Uptodate. Acute Cholecystitis UptoDate
Uptodate. Acute Cholecystitis UptoDate
Uptodate. Acute Cholecystitis UptoDate
Salam F Zakko, MD, FACP, AGAF
Nezam H Afdhal, MD, FRCPI
Section Editor:
Sanjiv Chopra, MD, MACP
Deputy Editor:
Shilpa Grover, MD, MPH, AGAF
Contributor Disclosures
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is
Literature review current through: Feb 2018. | This topic last updated: Dec 15, 2016.
This topic will review the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of acute
cholecystitis. The management of uncomplicated gallstone disease, acalculous
cholecystitis, and the treatment of acute cholecystitis are discussed separately.
(See "Uncomplicated gallstone disease in adults" and "Acalculous cholecystitis: Clinical
manifestations, diagnosis, and management" and "Treatment of acute calculous
Some authors use the phrase "chronic cholecystitis" when referring to gallbladder
dysfunction as a cause of abdominal pain [7]. It is more appropriate in this instance to refer
to the condition based on the disorder present, such as pain due to gallstone disease, pain
due to biliary dyskinesia (which is attributed to sphincter of Oddi dysfunction), or pain due to
functional gallbladder disorder (also called gallbladder dyskinesia). (See "Clinical
manifestations and diagnosis of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction" and "Functional gallbladder
disorder in adults".)
Studies in animals have demonstrated that ligation of the cystic duct alone does not result
in acute cholecystitis [8,9]. However, acute cholecystitis can be produced by blocking the
cystic duct, followed by deliberate irritation of the gallbladder mucosa (either mechanically
with an indwelling catheter or by infusion of an irritant).
One such irritant used in experimental models, lysolecithin, is produced from lecithin, a
normal constituent of bile. The production of lysolecithin from lecithin is catalyzed by
phospholipase A, which is present in gallbladder mucosa. This enzyme may be released
into the gallbladder following trauma to the gallbladder wall from an impacted gallstone [9].
Supporting this hypothesis is the observation that lysolecithin (normally absent in bile) is
detectable in gallbladder bile in patients with acute cholecystitis [10].
Histologic changes of the gallbladder in acute cholecystitis can range from mild edema and
acute inflammation to necrosis and gangrene. Occasionally, prolonged impaction of a stone
in the cystic duct can lead to a distended gallbladder that is filled with colorless, mucoid fluid.
This condition, known as a mucocele with white bile (hydrops), is due to the absence of bile
entry into the gallbladder and absorption of all the bilirubin within the gallbladder.
History — Patients with acute cholecystitis typically complain of abdominal pain, most
commonly in the right upper quadrant or epigastrium. The pain may radiate to the right
shoulder or back. Characteristically, acute cholecystitis pain is steady and severe.
Associated complaints may include fever, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia. There is often a
history of fatty food ingestion one hour or more before the initial onset of pain. The episode
of pain is typically prolonged (greater than four to six hours).
Physical examination — Patients with acute cholecystitis are usually ill appearing, febrile,
and tachycardic, and lie still on the examining table because cholecystitis is associated with
true local parietal peritoneal inflammation that is aggravated by movement. Abdominal
examination usually demonstrates voluntary and involuntary guarding. Patients frequently
will have a positive Murphy's sign. (See 'Murphy's sign' below.)
Patients with complications may have signs of sepsis (gangrene), generalized peritonitis
(perforation), abdominal crepitus (emphysematous cholecystitis), or bowel obstruction
(gallstone ileus). (See 'Complications' below and "Sepsis syndromes in adults:
Epidemiology, definitions, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prognosis", section on
'Sepsis' and "Epidemiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of mechanical small bowel
obstruction in adults", section on 'Gallstones or foreign body' and "Epidemiology, clinical
features, and diagnosis of mechanical small bowel obstruction in adults", section on 'Clinical
However, there have been reports of mild elevations in serum aminotransferases and
amylase, along with hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice, even in the absence of these
complications [17]. These abnormalities may be due to the passage of small stones, sludge,
or pus.
