Overpressure Relief Valve Prosedure

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Overpressure Relief Valve Overpressure Relief Valve Overhaul Procedures

Overpressure Relief Valve

OPRV-1 1.1 Overpressure Relief Valve OPRV-2 1.1.3 Overpressure Relief Valve
Overhaul Procedures Reassembly
OPRV-1 1.1.1 Overpressure Relief Valve OPRV-2 1.1.4 Overpressure Relief Valve
OPRV-1 1.1.2 Overpressure Relief Valve Lift Check/Setting
Disassembly and Cleaning OPRV-3 1.1.5 Troubleshooting The
Overpressure Relief Valve

1.1 Overpressure Relief Valve with rubber, spring, and adjustment screw. The
Overhaul Procedures O-ring should be replaced at least annually. The
1.1.1 Overpressure Relief Valve other parts require replacement only if worn or
The overpressure relief valve should always be damaged. An exploded view of the valve is lo-
used on all Emergency Gas Supply (EGS/bail- cated in all KMDSI Helmet and Band Mask Op-
out) first stage regulators to prevent the hose erations and Maintenance Manuals. The text on
from rupturing if the first stage happens to de- the next three pages refers to the drawing "Over-
velop a slight leak, causing the pressure to creep. pressure Relief Valve Component Breakdown" on
The Kirby Morgan relief valve body is made of page OPRV-1.
stainless steel.
Tools Required.
OVERPRESSURE Torque wrench
RELIEF VALVE BODY 1/2" open-end wrench attachment for torque
1/8" Allen wrench
Nylon toothbrush
O-RING Vinegar, Fresh water
Mild dish soap
Ultrasonic sink, if available
RUBBER Magnifying glass

1.1.2 Overpressure Relief Valve
Disassembly and Cleaning
1) Turn off the gas supply to the first stage reg-
Overpressure Relief Valve Component Breakdown
ulator, then bleed off any remaining pressure.
Remove the first stage regulator from the air/
The basic components last a long time, but the
breathing gas source so it cannot be accidentally
valve should be disassembled, cleaned, and in-
turned on, i.e., pressurized. Make sure the inter-
spected at least once a year or whenever it fails
mediate pressure in the regulator hose is also
testing. The valve should be tested monthly.
fully drained of pressure.
Cleaning and overhaul is easily performed using
a nylon toothbrush and a solution of 50% vinegar
2) Remove the overpressure relief valve from the
and 50% fresh water. Cleaning for 15 minutes
regulator body using the 1/2" open-end wrench.
in an ultrasonic sink, if available, with the 50%
vinegar and 50% fresh water solution is highly
3) Remove, cut, and discard the overpressure re-
lief valve body O-ring.
Repair parts are available by purchasing P/N
4) Using the 1/2" open-end wrench to hold the over-
225-017 overpressure relief valve rebuild kit.
pressure relief body, use the 1/8" Allen wrench to
Replacement parts include the O-ring, poppet

© MMXIV Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 140130019 OPRV-1
Overpressure Relief Valve Overhaul Procedures  Overpressure Relief Valve

remove the Allen head adjustment screw. Then, 1.1.4 Overpressure Relief Valve Lift
shake out the spring and poppet. Check/Setting
Tools required:
5) Place all parts in the solution of 50% vinegar Adjustable first stage scuba regulator or con-
and 50% fresh water and allow to soak for 15 to trolled adjustable pressure source
30 minutes. If using an ultrasonic sink, reduce Intermediate pressure test gauge
time to 15 minutes. Torque wrench
1/2" open-end wrench adapter for torque wrench
1/8" Allen wrench
B WARNING HP air source (SCUBA tank) with at least 500
Do not use cleaning solvents (i.e. min- p.s.i.g. (34.4 bar).
eral spirits, bleach, etc.) when clean- Mild dish soap
ing the overpressure relief valve. The
use of cleaning solvents may lead to The purpose of lift checking the overpressure
failure of the overpressure relief valve.
relief valve is to ensure it operates properly, al-
lowing excess pressure to escape if the first stage
6) Using the nylon toothbrush, brush all compo- develops a slight leak. Without the overpressure
nents to remove corrosion and mineral deposits. relief valve, high-pressure gas will continue to
Then, rinse with fresh water and blow or air dry. build until the emergency supply hose ruptures,
possibly causing injury and a complete loss of gas
7) Using the magnifying glass, carefully inspect from the Emergency Gas System (EGS).
all components for excessive corrosion and/or
damage. Replace the spring and/or adjustment
screw if either part is excessively corroded or B WARNING
shows signs of wear and/or damage. Ensure the overpressure
relief valve is only in-
Inspect the poppet for nicks, cuts, and wear and stalled in a low-pressure
replace if any damage is found. If the overpres- port of the first stage
sure relief valve body is damaged, then the entire regulator. Installation in
overpressure relief valve (P/N 200-017) should be a high-pressure port will
replaced. lead to loss of EGS sup-
ply and possible serious
personal injury if the
NOTE: A deep groove in the poppet is normal. valve fails.
Replacement is only necessary if the rubber seat
is deteriorated, cut, and/or chipped.
This procedure explains the steps necessary for
readjusting the overpressure relief valve after it
1.1.3 Overpressure Relief Valve
is cleaned, overhauled or any time the valve is
1) After cleaning, inspection and/or parts replace-
ment, reassemble the valve by installing the pop-
NOTE: The overpressure relief valve is lift
pet, spring, and adjustment screw. Tighten the
checked and/or adjusted using an adjustable first
adjustment screw down until it is approximately
stage regulator, equipped with a low-pressure
1/2 thread from being flush with the top of the
test gauge, which is used for adjusting the inter-
valve body.
mediate pressure of scuba regulators. The check/
adjustment can be performed using a standard
2) Lightly lubricate the new O-ring, then install
scuba test stand, or a gas control console, using
on the valve body.
air or mixed gas with an oxygen content below
23% by volume.
3) Test the overpressure relief valve according to
the test procedure below.

