Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Civil Union or Domestic Partner of Veteran or Serviceperson
Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Civil Union or Domestic Partner of Veteran or Serviceperson
Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Civil Union or Domestic Partner of Veteran or Serviceperson
IMPORTANT: File this completed claim with your municipal tax assessor or collector. (See Guidelines)
Assessor/Collector Date
County Municipality
IMPORTANT CHANGE**November 3, 2020, an amendment to the State Constitution was approved by ballot vote. This
amendment implemented Public Law 2019 chapter 413 which provides that N.J. resident honorably discharged veterans, or
their surviving spouses no longer need to serve during a specific war period or other emergency to receive the annual $250
property tax deduction. This Act amends P.L. 1963, c. 171, and supplements chapter 4 of Title 54 of the Revised Statutes.
I certify the above declarations are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and understand
they will be considered as if made under oath and subject to penalties for perjury if falsified.
All requirements for deduction must be met as of October 1 of the pretax year, i.e., the year prior to the calendar tax year
for which the deduction is claimed.
B. Surviving Spouse/Civil Union or Domestic Partner Claimant as of October 1 pretax year must:
1. document that the deceased veteran or serviceperson was a resident of New Jersey at death who had active duty
service in the United States Armed Forces and who was honorably discharged or who died on active duty;
2. not have remarried/formed a new registered civil union or domestic partnership;
3. be a legal or domiciliary resident of New Jersey;
4. own the property, wholly or in part, or hold legal title to the property for which deduction is claimed.
**NOTE - Claimants must inform the assessor of any change in status which may affect their continued entitlement to
the deduction.
VETERAN DEFINED - means any New Jersey resident honorably discharged from active duty service in the United
States Armed Forces. Current statute does not provide for deduction for military personnel still in active service who
have not been discharged.
For assistance in documenting veterans' status, contact the NJ Department of Military and Veterans Affairs at
(609) 530-6958 or (609) 530-6854. The United States Veterans Administration aka U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs may be contacted at 1-800-827-1000
ACTIVE SERVICE DEFINED – means active duty service in the United States Armed Forces. Active duty for
training or field training purposes as a member of a reserve component does NOT constitute active duty service unless
activated into Federal military service by Presidential or Congressional order.
This form is prescribed by the Director, Division of Taxation, as required by law, and may not be altered without the approval of the Director.
Form: V.S.S. Rev: Nov 2020 Guidelines pg 1 of 2
CITIZEN & RESIDENT DEFINED-United States Citizenship is not required. Resident for purposes of this
deduction means an individual who is legally domiciled in New Jersey. Domicile is the place you regard as
your permanent home - the place you intend to return to after a period of absence. You may have only one legal
domicile even though you may have more than one place of residence. Seasonal or temporary residence in this
State, of whatever duration, does not constitute domicile. Absence from the State for a 12 month period is
prima facie evidence of abandonment of domicile.
or widower/civil union or domestic partner of a qualified New Jersey resident veteran or serviceperson, who has not
remarried/formed a new registered civil union or domestic partnership.
**NOTE - A surviving spouse/civil union or domestic partner though a New Jersey resident himself/herself is not
entitled to deduction if the deceased veteran/serviceperson spouse/civil union or domestic partner at death
was not a New Jersey resident.
MILITARY RECORDS - Certificate of Honorable Discharge or Release, Form DD214, or Military Notification of
Death or Certification of United States Veterans Administration aka U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
SURVIVING SPOUSE/CIVIL UNION OR DOMESTIC PARTNER - Death Certificate of decedent, marriage
license/civil union or domestic partnership registration certificate.
OWNERSHIP - real property deed, executory contract for property purchase; or Probated Last Will and Testament if by
devise (leaving real property to beneficiaries named in a will). If intestate (without a will), give names and relationships
of decedent's heirs-at-law.
RESIDENCY - New Jersey driver's license or motor vehicle registration, voter's registration, N.J. resident tax return, etc.
A claimant may appeal any unfavorable determination by the assessor or collector to the County Board of Taxation
annually on or before April 1 or on or before January 15 for residents of Burlington, Monmouth or Gloucester counties
**NOTE- Public Law 2019, chapter 413 became operative when New Jersey voters approved a Constitutional
Amendment, effective December 4, 2020, to eliminate the wartime service requirement for both the $250
Veteran Property Tax Deduction and the Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption.
– Public Law 2019, chapter 203 extends the annual $250 property tax deduction to veterans or their surviving
spouse/civil union/domestic partner who are residents of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC). A payment or
a credit will be made by the CCRC to the claimant within 30 days after the CCRC receives its credited property tax bill.
Some CCRCs are exempt from property taxes by law. In that case, no property tax deduction is available to the CCRC
This form is prescribed by the Director, Division of Taxation, as required by law, and may not be altered without the approval of the Director.
Form: V.S.S. Rev: Nov 2020 Guidelines pg 2 of 2