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Well Integrity behind casing during well

operation.Alternative sealing materials to


Dickson Udofia Etetim

Petroleum Engineering
Submission date: December 2013
Supervisor: Pål Skalle, IPT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics
A work of this magnitude have partly been tapped from other authors’ work; hence I wish to
express my sincere gratitude to all the authors whose works were consulted in the course of
writing this project. Many thanks are due to all my lecturers at NTNU for contributing
immensely to my reservoir of knowledge and especially to my project supervisor and co-
supervisor Prof. Pal Skalle and Prof Sigbjorn Sangesland respectively for their valuable
advice, assistance, contributions and corrections at various stages of production of this thesis.
I must thank in more ways than one my brothers and sisters who stood by me throughout the
course of the project. This acknowledgement would essentially be incomplete if I fail to
extend my deepest appreciation to the Almighty God, for without Him, I wouldn’t have come
this far. To others whom I have not mentioned due to space or the lack of it, you would
graciously be blessed.

Maintaining well integrity during all well operations has become a major concern for
operators worldwide. The maintenance of an increasingly aging well stock and the higher cost
associated with new wells makes well integrity a critical element of asset lifecycle
management. Factors such as wellbore instability, corrosion, cement bond deterioration,
expansion/contraction, and changing pressure envelopes to name a few, all contribute to
compromised well integrity. Therefore, assessing the integrity of existing wellbores is crucial
for optimizing productivity and adding value.

For an oil/gas well to maintain its integrity and be produced effectively and economically, it is
pertinent that a complete zonal isolation is achieved through out the life of the well. This
complete zonal isolation, however, can be compromised due to factors that come into play
during the operative life of the completed well. There has been a lot of research and
experimental investigations in the area of well cement design and this has led to improved
cement designs and cementing practices but yet many cement integrity problems persist and
this further strengthens the need to evaluate alternative sealing materials to cement.

This thesis work describes the process criteria and consideration of design of wellbore seals to
establish well integrity behind casing. In order to improve the primary cementing, alternative
materials to cement was evaluated. An assessment of ThermaSet and Sandaband was
conducted with the emphasis on applicability, placement and zonal isolation.

The assessment of the materials showed potential in both Sandaband and ThermaSet. Even
though both materials had properties which made them good for long lasting isolation, cement
will still be the only material for cementing in the near future. This is because of the superior
ability to support the casing, the diversity of cement, low cost of the material and due to the
state of the industry. The property of the alternative materials makes them possible candidates
for future corrosion and temperature fluctuating wells. Sandaband can also be used as
isolation behind the casing in shallow gas wells. The usage of Sandaband will be limited to
simple well solution because of the complexity of the operation. ThermaSet is currently too
expensive, and there are too many untested issues related to it as a primary cementing
material. It is recommended that the design and material selection for sealing casing in
wellbores be site specific. Evaluation of sealing effectiveness should be made on the entire
seal system i.e. seal, seal-rock interface and the surrounding rock. Consequently, the
experimental work presents a detailed investigation of the physical and chemical capabilities
of barite loaded mud as a reliable alternative to cement as a sealing material. In order to verify
how capable barite loaded mud is as an alternative to cement, a laboratory experiment that
gave data as to the shear strength of the mud, how it could be handled to ensure that a long
plug with high solids concentration is created, its gel strength, its density, setting time,
filtration rate, and rheological parameters were studied. Comparisons were made of the test
result with the properties of Portland cement. The test results showed slight agreement with
the published properties of Portland cement. The results obtained from the study show that:
At low mud rheology, barite loaded mud is pump-able since it pumps with gear pump at
reduced pressure; too much water lowers slurry viscosity. This makes it easier to pump;
however, it may lead to the following objectionable characteristics: longer setting time,
reduction in ultimate strength of the cementing material. The effective density of a suitable
barite loaded mud that can be used as a reliable alternative to Portland cement is 1.28kg/litre.

Table of Content

2.1 Well integrity—a definition 3
2.2 What can go wrong in wells?
2.3 How likely is loss of well integrity? 5
2.4 What are the consequences of loss of well integrity? 7
2.4.1 Reported cases of failures resulting from loss of well integrity 8
2.5 Well Barriers – definitions, classification, and requirements
2.5.1 Key concepts and definitions 13
2.5.2 Well Barrier Requirements 14
2.5.3 Well integrity and well barriers 15
2.5.4 Well Barrier Functions 16
2.5.5 Reliability analysis of well barriers 21
2.5.6 Analysis steps 22
2.5.7 Achieving well integrity behind casing using cement 23
2.5.8 Formation replacing casing cement 25
2.6 Well integrity during all wellbore operations
2.6.1 Well integrity at the design stage 26
2.6.2 Well integrity during drilling operations 27
2.6.3 Well integrity during production operations 30
2.6.4 Well integrity during abandonment operations 32
3.1 Properties of Materials That Make Them Suitable as Sealing Material 33
3.2 Why the need for alternatives to cement as a sealing material? 34
3.3 Description of alternatives to cement as a sealing material 35
3.3.1 Settled Barite 35
3.3.2 ThermaSet 36
3.3.3 Sandaband 37
3.3.4 Ultra Seal 43
3.3.5 Use of Alternative Cementitious Materials 44
3.3.6 CannSeal 46
3.4 Comparison of alternative plugging materials 46


4.1 Sandaband 49
4.1.1 Sandaband Placement 50
4.1.2 Verification of Sandaband 50
4.2 Thermaset 51
4.2.1 Thermaset Placement 52
4.2.2 Verification of Thermaset 52
4.3 Applicability of Sandaband and Thermaset 52
4.3.1 Cost Analysis 53
4.4 Experimental work on a selected new sealing material 54
4.4.1 Experimental conditions studied 55
4.4.2 Test facility and test matrix 56
4.4.3 Test procedure 57
4.4.4 Results 58

List of Figures
Figure Description Page

Figure 2.1 Example of failure statistics with age 5

Figure 2.2 Example of barrier element failures 6
Figure 2.3 Contributing factors to loss of well control incidents in the Gulf of Mexico 7
Figure 2.4 Ways of losing well integrity 14
Figure 2.5 Illustration of well barriers to achieve well 16
Figure 2.6 Casing cement acting as part of both the primary and secondary well barrier 24
Figure 2.7 Sustained casing pressure on well X01 31
Figure 3.1 Cement problems 35
Figure 3.2 Sandaband 40
Figure 3.3 Bingham plastic behavior 41
Figure 3.4 Ultra Seal 43
Figure 3.5 Strength development characteristics of different pozzolan-cement mixtures 46
Figure 3.6 The CannSeal technology - Injecting sealant 46
Figure 3.7 CannSeal as foundation for annular Sandaband plug 47
Figure 4.1 Mixture rheologies 55
Figure 4.2 Schematic of test facility 56
Figure 4.3 Flow chart for determining shear strength of barite plugs 57
Figure 4.4 Shear strength of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement 58
Figure 4.5 Filter loss of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement 59
Figure 4.6 Gel strength of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement 59
Figure 4.7 Setting time of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement 60
Figure 5.1 Number of Pressure Cycles the Given Cement Can Endure, A Way to Classify
the Durability of the Cement 63

List of Tables
Table Description Page

Table 2.1 Summary of well integrity incidents 12

Table 3.1 ThermaSet Mechanical Properties Test Results 36
Table 3.2 Comparison of Plugging Materials Compliance with NORSOK needs 47
Table 4.1 Ultrasonic Tools and the Companies 51
Table 4.2 Cost Comparison between the Alternative Material and Cement 54
Table 4.3 Mixture composition 55
Table 4.4 Table Showing Mixture Rheologies 55
Table 4.5 Table Showing Mixture Properties 56
Table 4.6 Shear strength measurement 56
Table 4.7 Sealing materials used in comparison 57
Table A.1 Requirements for Well barrier elements 74

1. Introduction
Given that the operational phase of a well life can last for 30 years or more, one of the biggest
problems is managing the well to ensure an optimum safe condition is maintained for the
whole well design life. This leads to the concept of well integrity. Well integrity management
is becoming a vital element in managing corporate risk for operators. Spills and leaks through
loss of integrity can harm people, the environment and a firm’s reputation. In addition to the
severe curtailment to production and the cost of shut-in, there is also the cost of restitution
and remediation. Billions of dollars are lost each year by sporadic or ineffective well
maintenance and unplanned shut-ins due to well integrity issues. In the North Sea alone, it
was recently estimated that shut-ins resulted in lost revenues of more than $8 billion annually
(Exprosoft, 2010). Even more difficult to estimate are damages caused by blowouts and non-
catastrophic leaks to the environment, whether onshore or subsea. Even when commitment to
well integrity management is high, with efforts geared toward improving the design and
operational procedures during the well design and construction processes and throughout the
entire well life cycle, many well integrity-related problems still occur. This indicates that
investing in well integrity is a strategic approach to minimize design and operational risks that
may jeopardize personnel safety, the environment, and the operator’s image, reputation, and
assets. (Alcantara, 2013).

History shows some severe examples of losing integrity in wells such as the Phillips
Petroleum’s Bravo blowout in 1977, Saga Petroleum’s underground blowout in 1989,
Statoil’s blowout on Snorre in 2004, and The Montara oil and gas leak in Western Australia in
2009, BP’s Macondo blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, Chevron rig fire in Nigeria in
2012 and more recently the Elgin Platform – UK, in March 2012. These serious accidents
remind us of the potential dangers in the oil and gas industry and they are some of the main
drivers for the current focus on well integrity in the industry.

Improvements in well barrier materials are now possible as are applications of sensing and
cement remaining life assessment technologies developed in other industries. The use of
cement for sealing a well annulus has over the last couple of centuries become an accepted
industry standard and, if properly done, is also a highly efficient solution. However, a cement
bond log which indicates that a good seal has been established does not necessarily ensure
that this will remain effective over time. Indications are that after some years of production
approximately half of all the wells will have developed leaks to a smaller or larger extent.
Furthermore formations may subside or otherwise change in relation to the well or the cement
as such may deteriorate due to the ambient environment and gradually change its properties
which may have far reaching consequences.

Unfortunate incidents as mentioned above have serious implications caused by failing cement
have increased the awareness and well integrity has become an issue of major concern
amongst operators. These incidents combined with developments in harsher and more
challenging areas have stimulated the development of alternative solutions, particularly for

highly deviated and horizontal well section where establishing a cement sheet in the annulus
can be very difficult. This development is further accentuated by cement shrinkage, gas/fluid
migration through the cement, tensile cracks and fractures in the cements plugs. The
consequences of poor well integrity management relating to casing cementing can, in some
cases become immeasurable. However, for the most part, good well integrity practices will
maximize the life of the well, its productivity, and most importantly its safety while
minimizing well maintenance costs.

The importance of well integrity has been acknowledged in the oil industry and need not be
overemphasized. Arguably the most definitive statement for the role well integrity plays is
from the Norwegian Petroleum Industry Standard – NORSOK D010 (NORSOK,2011). This
particular standard defines well integrity as the “application of technical, operational, and
organizational solutions to reduce risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout
the life cycle of a well.”

It is against this background that this work is looked into. One hypothesis in the present
investigation is that many of the well integrity problems stem from the fact that despite the
mechanical properties of cement and its strength, it still fails with time. Therefore this work
aims at looking at well integrity behind the casing during the complete life-cycle of well
operations. Possible alternatives to cement would then be evaluated.

In order to achieve this aim, the work would follow the order:

 Existing definition and knowledge of well integrity

 Existing alternatives to cement in well integrity behind casing
 Testing of the alternatives with the task of evaluating their applicability in the field on
the basis of their characteristics in the lab
 Engineering and theoretical evaluation of one selected integrity problem

2. Existing Knowledge on Well Integrity
This chapter focuses on the concept of well integrity as published by various authors. The
study would cover a wide range of issues on well integrity ranging from the definition of well
integrity, the barriers used in ensuring well integrity, the effects of loss of well integrity etc.

2.1 Well integrity—a definition

First, well integrity is defined in NORSOK D-010 (2004) as: “application of technical,
operational and organizational solutions to reduce risk of uncontrolled release of formation
fluids throughout the life cycle of a well”.

NORSOK D-010 is a functional standard and sets the minimum requirements for the
equipment/solutions to be used in a well, but it leaves it up to the operating companies to
choose the solutions that meet the requirements. The operating companies then have the full
responsibility for being compliant with the standard.

Following from this definition, the personnel planning the drilling and completion of wells
will have to identify the solutions that give safe well life cycle designs that meet the minimum
requirements of the standard.

Another implication is that operating companies and service providers have an obligation to
ensure that the equipment planned to be used will comply with the standard and if not, the
equipment will need to be improved and qualified before use. Deviations from the standard
can be made in some cases when the standard allows this. If a solution selected deviates from
the standard, then this solution needs to be equivalent or better compared to what the
requirement is.

When selecting technical solutions, it is important to set the right equipment specifications
and define the requirements for the well barrier to ensure the well integrity is maintained
throughout the well life. Typical things to specify are the BOP rating and size, the casings to
be used, the pressure rating on downhole and topside equipment and the material specification
of the equipment. These specifications will be set at an early stage of a project and the later
selection of equipment will be based on it.

Secondly, according to Cameron (2011), wells in the oil and gas industry are physical assets
which connect the reservoir to the surface, and through which we produce oil, gas, water
reservoir fluids and contaminants. By connecting the surface (above the sea or at ground
level) with a source of energy (the reservoir pressure), it is vital that the well is designed and
installed so that it provides sufficient barriers to effectively contain and control the flow of
fluids resident in the formations and reservoirs which the well penetrates. Wells have a finite
life, which commences with the initial drilling operation.

Thereafter, the well may be exposed to various well ‘activities’, such as completion,
stimulation, intervention, workover, maintenance, suspension and ultimately abandonment.

Effective management of well integrity needs to consider this range of well activities as well
as steady state production. Integrity is variously described in dictionaries as a state which
provides veracity, reliability, honesty and uprightness; a state which can be relied on as an
accurate condition at any point in the life of a well.

The following description of well integrity is offered for consideration:

‘The instantaneous state of a well, irrespective of purpose, value or age, which ensures the
veracity and reliability of the barriers necessary to safely contain and control the flow of all
fluids within or connected to the well.’

In the views of this author, well integrity resides as a subset of a broader concept which is
described as production assurance.

Production assurance encompasses such related concepts as flow assurance, well integrity and

 ‘Production assurance is the continuous optimization of production from oil and gas
assets which is achieved in the following manner:
 Without harm to people or the environment;
 Delivered with technical conformance to regulatory and statutory frameworks;
 With a comprehensive understanding of the physical constraints and data constraints
of the operating environment;
 Recognizes the requirement for continuous improvement in the delivery of
engineering equipment and services relating to well and production activities.’

If one were to accept these definitions, then production assurance cannot be delivered without
assuring the integrity of the well (and supporting production facilities). If we measure the
economic success of an operator of an oil and gas production facility through their ability to
deliver production assurance, then according to the definitions above, well integrity is
essential, in fact critical, to good business practices and sustainability of the E&P business.

Finally, Norsk olje og gass (2011) defined well integrity as a condition of a well in operation
that has full functionality and two qualified well barrier envelopes. Any deviation from this
state is a minor or major well integrity issue. Common integrity issues are often related to
leaks in tubular or valves, but can also be related the reservoir issues as loss of zonal control.
Any factor that leads to a functional failure is a loss of well integrity. The challenge is of
course to define all possible scenarios.

2.2 What can go wrong in wells?

Many different types of failures can lead to loss of well integrity. The degree of severity is
also varying. For each of the blowouts mentioned above, a long chain of events led to the
incidents. The simplest approach would be to consider failure of individual well components.
Figure 2.1 shows some results from a PSA study conducted by Holmes (2006). Clearly the
production tubing is the dominating component with failure. This is not unexpected as the
tubing is exposed to corrosive elements from the produced fluids and, the production tubing

consists of many threaded connections where the high number of connections gives a high
risk of leak. Two well barriers between the reservoirs and the environment are required in the
production of hydrocarbons to prevent loss of containment. If one of the elements shown in
Figure 2.1 fails, the well has reduced integrity and operations have to take place to replace or
restore the failed barrier element.

Figure 2.1: Example of failure statistics with age ( Braune, 2012).

Loss of well integrity is either caused by mechanical, hydraulic or electric failure as related to
well components, or by wrongful application of a device. An example of the latter is to not
close the BOP during a well control incident. This shows that we must go beyond the
technical aspects and also consider well management aspects. In hindsight many well
incidents have become worse because of wrong decisions. Education and training therefore
form an important basis for improved well integrity.

2.3 How likely is loss of well integrity?

The likelihood of a failure is connected to underlying causes. One example is a 100 year
ocean wave that often is the design criterion for offshore structures. By extrapolating the
wave height frequency diagram to 100 years this value is obtained. It is a statistical figure
with no correlation to actual events. It gives us a mean to consider the severity of an event to
the expected frequency of occurrence.

Likelihood is also important from another perspective, namely if it is realistic. How likely is it
that the standby boat collides with the semisubmersible rig during a well control event? We
understand that there is a compromise between the severity threshold and the number of
scenarios to consider. The PSA study did not resolve the likelihood issue, but there was some
information that is relevant. Figure 2.2 shows the number of wells with integrity problems
from the pilot study. Of the components identified, the production tubing suffered failure in
many wells. Based on the information from Figure 2.2, there is a high probability that the well
will experience a leakage in the tubing during its lifetime. To reduce the risk of failure it is
important to control the risk factors and to detect leakages at an early stage (before failure).

