Optimization and Testing of RSI: September 2017

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Optimization and Testing of RSI

Conference Paper · September 2017


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2 authors:

Patrice Marek Blanka Sediva

University of West Bohemia University of West Bohemia


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11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

Optimization and Testing of RSI

Patrice Marek1, Blanka Šedivá2

This paper deals with the Relative Strength Index (RSI), a popular oscillator. It answers the
question whether – almost 40 years after its publication – the RSI can be still useful in trading.
To answer this question, we compare four strategies: RSI with recommended parameters, RSI
that uses parameters optimized each trading day, simple buy-and-hold strategy, and strategy based
on Kelly gambling. Companies that were included with the largest weights in the S&P 500 Index
in years 2006–2009 are used for simulations. Totally, 10,000 simulations of investment are
performed for each strategy. Start of each simulation is randomly chosen between 15 February
2007 and 12 February 2010. The end is randomly chosen between 18 February 2014 and
14 February 2017. Companies and dates are used so they include as little information that we
possess nowadays as possible. Later, simulations with shorter time interval are performed to
verify findings.

Key words
Relative Strength Index, RSI, Kelly gambling, buy-and-hold, investment, comparison,
optimization, stocks

JEL Classification: G110

1. Introduction
Relative Strength Index (RSI) – published in Wilder (1978) – is popular oscillator that is
used in many trading systems. The equation for the RSI using period 𝑝 is
𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡 = 100 (1 − ), (1)
𝐷𝑡 + 𝑈𝑡
where 𝐷𝑡 , or average downward change, and 𝑈𝑡 , or average upward change, are computed
using exponential moving averages of closing prices 𝐶𝑡 as shown in equations (2) and (3).
1 1
𝐷𝑡 = ⋅ max(0; 𝐶𝑡−1 − 𝐶𝑡 ) + (1 − ) ⋅ 𝐷𝑡−1 (2)
𝑝 𝑝

1 1
𝑈𝑡 = ⋅ max(0; 𝐶𝑡 − 𝐶𝑡−1 ) + (1 − ) ⋅ 𝑈𝑡−1 (3)
𝑝 𝑝
The first values of 𝐷𝑡 and 𝑈𝑡 , i.e. 𝐷𝑝 and 𝑈𝑝 , are computed using simple average of closing
prices 𝐶1 , 𝐶2 , … , 𝐶𝑝 . Originally, Wilder (1978) used period 𝑝 = 14 (days).
The RSI can be used to obtain buy and sell signals. Anson, et al. (2012) list three possibilities:
 Buy signal occurs when the RSI reaches 30 from above, and sell signal occurs when
the RSI reaches 70 from below.

Ing. Patrice Marek, Ph.D., European Centre of Excellence NTIS – New Technologies for Information
Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic,
RNDr. Blanka Šedivá, Ph.D., European Centre of Excellence NTIS – New Technologies for
Information Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic,
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

 Buy signal occurs when the RSI returns to 30 from below, and sell signal occurs
when the RSI returns to 70 from above.
 More sophisticated analysis of the RSI is made to obtain buy and sell signals.
Originally, Wilder (1978) used the third option as he searched for a sell or buy signal with
thresholds at 30 and 70. For example, a sell signal is obtained when the RSI moves as follows:
 forms a top above 70,
 decreases to form a bottom called fail point (this can be even under 70),
 starts to increase its value to form another top that is lower than the first one,
 crosses the value of fail point from above so the sell point – called failure swing point
– is obtained.
Moreover, Wilder (1978) obtained buy and sell signals from divergence between the price and
RSI and from some chart formations (for example pennant).
This paper explores whether there are benefits of continual day-to-day optimization of the
RSI where the second rule of the previous list is used to obtain buy and sell signals. This rule
is significantly easier for implementation than the third rule of the list. It is also more similar to
the Wilder’s strategy than the first rule of the list because it waits for a buy or sell signal after
the RSI enters the interval above 70 or below 30.
The main goal of this paper is to investigate how useful can RSI be. We do not use only
original parameters, but we continually optimize parameters of RSI each trading day. Results
of this day-to-day optimization are compared with three strategies:
 RSI that uses original parameters (14 days long period and signal lines at 30 and 70),
 simple buy-and-hold strategy,
 strategy based on the Kelly gambling with continually optimized parameters.
Kelly gambling – that is usually used with continually optimized parameters – is chosen so
the strategy with day-to-day optimization of the RSI can be compared to strategy with similar

