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LogForum 2018, 14 (4), 479-494

> Scientific Journal of Logistics < http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

http://www.logforum.net p-ISSN 1895-2038 e-ISSN 1734-459X




Zhang Yu1, Hêriş Golpîra2, Syed Abdul Rehman Khan3

1) Chang'an University, Xi'an, China, 2) Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran, 3) Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

ABSTRACT. Background: This study is for examining the association between green logistics, energy demand,
renewable energy consumptions, environmental performance and sustainable economic development in a panel of
nineteen developed economies around the globe over the period from 2008 - 2017. In addition, the article expands
domain of green logistics from firm level to country level and also connects national scale economic indicators with
green logistical performance.
Methods: The study employs Pools OLS (ordinary least square) statistical technique to check hypothesis, while
secondary data have been used, which were downloaded from the World Bank.
Results: The results reveal that the green logistics indicators have strongly positive correlation with green energy
sources, FDI inflows, and Trade openness. On the other hand, greenhouse gas emissions and carbon emissions have
negative correlation with green logistics. Furthermore, renewable energy is a driving factor of green logistics and supply
chain operations which also promote environmental and economic sustainability.
Conclusion: This article provides the insight of the association between green logistics performance and national scale
economic and environmental indicators. In addition, this research will help practitioners, senior managers and
policymaker to understand the importance of renewable energy and green practices in logistical operations.

Key words: Renewable energy; Trade openness; Greenhouse gas emissions; Green Supply chain management;
Economic development.

effects of logistics operations on

INTRODUCTION environmental sustainability. Accordingly to
Dekker et al., [2012] logistics operations are
In modern and integrated global supply a mainly contributor of carbon emissions,
chain management, logistics and transportation while green logistics build a sustainable
play an important role in the way from balance between social, environmental and
suppliers to consumers’ door. Global logistics economic growth [Ceranic et al., 2017].
operations have posed a significant threat to European commission [EUROPA, 2011 and
the environmental beauty in terms of poor air 2017] report confirmed that transport is the
quality, climate change, greenhouse gases and main cause of air pollution in terms of burning
carbon emissions [Gruner and Power 2017, Ai fossil fuel and energy. Undeniably, transport
et al. 2015]. The idea of eco-friendly logistics related industry is connected with almost 10
or green logistics is considered as an million people, which accounts for around 5%
environmental innovation. The basic aim of of total employment and generates about 4.6%
eco-friendly logistics is to mitigate harmful in gross domestic product. Khan et al., [2017a]

Copyright: Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki, Poznań, Polska

Citation: Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494,
Received: 05.08.18, Accepted: 11.09.2018, on-line: 28.09.2018.
Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

conducted a panel study in the context of economic performance and build competitive
European countries to explore the association advantages [Simão et al., 2016]. Zaman and
between green logistics and economic Shamsuddin, [2017] did a study on green
indicators. Seen from the findings, greenhouse logistics, and the results showed that logistics
gas and carbon emissions would affect product indicators are well-connected with the industry
value added and GDP per capita income of value added, energy prices, and trade
countries. Due to electronic media and social openness, etc. that provoke GSCM (green
websites, consumers are more aware of supply chain management) in the area.
ecological and polluted products as compare to Aldakhil et al., [2018] explored the
before. In addition, regulatory authorities and relationship between green logistics, economic
governmental bodies are more aggressive to factors (GDP, Trade openness, and FDI
put environmental-friendly policies into inflows) and environmental indicators (CO2
practice. emissions). Seen from the results, the
significantly positive association between
Undeniably, the adoption of green practices green logistics indices and country’s per capita
in logistics and business operations provides income, which confirmed that supply chain
opportunities to build competitive advantages management is integrated with country’s
against their competitors. Khan and Dong, economic development and corporate
[2017] highlighted that green logistics does not environmental policies that are necessary for
only improve environmental performance in continuous payoffs. Vachon and Mao [2008]
terms of reduction in carbon emissions, emphasized the importance of implementing
greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and green practices in logistics operations for
global warming, but will also enhance protecting environmental sustainability.

