Yellow Dzambala Practice
Yellow Dzambala Practice
Yellow Dzambala Practice
The Buddha of Wealth
I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha.By the
positive potential I create by practising generosity and the other far-reaching attitudes,
may I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings.
May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,May all sentient beings be free of
suffering and its causes,May all sentient beings never be separated from sorrowless bliss,
May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.
Light collects back into the syllable DZA, and one takes the form of Arya Dzambala with
golden colour, one face and two arms, with the right hand in the gesture of supreme
giving, holding the bijapura fruit and the left holding a mongoose from whose mouth a
great treasure of jewels is constantly being emitted.
Arya Dzambala is peaceful and elegant, slightly corpulent and appearing very gentle, in a
completely happy and pleasant state of mind. With his eyes wide open and his black hair
tied in a top knot, he is adorned with a jewelled head ornament. The right foot is slightly
outstretched in the royal posture, and both feet are placed on treasures such as the eye of
conch shell and head of the lotus. Wearing multi-coloured silken clothing and jewelled
ornaments, he is adorned with garlands of blue utpala flowers. His body is luminous and
radiant. From one’s heart centre (as Arya Dzambala) emanate rays of light, inviting
wisdom beings in the form of Arya Dzambala along with his entourage.
BENZA SAMADZA(inviting the wisdom beings)
At the forehead is the syllable OM, at the throat an AH and at the heart a HUM. Again
from the heart centre emanate rays of light, inviting the five initiating deities and
The body is filled, purifying all stains. An excess of water comes out from the crown of
the head, transforming into Ratnasambhava.
Everything is Emptiness.
Out of emptiness in front of oneself appears the syllable OM which transforms into eight
spacious jewelled vessels. In each of those vessels appears the syllable OM, which
transforms into godly substances: water for the mouth, water for the feet, flowers,
incense, and so forth, clear, unobstructed, and as extensive as space.
8 Sensory Offerings
O Lord of Wealth, Holder of the Treasure of JewelsAnd Lord of the numerous wealth-
holding yakshas,Great Lord and Protector of the North, Bestower of Supreme
Attainments,I prostrate to You. (3x)
Mantra Recitation
By the virtues collected through this practiceMay I quickly attain the state of Arya
DzambalaAnd lead all beings, without exception,To the state of Enlightenment.
(If one wishes to make the offering of water to Arya Dzambala, one may do so in this
In the centre of a copper vessel, out of Emptiness appears Arya Dzambala in golden
colour, one face and two arms, with the right hand in the gesture of supreme giving,
holding the bijapura fruit and the left holding a mongoose which is constantly emitting
from its mouth a great treasure of jewels.
Arya Dzambala is peaceful and elegant, slightly corpulent and appearing very gentle and
in a completely happy and pleasant state of mind. With his eyes wide open and his black
hair tied in a top knot, he is adorned with a jewelled head ornament.
The right foot is slightly outstretched in the royal posture, and both feet are placed on
treasures such as the eye of conch shell and head of the lotus. Wearing multi-coloured
silken clothing and jewelled ornaments, he is adorned with garlands of blue utpala
flowers. His body is luminous and radiant.
At the palm of the right hand on a moon disc the syllables OM HUM TRAM HRI
AH emanate rays of light, inviting the blessings of all Buddhas in the form of nectar,
which enter into the five syllables.
Now recite the essence mantra “OM DZAMBALA DZALENDRAYE SOHA” 108 times
and either pour the water 108 times or pour the water from the vase in a continuous
stream, thus visualising that one is offering this water to Arya Dzambala. Finally, the
torma which has been prepared for Dzambala should be blessed and also put into the
water and offered.
Out of Emptiness from the syllable YAM comes a wind manda la, on top of which
from RAM comes a fire mandala. From the syllable AH comes a skullcup, white on the
outside and red inside, huge and spacious, containing the five meats and five nectars,
which are purified, transformed and multiplied by the recitation of the three syllables OM
AH HUM. The substances become an undefiled ocean of wisdom nectar.
Torma Offering
8 Sensory Offerings
O Lord of Wealth, Holder of the Treasure of Jewels,And Lord of the numerous wealth-
holding yakshas,Great Lord and Protector of the North, Bestower of Supreme
Attainments, I prostrate to You.
I and all living beings, who are under the sufferings of the five actions motivated by
stinginess,in all rebirths we take refuge in You.With your treasure of jewels and the
stream of nectarplease pacify the sufferings of poverty of all beings. (3x)
(Then visualise that Arya Dzambala is extremely delighted and gives you presents of
wish-fulfilling gems and attainments of nectar. Also, take some of the torma water and
share it with others.)