Eira Barbara
Eira Barbara
Eira Barbara
Eira barbara
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Steven J. Presley
University of Connecticut
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Eira C. H. Smith, 1842 stiff facial vibrissae. Tail is bushy and two-thirds as long as body
(Borrero, 1967; Emmons and Freer, 1990; Tello, 1979).
Eira C. H. Smith, 1842:201. Type species Eira barbara C. H. Tayras have strong claws on forefeet and hind feet, which are
Smith, 1842:201 (= Mustela barbara Linnaeus, 1758). adapted for running and climbing but not digging or swimming
(Pocock, 1921). Feet are naked below and possess short curved
CONTEXT AND CONTENT. Order Carnivora, suborder claws that are interdigitally webbed to proximal end of pads. In
Caniformia, family Mustelidae, subfamily Mustelinae. The genus
addition, Eira has large four-lobed plantar pads, double carpal and
Eira is monotypic. metatarsal pads, and a hairy heel. Digits are unequal in length; the
first is shortest, second and fifth are intermediate and about equal
Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) length, and third and fourth are longest and of about equal length.
Consequently, digital pads, when not spread, form a strongly curved
Tayra line around anterior margin of plantar pad (Pocock, 1921). Carpal
vibrissae are especially well developed in E. barbara.
Mustela barbara Linnaeus, 1758:46. Type locality "Brasilia," re-
Anal glands of E. barbara are not enlarged, and their secre-
stricted by Lonnberg (1913) to "Pernambuco."
tion, although unpleasant, is not particularly offensive to humans;
Galera barbata Browne, 1789:485. Type locality "1amaica."
apparently it is not used by the tayra for self-defense (Hall and
Tayra barbara Oken, 1816:377. Type locality "Guyana."
Dalquest, 1963; Pocock, 1921). Immediately dorsal to anus, E. bar-
Gulo barbatus Desmarest, 1820: 174. Renaming of Mustela bar-
bara has a shallow, depressed area bounded laterally and caudally
bara Linnaeus, 1758.
by a low ridge of skin. This structure is similar in embryological
Galictis barbara Bell, 1826:551. Type locality "Argentina."
origin to the deep subcaudal glandular pouch present in Meles
Eira barbara C. H. Smith, 1842:201. Type locality "Panama, Ver-
(Pocock, 1921). Perineal region between anus and vulva or scrotum
aguas, Calovevora."
is scantily haired to naked. In contrast to other mustelid genera,
CONTEXT AND CONTENT. Context as for genus. Seven baculum is apically unbranched (Pocock, 1921).
subspecies are currently recognized (Cabrera, 1958; Hall, 1981). Ranges of measurements (no sample sizes given) of individuals
from across the entire geographic range (Emmons and Freer, 1990)
E. b. barbara (Linnaeus, 1758:46), see above. are as follows: length of head and body, 559-712 mm; length of
E. b. inserta (Allen, 1908b:662). Type locality "Ulse, Matagalpa, tail, 365-460 mm; length of hind foot, 90-123 mm; length of ear,
Nicaragua." 30-42 mm; mass, 2.7-7 kg. Geographic variation in size has not
E. b. madeirensis (Lonnberg, 1913:19). Type locality "Humayta, been reported. Adult males are 30% larger than females (Kaufmann
Madeira River, Amazonas, Brazil." and Kaufmann, 1965; Poglayen-Neuwall, 1975); however, this dif-
E. b. peruana (Nehring, 1886: 186). Type locality "Yurac Yacu, De- ference is not as great as those reported for other mustelid genera.
partment of San Martin, Peru." Adult males are also more heavily muscled around neck and shoul-
