed bed, or occupied bed?
When no client has been assigned to the bed, it is made as a closed bed. An open bed is a bed to
which a client is already assigned. To make a closed bed, the top covers are pulled up to the head
of the bed over the bottom covers

77. Why is there a need to sort clothes, linen, and fabric before washing?
Sorting clothes allows you to use different wash cycles (delicate, normal, permanent press) and
also allows for washing in different temperatures.
Most importantly, sorting clothes decreases the chances that a garment is going to bleed onto
another when you control the cycle type and water temperature.

78. What are the two types of electric flat iron?

Automatic and non automatic

79. What is the importance of proper body mechanics in the performance of the task?
Body mechanics refers to the way we move during every day activities. Good body mechanics may
be able to prevent or correct problems with posture (the way you stand, sit, or lie.) Good body
mechanics may also protect your body, especially your back, from pain and injury

80. What is the first thing to do before vacuuming a carpet?

first step before starting to vacuum should always be to check the filters and recovery bag.
81. How would you test if walls are washable?
Check on the lower corner if it is washable or not. If it is not fade you can wash it

82. How do you control household pests like mosquito cockroaches and flies?
 Clean up after meals. ...
 Put all rubbish into the bin.
 Wrap all food scraps tightly in paper before putting them in the bin.
 Keep all the benches, cupboards and floors clean and free of food scraps.
 Regularly clean behind stoves, refrigerators and other household appliances.
 Keep food in containers with tight-fitting lids

83. What are the basic stitches used to mend torn seams?
 Running Stitch, Basting Stitch, Cross Stitch (Catch Stitch)
 The Backstitch, Slip Stitch, Blanket Stitch (Buttonhole Stitch) ...
 The Standard Forward/Backward Stitch, Zigzag Stitch.

84. How do you remove catsup or tomato sauce stains on fabrics?

Rub a liquid detergent or dish soap into the stained portion of the fabric. Work it into
the fabric gently in a circular motion beginning on the outside of the stained area and working
inward. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly

85. What are the safety precautions before applying bleach on any linen, fabric, or clothes?
Wear eye protection such as wrap-around safety glasses and/or goggles to avoid getting the bleach in your eyes. Wear rubber household
gloves or nitrile gloves to avoid skin exposure. Wear clothing that will cover your skin in case of spills.
86. How do you prevent cloth shrinkage when using a machine clothes dryer?

87. How would you describe colorfast and non-colorfast fabrics?

88. What should you do to have smooth and easy ironing?

89. What was the advantage of using fabric conditioner?

90. What is the basic step in the maintenance of a machine dryer?

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