Ijms 22 04779
Ijms 22 04779
Ijms 22 04779
Molecular Sciences
Synergistic Effect of Methyl Jasmonate and Abscisic Acid
Co-Treatment on Avenanthramide Production in
Germinating Oats
Soyoung Kim 1,2,† , Tae Hee Kim 1,3,† , Yu Jeong Jeong 1 , Su Hyun Park 1,2 , Sung Chul Park 1 , Jiyoung Lee 1 ,
Kwang Yeol Yang 3 , Jae Cheol Jeong 1, * and Cha Young Kim 1, *
1 Biological Resource Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB),
Jeongeup 56212, Korea; cherish767@kribb.re.kr (S.K.); xogml5344@naver.com (T.H.K.);
yjjeong@kribb.re.kr (Y.J.J.); suhyun@kribb.re.kr (S.H.P.); heypsc@kribb.re.kr (S.C.P.);
jiyoung1@kribb.re.kr (J.L.)
2 Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National University,
Gwangju 61186, Korea
3 Department of Applied Biology, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonnam National University,
Gwangju 61186, Korea; kyyang@jnu.ac.kr
* Correspondence: jcjeong@kribb.re.kr (J.C.J.); kimcy@kribb.re.kr (C.Y.K.); Tel.: +82-63-570-5001 (C.Y.K.);
Fax: +82-63-570-5009 (C.Y.K.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: The oat (Avena sativa L.) is a grain of the Poaceae grass family and contains many powerful
anti-oxidants, including avenanthramides as phenolic alkaloids with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant,
anti-itch, anti-irritant, and anti-atherogenic activities. Here, the treatment of germinating oats with
Citation: Kim, S.; Kim, T.H.; Jeong, methyl jasmonate (MeJA) or abscisic acid (ABA) resulted in 2.5-fold (582.9 mg/kg FW) and 2.8-fold
Y.J.; Park, S.H.; Park, S.C.; Lee, J.;
(642.9 mg/kg FW) increase in avenanthramide content, respectively, relative to untreated controls
Yang, K.Y.; Jeong, J.C.; Kim, C.Y.
(232.6 mg/kg FW). Moreover, MeJA and ABA co-treatment synergistically increased avenanthramide
Synergistic Effect of Methyl
production in germinating oats to 1505 mg/kg FW. Individual or combined MeJA and ABA treatment
Jasmonate and Abscisic Acid
increased the expression of genes encoding key catalytic enzymes in the avenanthramide-biosynthesis
Co-Treatment on Avenanthramide
Production in Germinating Oats. Int.
pathway, including hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydrocyanthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl transferase
J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4779. https:// (HHT). Further analyses showed that six AsHHT genes were effectively upregulated by MeJA or ABA
doi.org/10.3390/ijms22094779 treatment, especially AsHHT4 for MeJA and AsHHT5 for ABA, thereby enhancing the production of
all three avenanthramides in germinating oats. Specifically, AsHHT5 exhibited the highest expression
Academic Editor: Maurizio Battino following MeJA and ABA co-treatment, indicating that AsHHT5 played a more crucial role in
avenanthramide biosynthesis in response to MeJA and ABA co-treatment of germinating oats. These
Received: 13 April 2021 findings suggest that elicitor-mediated metabolite farming using MeJA and ABA could be a valuable
Accepted: 27 April 2021 method for avenanthramide production in germinating oats.
Published: 30 April 2021
Avenanthramides are endowed with beneficial health properties and possess an-
tioxidant, antipruritic, anti-proliferative, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory effects [10–15].
