Animals in Danger: Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter

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Animals in Danger Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? B

a Most of the species in the sea disappeared a … in the 1950s.

250 million years ago. b … millions of years ago.
b You can see dodos in Mauritius. c … in 1900.
c When people arrived in North America, 73 d … in twenty years.
per cent of the big animals disappeared. e … in about 1680.

d Some people kill animals to make a lot of
money. 20 marks
e The people near Lake Victoria put two
kinds of bigger fish in the lake. 4 Which animal …? okapis, chimpanzees, dolphins,
f A baby tapir needs its mother’s milk for ten golden hamsters, boas.
years. a walk on two legs.
g Rhinos have one or two long horns. b live in rivers and seas.
h Dolphins only live in Antarctica. c come from Syria.
i Some bald ibis are learning to fly behind d have blue tongues.
little planes. e eat with their hands.
j Kakapos have lots of babies and like to live f play in water.
with people. g have black and white legs.
h live wild in Jamaica.
20 marks i hundreds are born in Jersey Zoo.
j many children have them in their homes.
2 Where do they live? Match a number in A with a
letter from B to make complete sentences. 20 marks

5 What are they? Match a number in A with a letter
1 Cichlid fish live in …
in B.
2 Javan rhinoceroses live in …
3 Baiji dolphins live in … A
4 Wild Ibex live in … 1 Kakapos
5 Golden lion tamarins live in … 2 Dodo
3 Nile Perch
4 Golden Lion Tamarin
a … the south-east of Brazil.
5 Siberian Tiger
b … Indonesia.
c … Europe. B
d … Lake Victoria in Africa. a … a member of the cat family
e … the Yangtze river in China. b … a small monkey
c … a big, quiet bird
20 marks d … a parrot
e … a big fish
3 Match the dates with the animals. Match a number
in A with a letter in B to make complete sentences. 20 marks

1 There were 100,000 tigers in the world … Total marks
2 There were more than 300 species of
dinosaur …
3 The last dodo died …
4 Many species of cichlids were extinct in
Lake Victoria …
5 There are not going to be any mountain
tapirs …

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Animals in Danger Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter

Places 13 Some people make medicine from the tapir’s

Choose the best answer.
a F hair b F feet c F eyes d F milk
1 In _____ there are now only about 2,000 tigers. 14 Hunters kill _____ in Central Africa for their
a F North America b F Australia horns.
c F India d F Chile a F white rhinos b F tapirs
2 The dodo only lived in _____. c F chimpanzees d F tigers
a F India b F South America 15 The _____ is the biggest animal in the world.
c F Australia d F Mauritius a F rhino b F dolphin c F tiger
3 You can see the effect of humans at Lake d F blue whale
Victoria in _____. 16 Today there are only about 5,000 _____ in
a F South America b F East Africa Antarctica.
c F North America d F India a F blue whales b F tigers
4 Chimpanzees only live in _____. c F white rhinos d F parrots
a F Africa b F Australia c F America 17 _____ are different from most birds because
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

d F India they cannot fly.

5 All the rhinos in the world now live in Africa a F Bald ibis b F Spix’s macaw
and _____. c F Kakapos d F Woodpeckers
a F America b F India c F Asia 18 Jane Goodall wanted to learn about _____.

