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Matthew Schulte

Lesson Plan
Basic Information
Matthew Schulte
BSU Choral Methods Choir
10:15 AM

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills for this Rehearsal

Read/perform level 4 tonal, level 4 rhythm, and level 3 melodic exercises
Knowledge of flats

Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Demonstrate the ability to read, perform, and echo-translate level 4 tonal, level 4 rhythm,
and level 3 melodic exercises in context. (INAS7)
 Perform measures 13-21 of “The Gift to Be Free” accurately and expressively. (INAS7)
 Demonstrate improved vowel production. (INAS7)
 Define, identify, and demonstrate monophthong and diphthong vowels. (INAS 5, 7)

Sheet music
White board: Monophthong, diphthong

0:00 Set (mental focus)
Stretching, 3 deep breaths

0:30 VT
 Mi me ma mo mu on same pitch, move down by half-step
o Pay attention to tall, pure vowels
o Repeat for 5 half-steps
 Mi (do re mi fa) oh (sol fa mi re do), move up by half-step
o Repeat 5 times
 “I like to sing today” on do mi sol do’ sol mi do
o Repeat 5 times
o Say the word “today,” ask what the difference is between “to” and “day” (to has
one vowel sound and day has two vowel sounds)
o Give definition of monophthong and diphthong (written on board), ask what
syllables in exercise are monophthongs and what words are diphthongs
Matthew Schulte

3:30 ML
 d m s m d This is Home, on C
o d m s, s m d, d s m, m s d’, d’ t d’, d’ ti te d’, d’ te d’, d’ s d’, d’ s la te d’, d’ s te
d’, d’ s m d, d r f, f s d
o Echo-translate (on pa): d m s, s m d, d s m, m s d’, d’ t d’, d’ ti te d’,d’ te d’, d’ s
d’, d’ s la te d’,d’ s te d’, d’ s m d, d r f, f s d
o Show exercise
 Solicit key, starting pitch
 Point out te, students audiate exercise, students sing exercise on solfege

6:30 Literature
 The Gift to Be Free
o Ask students which parts sing a te pattern (all 4), begin teaching soprano, ask
other parts to find examples of monophthongs and diphthongs in music
o Sing soprano m. 13-16, ask student about one example of monophthong
o Sing alto m. 13-16, ask student about one example of diphthong
o Sing tenor m. 13-16, ask student about one example of monophthong
o Sing bass m. 13-16, ask students about one example of diphthong
o All sing mm. 13-16 together
o Sing soprano m. 16-21, work on transition, ask student about one example of
o Sing alto m. 16-21, work on transition, ask another student about one example of
o Sing tenor m. 16-21, ask about another example of monophthong
o Sing bass m. 16-21
o All sing mm. 16-21 together

22:00 Closure
 Instructional: Sing all 4 parts together acapella, solicit meaning of monophthong and
diphthong and ask for examples from text
 Performance: run through m. 13-21 with accompaniment

23:00 End

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