Social Science and Philosophy

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Gonzales, Paul RJ S.

GEE 002A – Social Science and Philosophy

1. Explain how an ideology can control people’s behavior.

Ideologies affect perception of the people who believes and upholds
its doctrines and principles. It gives people a new mind that allows them to
change their behavior because of the standards set to it. Ideologies
rationalize and justify the mistreated or wrong doings to limit or set an
example that certain things should change for it to better. It provides
motivation for social and political action of individual who see and believes
in it. Ideologies allow people to change how they live and how they act or
behave to other people. They will obey or follow the principles because
they believe that it is right and it must be done.

2. Describe the functions that ideologies serves in general.

Ideologies are beliefs and set of principles that controls people
behavior because of its different objective or goal. It shapes the people
mind and their behavior by expressing their thoughts into action to display
their purpose. Ideology itself justifies and rationalize the exercise of power.
Ideologies justify inequality so that oppressed people aren’t taken
advantage of. Personal interest is what ideologies against for, some people
gaining something for them to take advantage of.

3. Explain the idea holds by the following ideologies:

 Classical Liberalism
 Modern Liberalism
 Conservatism
 Communism
 Socialism
 Fascism
 Libertarianism
Classical Liberalism is a political ideology that advocates individual
freedom and economic freedom from the government control or authority.
Classical liberalism emphasizes the limitation of government power to
control the economy and interfere with individual interest or affairs. It
focuses on the individuals rather than collective. Modern Liberalism focus
on social and economic security of the majority. It provides a role for the
government to support social welfare of the people. Modern liberalism
allows people to pursue their personal development and have self-
realization and promotes the all individual must be treated equally.
Conservatism conserves traditional practices and norms and their gradual
evolution. Conservatism relies on individual effort and initiative to pursue
self-development rather than relying on government programs and projects.
It emphasizes on the ideology of maximum personal liberty and individual
freedom from government. Socialism is an ideology that focuses collective
ownership rather than individual. It means production and distribution of
natural resources are own and controlled by the government. It contradicts
capitalism with the collective ownership of economic enterprise. Socialist
believes that wealth must distributed to the people so everyone can have a
society that is beneficial. Fascism is an ideology where a dictator asserts
his/her supremacy over the nation. It is a system where the dictator dictates
every action and completely rules over the people of the society. The
welfare of the majority of people is denied or ignore but the development of
superior race of individuals. Libertarianism is an ideology that believes a
better society is achieved with less government intervention. Libertarians
strongly support the right of private owners and without the intervention of
the government.

Honor Pledge for Graded Assessment:

I affirmed that I have not given or received any unauthorized help

on this assessment, and that this work is my own

Paul RJ S. Gonzales

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