Paper With REG. Analysis
Paper With REG. Analysis
Paper With REG. Analysis
A new empirical model to estimate the joint shear strength of both exterior and interior beam–column connections
is proposed. In the model, four parameters that have the most influence on joint shear strength are considered.
Among these four, a new parameter is introduced to consider the bond condition and the possibility of beam bars
transferring joint shear force into the columns. Consideration of this parameter in the model significantly improves
the accuracy of the predicted joint shear strength. To calibrate the model, a large database of 98 reinforced concrete
(RC) exterior and 73 RC interior beam–column connections displaying joint failure mode was compiled from the
literature. A parametric study was also carried out to evaluate the dependence of the predicted to tested joint shear
strength ratio on the four influence parameters using the database. The proposed model showed superior perform-
ance over existing models. Moreover, comparisons of the predicted joint shear strength with experimental results
and with four existing models showed the accuracy of the proposed model.
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
y column axial stress semi-empirical models have also been developed based on
b beam bar index experimental data.
j normalised joint shear reinforcement
jh normalised horizontal joint shear reinforcement Most of the theoretical and empirical models currently available
jv normalised vertical joint shear reinforcement in the literature were summarised by Lima et al. (2012). Their
summary showed that, in total, 11 parameters (including geo-
Introduction metric and mechanical parameters) were taken into account by
Beam–column connections are known to be one of the most the available capacity shear strength models. Interestingly, these
critical regions of reinforced concrete (RC) structures as failure 11 parameters did not include the number and diameter of beam
of the connections under seismic loading often leads to partial or longitudinal bars, although these factors are the most important
total collapse of the whole structure. To improve the safety of RC parameters that control the mechanism of bond forces transferring
structures under seismic load, designers have to carefully consider from the beam reinforcement to the concrete at the joint area.
the shear strength and the ductility performance of beam–column Analysis of a large experimental database of 171 beam–column
connections to ensure that brittle shear failure at the joint region connections introduced in the following section showed that, in
is avoided. addition to parameters such as concrete compressive strength,
joint shear reinforcement and column axial stress, the diameter
To understand the behaviour of beam–column connections, and number of beam bars are important factors for the shear
numerous experimental and analytical studies have been con- strength of a beam–column connection. Therefore, in this work,
ducted since the mid-1960s. The first studies on beam–column the number and diameter of beam bars were considered in order
connections were carried out by Hanson and Connor (1967). to develop an empirical shear strength model for predicting the
These were then developed by Zhang and Jirsa (1982), Sarsam shear strength of beam–column connections. Development of the
and Phipps (1985), Pantazopoulou and Bonacci (1992), Hwang model was based on regression analysis using a large database
and Lee (1999). The latest studies on beam–column connections collected from published works. The superiority of the proposed
include those of Kim et al. (2009), Choi and Kim (2011), Joyklad model was evaluated by comparing the predicted joint shear
et al. (2012), Kim and Yu (2012), Najafian et al. (2013) and Patel strengths with 171 test results from the literature and with four
et al. (2013). Although many efforts have been made, the existing analytical models.