Figure 2.2: Example of barrier element failures. (Braune, 2012)

To further illustrate what can go wrong in wells, data from offshore operations in the Gulf of
Mexico spanning 1992 to 2006 clearly demonstrates the significant role cement barriers play
in ensuring safe and productive operations during the drilling and completion phase of a well
(Izon et al., 2007). As shown in Figure 2.3, cementing failure contributed to over 50% of the
well control incidents recorded.

Figure 2.3: Contributing factors to loss of well control incidents in the Gulf of Mexico (Izon et al., 2007).

2.4 What are the consequences of loss of well integrity?

Well integrity has been at the forefront of oil company concerns and the general public’s
minds more than ever before, over the past few years. A number of serious well failures in
recent years led to investigations of well-integrity issues. The Petroleum Safety Authority
Norway (PSA) performed a pilot well-integrity survey based on supervisory audits and
requested input from seven operating companies, 12 preselected offshore facilities, and 406
wells. The wells were a representative selection of production and injection wells with
variation in both age and development categories. The pilot project indicates that 18% of the
wells in the survey have integrity failure, issues, or uncertainties, and 7% of these are shut in
because of well-integrity issues. The selection of wells and the companies indicate that the
statistics are representative. A later study indicated that each fifth production well and each
third injection well may suffer from well integrity issues.
The well incidents in the past and the results of the pilot well-integrity survey revealed that
the industry needs to increase focus on barrier philosophy. Control of barrier status is an
important health, safety, and environment (HSE) factor to avoid major incidents caused by
unintentional leaks and well-control situations. Knowledge of well-integrity status at all times
enables the companies to take the right actions in a proactive manner to prevent incidents. It is
an operator’s objective to safeguard lives, protect the environment and maintain production
rates throughout the entire life cycle of a well at a low cost. It starts with the proper well
design to fit its purpose throughout the entire life of a field, ensuring best practices while
drilling, completing and operating a well. (Vignes, and Aadnøy,2010)

The consequences of losing well integrity (and subsequent well control) have been
graphically demonstrated to the world. The executive summary released by BP in September
following its own internal inquiry into the Macondo incident determined that the event was

initiated by “a well integrity failure.” This failure subsequently led to a further chain of events
that resulted in the overall catastrophic outcome. The fall-out from this incident alone could
significantly change further the way well integrity is managed, now that the extreme
consequences of a failure in this process have been demonstrated. (King, 2011)

The obvious consequences are blowouts or leaks that can cause material damage, personnel
injuries, loss of production and environmental damages resulting in costly and risky repairs.
Knowing that most of the wells in the North Sea have a large production rates, losses due to
production/injection stop may be very costly. Often these losses exceed the cost of the repair
of the well.

This shows that well integrity depends not only on equipment robustness, but on the total
process, the competence and resources of the organization and the competence of the
individual. In the following we will approach well integrity from a technical perspective, but
keep in mind that any other element like a wrong operational decision may lead to well
integrity issues.

According to Eventogo (2012), a well integrity incident and breach of well integrity envelope
has the potential to escalate into catastrophic events. The event can result in harm to people,
damage to Assets and the environment and to the reputation of the Operator.

Financial impact can be very high; loss of revenue of the hydrocarbons that escape, damage to
the reservoir as a result of the uncontrolled flow and collateral damages has the potential to
bring an operator in financial dire straits.

Several incidents in the recent past have shown that even the largest Operator can barely
manage such financial drain. It is therefore of critical importance that the well integrity
envelope is properly designed, constructed and maintained during its life cycle: Sustained
Well Integrity Management (WIM).

2.4.1 Reported cases of failures resulting from loss of well integrity

Well integrity management is becoming the main mission of oil and gas operators, especially
those with maturing fields. Well integrity problems have become more challenging; increased
reservoir and well complexity, such as HPHT, is contributing to this. Statistics have shown
that well integrity challenges are increasing. In 2004, a study conducted by the minerals
management service (MMS) in the Gulf of Mexico has shown that 45% of all wells have
sustained casing pressure; more recently a similar study in 2009 in the North Sea showed
comparable results. Designed surveillance and/or online monitoring, and accurate diagnosis,
are all essential for taking the proper action in time to resolve problems, and extend the life of
the well. (Birkeland, 2005)

An interesting observation by the study of the PSA in 2006 was that old wells had few well
integrity issues, but actually most problems occurred in the age group 5-14 years. These
conclusions are not general but are limited to the studies referred to. All these problems led to

well shut in for some time, and in some cases the entire platform production was temporarily
shut in.

It is clear from the above description that well integrity is an important safety aspect of a well.
However, some of the issues are not critical, whereas some may lead to accidents. Despite
these efforts, many well integrity-related problems still occur. Here we are going to give a
chronicle of events that have resulted from well integrity issues.

History is replete with numerous examples failures resulting from loss of integrity in wells.
The following are some of the cases.

(a) Spindletop: Texas 1901

Lucas Gusher at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas in 1901 flowed at 100,000 barrels

(16,000 m3) per day at its peak, but soon slowed and was capped within nine days. The well
tripled U.S. oil production overnight and marked the start of the Texas oil industry

(b) Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969

Location: Pacific Ocean; Santa Barbara Channel

Date: Main spill January 28 to February 7, 1969; gradually tapering off by April
Cause: Well blowout during drilling from offshore oil platform
Spill characteristics
Volume: 80,000 to 100,000 barrels (13,000 to 16,000 m3)
Shoreline impacted: Southern California: Pismo Beach to the Mexican border, but
concentrated near Santa Barbara
Details of Incident

The Santa Barbara oil spill occurred in January and February 1969 in the Santa Barbara
Channel, near the city of Santa Barbara in Southern California. It was the largest oil spill
in United States waters at the time. It remains the largest oil spill to have occurred in the
waters off California. The source of the spill was a blow-out on January 28, 1969, 6 miles
(10 km) from the coast on Union Oil's Platform A in the Dos Cuadras Offshore Oil Field.
Within a ten-day period, an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 barrels (13,000 to 16,000
m3) of crude oil spilled into the Channel and onto the beaches of Santa Barbara County in
Southern California, fouling the coastline from Goleta to Ventura as well as the northern
shores of the four northern Islands. The details of the incident are as follows:

On the morning of January 28, 1969, workers drilling the fifth well, A-21, reached its final
depth of 3,479 feet (1,060 m), attaining this depth in only 14 days. Of this depth, only the top
239 feet (73 m) had been fitted with a steel conductor casing; the rest was to be fitted with
one once the drill bit was out. After the workers pulled the drill bit out, with some difficulty,
an enormous spout of oil, gas, and drilling mud burst into the air into the rig, splattering the
men with filth; several of them attempted to screw a blowout-preventer onto the pipe, but
against a pressure of over 1,000 pounds per square inch (7 MPa), this proved to be
impossible; all workers except for those engaged in the plugging attempt were evacuated, due

to the danger of explosion from the abundant natural gas blown from the hole; finally, the
workers tried the method of last resort, dropping the remaining drill pipe – almost 0.5 miles
(800 m) long – into the hole, and then crushing the top of the well pipe from the sides with a
pair of "blind rams", enormous steel blocks slamming together with force sufficient to stop
anything from escaping from the well. It took thirteen minutes from the time of the initial
blowout to the time the blind rams were activated. Only then did the workers both on the rig
and in boats nearby notice the increase in bubbling at the ocean surface hundreds of feet from
the rig. Plugging the well at the top had failed to stop the blowout, which was now tearing
through the ocean floor in several places The spill had a significant impact on marine life in
the Channel, killing thousands of sea birds, as well as marine animals such as dolphins,
elephant seals, and sea lions. The public outrage engendered by the spill, which received
prominent media coverage in the United States, resulted in numerous pieces of environmental
legislation within the next several years, legislation that forms the legal and regulatory
framework for the modern environmental movement in the U.S.).(Wikipedia, 2013)

(c) Phillips Petroleum’s Ekofisk Bravo blowout in 1977

Rig: Ekofisk Bravo Platform

Date: 22 April 1977
Location: Ekofisk Field, Norwegian Continental Shelf
Operator: Phillips Petroleum Company
The Ekofisk field was discovered in 1969, with production coming on-stream in 1971, and the
field has since been extensively developed. The Ekofisk Bravo platform is situated to the
north of the Ekofisk field and is one of two wellhead production facilities at Ekofisk. On 22
April 1977, it was the location of a blowout and North Sea's biggest oil spill.

The Ekofisk B blowout occurred during a workover on the B-14 production well, when about
10,000 feet of production tubing was being pulled. The production christmas tree valve stack
had been removed prior to the job and the BOP had not yet been installed. The well then
kicked and an incorrectly installed downhole safety valve failed. This resulted in the well
blowing out with an uncontrolled release of oil and gas. The personnel were evacuated
without injury via lifeboats and were picked up by a supply vessel.

The initial flow was estimated at 28,000 bpd with a calculated total release of 202,380 bbls.
Up to 30 to 40% of the oil was thought to have evaporated after its initial release and the
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate reported a total spill estimate between 80,000 bbls and
126,000 bbls. The well was capped after seven days on 30 April 1977. Rough seas and higher
than average air temperatures aided the breakup of much of the oil. Later investigations
reported no significant environmental damage and no shoreline pollution. There was also no
significant damage reported to the platform.

The official inquiry into the blowout determined that human errors were the major factor
which led to the mechanical failure of the safety valve. These errors included faults in the
installation documentation and equipment identification and misjudgements, improper
planning and improper well control. The blowout was significant because it was the first

major North Sea oil spill. Also significant was that the ignition of the oil and gas was avoided
and that there were no fatalities during the evacuation. (Vinnem, 1999)

(d) Saga Petroleum’s underground blowout in 1989

In Dec. 1988, Saga Petroleum A/S set 244.5-mm casing at 4437 m on Well 2/4-14 in the
Ekofisk area of the North Sea. Saga was drilling from a semisubmersible in 68 m of water to
evaluate the Jurassic hydrocarbon potential 300 m deeper. This exploratory well was the first
drilled to such a depth in the prospect. Drilling continued through the Cretaceous with 215.9-
mm bits and water-based mud. A sharp transition occurred and formation pore pressure
increased from an estimated 1.65- to 2.11-g/CM3 equivalent mud weight (EMW) near the
reservoir top. Formation integrity at the casing shoe was 2.18-g/CM3 EMW. The hole
penetrated several potentially weak formations above the objective, and while drilling near-
balanced, narrow margins between influx and lost circulation were encountered.
On Jan. 11, 1989, the crew observed a 1-m drilling break at 4733 m. The well began to flow
immediately. The upper annular blowout preventer (BOP) was closed and attempts were
made to establish circulation with the driller's method and to bullhead, but without success.
After fighting simultaneous loss and influx for several days, the bottomhole assembly (BHA)
was cemented at 4700 m, and a backoff and sidetrack planned. The drillstring, however,
became plugged, requiring a coiled-tubing operation to remove the obstructions. Well control
was lost on Jan. 20, malting it necessary to shear the 127-mm drillpipe with 4482 m of coiled
tubing inside. Wellhead pressure increased to a maximum of 70.3 MPa. An attempt was made
to bullhead down the kill line but the flex hose burst at the slip joint. The well flowed for
approximately 1 minute before being shut in by the fail-safe valves. The crew disconnected
the riser and moved the rig off location (Frode, 1992)

(e) Statoil’s incident on Snorre A in 2004

The Snorre field has been producing oil and gas since 1992. Up until 1999, when Norsk
Hydro took over, the field was operated by Saga. Statoil became operator at the turn of the
year 2002/2003. Snorre A is an integrated production, drilling and accommodation platform
anchored at a depth of approximately 300-350 m in the North Sea. On 28 November 2004, an
uncontrolled gas blow-out took place on the seabed under the platform. The incident occurred
in connection with the preparation of well P-31A for the drilling of a sidetrack. During pulling
of a 2,578 m scab liner, gas was drawn into the well and it leaked out through a known hole in
the 9 5/8" casing then through an unknown damage or weakness in the 13 3/8" casing. There
were 216 persons on board at the time of the incident, 181 of whom were evacuated to other
installations while the other 35 persons remained on Snorre A to carry out emergency
response and well control tasks. The gas blow-out was stopped and the well brought under
control the day after. No one was physically injured in connection with the incident. The
Norwegian authorities under the auspices of the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA)
have investigated the incident and described it as one of the most serious incidents ever in the
North Sea based on the potential of the accident. (Petersen,2006)

(f) BP’s Macondo blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil disaster,
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) was an oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect, considered the largest accidental marine oil
spill in the history of the petroleum industry. Following the explosion and sinking of
the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which claimed 11 lives, a sea-floor oil gusher flowed unabated
for three months in 2010. The gushing wellhead was not capped until after 87 days, on 15
July 2010. The total discharge is estimated at 4.9 million barrels (210 million US gal;
780,000 m3) (Wikipedia, 2013)

(g) Chevron oil fire in Nigeria in 2012

One of the most recent cases of failures as a result of loss of well integrity is that
involving Chevron’s KS Endeavour drilling rig. The well is located in the Funiwa Field
approximately six miles (10 kilometers) offshore and in approximately 40 feet (12 meters) of
water. Essentially the rig burst into flames. A possible failure of surface equipment during
drilling operations may have caused the fire that erupted on board the jack-up KS Endeavour
(300' ILC) offshore Nigeria early January 16, 2012 in which two fatalities were recorded.

In summary, all of these high profile events occurred due to a loss of well integrity either
during drilling, production or work-over operations, resulting in a loss of well control. The
severity of the events escalates as a result of subsequent ignition of a combustible mixture of
air and hydrocarbons. Although the root causes of most of these catastrophes are yet to be
formally determined, the consequence is a further blemish on the reputation of the oil
industry, and ultimately will result in increased costs, scrutiny and regulation relating to the
exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.
The increasing number of widely publicized oil and gas well failures as a result of loss of well
integrity is a reminder of the engineering challenges associated with drilling activities and the
importance of safety controls in well operation. All these events are summarized in Table 2.1

Table 2.1: Summary of well integrity incidents

Well Integrity Number Of Causes

Year Region
Incident Fatalities
Minning Engineers
were mining not
1901 Gusher at Spindletop Texas, U.S.A Nil
knowing there was
oil reserve there.
Southern Ruptured
1969 Santa Barbara oil spill Nil
California, U.S.A underwater pipe
Down hole Safety
Valve (DHSV)
North sea, was not properly
1977 Ekofisk Bravo blowout Nil
Norway locked in during
the work over

There was a case
Saga Petroleum’s North sea,
1989 Nil of casing burst in
underground blowout Norway
the well
Statoil’s incident on North sea, Gas leaked through
2004 Nil
Snorre A Norway damaged casing
Cement was not
allowed to dry
2010 BP’s Macondo blowout Gulf of Mexico 11 before running
negative pressure
Niger Delta, Failed Blowout
2012 Chevron oil fire 2
Nigeria Preventer

2.5 Well Barriers – definitions, classification, and requirements

NORSOK D-0101 specifies that: “There shall be two well barriers available during all well
activities and operations, including suspended or abandoned wells, where a pressure
differential exists that may cause uncontrolled outflow from the borehole/well to the external
environment”. This sets the foundation for how to operate wells and keep the wells safe in all
phases of the development. This requirement is also referred to in PSA’s Activities and
Facilities regulation and it implies that operators have to adhere to the two well barrier
philosophies and maintain sufficient adherence in all phases of their operations.

2.5.1 Key concepts and definitions

Well barriers are used to prevent leakages and reduce the risk associated with drilling,
production and intervention activities. Well barrier: Envelope of one or several dependent
barrier elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing unintentionally from the formation
into another formation or to surface [NORSOK D-010].

The main objectives of a well barrier are to:

Prevent any major hydrocarbon leakage from the well to the external environment during
normal production or well operations.

Shut in the well on direct command during an emergency shutdown situation and thereby
prevent hydrocarbons from flowing from the well.

A well barrier has one or more well barrier elements.

Well barrier element: Object that alone cannot prevent flow from one side to the other side
of itself [NORSOK D-010].

Some well barriers have several barrier elements that, in combination, ensure that the well
barrier is capable of performing its intended function(s).

Events and situations that require a functioning well barrier are called demands. A demand
can be instantaneous or continuous. An example of an instantaneous demand is a command

from the emergency shutdown system at the platform that requires response from the well
barriers. A continuous demand may be a constant high pressure (that the well barrier must

As shown in Figure 2.4, there are four main ways in which hydrocarbons can leak from the
system to the environment:

 Through the downhole completion tubing string

 Through the downhole completion annulus
 Through the cement between the annuli
 Outside and around the well casing system

In this work, loss of well integrity through sealing materials through casing would be

Figure 2.4: Ways of losing well integrity. Red ring shows the focus of this thesis

2.5.2 Well Barrier Requirements

The performance of a well barrier may be characterized by its:

 Functionality; what the barrier is expected to do and within what time

 Reliability (or availability); the ability, in terms of probability, to perform the required
functions under the stated operating conditions and within a specified time.
 Survivability; the ability of the barrier to withstand the stress under specified demand

Regulatory bodies give overall requirements in their regulations, and make references to
guidelines and recognized national and international standards for more detailed
requirements. The Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) uses, for example, the
following regulatory hierarchy:

 Regulations
 Guidelines (to the regulations)
 National and international standards that are referenced in the guidelines, such as
NORSOK standards, ISO standards, API standards, and IEC standards.

