Dgaqa Organisation Manual: Government of India, Ministry of Defence

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Document No. : 02/2016 Issue No.

: 001



Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality assurance

Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India
‘H’ Block, Nirman Bhawan P.O.
New Delhi-110011

www.dgaeroqa@gov.in e-mail: hq.dgaqa@nic.in


To create and sustain an environment of mutual trust and ‘Self Control’

amongst the various agencies involved in development/ production of Aviation
products for Defence.


To transform and perfect the mechanism of DGAQA’s regulatory functions so

that all those involved, do the right thing, first time and every time.


 Quality is our heritage

 Integrity is our character
 Technical Competence is our strength
 Value addition is our contribution
 Honesty is our Hallmark
 Mutual trust is our work culture
 Accountability is our watchdog


Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1. Foreword i
2. Mission, Vision & Values ii
3. Index iii
4. Record of Revisions vi
5. List of Abbreviation vii

Section - I : Organisation Manual

1. Description of the Organisation and its Objectives 2
2. Organizational Structure & Roles 4
3. Organization Chart 5
4. Functions 5
4.1 Technical Groups at HQ DGAQA 5
4.2 DGAQA field establishments 7
5. Locations of DGAQA Offices 8
6. Contact Details 9
6.1 Names, Designation & Contact details of Important 9

6.2 Contact details of Important Officers at HQ DGAQA 10

6.3 Contact details of DDGs 10
6.4 Contact details of Field Establishments 11
7. Duties & Responsibilities of DGAQA Officers 13
7.1 Director General 13
7.2 Additional Director General at HQ 14
7.3 Deputy Director Generals 14
7.4 Duties & Responsibilities of DGAQA Officers (At 16

7.5 Duties & Responsibilities of DGAQA officers (At 19

Field Establishments)

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

8. Admin & HR Group at HQ DGAQA 27

8.1 Director (HR) 27
8.1.1 Admin - I section 27
8.1.2 Admin - II Section 28
8.1.3 Official Language 28
8.2 Director (Adm) 29
8.2.1 Admin - III Section 29
8.2.2 Admin - IV Section (including Registry) 30
8.2.3 Accounts Section 30
8.3 Liaison Officer for SC, ST & OBC 31
8.4. Vigilance Officer – DGAQA 31

Section - II : Technical Policies

1. Rules & Regulations pertaining to DGAQA 33
2. Supervision and Control System 33
3. Monitoring and Inspection 33
4. DGAQA Quality/AQA Directives/ Guidelines: 34
5. DGAQA Policy Guidelines 34
6. Other Documents 35

Section - III Administrative Policies

1. Introduction 38
2. Management of Registry 38
3. File Management 38
4. Form & Procedure of Communication 38
5. Drafting of Communication 38
6. File management and file numbering system 38
7. Record Room & security of documents and files 38

Sl. No. Contents Page No.

8. Checking of delays 39
9. Grievance Redressal 39
10. Disposal of applications received under Right to 39
Information Act (RTI)

11. Inspection and monitoring 39

12. Posting, Transfer & Rotation Policy 39
13. Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) 39
14. Recruitment Rules 39
15. Financial Power to DGAQA 40
16. Deputation of Officers Abroad 40
17. Training Policy 40


Issue /
Date Change Description Authority
Rev. No.


ADE Aeronautical Development Establishment

ADG Additional Director General
AE & IT Aviation Electronic & Information Technology
AFQMS Approval of a Firm and its Quality Management System
AG, MP-4 Adjutant General, Manpower Planning-4
AHSP Authority Holding Sealed Particulars
ALISDA Aviation Electronics Inspection Specification Documentation
APAR Annual Performance Appraisal Report.
AQA Aeronautical Quality Assurance
ATP Acceptance Test Procedure
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
BAS Biometric Attendance System
BDL Bharat Dynamic Limited
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BEML Bharat Earth Mover Limited
BE Budget Estimate
CABS Centre for Airborne Systems
CDR Critical Design Review
CEMILAC Centre for Military Airworthiness and Certification
CNC Contract Negotiation Committee
CoI Court of Inquiry
CPIO Chief Public Information Officer
CVC Central Vigilance Commission
DAVP Directorate of Advertisement and Visual Publicity
DDPIL Design, Development, Production and Inspection of Electronic
DDG Deputy Director General
DG Director General
DGAQA Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
DGNAI Director General of Naval Armament Inspection
DGR Directorate General of Resettlement
DI Defect Investigation
DDP Department of Defence Production
DPC Departmental Promotion Committee
DPM Defence Procurement Manual
DPP Defence Procurement Procedure
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation
ECIL Electronics Corporation of India
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility

EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
FE Field Establishment
FOL Fuel Oil Lubricants
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GSQR General Staff Qualitative Requirements
GTRE Gas Turbine Research Establishment
HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HoE Head of Establishment
HQrs Head Quarters
IAF Indian Air Force
IB Intelligence Bureau
IJT Intermediate Jet Trainer
ISWG Inter Services Working Group
ITI Indian Telephone Industry
JCM Joint Consultative Machinery
JSG Joint Services Guide
JSS Joint Services Specification
LCC Local Concession Committee
LMC Local Modification Committee
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LTC Local Technical Committee
LTCC Local Type Certification Committee
MIDHANI Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
MoD Ministry of Defence
MSQAA Missile System Quality Assurance Agency
MA Modified Appropriation
MER Monthly Expenditure Report
OAQA Office of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
O/H Overhaul
OiC Officer-In-Charge
ORDAQA Office of the Regional Director Aeronautical Quality Assurance
OT Over Time
PDI Pre-Dispatch Inspection
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PPFOL Power Plant and Fuel Oil Lubricant
PQT Production Quality Test
PScO Principal Scientific Officer
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMS Quality Management System
QPR Quarterly Progress Report
QR Qualitative Requirements

QTP Qualification Test Procedure
QER Quarterly Expenditure Report
R&D Research & Development
RCMA Regional Centre for Military Airworthiness
RD Regional Director
RFP Request for Proposal
RMC Resident MSQAA Cell
RTI Right to Information
RE Revised Estimate
SEPC Staff Equipment Policy Committee
SSC Staff Selection Commission
SOP Standard of Preparation / Standard Operating Procedure
SSO – I / II Senior Scientific Officer (Grade – I / II)
SSQAG Strategic System Quality Assurance Group
SLIC Securitized Laminated Identity Card
TEC Technical Evaluation Committee
TSO Technical Standing Order
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UPSC Union Public Service Commission
USO Unit Standing Order

Section - I


1.1 The Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality
Assurance (DGAQA) is an organisation under Department of Defence
Production, Ministry of Defence. This organisation is the regulatory authority
for Quality Assurance and final acceptance of Military Aircraft, Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Aero Engines, Airborne Systems, Avionics,
Armaments, Consumables (FOL Stores), Allied Ground Systems and Missiles
during Design & Development, Production, Repair, Modification and Overhaul/
Repair at various Defence PSUs, Ordnance Factories and Private Firms.

1.2 The primary role of DGAQA is to provide QA coverage during various

phases of the production/services viz Design & Development, Production, Up-
gradation etc and to ensure that the same meet the customers’ expectations.
DGAQA is also involved in standardisation activities. The other services
rendered are Capacity Assessment & Registration of Firms, Defect
Investigations and Technical Consultancy to the Users, Ministry of Defence,
Production and Design & Development Agencies.

1.3 The establishments under this organisation are spread all over the
country in Defence Public Sector Undertakings, Ordnance Factories, DRDO
Labs and Private Firms.