Fig. 1. Relationship between green supply chain, economic growth and environmental factors

According to Abrams et al. [2017] the inspected the linkage of senior management
green logistics is a complete system support and the adoption of green practices in
responsible for the environment, not only supply chain operations in context of Chinese
dealing with forward logistics, [Chunguang et manufacturing industry. After the control on
al., 2008] but also covering the reverse the influence of marketing, cost pressures,
logistics including waste recycling, energy supplier and firm size, they found significantly
recovery, remanufacturing, and disposal in positive relationship between senior
landfill. Khan et al., [2016] and Maritime, management support and adoption of green
[2016] examine the influence of green practices. The significance of green logistics
management operations on customer across the European countries is desirable to
satisfaction and long-term orientation. The promote their ecological products in
findings revealed that green practices enhance international markets including Asian and
customer trust and satisfaction with improved African markets. Fig.1. displays the
positive image of firms. Zhu et al., [2008]

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

relationship between environmental-economic Anable et al. [2012] argued that transportation

factors and green supply chain. congestion and long lead-time emits greater
carbon emissions, which is a cause of
In previous empirical studies, a number of environmental degradations and poor human
researches conducted their research on firm- health. Iakovou et al. [2010] results indicated
level to explore the benefits of green practices that waste biomass can be an appropriate
adoption in supply chain and business solution for minimizing the heavy reliance on
operations, and very few researchers conducted fossil fuel energy, but, the cost of waste
empirical studies on macro-level to identify biomass utilization is the main burden on
and explore the association between green firms’ profitability statement. [Mraihi, Abid
supply chain management, economic growth 2013] highlighted that correlation between
and environmental performance [Khan et al., economic development and greater energy
2018, Aldakhil et al., 2018] in the context of consumption in logistics operation is one of the
BRICS countries. But this research will important relations, which should be further
provide a clear picture of green logistics and studied. Undeniably, logistics plays a vital role
supply chain on macro-level indicators in the in countries’ economic growth, while transport
context of twenty-two developed economies and logistics operations are heavily dependent
around the globe. Furthermore, this research on energy and fossil fuel consumption, which
will help to find relationship between national is polluting and destroying the environmental
economic and environmental indicators sustainability. Bhattacharya et al. [2016] and
including, trade openness (TOP), foreign direct Khan et al. [2018] found that renewable energy
investment inflows (FDI inflows), greenhouse usage in supply chain operations cannot only
gas emissions (TGHT), energy consumption, improve environmental performance in terms
CO2 emissions, Fossil fuel consumptions of mitigating carbon emissions but also
(Fossil), and renewable energy consumption improve economic development. Aldakhil et
with green logistics performance. The rest of al. [2018] suggested that regulatory authorities
research paper is arranged as follows: section 2 and/or governmental bodies should encourage
discusses some relevant research papers and the usage of renewable energy in supply chain
development of hypothesis in terms of green activities for better environmental growth and
logistics, economic growth and environmental sustainable growth of economy.
sustainability. Section 3 covers the data source
and methodology of research. Section 4 Limanond et al. [2011] conducted
displays analysis and discussion on results. a research in the context of Thailand to find
Section 5 includes conclusion, policy analysis out the association between energy demand,
and future research work. economic growth and transportation industry.
They found that economic development is
positively correlated with energy demand.
LITERATURE REVIEW AND Khan et al. [2016] argued that firms cannot
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT adopt green practices in their business
operations without adoption of renewable
The relationship between energy demand and energy sources. Khan et al. [2017] conducted
green logistics a research and its findings indicated that
logistics activities consume greater energy and
also increase demand of energy, which results
The relationship between green logistics
in an improved industry value added activities
and energy demand is extensively discussed in
and countries’ economic development.
supply chain and logistics industry. On the
Therefore, we suggested the following
other hand, green practices require renewable
energy sources which can control the harmful
H1: The greater energy demand is positively
effects of logistical operations. Halldórsson
associated with logistics performance
and Kovács [2010] focused that, at enterprise’
H2: The greater renewable energy
operational level, it is required to improve
consumption has positive correlation with
environmental sustainability through adoption
green logistics performance
of green practices in supply chain operations.

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

The association between economic growth and efficiency of logistical operations and reduce
green logistics environmental degradations.

