Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization 4th Quarter 2020
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization 4th Quarter 2020
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization 4th Quarter 2020
Previous Years Approp. Transferred to the Special Trust Fund 13,250,557.35 13,250,557.35
Total Funds Available 2,713,266.00 19,581,511.35 22,294,777.35
Carryforward Balance: -
B. Utilization:
Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants Expenses 120,000.00 200,000.00 320,000.00
Marine Protected Area Operational Maint. 150,000.00 150,000.00
Institutionalization of LDRRM Office 12,413.00 12,413.00
Disaster Operation Center -
Purchase Response Supplies & Equipment 313,418.14 313,418.14
Support Staff to LDRRM Office 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00
Housing Assistance to Disaster Victims 100,000.00 100,000.00
Survey & Reporting Activities 20,000.00 20,000.00
Purchase of Relief Goods, Medicines 2,473,266.00 2,473,266.00
Capacity Building Training to Rescue 720,330.00 720,330.00
DRR Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation -
Relief Stocking 88,531.20 88,531.20
Soc. Protection for Disaster Volunteers 20,000.00 20,000.00
Disaster Emergency Drills -
Production of DRR IEC Materials & Sign 95,000.00 95,000.00
Repair & Maintenance of Emergency 300,000.00 300,000.00
Transportation Facilities -
Sub-Total 2,613,266.00 3,399,692.34 6,012,958.34
Capital Outlay -
Purchase of 2 unit Rescue Vehicle 2,832,000.00 2,832,000.00
Temporary Shelter to Disaster Victims (tent & Polythelene
99,999.55 99,999.55
Sheet )
Sub-Total 99,999.55 2,832,000.00 2,931,999.55
Total 2,713,265.55 6,231,692.34 8,944,957.89
Unutilized Balance (Current) 0.45 99,261.66 99,262.11
Labor Rehabilitation of Commercial Center -
wages of Job Order 164,395.00 164,395.00
cash advance to be used for checkpoint personnel Oct. 2020 30,000.00 30,000.00
I hereby certify that I have reviewed the contents and hereby attest to the veracity and correctness of the data or information contained in this document.
LDRRMO III Municipal Accountant