We may distinguish between requirements that apply to barriers in general (e.g., as stated in
PSA’s Management Regulations, §4 and §5), and requirements that apply to well barriers in
particular (e.g., as stated in PSA’s Facilities Regulations, §48). The associated guidelines
provide further details and give references to specific parts of national or international
standards. The guideline to §48 of the Facilities Regulations, for example, refers to specific
chapters of the NORSOK D-010 standard and also to specific sections of the Management

From the guideline to §48 of the Facilities Regulations, and the referenced standards, the
following requirements can be deduced:

 At least two independent and tested barriers shall, as a rule, be available in order to
prevent an unintentional flow from the well during drilling and well activities.
 The barriers shall be designed so as to enable rapid re-establishment of a lost barrier.
 In the event of a barrier failure, immediate measures shall be taken in order to
maintain an adequate safety level until at least two independent barriers have been
restored. No activities for any other purposes than re-establishing two barriers shall be
carried out in the well.
 The barriers shall be defined and criteria for (what is defined as a) failure shall be
 The position/status of the barriers shall be known at all times.
 It shall be possible to test well barriers. Testing methods and intervals shall be
determined. To the extent possible, the barriers shall be tested in the direction of flow.
 Separate regulations are issued by the PSA for handling of shallow gas in drilling
operation. When drilling the tophole section, the gas diversion possibility is regarded
as the second barrier. This is, however, not a barrier according to the barrier definition

2.5.3 Well integrity and well barriers

The technical means of avoiding well integrity loss are well barriers. As defined earlier, a well
barrier is defined by NORSOK D-010 as “an envelope of one or several dependent barrier
elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing unintentionally from the formation into
another formation or to surface”. The same standard defines a well barrier element (WBE) as
an “object that alone cannot prevent flow from one side to the other side of itself”. A well
barrier can be viewed as a pressurized vessel (envelope) capable of containing the reservoir
fluids. The two barrier principle is followed in Norway and in most oil producing countries.
This principle means that there should be at least two well barriers in a well. A well can
therefore be considered as a system of two or more pressurized vessels (envelopes) that
prevent the fluid from entering the surroundings. Figure 2.5 illustrates the well barrier system
as pressure vessels. In Figure 2.5, the well tubulars and the x-mas tree body constitute the
vessel walls while the SCSSV and x-mas tree valves are illustrated as the outlet valves from
the vessel. The innermost vessel illustrates the well barrier closest to the reservoir while the
outer vessels illustrate the consecutive well barriers.

A well release will typically be an incident where the outer vessel leaks, and the inner well
barrier stops the leak. In a blowout situation all the predefined technical well barriers or the
activation of the same in one possible leak path have failed.

A well barrier schematic (WBS) is a static illustration of the well and its main barrier
elements, where all the primary and secondary well barrier elements are marked with different
colors. A well barrier schematic (WBS) is shown for a standard production well in Figure 2.5
This well has six primary well barrier elements:

Formation /cap rock above reservoir

Casing cement
Production packer
Completion string (below the DHSV)
Surface controlled subsurface safety valve (DHSV) - and six secondary well barrier
Formation above production packer
Casing cement
Casing with seal assembly
Tubing hanger with seals
Annulus access line and valve
Production tree (X-mas tree) with X-mas tree connection

Examples of well barrier schematics for a wide range of well situations are established and
evaluated in NORSOK D-010.

Figure 2.5: Illustration of well barriers to achieve well integrity (Source: Corneliussen,2006)

2.5.4 Well Barrier Functions

In the analysis of well barriers, it is important to understand the barrier functions and the
possible ways the barrier can fail.

NORSOK D-010 distinguishes between primary and secondary well barriers. A primary well
barrier is the barrier that is closest to the pressurized hydrocarbons. If the primary well barrier
is functioning as intended, it will be able to contain the pressurized hydrocarbons. If the
primary well barrier fails (e.g., by a leakage or a valve that fails to close), the secondary
barrier will prevent outflow from the well. If the secondary well barrier fails, there may, or
may not, be a tertiary barrier available that can stop the flow of hydrocarbons.

Barrier elements that involve electrical, electronic, and/or programmable electronic

technology are referred to as safety-instrumented functions. An example of a safety-49
instrumented function is the DHSV, which is only activated upon signal from sensors or
manual pushbuttons. Safety-instrumented functions are carried out by a safety-instrumented
system with three main subsystems:

 Input elements; sensors (for automatic activation) or push-buttons (for manual

 Logic solver(s); an electronic or non-electronic device that process the signal(s) from
the input elements and send signals to the relevant final elements
 Final elements; physical items that interact with the well, for example valves, such
that loss of containment is stopped or avoided.

Several safety-instrumented functions may be built into the same safety-instrumented system.
The same logic solver may, for example, be used to activate several isolation valves.
However, there are some important design considerations: Functions that shall respond to the
same event (e.g., well kick or choke collapse) should not share components. This means that
if the primary and secondary barriers have safety-instrumented functions, they need to be
placed in two different (and independent) safety-instrumented systems to avoid that a failure
of the logic solver causes simultaneous failure of the primary and the secondary barrier. On an
oil and gas installation, there are several safety-instrumented systems with names related to
their essential function: emergency shutdown systems, process shutdown systems, fire and
gas detection systems, and so on.

1. Fluids as a Barrier

Only drilling mud can be defined as a truly independent fluid well barrier. It has the
fundamental requirements of both overbalance and a method of sustaining the fluid column
by means of the mud cake preventing the overbalance pressure injecting the fluid into the
formation. Brine (or other non-particulate fluids), on the other hand, cannot be said to be an
independent barrier. Brine is designed not to damage the perforation/formation and cannot
“Pack off” in the same manner as mud.
When brine is used as the column of fluids which provides hydrostatic overbalance, the brine
requires being isolated from the perforations to prevent it dissipating into the formation, and
thus reducing the hydrostatic head. For this reason, brine and plug (mechanical or cement)
which retains the brine cannot be considered as two independent pressure barriers, as the
brine is completely dependent on the plug not leaking.
The brine can only be said to provide a true barrier it its level can be observed continuously to
ensure maintenance of the hydrostatic head. In practice this is not normally possible,
especially when an upper mechanical barrier encloses the brine column.

Discussion on fluids as a barrier: Consider the case of a lower and upper pressure tested
barrier with a column of overbalanced brine held in place between the two barriers by the
integrity of the lower barrier; If the lower barrier should leak then hydrostatic overbalance
pressure will cause the brine to dissipate beneath this barrier towards the formation .The head
of brine will continue falling until the hydrostatic overbalance disappears. It is not possible to
detect /observe this fall in level without disturbing the integrity of the upper barrier.

Once of the overbalance has disappeared, then the leak allows hydrocarbons to percolate past
the lower pressure barrier. Trapped below the upper pressure barrier, the only way the
hydrocarbons can expand as they travel up through the brine is to displace more brine through
the leaking lower barrier, exacerbating the fall in level of brine .Ultimately pressurized
hydrocarbons build up undetected underneath the upper barrier.
The brine is thus completely dependent upon the lower mechanical barrier not leaking. If this
lower barrier remains leak tight then it contains the well pressure satisfactorily and there is no
need for a supplementary barrier.

Taking the argument to its extreme, the brine in this situation appears not to provide any
significant increase in safety benefits above the existing mechanical barriers.
In evaluating the role of brine as a barrier, the main argument in its defence is that the leakage
past the lower plug would probably take some considerable time before overbalance was lost.
Certainly this timescale could have consequences for the integrity of Sub-sea barriers, where
by the very nature of the operation all barriers shall be capable of providing long term
integrity. A certain “level of comfort” appears to be derived by having circulated an annulus
and tubing contents to brine. From the above argument brine is clearly not an independent
barrier and thus does not provide a “third” barrier as is often suggested.
If only the tubing contents were to be displaced to brine, leaving the annulus remaining with,
say inhibited sea water, then this would be a clear case of dual standards in respect of barriers
for the tubing annulus.
A justification exists for using overbalanced brine with some wireline plugs to assist the lower
mechanical barrier in the tubing, as there may be the need to energize the “Vee” packings in
wireline plugs. The latter require a differential pressure to maintain the seal is energized in the
opposite direction to the formation, i.e. from above only. Secondly the seal systems on these
plugs are not symmetrical and thus sealing from above is not a good indication of pressure
integrity from below.

2. Mechanical Barriers (Completed Well)

Only the deepest set mechanical barrier can be truly leak tested in the direction of formation
pressure .The upper, mechanical barrier therefore can only be tested from above, unless
tubing/annulus communication exists above the bottom barrier.
In the case of only being able to pressure test the upper barrier from above, the sealing
mechanism between the mechanical barrier and the tubing (and the sealing mechanism
between any bleed-off device and the mechanical barrier) shall have symmetrical seals so that
a pressure test from above is a good indication of pressure integrity from below.
NOTE: A two way check valve should not be used in this case as a test from above does not
indicate that it will hold pressure from below, the sealing faces being different for each
direction of flow.

Discussion on mechanical barriers

The mechanical pressure barriers in the annulus consist of the lower packer and upper tubing
hanger/ wellheads seal .These mechanical barriers (packers) are set under as near ideal
conditions as can be achieved down hole. Tubing hanger seals /wellhead seals are now
designed to provide metal to metal sealing as the primary seal. There is a high level of
confidence in both barriers ability to contain well pressure and remain leak tight as during the
operation of the well they have been tested (monitored) over a considerable length of time.
The “quality” of the mechanical pressure barriers set in the tubing should ideally give the
same degree of confidence in their ability to remain leak tight and contain well pressure.

There appears to be no documented evidence on the subject of long term integrity of wireline
plugs for use as mechanical pressure barriers in tubing and therefore personal experience, etc.
has been used in any discussion on the subject to date. Subsequently this topic was reviewed
during two QRAS on barriers Requirements, and subjective reliability figures used. The result
of these QRAs was to convince the HSE (who had queried our adoption of two barriers as our
standard, instead of their stated requirement for three), that indeed two independent barriers, if
properly tested, was the optimum.
For general purposes, and longer term suspension programmes in particular, especially in sub-
sea wells, a retrievable packer/bridge plug system is preferred, as with these systems energy is
locked into the seal system by virtue of the setting operation .A standard wireline plug system
using Vee packings, relies on the seal being maintained by pressure differential.Wireline
plugs using module seals are available for TFL completions, but require pressure assistance to
install. The seal still relies on differential pressure and may be difficult to retrieve.
Retrievable bridge plugs have been developed and used successfully as both a lower and
upper mechanical pressure barrier in the tubing string. These retrievable plugs are considered
to be capable of providing a long term barrier.

Communication between annulus and tubing in a completed well

If the integrity of the bottom pressure barrier is confirmed then communication between
annulus and tubing above this bottom barrier does not require any extra barrier over and
above the second upper barrier.
The concept of “two pressure vessels” is maintained with reservoir pressure contained by:

1. The lower line of defence comprising the integrity of both the packer in the annulus
and the mechanical pressure barrier in the tubing.
2. The upper line of defence comprising the tubing hanger/ wellhead seals (and side
outlet valves) in the annulus and the upper mechanical pressure in the tubing
In this case the upper mechanical pressure barrier in the tubing can be pressure tested from
below via the communication with the annulus.

3. Sub-surface Safety Valve as a Well Barrier

A Subsurface Safety Valve (SSSV) may be used as a well barrier provided

1. The SSSV is leak tested and confirmed leak tight.

2. The tubing integrity from the packer to the SSSV is satisfactory and confirmed leak
tight, and
3. The SSSV is inhibited from opening by isolation of the hydraulic control and balance
The SSSV is designed to retain the maximum differential pressure across the valve that may
be generated in a well .This differential is normally seen during routine testing. Prior to being
installed in a well, the SSSV is tested onshore to its working pressure. Having proved the
SSSV to be leak tight in the well, then should pressure increase below the SSSV this will
assist the sealing mechanism of the valve. The SSSV is designed to retain pressure across the
range of temperatures observed in a well. This is applicable to both the metallic parts and the

elastomers. In the case of a wireline Retrievable SSSV of a wireline Retrievable SSSV, the
mode of retention of the SSSV in the nipple is fundamentally the same at the mechanical
retention of a wireline plug set in a nipple .The ability to remain set in the nipple is tested
during the leak test. A Tubing Retrievable SSSV is designed and installed as a part of
production tubing completion .Thus there is no potential to move up-hole under application of
differential pressure. The type of SSSV (Ball or Flapper) has a bearing on the reability of the
valve to remain sealing:

Ball Valve

In the case of a Ball Valve isolating the accumulator from the balance line positively prevent
the ball rotating and hence maintains the seal integrity .Any flow of fluid down through the
valve ,lifting it off its seat, will be temporary ,and any reversal of flow /pressure will
immediately reseat the ball.

Flapper Valve

In the case of flapper valve, unlike the ball, there is no certainly that the flapper will remain
our reseat once differential pressure is removed – The spring which induces flapper closure
cannot be relied on the same way. Thus, a flapper valve should not relied on as a barrier
where there is the possibility of it being unseated, e.g. by pressure reversal or a dropped
object. The argument that a flapper valve is of no use as an emergency device (its prime
function in life), does not follow , as the valve will close an a flowing well situation
irrespective of spring action ,where fluid dynamics will ensure the flapper moves the closed
position once the protective sleeve moves up. This is also the case for a well suspended with
the Xmas Tree installed, where a flapper valve is the normal safety device that would be
installed during the production phase of the well.
In considering the case of an SSSV that is used as a barrier, the problem that arises of how
one can leak test the surface barrier, e.g .the tree or a retrievable bridge plug, This arises as
once cannot easily trap pressure between the SSSV and surface with a chance of observing
meaningful flow through the barrier, except in a gas environment. In this case its considered
acceptable to adopt the following procedures:

1. If a Xmas Tree Valve is to be used as the surface barrier, then first leak test the Tree
Valve, open it close and leak test the SSSV, and then close the Tree valve. Due to the
high reliability of gate valves this procedure is acceptable.
2. If a plug is to be used as a surface barrier, it must be of a type that a pressure test from
above gives assurance that the plug will hold pressure from below First close and leak
test SSSV, and then set and pressure test the plug.
In both cases, leave the pressure differential across the SSSV, i.e., do not equalize. This
ensures that work is carried out in a situation where there is no pressure below the top barrier.
If the SSSV is found not to be leak tight when tested, then either a replacement SSSV may be
run and tested, or a wireline plug may be set in the nipple profile, in that its seal bore is
known to be in good shape (being in continual use for the SSSV) and that the condition of this
upper nipple profile with regards to erosion and sealing is generally found to be significantly
better than on deeper nipples.

Using the SSSV as the top (secondary) Barrier

When proposing/ accepting an SSSV as a barrier, one must consider the potential mode of
failure in the particular application. Unseating and re- sealing of the valve has been
considered above. The other prime failure mode is due to impact of a dropped object.
Primarily a wireline tool string past the Xmas Tree valves with the BOP/ Lubricator removed)
, then the valve is directly exposed to the possible impact if the string were to be dropped .
This possibility is real, and it has happened, even recently.
The consequences are likely to be different for Ball and Flapper types valves .A flapper valve
is likely to shatter , and toolstring and debris will fall into the lower plug, not only causing
and awkward fishing problem, but possibly compromising the integrity of the lower barrier.
For this reason a flapper valve is not generally acceptable in this relative position. On the
other hand a valve type SSSV is known to be extremely robust, and attempting to shatter the
ball in a failed valve to gain access to the lower part of the well has caused great difficulty
.The sealing ability of the ball after such as impact is likely to have been impaired, but it will
still provide an availability of the tree valves this provides sufficient confidence to consider
the arrangement acceptable practice. Use of the technique should still be treated with caution,
especially in high pressure situations, and in particular gas wells.
In order to use a Flapper type SSSV as the top barrier when removing the BOPs / tree, it is
therefore necessary to use, e.g. a TWCV, as a debris barrier. This is also good practice for
Ball type SSSVs in that any debris that would otherwise fall into the well during the Tree/Bop
removal process may be recovered easily, as well protecting SSSV from impact damage .Note
that the TWCV may provide additional isolation security but it can NOT be relied on formally
to act as a barrier

2.5.5 Reliability analysis of well barriers

The term reliability conveys failure-free operation and confidence in the equipment. Formally,
reliability is defined as the ability of a system to perform its intended functions, under given
environmental and operational conditions and for a stated period of time (IEC 600050-191).
The ability can be studied qualitatively, for example by identifying the combination of
component failures that may lead to system failure, or quantitatively, by calculating the
probability or frequency of system failures.