research community has not yet understood the full behaviour of
RC beam–column connections because of the large variations in Experimental database
both geometry and distribution of forces that occur in a relatively A database of 171 experimental RC beam–column connections
small volume at the joint region (Pantazopoulou and Bonacci, (98 exterior and 73 interior) was compiled from the published
1992). This point of view is evident when considering the literature (Alva et al., 2007; Antonopoulos and Triantafillou,
inconsistencies in existing design standards for predicting the 2003; Attaalla, 2004; Au et al., 2005; Chalioris et al., 2008;
shear strength of RC beam–column connections (ACI, 2008; AIJ, Chun et al., 2009; Chutarat and Aboutaha, 2003; Clyde et al.,
1999; BSI, 2004; SANZ, 1995). 2000; Dhakal et al., 2005; Durrani and Wight, 1985; Ehsani and
Alameddine, 1991; Ehsani and Wight, 1985; Ehsani et al., 1987;
In general, to carry the joint shear forces, resisting mechanisms, El-Amoury and Ghobarah, 2002; Fisher and Sezen, 2011;
including diagonal struts and/or trusses, are developed. The truss Ghobarah and El-Amoury, 2005; Ghobarah and Said, 2001, 2002;
mechanism is justified when the bond between the concrete and Hwang et al., 2004, 2005; Ishibashi, 1993; Kaku and Asakusa,
the beam and column reinforcement is perfect. In this case, the 1991; Karayannis and Sirkelis, 2005, 2008; Karayannis et al.,
joint core is considered as a uniform plane zone subjected to 2008; Kitayama et al., 1991; Kuang and Wong, 2006; Le-Trung
shear stress and joint shear reinforcement is thus required to et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2010; Leon, 1990; Liu, 2006; Lu et al.,
prevent shear failure of the joint core by diagonal principal 2012; Megget, 1974; Meinheit and Jirsa, 1977; Morita et al.,
tension stress. The diagonal strut mechanism is developed by the 1999; Murty et al., 2003; Noguchi and Kashiwazaki, 1992;
internal forces generated in the concrete and thus joint shear Noguchi and Kurusu, 1988; Oka and Shiohara, 1992; Otani et al.,
reinforcement is required to provide sufficient confinement for 1984; Pantelides et al., 2002; Park and Paulay, 1974; Shrestha et
improving the compressive strength of the concrete diagonal al., 2009; Supaviriyakit and Pimanmas, 2008; Tsonos, 2007;
strut(s). Different from the truss mechanism, in the diagonal strut Tsonos et al., 1992; Vatani-Oskouei, 2010; Wang and Hsu, 2009;
mechanism, the bond between the beam bars and the concrete is Wong and Kuang, 2008).
allowed to deteriorate. Based on the above resisting mechanisms,
numerous models have been developed for predicting the shear All of the specimens were subjected to quasi-static cyclic lateral
strength of beam–column connections. These theoretical models loading and were at least one-third scale. The final failure modes
were developed based on either the average stress approach with of the collected specimens were either joint shear or joint shear
compatibility of strains and stress equilibrium, or the strut-and-tie with yielding of beam reinforcement. All of the specimens had
approach. In addition, because the mechanism of the joint is no out-of-plane members (slabs and/or transverse beams) and no
complicated and depends on many parameters, empirical and eccentricity between beams and columns. Specimens that failed
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
in terms of weak column–strong beam were excluded from the on the joint shear strength are evaluated in the following
collected data because, in these cases, the column flexural sections.
capacity is relatively low and thus failure of the column caused
by flexural moment can occur before the shear strength of the Parameters of influence in beam–column
connection is reached. For interior connections, the column and connections
beam reinforcement continuously passed through the joint panel. The ‘key’ influence parameters for the joint shear behaviour of
For exterior joints, only those specimens with conventional rein- beam–column connections were investigated by Kim and LaFave
forcement anchorage were included (i.e. the longitudinal bars of (2007). They found that concrete compressive strength f c9 , in-
the beams were anchored by hooks towards the core of the plane geometry (interior, exterior or knee connections), dimen-
exterior joints). In the collected database, the test shear forces, sions of the beams and columns (hb , bb , hc , bc ), joint transverse
Vjh,test , were either collected from the reported values or derived reinforcement and beam reinforcement were among the influence
using the maximum applied load measured from the test. In this parameters for the shear strength of beam–column connections.
calculation, the moment arm of the beam cross-section was Besides the above parameters, bond condition – which is strongly
assumed to be 80% of the total beam height hb : influenced by the number and diameter of reinforcement bars –
and column axial stress are also known to affect joint shear
The collected database covered a broad range of various para- strength.