2. Data
First, companies that will be used in simulations have to be chosen. This step has to be done
with adding as little information that is known nowadays as possible, e.g., it is necessary to
avoid conscious inclusion or exclusion of companies that performed well or bad after the start
of simulations, and the selection has to be (partly) left on chance. We decided to use large
companies of that time as investors can consider these companies more stable than small ones.
S&P 500 Index is used to identify large companies. Its historical composition is not available
for free, and it is possible to obtain only top 10 companies with the largest weights in the index
for each year at ETF Database (2017). Our simulations start randomly between years 2007 and
2010 (explained afterwards); therefore, we decided to include top 10 companies of the index in
2006, i.e. before the start of all simulations. These companies are Exxon Mobil (ticker symbol:
XOM), General Electric (GE), Microsoft (MSFT), Citigroup (C), Bank of America (BAC),
Procter & Gamble (PG), Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Pfizer (PFE), and
American International Group (AIG). Next, top 10 companies of the index in years 2007–2009
were also included. Usually, there are no big changes of S&P 500 in two consecutive years;
therefore, in 2007, the top 10 companies of the index contained only two new records –
AT&T (T) and Google (GOOG). Next four obtained companies – Chevron Corp (CVX) and
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) for 2008, and Apple (AAPL) and IBM (IBM) for 2009 – were not
included in the list of the top 10 companies before the start of all simulations, but they were
large enough even in the year 2007 to include them. Mentioned 16 companies are used in all
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

Data of all companies were available up to 14 February 2017 and were obtained from website
Yahoo! Finance (2017). Ticker symbol of each company listed above can be used to find
historical data on this website. These data include dates, close prices, dividends, and splits.
Usually, it is also possible to obtain adjusted close prices for dividends and splits, but at the
time of writing this paper, the adjusted close prices were not available; therefore, they were
reconstructed using historical dividends and splits. We used the same procedure that is used by
Yahoo! Finance (2017), i.e. if a dividend 𝐷𝑡 is distributed on ex-date 𝑡, and the previous closing
price of stock in time 𝑡 − 1 was 𝐶𝑡−1 , then all prices before 𝑡 (i.e. starting with 𝐶𝑡−1 ) are
multiplied by multiplicator 𝑀𝑡 obtained as
𝑀𝑡 = 1 − . (4)
This procedure is repeated for all recorded dividends. It ensures that returns of stocks include
dividends, i.e. distributed dividends are immediately reinvested in the stock. When a split
occurs, then all prices and dividends before the split have to be multiplied by the ratio given by
the appropriate split.