In the context of well integrity, we will introduce reliability analysis methods that can be used
to identify and assess the impact of failures of well barrier elements. Such analyses are useful

Comparing different well completion alternatives with respect to blowout probabilities

Evaluating the blowout risk for specific well arrangements
Identifying potential barrier problems in specific well completions
Assessing the effect of various risk reduction methods
Identifying potential barrier problems during well interventions

After many incidents and accidents in relation to well integrity, more focus has been directed
towards assessing the reliability of well barriers. The purpose of this section is to describe
some of the methods that can be used to analyze well integrity – qualitatively as well as
quantitatively. To be able to perform quantitative analysis it is necessary to have a
background in system reliability theory. The quantitative part is therefore limited to giving a
small practical example with basis in available well performance data. To give a thorough
basis for system reliability theory is outside the scope of this compendium. Readers who want
to get a deeper understanding of this subject may consult Rausand and Høyland (2004) or
some other textbook on reliability theory.

2.5.6 Analysis steps

A well barrier analysis should be structured and may include the following steps:

1. Define and become familiar with the system.

This step includes the definition of the operational situation, review of well schematics,
construction of barrier diagram, and listing of barriers and their barrier functions.

2. Identify failure modes and failure causes

The main method for failure identification is the failure modes, effects, and criticality
analysis (FMECA). The objective of the FMECA is to identify all the failure modes, their
causes, and effects for each of the barrier elements of a well barrier system.

3. Construct a reliability model of the well barrier system

There are several alternative models available, and the choice of models should be based
on what type of system states we want to study and the access to relevant data to support
the models. We recommend, however, fault tree analysis, since this method is intuitive and
easy to understand (at least for the qualitative parts) for those who do not have a
background in system reliability theory. A fault tree is a graphical model that illustrates all
the combinations of failure events that may lead to a system failure (i.e., leakage to the
surroundings). The fault tree is easy to establish from the well barrier diagram.

4. Perform a qualitative analysis of the fault tree

All the information about the causes of system can be summarized in the minimal cut sets
of the fault tree. A minimal cut set is (a smallest) combination of failure events that may
give a system failure. A system failure occurs when all the failure event of a minimal cut
set occurs, and minimal cut sets with few failure events are therefore more important than
minimal cut sets with many failure events. Algorithms for identification of minimal cut
sets are available. With basis in the minimal cut sets, we can discuss issues such as critical
components or elements, vulnerability to common cause failures. This type of information
may be useful when planning well operations, well barrier maintenance, and training of

5. Perform quantitative analysis of the fault tree

By combining reliability theory and reliability data with a fault tree, we can determine a
number of reliability parameters of interest, for example the probability of primary barrier
failure, failure rates for primary and secondary barriers, time to first failure of primary
and/or secondary barrier, and so on.

System reliability analysis is based on statistical models and methods. This means that the
results are subject to uncertainty, due to modeling assumptions, adequacy of data, and the
spread in possible outcomes that follows the distribution of, e.g., time to failure that is
recorded for similar systems and components.

6. Report results

It is important to document all results, including assumptions and limitations that have
been made. Recommendations that require further follow-up, whether it points back to
necessity to redesign or to update planning, operating, or maintenance procedures need to
be sufficiently highlighted. Recommendations should always be assigned responsible
persons or departments.

2.5.7 Achieving well integrity behind casing using cement

During the drilling phase, well integrity is mainly associated with keeping the formation
under control and ensuring that the casing used is suited for the well, so that the forces exerted
on the casing string do not compromise its integrity. Examples of such forces can be
collapsing formation, thermal expansion of fluids trapped in the annulus or dynamic loads
experienced during run in hole of the casing. Casing wear caused by long time drilling and
rotating in the last set of casing is also something that will affect the well integrity if not taken
into consideration during the design phase. Casing wear is something to be particularly aware
of when drilling long horizontal wells were the drill string will wear on the casing for an
extended period of time.

Casing cement used as a well barrier is an extremely important well barrier element as this
has to act as a well barrier element throughout the operational phase and later when the well is
permanently plugged and abandoned. In order to ensure integrity it is crucial that the cement
is bonding to the formation with integrity, as well as to the casing. To verify that the cement is
bonding to the casing without channels, two logging tools are needed. These tools are
typically cement bond log (CBL) and a sonic tool (USIT). For wells that are permanently
abandoned it is important that such logging is performed to verify the integrity before the
inside cement plug is set for permanent abandonment. For wells in operation it is critical to
log the cement if the casing cement is acting as both the primary and secondary barrier, due to
the fact that a pressure test of the cement will not verify the integrity of the cement except at
the csg shoe depth, Figure 2.6. The distance between the primary and secondary barrier must
also be evaluated, such that any risk of formation collapse does not crack both the primary
and secondary cement column.

According to NORSOK D-010 the cement barrier must have the following properties:
a) Impermeable

b) Long term integrity
c) Non-shrinking
d) Ductile – (non-brittle) – able to withstand mechanical loads/impact
e) Resistance to different chemicals / substances (H2S, CO2 and hydrocarbons)
f) Wetting, to ensure bonding to steel.

Figure 2.6: casing cement acting as part of both the primary and secondary well barrier. Braune, 2012.

The integrity of the casing cement is tested through a pressure test after drilling out the shoe.
This test is typically an FIT test. To ensure sufficient cement height, it is usual to place
double the required cement volume. The required cement height is dependent on the pressure,
but some minimum cement heights are normally required as given in NORSOK D-010. The
casing cement is acting as a vertical barrier, not a horizontal one, so it is the vertical height
that needs to be assessed when deciding the volume of cement to be placed.

2.5.8 Formation replacing casing cement

The formation may also in some cases replace casing cement as barrier element. It is a well-
established fact that some rock has the ability to creep, due to their plastic properties. The best
known example is deeply buried rock salt, but also other formations, like clay, has this
property. The plastic properties allow clay to creep into the wellbore where it is no longer
held back by the pressure exerted by the mud column. Over time the formation may bond
onto the casing and form a barrier against flow outside the casing.

Clay as barrier material has some benefits compared with cement: It is natural part of the
succession, it is inert to chemical corrosion and it is ductile.

If you need a barrier and for some reason casing cement is not present, formation creep may
provide you with a good alternative. However, this is only possible if you are able to prove
bonding and pressure integrity.

Confirmation of formation barrier replacing casing cement:

The interval must have a formation stress higher than the pressure it can be exposed
to, which typically is the extrapolated reservoir pressure.
The same requirement as for cement applies for the interval length of bonded
Two independent logging tools must be run inside the casing and both verify the
formation bonds against the casing. At present a cement bond log (CBL) and a sonic
tool (USIT) have been the preferred logging tools.
If the logged response is indicative of bonding formation, then a pressure test through
perforation might be required. This could possibly be done by testing the logging
response for all new formations with a LOT through a perforation at least 5 m above
the base of the bonded interval. The stable pressure during the shut-in phase of the
LOT must be above the required pressure the barrier is to withhold.

2.5.9 Recipe for Well Integrity

According to Nolan (2012), to serve up a well with integrity, follow this recipe:
 Planning – No such thing as too much planning
 Ingredients – One bad ingredient can spoil the well
 Team – A coordinated broad based team effort is essential
 Technique and Execution – Plans and guidelines must be fit for purpose and followed
– no shortcuts
 Sample – Ensure key well parameters are met along the way

2.6 Well integrity during wellbore operations

In the life of an oil/gas well four phases can be discerned, two of which are vital for the
integrity of the sealant namely: the well construction phase and the production phase.

A) Design Stage: This involves exploration activities before actual wellbore operations begin.

B) Well construction phase:

 Drilling
 Cementing
 Completing
During this phase, the stresses around the bore hole, and hence the resultant wellbore stability,
will constantly change due to fluctuating gravity of the fluids inside the wellbore. These
processes will influence the resultant stresses in the cement sheath.

C) Later operational phase

During this phase, the intended operational regime of the well and planned/unplanned human
interventions will seriously affect the integrity of the sealant.
Typical examples during this latter phase (which constitutes the greatest part of the life of the
well) are:
 Naturally developing stresses
 Operational Regime
Moderate versus HPHT operation
Water/steam injector/gas storage/production
 Human interventions
Changing fluids
Pressure testing
Propped hydraulic or acid fracturing
Hot oiling
Sidetracking operations

D) Abandonment phase: This stage involves plugging and abandoning wells which have
reached its economic life.

Ideally, during the drafting of the Well Functional Specifications, the extremes in well
operation should be defined. Next, the impact, not only on casing or tubing design, but also on
the integrity of the well sealant should be evaluated.

2.6.1 Well Integrity at the Design Stage

The primary challenge at the well design stage that needs careful consideration is reliability of
information relating to subsurface pressures and heterogeneity. Most wells, especially
wildcats, possess a degree of uncertainty with regards to their pore and fracture pressure
prediction, borehole stability expected geothermal temperature, lithology and fluid types.
Among any number of offset wells drilled within a reasonable distance in an area, the age
variance can be considerable, and the quality of data gathered will affect the accuracy of
the subsurface predictions. For the geosciences team, fulfilling their primary function, the
many uncertainties are accepted in a probabilistic approach to likely reserves. However, for
the engineer, the probabilistic approach to pore pressure, fracture pressure prediction and
formation properties inevitably means we must be prepared for the low possibility, high
impacting event in our design.
Conventionally, during the design phase, well barriers often are designed primarily for
drilling static and dynamic loads due to the complex nature of the subsurface and achieving
the first priority of reaching total depth casing the section under demanding conditions. This
heavily weighted focus on the drilling static and dynamic loads can have a negative
integrity effect, since barriers selected are not necessarily designed for the full range of
load scenarios that can arise in the production, and abandonment phases.

2.6.2 Well Integrity during drilling Operations

Drilling activity starts with spudding and concludes with preparation of the well for testing,
completion or suspension/abandonment. The drilling activity could impact wellbore stability,
casing integrity and the cement integrity. Key Performance Indicator (KPI’s) for the well
construction stage are dominated by time factors which are often misaligned with life cycle
well integrity. The one constant visual indicator success is the, time depth curve. Rarely are
other performance measurements, such as quality, or design verification, given daily or ‘by-
phase prominence in communication of progress during construction. During well
construction, the actual subsurface environment is seldom what is typically expected and
planned for. Prediction, and actual deficits, in pore pressure, rock strength, reservoir fluids,
rock properties, formation tops and lithology types, all contribute to load boundary shifts
in the “as built” from those assumed at the design stage. Often, this load boundary change
is accepted without verification of the original design due to time based KPI’s. The primary
purpose of the well is to ensure the safe and reliable production of fluids to surface, under the
range of boundary conditions anticipated for the life cycle. During construction, controls
should exist at each phase, pre and post cementation, and the well completion stage, which
verifies the original design, is still valid.

During drilling, the primary pressure barrier is the fluid column. The drilling mud also forms
a filter cake to prevent wall collapse. Keeping the borehole wall intact ensures that the
cement column would be properly set during completion. Borehole cave-ins result in an
under-reamed hole which could affect the cementing operation.

Drilling through complicated geological formations requires reinforcement of the well to

avoid leakage to the surface or surrounding formations. The cementitious well barrier must
adequately bond to the steel well casing and the surrounding formation and maintain
structural integrity throughout well exploration, production, and after abandonment. Grout
mix design is not a trivial engineering task, and many new admixtures have been developed
precisely for these applications. Yet, according to a “pilot well integrity survey” published in
2010 in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Production & Operations Journal, 18% of
the wells in the survey had integrity failure, issues or uncertainties. The survey, conducted by
the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA), concluded that there needed to be “more
focus on barrier philosophy to avoid major incidents caused by unintentional leaks and well-
control situations.” (Perricone, 2012)

There is higher risk of compromising the casing integrity during drilling operations. Prior to
landing, all components of casing string including connections, circulation devices and
landing string shall be subject to load case verification. For through-tubing drilling
operations, the tubing and accessories shall be reclassified to casing and redesigned to meet
drilling loads (NORSOK, 2004).

The following points should be considered in casing design (NORSOK, 2004):

a. Setting Depth
 Maximum allowable setting depth with regards to kick margin

 Estimated pore pressure development
 Estimated formation strength
 Drilling fluids and cement program
 Loads induced by well services and operations
 Setting depth restrictions due to formation evaluation requirements
 Potential for H2S and/or CO2
 Metallurgical considerations
 ECD and surge/swab effects due to narrow clearances
 Isolation of weak formation, potential loss zones, sloughing and caving
formations and protection of reservoirs
 Geo-tectonic forces applicable

b. Casing Design factor

 Planned well trajectory and bending stresses induced by doglegs and curvature
 Estimated temperature gradient
 Estimated casing wear

Incident scenarios during drilling which could serve as basis for estimating expected loads
should include occurrence of gas kick and dynamic loads from running of casing, including
overpull to free stuck casing, inflow or fluid loss while running or pulling string, presence of
solids/sands, presence of H2S, hydrates, wax and emulsions. When hydrates, wax or
emulsions are present, contingency measures could be to supply heat to the affected area or
inject suitable chemical inhibitors. It should be noted that heating the affected area results in
thermal loads while injection of suitable chemical inhibitors results in higher internal

The quality of the cementing operation is also crucial in maintaining wellbore integrity.

The most widely used cements in the petroleum industry are the Portland-type cements. When
it is properly set, the cement slurry can become a nearly impermeable and durable material.
Cement bonds to rock by a process of crystal growth while cement bonds to casing by filling
the pit spaces in the surface of the casing.

Good quality cementing will likely protect against cement degradation and casing corrosion.
In a CO2-rich environment, Portland cement is known to be thermodynamically unstable. It
tends to strongly degrade once exposed to such acid gases, by reacting with calcium
hydroxide formed from hydrated calcium silicate phases. An EOR site where cements and
casing were exposed to carbon dioxide for 17 years (Sacroc reservoir) showed that cement
can retain integrity for some decades (Carey, 2005). It should be noted that the temperature in
the Sacroc reservoir was only ~50°C.

In another simulation of downhole conditions for both wet supercritical CO2 and CO2-
saturated water, an alteration of 100mm after 20 years of CO2 attack is possible in Portland
cements. Non-Portland based cements (calcium phosphate cement – Thermalock TM) which
contain aluminum hydrates, calcium phosphate hydrates and mica-like aluminosilicates are

now used as alternatives in carbon dioxide injection wells, sour-gas disposal wells and
geothermal wells with high carbon dioxide content.

An alternative is to use fortified Portland cement where resistance is increased by adding a

latex diluent of a specific particle size and adding a non-standard, high alumina cement to
reduce the amount of Portland cement. This has been used in the well completion design for
acid gas (65% hydrogen sulfide, 35% carbon dioxide) injection over a 50-year period in
Labarge area, Wyoming (Benge, 2005). Relevant cement additives that help to maintain well
integrity include hydrazine which is used to control corrosion of the casing and radioactive
tracers to assess where the cement has been placed. (Barlet-Gouedard et al, 2006).

Besides the cementing material, the placement of cement is also important in maintaining the
wellbore integrity. It is very important to do a thorough clean out of the well prior to
cementing in order to prevent mud mixed into the cement causing cavities or channels. This
will not only degrade the strength of the cement, but can also create leakage pathways for
CO2. Well deviation can affect cement as cement sets differently in deviated wells and
vertical wells. Drilling mud is first circulated in the hole to ensure that cuttings and borehole
wall cavings have been removed before running the casing. The mill varnish is also removed
from the surface of the casing to ensure that the cement will bond to the steel surface.
Centralizers are then used to ensure that the casing is placed in the center of the borehole. For
under-reamed or washed out holes, bow spring centralizers are used. After the cement slurry
is pumped downhole, a lighter drilling mud follows. In this way, the casing is under
compression from a higher differential pressure on the outside of the casing. Thus, when the
cement sets and drilling or production operation continues, the casing will always have an
elastic load on the cement-casing interface.

This elastic load is considered essential for maintenance of the cement-casing bond and to
prevent leakage between the cement and casing.

Sixty to seventy percent of the wells in the Gulf of Mexico are affected by sustained casing
pressures (SCP). The main cause is believed to be gas flow through the cement matrix. This
could be due to gas flow through unset cement and due to cement shrinkage after completion.
Remediation which included injection of high density brine in the annulus and pumping of
high density fluid into the casing have little success (Crow, 2006). This problem has also
been observed after routine well pressure tests. In summary, the cementing problems that
could cause SCP include: (1) micro annuli caused by casing contraction and/or expansion (2)
channels caused by improper mud removal prior to and during cementing (3) lost circulation
of cement into fractured formations during cementing (4) flow after cementing by failure to
maintain an overbalance pressure (5) mud cake leaks (6) tensile cracks in cement caused by
temperature and pressure cycles (Sweatman, 2006).

2.6.3 Well integrity at the production operations stage

Historically, the production phase of a well is usually associated with the most number of
Well Integrity issues. Naturally, the production phase introduces fluids which induce
corrosion risk, thermal and pressure loads not seen during construction, and of course the

longevity effects of exposure. The design and construction wells are the responsibility of the
drilling department to the point of handover, and well specific knowledge largely remains in
the domain of the drilling department. Unless a proper handover between the functional
departments have taken place, transfer of well knowledge will be inadequate. Production
operators need to have a clear understating of well specific integrity issues to manage the well
safety. Often, their knowledge is inadequate due to poor training and evaluation on subjects
such as well architecture, annular pressure behaviour, and effective maintenance. Recently the
authors trained over 500 operators in a complex series of six platforms in the Caspian Sea.
The experience of 99.9% of the operators was that they had no prior training in basic Well
Integrity Management. To better protect production operators and reduce the number of
integrity problems in production, threats should be assessed and mitigated at the design
stage and then re-validate during construction. This more focused approach to life cycle
integrity would result in more reliable well handover to production and less risk to
production operators and assets.

