Application of Hirarc at Unimap Laboratory: December 2009

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Application of HIRARC at UniMAP Laboratory

Conference Paper · December 2009


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4 authors:

Farhaniza Ghazali Norshah Afizi Shuaib

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Universiti Malaysia Perlis


C D M Asyraf Azmi Harun

Universiti Malaysia Perlis Universiti Malaysia Perlis


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National Symposium on Advancements in Ergonomics and Safety (ERGOSYM2009), 1-2 December 2009, Perlis, Malaysia.

Applications of HIRARC at UniMAP

N.A. Shuaib1, M.F. Ghazali1, C.D.M. Asyraf1 and H. Azmi1.
School of Manufacturing Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Perlis,
01000 Kangar, Perlis
Phone: +60 4 9853875. Fax: +60 4 9851780

Abstract- As a technical university which hands on practices II. METHODOLOGY

are common to students, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
(UniMAP) accommodates numbers of laboratories. From the There are numbers of laboratories in UniMAP. In this
basic fundamentals to the high-end laboratories, there might research, about more than 20 laboratories being grouped
be possibilities for the operators; including technicians, PLVs
into four main categories; Electrical and Electronics,
and students to get involved in accidents. This research
performed an occupational safety and health assessment Mechanical and Process, Computer, and Materials and
based on a method called Hazard Identification, Risk Science laboratories. The overview of methods to
Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) in selected complete this study of HIRARC is as shown in Fig. 1.
laboratories in UniMAP. The study emphasizes on the
identification of hazards, the hazard evaluation process, and
the control measures taken to prevent accidents. The data
Classify Laboratories/ Work activities
then analyzed to determine the risk level and several
recommendations are highlighted in order to reduce risk.

Keywords- HIRARC, hazard assessment, safety and health, Hazard Identification

Occupational Safety and Health. OSH.

Risk Assessments

During the last decade, hazard identification has become a

universal tool applied in industries. Huge improvements Identify Control Action
have been made in the way that most industries now
manage their business, thankfully to a greatly reduced
likelihood of a major accident [1]. Recommendations for Improvements

Fig 1. Study’s Methodology

Risk is important to be quantified and assessed in support
for risk management, from initial screening and priority
setting exercises to major regulatory decisions with
profound people’s health consequences [2]. Organizations
that have already carried out risk assessment in their work,
have experienced positive changes in their working
In every task, there are some operations that can be
practice, they recognize. Legislation requires that this
classified as critical. All operations that contain hazards
hazard assessment process should be systematic and be
and posing significant risks to the health and safety of
recorded [3]. A hazard is defined as “a potential source of
employees need to be identified. In order to identify them,
harm” and it requires big responsibilities of employers to
those hazards classify as ergonomics, electrical,
determine its existence in their workplaces or jobsites [4].
mechanical, chemical, air contaminants and safety
hazards. Hazards need to be identified whether a particular
Those who have already carried out risk assessment in
hazardous agent is associated with health ecological
their work, have reported positive changes in their
effects that are of sufficient importance to warrant further
working practice, they recognize substandard act and
scientific study or immediate management action,
working condition as they develop and take necessary
particularly in UniMAP [2].
corrective action. Legislation requires that this process
should be systematic and be recorded so that the results
In order to identify type of hazards exist in the
are reliable and the analyses complete [1].
laboratories, observations have been made by the team
members. With the cooperation of laboratories’ manager
or technicians who are familiar with the equipments,

National Symposium on Advancements in Ergonomics and Safety (ERGOSYM2009), 1-2 December 2009, Perlis, Malaysia.

materials or substances, all the hazards are easily figured Severity (S)
out. The scopes of the observation focus on the hazards Likelihood (L) 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
that might occur during the activities being conducted and 4 4 8 12 16 20
any other potential hazards that might exist in the 3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
laboratories. 1 1 2 3 4 5

IV. RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Level: 15-25 = High

5-14 = Medium
Assessing potential hazards and risks will lead to the 1- 4 = Low
ability of describing both the likelihood of the event and
the consequence [5]. The assessment is the process of At the time the laboratories been observed, some of them
quantifying the level of risk associated with the activities are being occupied by students. Several short questions
or operations [3]. The identified hazards will be rated in have been asked to the students regarding their workplace
two terms; likelihood and severity. Likelihood indicates safety and safety procedures in the laboratories. The
the number of event’s occurrence in certain time. It is results obtained are used to validate the risk level obtained
assessed based on the experience, analysis and by the authors’ assessment.
measurement. Likelihood (L) levels range from “most
likely” to “inconceivable.” Table 1 explains the
classifications of each level and their ratings.


Likelihood (L) Classification Rating
Most likely High chance to occur at any 5 The risk levels are documented based on types of hazards
time and the laboratories classification as shown in Table 4.
Possible Has chance to occur and not 4
Overall risks level per classification is obtained by taking
Conceivable Possible to occur sometimes 3 average of all hazards involved.
Remote Has not been known to occur 2
for long time TABLE 4
Inconceivable Impossible or never occured 1
Laborato Hazard’s Risk Rating
ries Ergono Electri Mechan Air Chemi Safe
Classifac mic cal ical Contami cal ty
Severity (S) indicates the level of effects on health, tion nants
environment or equipments. As likelihood, Severity also Electrica
l &
being rated as shown in Table 2: Electroni
cs 6 11.4 5.4 4.8 3.4 5.6
TABLE 2 Compute
r &
Severity (S) Classification Rating
Software 5.5 7.8 0 1 0 5.5
Catastrophic Numerous fatalities, 5
irrecoverable property damage
cal &
Fatal Approximately one single 4 Process 5 7.9 7.3 8.4 5.7 7.1
fatality, major property damage
Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent 3 &
disability Sciences 3.7 3.7 6.37 7.37 10.2 5.7
Minor Disabling but not permanent 2
Negligible Minor abrasions, bruises, cuts, 1
first aid type injury

For every activity, the hazards’ L and S ratings decided

from Table 1 and 2 are used to determine Risk (R).
Qualitatively, R is calculated as follows:

Risk, R = Severity x Likelihood (1)


The Risk,R obtained then are compared with Table 3 to

determine the risk level whether it can be categorized as
‘high’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ risk level. These level help
laboratories personnel to assign logical priorities or actions
towards hazards prevention.