Moreover, avenanthramides exhibit strong antioxidant properties with up to 30-fold greater
activity than other phenolic compounds produced in oats [16–18]. To date, more than 25
different types of avenanthramides have been identified in oats [19–21]. Avenanthramides
are a group of alkaloids that comprise an anthranilic acid derivative linked to a hydroxycin-
namic acid derivative by an amide bond [5,19,22]. Three major avenanthramide isoforms
[avenanthramide (Avn) A, B, and C] have been identified so far [10], all of which con-
tain 5-hydroxyanthranilic acid and various hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric acid in
Avn A, ferulic acid in Avn B, and caffeic acid in Avn C) [19,23,24]. Avenanthramide
biosynthesis follows the phenylpropanoid pathway (Figure 1), with L-phenylalanine rep-
resenting the starting amino acid for biosynthesis [25]. In the first step, phenylalanine
is transformed into cinnamic acid by phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) before being
converted into 4-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, and ferulic acid by cinnamate 4-hydroxylase
enzymes [25]. In the next step, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL) catalyzes the condensation
of 4-coumaroyl-CoA and two malonyl-CoA molecules. The phenylpropanoid pathway
provides precursors for many secondary metabolites in plants, including lignins, antho-
cyanins, and flavonoids [26]. Avenanthramides are synthesized through a condensation
process involving hydroxyanthranilic acid and hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA, which is catalyzed
by the key enzyme hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydroxyanthranilate N-hydroxycinnamoyl
transferase (HHT) [7,8,21]. To date, six HHT and one caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase
(CCoAOMT) cDNAs have been isolated from oats [8]. The encoded isoforms of AsHHT1–3
(~95 to 98%) and AsHHT4–6 (~95%) share high amino acid sequence identity, whereas
isoforms of AsHHT4–6 exhibit somewhat low amino acid sequence identity (~82%) with
AsHTT1–3 [21]. A previous study reported that expression of AsHHT1 and CCoAOMT
is concomitantly induced along with phytoalexin accumulation by a vitorin elicitor in
Pc-2/Vb oat lines [8].
Metabolite farming is an agricultural method or technology used to induce the pro-
duction of secondary metabolites through the use of various elicitors in plants, cells, tissues,
and organs [3,27–30]. The aim is to increase the value of plants or plant cell cultures by
enhancing the contents of the main bioactive substances. These methods are applied to
generate useful natural materials in high-value-added foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuti-
cal products and as a key approach for enhancing the competitiveness of agriculture as an
industry [31].
In this study, the application of a small-scale metabolite-farming system to increase
the avenanthramide content in germinating oats via treatment with various elicitors was
investigated. The results suggested that co-treatment of germinating oats with methyl
jasmonate (MeJA) or abscisic acid (ABA) showed a significant and synergistic effect on the
expression of structural genes involved in avenanthramide biosynthesis, thereby leading
to enhanced production of avenanthramides. This work would provide a basis for applica-
tions of elicitor-mediated metabolite farming to develop high-value-added plants capable
of increasing the accumulation of bioactive metabolites.
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Mol. Sci. 2021, 22,
Sci. 2021, 22, 4779
Figure Proposedbiosynthetic
1. Proposed
Figure 1. biosynthetic pathway
pathway of avenanthramides
of avenanthramides in oats.
in oats. The avenanthramide-
The avenanthramide-bio-
synthetic pathway was proposed based on information from the KEGG databasedatabase
pathway was proposed based on information from the KEGG (http://
nome.jp/kegg/kegg2.html; accessed on accessed
25 March on2020).
25 March
PAL,2020). PAL, phenylalanine
phenylalanine ammonia
ammonia lyase; C4H,
lyase; C4H,4-hydroxylase;
cinnamate cinnamate 4-hydroxylase; 4CL, 4-coumarate-CoA
4CL, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase; CCoAOMT,
ligase; CCoAOMT, caffeoyl-CoAcaffeoyl-CoA O-
ferase; HHT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydroxyanthranilate
methyltransferase; N-hydroxycinnamoyl
HHT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:hydroxyanthranilate transferase;trans-
ferase; Kyoto Kyoto
Encyclopedia of Genes
Encyclopedia and Genomes.
of Genes and Genomes.
