Case Study Papers On Practical Guidelines For The Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings
Case Study Papers On Practical Guidelines For The Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings
Case Study Papers On Practical Guidelines For The Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Harshal S Khode
Associate Manager – Technical/QA/QC/Civil/Structure
Duller coating finish is desired in buildings, because shiny Coating thickness is an important requirement in the
coatings with high reflectivity may cause problems with specification and effectiveness of hot-dip galvanizing as a
passing traffic. At the same time most customers prize the corrosion protection system. However, measuring coating
bright spangled look for decorative applications. As a result thickness is only one of the many specification requirements
of customer demands the requirements to the coatings and in the inspection process. The inspection of hot-dip
especially to the appearance have increased. Coating galvanized steel is simple and
appearance is affected by processing properties, steel quick.Thetwopropertiesofthehot-dipgalvanized coating
chemistry, and substrate surface condition. closely scrutinized are coating thickness and coating
appearance. A variety of simple physica land laboratory tests
Traditionally, hot-dip galvanized steel is specified for its may be performed to determine thickness, uniformity,
superior corrosion protection, especially in harsh adherence, and appearance.
environment. Though corrosion resistance is inherent any
time galvanizing is utilized, more and more specifiers select Products are galvanized according to long established,
hot-dip galvanized steel for other reasons, including lowest accepted, and approved standards of ASTM, the
initial cost, durability, longevity, availability, versatility, International Standards Organization (ISO), the Canadian
aesthetics and sustainability. Standards Association (CSA), and the American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
This “Case Study paper” is prepared is based on Practical These standards cover everything from the minimum coating
Experiences during my factory Inspection services for Hot- thicknesses required for various categories of galvanized
Dip Galvanizing products for Swicthyards, Solar Mounting items to the composition of the zinc metal used in the
structures, Transmission Line Towers, Pipe racks System in process.
Oil and Gas Refineries, Petrochemical Complex, Light
Gauge framing Structures (LGFS), Structural Components Testing methods and interpretation of results are covered in
for PEB Buildings during 14 years of Experience for various the publication, The Inspection of Products Hot-Dip
industry like Oil and Gas Projects, Power Projects, and Galvanized after Fabrication, published by the American
Renewal Energy sectors. Galvanizers Association (AGA).
Table 3: Minimum Coating Thickness from ASTM A153 / 4.2 Banana Gauge, (Figure no.2) can measure coating
A153M thickness in any position, without recalibration or
interference from gravity.
um Average Coating Thickness By Material Class - ASTM A153/A153M (Iron and Steel Hardware)
Minimum weight of zinc
Minimum Thickness Mils
coating, OZ/FT2 (G/M2) of
Descriptions of Class of Materials
Average of Average of Any
Any Individual
Specimens Specimens Individual
Tested Tested Specimens
Castings, Malleable Iron and Steel 2.00 (610) 1.8 (550) 3.4 (86) 3.1 (79)
Pressed and forged articles (Except those which would be
included under class C or D)
476mm) and over in thickness and over 15 in (381mm) in Figure 2: Banana Gauge
2.00 (610) 1.8 (550) 3.4 (86) 3.1 (79)
3/16 in (476mm) in thickness and over 15 in (381mm) in The Electronic or Digital Thickness Gauge is the most
1.5 (458) 1.25 (381) 2.6 (56) 2.1 (53)
length accurate and easiest to use (Figure no.3). Electronic gagues
Any thick and 15 in (476mm) and under in length 1.3 (397) 1.1 (336) can also
2.2 store
(56) data1.9and
(48)perform averaging calculations.
s over 3/8 in (9.52mm) in diameter and similar articles,
1.25 (381) 1.00 (305) 2.1 (53) 1.7 (43)
ers 3/16 in and 1/4 in (4.76 and 6.35 mm) in thickness
s over 3/8 in (9.52mm) in diameter and similar articles,
1.0 (305) 0.85 (259) 1.7 (43) 1.4 (36)
ers 3/16 in and 1/4 in (4.76 and 6.35 mm) in thickness
case of long pieces, such as anchor rods and similar articles over 5ft. (1.52mm) in length. The weight of coating
mine at each and the middle of the article. In no case shall individual measurement be below the minimum shown
in the "Any Individual specimen" of column.
