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Design of Primary Beams

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S-1 (4m x B-1 (6m) G-1 (8m)

6m) B-3 (8m) B-2 (6m)
S-2 (2m x B-3 (6m) G-2(6m)
6m) CB-3 (2m)
S-3 (2m x CB-5 (2.5m)
8m) CB-4 (2.5m)
S-4 (2m x CB-8 (1m)

Quick Test for Deflection:

Trial 1

Using, 400mm by 500mm beam, d= 440

Wu = 76 KN/m

Instantaneous Deflection

5 Wu L4
384 EcI

Ec = 4700 √ f ' c=4700 ( 21 ) =21 ,538 MPa

1 1
I= (b d3 ) = (400)( 440)3= 2839.5 ×106
12 12

5 Wu L4 = 5 (76)(8000)4
ɚ= =66 mm
384 EcI 384(21538)(2839.5 ×106 )

Allowable Deflection = L/360 = 8000/360 = 22.22 mm < 66 mm , (fail!)

Trial 2

Using, 500mm by 650mm beam, d= 590

Wu = 77 KN/m

Instantaneous Deflection

5 Wu L4
384 EcI

Ec = 4700 √ f ' c=4700 ( 21 ) =21 ,538 MPa

1 1
I= (b d3 ) = (500)(590)3= 8557.5 ×106
12 12
5 Wu L 4
5 (52.134)(8000)4
ɚ= = =21.4 mm
384 EcI 384(21538)(6029.3 ×106 )

Allowable Deflection = L/360 = 8000/360 = 22.22 mm > 22 mm , (ok!)

Solve For Loads: W ceiling =0.48 kPa

Given: W D= 5.02 kPa
f’c = 21 MPa
fy = 276 MPa D L=4 m(5.02 kPa) = 20.08 KN/m
W FF = 1.6 KPa
W Partition = 2.11 KPa/m 2 L L=4 m (2 kPa ) =8 KN /m
W Ceiling = 0.48 KPa
W 1=1.2 DL+1.6 ≪¿ 1.2 ( 20.08 ) +1.6 ( 8 )=37 KN /m
Slab thickness = 125 mm

Assume Beam Section:

For Uniform Load:
500mm by 650 mm
W beam =( 0.5 m )( 0.65 m ) ( 23.5 KN /m3 )=7.05 KN /m

W 2 =1.2 DL=1.2 (7.05 )=8.46 KN /m

Concentrated Load from CB-4:

From design of Secondary Beam:

W CB−4 =3.384 KN /m
LOADED) Concentrated Load from B-1:

From design of Secondary Beam:

(4.7) ( 6 )( 2 )
W B−1= =28.2 KN /m


Uniform Load (Beam):

W l2 (7.05)(8)
= =37.6 KN . m
12 12

2 Triangular Load (Slab, FF, Ceiling):

For Triangular Load 2
17 W l 2 17(37.6)(8)
= =106.53 KN . m
W slab= .125m (23.5 KN/m3) = 2.94 kPa 384 384

W ff =1.6 kPa Secondary CB-4:

a= 2.5 m Secondary B-1:
b= 5.5m
2 Pl (28.2)(8)
P b 2 a ( 3.384 )( 5.5 ) (2.5) = =28.2 KN . m
= =4 KN . m 8 8
l2 82

P a2 b ( 3.384 )( 2.5 ) (5.5)
= =2 KN . m
l2 82

Stiffness Factor: K

For Beams:

KDE = 4 E I / L = 4 EI / 8 = 0.5 EI = KED

KEF = KFE = 0.5 EI

KGH = KHG = 0.5 EI

KHI = KIH = 0.5 EI

For Columns:

KAD = 4 E I / L = 4 EI / 3.5 = 1.142 EI = KDA

KDG = KGD = 1.25 EI

KHE = KEH = 1.25 EI

KEB = KBE = 1.142 EI

KCF = KFC = 1.142 EI

KFI = KIF = 1.25 EI

Distribution Factor: DF = K / ∑ K

@ JT. A: (DF)AD = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. B: (DF)BE = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. C: (DF)CF = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. D: (DF)DA = KDA / [KDA + KDG + KDE] = 1.142 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.395

(DF)DG = KDG / [KDA + KDG + KDE ] = 1.25 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.432

(DF)DE = KDE / [KDA + KDG + KDE] = 0.5 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.173