Murphy's sign — Patients with acute cholecystitis frequently have a positive "Murphy's
sign". To check for a Murphy's sign, the patient is asked to inspire deeply while the examiner
palpates the area of the gallbladder fossa just beneath the liver edge. Deep inspiration
causes the gallbladder to descend toward and press against the examining fingers, which
in patients with acute cholecystitis commonly leads to increased discomfort and the patient
catching his or her breath.
In one study, using cholescintigraphy as the gold standard, the sensitivity and specificity of
a positive Murphy's sign were 97 and 48 percent, respectively [19]. However, the sensitivity
may be diminished in the elderly [20].
Imaging studies — Physical examination alone cannot determine which abdominal viscera
is the source of inflammation and pain. Thus, patients presenting with clinical features
suggestive of acute cholecystitis should undergo abdominal imaging to confirm the
diagnosis. Ultrasonography is usually the first test obtained and can often establish the
diagnosis. Nuclear cholescintigraphy may be useful in cases in which the diagnosis remains
uncertain after ultrasonography.
Ultrasonography — The presence of stones in the gallbladder in the clinical setting of right
upper quadrant abdominal pain and fever supports the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis but
is not diagnostic. Additional sonographic features include:
●Gallbladder wall thickening (greater than 4 to 5 mm) or edema (double wall sign)
(image 2).
Several studies have evaluated the accuracy of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute
cholecystitis [18,21-26]. A particularly informative systematic review summarized the results
of 30 studies of ultrasonography for gallstones and acute cholecystitis [23]. Adjusted
sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of acute cholecystitis were 88 percent (95%
confidence interval [CI] 0.74 to 1.00) and 80 percent (95% CI 0.62 to 0.98), respectively.
In patients with emphysematous cholecystitis, the ultrasound report may erroneously note
the presence of "overlying bowel gas making adequate visualization of the gallbladder
difficult", when in reality, this reflects air in the wall of the gallbladder. (See 'Emphysematous
cholecystitis' below.)
●Severe liver disease, which may lead to abnormal uptake and excretion of the tracer.
●Fasting patients receiving total parenteral nutrition, in whom the gallbladder is already
maximally full due to prolonged lack of stimulation.
●Biliary sphincterotomy, which may result in low resistance to bile flow, leading to
preferential excretion of the tracer into the duodenum without filling of the gallbladder.
False negative results are uncommon since most patients with acute cholecystitis have
obstruction of the cystic duct. When they occur, they may be due to incomplete cystic duct
Morphine cholescintigraphy — A modified version of the HIDA scan has been described
in which patients are given intravenous morphine during the examination. Morphine
increases sphincter of Oddi pressure, thereby causing a more favorable pressure gradient
for the radioactive tracer to enter the cystic duct. This modification is thought to be
particularly useful in critically ill patients, in whom standard HIDA scanning may be
associated with false positive results [33,34]. It was compared with the standard HIDA scan
in a retrospective study where 365 patients who received 2 mg of morphine prior to the scan
were compared with 232 patients who had the standard HIDA scan without morphine
pretreatment. The authors reported its accuracy to be slightly more than the standard HIDA
scan in detecting acute cholecystitis (93 percent versus 84 percent respectively) [35,36]. As
the test has not been well standardized and has a high false positive rate, it has not gained
wide acceptance.
Most patients who develop acute cholecystitis have had previous attacks of biliary colic,
which may further confuse the diagnosis or lead patients to delay seeking medical attention.
The following features may help to distinguish an attack of biliary colic from acute
cholecystitis. However, such patients usually require imaging studies to help establish the
●The pain of biliary colic typically reaches a crescendo, and then resolves completely.
Pain resolution occurs when the gallbladder relaxes, permitting stones to fall back from
the cystic duct. An episode of right upper quadrant pain lasting for more than four to six
hours should raise suspicion for acute cholecystitis.