TABLE 3 Fig. 2. Hazards Risk Rating based on Laboratories Classification

National Symposium on Advancements in Ergonomics and Safety (ERGOSYM2009), 1-2 December 2009, Perlis, Malaysia.

Fig. 2 shows the graph of hazards ratings based on four

different laboratories. It is observed that in general every
lab has all hazards regardless of the risk levels.

Electrics and electronics laboratories have ergonomics

issues where most of the activities in the lab require static
postures and activities. Students need to stand for a period
of time to complete the task given. This is one of the main
factor why the value of ergonomics hazards were counted
to the value of 6.

Meanwhile, students in computer and software labs Fig. 3. Potential Hazards on using portable machineries
normaly sit on the chairs facing to the Personal Computer
(PC). This result mainly due to static postures and
potential repetitive strain injuries, dehydration, eye strain
and lost focus. Sitting for a long period of time facing the
PCs will also lead to ergonomics issues.

Chemical hazards are identified low even in chemical lab-

the level of hazard is mainly high and the frequency of
occurences are low due to students and staff practice safe
work procedures. This hazard was not identified in
electrics, electronics and software laboratories due to the
activities in the respected lab are not much related with
chemical waste but mainly deal with PCs and electrical

The level of risk for mechanical hazard is high even Fig.4. Potential Hazards of rotating abrasive wheel
though in mechanical hazard is mainly because of most of
the machineries in the laboratories are powered by
electricity and sometimes the operational practices are
dangerous. This is the reason why the electrical hazards
are commonly found and stated as high in those

Laboratories Classification Overall Risk Rating/Level
Electrical & Electronics 6.1 (Medium)
Computer & Software 3.3 (Low)
Mechanical & Process 7 (Medium)
Material & Sciences 6.2 (Medium)

In general, Table 5 shows the overall data of 4 categories

of laboratories. Most of the laboratories are exposed with
mechanical and process types of hazard. The average risk
level under the scope of mechanical and process is 7 out of
25 which is considered as medium which needs to be
highlighted and solved soon, but the urgency is still under
a tolerable condition.
Fig.5. Poor methods for maintenance

National Symposium on Advancements in Ergonomics and Safety (ERGOSYM2009), 1-2 December 2009, Perlis, Malaysia.

Fig.6. Inappropriate equipment storage


By right, the overall risk level at the selected UniMAP’s

laboratories can be classified to be at low level. The safe
work procedures being practised by all laboratories’
management seems effective for now. Based on the
discussion, there are several recommendations on
improvements that can be made in order to maintain or
lower the current risk level:
Fig 7 (a) &( b) Safe Work Procedure at different workplaces

1. Enforce or stricken the safety procedures in the

laboratories – As shown if Fig. 7(a) & (b), Only
students with complete personal protective
equipments are allowed to enter the laboratories.

2. All equipments need continuous maintenance – for

time being, there is no preventive maintenance
practice applied by most engineering school. The
purpose of preventive maintenance is to increase the
equipment reliability and life, also to prevent
accidents happens due to equipments’ failure.

3. Provide adequate/larger laboratories – the number of

Fig. 8. A sample of an appropriate machine guarding
students is increasing each year. There will be
crowded laboratories and limited spaces if there are
not enough laboratories provided. For time being,
Classes rotation being practiced is the best way to
overcome this problem. Proper machine guarding as
In conclusion, it is understood that the average risk level at
in Fig. 8 could prevent accidents in confined
most of the laboratories at UniMAP is 5.65 which is in
fact at medium level. However, since the value is really
close to 5.0, the value of the risk level is considerably low.
4. Improve the equipments or device storage system –
The range of the risk level for this study is 3.3 which is the
An efficient storage system not only for the ease of
difference between the highest value (mechanical
future use but also for safety reasons. Inappropriate
laboratories) and the lowest (computer laboratories),
e storage of devices or equipments as in Fig. 6 will
showing that the divergence of the data is not significant.
lead to accidents.
However, it is strongly recommended that some
preventive actions to be taken in order to reduce the risk
5. Increase the management commitment - Laboratories
level in future.
personnel should show their concern about safety by
increasing supervision on work done by students.
They can also practise safety and health programs in
their own laboratories.

National Symposium on Advancements in Ergonomics and Safety (ERGOSYM2009), 1-2 December 2009, Perlis, Malaysia.


[1] Institution of Chemical Engineers (Great Britain)

(2003), “Hazards XVII: Process Safety : Fulfilling Our
Responsibilities” By Conference Proceedings, pp.149.

[2] National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Risk

Assessment Methodology (1993), Issues in risk
assessment, National Academy Press, pp. 255

[3] Department of Occupational Safety and Health,

Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (2008),
“Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment
and Risk Control (HIRARC)”, pp.1

[4] S. J. Owen (2003), “Have you completed your

workplace hazard assessment?”, retrieved from
ine/hazardassesment.htm, accessed on 19 Jun 2009.

[5] N. W. Hurst (1998), Risk Assessment: the Human

Dimension, The Royal Society of Chemistry 1998, pp xii


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