4.1.4 Chuck Adkins - 4001004 - xI6jgadS9
4.1.4 Chuck Adkins - 4001004 - xI6jgadS9
4.1.4 Chuck Adkins - 4001004 - xI6jgadS9
Points Possible:30
(5 points)
1. In this activity you will explore the composition of the labor force in one state in the
United States. First, look at the jobs below and identify which labor market they fall
Auto worker
Waiter secondary
Professional musician
2. How do you think a weak economy affects jobs? Hint: In a weak economy,
unemployment rates tend to be high and spending low. I feel like that makes the
I don't worry about making enough money. I'm sure my job will cover my expenses. How
society? That is pretty much the only way you can make money
(15 points, 5 points per question)
You will now examine the labor force in Texas and explore the jobs that are growing as
well as those that are declining. You will then compare job growth in Texas to that in the
1. First, examine the unemployment rate in Texas from 2006 to 2016. (Data Source:
2. Next, analyze the growth and decline of jobs in selected industries in Texas. Look closely
at the chart below and then answer the questions that follow it.
A) Did unemployment in Texas rise or fall between 2008 and 2015? Which industries
contributed the most to the change in the unemployment rate during those seven years?
B) Which industry had the greatest job loss between 2008 and 2010? Try to guess what
may have caused that industry to decline. Education and health and I think its because
3. Now compare the growth or decline of jobs in selected industries in Texas to the
A) Did the industries that grew or declined in Texas follow a similar pattern to that in the
rest of the nation from 2008 to 2015? If not, how was the pattern in Texas different?
They grew
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