Performance Evaluation of Hydraulic Fluids For Piston Pumps

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 6813 – 02a

Standard Guide for

Performance Evaluation of Hydraulic Fluids for Piston
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6813; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 95 Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and

1.1 This guide establishes test protocols and methodologies Bituminous Materials by Distillation2
for determining the suitability of fluids for use in fluid power D 97 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products2
systems that incorporate axial or radial piston pumps. The D 130 Test Method for Detection of Copper Corrosion from
suitability of all fluid types to meet specific levels of perfor- Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test2
mance in piston pumps is addressed. These fluids include, but D 445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent
are not limited to formulations based on mineral, synthetic or and Opaque Liquids2
vegetable oil base stocks. The finished fluids may be in the D 482 Test Method for Ash from Petroleum Products2
form of straight oils, soluble oils or invert emulsions. D 611 Test Methods for Aniline Point and Mixed Aniline
1.2 The test protocols and methodologies described in this Point of Petroleum Products and Hydrocarbon Solvents2
guide have been selected for their ability to distinguish D 664 Test Method for Acid Number of Petroleum Products
between highly acceptable, acceptable and unacceptable fluid by Potentiometric Titration2
performance in piston pumps. They take into account the broad D 665 Test Method for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of
range of operating conditions piston pumps are subjected to, as Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water2
well as the common variations in design and materials of D 874 Test Method for Sulfated Ash from Lubricating Oils
construction among pump manufacturers. and Additives2
1.3 This guide is intended to complement proprietary test D 877 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of
protocols and methodologies employed by some piston pump Insulating Liquids Using Disk Electrodes3
manufacturers. The test protocols and methodologies within D 892 Test Method for Foaming Characteristics of Lubri-
this guide may help pump manufacturers, fluid formulators and cating Oils2
end users accurately screen potential fluids for specific perfor- D 943 Test Method for Oxidation Characteristics of Inhib-
mance characteristics. The results of this screening may be ited Mineral Oils2
sufficient in certain instances for pump manufacturers to forego D 974 Test Method for Acid and Base Number by Color-
requirements for additional fluid performance tests. Indicator Titration2
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the D 1121 Test Method for Reserve Alkalinity of Engine
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Coolants and Antirusts4
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D 1123 Test Methods for Water in Engine Coolant Concen-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- trate by the Karl Fischer Reagent Method4
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. D 1169 Test Method for Specific Resistance (Resistivity) of
Electrical Insulating Liquids3
2. Referenced Documents D 1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific
2.1 ASTM Standards: Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid
D 92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method2
Open Cup2 D 1401 Test Method for Water Separability of Petroleum
D 93 Test Methods for Flash-Point by Pensky-Martens Oils and Synthetic Fluids2
Closed Cup Tester2 D 1500 Test Method for ASTM Color of Petroleum Prod-
ucts (ASTM Color Scale)2
D 1533 Test Method for Water in Insulating Liquids by
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration3
Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.N0.07
on Lubricating Properties.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 2002. Published February 2003. Originally
approved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 6813–02. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.03.
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.05.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 6813 – 02a
D 2070 Test Method for Thermal Stability of Hydraulic D 6080 Practice for Defining the Viscosity Characteristics
Oils2 of Hydraulic Fluids6
D 2270 Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kine- D 6158 Specification for Mineral Hydraulic Oils6
matic Viscosity at 40 and 100°C2 D 6304 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petro-
D 2272 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Steam Tur- leum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulo-
bine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel2 metric Karl Fischer Titration6
D 2273 Test Method for Trace Sediment in Lubricating D 6376 Test Method for Determination of Trace Metals in
Oils2 Petroleum Coke by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluo-
D 2422 Classification of Industrial Fluid Lubricants by rescence Spectroscopy7
Viscosity System2 D 6546 Test Methods for and Suggested Limits for Deter-
D 2619 Test Method for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic mining Compatibility of Elastomer Seals for Industrial
Fluids (Beverage Bottle Method)2 Hydraulic Fluid Applications7
D 2624 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity of Avia- D 6547 Test Method for Corrosiveness of a Lubricating
tion and Distillate Fuels2 Fluid to a Bimetallic Couple7
D 2717 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Liquids2 D 6595 Test Method for Determination of Wear Metals and
D 2766 Test Method for Specific Heat of Liquids and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils or Used Hydraulic
Solids2 Fluids by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spec-
D 2783 Test Method for Extreme-Pressure Properties of trometry7
Lubricating Fluids (Four-Ball Method)2 E 70 Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions With the
D 2879 Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature Rela- Glass Electrode4
tionship and Initial Decomposition Temperature of Liquids E 203 Test Method for Water Using Volumetric Karl Fischer
by Isoteniscope2 Titration4
D 2882 Test Method for Indicating Wear Characteristics of E 659 Test Method for Autoignition Temperature of Liquid
Petroleum and Non-Petroleum Hydraulic Fluids in Con- Chemicals8
stant Volume Vane Pump2 F 312 Test Methods for Microscopical Sizing and Counting
D 2983 Test Method for Low-Temperature Viscosity of Particles from Aerospace Fluids on Membrane Filters8
Automotive Fluid Lubricants Measured by Brookfield 2.2 AFNOR Standards:9
Viscometer2 AFNOR NF E48-690 Hydraulic Fluid Power. Fluids. Mea-
D 3427 Test Method for Air Release Properties of Petro- surement of Filterability of Mineral Oils
leum Oils5 AFNOR NF E48-691 Hydraulic Fluid Power. Fluids. Mea-
D 4052 Test Method for Density and Relative Density of surement of Filterability of Minerals Oils in the Presence
Liquids by Digital Density Meter5 of Water
D 4172 Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of
AFNOR NF E48-692 Hydraulic Fluid Power. Fluids. Mea-
Lubricating Fluid (Four-Ball Method)5
surement of Filterability of HFC and HFD Class Fire
D 4293 Specification for Phosphate Ester Based Fluids for
Resistant Fluids
Turbine Lubrication5
2.3 ANSI (NFPA) Standards:10
D 4308 Test Method for Electrical Conductivity of Liquid
Hydrocarbons by Precision Meter5 ANSI/(NFPA) Standard T2.13.7R1-1996 Hydraulic Fluid
D 4310 Test Method for Determination of the Sludging and Power—Petroleum Fluids—Prediction of Bulk Moduli
Corrosion Tendencies of Inhibited Mineral Oils5 ANSI/Standard NFPA/JIC T2.24.1-1990 Hydraulic Fluid
D 5182 Test Method for Evaluating the Scuffing Load Power—Systems Standard for Stationary Industrial Ma-
Capacity of Oils (FZG Visual Method)5 chinery
D 5185 Test Method for Determination of Additive Ele- ANSI/(NFPA) Standard T3.9.20-1992 Hydraulic Fluid
ments, Wear Metals, and Contaminants in Used Lubricat- Power—Pumps—Method of Testing and Presenting Basic
ing Oils and Determination of Selected Elements in Base Performance Data for Pressure Compensated Pumps
Oils by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission ANSI/(NFPA) Standard T3.9.33-1997 Hydraulic Fluid
Spectrometry (ICP-AES)5 Power—Pumps—Method of Testing and Presenting Basic
D 5534 Test Method for Vapor-Phase Rust-Preventing Performance Data for Load Sensing Pumps
Characteristics of Hydraulic Fluids6 ANSI/(NFPA) Standard T3.16.2-R1-1997 Hydraulic Fluid
D 5621 Test Method for Sonic Shear Stability of Hydraulic Power—Design for Nonintegral Industrial Reservoirs
Fluid6 2.4 CETOP Standard:
D 6006 Guide for Assessing Biodegradability of Hydraulic
D 6046 Classification of Hydraulic Fluids for Environmen-
tal Impact6 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Available from AFNOR, Administration des Ventes, 11, avenue Francis de
Pressensi, 93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex.
5 10
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02. Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

D 6813 – 02a
CETOP RP 67H Antiwear Vane Pump Test for Hydraulic matic Particle Counters for Liquids
Fluids11 ISO 12922 Lubricants, Industrial Oils and Related Products
2.5 DIN Standards:12 (Class L)—Family H (Hydraulic Systems)—
DIN 51348 Testing of Fire Resistant Governor Fluids; Specifications for Categories HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC,
Determination of Hydrolytic Stability HFDR and HFDU
DIN 51373 Testing of Fire Resistant Governor Fluids; ISO 13357-2 Part 2: Petroleum Products—Determination of
Determination of Oxidative Stability Including Evaluation the Filterability of Lubricating Oils—Part 2: Procedure for
of Catalyst Plates Dry Oils
DIN 51389/2 Determination of Lubricants; Mechanical
ISO 14935 Petroleum and Related Products—
Testing of Hydraulic Fluids in the Vane-Cell-Pump;
Determination of Wick Flame Persistence of Fire-
Method A for Anhydrous Hydraulic Fluids
Resistant Fluids
DIN 51389/3 Determination of Lubricants; Mechanical
Testing of Hydraulic Fluids in the Vane-Cell-Pump—Part ISO 15029 Petroleum and Related Products—
3: Method B for Aqueous Not Easily Inflammable Hy- Determination of Spray Ignition Characteristics of Fire-
draulic Fluids Resistant Fluids—Part I: Spray Flame Persistence—
DIN 51515, Part 1 Lubricants and Governor Fluids for Hollow Cone Nozzle Method
Steam Turbines; L-TD Lubricating Oils and Governor 2.8 LUX Standard:15
Oils; Minimum Requirements LUX 5.9 Determination of the Corrosion Inhibiting Proper-
DIN 51554, Part 3 Testing of Mineral Oils; Test of Suscep- ties of Fluids, Requirements for Tests Applicable to
tibility to Aging According to Baader; Testing at 95°C Fire-Resistant Fluids Used for Power Transmission and
2.6 British Standard:13 Control (Hydrostatic and Hydrokinetic), April, 1994
IP 281 Determination of Anti-Wear Properties of Hydraulic 2.9 SAE Standards:16
Fluids—Vane Pump Method SAE J745 Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, Hydrau-
2.7 ISO Standards:14 lic Power Pump Test Procedure
ISO 4021 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Particulate Contamina- SAE J1276 MAR86 Standardized Fluid for Hydraulic Com-
tion Analysis—Extraction of Fluid Samples From Lines of ponent Tests
an Operating System
ISO 4402 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Calibration of 3. Terminology
Automatic-Count Instruments for Particles Suspended in
Liquids—Method Using Classified AC Fine Test Dust 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Contaminant 3.1.1 abrasive wear—wear due to hard particles, including
ISO 4404 Petroleum and Related Products—Determination wear debris or fluid contaminants, or hard protuberances forced
of the Corrosion Resistance of Water-Containing Fire- against and moving along a hard surface.
Resistant Fluids for Hydraulic Systems 3.1.2 axial piston pump—in the axial piston pump, the
ISO 4406 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Fluids—Method for pistons are positioned axially, parallel to the driveshaft, and
Coding The Level of Contamination by Solid Particles their reciprocating motion is caused by an inclined swash plate
ISO 4407 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Fluid Contamination— as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Determination of Particulate Contamination by the Count- 3.1.3 bent axis piston pump—in the bent axis piston pump,
ing Method Using a Microscope the axis of the cylinder barrel is held at a fixed angle relative
ISO 5884 Aerospace—Fluid Systems and Components— to the centerline of the driveshaft as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Methods for System Sampling and Measuring the Solid 3.1.4 biodegradable—capable of undergoing decomposi-
Particle Contamination of Hydraulic Fluids tion into carbon dioxide, methane, water, inorganic com-
ISO 6073 Petroleum Products—Prediction of the Bulk pounds, or biomass in which the predominant mechanism is the
Moduli of Petroleum Fluids Used in Hydraulic Power enzymatic action of microorganisms that can be measured by
Systems standardized tests, in a specific period of time, reflecting
ISO 6743/4 Part 4: Family H (Hydraulic Systems), Lubri- available disposal conditions.
cants, Industrial Oils and Related Products (Class L) : 3.1.5 biomass—any material, excluding fossil fuels, which
Classification Part 4: Family H (Hydraulic Systems) is or was a living organism that can be used as a fuel. Peanut
ISO 11171 Hydraulic Fluid Power—Calibration of Auto- hulls, agricultural waste, corn and other grains, and sugar are
all examples of biomass.
3.1.6 case drainage—leakage from around piston clear-
Per the CETOP website, this standard is no longer available for purchase and ances and control valves to the case drain port in the pump
is officially withdrawn. Most CETOP technical documents have been replaced by housing which returns fluid to the reservoir.
ISO standards over the years (a cross-reference list is available from CETOP). This
standard will be retained pending completion of work in CEN/TC19/WG28.
Available from Beuth Verlag GmbH (DIN-- DIN Deutsches Institut fur
Normung e.V.), Burggrafenstrasse 6, 10787, Berlin, Germany.
13 15
Available from Institute of Petroleum (IP), 61 New Cavendish St., London, Available from European Safety and Health Commission for the Mining and
WIG 7AR, U.K. Other Extractive Industries, Doc. No. 4746/10/91, EN, Luxembourg.
14 16
Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland. Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.