meters, including joint reinforcement ratio, reinforcement yield-
ing stress, concrete strength, column axial average stresses and Beam longitudinal bars passing or anchored in a joint core
beam height to column height ratio (hb /hc ), as summarised in transfer a fraction of bond stress into the joint core and the
Table 1 for exterior joints and Table 2 for interior joints. Of the remainder into the upper and lower columns. When the bond
exterior connections, 46 specimens failed through joint shear and force of the beam bars is low, the fraction of bond force
52 specimens failed in joint shear with yielding of beam rein- transferred into the columns is low, thus most of the shear force
forcement; the corresponding numbers for the interior connec- is claimed by the joint and slippage of the beam bars also occurs.
tions were 41 and 32 respectively. The combination of these two unfavourable factors leads to a
reduction in joint shear strength. Conversely, if the beam bars’
The definitions and the ranges of the main parameters in the bond force is high, the fraction of bond force transferred into the
collected database are summarised in Table 3, in which N is the columns is significant; thus, a relatively small fraction of shear
column axial load, Asjh and fjhy are the area and yield strength of force is claimed by the joint and slippage of the beam bars would
the horizontal joint shear reinforcement placed between the top not occur, leading to an improvement in joint shear strength.
and the bottom beam reinforcement respectively, Asjv and fjvy are
the area and yield strength of the intermediate vertical reinforce- Among the parameters of influence, concrete compressive
ment passing through the joint respectively, bj ¼ (bc + bb )/2 is strength, in-plane geometry and the dimensions of the beam and
the effective joint width (bc and bb are the section widths of the column are the strongest, so their roles in joint shear strength
beam and the column respectively), nb is the maximum number have been mostly evaluated. The remaining parameters are still
of the top and the bottom beam bars and dsb is the corresponding being debated. Some researchers (Bakir and Boduroğlu, 2002;
average beam bar diameter. Hegger et al., 2003; Kim and LaFave, 2008; Parker and Bullman,
1997; Paulay and Priestley, 1992; Sarsam and Phipps, 1985;
A new parameter b , referred to as the beam bar index, is Vollum and Newman, 1999) have proposed inconsistent contribu-
proposed. From its definition in Table 3, it can be seen that b is tions of joint shear reinforcement in the shear strength of beam–
a function of the number of beam bars nb and their average column joints while some (Marques and Jirsa, 1975; Meinheit
diameter dsb : In addition, geometrical properties are also inte- and Jirsa, 1977; Pantazopoulou and Bonacci, 1992) have indi-
grated into b to form a dimensionless parameter reflecting the cated that column axial load has no coherent effect on joint shear
normalised contact area between the beam reinforcement and the strength. Clyde et al. (2000) reported that column axial load
surrounding concrete. As the concrete–reinforcement contact helped to improve the joint shear strength while Park and
area has a direct influence on the magnitude of the bond forces Mosalam (2012) showed that joint shear strength is not clearly
transferring from the beam reinforcement into the concrete at affected by column axial stress up to 0:2 f c9 :
the joint core, b is proposed as a parameter that can affect the
joint shear strength. By considering its definition, it is easy to Models for shear strength of beam–column
see that the joint aspect ratio (hb /hc ), which is considered as an connections
influence factor of the joint shear strength, is integrated in b : As mentioned earlier, strut and truss mechanisms are developed
Moreover, the conventional influence factor, the beam reinforce- to resist joint shear forces, thus the joint shear strength Vjh is
ment ratio (rsb ¼ Asb /bb hb , where Asb is the greater of area of usually proposed to be composed of two components
the top or bottom beam bars) is also incorporated to a certain
degree via the term nb dsb /bb hb in this parameter. Details about 1: V jh ¼ V ch þ V sh
the influence of both the beam bar index and other parameters