●Patients with constitutional symptoms such as malaise or fever are more likely to have
acute cholecystitis.
Symptoms that are not suggestive of a biliary etiology include fatty food intolerance not in
the form of pain, nausea not in association with pain, pain only a few minutes after a meal,
irregular bowel habits, or belching [41,42].
A variety of other conditions can give rise to symptoms in the upper abdomen, which may
be confused with biliary colic or acute cholecystitis. These include:
●Acute pancreatitis.
●Acute hepatitis.
●Nonulcer dyspepsia.
●Right-sided pneumonia.
●Perforated viscus.
●Cardiac ischemia.
These conditions can usually be differentiated by the clinical setting in which they occur and
by obtaining the appropriate diagnostic studies.
Affected patients are often men in their fifth to seventh decade [48], and approximately one-
third to one-half have diabetes [48-50]. Gallstones are present in about one-half of patients.
Like other patients with acute cholecystitis, patients with emphysematous cholecystitis
usually present with right upper quadrant pain, nausea, vomiting, and low-grade fever.
Peritoneal signs are usually absent, but crepitus in the abdominal wall adjacent to the gall
bladder may rarely be detected. When such crepitus is present, it is an important clue to the
diagnosis. Mild to moderate unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia may be present (caused by
hemolysis induced by clostridial infection). The ultrasound report may erroneously note the
presence of "overlying bowel gas making adequate visualization of the gallbladder difficult",
when in reality, this reflects air in the wall of the gallbladder.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to
print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles
on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)
●Basics topics (see "Patient education: Gallstones (The Basics)" and "Patient
education: Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (The Basics)")
●Beyond the Basics topics (see "Patient education: Gallstones (Beyond the Basics)")
●Acute cholecystitis refers to a syndrome of right upper quadrant pain, fever, and
leukocytosis associated with gallbladder inflammation and is usually related to
gallstone disease. (See 'Definitions' above.)
●Patients with acute cholecystitis typically complain of abdominal pain, most commonly
in the right upper quadrant or epigastrium. The pain may radiate to the right shoulder
or back. Characteristically, acute cholecystitis pain is prolonged (more than four to six
hours), steady, and severe. Associated complaints may include nausea, vomiting, and
anorexia. (See 'Clinical manifestations' above.)
●Acute cholecystitis must be distinguished from the more benign condition of biliary
colic, which presents with the same type of pain. Most patients who develop acute
cholecystitis have had previous attacks of biliary colic. The following features may help
to distinguish an attack of biliary colic from acute cholecystitis, though such patients
usually require imaging studies to help establish the diagnosis (see 'Differential
diagnosis' above and "Uncomplicated gallstone disease in adults", section on 'Biliary
•The pain of biliary colic typically reaches a crescendo and then resolves
completely. Pain resolution occurs when the gallbladder relaxes, permitting stones
to fall back from the cystic duct. An episode of right upper quadrant pain lasting
for more than four to six hours should raise suspicion for acute cholecystitis.
•Patients with constitutional symptoms such as malaise or fever are more likely to
have acute cholecystitis.
•Patients with biliary colic do not have signs of peritonitis on examination and have
normal laboratory tests.
Patients should be kept fasting, and although uncommonly needed, those who are vomiting
should have placement of a nasogastric tube. (See "Nasogastric and nasoenteric tubes".)
Pain control — Pain control in patients with acute cholecystitis can usually be achieved
with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids. Progression of pain during
treatment for acute cholecystitis, despite adequate analgesia, is an indicator of a clinical
We prefer ketorolac (30 to 60 mg adjusted for age and renal function given in a single
intramuscular dose) for patients with biliary colic. Treatment usually relieves symptoms
within 20 to 30 minutes. Opioids, such as morphine, hydromorphone, or meperidine are
appropriate therapy for patients who have contraindications to NSAIDs or who do not
achieve adequate pain relief with an NSAID, which may be more common in patients with
acute cholecystitis compared with uncomplicated gallstone disease.