D 6813 – 02a

FIG. 1 Illustration of an Axial Piston Pump

3.1.10 face plate (valve plate, port plate, lens plate)—the

face plate, which is held at a fixed position, controls the timing
of the inlet and outlet of the fluid flow, depending on the
position of the cylinder barrel, during rotation of the pump.
3.1.11 filterability—a measure of the fluid’s ability to pass
through filter media.
3.1.12 fixed displacement—the amount of flow cannot be
varied per each shaft rotation although it can be varied by
varying the rotational speed of the shaft.
3.1.13 flow degradation—flow degradation refers to the loss
of flow through the hydraulic pump caused by lubrication wear,
cavitation erosion, or contamination wear and is expressed as
the ratio of flow rate delivered after the test to the flow rate
delivered before the test.
FIG. 2 Illustration of a Bent Axis Piston Pump
3.1.14 fluid residence time (turnover time)—the average
time that a given volume of fluid remains in the reservoir from
3.1.7 cycled volume—cycled volume testing subjects a hy- the time of entry into the reservoir from the system until it
draulic pump or component to repeated pulses of volume flow enters the pump inlet is determined by the reservoir volume/
from a predetermined minimum to a maximum flow at a flow rate.
constant pressure.
3.1.8 delivery—the flow output per unit time expressed in 3.1.15 hydraulic power—the output power of a hydraulic
litres per minute (L/min) or in gallons per minute (gal/min). pump which is defined by:
3.1.9 displacement (geometrical)—the volume of hydraulic Delivery ~L/min! 3 Pressure ~kPag!
W ~Watt! 5 60 (1)
fluid that is transported through the hydraulic pump during a
single rotation of the pump shaft and is expressed in volume Delivery ~gal/min! 3 Pressure ~psig!
hp ~Horsepower! 5 (2)
output per revolution (cm3/rev or in.3/rev). 1714

D 6813 – 02a
3.1.16 inlet pressure (minimum)—the minimum inlet pres- and the angle will force the pistons to move in and out of the
sure, specified by the pump supplier, for each set of operating piston or cylinder barrel of the pump as shown in Fig. 1.
parameters. 3.1.26 total effıciency—hydraulic pumping efficiency, or
3.1.17 leakage flow—this is related to the annular clearance total efficiency (ET), is a combination of two efficiencies,
between the piston and the cylinder; increased clearances due volumetric efficiency (Ev) and mechanical efficiency (Em) and
to erosion and wear results in a loss of volumetric efficiency is determined from variable displacement.
(see 3.1.26). Actual Flow Output
3.1.18 leakage pressure (case drain pressure)—back- Ev 5 Theoretical Flow Output (5)
pressure that the case experiences during leakage which is
Theoretical Torque Input
determined by the size of the case drain port, hose, fluid Em Actual Torque Output (6)
viscosity, and the rate of leakage flow to the reservoir via the
ET 5 E v 3 E m (7)
case drain.
3.1.19 operating pressure—the pressure at the discharge 3.1.27 variable displacement—the amount of flow per each
port of the hydraulic pump. shaft revolution may be varied to limit the outlet flow to a
3.1.20 pulsed (cycled) pressure—pulsed pressure testing preselected value.
subjects a hydraulic pump or component to repeated pressure
pulses (at a constant volume), often from close to zero 4. Significance and Use
(minimum load) to a predetermined maximum pressure, in 4.1 Users of hydraulic equipment which includes piston
order to evaluate fatigue life or moving part interaction pumps would like assurance that the fluids they use will allow
problems and leakage. their systems to operate safely with reasonable equipment life.
3.1.21 pump capacity (pump displacement)—the actual This assurance is commonly provided by the fluid supplier in
pump displacement expressed in volume per revolution (cm3/ the form of results of standardized tests on the fluid, or
rev). demonstrated success in field use in similar systems, or both.
3.1.22 radial piston pump—in the radial piston pump, the This guide will help fluid developers and users develop testing
pistons are positioned radially, perpendicular to the driveshaft, protocols which demonstrate the suitability of a fluid for its
and piston motion is caused by the use of a fixed cylinder and intended use, including any required limitations on hydraulic
rotating cam plate as illustrated in Fig. 3, or a rotating block system operating conditions.
around a stationary cam can also be used. 4.2 The significance and use of each test method cited in
3.1.23 reservoir, hydraulic—a container for the storage of a this guide will depend upon the system in use and the purpose
fluid used in a hydraulic system. of the test method. Use the most recent editions of ASTM test
3.1.24 shaft power—the input power driving the hydraulic methods.
pump (often from an electric motor) which is defined by:
Torque ~N·m! 3 Speed ~rpm! 5. Fluid Classification
W ~Watt! 5 9.549 (3)
5.1 Mineral oil hydraulic fluids are classified in Specifica-
Torque ~lbf·in.! 3 Speed ~rpm! tion D 6158. Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids are classified in ISO
hp ~Horsepower! 5 63 025 (4)
6743/4 and the specifications for these fluid classes are
3.1.25 swash plate (creep plate, wear plate, wobble provided in ISO 12922.
plate)—in a swash-plate (axial) piston pump, the shaft rotates 5.2 Mineral Oil Hydraulic Fluids:
the piston block, thus rotating the pistons, which are held 5.2.1 Type HH Hydraulic Oils—Non-inhibited refined min-
against the surface of a swash plate by springs and a retainer eral oils for hydraulic systems that do not have specific
plate. For the piston pump to produce a flow, the swash plate requirements of oxidation stability, rust protection, or anti-wear
must be held at some angle relative to the centerline of the shaft properties. Type HH oils are usually intended for total loss
systems or very light duty equipment.
5.2.2 Type HL Hydraulic Oils—Refined mineral oils with
improved rust protection and oxidation stability for hydraulic
systems where relatively high temperatures and long periods of
operation time are expected, and where there is the possibility
of water or humidity that could rust metal parts of the
machinery. These oils are intended for use in systems where
only full film lubrication is expected between the moving parts.
Usually systems working at low pressures specify HL oils.
Some high-pressure piston pumps can operate satisfactorily on
these oils.
5.2.3 Type HM Hydraulic Oils—Oils of HL type with
improved anti-wear properties, for general hydraulic systems,
especially for those working at high pressure and where the
possibility of metal to metal contact exists. Type HM oils are
FIG. 3 Schematic Illustration of a Radial Piston Pump usually specified for hydraulic systems with vane pumps, or

D 6813 – 02a
when the system is intended to work at maximum pump 5.4.4 Type HEPR Hydraulic Fluids—Biodegradable fluids
capacity for long periods of time. whose basestocks are derived from polyalphaolefin and related
5.2.4 Type HV Hydraulic Oils—Oils of the HM type with hydrocarbons.
improved viscosity/temperature properties, for general hydrau- 5.4.5 Other Biodegradable Fluids—Paragraphs 5.4.1-5.4.4
lic systems where equipment is intended to operate over a wide describe HETG, HEES, HEPG, and HEPR fluids as biodegrad-
range of ambient temperatures. able fluids. However, there are other types of biodegradable
5.3 Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluids: fluids not included in a listing. Fluid biodegradability is
5.3.1 Type HFA Hydraulic Fluids—Fire-resistant hydraulic established by specific testing protocol. For example, some
fluids that may be further classified as: fire-resistant fluids of the HFC and HFD type are readily Type HFAE Hydraulic Fluids—Mineral oil-in-water biodegradable as established by Guide D 6006, but this is not
emulsions containing less than 20 % by volume mineral oil. reflected in the current ISO specifications. In this guide, Type HFAS Hydraulic Fluids—Mineral oil-free reference to biodegradable fluids indicates that they pass
aqueous synthetic polymer-thickened solutions, often micro- appropriate biodegradability standards, not necessarily their
emulsions, containing >80 % water. These fluids are suitable placement on a listing of biodegradable fluid classes.
for use at low working pressures and temperatures varying 6. Fluid Properties and Performance Testing Procedures
from 5 to <55°C. 6.1 The hydraulic fluid is a component of the total hydraulic
5.3.2 Type HFB Hydraulic Fluids—Water-in-mineral oil system and to be used properly, various properties of the fluid
emulsions containing <60 % mineral oil, which are used as must be considered relative to system design. These properties
fire-resistant hydraulic fluids at operating temperatures of 5 to are determined by various tests procedures which include:
<55°C. physical properties, chemical properties, oxidative stability,
5.3.3 Type HFC Hydraulic Fluids—Thickened water-glycol corrosion, fire-resistance, biological and ecological compatibil-
fluids containing >35 % water which are suitable for use at ity, other bench tests, and pump tests. A summary of important
operating temperatures of -20 to <60°C. fluid properties and associated test procedures is provided in
5.3.4 Type HFD Hydraulic Fluids—Anhydrous synthetic Table 1.
fire-resistant fluids used at operating temperatures of <120°C.
NOTE 1—Every test is not appropriate for every fluid class shown in
Type HFD fluids are further subdivided into Types HFD-R and Table 1. The test procedures that are appropriate for a given fluid class are
HFD-U. Type HFD-R fluids are based on phosphate esters and identified by an “X.”
Type HFD-U fluids are based on polyol esters. NOTE 2—Every fluid test shown in the table need not be performed
5.4 Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids: before for every pump test; however, it is recommended that after
selecting those tests that are deemed most critical for the hydraulic fluid
5.4.1 Type HETG Hydraulic Fluids—Typically, biodegrad-
to be tested, that the test selection and properties of interest be reviewed
able, water–insoluble hydraulic fluids derived from vegetable with the component manufacturer to ensure that the fluid properties will
oils. These fluids may be used at operating temperatures of -20 meet the design and operational requirements for both the pump/motor/
to <80°C. components and the application of interest before the hydraulic piston
5.4.2 Type HEES Hydraulic Fluids—Typically biodegrad- pump test is conducted.
able fluids derived from synthetic esters, such as polyol ester 6.2 Typical Physical Properties:
and diesters, which may be used at operating temperatures of 6.2.1 ISO Viscosity Grade (Classification D 2422)—The
−35 to <90°C. International Standards Organization has established a viscos-
5.4.3 Type HEPG Hydraulic Fluids—Polyalkylene glycol ity classification system for industrial fluid lubricants. Such
derived fluids that may be water-soluble or insoluble with lubricants are classified by grades designated as ISO-VG based
varying degrees of biodegradability and fire resistance. These on their viscosities in centistokes at 40°C. The choice of
fluids are suitable for use at operating temperatures of -30 to viscosity grade for use in a particular hydraulic system should
<90°C. meet the manufacturer’s recommendations.

TABLE 1 Hydraulic Fluid Physical Property Characterization Tests

Hydraulic Fluid Classification

Characteristics Test According to:

Kinematic viscosity at 40°C X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 445

Low Temperature Viscosity X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2983, ASTM D 6080
ISO Viscosity Grade X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2422
Viscosity Index X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2270
Pour point X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 97
Density at 15°C X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 1298, ASTM D 4052
Air release at 50°C X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 3427

D 6813 – 02a

TABLE 1 Continued
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:

Foam volumes (5 min. X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 892

blowing, 10 min settling)
Sequence I
Initial Volume
Final Volume, Time
Sequence II
Initial Volume
Final Volume, Time
Sequence III
Initial Volume
Final Volume, Time
Emulsion stability at 54°C X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 1401
Viscosity Stability (Ultrasonic X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 5621
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage X X X X ASTM D 877
(45-65 Hz)
Electrical Conductivity at 20°C X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 4308
Thermal conductivity X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2717
Specific heat capacity at 20°C X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2766
Vapor pressure X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2879
Bulk Modulus X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 6073
Fluid Cleanliness
Instrumental Test Method X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 11171
Microscopic Test Method X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM F 312, ISO 4407
Cleanliness Code X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 4406
In-Line Sampling Method X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 4021
Drum Sampling X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 5884
Sediment Content X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2273
Seal Compatibility X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6546
Hydraulic Fluid Chemical Property Characterization Tests (Including Seal Compatibility)
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:
Ash (sulfated ash) proportion by mass X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 874, ASTM D 482
Water content—Hydraulic Oils X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 95, ASTM D 1533,
ASTM D 6304, ASTM E 203
pH value at 20°C X X X ASTM E 70
Neutralization number X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 664, ASTM D 974
Alkaline Reserve to pH 5.5 (0.1N HCl) X X X ASTM D 1121
Hydrolytic Stability (mg KOH, mg Cu/cm2) X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2619
Aniline Point X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 611

