Development of A Welding Procedure For Mil A 46100
Development of A Welding Procedure For Mil A 46100
Development of A Welding Procedure For Mil A 46100
ISSN: 0012-7353
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Dyna, vol. 78, núm. 168, 2011, pp. 65-71
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Medellín, Colombia
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Received for review May 14th, 2010; accepted December 2nd, 2010; final version December 27th, 2010
ABSTRACT: A welding procedure (WPS) for MIL A46100 steel armor joints using the gas metal arc welding process (GMAW)
was developed and qualified according to mechanical and non-destructive (NDT) requirements of military codes. Obtained results
were compared to shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) procedures used to weld this type of steel. It was found that designed
WPS is a suitable option to weld MIL A46100 armors according to the results obtained. In addition, a narrower heat affected
zone (HAZ) was obtained with designed WPS which should lead to a better in-service armor performance according to results
of previous studies. Finally, an increase in Charpy v-notch (CVN) test impact energy compared to the SMAW procedure was found.
KEYWORDS: Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), welding procedure specification (WPS), MIL A 46100 armor steel
RESUMEN: Se desarrolló un procedimiento de soldadura (WPS) para unir láminas de acero para blindaje bajo especificación MIL A46100
usando el proceso GMAW, el cual fue calificado mediante ensayos mecánicos y no destructivos (NDT) de acuerdo con los requerimientos
de códigos militares. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con procedimientos de soldadura para este material realizados con el
proceso SMAW. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el WPS diseñado es una opción viable para la soldadura de blindajes de acero
MIL A 46100. Además, con el WPS diseñado se obtuvo una reducción en el ancho de la zona afectada térmicamente (ZAT) que debería
conducir a un mejor desempeño en servicio de los blindajes de acuerdo con los resultados de estudios previos. Finalmente, se encontró un
incremento en la energía absorbida en los ensayos de impacto Charpy V comparada con la de soldaduras realizadas con el proceso SMAW.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Acero para blindaje MIL A 46100, especificación del procedimiento de soldadura (WPS), soldadura por arco con
protección gaseosa (GMAW)
Dyna, año 78, Nro. 168, pp. 65-71. Medellín, Agosto, 2011. ISSN 0012-7353
66 Mazuera Robledo et al
On the other hand, ref [3] found no weldments exhibiting Satisfactory weldments should exhibit the same CVN
satisfactory ballistic behavior (e.g., projectiles impacting values obtained by [3].
on weld beads and heat affected zone passed through the
weldment), except in one case in which the bullet was 2.2 Weld Soundness
rejected by a weldement with a narrower heat affected
zone (HAZ); this ballistic response agreed with the To evaluate the quality of weldments, visual testing (VT)
findings of [4-5]. Based on the latter observation, it is and radiographic testing (RT) were conducted. Acceptance
desirable to design welding procedures (WPSs) that criteria from military standards [1-2] are listed below:
reduce the HAZ width. In addition, the use of the SMAW
process implies that a considerable amount of time will • Undercut: not allowed
be dedicated to tasks such as electrode change, interpass
• Slag inclusions: not allowed
cleaning, and slag removal, which reduce the production
rates. Thus it is also desirable to look for WPSs which use • Tungsten inclusions: not allowed
semiautomatic welding processes that allow a potential
increase in productivity and production rates. • Cracks: not allowed
• Underfill: not allowed
In the current article, a welding procedure to weld
MIL A-46100 steel plates was designed and qualified • Misalignment: lower than 3mm (1/8”)
according to mechanical and non-destructive testing
requirements for military standards (ballistic tests were • Overlap: not allowed if greater than 10% of welded
not carried out due to limitations in access to the testing length.
setup) in order to evaluate its feasibility in comparison • Porosity: maximum diameter 1.5 mm (1/16”) and
with the aforementioned SMAW procedures. maximum 6 pores per 304mm (12”) of welded
length. For cluster porosity (lower than 1/32”)
2. REQUIREMENTS FOR WELDMENTS OF maximum 8 pores per 25mm (1”) of welded length
Additional acceptance criteria not listed above for RT
Quality requirements for the welding of MIL-A-46100 and VT were based on qualification requirements of AWS
steel are given by MIL STD 1185 [1] and SD-X12140 D1.1 [6] and ASME Section IX [7] according to [3].
[2] standards. For the sake of comparison, the
authors also selected some requirements used by [3] 2.3 In-Service Performance
to complement criteria not specified in the military
standards. Weldment requirements can be grouped into To evaluate in-service performance of welded armors,
three categories: (i) mechanical properties, (ii) weld ballistic tests must be conducted according with the
soundness, and (iii) in-service performance. NIJ 0108.01 standard and the aforementioned military
standards [1-2]. However, due to limitations in access to a
2.1 Mechanical Properties ballistic testing setup, a comparison with results obtained
by [3-5] was carried out based the HAZ width of samples
Military standards cited in the former paragraph, which showed satisfactory ballistic performance.
established a minimum yield strength of 550MPa
(80ksi) for the welded metal when ferritic filler is 3. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT
used, and a minimum tensile strength of 550 MPa
(80ksi) in welds performed using austenitic filler 3.1 Equipment
metals. In addition, the recovery of the parent metal
hardness must be achieved at a distance of 15.9mm Sample welds were conducted using a Kemppi Mark
(5/8”) measured from the weld bead centerline. For 500HF machine and applied in mechanized mode [8]
the sake of comparison with results of [3], the authors using a mechanical oxy-fuel cutting device adapted to
established energy absorbed in Charpy V notch (CVN) carry on the welding torch (Figure 1) in order to reduce
impact test as an additional acceptance criterion. problems associated with a human welder.
