Cere Network Vision Paper v1.0
Cere Network Vision Paper v1.0
Cere Network Vision Paper v1.0
Ethical • Efficient • Interoperable
“Big Tech”, the modern giant technology companies led by The Big Five - (Amazon, Apple, Alphabet
(Google), Microsoft, and Facebook) - have entrenched themselves as the middlemen for access to
and exchange of third-party customer data. These five companies alone have hauled in a staggering
USD 900 billion of revenue in 2019. If we add to this the revenue of other big companies competing
in this space, such as Salesforce, Oracle, SAP, Adobe, and others, we are easily looking at a total
well over USD 1 trillion, or the annual GDP of countries such as Indonesia, Mexico, or Spain.
The Big Five maintain their dominant position of data brokers by collecting data across all of their
services from consumers and businesses alike. Then they use the hoarded data to sell access to
consumers back to the businesses. Application owners and developers are locked into their walled
gardens and are tethered to poor interoperability and high dependence. Big Tech exposes their
customers to risk related to privacy, compliance, and security. Consequently, businesses are facing
an ever increasing cost of customer acquisition.
Businesses and developers are frustrated and infuriated by this reality. They are tired of being
forced into costly integrations and suboptimal experience with data oligopolies that are tied to
vested interests. The Decentralized Web can’t come soon enough for them. The barriers to
decouple from this arrangement, however, are too high, and the majority of the app owners and
developers who have to play by the rules (and fees) of these walled gardens are struggling.
Now, what if two or more business partners could share data securely without the need for a
centralized big tech platform to broker the exchange?
These businesses could suddenly enrich customer experience and broaden product offerings, while
better preserving user privacy and at the same time break free from the walled gardens of big tech
data silos. It’s inevitable that this is where we’re heading.
Cere follows the current trend of first party data management set in motion by the likes of
Snowflake, optimizing and enhancing this narrative through data-interoperability, network
scalability and unique new business opportunities.
Cere Network is founded by Silicon Valley veterans with 20 years of experience from Amazon,
Twitch, and Bebo.
Cere is an ethical environment that will help any business develop their own
decentralized customer data cloud on top of a blockchain-powered
decentralized data network, built from the ground up around privacy,
security, interoperability, and an open source philosophy. Blockchain and
distributed ledger technology (DLT) are the key components of Cere's
Cere Network is differentiation and unique value proposition, because they provide the
already onboarding technical foundations for Cere’s Decentralized Data Storage (DDS) and
the first enterprise peer-to-peer data collaboration environment.
clients to the platform!
Cere lifts the veil off the black box of customer data
management and makes it transparent to the end user.
Cere has created a highly interoperable service layer on top of this Decentralized Data
Cloud, which will be opened up to all vendors and developers and released as Cere's Data
Science Marketplace (DSM). Businesses can lease their data to other businesses,
vendors and data experts, or obtain insights, business intelligence services, and data
products through the DSM, with full control over how, when, and for what purpose their
data will be used. Data vendors and developers will use the marketplace to provide
plug-in data products, services, and solutions to businesses in the Cere decentralized
data cloud, who will in turn be able create better user experiences and provide more value
to their customers.
A leading premise of Cere’s solutions is that businesses do not have to plunge into large
upfront investment and risk of re-building their applications from scratch, in order to plug
into and take advantage of blockchain technology and a Decentralized Data Cloud.
Cere Network believes that the path to the first 100 million blockchain users is through
fast-tracked enterprise adoption, working with businesses who already have millions of
loyal users.
The world of customer data management is changing and the future lies in decentralized
frameworks of data pools, exchange services, and application environments. Today’s
business landscape is becoming increasingly interconnected. Companies are connecting
to and sharing data with an increasing number of stakeholders - customers, partners,
vendors, subcontractors.
Existing data management solutions are no longer fit to meet these demands. Most of the
top CRM and CDP platforms are monolithic solutions, architected many years ago.They
struggle to meet the rapidly evolving needs of today’s businesses. Modern companies
require a high degree of flexibility, interoperability, speed, and customization.
These silos today hold up to 80% of corporate data. Companies waste resources in
moving, aggregating, cleansing, verifying, and sharing data with other business entities
and stakeholders. These walled gardens are fragmented and incomplete. They are slow,
and costly to access. They are also prone to integrity decay. The consequence is
considerable transactional friction leading to high barriers for efficient business
interaction, compliance issues, as well as expensive migrations.
All of this confronts businesses with the perennial question of how they can develop
cost-effective and efficient 1st-party data solutions that will allow them full control over
their data, coupled with tools to collect and process data to extract applicable insights
about their customers’ needs and behaviors, while keeping in line with privacy, security,
and data compliance standards.