@ JT. E: (DF)EB = KEB / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 1.142 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI + 0.5 EI] =0.337

(DF)EH = KEH / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 1.25 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.369

(DF)ED = KED / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 0.5 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI + 0.5 EI] =0.147

(DF)EF = KEF / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 0.5 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.147

@ JT. F: (DF)FE = KFE / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 0.5 EI / [0.5 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.173

(DF)FC = KFC / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 1.142 EI / [0.5 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.395

(DF)FI = KFI / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 1.25 EI / [0.5 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.432

@ JT. G: (DF)GD = KGD / [KGD + KGH ] = 1.25 EI / [1.25EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.714

(DF)GH = KGH / [KGD + KGH ] = 1.25 EI / [1.25EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.286

@ JT. H: (DF)HG = KHG/ [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 0.5 EI / [0.5EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.222

(DF)HE = KHE / [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 1.25 EI / [0.5EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI] =0.555

(DF)HI = KHI / [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 0.5 EI / [0.5EI + 1.25EI + 0.5 EI] = 0.222

@ JT. I: (DF)IH = KIH / [KIH + KIF ] = 0.5 EI / [0.5EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.286

(DF)IF = KIF / [KIH + KIF ] = 1.25 EI / [0.5EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.714

Column Moments = 0 (no load on columns)

DF 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0
FEM 0.0 0.0 176.3 -174.4 0.0 172.3 0.0 -172.3 0.0 0.0
BAL 0.0 -69.7 -30.5 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.0 29.8 68.1 0.0
CO -34.8 0.0 0.2 -15.3 0.0 14.9 0.4 0.2 0.0 34.0
BAL 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0
CO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
BAL 0.0 1.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.8 -1.7 0.0
CO 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 -0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.9
BAL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
CO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL -34.9 -69.7 146.0 -189.3 0.8 187.6 0.4 -142.4 68.0 34.0

From Seismic Moments:

Frames A, B, C:

2nd Level: M = 151.44 kN –m

Beam DE= 146 KN-m + 151.44 KN-m = 297. 44 KN-m

(Positive Moment)

Beam ED = 146 KN-m + 189.3 KN-m = 335.3 KN-m

(Negative Moment)

Beam EF = 146 KN-m + 187.6 KN-m = 333.6 KN-m

(Positive Moment)

Beam FE = 146 KN-m + 142.4 KN-m = 288.4 KN-m

(Negative Moment)
Design of Primary Girder-1 ρ=0.0083
b= 500 mm Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!
d= 650 mm
Use : ρ=0.0083
Check Section Capacity
As = ρ bd = 0.0083(500)(590) = 2448.5 mm2

ρ Try: 19 mm diameter bars

f ' c 600
b =0.85 β1 ∙
fy 600+fy
ρ 21 600
A s 2448.5
b =0.85 ( 0.85) ∙ No. of bars = = =8.62say, 9 pcs
276 600+276 Ab 284
ρb =0.0378
500−5 (19 )−2(40)
ρmax = 0.75( ρb ) S= =81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !
ρmax = 0.75(0.0378)
ρmax = 0.0284
Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars
ρ 1.4 1.4
min= = =0.0051
fy 276

Let ρ=ρmax =0.0284 At the Midspan:

ρ fy ( 0.0284 ) (276) Mu 333.6 ×10 6

ω= = =0.373 R u= = =2.12
fç 21 ∅ b d 2 0.9(500)(590)2

Mu=∅ fcbd 2 ω(1-0.59ω ) 0.85 f ' c 2 Ru

Mu= 0.9(21)(500)(5902)(0.373)(1-0.59x0.373)
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c )
Mu =801.65 KN-m

Mu =801.65 KN-m > Md =335.3 KN-m 0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 2.12 )

Therefore, singly reinforced.
( 276 ) ( √
1− 1−
0.85 ( 21 ) )
Steel Bars ρ=0.0082
At the supports: Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!