The other method to measure coating thickness, Optical 6.1 Different Appearance
microscopy, is a destructive technique that expose the edge
of coating under an optical microscope (Figure no.4). The The appearance of the hot-dip galvanized coating can vary
sample must be sectioned then mounted and polished to from piece to piece, and even section to section of the same
show the exposed edge of the hot-dip galvanized coating. piece. Common appearances for hot-dip galvanized steel
The calibrated eyepiece of an optical microscope can then immediately after galvanizing include bright and shiny,
determine the thickness of the coating. Since this technique spangled, matte gray, and / or a combination of these. There
destroys the part being measured, it is only used as a are a number of reasons for the non-uniform
reference method for resolving measurement disputes. appearance;however it is important to note appearance has
no bearing on the corrosion protection of the piece.
5. Coating Weight Furthermore, in time, after exposure to the environment, all
galvanized coatings will take on a uniform matte gray
Coating weight refers to the mass of hot-dip galvanized appearance.
coating applied to a product for a given surface area. Two
different methods can be used to measure the coating weight 7. Additional Inspection Test
of hot-dip galvanized steel. The first method uses a process
called weight-galvanize-weigh, and is only appropriate for Adherence Test
single specimen samples. Weigh-galvanize-weigh measures Testing zinc coating adherence is achieved using a stout
the weight of a steel part after it has been cleaned, and again knife and smoothly running it along the surface of the steel
after it has been galvanized. This technique only measures without whittling and gouging, as detailed in the ASTM
the zinc metal added to the steel and will underestimate the specification ASTM A123 / A123M and ASTM A153 /
total coating weight by up to 10 percent. A153M.
Passivation Testing
The specification to determine the presence of chromate on
zinc surfaces is ASTM B201. This test involves placing
drops of a lead acetate solution on the surface of the product,
Figure 4: Optical Microscpe waiting 5 seconds, and then blotting it gently. If this solution
creates a dark deposit or black stain, there is passivated zinc
present. A clear result indicates the presence of a passivation
6. Finish and Appearance coating.
Several factors can affects the finish and appearance of hot-
dip galvanized coatings. Some of these factors can be
controlled by the galvanizers while others cannot. The 8. Sampling Methods
inspection of finish and appearance is done with an
unmagnified visual inspection, which is performed by fully A sampling protocol has been adopted by ASTM to ensure
observing all parts and pieces of a hot-dip galvanized high quality products because the inspection of the coating
product to ensure all specifications have been met. Visual thickness for every piece of materials galvanized in a project
would not be practical. To properly evaluate hot-dip
Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20196627 10.21275/ART20196627 143
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
galvanized coatings, randomly chosen specimens are In addition to talking coating thickness measurements, the
selected to represent the lot. The inspections quantities are galvanized coating can be visually inspected for signs of
determined by a lot sizes and are detailed in the ASTM accelerated corrosion in specific areas. Thickness
specifications A123/A123M, A153/A153M and measurement should be taken in these areas to ensure
A767/A767M. adequate zinc coating remains or if touch up should be
performed. Corrosion prone areas to inspect further include
For products whose surface area is equal to or less than 160 the following effects as:
in2 (1032 cm2), The entire suface of the tested product
constitutes a single specimen. Products containing multiple 9.1.1 Crevices
materials categories or steel thickness ranges and products When corrosive elements such as water penetrates crevices,
with surface areas greater than 160 in2 (1032 cm2) are the limited air flow can create differences in potential
sampling is based on the total lot size (Number of pieces) creating anodic and cathodic areas which canlead to
and is defined in the ASTM specifications. corrosion. Some common areas include: overlapped areas,
mated sections between fastners, and areas where the
For single specimen articles, specimens are randomly galvanized coating is butted up against another surface such
selected and a minimum of five widely dispersed a wood, concrete or asphalt. When possible, crevices should
measurement are taken over the surface area of each be avoided during the design process.
