Swm-Chapterwise Question Bank

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Chapter No-1

1. What is solid waste management?

2. What are the essential reasons for an analysis of the composition, characteristics and
quantities of solid wastes?
3. Explain about the public health and aesthetic considerations in solid waste management
4. Define solid waste and a hazardous waste in general terms. What materials do they
5. List public health and environmental effects due to improper handling of solid waste.
6. Classify the solid waste based on sources.
7. What are the sources of domestic solid waste
8. What are the constituents of MSW?
9. Name any 4 hazardous wastes.
10. Describe the waste management hierarchy. Explain the functional elements in a waste
management system.
11. Explain the methods of sampling and characterization of solid wastes as per MSW
12. MSW is generated within the community from several sources, not just the household.
Classify the solid waste based on sources and types. Discuss the factors that contribute to
variation in composition of solid waste.
13. Explain the factors influencing solid waste generation
14. Explain the adverse health and environmental impacts due to improper handling of MSW.
15. Explain physical, chemical &biological properties of MSW.

Chapter No-2
1. What are the careful considerations for a design of an efficient storage container?
2. What is magnetic separation of solid waste? Explain process for magnetic separation? What
are the factors influence the effectiveness of magnetic separation?
3. Explain why handling and storage of solid waste varies in urban and rural areas?
4. Explain on-site segregation techniques suitable for Indian refuge and justify it?
5. What are the factors that should be considered in evaluating onsite processing equipment?
6. Explain the various equipments used for magnetic separation?
7. Explain the difference between compaction and size reduction and their importance in solid
Waste management. Explain the types, mode of action, and applications of equipments used
For size reduction and component separation in detail.
8. Explain the types of waste collection systems based on their mode of operation with a neat
9. Explain the types of vehicle and the requirement of vehicle for transportation of solid waste.
10. List out the factors influencing equipment selection for on-site processing of solid wastes.
11. Describe the on-site processing of solid wastes in medium and high rise buildings.
12. Explain the different on-site process on solid waste.
13. Identify the activities responsible for successful implementation of collection system. What are
the rules to be kept in mind while designing the collection route?

14. Explain the types, mode of action, and application of equipment used for component
15. Describe the various methods of sorting the solid waste.
16. Discuss the ways of sorting the solid waste at various sources of generation
17. Explain in detail the different types of collection systems based on the mode of operation
18. List out measures to be taken by the local bodies towards segregation of recyclable waste.
19. What are the considerations in the selection of material and capacity of storage containers
20. What is meant by proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of solid waste?
21. What are the criteria for selection of location for transfer stations?
22. Mention the types of vehicles in MSW collection.
23. Differentiate stationary and hauled container system
24. What is meant by transfer station?
25. Classify the collection systems based on mode of operation
26. What are the factors to be considered deciding collection frequency in a SWM system?
27. What are the activities done at solid waste transfer station?
28. Discuss the types of transfer stations and the benefits of transfer stations that affect community
in terms of economics, time savings and environmental quality.
29. Explain the methods of collection of solid waste from a source of generation.
30. Describe the types of vehicle and the requirement of vehicle for transportation of waste.

Chapter No-3

1. Define storage, collection and transportation of solid waste.

2. Explain Factors affecting on composting process
3. Principles of composting process. Classify Methods of composting.
4. Explain Bangalore method with neat labeled sketch
5. Explain Indore method with neat labeled sketch
6. Explain Dano Process of composting. Or Mechanical composting.
7. State the Factors for site Selection for Land filling.
8. Define Land filling and enlist the methods of Land filling.
9. Define Leachate and explain its control measure with sketch.
10. Explain Biogas from landfill.
11. Enlist Advantages and Disadvantages of landfill method.
12. Explain Area method, Explain Trench method and Explain Ramp method.
13. Explain incineration process.
14. Explain Multiple chamber incinerators
15. Explain Municipal incinerators.
16. Enlist Products of incineration process with their use
17. Advantages and Disadvantages incineration process.
18. Describe the methods of Pyrolysis.
Chapter No-4

1. Definition of Biomedical Waste and Classification of Biomedical Waste.

2. Explain Sources and generation of Biomedical Waste.
3. Classification of Biomedical Waste and explain Management technologies.
4. Definition of E- waste and explain Varieties of E- waste.
5. Explain Dangers of E- waste.
6. Disposal of E- waste explain it.
7. Recycling of E- wastes explain it.
8. Define Industrial waste state Variety of industrial waste.
9. Explain Collection of disposal of industrial waste.
10. Explain Control measures of industrial waste.
11. Explain Recycling of industrial waste.
12. Explain effect E- wastes on health.
13. What is waste segregation? Explain it.
14. Describe the waste minimization approach.
15. Define recycling and state purpose of recycling.

Chapter No-5

1. What is 3R strategy in SWM

2. Describe and explain the health aspect during handling and processing.
3. Describe health problem during time of segregation,reuse,recovery,recycling of solid waste

Chapter No-6
1. States Benefits of recycling.
2. Define recycling enlist Methods of collecting recyclables.
3. Explain Methods of collecting recyclables.
4. Explain scenario of Solid waste recycling in India.
5. How is the resource recovery through waste processing done
6. Explain the biological process for resource recovery through waste processing
7. Explain the Thermal process for resource recovery through waste processing

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