1.4 DGAQA is also the nodal agency for Missile System Quality Assurance
Agency (MSQAA) and Strategic Systems Quality Assurance Group (SSQAG).

1.5 Quality Assurance Coverage

1.5.1 During Production & Overhaul: This is a major area of activity of

DGAQA. The emphasis is on ensuring that the requisite Quality Management
System is in place at all production / overhaul agencies. The compliance in
respect of this requirement is being regularly monitored through Inspection
stages critical to quality, quality audits and spot checks. Quality Assurance
coverage is being provided during Production/Overhaul/Repair/Up-Gradation
work being carried out at various work centres comprising of Public Sector
Undertakings (PSUs) viz., HAL, BEL, ITI, BDL, MIDHANI, ECIL etc, Ordnance
Factories, DRDO Labs and Private Firms.
1.5.2 During Design & Development: DGAQA participates actively in the
Design & Development projects undertaken by DRDO labs, Ordnance
Factories, Defence PSUs and Private Firms. The involvement ranges from the
early stages of development activity such as finalisation of QRs, PDR/ CDR,
test/inspection schedules, evaluation of prototypes, Defect Investigation and
flight trials in order to ensure conformance to quality and reliability
1.6 DGAQA is presently associated with major national development
projects such as Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Light Utility Helicopters (LUH),
Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH), Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), Hindustan
Turbo Trainer (HTT), SARAS A/C (Military Version), IJT, AWACS and
Indigenous UAV i.e. RUSTOM-II and many other electronic warfare and
avionic projects.

DRDO Indian Air Force

Defence PSUs Army Aviation

Ordnance Factories
Naval Aviation
Other PSUs
Indian Coast Guard
Private Sector

Other Organisations

Dte of
DGNAI DGQA CEMILAC Standardization


2.1 The various DGAQA functions are accomplished through the

Organization comprising of the Headquarters at New Delhi and a network of
34 Field Establishments (FEs) and Detachment covering a large number of
work centres, spread all over India. The structure of the Organisation is as
shown in the Organization Chart.

2.2 Director General (DG) is Head of the organisation and is assisted by

the five Deputy Director Generals (DDGs) as appended below of which the
DDG posted at HQ is designated as ADG.

 Addl. Director General (HQrs) - ADG (HQrs)

 Deputy Director General - DDG(SZ)

(South Zone)

 Deputy Director General - DDG (N&CZ)

(North & Central Zone)

 Deputy Director General (Nasik) - DDG (NK)

 Deputy Director General (Koraput) - DDG (KPT)

2.3 DGAQA Headquarters at New Delhi functions through nine technical /
specialist Groups / Cells, HR and Admin Groups each headed by Director as
listed below:

 Aircraft & Aero Medical (A/C & Aero Med)

 Technical Coordination (Tech-Coord)
 Power Plant & Fuel, Oil, Lubricants (PP&FOL)
 Armament (Armt)
 Aviation Electronics & Information Tech. (AE & IT)
 Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I)
 Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
 Missile System Quality Assurance Agency (MSQAA)
 Strategic Systems Quality Assurance Group (SSQAG)
 Human Resources (HR)
 Administration (Admin)




Dir (A/C & RD (A/C) B’luru RD, HAL,LKO

RD(O/H) B’luru RD, HAL, Kanpur

Dir (PP & FOL) RD,HAL, Korwa

RD(Eng) B’luru

RD,BEL,GAD ►Ambajhari
Dir (E & I) RD(GTRE& FF) ►Bhandara
CO,AQAW(A) ►Chanda
Dir (GSE)
RD(Helicopter) ►Jabalpur, GCF
RD ,Pune ►Itarsi
Dir (Armt)
RD,Kolkata ►Kanpur
RD(ARDC) ►Muradnagar
Dir (AE& IT) OAQA, Dehradun
Dir (TC) ► OAQA, (BKP)

Dir (HR)
Dir (ADM) ►Kasaragod
OAQA, Trichy

4.1. Technical Groups at HQ DGAQA

4.1.1 To Monitor and ascertain adequacy/compliance of the QA functions at

the FEs under their jurisdiction.

4.1.2 To scrutinize the Quarterly Progress Reports (QPRs) from the

respective FEs for adequacy of action and status of pending issues. Interact,
as necessary.

4.1.3 To scrutinize Quarterly Defect Investigation (QDI) summaries for

adequacy of action and its compliance.

4.1.4 To conduct AFQMS audit of Refineries / Labs and other firms w.r.t.
flight critical consumables viz Aviation Turbine Fuel, Oils and Lubricants etc.
before grant / renewal of AFQMS.
4.1.5 To process proposals from FEs for Approval/Renewal under AFQMS in
respect of the firms under their jurisdiction.
4.1.6 To deliberate and decide, in consultation with DG on the QA related
policy matters and to issue such QA Directives/ Policy Guidelines as
necessary to the concerned FEs.

4.1.7 To ensure DGAQA participation in the Court Of Inquiry (COI)- Aircraft

Accident/ Incident, instituted by service HQrs.
4.1.8 To ensure timely completion of periodical Internal audits of the Field

4.1.9 Technical vetting of draft JSS, JSG, pertaining to Military airborne

stores and associated Ground Systems and participating in meeting of various
committees/ sub-committees of Directorate of Standardisation and Bureau of
Indian standard(BIS).

4.1.10 To actively involve as a Govt. QA agency in following stages of

procurement of Airborne and associated Ground systems by IAF, Army, Navy
and Indian Coast Guard as per the procedure defined in DPP and DPM: Vetting of QRs as a member of SEPCs. Vetting of RFP. Participation in TEC and CNC. Vetting of Contracts. Vetting of ATPs & Participation in PDIs. Participation in Scaling Committee Meetings.

4.1.11 To process the Foreign deputation cases of DGAQA officers of

respective Group and FEs under their jurisdiction.

4.1.12 To forward the comments on various policy issues/ policy documents

to service HQrs and other Stake holders.

4.1.13 In addition, PP&FOL Group scrutinize and process Work Service

activity proposals received from FEs.

4.2 DGAQA Field Establishments: ODDG(NK), ODDG(KPT), ORDAQAs,

OAQAs, AQAW (Armt) and its Detachments are carrying out the executive QA
functions during Design & Development/ Manufacture/ Overhaul/ Repair/
Modification of Aircraft/Aero-Engines/ Armament/ Associated Equipments at
the respective work centers. Their main functions are as under:

4.2.1 To exercise control over the QMS of the respective work center and
report to respective DDGs and Technical Group at HQ DGAQA of any non-
compliance/ deficiency in laid down requirements.

4.2.2 To satisfy through physical supervision that the firm’s Quality Control/
Assurance staff has carried out comprehensive checks at all stages from the
raw material to the final delivery of the product and introduce such checks and
procedures, as are considered necessary from time to time.

4.2.3 To introduce QA stages which should be comprehensive and cover

quality assurance, right from the incoming raw material and stores to the
finished product and final assembly stage. The QA stages are to be reviewed
periodically for ensuring better supervision over the firm’s Quality
Management System.

4.2.4 To ensure that all deviations from the stipulated requirements are
properly scrutinized, processed, authorized and recorded. Concessions/
Production Permits to be properly dealt with in accordance with guidelines
specified in DDPMAS.

4.2.5 To associate during Defect Investigations (DIs) for defects reported at

development stage, production stage, in-service and at the manufacture’s
works/overhaul Agencies and make suitable recommendations. Also forward
a Quarterly Progress Report on DIs to the respective DDGs and Technical
Group at the HQ DGAQA.

