AutoSPRINK Levels and Features
AutoSPRINK Levels and Features
AutoSPRINK Levels and Features
Compatibility with AutoCAD versions through ACAD 2015, Import and export 2d and 3d AutoCAD files
Design in a true 3 dimensional CAD platform
BIM Compliant
Draw with geometrically correct, internally intelligent objects
Hydraulically calculate sprinkler systems (Hazen Williams only in Lite)
Unlimited hydraulic nodes
Run calculations with multiple sources
Automatically create complete fabrication reports
Automatically place fittings and hangers
Automatically connect sprinklers to pipes
Create new and edit existing database parts
Graphically show leaks at bad/missing fittings
Building column and roof plane tools
Automatically elevate elements relative to roof planes
PRO Features (in addition to those listed above)
Automatic grid and tree system generator
Automatic ‘live’ sprinkler legend tool
Automatic pipe elevation label tool
Automatic sprinkler / branch line layout tool
Color code piping by hydraulic properties; velocity, friction loss, flow, and more
Automatically convert 2d lines to AutoSPRINK 3d pipes
Automatically convert symbols to AutoSPRINK sprinklers
System optimizer – see hydraulic results of changing pipe sizes without making changes in model
Automatically connect branch lines to mains
Export to IFC file type
Import and Export to and from REVIT MRV file type
Sway Brace tool
Print sway brace reports
Automatically print manufacturers’ data sheets based on parts in the model Convert
2d lines to 3d structural elements; beams, trusses, z‐purlins, etc.
Interference checking
Speech recognition
Route pipe tool – slope pipe, connect mains to branches,
Automatically size pipe according to user defined schedule
Clone existing database parts
Calculate weight of system components
Calculate pipe volumes
Automatic Remote Area table
Automatic Supply table
Draw structural I‐beams, trusses, z‐purlins, channels, and Solid beams
Attach and calculate through external reference files (XREFS)
Draw, calculate, and stock list curved pipe
Calculate with Darcy Weisbach formula
Complex symbols
PLATINUM Features (in addition to those listed above)
Capture scenes and create walk through video
Solids modelling tools
Clip Plane tool
Advanced interference checking and alerts controls
Automatically arm around obstructions
Advanced selection filters
Advanced conversion tools – convert 2d lines to 3d beams, automatically ‘reading’ beam labels to create
accurate structural shapes
Automatic Cleanup – wizard
Control Areas