2. Results
2.1. Avenanthramide
Avenanthramide Content
Content of
of Germinating
Germinating Oats
In the
presentstudy, avenanthramide
study, avenanthramidecontents in ain
contents time-course experiment
a time-course over 5over
experiment days5
after sowing were analyzed. Figure 2A shows the germinating oat phenotype from days 0
days after sowing were analyzed. Figure 2A shows the germinating oat phenotype from
to 5 of culture. Radicles emerged 1 day after sowing, and the sprouts grew to lengths of up
days 0 to 5 of culture. Radicles emerged 1 day after sowing, and the sprouts grew to
to 5 cm in 5 days. The contents of Avn A and Avn C increased 9.8- and 6.9-fold, respectively,
lengths of up to 5 cm in 5 days. The contents of Avn A and Avn C increased 9.8- and 6.9-
during the day 1, and the total avenanthramide content increased 5.6-fold (205.7 mg/kg
fold, respectively, during the day 1, and the total avenanthramide content increased 5.6-fold
FW) relative to that on day 0 (36.5 mg/kg FW). On day 2, the total avenanthramide content
(205.7 mg/kg FW) relative to that on day 0 (36.5 mg/kg FW). On day 2, the total avenan-
had increased 8.5-fold relative to day 0. Moreover, the highest proportions of Avn A
thramide content had increased 8.5-fold relative to day 0. Moreover, the highest proportions
(157.3 mg/kg FW), Avn B (154.2 mg/kg FW), and Avn C (152.4 mg/kg FW) were quantified
of Avn A (157.3 mg/kg FW), Avn B (154.2 mg/kg FW), and Avn C (152.4 mg/kg FW) were
on day 3 (Figure 2B). Therefore, day 2 was selected as the optimal time point for elicitor
quantified on day 3 (Figure 2B). Therefore, day 2 was selected as the optimal time point for
treatment to enhance avenanthramide content during oat germination.
elicitor treatment to enhance avenanthramide content during oat germination.
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2021, 22, FOR PEER REVIEW 44 of
of 15
Figure 2.
Figure Yields of
2. Yields of avenanthramides
avenanthramidesin inoats
germination.(A) (A)Oat
germinated in in
pre-wettedfilter paper
filter forfor
paper 5 days.
5 days.
(B) Production
avenanthramides ininoats during
oats duringgermination.
germination.Whole germinating
Whole germinatingoats were har-
oats were
vested on the days indicated after sowing. Twenty germinating oat plants were used for
harvested on the days indicated after sowing. Twenty germinating oat plants were used for avenan- avenan-
thramide quantification at each time point, and the data shown are mean values. Data represent
thramide quantification at each time point, and the data shown are mean values. Data represent
the mean of three independent replicates ± SD. Different letters above the bars indicates significant
the mean of three independent replicates ± SD. Different letters above the bars indicates significant
differences determined by ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s test (p < 0.05).
differences determined by ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s test (p < 0.05).
2.2. Induction
Induction of
of Avenanthramide
Avenanthramide Production
Production and
and Expression
Expression of
of Avenanthramide-Biosynthetic
Genes inin Germinating
Germinating Oats
Oats Following Treatment with Various Elicitors
Two-day-old germinating
germinating oats oats were
were treated
treated for for 72
72 h with various
various elicitors,
elicitors, such
such as as
methyl viologen
viologen (MV; (MV; 10 μM),
µM), MeJA (100 μM), µM), ABA (300 μM), µM), chitosan (Chi; 200 µg/mL),μg/mL),
salicylic acid
salicylic acid(SA;(SA;100 100μM),
µM), andand ethephon
ethephon (ET;(ET;
300300μM), and and
µM), 5-day-old
5-day-old germinating
germinating oats
oats were
were collected
collected and analyzed
and analyzed by high-performance
by high-performance liquidliquid chromatography
chromatography (HPLC) (HPLC)
ure 3A).3A).
MeJA MeJAand and
ABAABA effectively
effectively enhanced
enhanced the production
the production of avenanthramides
of avenanthramides in ger-in
minating oats,oats,
withwithMeJA MeJA treatment
treatment resulting
resulting in increases
in increases of ~2.7-fold
of ~2.7-fold (190.1(190.1
mg/kg mg/kgFW)
for Avnfor A,
Avn A, 2.5-fold
2.5-fold (260.4(260.4
mg/kg mg/kg
FW) forFW) for B,
Avn Avn B, 2.3-fold
2.3-fold (132.4(132.4
mg/kg mg/kg
FW) forFW) for C,
Avn AvnandC,
and 2.5-fold
2.5-fold (582.9 (582.9
mg/kg mg/kg FW)FW)for for total
total avenanthramides
avenanthramides relative
relative totothe
treated control
treated control(Avn (AvnA, A,71.1
mg/kg FW;FW;Avn AvnB, B, 103.2
103.2 mg/kg
mg/kg FW;FW;AvnAvn C, 58.3
C, 58.3 mg/kg mg/kgFW;
FW; and total avenanthramides, 232.6 mg/kg FW). Additionally,
and total avenanthramides, 232.6 mg/kg FW). Additionally, ABA-treated seedlings ABA-treated seedlings
showed an
showed an increase
increase in in avenanthramide
avenanthramide production
production of of 2.7-fold
2.7-fold (193.8
(193.8 mg/kg
mg/kg FW) FW) for
for Avn
A, 2.0-fold (207.4 mg/kg FW) for Avn B, 4.1-fold (241.7 mg/kg FW)
A, 2.0-fold (207.4 mg/kg FW) for Avn B, 4.1-fold (241.7 mg/kg FW) for Avn C, and 2.8-fold for Avn C, and 2.8-fold
(642.9 mg/kg
(642.9 mg/kg FW) FW) forfor total
total avenanthramides
avenanthramidesrelative relativetotothetheEtOH
EtOH control.