5. Locations of DGAQA Offices:

 RD, O/H  RD(GW&M)
 RD,F&F


6.1 Names, Designation & Contact details of Important Functionary

Name and Designation Contact Details

Sh. P K Kapoor Room No. 90, DGAQA
Director General, AQA ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23011783
Appellate Authority for RTI Fax: 011 - 23014395
e-mail: dg.dgaqa@gov.in
Sh. S C Sharma Room No. 102, DGAQA
Additional Director General, AQA ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23017362
DGAQA Vigilance Officer Fax: 011 - 23014395
e-mail: adg.dgaqa@gov.in
Sh. Y K Sharma Room No. 103, DGAQA
Director (GSE) ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23014922
CPIO for RTI Fax: 011 - 23016213
e-mail: dirgse.dgaqa@gov.in
Sh. R K Sinha Room No. 83A, DGAQA
Director (Tech Coord) ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23011534
Nodal Officer for Firm Registration Fax: 011 - 23018439
Sh. S R Shankhala, Room No. Anx 6A, DGAQA
Joint Director (Tech Coord) ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23015201
Grievances Officer, Fax: 011 - 23015201
SC/ST Nodal Officer, e-mail:dirtc.dgaqa@gov.in
Liaison Officer for Persons with
Sh. Shekhar Prasad, Room No. 101, DGAQA
Director(HR) ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Tel: 011 - 23792203
OBC Liaison Officer Fax: 011 - 23014960
e-mail: dirhr.dgaqa@gov.in
Sh. K D Mitra, Room No. 83, DGAQA
Director(ADM) ‘H’-Block, New Delhi – 110011
Nodal Officer for New Pension Tel: 011 - 23015702
Scheme and Grievances of Fax: 011 - 23012357
Pensioners e-mail: diradm.dgaqa@gov.in

6.2 Contact details of Important Officers at HQ DGAQA
Sl. Designation STD Phone Fax No. E-mail
No. Code No.
1. Director General 011 23011783 23014395 dg.dgaqa@gov.in

2. Addl. Director 011 23017362 23014395 adg.dgaqa@gov.in

3. Principal Director 011 23013191 23010941 pdei.dgaqa@gov.in
4. Director 011 23012542 23011365 dirac.dgaqa@gov.in
(A/C & Aero Med)
5. Director 011 23014922 23014914 dirgse.dgaqa@gov.in
6. Director 011 23018439 23011534 dirtc.dgaqa@gov.in
(Tech Coord)
7. Director 011 23014970 23016381 dirarmt.dgaqa@gov.in
8. Director 011 23010563 23015145 dirppfol.dgaqa@gov.in
9. Director 011 23015211 23014914 dirae.dgaqa@gov.in
(AE & IT)
10. Director 011 23014491 23015302 dirmsqaa.dgaqa@gov.in
(MSQAA Cell) 23015302
11. Director 011 23010412 23010412 ssqag-dgsigs@nic.in
(SSQAG Cell)
12. Director (HR) 011 23792203 - dirhr.dgaqa@gov.in

13. Director (Admin) 011 23795702 23012357 diradm.dgaqa@gov.in

6.3 Contact details of DDGs

Sl. Designation STD Phone Fax E-mail
No. Code No. No.
1. DDG (N&CZ), 0522 2975040 2351208 ddgncz.dgaqa@gov.in
2. DDG (SZ), 080 25227515 25227904 ddgsz.dgaqa@nic.in
3. DDG (Nasik), 02550 275364 275606 ocrink.dgaqa@nic.in
4. DDG (Koraput) 06853 222119 220309 ocrikpt.dgaqa@nic.in

6.4 Contact details of Field Establishments

Sl. Field Estt. STD Phone Fax No. e-mail

No. Code No.
1. ORDAQA, 0522 2975041 2351209 ocrilko.dgaqa@nic.in
2. ORDAQA, Kanpur 0512 2457868 2458164 ocrikan.dgaqa@nic.in
3. ORDAQA, Korwa 05368 255568 255819 ocrikw.dgaqa@nic.in
4. ORDAQA, 0120 2770869 2770704 ocrigad.dgaqa@nic.in
Ghaziabad 2770868
5. OAQA, Dehradun 0135 2787145 2787090 ocriddn.dgaqa@nic.in
6. AQAW (Armt), 0761 2337602 2338069 aaiwkhamaria.dgaqa
Khamaria @nic.in
7. Dett AQAW 07104 237338 246338 aaiwambajhari.dgaqa
(Armt), Ambajhari @nic.in
8. Dett AQAW 07184 275259 275389 aaiwbhandara.dgaqa
(Armt), Bhandara @nic.in
9. Dett AQAW 0717 5254007 254007 aaiwchanda.dgaqa
(Armt), Chanda @nic.in
10 Dett AQAW 0512 2231124 22313056 ocrikan.dgaqa@nic.in
(Armt), Kanpur
11 Dett AQAW 0761 2331022 2331022 aaiwjgcf.dgaqa@nic.in
(Armt), Jabalpur
12 Dett AQAW 01232 227210 227210 aaiwmuradnagar.dgaqa
(Armt), @nic.in
13 Dett AQAW 033 25504066 25296778 aaiwcossipore.dgaqa
(Armt), Cossipore @nic.in
14 Dett AQAW 07272 262541 262541 aaiwitarsi.dgaqa@nic.in
(Armt), Itarsi
15 ORDAQA (Armt), 020 25810573 25811317 ocridehuroad.dgaqa
Pune @nic.in
16 ALISDA, 080 23370383 23379974 alisda.dgaqa@nic.in
17 OAQA (BE), 080 28380130 28380130
18 ORDAQA (ADE) 080 25058186 25255202

19 ORDAQA (CABS), 080 25049008 25049011 alisda.dgaqa@nic.in
20 OAQA(Armt), 0431 2581139 2581139
21 ORDAQA (A/C) 080 25236470 25220115 ocriac.dgaqa@nic.in
22 ORDAQA (O/H) 080 25220115 25220115 ocriac.dgaqa@nic.in
23 ORDAQA 080 25234811 25234811 rdaqamro-
(Helicopter), dgaqa@gov.in
24 ORDAQA, (E & 080 2524142 25240142
GTRE), Bengaluru
25 ORDAQA (ARDC), 080 25235729 25255202
26 OAQA, 033 2542625 25920217 ocribkp.dgaqa@nic.in
27 ORDAQA, 040 23878910 23879896 ocrihyd.dgaqa@nic.in
28 ORDAQA (GW & 040 24341447 24346695 ocrigw.dgaqa@nic.in
M), Hyderabad
29 ORDAQA 040 24342493 24342493 ocrimidhani.dgaqa
(Materials) @nic.in
30 SSQAG, 040 24584181 24340933 ssqag-dgsigs@nic.in
31 MSQAA, 040 24340207 24341477 msqaahyd.dgaqa
Hyderabad @nic.in
32 OAQA, Kolkata 033 22480075 22480075 tlo.dgaqa@nic.in

33 RMC Mumbai 022 24584170 67961522 msqaahyd.dgaqa

34 RMC Coimbatore 0422 6684069 6684069

7.1 Director General:

7.1.1 Director General administers and controls the following technical and
administrative functions through different zonal DDGs, Directors and ADG at

(a) Quality Assurance and final clearance of Military Aircraft/

Accessories/ Aero Engine/ Avionics / Air Armament/ UAV / Flight
Critical Consumables (FOL)/ Ground Support Equipment during Design
& Development / Production/ Overhaul and Repair at various PSUs
(HAL, BEL, BEML etc.), Ordnance Factories, DRDO Laboratories and
Private Sector.

(b) Accord Approval of Firm and Its Quality Management System to

PSUs and other various firms.