Hydraulic Fluid Thermal and Oxidative Stability, Corrosion and Bench Test Characterization Tests
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:
Oxidation Stability—TOST X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 943
Oxidation Stability—Cincinnati Milacron X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2070
Oxidation Stability—RBOT X X X X X X ASTM D 2272
Oxidation Stability—Baader Test X X X X X X X X X DIN 51554, Part 3
Oxidation Stability X X X X X X X X X X X X DIN 51373
Sludging Tendency X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 4310
Thermal Stability (Copper and Steel Rods, sludge) X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2070
Turbine Oil Rust Test X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 665
Copper Corrosion X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 130
Galvanic Corrosion X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6547
Vapor Phase Corrosion X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 5534
Corrosion X X X X X X X X X X X X LUX 5.9, ISO 4404
Steel and Zinc
Copper and Zinc
Aluminum and Zinc
Steel and Aluminum
Four-Ball Anti-wear X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 4172
Four-Ball Extreme Pressure X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2783

D 6813 – 02a

TABLE 1 Continued
Hydraulic Fluid Thermal and Oxidative Stability, Corrosion and Bench Test Characterization Tests
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:
FZG-gear rig test method X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 5182
Vane pump anti-wear test X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 2882
AFNOR Filterability (dry) X X X X X X X X X AFNOR NF E48-
AFNOR Filterability (wet) X X X X X X X X AFNOR NF E48-
AFNOR Filterability (HDC and HFD) X X AFNOR NF E48-
ISO Filterability (Dry) X X X X X X X X X ISO 13357-2
Hydraulic Fluid Fire-Resistance Characterization Tests
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:
Fire Point X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 92
Flash Point (Open Cup) X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 92
Determination of auto ignition temperature X X X X X X X X X ASTM E 659
Factory Mutual Tests: X X X X Factory Mutual Standard 6930
Hot Channel Ignition Test
Spray Ignition Test
Linear Flame Propagation Test X ASTM D 5306
Hot Manifold Test X X X X
Wick Flame Persistence X X X X ISO 14935
Spray Flame Test X X X X ISO 15029
Biodegradability X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6006
Classification for Environmental Impact X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6046
Hydraulic Fluid Fire-Resistance Characterization Tests
Hydraulic Fluid Classification
Characteristics Test According to:
Biodegradability X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6006
Classification for Environmental Impact X X X X X X X X X X X X ASTM D 6046

6.2.2 Viscosity (Test Methods D 445 and D 2983, and Prac- the fluid is new. Practice D 6080 may be used with new or
tice D 6080)—Viscosity is the measurement of a fluid’s resis- used, Newtonian or non- Newtonian, hydraulic fluids. This
tance to flow; it is considered to be the most important practice is used for the determination of viscosities at low
characteristic of a hydraulic fluid. The optimum value is temperatures applicable to all hydraulic fluids based either on
always a compromise; it has to be high enough, at the working petroleum, synthetic, or naturally occurring base stocks. It is
temperature, to ensure that the fluid will not leak through the not intended for water-containing hydraulic fluids.
seals or junctions and to maintain proper lubrication. Also, the 6.2.3 Viscosity Index (VI) (Practice D 2270)—The VI num-
viscosity has to be low enough to ensure fluid flow at start-up ber signifies the decrease of a fluid’s viscosity as the tempera-
and to maintain system efficiency and lubrication and avoid ture increases. The greater the VI, the less viscosity changes
cavitation. with temperature. In general, the VI is not very critical when High VI hydraulic fluids often contain high molecu- the system works at a stable operating temperature. When the
lar weight thickeners, called viscosity index (VI) improvers, variation of temperature among different points in the system is
which may impart non-Newtonian characteristics to the fluid. high (over 30°C), or the operational temperatures vary consid-
These polymers may shear degrade with use, and reduce the erably, then a high VI (over 90) is usually recommended.
in-service viscosity of the fluids. Practice D 6080 provides 6.2.4 Density—Relative Density (Test Methods D 1298 and
uniform guidelines for characterizing oils in terms of both their D 4052)—This property is of value to hydraulic system de-
high and low temperature viscosities before and after exposure signers and operators for calculating system weight, internal
to high shear stress. Since the performance of fluids at pressure, wall thickness, and pump requirements. Density (or
temperatures higher than 40°C is determined in the worst case, relative density) is measured at, or converted to, a standard
that is, most severe situation, by the sheared oil viscosity, the reference temperature, normally either 15°C or 60°F, and these
viscosity and viscosity index used to characterize fluids in this need to be quoted alongside the result. Test Method D 1298
practice are those of the sheared fluid. uses a hydrometer plus thermometer for measurement while Practice D 6080 classifies oils at low temperature by Test Method D 4052 uses a digital density meter.
their new oil properties. Low temperature viscosities do not 6.2.5 Pour Point (Test Method D 97, Low Temperature
decrease greatly, if at all, with polymer shear degradation. Viscosity (Test Method D 2983)—The pour point is an indica-
Furthermore, this approach ensures that the fluid will be tion of the lowest temperature at which an oil will flow by
properly classified under worst-case conditions, that is, when gravity. The fluid viscosity must allow the system to start up

D 6813 – 02a
and operate at low temperatures. As a practical rule, the fluid 6.2.11 Electrical Conductivity (Test Methods D 2624)—The
should have a pour point 10°C below the minimum expected ability of a fluid to dissipate charge during pumping and
ambient temperature. Test Method D 2983 can be used to filtering operations is controlled by its electrical conductivity,
determine the temperature at which a fluid’s viscosity is less which depends on the content of ionic species. Electrical
than 750 cP, which is suggested as the highest viscosity which conductivity is an important parameter in determining the
the equipment can tolerate without risk of damage during potential for a hydraulic fluid to cause electrochemical erosion
operation. (chemical pitting). Hydraulic fluid conductivity may be deter-
6.2.6 Shear Stability (Test Method D 5621)—Hydraulic flu- mined by Test Methods D 2624.
ids may be subjected to shear rates $106 sec-1, which may lead 6.2.12 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage (Test Method
to a permanent viscosity loss due to polymer additive degra- D 877)—Some users require that a minimum breakdown
dation. Test Method D 5621 covers the evaluation of the shear voltage be reported for applications like cherry pickers work-
stability of a hydraulic fluid in terms of the final viscosity that ing near electric lines. This test method is used to judge if the
results from irradiating a sample of the hydraulic fluid in a disk electrode breakdown voltage requirements are met for
sonic oscillator. Evidence has been presented that a good insulating liquids, as delivered from the manufacturer, that
correlation exists between the shear degradation that results have never been filtered or dried. (See Specification D 3487,
from sonic oscillation and that obtained in a vane pump test Specification D 4652, and Guide D 5222 for the minimum
procedure. specified electrical breakdown.) The breakdown test uses ac
6.2.7 Foaming Characteristics (Test Method D 892)—In oil voltage in the power-frequency range from 45 to 65 Hz. The
systems having high circulation rates, it is important that air sensitivity of this test method to the general population of
introduced through the seals or at the reservoir tank be readily contaminants present in a liquid sample decreases as applied
released from the body of the fluid and not collect as foam on test voltages used in this test method become greater than
the surface of the fluid, since this can produce cavitation or approximately 25 kV rms. If the concentration of water in the
impede proper circulation. Test Method D 892 measures the sample at room temperature is less than 60 % of saturation, the
tendency of the oil to form foam, and the stability of the foam. sensitivity of this test method to the presence of water is
There are three sequences: Sequence I at 24°C; Sequence II at decreased.
93.5°C; and Sequence III at 24°C, using the same sample 6.2.13 This test method describes two procedures, A and B,
tested in Sequence II. for determining the electrical breakdown voltage of insulating
6.2.8 Air Release (Test Method D 3427)—Agitation of lu- liquid specimens.
bricating oil with air in the equipment may produce a disper- Procedure A is used to determine the breakdown
sion of finely divided air bubbles in the oil. If the residence voltage of liquids in which any insoluble breakdown products
time in the reservoir is too short to allow air bubbles to rise to easily settle during the interval between the required repeated
the surface, a mixture of air and oil will circulate through the breakdown tests. These liquids include petroleum oils and
lubrication system. This may result in the inability to maintain hydrocarbons.
oil pressure, incomplete oil films in contact zones, and poor Procedure B is used to determine the breakdown
hydraulic system performance or failure. This test measures the voltage of liquids in which any insoluble breakdown products
time for the entrained air content to fall to the relatively low do not completely settle from the space between the disks
value of 0.2 % volume under standardized test conditions, and during the 1-min interval required in Procedure A (
hence permits the comparison of the oils’ capacity to separate Procedure B should also be applied for the determination of the
entrained air over a period of time. breakdown voltage of liquid samples containing insoluble
6.2.9 Water Separability (Demulsibility) Characteristics materials that settle from the specimen during testing. These
(Test Method D 1401)—Water in large hydraulic systems may examples represent samples that may have large differences
be removed from water insoluble fluids by mechanical proce- between replicate tests. The use of Procedure B will result in a
dures that take advantage of the demulsibility properties of the more accurate value of breakdown voltage when testing such
oil. A contaminant in the emulsion can affect the viscosity of liquids. Use Procedure B to establish the breakdown voltage of
the circulating fluid, creating lubrication problems and may an insulating liquid where an ASTM specification does not
lead to deposits. Test Method D 1401 determines the gross exist or when developing a value for an ASTM guide or
water separation characteristics of oils. standard. Procedure A may be used once its single operator
NOTE 3—Many, if not most, used oils from Test Method D 1401 precision has been demonstrated.
contain residual levels of water equal to or exceeding amounts sufficient 6.2.14 Resistivity (Test Method D 1169)—Resistivity (r) is
to shorten oil life. Therefore, rapid water separation in Test Method the property of a material which determines its resistance to
D 1401 does not imply that testing oils with low levels of water flow of an electric current, expressed by:
contamination should not be done.
r 5 R · A/l (8)
6.2.10 Thermal Conductivity (Test Method D 2717) and
Specific Heat (Test Method D 2766)—The thermal conductiv- where:
ity and specific heats of hydraulic fluids are important fluid R = resistance of the specimen, V,
design parameters. These properties may be determined from A = cross-sectional area, cm2, and
Test Methods D 2717 and D 2766 respectively. l = length of the specimen, cm.