control.NoNo other elicitors
other elici-
tors significantly
induced elevated
significantly levelslevels
elevated of avenanthramide
of avenanthramide production relative
production to the to
relative EtOH
and distilled water (DW) controls. These results suggested the efficacy
EtOH and distilled water (DW) controls. These results suggested the efficacy of MeJA and of MeJA and ABA
as elicitors
ABA for enhanced
as elicitors for enhancedproduction of avenanthramides
production of avenanthramides in oatinseedlings.
oat seedlings.
The expression levels of genes encoding
The expression levels of genes encoding enzymes (PAL, 4CL,enzymes (PAL, 4CL,CCoAOMT,
CCoAOMT, and and HHT)
involved in the avenanthramide-biosynthesis pathway (Figure
involved in the avenanthramide-biosynthesis pathway (Figure 1) were determined by 1) were determined by
quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR, with the AsActin
quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR, with the AsActin gene used as an internal gene used as an internal
control. The
control. expressionofofAsPAL,
The expression AsPAL, As4CL,
AsCCoAOMT in germinating oats was
in germinating oats signifi-
cantly induced by treatments of MeJA and ABA, with 4.2- and 19.7-fold increases in AsPAL,
significantly induced by treatments of MeJA and ABA, with 4.2- and 19.7-fold increases
3.0- and 2.8-fold increases in As4CL, and 2.3- and 1.9-fold increases in AsCCoAOMT, respec-
in AsPAL, 3.0- and 2.8-fold increases in As4CL, and 2.3- and 1.9-fold increases in
tively, relative to the negative control (0.1% EtOH) (Figure 3B,C). The six AsHHT genes
AsCCoAOMT, respectively, relative to the negative control (0.1% EtOH) (Figure 3B,C). The
examined effectively responded to treatments of MeJA and ABA (1.7- to 10.8-fold increases
six AsHHT genes examined effectively responded to treatments of MeJA and ABA (1.7- to
in production). In particular, MeJA treatment increased AsHHT4 expression 10.8-fold, and
10.8-fold increases in production). In particular, MeJA treatment increased AsHHT4
ABA treatment significantly upregulated AsHHT5 expression 6.2-fold in germinating oats.
expression 10.8-fold, and ABA treatment significantly upregulated AsHHT5 expression
Additionally, SA and ET treatments slightly upregulated AsPAL, As4CL, AsCCoAOMT,
6.2-fold in germinating oats. Additionally, SA and ET treatments slightly upregulated
AsHHT1, AsHHT2, AsHHT3, and AsHHT5 expression, whereas those treatments reduced
AsPAL, As4CL, AsCCoAOMT, AsHHT1, AsHHT2, AsHHT3, and AsHHT5 expression,
AsHHT4 and AsHHT6 expression. However, MV and Chi treatments did not significantly
whereas those treatments reduced AsHHT4 and AsHHT6 expression. However, MV and
affect the expression of avenanthramide-biosynthetic genes. These results indicated that
Chi treatments did not significantly affect the expression of avenanthramide-biosynthetic
MeJA and ABA treatments of germinating oats effectively enhanced the expression of the
six AsHHTThese genesresults indicated
analyzed in thisthat MeJA and ABA treatments of germinating oats
effectively enhanced the expression of the six AsHHT genes analyzed in this study.