E. b. poliocephala (Traill, 1821:440). Type locality "Demerara, ders than females.
Guyana." Pelage of E. barbara is short and course, with soft, brown
E. b. senex (Thomas, 1900:146). Type locality "Hacienda Tortugas, underfur. Dorsum, legs, feet, and tail are dark brown to black,
1alapa, Veracruz, Mexico." contrasting sharply with head and neck, which are grizzled tan,
E. b. sinuensis (Humboldt, 1812:348). Type locality "Rio Sinu, Bo- grayish brown, or pale yellow. Rare individuals have dark brown
livar, Colombia." heads and necks, which are slightly paler or concolor with dorsum
(Barquez et al., 1991; Eisenberg, 1989; Emmons and Freer, 1990;
DIAGNOSIS. Eira can be differentiated from Conepatus, Mares et al., 1989; Redford and Eisenberg, 1992). Underparts are
Lutra, Mustela, Spilogale, and all other sympatric genera, except dark brown or black, except for a bright pale yellow to orange spot,
Galictis, by external ear morphology. Shallow bursa of external ear often triangular, on chest and throat. Eyes are black with a blue-
in Eira is retained but remote from margin, and its posterior flap green eye shine (Kaufmann and Kaufmann, 1965). Young are en-
is not concealed by anterior flap, whereas bursa is marginal and tirely black, sometimes with a white throat patch, white head, or
posterior flap is hidden by anterior flap in other genera (Pocock, dark middorsal strip that extends to the tail (Alston, 1882; Emmons
1921). and Freer, 1990; Kaufmann and Kaufmann, 1965; Krumebiegel,
Rhinarial characters distinguish Eira from Galictis. Rhinar- 1942; Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). With age, guard hairs develop
ium is grooved on both upper and anterior surfaces in Eira but white tips, giving the animal a frosted appearance (Krumebiegel,
only lower half of anterior surface is grooved in Galictis. Nostrils 1942). Albinism and amelanism are more common in the tayra than
are larger and closer together in Eira than in Galictis; infrarhinarial
portions are deep both medially and laterally and are marked in
front by fine oblique grooves on each side that meet at midline
above the inferior angle of anterior rhinarium (Pocock, 1921). Rhi-
narium is about twice as deep as upper lip, which has no gutter.
Feet of Eira differ from those of all other mustelid genera
except Galictis (Pocock, 1921). Plantar pads of Galictis are sepa-
rated from carpal and metacarpal pads by a deeper and wider
groove than in Eira. These pads are confluent throughout their
width; only a slight division exists between the two moieties of
carpal pads, and no division is found in the metatarsal pad.
150 -
120 0
FIG. 2. Geographic distribution of Eira barbara in North and South America (Cabrera, 1958; Hall, 1981): 1, E. b. barbara; 2, E.
b. inserta; 3, E. b. madeirensis; 4, E. b. peruana; 5, E. b. poliocephala; 6, E. b. senex; 7, E. b. sinuensis.
in other mustelids (Krumbiegel, 1942). In Guyana, a yellow morph ford and Eisenberg, 1992). E. barbara is found up to 2,400 m
occurs with the more typical color morpho (Emmons and Freer, 1990) but is rare> 1,200 m (Eisenberg, 1989).
Subspecies differ in color. Eira b. barbara is dull brown with
a nondistinct gray to brown head and a yellowish throat patch; body FOSSIL RECORD. Two fossil species of Eira have been
is lighter than E. b. sinuensis and darker than E. b. senex (Krum- described from post-Pliocene deposits of Maryland and Virginia
biegel, 1942). E. b. inserta is black with a dark brown head and under the names Calera macrodon and C. perdicida (Cope, 1868a,
no throat patch (Kaufmann and Kaufmann, 1965; Krumbiegel, 1868b, 1868c). The latter species may be referable to Mephitis
1942). E. b. madeirensis is dark chocolate brown, with head and (Alston, 1882) and the former to Trigonictis based on additional
nape slightly lighter than body; a throat patch may be present material collected from deposits of the Blancan land mammal age
(Krumbiegel, 1942). Color of E. b. peruana is as in E. b. madei- in the United States, specifically from Washington, Idaho, Nebras-
rensis except that limbs are darker than body and tail is black ka, Kansas, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida (Ray et al., 1981).
(Krumbiegel, 1942). Pelage of E. b. poliocephala is similar to that Trigonictis is considered an intermediate form between Calictis
of E. b. barbara but with a darker yellow throat patch and yellow and Eira and ancestral to both. In addition, extinct species of Eira
shoulder patches, which sometimes join forming a complete yellow were noted from the Pliocene of the Eastern Hemisphere, but spec-
collar (Alston, 1882; Cabrera, 1915; Emmons and Freer, 1990; imens, references, or specific names were not given (Scott, 1937).
Krumbiegel, 1942). E. b. senex has a distinct grayish white head Eira and other endemic monotypic mustelid genera (e.g., Lyncodon
and neck. The grayish white color extends to shoulders fading to a and Pteronura) from South America may have evolved in situ and
dark yellow, face is darker, and body and limbs are dark brown moved north as part of the north and south American interchange
(Krumbiegel, 1942). E. b. sinuensis is darker than E. b. senex, across the Panamanian land bridge (Hershkovitz, 1972). In con-
nape is darker brown than head, and a throat patch may be present trast, recent collections suggest that Eira may have a North Amer-
(Krumbiegel, 1942). ican origin (Ray et al., 1981).
DISTRIBUTION. Eira barbara occurs from southern Ve- FORM AND FUNCTION. Eira barbara is a large mustelid
racruz, Mexico, south to northern Argentina, and across most of similar in appearance to Nearctic members of the genus Martes
South America east of the Andes (Fig. 2). It is the most common and is thought to have a similar ecological role in Neotropical
medium-size predator throughout much of its range (Emmons and regions (Scott, 1937).
