Design of Superstructure Elements
Design of Superstructure Elements
Design of Superstructure Elements
The type of superstructure chosen for a bridge can be based on
a variety of factors ranging from maintenance considerations to
personal preference. Specifically, some of the commonly used
criteria in selecting the type of superstructure to be used are:
1. Rolled Beam
2. Rolled Beam with Cover Plate
3. Plate Girder
4. Box Girder
5. Steel Rigid Strut Frame
The rolled beam is a steel girder
which has been formed by hot-
rolling. The most common type
of rolled beam used as a primary
member in highway bridges is
the wide-flange variety.
To maintain an economy of material, rolled beams are
sometimes equipped with a rectangular plate, or cover
plate, at the bottom flange. The cover plate increases
the ability of the stringer to resist flexure without
having to use a larger size rolled beam or plate girder.
A plate girder, like a rolled beam, has an I-type
cross section. Rather than being hot-rolled,
however, the girder is constructed from steel plate
elements which are connected together with
welds, bolts, or rivets.
The box girder is a form of plate girder which combines
two girders into a single unit. A box girder may be
designed as a four-sided box (closed box), or it may be
designed as an open-box where a relatively narrow top
flange is welded on top of each web. Closed box girders
possess excellent torsional stiffness, so they usually do not
require secondary members to provide bracing.
A steel bridge with integral steel supporting legs is
another form of structure which utilizes steel as its
principal component. In such a configuration, not only
is the superstructure made of steel, but the
substructure as well.
Concrete Superstructures
Concrete Superstructures
Concrete bridges were generally relegated to short, single-span
structures. By the middle of the last century, however, prestressed
concrete structures began to gain acceptance and the number of
highway bridges constructed with concrete superstructures in-
creased dramatically. In 2003, 47% of all new bridges built in the
U.S. are prestressed concrete bridges. Like steel, concrete
superstructure elements come in a variety of configurations, which
are detailed below.
1. Glulam Timber
2. Stress-Laminated Timber Deck
3. Trestle
4. Truss
A glulam timber member is created by gluing together two or
more pieces of lumber, no more than 2 in (50 mm) in thickness. In
older timber structures, elements like bridge decks utilized a similar
approach with nail-laminated lumber.
As heavier loads were introduced on these bridges, however, nail-
laminated assemblies would begin to loosen. Also, prior to the
introduction of glulam timber, member sizes were somewhat limited
due to the scarcity of large, individual timbers
Stressed-laminated timber deck bridges are composed of 2
inch (50 mm) thick and 8 to 12 inch (200 to 305 mm) height
strips which are transversely stressed with prestressing steel
bars. This type of bridge is similar to concrete slab bridge where
the deck is the primary load carrying member. The timber deck is
normally covered by a waterproofing membrance, and paved
with asphalt pavement as a wearing surface.
A trestle is a set of timber stringers integrated with a pile or
frame bent. Stringers can have a rectangular cross section,
although glulam I-beam stringers are also used. Previously,
timber decking utilized the nail-laminated approach discussed
earlier. Recently, prefabricated, glulam deck panels which are
placed transverse to the primary members have been utilized
A timber truss bridge can be constructed with a timber truss and
timber decking. It is also possible to utilize steel truss components in
conjunction with a timber deck. One form of truss bridge, common to
timber structures, is the pony truss. A pony truss bridge is a through
truss with no bracing on top. A problem with through trusses, like
this, is that they are prone to impact damage from traffic
Example 2. Timber truss bridge
Example 3. Timber truss bridge
Secondary Members
Secondary members act as bracing for primary members. In
general, secondary members are not load bearing elements but
are designed to prevent cross-sectional deformation of the
superstructure frame. In addition to this, secondary members
provide for vertical load distribution between stringers by
permitting the superstructure to work together as a unit.