Dyna 168, 2011 67
backing itself (acting as chiller). The cross section of Reduced section and CVN specimens were cut
backing plates used is shown in Figure 3. according to the requirements and dimensions specified
by [3]; taking into account that due to plate thickness,
4. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE standard CVN specimens could not be prepared. Five
CVN specimens were prepared using the sample
Test plates of 152mm (6”) x 304mm (12”) have been dimensions shown in Figure 4.
used for procedure qualification according to military
standards [1-2]. These plates were thermally cut
using compressed air plasma to reduce microstructural
changes of base materials as a consequence of the
thermal cutting process. Weldments were carried out
in mechanized mode using the device shown in Figure
1 and the welding procedure parameters summarized
in Table 3.
Figure 4. Dimensions of CVN specimens
Material spec. MIL A 46100
Thickness 4.5mm
AWS specification A5.28
AWS classification ER100-S1
Composition Ar75%CO2 25%
Flow rate 14 L/min
Voltage 21V Figure 5. Schematic showing microhardness tests
Current 200A locations
Polarity DCEP
Transfer mode short circuit
Stringer bead 5.1 Visual Testing
Single pass
Contact tube to work
distance Visual inspection of weldments produced with the
MISCELANEOUS PARAMETERS designed procedure was satisfactory; results are
Groove position flat presented in Table 4.
Travel speed 5mm/s
Dyna 168, 2011 69
5.2 Radiographic Testing Table 6 shows the CVN results of tests conducted at
-20 ºC presented in units of Joules per millimeter of
Radiographic testing revealed two pores of less than 2 sample thickness, taking into account that non-standard
mm in diameter which is in the range for acceptance specimens were used. In addition, CVN results at -40
criteria [1-2]. An example of radiographic film is shown ºC obtained by [3] for SMAW procedures are also
in Figure 6, exhibiting weld soundness. presented on Table 6. In order to compare results for
ER100S-1 and E11018M (which was selected as the
5.3 Tensile Tests better choice by [3]), experimental results are plotted
on Figure 7 along with the CVN data provided by filler
Comparison between WPS using SMAW and GMAW metal manufacturers for all welded metal. It can be
processes is shown in Table 5. In this table, theoretical seen from Figure 7 that impact energy is always greater
values of tensile strength for all filler metal used have for ER100S-1welded metal in the range between -50
been included [10-12]. ºC and -20 ºC, which corresponds with experimental
results for MIL A46100 weldments.
From the data in Table 5 it was found that in all cases
the requirements for qualification are fulfilled. An Table 6. CVN results.
increase in tensile strength (UTS) of welded metal Filler Energy [J/mm]
with respect to the filler metal was also found—this ER100S-1 1.57 (@ -20 ºC)
could be a consequence of an increase in carbon E11018M 0.70 (@ -40 ºC)
content of welded metal due to dilution. It must be E312-16 0.29 (@ -40 ºC)
emphasized that in all cases failure occurred through
welded beads.
for GMAW weldments occurred three millimeters Finally, a welded metal microstructure is shown in
closer to the fusion boundary when compared to those Figure 10. The morphology of this region is referred
produced using SMAW. The narrower HAZ suggests a to as acicular ferrite [13-15] and is developed due
better in-service performance of ER100S-1 weldments to the manganese content exceeding 1.2 wt% in the
according to the ballistic results obtained by [3-5]. welded metal as well as small amounts of aluminum
and titanium. This microstructure is responsible for the
5.6 Microstructural Analysis higher toughness observed in CVN tests of ER100S-1
weldments [16-17].
Figure 9 shows a macrograph of the welded joint
in which the HAZ can be observed easily. Hardness
variation shown in Figure 8 is the consequence of
mixed microstructures along the HAZ due to the
temperatures reached at each point which induced
localized heat treatments (different from point to point).
requirements of military codes. However, two aspects [6] AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY, D1.1 Structural
must be commented on: First, the use of single pass welding code- Steel, 119-179, AWS, 2002.
welds using copper backing reduced the width of the
HAZ which should improve in-service behavior of the
ENGINEERS, ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.
welded joint according to results published in previous
Section IX welding and brazing qualifications, 12-47,
studies; and second, the higher values of absorbed
ASME, 1998.
energy found in Charpy V notch tests (which are due
to the development of an acicular ferrite microstructure [8] CARY, H, Arc welding automation, Marcel Dekker, 9-23,
of the welded metal) would lead one to expect, from a 1995.
qualitative point of view, satisfactory ballistic behavior
of the welded metal; nevertheless, ballistic and cracking [9] DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, MIL-E- 23765/2.
susceptibility tests must be conducted to determine Military Standard. Electrodes and rods-welding, solid, low
whether this hypothesis is true or not. alloy steel, DoD, 1979.