3. Methods
Data were available up to 14 February 2017. The earliest date for starting simulations is set
on 15 February 2007. We want to avoid influence of selecting one specific date for the start and
the end of simulations. Therefore, simulations use three years long interval between
15 February 2007 and 12 February 2010 as a start of investment. The start of each single
simulation is randomly chosen from this interval, i.e. the interval that includes some time before
and after the peak of financial crisis in 2008.
The end of investment in each single simulation is also randomly chosen from three years
long interval, in this case between 18 February 2014 and 14 February 2017. Therefore, the
investment lasts at least four years, and the start and the end of investment can occur randomly
in time span of three years before and after this four years long interval.
To see how the chosen time interval influences simulations we performed next simulations,
this time with data between 15 February 2012 and 14 February 2017, i.e. half of the original
time interval. We used the same ratio of subintervals for the start and the end of each simulation.
Therefore, the start of each investment in a simulation is randomly chosen between
15 February 2012 and 14 August 2013, and the end of each investment is randomly chosen
between 17 August 2015 and 14 February 2017.
The main goal of this paper is to study how useful can the RSI be when parameters of this
indicator are optimized each trading day. Results of day-to-day optimization are compared with
three strategies. The first strategy uses the RSI with original parameters (14 days long period
and signal lines at values 30 and 70). The second strategy is simple buy-and-hold strategy, i.e.
strategy that buys at the beginning of each simulation and sells only at the end of each
simulation. The third strategy is based on Kelly gambling, i.e. it uses log-optimal portfolio, see
Kelly (1956) and Cover and Thomas (2006). Instead of the original criteria, we used its
approximation – proposed by Marek, Ťoupal, and Vávra (2016) – that is easier for
implementation and produces almost the same results as the original criteria. This strategy also
uses day-to-day optimization; therefore, it offers good comparison to method based on day-to-
day optimization of RSI.
In this paper, day-to-day optimization of RSI means that parameters of RSI that would
produce the highest one-year capital appreciation are found each trading day. To avoid extreme
changes in parameters we compare the actual value of capital to the average value of capital in
one-week time span exactly before one year, i.e. with usual 252 trading days in a year, the
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

average is computed from values of capital before 250–254 days. The one-year capital
appreciation is chosen so it includes only relevant history of companies that can significantly
change their strategies in longer periods.
In the optimization of RSI, the period 𝑝 can take values in interval [7,30], i.e. half of the
original value of 14 and little bit more than double of the original value. The upper signal line
is set to 70 + Δ, and the lower signal line is set to 30 − Δ, where Δ can take values in set
{−10, −9, … ,10}, i.e. lines maintain their symmetric distance from value of 50. Parameters out
of the presented set can be considered as extreme – they would produce extreme number of
trades or, on the contrary, no trades.
Later, when optimized parameters are used for trading, it is necessary to pay special attention
to days when optimal parameters are changed. The problem is illustrated by the following
example. Let us denote the RSI’s value at time 𝑡 − 1 based on parameter 𝑝 = 20, upper signal
line at 75, and lower signal line at 25 as 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (20; 75,22). Now, let us consider that we are in
a long position at time 𝑡, and 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (20; 75,22) was 78. Next, new optimal parameters are
obtained for time 𝑡. With these new optimal parameters, we obtain 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡 (15; 72,28) = 65, and
𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (15; 72,28) = 71. As can be seen, 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡 (15; 72,28) and 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (15; 72,28) do not
produce sell signal as the decline from 71 to 65 does not cross the upper signal line at 72.
Obviously, this leads to a situation where the sell signal is missed as 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (20; 75,22) has
already entered the interval where it waits for the confirmation of sell signal, i.e. crossing upper
signal line from above. Therefore, it is necessary to consider also value of 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (20; 75,22).
Then, the sell signal is obtained as 𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡−1 (20; 75,22) with value 78 declines to
𝑅𝑆𝐼𝑡 (15; 72,28) with value 65. This means that current value of RSI has to be compared with
two values from yesterday. One obtained by the RSI with current optimal parameters, and one
obtained by RSI with yesterday’s optimal parameters. The same holds for buy signal. These
problems are rare, but they can occur in some simulations.
All trades, simulations, and optimizations are made as real as possible; therefore, we use
commission 0.2% of trade volume per each trade (this corresponds to trade size around
2,500 USD with a common fee around 5 USD per trade; see NASDAQ (2017)). Next, adjusted
close prices are used for trading, i.e. they are used for optimization and, after the optimization
is performed, the system uses the same prices also for trading on the same day, which is –
obviously – not possible. However, this simplification is not crucial, as prices usually do not
change a lot within minutes that are necessary for performing the optimization of all methods,
i.e. it is possible to run optimization 10 minutes before the end of trading, and it will be still
possible to buy or sell a stock before the end of trading day. The second option would be to use
adjusted open prices that are available for the next day, but adjusted open price can significantly
differ from the previous day adjusted close price.

