SECTION 4.05: Cylinder Head Assembly
SECTION 4.05: Cylinder Head Assembly
SECTION 4.05: Cylinder Head Assembly
7 8
3 1
4 Figure 4.05-3. Cylinder Head
3. Position spring on body of upper push rod cover to 2. Loosely attach rocker arm oil header tube to valve
contact spring seat. cover retaining clips, washers, lock washers, nuts and
capscrews (see Figure 4.05-7).
4. Position washer on upper push rod cover to seat
against spring.
SPARK PLUG SLEEVE AND SPARK PLUG arms. Do not tighten hex jam nuts until after valve
1. Refer to Section 5.10 Ignition System “Spark Plug
Sleeve And Spark Plug Carrier Extension Installation” Tighten the four outer
and install these components in the cylinder heads. capscrews on the rocker
arm assemblies first. Once they are tightened, then
VALVE BRIDGE AND ROCKER ARM tighten the center capscrew. Failure to follow the
INSTALLATION proper tightening sequence can cause damage to
In any procedure where
the rocker arms may 4. Tighten four end capscrews on rocker arm assembly
have been removed or disturbed, the cylinder head to 66 -- 70 ft-lb (89 -- 95 N×m) (see Figure 4.05-12).
replaced, or if it is suspected that the valves may
have been adjusted incorrectly, do not rotate the
crankshaft until all rocker arm adjusting screws and
valve bridge adjusting screws have been backed
off. Failure to back off the adjusting screws in these
situations may cause collision between valves and
pistons and severe engine damage.
Do not back out adjust- CAPSCREWS
ing screws too far. If ad- END
justing screws are backed out too far, it may push CAPSCREWS
the adjusting screw foot off the adjusting screw.
1. Loosen lock nuts and adjusting screws on both valve 5. Move exhaust rocker up and down to check for
bridge assemblies. interference.
2. Position valve bridge assemblies on valve bridge 6. Apply engine oil to threads of remaining center
guides (see Figure 4.05-11). capscrew. Install remaining center capscrew and wash-
er on rocker arm assembly and tighten to 17 ft-lb
(23 N×m).
1. Remove protective masking tape from exhaust outlet
port and water outlet elbow flange on each cylinder
NOTE: The exhaust manifold gasket contains a metal
seam that seals the inside of the gasket halves. This
seam is located on the exhaust manifold side of the
gasket (see Figure 4.05-13).
2. Place gasket on cylinder head exhaust ports with
Figure 4.05-11. Valve Bridge Assembly seam side facing exhaust manifold and smooth side
facing cylinder (see Figure 4.05-13 and
3. Apply engine oil to threads of capscrews. Position
Figure 4.05-14). Be sure that hole with copper grommet
rocker arm assembly on cylinder head with four
lines up with water hole in casting. Do not use gasket if
capscrews and four flat washers (see Figure 4.05-12).
grommet is missing or damaged.
Back out adjusting screws on intake and exhaust rocker
A new water jumper elbow has been developed for all
OUTLET PORT OUTLET PORT WATER MANIFOLD VHP Series Four engines. The new water jumper elbow
MOUNTING BRACKET uses a square cut O--ring seal instead of a gasket at the
cylinder head end. This results in longer life and a tighter
NOTE: Previous water elbows are not machined for the
new square cut O--ring seal. If replacing either the
previous water jumper elbow (P/N 169892H) or gasket
(P/N 153139B), both the new water jumper elbow
REAR END (P/N 169892J) and O--ring seal (P/N 176883E) must be
used (see Figure 4.05-19 and Figure 4.05-20).
10. Secure water outlet elbows to cylinder heads with Figure 4.05-22. Exhaust Manifold End Cover
(oiled) 3/8 in.--16 x 4-1/2 in. ferryhead capscrews and
lock washers (see Figure 4.05-21). Finger tighten only. 15. Inspect twelve stainless steel male connector tube
fittings (1/4 in. thermocouple OD) for galled or stretched
11. Secure elbows to exhaust manifold with (oiled) threads (see Figure 4.05-23). Replace fittings if neces-
1/2 in.--13 x 1-3/4 in. hex head capscrews and lock sary.
washers (see Figure 4.05-21). Finger tighten only.
16. Apply Bostik Never Seezâ Anti-Seize and Lubricat-
12. Alternately tighten four capscrews. Tighten ing Compound (capable of withstanding temperatures
3/8 in.--16 x 4-1/2 in. ferryhead capscrews (elbows to up to 1800° F/982° C) to large end of each male
cylinder heads) to 27 -- 29 ft-lb (37 -- 39 N×m). Tighten connector tube fitting. Thread fitting into exhaust port of
1/2 in.--13 x 1-3/4 in. hex head capscrews (elbows to each segment of exhaust manifold (see
exhaust manifold) to 66 -- 70 ft-lb (89 -- 95 N×m). Figure 4.05-23).
13. Use a rubber mallet to seat manifold caps in front Figure 4.05-23. Thermocouple Connector
end sections of right and left bank exhaust manifolds.
14. Secure end cap to exhaust manifold end using 17. Repeat procedure for other bank.
1/2 in.--13 x 1-5/8 in. capscrews and flat washers (see NOTE: Refer to Section 5.15 Air Induction System
Figure 4.05-22). “Intake Manifold” for complete intake manifold installa-
tion procedures. The intake manifold must be aligned
prior to installation.