D 6813 – 02a
Resistivity is the inverse of conductivity. Resistivity is an Qualitative and quantitative determination of the
important parameter in determining the potential for electro- particulate contaminants in a hydraulic fluid requires precision
chemical erosion (pitting corrosion) in a hydraulic system (1). in obtaining the sample and determination of the nature and
High resistivity reflects low content of free ions and ion- extent of the contaminant in addition to particle size and
forming particles, and normally indicates a low concentration concentration. Hydraulic fluid samples must be representative
of conductive contaminants. Test Method D 1169 involves the of the particle contaminant in the fluid flowing at the point of
use of a dc galvanometer to measure electrical current flow in sampling. The most representative sample is obtained from the
a test cell containing the hydraulic fluid. system while the fluid is flowing in a turbulent manner. Line
6.2.15 Vapor Pressure (Test Method D 2879)—One of the sampling procedures that provide the necessary representative
most critically important properties which must be accommo- system cleanliness results are described in detail in ISO 4021.
dated in hydraulic system design is the vapor pressure of a A fluid samples taken in this manner is designated as a dynamic
hydraulic fluid at its operating temperature. If the vapor sample. There are several procedures and devises for sampling
pressure is sufficiently high, the potential for cavitation may drums, barrels, etc. such as ISO 5884. Liquid automatic
increase dramatically. Vapor pressure may be measured using particle counters are an accepted means of determining the
an isoteniscope by Test Method D 2879. This test method concentration and size distribution of the contaminant par-
measures the vapor pressure of the fluid as received, including ticles. Individual instrument accuracy is established through
calibration. ISO 11171 provides procedures for:
most volatile components, but it excludes dissolved fixed gases
such as air. (1) Primary particle-sizing, sensor resolution, and counting
6.2.16 Bulk Modulus (Test Method ISO 6073)—Bulk modu-
(2) Secondary particle-sizing calibration using suspensions
lus is a measure of the resistance to compressibility. The bulk
prepared with NIST reference materials;
modulus of a hydraulic fluid is important because power is
(3) Establishing acceptable operation and performance
transmitted and controlled under pressure in a hydraulic circuit.
Test Method ISO 6073 (NFPA/T2.13.7R1-1996) provides a
procedure for predicting the bulk moduli of hydraulic fluids. In (4) Verifying particle sensor performance using a truncated
this test method, it is assumed that there are no gas bubbles in test dust procedure; and
the fluid. The useful temperature range is from 0 to 270°C with (5) Determining coincidence and flow rate limits in the
a pressure range from atmospheric to 700 000 kPa (7000 bar). particle counter.
6.2.17 Elastomer Compatibility (Test Methods D 6546)— NOTE 4—ISO 11171 replaces the ISO 4402 method of calibrating
Test Methods D 6546 provide procedures for measuring physi- automatic particle counters which is now obsolete.
cal properties of elastomer seals in the form of O-rings after Quantitative counting of particles may also be
exposure to industrial hydraulic fluids and thermal aging. The performed by microscopic counting. The microscopic tech-
measured properties are then compared to the physical prop- nique is described in Test Methods F 312 and ISO 4407. Thus
erties of elastomer seals that have not been exposed to the far, there is no standard procedure that has been reported for
industrial hydraulic fluids and thermal aging. The changes in the use of automatic particle counters, although there are
these properties form a basis for assessing compatibility when calibration procedures using a synthetic test dust (see ISO
these changes are compared against the suggested limits. 11171). The test dusts are designated as are ISO Ultrafine, ISO These test methods provide procedures for expos- Fine, ISO Medium, and ISO Coarse.
ing O-ring test specimens to industrial hydraulic fluids under The coding procedure for contaminant number and
definite conditions of temperature and time. The resulting size distribution to be used in defining the quantity of solid
deterioration of the O-ring material is determined by compar- particles in the fluid in a given hydraulic system is described in
ing the changes in work function, hardness, physical proper- ISO 4406. This test method provides a three-part code for
ties, compression set, and seal volume after immersion in the contamination levels measured with automatic particle
test fluid to the pre-immersion values. counters calibrated in accordance with ISO 11171. The re-
6.2.18 Sediment Content (Test Method D 2273)—This test ported particle sizes are 4 µm, $6 µm, and $14 µm. It also
method covers the determination of trace amounts (less than introduces equivalent particle sizes for such counters, based on
0.05 volume %) of sediment in lubricating oils. Since oil- calibration with NIST reference material SRM 2806.
soluble material precipitated by the specified solvent is not 6.3 Typical Chemical Properties:
intended as part of the measured sediment, this test method is 6.3.1 Neutralization Number (Test Methods D 664 and
not applicable in cases where precipitated oil-soluble compo- D 974)—Oxidation of hydraulic fluids may be monitored by
nents will appreciably contribute to the sediment readings. tracking increases in the acid number. Because the fresh fluid
6.2.19 Fluid Cleanliness (Test Method ISO 4406, 4021, and may be either alkaline or acidic, depending on the additives
11171)—Fluid cleanliness is an important parameter since dirt present, the value of the acid number of the fresh fluid is not
contaminants and wear debris may lead to erosive or abrasive indicative of quality. However, increasing acid numbers gen-
wear in the system and interfere with the operation of various erally indicate increasing amounts of oxidation.
components such as servovalves. Therefore, reliable system NOTE 5—With ester-based fluids, the acid number of the fresh fluid is
performance requires contamination monitoring and control indicative of quality, since esters hydrolyze quicker in the presence of
procedures. acid.

D 6813 – 02a The acid number is determined by titrating a sample For relatively high concentrations of water, Test
of known size with a known amount of standard base (Test Method D 95, a distillation method, may be used for water
Methods D 664 or D 974). The test is performed by dissolving concentrations of 0–25 %. (Test Method E 203 is useful for
the oil in a mixture of toluene and isopropanol, to which has water concentrations varying from the parts per million (ppm)
been added a small amount of water, then titrating it with a range to pure water.)
standard solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH). The end- Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids, including HFA, HFB,
point may be determined potentiometrically or colorimetrically and HFC fluids, have water contents of $35 %. In these fluids,
with a pH-sensitive indicator. The acid number (AN) is water is not a contaminant but a necessary component and the
reported in units of milligrams of KOH per gram of sample water concentration must be determined and maintained to
(mg KOH/g). It should be noted that the acid number obtained ensure adequate fire resistance and hydraulic system perfor-
by Test Method D 974 may or may not be numerically the same mance. Water content may be determined by azeotropic distil-
as those obtained by Test Method D 664, but it is generally of lation according to Test Method D 95 or by Karl Fischer
the same order of magnitude. Analysis according to Test Method E 203.
6.3.2 Hydrolytic Stability (Test Method D 2619)—The resis- 6.3.4 Ash Content (Test Method D 482)—Test Method
tance of hydraulic fluids to hydrolysis is important. Reaction of D 482 covers the determination of ash in the range from 0.001
a finished product with water can lead to the formation of to 0.180 mass %, from distillate and residual fuels, gas turbine
fuels, crude oils, lubricating oils, waxes, and other petroleum
corrosive substances, acids, insoluble by-products, and stable
products, in which any ash-forming materials present are
emulsions which can, in turn, cause corrosion, sticky valves,
normally considered to be undesirable impurities or contami-
plugged filters, and change in oil viscosity. However, some
nants (see Note 6). This test method is limited to petroleum
hydraulic fluids are not hydrolytically stable (see Specification
products which are free from added ash-forming additives,
D 4293). Hydrolytic stability may be evaluated by the Bever-
including certain phosphorus compounds (see Note 7).
age Bottle Test (Test Method D 2619) where the hydraulic fluid
and water are heated at 200°F for 48 h in the presence of a NOTE 6—In certain types of samples, all of the ash-forming metals are
copper test specimen. Changes in viscosity and acid number of not retained quantitatively in the ash. This is particularly true of distillate
oils, which require a special ash procedure in order to retain metals
the fluid and acid number of the aqueous layer are determined
after the test. Copper weight change and appearance are also
NOTE 7—This test method is not intended for the analysis of unused
measured. lubricating oils containing additives; for such samples, use Test Method
6.3.3 Water Content (Test Methods D 1123, D 1533, D 874 (see 6.3.5). Neither is it intended for the analysis of lubricating oils
D 6304, D 95, and E 203)—The presence of water in a containing lead nor for used engine crankcase oils.
hydraulic oil, which may be present due to condensation or a 6.3.5 Sulfated Ash Content (Test Method D 874)—Test
leaking heat exchanger, presents a potentially serious problem. Method D 874 covers the determination of the sulfated ash
Test Methods D 1123, D 1533, and D 6304 are quantitative from unused lubricating oils, such as hydraulic fluids, contain-
tests for water content which uses the reaction of water with ing additives and from additive concentrates used in com-
Karl Fischer chemical reagent as its basis, and a coulometric pounding. These additives usually contain one or more of the
end point as the measurement. Test Method D 1533 is used for following metals: barium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potas-
water contents <200 ppm and Test Method D 6304 is used sium, sodium, and tin.
when the water content is in the range from 10 to 25 000
mg/kg (0.1 mass %). The components of some fluids may react NOTE 8—This test method is not intended for the analysis of used
engine oils or oils containing lead. Neither is it recommended for the
with the reagent to give misleading results. analysis of nonadditive lubricating oils, for which Test Method D 482 can Test Method E 203 is intended as a general guide for be used.
the application of the volumetric Karl Fischer (KF) titration for NOTE 9—There is evidence that magnesium does not react the same as
determining free water and water of hydration in most solid or other alkali metals in this test method. If magnesium additives are present,
liquid organic and inorganic compounds. This test method is the data should be interpreted with caution.
designed for use with automatic titration systems capable of NOTE 10—There is evidence that samples containing molybdenum or
determining the KF titration end point amperometrically; boron can give low results because compounds of these metals are not
fully recovered at the temperature of ashing.
however, a manual titration method for determining the end
point visually is included. This test method covers the use of 6.3.6 pH Determination (Test Method E 70)—Test Method
both pyridine-containing and pyridine-free KF reagents for E 70 specifies the apparatus and procedures for the electromet-
determining water by volumetric titration. Determination of ric measurement of pH values of aqueous solutions with the
water using KF coulometric titration is not discussed. By glass electrode. It does not deal with the manner in which the
proper choice of the sample size, KF reagent concentration, solutions are prepared. The pH measurements of good preci-
and apparatus, this test method is suitable for measurement of sion can be made in aqueous solutions containing high con-
water over a wide concentration range, that is, from parts per centrations of electrolytes or water-soluble organic com-
million to pure water. pounds, or both. It should be understood, however, that pH

D 6813 – 02a
measurements in such solutions are only a semiquantitative 6.4.2 Oxidation Stability—Turbine Oil Stability Test (Test
indication of hydrogen ion concentration or activity. The Method D 943)—Oxidation of the oil may increase oil viscos-
measured pH will yield an accurate result for these quantities ity, produce sludge that can make valves stick and plug filters,
only when the composition of the medium matches approxi- and generate materials which are corrosive to metals. Test
mately that of the standard reference solutions. In general, this Method D 943, also known as Turbine Oil Stability Test
test method will not give an accurate measure of hydrogen ion (TOST), measures the time that the oil resists oxidation in the
activity unless the pH lies between 2 and 12 and the concen- presence of oxygen, water, and metal catalysts. It should be
tration of neither electrolytes nor nonelectrolytes exceeds 0.1 recognized, however, that correlation between results of this
M. test method and the oxidation stability of a lubricant in field
6.3.7 Alkaline Reserve to pH 5.5 (Test Method D 1121)— service can vary markedly with field service conditions. This
Many water-containing hydraulic fluids, such as HFC fluids, test method does not measure sludge formation or catalyst coil
contain amines or basic salts as corrosion inhibitors. The total corrosion (see Test Method D 4310).
inhibitor content may be quantitatively determined using a 6.4.3 Oxidation Stability (Test Method D 2272)—This test,
titrimetric procedure by titrating to a pH of 5.5 using 0.1 N HCl familiarly known as the Rotating Bomb Oxidation Test
and a glass electrode. This procedure is described in Test (RBOT), utilizes an oxygen-pressured vessel to evaluate the
Method D 1121. oxidation stability of new and in-service turbine oils having the
6.3.8 Aniline Point (Test Method D 611)—Elastomer com- same composition (base stock and additives) in the presence of
patibility is affected by the composition of the mineral oil. The water and a copper catalyst coil at 150°C. The estimate of
potential for a mineral oil to cause swelling or shrinkage of a oxidation stability is useful in controlling the continuity of this
seal is important if optimal seal strength is to be maintained property for batch acceptance of production lots having the
and leakage is to be minimized. One of the oldest methods of same operation. This test method is also used to assess the
estimating hydraulic seal compatibility with a mineral oil is the remaining oxidation life of in-service oils. Although it was
aniline point of the fluid. Generally, fluids with low aniline developed for turbine oils, it is routinely used for other
points cause the highest swelling with neoprene and BUNA-N industrial lubricants, including hydraulic oils.
nitrile rubber (see Note 11) and fluids with high aniline points 6.4.4 Oxidation Stability—Baader Test (DIN 51554-3)—
may cause seal shrinkage. Neither Test Method D 943 (TOST) nor Test Method D 2272 The aniline point (or mixed aniline point) described (RBOT) discussed in 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 is suitable for use with
by Test Method D 611 is useful as an aid in the characterization hydrolytically unstable hydraulic fluids such as vegetable
of pure hydrocarbons and in the analysis of hydrocarbon oil-based fluids, synthetic esters, or polyol esters, since water is
mixtures. The test is conducted with specified volumes of used as a component of the test procedure (see Note 12). One
aniline and sample, or aniline and sample plus n-heptane, test that has been used to determine the oxidative stability of
which are placed in a tube and mixed mechanically. The hydrolytically sensitive fluids is DIN 51554-3, also known as
mixture is heated at a controlled rate until the two phases the Baader test. It is conducted at 95°C for three days in the
become miscible. The mixture is then cooled at a controlled presence of air and a copper wire catalyst. At that point, the
rate and the temperature at which two phases separate is fluid is visually examined and then the saponification number
recorded as the aniline point or mixed aniline point. Aromatic is determined.
hydrocarbons exhibit the lowest, and paraffins the highest NOTE 12—Recent work in ASTM D02.N0.03 has shown that if Test
values. Cycloparaffins and olefins exhibit values that lie Method D 943 is conducted without the addition of water (dry), this
between those for paraffins and aromatics. modified test provides a suitable assessment of the oxidative stability of
vegetable oils.
NOTE 11—Although generally true, it has not been possible to calibrate
the aniline point of an oil to predict the swelling of various elastomeric 6.4.5 Oxidation Stability of Phosphate Ester Fluids (DIN
seal compositions with respect to different base oils and additive combi- 51373)—Another test that is reported in ISO 12922 for
nations. For example, ester-based hydraulic fluids often aid seal swell determination of the oxidative stability of fire-resistant phos-
problems and they may be used to counteract the tendency of phate ester-based hydraulic fluids is DIN 51373. This test
hydrocarbon-based fluids to shrink seals. Also, some fluids contain seal
method characterizes resistance to oxidation and provides a
swell additives.
measure of resistance to corrosion of copper and steel. This test
6.4 Tests for Thermal and Oxidation Stability: is performed by passing oxygen at 1 L/h for 164 h through the
6.4.1 Thermal Stability—Cincinnati Milacron Test (Test test solution while maintaining the temperature at 120°C.
Method D 2070)—The thermal degradation of a lubricant can Volatile acidic by-products are collected in water contained in
yield by-products which corrode metals, as well as insoluble a downstream absorption tube. At the conclusion of the test, the
materials which plug filters and block narrow clearances. This acid number is determined in the test fluid and the acids
test method is designed primarily to evaluate the thermal collected in the absorption tube are titrated with base and
stability of hydrocarbon-based hydraulic oils in the presence of reported as mg KOH/g of the test fluid. The change in mass of
copper and steel at 135°C although oxidation may occur during the copper and iron specimens is determined.
the test. The colors of the test rods are the evaluation criteria. 6.4.6 Sludging Tendency (Test Method D 4310)—As stated
The tendency of oils to form sludge at high temperatures in the in Oxidation Stability (Test Method D 943), insoluble or
absence of water and in the presence of iron and copper is also corrosive materials may form in oils when they are subjected to
reported. oxidation conditions. This 1000-h test determines the tendency