An example of a poorly managed annulus due to no operator training in WI on a high pressure

well is presented in Figure 2.7. by Stuart, 2010. According to them, the actual
conditions at handover did not identify a low top of cement depth, a number of bleeds
performed on the annulus during the construction phase, the type of bled fluids, and the
volumes of fluid bled if any. Discussions with drilling staff revealed that sustained casing
pressure caused by failed cement jobs, followed by sustained casing pressure during
subsequent drilling were common during the construction phase. Post-handover, the well-
produced with high thermal swings and repeated shutdowns due to poor plant reliability. Flow
heated up the annuli fluids of the A, B and C annulus with the B annulus experiencing a
pressure build-up effect greater than 400 psig.

Subsequently over the next 100 days a series of bleeds were performed on the B annulus
whenever the annulus pressure exceeded 500 psig. Suspicion then arose that the pressure
in the annulus was sustained, which meant that the pressure anomaly observed at surface
was due to a direct communication with the formation or a casing leak rather than
unsustained thermally related pressure build up. This led to the decision to allow the pressure
build up to stabilize before a better assessment of the B annulus characteristic could be made.
Before the annulus pressure was able to stabilize, the well had to be shut down for
operational issues, which removed the thermal effects of the producing hydrocarbons. The
loss of the thermally inducted effect caused the annulus pressure to reduce, however by
this time, multiple bleeds on an open shoe annulus had replaced annulus fluids with a
lighter density than the original mud. On re-start up the buildup pressure exceed the
previous trend due to the lighter column, causing stabilized pressures much closer to MOASP.

Permanently resolving annulus pressure problems like the B annulus of the example well is
operationally complex and expensive. Due to the multiple bleeds that had been conducted on
the annulus since the handover, with no recorded volumes, the expected amount of formation
fluid invading the annulus was unknown. Thus, the actual type of fluid composition and
effective hydrostatic pressure was also unknown. Give the slow pressure build seen from
Figure 2.7 below, it could be that the type of invading fluid was unlikely to be gas, and

more likely to be either formation water or oil. Sustained casing pressure in fluid filled annuli
is difficult to resolve since a lubrication technique is not possible.

Due to the complexity of the subsurface environment in the example, poor cementation
caused open channels created by the wells network which created pathways where
reservoir fluids charged up shallower formations, creating a situation where the actual pore
pressure at the B annulus shoe was unknown. Since the annulus fluid density degrade over
time, the SCP was climbing and the thermal effect on the annulus was dramatic during the
start up process. Poor understanding of the phenomenon, allowed the operators to bleed off
the annulus further removing quantities of annulus fluid, by drawdown and induction of
formation fluids. As shown in Figure 2.7 the annulus pressure eventually stabilized at around
1100 psig. At this pressure, the well had to be dispensed and managed through reduction
in production rate, to keep the B annulus SCP below MOASP (Maximum Operational
Annulus Surface Pressure). The rate allowable was 15,000 BOPD instead of the usual rate of
30,000 BOPD. If well integrity and operator training had been given due consideration
during the well design, construction, and handover to production, significant loss and risk
could have been avoided.

Figure 2.7: Sustained casing pressure on well X01 (Stuart , 2010)

2.6.4 Well integrity at the abandonment stage

The well abandonment phase is often the hardest to manage operationally. Well “ownership”
has passed through many different cycles to get to this point. With this maturity a large
amount of information has been created. Often the information is not stored in a centralized
easily accessible location. There are often data gaps created by poor quality data recording,
incompatible software legacy issues, and poor handover during any of the phases, which
can have a large impact on risk management in deciding how a well can be abandoned,
safely, and environmentally effectively.

Greatest in the uncertainties for well abandonment is often the pressure data. When a
production well exhibits sustained casing pressures, diagnosis is difficult and restoration of
annulus barriers is difficult. Often sustained casing pressures in production are accepted and
managed through a dispensation process. The robustness of the dispensation and risk
assessment process, is variable however and some important annulus information such as
hydrostatic pressure of annular fluid, and the maximum pore pressure of formation below
the shoe, may not be available. It is a fact that those responsible for well integrity
management in the production phase have a challenge to persuade management to install an
effective well integrity management system and often even to run diagnostic tools. While
one can argue that avoidance of production interruptions, limits the use of diagnostics, risk
reduction makes their use at all stages essential during the process of abandonment.

3. Existing Alternatives to Cement
This chapter will look at possible alternatives to cement as a sealing material. Nine
alternatives are be discussed in this chapter, namely: Thermaset, Sandaband, settled barite,
Ultra seal, Fly ash, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, Condensed silica fume, Limestone
and CannSeal. Before delving into a discussion into each sealing material, requirements of a
material which would qualify it to be a good sealant would be discussed.

3.1 Properties of Materials That Make Them Suitable For Use as a Sealing Material

Materials used for sealing wells must have certain properties to make them desirable for use.
The ideal grout should:

 Be of low permeability in order to resist flow through them,

 Be capable of bonding to both the well casing (if necessary) and borehole wall to
provide a tight seal,
 Be chemically inert or non-reactive with formation materials or constituents of the
groundwater with which the grout may come in contact,
 Be easily mixed,
 Be of a consistency that will allow the grout to be pumped and remain in a pumpable
state for an adequate period of time,
 Be capable of placement into the well through a 1-inch diameter pipe,
 Be self-levelling in the well,
 Have minimal penetration into permeable zones,
 Be capable of being easily cleaned from mixing and pumping equipment,
 Be readily available at a reasonable cost, and
 Be safe to handle.

According to Edgley (2002), the requirements imposed on the sealing material are not only
the set properties, but the cement slurry properties that allow the material to be placed in the
well. He added that considerations during this pumpable fluid stage include the following
characteristics, and the key is that these must be alterable to match the requirements of the

 Rheology: The fluid must be thin enough to be pumpable, but thick enough such that
any entrained solids remain in suspension.
 Pump time: The length of time the material remains pumpable, so that it can be
placed in the annulus properly. Normally, higher downhole temperatures make
conventional cementitous materials set quicker than at lower temperatures,
aggravating the pump time problem.
 Transition time: When cementing across high-pressure gas zones, it is desirable for
the transition from slurry to solid occur rapidly, in order to minimize the time between
loss of hydrostatic head and the development of strength. During this period of time
between the cessation of hydrostatic head transmission and the development of set
strength, high-pressure gas can invade the cement column, resulting in loss of sealing

 Fluid loss: This is a measure of a slurried materials ability to retain its liquid phase
during the placement process. Excessive fluid loss to the formations through which the
slurry is pumped results in dehydration of the slurry and loss of pumpability.
 Density: The density of the fluid must be alterable in order to control downhole fluids.
If the density is too low, the pressures in the well annulus can fall below the pressure
of the fluids contained in the formation, allowing the well to flow prematurely and
result in loss of control of the well.
 Compatibility with other fluids in the wellbore: Incompatibility may result in lack
of attainment of desirable properties, or the inability to properly place the cement.

In addition to the properties required while the material is a liquid or slurry, other properties
are required after the material has hardened in the wellbore. As with fluid properties, desirable
after the material attains strength must be alterable within certain ranges in order to maximize
performance in the well.
 Compressive strength: Historically this was the primary aspect of strength that was
considered in the design of cement slurries. Recent studies have shown that
compressive strength, while important, is only one of several important characteristics
of the solid material.
 Tensile strength: Increasingly, it is being recognized that cement fails in tension in
the wellbore, resulting in cracking and the generation of fluid migration channels.
Tensile strength in Portland cement is notoriously low, and the construction industry
compensates for lack of tensile strength with steel reinforcing rods or other tension-
carrying ductile members. In oil and gas wells, reinforcement options are limited, so
the new material must have high levels of tensile strength.
 Resiliency: This is a measure of the cement material to absorb stresses without failure.
Again, Portland cement is notoriously brittle, so its ability to deform without failure is
low. The ideal well cementing material would be sufficiently ductile to deform under
load without failing.
 Shear Bond: Well cementing materials must bond not only to steel pipe but to a
variety of formations encountered in the well. This bonding behavior is the primary
mechanism by which the cementing material seals the wellbore fluids in place.

In addition to the above requirements, the chosen sealing material should:

 Not react with contaminants, ground water, or geologic materials.
 Have a hydraulic conductivity comparable to or lower than that of the in-situ material.
 Form a tight bond with the borehole wall and the casing.
 Be resistant to cracking and/or shrinking.
 Be of sufficient structural strength to withstand subsurface pressures.
 Be capable of being placed at the appropriate depth.

No single material will exhibit all of the characteristics mentioned above. Therefore, every
situation must be evaluated carefully to determine the appropriate choice. Generally, materials
used are comprised of concrete, neat cement, or sodium bentonite.

3.2 Why the need for an alternative to cement as a sealing material?

Cement is a well-known material with properties well documented. However some of these
properties are not ideal for handling well integrity challenges related leakage of pressure and

fluids. These are: Shrinking of cement, gas migration during setting, fracturing after setting
and long term degradation by exposure to temperature and chemical substances in the well.

Figure 3.1: Cement problems (Birkeland, 2011)

Figure 3.1 shows several of the problems with cement. a), b) and f) shows leak paths that has
occurred due to poor bonding between cement and casing/formation. c) Shows how fluids
may migrate due to fracturing of the cement, making it permeable. d) Shows how leakages
may occur due to casing failure and e) shows how a flow path may be created in the cement
due to gas migration during hardening.

3.3 Description of alternatives to cement as a sealing material

This section would provide a brief overview of the various alternatives to cement as a sealing

3.3.1 Settled Barite

During the P & A of wells on the West Ekofisk and Edda platforms, ConocoPhillips used
barite that had settled out from drilling fluid as an annular barrier. The idea is that the drilling
fluid that is left behind the casing after primary cementing experiences more or less static
conditions over a long period of time, causing the barite weight material to settle and form a
layer of barite above the casing cement.

When trying to cut and pull a casing during a P & A, problems had occurred with pulling
resistance in a section with no cement. It was found that this could be caused by settled barite

from the WBM that had been used during primary cementing. Since the amount of particles in
the drilling fluid was known, the assumed height of settled barite could be calculated.

The sealing abilities of the settled barite was verified by setting abridge plug inside the casing,
cutting the casing above the plug, and then pressure testing the exposed barite to 70 bar above
the fracture gradient of the formation.

It was experienced that a number of conditions has to be satisfied before settled barite could
be used as a barrier element.

 During the drilling phase, the well should have been drilled using WBM
 After completion, the well should have experienced closed, static conditions
over many years with no history of annulus pressure build up.
 The well should be relatively vertical.
ConocoPhillips are satisfied with using settled barite as a permanent barrier element, and have
qualified it for this purpose.

3.3.2 ThermaSet

ThermaSet is a resin-based sealant that sets when it is exposed to a pre-determined

temperature for a certain amount of time (Wellcem AS, 2011). In its liquid form, ThermaSet
can easily be pumped and injected into small openings such as control lines, because it
contains no particles in its neat form. However, particles are normally used to accurately
adjust the density from less than 5.8 lbm/gal up to approximately 21 lbm/gal. Other
properties, like viscosity and curing time can also be accurately regulated. Compared to
cement, ThermaSet has advantages when it comes to mechanical strength. ThermaSet has a
higher compressive strength than cement, and also significantly higher tensile strength -
approximately 60 times higher than cement. Along with approximately 5 times higher flexural
strength, this makes ThermaSet better suited for varying loads than cement. These varying
loads could be caused by pressure and temperature cycles that cause the casing to expand and
contract, exerting a force on the annulus material.

Testing, Qualification and Certification

31 different qualification tests have been completed on ThermaSet to qualify it as a plugging
material (Wellcem AS, 2011). Among those tests, ThermaSet has been tested and qualified
according to ISO 14310 V3. This is a liquid penetration test that includes axial loads and
temperature cycling. The gas tightness of ThermaSet has been tested satisfactory gas-tight by
Proserv in a 5000psi nitrogen test (Wellcem AS, 2001). SINTEF has performed tests to
document the mechanical properties, with the results shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: ThermaSet Mechanical Properties Test Results (Wellcem AS, 2001)

Properties Thermaset Portland class G” cement

Compressive strength (MPa) 77 5 58 4
Flexural strength (MPa) 45 3 10 1
E-Modulus (MPa) 2240 70 3700 600
Rupture Elongation (%) 3.5 0.01
Failure exural strain (%) 1.9 0.2 0.32 0.04

These results show that ThermaSet performs even better than conventional cement in almost
every aspect. The Compressive strength and Flexural Strain is exceedingly stronger than that
of Portland G cement, the E-modulus show a far superior elasticity, and a highly increased
Compressive Strength is demonstrated.
SINTEF also performed an Ageing Test to document long-term integrity of ThermaSet.
The test showed that reservoir conditions have some impact on ThermaSet in a long-term
perspective, but the mechanical strength reduction seem to flatten out after a while, and are
still satisfactory (over 50% of initial strength). The permeability was also shown to remain
low over time. During the Ageing Test, a component in ThermaSet was shown to have issues
with H2S, but this component was not needed, and has now been removed from the design
(SINTEF 2011)

ThermaSet can be used in many of the same areas as cement, even as primary casing
cementing. ThermaSet has about 5 times the bonding strength to steel as class G"cement, and
is therefore a strong alternative to cement regarding casing support. It has already been used
as casing support in Saudi Arabia, where the mechanical properties was critical for choosing
ThermaSet. ThermaSet may also beneficially be used as fill behind casing above the primary
cement for zonal isolation and preparation for future abandonment. Either pumped in front of
the cement, pumped on the outside of the casing, or squeezed through perforations in the
casing. ThermaSet could especially be a very good solution in squeeze plugging, because of
its properties as a liquid. The low viscosity and low content of solids makes it easy to pump
through small perforations. This advantage could also be used to fix leaking cement plugs
with cracks or micro annulus. For deviated/horizontal plugging, ThermaSet also appears as a
better solution, because of its uniform resin appearance. Gravity will not affect the placement
and quality of ThermaSet the same critical way as for cement.
However, the most important area of use for ThermaSet would be in wells with especially
challenging conditions. In wells with high temperature variations, like HPTH-, arctic-, steam
injection-, and geothermal wells, ThermaSet seems like the best plugging material, because of
its high strength, both compressive-, and tensile strength.

3.3.3 Sandaband

Sandaband is a patented product, developed by Sandaband Well Plugging (SWP), which

offers a unique environmentally friendly and operationally efficient plug and abandonment
(P&A) method. In 1999, NPD (the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate) encouraged the
industry to develop improved P & A techniques due to a growing concern for the number of

abandoned wells on the NCS that were observed to be leaking. Although cement has long
been the standard material for permanently plugging wells, it does have a few shortcomings.
Compared to the desired properties of a permanent well barrier in NORSOK, cement does not
full two properties; it is neither non-shrinking nor ductile. As a result of this, a new ductile
plugging material called Sandaband was developed.

Until that time the only material used in this process was cement, but old abandoned wells
were already beginning to show signs of unsafe pressure build up. A group of well plugging
veterans took up the challenge.

The idea was based on the fact that poorly sorted sand has low permeability, and that a certain
particle distribution can form a sand slurry with high solids content that is possible to pump.
Hence, a low permeability material could be placed in the well that does not require a
chemical reaction to develop hydraulic sealing properties. Sandaband consists of 70% to 80%
quartz solids with a grain size diameter varying from less than a micron to a couple of
millimeters. The rest of the volume consists of water and chemicals that make the material
pumpable. Since quartz and water are chemically stable, these will not degrade over time or
react with other fluids except concentrated hydrofluoric acid. On the other hand, the
additional chemicals will be exhausted with time, but since these chemicals are only used to
make the material pumpable, this does not affect the sealing capabilities of Sandaband. This
has been demonstrated by testing Sandaband prepared without chemicals, and the results
showed that this mix had the same gas tightness as Sandaband prepared with the chemicals.

As opposed to cement, Sandaband does not set up following a chemical reaction. Instead,
Sandaband has the rheology of a Bingham Plastic material. Bingham Plastic fluids are
characterized by the fact that they need a certain minimum shear stress to start flowing, but
have a linear relationship between shear stress and shear strain. This process is not time-
dependant, meaning that the slurry will rapidly form a rigid body when pumping is stopped,
without having to wait like cement. Also, if the well experiences dynamic loads that cause
stresses in the material, it will simply deform and conform to the surroundings instead of
fracturing like a brittle material would.

There are two factors that influence how much pressure a Sandaband plug can control. First of
all, the height of the plug gives a hydrostatic contribution with a density of 2.0 – 2.3g/cc.
Secondly; the yield point of the Bingham Plastic material gives a pressure seal that is
dependent on the contact are between the plug and the borehole wall. This can be compared to
friction in that it works in the opposite direction of the experienced force, preventing the plug
from moving until the yield stress is exceeded.

Although NORSOK D-010 does not specify Sandaband or other cement alternatives
individually, it does open for using alternative materials as long as these go through a
qualification process and an overview of relevant well barrier element acceptance criteria
(WBEAC) is made. During the last few years, Sandaband Well Plugging has performed
various tests in cooperation with the industry and research institutions in order to qualify
Sandaband as a gas tight plugging material. Also, a third-party report was made by Proffshore

to verify that Sandaband fulfils the materials requirements for permanent plugging in
NORSOK. This report concluded positively on Sandaband compliance as a permanent WBE,
but underlined the need for a sufficient height and length to control required pressure. Since
cement can set up to form a solid plug, the hydraulic sealing properties are not as dependant
on height and length as Sandaband, meaning that a longer plug may be necessary if
Sandaband is used compared to cement.

