Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
The following
are the results of the literature review: -
As digital marketing is the process of achieving marketing goals through the use of digital technologies
(Chaffey et al, 2009). The use of technology to assist marketing campaigns in order to enhance consumer
awareness by matching their needs is known as digital marketing (Chaffey, 2013). Companies in the
developing world have recognized the value of digital marketing. To be competitive, companies would
need to combine online and conventional approaches to better meet the needs of their customers (Parsons,
Zeisser, Waitman 1996).
New technologies have opened up new business possibilities for marketers who want to operate their
websites and achieve their goals (Kiani, 1998). Online advertising is a powerful marketing vehicle for
building brands and increasing traffic for companies to achieve success (Song, 2001). Expectations in
terms of generating performance and evaluating success for ad dollars expended, digital marketing is
more cost-effective for calculating advertising ROI (Pepelnjak, 2008).
COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns have affected a host of industries and sectors in various ways.
Part of the fallout has been the change in the behavior of Web users, resulting in some recognizable
online trends—in organic traffic and conversion rates (Habeshian, 2020).
Although the global pandemic of Covid-19 affected many industries, it had a significant effect on digital
marketing and advertising on a global, regional, and local level. However, unlike what was observed in
other fields such as the economy, human resources, and so on, this effect was mostly positive (Gowda K
M, 2020).
Chaffey. D (2013), “Definitions of E-marketing vs Internet vs Digital marketing”, Smart Insight Blog,
February 16.
AJ Parsons, M Zeisser, R Waitman (1996), “Organizing for digital marketing”, McKinsey Quarterly.
G. Reza Kiani, (1998), "Marketing opportunities in the digital world", Internet Research, Vol. 8 Iss: 2,
YB Song (2001), “Proof That Online Advertising Works”, Atlas Institute, Seattle, WA, Digital Marketing
J Chandler Pepelnjak,“Measuring ROI beyond the last ad”, Atlas Institute, Digital Marketing Insight,
Habeshian, V. (2020, June 4). COVID-19 impact on business, and digital marketing Initiatives