(c) Capacity Assessment and Registration of Firms for central

Procurements by Service HQrs.

(d) Supervision/ monitoring of Quality System under “Approval of a

Firm and its Quality Management System (AFQMS)” at PSUs and
Private Sector.

(e) Ensure participation of DGAQA representative in Court of

Inquiry for accidents/incidents of Military Aircraft for establishing the
cause and to suggest remedial measures to prevent recurrence.

(f) Authority Holding Sealed Particulars (AHSP) & Inspection

Authority for Air Armament Stores, Aircraft Brake Parachutes, Pilot
parachutes & Aircraft Arrester Barrier System under production/repair
at Ordnance Factories and other firms.

(g) Responsible for the Administrative, Financial & Personnel

matters of DGAQA Organisations.

(h) Ensure participation of DGAQA representative during various

stages of Acquisition of Aircraft/UAV/other systems i.e. TEC, FET, CNC

(j) Ensure participation of DGAQA representative as a member of

Inter Services Equipment Policy Committee (ISEPC).
(k) Ensure regular interaction and feedback to MoD.

7.1.2 Nodal Officer for Missile Systems Quality Assurance (MSQAA) and
Strategic System Quality Assurance Group (SSQAG).

7.1.3 He is designated Member of CEMILAC Advisory Council.

7.1.4 Designated Member of Apex Board of R & D Projects.

7.1.5 Member of IAF Technology Board.

7.1.6 Chairman of JCM - III.

7.1.7 Member of Armament Development Monitoring Committee.

7.1.8 Member for Raksha Mantri Excellence Award Committee

7.2 Additional Director General at HQrs DGAQA

7.2.1 To Assist the Director General, AQA in the Duties & Responsibility of

7.2.2 To exercise Technical & Admin Control over technical Groups, Admin
& HR Groups at HQrs DGAQA.

7.2.3 Any other duty assigned by Director General from time to time.

7.3 Deputy Director Generals : There are four DDGs in DGAQA

Organization. DDGs are the Zonal Head of the Field Establishments under
them. The common duties of all the DDGs are appended below:
7.3.1 To Exercise Technical & Admin Control over the Field Establishments
under his jurisdiction.

7.3.2 To Assist the Director General, AQA in the Duties & Responsibility of
DGAQA pertaining to FEs under their jurisdiction. Important correspondence
on technical and admin matters are referred to Director General with copies to
concerned Group Directors for further monitoring/ pursuance.
7.3.3 To examine and recommend all proposals of Foreign Visits, AFQMS
Approval, Admin/ Financial proposals (not within his powers) in respect of
Field Establishments under his jurisdiction for approval of the Director

7.3.4 To Constitute Audit team for Internal Audits of FEs under his jurisdiction
and necessary follow up.

7.3.5 Any other responsibility as assigned by Director General from time to
7.3.6 The other specific zone wise duties and responsibilities of DDGs are
defined below: DDG (North & Central Zone): DDG is according financial sanction for the items which are
beyond the power of HoEs as per delegated powers. Chairperson for the DPCs for Group C posts. Member of JCM level III meetings. Monitor and examine all technical and Admin returns forwarded
by FEs. Deputy Director General (South Zone) To exercise Admin & Financial powers as delegated by the
Competent Authority in respect of FEs located at Bengaluru except ALISDA.
Other FEs located out of Bengaluru and ALISDA are vested with independent
financial powers. DDG is according financial sanction for the items which are
beyond the power of HoEs as per delegated powers. To ensure participation of DGAQA members in COI as nominated by

HQ DGAQA. Deputy Director General (Nasik) To exercise Admin & Financial powers as delegated by the
Competent Authority in respect of ODDG (NK). To monitor and execute Technical functions at ODDG (NK) as
mentioned at para 7.5.1 To ensure participation of DGAQA members in COI as nominated by
HQ DGAQA. Deputy Director General (Koraput) To exercise Admin & Financial powers in respect of ODDG (KPT). To monitor and execute Technical functions at ODDG (KPT) as
mentioned at para 7.5.1 To ensure participation of DGAQA members in COI as nominated by

7.4 Duties & Responsibilities of DGAQA Officers (At HQrs)

7.4.1 Director Directors at HQrs are responsible for the technical functions of their
specialised groups at HQrs viz: Aircraft & AeroMed, Electrical &
Instrumentation (E&I), Aviation Electronics & Information Technology
(AE&IT), Ground Support Equipment (GSE), Power Plant & Fuel Oil
Lubricants (PP&FOL) and Armament. Directors at HQrs assist the Director General through ADG in

Technical/Admin Functions. To scrutinise and recommend proposals for renewal/fresh Approval

of Firms and their Quality Management System (AFQMS) and put up for
approval of DG through ADG (HQ). To Scrutinise the Quarterly Progress Report (QPRs), Defect

Investigation Reports, Quality Audit Reports etc from the respective FEs for
any further action as necessary. To exercise Quality Assurance functions of the stores for which his
group is responsible. To represent DGAQA in TEC/FET/CNC/PDI/JRI for

Indigenous/Foreign Acquisition. To maintain close coordination with PSUs and Service HQrs in respect
of projects under him. To process the Foreign deputation cases of DGAQA officers of his

Group and Officers of FEs under his control. Director (Armament) at HQrs is also responsible for the AHSP

Functions of specific Air Armament Stores, Parachutes etc. under production
at Ordnance Factories. MSQAA Cell and SSQAG Cell at HQ are responsible for Liaison with
DGAQA. Director (PP&FOL) at HQ is also responsible for scrutinizing and

processing Work Service proposals as received from various field

establishments and submit to Competent Authority for administrative

NB.-Any other duty assigned by Director General/ADG.

Director (Tech Coord): Nodal officer for Capacity Assessment and Registration of Firms for
central Procurements by Service HQrs. Preparation of Monthly DO to MoD by DG,AQA and its

printing/distribution of copies. Compile periodical reports on Value of Stores, QPR, etc and forward
input data for Annual report to MoD. Issuance and record keeping of technical policies, QA Directive and

guidelines issued by DGAQA. Preparation & execution of Annual Training plan for DGAQA officers
for competence building. To maintain data of imparted training, Qualification and area of

expertise for DGAQA Officers. Issuance AFQMS Certificate to the Firms after approval by DG,AQA. To maintain data base compendium and to keep track on AFQMS

approved Firms and Registered Firms for central Procurements by Service
HQrs. To initiate and process the cases of Director General Commendation

award to DGAQA Officers and staff. Correspondences related to sponsored Post Graduate/ Ph. D

programmes by DRDO. Handling & retention of valid official Passport of Officers/ employees

of HQ. Maintains Copy of documents i.e.- DDPMAS, AFQMS, TSO, USO

17 Organise conference for RDs/HoE meet. Reply of Parliament Questions to MoD

NB.-Any other duty as assigned by Director General/ADG.

7.4.3 Joint Director/P.Sc.O To assist Director in performing of his technical duties. Responsible for QA functions for the projects allotted to him. To maintain close coordination with PSUs / User HQrs in respect of

his projects. To participate in User Trials in respect of the projects allotted to him. To participate in various Standardization Sub-Committees, as

applicable. To work in Technical Panels entrusted with introduction of New

Equipment into the Services (ISWG). To participate in Aircraft Accident Investigations as and when required. To participate in Defect Investigations of stores cleared by their Group. To perform any duties assigned by Senior Officers.

7.4.4 Deputy Director/ SSO - I To assist the Director/ Joint Director of his group in performance of

their technical duties. Responsible for the Q.A. Functions of the projects allotted to him. To participate in the User Trials in respect of his project. To participate in Aircraft Accident Investigation as and when required. To vet Services Qualitative Requirements for introduction of new

equipment to the services and gives his recommendations/technical inputs.

