MBA Brochure Complete
MBA Brochure Complete
MBA Brochure Complete
UFred programs and courses are designed by a special Our blend of courses, both foundational and specialized,
corps of highly qualified professors who have deep prepare business professionals to effectively deal with
and successful career experiences in both professional organizational change and sustainability.
business and academic practice, and who are determined
Strategic Leading Effective Leading Property The Consultant and the Cybersecurity Awareness
Sustainability Planning Global Teams Management Consulting Process for Managers
Global Strategy Innovation Best Vital Skills for the Real The Consulting Cycle Cyber Risk
and Structure Practice 1 (Executive) Estate Professional Applied Management
Leading Effective Innovation Best Market Trends Consulting with your Social
Global Teams Practice 2 (Intrapreneur) in Real Estate Client Engineering
25,235 15 20 3
I doubt I can afford it, I can’t
leave my job, and my family
needs me around. How can I
I’ve heard that online degrees I’m worried about credibility. possibly find a way to do this?
don’t have the same worth as Are my professors well known
Among the most affordable
those from traditional schools. in their respective field?
in the country, this MBA is
How can I be sure my MBA
UFred faculty consists for working professionals. All
will be respected?
of thought leaders, mandatory virtual classes can
UFred is an accredited entrepreneurs, executives, be attended in the evening
university under provincial and active business experts. from anywhere with internet
legislation - the same as any Our MBA program provides access. Not only do most of
in Canada. Our graduates the tools necessary to face our students continue working
are spread across the globe, modern business challenges. full time with their current
representing many industries We blend traditional academia organization: many are able
in senior positions. As a result in a real-world context, UFred to have their tuition covered
of their studies, UFred alumni has developed a program by their current employer - an
report an extremely high rate that integrates foundational arrangement that often results
of satisfaction concerning knowledge with specific, in advancement during study
advancement. current business cases. as a result of new skills.
The timeline for a student in
our MBA program is simple and
laid out to make studying with
UFred a comfortable experience.
After guiding you through the
application and orientation
processes, you’ll be eager to dive
into your foundational courses.
Studies have shown Online studies can help Online learners show
learning outcomes are further develop many repeatedly strong
equal or superior online essential soft-skills academic performance
According to studies over the past In a study by Butz & Askim-Lovseth In a large study conducted by
decade conducted by Allen & (2015) comparing face-to-face Cavanaugh & Jacquemin (2015) of
Seaman (2016), 71.4% of educators and online MBA students, results more than 5000 courses and 100
have found that learning outcomes showed that online and face-to- instructors, results showed that
are equal or superior online. face students performed equally. online learners had a less than
Kwolaski, Dolph, & Young (2014) Results also demonstrated that 0.07% GPA difference than those
indicated that the most important online international students actually studying face-to-face, which is
motivating factors for choosing performed better in presentation not considered to be statistically
online education are convenience skills, which the authors suggest significant, and demonstrates the
and flexibility, both of which are relates to the removal of typical success of online learners.
elements that are at the very core of face-to-face pressures that cause
all UFred education. students stress.