Exam Advisory 01 S 2021

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Examination Advisory No. 01, s.





SUBJECT : Refund of Examination Fee for the Cancelled March 15, 2020

The Commission through Resolution No. 2100304 dated April 5, 2021 decided to
cancel the conduct of the CSE-PPT which was originally scheduled on March 15, 2020
and to refund the Php500.00 examination fee of the registered examinees.

Please be guided by the following procedure on how to claim your refund:

Availing of the refund shall be within the period of May, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
There shall be two (2) modes of claiming the refund.


a. In the Authorized/Concerned CSC Regional Office (RO)/ Field Office

(FO) (where the examinee originally filed his/her application)
a.1 Coordinate with the CSC RO/FO via their facebook page or
messenger or call or text for their scheduling system.

a.2 The Refundee shall fill-out the Request for Refund Form (RRF) and
submit to the CSC RO/FO together with original and photocopy of
valid I.D. The form is available for download in the CSC website and
RO website. The original ID will be returned to the Refundee after
validation of the photocopy submitted.

a.3 When refund is through an authorized representative, the RRF shall

be accomplished by the Refundee and submitted by the
representative on the schedule of his/her appointment for refund to
the RO/FO where the examinee originally filed his/her examination.
The following documents shall be submitted by the representative:

1. Request for Refund Form;

2. Authorization letter (available for download in the CSC/RO
3. Photocopy of valid ID of the Refundee duly signed by the
4. Original and photocopy of the valid ID of the

a.4 In case the registered examinee/refundee is already dead, the

immediate family member can claim the refund of examination fee
by presenting the following documents: 1) Duly filled out Request
for Refund Form with notation “deceased” after the name of
registered examinee; 2) Original and photocopy of valid I.D. of the
deceased; 3) Death Certificate. 4) Original and photocopy of valid
ID of the immediate family member who claims for the refund.

b. Through Conduit CSC RO/FO (where the examinee’s present place

of residence or work is nearest)

b.1 The refundee shall write (by mail, courier, fax, email or messenger)
the CSC Regional Office concerned which has jurisdiction over the
place where the examinee filed his/her application to request that
his/her refund will be claimed in a specific RO/FO nearest his/her
residence or place of work. Together with his/her letter, he/she
shall also submit the RRF and scanned copy of his/her valid ID.

b.2 Upon receipt of the request, the Authorized/Concerned CSC RO

verifies the Refundee’s data from the List of Registered Examinees
as to his/her name, birthday, birthplace and home address.
b.3. Once verified and approved for release of refund, the
Authorized/Concerned CSC RO sends a written notice/advisory
(through mail, courier, fax, e-mail, or messenger) to the conduit
CSC RO official email or FB account created for the purpose and
the Refundee that he/she can proceed to the CSC RO/FO nearest
to his/her place of residence/work. The Authorized/Concerned RO
shall also transfer fund to the account of the conduit RO.

b.4 The Refundee shall present the notice/advisory to the nearest

RO/FO together with duly filled-out RRF and original and photocopy
of valid I.D.
b.5 The RO/FO shall attach the notice/advisory to the Refundee’s RRF
and process the release of refund.


The Refundee shall do the following:

1. Fill out RRF and scan the filled out form.

2. Scan, or take a clear photo, of front and back sides of any valid government
issued I.D.

3. Send the scanned RRF and ID via email or messenger or FB account of the
authorized/concerned Regional Office.
4. The concerned RO will validate the documents and process the release of

5. For registered examinee/refundee who is already dead, the immediate

family member can claim the refund of examination fee by scanning and
submitting to authorized/concerned RO the following documents: 1) Duly
filled out RRF with notation “deceased” after the name of registered
examinee; 2) Valid I.D. of the deceased; 3) Death Certificate. 4) Valid
ID of immediate family member who claims for the refund.

You may coordinate with your authorized/concerned Regional Offices in the following
email addresses, facebook page or contact numbers.

CSCRO Email Address FB Page Contact Number/s

CSCRO I CSCRO1.refund@yahoo.com CSCRO1 Refund 09632848792
CSCRO II cscreg2pald@gmail.com cscdos.gov.ph 0917 9182585
0968 4286058
CSCRO III CSCRO3.refund@yahoo.com Cscro3 Refund 0920 5592088
CSCRO IV cscro4.refund@yahoo.com cscregion4refund (02)75080377
CSCRO V cscro5.refund@yahoo.com Cscro5 Refund (052)742-9568
CSCRO VI cscro6.esd@gmail.com Civil Service (033)3212669
cscregion6@gmail.com Commission Regional
Office No.6
CSCRO VII CSCRO7.refund@yahoo.com CSCRO7 Refund (032) 4147488,
(032) 4147676
CSCRO VIII CSCRO8.refund@yahoo.com Cscro8 Refund (053) 888 0742
CSCRO IX cscro9refund@gmail.com CSC RO IX – (062)955 5946
Examination Refund –
15 March 2020
CSCRO X CSCRO10.refund@yahoo.com Cscro10 Refund 0936 7861759
CSCRO XI cscro11@yahoo.com - 0936 6389248
0905 4079313
0968 3022833
0968 3022834
CSCRO XII cscro12.refund@yahoo.com Ccsro12 Refund 0905 1411835
CSCRO NCR cscroncr.refund@yahoo.com Cscroncr Refund (02)8781 5878
CSCRO CAR Cscrocar.refund@gmail.com CSC CAR RO Refund 0908 8851426
(074) 6656670
CSCRO cscrocaraga.refund@gmail.com Cscrocaraga Refund 0999 8809931
Caraga 8153370
CSCRO CSCROBARMM.refund@yahoo.com Cscrobarmm Refund (064) 552 1855
CSC CO cscco_refund@yahoo.com Erpo Csc 0916789479


Director IV

April 23, 2021

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