Mu 335.3 ×106 Use : ρ=0.0082

R u= 2
= 2
∅bd 0.9(500)(590)
As = ρ bd = 0.0082(500)(590) = 2419 mm2

0.85 f ' c 2 Ru
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c ) Try: 19 mm diameter bars

A s 2419
No. of bars = = =8.5say, 9 pcs
A b 284

0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 2.14 ) 500−5 (19 )−2(40)

( 276 )
1− 1−
( √
0.85 ( 21 ) ) S=
=81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !
Therefore: Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars

Design for Stirrups:

0.33√ 21 ( 500 )( 590 )=446113.7 N >¿ 120277.13 N

Max S = d/2 = 590/2 = 295 mm

For 19 mm bars , Use 10 mm stirrups

π (d)2 π (10)2
Av = = =78.54 mm2
4 4
77(8) Avfyd 78.54(276)(590)
R = WuL/2 = =308 KN S= = = 106 mm < 295 mm
2 Vs 120277.13 N
Vu =R- Wud = 308 – 77 (.59)= 262.57 KN Say, 70 mm spacing can be used.

Shear Strength of Beam: Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 70 mm

Vc= 0.17(1) √ f ' c bd

Spacing of stirrups from “d” to Vc:
Vc =0.17(1) √ 21 x 500 x 590

Vc = 229.82 kN or 229816.2 N
S= =
∅ Vc
Vs = (Vu/ ∅ ¿-Vc 78.54(276)(590)
=74 mm , say 70 mm< 295 mm
Vs = 262.57 (1000)/0.75 – 229816.2 N (0.75)(229816.2 N )

Vs = 120277.13 N Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 70 mm

Spacing of stirrups up to Distance “d” Point where no stirrups in needed: (Distance “y” from
the center of the beam)
S= By ratio and proportion
Maximum Spacing of stirrups:
R ∅ Vc /2
4 y
If 0.33 √ f ' c bd>Vs ; Max S= d2 ∨600 mm 308 0.75(229.82)/2
4 y
> Vs ; Max S= ∨300 mm y= 1.12 from the center
Y1= 5db = 5(19) = 95 mm

Y2 = 4db = 4(19)= 76 mm

12db = 12(19) = 228 mm q

Beam Details for Primary Girder -1 (8m)

For BEAM 2 (Frame 2) 2ND FLOOR

Quick Test for Deflection:

Trial 1

Using, 400mm by 500mm beam, d= 440

Wu = 43 KN/m

Instantaneous Deflection

5 Wu L4
384 EcI

Ec = 4700 √ f ' c=4700 ( 21 ) =21 ,538 MPa

1 1
I= (b d3 ) = (400)( 440)3= 2839.5 ×106
12 12

5 Wu L 4
5 (43)(6000)4
ɚ= = =12 mm
384 EcI 384(21538)(2839.5 ×106 )

Allowable Deflection = L/360 = 6000/360 = 16 mm < 12 mm , (ok!)

Solve For Loads:


f’c = 21 MPa
fy = 276 MPa
W FF = 1.6 KPa
W Partition = 2.11 KPa/m 2 (BEAM 2 (Frame 2) 2ND FLOOR HEAVILY LOADED)
W Ceiling = 0.48 KPa
Slab thickness = 125 mm

Assume Beam Section:

400mm by 500 mm
Uniform Load (Beam):
W l2 (5.64)(6)
= =16.92 KN . m
12 12
2 Triangular Load (Slab, FF, Ceiling):
For Triangular Load 17 W l 2 17(37)(6)
= =59 KN . m
W slab= .125m (23.5 KN/m3) = 2.94 kPa 384 384

W ff =1.6 kPa

W ceiling =0.48 kPa

W D= 5.02 kPa

D L=4 m(5.02 kPa) = 20.08 KN/m

L L=4 m (2 kPa ) =8 KN /m

W 1=1.2 DL+1.6 ≪¿ 1.2 ( 20.08 ) +1.6 ( 8 )=37 KN /m

For Uniform Load:

W beam =( 0.4 m ) ( 0.5 m) ( 23.5 KN /m3 ) =4.7 KN /m

W 2 =1.2 DL=1.2 ( 4.7 ) =5.64 KN /m

Stiffness Factor: K

For Beams:

KDE = 4 E I / L = 4 EI / 6 = 0.67 EI = KED

KEF = KFE = 0.67 EI

KGH = KHG = 0.67 EI

KHI = KIH = 0.67 EI

For Columns:

KAD = 4 E I / L = 4 EI / 3.5 = 1.142 EI = KDA

KDG = KGD = 1.25 EI

KHE = KEH = 1.25 EI

KEB = KBE = 1.143 EI

KCF = KFC = 1.142 EI

KFI = KIF = 1.25 EI

Distribution Factor: DF = K / ∑ K

@ JT. A: (DF)AD = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. B: (DF)BE = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. C: (DF)CF = 0 - Fixed Support

