Weekly Learning Activity Sheets: Inquiries, Investigations & Immersion Xii, Quarter 1, Week 1
Weekly Learning Activity Sheets: Inquiries, Investigations & Immersion Xii, Quarter 1, Week 1
Weekly Learning Activity Sheets: Inquiries, Investigations & Immersion Xii, Quarter 1, Week 1
Learning Objective:
Prepares a plan and a focus on issues and ideas in their respective field
Key Concepts
You may have heard that research is complicated and that it is difficult to do. Many
students, and even professionals, would have that hesitation to doing a research. That is
only one of the many cliché misconceptions about research.
Research is just any other task that we do. It is like a celebration or a party that in order
to be meaningful and successful, serious planning and careful execution are necessary.
It needs time and proper organization of things and ideas. Preparedness is the key!
Moore (2009), a contributor to Ezine articles offers five (5) things worth considering when
doing a research work.
1. Never choose a topic that is out of personal interest. The success rate of your
research work is equal to the level of your interest and drive to do such a research. It is always
easier to do something that you really like to do and be engaged with. Do not let yourself in
the situation of losing that high level of enthusiasm towards your own research.
2. Never use needless words. Less is more. Sometimes, you would think that having so
much to say when it comes to research is an advantage. However, we have to realize that the
longer or the wordy our sentences become, the more they appear less relevant and needless to be
listened to or read.
3. Keep thoughts intact. Establishing that sense of focus on your research paper is one of
the most important characteristics that you should always observe. Clattering ideas will not
make your paper enticing.
4. Don't let failure distract you. Failure is normal. It is okay to fail at times in order for
us to realize what we have to do. Failure is an opportunity to recreate and refine our research
work at its best. Do not be afraid to fail!
5. Always consult the opinion of other people. Feedback from others especially of a more
knowledgeable others is always good to hear. It widens our understanding and opens higher
chances of making the research better! Collaboration and teamwork do not only make the task
lighter, but rather more successful!
Always keep and observe these simple yet useful reminders as you push through in your
quest towards becoming the best researcher you could ever be!
The activities below will help you activate your research skills and interests, so you can start
Activity 1. Writing Random Words
Directions: On your notepad (yellow sheet of paper), write random words that come to your
mind. Any word will do. Take your thoughts in the situation where you find
yourself most interested in. Do this in three (3) to five (5) minutes.
The random words that you have written on your notepad are your
personal interest. These are the topics or subjects that first inspires your
interest. These are the concepts and constructs that your mind has which
will serve as the baseline of your formal research topic.
Now, go back and look at the random words that you have written. Study
them and think about each word again. Choose and encircle only three (3)
from the random words that appear to be relevant, timely and interesting for
At this time, you just have decided your research interest. It pertains to
personal interests that has been screened and chosen by means of its meaning,
coverage, relevance and focus.
After refining your research interest, you will be able to have a
preliminary topic. This topic is already researchable, but should still
be narrowed where gaps will arise. Check how to perform a few more
steps below to construct your research topic.
Well done! You have transformed your personal interest into research interest and now
you have a preliminary topic for your research work. You are now geared-up towards the
next steps of the research process.
II. Background
Short presentation of basic concepts and information about the research topic shall be
presented in this section. Include few relevant readings and literature which serve as major
background of your paper. Cite also your motivation for the topic and the reasons and
importance of your study.
III. Objectives and Methods
Cite in this section the long term and short term objectives or targets of your research
work. Indicate also whether you are using quantitative, qualitative or mixed method of research.
IV. Working Framework
Through an illustrative illustrations or diagrams, show the variables or concepts that are
involved in your paper. Show the connections and relationship and role of these important
constructs in achieving the results of the study. The Input-Process-Output Model is commonly
used. However, feel free to execute your creativity and ideas in crafting the framework for your
V. Assumptions
This part contains the expected outcome of the study. What results do you anticipate? It
is better that you construct positive results regarding the research that you plan to undertake.
This can be in numbered form, bulleted, or in a paragraph or two .
VI. Timetable
You may have heard about Gantt Chart of activities. This section contains the same
concept but in simplified and detailed format in order for you to plan things out even more
systematically and productively. A timetable guides you to be able to work on important
activities necessary for you to complete your research. Please study the example timetable below
to get ideas on how a plan looks like and what information can be included.
Date Objective(s) Persons Resources Output
October Read books, The Researcher books, A. List of
8, 2020 essays, articles newspapers, concepts and
about initial materials
related to the
initial topic
B. List of
references read
List of references
October Submit the draft The Researcher Draft of the A. Receipt of
16, of the Teacher of Background of Submission
B. Teacher’s
2020 Background of Research Study
the Study to the Internet Access
Teacher of
Research for
After having a good background about the definition, parts, and purposes of a research
plan, it is now time for you to give it a try!
This preliminary research topic will serve as your initial research topic which you are
about to plan for.
Research Plan
I. Basic Information
A. Complete Name : _ _
B. LRN :
C. School and Address:_ _
D. Track and Strand:_ _
E. Complete Home Address:__ _ _
__ _
II. Background
III. Objectives and Methods
IV. Working Framework
V. Assumptions
VI. Timetable
Evaluate your work using the scale given below. Once you are done, ask one classmate to
do the same. Take note that if going out of the house is not yet allowed, try other means like
sending your work to your classmate. Write the scores on your yellow sheet of paper.
4 - Exceeds Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Fairly Meets Expectations
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations
Success Indicators Self Classmate Average
1. Basic information about the researcher is
complete, accurate, and has no erroneous
2. Background has brief but essential basic
concepts and information about the
research topic from relevant readings,
literature and importance of the study.
3. Objectives and Methods include long term
and short term objectives or targets of your
research work. The plan has specific method
to be used.
4. The working framework shows the
variables or concepts that are involved in the
paper, their connections and relationship in
achieving the results of the
study. It is creatively done.
5. The assumptions clearly indicate the
expected results in numbered form,
bulleted, or in a paragraph or two.
6. The timetable contains complete details
about the possible activities and steps that the
research may need.
7. The research plan has complete list of
references in American Psychological
Association (APA) 6th or 7th edition style/
format and are alphabetically arranged.
Overall Average /28
A. Directions: Identify the following statement. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the
space before each number.
Answer the questions and write this in a separate yellow sheet of paper.
1. What challenges did you face when writing a research plan?
2. What did you do to overcome these challenges?
3. As a student researcher, what do you consider in writing your research topic?
Clemente, RF., A.B.E. Julaton., & A.V. Orleans. (2016). Science in Today’s World
Moore, Anabelle. (2009) “5 Things to Consider in Doing Research Paper.” Re- trieved from
http://EzineArticles.com/?5-Things-to-Consider-in-Doing- Research-Paper&id=1882247
on August 13, 2020.
USC Libraries. (2020). “Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper.” Retrieved from
https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/researchdesigns. University of Southern California.
Answer Key
Answers of items 1 and 2 are given:
1. F
2. E
Answers of items 1 and 2 are given:
Constructing a topic-statement is the fourth step in creating preliminary research topic.
REVIEWED BY: Israel B. Reveche , Ph.D Lilia S. Nono ,Ph.D Ronnel C. Allonar
SHS Division Coordinator