Subjective Quiz 3

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Department of Political Science and Sociology

Course Title: Television and New Media
Course No: TNM 201
Spring, 2021
Quiz 3, Marks 10
Time: 30 minutes

Remember if you copy from any source or the Internet, you will get zero!!!

Each question carries 5 marks

1. “We are all cyborg in the age of posthumanism.” Explain with examples.

Posthumanism varies from classical humanism in that it reduces humans as one or many natural
species, effectively dismissing all anthropocentric dominance claims. Humans have no inherent
rights to damage nature or elevate themselves above it, according to this statement, in ethical
terms a priori. Posthumanism aims to reshape the boundaries of modern human
conceptualization. In a postmodern context, post-humanism represents a shift in thinking that
goes beyond existing social conventions and is centered around the search for truth.
The automated mechanisms machines operate a human body by transformation in a cyborg. Any
technological advancement has the potential to alter our way of life.
For example: The Cyborg is interested in the relationship between the cyborg and themes of
hybridity, fluidity, fracture, and postmodernity. Examines the concepts of postgender and
posthumanity – Haraway appears to imply that if no one knows our identity online, we are free to
be free of gender limits.

2. “We shape technology and technology also shapes us.” Explain the statement with
actor-network theory.

Human and non-human influences are similarly influential in the progress of technical
advancement and scientific knowledge formation, according to Actor-Network Theory. The
theory examines how networks evolve and how these networks lead to performance. It implies
that these advances are the product of more than one person or object. As a result, both an
individual and a network are accountable for these results.
"We shape technology, and technology shapes us," this means that, just like we evolved
technology to regulate other objects, we are now being dominated by technology. It's a case
where you can assume the opposite is true. Where we developed and implemented technologies
to influence people, technology is currently manipulating us.

Moreover, Human and non-human forces affect technology innovation and scientific knowledge
creation at the same time. Actor network theory is a theoretical and scientific approach to social
theory in which everything takes place in constantly changing interaction networks in the social
and natural domains. It claims that none exists outside of those alliances. The theory investigates
how networks are formed and how these networks are linked to specific accomplishments. It
says that no one or thing is completely to blame for the current events. As a result, producing
these results is the responsibility of both an agent and a network.

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