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Table 1. (continued)
where Vch and Vsh are the contributions of the concrete strut and ACI 352R-02 (ACI, 2002) and Architectural Institute of Japan
truss mechanisms respectively. The first component is related to design guidelines AIJ (1999) ignore the contribution of Vsh , thus the
the concrete strength f c9 and the second term relates to the joint shear strength is expressed as a function of concrete compres-
horizontal and vertical joint reinforcement. sive strength and the joint geometry. The form of the expression is
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Table 2. (continued)
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Asjv f jvy
Normalised vertical joint shear reinforcement jv ¼ : 0.00 1.63 0.00 3.20
bj hc (f c9 )0 5
Normalised joint shear reinforcement j ¼ jh þ jv 0.00 2.45 0.00 3.50
Column depth to beam height ratio hc /hb 0.50 1.13 0.67 1.00
Beam bar diameter to column depth ratio dsb /hc 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.08
nb d sb hc
Beam bar index b ¼ 0.07 0.51 0.13 0.71
bb hb
Table 3. Definitions and ranges of parameters in the collected
in which m ¼ 1, fjhy and Asjh are the yield strength and the total
: : :
cross-sectional area of the horizontal joint transverse reinforce- 4: V jh ¼ 1:31Æt t t (JI)0 15 (BI)0 3 ( f c9 )0 75 Ajh
ment respectively, fby and Asb are the yield strength and the
greater of the area of top or bottom beam bars respectively and
ÆNZS is a factor that reflects the influence of both joint geometry in which Æt and t are parameters for describing in-plane and
and column axial load. out-of-plane geometry respectively, t is a parameter to account
for the influence of beam eccentricity, JI is the joint transverse
Paulay and Priestley (1992) proposed a theoretical joint shear reinforcement index (depending mostly on the volumetric joint
strength model in which the contribution of the concrete strut Vch shear reinforcement ratio) and BI is the beam reinforcement
depends on the area and yielding strength of the beam’s long- index (depending mostly on the beam reinforcement ratio rsb ). A
itudinal reinforcement, the concrete compressive strength, column limitation of this model is that column axial load was not taken
axial load and the joint geometry. The contribution of the truss into account as a possible influence parameter for joint shear
mechanism is simply determined as Vsh ¼ Asjh fjhy : A similar strength during development of the model. This is because, in the
contribution of the truss mechanism on joint shear strength was Bayesian parameter estimation model, all parameters should be
proposed by Vollum and Newman (1999), but their model non-zero (Kim and LaFave, 2008) and some experimental tests
additionally accounted for the influence of hb /hc : had zero column axial load.
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Based on the strut-and-tie approach, Hwang and Lee (2002) and their diameters are thus examined instead of their total cross-
developed a theoretical joint shear strength model in which the sectional area and yield strength.
joint shear strength was determined as
In the proposed model, the general form of joint shear strength is
5: V jh ¼ K f c9 Astr cos Ł assumed to be a function of influence parameters as illustrated by
where K is a factor accounting for the contribution of horizontal X
: 0:5
and vertical joint shear reinforcement, (¼ 3.35/( f c9 )0 5 < 0.52) V jh ¼ Ajh ( f c9 ) ai x i þ c
is a softening coefficient, Astr is the effective area of the diagonal 7: i¼1
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1
f c9 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [
j [ [ [ [ — — [ —
jh — — — — [ [ — —
jv — — — — [ — — —
b [ [ [ [ — — — —
N=bc hc f c9 [ [ [ — — — — —
dsb /hc [ [ — — — — — —
hc /hb [ — — — — — — —
AAE, exterior joints 0.102 0.105 0.108 0.143 0.182 0.191 0.182 0.213
AAE, interior joints 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.122 0.132 0.155 0.132 0.162
nb d sb hc
b ¼ < 0: 4 (2012), corresponding to Equations 2, 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
bb hb The ACI model (ACI, 2002) was chosen for the comparison
because it is the simplest model and the only parameter consid-
ered is concrete compressive strength. The model of Kim et al.