Freer, 1990). The tayra is uncommon in eastern Mexico along the Deciduous dental formula is i 3/3, c 1/1, p 3/3, m 0/0, total
Gulf of Mexico and along the Pacific coast in southern Mexico 28 (Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). Adult dentition is i 3/3, c 1/1, p 3/
(Kuns and Tashian, 1954; Leopold, 1959). It is common in forests 3-4, m 1/1-2, total 34 (Fig. 3; Borrero, 1967; Heran, 1971; Mares
of Costa Rica (Janzen, 1983) and Panama (Alston, 1882; Kaufmann et al., 1989; Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). Unlike other mustelid gen-
and Kaufmann, 1965) and throughout Central America (Emmons era, Eira lost the first premolar in both upper and lower jaws (Her-
and Freer, 1990; Reid, 1997). E. barbara is also common in Co- an, 1971; Pocock, 1921), although the first upper premolar is re-
lombia, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana (Eisenberg, 1989), Ven- tained in a few individuals (Heran, 1971).
ezuela (Handley, 1976), Bolivia (Anderson, 1997), Brazil (except Upper limit (85 kHz) and upper useful limit (40 kHz) of hear-
in the caatingas and cerrado of the northeast-Emmons and Freer, ing range for tayra are lower than those for felids and procyonids
1990), Paraguay, and northern Argentina east of the Andes as far but higher than those of canids and ursids (Ewer, 1973). Tayra have
south as Tucuman (Barquez et al., 1991; Mares et al., 1989; Red- an olfactory response, flehmen, in which lips are pulled up, nose
The tayra is an opportunistic omnivore, consuming a variety base of a Manilkara zapota tree was 12 ern in diameter (Janzen,
of fruits, carrion, small vertebrates, insects, and honey (Cabrera and 1983). In addition, tayra nests can be found in tree forks (Gaumer,
Yepes, 1960; Emmons and Freer, 1990; Galef et al., 1976; Hall 1917). In captivity, tayras prefer elevated nest boxes without nest-
and Dalquest, 1963). In Venezuela, three species of vertebrate ing material, which is discarded if provided (Poglayen-Neuwall,
(Echimys semivillous, Rhipidomys, and Iguana iguana) and four 1975; Vaughan, 1974).
species of fruit (Genipa americana, Zanthozylum culantrillo, Tayra maintain relatively large home ranges for their size. A
Cuazuma tomentosa, and Psychotria anceps) were recorded from radiotracked female with two pups maintained a small home range
18 collected scats (Sunquist et al., 1989). Both Echimys semivil- (225 ha) centered around the den until the pups were about 3
lous and Genipa americana were found in 50% of the scats. More- months old, after which her range expanded to almost 900 ha (Sun-
over, all prey items were from closed habitats, supporting the idea quist et al., 1989). Upon expansion of her home range and weaning
that E. barbara is a forest specialist. In a similar study in Belize, of the young, the female used new dens daily that were an average
four species of small mammals were found in 31 tayra scats: Di- of 867 m apart. In a study in Belize, a female had a home range
delphis marsupialis (9.6%), Oryzomys palustris (22.5%), Sigmo- of 16.03 km 2 over a 13-month period, a male had a home range of
don hispidus (32.3%), and Rattus rattus (29.00/0-Konecny, 1989). 24.44 km 2 over a 10-month period, and another male had a home
In addition, small birds were found in 19.4% of scats, arthropods range of only 2.11 km 2 over a 3-month period (Konecny, 1989).
in 58.00/0, and fruit in 67.7%. The primary fruit taken was Colo- The short duration of radiotracking for the last animal probably
carpum mammosum. Additional fruits consumed include Cecropia accounts for the small size of the observed home range. Home rang-
mexicana, Astrocaryum standleyanum, and Spondias mombin es of all three animals overlapped greatly, suggesting that tayras
(Galef et al., 1976). In captivity, tayras accept mushrooms, milk, spend little or no time on territorial behavior (Konecny, 1989).