specimen to represent the average thickness. The average
value of the five coating thickness measurement must be 9.1.2 DissimilarMetals inContact
greater than or equal to one grade below the minimum When dissimilar metals are in contact, galvanic corronsion
average coating thickness for the material category. The can occurs, zinc, which comprises the galvanized coating, is
average coating thickness of the lot (All specimens tested) high on the galvanic series of metals; and therefore, will
must meet the minimum coating thickness for the material preferentially corrode to almost any other metal with which
category. it is in contact. When Possible, preventing dissimilar metals
from being in contact should be addressed during the design
For multi-specimen products, the product’s surface area is process. Electrically dissimilar metals from one another
subdivided. For Parts greater than 160 in2 (1032 cm2), three stops galvanic corrosion and can be accomplished by using
continuous local sections with equivalent surface areas plastic or rubber grommets between the dissimilar metals or
constitutes a specimen. Each specimen (sub-section) must by painting the cathode. When the surface area of the
have five widely dispersed readings just as for single cathode is much larger than the anode, galvanic corrosion
specimen articles. For fabrications with more than one can quickly consume the anodic materials.
material category or steel thickness, the fabrication will
contain more than one specimen. Each specimen’s (sub- 9.1.3 AreasWhereWaterpools
section) average thickness measurement values must be Flat areas can collect water and other corrosive elements and
greayer than equal to one grade below the minimum average can have higher corrosion rates than vertical surfaces.
coating thickness for the material category, and the overall Visually observing galvanized steel’s flat areas and taking
sample (Three susb-section averages) must meet the coating thickness measurements will ensure adequate
minimum average coating thickness for the material corrosion protection remains. When possible, areas that
category. collect water can be addressed by providing drain holes to
prevent moisture from pooling on the surface for long
9. Field Inspection period. If drain holes do exist, inspect the drain holes of the
galvanized steel corrosion and touch – up when necessary.
Inspection of hot-dip galvanized steel products does not end
once they are accepted at the galvanizer’s facility or job site. 9.1.4 Previously Touched-Up Areas
Once erected, any good corrosion protection strategy Areas of hot-dip galvanized steel previously touched-up
includes periodic inspection and maintenance to ensure the either the initial coating or erection often corrode more
protective coating is performing as expected. When quickly than the surrounding zinc coating and should be
inspecting hot-dip galvanized steel in the field, the inspector inspected visually and tested with a magnetic thickness
should be aware of potential ace;erated corrosion areas and gauge. These areas may be touched-up when necessary
aesthetic surface defects. using the instructions listed in the touch-up and repairs
section of this publication to extend the service life of the
When inspecting a galvanized coating in the field, the part. When inspecting galvanized steel in the field, there are
number one concern is the number of years remaining before a few common appearance issues you may observe. Most are
the coating will need to be touched-up or replaced. surface or aesthetic conditions an dnot cause for
Fortunately, estimating the remaining time to first concern;however; others may require attention and or
maintenance for hot-dip galvanized coatings in atmospheric maintenance. The most common appearance issues on
exposures is relatively simple. For a ballpark estimation, use galvanized steel after being in service for a number of years
amagnetic thickness gauge to take a coating thickness include.