d F Europe a F parrots b F dolphins c F rhinos

6 Baiji dolphins live in the Yangtze River in _____. d F chimpanzees
a F India b F Vietnam c F Indonesia 19 Dian Fossey worked with _____ in Rwanda.
d F China a F gorillas b F rhinos c F tapirs
7 Hunters took all the Spix’s macaws from _____. d F tigers
a F Brazil b F New Zealand 20 _____ have beautiful red-brown coats, black and
c F Morocco d F Syria white legs, and blue tongues.
8 Gran Paradiso in _____ was one of the first a F Tigers b F Golden lion tamarins
national parks in the world. c F Okapis d F Golden hamsters
a F New Zealand b F Italy
c F Morocco d F China 20 marks
9 Today, _____ has 160 different places for the
protection of animals.
a F Chile b F China c F Costa Rica Facts
d F Indonesia
Choose the best answer.
10 The World Wildlife Fund has offices in _____
21 About _____ per cent of all the animals in the
world disappear every year.
a F four b F fourteen c F forty
a F 1 b F 10 c F 50 d F 75
d F four hundred
22 Scientists think there were about _____ big
20 marks extinctions in the past.
a F five b F fifty c F five hundred
d F five thousand
Animals 23 Now, _____ animal species are in danger of
Choose the best answer.
a F 100 b F 500 c F 1,000 d F 7,000
11 By about 1680 the last _____ in the world was 24 In thirty years the number of _____ in Africa
dead. went down from 600,000 to 200,000.
a F rhino b F tiger c F dodo d F gorilla a F tapirs b F chimpanzees c F cows
12 _____ can walk on two legs and eat with their d F dodos
hands. 25 Blue whales can live for _____ years.
a F Tapirs b F Rhinos c F Dolphins a F ninety b F nine hundred
d F Chimpanzees c F nine thousand d F nine million

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Animals in Danger Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter

26 About 75 million _____ are born in the world a F charity b F human c F behaviour
each year. d F tourist
a F people b F tigers c F cichlid fish 40 something to eat or drink that helps you get
d F rhinoceroses better when you are ill
27 In 1850, there were a billion _____ in the world. a F tongue b F medicine c F smallpox
a F people b F dinosaurs d F vaccine
c F national parks d F cars
28 In 1976 seven _____ went to Jersey Zoo, and 20 marks
now hundreds are born there every year.
a F chimpanzees b F boas c F tigers
d F dogs Events
29 Only people in the Democratic Republic of Choose the best answer.
Congo knew about the _____ before 1901. 41 _____ became extinct about 65 million years ago.
a F okapi b F golden hamster c F ibex a F Dinosaurs b F Siberian tigers
d F Spix’s macaw c F Dodos d F Rats

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
30 People in the USA looked for the ivory-billed 42 After _____ came to the Galapagos Islands
woodpecker for _____ years, but they did not some species of bird disappeared.
find one. a F rhinos b F rats c F dodos
a F six b F sixteen c F sixty d F parrots

d F six hundred 43 Edward Jenner made a vaccine for smallpox
from _____.
20 marks
a F cows b F dogs c F whales d F tapirs
44 When the _____ built the Three Gorges Dam, it
changed the river dolphin’s habitat.
Vocabulary a F Americans b F Costa Ricans
Choose the best answer. c F Indians d F Chinese
31 to go away from a place; to stop existing 45 The Chinese stopped the hunting of _____ in 1983.
a F habitat b F cut down c F disappear a F river dolphins b F rats c F parrots
d F problem d F fish
32 very simple plants that grow in water 46 In 1930 and 1931 hunters killed 30,000 _____ in
a F algae b F fish c F cow d F species Antarctica.
33 a place where you can see wild animals in a a F whales b F dolphins c F tigers
town or city d F rhinos
a F nature b F zoo c F factory d F net 47 Yellowstone National Park opened in _____ in
34 a liquid that is put in the body to protect it from 1872.
disease a F Antarctica b F Italy c F Costa Rica
a F tongue b F hunt c F algae d F North America
d F vaccine 48 Dian Fossey was killed in _____ in 1985.
35 to chase animals to kill them, for sport or for food a F North America b F Antarctica
a F buy b F hunt c F extinct d F protect c F Costa Rica d F Africa
36 to make the air, rivers etc dirty and dangerous 49 Scientists want to see 2,000 _____ in south-east
a F pollute b F risk c F become Brazil by the year 2025.
d F disappear a F tamarins b F tigers
37 a group of animals that are the same in some way c F chimpanzees d F rhinos
a F farm b F wild c F natural 50 In 1930 a scientist looked for and found fifteen
d F species _____.
38 not alive in the world anymore a F okapis b F woodpeckers c F golden
a F charity b F habitat c F extinct hamsters d F golden lion tamarins
d F problem
39 a group of people who work to help people or 20 marks
animals in need
Total marks

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