AF302chapter 5 Tutorial Solutions
AF302chapter 5 Tutorial Solutions
AF302chapter 5 Tutorial Solutions
Review Questions
Ransomware is on the rise because most organizations have their data backed up
online and lack of physical backup
Have offline/physical backups of data.
Patches and service packs are needed to fix vulnerabilities found in OS and
applications such as viruses.
5. Why is it important to protect intellectual property? (life-blood)
Losing intellectual property could threaten the existence of a company.
Since it contains trade secrets and commercial values of a company.
7. Explain why data on laptops and computers need to be encrypted.
To protect sensitive data on the computers and laptops as such devices are prone to
So that third party does not gain access to information.
8. Explain how identity theft can occur.
To keep the business running even after a disaster such as a power outage.
So that major activities of business is restored quickly.
To have a backup in case of an unexpected event. E.g natural disaster
No one would like to use their own personal devices for work purposes.
Hackers can break into employees mobile devices.
Employees devices can get stolen
14. Why are authentication and authorization important in e-commerce?
It’s part of access controls, thus will help to prevent identity theft
So that unauthorized personnel don’t get access to sensitive information.
Case 2 Business Case: Lax Security at LinkedIn Exposed
1. LinkedIn does not collect the credit card or other financial account information of its
members. Why then would profit-motivated hackers be interested in stealing
LinkedIn’s stored data? What data would they be most interested in?
2. Companies are often slow to self-detect data breaches so a cyberattack can occur
without a company even knowing it has a problem. What effect do you think
LinkedIn’s failure to self-detect its massive data breach had on its popularity and
3. Most corporate security incidents are uncovered by a third party, like a security
firm, that picks up on evidence of malicious activity. Why do you think IT security
experts and not LinkedIn discovered the data breach?
LinkedIn was more profit oriented
4. Explain why LinkedIn’s lax approach to members’ information security and weak
passwords was very surprising to members and information security professionals.
Since they had huge amounts of profits, they didn’t care about their customers
5. Identify and evaluate the actual and potential business risks and damages from
LinkedIn’s data breach.
Cleanup cost
Upgrade costs
Damages to active customers
Potential risk can include legal risk
6. In your opinion, was LinkedIn negligent in protecting its main asset? Explain.
Data breach- successful retrieval of information by an unauthorized person
Data incident- unsuccessful unauthorized access to a network.
(Figure 5.2 pg130) 3 objectives of data and information systems security
Confidentiality- no unauthorized data disclosure
Integrity – data and documentation have not been altered in any unauthorized
Availability- accessibility of data when needed by those authorized
Cyber threats- threats posed by the internet
Hacking – gaining unauthorized access to a network
Cracking – gaining unauthorized access to a network by using the flaws in the security
Hacktivist- someone who performs hacking
Three classes of hackers :
White hat- someone who breaks into protected systems and network to test
their security
Black hat – someone who finds computer security vulnerabilities and exploits
them for personal gains
Gray hat- person who violates ethical standards and principles but not with
intentions as black hat hackers
Phishing- happens through email where the sender pretends to be a legitimate
organisations such as PayPal or the bank asking the user to perform an action that
could expose his or her computer to cyber threats.
Spear phishing- targets group of people who have something in common by sending
them all a customized and appealing e-mail which may require them to click a link
which takes them to a fake website where they are required to enter their personal
Categories of crime ware:
Spyware- tracking software which may not intend to cause damage e.g tracker
to monitor website accessed.
Adware- has advertisements
Malware- computer viruses
Ransomware- blocks access of a computer until a sum of money is paid
Trojan horses- creates an unprotected back door into a system.
A vector is the specific method that malware uses to spread to other computer devices
Attack vector-entry points hackers use to gain access.
Malware may reinfect the host for two reasons
1. Malware is captured in backups
2. Malware infects removable devices
Botnet- group of external attacking entities
Denial-of-service – where the perpetrator makes a network unavailable to its intended
users by disrupting services of a host connected to the internet.