9.1.5 BrownStaining
9.1 Visual Observations Often mistaken for corrosion, brown staining is a surface
defect created when iron in the zinc-iron alloy layers
oxidizes. As previously noted in this publication, sometimes
Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20196627 10.21275/ART20196627 144
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
hot-dip galvanized coatings from without a free zinc layer, or defects in the coating can occur during the galvanizing
leaving intermetallic layers on the surface. Also, as process or due to improper handling of the steel after
galvanized steel weathers, the eta layer will be consumed galvanizing. Touch-up and repair of galvanized steel is
and can lead to this phenomenon. Brown staining forms simple whether newly galvanized or in service for years. The
when free iron in the intermetallic layers reacts with practice is the same, but there are more restrictions to the
moisture in the environment and oxidizes, discoloring the allowable repairs on a new product than one that has been in
surrounding zinc coating. To distinguish betwwen red rust service.
and brown staining, simply test the area with a magnetic
thickness gauge. If the gauge reading shows a coating The main restriction in the specification for repairing newly
thickness, it is brown staining is simply an aesthetic concern, galvanized materials is the size of the area which is outlined
touch-up is not necessary in the stained area, and it may be in the product galvanizing specifications (ASTM
removed by brushing with a nylon bristle brush. A123/A123M, A153/A153M and A767/A767M0.
According to those specifications, the allowable surface area Wet Storage Stains for repairs is no more than ½ of 1% of the accessible surface
As addressed earlier in this specification, improper storage area to be coated on that article, or 36 in2 (2250 mm2) per ton
and tight stacking of galvanized products can lead to the of piece-weight, whichever is less. ASTM A780 practice for
development of wet storage stain or zinc oxide and repairs of damaged and Uncoated areas of Hot-dip
hydroxide build-up on the surface (Figure below). If Galvanized coatings details how to repairs the damaged
aglvanzied products are going to be stored before erection, it coating
is important to properly vent the bundle to avoid the
development of wet storage stain. For more information, see Another tenet of the specification for touch-up and repairs is
the below section for wet storage stain. Similar to the the coating thickness of the repair area. Touch-up materials
development of wet storage stain when storing materials, are required to meet a coating thickness of at least 2.0 mils
galvanized products in place that have moisture on the (50.8 µm) for one application, and the final coating
surface without the movement of free flowing air can thickness of the repairs area is dictated by the material used
develop oxides and hydroxides that look like wet storage to do the repair, outlined below.
stain. A common area for this to occur is on surfaces where
snow is piled on the surface and left to melt or in areas Zinc-Based Solders
where water pools for extended periods without drying. Wet Soldering with zinc-based alloy is achieved by applying zinc
storage stain occurs most often during the first month after alloy in either a stick or powder form. The area being
galvanizing. repaired needs to be preheated to approximately 600 F (315
C). The acceptable material compositions of solders used for Weeping Welds repair are included in the specification.
Weeping welds (See below figure) were discussed in this
specification below, and tough they can seen immediately
after galvanizing, often they occurs after the steel is in
service. As reviewed earlier, weeping welds are mostly a
cosmetic concern;however, corrosion can be accelerated in
the area where the liquids and rust bleeding are leaking. To
clean and seal weeping welds, you can wash away the
oxides on the outer area and apply epoxy or caulk to the area
to prevent water from penetrating the crevices in the future.
Figure 5: Zinc-Based Solder Technique Bare Spots
The galvanized coating can be compromised during
The final coating thickness for this repair shall meet the
delivery, handling, erection, and while in use. Some cathodic
specification requirement for the material category for the
protection is offered to bare areas of the steel by the
steel part being repaired with a maximum thickness of 4 mils
surrounding galvanized coating, but these areas can still rust
(100µm). The thickness shall be measured by any of the
if the area is too wide or corrosive elements frequently
methods in A123/A123M that are non-destructive. Zinc-
attack the steel. Research has shown the galvanized coating
based solder products closely match the surrounding zinc
offers cathodic protection to bare areas between 1mm to
and blend in well with the existing coating appearance.