@ JT. D: (DF)DA = KDA / [KDA + KDG + KDE] = 1.142 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.373

(DF)DG = KDG / [KDA + KDG + KDE ] = 1.25 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.408

(DF)DE = KDE / [KDA + KDG + KDE] = 0.67 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25 EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.219

@ JT. E: (DF)EB = KEB / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 1.142 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.67EI + 0.67 EI] =0.306

(DF)EH = KEH / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 1.25 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.335

(DF)ED = KED / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 0.67 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI + 0.67 EI] =0.180

(DF)EF = KEF / [KEB + KEH + KED + KEF] = 0.67 EI / [1.142EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI + 0.67EI] = 0.180

@ JT. F: (DF)FE = KFE / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 0.67 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.219

(DF)FC = KFC / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 1.142 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.373

(DF)FI = KFI / [KFE + KFC + KFI ] = 1.25 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.142EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.408

@ JT. G: (DF)GD = KGD / [KGD + KGH ] = 1.25 EI / [1.25EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.651

(DF)GH = KGH / [KGD + KGH ] = 1.25 EI / [1.25EI + 0.67 EI] = 0. 651

@ JT. H: (DF)HG = KHG/ [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 0.67 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.259

(DF)HE = KHE / [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 1.25 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI] =0.483

(DF)HI = KHI / [KHG + KHE + KHI ] = 0.67 EI / [0.67 EI + 1.25EI + 0.67 EI] = 0.259

@ JT. I: (DF)IH = KIH / [KIH + KIF ] = 0.67 EI / [0.67EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.349

(DF)IF = KIF / [KIH + KIF ] = 1.25 EI / [0.67EI + 1.25 EI] = 0.651

Column Moments = 0 (no load on columns)


DF 0.000 0.373 0.219 0.180 0.306 0.180 0.000 0.219 0.373 0.000
FEM 0.00 0.00 75.92 -75.92 0.00 75.92 0.00 -75.92 0.00 0.00
BAL 0.00 -28.32 -16.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.63 28.32 0.00
CO -14.16 0.00 0.00 -8.31 0.00 8.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.16
BAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL -14.16 -28.32 59.29 -84.23 0.00 84.23 0.00 -59.29 28.32 14.16

From Seismic Moments:

Frames 1, 2, 3:

2nd Level: M = 154.71kN –m

Beam DE= 59.29 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 214 KN-m (Positive Moment)
Beam ED = 84.23 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 238.94 KN-m (Negative Moment)

Beam EF = 84.23 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 238.94 KN-m (Positive Moment)

Beam FE = 59.29 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 214 KN-m (Negative Moment)

Mu =425.79 KN-m

Design of Primary Beam-2 Mu =425.79 KN-m > Md =238.94 KN-m

b= 400 mm Therefore, singly reinforced.

d= 500 mm Steel Bars

Check Section Capacity At the supports:

Mu 238.94 ×106
ρ R u= 2
= 2
b =0.85 β1
f ' c 600

fy 600+fy
∅ b d 0.9(400)( 440)
ρ 21 600
b =0.85 ( 0.85) ∙
0.85 f ' c 2 Ru
ρb =0.0378
276 600+276
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c )
ρmax = 0.75( ρb )
ρmax = 0.75(0.0378)
0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 3.43 )
ρmax = 0.0284 ¿
( 276 )( √
1− 1−
0.85 ( 21 ) )
ρ 1.4 1.4
min= = =0.0051
fy 276 ρ=0.0139
Let ρ=ρmax =0.0284 Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!

ρ fy ( 0.0284 ) (276) Use : ρ=0.0139

ω= = =0.373
fç 21
As = ρ bd = 0.0139 (400)(440) = 2446.4 mm2
Mu=∅ fcbd 2 ω(1-0.59ω )
Try: 19 mm diameter bars
Mu= 0.9(21)(400)(440 2)(0.373)(1-0.59x0.373)
A s 2446.6 0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 3.43 )
No. of bars =
=8.61say, 9 pcs ¿
( 276 ) ( √
1− 1−
0.85 ( 21 ) )
500−5 (19 )−2(40) ρ=0.0139
S= =81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !
Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!
Use : ρ=0.0139
Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars
As = ρ bd = 0.0139 (400)(440) = 2446.4 mm2