Green practices in logistical and supply Wanzala and Zhihong [2016] the inefficient
chain operations improve the economic logistics system ignoring environment
growth. Further, green manufacturing, green discourages investments and incurs heavy
purchasing and ecological design of products costs in the supply chain systems such as
are supportive to enhance economic higher import duties, expensive storage and
performance of firms [Khan et al. 2018, Khan, delayed customs clearance due to polluted
Dong 2017, Zhang, Zhao 2012]. Zaman and materials, reduce exports and opportunities in
Shamsuddin, [2017] did this research on 15 European and Western countries. On the other
selected panel countries, and the findings hand, green logistics does not only attract
revealed that green logistics enhances the FDI foreign investors and tourists but also increases
inflows and trade openness, and mitigate the the export opportunities and captures new
harmful effects of business operations in terms markets in international arena. Based on the
of reduction in carbon emissions, fossil fuel above cited research papers, we construct the
consumptions and greenhouse gas emissions, following hypothesis:
which improves air quality and resolve the H3: The green logistics performance is
problems of climate change. Hansen and Rand, positively correlated with foreign direct
[2006] and Khan et al., [2017] FDI (foreign investment
direct investment) inflows act as one of the H4: The green logistics performance is
backbone for healthier economic growth. The positively correlated with greater business and
findings confirmed that FDI inflows are trade openness
significantly and positively correlated with
sustainable economic development. Bengoa The association between environment and
and Sanchez-Robles, [2003] did this study on green logistics performance
18 Latin American countries with the panel
data during 1970 to 1999, and the results A number of studies were conducted for
showed that green supply chain operations figuring out the relationship between
build positive image of the country, which environmental sustainability and logistics
attracts the foreign investors. [Khan et al. performance [Van-Hoek 1999]. Hayami et al.
2017] argued that the industry, manufacturing [2015] argued that air pollution in terms of
share in GDP is negatively affected by greater carbon emissions and greenhouse gas
carbon emissions. Shahbaz et al. [2015] emissions are severely increasing due to
conducted a panel research on African polluted supply chain operations and failure of
countries and found that energy consumption governmental bodies. Similarly Boin, Kelle,
increases carbon emissions, while usage of and Whybark [2010] warned we should be
biofuel and renewable energy may enhance prepared for environmental disaster due to the
environmental beauty. In addition, biofuel greater carbon emissions that were increasing
energy sources are inexpensive as compare to day-by-day. Wiebe, J. [2014] highlighted the
fossil fuel [Khan et al. 2018]. sustainability issues and explained that the
main problem was not what people were doing,
The increasing FDI makes significant but how they were doing, for example, if firms
contributions to economic growth of China manufacture products with green energy, they
[Wei et al. 2015]. The country is the second will protect the environmental beauty and also
largest foreign direct investment recipient in reduce the costs and build competitive
the world and these foreign direct investments advantage in terms of customer satisfaction
bring knowledge, capital and new managerial and trust with improved logistical operations
skills. [Lu et al. 2010] conducted an empirical and efficient delivery to customers. Dangelico
study in China to explore the relationship and Pontrandolfo [2013] found that corporate
between FDI inflows and green logistics sector financial performance is positively
operations. The findings revealed that green correlated with green logistical and supply
practices in logistical operations improve the chain operations, and CO2 emissions are not

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

only negatively correlated with environmental competitive advantage in terms of positive

performance but also reduce overall image and reputation in the market. With the
organizational performance [Huiying Zhang above cited research papers, we develop the
Fan Yang 2016]. following hypothesis:
H4: The environmental concerns in logistics
The primary goal of greening logistics and operations are positively correlated with the
supply chain processes are to reduce green logistics performance.
“footprints and carbon emissions” but due to
adoption of ecological practices, firms may
improve their financial performance [Khan et DATA SOURCE AND
al. 2016]. In addition, [Colicchia et al. 2016] METHODOLOGY
the firms’ better reputation and positive image
are linked with green practices and building This research draws the relationship
environmental collaboration with their supply between economic growth, environmental
chain partners. Simão et al., [2016] and Hahn performance, and energy demand with green
et al., [2010] findings revealed that many times logistics operations in a panel of 19 developed
firms are pressurized by international countries. Definitely, energy acts as a key
organizations and governmental bodies to contributor in supply chain and transportation
implement ecological practices in their supply activities and a backbone of economic growth.
chain activities, and even such green practices But sustainable environmental and economic
may negatively correlated with firms’ development is negatively correlated with
economic performance, and huge investment polluted logistical operations. This article
on green technologies and worker trainings mainly interlinks logistics operations with
may shrink firms’ profitability [Walley and national scale environmental and economic
Whitehead, 1994]. But in the long run, green indicators. Table 1 shows the definitions of
investment is positively correlated with construct.
enterprise operational, environmental and
financial performance and also builds
Table 1. Definition of Constructs
Constructs Definitions

The logistics green practices has been adopted by regulatory

authority to reduce emissions, while GLP has been calculated by
GLP (green logistics performance) efficiency of customs clearance process to reduce carbon emissions,
Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure, and competence
and quality of logistics services with minimum possible emissions.