It was traditionally thought that meperidine was the opioid of choice in patients with gallstone
disease because it has less of an effect on sphincter of Oddi motility than morphine [4-6].
However, a systematic review found that all opioids increase sphincter of Oddi pressure [5].
There are insufficient data to suggest that morphine should be avoided. Morphine has an
advantage that it requires less frequent dosing than meperidine, which has a shorter half-
Many clinicians routinely administer antimicrobial therapy to all patients diagnosed with
acute cholecystitis, which are continued until the gallbladder is removed or the cholecystitis
clinically resolves. Others advocate that antimicrobial therapy should only be instituted if
infection is suspected on the basis of laboratory (more than 12,500 white cells per cubic
millimeter) or clinical findings (temperature of more than 38.5°C), or in patients with a
diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and radiographic findings indicative of gallbladder rupture,
ischemia or necrosis (eg, air in the gallbladder or gallbladder wall). Routine antibiotics are
also recommended in older patients or those with diabetes or immunodeficiency with a
diagnosis of acute cholecystitis regardless of these signs [10,14]. (See "Sepsis syndromes
in adults: Epidemiology, definitions, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prognosis".)
When empiric antibiotic therapy is indicated, the chosen agent(s) should cover the most
common pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family, including Gram negative rods and
anaerobes; activity against enterococci is not required [8]. In a study of 467 patients,
including a control group of 42 with normal biliary trees, positive bile cultures were found in
22 percent of patients with symptomatic gallstones and 46 percent of patients with acute
cholecystitis [15]. The most frequent isolates from the gallbladder or common bile duct were
Escherichia coli (41 percent), Enterococcus (12 percent), Klebsiella (11 percent), and
Enterobacter (9 percent). Whenever possible, the chosen agent(s) should also achieve
adequate concentrations in bile.
The guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommend the following
antibiotic regimens for patients with acute cholecystitis [10] (table 1):
The choosing of an antibiotic regimen within each patient category is governed by local
practices, taking into consideration the antibiogram and formulary of each institution. The
chosen agents should subsequently be tailored to culture and susceptibility results when
they become available [7].
The duration of antibiotic therapy is generally tailored to the clinical situation. A multicenter
trial randomly assigned 414 patients hospitalized for mild or moderate calculous cholecystitis
to continue their preoperative antibiotic regimen for five days (2 g amoxicillin plus clavulanic
acid, three times daily) or to receive no antibiotics following cholecystectomy [16]. No
significant differences in postoperative infection rates (17 versus 15 percent) were found.
These results support our current practice of discontinuing antibiotics the day after the
cholecystectomy for patients with uncomplicated cholecystitis. Clinical judgement should
dictate antibiotic management in more complicated scenarios, such as in the septic
postoperative patient.
The need for prophylactic antibiotics at the time of surgery in the absence of
clinical symptoms/signs of biliary infection is discussed elsewhere. (See "Open
cholecystectomy", section on 'Prophylactic antibiotics' and "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy",
section on 'Antibiotics'.)
The best data come from a meta-analysis of 15 trials including 1625 patients [31]. Compared
with delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy, early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (performed
within seven days of symptom onset) was associated with less wound infection (relative risk
0.65, 95% CI 0.47-0.91), a shorter hospital stay (mean difference [MD] -3 days, 95% CI -4
to -2), fewer work days lost (MD -11 days, 95% CI -16 to -6), but a longer operative time
(MD 11 minutes, 95% CI 5-18). Early surgery did not increase the rate of mortality, bile duct
injury, bile leakage, conversion to open surgery, or overall complications.
Early surgery is also easier to perform, as local inflammation increases 72 hours after the
initial onset of symptoms, making dissection less precise, increasing the severity of surgical
complications, and making open conversion more likely.