4. Results
We performed 10,000 simulations for each of 16 stocks. First, in each simulation, the start
date and the end date was generated. Then, trading between these two dates was evaluated for
all four methods. Detailed results are presented only for the main time interval, i.e. trading
between 15 February 2007 and 14 February 2017. Figure 1 shows – along with adjusted close
price of Exxon Mobile – how the time interval is divided. Two horizontal lines divide time
interval into three parts. The start of each simulation is randomly chosen from the first interval,
then trading continues during the second part, and it ends at randomly chosen time from the
third interval.
Results of simulations performed within the second time interval – starting on 18 February
2014 and ending on 14 February 2017 – are presented only in limited form as they serve mainly
to determine influence of the chosen time interval on results.
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

Figure 1: Time intervals and adjusted close price for Exxon Mobile

Figure 2 shows full results of all simulations in form of boxplots (observation is shown as
an outlier if its distance from the box is more than three times the distance of interquartile
range). Returns shown in figure 2 are not annualised; therefore, presented results give
information about the final value of one invested unit at the beginning, and time of investment
of each simulation can vary from 4 years to 10 years. This can be done because in each
simulation only one time interval is randomly chosen, and all four strategies are evaluated
within this interval. Moreover, the time interval is not standardized because each of 10,000
simulations can be performed in different time; therefore, the usage of annualised returns can
cause some interpretation problems.
The strategy with the highest final value of capital was found in each simulation, and final
results are presented in Table 1, e.g., the highest final value of capital for AIG was obtained by
buy-and-hold strategy (B&H) in 1,538 simulations, by the Kelly gambling in 2,279 simulations,

Table 1: Number of simulations with the best results for buy-and-hold strategy (B&H), Kelly gambling (Kelly),
RSI with original parameters (RSI(14)), and RSI with optimized parameters (RSI(opt)); the earliest start
on 15 February 2007 and the latest end on 14 February 2017
Company B&H Kelly RSI(14) RSI(opt)
AIG 1,538 2,279 3,802 2,381
Apple 10,000 0 0 0
AT&T 8,639 904 344 113
Bank of America 987 9,013 0 0
Chevron Corp 7,450 728 1,796 26
Citigroup 2,793 4,400 2,805 2
Exxon Mobile 3,381 139 6,408 72
General Electric 4,870 1,452 3,678 0
Google 10,000 0 0 0
IBM 9,940 60 0 0
Johnson & Johnson 10,000 0 0 0
JPMorgan Chase 3,333 0 6,667 0
Microsoft 5,337 0 0 4,663
Pfizer 9,708 284 8 0
Procter & Gamble 8,644 146 1,210 0
Wal-Mart Stores 7,466 0 103 2,431

Table 2 presents results of simulations performed within the second time interval, i.e. the
earliest start on 15 February 2012 and the latest end on 14 February 2017.
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

Figure 2: Boxplots of relative returns for buy-and-hold strategy (B&H), Kelly gambling (Kelly), RSI
with original parameters (RSI(14)), and RSI with optimized parameters (RSI(opt)); the earliest start
on 15 February 2007 and the latest end on 14 February 2017

5. Discussion
Results presented in Table 1 suggest that the best strategy – out of four presented strategies
– was the simplest one, i.e. buy-and-hold. This strategy produced the most cases with the
highest value of the final capital for 11 companies. It also recorded the highest median of the
final capital value for 10 out of 16 companies as can be seen in Figure 2. The buy-and-hold
strategy also recorded the highest sample standard deviation of the final capital value for all
companies; however, this was usually due to high value of the final capital. Only for three
companies – AIG, Bank of America, and Citigroup – buy-and-hold strategy recorded the lowest
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