Foreign direct investment inflows is a leading indicator of handsome

FDI (foreign direct investment) economic activities. FDI inflows used as a proxy for economic

REC is the renewable energy (% of total final energy


Energy Energy is the energy consumption (Kg of oil equivalent per capita)

Fossil is the fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total); fossil fuel

Fossil Fuel
is the key contributor of emissions

TGHGs indicate the total greenhouse gas emissions (Kt of CO2


TOP is the trade openness (percent of gross domestic product) used

as a proxy for economic indicator

CO2 is the carbon emissions (metric tons per capita) emits through
logistics systems, which does harm to environmental sustainability.

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

We adopted the following equation to (foreign direct investment inflows, energy

examine the green logistics performance with demand, renewable energy consumptions,
panel of 19 developed economies (Germany, fossil fuel, total greenhouse gas emissions,
Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of carbon emissions and trade openness) on
America, Poland, Norway, Netherlands, logistics performance. We employed Pooled
Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, Turkey, OLS (ordinary least square) statistical method
Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Japan, to test our research hypothesis. Pooled OLS is
South Africa, Qatar, and Indonesia) i.e., the most effective and suitable statistical
method when data is stationary on level
= + + + [Vachon and Mao, 2008]. The research
+ + 2 selected a panel of 19 developed economics
+ ! + " # around the globe and samples were
downloaded from World Bank website during
the period of 2008 to 2017 [World Bank,
Where, GLP indicates whole green logistics
performance; FDI shows foreign direct
investment inflows; TGHG indicates Total RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
greenhouse gas emissions (Kt of CO2
equivalent); Fossil shows fossil fuel energy Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of
consumption (% of total); TOP means Trade explanatory and dependent variable. The table
openness (percent of gross domestic product); indicates that all the selected variables have a
CO2 reflects to Carbon emissions (metric tons strong positive mean value and a significant
per capita); Energy shows Energy consumption peak of the distribution, which endorses the
(Kg of oil equivalent per capita); and REC improved logistics operations support to the 19
indicates Renewable energy (% of total final developed economics.
energy consumptions).

This empirical study is primarily to explore

the relationship of explanatory variables
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics
GLP FDI inflow Energy CO2 TGHG Fossil TOP REC
Mean 3.232691 7.762446 5410.211 8.53814 705,561 88.6611 826315.31 19.98616
Median 3.151000 4.021357 5061.371 6.40142 719,251 88.0142 563212.58 11.03681
Maximum 4.730000 81.11279 9433.119 23.5611 781,985 93.1247 998759.91 66.24874
Minimum 2.154000 -2.617194 163.8105 0.40118 561,059 81.6241 389212.89 0.009641
Std. Dev. 0.570698 8.847209 2231.577 5.10263 64,810 3.0291 425231.17 16.61512
Skewness -0.521041 4.314704 0.509147 0.81521 -0.4401 -04089 0.6692141 1.163454
Kurtosis 2.011720 40.31114 2.324551 2.72118 2.102 3.2076 2.3155423 3.256227

Table 3. Correlation Matrix

GLP FDI inflow Energy CO2 TGHG Fossil TOP REC
GLP 1.000000
FDI inflow 0.239731 1.000000
Energy 0.571393 0.077207 1.000000
CO2 0.420421 0.078731 0.811122 1.000000
TGHG 0.215451 0.095142 0.742912 0.71125 1.000000
Fossil 0.526897 -0.655213 0.882143 0.95267 0.26517 1.000000
TOP 0.985421 0.985235 0.829976 0.23514 0.85267 0.74168 1.000000
REC 0.276257 0.236142 -0.349946 -0.536392 -0.46223 -0.12436 0.856289 1.000000

Table 3 indicates the correlation matrix and emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, fossil
it can be found that environmental factors CO2 fuel consumption, energy demand and