D 6813 – 02a
of oil to form sludge in the presence of oxygen, water, and selection. Therefore, some of the more common tests used in
metal catalysts. Test Method D 4310 also measures the total Europe and the United States are provided for reference in
copper present in the oil, water, and sludge phases. It is a Table 1.
complement to Test Method D 943. 6.6.1 Flash Point and Fire Point (Test Methods D 92 and
6.5 Typical Corrosion Properties: D 93)—Flash point is defined as the lowest temperature
6.5.1 Rust Preventing Characteristics (Test Method corrected to barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg) at
D 665)—This test method measures the ability of the oil to which the application of an ignition source causes the vapors of
prevent rusting of steel surfaces when water is present. a test specimen of the sample to ignite under specified
Procedure A uses distilled water, and Procedure B uses conditions of the test. Experimentally, the flash point is
synthetic sea water. The procedure also provides for testing determined by passing a flame over a test specimen contained
heavier-than-water fluids. in a test cup and heated at a constant rate. The flash point is
6.5.2 Copper Corrosion Characteristics (Test Method determined to be that temperature where the fluid will flash but
D 130)—Some components of hydraulic systems contain cop- not continue to burn when a flame is passed over the cup. It is
per alloys (for example, vane pump bushings and piston pump indirectly a measure of both the volatility of the oil and
shoes). This test method covers the detection of the corrosive- flammability of the volatiles contained therein. The fire point
ness to copper of hydraulic oils and other hydrocarbons having of a fluid is defined as the lowest temperature corrected to
a Reid vapor pressure no greater than 18 psi (124 kPa). barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg) at which the
6.5.3 Vapor Phase Corrosion Characteristics (Test Method application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a test
D 5534)—Test Method D 5534 evaluates the ability of a specimen of the sample to ignite and sustain burning for a
water-containing hydraulic fluid to prevent rusting of steel in minimum of 5 s under specified conditions of the test.
the vapor phase over the hydraulic fluid and water. Test Method D 92 describes the determination of
6.5.4 Determination of the Corrosion-Inhibiting Properties flash and fire points of a fluid using the Cleveland Open Cup
of Fluids (Test Method LUX 5.9)—It is important that fire- (COC) test procedure. Test Methods D 93 describes the deter-
resistant hydraulic fluids do not cause corrosion of the equip- mination of flash point under closed cup conditions using the
ment in which they are used. The tests described in Section 5.9 Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester.
of the Seventh Luxembourg Report (also see ISO 4404) are 6.6.2 Autoignition Temperature (Test Method E 659)—
designed to determine corrosion-inhibiting properties of the Autoignition is the temperature at which the fluid will ignite
fluids in contact with selected metals or metal pairs. spontaneously in contact with air. This test method covers the One of the testing methods described is character- determination of hot- and cool-flame autoignition temperatures
ized by a low test temperature (35°) and a long duration of 28 of a liquid chemical in air at atmospheric pressure in a
days. The second testing method is similar except a higher uniformly heated vessel.
testing temperature (60°C) and a shorter testing time of 14 days 6.6.3 Linear Flame Propagation Test (Test Method
is used. D 5306)—Test Method D 5306 covers the determination of
6.5.5 Galvanic Corrosion (Test Method D 6547)—Galvanic linear flame propagation rates of hydraulic fluids supported on
corrosion is recognizable by the appearance of increased the surfaces of, and when impregnated into, ceramic fiber
corrosion near the junction of dissimilar metals. This is caused media. The linear flame propagation rate is a property that is
by an electrochemical reaction between metals. The propensity relevant to the overall assessment of the flammability or
for galvanic corrosion is dependent on the position of the two relative ignitability of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids.
metals in the galvanic series. Any metal will have a greater 6.6.4 Other Fire Resistance Testing Methods—Various fire
tendency to corrode when it is in contact with another metal in resistance tests are summarized in Table 1. However, two of the
a lower position in the series in the presence of an electrolyte. most common testing procedures encountered in the United
The farther apart the two metals in the series, the greater the States are the Factory Mutual Test 6930 and the Mine Safety
potential for galvanic attack. and Health Administration (MSHA) tests cited in CFR Part Test Method D 6547 provides a test method for 35(3).
determination of the corrosiveness of hydraulic and lubricating Factory Mutual Test Method D 6930 (4)—This is a
fluids to a brass on steel galvanic couple at ambient tempera- two part test procedure. The first part is a hot channel spray
ture and 50 % relative humidity. This test method consists of flammability test where the hydraulic fluid is sprayed onto a
fitting a brass clip to the fluid-coated surface of a steel disk, metal surface for 60 s, after it is preheated to 1300°F (704°C)
storing the assembly at approximately 50 % relative humidity and the burners are turned off. In order to be considered a
for ten days, and visually inspecting the assembly for evidence “pass” in this test, the fluid must not propagate and must not
of galvanic corrosion. follow the spray source. The second part is a spray ignition
6.6 Selected Tests for Fire Resistance—Fire resistance tests flammability test where a propane torch flame is rotated
are established by various authorities, depending on the indus- through a spray of the hydraulic fluid. The fluid spray flame, if
try and country where the hydraulic fluid will be used. An established, must be self-extinguishing within 5 s after removal
exhaustive global listing of these tests is beyond the scope of of the ignition source in order to be considered a “pass.”
this guide. Ref (2) provides a more comprehensive overview of Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
fire-resistance testing than is possible here (2). However, CFR Part 35 Test Method (3)—The CFR Part 35 Test Method
assessment of fire resistance is often a criterion of fluid contains three parts and a hydraulic fluid must pass all three

D 6813 – 02a
parts. The first part is an autoignition temperature (AIT) test NOTE 13—This classification addresses the potential impact of releases
which is conducted according to Test Method E 659. If the AIT to the environment which are incidental to the use of a hydraulic fluid. The
is >600°F, the fluid is considered a “pass.” The second part is classification is not intended to address environmental impact in situations
of major, accidental release.
a temperature-pressure spray ignition test. If the fluid flame, if
formed, self-extinguishes in <1 min, it is considered a “pass.” 6.8 Filterability—Petroleum oil may be difficult to filter in
The third part of this test evaluates the effect of evaporation on the presence of small amounts (<2 %) of water. In some cases,
flammability. It is also commonly called the “pipe cleaner” test. this may result in plugging of system filters which may result
In this test, a pipe cleaner saturated with the hydraulic fluid in increased abrasive wear of the hydraulic system compo-
being tested is cycled through a Bunsen burner flame at 25 6 nents. It should be noted that filterability is not a physical
2 cycles/min. To be considered a “pass,” the average number of characteristic of the oil but represents an estimation of its
cycles through the flame before ignition shall be at least 24. behavior in service. Therefore, an assessment of the filterability
6.7 Biodegradability and Aqueous Toxicity—Although the of hydraulic oils is very important.
biodegradability and ecotoxicity properties of a hydraulic fluid 6.8.1 Filterability (AFNOR Test Methods NF E48-690, NF
do not dictate their performance in a hydraulic pump, they are E48-691, NF E48-692, ISO 13357-2—Fluid filterability for
often important screening properties. In many cases, if a petroleum oil-derived fluids is measured using a filtration
hydraulic fluid does not exhibit acceptable biodegradability membrane made of mixed cellulose esters for AFNOR NF
and ecotoxicity, it will be rejected and not be evaluated in E48-690 and AFNOR NF E48-691. The membrane area (47
expensive and time-consuming pump tests. mm diameter) and pore size (0.8 µm) are defined (Millipore
AA WP 047 IF). The AFNOR NF E48-690 test method is used
6.7.1 Biodegradability (Guide D 6006)—Guide D 6006
to assess the filterability of an oil which will be used in
provides information to assist in judging the biodegradability
applications where the presence of water in the oil is unlikely.
of an unused fully formulated hydraulic fluid in its original
The AFNOR NF E48-691 test method is used for assessing the
form. Biodegradability is one of three characteristics which are
filterability of oils that have been heat-soaked in the presence
assessed when judging the environmental impact of a hydraulic
of water contamination.
fluid. The other two characteristics are ecotoxicity and bioac-
cumulation. Biodegradability may be considered by type of NOTE 14—It is not impossible for an oil to have poor filterability when
environmental compartment: aerobic fresh water, aerobic ma- dry, but good filterability when wet although it is unlikely that such an oil
rine, aerobic soil, and anaerobic media. Test methods for would be generally acceptable.
aerobic fresh water- , aerobic soil and anaerobic media have The “wet” oil samples are prepared by mixing 330
been developed that are appropriate for the concerns and needs mL of oil with 66 mL of water and then heat the mixed sample
of testing in these compartments. in an oven at 70°C for 2 h. The sample is removed from the Guide D 6006 addresses releases to the environment oven, stirred again and then returned to the oven for 70 h at
that are incidental to the use of a hydraulic fluid but is not which time the sample is removed from the oven and stored at
intended to cover situations of major, accidental release. ambient temperature in the dark for 24 h at which time it is
Nothing in this guide should be taken to relieve the user of the ready for filterability testing. In the AFNOR test methods, the
responsibility to properly use and dispose of hydraulic fluids. rate of filtration near the beginning of the test is measured, and
6.7.2 Classification of Fluids for Environmental Impact compared with the mean filtration rate throughout the test, or
(Classification D 6046)—This classification establishes a with the rate at the end of the test. The filterability calculation
framework to categorize the biodegradability, toxicity, and procedure affords a value that is independent of fluid viscosity,
bioaccumulation impact of hydraulic fluids on different envi- however, a constant fluid temperature must be maintained
ronmental compartments. Fluids are assigned designations throughout the test.
within these categories; for example Pw1, Tw2, and so forth, Alternatively, filterability of petroleum oil hydraulic
based on performance in specified tests. fluids may be assessed using ISO 13357-2. As with the
6.7.3 In the current version of this classification, the aspects AFNOR procedures above, these test methods are not suitable
of environmental impact included are environmental persis- for use with HFC and HFD fire-resistant fluids due to their
tence (biodegradability) and acute ecotoxicity. Although envi- incompatibility with the filter material.
ronmental persistence is discussed first, this classification does NOTE 15—The AFNOR NF E48-69 (ISO 13357-2) and AFNOR NF
not imply that considerations of environmental persistence E48-691 test procedures are not suitable for some hydraulic oils on which
should take precedence over concerns for ecotoxicity. Another specific properties have been conferred by the use of insoluble/partially
soluble additives, or by particularly large molecular species.
important aspect of environmental impact is bioaccumulation.
This aspect is not addressed in the present classification For fire-resistant fluids, HFC and HFD, a filter
because adequate test methods do not yet exist to measure membrane made of polytetrafluoroethylene (Millipore Fluo-
bioaccumulation of hydraulic fluids. The present classification ropore FALP 047 IF) is used for AFNOR NF E48-692. Both
addresses the fresh water and soil environmental compart- the membrane area (47 mm diameter) and pore size (1 µm) are
ments. At this time marine and anaerobic environmental defined.
compartments are not included, although they are pertinent for 6.9 Anti-wear Performance—Preliminary assessment of the
many uses of hydraulic fluids. Hydraulic fluids are expected to lubricating performance of a hydraulic fluid is typically per-
have no significant impact on the atmosphere; therefore, that formed prior to conducting relatively expensive and time-
compartment is not addressed. consuming piston pump tests. These preliminary tests can be