median of the final capital value that was, moreover, bellow the initial invested capital. The
main reason is that these three companies were significantly influenced by the financial crisis
in 2008, and values of their stocks are still not recovered.
Surprisingly, the RSI with original parameters (RSI(14)) produced better results than the RSI
with optimized parameters (RSI(opt)) for Chevron, Exxon Mobile, General Electric, Google,
IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Pfizer, and Procter & Gamble, i.e. for 8 companies. The opposite can
be found only for Apple, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart Stores, i.e. for
4 companies. This is not possible to explain by some special behaviour of stocks; therefore, we
are probably dealing with overfitting, and day-to-day optimization of RSI can cause more
problems than benefits due to too frequent changes of parameters.
The RSI with optimized parameters (RSI(opt)) produced better results than Kelly gambling
(Kelly) for General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart Stores,
i.e. 4 companies. The opposite can be found for Apple, Bank of America, Citigroup, Exxon
Mobile, Google, IBM, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, i.e. 8 companies.
Simulations for shorter time interval – with the earliest start on 15 February 2012 and the
latest end on 14 February 2017 – were performed to evaluate influence of chosen time interval
on simulations. Results are presented in Table 2 that can be easily compared with Table 1. There
are some changes but the overall result is still the same, i.e. buy-and-hold strategy offers usually
the best results, now for 10 out of 16 companies. Both, the RSI with original parameters and
RSI with optimized parameters, were evaluated as the best strategy for three companies. Unlike
the results in the longer time interval, results of all simulations stayed in narrower intervals with
less extreme values; the lowest value of the final capital value (61%) was recorded by the buy-
and-hold strategy for IBM and the highest value (345%) was recorded by the buy-and-hold
strategy for Bank of America. In the longer time interval – full results are presented in Figure 2
– both most extreme values were recorded for AIG by the buy-and-hold strategy; the lowest
value was 3% and the highest value was 1194%. Overall, there are no big changes in
conclusions when the shorter interval is used. However, the main change is lower standard
deviation of results and not so extreme values. There are two main, and connected, reasons. The
first reason is that the shorter interval even with data of a similar nature will usually produce
less extreme values. The second reason is that we are not dealing with data of similar nature
because of the financial crisis that is involved only in the first interval.
Table 2: Number of simulations with the best results for buy-and-hold strategy (B&H), Kelly gambling (Kelly),
RSI with original parameters (RSI(14)), and RSI with optimized parameters (RSI(opt)); the earliest start
on 15 February 2012 and the latest end on 14 February 2017
Company B&H Kelly RSI(14) RSI(opt)
AIG 9,167 0 328 505
Apple 7,390 2,220 0 390
AT&T 3,569 0 6,431 0
Bank of America 6,693 703 2,604 0
Chevron Corp 1,024 1,751 491 6,734
Citigroup 5,463 239 4,298 0
Exxon Mobile 57 1,405 1,006 7,532
General Electric 1,823 2 5,677 2,498
Google 10,000 0 0 0
IBM 422 13 9,565 0
Johnson & Johnson 9,772 13 0 215
JPMorgan Chase 5,768 278 3,954 0
Microsoft 9,100 13 887 0
Pfizer 7,526 0 1,095 1,379
Procter & Gamble 8,398 188 1,414 0
Wal-Mart Stores 457 0 9 9,534
11th International Scientific Conference on Financial Management of Firms and Financial Institutions Ostrava
VŠB-TU of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance 6th – 7th September 2017

6. Conclusion
This paper presented the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and its day-to-day optimization that
was compared with three strategies: RSI with recommended parameters, simple buy-and-hold
strategy, and Kelly gambling. Simulations were performed with randomized time interval with
the earliest start on 15 February 2007 and the latest end on 14 February 2017. Sixteen companies
of S&P 500 that were among the top 10 largest companies for years 2006–2009 were chosen
for simulations.
Results show that the best strategy was usually the simplest one, i.e. buy-and-hold strategy.
However, this strategy recorded the highest sample standard deviation, and it produced the
lowest sample median out of all strategies for companies that were significantly influenced by
the financial crisis.
The RSI usually produced value of the final capital above the initial invested capital;
therefore, it can be evaluated as useful indicator that can be used in building of trading systems.
However, day-to-day optimization of its parameters is – according to obtained results – not
recommended as it usually produced worse results that the RSI with original parameters.
Simulations on the shorter time interval confirmed findings, and no essential differences to
results on the longer time interval were obtained.

This publication was supported by the project LO1506 of the Czech Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports.

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