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

renewable energy consumptions have positive logistics performance. Carbon emissions and
correlation with logistics performance greenhouse gas emissions have negative
indicator. Logistics operations act as correlation with green energy consumption, as
a significant generator of carbon emission due renewable energy consumption is increasing
to greater consumption of fossil fuel and and CO2 emissions and greenhouse gas
energy demand, while renewable energy emissions are decreasing, which is the positive
consumption is growing in trend and many sign for healthy and environmental friendly
developed and developing countries are logistics operations. Finally, FDI inflows are
changing towards renewable energy sources. positively associated with renewable energy
sources, because REC (renewable energy
Foreign direct investments (FDI) inflow consumption) is a first step towards greener
and Trade openness have positive relationship production and logistics operations, and REC
with logistics operations. It means FDI inflow provides opportunities to invest in a country,
and Trade openness are improved by which is a positive sign for green logistics
environmental friendly policies in business and performance and economic and environmental
logistics activities. Energy efficiency is sustainability.
positively associated with FDI inflows and

Table 4. Unit root tests

Levin, Lin & Chu Test ADF- Fisher Test PP- Fisher Test
Variables At level At level At level
T-statistics Prob. T-statistics Prob. T-statistics Prob.
GLP -19.4131 0.0000 137.015 0.0001 215.51 0.0000
FDI inflow -4.18247 0.0000 246.761 0.0000 285.08 0.0000
Energy -6.09683 0.0000 181.213 0.0000 214.176 0.0000
CO2 -7.8911 0.0000 185.775 0.0000 216.141 0.0000
TGHT -6.1454 0.0000 173.225 0.0000 212.136 0.0000
Fossil -8.9101 0.0001 186.264 0.0002 274.012 0.0000
TOP -5.8421 0.0003 179.361 0.0000 229.221 0.0000
REC 3.45838 0.0315 71.7959 0.0431 84.0082 0.0324

Before applying pooled OLS statistical root tests, it can be confirmed that our all
method, we need to confirm our all endogenous and explanatory variables are
explanatory and dependent variables are stationary at level.
stationary at level to fulfil the prerequisite
requirement of pooled OLS statistical method. After fulfilling the essential parametric
Table 4 indicates the unit root test by assumptions, OLS statistical method was
considering three different criteria including adopted to test hypothesis. Table 5 indicates
ADF- Fisher Test, Levin, Lin & Chu Test, and results of hypothesis.
PP- Fisher Test. Seen from the findings of unit

Table 5. Hypotheses Testing for Green Logistics Performance

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
(Constant) 3.1015 0.117147 26.47564 0.000
Energy 0.0003 0.000491 7.625093 0.000
REC 0.0097 0.002943 3.325409 0.001
FDI inflow 0.0086 0.004145 2.083032 0.039
C02 emissions -0.015 0.022258 -4.966705 0.000
TGHG emissions -0.035 0.359174 -3.893521 0.002
Fossil Fuel -0.049 0.554136 -4.100534 0.001
TOP 0.0521 0.898726 5.125436 0.000
a. Dependent variable: Green logistics performance (F = 39.174, <0.001; Adjusted R = 61.4%)

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

The co-efficient of parameter estimates business operations without the support of