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of 15
Figure Avenanthramide content
3. Avenanthramide content and
biosynthetic genes in in
genes germinating
nating oats treated
oats treated with various
with various elicitors.
elicitors. Two-day-old
Two-day-old oat seedlings
oat seedlings were were treated
treated usingusing various
various elicitors
elicitors for 3 days. (A) Quantitative analysis of avenanthramide production by
for 3 days. (A) Quantitative analysis of avenanthramide production by HPLC. Ethanol (0.1% EtOH)HPLC. Ethanol
(0.1% EtOH)
was used as awas used control
solvent as a solvent control
for MeJA andfor MeJA
ABA, and
and ABA, and
distilled waterdistilled water
(DW) was (DW)
used as was used
control for
as control for MV, Chi, SA, and ET. (B) The relative expression level of avenanthramide-biosyn-
MV, Chi, SA, and ET. (B) The relative expression level of avenanthramide-biosynthetic genes under
thetic genes under treatment with various elicitors dissolved in ethanol (0.1% EtOH). (C) The rela-
treatment with various elicitors dissolved in ethanol (0.1% EtOH). (C) The relative expression level
tive expression level of avenanthramide-biosynthetic genes under treatment with various elicitors
of avenanthramide-biosynthetic genes under treatment with various elicitors dissolved in distilled
dissolved in distilled water (DW). Data represent the mean of three independent replicates ± SD.
water (DW).
Student’s Data
t-test; < 0.05. the mean of three independent replicates ± SD. Student’s t-test; * p < 0.05.
* prepresent
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2021,22, FOR PEER REVIEW 66of
Avnenathramides by by MeJA
MeJA and/or
and/or ABA
ABA Treatment
To determine
determine the the optimal
optimal concentration
concentration of of MeJA
MeJA forfor enhancing
enhancing the the total
total avenan-
yieldin ingerminating
with various
various MeJA
concentrationsfor for33days.
days.The Theaccumulation
avenanthramides inin
the seedlings
the seedlings gradu-
ally increased
ually increased along with
along the MeJA
with the MeJAconcentration, reaching
concentration, a peakaatpeak
reaching 75 μM
at MeJA
75 µM(578.61
FW),was whicha 2.3-fold increaseincrease
was a 2.3-fold relativerelative
to that to
in that
control oats and
in control oatsresulting in
and result-
ing in Avn A, B, and C contents of 179.8 mg/kg FW, 268.7 mg/kg FW,
Avn A, B, and C contents of 179.8 mg/kg FW, 268.7 mg/kg FW, and 130.0 mg/kg FW, re- and 130.0 mg/kg FW,
spectively (Figure
(Figure 4B).
4B). ToTodetermine
determinethe theoptimal
concentrationofofABA, ABA,2-day-old
2-day-old oats
were treated with
variousABA ABAconcentrations
concentrations (range:
(range: 10–300
10–300µµM), andwhole
M), and wholeplants
collected onday
Figure4C 4Cshows
treatmentat atall
significantly increasedthe theproduction
productionof ofavenanthramides
avenanthramidesin inthe
the germinating
germinatingoats oats relative
to the control. In particular, Avn C production increased >4.0-fold at all
to the control. In particular, Avn C production increased >4.0-fold at all concentrations, sug-concentrations,
gesting that that
ABAABA played
played an important
an important role inrole
Avnin CAvn C accumulation.
accumulation. Moreover,
Moreover, com-
pared with the control, the maximum level of produced avenanthramides
with the control, the maximum level of produced avenanthramides was observed from ger- was observed
from germinating
minating oats treated oatswith
treated with
50 μM ABA50 µM ABA (aincrease;
(a 3.4-fold 3.4-fold increase;
828.9 mg/kg 828.9 mg/kg FW).
2.4. Synergistic
2.4. Effect
Synergistic of of
Effect MeJA and
and Co-Treatment
ABA Co-TreatmentononAvenanthramide
results demonstrated
demonstrated that MeJA
that MeJA oror
ABA cancaninduce
induce thethe
production of of
thramides in geminating oats. Therefore, further experiments were conducted
thramides in geminating oats. Therefore, further experiments were conducted to determine to deter-
mine whether co-treatment with MeJA and ABA might have a synergistic
whether co-treatment with MeJA and ABA might have a synergistic effect on avenan- effect on av-
enanthramide production (Figure 5). Two-day-old germinating oats
thramide production (Figure 5). Two-day-old germinating oats were treated for 3 days were treated for 3
withwith various
various concentrations
concentrations of MeJA
of MeJA andand
ABAABA based
based ononthethe concentrations
concentrations usedused
in in
the experimentsreported
experiments reportedininFigure
Figure3.3. Combined
Combined MeJA MeJA and andABAABAtreatment
increasedthe the
production ofofavenanthramides
avenanthramides atat
concentrations tested.
compared with
the control,
the the
control, thehighest
mg/kgFW), FW),Avn
mg/kg FW)FW)were
were observed
observedin in
oats treated
oats treatedwith
with 7575
MeJA and
ABA (Figure
(Figure5B). These
5B). These results
combined treatment
treatment with
MeJA and
ABA had
had a synergistic
a synergistic effect
effect onon increasing
increasing avenanthramide
avenanthramide synthesis
synthesis in in germinating
germinating oats.