At the Midspan: Try: 19 mm diameter bars

Mu A s 2446.6
238.94 ×106 No. of bars = = =8.61say, 9 pcs
R u= 2
= 2
=3.43 Ab 284
∅bd 0.9(400)( 440)
500−5 (19 )−2(40)
0.85 f ' c 2 Ru S= =81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c ) Therefore:

Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars

Vc = 137.11 kN or 137111 N

Vs = (Vu/ ∅ ¿-Vc

Design for Stirrups: Vs = 110.08(1000)/0.75 – 137111

Vs = 9662.33N

Spacing of stirrups up to Distance “d”

Maximum Spacing of stirrups:

If 0.33 √ f ' c bd>Vs ; Max S= d2 ∨600 mm

R = WuL/2 = =129 KN d
2 > Vs ; Max S= ∨300 mm
Vu =R- Wud = 129 – 43 (.44)= 110.08 KN

Shear Strength of Beam:

0.33√ 21 ( 400 ) ( 440 )=266156 N > ¿ 44383.3 N
Vc= 0.17(1) √ f ' c bd
Max S = d/2 = 440/2 = 220 mm
Vc =0.17(1) √ 21 x 400 x 440
S= =
∅ Vc
78.54( 276)( 440)
For 16 mm bars , Use 10 mm stirrups =101 mm , say 100 mm<220 mm
(0.75)(137111 N )
π (d)2 π (10)2 Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 100
Av = = =78.54 mm2
4 4 mm

Avfyd 78.54(276)(440) Point where no stirrups in needed: (Distance “y” from

S= = = 987 mm > 220 mm the center of the beam)
Vs 9662.33 N
By ratio and proportion
Say, 100 mm spacing can be used.

Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 100 R ∅ Vc /2

mm 4 y

159 0.75 (137.110)/2

4 y
Spacing of stirrups from “d” to Vc:
y= 1.3 from the center

Y1= 5db = 5(19) = 95 mm

Y2 = 4db = 4(19)= 76 mm

12db = 12(19) = 228 mm q

Beam Details for Primary Beam-2 (6m)

For GIRDER 2 (Frame 1) 2ND FLOOR

Quick Test for Deflection:

Trial 1

Using, 400mm by 500mm beam, d= 440

Wu = 37 KN/m

Instantaneous Deflection

5 Wu L4
384 EcI

Ec = 4700 √ f ' c=4700 ( 21 ) =21 ,538 MPa

1 1
I= (b d3 ) = (400)( 440)3= 2839.5 ×106
12 12

5 Wu L 4
ɚ= = =12 mm
384 EcI 384(21538)(2839.5 ×106 )

Allowable Deflection = L/360 = 6000/360 = 16 mm < 10.2 mm , (ok!)

Solve For Loads: For Triangular Load

Given: W slab= .125m (23.5 KN/m3) = 2.94 kPa

f’c = 21 MPa W ff =1.6 kPa

fy = 276 MPa
W FF = 1.6 KPa W ceiling =0.48 kPa
W Partition = 2.11 KPa/m 2
W Ceiling = 0.48 KPa W D= 5.02 kPa
Slab thickness = 125 mm
D L=2 m(5.02 kPa) = 10.04 KN/m
Assume Beam Section: L L=2 m ( 2 kPa ) =4 KN /m
400mm by 500 mm
W 1=1.2 DL+1.6 ≪¿ 1.2 ( 10.04 ) +1.6 ( 4 )=18.45 KN /m

For Uniform Load:

W beam =( 0.4 m ) ( 0.5 m) ( 23.5 KN /m3 ) =4.7 KN /m

W Partition = 2.11 KPa (3.2m) =6.8 KN/m

(GIRDER 2 (Frame 2) 2ND FLOOR HEAVILY W 2 =1.2 DL=1.2 (11.5 )=13.8 KN /m



Uniform Load (Beam):

W l2 (13.8)(6)
= =41.4 KN . m
12 12
2 Triangular Load (Slab, FF, Ceiling):
17 W l 2 17(18.45)(6)
= =29.4 KN . m
384 384

Secondary CB-4:
a= 2.5 m
b= 3.5m
P b 2 a ( 3.384 )( 3.5 ) (2.5)
= =2.9 KN . m
l2 62