suggest the ‘Energy’ (.0003, p<0.01), ‘REC’ regulatory bodies to encourage green
(.0097, p<0.01), ‘FDI inflow’ (.0086, p<0.05), technologies in supply chain operations.
and ‘TOP’ (.0521, p<0.01) reflect Zaman et al. [2016] did a research on BRICS
a statistically significant and positive effect on countries, and the findings showed that usage
green logistics performance. For another side, of renewable energy is increasing in developed
‘CO2 emissions’ (-0.1105, p<0.01) and countries due to proper policies implemented
‘TGHG emissions’ (-0.035, p<0.01) have by lawmakers. In the context of China [Zhu et
suggested a significantly negative impact on al., 2008] governments and regulatory
green logistics performance. The results of authorities are struggling to enhance their
pooled OLS analysis show that exogenous sustainability image by using cleaner
variables including Energy, REC, Trade technologies and renewable energy sources
openness and FDI inflow have statistically [Abdul et al., 2017]. In a number of developed
significant and positive relationship with green countries, renewable and green energy
logistics performance, while CO2 emissions consumption approach is more flammable as
and greenhouse gas emissions are negatively compare to emerging and under-developed
correlated with green logistics performance. economies [Vance et al., 2015], while one
reason is an encouragement from government
The findings show that energy is a most and regulatory authorities in terms of tax
significant factor and a driving force of exemptions and subsidies [Khan et al. 2018,
logistical and supply chain operations, while Khan and Dong 2017, Bhatacharya et al.
energy is positively correlated with logistical 2016]. The countries suffering from energy
operations at the 1% confidence level. crises their economic activities are badly
Similarly, Khan et al. [2017] and Shahbaz et smashed. Grekova et al. [2014] the countries
al. [2015] confirmed that energy is the using green logistics and sustainable logistics
cornerstone of economic growth and supply operations can reduce the general energy
chain and logistical operations are heavily consumption and increase operational
dependent on it, while energy also increases efficiency by using green practices. [Vance et
carbon emissions and greenhouse gas al., 2015] the study confirmed that using
emissions, which can be mitigated through electricity from the natural gas, renewable and
adoption of renewable energy. Qureshi et al. green sources can yield substantial reduction in
[2016] and Anable et al. [2012] conducted an costs around 17% and also play a significant
empirical study and found that economic positive role in improving environmental
development and energy demand have strong sustainability with healthier economic growth.
positive relationship. On the other hand, when
some countries are suffering from energy A number of developed countries are using
shortfall, their economic development are very 100% clean energy sourcing including
slow and due to energy shortages, their Denmark and Ireland, while these countries’
logistics and manufacturing industries are economic development is more sophisticated
unable to significantly make contributions in because of higher performance of green supply
economic growth. chain and logistics operations. The key
advantage of biofuels is decreasing CO2
Energy demand acts as a positive sign for emissions and greenhouse gas emissions. The
economic development in developed countries fossil fuel sources are costlier as compare to
and to reduce energy impact on sustainability, renewable energy systems, because the
renewable energy and cleaner energy is an renewable energy sources can be offered with
appropriate option to continue sustainable locally available energy so as to reduce the
economic development through green logistics cost of purchasing fossil fuels [Khan et al.
operations. Bhatacharya et al. [2016] the 2017, Zawaydeh 2017], while renewable
findings revealed that for environmental energy not only deals with air pollution, global
sustainability, renewable energy is the best warming, and climate change problems, but
solution which cannot be implemented in also plays a vital role in improvement of green

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

logistics performance. Abbasi and Nilsson In addition, polluted logistics activities would
[2016] explained that transportation activities also incur huge costs in end-to-end supply
have a number of negative impact on chain with heavy import duties and delayed
environmental sustainability. Because a large customs clearance due to polluted materials.
number of countries are still dependent on non- On the other hand, polluted logistics systems
renewable energy sources, which have serious also face pressure from governments and
negative effect on climate change, air pollution customer side in terms of heavy penalties, bad
and people’s health. On the other hand, Abbasi reputation and boycott of polluted firms’
and Nilsson, [2016] insisted that the adoption products [Khan and Qianli 2017].
of green practices in logistics operations are
inconclusive without the use of renewable The research conducted by Zhao et al.
energy in production and logistics activities. [2008] explored the association between green
Egilmez and Park [2014] concluded that practices and governmental policies, the results
logistics industry are the responsible for poor indicate that environmental performance can
air quality and environmental degradations, be enhanced through strong legal enforcement
and these environmental issues can be dealt by the governmental bodies. The key reason
with usage of renewable energy in supply for corporate sectors to implement ecological
chain and logistical operations. practices includes customers’ pressure, global
ecosystem deterioration, and environmental
Foreign direct investment inflow and trade policies implemented by government [Li et al.
openness are a measure of sustainable 2016]. However, some financial benefits and
economic development, while green practices competitive advantages are also motivate
in logistics and business activities attract enterprises to be engaged in green practices
foreign investor and provide export including, [Pearson, 2013] positive image
opportunities to manufacturing firms in pro- building, reduction in costs, export
environmentalist countries including USA, UK opportunities, and exploring new customers’
and Germany. In well-developed economies, markets [Nurjanni et al. 2016, Park et al. 2016,
FDI inflow and trade volume is greater due to Schaltegger, Synnestvedt 2002].
green practices and policies implemented by
governmental bodies. Our research shows that The greater greenhouse gas and carbon
trade openness and foreign direct investment emissions are the indicators to represent worst
inflows have positive relationship with green environmental performance. The findings
logistics operations at 1% and 5% level of confirmed that greenhouse gas emissions and
confidence respectively. There is no doubt that carbon emissions are negatively correlated
carbon and greenhouse gas emissions have with green logistics operations in selected
become a global issue, while regulatory panel of countries on 1% confidence level.
authorities and corporate sectors are facing so This results are also supported by other
strong pressure from local and international researches, including Khan et al. [2017] and
customers and United Nation that they have to Dangelico and Pontrandolfo [2013], Aldakhil
control harmful effects and improve the et al. [2018] suggested that companies’
environmental sustainability through adopting economic performance is negatively correlated
eco-friendly policies. Zaman and Shamsuddin, with higher pollution, while carbon emissions
[2017] conducted a panel study on green and greenhouse gas emissions not only create
logistics performances, the findings provide hindrance in adoption of green practices in
evidence that FDI inflows, energy demand, logistical and supply chain operations but also
manufacturing value added, and industry value create negative impact on enterprise reputation
added have positive relationship with green and image. K. H. Lee and Wu [2014] logistics
logistics performance. Wanzala and Zhihong, activities act as a significant contributor to CO2
[2016] polluted logistical systems do not only emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, and
destroy environmental beauty but also face the in order to mitigate the negative effects of
threat of losing pro-environmental customers’ logistical and supply chain operations,
market and also discourage export enterprises need to use renewable energy and
opportunities in pro-environmental countries. adopt green practices in their business