Figure5. 5.
Enhanced production
production of avenanthramides
of avenanthramides by by
combinedtreatment with
treatment MeJA
with andand
Two-day-old germinating oats were treated with different concentrations of MeJA
Two-day-old germinating oats were treated with different concentrations of MeJA and ABA and ABA for 3 for
days. (A) Results
3 days. of HPLC
(A) Results analysis
of HPLC withwith
analysis UV detection at 340
UV detection atnm.
340 Chromatograms
nm. Chromatograms of STDs (top),(top),
of STDs
control oats (middle), and oats receiving combined treatment (75 µ M MeJA + 25 µ M ABA). The
control oats (middle), and oats receiving combined treatment (75 µM MeJA + 25 µM ABA). The
chromatogram of the STD samples shows retention times of 15.511 min, 17.320 min, and 10.964
chromatogram of the STD samples shows retention times of 15.511 min, 17.320 min, and 10.964 min
min for the Avn A, Avn B, and Avn C STDs, respectively. (B) Avenanthramide levels in germinat-
ingfor thereceiving
oats Avn A, Avn B, and Avn
combined C STDs,
treatment respectively.
with MeJA and (B) Avenanthramide
ABA. Ethanol (0.1%)levels in germinating
was used as the con- oats
trol. combined
MeJA, methyl treatment
jasmonate; withabscisic
ABA, MeJA and
Avn,Ethanol (0.1%) wasSTD,
avenanthramide; usedstandard.
as the control. MeJA,
letters jasmonate;
above the barsABA, abscisic
indicates acid; Avn,
significant avenanthramide;
differences STD,
determined bystandard. Different by
ANOVA followed letters
a above
Tukey’s test
the bars (p < 0.05).
indicates significant differences determined by ANOVA followed by a Tukey’s test (p < 0.05).
2.5. Expression
Expression of of Avenanthramide-Biosynthesis-Related
Avenanthramide-Biosynthesis-Related Genes
Genes inin MeJA-and
MeJA- andABA-Co-Treated
ABA-Co-Treated Oats
The expression of avenanthramide-biosynthesis-related genes was further compared
The expression of avenanthramide-biosynthesis-related genes was further compared
after single treatments with MeJA (75 µM) or ABA (25 µM) and combined treatments with
after single treatments with MeJA (75 μM) or ABA (25 μM) and combined treatments with
MeJA (75 µM) and ABA (75 µM). Oat samples treated with 0.1% EtOH were used as a
MeJA (75 μM)
negative and and
control, ABAqRT-PCR
(75 μM).wasOatperformed
samples treated with 0.1%
on 5-day-old EtOH were
germinating oatsused as a6).
qRT-PCR results showed synergistic upregulation of AsPAL, As4CL, and AsHHT56).ex-
control, and qRT-PCR was performed on 5-day-old germinating oats (Figure
pression results
following showed synergistic
co-treatment upregulation
of germinating oatsofwith
and ABA,andwith
expression following co-treatment of germinating oats with MeJA and ABA,
expression upregulated 2.5- and 2.8-fold by MeJA and ABA treatment, respectively, and with AsPAL
4.0-fold byupregulated
co-treatment 2.5-relative
and 2.8-fold
to the by MeJABy
control. and ABA treatment,
contrast, respectively,
As4CL expression and
4.0-fold by co-treatment relative to the control. By contrast, As4CL expression
only slightly by 1.5-fold in response to co-treatment. Furthermore, among the six AsHHTs increased
only slightly
genes by 1.5-fold
analyzed in thisinstudy,
response to co-treatment.