As the parameters dsb /hc and hc /hb are the two least important (2009) was chosen because it is of the same level of complexity
factors, these factors were ignored to give a simple formation of as the proposed model and was also developed based on an
the joint shear strength. Moreover, for simplicity, the influence empirical approach. The models of Hwang and Lee (2002) and
coefficients a i and the intercept c for exterior and interior joints Wang et al. (2012) were also chosen for comparison because they
were adjusted to give a unique formulation that can be applied represent theoretical models developed based on the strut-and-tie
for both types of connections. The final equation for joint shear and average stress approaches respectively. The average value of
strength is the predicted-to-test joint shear strength ratio (AVG) and its
coefficient of variation (CoV) are shown in Figure 1 to compare
N : accuracies in predicting the joint shear strength. The figure shows
V jh ¼ ª1 þ þ 1 2b Ajh ( f c9 )0 5
bc hc f c9 that the model proposed in this paper gave the best predictions of
joint shear strength.
9: þ ª2 (Asjh f jhy þ Asjv f jvy )
Figures 2 and 3 show comparisons of model accuracy for exterior
and interior joints respectively; the figures indicate that the
in which ª1 ¼ 0.81 and ª2 ¼ 0.14 for interior joints and proposed model can predict the shear strength of both exterior
ª1 ¼ 0.34 and ª2 ¼ 0.22 for exterior joints. and interior connections with a great improvement in accuracy.
The proposed model predicts the shear strength of exterior joints
Model verification with an AAE of 11% and CoV of 15%; these values for the most
The results from tests on exterior and interior joints in the recent model (Wang et al., 2012) are 17% and 22% respectively.
compiled database were used to verify the proposed model. The The ACI 352R-02 model (ACI, 2002) is the least accurate in
test shear strength Vjh,test and the predicted shear strength Vjh,model predicting the shear strength of exterior joints, with AAE ¼ 27%
calculated from Equation 9 are shown in Table 1 for exterior and CoV ¼ 34%. For interior joints (Figure 3), the proposed
joints and Table 2 for interior joints. The tables show that the model predicts the joint shear strength with AAE ¼ 12% and
predicted joint shear strengths are in very close agreement with CoV ¼ 14%; the next most accurate model is ACI 352R-02, with
the experimental values. The proposed model predicts joint shear AAE ¼ 13% and CoV ¼ 19%.
strength with an average model-to-test shear strength ratio of 1.00
and with coefficients of variation (CoV) of 14.7% for exterior Parametric study
joints and 14.0% for interior joints. The proposed model considers four ‘key’ parameters – concrete
compressive strength f c9 , the normalised column axial stress
Figure 1 shows the results from the proposed model and results N =(bc hc f c9 ), the normalised joint shear reinforcement
from the joint shear strength models proposed by ACI (2002), j ¼ jh þ jv and the beam bar index b : These parameters were
Kim et al. (2009), Hwang and Lee (2002) and Wang et al. double checked and compared with existing models to evaluate
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
2600 Exterior joints:
Exterior joints:
AVG ⫽ 1·00 AVG ⫽ 1·26
CoV ⫽ 0·147 CoV ⫽ 0·336
Vjh,model: kN
Vjh,model: kN
1300 1300
650 650
Proposed ACI (2002)
0 0
0 650 1300 1950 2600 0 650 1300 1950 2600
Vjh,test: kN Vjh,test: kN
(a) (b)
2600 2600
Exterior joints: Exterior joints:
AVG ⫽ 0·80 AVG ⫽ 1·11
CoV ⫽ 0·234 CoV ⫽ 0·183
1300 1300
650 650
Hwang & Lee (2002) Kim et al. (2009)
0 0
0 650 1300 1950 2600 0 650 1300 1950 2600
Vjh,test: kN Vjh,test: kN
(c) (d)
Exterior joints:
AVG ⫽ 0·92
CoV ⫽ 0·218
Wang et al. (2012)
0 650 1300 1950 2600
Vjh,test: kN
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
0·4 0·4
0·34 CoV CoV
0·3 0·27 0·3 0·28
AAE or CoV
AAE or CoV
0·23 0·23 0·22 0·21 0·20 0·22
0·2 0·18 0·2 0·19 0·18
0·16 0·17 0·17
0·15 0·14
0·11 0·12
0·1 0·1
0 0
9 ) l.