Stakeholders in this ecosystem want to finally unshackle from the dependencies that
force them to hand over their data to the likes of Google, Facebook, SAP or Salesforce
and pay big money to the likes of Accenture to implement CRM and data management
solutions that still don’t get the job done. These complex and expensive implementations
fail to provide an optimal level of usability and agility. Unencumbered access to data is
essential to serving customers and markets. It is required for making decisions that
maximize ROI and optimally drive growth.
So, why not own the data and make the best use of it too?
The new Decentralized Data Clouds powered by Cere will provide businesses, developers,
and data providers with a level playing field to build better experiences for their
customers and target their audiences, leveraging real-time data through peer-to-peer
collaboration with partners - businesses, data services vendors, developers, and data
scientists - within the Cere Decentralized Data Cloud.
Businesses want an easy way to securely share customer data between multiple
applications and partners, the ability to track each unique customer journey in an
omnichannel view, and share that data with on-demand business intelligence experts,
data scientists, and data service vendors, to help better understand the users.
On top of this, as we are well into the privacy era, data leaks, hacks, and intransparent
handling of user data is at the forefront of concern among users, businesses, and
regulators alike. Therefore, the next generation customer data solutions will need to offer
an unprecedented level of individual data security, privacy, and agility to comply with
GDPR / CCPA regulations.
Most businesses are currently struggling to satisfy these requirements in full, without
disrupting the accuracy and predictive value of the data they collect.To conclude,
stakeholders in the current data silos are struggling to embrace digital transformation,
lacking data solutions that are privacy and security compliant, stored, owned in the cloud,
and interoperable across a wide array of applications and technological frameworks.As a
result, today’s world of customer relationship and data management is in need of a
conceptually new solution and ecosystem, that will meet all of these demands - the Cere
Decentralized Data Clouds.
Cere is aiming to lead the movement that empowers businesses, developers, and
consumers to take back control of their data, by helping them develop their own
Decentralized Data Clouds.
Cere Network is the first Decentralized Data Cloud that allows stakeholders to own their
data with 100% control over who can use it and for what purpose in any particular
Businesses are currently paying expensive SaaS contracts and handing their data to tech
giants such as Salesforce, Microsoft, SAP, to provide them with data management
By doing so, they are elevating these siloed data platforms into even stronger positions of
power, who in turn ‘reward’ them with additional fees to access apps and solutions that
are built on top of their platforms.
With Cere, businesses large and small can have their own Decentralized Data Clouds,
supplanting inadequate and expensive enterprise solutions with their own “NikeForce”,
“ExpediaForce” or “[InsertYourBrand]Force”.
This is markedly different from what tech giants, acting as the middlemen for data, offer
Businesses should not be compelled to hand over their data, only to wonder and worry
what the likes of Facebook and Google will use it for, or how they can make them “unsee”
this data.
On top of Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud, that can pull in data from relevant
stakeholders in a network, businesses can build tools and services at lower cost, with
faster and easier data access, to help them better understand and serve their customers.
Billions of people around the world are using millions of apps and sites every day to aid
them in and beyond the workplace, to find and purchase products and services, or to
consume news and entertainment content.
Yet, none of these apps can work directly with each other. They have to pay a huge
ransom to the data middlemen in order to target and have insight into each others’ users.
The cost of acquiring, retaining, and converting users to paying customers varies across
markets and industries, but on average, businesses in 2018 have had to dish out up to
US$ 4 just to get a user with verified app store purchases to install an app, and up to US$
112 to get them to the point of making an in-app purchase.
The dog-eat-dog competition in almost vertical, along with the scarcity of acquisition
platforms and marketplaces for mobile apps, today controlled by a handful of big tech
companies, will only drive this cost for businesses up.
What is more, the digital footprint users leave behind in an application is a treasure trove
of data that businesses strive to gather, process, and analyze to the fullest extent
possible, in order to better understand the needs of their users, customers, and target
New Goals
However, it is the likes of Google, Apple, and Facebook who own much of this valuable information,
accumulating it via their toolkits, applications and platforms, by wedging their foot into the
anteroom, the living room, and eventually into every room of a company’s digital real estate.
This gives them an incredible amount of power, as they have complete control over the distribution
of applications and web content. They use this power to generate billions of dollars every month
through a walled-garden and pay-to-play approach, leveraging the data that businesses hand over
to them, only to sell back access and services they have built on top of this data.
The tech giants set the rules and control the experience of user search, discovery, and
recommendations on their platforms, and decide who to promote and at what price. With this kind
of leverage, they are in a comfortable position to pursue a strategy of maximizing revenue, often at
the expense of providing the best experience and service to end users.
Cere Network wants to lead the movement of empowering businesses to directly work with each
other, without having to pay or succumb to these dominant middlemen.