AsHHT5 Furthermore,
exhibited the among thewith
highest expression, six AsHHTs
a 5.1-fold
genes analyzed in this study, AsHHT5 exhibited the highest expression,
increase following co-treatment and 1.6- and 3.1-fold increases following separate with a 5.1-fold
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
and ~3.0-fold higher than those in untreated roots and leaves, respectively. The highest
content of all three avenanthramides (968.9 mg/kg FW) was observed in the co-treated
grains, which was ~2.3-fold higher relative to that in untreated grains (420.7 mg/kg FW).
Among the three avenanthramides examined in this study, Avn B was the most abundant
(~46%) in co-treated grains (Avn A, ~32%; and Avn C, ~21%) (Table 1). Overall, these results
showed that avenanthramide content was increased throughout the plant by combined
treatment with MeJA and ABA, with the highest avenanthramide production observed in
the grain.
To determine the relationship between avenanthramide production and its biosyn-
thetic gene expression, the relative expression levels of avenanthramide-biosynthesis-
related genes in untreated and co-treated oat tissues were compared (Figure S2). Among
the three tissues, the highest expression of AsPAL, As4CL, AsHHT1, AsHHT2, AsHHT5,
and AsHHT6 was observed in the grains, whereas AsCCoAOMT expression was higher in
root tissues relative to the control. This was positively correlated with the high avenan-
thramide production observed in the grains (Table 1). Additionally, the expression of
AsPAL, As4CL, AsCCoAOMT, and AsHHTs following co-treatment with MeJA (75 µM)
and ABA (25 µM) relative to the untreated control was examined (Figure 7). The results
showed that AsPAL was upregulated ~5.4-, ~2.0-, and ~10.0-fold in leaf, grain, and root
tissues, respectively. Moreover, As4CL expression was upregulated ~1.6-fold in grains
but reduced ~0.6-fold in roots following co-treatment, and AsCCoAOMT expression was
decreased ~0.6-fold in co-treated roots relative to the control. Furthermore, AsHHT6 ex-
pression was slightly increased by ~1.5- and ~1.2-fold in leaves and roots, respectively, but
reduced ~0.4-fold in grains following co-treatment and relative to the control. AsHHT5
expression was upregulated ~2.3-fold in grains but downregulated ~0.7-fold in roots rela-
tive to the control. However, AsHHT2, AsHHT3, and AsHHT4 expression was reduced
following co-treatment in all the tissues examined, with AsHHT3 and AsHHT4 expression
decreased by ~0.4- and ~0.3-fold, respectively, relative to the control. By contrast, AsHHT1
expression was slightly upregulated by ~1.3-fold in leaves but decreased ~0.4-fold in roots
relative to the control. Among the six AsHHTs, the greatest increase in expression in
response to co-treatment was observed in AsHHT5 in grains; therefore, this suggested that
AsHHT5 might play a more important role in avenanthramide biosynthesis in germinating
oats in response to MeJA and ABA co-treatment. Furthermore, this result was consistent
with the highest contents of all three avenanthramides in co-treated grains (Table 1).
Avn A Avn B Avn C
Organs Avenanthramides
(mg/kg FW) (mg/kg FW) (mg/kg FW)
(mg/kg FW)
Leaves 2.9 ± 1.7 a 6.2 ± 0.4 a 4.1 ± 2.1 a 13.2 ± 3.9 a
Grains 112.4 ± 22.7 b 235.9 ± 41.5 b 72.5 ± 23.8 a 420.7 ± 85.1 b
Roots 0±0a 2.3 ± 2.3 a 0±0a 2.3 ± 2.3 a
Leaves 9.2 ± 2.9 ab 21.8 ± 8.5 a 9.1 ± 0.2 a 40.1 ± 11.5 a
MeJA + ABA * Grains 312.7 ± 51.1 c 449.1 ± 78.6 c 207.1 ± 31.7 b 968.9 ± 160.7 c
Roots 3.9 ± 1.9 ab 10.1 ± 5.1 a 1.6 ± 1.6 a 15.6 ± 8.1 a
* Combined treatment with 75 µM MeJA and 25 µM ABA. Statistical differences among experimental conditions are labeled with different
letters (p < 0.05).
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3. Discussion3. Discussion
Oats have gainedOatsconsiderable
have gainedinterest
considerable interest
in the past decadein the
duepast decade
to their due tosig-
nutritional their nutritional
nificance and significance and health-beneficial
health-beneficial effects, mainly aseffects, mainly
foodstuffs butasalso
foodstuffs but also as pharmaceuti-
as pharmaceuticals
cals [5,13,17,32].