Another difference between cement and Sandaband is how its placement can be verified.
Once a cement plug has hardened, its location can be confirmed by applying weight to the top
of the plug, but since Sandaband does not solidify, an alternative method is necessary. The
method used is to run pipe slightly into the plug, and circulate bottoms up from below the
calculated theoretical top of Sandaband. If sand is observed over the shakers, this indicates
that Sandaband is present at the given depth.

However, if the material is placed in the annulus, neither Sandaband nor other materials can
be verified using the mentioned techniques. As discussed earlier, cement can be evaluated
using cement evaluation tools, and Sandaband in an annulus may also be evaluated using
logging tools, although not necessary the same types of tools as for cement. While several
tools may be used, the preferred method of logging Sandaband is using a pulsed neutron tool.
These contain a high-energy neutron generator that emits neutrons that are bombarded onto
the formation. The different nuclei in the formation then interact with the incoming neutrons
and start radiating gamma rays. Analysis of the energy spectra can separate between different
elements, such as silicon which is abundant in quartz. Since quartz is the main component in
Sandaband, its presence can then be identified.

Other methods of verification, like pressure testing and observing operational parameters, are
done in much the same way as with cement. As long as the design parameters for the plug are
not exceeded, pressure testing and inflow testing can be performed straight after the plug has
been placed, since there is no curing time involved.

Tom Friestad, managing director of SWP, discusses the idea behind the Sandaband solution:
“Some distinguished veterans from the industry decided to take on the challenge from the
PSA. The phenomenon of downhole sand production was well known, as it may cause a
prolific high pressure well to become completely plugged, causing costly work-overs to
unblock. It was also known that, in order for a sand plug to be gas tight, it needed to have a
wide particle size distribution as opposed to a highly permeable gravel pack with very
uniform grain sizes. The challenge was then to develop a method for producing a quartz-
based, non-consolidating, non-segregating material in industrial quantities at low cost that
could be placed in a well using an industry-standard pump. The end result was Sandaband, its
name derived from ‘SAND for ABANDonment’.”

Project manager Vidar Rygg explains its potential applications: “Sandaband was originally
developed for permanent P&A but it soon became clear that the fact it does not set up makes
it ideal also for temporary abandonment due to its easy removal. Because it does not shrink,
fracture, or degrade, it is also excellent for use as an isolation material behind casing.

Something worth mentioning is that Sandaband needs a floor to rest on, so for this behind-
casing application it must be used in combination with cement and/or an external casing
packer (ECP) to prevent it falling out when the well is drilled further. If Sandaband has not
been used preventively behind casing during well construction it can instead be used
correctively to remedy sustained casing pressure at a later stage. Finally, it is also a very good
lost circulation material (LCM) for curing losses during drilling.”

According to Sandaband Well Plugging (2012), Sandaband is an incompressible, everlasting

gas-tight material. It is liquid as pumped and solid at rest. Further, it is non-shrinking, non-
fracturing, non-segregating, thermodynamically stable, and chemically inert. It is also
environmentally safe, has no health hazards, and is non-damaging to the reservoir.

But one of the problems is that the material needs a solid base to be placed on {if it is placed
on top of a fluid it will sink. This can be solved with assistance of either a mechanical plug, or
another plugging material as a base.

Figure 3.2: Sandaband (Sandaband Well plugging, 2012)

Sandaband consists of up to 85% quartz solids with a grain size diameter varying from less
than a micrometre to a couple of millimetres. The rest of the volume consists of water and
chemicals controlling the liquid properties like viscosity and freezing temperature.

The quartz particles are kept together by electrostatic forces (Zeta bindings) between the
water molecules and the surface of the smallest micro-silica grains, and hinder flow in the
pore spaces (Vignes, 2011)

The permeability in Sandaband is dependent on the sorting and packing of the different sized
particles (Svinland, 2004). If an optimized mix of different sized particles are carefully mixed
and packed in an optimized, tight, dispersed way redistribution or sorting of the particles after
placement is minimal, because of the packing and the Zeta-bindings preventing all particle
movement relatively to each other. Sandaband has been tested to 5G without segregation. The
permeability is also dependent on the saturation and viscosity of the fluid, which can be
controlled by chemical additives. The permeability is therefore possible to manipulate and
adjust according to desired properties for the particular well conditions.

Sandaband does not set up following a chemical reaction, and therefore requires no setting
time, like cement does. Instead, Sandaband has properties like a Bingham Plastic material.
Bingham Plastic liquids are characterized by the fact that they need a certain minimum initial
shear stress to start owing, but have a linear relationship between shear stress and shear strain,
as seen in Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3: Bingham plastic behaviour (Wikipedia, 2012)

This process is not time-dependent; meaning that the slurry will rapidly form a rigid body
when pumping is stopped, and can be pumped away like a liquid when re-starting the pumps.
Also, if the well experiences dynamic loads that cause stresses in the material, Sandaband will
deform and conform to the surroundings instead of cracking and fracturing like a brittle
material would. If a cap is needed to ensure the placement and protect Sandaband, it could be
used in combination with another plugging material on top. Another advantage of this
Bingham plastic material behaviour is that Sandaband has close to zero losses to the
formation. When Sandaband enters potential fractures in the formation, it increases its area,
and the shear stress needed to move the fluid increase, until Sandaband has filled the fracture
openings and sets like a solid again. The low loss to formation makes the needed volume of
Sandaband easy to calculate, and it becomes easier to place a successful plug.
There are two factors that influence how much pressure a Sandaband plug can control. First of
all, the hydrostatic pressure created by the fluid column, and secondly, the yield point of the
Bingham Plastic material, which gives a pressure seal dependent on the contact area between
the plug and the borehole wall. This can be compared to a friction force, because it works in
the opposite direction of the experienced force, preventing the plug from moving until the
yield stress is exceeded. One of the main disadvantages of Sandaband is the fact that it needs
to be pre-mixed onshore. This could cause problems regarding uncertainties in volume
requirements. The advantage though, is that Sandaband experiences almost zero losses to the
formation, caused by its behaviour as a Bingham Plastic material, so volumes should be easier
to predict. Another difference from cement is verification of plug placement. Verification of
the top of sand slurry is slightly different from verification of top of cement. A cement plug
placement and condition would have been verified after curing by tagging with the correct
weight, by use of the drill pipe. This is not possible with the concentrated sand slurry because
of its behaviour as a Bingham plastic material. Therefore, placing the bottom of the drill
string at the planned top of sand slurry and circulating bottoms up, while observing the
returns, provides verification of correct placement. If sand is observed over the shakers, this
verifies that Sandaband is present at the given depth (Sandaband Well plugging, 2012)
However, if the material is placed in the annulus, neither Sandaband nor other materials can
be verified by use of the mentioned techniques. Both Sandaband and cement in the annulus
may be evaluated by use of logging tools, although not necessarily the same types of logging
tools. While several tools may be used, the preferred method of logging Sandaband is by use
of a pulsed neutron tool. These contain a high-energy neutron generator that emits neutrons
that are bombarded onto the formation. The different nuclei in the formation then interact
with the incoming neutrons and start radiating gamma rays. Analysis of the energy spectra
can separate different elements, such as the silicon, which is abundant in quartz. Because
quartz is the main component in Sandaband, its presence can then be identified (Sandven,
Other methods of verification, like pressure testing and observing operational parameters, are
done in much the same way as with cement. As long as the design parameters for the plug are
not exceeded, pressure testing and inflow testing can be performed straight after the plug has
been placed, because there is no setting time involved.

 Testing, Qualification and Certification

The gas-tightness of Sandaband has been documented by use of the Intertek JVS 1000 test,
which is the recommended test for gas-tight cement slurries on the NCS. Sandaband has also
been long-term integrity tested in the temperature range -10°C to 250°C (Vignes, 2011)
Sandaband has also been tested for casing moving and vibration effects on the gas- tightness,
with results of no effect on the gas-tightness (Sandaband Well plugging, 2012). This is to
prove the capability for the Sandaband to deform and adapt to the changing conditions/loads,
proving the properties of a ductile material. There have also been performed self-healing tests,
where repeated break-through is forced, and the self-healing capabilities are shown
(Sandaband Well plugging, 2012).
Also, a third-party report was made by Proshore to verify that Sandaband fulfills the material
requirements for permanent plugging in NORSOK. This report concluded positively on
Sandabands compliance as a permanent WBE, but underlined the need for a sufficient height
and length to control required pressure. Because cement can set up to form a solid plug, the
hydraulic sealing properties are not as dependent on height and length as Sandaband, meaning
that a longer plug may be necessary if Sandaband is used compared to cement.

 Areas of Use
No required setting time, which saves time, money and eliminates setting time problems,
makes Sandaband a good solution in different scenarios. However, the need for a solid base
limits this use to reservoir plugging, and plugging in combination with a mechanical plug or
another plugging material. Combinations with mechanical plugs may not be optimal, as
mechanical plugs are not accepted as permanent barriers, and could fail in a long-term
perspective. If a mechanical plug foundation should fail, the Sandaband plug on top may sink
and re-position itself, and therefore not provide the same level of safety anymore. In addition,
the need for a hydrostatic head does not make Sandaband well suited for use in highly
deviated and horizontal wells. Sandaband with its properties for zero losses is a perfect
plugging material for zones with challenges regarding heavy losses. This also makes

Sandaband a very good material for fill behind casing to act as a barrier in the annulus. But
again, because it is not self-supporting, it needs to be placed on top of a solid foundation.
The ability to be circulated makes Sandaband a perfect material for temporary reservoir
plugging. It has an advantage in re-entering the reservoir at a later stage, because the
Sandaband plug simply can be washed away and thus no milling or drilling time is needed.
In corrosive environments like CO2 injection wells or wells drilled through salt formations,
Sandaband seems like a very good alternative to cement, because it does not react with any

3.3.4 Ultra Seal

According to EP magazine wellbore sealant from CSI Technologies is an alternative to

Portland cement in a wide variety of wellbore conditions. While the natural density of the
epoxy material is slightly greater than water, it can be weighted with no effect on
performance. Ultra-Seal R does not readily mix with water, nor is it affected by water
contamination. The material set can be controlled from 40°F to 350°F (4°C to 176.6°C).
Benefits as a wellbore sealant include improved strength, improved bond strength, non-
shrinking and ability to invade permeable solids and harden.

The basic components are a resin and a hardener, although other materials are added to tailor
properties and pump time as desired. There are also alternative hardeners available for
different temperature ranges. Resin and hardener are mixed on the surface in conventional
mixing equipment. Clean-up is with a minimal quantity of a methanol and water mixture.
Ultra-Seal R can be batch- or continuously mixed. Ultra-Seal R components are liquid,
allowing for more precise mixing than Portland cement.

The material can be weighted to fall though standing water in the well bore or lightened to
float on top. Because there are no solids in the basic material, it can be squeezed into casing
leaks or into formations. Ultra-Seal R can be used to create virtual well bores in which the
resin penetrates into the formation to consolidate weak or damaged zones.
When set, the material is impervious to essentially all wellbore fluids and gases. It can be
formulated to degrees of hardness ranging from that of hard plastic to stiff rubber. Ultra-Seal
is extremely ductile in its set phase; it deforms without fracturing when loads are applied and
rebounds to its initial shape when loads are released. Ultra-Seal R is readily drillable and
millable using conventional bits.

Figure 3.4: Ultra-seal

3.3.5 Use of Alternative Cementitious Materials

Information compiled by Tassel he maintained that Alternative cementitious materials are

finely divided materials that replace or supplement the use of Portland cement. Their use
reduces the cost and/or improves one or more technical properties of concrete. These
materials include fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, condensed silica fume,
limestone dust, cement kiln dust, and natural or manufactured pozzolans. The use of these
cementitious materials in blended cements offers advantages such as increased cement plant
capacity, reduced fuel consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, control of alkali-silica
reactivity, or improved durability. These advantages vary with the type of alternative
cementitious material.

Fly ash is a combustion by-product generated in coal-burning power plants. It is a fine

particulate residue removed by a dust collection system. Approximately 40 million tons of fly
ash is produced annually in the United States. Fly ash particles are spherical particles ranging
from 1-150 mm in diameter. ASTM C618 categorizes fly ash as either Class C or Class F
based on the origin of the coal used and the resulting fly ash chemical composition. Class F is
a low-calcium fly ash and is pozzolanic, while Class C fly ash exhibits both pozzolanic and
cementitious properties because of its high calcium content. The use of fly ash provides
improved workability, increased long term compressive strength, reduced heat of hydration,
decreased costs and increased resistance to alkali-silica reaction, and sulphate resistance
(Class F only) when compared to unblended Portland cement.

Ground granulated blast furnace slag is produced in a blast furnace where iron ore is
converted into iron. This slag forms when the silica and alumina compounds of the iron ore
combine with the calcium of the fluxing stone (limestone and dolomite). The newly formed
slag floats on the liquid iron and is drawn off from a notch at the top of the hearth while the
liquid iron flows from a hole at the bottom of the hearth. These reactions take place at
temperatures ranging from 1300-1600oC, so the slag is conveyed to a pit where it is cooled.
The United States produces approximately 14 million metric tons of blast furnace slag
annually (NSA, 1988). The conditions of the cooling process determine the type of blast

furnace slag: air-cooled, foamed, water granulated, or pelletized. Of these types, ground
granulated blast furnace slag is both cementitious and pozzolanic. Ground granulated blast
furnace slag is a replacement of portland cement and provides several advantages such as
improved workability, reduced heat of hydration, decreased costs increased resistance to
alkali-silica reaction, and sulphate resistance and increased compressive and flexural strength
when compared to unblended Portland cement.

Condensed silica fume is a by-product of the smelting process in the silicon metal and
ferrosilicon industry. Silica fume is produced when SiO vapours, produced from the reduction
of quartz to silicon, condense. In the United States, approximately 100 thousand tons of silica
fume is generated annually (Mehta, 1989). Silica fume particles are spherical with an average
diameter of 1-mm and contain approximately 90% silicon dioxide with traces of iron,
magnesium, and alkali oxides. When compared to Portland cement, fly ash, or ground
granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume is much finer. The addition of small amounts of
silica fume (2-5%) increase workability while large amounts of silica fume (>7%) decrease
workability, increase compressive strength, decrease permeability and provide resistance to
sulphate attack and alkali-silica reaction.

Limestone functions as a supplementary cementing material when it is finely ground with

clinker into Portland cement. Limestone quality should have at least 75% calcium carbonate
by mass, clay content less than 1.2% by mass, and an organic content less than 0.2% by mass.
There are several advantages to using limestone in Portland cement such as reduced energy
consumption and reduced CO2 emissions. Additional cost savings are realized if limestone is
available in close proximity to the site. In Portland cements with high C3A (tricalcium
aluminate) contents, the carbonate from the limestone will react with the C3A during
hydration and may increase strength gain and resistance to sulphate attack.

Approximately 14 million tons of cement kiln dust are generated yearly in the United States
with 9 million tons being reused into clinker manufacturing and 5 million tons discarded
(Detwiler et al., 1996). Cement kiln dust varies as the raw material, clinker, and type of
operation varies; however, it consists of unreacted raw feed, partially calcined feed and
clinker dust, free lime, alkali sulphate salts, and other volatile compounds. After the alkalis
are removed, the cement kiln dust can be blended with clinker to produce acceptable cement,
and cement kiln dust can be added to Portland cement with other materials such as slag and
fly ash.

Other natural pozzolans exist such as volcanic ash, opaline chert and shales, tuffs, and
diatomaceous earths. These materials originate from volcanic eruptions and have raw or
calcined natural material. These natural pozzolans have large internal surface areas and vary
depending on the type of magma from which they originate. Calcined kaolinite is a processed
natural pozzolan, which is highly reactive in the presence of lime upon hydration. By
including calcined kaolinite in Portland cement, increased compressive strengths and
decreased permeability may result (Caldarone and Gruber, 1995).

Alternative cementing materials can directly replace a portion of Portland cement. These
materials can be used alone or blended with other alternative cementing materials to produce
cement or concrete with properties different than those resulting from the use of Portland
cement. The use of alternative materials affects cement and concrete properties such as
workability, hydration, compressive strength, and durability. See figure 3.2 below:

Figure 3.5: Strength development characteristics of different pozzolan-cement mixtures

3.3.6 CannSeal

CannSeal is a new annular zonal isolation technology that has been under development for a
few years and is about to be launched. As of May 2012, an application for using the new
material is being sent to the Climate and Pollution agency (KLIF) for approval. The material
used in the CannSeal technology is an epoxy that can be purpose designed for different
operations. The CannSeal service is intended to provide a downhole annular seal. The sealant
can be deployed both in an open annulus or gravel/proppant pack.