5mm wide depending on the electrolyte that electrically
connects the galvanized coating to the bare area. Bare areas
Zinc – Rich Paints
should be touched-up in accordance with the procedures
Zinc-rich paint is applied to a clean, dry steel surface by
outlined in this specifications to ensure longevity of the
either a brush or spray. Zinc-rich paints must contain either
surrounding coating.
between 65% to 69% metallic zinc by weight or greater than
92% metallic zinc by weight in dry film. Paints containing
9.2 Touch – up and Repairs Methods
zinc dust are classified as organic or inorganic, depending on
the binder they contain. Inorganic binders are particularly
The touch-up and repair of hot-dip galvanized steel coatings
suitable for paints applied in touch – up applications of
is important to maintain uniform barrier and cathodic
undamaged hot-dip galvanized areas.
protection as well as ensure longevity. Although the hot-dip
galvanized coating is very resistant to damage, small voids
Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20196627 10.21275/ART20196627 145
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
using, preferably a stainless steel brush. All dust and debris
should be completely removed.
Single pack zinc rich paints are good materials and can
easily be applied. They, however, require several coats to
achieve a reasonable repair. Multiple coats will also
necessitate longer drying times between coats.
Figure 6: Zinc – Rich Paints Until recently, the approved products for repair were only
available in large containers. Due to the large quantities
The coating thickness for the paint must be 50% more than involved and short pot life when mixed, the products proved
the surrounding coating thickness, but not greater than 4.0 to be expensive and wasteful.
mils (100 µm), and measurements should be taken with
either a magnetic, electromagnetic, or eddy current gauge to Products are now available in two component form, packed
ensure compliance. for convenience in handy, easy to use squish packs. Two of
these products are approved and available from the Hot Dip
Zinc – Spray (Metallizing) Galvanizers Association of America and all of its members.
Zinc – spray, or metallizing, is done by melting zinc powder
or zinc wire in a flame or electric arc and projecting the 9.3 Different Types of Galvanizing Defects and their
molten zinc droplets by air or gas onto the surface to be Remedies & Repair Methods
coated. The zinc used is normally 99.5% pure or better.
The galvanized coating applied to steel is generally
continuous, tough and of a thickness that will provide years
of maintenance-free or low maintenance service.
Site repairs should be limited to small coating defects and The following Legends Indicates the category of Galvanzing
areas that have been cut or welded on site. Defects whether the HDG materials isaccepeted or rejected
Should excessive amounts of grease or oil be present at the A – Accept / R – Rejected / N – Negotiate / C – Clean
affected area, it should be removed by means of an approved / REP – Repairs
solvent. All residues are to be thoroughly removed by Responsibility Index: G – Galvanized / D – Designer /
washing with clean water. B – Builder / Fabricator / S – Steel Type / Surface
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Effect / Remedy / A/R/N/C/
SN Description Cause Example
Responsibility REP
Components should be checked
for distortion caused during rolling
or fabrication. Check for
BLACK STEEL appropriate vent, fill and drainage Insufficient
INSPECTION: holes: removal of weld slag and inspection prior to
4 Inspection prior to hot spatter; venting of overlapping hot dip galvanizing A/R
dip galvanizing is surfaces; unsuitable joining can be the cause of
extremely important. materials; temporary identification dispute. G
markings; clearance for moving
ports and potential distortion due
to the process.
BLASTING DAMAGE: A hot dip galvanized
Sweep blasting, dune coating wi8 be
correctly, substantially partially or fully
Incurred nozzle pressure; nozzle
increases paint adhesion destroyed by
5 angle; sweeping distance; size of R
and final coating excessive blasting.
abrasive and recycling of grit.
appearance hut done Refer to the
incorrectly can result in HDGASA Cede of
coating damage. Practice. D / B
BLOW OUTS: Pre-treatment chemicals Pre-heat item prior A
Staining and coating penetrating sealed overlap areas to immersion in zinc C / REP If
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Effect / Remedy / A/R/N/C/
SN Description Cause Example
Responsibility REP
The correct R
centrifuging equipment
or post galvanizing
CLOGGED thread cleaning by
THREADS: Threaded Insufficient centrifuging or poor heating, wire brushing
components or drainage of threaded attachments on or oversize tapping of
attachments have withdrawal from the galvanizing nuts, will generally C / REP
threads dogged with bath. remove clogging. If
zinc. necessary specify
delivery of bolts end
nuts in nutted up farm.