honey, bread, eggs, hamburger, ripe and rotten fruit, alcoholic bev-
erages, small to large birds, rodents as large as Myocastor coypus, REMARKS. In 1789, Browne published The Civil and Nat-
reptiles, fish, carrion, goat meat and bones, canned dog and cat ural History of Jamaica, in which he described a species of Cal-
food, and table scraps (Brosset, 1968; Kaufmann and Kaufmann, era that was "seldom seen in Jamaica; though frequent enough on
1965; Poglayen-Neuwall, 1975, 1978; Vaughan, 1974). the coast of Guinea, from whence it is sometime brought there in
Predation on tayra by larger vertebrates has not been reported. the African ships" (Browne, 1789:487). The name Calera was sub-
One internal parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, (Barretto and Ribeiro, sequently applied to both an African and American form, creating
1972) and two fleas, Ctenocephalides f fells and Hechtiella lopesi considerable nomenclatural confusion. Allen (1908a) reviewed us-
(Cuimaraes, 1940; Cuirnaraes and Linardi, 1993), have been re- age of the name Calera and found it to refer to the modern day
ported from E. barbara in Brazil. Herpestes from Africa. In addition, Allen pointed out two erroneous
assumptions made by subsequent authors that led to confusion: the
BEHAVIOR. Tayras are essentially diurnal with peaks in ac- "Guinea fox" of Browne is Mustela barbara of Linneaus, and the
tivity in early morning and late afternoon, though occasional activity Guinea fox was brought from Guiana and not Guinea, as stated by
occurs until midnight (Defler, 1980; Hall and Dalquest, 1963; Browne (Allen, 1908a).
Kaufmann and Kaufmann, 1965; Konecny, 1989; Sunquist et al., Eira comes from the common name of the tayra used by the
1989), particularly near human habitations where tayras become indigenous peoples of Bolivia and Paraguay, and barbaros is Greek
more crepuscular (Emmons and Freer, 1990). However, dispersal for "strange" or "foreign" (Gotch, 1979). Eira barbara has a pleth-
across open areas (Defler, 1980) and some sexual activity (Kauf- ora of common names throughout its range: bushdog in Belize, irara
mann and Kaufmann, 1965) have been reported at night. Many in Brazil, tayra in Colombia, tolomuco in Costa Rica, tejon, manco,
vertebrate prey are nocturnal and may be taken at dawn and dusk and perro de monte in Peru and Ecuador, lepasil in Honduras, gato
(Sunquist et al., 1989). Tayras forage for fruit in trees during day- eira in Paraguay, comadreja grande, gato negro, and gato cutarra
light hours. In captivity, tayras are almost exclusively diurnal (Bros- in Panama, cabeza de viejo in Mexico, and guacho and guanico in
set, 1968; Kavanau, 1970, 1971; Kavanau et al., 1973; Poglayen- Venezuela (Emmons and Freer, 1990).
Neuwall, 1975, 1978, 1992; Poglayen-Neuwall and Poglayen-Neu- Tayras have been commonly exported from South America to
wall, 1976; Poglayen-Neuwall et al., 1989; Vaughan, 1974). zoos over the last 35 years. Diurnal activity, hardiness, and large
Wild tayras usually occur singly (Defler, 1980; Emmons and size make them attractive in exhibits (Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978), but
Freer, 1990; Galef et al., 1976; Osgood, 1912, 1914, 1916) or in reproductive success has eluded most zoos. Those that are suc-
male-female pairs (Defler, 1980; Galef et al., 1976; Hall and Da- cessful keep the breeding pair together consistently, removing the
lquest, 1963; Kaufmann and Kaufmann, 1965; Konecny, 1989). male just prior to parturition and returning him after cubs are
Larger groups of tayras nearly always consist of a mother with her weaned. The first recorded captive births were at the London Zoo
subadult cubs (Dalquest, 1953; Leopold, 1959). One report of tay- on 5 September 1878 (Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). By the early
ras living in troops of 20-157 animals (Alston, 1882) is regarded 1970s, successful births were reported from Louisville Zoo in Lou-
as erroneous (Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). Integration of strange in- isville, Kentucky, San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California, Ran-
dividuals into an established group is difficult (Poglayen-Neuwall, dolph Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona, and Antelope Zoo in Lincoln,
1978). Nebraska.
Foraging tayras use olfaction as the primary method of prey I thank C. P. Bloch, M. J. Cramer, C. Lopez-Gonzalez, 1. C.
detection. Eyesight may be relatively poor (Defler, 1980). Radi- Roberts, and M. R. Willig for critically reviewing early versions of
otracking in Belize showed that tayras move unidirectionally while this manuscript; I. Poglayen-Neuwall and one anonymous reviewer
foraging, with little backtracking or crossing, and travel an average for providing helpful comments; I. Tiemann for translating papers
distance of 6.89 kmlday (Konecny, 1989). Tayras are active hunters in German; and B. D. Patterson of the Field Museum of Natural
that chase their prey; prey are rarely stalked and never ambushed. History in Chicago for allowing me to borrow a specimen under his
Tayras stand erect, using their long bodies to survey unfamiliar care.
surroundings, especially in thick grass (Kaufmann and Kaufmann,
1965; Poglayen-Neuwall, 1978). They move equally well on the
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