Reservoir Modeling Using CMG-2007 For Single Well of Radial Flow
Reservoir Modeling Using CMG-2007 For Single Well of Radial Flow
Reservoir Modeling Using CMG-2007 For Single Well of Radial Flow
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table of content
list of illustrations
7. Scenarios
Fig 7.7 BHP change affect on reservoir bottom hole flowing pressure with time
Fig 7.9. 3D view of the reservoir ( production and injection well location)
Fig 7.10 The effect of water injection on the daily oil rate
Fig 7.12 The effect of water injection on the gas oil ratio
Fig 7.13 The effect of water injection on the flowing bottom hole pressure
1. Benefit of CMG
6. Model Assumption
I MEX is one of the world's fastest conventional reservoir simulator. IMEX
models complex, heterogeneous, faulted oil and gas reservoirs, to achieve
accurate predictions and forecasts quickly. Reservoir engineers use IMEX to move
from history-matched, primary production and water floods to enhanced recovery
processes in GEM and STARS quickly and easily.
IMEX models multiple PVT and equilibrium regions, as well as, multiple rock
types and has flexible relative permeability choices. Regardless of the size or
complexity of your reservoir problem, IMEX is an effective tool for a broad range
of reservoir management issues.
The number of gridblocks and the resultant study computing expense are the
lowest in cases where the engineer can justify use of a representative element of
the total field as the basis for the model study. This may be possible in reservoirs
developed with repeated well patterns, for any recovery process---waterflooding,
CO2 injection, steamflooding , etc. In such cases, the representative element
ideally should be a symmetrical element of the reservoir. In strict terms, this
requires a repeated, regular pattern of identically completed and operated wells, a
horizontal, areally homogeneous reservoir formation of uniform thickness, and
areally uniform initial fluid saturation distributions. If these conditions were met,
then questions regarding total field optimization, forecasting and comparative
evaluation of recovery processes could be addressed inexpensively by simulation
of the single pattern (element).
In general, of course, the number of areal gridblocks required increases with size
of the reservoir and the number of wells. However, grid spacing ranging from very
fine to very coarse may be appropriate for different reservoirs of comparable size.
The smallest number of areal blocks (coarsest areal spacings) are associated with
reservoir studies limited to natural depletion and crestal or flank gas/or water
injection. In such a case, a coarse grid may result in a number of areal blocks that
include two or more similar type (e.g., production) wells, with little loss in
engineering significance of the simulator results. Large numbers of areal blocks
may be required in case of pattern waterfloods or enhanced recovery processes. A
rough guide in this case is the need for at least two, preferably three or more,
gridblocks separating each injection-production well pair. However, recent studies
describe estimation of pseudo relative-permeability curves, which allow adjacent-
block placement of an injector/producer well pair.
The major factors affecting the number of grid layers (vertical gridblocks) required
are the formation stratification, vertical communication, and total thickness. Many
reservoirs possess a number of formation layers, which correlate from well to well
over much of or all the field. Variations of layer thickness, permeability, and
porosity may be significant areally even greater from one layer to another. The
vertical communication (vertical permeability) between adjacent layer-pairs may
from zero to very high, both areally and from one layer-pair to another. In the
general, at least one grid layer should be used for each correlatable formation layer.
However, common sense and budget constraints argue against definition of a large
number of very thin grid layers. Three dimensional reservoir studies typically
employ 4 to 12 grid layers, and one or more of these grid layers may be a lumped
representation of several thin formation layers. The need for subdivision of one
formation layer into two or more grid layers depends on the layer thickness and
fluid-segregation characteristics of the recovery process and operating rates. Most
recovery processes result in moderate to severe gravity segregation of oil and
injected fluids; injected water or gas tend to under run or override oil, respectively;
many steamflood projects exhibit sever override of oil by the steam. A formation
layer that has significant thickness and zero to poor vertical communication with
layers above and below may exhibit a pronounced phase segregation and require
two or more grid layers. In the idealized example of a field wide, pronounced
gravity override in a vertically homogeneous reservoir, a variable grid spacing
increasing from top to bottom might be specified. That is, four layers of
thicknesses 5,10,20, and 25-ft might give more accurate results than four layers of
equal 15-ft thickness.
Obviously, a minimum computing expense follows from use of a single grid layer
representing the entire formation thickness. This results in a 2D x-y areal grid as
opposed to a 3D grid and occasionally is justified in the two extremes of a very
high vertical permeability and a layer formation with zero vertical permeability.