18 To participate in various Standardization Sub-Committees, as
applicable. To process the proposal for grant/ renewal of AFQMS. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

7.4.5 Assistant Director/ SSO - II The Senior Scientific Officer-II shall perform similar duties as those
of SSO-I as assigned by the Group Director. They will also assist Jt.
Director/Dy. Director

7.4.6 Junior Scientific Officer & Senior Scientific Assistant The Junior Scientific Officers & Senior Scientific Assistants will assist
Director/ Jt. Director/Dy. Director/Asstt Director for performance of their

7.5 Duties & Responsibilities of DGAQA officers (At Field


7.5.1 DDG(NK)/DDG(KPT)/Regional Director/Officer-in-Charge Head of the Field Establishment To exercise supervision of Quality Assurance activities related to

Aircraft/Aircraft Rotables/ Instruments & Aero Engine during Design &
Development/Production/Overhaul/Repairs/Upgrades as per standard
procedures. To scrutinise and recommend Approval of Firms & its QMS to HQ

DGAQA and their renewal. Also, to recommend cases for change of Head of
QMS and Release Note Signatories. Exercise Control over the Approved QMS under his jurisdiction & take
action whenever there is any short fall in the Firm's QMS.

19 Responsible for issuing of “Certificate of Safety of Flight (Form 1090)”
for Aircraft during Contractors/Customer/Ferry Flight and Development &
Modification flight Trials. Responsible for final clearance of Aircraft/ Rotables/ Aero

Engines/Accessories and Signalling Out of Aircraft. Exercise monitoring of QMS and Inspection stages by laying down

DGAQA Stages and organizing periodical Surveillance/Spot Checks and
Quality Audits. Responsible for ensuring compliance to SOP of the Aircraft/ Rotables,

as laid down by RCMA. Issue of Annual Quality Plan and review of inspection stages. Issue of Signalling out of aircraft after successful completion of

scheduled test flights. Examine Production Permit/Concession and refer them to RCMA, if

necessary and dispose off the same. Ensuring Grant of Approval to QC Inspectors & Personnel carrying

out special processes such as WELDING, NDT etc of AFQMS approved
firms. Ensure participation in Defect Investigation as per laid down

procedure. Exercise various Admin. & Financial powers as delegated. Recommend cases for training of Officers to HQrs. for approval. Forward proposal for Foreign Deputation to HQ DGAQA in respect of

Training, Inspection, Design Review etc. through the concerned DDG. Execution of periodical Quality Audits & Monitor the action taken on
the recommendations of the Quality Audit Report. Member of LMC, LTC, LTCC and LCC. Ensure timely submission of various periodic (Monthly, Quarterly and

Annual) Technical and Admin/Financial Reports to HQrs.
20 Provide Technical Support like preparation of Specification &
certification for Avionics related Ground Equipment and QA for Avionics
Equipment through Private Sector. Responsible for QA/Inspection of various Stores as delegated by

HQrs. Responsible for representing DGAQA in committees / meetings held

with other stakeholders viz HAL/BEL/OFB/ RCMA/User Services. Responsible for Proof Testing of the air armament stores,

explosives, and ammunition manufactured/developed at the Ordnance
Factory under his control, in case of Air Armament FEs. Commanding Officer, AQAW (Armt), Khamaria, is the Chairman of
the JCM- IV and member of JCM-III. To perform any additional duties assigned by Director

General/Concerned DDG.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.2 Director The Director shall perform similar duties as those of HOEs as
enumerated above in respect of Technical activities.

7.5.3 P.Sc.O P.Sc.O at a Field Establishment assist their Directors in performance

of their Technical and Administrative Functions. Responsible for the execution of the Policy/Standard Procedures on

the Quality Assurance and Inspection of Aircraft/Aero
Engines/Rotables/Accessories/Instruments etc. In consultation with DDG/RD, institute QA Stages for verification by

DGAQA Officers during production/ Overhaul/Repair phases, from Incoming
Goods Inspection to the final product clearance. Carry out Periodical Review of the QA Stages and Supervision of

Firms QMS.

21 Assist Head of Establishment (HoE)/Director for the Inspection &
Quality Assurance of Aircraft/ Rotables / Avionics projects allotted to him and
also issuing of “Certificate of Safety of Flight (Form 1090)” for Aircraft during
Contractor/Customer/Ferry Flight and Development & Modification flight
Trials. Participate in LMC, LTC, LTCC and LCC etc. in respect of projects
allotted to him. To participate in Defect Investigations and CoI. Coordination of Q-423/Inspection Notes. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.4 Senior Scientific Officer-I (SSO-I) To assist Head of Establishment (HoE)/Director/P.Sc.O for the

Inspection & Quality Assurance of Aircraft/ Rotables / Avionics projects
allotted to him and also issuing of “Certificate of Safety of Flight (Form 1090)”
for Aircraft during Contractor/Customer/Ferry Flight and Development &
Modification flight Trials. To participate in LMC, LTC, LTCC and LCC etc. in respect of projects
allotted to him. To participates in Defect Investigations and CoI. To organize inspection at various stages. To ensure the compliance of standard operating procedures through

all stages, modifications repair/ salvage schemes in respect of the aircraft &
project assigned to him. To brief his superior officers on the likely areas of hold up. To carry out Quality Audits and follow up actions on


22 To scrutinize cases of Major Concessions in consultation with
HoE/Director/P.Sc.O and refer them to RCMA, if necessary. To carry out Surveillance/Spot checks/ QA Stages during the

Production/Repair/Overhaul of Aircraft/ Rotables/ Aero-Engines/ Avionics/
LRUs. Closely associate during the Design & Development of Aircraft
Systems, Aero-Engine and Modifications. To evaluate the competence of Inspectors proposed for approval by

the Firms/ Organisation and recommend their approval to HoE through
Director/PScO. To ensure timely Calibration of Test Equipment & Gauges. To approve minor concessions. To coordinate Q-423/Inspection Notes. To prepare & forward various periodical Technical and

Admin/Financial Reports (Monthly, Quarterly and Annual) to HQrs. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.5 Senior Scientific Officer – II (SSO-II) The Senior Scientific Officer - II shall perform similar duties as those
of SSO-I as enumerated above.

7.5.6 Junior Scientific Officer (JSO) To assist Director/P.Sc.O/SSO-I/SSO-II in day to day technical

activities. To assist the SSO-I / SSO-II in carrying out the system audit of the
firm prior to grant of AFQMS approval. To carry out periodical Quality Audits.