Figure 3.6: The CannSeal technology - Injecting sealant. []

The CannSeal system has several applications. Among others are: Sealing unwanted cross
flow, sealing water/gas - breakthrough, sealing off leaking packers, sealing off annulus
between two pipes, replacing “spot on” cement squeeze, spotting acid and form a basement
for plugs sealing both the wellbore and annulus. The latter one is the application most relevant
for this thesis. As discussed in the section about Sandaband, the sump effect may be a
challenge when setting a plug in an annulus without a foundation. The CannSeal system can
be a solution to this problem as described in figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: CannSeal as foundation for annular Sandaband plug (Nja, 2012)

This methodology can of course also be used as a foundation for permanent annulus P&A
plugs in cases where the casing is un-cemented. An idea can be to combine this technology
with the Hydrawash technology. The CannSeal technology is run on WL and consists of a
perforating gun that creates communication with the annulus. When communication is
achieved, the injection pads locate the perforations and the tool injects the sealant which is an
extremely viscous “dow-like” epoxy that fills the entire circumference of the annulus in about
1 m length as shown in Figure 3.6

3.4 Comparison of New Alternative Plugging Materials

Comparing the new materials with cement, and evaluating the materials based on compliance
with the NORSOK requirements, would be done in a tabular form in this section.
The comparison is shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Comparison of Plugging Materials Compliance with NORSOK Requirements (Skjeldestad,
Properties for
Cement Sandaband Thermaset
sealing wells
General Well sealing properties
Needs solid
foundation to
Can be tagged or
be placed on.
Positioning Verified by logging logged to verify
by circulation or
Ability to withstand OK Depending on

Properties for
Cement Sandaband Thermaset
sealing wells
pressure hydrostatic Stronger than
head, yield point and cement.
contact area.
Issues relating to
Withstand Not affected by Better suited for
temperature cycling
environmental temperature cycling temperature cycling
and corrosive
conditions and corrosion. than cement.
Desired Material Properties for Permanent Barriers
Gas tightness
Permeability depends verified through Liquid tightness
on the type of cement tests, dependent verified through
and the quality of the on proper API V3 test. Gas
cement. composition and tightness tested
hydrostatic head.
Issues relating to
Long-term temperature cycling Tested for long-term
integrity and corrosive integrity
Initially shrinking
during Initially shrinking,
Non-shrinking curing, but additives OK regulated by adding
exists to avoid of filler or curing
shrinking. under pressure
Able to re-shape and
conform to the
Ductile Brittle. Significantly more
flexible than cement.
Bingham plastic
Resistance to
Mechanical Component with
chemicals (H2S,
degradation in issues removed from
CO2, hydro- Non-reactive
contact with acid design
Similar wetting 5 times cement
Could have issues
properties as sand. bonding strength to
regarding mud-
Wetting/bonding Does not bond to steel. Same issues
capabilities steel. However, regarding mud-
and poor hole
gravity keeps it in removal / hole
place. cleaning.

4. Engineering study into selected alternatives to
Best practices for evaluating cement plug seal for well integrity behind casing, built on a
comprehensive engineering study of the fundamentals governing cement plug seal
performance are discussed within this section. This chapter would investigate two selected
alternatives to cement in more detail. Both would be x-rayed with a view to isolating the
placement and verification of the chosen alternatives. The three alternatives chosen for the
study are Thermaset, Sandaband and Laterite loaded mud the later was studied

In theory, there are materials with better properties than cement, but no alternative material
has yet been used in a primary cementing job. The various environment and different types of
well will need different properties and solutions for a primary cementing job, and an
alternative material may be used depending on the well.

4.1 Sandaband

Sandaband is the other alternative material which is being assess in a primary cementing
operation. While ThermaSet is a particle free resin-based sealant, Sandaband is based on
specially sorted sand. Compared to the desired properties of a permanent well barrier element
described in NORSOK, Sandaband cement composition do not fulfill two properties; it’s
neither non-shrinking nor is it ductile. Sandaband has properties that surpass cemen, in this
two respects. Listed are the properties that make Sandaband better than cement for primary
cementing purposes:

 Incompressible
 Non-shrinking
 Ductile
 Non-fracturing
 None segregating
 Thermodynamically stable
 Chemically inert

Ductility is a mechanical property that describes the extent in which solid materials can be
plastically deformed without fracture; therefore, being ductile makes it adaptable to changes
in the wellbore, a property ideal for a long lasting primary cementing. The problem with
Sandaband is that it lacks the ability to bond to the casing and the formation, and therefore
requires a solid fundament to rest on.

Challenges and considerations during a primary cementing when cement is being used will
also be important for Sandaband. One of the most important challenges is keeping the casing
centralized. It’s critical to have the casing centralized when placing Sandaband behind the
casing, it has to do with the Bingham Plastic properties and the fact that the flow area is a lot
smaller when injecting Sandaband compared to conventional cement placement, because of
the solid fundament Sandaband cannot be placed behind the casing conventionally. A

challenge that we can ignore is gas migration, Sandaband does not settle and its gas tight
during the pumping stage. Because it’s thermodynamically stable, well temperature has no
effect on Sandaband.

4.1.1 Sandaband Placement

A solution to place Sandaband as barrier behind casing will involve an external casing packer
(ECP) filled with cement; the ECP together with gas tight cement column will work as
fundament for the Sandaband to rest on. The plan in the Peon field was to use port collars in
order to pump the Sandaband conventional behind the casing after the ECP and the cement
column was set. Instead of forcing Sandaband behind the casing by circulating Sandaband
conventionally, applying the method of reverse circulation cementing might be a better
solution. If RCC where to be used with Sandaband it can reduce the time of the operation
because the isolating material is being displaced directly into the annulus. Another positive
effect achieved from pumping Sandaband directly into the annulus is a reduction in the
equivalent circulation density (ECD); this will reduce the chance of Sandaband invading the
formation which can lead to lost circulation. Even though an opening is not required for
Sandaband to be injected in, the drilling fluid needs an exit to be circulated back to the
surface. Using RCC will still require an opening to be created above the solid fundament
where the Sandaband will rest on; this is because the material shall not be placed on top of a
fluid column allowing gravitational settling. After Sandaband is successful placed behind the
casing, it’s necessary to have a detection tool to know when all the mud is displaced out and
when Sandaband has been placed properly. This is required to know when to activate the
combo tool to close the opening in the port collar.

If we look at the negative side of using the RCC, there is the fluid loss challenge when RCC is
being used over intervals of weak formations. Since Sandaband has Bingham Plastic
properties. The Bingham Plastic properties will reduce the fluid loss problems because it
requires a certain minimum shear stress for the Sandaband to start flowing. Another problem
with RCC is that it will require some extra equipment compared to the conventional
circulation. Using Sandaband requires many changes to the standard setup, more iron and
special kit that is necessary won’t make any difference for the operation. If Sandaband where
to be used, I would recommend to use the RCC as the placement method for it.

4.1.2 Verification of Sandaband

A good primary cementing job needs to provide adequate zonal isolation in order to prevent
cross flow, it also needs to support the casing and protect it from corrosion. With the design
purpose stated, it’s possible to perform testing on the isolating material. Verification of the
Sandaband column is stated in the Well Barrier Element Acceptance Criteria Table (WBEAT)
attached in the appendix: The verification requirements for having obtained the minimum
Sandaband height shall be described which can be:

Verifications by logs (gravel pack evaluation, bond log), and/or Estimation on the basis of
records from the pumping operation (volumes pumped, returns during pumping, etc.).
Usually when a cement evaluation is being conducted, a sonic or ultra-sonic logging tool is
being used. When it comes to Sandaband, there may be some other verification methods
which can be used. Gravel packing is a process usually undertaken to prevent production of
sand and other formation materials to be produced with oil and gas. This is done by placing
gravel of a specific size in the annulus. There is a great similarity between gravel packs and
Sandaband, where both are composed of unconsolidated rock fragments. Verification of
gravel packs may be used for Sandaband. In the WBEAT it is also stated that measurement on
the volumes being pumped and the volumes returning can be used to estimated height of the
Sandaband column. Logging Sandaband is basically the same as for cement logging; with the
difference that Sandaband has less compressive strength than cement. This means that the
difference in the measurements above and below Sandaband column will be smaller than a
standard cement column. A solution to this is to log 2-3 passes over the interval before and
after placement and then compare the data. This may seem troublesome; but it’s a method
which is often used when dealing with foamed cement. Because the acoustic impedance of
foamed cement being similar to the mud/completion fluids, the effect on the logs when using
foamed cement is low.
The method mentioned earlier which is being conducted to evaluate gravel packs is the pulsed
neutron tool. To describe the method simply, this technique provides a measure of the amount
of quartz (behind the casing, the result can be used to determine the top of the Sandaband
column because Sandaband consists mainly of quartz. Other methods that can be used is to
add a radioactive tracer to the mass, typically a cobalt or iodine isotope with a relatively short
half-life (a few days / weeks), then log it with a standard gamma ray tool. It is also possible to
log with a density tool. Again, this should be done both before and after placement and then
compare values. The methods mentioned, including sonic tools will only give an average of
the entire circumference, not all the channels behind the casing will be identified. Over
important and critical parts of the well, the best way to evaluate the primary cementing job
would be to use ultra-sonic bond log tools. Listed are some Ultrasonic logging tools from
various service companies:

Table 4.1: Ultrasonic Tools and the Companies

4.2 Thermaset

The development of ThermaSet started around 1980 and it has gone through a variety of
systematic testing. ThermaSet is initially a product for P&A, repair failed cement and used to
fix loss circulation, but it has the potential to be an alternative material for cement in primary
cementing because of the improved mechanical properties. Thermaset is originally particle
free, and placing of ThermaSet won’t be any problem. Information from Wellcem shows that

vital strength of Thermaset is much stronger than of Portland G cement, and Thermaset can
withstand stresses caused by casing expansion when the casing it heated by warm reservoir
fluids. Thermaset is superior to cement in terms of strength and it can be used in corrosion
heavy environments. Just like cement, ThermaSet has challenges and considerations that need
to be accounted for. Most of the challenges related to cement will also apply to ThermaSet.
ThermaSet is particle free, and to remove the mud in the annulus and the mud cake is
important to avoid contamination. Keeping the casing centralized also necessary, because it’s
easier to displace compared to cement, it’s will not be as critical for ThermaSet as it would be
when using cement to have a casing centralized. Reservoir temperature will not affect
ThermaSet either, the same way as it affect cement. ThermaSet can be designed to settle quite
accurately when the temperature is known, according the Wellcem. Casing expansion due to
heating can cause tangential tensile stresses in the cement; ThermaSet has proven to withstand
tangential tensile stresses.

4.2.1 Thermaset Placement

ThermaSet is originally a particle free substance which can easily be placed. Depending on
well structure and down hole environments, the conventional and RCC are both good
solutions for ThermaSet. ThermaSet has only been used as remedial cementing and for well
integrity solutions, in these cases ThermaSet was placed reversible. If ThermaSet was to be
used as a replacement for cement, I would recommend a conventional placement method.
Keeping the operation as simple as a possible is the key for using ThermaSet.

4.2.2 Verification of Thermaset

Verification of ThermaSet is normally done by pressure tests except casing cementing. For
casing cementing the quality verification is still under developing. Because ThermaSet is
particle free, it’s hard to say how it’s going to response to the acoustic logging tools. Testing
and evaluating how ThermaSet will respond to verification methods is critical if Thermaset is
to be used as a material for isolation behind the casing. Adding radioactive tracers in the
mixture can also be a solution, it’s necessary to test if tracers, such as cobalt and iodine
isotope have any effect on the properties of ThermaSet. Wellcem could confirm that testing of
verification methods were soon to be conducted.

4.3 Applicability of Sandaband and Thermaset

Because of the large variation in challenges, both Sandaband and ThermaSet may be used in
some primary cementing operation. In environments with high temperatures and in presence
of or other aggressive formation fluids, corrosive attack can be a major problem for the
cement sheath. Both Sandaband and ThermaSet are chemically inert and will be resistant to
any corrosion attacks, making both potential candidates for future solutions in high corrosion
wells. Many wells with corrosion are caused by high temperature, and a high temperature

fluctuation makes the casing expand and contract. The high thermal induced stresses will
affect both the casing and the cement sheath,
Sandaband with its ductile properties can be good solutions for temperature fluctuating wells.
Test data from Wellcem shows that ThermaSet can withstand large temperature induces
stresses. Example of wells with high temperature and large changes in temperature are HDR
wells, hydrothermal wells, steam injection wells, arctic wells and HPHT wells.
The well type that might suit the usage of Sandaband best as isolation behind the casing are
shallow gas fields, such as the Peon field. The water depth to the sea bed in the Peon field is
around 350 meters and the reservoir is 165 meter under the sea bed. The reservoir covers 250
and the gas column thickness ranges from 0-25 meters. This is a very narrow gas column and
should normally be developed with horizontal wells. Since the reservoir is just 165 meters
beneath sea depth, it’s currently not possible to build up a horizontal section. The reason why
Sandaband is a good solution in shallow gas fields is because it’s a simple well design and
due to subsidence and cracking. Subsidence and cracking of the formation will occur when
the field has been produced over a certain time; because water from the cap rock is drained
into the gas reservoir. Sandaband will serve as barriers element if the cement fails because of
subsidence and cracking. Sandaband is a fluid with Bingham plastic properties and can
maintain integrity with the cracking and subsidence. Although Peon is a shallow and low
pressure gas well, blowout is still a great issue. A vertical well is short and almost frictionless;
a blowout can be very costly. Sandaband fills the space between the formation and the casing
so that gas cannot flow past and to the surface.

The usage of Sandaband has certain limitation; it’s complicated to use Sandaband. By
evaluating future usage of the materials for primary cementing, we need to look at what type
of wells we might see an increase of. Unconventional oil and gas, thin reservoirs and complex
formations are increasing challenges. Long sections of horizontal wells, branched completions
and side tracking are well designs to overcome in the future. Solutions involving Sandaband
in these types of well designs is not an option, the usage of Sandaband is already complicated
without the extra challenges.
While well design such as long sections horizontal section with narrow spacing, side tracing
and other complicated well scenarios is not suited for Sandaband. Using ThermaSet can be a
much easier in a complicated well design, if ThermaSet is able to support the casing. The test
results from Wellcem confirm that the Young’s Modulus of ThermaSet is lower than classical
Type G cement. It’s uncertain how long sections of casing ThermaSet can support, in cases
where ThermaSet can’t support the casing; cement needs to be used together with ThermaSet.
The solution of combining cement and ThermaSet will be too time consuming and too

Oil well cementing cost can be broken down into 3 major categories;

 Cost of rig time

 Cost of services
 Cost of material

Table 4.2 shows a relative cost comparison between the alternative materials with
conventional cement.
Table 4.2: Cost Comparison between the Alternative Material and Conventional Cement (Nja, 2012)

The price of conventional cement without special cements additives is low. The cost of
services is also low and we can use the conventional rig time as a standard to compare with
the two other materials.

The cost of Sandaband is more expensive compared to conventional cement, when it comes to
more sophisticated cement mixture it is probably more similar, or perhaps even lower. A cost
increase will come from the extra services needed to deal with a more complicated operation.
A reduction in rig time will account for the extra cost from material and extra services. Even
though the usage of Sandaband will require a fundament of cement, the rest of the material
does not need time to settle.

This is the factor where time and money can be saved in the operation. Depending on the
well, a reduction of 10-20 hours can be achieved if executed properly. Using a material that
does not settle has other positive side with it also. Reduced risk of pumping is not straight
forward to quantify, cementing into a drill string is one of the critical risk when dealing with
cement, days and up to weeks of rig time can be lost, reduced risk of wrong cement settling or
wrong cement placement is clearly an advantage of using a non-hardening material.

If conventional cementing procedure were to be used for ThermaSet, a reduction in rig time
can be achieved. Even though ThermaSet will require time to settle, the settling time is very
low compared to cement. The cost of services will be increased due to dealing with an
unconventional material; I assume that there will be some extra services when using
ThermaSet. The main problem with ThermaSet is the cost of the material. ThermaSet is at
least 5 times more expensive than cement, and it’s not clear if is this is conventional cement
or special cement. Even though material cost is a small part of the cost of a well construction,
it can be determine factor for a material trying to compete with the cheaper conventional
cement. The last factors which can be discussed are cost savings related to a reduced number
remedial cementing job. Because cement has some issues when it comes to long lasting zonal
isolation, both the alternative material has better properties for a longer lasting primary
cementing, which will reduce the number of intervention needed. This cost saving regarding
to a reduced number of remedial operations are very hard to quantify, the number of remedial
cementing operation needed is impossible to predict, the cost and the time used to fix a well
vary a lot, and the cost of shutting a well down for maintenance depends on the value of a

4.4 Barite Loaded Mud

The aim of the experimental work reported here was to study the behaviour of barite loaded
mud as an alternative to cement as a sealing material. The following properties were to be
tested and compared with Portland cement: gas tightness of the mud, its compressive strength
and how it must be handled to create longer plugs.

4.4.1 Experimental conditions studied

Composition of seal
The seal is composed of water, bentonite and barite. This composition as depicted in Table
4.3 was chosen because the properties of barite and bentonite when mixed were used as a
drilling fluid which serves the function of forming a mud cake on the borehole wall, thus
serving as a temporary seal which holds the formation in place before cement is used as a
permanent seal for holding the casing in place.