[5,13,17,32]. Several Several
studies report thatstudies report that have
avenanthramides avenanthramides have antioxidant
antioxidant properties and properties
and potential
potential therapeutic therapeutic
benefits, includingbenefits, including anti-inflammatory,
anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, andantiproliferative,
anti- and
antigenotoxic effects [11,13,15,17,19,33]. These health benefits
genotoxic effects [11,13,15,17,19,33]. These health benefits make avenanthramides attrac- make avenanthramides at-
tractive for their potential use in cosmetic, nutraceutical, and therapeutic
tive for their potential use in cosmetic, nutraceutical, and therapeutic preparations. There- preparations.
fore, it is important it is important
to enhance to enhance
their levels their
in oats in levels
order in oats inconsumers
to provide order to provide
with rawconsumers with
raw materials
materials of enhanced of enhanced
nutritional value.nutritional value.
In this study, In this study, high-value-added
high-value-added oats capable of oats capable
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 4779 11 of 15
Several studies show that Avn C exerts greater antioxidant activity than Avn A and
B [16–18,38,39]. Dhakal et al. [38] reported that Avn C from germinated oats exhibits
anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects in mast cells, and Umugire et al. [39] showed
that Avn C exerts a strong protective effect on hearing loss caused by noise trauma. These
results suggest Avn C as a promising candidate as a therapeutic for treating allergic diseases
and hearing damage, given that Avn C can be provided through dietary products derived
from oats. To this end, the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing system can potentially be applied to
create high-value-added oats with high Avn C content. Li et al. [21] recently demonstrated
the molecular mechanisms associated with biosynthesis of three major avenanthramides
in oats, suggesting that oat HHTs are only involved in the biosynthesis of Avn A and C
but not Avn B, which is synthesized by oat CCoAOMT enzyme from O-methylation of
Avn C. In the present study, it was found that the expression of AsHHT genes was induced
by MeJA and ABA treatment, respectively, especially AsHHT4 for MeJA and AsHHT5 for
ABA, thereby enhancing the production of all three avenanthramides in germinating oats.
Furthermore, we found that the basal expression level of AsCCoAOMT was high (~0.1
to 0.2-fold expression relative to AsActin) in the leaves, grains, and roots of germinating
oats regardless of elicitation (Figure S2), indicating constitutive gene expression. These
findings suggest that oat CCoAOMT might be a good target for gene editing to increase
Avn C content; however, the complete biosynthetic pathway of avenanthramides in oats
remains to be elucidated.
In conclusion, this study provides a basis for elicitor-mediated metabolite farming to
produce high-value-added oats capable of producing high levels of avenanthramides. The
data suggested that germinating oats co-treated with MeJA and ABA were the most effec-
tive producers of all three avenanthramides (Avn A, B, and C) and demonstrated a strong
correlation between enhancement of avenanthramide production and biosynthesis-gene
activation (AsPAL, As4CL, and AsHHT5) in germinating oats. Therefore, this metabolite-
farming method could also be applied to develop other high-value-added plants capable
of generating high levels of bioactive compounds with possible applications in functional
foods or pharmaceutical supplements.
50 ◦ C. Following centrifugation at 11,000 rpm for 5 min, the supernatants were air-dried
by nitrogen evaporation (N-EVAP 111; Organomation Associates, Inc., Berlin, MA, USA).
The residue was dissolved in 200 µL of 80% methanol and filtered through a 0.2 µm PTFE
membrane [34]. HPLC analysis was performed at 30 ◦ C using an Agilent 1260 system
equipped with a quaternary pump, a ZORBAX SB-C18 column (5 µM, 4.6 × 150 mm),
and photodiode array detector (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). The mobile
phase comprised buffer A (H2O with 5% acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid) and buffer B
(acetonitrile with 0.1% formic acid). A gradient in B of 13% to 30% over 30 min at a flow
rate of 1 mL/min was employed [22] with an injection volume of 5 µL and a detection
wavelength set to 340 nm. Standard avenanthramides purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MI, USA) (#30366, Avn A; #93105, Avn B; and #36465, Avn C) were used for
identification and quantification.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. Supplementary materials can be found at https://zenodo.org/record/4682677
(accessed on 13 April 2021).
Acknowledgments: We thank Byong Won Lee, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural
Development Administration (RDA) for kindly providing Choyang seeds for the experiments.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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