Touch up and repair A
can be avoided, the
Double dipping can sometimes be cost of hut dip
used to hot dip galvanize galvanizing reduced
fabrications that are too long or and the overall quality
9 wide far single immersion. If the improved, if the design
fabrication exceeds the bath size, of the component is
members in the fabrication may restricted to the length,
require touching up. width and depth 0f the
galvanizing bath. D /
Touch up and repair A
can be avoided, the
Double dipping can sometimes be cost of hut dip
Design Structures in used to hot dip galvanize galvanizing reduced
Modular Lengths and fabrications that are too long or and the overall quality
10 Optimum Widths To wide far single immersion. If the improved, if the design C if
Suit Available Bath fabrication exceeds the bath size, of the component is Possible
Sizes. members in the fabrication may restricted to the length,
require touching up. width and depth 0f the
galvanizing bath. D /
Use symmetrical A/N
designs; Use sections
of similar thickness;
Stiffen unsupported
Distortion is the
thin wall sections; Use
unwanted warping that
preformed members
occasionally becomes
with the correct
evidents after hot dip Thus, any inherent rolling or
minimum bend radii;
galvanizing. The hot dip welding stresses in the fabrication,
Use balanced or
11 galvanizing process are likely to be released. This may REP If
staggered welding
occurs ala molten zinc result in a dimensional change, i.e. Possible
techniques; Make use
temperature of 450° C. distortion.
of temporary braces on
This is at the lower end
thin walled sections
of stress relieving
such as troughs,
temperature for treating
cylinders and angle
frames. Avoid
quenching after
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Effect / Remedy / A/R/N/C/R
SN Description Cause Example
Responsibility EP
INCLUSIONS: Flux Flux deposits or stains may occur
Flux deposits or stains
deposit or stains from the as a result of excessive "dusting"
should be removed and
galvanizing process may with ammonium chloride on
the underl~4ng coaling
adhere to the steel or withdrawal from the molten zinc.
measured to determine
16 become included in the Flux inclusions can occur when a C / REP If
whether it conforms to
coating. Flux residues surface flux blanket is applied to Possible
the minimum
are black, brown, grey or the zinc surface (wet galvanizing).
requirements of the
yellowish non-metallic Flux blankets are normally only
specification. G
deposits consisting used for specialized processes, e.g.
mainly of ammonium galvanizing of tubes and fasteners.
Make use of the correct R
repair materials and
application procedures
COATING OVER Inadequate repair of a damaged
when touching up cut
HOT DIP surface on the hot dip galvanized
17 or welded hot dip
GALVANIZING coating prior to the application of a REP
AFTER EXPOSURE paint coating.
components. See
Coating Repair
Procedures. B
COATING No matter how the zinc coating is Specify hot dip R
THICKNESS applied, the coating life is galvanized fasteners to REP If
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Effect / Remedy / A/R/N/C/
SN Description Cause Example
Responsibility REP
Heavy walls and thick flanges used in R
the manufacture of piping can act as a The galvanizer should
Tightly adherent lumps heat sink when immersed in molten ensure all zinc hen
of zinc on the inside of zinc. This effect considerably lengthens been removed from the
29 C / REP If
heavy walled steel the immersion time. Occasionally the side of the pipe by
piping galvanizer will remove the pipes before longer immersion
all the zinc has melted from the inside times. G
of the pipe.
Touch Marks: The Articles entering the galvanizing baths Minimize contact R
zinc in the galvanizing should not be in tight contact with each between components REP If
bath should have free other. Jigging wire should also be and jig connections. Necessary
access to all component loosely attached to eliminate wire (Loosen jigging wire). and
Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20196627 10.21275/ART20196627 151
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
surfaces or small marks. Where a component has been Small components can Acceptable
unmated or damaged resting on jigging or dipping be centrifuged. G
areas can results. equipment, an uncoated area an touch
mark could appear.