Nevertheless, there are data to suggest that surgery is still safe even after 72 hours of
symptom onset, albeit with a higher rate of conversion from laparoscopic to open technique
[27,33-35]. In a randomized trial of 86 patients with acute cholecystitis who had more than
72 hours of symptoms, early laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the index admission was
safe [36]. Of 42 patients who received early surgery, only one required conversion to open
surgery; none had a bile leak or bile duct injury. Compared with surgery delayed for six
weeks, early surgery reduced the overall morbidity rate from 39 to 14 percent. Given that
the postoperative complication rates (15 percent early versus 17 percent delayed) were
similar, the difference in morbidity was almost entirely accounted for by morbidities that
occurred during the waiting period in patients who were waiting for delayed surgery (3 failed
initial treatment; 10 required unplanned readmission while awaiting surgery). The length of
stay (four versus seven days), duration of antibiotic therapy (2 versus 10 days), and total
hospital cost (€9349 versus €12,361) were also in favor of early surgery. The authors of this
trial argued that the degree of inflammatory changes associated with acute cholecystitis may
not be time dependent as previously thought [37] and therefore suggested early
laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be offered to patients with acute cholecystitis regardless
of the duration of symptoms.
For selected patients in whom the risk for injury or excessive blood loss is deemed too high
to perform cholecystectomy, a cholecystostomy or a subtotal cholecystectomy can be
performed. The latter procedure achieves control of the cystic duct at the level of the neck
of the gallbladder and leaves the dome of the gallbladder adherent to the liver fossa in situ
[48,49]. Biliary leaks can still occur, but these can generally be managed conservatively.
(See "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy" and "Complications of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy" and "Repair of common bile duct injuries".)
For these patients, the risk of cholecystectomy likely outweighs the potential benefits, and
an initial nonoperative approach should be undertaken that includes antibiotic therapy and
bowel rest. For those who fail to improve, gallbladder drainage should be implemented with
the eventual goal of performing cholecystectomy. Once cholecystitis resolves, the patient’s
risk for surgery should be reassessed. Patients who have become reasonable candidates
for surgery should undergo elective cholecystectomy [50]. Medical management with
interval cholecystectomy only for recurrent acute cholecystitis may be appropriate in some
patients [51].
However, an initial surgical approach may be preferred in some high-risk patients (eg,
gangrenous or emphysematous cholecystitis) for whom the burden of the ongoing systemic
effects of cholecystitis is deemed to be greater than the risk of surgery. In a study of 483
patients undergoing cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis, gangrenous cholecystitis was
found in 24 (5 percent) [52]. Patients with gangrenous gallbladders had a much higher
mortality rate than patients who had inflamed but nongangrenous gallbladders (12.5 versus
0.9 percent). In the same study, gallbladder gangrene was associated with an older age,
male sex, and a higher preoperative bilirubin level, as well as comorbid medical conditions
such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Antibiotic therapy — For high-risk patients, the initial approach should include antibiotic
therapy and bowel rest, followed by either cholecystectomy for those who improve or
gallbladder drainage for those who fail to improve. (See 'Antibiotics' above.)
●Severe cholecystitis
●Late presentation (>72 hours after onset of symptoms)
In retrospective studies, higher mortality and morbidity rates have often been associated
with percutaneous cholecystostomy treatment of acute cholecystitis compared with
cholecystectomy. As an example, in one retrospective review that included 1918 patients,
30-day mortality after percutaneous cholecystostomy was 15.4 percent, but only 4.5 percent
for cholecystectomy [64]. This difference is likely due to patient selection bias, as the
healthiest cohort is selected by surgeons for surgical management. Patients who underwent
percutaneous cholecystostomy were usually older, and had a higher ASA classification,
more comorbidities, longer hospital stay, more complications, and more readmissions. In
one time-cohort study, the 30-day mortality rate decreased from 36 to 12 percent when more
“healthy” patients (ASA class I and II: 0 versus 18 percent) underwent the percutaneous
cholecystostomy procedure between 1998 and 2009, compared with the time period from
1989 to 1998 [65]. A randomized prospective trial comparing percutaneous cholecystostomy
with cholecystectomy treatment of acute cholecystitis in high surgical risk patients is
underway [66].