Pseudorealtive permeability and capillary pressure curves are discussed for the
former case in papers describing the vertical equilibrium (VA) concept and for the
latter case by Hearn.
4. Specification of reservoir rock and fluid description data
Geological and petro-physical work based on logs and core analyses yields maps
of structure, net Øh, and kh products for each of the several reservoir layers. The
kh and Øh data are often augment or modified by results of drill-stem, pressure
buildup, and pulse tests. For each layer, the engineer can overlay his areal x-y grid
spacing network on these maps and read off the values of subsea depth, Øh, and kh
at the center of each gridblock. These values along with gross thickness of each
block are then transposed to a data file in a format compatible with that required by
the simulation model. Current research effort is directed toward developing
computer programs that accept digitized core analysis, log and geological data the
selected grid network, and through mapping and interpolation techniques,
automatically prepare the simulation input data file. Laboratory core analysis work
includes measurement of relative-permeability, k r, and capillary-pressure, P c,
curves for a number of field cores. Variations in rock lithology may result in
different sets of k r, an P c, curves for different layers and/or different areal
portions of the reservoir. Most simulation models allow multiple sets of such data
in tubular from with assignment of each set to a user-specified layer/portion of the
reservoir. If the rock water/oil (gas/oil) capillary pressure values are small, the
water/oil (gas/oil) transition zone in the reservoir may be a very small fraction of
total formation thickness. In such cases pseudocapillary-pressure curve(s) should
be used.For black-oil studies, laboratory tests are performed to determine gas
compressibility factor and saturated oil and gas viscosities vs. pressure.
Differential and/or constant-composition expansion tests on oil samples yield the
saturated oil pressure-dependent formation volume factor, Bo (RB/STB), and
solution gas, Rs (scf/STB). The resulting oil and associated gas properties vs.
pressure are entered in the data file in tabular from compatible with simulator input
requirements. For gas condensate depletion studies, constant-volume and constant-
composition expansion tests yield the required pressure-dependent liquid content,
CL (STB/scf), and condensate density values. A wide variety of laboratory tests
are performed for compositional model studies that involve injection of a
nonequilibrium fluid (dry or enriched gas, CO2, N2, etc.). swelling tests yield
relative volumes, saturation pressure, and equilibrium phase composition for each
of a sequence of mixture, say. 1 mole of original reservoir oil and injected fluid.
5. Validity of simulation results
Uncertainties or errors in simulation model results may arise from questionable
assumption or mechanisms not represented in the differential form of the model,
spatial and time truncation error introduced by replacement of the model
differential equations by finite difference approximations, and inadequately known
reservoir rock and/or fluid description data. In addition, the exact solution of the
difference equation is not attained because of round-off error introduced by the
finite word length of the computer. Round-off error is generally negligible
compared with errors from the other three sources. With some exceptions, the
above sources of error are listed in order of increasing importance. However,
successful history matching can reserve the importance of the second and third
6. Model Assumption
An assumption common to many black-oil models is complete re-solution of free
gas in accordance with the saturated Rs (p) curve during re-pressurization. This
may be a poor assumption in a case where gridblock thickness is large and gas/oil
gravity (vertical) segregation is pronounced. Prior to re-pressurization in a given
block, the free gas may exist as a high gas saturation in only the upper portion of
the block. This contradicts its representation in the model as a lower saturation
distributed throughout the entire block volume. In the segregated state , the gas will
re-dissolve only in the lower or residual oil saturation in the upper, gas-occupied
portion of the block volume. However, the model will allow re-solution in the
entire rocks oil volume. Pressure hysteresis in the Rs (p) curve has been used to
cope with this problem; an alternative remedy where the computing budget
permits is the use of more grid layers.
An assumption common in early black-oil models was that the reservoir oil obeyed
a single pair of Bo (p) and Rs (p) curves. Some black-oil reservoirs exhibit a
significant variation of oil API gravity and PVT behavior with depth or with depth
and areal location. In some cases, this variation can be represented in a black-oil
model by simply allowing initial solution gas Rsi to vary with depth in the under-
saturated oil column, retaining a single setoff Bo (p) and Rs (p) curves. In the
other cases, multiple sets of these curves and two oil components are necessary and
the single oil-type assumption in a black-oil model can lead to appreciable error.