With millions of applications available for download in app stores, serving billions of users
worldwide, Cere is offering an ecosystem in which businesses and developers can collaborate to
make the most of what they already have - their users and their customer data.
Instead of paying the likes of Facebook or Google to target a person who uses a popular Fintech
app, such as Robinhood, a bank, such as JP Morgan can directly pay Robinhood to access and
engage such a user in a much more personalized way that capitalize on existing user behavior
data which Robinhood is ok with sharing.
Currently, there isn’t a trustless framework that can allow secure and real-time sharing of user data
between two partners, while maintaining compliance in terms of privacy, transparency, and
Sticking with the example above, imagine if JPMorgan could directly engage a Robinhood user
seamlessly with highly personalized product offerings, due to the fact that the customer journey of
this user has been shared by Robinhood in a secure and privacy-preserving way in real-time.
Not only will this cut out the middlemen and keep the money between the two businesses, but it
will also dramatically increase the chance that the offer will match the user’s needs and meet or
exceed their expectations, creating the feeling of delight that every brand is after when serving
their customers and communicating their value proposition to the market.
This will happen because of the much higher degree of targeting and customization that is fully
controlled by both parties, unlike what is possible with campaigns and experiences built around
solutions developed by the likes of Facebook and Google.
One just has to take a quick look at the distribution and revenue charts for app stores, to see that
they are very top heavy. Most of the money is made by the top apps, while 90%+ of app developers
struggle to make money.
Cere Network is out to level the app distribution and monetization playing field, by creating
opportunities for businesses to directly share data with each other and bypass the data
middlemen, by using Cere’s data ecosystem and token.
Cere will provide ways for businesses and developers to rent out their customer data to other
apps, providing specific usage insights such as the activities or consumption of content - articles
titles read, video categories watched, songs listened to, products purchased - to facilitate a better
understanding of the consumer in an omnichannel perspective across apps.
This gives the power that only the likes of Facebook, Google, and Apple have at the moment - back
to the developers and app publishers.
As a result, businesses will be able to acquire, retain, and delight users with personalized
experiences and tailored offers at a fraction of the marketing budget they are coerced into
spending, and keep a lion’s share of the money spent by users in their applications, that would
otherwise be surrendered to the intermediary app stores and martech platforms.
Cere Network believes that the path to the first 100 million
blockchain users is through fast-tracked enterprise adoption,
specifically in working with brands/businesses who already have
millions of loyal users.
Cere will be at the forefront of blockchain adoption by providing fully integrated growth
tech solutions, similar to the SaaS platforms that businesses are already using, deployed
to bring immediate efficiency improvements and cost savings to core business units,
while vastly improving consumer data privacy and security, and leveling the economy
playing field by cutting out big tech data middlemen.
Decentralized applications (DApps), on the other hand, are still in their infancy, with
performance severely impaired by the limits of the current technology to accommodate a
high throughput of data and transactions.
Furthermore, to engage with a DApp, a user would need to already own some
cryptocurrency, and to own cryptocurrency, the user must feel confident in the security,
usability, and storage of their tokens, as well as the stability of their value.
However, three main concerns among users continue to build up the market pressure that
is driving innovation towards a Decentralized Data Cloud:
1. End-users are increasingly disgruntled with how data containing their personal
information and behavioral patterns is handled and used by the data middlemen,
with little to no transparency in relation to who has access to it and for what
purpose it is used:
2. User experiences that are laced with disruptive promotional messaging and an
economic logic that prioritizes value for the app stores and walled-garden data
services providers, over businesses and end-users;
3. The high cost of in-app utility that end-users end up paying, as a result of the high
profit margins collected by app store and data service providers.
Cere Network has undertaken to solve the problem of adoption and scaling by creating
an Decentralized Data Cloud that takes the best of both worlds.
A leading premise of Cere Network’s solutions is that businesses do not have to plunge
into large upfront investment and risk of re-building their applications from scratch, in
order to plug into and take advantage of blockchain technology and Decentralized Data
Cere is the missing link that businesses need, providing fully integrated solutions,
packaged similarly to the SaaS platforms that they are already using, and deployed to
bring immediate efficiency improvements and cost savings to core business units.
We believe that the path to the first 100 million blockchain users is through enterprise
adoption, specifically in working with brands/businesses who already have millions (or
even billions) of loyal users.
While this is a challenging task, we fully embrace this approach to help businesses serve
their customers more effectively and efficiently, while vastly improving consumer data
privacy and security.
By providing solutions to businesses with large established user bases, many of the
friction points inherent to adoption and scaling DApp environments can be avoided,
paving a much easier path to massive impact once the businesses are onboarded.
We thank you for reading this extensive paper and we’d love for
you to join our mission towards more data ownership to help us
build the best of both worlds together.