Typical Spangled Hot
Dip Galvanizing
Surface appearances may vary
Coating: A typical hot
according to the chemical composition
dip galvanized surface Small additions of
of the steel.
is shown in the aluminium to the
Cooling rate has a direct effect on the
31 example. The surface is molten zinc, brightens A
surface brightness and spangle size.
silver grey in color and the coating.
Easter cooling usually results in a
not necessary but often S/G
brighter coating with a smaller spangle
as a spangled effects
(Zinc Crystal) in a
range of sizes.
Although not
particularly attractive,
Uneven Drainage: This condition can occur over the entire
this condition dons not
Uneven drainage surface Grin isolated areas. Uneven
adversely affect
results in an uneven or drainage also includes drips en the ends A / C If
32 coating performance.
lumpy area on which of ports, runs near halos. The cause is Necessary
Protuberances and
zinc build op has withdrawal speed too high or low
lumps, which interfere
occurred. galvanizing temperature.
with mating surfaces
are unacceptable. G
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
Effect / Remedy /
SN Description Cause A/R/N/C/REP Example
Ensure all paint or A/N/R
Residues, such as oil based paint,
grease is removed prior
grease, oil or labels on the steel surface
to hot dip galvanizing.
or incorrectly positioned vent holes, can
Uncoated Surfaces Make usual suitable
result in localized un-galvanized areas
Caused by Steel marking pens for
33 in an otherwise continuous galvanized REP If
Surface Contaminants temporary
coating. Defects after galvanizing can Necessary
or Entrapped Air identification.
vary in color from grey black to brown
Correctly position
while no galvanized coating has been
adequately sized vent
hubs. B
Sand on cast iron or scale on the steel These ungalvanized R/N
surface is generally caused by the areas may occur in a
process used to form or roll the product. linear pattern on
Ungalvanized Surfaces
A localized un-galvanized area in an angles, channels or
34 Caused by Scale or REP If
otherwise continuous coating can occur other rolled products.
Sand. Acceptable
if scale or sand from the moulding or They can also appear
rolling is not removed by acid pickling on cast iron products.
or abrasive blasting. S/G
Weld slag deposits R/N
should be removed by
fabricators by means of
A localized un-galvanized area near a abrasive blast cleaning.
weld can be caused by weld slug The deposit can also be
deposit, weld porosity or weld removed by proper
Ungalvanized Area in undercut. Oxide deposits and residues chipping or wire
35 REP If
the Vicinity of A Weld. from welding are resistant to normal brushing. Shielded arc
pickling adds and mint be removed welding as opposed to
before the work is pickled and hot dip slick welding is
galvanized. preferred for
components which are
to hot dip galvanized.
Coating repair can be A
done by zinc motel
USE Conventional
Conventional drilling and bolting after spraying urn zinc rich
Fixing methods such as
hot dip galvanizing is preferred. Should painter epoxy,
bolts and nuts, or repair
welding or noon-conventional method providing the product
36 damaged coatings
of fixing be used, resulting in damage conforms to the REP
caused by welding or
to the coating, an approved repair requirements of the
non0- conventional
method is necessary. specification. (See
fixing methods.
Coating Repair
Procedures). D / B
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
SN Description Cause Effect / Remedy / Responsibility Example
Weld Spatter.
Loosely adherent weld spatter
Weld spatter is
should be removed prior to hot dip
oxidized, Weld spatter is caused by
galvanizing. Although not
normally spherical weld pool explosions when
acceptable in terms of the
expelled weld improper welding
37 specification the presence of A/N
metal, that is parameters are used, or if
tightly adherent weld spotter after
fused or not onto the material is dirty or
hot dip galvanizing will not affect
the surrounding contaminated.