23 To Carry out Surveillance/Spot checks/ QA Stages during the build up
of Aircraft/Rotables/Aero-Engines/Avionics/LRUs. To participate in indigenous development of stores in coordination with

R&D Organisation, Service HQ, Public / Private sectors engaged in the
development of stores. To maintain Technical records of various policies, guidelines,

directives and technical instructions issued by the HQs from time to time
regarding inspection and quality assurance functions of the establishments. To study and analyse various defect and failure reports received from
user Services and render assistance to his seniors prior to offering necessary
technical advice/technical instruction to prevent recurrence of similar failures. To assist senior Officers in execution of policy / directives to ensure

quality and reliability of Aeronautical Stores. To participate in various Defect Investigations of aeronautical stores. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.7 Senior Scientific Assistant (SSA) To assist Director/P.Sc.O/SSO-I/SSO-II in day to day technical

activities. To witness the testing of samples as per specifications, making
observations on engineering features such as inspection, testing and
subsequent maintenance, scrutiny and coordination of test reports during
Production of aeronautical stores which comply with the laid down
specifications. QA activities of stages identified and assigned by the

superior/group officer during manufacture, repair and overhaul of aircraft/aero-
engines/accessories/stores and witnessing of tests carried out on the
assembled items during production. Verification of quality control documents prepared by HAL/PSUs to be

in accordance with the licensors' documents for licensed projects and in

accordance with the documents issued by the developing agency for
indigenous projects. Scrutiny of deviations, corrective and preventive measures &

processing of documents for acceptance of Production Permit/Concession by
competent authority. Scrutiny of aircraft documents for issue of “Certificate of Safety of

Flight (Form 1090)” by the superior officers. Scrutiny of aircraft documents before signal out/ferry out of aircraft

and bring out the discrepancies if any, to the superior/Group Officer. Assist in carrying out the activities connected with defect

investigations under the guidance of superior officers. Scrutiny of documents before clearance of the stores and bring out
discrepancies if any to the superior officer/group officer. Preparation of Q-423/Inspection Notes. Assist in spot checks and quality audits as decided by the superior
officer/group officer. Study of paper particulars/documents in respect of development

projects and give comments on quality control aspects to the superior officer. To witness the testing of stores during QTP in respect of

development projects undertaken by DRDO and indigenous development of
stores undertaken by PSUs. General technical correspondence connected with regular duties,

quality issues, inspection and engineering observations under the guidance of
superior/group officer. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.8 Foreman To supervise and monitor the performance of Chargeman and other

industrial staff working under him. To plan and organize for undertaking QA tasks. To allocate tasks to his sub-ordinate staff and monitor the progress. To study the drawings and specifications and assembly process

layouts and components. To ensure maintenance and calibration of inspection gauges and test

equipments. To scrutinize the QA documents viz inspection and test report

prepared by technical staff and submit the report together with his comments
to his superior officer. To participate in internal defect investigation of defective items at

detail part/component level. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.

7.5.9 Chief Draughtsman at HQ/Field Establishments To assist the Officer-in-charge drawing section in the work relating to

the drawing section. To supervise and allocate work to Draughtsman, Ferro-Printers and

Tracer etc. To co-ordinate the work of the section and guide the drawing work
being carried out by his sub-ordinate staff. To carry out physical and dimension check of various samples of

items to be indigenized for preparing the drawings. To check the vellums of the drawings prepared for correctness before
sending them to concerned sections for approval.
26 To ensure proper maintenance of the equipment in the drawing
section. To prepare draft requisitions for procurement of necessary equipment

and consumables for the drawing section. To carry out physical inspection of stores indigenized with reference to

the approved drawings. Plans for procurement of equipment/consumable stores for

maintenance of drawing section. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers

NB - For the detailed duties, the USO of the respective FE refers.


8.1 Director (HR) Director (HR) is group head of Admin-I, Admin-II

and Official Language (OL) sections. He is responsible for Overall
management of all the activities connected with Human Resource
Development (i.e- Personnel matters, Recruitment, DPC, Official Language
etc) and controls Admin-I, Admin-II and OL sections through their respective
Dy Directors/Asstt Directors (OL). The duties and responsibilities dealt by
these sections are appended below:

8.1.1 Admin-I Section : Section Admin-I functions under supervision of an

Assistant director and under control of Dy. Director (P). Broad duties are as
under: To ensure that DPC for all Group ‘A’ posts are held at UPSC and
Ministry of Defence in time and obtain approval of competent authority
(including ACC wherever necessary) for timely promotion. To ensure that DPC for all Group ‘B’ posts are held at HQrs DGAQA
in time, except for the post of Master Craftsman which is to be conducted at
AQAW(A), Khamaria. Processing DPC cases received from AQAW(A), Khamaria for

obtaining approval of the Director General, AQA.

27 Probation matters, confirmation of direct recruits at direct entry grade. Postings and Transfers of officers/staff in all grades. Issue of Seniority Lists for Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ posts, except that of Master
Craftsman which is to be issued by AQAW(A), Khamaria. Cases related to grant of Financial up gradation under MACPs/ NFUs. Maintenance of Nominal Roll and vacancy position. Maintenance and circulation of APARs. Cases related to outside appointment. Review cases under FR-56/Rule 48 of CCS(Pension) Rules. Court Cases/ RTI cases on above subjects. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

8.1.2 Admin-II Section: Section Admin-II functions under supervision of an

Assistant director and under control of Dy. Director (R). Broad duties are as
under: Framing/Amendments of Recruitment Rules in respect of all Group

‘A’, Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts of DGAQA organisation. Direct recruitment at Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ level under
DGAQA. Deputation cases as and when required as per the provision of RRs. Disciplinary and vigilance matters in respect of DGAQA. Compassionate Appointments. Court Cases/ RTI cases on above subjects. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

8.1.3 राजभाषा अनुभाग एक सहायक िनदे शक िक दे खरे ख म िन िल खत

िज े दा रयों का िन ादन करता है : महािनदे शालय एवं इसकी अधीन थ यू िनटों म राजभाषा नीित का अनु पालन सु िनि त

करना तथा राजभाषा िवभाग, गृह मं ालय ारा समय-समय पर जरी िदशा-िनदशों एवं
राजभाषा स ी आदे शो का पालन करवाना I िविभ आदे शों, अनु देशों, भत िनयमो, प ों, प रप ो, कोड एवं मै ुअल इ ादी
द ावे जो का िहं दी अनु वाद करना I राजभाषा िवभाग, गृह मं ालय के आदे शानु सार े क ितमाही म 25% अधीन थ
कायालयोंका िनरी ण करना एवं िनरी ण रपोट तै यार करना I

ेक ितमाही म महािनदे शालय की राजभाषा काया यन सिमित का आयोजन करना I र ा मं ालय की राजभाषा काया यन सिमित िक बैठकों म भाग लेना I े क ितमाही म ितमाही गित रपोट र ा मं ालय को भे जना I े क ितमाही म कायशाला का आयोजन करना I िहं दी पखवाडा आयोिजत करना I ो ाहन योजनाओ को लागू करना I ोबध, वीण एवं ा िश ण के िलए कािमको को नािमत करनाI कािमको को िहं दी टं कण एवं िहं दी आशु िलिपक िश ण के िलए नािमत करना I वािषक पि का ‘वै मािनकी’ का सं पादन करना एवं काशन करना I िहं दी पु को एवं श ाविलयो की खरीद करना I

8.2 Director (Adm) Director (Adm) is group head of Admin-III, Admin-
IV, Accounts and Registry Sections. He is responsible for Overall
management of all the administrative and account/ finance activities. The
following works/tasks are being dealt/disposed by these sections:

8.2.1 Admin-III Section: Section Admin-III functions under supervision of an

Assistant director and under control of Dy. Director (Co-ord/ Fin). Broad duties
are as under: NOC for passport/going abroad. Incentive for acquiring higher education. JCM matters. Issue of SLIC, Mobile Permission, Vehicle Sticker for employees

posted at HQrs. Issue of Long Service Certificate and pensioner photo ID Ex-post-Facto sanction for medical cases and permission for medical
treatment. Issue of sanction for hiring of casual labours, procurement of office/IT

equipment for Fes and matter pertaining to issue of new telephone
connections. Pension cases and Extension for retiring Govt accommodation Payment of legal fees Parliament Questions Court Cases/ RTI cases on above subjects. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

8.2.2 Admin-IV Section (including Registry) Section Admin-IV

functions under supervision of an Assistant director and under control of Dy.
Director (Cord/ Fin). Broad duties are as under: Procurement of office and IT equipments for HQs.

