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Article  in  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · September 2020

DOI: 10.21275/ART20202622


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

Growth Performance of Broilers Chicken Fed

Graded Levels of Ceiba Pentandra Leaf Meal
Igugo, R U., Nwosu, C I., Anochili, C I

Abstract: The study was carried out to evaluate the effects of feeding Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal (CPLM) on growth performance of
Starter and Finisher broiler chicken. Sixty (60) clinically healthy Agrited broiler chicken were used for the study. Four experimental
diets were compounded using CPLM at 0 (T1), 5 (T2), 10 (T3) and 15% (T4) inclusion levels respectively. The birds were weighed and
randomly assigned to the four dietary treatments replicated three times with five birds per replicate in a completely randomized design.
The proximate composition of CPLM showed it contains 8.7% moisture, 35% carbohydrate, 19.28% crude protein, 10.64% fat, 21.38%
fibre and 8.00% ash. The following parameters were evaluated body weight gain, feed intake, while feed conversion ratio were
calculated. These parameters were evaluated at both the starter and finisher phase of the boiler chicken. The result on growth
performance increased significantly (P<0.05) differences with regards to feed intake and feed conversion ratio among the different
treatment groups at both phases. It was concluded that CPLM can be fed to starter and finisher broiler chicken up to 10% inclusion
levels with no adverse effect on the birds performance.

Keywords: ceiba pentandra, broilers, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio

1. Introduction dried in a shade for 5 days until they became crispy. It was
then milled using hammer mill and then preserved in air
It is widely known that feed additives for many years have tight plastic container. Portable water and feed were
been widely used to increase animal performance; and has provided ad libitum throughout the period of the experiment.
successfully been used in poultry production to improve Strict sanitation measures as well as recommended
growth, feed efficiency as well as layers performance vaccination schedule were adhered to.
(Brannan, 2008; Khan et al., 2012a; Khan et al., 2012b).
This has resulted to the emergence of drug resistance micro 3. Experimental Material
organisms, side effects of antimicrobials as well as the
harmful residual toxicity effects of drugs observed in the The Ceiba Pentandra leaves were sourced from Umueze in
food chain. Consequently, there is an interest in the use of Nkanu West Local government area of Enugu State. The
alternative antibiotics feed additives (Duke, 1985; Yan et al., leaves were air dried in a clean floor until they became
2011; Hady and Zak, 2012; Daneshyar and Kermanshahi, crispy. It was then milled using a hammer mill. The
2012) such as plants. Medicinal plants are believed to have proximate analysis of the leaf meal is as shown below in
antimicrobial, coccidiostatic or anthelmintic effect which Table 1.
can be harnessed and employed in poultry production
(Makeri et al., 2007; Bonsu et al., 2012; Blaney et al., 1990). Table 1: Proximate Composition of Ceiba Pentandra leaf
Parameter Percentage Composition
These medicinal plants originating in the same environment Moisture 5.7±0.28
as the animals have been used successfully for various Carbohydrate 35±0.46
treatment of these animals. Hence it is viewed that the study Protein 19.28±0.16
to identify and use these plants for animal treatment would Fat 10.64±0.21
be very beneficial (Mills and Bone, 2000; Adu et al., 2009). Fibre 21.38±0.38
It is noted that in spite of the fact that these plants have Ash 8.00±0.09
medicinal values, they stimulate appetite, enhance feed
utilisation as well as reduce fat content of meat (Noboru and 4. Experimental Procedure
Garcina, 2007; Igugo et al., 2014; Igugo et al., 2016). Thus
the purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of one of The experimental diet had four (4) treatment groups as T 1 the
these plants known as Ceiba Pentandra on broilers’ control, T2 (5%), T3 (10%) and T4 (15%) of Ceiba Pentandra
performance. leaf meals respectively.. Each treatment had fifteen (15)
birds and was replicated three (3) times with five (5) birds
2. Material and Methods per replicate.