D 6813 – 02a
classified as “bench” tests and “pump” tests. The bench tests 6.10.1 Anti-wear Performance (Test Method D 2882)—
are standardized lubrication tests and the most commonly Hydraulic systems running at high pressures, designed with
encountered are described in 6.9.1. The most common pump small clearances and subject to metal-to-metal contact (for
tests used for hydraulic fluid lubrication testing are either the example, vane, gear, and piston pumps) should use fluids that
Test Method D 2882 vane pump test or the Eaton 35VQ25 have anti-wear properties. Test Method D 2882 is a constant-
vane pump test (5). volume vane pump test based on the Eaton V104C vane pump
(see Note 17). The evaluation parameter is the total weight loss
NOTE 16—The vane pump tests described in 6.9 for assessing hydraulic
fluid lubrication provide an excellent indication of anti-wear performance of the ring and vanes. The test rig simulates anti-wear
under pure sliding conditions. Such information is a useful indicator for performance provided by a hydraulic fluid at a sliding wear
lubrication wear at sliding contacts in a piston pump which include: the contact in small hydraulic systems.
interface between the piston and the cylinder block, the interface between
the piston and the swash plate for some axial piston pumps, the interface NOTE 17—Various national test methods have been issued based on the
between the rotary valve plate and pump housing, and other wear surfaces. Eaton V-104C pump but with slightly varying test conditions. A summary
However, correlation must be established by either experiment or expe- of various test methods and testing conditions is provided in Table 2.
rience. NOTE 18—Test Method D 2882 is based on the use of the Eaton V104C
vane pump. However, the V104 pump and components are no longer
6.9.1 Assessment of Anti-wear and EP Performance—Bench available from Eaton. Therefore, this test is currently being performed
Tests: with replacement parts which are similar but not identical to certified
Eaton replacement parts. Shell Four-Ball Tests (Test Methods D 2783 and
D 4172)—Although of limited value for water-containing flu- 6.10.2 Eaton 35VQ25 Vane Pump Test—For many higher
ids due to lack of fluid temperature control, four-ball tests may pressure and higher speed operating conditions, a more rigor-
provide a useful preliminary evaluation of the lubricating ous assessment of hydraulic fluid anti-wear properties is
properties of a hydraulic fluid. necessary. Therefore, Vickers Inc. developed the 35VQ25 vane
(1) Evaluation of Extreme Pressure (Load Carrying) Prop- pump test (now designated as the Eaton 35VQ35 vane pump
erties by the Four Ball Method (Test Method D 2783)—This test, to provide the most severe evaluation of hydraulic fluid
test method covers the determination of the load-carrying anti-wear performance in a Vickers intravane pump (5). The
properties of lubricating fluids including hydraulic fluids. Two procedure for this test is outlined in Vickers Form No.
determinations are made: load-wear index (formerly Mean- M-2952-S, now published by Eaton Corporation (6). The test
Hertz load) and the weld point by means of the four-ball procedure involves the use of an Eaton 35VQ35 fixed displace-
extreme-pressure (EP) tester. ment (81 cm3/rev) vane pump as the test pump. This pump
(2) Evaluation of Anti-wear Properties by the Four-Ball utilizes an intravane design replaceable cartridge which is rated
Method—(Test Method D 4172)—This test method covers a at 2500 rpm and 207 bar (3000 psi). The test procedure utilizes
procedure for making a preliminary evaluation of the anti-wear a minimum of three vane pump cartridges which are tested at
properties of fluid lubricants in sliding contact by means of the 50 h each. The 50 h test duration includes a one hour plus
Four-Ball Wear Test Machine. break-in period to allow the inlet fluid temperature and outlet FZG Test (Test Method D 5182)—This test method, pressure to be increased to the final test conditions shown in
the Forschungstelle fur Zahnrader und Getriebebau (Research Table 3. The remainder of the test is conducted in the
Site for Gears and Transmissions) Visual Method, commonly steady-state mode.
referred to as the FZG Visual Method, is intended to measure
the scuffing load capacity of oils used to lubricate hardened 7. Pump Testing Procedures
steel gears. It is primarily used to assess the resistance to 7.1 Although numerous pump tests may be devised, most
scuffing of mild additive treated oils such as industrial gear oils are based on one, or combinations of two or more, of three
and transmission fluids. This test is widely used to predict testing strategies. These include:
anti-wear performance of hydraulic oils in vane pumps. 7.1.1 Cycled Load (Pressure)—A pump test may be run by
6.10 Assessment of Anti-wear Performance—Vane Pump cycling between a higher and a lower pressure at a constant
Tests: volume. This type of test procedure is beneficial because

TABLE 2 Current Pump Testing Procedures Based on the Eaton V-104 Vane Pump
Inlet Temperature
Fluid Volume, Time, Pump Speed, Outlet Pressure, Power Requirement,
Procedure or Viscosity,A
L h rpm bar kW
ASTM D 2882 57 100 1200 140 7
DIN 51389/2C 70 250 1500 140 13 cSt 7
DIN 51389/3C 70 250 1500 105 13 cSt 7
IP 281 70 250 1500 102 13 cSt 7
CETOP RP 67 70 250 1500 102 13 cSt 7
Test Method D 2882 specifies the operating conditions by fluid temperature where the DIN 51389, IP 281, and CETOP methods specify that the running temperature
will be selected to provide a fluid viscosity of 13 cSt.
Fluid temperature at the pump inlet is 66 6 3°C (150 6 5°F) for all water glycols, emulsions, and other water-containing fluids and for petroleum and synthetic fluids
with 66 6 3°C (150 6 5°F) viscosities of 46 cSt (213 SUS) or less. A temperature of 80 6 3°C (175 6 5°F) is used for all other synthetic and petroleum fluids.
This is the test method for mineral oil hydraulic fluids. DIN 51389/3 is the method for fire-resistant fluids.

D 6813 – 02a
TABLE 3 Steady-State Operating Conditions for the Eaton fluid cooling and air release (7). However, the reservoir should
35VQ35 Vane Pump Test also be sufficiently small to simulate the reservoir of an actual
Speed 2400 rpm system that would provide a fluid turnover time of 20 s or three
Outlet Pressure 207 bar gage
Inlet Pressure 0 to 0.15 bar gage with flooded unit
times per minute.
Inlet Temperature 93°C
NOTE 19—The desired reservoir volume (VR) can be calculated from
the flow rate: (V/min) where VR– 3V. This simple calculation means that
ideally the total volume of the reservoir should turn over at least three (3)
cycling the pressure affects the control system, slipper contact times per minute which is a common recommendation used for mobile
varies, fluids change characteristics under pressure (for ex- hydraulic units (8).
ample, cavitation, aeration), it evaluates cradle bearing scuff- NOTE 20—Typically, the reservoir volume in actual hydraulic systems
ing, it provides acceleration and deceleration of the fluid, it may vary from as small as 1 to 1.5 times the flow rate for mobile systems
provides case pressure spikes, and it is representative of the up to 2 to 4 times the flow rate for industrial stationary systems. It is
“real world.” Deficiencies of cycled pressure tests are that this important that the heat exchanger capacity be sufficient to provide the
necessary temperature control of the hydraulic fluid, particularly when
procedure stresses the bearing and yoke assembly more than smaller reservoirs are used (see 8.4).
the fluid life; cost for a robust stand; and less time at maximum
and minimum shear and stress. 8.2.1 Additional recommended reservoir design features
7.1.2 Cycled Volume—A cycled volume test is conducted by include (9):
alternating between a minimum and maximum volume per The suction feeds to the hydraulic pump shall be
stroke and is conducted at a constant pressure. This type of test located such that adequate fluid supply to the operating circuit
influences component life more than providing maximum is maintained at the minimum operating fluid level and that air
stress on the fluid to evaluate fluid life properties. The ingression and the formation of vortices in the fluid are
advantages and disadvantages are essentially analogous to eliminated.
those described in 7.1.1. Return feeds to the reservoir shall be discharged
7.1.3 Constant Pressure and Constant Volume—For the below the operating fluid level.
greatest stress on the hydraulic fluid, it is recommended that Return feeds to the reservoir shall discharge at the
the pump be run at a constant pressure and volume at a lowest practical velocity and shall promote the desired circu-
maximum temperature. If low-temperature wear is a concern, lation pattern within the reservoir and shall not promote air
then a low fluid temperature cycle may need to be included, entrainment.
probably at the beginning of the test. Experience has shown The reservoir configuration shall be such that con-
that most wear occurs at the beginning of the test during “break taminants cannot be resuspended in the system fluid.
in,” unless the fluid is deficient at the selected operating 8.2.2 To facilitate air release of the hydraulic fluid returning
conditions or reaches the end of its useful life during the test. to the reservoir before it re-enters the inlet, it is recommended Advantages of the constant pressure test include: that proper reservoir baffling be used. There are a number of
lower cost, simpler test stand; more durable test stand and possible designs; and one design is shown in Fig. 4 (10). It is
higher stress on the hydraulic oil (maximum shearing and recommended that reservoir design be reviewed with the pump
temperature rise). Variation in the system pressure load will not manufacturer before initiating the test program.
provide any additional information about the fluid properties. 8.2.3 ANSI (NFPA)T3.16.2 provides some useful guide-
Many people believe that since the pressure inside of the lines for the design, construction, and selection of reservoirs.
cylinders is fluctuating, there is no need to further complicate Also included in this document are descriptions of proper
the system with additional pressure changes. The primary function and maintenance of hydraulic reservoirs.
disadvantage of the constant pressure test is that this testing 8.3 Inlet Piping Requirements (8)—The suction line into the
procedure is not representative of common “real world” reservoir for the hydraulic pump must be adequately sub-
applications. merged to prevent vortexing. The following rules from the
Lightning Reference Handbook (8) have been offered as
8. Pump Stand Design guidelines to prevent vortexing:
8.1 Various pump testing procedures have been reported for 8.3.1 Design intake lines for the minimum possible velocity,
use in evaluating components under different operating condi- <4 ft/s.
tions. Three standards that describe different testing procedures 8.3.2 Ensure that the intake line is submerged 1.75 to 2
but which are useful references in test design development are: times the intake line inside diameter.
SAE J745, ANSI/(NFPA)T3.9.20 and ANSI/(NFPA)T3.9.33. 8.3.3 Use bell-mouthed fittings on intake pipes to reduce
As indicated in Section 7, there are numerous testing variations intake velocity at point of entry below the pipe velocity.
that may be selected depending on the objective of the piston 8.3.4 Ensure that the intake pipe is 5 to 6 times the pipe
pump test being performed. ANSI/JIC T2.24.1 provides basic inside diameter away from the nearest reservoir wall on at least
guidance in the preparation of detailed equipment specifica- one side.
tions, and promotes personnel safety, and proper use of 8.3.5 Ensure that the intake pipe is no closer to the reservoir
hydraulic equipment. The most critical parameters that must be bottom than the pipe (inside diameter/2).
monitored for any test are discussed throughout Section 8. 8.4 Hydraulic Oil Temperature—The pump inlet oil tem-
8.2 Fluid Residence Time (Reservoir Size)—The reservoir perature should be the maximum allowed by the pump manu-
for the test stand should be of sufficient size to accommodate facturer or equipment manufacturer. The purpose is to test the

D 6813 – 02a

FIG. 4 Illustration of a Reservoir Baffling Design that Has Been Recommended

thermal and oxidative stability of the fluid which affects where this starvation will occur depends on the viscosity and
deposit formation, corrosion, and filter plugging. This is density of the hydraulic fluid as well as the physical configu-
normally approximately 90 to 95°C for anhydrous fluids. ration of the pump inlet and connecting lines. Therefore, it is
Water-containing fluids must be tested at a lower temperature necessary to size the inlet piping and to properly position the
and the temperature that should be used is that specified for this pump relative to the reservoir such that the inlet pressure to the
class of fluids by the hydraulic pump manufacturer. pump is positive.
8.4.1 Both the fluid reservoir temperature (or pump inlet oil 8.5.1 The pressure at the inlet to the pump is normally called
temperature) and the case drain oil temperature should be the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and may be calculated
recorded. Typically, the case drain oil temperature is approxi- in terms of absolute pressure (11). The entire system from the
mately 10 to 20°C higher than the pump inlet temperature. fluid level in the reservoir to the inlet of the pump must be
NOTE 21—The recommended fluid viscosity and viscosity limits for the taken into account when determining the NPSH as illustrated in
pump being tested should be obtained from the pump manufacturer. Fig. 5. The primary factors are:
Typically, the recommended maximum oil temperature is that value that The atmospheric head or the atmospheric pressure at
provides a fluid viscosity of 8 to 10 cSt. However, testing may be the particular location (HA).
conducted at a higher temperature that provides a fluid viscosity of 6 to 7 The friction head or the pressure needed to over-
cSt. However, if the fluid viscosity is 6 to 7 cSt, a high-performance
hydraulic oil with an anti-wear additive system is typically required. come the losses due to friction when the fluid is flowing
through the intake pipe, fittings, valves, and area changes (HF).
8.5 Pump Inlet Condition—If the hydraulic fluid cannot be Static inlet head or vertical distance from the cen-
supplied to the pumping chambers of the pump at a sufficient
terline of the pump inlet to the free surface level in the
rate, there is significant danger that the pump will cavitate. The
reservoir (HS).
fluid flow versus shaft speed for a typical hydraulic pump will
be linear up to the point where the fluid can no longer enter the The vapor pressure of the fluid at the fluid tempera-
pumping chambers of the pump as they are opened and closed ture (HVP).
because of shaft rotation. When this occurs, the chambers will 8.5.2 These parameters can be used to calculate the NPSH
only partially fill and the outlet flow will be reduced. Under according to the equation:
these conditions, the pump will be starved for fluid. The speed NPSH 5 HA 1 HS 2 HF 2 HVP (9)