the corrosion resistant properties of
material during
the coating. B
Wet Storage A
Stains and White
Wet storage stain (zinc Wet storage stain ceases when the
Rust: Wet storage
hydroxide) is formed on cause is eliminated. If the coating
stains and white
freshly galvanized surfaces thickness at the affected area is
rust as it is
whirls are in close contact equal to, or greater than the
commonly called,
in presence of moisture. minimum required in the
is a white
38 Freshly galvanized coatings specification, it is not a cause for C If
react with the environment rejection, other than for aesthetic Necessary
deposit that is
until such time as a stable reasons. The latter is subject to
zinc carbonate film is discussion with the end user.
found on the
formed on the cooling Customer is to exercise caution
surface of freshly
surface. during transport and storage. G / B
In order for zinc metal A
Zinc Metal
spraying to adhere on Prepare surface for repair by
Sprayed Repair
application, the damaged adequate blasting. Loosely applied
Applied To
galvanized surface mast be zinc metal sprayed coating at the
39 adequately blasted. As it is perimeter of the repair should
Blasted Surfaces C
difficult not to over spray, horemoved by wire brushing If net
Or Not Wire
excess zinc metal spray removed, there is no compromise
Brushed After
loosely adheres to the in the corrosion resistance. G / B
surrounding coating.
When hot dip galvanizing
Zinc Splatter:
an unusually deep
Splashes or flakes
fabrication by double
of loosely The loosely adherent zinc splashes
dipping, moisture and the
adherent zinc, are easily removed. An
surface of the steel contacts
40 caused by experienced galvanizer can ensure A/C
with the molten zinc
moisture on the the coating overlap on double end
causing splashes of zinc to
steel surface when dipped surface, is not visible. G
loosely adhere to the
hot dip
already hot dip galvanized
Technical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings as per ASTM / AS / NZS / ISO / AWS / AC
SN Description Cause Effect / Remedy / Responsibility Example
Excess Aluinium
When the excess R (Rejected)
in Galvanizing These effects can be repaired only
aluminium is in the /G
Bath: These are if small areas are evident. If this
41 galvanizing bath, it creates (Galvanizers
the black spots condition occurs over the entire
black marks or bare spots ) / REP If
occurs on the steel part then it must be rejected.
on the steel surface. Necessary
Rust Bleeding:
These appears as a
This effect caused by pre-
brown or red stain It can be cleaned up by washing
treatment chemicals that A / REP If
that leaks from the joint after the crystals are
penetrate through unsealed Necessary
unsealed joints hydrolysed.
aftet hot dip
[1] ASTM A123 / A123M – 2002: - Zinc (Hot-Dip galvanized) Coatings on iron and steel products.
[2] ASTM A143 – 2014: - Practice for safeguarding against embrittlement of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products
and procedure for Detecting Embrittlement.
[3] ASTM A153 / A153M – 2009: - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on iron and steel Hardware.
[4] ASTM A 36 / A36M – 2008 – Standards specification for Carbon Structural Steel.
[5] ASTM A 384 – 2007:- Practice for safeguarding against warpage and Distortion during Hot-Dip Galvanizing Of steel
[6] ASTM A 385 – 2011:- Practice for providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip).
[7] ASTM A 780 – Repairs of Damaged Hot – Dip Galvanizing Coatings
[8] ASTM B6 – 2012 – Standards Specification For Zinc.
[9] ASTM E376 – Practice for measuring coating thickness by Magnetic – field or Eddy Current (Electromagnetic)
examination Contains.
[10] ASTM B201 – Testing Chromate coatings on Zinc and cadmium surfaces.
[11] ASTM A767 / A767M – Zinc coated Galvanized steel bars for concrete Reinforcements.
[12] AS/NZS – 4680- 2006: - Hot Dipped Galvanized Coatings on fabricated ferrous Articles.
[13] Guides
[14] American Galvanizers Asscoaitions Guides.
[15] Practical experience during Factory inspection Services for Hot-Dip Galvanizing structural members.
[16] Hot – Dip Galvanizing for corrosion preventions (A specifiers guide).
Author Profile
Harshal Shankarrao Khode, Associate Manager – Technical/QA/QC/Civil/Structure