Table 4.3: Mixture composition

Material Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3
Bentonite (g) 80 120 140
Barite (g) 350 400 400
Water (litres) 2 3 5
Water/material ratio 2:5 4:3 2:7

Barite Loaded Mud Rheology

The experimental findings reported here were obtained with water and several grams of barite
and bentonite were mixed for every one 1.5 litres of water giving different plastic viscosities
and increased stepwise to obtain higher viscosities. These concentrations were used to provide
comparable effective viscosity to that which would be anticipated in a hole section using a
field mud.

The values for the three mixtures are shown in Table 4.4 and is plotted in figure 4.1

Table 4.4: Table Showing Mixture Rheologies

RPM 600 300 200 100 6 3


MIXTURE 1 38 33 28 23 14 13

MIXTURE 2 122 103 87 66 59 47

MIXTURE 3 350 310 275 136 90 79

Shear stress (Pas)
200 mixture 1
150 mixture 2
100 mixture 3
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Shear rate (RPM)

Figure 4.1: mixture rheologies

Table 4.5: Table Showing Mixture Properties

Mixture 1 2 3
Density (kg/m3) 1.18 1.24 1.28
Filterloss (ml/30mins) 13 10.6 8.2
Gel strength 18 23 17

Table 4.6: shear strength measurement

Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3

Shear strength(bar) 0.13 0.2 0.23

4.4.2 Test facility and test matrix

The test facility is as shown as in Figure 4.2. This facility was constructed in a way that the
test plug could be fitted into a steel pipe with the other connections such as the pressure guage
for pressure reading, the hydraulic pump etc. as shown






Figure 4.2 Schematic of test facility

Test matrix

In the test matrix we have 3 test sets, every test set will contain 5 test elements that will be
carried out at the same experimental conditions. A total of 15 different tests were performed
using slurries of barite loaded mud.

Table 4.7: Sealing materials used in comparison

Description A B C
Bentonite-Barite Ratio 50-50 60-40 70-30
Density (kg/l) 1.18 1.24 1.28
Setting time (hrs) 1.4 1.5 1.7
Fluid loss (ml/30 mins) 13 10.6 8.2

Gel strength 18 23 17

4.4.3 Test procedure

 The test facility is shown in Figure 4.2
 140ml of each of the mixtures was poured into the plate. Waited for 1 day to allow the
mixture to set. I connected the pump to the bottom of the pipe and applied pressure in
the following way:
 started with pressure of 0.0 bars

 Continued increasing the pressure in small quantities until the maximum pressure
where the plug moves.
 Recorded this pressure. This procedure is summarized in Figure 4.3


0.0 BARS






Figure 4.3: Flow chart for determining shear strength of barite plugs

4.4.4 Results

(a) Shear Strength Test

The shear strength test on the barite loaded mud was performed in accordance with the
procedure spelt out in the section 4.4.3. Figure 4.4 shows the results of the testing the
muds. The published shear strength of Portland cement was used in comparison with the
other three mixtures of bentonite and barite mud. The idea was to compare which of the
mixtures competes favourably with the shear strength of cement. From the results we see
that mixture #3 having a bentonite- barite ratio of 70:30 had higher shear strength than the
other mixtures.


Shear strength(bars)
mixture 1
mixture 2
2 mixture 3

mixture 1 mixture 2 mixture 3 cement

sealing material

Figure 4.4: Shear strength of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement Mixture

(b) Filter Loss Test

The filter loss test on the barite loaded mud was performed in accordance with the
procedure spelled out in the section 4.2.1. Figure 4.5 shows the results of the test. The
published filter loss value of Portland cement was used in comparison with the other three
mixtures of bentonite and barite mud. The idea is to compare which of the mixtures has
lower filter loss value compared with the filter loss of cement. From the results we see
that mixture three having a bentonite- barite ratio of 70:30 had higher shear strength than
other mixtures.
Filter loss (ml/30mins)

mixture 1
mixture 2
mixture 3
mixture 1 mixture 2 mixture 3 cement

Sealing materials

Figure 4.5: Filter loss of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement mixture

(c) Gel Strength Test

Gel strength is the shear stress measured at low shear rate after a mud has set quiescently
for a period of time (10 seconds and 10 minutes in the standard API procedure, although
measurements after 30 minutes or 16 hours may also be made) (Schlumberger, 2012)

The Gel strength test on the barite loaded mud was performed in accordance with the
procedure spelt out in the preceding section. Figure 4.6 shows the results of the test. The
published gel strength of Portland cement was used in comparison with the other three
mixtures of bentonite and barite mud. The idea is to compare which of the mixtures
competes favourably with the gel strength of cement. From the results we see that mixture
three having a bentonite- barite ratio of 70:30 had higher gel strength than other mixtures.

Gel strength

25 mixture 1
20 mixture 2
15 mixture 3
10 cement
mixture 1 mixture 2 mixture 3 cement
sealing material

Figure 4.6: Gel strength of three sealing materials compared with Portland cement mixture

(d) Setting Time Test

The initial setting time is the interval between the mixing of the mud with water and the
time when the mix has lost plasticity, stiffening to a certain degree. It marks roughly the
end of the period when the wet mix can be molded into shape. The final setting time is the
point at which the set mud has acquired a sufficient firmness to resist a certain defined

The setting time test was performed to find out which of the mixtures has a quicker setting
time compared to that of Portland cement. It was done in accordance with the procedure
spelt out in the preceding section. Figure 4.7 shows the results of the test. The published
setting time of Portland cement was used in comparison with the other three mixtures of

bentonite and barite mud. The idea is to compare which of the mixtures competes
favourably with the average setting time of cement. From the results we see that mixture
three having a bentonite- barite ratio of 70:30 had a quicker time of set than other

Setting time (seconds)

mixture 1
mixture 2
mixture 3
145 cement
mixture 1 mixture 2 mixture 3 cement
sealing material

Figure 4.7: Setting time of three sealing materials compared with a typical standard Cement slurry

5. Discussion
As the situation is today, ThermaSet and Sandaband cannot compete with standard cement
slurries used in a primary cementing operation. Cement will still be the first and only choice
for a primary cementing material for now. Currently, Sandaband and ThermaSet are still at a
testing stage and both alternatives seem to have limitations.

In order to make Sandaband more competitive as a primary cementing material, it needs to be

qualified as a primary cementing material. Experience needs to be gained in order to develop
method and improve equipment to best suit Sandaband. Data to prove that Sandaband is a
trustworthy option for cement is needed. If we look at the properties of Sandaband, the
properties are ideal for long lasting isolation purposes.

The properties that make Sandaband better than cement for primary cementing purposes are:

 Incompressible
 Non-shrinking
 Ductile
 Non-fracturing
 None segregating
 Thermodynamically stable

How did swellable elastomer packers manage to replace cement in completion jobs while the
usage of Sandaband in primary cementing has not been tested? One of the reasons for using
the SEP was because cement could not be used in those applications. An argument to use
Sandaband instead of cement is based on the long term limitations of cement.

Another reason why SEP managed to enter the market is because the SEP is easy to deploy. It
will automatically swell once placed downhole, the procedure of placing Sandaband is even
more complex than cement. The usage of horizontal wells is becoming a standard in the oil
and gas industry, and the primary cementing challenges are becoming harder to overcome.
Listed are the challenges that make it hard to get a good cement job in horizontal wells.

 Hole cleaning and drilling-fluid displacement

 Centralization of pipe
 Optimizing cement slurry designs
 Evaluation with acoustic tools

In cases where the challenge is too great, using cement may not be an option, and it will be
impossible to use Sandaband. If we look at the possibility to sidetrack a well at a later stage,
using Sandaband can be a problem. Sandaband does not act like cement, it is ductile and
movable. When sidetracking through the Sandaband, the material will start to circulate out
from where it was placed originally and back to the surface. To stop this, a window is needed

to be drilled through the Sandaband and a cement pillar needs to be placed to create isolation
and a new fundament for the Sandaband to rest on.
This needs to be done in order to drill further on. Not only is it a very complex procedure, but
it can be an issue for the well integrity.

Other application which were it may be too complicated to use Sandaband is in the Arctic.
Although, Sandaband is good in temperature fluctuating environments, in the Arctic, all
operations get more difficult. A complicated operation such as Sandaband is not
recommended. Most of the steam injection wells are horizontal or the most complex SAGD
wells are multilateral, the usage of Sandaband in these wells is also limited. Currently, the
only type of well where it can be utilized and benefit from Sandaband today is shallow gas

ThermaSet bonds to steel very well and has a higher mechanical strength than any well
cement. The people from Wellcem also claims it resist temperature up to 320 degree Celsius.
If we compare ThermaSet with Sandaband, ThermaSet does not have the issue of a
complicated placement method. The largest issues with ThermaSet are the cost and
uncertainty of supporting the casing. ThermaSet will bond to steel, but there are not data
available showing the capability to support the casing. The other issue is related to
verification, no test has yet been conducted to see how well ThermaSet will respond to the
sonic and ultra-sonic logging.

Currently the best way to improve primary cementing is not to replace cement with other
materials, but specially design a cementing program best suited for the well operation. Table 6
is a cement system overview created to show the diversity of cement in this discussion.
Regarding to the lack of ductility which has been identified as a major reason for cement
failure; flexible and expandable cement systems was developed to prevent cement sheath
cracking. The use of vulcanized rubber a very good solution, but is also very costly. The
diversity of the cement systems gives another alternative for ductile cement; foamed cement.
Foamed cement exhibit improved ductility over conventional cement, at least a magnitude
more ductile than conventional cement.

Foamed cement is often chosen for primary cementing because it shows great displacement
properties and it has a low density, which makes it great for problem such as depleted zones,
high pressure zones and formations with a narrow pressure, it’s also useful when there are
concerns over reservoir compaction or salt-formation flow.
If there were a cheaper solution for ductile cement, why did they have to develop flexible and
expandable cement systems?

This has to do with the limitations of foam cement; Listed are some limitations with foamed
 Fracture and pore pressure profile
 Permeability of formation
 Density of the lead slurry
 Safety factors
 The length of a foam column

Because foamed cement slurry is permeable, there must me a limitation on the permeability.
And the limitation is often less than one-tenth of the formations permeability. Although the
density of foamed cement should be low, it has to be able to contain the pore pressure of the
formation; this creates a lower limit on the density. When designing the foamed cement, it
also important to remember that a purpose of primary cementing is to support the casing.
Depending on the regulations, the compressive strength of the cement should be in excess of

100 psi, even above 500 if it’s required by regulations.

If we take a short comparison between these two ductile solutions of cement systems; even
though foamed cement is more expensive than conventional cement it is cheaper than flexible
cement, but flexible cement is one of the most durable cement that can be used.

Figure 5.1: This Figure Shows The Number Of Pressure Cycles The Given Cement Can Endure, A Way
To Classify The Durability Of The Cement (Kopp, 2000)

The flexible cement is not as ductile and as long lasting as Sandaband, but it has a longer life
than foamed cement and it can offer a longer well life in sour( /sweet( well applications. In
search for a long lasting primary cementing, flexible cement can be a decent solution. But the
cost of flexible cement is high, and I don’t think it will be used as a standard well solution.

Another way to improve primary cementing with regards to the materials, combining cement
can be solution, especially if they have properties that work well together. An example that
might work is combining HGS and foamed cement.
Foam cement is somewhat opposite from the HGS in regards of price, since nitrogen is
cheaper than the base slurry it will become cheaper as more nitrogen is added to the mix.
However, as more foam is increased the compressive strength is decreases and permeability,
compressibility and elasticity will increase. A decrease of compressive strength and increase
of permeability is not beneficial for primary cementing, but an increase of compressibility and
elasticity is often helpful. Compressibility will help counter losses in hydrostatic pressure and
a higher elasticity helps maintaining a long term seal.
In order to face the challenges in the large variation of primary cementing operations, these
two lightweight solutions are not good enough by themselves. By combining them together,
it’s possible to create solutions to new challenges. High strength low permeability slurries can
be designed by using high quality hollow glass spheres and then using foam to achieve the
required density. A mixture between these two low density solutions can result in high
strength slurry with low perm, good elastic and compressible strength.

Designing a cement program by combining different cement systems and use SEP to support
and protect the cement sheath is the best way to achieve a long lasting primary cementing.

6. Conclusion
Failure to deliver and maintain well integrity can have significant damaging effects on
production, costs, reputation and credibility. Well integrity is a critical subset of production
assurance and is therefore a core driver for business success. The industry as a whole has not
established clear and unambiguous definitions for well integrity, and the range of
interpretation as to what constitutes effective well integrity management is huge. It is
therefore difficult for regulators to mandate well integrity conformance when the industry
cannot offer a common definition and framework. The consequences of poor well integrity
management can, in some cases be immeasurable. However, for the most part, good well
integrity practices will maximize the life of the well, its productivity, and most importantly its
safety while minimizing well maintenance costs.

By carefully examining the data and visual reports offered by downhole instruments,
well integrity engineers are able to assess potential problems. Whenwells at risk areas are
discovered, protocols can be initiated to circumvent disaster or delay its onset until proper
repairs can be made. When all of these elements work together, the safety and integrity of the
oil well can be effectively maintained.

In order to improve the well integrity through primary cementing operation, alternative
materials to replace cement have been evaluated. The alternative materials- Sandaband and
ThermaSet has been evaluated. A conclusion that can be drawn from the evaluation is:

 Cement will still be the only material for primary cementing in the near future. This is
because of the superior ability to support the casing, the diversity of cement, low cost
and due to the state of the industry.

 The property of the alternative materials makes them possible candidates for future
corrosion heavy and temperature fluctuating wells. Sandaband can also be used as
isolation behind the casing in shallow gas wells. The usage of Sandaband will be
limited to simple well solution because of the complex of the operation. ThermaSet is
currently too expensive, and there are too many untested issues related to it as a
primary cementing material.

 Instead of replacing the materials, challenges and considerations related to the usage
of cement needs to be dealt with. A better primary cementing design involving
different cementing systems and preventive measures such a swellable packers can
strengthen the cement and making it more viable for long lasting zonal isolation.

To attain effective zonal isolation and hence optimum well performance, the selection of a
well sealant should be engineered. The compressive strength of a sealant, which is
traditionally used as a quality indicator, is not sufficient to decide which sealant is most
suitable for the effective zonal isolation of the well. Other mechanical properties such as its
Young’s modulus, Poisson's ratio, Tensile Strength, Shear Strength and Bonding Strength are
also required.

Organizational solutions are also required to ensure the required well integrity is maintained.
This will include, amongst other things, that the operating company ensures that people with
the right competence are working with well operations and that they are up to date with the
latest well status. Good communication between the parties involved is required so that the
correct information is shared and passed on at e.g. shift handovers. In handover
documentation, all relevant information with regards to barriers, operational limits, valve
status, design of the well etc. has to be compiled as part of a handover package. Many
problems and accidents have been due to poor handover documentation or communication,
and good routines and organizational solutions for this is required to maintain the required l
Good operational solutions are also required to ensure that the well integrity requirements are
met. A typical example is the requirement to regularly function and pressure test the sub-
surface safety valve to ensure it is operational at all times. The operational solution will
include procedures for operating valves on a well, flowing restrictions etc. that can have an
impact on the integrity of the well and other day-to-day activities to keep a well under control
and producing it in a safe manner. Another example is to continuously monitor the pressure in
the annuli of a well to ensure a leak or breach of a well barrier is detected early and that
corrective action can be taken before the problem escalates.

7. Nomenclature
ASR = Alkali –Silica Reaction
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
BI = Bond Index
C3 A = Tricalcium Aluminate
CBL = Cement Bond Log
CET = Cement Evaluation Tools
CO2 = Carbon (IV) Oxide
DST = Drill stem test
GPa = 109 Pascal
MPa = 106 Pascal
NCA = Norse cutting and Abandonment
NCS = Norwegian continental shelf
NCS = Norwegian Continental Shelf
NORSOK = The competitive standing of the Norwegian offshore sector
NPD = Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
OLF = Norwegian Oil Industry Association (Norwegian)
OREDA = Offshore reliability data
P&A = Plug and Abandonment
PDS = Reliability of computer-based safety systems (Norwegian)
PET = Pulse Echo Tool
Pf = Fracture pressure
PFD = Probability of failure on demand
PMV = Production master valve
Po = Pore pressure
PSA = Petroleum Safety Authority
PWV = Production wing valve
QRA = Quantitative risk assessment
RBD = Reliability block diagram
RIDDOR = Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations
ROV = Remotely operated vessel
RSC = Risk status code
S.G. = Specific Gravity
SCASSV = Surface controlled annular safety valve
SCM = Supplementary Cementitious Materials
SCP = Sustained casing pressure
SCSSV = Surface controlled subsurface safety valve
SIL = Safety integrity level
SINTEF = Foundation of Science and Technology at the Norwegian Institute of
SIS = Safety instrumented system
TLP = Tension leg platform
TR-SCSSV = Tubing retrievable surface controlled subsurface safety valve
UK = United Kingdom
UKCS = UK continental shelf
US GoM = US Gulf of Mexico
WBE = Well barrier element
WBEAC = Well Barrier Element Acceptance Criteria
WBM = Water Based Mud
WRF = Well risk factor
WR-SCSSV = Wireline retrievable surface controlled subsurface safety valve

8. References
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9. Appendix
This Appendix shows the Well barrier elements acceptance tables according to NORSOK.

General technical and operational requirements and guidelines relating to WBEs are collated
in table A.1. The methodology for defining the requirement/guidelines for WBEs is:

Table A.1: Requirements for Well barrier elements


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