The research was carried out at the Poultry Unit, Animal The experiment lasted for eight (8) weeks divided into
Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Starter (0-4 weeks) and Finisher phase (5-8 weeks). The
Resources Management, Enugu State University of Science composition of the experimental diet is shown in tables 2 &
and Technology, Agbani campus. The experimental birds 3 below:
consists of sixty (60) Agrited unsexed broiler chicks. These
clinically healthy chicks were brought from Chunorkmis
Veterinary and Consult, 7 Port Harcourt Street, Off
Edinburg Road, Ogui, Enugu, Enugu State. The Ceiba
Pentandra leaf was sourced from Umueze in Nkanu West
Local Government Area of Enugu State. The leaves were air
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202622 10.21275/ART20202622 1877
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Table 2: Composition of the experimental diet
Ingredient Treatments
T1 T2 T3 T4
Maize 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00
Soyabean meal 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Groundnut cake 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.70
Fishmeal 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Wheat offal 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00
Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
Bone meal 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Limestone 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Lysin 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Methionine 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Total 100 100 100 100
Calorie Analysis
Crude Protein % 23.69 23.78 23.89 24.08
M/E(Kcal/kg) 2863.89 2861.89 2861.89 2858.61
Crude Fibre 6.01 7.89 10.48 13.17

Table 3: Composition of the experimental diet

T1 T2 T3 T4
Maize 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00
Soyabean meal 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
Groundnut cake 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
Fishmeal 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Wheat offal 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00
Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00
Bone meal 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Limestone 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Lysin 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Methionine 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Total 100 100 100 100
Calorie Analysis
Crude Protein % 20.19 20.32 20.16 19.87
M/E(Kcal/kg) 2839.66 2801.73 2784.03 2706.58
Crude Fibre 5.38 6.83 9.49 11.76

4.1 Measurement and Data Collection 4.2 Statistical Analysis

Data were collected on the following: feed intake, weight The data collected was subjected to one-way Analysis of
gain and feed conversion ratio for both Starter and Finisher Variance (ANOVA) using statistical package for social
phases. science (SPSS), version 20 (2012). Where statistical
differences were found, mean separation was done using
Feed Intake: This was calculated as total feed given minus Duncan Multiple Range Test as contained in SPSS version
the left over for each treatment. 20 (2012).
Weight Gain: Apart from initial weight taken on the first
day, every other reading was on weekly basis and was done 5. Results
using a sensitive electrical digital scale (Atomic Digital
Electronic Scale). The effects of feeding graded levels of Ceiba Pentandra leaf
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): This was determined by meal on broiler performance is summarised below:
total feed consumed per bird divided by weight gain per
bird. That is:
FCR = Feed intake/Weight Gain

Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202622 10.21275/ART20202622 1878
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Table 4: Effects of Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal (CPLM) on Broiler Starter phase (0-4 weeks)
T1 T2 T3 T4
Average final weight (g) 660.37c±0.22 715.42b±0.34 865.44±a0.45 755.61b±0.23
Average initial weight (g) 79.80±0.54 80.03±0.67 79.63±0.77 80.61±0.62
Average daily weight gain (g) 20.76c±0.11 22.69c±0.32 28.06a±0.15 24.11b±0.13
Average daily feed intake (g) 41.25±0.33 41.50±0.34 41.00±0.23 39.75±0.45
Feed conversion rate (FCR) 1.99±0.09 1.83±0.04 1.46±0.11 1.65±0.07
means within row with different superscript letters differ by Duncan test with p < 0.05

Table 5: Effects of Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal (CPLM) on Broiler Finisher phase (5-8 weeks)
T1 T2 T3 T4
Average final weight gain (g) 1840c±0.34 2483a±0.33 2396a±0.42 2196b±0.33
Average initial weight (g) 660.37c±0.45 715.42b±0.56 865.44a±0.55 755.61b±0.45
Average daily weight gain (g) 42.18c±0.24 63.13a±0.26 54.66b±0.31 51.44b±0.39
Average daily feed intake (g) 141.48a±0.34 143.00a±0.33 132.50b±0.44 137.25b±0.35
Feed conversion rate (FCR) 3.36b±0.44 2.26a±0.22 2.51a±034 2.63a±0.22
means within row with different superscript letters differ by Duncan test with p < 0.05