In a randomized trial involving 59 patients with acute cholecystitis, who did not respond to
initial medical management and were not surgical candidates, transmural drainage was as
effective as percutaneous drainage of the gallbladder in terms of technical (97 versus 97
percent) and clinical success rates (100 versus 96 percent) [77]. Similar proportions of
patients in each group developed complications (7 versus 3 percent) and required
conversion to open surgery when they eventually underwent laparoscopic gallbladder
surgery (9 versus 12 percent). Postprocedure pain was significantly less in the transmural
drainage group.
Surgical — Although high-risk patients are generally treated with antibiotic therapy with or
without a gallbladder drainage procedure, an initial surgical approach may be preferred in
some patients for whom the burden of the ongoing systemic effects of cholecystitis is
deemed to be greater than the risk of surgery. If cholecystectomy is not feasible, a subtotal
cholecystectomy can be performed instead, but if medical risk precludes gallbladder
removal, a surgical cholecystostomy tube can be inserted through a limited laparotomy in
the operating room, or at the bedside in the intensive care unit setting, if necessary.
(See "Open cholecystectomy", section on 'Open cholecystostomy tube placement'.)
Subsequent care following drainage — For patients who undergo gallbladder drainage,
the approach to subsequent care depends on whether clinical symptoms resolve after
gallbladder drainage has been accomplished.
Effective drainage — The risk for surgery should be reconsidered once cholecystitis
resolves in patients treated conservatively with antibiotics and gallbladder drainage. Patients
who have become reasonable candidates for surgery should undergo elective
cholecystectomy. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be the preferred treatment in high-
risk patients who require surgery. (See "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy".)
●Acute cholecystitis refers to a syndrome of right upper quadrant pain, fever, and
leukocytosis associated with gallbladder inflammation, which is usually related to
gallstone disease. Once a patient develops acute cholecystitis, definitive therapy aimed
at eliminating the gallstones is recommended. Without definitive therapy, the likelihood
of recurrent symptoms or complications is high. (See 'Introduction' above
and 'Overview of treatment' above.)
●Patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis should be admitted to the hospital. Initial
supportive care includes intravenous fluid therapy, correction of electrolyte disorders,
and control of pain. Adequate pain control can usually be achieved with nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids. Patients should be kept fasting and those
who are vomiting may need placement of a nasogastric tube. (See 'Supportive
care' above.)
•For patients without emergent indications for definitive therapy who are low risk
for surgery, we recommend cholecystectomy during the initial hospitalization
(Grade 1A). Cholecystectomy performed early rather than later in the
hospitalization may be associated with reduced perioperative morbidity and
mortality. Low-risk patients generally undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Compared with open cholecystectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy reduces
postoperative pain and significantly shortens the length of hospital stay and
convalescence. (See 'Timing of cholecystectomy' above and 'Low-risk
patients' above.)
•For patients without emergent indications for definitive therapy, and in whom the
risk of cholecystectomy outweighs the potential benefits, gallbladder drainage with
percutaneous cholecystostomy or one of the endoscopic drainage procedures is
indicated if symptoms do not improve with supportive care. Once cholecystitis
resolves, the patient’s risk for surgery should be reassessed. Patients who have
become reasonable candidates for surgery should undergo elective
cholecystectomy. Patients who stabilize with gallbladder drainage but continue to
be at high-risk for surgery can be considered for percutaneous gallstone extraction
with or without mechanical lithotripsy. (See 'Gallbladder drainage' above.)
●Mortality associated with a single episode of acute cholecystitis depends upon the
patient's health and surgical risk. Overall mortality is approximately 3 percent, but is
less than 1 percent in young, otherwise healthy patients, and approaches 10 percent
in high-risk patients, or in those with complications.