P a2 b ( 3.384 )( 2.5 ) (3.5)
= =2.1 KN . m
l2 62

From Seismic Moments:

Frames 1, 2, 3:

2nd Level: M = 154.71kN –m

Girder 2 AB = 73.7 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 228 KN-m (Positive Moment)

Girder 2 BA = 73 KN-m + 154.71 KN-m = 228 KN-m (Negative Moment)

Design of Primary Girder -2 Mu=∅ fcbd 2 ω(1-0.59ω )

b= 400 mm Mu= 0.9(21)(400)(440 2)(0.373)(1-0.59x0.373)

d= 500 mm
Mu =425.79 KN-m
Check Section Capacity
Mu =425.79 KN-m > Md =228 KN-m

Therefore, singly reinforced.

ρ f ' c 600
b =0.85 β1 ∙
fy 600+fy
ρ 21 600
b =0.85 ( 0.85) ∙
276 600+276
ρb =0.0378

ρmax = 0.75( ρb )
ρmax = 0.75(0.0378)
Steel Bars
ρmax = 0.0284
At the supports:
ρ 1.4 1.4
min= = =0.0051
fy 276 Mu 228× 106
R u= 2
= 2
Let ρ=ρmax =0.0284 ∅bd 0.9(400)( 440)

ρ fy ( 0.0284 ) (276) 0.85 f ' c 2 Ru


=0.373 ρ=
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c )
A s 2323.2
No. of bars = = =8.18say, 9 pcs
Ab 284
0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 3.27 )
( 276 )( √
1− 1−
0.85 ( 21 ) ) S=
500−5 (19 )−2(40)
=81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !
Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!
Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars
Use : ρ=0.0132

As = ρ bd = 0.0132 (400)(440) = 2323.2 mm2

Try: 19 mm diameter bars

At the Midspan:

Mu 228× 106
R u= 2
= 2
∅bd 0.9(400)( 440)

0.85 f ' c 2 Ru
fy ( √
1− 1−
0.85 f ' c )
0.85 (21 ) 2 ( 3.27 )
( 276 )( √
1− 1−
0.85 ( 21 ) )

Since, ρmax > ρ> ρmin ,ok!

Use : ρ=0.0132

As = ρ bd = 0.0132 (400)(440) = 2323.2 mm2

Try: 19 mm diameter bars

A s 2323.2
No. of bars = = =8.18say, 9 pcs
Ab 284

500−5 (19 )−2(40)

S= =81.25 mm> 20 mm ,ok !

Use 9 pcs. of 19 mm ∅ deformed steel bars

R = WuL/2 = =111 KN
Vu =R- Wud = 111 – 37 (.44)= 94.72 KN

Shear Strength of Beam:

Vc= 0.17(1) √ f ' c bd

Vc =0.17(1) √ 21 x 400 x 440

Vc = 137.11 kN or 137111 N

Vs = (Vu/ ∅ ¿-Vc

Vs = 94.72(1000)/0.75 – 137111

Vs = 10817.6 N

Spacing of stirrups up to Distance “d”

Maximum Spacing of stirrups:

If 0.33 √ f ' c bd>Vs ; Max S= d2 ∨600 mm

> Vs ; Max S= ∨300 mm

0.33√ 21 ( 400 ) ( 440 )=266156 N > ¿ 44383.3 N

Max S = d/2 = 440/2 = 220 mm

Design for Stirrups:

For 16 mm bars , Use 10 mm stirrups

π (d)2 π (10)2
Av = = =78.54 mm2
4 4
Avfyd 78.54(276)(440) Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 100
S= = = 881 mm > 220 mm mm
Vs 10817.6 N
Say, 100 mm spacing can be used. Point where no stirrups in needed: (Distance “y” from
the center of the beam)
Therefore, Use 10 mm diameter stirrups spaced at 100
mm By ratio and proportion

R ∅ Vc /2
4 y
Spacing of stirrups from “d” to Vc:
111 0.75(137.110)/2
Avfyd =
S= = 4 y
∅ Vc
78.54( 276)( 440) y= 1.85 from the center
=101 mm , say 100 mm<220 mm
(0.75)(137111 N )

Y1= 5db = 5(19) = 95 mm

Y2 = 4db = 4(19)= 76 mm

12db = 12(19) = 228 mm q

Beam Details for Girder -2 (6m)

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