OPRV-2 © MMXIV Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 140130019
Overpressure Relief Valve Overpressure Relief Valve Overhaul Procedures

screw in (clockwise) 1/8th turn. Slowly bring up

B WARNING pressure and recheck.
Do not use oxygen, or
mixed gas containing Continue this procedure as necessary until the
more than 23% oxygen relief valve consistently vents at a pressure be-
by volume, for lift check- tween 180- p.s.i.g. (12.40-13.78 bar). If the valve
ing the overpressure does not start venting when the gauge reads 200
relief valve. The use of p.s.i.g. (13.78 bar), slowly back out on the adjust-
oxygen, or mixed gas, ment screw (counter clockwise) until the valve
in a high-pressure sup- starts venting, forming bubbles in the soap solu-
ply system not designed
and cleaned for oxygen tion.
service, can result in a
fire or explosion causing 6) After the valve has been adjusted, adjust the
serious injury or death. 1st stage regulator intermediate setting to 135
p.s.i.g. (9.3 bar), re-wet the valve, then slowly
If a first stage scuba regulator is used, it must increase the intermediate pressure on the 1st
be able to be adjusted to the desired lifting pres- stage regulator one last time to recheck the lift
sure. The pressure gauge should be compared to pressure. The valve should start forming bubbles
a gauge of known accuracy. or venting between 180- 200 p.s.i.g. (12.40-13.78
bar). Back the 1st stage pressure to 180 p.s.i.g.
NOTE: If the Allen screw on the overpressure and observe the bubbles. They should stop just
relief valve hex nut is rotated too far, too fast, under 190 p.s.i.g.
the overpressure relief valve will pop open. This
could possibly require the air to be secured at the 7) After final lift check reset the regulator to the
cylinder or supply source to reset the seat before appropriate over bottom setting. Remove the in-
the adjustment can be accomplished. termediate pressure gauge.

NOTE: The overpressure relief valve can be in- 1.1.5 Troubleshooting The Overpressure
stalled in any first stage regulator, providing the Relief Valve
first stage has an intermediate setting of 135 - Problem: Valve pops open and will not stop flowing:
165 p.s.i.g. (9.3 – 11.4 bar).
Check: If while setting the overpressure relief valve
1) Install the relief valve in a low-pressure port the valve pops open and will not stop flowing, secure
on an adjustable 1st stage regulator. Or install the air supply valve and allow the overpressure relief
on the scuba test stand. valve to reseat. Try the procedure again, ensuring
that the supply valve is only slightly cracked open,
2) Install the intermediate pressure gauge in one allowing full test pressure but minimizing high flow
of the low-pressure ports of the first stage regula- potential.
Problem: After resetting the first stage to 135 p.s.i.g.
(9.3 bar), the valve continues to leak:
3) Install the 1st stage regulator on the cylinder.
Ensure the relief valve and intermediate pres-
Check: This indicates the seating surface of the relief
sure gauge are attached to low-pressure ports.
valve body or the poppet is either dirty or damaged.
Usually, cleaning both the metal seating surface in
4) Wet the relief valve with soapy water to help
the valve body and cleaning the poppet will fix the
indicate gas flow problem.
5) Slowly bring up air pressure while watching If, after cleaning, the problem persists, replace the
the intermediate pressure gauge until the pres- poppet and spring then retest the unit. If the seat con-
sure gauge indicates 180- 200 p.s.i.g. (12.40- tinues to leak, then replacement of the overpressure
13.78 bar). If the relief valve starts venting at a relief valve, P/N 200-017, will be necessary.
pressure below 180- 200 p.s.i.g. (12.40-13.78 bar),
secure the air supply and adjust the adjustment

© MMXIV Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 140130019 OPRV-3

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