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

operations. The Inter-governmental Panel for environmental indicators in a panel of nineteen

Climate Change (IPCC), confirmed that developed economies around the globe. The
greenhouse gases emission by industrial study used carbon emissions, greenhouse gas
[Wang et al. 2015] and logistics operations emissions, trade openness, foreign direct
represent 21% and 14% respectively. The investment inflows, energy demand, and
greater emissions are generated due to global renewable energy with the global logistics
logistics activities and freight transport with performance indices. In addition, the study
long lead-time, while these harmful effect of found that renewable energy, foreign direct
carbon emissions and greenhouse gas investment inflows, and carbon and
emissions can be reduced through adopting greenhouse gas emissions have positive impact
green practices in logistics operations. on green logistics operations in a panel of
nineteen developed countries. The research
The logistics and supply chain operations employed pooled OLS statistical method to
are greatly burning fossil fuels and generate air explore the linkage between economic,
and water pollution including sulfur dioxide, environmental and green logistics
nitrogen oxides [Silva, Zhu 2009, 2011] performance, while carbon emissions and
volatile organic compounds and particulate greenhouse emissions are negatively correlated
matter (PM 2.5). The pollution travels with with green logistics performance, which may
storms and winds and via water ways to the control and mitigate through adoption of
residential areas [Kawamoto 2008] and causes renewable energy sources to decrease harmful
serious health problems [Memon 2010]. effects on environmental sustainability and
Climate change and global warming issues are also increase foreign direct investment inflows.
seriously influenced by global logistics and The results are very useful in making long-
supply chain operations, as a means of the term green logistics policies that helpful for
increase in the number of vehicles increases protecting environmental sustainability and
global carbon emissions and greenhouse gas controlling environmental degradation.
emissions [Meyer et al. 2007], while the
linkage between foreign direct investment The logistics performance indices are
inflows and trade volumes and sustainable considered as feasible instrument to measure
logistics operations reaps economic profit and the efficiency of countries policies towards
(Brooks., 2008) mitigation of negative effects sustainable economic growth and
of carbon emissions on the environmental environmental performance. In addition, green
beauty [Zaman, Shamsuddin 2017, Khan et al. logistics operations also indicate global
2017]. In addition, green logistics and supply competition war of economic growth with
chain operations significantly [Khan et al. ecological protection. The regulatory bodies’
2017] enhance energy efficiency, foreign direct policies to decrease carbon and greenhouse gas
investment inflows, sector and economic emissions, preserve natural resource, and
growth in a panel of selected nineteen reduce global warming and climate change
economies. problem which seriously damage the fauna and
flora can be possibly carried out through
implementing green initiatives in logistics and
CONCLUSIONS supply chain operations.