30 Training for Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ Non-Technical employees of DGAQA Registry

8.2.3 Accounts Section: The following duties and responsibilities are being
dealt by this section : Monitoring of Budget allocations. Distribution of funds to Field Establishments. Watch of expenditure over allotments. Generation and rendition of reports relating to BE, RE & MA including

MERs & QPRs. Sanction relating to grant of Motor car, Motor cycle, computer and
other advances. Sanction of House Building Advance. Cash Handling allowance and Overtime etc. Preparation of bills pertaining to Misc and contingent expenditure. Maintaining Imprest Account. Audit and Inspection of Cash & Accounts of Fes.

8.3 Liaison Officers for the employees of scheduled caste, scheduled

tribe and other backward classes of HQ, DGAQA

8.3.1 To ensure due compliance by the authorities with the reservation orders
and other benefits admissible to SCs, STs & OBCs.

8.3.2 To scrutinize and ensure prompt submission of the prescribed annual

statement by the appointing authorities to the Ministries/Departments and
consolidation of the annual statements and sending such consolidated
statements to the Department of personnel and Training.

8.3.3 To scrutinize properly all proposals for de-reservation and to certify
after due satisfaction that such de-reservations are inevitable and that all
steps prescribed in this regard have been faithfully taken.

8.3.4 To liaise between the Ministries/Departments/Attached and Subordinate

Officers and the Department of personnel for supply of required information,
answering queries and clearing doubts.

8.3.5 To conduct annual inspection of the rosters maintained, keeping a

record of such inspection.

8.4 Vigilance Officer – DGAQA

8.4.1 At HQ DGAQA Surveillance & Detection : The Vigilance officer shall conduct regular
& surprise inspections in areas considered sensitive and prone to corrupt or
improper practices. If a case comes to his notice having vigilance angle he
shall apprise ADG(HQ)/DGAQA for action as deemed necessary. Scrutiny of Property returns : Scrutiny @ 5% of property returns and

transaction of movable/immovable property intimated by the officers under the
Conduct Rules & follow-up action if considered necessary. Review of Cases : Periodical Review of all pending investigation

reports and ongoing disciplinary cases etc. Periodical Reports : Compilation and submission of periodical reports

& returns on Vigilance Matters to Ministry of Defence. Investigation of Complaints: Conduct investigation into complaints as

per CVC guidelines. If prima-facie vigilance angle is emerging, seek orders of
DG AQA for further course of action. Vigilance Clearance : Maintain necessary records and issue vigilance

clearance in respect of officials. To perform any additional duties assigned by Senior Officers.

8.4.2 At Field Establishments Vigilance officer is nominated by HQ DGAQA, New Delhi by name

and he is required to perform the following duties and responsibilities. Responsible for imparting vigilance awareness on vigilance aspects

to be followed in the organization among officers and staff of the
establishment. To carry out investigation on the signed complaints as well as

complaints received from other sources and to dispose off suitably. To keep a vigil on the punctuality in working hours and unauthorised

absence in the establishment. Responsible to carry out vigilance checks on TA/DA claims, LTC

claims, Stores/Inventory, Re-imbursement of medical bills, payment of bills &
stores supplied, prompt inspection & issue of I Notes etc. Responsible for sending monthly, quarterly report on vigilance work. Responsible for check on indulgence in private business, review of

user complaints etc. Responsible for smooth conduct and disposal of departmental


Section -II :



1.1 The Rules and Regulation pertaining to technical activities of DGAQA

are as per the provisions contained in the following documents issued by
Ministry of Defence, Govt of India:

1.1.1 Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)

1.1.2 Defence Procurement Manual (DPM)

1.1.3 Procedure for Design, Development and Production of Military Aircraft

and Airborne Stores (DDPMAS)

1.1.4 Procedure for Design, Development, Production and Inspection of

Electronic Equipment (DDPIL)

1.1.5 DDPMAS: Software


1.1.7 Various International & National Standards including Joint Service

Standards/ Guides (JSS/JSG)


2.1 In order to ensure effective and efficient Supervision and control over
Quality Assurance activities, detail procedures as defined in following
documents, issued by DGAQA are being followed:

2.1.1 Approval of a Firm and its Quality Management System (AFQMS).

2.1.2 Technical Standing Orders (TSO).

2.1.3 Unit Standing Orders (USOs) of respective Field Establishment.


3.1 FEs and Sections at HQ DGAQA are generating Monthly, Quarterly

and Annual Reports/ Returns, which are being forwarded to higher authorities
for monitoring.
3.2 In addition, annual performance audit of FEs are carried out for
continual improvement.

3.3 Monthly Report on DO (Development Orders) is being generated on

important achievements and task performed for appraisal of Secretary,
Defence Production.


4.1 HQrs DGAQA issues Quality/AQA Directives/Guidelines from time to

time for implementation of the various QA requirements at the FEs. These
Directives have been uploaded on the DGAQA website and can be accessed
through “Technical Circulars” under “Technical” Menu on DGAQA website.
The Directives issued so far are listed below: :

4.1.1 Guidelines for QA during outsourcing by Main Contractor Quality

Assurance procedure for the stores sub contracted by Main Contractors are
described in AQA Directive 01/14.

4.1.2 Guidelines for QTP & ATP of Ground Equipments/Jigs for Airborne
Items (Electrical & Electronics) Guidelines for the Qualification Test Procedure
(QTP) and Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) of Ground Equipments/ Jigs for
airborne item has been issued vide AQA Directive 02/01/2015.

4.1.3 Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) All indigenous subassembly &

LRU of Electronics airborne and ground equipments including Test Rigs shall
be subjected to ESS cycles as per DGAQA Quality Directive 04-02/2015.

4.1.4 Certificate of Safety of Flight (Form 1090) The Terms and condition of
validation of Certificate of Safety for flight, its format and necessary instruction
for filling up F-1090 are defined in AQA directive 05-01/2016 (Aircraft).


5.1 HQrs DGAQA issues various policy guidelines on QA issues for better
clarity amongst FEs. Some of them are listed below:

5.1.1 Policy for QA Coverage by FEs under different DDG jurisdiction The
policy on QA Coverage by FEs under different DDG jurisdiction has been
issued vide 1405/Policy/DGAQA/Tech Coord dated 31 Dec 14.

5.1.2 Quality Assurance of Airborne store (FAIR/FOI & IRS) The requirement
of First Article Inspection Report/ First Of Inspection and Inspection Record
Sheet in respect all airborne store are stipulated in DGAQA letter No-
202/29/LCA/DGAQA/Aircraft dated 13/05/15.

5.1.3 Configuration Control for Ground Systems/Equipments The

requirement of DGAQA member in the Configuration Control
Board/Committee of the firms dealing with the development and production of
ground systems/equipments has been issued vide 618/Policy/DGAQA/AE
dated 19 Jun 15.

5.1.4 Corrosion on Military Aviation Stores The policy guidelines on

acceptance of corroded aviation stores has been issued vide
225/31/DGAQA/Aircraft dated 02 Nov 15.

5.1.5 Observation of Critical snags during DGAQA Memo stage Compilation

of observation of Critical snags during DGAQA memo stage, timely disposal
of QA activities are defined in DGAQA Letter No- 225/31/DGAQA/Aircraft
dated 23 Nov 2015.

5.1.6 Role of DGAQA during Development Phase of Projects involving

CEMILAC Certification The role of DGAQA during Development phase of the
projects has been clarified vide letter no. 1409/DDPMAS/DGAQA/Tech Coord
dated 31 Aug 16.