2) al.
00 nd
el d
9) l.
2) al.
00 a
00 nd
el d
od e
00 a
od e
m pos
(2 et
01 t
(2 a
(2 g e
m pos
(2 et
01 t
(2 a
(2 g e
e g
e g
Le an
Le an
Figure 2. Accuracy comparison of the models for shear strength Figure 3. Accuracy comparison of the models for shear strength
prediction of exterior joints prediction of interior joints
the fitness of the influence coefficients as well as the accuracy of demonstrate clearly the dependency of the joint shear strength
the proposed model. Figure 4 illustrates the variation of the ratio on each of the parameters. In general, the figure shows that
predicted-to-test joint shear strength ratio with these four para- the proposed joint shear strength ratio has no clear dependence
meters. Linear regression lines were added to the figure to on these four parameters despite their large range variation.
2·00 2·00
ACI (2002) Kim et al. (2009)
1·75 Proposed 1·75 Proposed
1·50 1·50
Vjh,model /Vjh,test
Vjh,model /Vjh,test
1·25 1·25
1·00 1·00
0·75 0·75
0·50 0·50
0·25 0·25
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ⫺0·4 ⫺0·2 0 0·2 0·4 0·6
f ⬘c : MPa N/(bc hc f ⬘c )
(a) (b)
2·00 2·00
Wang et al. (2012) Kim et al. (2009)
1·75 Proposed 1·75 Proposed
1·50 1·50
Vjh,model /Vjh,test
Vjh,model /Vjh,test
1·25 1·25
1·00 1·00
0·75 0·75
0·50 0·50
0·25 0·25
0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 2·5 3·0 3·5 4·0 0 0·1 0·2 0·3 0·4 0·5
Normalised joint reinforcement χj Beam bar index χb
(c) (d)
Magazine of Concrete Research A new empirical model for shear strength
Volume 66 Issue 10 of reinforced concrete beam–column
Tran, Hadi and Pham
Figure 4 also reveals that the proposed model gives the predicted- from the literature. The influence of some ‘key’ parameters on
to-test joint shear strength ratio with less scatter than the other joint shear strength was analysed and four parameters were
models. In particular, the figure shows that the predicted-to-test chosen to generate the proposed model. These four parameters
joint shear strength ratio of the proposed model varies around included a new parameter to reflect the beam bar bond condition
1.00 in a small range from 0.71 to 1.51; this range for the models as well as the possibility of the beam bar transferring a fraction
of ACI (2002), Kim et al. (2009) and Wang et al. (2012) is 0.57– of the joint shear force into the column. The regression analysis
1.77, 0.61–1.83 and 0.51–1.66 respectively. showed that consideration of this parameter helps to significantly
improve the reliability of the model when compared with test
Figure 4(a) compares the dependence of joint shear strength ratio results.
on concrete compressive strength for the proposed model and the
model in ACI 352R-02. In both models, the power term for A parametric study to illustrate the better performance of the
concrete compressive strength is 0.5. However, the joint shear proposed model when compared with other models was also
strength ratio of the ACI model tends to reduce with an increase conducted. This showed that the proposed coefficients in the
in concrete strength while there is no clear dependency in the equation for joint shear strength are justified and that the proposed
proposed model. This indicates that consideration of the remain- equation for joint shear strength is reliable despite the large
ing three parameters effectively improves the reliability of the variation in the parameters of influence. Results from the
proposed model. proposed model were compared with those from four existing
joint shear strength models to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
Figure 4(b) compares the variation of joint shear strength ratio new model. Due to its accuracy, stability and simplicity, applica-
with the normalised column axial stress for the proposed model tion of the proposed model for predicting the shear strength of
and the model of Kim et al. (2009). Both models were developed beam–column connections in practical design is expected.
based on an empirical approach, but the model of Kim et al.
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