The long-term logistics policies that are

eco-friendly should be made to promote usage POLICY ANALYSIS
of renewable energy and green practices in
logistics and supply chain operations in order The research confirmed that energy
to control harmful effects of greenhouse gas demand, renewable energy sources,
emissions and carbon emissions on environmental and economic sustainability are
environmental beauty. The primary well connected with eco-friendly polices
contribution of this research is to develop adopted in logistical operations in a panel of
a green logistics model, which is well- nineteen developed economies. The study
integrated with national economic and shows that green logistics performance

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

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STRESZCZENIE. Wstęp: Praca prezentuje wyniki analizy powiązań pomiędzy zieloną logistyką, popytem na
energię, konsumpcją energii odnawialnej, wpływem na środowisko oraz zrównoważonym rozwojem ekonomicznych na
podstawie 19 rozwiniętych krajów z całego świata w okresie 2008-2017. Dodatkowo, omówiono rozwiniecie zielonej
logistyki z poziomu przedsiębiorstwa do poziomu kraju jak również powiązano krajowe ekonomiczne wskaźniki
z działalnością zielonej logistyki.
Metody: Zastosowano metodę statystyczną Pools OLS dla sprawdzenia postawionych hipotez, gdzie użyto dane
pochodzące z Banku Światowego.
Rezultaty: Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników stwierdzono, że wskaźniki zielonej logistyki wykazują silną pozytywną
korelację z zielonymi źródłami energii, przepływem FDI oraz otwartością handlu. Z drugiej strony emisja gazów
cieplarnianych oraz węgla wykazuje negatywną korelację z zieloną logistyką. Dodatkowo, energia odnawialna jest
wiodącym czynnikiem zielonej logistyki i operacji łańcucha dostaw, wspierającym również ekonomiczny rozwój
Wnioski: Praca przedstawia powiązania pomiędzy zieloną logistyką a krajowymi wskaźnikami ekonomicznymi
i ekologicznymi. Dodatkowo, daje wskazówki dla praktyków, zarządzających średniego szczebla oraz politykom dla
lepszego zrozumienia istotności energii odnawialnej oraz zielonych praktyk w operacjach logistycznych.

Słowa kluczowe: energia odnawialna, otwartość handle, emisja gazów cieplarnianych, zielone zarządzanie łańcuchem
dostaw, rozwój ekonomiczny


ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Einleitung: Die Arbeit präsentiert Ergebnisse der Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen der
grünen Logistik, der Nachfrage für Energie, dem Verbrauch von regenativer Energie, dem Einfluss auf die Umwelt und
der nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel von 19 hochentwickelten Ländern aus der ganzen Welt in den
Jahren 2008-2017. Zusätzlich wurde die Entfaltung der grünen Logistik aus dem Niveau des Unternehmens auf das
Landesniveau besprochen und die inländischen wirtschaftlichen Kennziffern mit Auswirkungen der grünen Logistik in
Zusammenhang gebracht.
Methoden: Es wurde die statistische Pools OLS-Methode zur Bewertung der gestellten Hypothesen, wofür man die von
der Weltbank gewonnenen Daten in Anspruch nahm, angewendet.

Khan S.A.R., 2018. The Relationship between Green Supply Chain Performance, Energy Demand, Economic
Growth and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries: An Empirical
Evidence. LogForum 14 (4), 479-494. http://dx.doi.org/10.17270/J.LOG.2018.304

Ergebnisse: Aufgrund der erzielten Resultate stellte man fest, dass die Kennziffern der grünen Logistik eine stark
positive Korrelation mit grünen Energiequellen, dem FDI-Fluss und der Aufgeschlossenheit des Handels aufweisen.
Andererseits weist die Treibhausgas- und Kohleemission auf die negative Korrelation mit der grünen Logistik hin.
Darüber hinaus ist die erneuerbare Energie ein führendes Element innerhalb der grünen Logistik und der operativen
Lieferkette, welches auch die wirtschaftliche nachhaltige Entwicklung unterstützt.
Fazit: In der Arbeit wurden die Zusammenhänge zwischen der grünen Logistik und den inländischen, wirtschaftlichen
und ökologischen Kennziffern projiziert. Außerdem gibt sie Hinweise für die Praktiker der mittleren Verwaltungsebene
und für die Politiker, damit sie alle die Relevanz der regenerativen Energie und der grünen Aktivitäten innerhalb der
operativen Logistik besser verstehen können.

Codewörter: regenerative Energie, Aufgeschlossenheit des Handels, Treibhausgasemission, grünes

Lieferkettenmanagement, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung

Zhang Yu
School of Economics and Management
Chang'an University, Xi'an, China
email: m18392061877@163.com

Hêriş Golpîra
Department of Industrial Engineering
Sanandaj Branch
Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan

School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
e-mail: Sarehman_cscp@yahoo.com


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