6.1 The following documents issued by Ministry of Defence/DGAQA are


6.1.1 Procedure for Design Development and Production of Military Aircraft

and Airborne Stores The procedures for testing and certification requirements
in the military aviation are given in a MoD document titled DDPMAS-2002
(Procedure for Design Development and Production of Military Aircraft and
Airborne Stores). A brief on these procedures has been included in this

6.1.2 Defence Procurement Manual (DPM)

Procurement of Defence Revenue Items The principles and procedures to be
followed by all wings of the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Services, as
well as all organizations and units/establishments there under, for
procurement of goods and services, expenditure on account of which is met
from the revenue heads of the Defence Services Estimates (DSE) are defined
in DPM 2009. The procedure laid down in this Manual shall be followed for
central procurement as well as local purchases under delegated financial
powers of authorities in the Ministry of Defence, Service Headquarters and all
subordinate authorities in the Command Headquarters, lower formations,
establishments and units there under at all levels.

6.1.3 Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP): Procedure of Defence Capital

Acquisitions All Capital Acquisitions,(except medical equipment) undertaken
by the Ministry of Defence, Defence Services and Indian Coast Guard both
from indigenous sources and ex-import shall be governed by the procedure
defined in The Defence Procurement Procedure – 2013. (DPP-2013).
DGAQA as a member of DPP shall follow the guidelines as defined in DPP
documents. The term procurement means acquiring all types of goods (both
scaled and non-scaled), such as equipment, stores, spares, technical
literature, etc., as well as all types of services, including packing, unpacking,
preservation, transportation, insurance, delivery, special services, leasing,
technical assessment, consultancy, systems study, software development,
maintenance, updates, conservancy, etc.

6.1.4 Approval of a Firm and its Quality Management System (AFQMS):

A firm seeking Approval for its Quality Management System (AFQMS) from
DGAQA should formally apply and provide evidence that either it is in
possession or likely to receive an order for development/ supply/ service of
military airborne stores and associated Ground Handling/ Ground Support
Equipments. The procedure for obtaining DGAQA approval and requirements
is given in DGAQA document: Approval of a Firm & its Quality Management
System (AFQMS). This document can be downloaded from DGAQA website-

6.1.5 SOP on Assessment and Registration of Firms/Vendors (2016):

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Assessment and Registration of
Firms/Vendors has been issued.

Section –III


1. Introduction

1.1 This manual consists of Administrative procedure, method of work of

DGAQA and also spells out the duties, rights and responsibilities. The Admin
&HR Groups comprising of Adm-I, Adm-II, Adm-III (Accounts & Registry) and
Adm-IV are responsible for efficient handling and disposal of correspondence
as per laid down procedure under Manual of office procedure.

2. Management of Registry : Registry section is working as

Central Registry and receiving all the receipts/dak on behalf of DGAQA
organization and is also responsible for dispatch of outgoing mail/dak, i.e
registration of incoming mail of and dispatch of mail (ordinary/registered).

3. File management : Records are tools of management, memory of an

organization and source of information. The communications conveying
information/decision from all levels of authorities and analysis of various
reports/returns etc. and examinations of cases are being well managed by
DGAQA through files on different subjects. File management in DGAQA is
being followed as per the Manual of Office Procedures (MoP) and
Government of India orders issued from time to time.

4. Form and procedure of the communication: Different forms of

written communications in vogue are being followed by DGAQA as per the
Manual of Office Procedures (MoP) and Government of India orders issued
from time to time. Besides, it comprises all communications, addressed to
Field Establishment offices and VIP communications.

5. Drafting of communication: Being followed as per the Manual of

Office Procedures (MoP) and Government of India orders issued from time to
time, with due care when contents of communication marked as classified.

6. File management and file numbering system: Being followed as per

the Manual of Office Procedures (MoP) and Government of India orders
issued from time to time.

7. Record room and security of documents and files: Being followed

as per the Manual of Office Procedures (MoP) and Government of India
orders issued from time to time. Security of documents and files are being
followed as per the security instructions of Defence Security Instructions,
2008 issued by Security Office.

8. Checking on delays: Being followed as per the Manual of Office

Procedures (MoP) and Government of India orders issued from time to time.
Besides, monitoring for prompt action on all receipts and timely submission of
cases at various levels i.e starts from Assistant Director to DG.

9. Grievance Redressal: Proper Grievance redressal mechanism exists

in DGAQA, which is headed by a Joint Director rank officer who is also
performing as Liaison Officer for SC/ST matters. All the grievance
applications are being disposed of as per the Govt. of India guidelines on the

10. Disposal of applications received under Right to Information Act

(R.T.I.): In terms of Right to Information Act, 2005, necessary provisions have
already been made for its smooth implementation and providing information to
citizen of India where DGAQA is the Public Authority. A Director rank officer
is appointed as the Nodal Officer and the CPIO. He is responsible for
receiving of applications under the RTI Act and its timely disposal. The
Director General, AQA is the Appellate Authority for disposal of the Appeal
under RTI.

11. Inspection and monitoring: Inspection and monitoring of various

tasks assigned to the HR & Admin sections are carried out by the Group
Heads i.e. Director (HR) and Director (Admin) on regular basis.

12. Posting, Transfer & Rotation Policy: Posting Transfer & Rotation in
respect of DGAQA Group A & B officers, DGAQA Policy Ref. No-
3598/DGAQA/Adm-1 dated 31/10/2016 is being followed.

13. Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS): Aadhar

Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) has been fully implemented
in HQ, DGAQA. All employees in HQ, DGAQA are registered on BAS portal
and marking their attendance on it. As far as field establishment are
concerned, the facilities of AEBAS are being extended to in a phased manner
so that attendance of employees is to be monitored and report may be
obtained from FEs.
14. Recruitment of Group A, B and C Posts:

14.1 Calculation of vacancies (year-wise).

14.2 Distribution of vacancies between DR & DPC as per the ratio

mentioned in Recruitment Rules of respective posts.

14.3 Preparation of reservation roster for direct recruitment vacancies.

14.4 Getting approval of AS (DP) in the Ministry (for Gp A post)/DG, AQA

(for Gps B & C posts) for discipline-wise distribution of vacancies.

14.5 Getting approval of Nodal Officer of SC/ST/OBC for reservation roster.

14.6 Preparation of requisitions along-with Check List and advertisement

details for submission to UPSC (Group A & B gazette post)/ SSC(Group B
Non-gazetted post)/ Central Employment Exchange/ DAVP(Group C post) (as
the case may be) along-with copy to Surplus Cell/ DGR/ AG, MP-4 for
sponsoring suitable candidates(if any) otherwise issue Non-availability-
Certificate (NAC).

14.7 UPSC/ SSC forward nomination letters along with dossiers of the
selected candidates. Thereafter, pre appointment formalities viz. Medical
Test, police verification, cast verification (where ever applicable), IB
verification etc are completed before issue of offer cum posting letter.

14.8 After completing pre-appointment formalities, the approval of the

competent authority for appointment and posting of the candidate is obtained.

15. Financial Power to DGAQA: The schedule of Financial Power to

DGAQA officers issued by MoD vide letter number 1002/06/DGAQA/Accts/
D(HAL) dated 25 April 2007.

16. Deputation of officers Abroad: Cases of deputation of DGAQA

officers abroad are to be dealt in accordance to DGAQA Policy Directive
01/2015 issued vide letter No-1405/ Directive/ DGAQA/ Tech Coord dated 25
Jun 2015.

17. Training policy: In order to keep pace with the constantly changing
technology and to upgrade skill, knowledge, competency of DGAQA officers
and staff; DGAQA Training Policy 2015 was framed.


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