Weight Gain study showed there were differences with noticeable

The result on weight gain showed that during the Starter decrease after 10% inclusion level which had superior final
phase T3 (865.44) had significantly (P<0.05) higher weight body weight gain and feed conversion ratio than at other
gain than other treatment levels but at Finisher phase T 2 had inclusion levels.
higher numerical weight than T 3 though not significantly
(P<0.05) different. The control had least weight gain The decrease in final body weight, total feed intake and total
compared to the three (3) treatment levels of Ceiba weight gain could be attributed to inherent anti-nutrients in
pentandra leaf meal. the raw Ceiba Pentandra Leaf Meal which probably reached
a threshold level beyond the tolerance levels of the snails.
Feed Intake Several studies have attributed impaired feed utilization,
There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) in average daily depressed growth, loss of appetite and pancreatic
feed intake for the starter phase though birds fed 5% CPLM hypertrophy in the experimental animals to antinutritional
consumed most while those fed 15% CPLM consumed the factors (Tuleun and Patrick, 2007; Obun et al., 2016;
least as shown in table 4. At Finisher phase birds on 5% Bagepallis et al., 1992; Olumu, 1995; Sotelo, 1995; Reed,
CPLM diet consumed most which was not significantly 2001). Rabbits on 0%, 5% and 10% inclusion levels had
different (P<0.05) from birds on control diet but superior superior (p<0.01) feed conversion ratio suggesting there was
(P<0.05) to birds on 10% and 15% CPLM levels. better absorption and utilization of nutrients by the rabbits
(Wafar et al., 2017). This agreed with the finding of this
Feed Conversion Rate (FCR) study that at Finisher phase, feed conversion ratio was best
The results from tables 4 and 5 showed that birds on 10% at 5% inclusion level, followed by 10% then 15% and least
CPLM at starter phase had the best FCR and least for birds at 0%. The good feed conversion ratio made by T 2, T3 and
on zero percent CPLM) which showed no significant T4 were because of the Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal which
difference (P>0.05). At Finisher phase there was no increased digestibility of feed (Brown, 1995) thus making
difference between birds fed the 3 graded levels of CPLM more nutrient available to broiler chickens. The better feed
though those on 5% level had the best FCR which was conversion recorded by the treatment groups containing
significantly different (P<0.05) from the control group. Ceiba pentandra leaf meal was because the leaves contain
biological compounds that enhances the activities of
6. Discussion digestive enzymes like pancreatic lipase, amylase and
consequently enhances feed conversion efficiency (Khan et
Report by (16) showed that overall, average daily feed al., 2012a; Barnes et al., 2007; Mode et al., 2009; Molla et
intake linearly decreased (P < .05) with the increase in the al., 2012).
level of dietary Ceiba Pentandra Seed meal supplementation
in pigs. This was in agreement with the low feed In another way, the high weight gain made by the birds fed
consumption at 10% (T3) and 15% (T4) respectively and Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal than those which had none,
superior performance of Ceiba Pentandra leaf meal at 5% maybe associated with absorption enhancers, antimicrobial
(T2) inclusion level for feed intake. as well as metabolic modification made possible by the
inclusion of the various leaf meal (Gill, 1999; Abaza, 2001;
Similarly, Wafar et al., (2017) showed that total feed intake, Igugo, 2014). It is believed that the phytochemical content
total weight gain and final body weight of rabbits decreased of Ceiba Pentandra such as flavonoids, saponin as well as
as the levels of Ceiba Pentandra Seed Meal increased in the caratenoid lowers broiler intestinal pH at which activities of
diets; this was however at inclusion level above 10% as proteases and beneficial bacteria is optimized and
reported by Olomu (1995) and contrary to the work of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria is minimized by direct
Narahari and Rajini, (2003) who found no significant antibacterial effect destroying their cell membrane to ensure
difference at different inclusion levels. The result of this
Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20202622 10.21275/ART20202622 1879
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
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Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
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Paper ID: ART20202622
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