D 6813 – 02a

FIG. 5 Illustration of NPSH Parameters The vapor pressure (HVP) that must be used in this hydraulic fluid is viscosity. Fluid viscosity affects both opera-
calculation is the vapor pressure of the fluid at the inlet tional characteristics of the hydraulic system and the lubrica-
(reservoir) temperature. This can be a substantial negative tion properties of the fluid.
contribution, particularly for water-containing fluids at el- 9.1.1 Maximum and minimum viscosity limits for hydraulic
evated temperatures. pumps are dependent on pump design and these values are It is important to maintain a positive inlet pressure. obtainable from the manufacturer of the piston pump being
However, the actual inlet pressure that must be maintained to tested. The maximum fluid viscosity that can be used is known
prevent cavitation is specific to the piston pump design, and as “cold start” viscosity.
this value should be obtained with respect to the hydraulic test 9.1.2 The effect of temperature and pressure on the pump-
circuit from the pump manufacturer. If insufficient inlet pres- ability of a hydraulic fluid must also be considered. There is
sure cannot be achieved by repositioning the pump relative to typically an optimal range for proper operation of a hydraulic
the reservoir, then it may be necessary to “supercharge” the pump. For example, at very low temperatures, increased fluid
inlet using an auxiliary feed pump. viscosity leads to cavitation, and at excessively high tempera- It is also recommended that the suction feed to the tures, insufficient fluid viscosity results in pump slippage and
operating circuit be sized to limit the pump intake velocity to loss of efficiency and also loss of lubrication leading to wear.
1.2 m/s (4 ft/s) (9).
9.1.3 Although the pump manufacturer will have a recom-
NOTE 22—The auxiliary pump must have a net positive suction head at mended operating fluid viscosity range, there are trade-offs. A
its inlet also. higher fluid viscosity grade will exhibit lower oxidative stabil-
8.6 Intake Line Placement—Ensure that the inlet pipe is 5 to ity, poorer heat transfer, and slower air release, but the lower
6 times the pipe inside diameter from the nearest obstruction. viscosity grade will stress the anti-wear performance. Both
(An obstruction would include: elbow, joint, or any obstruction extremes affect cavitation. Therefore, the effects of both
to flow.) The inlet pipe should not be closer to the reservoir temperature and viscosity of a hydraulic fluid on performance
bottom than the inside diameter of the inlet pipe/2. must be considered.
8.7 Pump Metallurgy—The metallurgy of the critical mate- 9.2 Contamination Levels—Hard solid particles, especially
rial pairs of the pump being used are important and may affect those larger than 10 µ, cause abrasive wear not only in the
wear performance. Critical material pairs include: wear plate/ hydraulic pump but also within the system components such as
shoe interface, port plate/face plate interface, piston/barrel valves, and so on, and should be monitored during a pump test.
sleeve, cylinder block, pistons, shoes, valve plate, rolling Particle generation is high at the beginning of the pump test
element bearings, shaft seals, and the like. and usually declines through the test. At the end of the test,
very low particle concentrations are expected if the system has
9. Fluid Specification Requirements appropriate filtration. The best way to obtain reliable data is by
9.1 Importance of Viscosity—Temperature Properties—One in-line counting. Off-line bottle sampling is subject to many
of the most important fundamental physical properties of a errors.

D 6813 – 02a
9.2.1 Cleanliness requirements are determined by the equip- 10.1.4 Pressure Monitoring—Increased magnitude of the
ment specifications available from the piston pump supplier. pressure spikes may indicate wear of the valve plate or erosion.
Some recommendations are provided in DIN 51515. It is Uneven pressure output could reflect wear within the compen-
important to have a good filtration in the test system to provide sator.
adequate system cleanliness. System cleanliness requirements 10.1.5 Volumetric Output—A decrease of the flow would
will be determined by reviewing the pump manufacturer indicate internal wear or change in fluid viscosity. Monitoring
recommendations. Generally, the filter rating shall include a case drainage would be a confirmation of this effect. An
Beta rating of at least 75 to obtain the appropriate ISO particle increase in case drainage flow and temperature would be
count rating. indicative of internal wear.
9.2.2 The hydraulic oil may contain “typical” concentra- 10.1.6 Pump Operating Parameters—It is recommended
tions of water that shall be determined using Karl Fischer that a data log be kept of the hydraulic pump test. Table 4
analysis (see 6.3.3). Typically, new, unused mineral-base hy- provides an illustration of such a log. In addition to the data
draulic oils contain 0.04 to 0.1 % water (100 to 300 ppm is shown in Table 4, information relating to pump derating shall
typical for hydraulic oils which have less than 1 wt % be recorded. Also, note the field history of the hydraulic fluid,
compounding). which shall include a brief description of years of experience
and any known strengths and deficiencies.
10. Pump Test Monitoring and Evaluation
10.1 Various operational parameters may be monitored 11. Pump Test Monitoring and Evaluation Criteria
throughout the pump test. These parameters are summarized in 11.1 Fluid Test Parameters—Key fluid characterization
10.1.1-10.1.6. properties should be measured at the start and end of a test, and
10.1.1 Vibrational Analysis—Sources of system noise and some should be monitored at intervals during the test. An
vibration may be mechanical or fluid-borne. example protocol is given in Table 5.
10.1.2 Mechanical Noise—Sources of mechanical vibra- 11.1.1 As a minimum, the fluid test parameters should
tions include vibrating surfaces from pressure fluctuations include: viscosity (Test Method D 445), neutralization number
emanating from pistons, unbalanced rotational vibrations, or (Test Method D 664), water content (Test Method D 1144 or
vibrating pipe walls. For example, increased vibration of the E 203), and reserve alkalinity (Test Method D 1121), if the
pump case may indicate wear of the shaft/bearing pair. fluid is a water-containing fluid such as HFB or HFC. Particle
10.1.3 Fluid-Borne Noise—Liquid motion may produce count analysis (ISO 11171) should be performed on the used
pressure fluctuations caused by fluid dynamics. Examples of fluid and, if necessary, ferrographic analysis or elemental
fluid dynamic sources of noise and vibration include: turbu- analysis, or both, to determine the source of any particles (wear
lence, cavitation, flashing of the hydraulic fluid, and flow or corrosion). Elemental analysis may also be done to monitor
separation or vorticity. Pressure and flow pulsations may lead additive element depletion or wear metal accumulation. Analy-
to mechanical vibrations which may radiate acoustic noise. sis of metals is typically performed by Test Methods D 5185 or
These fluid dynamic sources characteristically lead to unstable D 6595. A procedure similar to Test Method D 6376 may be
flow patterns producing vortices at the boundaries between the used for analyzing wear particles on a patch with subsequent
high-velocity and low-velocity regions. These vortices are elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.
converted to pressure perturbations as they impinge on side- NOTE 23—The performance of water-containing fluids such as HFB
walls which, in turn, result in vibration of the piping or pump and HFC fluids is dependent on the actual water content. Therefore, it is
housing. important to determine the water content not only on the fresh fluid but

TABLE 4 Hydraulic Pump Operating Parameters

Required Data, Constant Test Condition Variable Test Condition
Variable Test Condition,
Operation Conditions Measure Before (Flow and Pressure), (Flow and Pressure Profile
Start of Test h and Cycles), hA
Speed, rpm
Inlet Pressure, bar
System Pressure, bar
Reservoir Fluid Temperature, °C
Leakage Fluid Temperature, °C
Leakage Flow, L/min (Case Drain)
Leakage Pressure, bar
Shaft Power, kW
Hydraulic Power, kW
Total Efficiency, %
Particle contamination, cleanliness classB
Condition Monitoring (Body Noise)
Profile for flow: 1.5 s from min to max and from max to min, 1.5 s constant min and max flow, 1.5 s from max to min flow, (6 s/cycle, 600 cycles/h), pressure followed
in the same way.
Cleanliness class 19/16/13 (ISO 4406) is recommended as a minimum.

D 6813 – 02a
TABLE 5 Measuring Fluid Properties During a Pump Test photographed to provide a record of these observations. In the
Test Start of
End of case of bearings and other parts, it may be desirable to
Method Test Test determine weight loss during the test. If the pump manufac-
Viscosity at 40°C D 455 X X X turer can provide a wear catalog, comparing the appearance of
Viscosity at 100°C X X
Total Acid Number D 664 X X X
parts to examples in the catalog can aid in determining wear.
Water Content D 1744, D 6304 or D 95 X X X 11.2.2 At the end of the test, the pump should be disas-
Appearance Visual X X X sembled and examined both qualitatively and quantitatively for
Color D 1500 X X
Infrared Spectrum X X X
wear and parts distress. Examples are polishing or scuffing of,
Particle Count ISO 4406 X X X or metal transfer to, the swash plate; piston shoe land wear;
Metals D 5185 X X X port plate and face plate corrosion or cavitation wear; darken-
Demulsibility D 1401 X X
Foaming D 892 X X ing or deposits in cylinder bores; radial lip seal wear; and
Air Release D 3427 X X bearing distress.
Oxidation D 2272 X X 11.2.3 An example of wear determination would be visual
Filterability NF E48– 690 X X X
NF E48–691 X X inspection with photography of the degree of smearing that
NF E48–692 X X X may occur on the valve plate and cylinder block at the
conclusion of the test. A “pass/fail” determination would be
made by comparing the degree of smearing with a wear catalog
also on the fluid at the conclusion of the test and at intermediate times, if provided by the pump manufacturer for the wear surface being
needed. It is suggested that water content should be maintained at 61 % examined. The wear catalog would indicate no wear, accept-
of the initial value. able and unacceptable levels of wear upon which the final
11.1.2 There are three manufacturers of analytical ferrogra- determination is made. Any abnormal wear, scuffing, or adhe-
phy equipment plus numerous in-house methods using filter- sive failure is a cause for concern. Other wear surfaces to
gram techniques (sometimes called patch ferrography). The examine include: shaft bearings, piston block/bore interface,
debris field is analyzed microscopically using an assortment of piston/slipper interface, slipper/swash-plate interface, cylinder
particle treatment methods (heat, chemicals, impaction, bichro- block/valve plate interface, shaft seal, and other sealing areas.
matic light, magnetism, and the like). Some laboratories use 11.3 Surface Analysis—Using visual inspection as the sole
image analyzers and particle recognition software. While there means of evaluating surface condition is often insufficient.
are no current ASTM or ISO methods for the optical analysis After testing, surface wear should be analyzed using accurate
of wear particles, a standard condition monitoring test proce- surface measurement. This may be done using a stylus or laser
dure, which includes wear particle identification methods, is equipped instrument. Reasonable limits of maximum wear
being developed by ISO TC108/SC5/WG4. depth in relation to the measured mean particle concentration
11.1.3 An example of a performance criterion is that a fluid should be established as a pass/fail guideline.
fails if there is a change in viscosity of >20 % or if an increase
in neutralization number of $2 mg KOH/g has occurred. Other 12. Reference Oil
parameters such as filterability, color, appearance, foaming 12.1 The reference oil selected is dependent on the problem
tendency, air release time, and loss of oxidation inhibitor may to be solved. For example, one may select a hydraulic fluid
be monitored. composition to improve upon its performance level. Alterna-
11.2 Pump Performance Appraisal—Variation of the pump tively, one may select an oil with minimum acceptable perfor-
operating parameters such as input speed, system pressure, mance.
system temperature, case temperature, case pressure, and flow,
throughout the test is an excellent indicator of wear. A sudden 13. Illustrative Pump Manufacturers Piston Pump Tests
increase in temperature and a sudden drop in flow are good
indicators that there are lubricating problems with one or more 13.1 There are numerous piston pump test procedures to
bearing surfaces. A permanent increase in pressure drop across assess the lubricating properties of a hydraulic fluid. Most of
the downstream filter may indicate plugging due to particles these tests have been developed and used by various pump
from wear or fluid deterioration. manufacturers. However, at the present time there is no
11.2.1 It is recommended that the condition of internal wear national standard piston pump test. This section provides an
contacts shall be determined and recorded. Table 6 provides a overview of a number of piston pump tests that have been
partial list for illustrative purposes. Each component should be developed by equipment manufacturers to evaluate certain
features of their pumps. These tests apply many of the ideas
discussed in Sections 7, 8, 10, and 11. These tests are generally
TABLE 6 Pump Component Wear Rating
performed as fluid qualification tests for pumps manufactured
Photograph and Description of the Type by the specific pump producer.
Part Ratings
and Degree of Wear Observed
13.2 Komatsu HPV35+35 Piston Pump Test—Recently,
Piston Shoe Face Land darkening, discoloration, material deformation,
scratches, scoring, plastic flow Komatsu developed a piston pump test to evaluate biodegrad-
Swash (Creep) Plate Scratches, polishing, discoloration, metal transfer, able vegetable oil-based hydraulic fluids (12). This test is based
heat checks on a Komatsu HPV35+35 dual-piston pump using cycled
Port (Face) Plate Darkening, abrasive wear, cavitation, cracking,
heat checks pressure test conditions summarized in Table 7 and shown
schematically in Fig. 6. The test evaluation criteria are pump