Mechanisms or phenomena that are significant in some reservoirs and may not be
represented in the model include compaction, hysteresis in wetting and non-
wetting relative permeabilities, and interlayer wellbore cross-flow. The latter is a
particularly difficult modeling problem and the subject of continuing research. A
production well completed in a number of layers may exhibit production from
some layers and, simultaneously, injection (backflow or recirculation) into others.
Factors that promote this possibility are low-pressure drawdown (high PI and/or
low rate) and poor vertical communication between the reservoir layers in the
vicinity of the well. A rigorous treatment of this problem requires modeling of
wellbore multiphase hydraulics and phase segregation combined with calculation
of correct phase mixtures for the layers undergoing injection .
Chapter 3
The project objectives
2.To assess the differences between the result for recent project with the companies
caring on the same model and data.
4. To reach the final proper scenario that will be and recommended by using
Chapter 4
1. Basic data
4. Well data
7. Pvt data
8. Saturation data
1. Basic Data
3. Initial Condition
Production Schedule
1 to 10 1000
10 to 50 100
50 to 720 1000
Water properties
800 1.0255 48.1 1.14 335 1.01182 62.286 0.96 2.95 4.238 0.0135
1200 1.038 49.372 1.11 500 1.01061 62.36 0.96 1.96 6.379 0.014
1600 1.051 50.726 1.08 665 1.0094 62.436 0.96 1.47 8.506 0.0145
2000 1.063 52.072 1.06 828 1.0082 62.51 0.96 1.18 10.596 0.015
2400 1.075 53.318 1.03 985 1.007 62.585 0.96 0.98 12.758 0.0155
2800 1.087 54.399 1 1130 1.0058 62.659 0.96 0.84 14.885 0.016
3200 1.0985 55.424 0.98 1270 1.0046 62.734 0.96 0.74 16.896 0.0165
3600 1.11 56.203 0.95 1390 1.00341 62.808 0.96 0.65 19.236 0.017
4000 1.12 56.93 0.94 1500 1.00222 62.883 0.96 0.59 21.192 0.0175
4400 1.13 57.534 0.92 1600 1.00103 62.958 0.96 0.54 23.154 0.018
4800 1.14 57.864 0.91 1676 0.99985 63.032 0.96 0.49 25.517 0.0185
5200 1.148 58.267 0.9 1750 0.99866 63.107 0.96 0.45 27.785 0.019
5600 1.155 58.564 0.89 1810 0.99749 63.181 0.96 0.42 29.769 0.0195
8. Saturation data
Note :You can see The changes in oil,water&gas productions with time (in every
days) and also gor ,water cut changes with time in appendix.B.
Chapter .6
Comparing CMG results with the company’s results
We see that the our CMG’s results are approximately between chevron and ARCO
1. Comparing the oil production rate
1.perforation changes
3.water injection
1.perforation change
Change perforation layers to (5 & 6) and ( 3&4 ) and (9&10) and then choose the
best perforation layers for the reservoir .
The following figures show the difference between the 4 casesof perforations:
From the above figures we see that the case of perforation layers 5 & 6 is the best
case .
2.Bottom hole pressure change
Change the bottom hole pressure from 3000 to 2500 , 2800 & 3200 psi
The following figures show the difference between the 4 cases of BHP changing :
Fig 7.7 BHP change affect on reservoir bottom hole flowing pressure with time
Fig 7.8 BHP change affect on water cut
We see that when we decrease the wellbore bottom hole pressure the oil production
stay constant at 1000 bbl/day more time.
3.water injection
inject water to support pressure of the reservoir
(voidage or replacement)
Fig 7.9. 3D view of the reservoir ( production and injection well location)
The following results calculated after run :
The following figures show the difference between base case (without
injection) and injection well case
Fig 7.10 The effect of water injection on the daily oil rate
Fig 7.11 The effect of water injection on the water cut
Fig 7.12 The effect of water injection on the gas oil ratio
Fig 7.13 The effect of water injection on the flowing bottom hole pressure
We see that the water injection increase the reservoir pressure and water cut and
oil rate and the gas oil ratio
Chapter .8.
Disscusion and Suggestion
1.Discussion :
1. The time of start of decreasing in the oil rate from constraint 1000 bbl/day can
be expressed by breakthrough time because of the gas conning which occur after
this time, such as the below figure , we see that the gas rate increase after oil rate
will decrease .
3. When change the perforated layer to 9 and 10 the oil recovery increase and the
gas breakthrough time delay but the water conning possibility increase.