D 6813 – 02a
TABLE 7 Summary of Komatsu HP35V35 and 35 Piston Pump The rated inlet pressure for non-petroleum-based hydraulic
Test Conditions fluids is also equal to atmospheric pressure.
Pressure 10 to 420 kg/cm2(140 to 6000 psi)
Oil Flow 16 gal (at 140 psi); 5 gal at (6000 psi) NOTE 24—The recommended derated test conditions shown in Table 10
Speed 2100 rpm for the Eaton PVH57 hydraulic piston pump do not necessarily apply to
Temperature 80°C other Eaton hydraulic pumps nor do they necessarily apply to hydraulic
Tank Volume 16 gal pumps available from other manufacturers. The data in Table 10 is offered
Duration 500 h
as an illustration of hydraulic pump derating that may be encountered for
non-petroleum-based hydraulic fluids.
13.5.1 The Eaton PVH57C piston pump test is conducted
efficiency change, wear and surface roughness, formation of using the recommended speed, pressure, and temperature
lacquer and varnish, and hydraulic oil deterioration. provided in Table 10 while monitoring input torque, output
13.3 Rexroth Piston Pump Test—Rexroth has proposed a pressure, output flow, case flow, case temperature, case pres-
three-stage piston pump test based on the Brueninghaus sure, inlet temperature, and SAE Derived Capacity (according
A4VSO 125 piston pump (13). Stage one is conducted at to SAE J745) throughout the following procedure:
maximum operating pressure, displacement, and temperature Run a “performance” test as summarized in Table
and at the minimum viscosity specified for the fluid being 11.
tested. The test duration is 250 h at which time the pump is Run for 50 h at the rated pressure, speed, and
dismantled and inspected. The second stage of the test is a temperature. Spot check performance at 2400 rpm, 120°F
pulsed pressure test at the maximum displacement of the pump. (49°C) flooded inlet, and rated pressure—20 bar.
This stage is operated for one million cycles. When this stage Disassemble pump and visually inspect to deter-
is complete, the pump is dismantled and inspected. The third mine pass/fail (see 13.5.2 for pass/fail criteria). Reassemble the
stage is a variable displacement stage at maximum pressure, pump.
maximum temperature, and minimum fluid viscosity. The test Spot check performance at 2400 rpm, 120°F
duration is one million cycles (at approximately 2 Hz) at which (49°C), flooded inlet, and rated pressure—20 bar. Then run the
time the pump is dismantled and inspected again. These test following cycling test for 200 h:
conditions are summarized in Table 8. The final pass/fail (1) 0.75 s full flow at 90 % rated pressure;
assessment is made with reference to a standard damage (2) 0.5 s at rated pressure; and
catalog provided by Rexroth. (3) 0.5 s at low pressure standby.
13.4 Sundstrand Water Stability Test Procedure—This test Disassemble pump after approximately 48 h of
was originally conducted using a Sundstrand Series 22 piston cyclic endurance. If hardware is visually acceptable, then
pump at a constant pressure (14). Currently this test procedure reassemble pump, spot check performance and continue the
is conducted using a Sundstrand Series 90 piston pump with a cyclic test as described in
55 cm3 displacement (15). The objective of the test is to Run the performance test as summarized in Table
determine the effect of water contamination (1 %) on mineral 11.
oil hydraulic performance and yellow metal corrosion. How- Disassemble and inspect. The pass/fail criteria are
ever, other fluids, including water-containing fluids such as provided in 13.5.2.
HFB and HFC fluids and biodegradable fluids, may also be 13.5.2 Summary of Pass/Fail Criteria for the Eaton
evaluated using this test. The test conditions are summarized in PVH57C Piston Pump after Testing—The Eaton PVH57C
Table 9. The test duration is 225 h at which time it is piston pump will be disassembled at the indicated times during
disassembled and inspected for wear, corrosion and cavitation. the test and inspected for:
If the flow degradation is equal to or greater than 10 %, the test Valve plate running face—finish and visual inspec-
is considered to fail. tion.
13.5 Eaton PVH57C Piston Pump Test Procedure (16)— Cylinder block running face—finish and visual
This test procedure is used to evaluate hydraulic fluids for use inspection.
in axial piston pumps. The pump used for this test is the Eaton Yoke running face—finish and visual inspection.
PVH57 piston pump equipped with a pressure compensator Yoke bearing journals—finish and visual inspec-
with load sensing control. It consists of an actual test duration tion.
time of 250 h, not including break-in or performance running. Saddle bearings—finish and visual inspection.
The operation temperature is dependant on the capability of the Identify pistons for reassembly into same bore and
test fluid at the specified temperature, whichever is lower. For measure piston/shoe endplay and piston diameter at top,
anti-wear petroleum oils, the required running conditions are middle and bottom.
speed—2400 rpm, pressure—250 bar (3625 psi), All piston bores measured at top, middle and
temperature—93°C, and rated inlet pressure—atmospheric bottom.
pressure. Hydraulic pumps are typically derated for use with Measure metering land diameters and width on
non-petroleum oil-based fluids. The Eaton PVH57 hydraulic both control spools
piston pump is also derated for use with non-petroleum Photograph visually worn parts.
oil-based hydraulic fluids and the recommended test conditions 13.5.3 After these measurements are taken, the pass/fail
for non-petroleum-based fluids are summarized in Table 10. criteria are:

D 6813 – 02a

FIG. 6 Schematic Illustration of the Test Sequence Used for the Komatsu HP35V35 + 35 Piston Pump Test

TABLE 8 Summary of the Rexroth Brueninghaus A4VSO 125 TABLE 9 Summary of the Sundstrand Piston Pump Water
Piston Pump Test Conditions Stability Test Procedure
Stage 1—Continuous Load Operation Input Speed 3000 to 3200 rpm
Running Conditions Maximum operating pressure, maximum fluid Load Pressure 5000 psi (344 bar)
temperature, minimum fluid viscosity Charge Pressure 180 to 220 psi (12.4 to 15.2 bar)
specified for fluid class Case Pressure 40 psi (2.8 bar) max
Total Time/Stage 1 250 h; pump is dismantled and inspected Stroke Full
Reservoir Temperature 150 6 10°F ( 65 6 4°C)
Stage 2—Pulsed Pressure Operation at Maximum Displacement Loop Temperature 180 6 10°F ( 82 6 4°C)
Running Conditions Load pressure—0-maximum, maximum fluid Maximum Inlet Vacuum 5 in. Hg
temperature, minimum fluid viscosity
specified for fluid class
Total Time/Stage 2 1 million cycles, 2 to 3 Hz, 100 to 150 h;
pump is dismantled and inspected TABLE 10 Eaton PVH57 Specification Fluid Testing Conditions
Stage 3—Variable Displacement at Maximum Pressure Rated Speed, Rated Pressure,
Fluid Temperature,
Running Conditions Maximum pressure, maximum fluid rpm max, bar/psig
temperature, minimum fluid viscosity
specified for fluid class Water Glycol (HFC) 1800 170/2465 50/122
Total Time/Stage 3 1 million cycles, 1 s/cycle, total time is 280 h Invert Emulsion (HFB) 1500 155/2247 50/122
at which point the pump is dismantled 90-10 HWBF Thickened (HFAS) 1500 155/2247 50/122
and inspected Phosphate Ester (HFDR) 1800 230/3335 65/149
Polyol Ester (HFDU) 1800 230/3335 65/149
Environmentally Friendly– 1800 250/3625 65/149
Vegetable Base–(HETG) Visual fail if there is material transfer or a coarser Environmentally Friendly– 2400 250/3625 65/203
Synthetic Base–(HEES)
surface finish, or both, is observed resulting from abnormal Anti-wear Petroleum Oil 2400 250/3625 93/199
wear. Shoe endplay acceptance criterion is a change of
less than 0.05 mm. Overall maximum efficiency loss of 3 %. Maximum variation in full flow of 2 %.
14. Keywords
14.1 hydraulic fluid; hydraulic pump testing; piston pump

D 6813 – 02a
TABLE 11 Summary of the Eaton PVH57C Piston Pump
“Performance” Test Procedure
Conditions See Table 10
Pressure (bar) 70, 140, (210A), Rated Pressure—20, Rated Pressure
Speed (rpm) 1200, (1800A), Rated Speed
Temperature Rated temperature or fluid manufacturers temperature
(whichever is lower)
These are the conditions that are permissible for use with a petroleum oil.


(1) Lemberger, S., and Totten, G. E., “Chapter 12—Failure Analysis,” 0239-B1, Parker Hannafin Corporation, Motion & Control Group,
Handbook of Hydraulic Fluid Technology, Ed. G. E. Totten, Marcel Training Dept., Cleveland, OH, 1993, p. 13-1.
Dekker Inc., New York, NY, 2000, pp. 601-673. (11) Tessmann, R. K., Melief, H. M., and Bishop, R. J., “Chapter 1—Basic
(2) Fire Resistance of Industrial Fluids, STP 1284, Eds. G. E. Totten and Hydraulic Pump and Circuit Design,” Handbook of Hydraulic Fluid
J. Reichel, ASTM International, W. Conshohocken, PA, 1996. Technology, Ed. G. E. Totten, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY,
(3) CFR—Part 35, “Fire Resistant Fluids,” U.S. Mine Safety and Health 2000, pp. 1-64.
(4) “Approval Standard: Less Hazardous Hydraulic Fluid—Class Number (12) Ohkawa, S., Konishi, A., Hatano, H., Ishihama, K., Tanaka, K., and
6930,” Factory Mutual Research Corporation, Norwood, MA, Feb. 7, Iwamura, M., “Oxidation and Corrosion Characteristics of Vegetable-
1975. Base Biodegradable Hydraulic Oil,” SAE Technical Paper Series,
(5) Johnson, H. T., and Lewis, T. I., “Vickers 35VQ25 Pump Test,” Paper Number 951038, 1995.
Tribology of Hydraulic Pump Testing, ASTM STP 1310, Eds. G. E. (13) Melief, H. M., Totten, G. E., and Bishop, R. J., “Overview of the
Totten, G. H. Kling, and D. J. Smolenski, ASTM International, W. Proposed Rexroth High-Pressure Piston Pump Testing Procedure for
Conshohocken, PA, 1996, pp. 129-139. Hydraulic Fluid Qualification,” SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper
(6) “Pump Testing Performance for Evaluation of Antiwear Fluids for Number 982022, 1998.
Mobile Applications,” Vickers Form No. M-2952-S, Eaton Corpora- (14) “Sundstrand Water Stability Test Procedure,” Sundstrand Bulletin
tion, Eaton Hydraulics, Eden Prairie, MN. No. 9658, Sauer-Danfoss Corp., Ames, IA.
(7) Bishop, R. J., and Totten, G. E., “Managing Foam and Aeration in
(15) “The Effect of Water-Contaminated Hydraulic Fluid on the Sauer-
Hydraulic Fluids,” Proceedings of the International Conference and
Sundstrand 90 Series Axial Piston Pump,” Specification Number JDQ
Exhibition, Practicing Oil Analysis 2000, Tulsa, OK, October 24-26,
84, John Deere Corporation, Waterloo, IA.
2000, pp. 58-70.
(8) Fluid Power Designer’s Lightningt Reference Handbook, 8th Edition, (16) Eaton Engineering Standard ATS-362, “Eaton PVH57C—Test Pro-
Paul-Munroe Rucker, Inc., Whittier, CA, 1994, p. 118. cedure for Evaluation of Fluids for Open Loop Axial Piston Pumps,”
(9) Fluid Power Designer’s Lightningt Reference Handbook, 8th Edition, Eaton Corporation, Hydraulics Division, Eden Prairie, MN.
Paul-Munroe Rucker, Inc., Whittier, CA, 1994, p. 17. (17) McHugh, P., Stofey, W. D., and Totten, G. E., “Chapter 14—Mineral
(10) “Lesson 13—Hydraulic Fluid Conditioning,” Fluid Power Oil Hydraulic Fluids,” Handbook of Hydraulic Fluid Technology, Ed.
Basics—An Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Bulletin G. E. Totten, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, NY, 2000, pp. 711-794.

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